<s>[INST] So I ve had knee pain in the lateral side of my knee I had it checked out by a doctor twice and they took X-rays only they said nothing was wrong the problem is I have a hard lump that appears when I bend my knee only when bending the lump is noticeable it s not like a ball it kind of runs through the outside of my knee it is hard and I know it is not normal because it appeared a couple months ago and it goes away when I straighten my knee it s frustrating because it hurts after doing physical activities like running or playing sports any help?? [/INST] Hello there... Having lump on banding knee may be of soft tissue not of bone...so that it may not be visible on x-ray... It may be a turned muscle or lax muscle...or may be due to herniated part of joint.... Better u should go first for simple investigation like ultrasonogram and then if need MRI may be most confirmatory....</s>
<s>[INST] Hello I am from india. My nephew is 7 yr old wight 20kg. he is suffering from cough and our doctor priscribed medicin montel LC kid and ABphylline and omnacortil 10mg. and also a syrup asthelin.. is it correct to give him these medicin.. doctor did not advice for Xray and he is telling that my nephew is having asthema but he is not having any trouble in breathing. should we continue these medicine??? plz suggest me.... [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Omnacortil is steroid. And steroids when given systemically can cause many side effects. Side effects are more when it is given to child Chat Doctor. So better not to give oral steroids in child</s>
<s>[INST] Is their an option to have a cage put into or around c2-c6, to restore strength and endurance. I am 44, horse accident caused fusion and now Spondylosis and Cevicalgia withpoor discs as well. I m going ok on a pacing of daily activities and medicine. Healing may be better if it s possible, while younger. ? I m going to talk to my Dr sometime soon. Others that have broken back, do cages. So ? Thank you for any ideas. [/INST] Hi, I have gone through your medical history carefully and am sorry for the accident and post-consequences you got. The very first thing in such cases is to evaluate current damages in the vertebral spine and chest cage and how do they impact the spinal cord and other vital organs nearby. Depending on the findings, it will be decided the best treatment option. It is true that the younger the patient is, the greater the chances to recovery and come back to normal activities. However, the type of damage also matters. Please do follow with orthopedist and neurologist for further evaluations. All the best! Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been having stomach problems and so far I have taken an ultra sound, ct scan and a hydroscan all thinking this could be a gallbladder issue, but so far its not...could the problem have been the swallowing of a fish bone 4 days before the symptoms began? and would all these tests have found the bone by now, since I am just remembering about it now. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I have read your query and understand your concern. Yes the pain could be due to the fish bone, if it has struck in the abdomen, or have caused an injury during the passage, as by now it should have got digested by the stomach enzymes. Fish bone will not be seen in these test, it will need an endoscopy. I would suggest that you take a PPI tablet like pantoprazole or omeprazole for 2-3 days, if the pain improves you need to continue it for a week or so till the injury heals. If it doesn't then go for an endoscopy.</s>
<s>[INST] It seems like everytime I drink a glass of red wine or take the Reversatrol with wine Extract, I have alot of pressure on my lower back a few days later. I drank 3 glasses of wine on Sat. night, by Monday I had alot of pressure, and had to leave work, it seemed like I was having muscle spasms, by lunch time I couldn t even walk, it hurt to sit down and even walk. I took Ibuprofen 800mg and finally whatever was inflammed was better by 5:30 the next day. I don t think I pulled a muscle, because I ve had that before, it takes longer to heal. [/INST] Dear patient ChatDoctor. also it doesnt lead to back pain. But </s>
<s>[INST] My 7 year old doughter came to me saying it feels like my heart is not pumping I kinda laughed at first, but then placed my hand over her heart and noticed it was rapid; I kinda panicked but did not show her I was. So I had her lay with me and told her to take slow deep breaths as I asked her questions to try to dis tract her from worrying about her heart it slowly went back to normal. This is the second time she has came to me with this problem, but than last night she came to me with a new problem; her legs and feet were hurting, I was wondering know if she may have problems with her heart and blood not flowing well, she doesn t drink often but when she does she loves water. She does not drink pop. But one of the days that she had a rapid heart beat she was with her grandam s and she did drink pop so I assumed it was cause she flooded her system with sager and she was not used to it. [/INST] You can get her thyroid blood test done. Hyperthyroidism will lead to such palpitations and racing heart rates. On the other hand if it comes out normal you need to rule out any cardiac problem or any anxiety or panic attacks which might be causing it. Better to consult a physician</s>
<s>[INST] Had bad fall on soapy slick shower base, fell on mid-humerus & that is where pain is, ex-ray showed no fracture or dislocation. This was 2 wks ago, bruises better, but still pain. Son insists it could be dislocated. ER Dr. said bruising could be a month. I cannot lift arm over shoulder due to pain at this time. Think will subside when bruising leaves, right or wrong? [/INST] HiT his bruising with restriction of movement of shoulder may require physical examination of shoulder joint and muscular sprains around shoulder muscles, rotator cuff looked for by an orthopedics surgeon to be able to Chat Doctor. .sprains should be explored Best wishes</s>
<s>[INST] Hi Sir,I am 27 years old(male). Three days back i checked liver profile in my blood. my bilirubin total is 1.7 and bilirubin direct is 0.6.i usually drink alcohol in 2 to 3 times per week. My urine contain yellow. Any thing problem about my health. If i will stop drinking it will cure. what food i should avoid and should take. please give me a suggestion [/INST] Your bilirubin is borderline. You must abstain from alcohol as it is known for damaging liver, once damaged it is difficult to treat. Take high protein and carboy Chat Doctor. Yellow color is generally by excreted bilirubin, get biochemical examination of urine done, it is simple, inexpensive test and shall detect if bile is in urine. Sometimes yellow coloration is due to deny</s>
<s>[INST] I have problem wih my gall bladder. I have checked and Ultrasound that shown I have implamation gall bladder. Many time I feel pain the stomach right side. I also very easy to get tired when doing exercise or activity. And easy to get headache and spinning. When I visited internist, they gave me very high antibiotic and anti acid. I feel not good if taking antibiotic all the time.... I need something make me better and can do activity more.. [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I am Chat Doctor, I understand your concerns and I will try to help you as much as I can. Yes, this is probably so-called cholecystitis and this is inflammation of gallbladder due to stones in it. You should do at least ultrasound or CT scan to evaluate it more accurately. This is caused by stone in bile duct and is very common condition. Surgery is recommended in this case and if you don't want it now then you need to change your dietary habits first. You need to avoid fried food, carbonated Chat Doctor. You should eat more milk products, vegetables and boiled food. If there is no improvement on lifestyle or dietary changes, then surgery is recommended. Other causes include pancreatitis or pleuordinia and should be considered if gallbladder stones are ruled out. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...I AM 82 YEARS OLD MALE ,HEIGHT 66 INCHES AND WEIGHT 70 KG.I HAVE DIABITIES TYPE 2 FOR LAST 7 YEARS .NOW I AM TAKING ONGLYZA 5MG.WOTH GLIMIPRIDE 2MG MORNING AND BEFORE DINNER.BY FS IS 160/180 AND POST LUNCH IS 160/180.CAN I CHANGE MY COMBINATION TO ONGLYZA 5MG.PLUS METFORMIN 500 MG AND BEFORE DINNER I SHOULD TAKE METFORMIN 500 BSFORE DINNER.KINDLY ADVISE [/INST] Hello, metformin is a very useful Chat Doctor. Starting metformin requires a low dose at first (500 mg per day is ok) to avoid gastrointestinal side effects. Also, please take into account that most antidiabetic </s>
<s>[INST] I have a question concerning my mother. She is traveling by car to me with my grandmother today and while she was driving the car her limbs started shaking uncontrollably to where she could barely pull the car over. She also is having pain in her knee and is now feeling sick to her stomach. She did take some ibprofin a little bit ago and is seeming a little better as time goes on. but we want to know if we should take her to the ER or just a regular doctor because my grandmother says it looked like she was having a seizure. and while shaking she said her eyes were watering excesssively. [/INST] Hello, If your grandmother witnessed whole body shaking while your mother was handling the car and your mother was unable to respond to any questions or comments by any of the passengers while she was pulling the vehicle over then, this could be an indication that she may have lapsed in her state of alertness for a moment and that could certainly constitute an incidental seizure of the brain. On the other hand, if your mother was simply in a lot of pain but has perfect recollection of the situation including any conversations that people were having with her including questions they were asking her while she was pulling over then, she may have simply been in severe pain. If this were the case then, taking her to her doctor first may be satisfactory in a few days. In any case, I would not allow her to Chat Doctor. Take Care! </s>
<s>[INST] hi i jus wnt to know tht there was physical inimacy has been done between my bf n mee that was first time . he want to touch my vegina on dat time bt i was no comfort to i handled that situation. can u tell me that it can b done tht he can touch my vevina or i may be pregnant bt dis [/INST] Hallow Dear, Depends on he touched your vagina with which organ. Pregnancy can result only if the penis deposits the semen inside the vagina; not otherwise. If he has touched your vagina with his hands, fingers or any organ other than penis, there is no possibility of pregnancy. I hope this helps you. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I have a lump about the size of pea right beside the base of my penis, it is completly under the skin and has shown no signs of coming through the the skin like a pimple would. I am a 19 year old male, 5 foot 10 and 170 pounds, with an athletic build. I hope that is enough information, if I m missing anything, please let me know. [/INST] Hello and become to Chat Doctor. I have read your question and can understand your concerns. For how long this lump is there.? Is it decreasing or increasing in size.? Does it increase in size while coughing.? Do you have fever.? Do you diabetes.? If I were your treating physician I would have ruled out sebaceous cyst by skin pinch and fluctuation test. This cyst arises due to blockage of sebaceous glands duct which secretes sebum. Sebum lubricates the hair. It is common in this area.it is treated by excision surgically. Other possibilities areMycetoma which is fungal infection caused by actinomyces.it is treated by antifungals such as ketoconazole or fluconazole. Inguinal hernia can also cause lump in this area which is diagnosed clinically by cough impulse, and ring occlusion test. Thanks. Hope the answer is helpfulness asking us at Chat Doctor. Regards</s>
<s>[INST] just had acl surgery about 2 weeks ago using my patella, but i have recently discovered hard lumps in my leg. i just recently noticed about 2 but when my mom massages them out they seem to go away. but i have noticed this hard bump on my shin that hurts more. any ideas of what this is or is it normal? thank you! [/INST] Hi, dear,thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. In my opinion its post ACL surgery complication. Plz check with the doctor and treat it accordingly.Don't massage and pull on for more time. It could lead to dangerous complication later on. Thanks and Welcome again.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, my mum has a persistent cough after having relatively serious cold/flu like symptoms last week. She was light headed and in bed for several days. She is a smoker who recently had her thyroid out ( small amount of cancer at the centre) and last night at a work function someone mentioned to her that he cough sounded like lung spurs caused by peumonia. Apparently this person had suffered something similar with this diagnosis. My mum insists she is starting to feel better but I am concerned that she needs to visit a Dr which she keeps avoiding. What are lung spurs and could these synptoms indicate she has something more than a cold/flu? She is 62 years old, a little overweight but not majorly and she has a golf ball sized growth on the rhs of her neck. Apparently it is benign, but it was tested a long time ago and appears to me to keep growing. she was meant to have it removed through surgery at the start of the year but has avoided that too. Thanks. [/INST] Spurs, by medical definition is a short pointed growth or process on a part of the body. With your moms case, it could be calcium deposits, accumulating causing this process. Calcium deposits are small accumulations of calcium, which can accumulate anywhere in your body. These create bone spurs, kidney and gall stones, and, in the shoulder, tendonitis. Many calcium deposits don't require medical treatment (they can even be reabsorbed right back into your body). In the lungs, however, they can be a sign that you have a serious underlying condition that is causing them to form. While calcium deposits in the lung are usually benign (non-cancerous), they can become malignant. Calcium deposits should be monitored both to prevent cancer, and because many of the conditions that cause calcification are also serious.</s>
<s>[INST] I am having chest congestion for the past one week . I was being treated with Erythromycin.Now the infection seems to be better, however after a week of clear phlegm, I notice that my phlegm seems to be tiinged with slight trace of blood. What is the reason for this? [/INST] HI welcome to the Chat Doctor You are having chest congestion and presentation is not much serious like fever and dyspnea Hence pneumonia consolidation seems less likely You are having bronchitis and in it blood tinged sputum can be present Excess coughing also can lead blood in sputum by irritation... Maintain oral hygiene as sometime gum bleeding might be the cause Complete the course of prescribed antibiotic and decongestant Chest x-ray digital in PA view can be done here If no improvement than sputum cytology and further suitable work up needed To Take care Consult pulmonologist for examination with keeping all this in mind</s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I am experiencing this really bad lower back pain , it has been going on for the last 7 days sometimes i am unable to move, it feels like its in my butt bone . [/INST] Hi, Kim, Thanks for query, It seems that after some jerks your back muscles might have gone in to spasm causing severe back pain. Take analgesic and muscle relaxant tablets, apply some local analgesic, muscle relaxant like relay ointment. Do hot fomentation, if you are elderly, then possibility of spondylitis to be ruled out. Ok and bye.</s>
<s>[INST] Three weeks ago a metal rail hit my shins (both legs same spot). They are both painful, red and swollen & have a knot at the point of impact, however the right leg is worse and now it hurts to walk on it and the swelling has spread to my right ankle. My mom was hit in the same spot (we were standing next to each other), however after a little bruise her legs are fine. What could this be? [/INST] Hello, The symptoms seem to be related to the injury. I suggest using anti-inflammatory medications such as Naproxen to relieve the pain. I also suggest using cold compresses and a light bandage to treat the inflammation. The symptoms should go away on it own. Meanwhile, I suggest returning and avoid activities that can trigger the symptoms. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Whenever I cosume alcohol, even if it is just one drink at the most. I wake up with a quarter size lump above my left eyebrow. It happens every time I cosume any alcohol, and the lump is always in the same place. I m worried that it could be a sign of cancer or a tumor . I do not have the lump on my head on a normal basis, only after alcohol is in my system [/INST] Hi there, this sort of complaints is highly unusual but in case you feel alcohol brings them on, kindly stop taking alcohol to be on the safer side. Take care, Regards</s>
<s>[INST] I am suffering from a severe itchy rash which in some areas is taking the form of bruises. I have had the rash for a month and it continues to spread. My family doctor put me on a steroid and when I was finished with steroid the rash spread more. It s covering mt stomach, arms, legs, neck and back, and itches like crazy. Today I am feeling nausea and have diarrhea . At this time I m taking Zyrtec and Benedryl which I have to take every 3 hours to help with the itch. Please help. Thank you YYYY@YYYY [/INST] The steroids effected your digestive systemic fact it was misdiagnosed scabies is likely accordingly take anti-allergic fexofenadin BD apply lotion or scabies at night for 7-10 night according to response in moving wash and oil clothes and bed materials before using it against morning can use ointment for controlling itching due to scabies you may require for 4-6 wk take basting 10 mg OD for 3-4 wk to control itch</s>
<s>[INST] well i woke up three days a go an realized i had a red bump in the back of my mouth on m soft palate left side next to gums but not sitting on my gums i do have a broke tooth in the back but i have no pain do you think it could be related to the tooth ? it is starting to tick me off when i talk i can fill it an it is starting to fill tender [/INST] Hello:)Welcome to Chat Doctor. The broken tooth hurting your soft tissue. You must get the tooth treated or rounded(grind it) so that it does not irritate the soft tissues around. Apply a lidocaine based gel for temporary relief. Maintain proper oral hygiene. It must ideally reduce the inflammation. A biopsy may be necessary if the swelling persists. Regards.</s>
<s>[INST] my right side of the cheek is swollen a bit, i have a broken tooth underneath the swelling . i m working to get my status number and health number to see the dentist . I don t know if they will help me with the problem. it doesn t hurt as much today and the swelling went down a little. I m concerned it will get worst if i dont do anything about it. what can i do today to take care of it? [/INST] Infected broken tooth can lead to pain and soreness of cheeks and jaws. Constant cheek irritation by broken tooth can also cause pain and tenderness. If tooth is broken, then you need treatment for your broken tooth. If nerve of the tooth is not exposed, then tooth can be restored with dental filling or crown but if nerve of the tooth is exposed or necroses, then root canal treatment followed by dental crown is required for the tooth. If tooth is badly mutilated, then post and core procedure is required after root canal therapy. If broken tooth is unrestorable, then tooth extraction followed by replacement of missing tooth with dental implants or dental bridge is required. Only pain meds will be of little help. Hot compresses are not indicated as they will aggravate the swelling. You can do warm saline rinses to reduce the swelling. You need to get treatment done for infected tooth. If you have cost constrains, then you can visit a dental school where treatment is done by dental students under supervision of experienced dentists. You can also look for free dental clinics near you or can talk to your local dentist if you can pay in installments for treatment. By the time you visit your dentist, you can avoid eating from side of broken tooth. You can also apply travel for some relief. Maintain good oral hygiene to avoid any secondary infections</s>
<s>[INST] My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2013 with a psa level of approximately 148. He had the robotic surgery with brought the psa level to 1.8, followed by 39 treatments of radiation which brought the psa level down more to 0.40 in November 2014. He just received another psa test and has gone back up to 1.64. He has had several tests that have shown no cancer in the bones or other areas and lymp nodes clear. What does this increase in level again mean? We saw his doctor this week and told us to not worry and he has a good 5 years as it that was a good thing...but I didn t think that was good news and his children are very concerned. [/INST] Good evening. PSA level can rise in mild inflammation of the prostate gland and also in benign enlargement of prostate. So not to worry if the bones and other areas show no tumor. Moreover, 1.64 also is within normal range. Only if it rises above 4 NG/ml then it is a cause of concern. He has good almost 10 years to survive.</s>
<s>[INST] hi im 24 weeks pregnant and i use to smoke before i knew i was pregnant..i havent smoked since i found out but im suffering from withdraw an i need 2 just smoke one time...how much will that effect my baby...this would b the first time me smoking since i ve been pregnant [/INST] HI, I understand your concern. Smoking in pregnancy is hazardous to both mother & child. Smoking in first 3 months increases chances of fetal abnormalities, specially heart problem. Smoking in early months of pregnancy carries risk of placental complications, abortion, premature deliver, low birth weight, future obesity, future smoking addiction. Mother also is exposed to pregnancy induced hypertension after smoking in pregnancy followed by further complications like toxemia of pregnancy. * Its good that you have totally quit smoking at present. You need not start it again to satisfy uncontrollable urge to do so. Trey self-control/ counseling/ chewing clove/ beetle nut as an alternative. DO NOT start smoking again. - AS you had smoked in early months, it's better to assess babies status as far congenital defects with investigations like 3D USG scan & follow doctors advise as far as its management is concerned. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] I have a history of pulmonary emboli and dvt in dec 2010 and a history of 3 abdominal surgeries, all with infection. I am in desperate need of a knee replacement. How high of a risk am I? I am 66 years old. no hx. of stroke or cardiac problems. My poor health is mostly related to arthritis OA and fibromyalgia. I have very limted movement and even that is very painful. [/INST] Hi, thank you for giving me an opportunity to assess you.First I should be thankful to you for providing me a brief history of your illness. You need to focus on some small exercises to get strength in your muscles. The risk of TKR is not big and 99% of the times successful. Still I will recommend you to undergo a physical therapy session for some days before undergoing a surgery. As the physical therapist will help you to regain strength in the muscles which later post surgery will recover faster. Kindly focus on doing more of static quads, hams, atm, SLR and core strengthening. The body works as a unit. So please focus on strengthening the muscles on both sides of the body which will help you the best outcome for knee replacement. I wish you a speedy recovery. Thank you</s>
<s>[INST] On my MRI there was shown a slight annular buldge at L4-5 with slighyly more prominent left lateral asymmetric bulging componet versus mimimal left lateral disc protusion extending slightly into the left neural foramen. This asymmertic bulge and or minimal disc protrusion lies immediately adjacent to the exiting left-sided nerve root . There is an associated left posterolateral radial annular tear noted, can this heal itself, or would it take surgery [/INST] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. As per your MRI report, you seem to have mild disc bulge. In this condition, most patients would not require surgery. Treatment would consist of medications to relieve pain (such as pregabalin or gabapentin). In addition, physiotherapy and back extension exercises are also useful. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I m a 27 year old female and was showing off last 4th of July playing basketball. I slipped when I jumped up after the ball and fell directly on my foot while it was basically sideways. I heard a loud pop not on my ankle but the side of the calf above the ankle. My whole ankle was swollen and a little black and blue. Also the back of the calf was swollen. It took a couple months to heal, and I used an air cast, but never went in due to lack of insurance and funds. I haven t had any problems until lately, if I just sit down and then get up, my whole leg hurts. Mainly in the chin bone and just below the knee. I have no idea if it s related, but it feels like it is, it s been going on for a while and it also hurts if I turn my leg in. Just wondering what it could be if it is from my ankle. Should I wait to see if it goes away or have this checked right away? It kind of feels like if you were holding a stick and trying to break it. Lots of pressure and pain, but once I walk a little it seems to go away. [/INST] Hello, As you had a fall on the side of the ankle I will advise taking an x-ray of the ankle straight away as any ignored injury of the past may land up into chronic and later leads to change in the biomechanics of the gait and leads to other pain symptoms at the adjacent joints. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a hard lump above my navel and to the left of it. When i press down on it i feel nauseous n it is uncomfortable. I can also feel a strong pulse when i press down on it. I have been having other symptoms such as a late period, fatigue, head and back aches, loss of appetite, certain smells of food and other things make me queezy, tender breasts, and a sore stomach and some constipation. I do not know if these symptoms are related to the lump in my stomach so I am just curious as to what it might be and the symptoms. [/INST] HI. The other symptoms are not related to the lump. This lump can be a mass from the muscles of the rectus abdominis- seen only in female patients. Desmond - is what we say. If the lump can be reduced in to the abdomen-this can be a hernia. Get a clinically examined and get high resolution ultrasonography- you have to tell the radiologist what you are looking for.</s>
<s>[INST] I am 65 and have been diagnosed with stage 4 follicullar lymphoma. it has spread fast and is causing plural enfusions in my left lung. i have had bypass surgery 8 yrs ago and only have one kidney. however i am in good physical shape, What is my prognosis? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing in. I hope you are under required treatment for follicular lymphoma. Follicular lymphoma prognosis varies with the risk factors. The high risk factors are age above 60 years, stage III or IV disease, more than 4 groups of lymph nodes involved, blood hemoglobin less than 12 gram/ DL and raised serum LDH level. As you have at least 2 of the above therefore you are under intermediate risk. At intermediate risk, patients with follicular lymphoma under treatment might have 78 percent survival at 5 years and 51 percent survival at 10 years. Follicular lymphoma is a slow growing type of lymphoma which responds very well to treatment, but can rarely be cured. Despite the fact that it cannot be cured, the prognosis is generally very good, and the median survival is about 8-15 years in many people who have it.</s>
<s>[INST] hello doctor i m from kathmandu Nepal ive pain and burning in my anorectal region this is from 2 yrs. recently ive done sigmoidoscopy found anal papilla. i ve already taken ayurvedic and homoepatChatDoctoredicine but my problems not gone what should i do please solve my problem, [/INST] Anal Papillae are a skin tag that projects up from the junction between the skin and the inside lining of the anus, as a sequela to chronic fissures. It may signify other GI disorders like Crohn's disease. If it is symptomatic, it means it has enlarged. Surgery seems to be a permanent solution.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, My son has been bleeding sometimes when he has bowl movements. I have been asking him if somebody has messed with him sexually and he denies it. He says his stomach hurts when he has to have a bowl movement. I asked if he feels lumps or bumps on his bottom he says no. What may be causing this? [/INST] The cause of bleeding depends on amount, color and timing with stool passage. A small streak of blood with pain at anal area is suggestive of fissure (local injury due to hard bowel). Meet a pediatrician if it is persistent.</s>
<s>[INST] I have been experiencing pain in my lower abdomen for over a week now. Very recently the pain has moved lower into my groin/genital region. The pain became very extreme yesterday and I went to the ER. I checked out okay on urinary infections, kidney stones, and anything else big they tested for. The theory the dr. had was that it could be a small hernia, though it did not show in CAT scan. I am going to be seeking a specialist soon since the pain remains. It seems to be generalized on the right side of the penis. I do not notice swelling but the skin has wrinkled/overlapped lately. I am 22 164 lb. As far as medical history I have IBS and a history of asthma. [/INST] Hi, from history it seems that you might be having developing inguinal hernia called Bubonocele or having infection in sperm carrying ducts called Epididymitis epididimo-orchitis. On clinical examination one can have good clue regarding your problem. Consult sexologist and get examined.Meanwhile, you can take Diclofenac or ibuprofen to get symptomatic relief. Ok and take care.</s>
<s>[INST] a small lump has formed near my anus region, though its not visible but it can be felt when pressure is exerted when passing stool and has to be manually pushed inside, i am just 24 years old and due to crazy working hours i eat out daily, is it an external hemorrhoid ??? [/INST] Hi, Dear,Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. I studied your problem in depth and I understood your concerns. Cause and plan of Treatment-In my opinion on the given data, you seem to have Intero-External piles. Treatment would be-by High Ligation Excision by heamorrhoidectomy by your ER Surgeon. Consult Er Surgeon who would treat accordingly. So don't build up wrong concepts and self-medicate your self which would increase risks and costs to you.Instead, just ask a query to Chat Doctor and be comfortable to resolve your health issues. Welcome for any more query in this regard to Chat Doctor. Write good reviews and Click thanks if you feel satisfied with my advice. Have a Good Day. Chat Doctor. N.</s>
<s>[INST] Thank you, I have chronic pain in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. Is there any pain medication that does not cause stomach upset/vomiting that will help moderate to severe pain? I have recently taken Ibuprofen, hydrocode 325/10mg, and methedone 1o mg but they did not eliminate the severe pain but did give me much stomach distress. [/INST] Thanks for query. Pain needs to be evaluated for cause. Anyways all the painkillers have some side effects.anyway thiocolchiside(moral) will be better tolerated. Regards</s>
<s>[INST] two weeks ago I had sore throat and a small rash on the hard palate of my mouth that had itched and swollen glands, then it all went away and I was fine, I was tested for strep and mono and both negative now two weeks later I have a worse case of sore throat and rash on top of mouth and it burns and very painful what could it be? could it be mono and it just hadnt showed up the first time ? help!?? [/INST] Hello there! Sore that of that extent and rash needs to be evaluated. As it my indicate a scarlet fever a complication of simple street infection. Any ways nothing to worry about simple one visit to otorhinolaryngology and do as directed would help. And you will be good as newRegardsS Khan</s>
<s>[INST] hi doctor ...due to childhood habits now my dick is not properly stand and sperm also come fast..with in ten fifteen shake ...kindly provide me better solution so that i can help my family ............thanks doctor pls help me pls and provide me better solution [/INST] HelloThanks for your query, based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you are facing problem of premature ejaculation. Please note that premature ejaculation is due to anxiety and not due to any organic cause. Following measure will help you to boost up your confidence and getting good erection. And delay ejaculation.1) Practice regular exercise for 45 minutes followed by meditation for 1/2 an hour in the morning.2) Take high protein diet rich in vegetables and fruits and vitamin A, C,D, E.and Zinc3)Take anti oxidants like Almonds 5-6 every day.4) Avoid alcohol and smoking. If you are married Taking Sildenafil (Viagra)as on demand will help to get good hard sustainable erection and to have enjoyable sex. Chat Doctor. .</s>
<s>[INST] ALLERGY - Respiratory . Hello, my uncle (65 yrs) has been having sinusitis for the past 30 years. About 6 months ago, he had a new consisting with a bit of cough + phlegm building on his throat . So far, the meds that my uncle was prescribed until now wereAerius / Telfast / Clarinese / Xyzal. Recently, he was given ampules for own injections (daily) just in case his allergy got worse. The doctor that prescribed didn t want to let us know the meds ingredients. So far, after getting the injections, my uncle s allergy was getting better. But we re curious WHY the doctor didn t want tell us about the meds. Our question, is there such thing as INJECTION medicine intended for allergy purpose? Also.. recently, my uncle was prescribed with another meds -- Singulair, on top of those meds above + the injection meds. Please advise. [/INST] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. Yes there is an emergency injection that can be taken subcutaneously in an emergency and is sometimes handed over to patients for use in an emergency. Rest of your medications are for asthma and allergy. His doctor has probably not told him details of the injection because it may unnecessarily create anxiety if he reads about it. I am sure his doctor would have told him how to use the injection and what to expect. If he is a specialist, I am sure he knows what he is doing, and you must trust him. Regards</s>
<s>[INST] I have had this issue for 2 years and my doctors still aren t sure what is going on.My lower legs swell, are discolored, warm and tender, with pain shocks lasting only seconds. I have RA and had a tendon replaced in my foot 5 years ago. I had tests ran by a vein specialist, shows no clots, GOOD blood flow and heart beat. My doctor says no infection or diabetes. The vein specialist said leaking veins.This continues to get worse. I was taking Cimzia for my RA and have stopped for 5 weeks now under doctors direction. Still no relief. I have been taking methotrexate still for RA. [/INST] Hi I am Chat Doctor. . From your given history your swelling could be due to an old trauma, cardiac or renal problems. If your edema is bilateral this is a sign of underlying systemic disease if cardiac output exceeds its output (heart failure) or your kidneys cannot wash or flush your venous system .in rare cases your medication may cause such symptoms if used for long periods. You have to maintain leg elevation, avoid standing or bending your knees for a long time and use hot foments with topical gels of anti-inflammatory.wearing compression stockings will be helpful to push up blood towards the heart and increase your venous return. If you have not examined your arterial system by Doppler U/S you may need to check them up in very rare cases arterial system clots or atherosclerosis may occur and cause such edema. I recommend full lab investigations and follow them up with your physician for proper evaluation and management of the exact underlying cause. Please click and consider a 5-star rating with some positive feedback if the information was helpful. Wish you good health, Any further clarifications feel free to ask.</s>
<s>[INST] Good day doctors , I have some confirmation about nordette Contraceptive. I had unprotected sex/not so sex last night. I took two tablets of this nordette a few minutes ago. but i read some blogs that says i should take 4 tablets. What would i do? Am i need to took 4 tabletsof nordette? im fertile thats why im worried and this is my first. Is there possibilty that i might get pregnant? thank you for your answer. [/INST] Hello ma'am and welcome.4 light-orange pills of Corvette need to be taken within 120 hours of sexual intercourse and another 4 light-orange pills need to be taken 12 hours after that. Hope this helps. Best wishes.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I am 16 years old. I hurt my knee 3 weeks ago playing soccer and the doctor just said it was a small sprain. It still hurts today and I feel like my knee is going to give out while walking up and down steps. It also hurts when I stand up or when I m bending my knee while laying down. It s my right knee in the central left side of the knee. any idea what this could be? [/INST] Hi, You have an internal injury of the knee caused by a twist injury while playing soccer. In addition to the ligament on the sides of the knee, there are cartilaginous discs inside called menisci and a ligament which connects the two bones of the knee. As you are having a giving way of the knee, its possible you have an injury of this main ligament. An MRI is necessary to study the internal aspects of the knee and physical exam of the knee. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I had extreme upper abdominal right side pain that radiated into back. It was found my wbc 14.8 thou, ddimer 4,000 & eosinophil of 21.9%. I have had severe pain off and on, and sometimes when I have the pain I will vomit & pain will get better. I also started severe diarrhea 2 days after the pain,started that doesnt respond to max dose of immodium [/INST] Hi thanks for your question. You need to urgently see doctor. Based on my experience I usually admit such patients and start them on intravenous fluids normal saline or ringers lactate because severe diarrhea causes deny Chat Doctor. While on fluids I always do investigation like stool analysis etc Hope I answered your question.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I am 23 old girl. In my cheeks and forehead, i have deep pores formed after acne that is prominent in my face . Please suggest me better and simple ways to get rid of them permanently and make my face skin smooth with no pores. [/INST] Hi, Jayaji, Thanks for query, You can continue good acne cream, Apply zinc calamine lotion and moisturizing cream. Wash your face with Luke warm water daily and the apply. Ok and bye.</s>
<s>[INST] doc i have pain on the right side of stomach i.e. i think on the right kidney..the pain pinches me lik nethng...i cant walk straightly coz of this pain...i went to a doc nearby he adviced me for a urine test and ultrasound...urine report was normal but in ultrasound it showed that there might be a grain sized stone which got passed out through urine but there is swelling in the kidney...i had treatment for ths thing but aftr few days again i got the similar pain ...i dnt knw wat to do ....i m getting irritated by ths...plz help me..n suggest me some solution [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor, I am Chat Doctor. Stone are many types like calcium phosphate, calcium oxalate, cysteine etc...it causes severe pain that can lead to nausea an n vomiting and also hematuria. If u were my patient I would like to do USG abdomen pelvis again n do urine R/E and also do CT if needed BCS some stone are only visible on CT m may easily miss by USG. After DX then I'll give some antibiotic for infection that caused by stone, painkiller n ask to </s>
<s>[INST] i am 28 and my weight is 61 and my height is 53 inch i am suffering from pco last 7 months but my periods never delay for month it only delay for 7-8 days only but when my ultrasound reports shows uterus l=83.4mm uterus w =60.9mm and rt ovary l=42.5mm lt ovary l=41.5mm uterus d=44.2mm endometrium=9.7 can i be pregnant easily i will get married in this july [/INST] Hi, I think if your periods are regular, you can get pregnant naturally. Just try naturally for 6 months at least. If you want to be more sure, then you can see if ovulation is happening or not by repeated ultrasound or ovulation detection kits. If ovulation is happening, there is no problem in conceiving. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My recent blood test showed an AST/SGOT reading of 80 and an ALT/SGPT level of 211. I am 5 10 and weigh 170 lbs. I am very active and on the day of my morning blood test, I rode 20 miles on my bike, unaware that I was not to do that on a blood test day. I am re-taking the blood test in two weeks. I have 3-5 drinks/week, usually beer, and had an AST/SGOT of 41 and a ALT/SGPT of 46 in the spring of 2013. How concerned should I be? [/INST] Thanks For your consultation at Chat</s>
<s>[INST] Hi. My girlfriend is telling me she might be pregnant. She went to a doc and took a urine pregnancy test which apparently is weakly positive . She is also telling me her doc advised her to take Norethisterone Tablets IP Primolut-N . But I googled and it says should not be taken during pregnancy. Please advise, [/INST] Hi, Yes, it may be taken safely during pregnancy. Primulot-N (Norethisterone) is a synthetic form of female hormone progesterone commonly prescribed to postpone the period and to regulate ovulation and menstruation. If taken during pregnancy it actually helps to support and maintain an early pregnancy and also reduces the risk of miscarriage or preterm delivery. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] Myself age 20. worried from pimples and blackheads from age16.having oily skin. [/INST] Hi... Amarjeet..., welcome to Chat Doctor., Thanks query......and why you are worrying about pimples., It is common in your age..., Very good treatment is available...,1) Frequent washes of face .4times daily with Triclosan and Zn oxide soap CNIL or Acnex2) Topical treatment of Clindamycin cream... Clindac. A gel3) Oral antibiotics.... Tab Doxycyclines 100 mg.daily for 15 days4) Topical Comic acid cream for nighttimes.... Follow this treatment ...get good result..., Dont touch the face with your hand and nail...Don't pinching the lesions...o.k... good luck</s>
<s>[INST] I burned my left forearm and left thigh (2nd degree) and am treating it with Silvadene cream after removing old cream. But I see a light yellowish gooish growth fillingin over the previously raw areas. I am hearing 2 distinct different answers... - one is that it s new growth and leave it and another is that it should be removed to promote healing. A third is that it is infection. I m confused. I have been redressing it twice a day since Wed. [/INST] Hello, It could be due to conditions like peripheral neuropathy. As of now, you can take Chat Doctor. If symptoms persist, it is better to consult a physician and get evaluated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] I have had type 1 diabetes for 46 years and been on an insulin pump for 29 years. I had a CT which showed I have a blockage in my Superior Mesentric Artery that is stopping blood flow to my upper stomach and pancreas. I do not have high chlorestal and have always eaten a healthy diet. A1C is 6.3. am having a ultrasound next week and probably a stent put in. When the radiologist did the CT I had a reaction to it and he said I would be better off not to have that or an MRI done as each time the reaction is worse. Dont they have to use the dye to put the stent in and what do I expect for my future health concerning this? [/INST] Hello, Stenting the Mesenteric artery is the best way forward to establish blood flow to your pancreas and stomach. The other alternative is surgery which is far more morbid. Also, the used during stenting is similar to what they used previously in CT. So do discuss it with your doctor, so he may take precautions before the procedure and preferably use alternative dye. Yes follow-up MRI would be better in your case for Evaluation. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] I have a 1-2cm bony lump on outside of fibula bone above my ankle. Have had pain and inflammation which is often worse at night or after mild exercise. Very painful. Also bony lump is hard but tender. Had X-ray and told no obvious fracture . Could it be tumour of some kind and not be noticed on standard X-ray? [/INST] Hi, thank-you for providing the brief history. As per the history I feel it will be just a normal bony tissue and nothing much to worry. Since it is giving pain, this might be the change in the normal muscle physiology and biomechanics. Due to the lump there will be pressure applied in a different pattern and the pain is arising. Having a thorough clinical examination of the lump & CT SCAN can help us understand in-depth. In my clinical practice most pains are just muscular and can be helped with therapeutic ultrasound therapy and TENS therapy. Also, it won't be a bone tumor but just to clear your doubt a CT scan can be taken to rule out the doubt. Regards Jay In Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I ve was in an auto accident about back in April where I was at a complete stop and someone struck the rear of my vehicle going about 30 miles per hour. I know I ve had swelling and pain in my lower back and have been taking Ibuprofen and Neproxan to help that (no.. I didn t go the the ER or see a doctor but lower back pain is common with this type of injury and a few months earlier I hurt my lower back where the Dr said that there was swelling in that area). That has helped me to move around and function. My question is, would the pain cause phantom pain on my left side around my hip (not hip.. a little higher) area? You know where you put your hands on your hips but your hands are above the hip.. right there is so uncomfortable that it hurts to roll over or turn. What do you think (besides going to see a Doctor). :) [/INST] Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. As you mentioned you faced an accident and after which you are having a pain in the hip. As reading your history, I can understand that you were hit from behind, and then you had a fall. Now to understand this mechanism, you need to understand some physics here. As when you are hit from behind, your body is not prepared to take the force applied on it. Also, due to the hit from the back, the body has gone into extension in the spine level and later on fallen down. So there might be chances of soft tissue injury which needs an assessment. Also, an MRI of the lumbar spine is advised. I agree to you, that most RTA will have back pain, and all are not serious, but without examining deciding on a general term is a baseless understanding. Taking self-medication is also not advised, as if the injury is big you may be trying to reduce the pain, but the other factors of the soft tissue injury will be present and may get worsen as well. I will advise to get your spine assessed, as spine is an important segment in the human body and needs a real attention. Also to understand that, due to any injury now, the later disadvantages are present. After all it's totally your call and you can decide better. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Im having a severe stomachached I feel a hard ball by my right abdominal toward my lower both back I have been feeling this for almost 6 months now I had a urine blood pelvic ultrasound and right stomach ultrasound all came out negative and I got monthly period but my symptoms is feels like Im pregnant but my stomach hurts all the time the only thing it makes me feel better if Igot to sauna what could this be? [/INST] HI. This can be a form of an enterocolitis that is inflammation of small and / or large bowel... Get a proper diagnosis by barium studies / Enterocolitis. Many times the colonoscopy can help a lot. I hope you do not have anxiety symptoms. These too can give symptoms of like having pregnancy.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi. I am female of 25 years old. I have been married past 1 and half years. We were in planning stage. But since from two months we are trying for a baby. Last month we tried intercourse regularly that is i between 10 th day to 20th day. As We were knowing that ovulation occurs in between 12 to 16th day. During intercourse all the semen completely ejected into vagina. After sometime means after a hour it starts spilling out. We were in a hope that this month we can get a positive results but it was in a vain. And also the peneteration was medium. Let me know what is the reason of not getting conceive? [/INST] Hello, and I hope I can help you today. In normal healthy couples, it can sometimes even take up to a year to conceive. 80% of couples will conceive within one year if having regular unprotected intercourse (at least 2 to 3 days per week). It is best not to time the efforts of intercourse around ovulation unless you have accurately documented the ovulation date, with an ovulation predictor kit or with hormone levels checked at the doctor's office. The best way to try to conceive in the beginning is to have sex every other day from the time your period finishes until you start to feel premenstrual symptoms. Premenstrual symptoms are caused by the same hormones as produced by pregnancy, so when you start to feel bloating, breast tenderness, nausea, or other pregnancy symptoms you do not need to continue to try to conceive that cycle, as you either already ovulated or are already pregnant. There are nearly 6 million sperm in every ejaculate from a man, so as long as some sperm is ejaculated inside the vagina, there is a possibility of conceiving. Many women have sperm leak out after intercourse, however the ability of sperm to swim within the vagina ensures that a man with a normal sperm count has at least thousands of sperm that reach the egg if ovulation has been taking place. So in summary, many couples do not conceive within two months of beginning to try. I encourage you and your husband to have patience. In the meantime, the best way to prepare for healthy pregnancy is to get adequate rest, eat a healthy diet, avoid alcohol consumption, and take a prenatal vitamin or folic acid supplement which can help prevent birth defects. I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today, and that my advice was helpful. Best wishes,</s>
<s>[INST] After a short sprint, I have pain lasting 2 weeks in my knee joint area. The knee is slightly stiff and swollen, and there is pain when I press on the medial surface of the skin between the femur and tibia right at the joint. I can extend my leg fully and dont have much pain whenn walking, but I feel some pressure after work, where I am on my feet 8 hrs.Mark [/INST] Hello, It may be due to osteoarthritis. For confirmation, you may require X-ray knee or MRI after orthopedic surgeon consultation. For pain, you can take tablet acetaminophen. Further treatment mainly depends upon the underlying condition. Use knee cap. Avoid squatting position. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I have had center chest pain like someone is sitting on my chest for the last 3 weeks on and off. Pain that goes down to my right elbow and upper right of my back. Get winded real easy where I didnt before. Sometimes the chest pain goes away with relaxation but sometimes its worse laying down. [/INST] Hello rearward welcome to Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query thoroughly.* There are different reasons for such pain as - ligament or muscular related - rib cage issue as Costco Chat Doctor. * Needs proper clinical assessment with EKG. Hope this helps you. Welcome for any further assistance. Regards.</s>
<s>[INST] I have a lump that forms at the base of the back of my neck, top of spine that forms and causes a steady droning pain up the back of skull. Going back to massage therapy which should reduce it. What is causing this to form? I am female and 50 years old. [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have lipoma, Desmond cyst or some skin adnexal tumor. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology of that lump. Excision is the treatment of choice. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.</s>
<s>[INST] My adult daughter has had a cold for over a week now and I told her to go to a clinic and get a steroid shot to dry up the cold. I have been given this in the past when I had a cold that just wouldnt end and it really worked. Why wouldnt the doctor give her a shot. [/INST] Hello Steroids are meant only for emergency cases not for ordinary cases like cough. Since this is common and main reason is allergy. Allergy produce bronchoconstriction and this develop cough. So when such patient visit I prescribe my patient to take montelukast+albuterol (10 mg in each salt) , one tablet / day and patient respond at once. If cough is severe then also use chlorampheniramine + AEROSOL + menthol cough syrup. So don't use steroid, rather avoid it. This is a prescription Chat Doctor. Hot coffee and steam inhalation is also very good.</s>
<s>[INST] My 2 year old has been ill for a few days now not really temperature but hot and clammy. She has had bad diorreah for about 4 days and wont each much food. She has really bad breath and smells ill. Is very irritable and upset cant sleep very well. been giving calpol. could this be tosilitis? [/INST] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint bad breath along with being cold and clammy seems to be due to Viral Infection that is common in toddlers. Do not worry, she will be fine soon.-Continue giving Tylenol to relieve fever.-Feed with plenty of warm fluids and give a soft and semisolid diet.-Avoid spicy, chilled foods.-Give appropriate rest. In case of no improvement in a week consult a Pediatrician and get her evaluated. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] hi i am 31, i have a tingling sensation int he tip of my penis, like some urine is trapped there, a couple of times while going to urinate it has been blocked and forced through, i have noticed a small discharge in tip at times. i had sex about 2 1/2 months ago but this has only been for around a week. [/INST] Hello I share your concern, I will try to help you out in the best possible way. Looking at your description this could be STI or infected ulcer may be due to trauma during masturbation or an allergic reaction. Another possibility is prostate problem or a Renal stone would like further information help you better relevant medical history like metabolic disease or hormonal disorderly recent exposure to unprotected sex? You should ask your doctor for few investigations to confirm the diagnosis like Urine culture and sensitivity test and an ultrasound to see for prostate enlargementBlood for CBC and liver function test or urine test are advisable if it is a chronic issueMaintain good hygiene Wash and clean it with antiseptic solution or soapbox can apply antiseptic ointment externally. Use condom during sex if you are sexually active Hope this answers your question please feel free to ask for more clarificationThanks and regards</s>
<s>[INST] Okay I m 14 and I have hip indentations And they are HUGE!!!! It s like taking play dough, rolling into a puffy line, than smashing your hand directly in the middle (not exaggerating) you can t see them when I wear jeans or leggings but when I wear tight dresses and bikinis is totally visible. It make me look fat and odd, I ve tried working out and dieting but it does nothing at all to help. Is there anything I can do to solve this that doesn t involve sugery? Anything is helpful I just need to get rid of this I hate it so bad and it makes me depressed. [/INST] Take a visit to a specialist. Diet and exercise are not alone. You need to focus on proper group of muscles for tanning. Next you need to take proper rest as well. A proper guidance of exercise prescription should be of help. Visit a specialist, or you may contact me directly though this forum. Thanks</s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I was curious if it was possible for a man to have cystitis (spelling?) because I have symptoms of it. Also, I am noticing a pain in my penis when I lay down or sometimes when I sit down, mainly in the urthera area, it actually effects my sleeping, when I urinate this pain goes away temporarily, however, it does eventually return. Please help. Thanks. [/INST] Good Day, and thank you for being with Chat Doctor ! You may have urethritis or inflammation of the urethra (tube where the urine passes inside the penis). Do you have discharge in the opening? Pus cells coming out ? I would suggest doing an urinalysis do check for infection and thereby get the necessary antibiotic treatment. I hope I have succeeded in providing the information you were looking for. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications at: http://www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. Best wishes.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... I recently started exercising on an elipitical machine, in five minutes my pulse increased to 140 followed by chest pains so i stopped. i have high blood pressure is this normal? [/INST] It is not normal to have chest pain with 5 minuted of exercise. You should have further investigations to rule out coronary artery disease (e.g. Exericse stress test). If you have high blood pressure it should be treated to prevent an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. You should visit your doctor to assess whether it is safe to exercise before trying again on your own</s>
<s>[INST] My Son has had three separate cerebral hemorrhages in his life at 28 years old. And since his last one our lives have been increasingly difficult to manage. He has changes in his behavior. Mainly outburst of anger and frustration. He has not returned to work. And there are legal issues resulting from these injuries. We only have county insurance. I was hoping you could refer me to any aftercare clinics or other assistance or agencies that could assist us. Also if there is a scan or test that can identify what and where damage may exist from these injuries. It is very sad and a increasing hardship. I need some support. And victims of crime are not helping us at all. Because of the legal issue involved. Its complicated. Basically His Girl Friend at the time put him through a windshield on her 2nd dui causing great bodily injury. My Son helped her during sentencing for a lighter sentence. She missed all criminal enhancements, and did only 3 months in jail. 3 months out of jail she got pregnant. 2 months after baby left and will not allow my Son access to his child. Then she has manipulated the courts prosecuting him on lies and only lies. This is in Oakland California a sad story i know. Thanks for your insight or opinion of this matter. Any Information is Greatly Appreciated. Thank You [/INST] Hello, Everybody gets this. Concussions classically cause migraine like effects including not wanting to have any disturbances. This causes people to become very with Chat Doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] having pain in right hip area that radiates down to knee and calf. Good in AM pain increases through out the day. worse when walking, Squats do not affect it, if putting feet together and pressing knees to floor, right hip will only go about 3/4 of the way before it becomes to painful. I haven t had any injury to the area. I m about 40 lbs over weight. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for the query. I understand your concern. Pain radiated to hip, going down to knee & calf indicates pressure on sciatic nerve, the pressure seems to be mostly at be at sciatic notch (because of your specific symptoms of pain at particular movement of hip) or it may be higher up at spinal level (due to vertebral or disc problem) Excess weight always increases the suffering in lower extremity pain. You need CT scan/ MRI for diagnosis & an orthopedic surgeons' guidance for specific treatment. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] My son is taking 2- 500 mg a day for bladder infection. I noticed the instructions said not to take with milk. His is on a milk based formula diet. In an effort to give his medication every 12 hours, his gets his first dose an hour before his feeding (6:45 am) and second dose at 6:45 pm with his suppertime feeding. He gets fed every 3 1/2 to 4 hours so I can get 5 feedings in a day. He has been taking Cipro since Thurs. with no problems, but this morning there was blood in his urine. Help roggeps@ suddenlink.net [/INST] Hi, welcome to Chat Doctor. Can understand your concerns. You should do urine routine microscopy and culture test. It will help to find out the cause of the red colored urine.</s>
<s>[INST] im 17 and i am still a virgin. i have a single, small pimple-like bump on the shaft of my penis, about 1/3 the way up from my scrotum. its an oval shape about 2 cm long and 1 cm wide. there is no discomfort of any kind. its been there for around a month and it started out very small. at first i though it was a pimple so i tried to pop it, but nothing came out and it hurt.so ive been washing that area very thoroughly when i shower. now when i squeeze it it doesnt hurt and stuff does come out. a drops worth of blood with a cloudy yellowish pus like subtance in it. ive been squeezing that stuff out once or twice a day and then washing it, but nothing has really changed. whats wrong and what can i do to get rid of it? [/INST] Hello, Your symptoms are indicative of folliculitis. Keep the area affected clean & wash it regularly. Some folliculitis goes away by themselves. Hair follicles get infected due to the clogged oil glands. Since pus is coming out, you need medical aid. You are suggested to visit ER, get physically examined, you need antibiotics or oral antifungals & antibacterial cream to apply in the area affected. Wear loose cotton clothes, avoid staying too long in sweated clothing, avoid harsh chemicals & maintain good hygiene. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] hi doctor, i am having seizure issue . I had the attack in 2011 april since then I am taking levi pill 500mg twice daily. I got married in 2005 and have 5 year old son and in 2013 i want to get pregnant is it safe to continue this medicine . will it have impact on the fetus .kindly advise [/INST] Hi, It may be taken safely during pregnancy. Studies in animals have shown evidence of fetal abnormalities while no such harmful effects were seen in studies done on human beings. Hence, it may be taken safely during pregnancy. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] About 2 weeks ago I slipped and pulled something in my right calf. Sore for couple days no big deal. Last weekend took a step backwards unloading something and stepped in a hole with same leg. Got immediate burning pain that lasted 6 or 7 hours until I could get ice on it. Pain is gone now but on the front of my leg in the shin area I have some sort of fluid build up. I can press on it and make a dent. There is no pain. Just wondering what this may be. Thanks [/INST] Hi probably the hematoma under the soft tissues is resolving and in few days it will be alright. Nothing has to be done for it. If at all, thrombophob gel application may be done for few days</s>
<s>[INST] hello sir, My eosinophils count is 11.for that cause i am suffering from sneezing during morning and evening.also i have dust allergy .so i want to decrease my eosinophils count so that in future it will not lead to asthma .i have cough problem during my birth but after 5 years that is no more.please sir suggest what to do? [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor Forum Hi. Spanda., if there is no family history of Asthma, there are less chances of you being affected. Alos avoid to work or travel in dusty environment, avoid, jogging in early morning..., these may reduce E count., do not worry, as you are healthy. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] sever apnea disorder, fell asleep at my desk, hit the top of head on the edge, . My elbow broke in an accident never heeld correctly and hit edge of desk as well. I don t remember the hits however in result my wrist- hand hangs down, I cant move my wrist at all, my finger still can wiggle, I have seen a Dr. was told it may take several months to return to normal, or sergary. This happened 2 weeks ago....... My question is: is there any home therapy I should be doing? Or what should I be doing or not be doing? [/INST] Cellophane You for contacting Chat Doctor. If you are unable to move your wrist then it needs an orthopedic evaluation. An orthopedic doctor will immobilize your wrist after having an X-ray of wrist to confirm the extent of dislocation. After he fixes the wrist, then you need to take care of the hand by not moving hand unnecessarily. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. Wishing you good health.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I am a women of 56 yrs, I am allergic to cold, dust, smell etc.and for last several years I get cold and after I wash my hair I get cold at head and get pain in upper back and head gets heavy and also feel little breathing trouble. I take Montek-LC tablets, is it good for me [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, As you are having symptoms of allergy for last several years which is making you uncomfortable because of the allergy. I would suggest you to test for absolute eosinophil count (AEC) in blood to confirm the presence of allergic reaction. Then you have to test for the most prevalent allergens like food, dust,pollen and mite, which helps to know the allergen which is causing all these symptoms. You can take Tab Monte LC, which is an excellent Chat Doctor. After identifying the allergen causing these symptoms you can take immunotherapy, either subcutaneous immunotherapy (SUIT) or sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT). This will help to control the symptoms of the allergy. Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] My dad has been becoming more forgetful recently and has a family history of Alzheimer s Disease with a sister who had advanced stages when she died. I ve been researching Axona and was curious if it would have any effect on someone without a diagnosis of Alzheimer s or if it could even be prescribed in his case. [/INST] None of the medications we use for Alzheimer's is preventative. They were not researched in that way nor are they indicated for prophylactic use. Axon is actually a medical food supplement and should not be used in people with metabolic issues such as diabetes as it can cause ethnic shock and coma in extreme cases. I would not recommend the use of Axon in anybody without a diagnosis of Alzheimer's dementia and only under the direction of an experienced physician due to its side effects which in some cases can be severe enough for people to go the ER. Good luck.</s>
<s>[INST] I have what looks Lila a skin tag on the right upper side of my mouth inside. I think several days ago I bit my gum but not sure if that is the cause. I noticed it about three days ago and its just sore and unsightly. What is it and how long will it take to go away. [/INST] Hello, thank you for consulting with Chat Doctor. It can be because of the trauma only which was caused by batting. It is called as fibrous. You just wait and observe the lesion, if it starts creating problem then you have to visit a dentist to get it removed, otherwise just apply a topical ointment named McCoppin on it for symptomatic relief. Hope it will help you.</s>
<s>[INST] how you doing dr. my name is angel I m a 53 yrs. old male/ 169 lbs. 5 6 in height, my problem with me I have lower back pain left and right, abdominal pain , constant urinating during day and night, constipated, I drinking 32oz of water a day, as it goes out I keep drinking water. pain continue around my waist area. I can t wear any clothing to sleep it painful when it ruffles touches my waist. it the mornings I cant button my pants up my waist is swollen. my body is weak and heavy. some slight dizzy, headache. no blood in stool or urine . unable to sleep. [/INST] HelloThanks for writing to ChatDoctorYou need proper clinical examination and investigations. Investigations include routine hologram, RBS,LFT, RFT, Lipid profile, Urine RE/ME, Thyroid profile, Ultrasound of abdomen, Upper GI endoscopy, X-ray L/S spine AP/Lateral, Further investigations may be done if needed. There may be various causes for your problem like gastrointestinal, genitourinary or musculoskeletal causes. Treatment can be done after proper clinical examination and investigations reports. Get well footage Care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I am 28, 5"10 and around 170lbs. I am taking a second course of omeprazole. i have been tested for H. Plori and this is negative. For a week or so (before second course of drugs) i have noticed some discomfort in my abdomen, near the centre but slightly on the right, between my belly button and bottom of the rib cage. It is mild discomfort mainly but feels almost like a bruise or ingrown hair feeling. and can be itchy [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. It is hard to evaluate is this abdominal wall lesion, or it is caused by stomach issue. Gastritis can cause such sensation, and you should treat it and see will it improve. Symptoms that are experienced in such conditions are pain and tightness in upper stomach, bloating, breathing difficulties, heartburn, feeling of lump and sore in throat, gurgling sound in throat, fatigue and loss of appetite. Symptoms are aggravated after meal, long sitting, leaning forward, stress and anxiety. In the beginning this is treated by changing dietary habits. You should avoid alcohol, coffee,smoking, fats and fast food, carbonated Chat Doctor. 1 hour after meal you should not sit or lay. Also lay with elevated upper body. If you are overweight you should do often exercise.Wish you good health.</s>
<s>[INST] I was diagnosed with MS 25 years ago, The doctors working through hospital. The Royal Edinburgh. The hospital for people that connot cope with their lives. You`ll be very aware. I was given a tablet was very effective. I stopped smoking cannabis, and I became more aware of the things that was going on arround me. I cannot remember the name of the tablet name [/INST] Hi, Multiple sclerosis is a desalinating disease of the central nervous system. Today, there are a lot of effective Chat Doctor. Tablets approved by FDA include dimethyl fumarate and trifluoride. Both these tablets came within the past 6-7 years. 25 years ago (1995), interferon injections were in use. For some, azathioprine tablets were used. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] my husband has a cyst on his neck got it lance 3rd june, went back into hospital got it drain on 3rd july and he is for surgery today as it has got very big, the opening is still there but there is a lump fill up again below where it was lance.he has a cough with this i just notice the last 5 weeks, they are going to do a biospy today on [/INST] Hello, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I understand your health concern, if I am your doctor I suggest you that definitive treatment can only be possible after the biopsy. But after at all surgical therapy is the definitive treatment for all the lump. So you should be prepared for it. I will be happy to answer all your future concern. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious disease specialist. Wish you the best health at Chat Doctor.</s>
<s>[INST] My husband suffered a severe concusssion from looks to me like someone stomping on his face. He doesn t remember the incident, just waking up in a ditch. Surgeons at the hospital said he is lucky to be alive. The last CAT scan he had, he told me, revealed bruises on his brain and blood between the brain and skull. There is fluid in his head. Its only been three days. He left the hospital on his accord against medical advice. Im very worried. He says he is a little out of it. A little dizzy and having a hard time gaining his bearings. Im going to take him to another hospital for a second cat scan. Any advice? [/INST] Brushes in brain and blood between brain and skull are most likely contusions and Subdural/Extramural Hemorrhage. Requirement of surgery depend on extent of blood collection and if any pressure effect. If it is not that much, medical management is required only. For advising further I need to see the NCCT Head images and its report.</s>
<s>[INST] Sir, i have blood clots in main right artiary and went on angioplasty on 24Nov, 2010. After six months my doctor advised me to have complete heart check up . All Tests were normal like Lipid profile , Blood sugar(Random/Fasting) Eco Test, ECG. But TMT was negative. What is the meaning of it ? Can you advise me ? My Age is 47 (Male), weight 65 Kg [/INST] Dear Sir, Negative TMT means that there was no ischemia during stress test, so no problem with heart arteries. In case of TMT negative is good. Take fearsome back if you have any further questions</s>
<s>[INST] i came out of the E.R. 4 days ago after being treated for a kidney stone. because the size of the stone was small, about a 2, i was told that it would pass soon. i dont know if the stone has already passed, but im already still experiencing some uncomfortable pain on my lower back on the right where the kidney stone was. it hurts when i take a deep breath; however, the pain is somewhat tolerable. is it because the stone is still there or is it because of the scratches the stone made when it passes? [/INST] Hello, I had gone through the case and found that you must go for ultrasound of lower abdomen to rule out the renal stone.Meanwhile, take painkiller and Chat Doctor. Hope my answer will be effective for you. Thanks</s>
<s>[INST] I went in for a vaginal u/s being at 8 wk 1 day pregnant from my LMP and my Dr. said there was no heartbeat that baby measured at 6 wk 5 days 0.78 cm. Could it be that my calculation was off do to late implantation? Dr. said that I was going to miscarry and opted for D&C or pills to induce my labor. I told her I would like to wait another week and come back for another u/s hoping there would be some changes with the baby s heartbeat. Do I just having fallen hopes? [/INST] Hello, I have gone through your query and understood your concern. If the sonogram performed was through the trans-vaginal route and if your sonographer is an experienced person, it is likely that you may have miscarried, provided you have regular cycles and did not miscalculate. When this is not so, it is better to wait and see. In such a scenario, serial titles of serum beta-ChatDoctor are often done. Good progress of pregnancy is indicated by doubling of titles every 2-3 days. This should be coupled with follow-up sonograms. Wish you good health.</s>
<s>[INST] I have been diagnosed with mono. I have not taken any of the penicillin related drugs that aften cause a rash. However, I have broken out into a horrible rash that started as red raised bumps and is now turning purple it is extremely itchy and I cannot seem to get relief. Is this normal with mono. I have been to a doctor and have been put on a steriod which is not helping [/INST] Hello dear, Thank you for your question. Infectious Mononucleosis, in the majority of cases, presents with mild rash. But in distinct cases the rash tends to be more severe, and these cases require a steroid regimen. Steroid therapy might need a few days to provide a visible effect. If you feel that the rash doesn't improve despite the therapy I recommend you consult an infection diseases specialist. I hope this helped. Best wishes,</s>
<s>[INST] hello sir,i am suffering from alopacia areata,i am 26 years male.i have shown to a dematologist,she ask me for injection,but i refused as i dont want to take injection on head,so finally she recommend me the clonate gel, i am using it now,but still the problem exists,please guide me,tell me some medicine or gel or cream or tablet. thanks in advance. [/INST] Hello, I have gone through your query and intraluminal injectable steroids are the treatment of choice for alopecia errata. You need to go for injections. Otherwise, you can continue with Climate gel. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis at the base of my right thumb and x rays show it in both hands to a lesser degree. It is now bone on bone there and I d like to know what I can do to stop or slow down the progression of it to the rest of my skeletal joints. Thanks! XXXX [/INST] Hello, As the OA has affected the thumb joints bilaterally the first advice will be to stabilize the joint in a maximum number of hours in the wrist brace. Which is widely available at online stores. Also, using hot water fermentation and improving the strength of the muscles of the forearm and hand is advised. We can only avoid the progression of the OA while keeping the muscle stronger to maintain the joint space. In case if we fail to do such then the grinding keeps happening and the inflammation doesn't come down. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have noticed a vein in my lip when i run my tongue over it. I can also notice a bump in my lip with my finger or tongue. When i stretch my lip out, i can see that vein there. I have noticed some pain with it. It is not blue or pulsing. I had jaw surgery a year ago and that area of my lip is still a little numb. I have also used chewing tobacco for about 4 years. [/INST] Hi, Dear. Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor virtual Clinic. I am Chat Doctor. I studied your query and understood your health concerns about your Sister. Cause of lumps on the lip-You seem to have bump which needs to be confirmed and ruled out for any adenocarcinoma of the lip, due to tobacco. The vein to the lump indicates its vascularity. I would advise FNAC biopsy and excision biopsy later on by ER Surgeon. This is how you plan treatment with your doctor. Hope this would resolve your query. Write good review and hit thanks after reading this reply. Welcome for any further query to Chat Doctor and to ME. Wishing you early recovery.</s>
<s>[INST] one day i somoked this camel crush cigarretes i only smoked 3 and i notice a small ruff thing like a small bump in my in my upper roof of my mouth that was my 2 cigrettes i smoked but wene i smoked the therd i felt like my lungs and my throat were swollen and dificult to breath now i have 2 weeks and i feel somthing in my throat and some times like a pain in my chest what can i take ?i think i have alergies form smoking thos camel crush cigerrttes what can i do?urgent [/INST] Hi, Thanks for posting the query, I think you have developed some kind of allergic reaction, I would suggest you to consult to a Dentist and get a checkup done, take tab cetirizine daily BD for three days, take multivitamin supplements daily for 30 days, at home take lukewarm saline rinses and antiseptic mouthwash gargles, maintain a good oral hygiene. Take care!</s>
<s>[INST] Hi. For the past 2 weeks i have had a very bad cough from which i ve experienced wheezing . I also had what felt like a sinus infection as my nose is clogged on one side at night and i ve had a yellow mucus from my nose and from my cough. When i went to the doctor he didn t prescribe antibiotics but inhalers for my cough. While the inhalers have helped 1 week later i still have the cough, wheezing, sinus congestion and now one ear is plugged. Is there anything I can do? Should i go back to my doctor? [/INST] You should take a good Antibiotic witChatDoctorbination of Caroline like Azithromycin and Quinolone like Levofloxacin. You have to add Antihistamine like Levocetrizine with Montelukast and Anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Steam inhalation will be helpful. If the symptoms still persist even after above treatment, consult your Doctor and get X-ray PNS and X-ray chest, and proceed accordingly. Wish you speedy recovery</s>
<s>[INST] My white blood cell counts have dropped to 2.9 from 3.7 six months ago. I had a needle biopsy on Friday. I have an enlarged lymph gland/node in my back for 6/7 years with no changes until this last year. It grew from 4.3 cm to 6.2 cm. I have no outward symptoms, no weight loss, no loss of appetite, no chills, fevers or night sweats. Do you have any thought of what might be cause of drop in white count, other than Lymphoma? RBC 4.60; hgb 14.1;hct 43.1;plat 190 down from 212; gran# 1.4 ( I don t know what that is it is marked as low on lab report). Thank you [/INST] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, A needle biopsy is not responsible for fall in white blood cell count from 3.7 to 2.9. Both the values- 3.7 and 2.9 are on lower than the normal range, thus, the difference is not of much consequence. Low white blood cell count can occur in case of severe infection or bone marrow depression. A low granulocytes count is also a consequence of low white blood cell count. All other parameters-red blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit and platelet counts are within normal limit. Thus, all other parameters are within normal limits. Consult your primary healthcare provider to find out the cause of low white blood cell count. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi ,I am 25 years old.I have suffered night fall nearly 1000 days .and have masturbate only 5-6 times till date.My skins are not moisturized as it should be given my age and my skin is not so thick now .Is it the reason for all those night falls.Please answer [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Body produces semen whenever it is sexually aroused. Such semen will be kept inside the scrotum. That is a waste product and should be eliminated. Body has its own mechanism to eliminate the waste product. One way is through night fall. Night fall takes place if you do not masturbate or indulge in sexual activities. You can safely indulge in masturbation twice or thrice in a week to prevent night fall. For your information both masturbation and night fall are normal, and you have nothing to worry. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.</s>
<s>[INST] Hello sir,My report of ultrasound of abdomen is as follows. Right Kidney shows 5-6mm size calculus in lower calyx without hydronephrosis. Left Kidney shows multiple (3-4) calculi, largest is 7mm in lower calyx with mild hydronephrois and hydrourerter. Left vesicouretric junction shows a calcalus of size 9mm.IMPRESSION: left vuj calculus (9mm)& bilateral renal calculi. [/INST] Hi, You have been diagnosed to have a single small stone in right kidney and a few small stones in left kidney. One of the stones from left kidney has Chat Doctor. Vesicoureteric junction denotes the site where ureter joins with bladder. This has caused mild swelling in the left kidney due to obstruction. Otherwise, your kidneys are apparently normal. The stone in ureter usually causes pain in left flank with or without vomiting and burning urination. Usual treatment is an alpha blocker (e.g. Tab. Tamsulosin) and pain relieving medications. If the pain does not subside or kidney function deteriorates or infection sets in, then it needs to be removed immediately. Otherwise, the stone can be monitored and if it does not pass in 4 weeks then it can be removed using endoscopy (URS, ureterorenoscopy). After treatment for the ureteric stone, you need to be evaluated to find out the cause of stone formation. Kidney stones can be treated later, either medically or with flexible ureteroscopy and laser. I hope I have answered your query. If you need any clarification, please get back to me. Wish you a speedy recovery, Best regards,</s>
<s>[INST] Hello! I am a female who has been experiencing vulva itching for about a week. Three days ago I bought some cream and suppositories for a yeast infection and those didnt help at all. Now my clitoris is swollen and very sensitive with a very small amount of blood coming from it. Any help would be appriciated. Thanks! [/INST] Hi, Thanks for posting in Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. Based on your description, it appears that itching of vulva and swelling of clitoris could be caused due to inflammation of the skin and its underneath structures. Kindly do the following to overcome it. 1. Wash the area with mild antiseptic solution like Salon twice daily. 2. After Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] my granddaughter was born August 18 her bilirubin level reach 17 today. She has the light blanket on nearly 24 hours a day. She has another blood test tomorrow, What are the risks of it going up. Should it go down. She is eating, sleeping, urinating and pooping good. Please help. [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I am Chat Doctor, I understand your concerns and I will try to help you as much as I can. Thisis so-called physiologic jaundice, and it should improve within 2 months after birth. There is no need to be worried. This is commonly seen and there are no consequences. Only if there is some liver disorder, which is rare, there may be treatment required. Otherwise, all she needs in sunlight for few days ADN it will be fine. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I hope someone can help as its starting to get a little worrying. Basically I was playing football the other week and I noticed that my right testicle started to ache a little, I ignored it and the problem has persisted for a week just getting little aches on and off. Its in my right testicle (as I am aware or the surrouding area) I dont think I was hit in my testicles but I may have been, its mainly when I put my left leg forwards it hurts or when I am siting down it might start aching a little and it aches quite bad when I am playing sport just wondering if anyone could help or give me some advice as I wondering whether I should see a doctor. Many Thanks [/INST] Hi, There are many scrotal conditions that leads a pain in testicles. I suggest consulting a surgeon for your scrotal examination. You can take Diclofenac sodium tablet for testicle pain. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] My father is 78 year old ,diabetic .During the utra sound scanning it has been noted a tumour of size 5cm X 3cm in the lever slightly pushing the nerves .But the alphaprotein test has found negetive,The doctor is asking to carry out a biopsy of lever.As one of the kidney is smaller in size Ct scan is less sugetive.this tumour has developed may be witin 6 monts as earlier scanning reports befor 6 months,no indication regarding this tumour.Is it necessary to carry out a biopsy ,may be this will lead in to bleeding .Is this tumour can be canceruos.Awating reply [/INST] It is necessary surely to carry out a biopsy. This tumor can be a hepatic cancer, but can be also a metastasis from other type of cancer. The biopsy can lead in to bleeding, but this is not a reason not to perform this investigation. I did not understand what you meant by "as one of the kidney is smaller Ct scan is less suggestive".</s>
<s>[INST] My left side, near the pelvic area, hurts. I always get sharp pain even when Im not doing anything, its been happening for 2 years now. Also, it seems to be getting darker around my mouth area and I dont know what the cause could be. My mom says its the spicy food. But Im having a hard time believing that. Another problem I seem to be having is, my eyes having been getting swollen. It recently stopped but happened out of nowhere. I assumed my body thought it was fighting an infection. Not sure, Im only 17. And last but not least, my chest (boobs) has been tender and hurts really bad when touched for a few months now. Im sorry to be a bother. But I honestly was just wondering. My doctor told me that the side thing should be ignored before I even finished talking. I dont think its just muscle growing. I think it could be something else. I just dont know what that thing is. And I seem be producing alot of sweat in my hands and feet. Not sure what to do other than Botox. Thank You. [/INST] Hello, Thanks for posting your query, Ginkgo and Ginseng are found to be effective in reducing pain, especially when associated with bleeding. Vitamin E is a supplement which has a strong anti-inflammatory property and beneficial in managing pelvic pain Ginger tea: ginger supplies the body with anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerly. Gingerly help reduce swelling and pain effectively. To make ginger tea, grate about 1 inch of ginger and add to water. Boil for 10 minutes. You may also add cardamom powder; it is a good pain reliever too. Have this decoction daily, it will ease pain and discomfort rapidly. Stress management plays a crucial role in reducing chronic pelvic pain. Various yoga techniques can help reduce the pain triggered by stress. Regular exercising and medication is also associated with beneficial effects in the management of chronic pelvic pain. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Post menopausal with blood in urine and lower to mid left back pain.feel swollen all over. Hx of kidney infections as a child and 2 episodes of really bad kidney infection, one 30 years ago and another about 15 years ago. I am 64 and in good health except for this. Is this another kidney infection? No problems with burning urination or pain in that area. [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. As a Urologist, I can understand your anxiety. Blood from any orifice is abnormal. This could very well be an UTI.(infection).You'll need to get examined by a Urologist and do the basic tests like :1. Urine routine and culture.2. Blood routine, creatinine,RBS, LFT,and platelets.3. Ultrasound -PUB, with residual urine.4. A cystoscopy with/without a ACTIVE, may be done, after seeing reports. If you've any doubts, send a direct question in my name, with all the reports. Chat Doctor. Manga.</s>
<s>[INST] my son is 4 years old and i didn t know that my mother in law had alendronate sodium pills just laying out and he got ahold of them and told me he put one in his mouth but spit it out right away because it tasted nasty...is he okay or should i take him to the hospital? please respond as soon as possible very worried mother!!!! [/INST] Hello dear! As your history suggest, he took a bit of a tablet and threw that too because of the taste. I think i completely safe in this aspect.i don't think there is any need of taking him to the hospital. The toxic dose is very high of this Chat Doctor. There won't be any side effect.Don't you worry. Hope it will help. Wishing your child good health :-)</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, my mother has stage IV cancer that originated from her bile ducts and have metastasized to her liver and lungs. She has liver cirrhosis as well. I am wondering why she is shaking uncontrollable. Hand tremors started a few days ago, and today they are much worse and it looks like she is starting to lose control of her urinary movements. She has been vomiting a lot over the couple of days, and is on morphine and oxycodone for pain. Thank you. [/INST] Hi ! I read carefully your query, and I am so sorry. Your mother diagnosis is very heavy, and so she needs some palliative treatment like:- Electronic- Antacids- Treatment like deficits that she had in blood test She should take Morphine and other painkiller, but she needs that you to spend so much time with her. Wishing you all best. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] i have a small lump in my groin area, it hurt only when its being touched,i only see it when im standing up,it disappears when i lay down,it hurts when sitting still for short periods of time or laying on my right side,i have been feeling weak, im having unnormal discharge,it feels like my right lower arm is straining (not getting blood flow )and it hurts when it wants to if im not touching it.....,my right side of my throat feels like there is something in it at times,chest pains it jumps from left to right...but its mostly on the left near my heart...i felt this was because i use to smoke but i stopped ...but it comes back sometimes,abdominal pains here and there, and back pains, i went to the doctor he told me i have folliculitis but i dont feel that is it because i dont have any white bumps or pimple like bumps...or any thing that looks or itch like a rash... [/INST] Hi, From history it seems that you might be having direct inguinal hernia giving this typical symptoms appearing while standing or sitting and disappears while lying down. Consult surgeon and get examined. Avoid constipation and cough reflex. Ok and take care.</s>
<s>[INST] Good day, my wife is 8 weeks pregnant of twins and she complains about lower abdominal pains, we were at the hospital where we conducted a scan and ectopic was ruled out and dt she is normal. but she still at times complain of the pain and we resulted to using ocimum basil known as efinrin in nigeria. Please is this alright for 8 weeks pregnancy? [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for the query. Certain degree of pain or abdominal discomfort is possible in pregnancy, but you must be cautious and rule out some more serious diagnoses, so it would be better to visit your gynecologist and do some testis you good health. Regards</s>