<s>[INST] My bro-in-law age 70 is taking coumadin 1mg daily, plavix 75mg daily and 81mg aspirin daily. He is on his 4th round of chemo for lung cancer, and he has several stents . He is also getting blood transfusions for anemia and has a low white blood cell count. is he taking too much blood thinner? [/INST] These may be required for his Heart disease, he may be having. Reduced WBC counts may be due to his chemo, which is temporary, and recover withing 14 days of last chemo. You need to consult your cardiologist for reducing blood thinners</s>
<s>[INST] my 5 year old is in kindergarden likes her teacher likes her peers been to doctor been to counslor but cant get her to stop in class we were punishing her standing in corner making her stand instead of sit taking away resecc then the couslor said no not to punish her to reward her for not doing it in public but nothing is working we have sent extra work for her to do cause once she is done what she is doing she starts again i have sent her favorite books pic of her family im pulling my hair out please give me some advice [/INST] Hi, Hiccups are common in newborns. Don't worry they are just due to swallowing of air while feeding. After every feed take the baby on shoulder and pat on back till she burps. Another thing while hiccups you can just breastfeed or give her pacifier it will do. If then also not reducing with decreased feeding then take her to pediatrician to get evaluated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Good evening, my son is 4 yrs and 4 months and has a high fever with sever headache, he crys out and says his head is very sore inside....I have given him a Voltaren Suppositorie 12,5 mg twice in the last 6 hours and he is still sick, should I go to the local Hospital? [/INST] Hello dear. I would like to have a detailed history regarding your children symptoms. Is there also history of vomiting?? If yes please urgently go to the hospital and get him examined in detail by an expert pediatrician.IN the absence of vomiting, one can think of sinusitis or simple viral flu. Give him Paracetamol 250 mg/5ml (3 ml 4-6 hourly for fever and a good anti histamine like levocetrizine 5 ml at night along with steam inhalation preferably at night before bedtime. Get him examined by a pediatrician if it didn't settle with these medications. Hope it will help. Wishing your child good health :-)</s>
<s>[INST] after anoplasty docters use 3 stan in my hard, i use ascard 75 mg coranitac ,loplate 75 mg , mepresor 100mg ,wiinrtot 20mg ,all madicane i m using from one year ,my weight 68 and hight 5.5 i m men my calstrol is 150 , my age 48 can i taken can i cauntnew my madicane ? [/INST] Hello, Is it angioplasty or angioplasty? Usually post angioplasty medication should be continued for one year. But further continuation depends upon your risk factors and other complications. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] hi I have a rash on my right forearm that is in a circular shape red and has a tiny pin hole on one part of the circle at first it sting like it was skin cancer bit when I scratched it a circle appeared? not sure if it is a ring worm or not had a similar thing 6 months ago on shoulder two days ago had itchy bottom can u help or suggest any treatments? [/INST] Hello, Thanks for the query, You might have developed fungal infection. Your description matches with that. Usually fungal infections are itchy and recurrent. Please get a KOH mount done, This can confirm the fungal etiology. Treatment can be with oral antifungals as well as with topical antifungals. Treatment must be continued for at least a month to prevent recurrence. Please meet a dermatologist for exact diagnosis. Let me know if you have any other doubt. You can ask a direct question to me on this forum, following the below link.https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. Thank you</s>
<s>[INST] I Am 30 years old , suffering from PCOS ,tryig to concieve from past 5 years have undegone many treatments. HSG done, there was some mucus present on the wall which was removed after surgery,nothing positive after that gone thrugh ovulation cycle no use , Done IUI once no positve responce again, Now taking ayurvedic medicines..plz help wahat can be done: weigt is 60 height is 5:2 [/INST] Hi, Thanks for the query. According to your height your weight should be around 55kgs. So try to reduce some weight which will help in reducing the symptoms of PCs. Continue treatment for PCs, then go for repeat GUI. Possibly this time you may succeed. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] My dad is 66 and diagnosed with labyrinthitis 10 days ago. He has been resting in bed as advised by GP and dizziness has improved a little. He is still sometimes sick after a drink but not too bad. The thing is he s lost his appetite totally and hasn t had any proper food for over a week. He has tried a little bit but has struggled to eat. Should I be worried and is it a matter of time? [/INST] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Thanks for calling Chat Doctor. Forum. Your father aged 66 yrs, had laberinthitis 10 days ago, With bed rest he has improved, but he lost appetite. Laberinthitis is an inflammation of the internal ear, causing dizziness and vomiting sensation, which may be felt as loss of appetite. I advise you to consult an E.N.T.surgeon for diagnosis and treatment. You may need to have an M.R.I. besides other routine tests for confirmation. There are medicines for dizziness, like interline, and betahistine to overcome the dizzy less and vomiting sensation, and hence loss of appetite temporarily, till the infection of labyrinth is cured. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Best regards.</s>
<s>[INST] I have chiari malformation have had 2 decompression surgeries. I also have a neck and back fusion. i always feel dizzy always in pain my whole body hurts and every joiny evrrything cracks and this is post neck fusion everything is so sensitve to touch also. lastley i am having erection problems all the time and itis embarrassing. i either am horny cant get it up or hard enough. or in the middle of intercourse i loose erection and i am very horny. not sure what is wrong [/INST] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Spinal cord does carry nerve fibers for erection and ejaculation. So, if there are significant damage to the cervical cod, losing erection is a possibility. However, since you are getting erection (though not sustained), it could be related to psychological factors, stress, etc. A clinical examination would be helpful. Please get back if you require any additional information. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been running a fever for the last couple of days and am feeling better today but i woke up this morning with what looks to be acne all over my face but it also is on my arms. (I wash my face twice a day with acne cleanser followed by a toner and then i spot treat zits with benzoil peroxide ) I havnt been introduced to any new foods or products like shampoo bodywash or anything of that sort. They don t itch or bother me in any way other than my self esteem. Just wondering if there is a diagnosis. [/INST] Hello! Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. As you were already having fever it seems that the rash you have developed can be due to fever due to some viral illness. Fever which is viral in origin, can be related with rashes all over the body. Acne does not cause such acute eruption of generalized rash. Possibilities that can be considered are rash with fever could be due to: -Dengue fever -scarlet fever, -measles, -other viral exanthems need supportive treatment with paracetamol for fever and antihistamines for itching and to decrease rash. It will subside gradually in 5-6 days. Rash can also occur due to the Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I had a high risk sexual encounter about 8 months ago and for about 3 months now my skin on my arms becomes red when I get hot, wear long sleeves, or cross my arms. It is very strange. My face and upper chest also become red at times as well. My cheeks will sometimes have a red tint and if I wear glasses the nose piece will make my nose very red for a while. I had a negative hiv test but it was only 2 months after. No other real symptoms except a little fatigue and brain fog but I have stressed a lot in this time frame. The clonazepam I take every now and then for anxiety seems to make it worse. Could these be symptoms of hiv [/INST] HiT hanks for using Chat Doctor I think, you are getting anxiety due to underline tension about HIV. In that case, what ever anxiety symptoms, you are getting, are due to stress. HIV mainly decrease body immunity and that lead to physical symptoms. You need a psychiatrist consultation and that would help to overcome this problem. You can also do relaxation exercise to keep yourself calm. Thanks</s>
<s>[INST] hi my husband just had a vasectomy reversal 4 months ago. He took a sample of his sperm to the doctor. The doctor told him that he had a rare sperm count. What does this means for me??? Would he be able to get me pregnant? Can he do anything to increase his sperm count??? [/INST] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. I have gone through your question. Your husband underwent reversal of vasectomy 4 months back and now has rare sperm count is matter of concern. You can go sperm Chat Doctor. To increase sperm count there are many medicines / hormones but I would not advise because you had reversal of vasectomy. Hope I have answered your question. Would be happy to help you further. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] I am a 57 year old female. I have lumbar spinal stenosis. I have been living with chronic low back pain since 1978. In 2008 I had bladder repair surgery. One month later after the surgery I started getting shortness of breath. It started all of a sudden. Could this be from the chronic debilitating back pain. [/INST] Hi Welcome to Chat Doctor After going through your query I concluded that you are getting shortness of breath and chronic backache. These two problems are independent. Shortness of breath is unrelated to chronic backache. It may be due to many causes such as heart disease and anemia and many more. You can discuss with your Doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then please don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] 4 1/2 year old grandson c/o pain left side (lower chest belly area). He states it hurts when he touches his side and that it also hurts even when he doesn t touch his side. My daughter took him to his pediatrician few days ago but it was suggested that it may be an acid problem and Mylanta was suggested. This doesn t sound like an gastric issue to me; the way he explains it it sounds more like skeletal tenderness or muscular. It has been bothering him approximately two -three weeks now. [/INST] Hi, Pain in left lower chest area could be due to skeletal problem or muscular pain. Renal stone or constipation also causes pain sometimes so get him checked by a pediatrician again. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] My name is XXXX. I am 20 years old and have a honeycomb pattern all over my arms and upper thigh... They are like red blotches without the center. This has been happening more and more. They do not hurt or itch . They are not raised on my skin at all. It was just a small patch on my leg but the more this comes back the farther it spreads. I get dizzy and really tired whenever they appear. I cannot afford a doctor yet and am starting to worry. [/INST] Hi, After reading your history it appears that you urticaria or hives. This is common problem, and we see so many of cases in normal population. So do not worry about it. There are so many of the aggravating factor and in yourself including day to day factors of environment. You can take loratadine or levocetrizine or fexofenadine daily. You can apply calamine lotion over the affected area. Stay away from hot and humid climate and wear cotton clothes.</s>
<s>[INST] My riends fathers ct scan show septal thickening of medial basal segment of right lower lobe with ground glass opacities found due to adjoining vertebral osteophytes and conclusion says degenerative disease of spine with lamellated calculus in gallbladder so can u please tell wat is degeneration n wat problems can it cause [/INST] Hello Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor Degenerative disease of spine are changes in the spine due to aging. It is in the form of osteophytes, disc prolapse etc. Aging causes chronic stress to structures, so there are some changes in the spine. Mostly it doesn't causes any problem. If at all it is causing problems, treatment is available in the form of physiotherapy, surgery etc. Besides this, there is septal thickening in medial basal segment of right lower lobe of lung along with ground glass opacities in parenchymal of lungs. There is also Gall bladder calculus. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My mom is 80. diagnosed with copd. quit smoking 10+ years ago. on oxygen as needed. wakes up at 3 to 5 am to let CAT out then can t go back to sleep because she can t breath. No cough, congestion. lacking umph and energy more and more. just complains can t fill lungs when awakened, loss of energy to do usual activities plus walks. Should she see heart doctor or regular doctor? [/INST] Hello! You should know that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed airflow from the lungs and the symptoms include breathing difficulty, cough, mucus (sputum) production and wheezing. Other signs and symptoms of COPD may include shortness of breath, especially during physical activities and lack of energy as your mother has. People with COPD are at increased risk of developing heart disease, lung cancer and a variety of other conditions. So, what I suggest for your mother is to meet first a pulmonologist and heart doctor to exclude above-mentioned diseases. I hope my answer help you. I wish your mother a good health.</s>
<s>[INST] I have had a couple of operations on my spine like screws and cages put in, the last being 5 yearss ago, my back gets tired very quickly, is it OK to do Pilates to strengthen the muscles I am 75yrs old. Female. Be grateful for your advice.Many thanks. Rosemary Melsome [/INST] Hi, The best thing to do will be to follow specific exercises that are being mastered and undertaken by physiotherapists. Aggravation or stagnation, onset of new symptoms would warrant another medical condition to be sure. Kind regards</s>
<s>[INST] I have crippling pain in both calf muscles. It has been going on for about a year. I take Isentrss and Truvada every day. Any ideas on what to do next? SOmetimes I cannot walk for more than about 10 minutes and have to have pains meds all the time. I am only 33 and was diagnosed 5 years ago. [/INST] If you are weight lifter or athletic it may be chronic compartment syn Chat Doctor. Vascular causes should be excluded by Doppler ultrasound. If pain only during activity it may be restlessness you should rest</s>
<s>[INST] My 8 Year old son has a brain tumor since age 2. about 2 weeks ago he had surgery to correct blount s disease. Since then off and on he has blood spots mixed in his stool about the size of dimes and streaks on the tissue from wiping. Now he is experiencing accidents in bed by wetting and deficating in his pants without knowing he has done it. Today he is passing clear mucus from his anus once with a soft throat clearing he passed it in his pants and then needing to go to the restroom immediately after he used a bed side potty and it was all clear no color about a cup worth. What could cause this? [/INST] Hi...by what you quote he seems to be having a bacillary dysentery. It requires antibiotic therapy. I would prefer to use Definite. I suggest you see your pediatrician regarding this. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or green bilious vomiting...you need not worry. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Sir..I have tingling in my palms, abdomen, thighs, legs and feet..I tingling is continuos and i don t feel it only when I don t move my body...Doctors are suspecting Multiple sclerosis....Plz help me and let me know whats happening in my body...Thanks [/INST] Hello, Thank you for using Chat Doctor. I read your question and understood your concern. I think you should start your visit first with the neurology specialist, and then he will request all the necessary examinations and require consult from other specialists of the field. I wish you quick recovery.</s>
<s>[INST] My wife has a small lump in the crease of her elbow that looks like a bug bite on the surface but feels like a ball when you touch it. She says it causes her some pain when she bends her arm or when she touches the area directly. Is this anything we should worry about? Or will it go away with time? [/INST] Hi. This will not go away with time. Any lump, which is on a join and causes pain or discomfort should be excised/ removed as a rule. This may be a sebaceous cyst.</s>
<s>[INST] Hello, Lately Ive noticed towards the sides and black of my tongue there is a yellow coating. Ive been brushing my tongue harder but it hasnt went away.Now i just looked in the mirror and noticed a little red spot towards the front. What is going on with my body? Can you please help? [/INST] Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Read your query. Yellow coating is not an acute worrisome condition, if it is dealt with properly. It can be due to a variety of factors including poor oral hygiene, fever , dehy Chat Doctor. *I would advise you to clean your tongue regularly with a soft toothbrush or a tongue scrapper.*If you smoke or take tobacco, stop it.* </s>
<s>[INST] I have had a fall aprox. 1 month ago . My leg still has a huge lump on it justto the outside of my shin and I have a strip on my shin with no feeling. I went for treatment and they said they usually use ultrasound to treat this, but I had cancer 4 years ago so they wont do this treat ment . What else can I do? [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for the query. I think that there was some misunderstanding. If this was lump caused by fall then it should be managed properly no matter if you are oncologic patient or not. If this is lump which is related to your cancer and doctors consider that there is no benefit of treatment, then this is something else. Ib every case you should do ultrasound and biopsy, apply cold compresses on it and take proper analgesia. Wish you good health. Regards</s>
<s>[INST] hi! im 26 and i have 3 maintenance medicine like colcichine, hypace and purinase. for the first time after a very long time of taking laboratory exam my sgpt level raise to 50mg and the normal is up to 35 this is the first time that my sgpt got over 35. do i need to worry? or this is just the cause of my food intake? i ate a lot of pork and rice that cause to gain weight. what should i do now? is it harmful even thou my sgpt got 50mg for the first time? tnx! [/INST] Thank you for posting your query. Lab results reveal hepatitis.GOT (AST) and SGPT (ALT) are liver enzymes located inside the liver cell. These enzymes play an important role in the metabolic processes. An increase in the level of these enzymes reflect an INJURY to the Liver. Medically, the condition is known as Hepatitis. Hepatitis maybe caused by- Virus (A, B, C, D, E) - one of the most common causes - Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] i am getting severe pain in the top of my right leg and ankle I cannot stand on my leg for very long. I am on painkillers but I still hurt. My doctor thinks it s siatica but I have a feeling there is a problem with a bone at the top of my leg? I have to lay down to ease the pain [/INST] Hello, As a first line management you can take analgesics like paracetamol or diclofenac for pain relief. If symptoms persist, it is better to consult a physician and get evaluated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Im 30 years old, 170cm height and 80kgs weight. I go to urologist before may be last year 2010 due to infertility, my doctor said i need to undergo operation due to vericocele, in that time im afraid of operation. Now i consult to other urologist for 2nd opinion and its same i need to undergo vericocele operation... I there any other way to treat vericocele? Is vericocele operation is critical? How many percent that infertility problem in male will cure by operation? [/INST] The answer totally depends on your sperm analysis report and the grade I'd varicocele you are suffering from. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi there, when i sit on a hard surface I loose feeling in my scrotum and penis, also I awake from my sleep alot with no feeling in my right arm, it is completely dead and I am required to use my left arm to bring it back. I often get pains down my right arm into my hand. [/INST] Hello, The symptoms seem to be related to a pinched nerve in the arm. I suggest using anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen to relieve the symptoms. I also recommend maintaining the area immobilized to prevent further damage. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi .. Plz help me out, I am very worried and confused also. As we dont know about the pregnancy I had chest X-ray during very early stage of pregnancy.Let me share the sequences wise details with you which were happened with me.1. My period date is 4th March2. Me & my husband stopped planning from 12th March because we need baby3. From 18th march I had fever & go to hospital for treatment. Doctor suggest for blood test , so we go for it and its detected typhoid. Doctor has given some anti-typhoid medicine. After 2 day again I had fever, so doctor suggested that I should be admit in hospital for 2-3 day for monitoring the fever.4. I was admitted on 1st of april, since last 15-20 day I had chest pain and told to doctor about the pain, he suggested we should go for chest X-ray for further medicine treatment. We told doctor about our planning so he said before X-ray we go for UPT. So we did it, but its negative. So on 2nd april in morning I had chest x-Ray.5. I discharged from hospital from 3rd of april,but from 4th of april I had strong stomach pain due to medicine, as I dont suit the allopatChatDoctoredicine. I had problem during latrine even I couldnt sit properly.6. I was waiting for my period, So on 6th april morning, we fixed the appointment with gynecologist. Again we go for UPT but its negative.7. After 2-3 day I feel relax but worried about the period, so we go for UPT at home on 12th april evening and this time we get the positive result.8. So early in the morning we fixed the appointment with the gynecologist. Share each and everything with her. Had sonography. She said nothing to worry everything will be fine because x-ray was done in very early stage of pregnancy i.e. at the time of fertilization. Doctor has stated the treatment.9. I was discussed the matter with 2-3 doctor and pathologist, they also said nothing to worry. But I want to know your expert opinion in this regards. Is there any problem of my unborn baby, on its health etcplz help me out [/INST] Thank you for trusting us with your query.I'll try to explain with numbers so that you can understand about the various magnitudes. Strength of radiation of Imaging studies like X-Ray, CTS are measure in RADS.usually an exposure of 10 rads will cause harm.1 RAD= 1000 mill rashest X-Ray is approximately 60 mill rads. As you see, It is highly unlikely that your baby will be affected. What's more is that having a. X-ray even before you know you are pregnant has lesser risk. Relax and be assured that your baby is fine. In the future, X-rays should be avoided but if your doctor d coded you absolutely need them, it is better to get it done with adequate precautions' no to minimize the risk to your baby. Hope Ive reassured you and if you have further query let us know. Congratulations.wish you both the best of health.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, My 5 yr old daughter has been sick for 3 days. The first day she had mild fever, vomiting, diarrhea. The second, she had just mild fever and diarrhea. Today, same but the vomiting returned (only a few times). She won t eat anything - maybe 1-2 crackers a day, although she likes the pedialyte freezies (electrolytes in them) and she s been drinking some water and some gingerale (stirred). One of her eyes is also quite bloodshot. (fever has been around 38 degrees celsius up to maybe 38.3). Please help! [/INST] Hello, As per the symptoms, it looks like she had acute gastroenteritis. Giving probiotics might reduce loose stools. Avoid dairy products as it will cause more stomach upset. Give fever relievers like Tylenol, Metal, or Cal pol and give antiemetic like Meet, Nonstop to control the vomiting. Encourage her to Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I had my gallbladder removed LC and was sent home 2 days later even thou I had a huge pain in my chest and belly about 24 after surgery. They talked about going back to have another look but nothing happened. 5 days later an ambulance had to take me to hospital in excruciating pain where I endeduction up with surgery for internal bleeding. 2.4lts of blood and bile was drained over 6 days. They also did a 3rd surgery the day after the second to cut the opening of the bile duct or something. What went so wrong? 3 surgeries in a week and Im still in pain 3 weeks from the last one. [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. There was obviously common bile duct injury which is known complication, but in your case there was also internal bleeding which is sometimes fatal in such situations. These 3 surgeries were necessary and saved your life and there will be prolonged recovery for sure. SO be patient for 2-3 more weeks and do frequent ultrasound check-ups. Wish you good health. Regards</s>
<s>[INST] hi i was just wondering i was on minovral birth control for many years ifor the last year i was taking it as seasonal but in november i decided to take a break from my pills for a couple months to allow my system to clean out so i started back on my pill 5 weeks ago but at the end of my 4th week i began light bleed bright red its only a tiny amount per day but even with staying on my pill everday i am still bleeding a week later is this somthing i should be concerned about i do have reg paps i was due jan for my nex one but havent made it there yet just wondering tho if this is somthing i should b worried about or is this normal with just getting back on the pill after being off it for the 4 months pls let me know [/INST] Hi, sometimes this can happen after long gap. Anyhow you had 4 week tablet, so mostly it is your cycles which prolonged slightly. For safer side get pap smear done. Wishing you good health</s>
<s>[INST] hi i have an dental problem and have been to my dentist and i am on amoxcillion but i am on my last day of medicine and the apin is getting worse and now i am seeing a red spot on my cheek, i am goin back to the dentist but no painkillers are stopping the pain [/INST] He read spot on the cheek could be due to accidentally biting after your area had been anesthetized .the pain could probably be due to presence of pus. Ask your dentist to Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I am 16 years old. I am an african-american male and I dont see and beard or mustache on my face as yet .I am so angry and jealous because most of my friends have side burns and I want to know if its safe for me to take pilll that will boot mt TLevels. [/INST] Hi, Find out your HORMONAL levels. Also get a physical examination to rule out other causes. Is your testis normal? Don't take any testosterone supplements without supervision. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. Radhakrishnan. Nair, ORGAN</s>
<s>[INST] how long does a patient live ater being diagnosed with stage 3 stomach cancer with treatment. the patient is a 79 year old male that is diabetic and has bad hear and some type of blood disorder . We just would like some general time frame. It is my father in law and he refuses any type of treatment. Thanks so much for your help [/INST] Hi, Stage III lung cancer can also be subdivided according to TNM classification. Your father is diabetic and having some blood disorder. I do not know what type of blood disorder it is even then he can be treated with chemotherapy and radiation and if surgery is possible he may have 3 year survival up to 80%. If his medical condition does not suit such radical treatment oral chemotherapy can also be tried. Consult with your oncologist. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] My daughter is about 5 feet and weighs 80 pounds. She has fallen off of her 25th percentile during adolescence. Should I continue to force her to eat large amounts to gain more weight (she has already gained 10 pounds). She has, however, recently gotten taller. [/INST] Hi, It is extremely common for the kids to look lean and be in that particular gentile when they are growing taller. Any kid who is between 5th to 95th percentile is normal and weight, so you need not worry about this at all. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi my daughter is nearly four and her neck glands have been bigger than normal and she has started snoring around the same time when she sleeps!!! Took her to the doctor and her blood result show that her ESR is 32 and her CRP is 22!!! What could that be??? [/INST] Hi...any child of this age can have insignificant cervical lymphadenopathy and this is quit common. The blood tests do not mean anything. Simple viral illness can cause such result in the blood tests. Unless the kid has got prolonged fever or more than 2 weeks duration and loss pd appetite and significant weight loss, sever anemia and pallor you need not worry. Regards - </s>
<s>[INST] Hi , I am aamir, i have premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. if i take medicine, then my blood pressure is very high .i have (hypertension )patient.Dear dr i use papaverine inj in penis some time .the result is good.please advice me what can i do. thanks Aamir [/INST] Hi, Are you using any blood pressure medication because some medicine has this as side effects, if yes then you should discuss with doctor and get it changed. Also have you tried tab Sildenafil 50 mg 1 hour prior to sex, if not you can try this instead of injection. If you are depressed or under stress then try to get rid of it. Also avoid cycling if you doing it. Also, you should do regular exercises. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Sagar Made</s>
<s>[INST] How to treat Interstitial Ling Disease(recently diagnosed after Full CT) for 57 yrs Old woman with continual weight loss and diagnosed as Bronchial Asthma for past 2 yrs and now weighing only 35kg from being 55kg 4 years back. Mis-diagnosed earlier many times with treatments in Ayurvedic , Homeopathic and Allopathic etc and now not sure of how to proceed. Please help Regards, Shriek [/INST] Hello your patient must have been on steroids for both bronchial asthma and OLD.recent guidelines for COPD(not OLD) suggest the usage of anabolic steroids on weekly dosage to work good. This regimen can be used as she is rapidly losing weight and giving anabolic steroids can be useful.</s>
<s>[INST] My mom is 70, has had stomach upset ( diarrhea ), low energy, little appetite (although certain foods sound good, she can only eat a few bites at a time)...her doctor said she has a kidney infection and she s been on antibiotics and vitamin D for about four days. The symptoms have been present about 12 days. We aren t convinced it is just a kidney infection. Anything else we should be screening for? [/INST] Hi, many thanks for the query! Well, everything that is going on is ok, diarrhea may be as a side effect of medicines that you are taking, just do stool (culture & sensitivity). Also, get USG (Abdo-Pelvis) & RFT done. Change antibiotics as per the report of culture & sensitivity if needed with your doctors' opinion. Chat Doctor. Wish you a good health. Take care. Regards.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your queiry here...I wanted to find out at age 4 boy was kicked in the penis by a Donkey in jamaica and was peeing blood for a while and it was never treated. Would this have any effect trying to conceive [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. In case the bleeding stopped on its own, and child can pass urine well without discomfort and the testes were not damaged at that time, I doubt there should be any problem in conceiving.</s>
<s>[INST] hello doctor,i am female 25 years,i have problem,when i am sleeping,about to be in deep sleep,suddenly my breathing stop,and due to this my heart beat increases and i wake up,it happens daily,evening time acidity is the problem, so please guide me,as i am not getting proper treatment, [/INST] Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. I would like to know more about your symptoms like whether you have recurring nose allergies, nose obstruction, sinus symptoms, stress, etc. From your given history, I would think of 3 possibilities:a. It may be obstructive sleep apnea, usually due to nose obstruction due to allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, etc. or some other obstruction in upper respiratory airway. In that case, I would suggest you to get examined by a ENT specialist who will examine your nose from inside and may identify the cause.b. It may be gastroesophageal reflux causing choking at night. As you have acidity, this is also a possible cause. In that case, I would suggest you to take an antacid like sanitizing daily before meals for at least 4 weeks.c. It may be night terrors, especially if stress is a problem for you. In that case, relaxation and consulting a psychologist may help you. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.</s>
<s>[INST] Hello, my husband has an enlarged liver with inflamed tissue and many, many fatty cysts. His gall bladder was removed and was very diseased. His body had walled it off. He also recently had a biopsy of his prostate and that tissue is inflamed. He has a lot of digestive trouble too. His SED rate is 3 times the normal rate. Any ideas? [/INST] Hi, Alcohol ingestion and obesity are common causes of fatty liver disease. Advice for fatty liver:- abstinence from "Alcohol" - LOW fat diet should be followed, AVOID junk food and beverages-decreased oil consumption (oily food)- NO red meat-green vegetables should be ingested daily-use lemon juice (lemonade) once in a day-reduce weight if overweight/obese- "recheck liver enzymes after 12 to 24 weeks" and/or ultrasound. Any further questions are welcome. Hope I have answered your concern. Wish you good health.</s>
<s>[INST] Diagnosed smallcelllungcancer, March15,2011.3 rds chemo.Hospitalize 2am after lastchemo.Collapsed lung.Diagnosed ARDSTumor has shrunk7 wks icuVented/trach/peg tubeKnot on left upper arm(mid to outside)Waiting to be biopsies at this moment.Possibilities of bone metastases? [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have small cell cancer of lung. In can lead to osteophytic lesion in bone. You have high chance of bone metastasis. Wait for your biopsy results and then take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.</s>
<s>[INST] I have very tiny parasite in my feet and body around my breast, under and around my arm pits. my hands with my hands and feet there is a tingling burning sensation ,,,,,and I have tried everything...even my lab shows a false negative .....I feel them moving around in my body [/INST] Hi, I am sorry for the situation you are going through. Feeling like having very tiny parasite in your feet, body, under and around your arm pits might be due to infectious skin parasites like mites, lice or even worms. Further evaluation by dermatologist is recommended especially if you are also having skin lesions. As you are reporting to have tingling and burning sensation in your hands and feet, then, they are related to neurological problems. Further examination by neurologist is advised together with running MRI of spinal cord to rule out related damages. For the moment, I can only advise to keep a good personal hygiene and get further consultations. All the best! Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] my 2 year old son has reddish palm and soles,when he was an infant he had jaundiced skin for and was prescribed ursofolk and vita k by the doctor after a weeks of taking meds the jaundice went away and he seems to be perfectly fine and eating,playing and sleeping well.. hes turning 2 this january but ive noticed that his palms and sole are really blotchy red than other kids.. Does it means liver disease? Please Help;( [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for the query. This is not usual sign of liver disease and I don't think you need to be concerned. It can be signed of increased blood flow through palms or some mild skin irritation. Also, some child Chat Doctor. More problematic may be if palms become pale and cold. So if you want you can check his liver enzymes and do ultrasound but I don't think this is necessary at this point. Wish you good health. Regards</s>
<s>[INST] my both toe is like senseless( numbness) ,there is very little feeling on it , why ?advise for medication, i am living in u.k. here is cold weather , my fingers of hands always stiff and vey hard to twist it , what is the reason and advise for medication .Thanks for this service. [/INST] Hello, As having no sensation in the toe is need to be checked out for any signs of blood supply. As due to cold this may be one of the reasons and keeping yourself warm will be good. Also, if the numbness isn't going away then I suspect it to be spinal nerve entrapment. This may be due to para spinal muscle spasm. Doing hot water fermentation to the lower back and simple core stability exercise should help reduce the symptoms. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Jay In Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have had a pain on the right side of my chest for over a year had tests done but nothing found. Hard of breathing, feels like something is grabbing me tight and stopping me from breathing. It really hurts and sometimes burns. Last few times i have been to the toilet for a number 2, there has been blood in it and always getting bad heads, dont no if it is connected? I have also had a bad back since i was 14, i am now 22. Have been taking Ibroprofen since i was 14, stopped taking them for the last few month. Any idea? [/INST] Hello rearward welcome to Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query thoroughly.* There are different issues possible for chest pain as - low hemoglobin level - deficiency of certain vitamins, proteins, trace elements, micro nutrients - issues with lung immunity - others. Hope this clears your doubt . Wishing you fine recovery. Welcome for any further assistance. Regards take care.</s>
<s>[INST] My sister is an alcoholic. She was recently diagnosed with Cirhhosis. She has had a blood transfusion and has jaundice and a swollen belly. The swelling in her feet and legs has gone down and she has severe bruising. She has not been eating properly either. She said she has stopped drinking, but the last time she stopped she got the Delerium Tremens. Would the blood transfusion have stopped the D.Ts this time? [/INST] Dear Friend:First make sure that your sister has stopped Chat Doctor. Please note that Liver is a very important organ in our body. Liver is a very, very hard worker also, Liver complaints to us only when it is very critical; i.e. when its function </s>
<s>[INST] hi, i was recently diagnosed with gallstones. they didnt take my gallbladder because of my risk of an infection, since ie been home from the hospital, i have pain on the right side, i keep burping all day and then hiccuping. also im having trouble swolling things. it keeps getting stuck. is it my gallbladder [/INST] Hello Your findings suggests calculus in gall bladder with hiccup. Hiccup and burping is a temporary stage and patient generally doesn't require any treatment. Some patient may need combination of proton pump inhibitor(like pantoprazole 40 mg)and risperidone for burping. You may need chlopromazine for hiccup. You need definitive treatment of gall bladder calculus i, e surgical removal of gall bladder(Cholecystectomy). Gall bladder calculus is prone to infection and obstruction, so it is advised to get rid of calculus early. Operation can be done after control if infection. You may need antibiotics for infection. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I fell approximately 1 week ago and sprained my ankle but also received significant knock to my shin which caused a lump and bruising to occur. a WEEK LATER THE ANKLE HAS STARTED TO HEAL BUT MY SHIN IS EXTREMELY PAINFUL WITH A RED HOT LUMP AND BRUISING WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST [/INST] Hi thanks for contacting I will suggest you to do hot and cold therapy (do take a bucket of Luke warm water and another of cold water, dip your leg in hot water for three mins then dip in cold water for one min. Do it 7-10 times)for 5 -7 days. And do take rest. Hop it will help you</s>
<s>[INST] Hello Sir hope u r well there. I m monika jain from delhi india I m suffering from Depretion from last ten years. Every year 2-3 months it effect me very much. At that time I feel hopeless,lazyness, irritable , engeryness and sometime I wan to harm myself. Plz guide me. I m taking - valprol 500 twice Rexipra 10 twice Zepiz .25 sos [/INST] HiI understand your concern.You need psychotherapy and counseling beside these all ChatDoctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I always get back pain whenever i stand more than 5 mins, as soon as i lay down and wake up, while sitting in the floor and always during periods. The spinal cord jush above my butt is paining. I am female and 24 yrs and married. I have this problem for past 14 years. What problem for me? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. After going through your query I think you are suffering from chronic backache. Treatment of back pain is exercises, NURSING GOLD ONCE DAILY and analgesics (diclofenac 100mgSR). Sometimes vitamin D deficiency is the cause so get your vitamin D checked. If it is low then vitamin D supplementation (On DK 60K weekly with milk) can be taken. Avoid long continuous standing. Sit in a straight posture. Eat milk, fruits and green leafy vegetables daily. To further investigate MRI of the region is advised. I think your query answered. Welcome to any follow-up query.</s>
<s>[INST] My 1.5 yrs old son was born with bilateral hydronephrosis. His non functioning kidney was removed at age of 3 months. DJ stenting was done with solitary functioning kindey. He is having UTIs almost every 45 days. recent scans show gross hydronephrosis. GFR has dropped to 21. what all tests i need to conduct to ascertain whether he can undergo a kidney transplant or not.I donot ahve a living related donar available to me .what should I do? [/INST] Hello, as you have not specified which country or state you are from it will be difficult for me to advise properly. But I can suggest you to talk to your treating nephrologist about your concern about need of kidney transplantation. If at all he feels the need for it, they will introduce you to the kidney transplant association in your country which will ask and run all the tests needed for it. You can also find and contact them by searching on internet about the same. Or you can tell me your country and state, I may help you get some more information on the same. Thank you</s>
<s>[INST] First of all let me just say i am a virgin! I havent had a penis penetrate me ever. Now..... Me and my boyfriend were fooling around in our underwear. What I mean by that is i was in my underwear and he was in his boxers. We only rubbed up against each other a couple of times and his penis didnt penetrate. I was wet and he said he had a little sperm on him. I didnt see any sperm on me but is it possible that his sperm could of traveled through his boxers and then through my underwear and into my vagina ? Oh and I am also having lower left abdominal pain and my breast hurt but im supposed to be starting my period soon but could I be pregnant ? Please no stupid answers I really am scared and so his my boyfriend and we plan to be more careful in the future! [/INST] Hi, I think you can't be pregnant with your clothes on. Sperms should come in contact directly with vagina or nearby ares to swim up into the uterus. Don't get stressed. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My best friend has lower right abdominal pain . She has had a total hysterectomy . You can visually see that her lower right abdomen is swollen and gets bigger and hurts more by the end of day. She went to local ER friday and they said CAT scan was normal, blood work was normal with the exception of her liver enzymes being slightly elevated. She has had continued pain all weekend and this morning she started complaining about pain in her tailbone. It hurts so bad she can barely sit and it hurts when she stands. She doesn t have a regular family physician. She always went to OB/GYN for everything lol She had a partial hysterectomy and was left with one ovary until it caused problems and was removed this past November. Should I take her back to the ER and see what other tests or should we wait and just try to get her in to see a family physician? Thank you [/INST] Hello! According to your friends' surgery history there is a probability of post-surgery adhesions. Especially she has had two of it. Adhesions may cause partial intestines' obstruction (called jubilees) which can reveal with intermittent abdominal pain. If your friend has also constipation, diarrheas or both associated with abdominal pain and flatulence, nausea and this symptoms may come and go, jubilees is very probable. Lower right abdominal pain is also characteristic for appendicitis (what has to be always ruled out!), right urinary tract infections/stones. Backbone diseases can also show up with symptoms mentioned by you but (backbone MRI may be required if all abdominal diseases are ruled out). To rule out intestines obstruction abdomen X-ray is necessary (abdomen CT might not visualize it). Blood tests need to be repeated as white blood count and CRP may elevate after few days of disease appearance. This tests may be negative on the beginning of pathologic process. Urine tests should be done as well. Take care</s>
<s>[INST] I fractured my fibula in May. I was in a cast for 6 weeks and compression boot for for more weeks. No surgery was required. I still have skin discoloring around the area and a sharp bee sting feeling. Is this just normal healing or is this something I be concerned about? [/INST] Hello, I read carefully your query and understand your concern. The symptoms seem to be related to normal healing. You should not be worried. I suggest using an anti-inflammatory medications such as Acetaminophen to relieve the pain. Hope my answer was helpful. If you have further queries feel free to contact me again. Kind regards! Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] hi, my son was found to have blood, protein and mucus threads in urine sample at urgent care center, looking back one year ago, his urine had similar findings. we were told to follow up with urology, possibly nephrology. i am wondering what could be an underlying cause of this and is it serious and should i be concerned? [/INST] Yes u shut be concerned get your child checked by a urologist first after getting an ultrasound scan and blood workup</s>
<s>[INST] I have pain on the back part of my right leg it feels like someone is stretching my vein like a rubber band, I have been putting ice and taking advil and rubbing ben gay on it works for a little while then the pain starts all over again. do you know what else I can do? [/INST] Hello Leg pain can be due to electrolyte imbalance. Take plenty of water, fluid intake will dilute toxins. Physiotherapy with ultrasound and Tens will help you, Yes you can do exercises like swimming, riding stationary bicycle, but do not overexert yourself. Take potassium rich diet. Hot and cold fomentation to leg. Add tab methylcobal 1500 once day. You may need MRI if not relieved. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care</s>
<s>[INST] The other day I was having sex with my boyfriend and I noticed he had a few light purple, flat spots on the shaft of his penis and testicles. I didnt want to ask so we just used a condom. I want to do oral but Im not sure if i should be worried. The spots have gone away now but Im u sure what they were. [/INST] Hi, Light purple spots might be the reason of satyriasis TRICOLOR, sometimes penile melanotic male are also present like this. Hope it helps. If you have any other question please do not hesitate to contact us.</s>
<s>[INST] My 3 year old son, who is potty trained has a rash on his behind near his anal area. We just noticed it today. What possibly could it be and can we get something over the counter to stop the itching? Also if you have an idea what it may be, what are some possible symptoms? [/INST] Hi, this rash can be diaper rash or due to increased frequency of stools. Use zinc oxide cream like rash free cream for few days, and it will be alright. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] I had surgery in my belly to repair a blood vessel after it burst going to my pancreious, and the also took my gull bladder out, I got cut from chest to my groine, and on my right side about mid way down,from front to my back about 12in long it has been three years and still suffering bad pain in my belly area I have tried just about all pain killers don t seem to work, can you help me? [/INST] Hi, I have gone through your question. As u written if you still in pain after this surgery, that means some of the areas are not completely healed yet. You can go for some moist heat therapy, either u can use Site bath (Hip bath, it will cover whole abdomen) or go for full body steam bath. These general body heat therapy will increase blood supply to your surgical areas and pain will improve. With this u should start some breathing and static abdomen strengthening exercise to strengthen you abdominal muscle. I hope you will try this and get improvement.</s>
<s>[INST] My husband came home yesterday and began to vomit, anything he ate he vomit. He feels very dizzy and I took his blood pressure and it was 178/98. He slept thru the night, but this morning after he had a tea he began vomiting again. He says nothing hurts in his stomach area. He just feels very weak and has a light headache. Please help! [/INST] Hello there I read through your question and can understand your concern. It seems to me that your husbands symptoms are due to sudden increase in BP. Is he on any antihypertensive s? I would suggest you to get his BP regularly checked and if it is consistently on the higher side he needs to be put on antihypertensive s after proper evaluation. For now, I would suggest you to give him a proton pump inhibitor like omeprazole and an antiemetic like risperidone to control his vomiting. I hope that answers your question. If you have any further questions please feel free to write.</s>
<s>[INST] resently dignosis with peptic ulcers (severe gastritis) with positive h. pylori, had severe bad uti with blood in urine month before. alaskan native mother of four minor boys in rural alaska, medicaid is helpful however many tests and question take as long as the results. to see what and why the causes of swelling in legs and functions of mucsles. RA may a have lead in swelling however ortho doc mention they dont and why. blodd works still look intresting enought to repeat follow ups. peraphs not enough information to the cause and the reason. COMPLICATED for me to reason the question and ask and to understand. please i wish i knew a way i could manage this painful eating disorder? [/INST] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Thanks for calling Chat Doctor. Forum. Recently diagnosed with peptic ulcer, with positive H pylori. Had severe UTI. One month before, swelling of the feet. First treatment should be given for pain abdomen, swelling of feet, and urinary tract infection, as these two are confirmed, swelling of feet is treated symptomatically and then investigated. The causes of swelling of feet is anemia, hypoprotinaemia, kidney infection, heart problem etc. I advise you to consult a physician for diagnosis and treatment for swelling. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Best regards.</s>
<s>[INST] i am suspected to have a closed or block falopian tube because of infection.the doctor has check me and my husband and everythings are ok but i can not still get pregnant the doctor has said i should go for and operation for my falopian tube to be open so that i can get pregnant please i donot want to do operation . is there no other option [/INST] Traditionally Fallopian tubal surgery (tuboplasty) was used to restore patency to the tubes and thus possibly normal function. However, in most situations today, in vitro fertilization is used to overcome tubal infertility as it is more cost-effective, less invasive, and results are immediate. With IVF, after stimulation of ovarian follicles, egg cells are removed via a sonographic directed vaginal puncture into the ovary, these eggs are fertilized outside the body, and the resultant embryo placed transcervically into the uterus; - the tubes are bypassed in this process. So if getting pregnant is your main goal, I would say this is a pretty decent option for you. Hope it helps</s>
<s>[INST] hi i am 27 yr old, i have missused my gents when i was studied 10 standard, now it become very samller than others. I wanna get marry now, but i am worrying wether i can do sex with partner or not. Actually when i am in romance mood the size of nipple up to 4.5 inches, if normal it is too small ie 2.5 inches. I want to take treatment to increase or improve the size of nipple. Can i have any treatment? [/INST] Dear, We understand your concerns went through your details. Please understand, there are no medicines available to increase the size of your penis. There are many false advertisements, but all are fake. Even a 2-inch penis can satisfy any woman across the world because, women pleasure nerve endings are available only up to 2 inches within their vagina. You have an erect penis length of 4.5 inch. That is more than enough. You don't have to worry about your after marriage sexual life due to this fact. You should also understand, masturbation cannot cause any sexual problems. I suggest you to consult a psychologist for counseling. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. http://goo.gl/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute detail possible. Hope this answers your query. Further clarifications are welcome. Good luck. Happy New Year. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] I have alot of whiteheads on my face, particularly on my chin and lips area. i tried alot of ways but still no results seen. is there anyway i can clear or lessen it? this is getting annoying especially when i have to go out D: [/INST] Hiits type of acne.it is difficult to get rid of it but nit impossible. Better to consult dermatologist it will take 2-3 month to treat. Topical retinoid and isotretinoin have excellent result but to be taken after consultation.no face wash will remove it</s>
<s>[INST] first of all i need to bring sensation to the tip of my penny so as to initiate arrival of climax and while doing this I have to stiffen my legs and when the cemen is about to ejeculate pain interferes and the pain is in my tetes and in both the foot of my thighs [/INST] Hi, It can be due to urinary tract infection or renal calculi. Doing an abdominal ultrasound and urine culture will be useful for diagnosis. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] please help me, When I press my breast water comes from it, I did homonal profile and it was seen that my prolactine level is high, I was giving bromocriptine for 2 months to take and I repeated the test, this time the prolactine level has gone up again. please what is the cause? [/INST] Hello, I understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor, infectious diseases specialist, answering your query. In my opinion there must be some kind of tumors producing prolactin production in your body. Prolactin us the hormone which is responsible for the secretion of milk in mother. Since you have not given birth to baby such hormone causes watery discharge in you. I advise you should be thoroughly examined by your physician. Also, radiological evaluation is important role in detecting the tumor site. Radical therapy like excision of tumors or control through Chat Doctor. I will be happy to answer your further concern, you can ask me on bit.ly/</s>
<s>[INST] Hello, my friend was diagnosed with stomach cancer a couple of months ago, they did opperations to take out the toumer, but they say the cancer is spreading, he has reciently thrown up a black subtance and he says it burned really bad, what does that mean ? does this mean he is dying? [/INST] The black stuff he is omitting is blood which usually turns black in the stomach. This is a bad sign. Meet a palliative specialist or take him to a hospice.</s>
<s>[INST] How much memory does a human brain have? [/INST] Hi Tanja, There is no such measurements such as gigabytes or megabytes for human memory. Also, there are many types of memory starting from what we call as Iconic memory (ultra short term memory for remembering what we see) which usually last for 250milli seconds to long term memory which does not go away even if we have dementia.</s>
<s>[INST] hi my name is lucy, and I m 19 years old.I ve been sick since monday morning. I visited my family doctor Tuesday afternoon and it turns out I have a virus and a chest infection. I ve been taking my pills 3 times a day everyday till today. I feel like I m getting worse. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you should consult pulmonologist and get done chest x-ray to rule out chest infection. Since you are on antibiotics but not improving, lower respiratory tract infection (LETI) should be ruled out in your case. And LETI is very common after viral upper Respiratory tract infection (URI). So get done chest x-ray. Ifon x-ray, infiltration or consolidation is present then get done sputum culture and sensitivity to guide antibiotic therapy. So consult pulmonologist and discuss all these.</s>
<s>[INST] I have pains on my left under the shoulder to the my left back pelvic this hit me to the front in my left abdominal. The pains is more severe in night when am sleeping. I started feeling the pains five days after delivery of my baby.what could be responsible for this pain. [/INST] Hello, It could be a frozen shoulder or ligament problem. As of now you can use analgesics/anti-inflammatory combination like diclofenac/serratiopeptidase for symptomatic relief. In severe cases you might require steroid injection to the shoulder. An MRI scan may be required for further assessment. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I have had a pain on my left side in the lower back region....frequent urination and bowel movements...this am I awoke with excruciating pain. The ER ruled out kidney stones BUT did not know what it could be. I am taking RX to control pain. Pain is manageable right now .. I am 64...do not drink or smoke Do not take medication Normal weight Healthy diet [/INST] HiT hank you for asking ChatDoctorI have gone through your query. Your problem can be related to lumbar spondylosis or sacroiliac joint arthritis. A physical examination by an orthopedic will give clue for this. An X-ray followed by MRI if needed will confirm the condition. Local corticosteroid injection will give pain relief in case of sacroiliac joint arthritis. NSAIDs like Nimusulide for short term will help in relieving symptoms. Muscle strengthening exercises and physiotherapy will help in case of long-standing pain. Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything is not clear. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] I have pea to marble-sized lumps under the skin of the insides of both triceps, near the bicep. They are in identical locations, almost midway between my armpit and elbow, a bit closer to the elbow. Very tender to the touch, but no trouble otherwise. Ive had them for quite a while, more painful at times than others. Thank you. [/INST] Hi. You can go for FNAC, fine needle aspiration cytology to get a diagnosis. If the lumps are painful, they should be removed in toto and subject to the histopathological examination. BY this way one removed the disease and the discomfort associated with them.</s>
<s>[INST] When I get extremely carsick, my hands will get tingly and contract. I can t open them as if they are paralyzed (looks like I have Dupuytren s Contracture) and when the carsickness is going away, my hands shake so bad and my fingers tremble uncontrollably. Is the hand paralysis normal for severe carsickness? [/INST] Hi, In my opinion that could be only over stress of muscles that is cured by relaxation, muscle relaxants, and physiotherapy. But if it is Dupuytren Contracture, it typically progresses slowly, over years. The condition usually begins as a thickening of the skin on the palm of your hand. As it progresses, the skin on your palm might appear puckered or dimpled. A firm lump of tissue can form on your palm. This lump might be sensitive to the touch but usually isn't painful. In later stages of Dupuytrens contracture, cords of tissue form under the skin on your palm and can extend up to your fingers. As these cords tighten, your fingers might be pulled toward your palm, sometimes severely. The ring finger and pinky are most commonly affected, though the middle finger also can be involved. Only rarely are the thumb and index finger affected. Dupuytrens contracture can occur in both hands, though one hand is usually affected more severely. The main or exact cause are still under researches till now. So I would recommend relaxing your Chat Doctor. That would be the best choice for you. Hope the above information helps. Any further clarifications feel free to ask.</s>
<s>[INST] I had miscarriage last year,after that i couldnt become pregnant,my doctor told me that my womb is upside down that i should always lie face down after sex so as to get pregnant.but since then ive seen nothing,im even spotting now.pls what do i do. [/INST] Hello, I have gone through your query and understood the concern. From your description, I understand that you have a introverted uterus. This is not the sole reason for the abortion because successful pregnancies are seen in many cases. The cause of the miscarriage should be known; if a postmortem or histopathological assessment of the products was done, that would benefit a lot. Your tubal patency, hormone levels and ovulation status should be normal. After intercourse, you have to wait for at least 30 minutes lying on your stomach for proper ascent of the sperm. Hope this helps.</s>
<s>[INST] I m extremely concerned about my two yr old..She s had uti after uti for the past four months. She currently has another including red swollen eyes..I m not sure if this is the right place to ask but I need answers please help my email is YYYY@YYYY [/INST] Urinary tract infections (Otis) are quite commonly seen in child Chat Doctor. Most often multiple episodes could be due to unrelated infections. But anatomical abbe rations often predispose to Otis and need to be excluded. A DMS scan will help in finding it out. Swelling of the eyes could be due to lack of proteins in the blood. It could arise if the child is not feeding well. But a more important condition related to protein loss could be a condition called nephrotic syn</s>
<s>[INST] I ve had a pain in my lower right abdomen for about a week now and today I have a sharp pain in my right hip joint. I don t know what it is? I am female, nineteen years old, and I ve never had any kind of problem like this. I ve also never had appendicitis and I m wondering if it s that or something else. [/INST] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor ! If you are interested in ayurvedic med. Then u may take Mahashankh vat 2 tabs. Thrice a day.2. Mimosas (Himalaya) I tab. Thrice a day .3. Rhuma you 1 tab. Thrice a day. All this med. Should be taken with lukewarm water for 10 days.</s>
<s>[INST] Hello there. I have something in my lower left stomach (for lack of a better word) area that ONLY SOMETIMES whenever I laugh, sneeze, cough , or any jolting motion, it feels like my ovary burst or pops. I felt that area today and it felt like something was there that isn t supposed to be there. It has been happening for a while but I haven t acknowledged it until now. Could it be a cyst or a tumor? Please help! [/INST] Hi... Thanks for the query... Did you undergo any surgery before? It could have been an incisional hernia. You can consult one surgeon or a gynecologist for evaluation. If hernia is not there you can get an ultrasound abdomen and pelvis to see what and where the problem is... Hope I answered your query. Will be available for further queries. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] I have a fizzing in the left side of my head...I have had one sinus infection after the other and found out I also have allergies. There is pain in my left eye...I always seem to have my left nostril clogged...I have used different meds, allergy, sinus spray, etc. but it keeps coming back....I have tinnitis, but this other fizzing is driving me crazy.Can there be something other than just allergies or sunusitis? [/INST] Healthier is a fizzing on the left side, left side nasal blockage, heaviness or pain in the left eye. These symptoms may be due to these reasons, these include.1 Nasal septum deviation on left side. Diagnosis can be confirmed by X-ray of nose of the effected part. As this is a classical feature of nasal bone deviation that it causes blockage of nose, and fizzing sound .2 Acute bacterial rhinosinusitis (AIRS). Symptoms includes, nasal congestion, facial pressure and or pain (if unilateral & focussed on one sinus as may be on LEFT SIDE in your case) , post nasal Chat Doctor. 3 Allergic bronchitis (maybe early stage of asthmatic allergic bronchitis) . Diagnosis can be confirmed by physical as well clinical examination. Deal as mentioned above. Good luck.</s>
<s>[INST] I sprained and slightly fractured my ankle 1 week ago. I have bruising up my shin and all around my foot/ankle area. My toes on the injured foot are blue in between and underneath and sooo cold, I feel like I am standing outside in the snow. Is this cold toes/foot due to the injury, over-icing or is it something else? Am I receiving enough blood circulation in the toes? [/INST] Hello, Your symptoms are suggestive of low blood supply to the shin and foot. For this reason, I recommend going to the ER for a physical exam and a Doppler ultrasound of the leg vessels. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] i was currently diagnosed with lyme s disease and am being treated with doxycycline. i have been on it for 13 days. i am wondering if it can delay your period? i NEVER go past 29 days and i am on day 32...and am worried i could be pregnant...which isn t a problem necessarily except that i am on the antibiotic that can apparently cause harm to a fetus. [/INST] Howell come to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern, antibiotic may not cause delayed menses, if it is not the pregnancy then it could be hormone changes, you have not mentioned your age because age could be the reason for delayed menses better to rule out both pregnancy and age hope this information helps.</s>
<s>[INST] Im 32 years old i have pcos and iam not ovulating, i had my serum hormones tested, E2 pmol/L <136, PROG nmol/L <1.5. ! this is very low, there was a reference intervals for post menopausal? I would like to have kids do you think this will be possible, i have just started taking metform [/INST] Hi, I think you should take some medicines like camphene for the growth of your follicles and track your follicles' growth by repeated ultrasound and when your follicles is more than 17 to 18 mm, take injection for rupturing the follicles. Be in contact with your husband for 2 to 3 days after injection. Take progesterone for next 2 weeks. Do a urine pregnancy test at home after that. Discuss with your doctor regarding this. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I m asking a question about my 16.5 month old. She has recently gone from 4 point crawling to asymmetrical crawling with one foot on the floor and one knee bent (sometimes known as the crab crawl) would this be consider a developmental regression? [/INST] Not regression, it's okay for babies to try funny ways of walking. More important is if he can walk by itself. Normal range for walking is 10-14 months. After 14 months you need a pediatric visit for assessment if baby is still not doing same.</s>
<s>[INST] I have had pain in my right face for about a month...My family doctor and my neurologis are treating me for trigminal neuralgia and gave me carbamzamine and yesterday prednisone..This morning I worke up and there is a bumpe un the gum above the right tooth..This is were the most pain has been and on the toohth and then in the face..I never had the bump...Who do I see? family docotr, neurologist(who treats me for MS) or the dentist? [/INST] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor. I read your query. What kind of bump it is? A boil, ulcer or some solid mass? Most probably this correlates with gum access due to tooth infection. Is the corresponding or nearby tooth carious? I suggest you go to a dentist and get an x-ray done of that area. There could be periapical infection leading to periapical abscess or sinus. This pain can radiate upwards towards head or ear or downwards towards lower jaw and can be mistaken as Trigeminal neuralgia. This would be confirmed only after you visit a dentist. Hope the answer helps. Thank you!</s>
<s>[INST] My granddaughter 3 years old is a week from having a acute pneumonia episode. Was hospitalized for 2 days found out she had walking pneumonia the mycoplasma and the prior medication was ampicillin IV and was changed to Zithromax on second admission. she got better was discharged. 7 days later during sleep noticed her taking quick 2 breaths after breathing normal for a short time, appetite good no fever good activity. Should we be alarmed? [/INST] Isolated episode of 2 quick breath, there is nothing to be worried about. If the following criteria are fulfilled there is absolutely nothing to be worried about1. Absence of fever2. Normal respiration3. Accepting feeds well4. No other signs of respiratory distress. Take Care Best Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My 4year old daughter has inflammation in her colon area and we were told that she has Crohn s disease. She is undergoing remicade infusion. How can I keep her inflammation under control? Any foods to eat or any foods to avoid. She doesn t have diarrhea but is constipated. Any tonics to improve her appetite? [/INST] Right diet for this disease is individual.radical infusion reduce the effect of substance in the body than can cause inflammation currently no treatment for this disease, but treatment can help to improve the symptoms. The disease flares uptimes to time. Consult dietitian for diet plan. Treatment consist of 1-immuno suppressants2-biological3-antibiotics4-surgery.</s>
<s>[INST] I have lower back pain that came on suddenly the other night while sleeping. My lower back hurts and is causing my oblique s to be very tight. I cannot take a deep breath (or even sniff); as my lungs are enlarging I suddenly have extreme pain, causing my lower back muscles and oblique s to tighten. I am in my early-mid 30 s, active, 6 and 190lb, last strenuous activity was 6 days prior. However, the day before when I woke up my lower back hurt and was stiff (felt like I had been hit in the lower back) but there was no pain. I cannot find a position where the pain subsides, it did lessen considerably (and I could breathe easier) when taking a hot shower. Tonight I was painting a room and noticed pain had subsided, but came back soon after stopping. I do not see/palpate anything abnormal. [/INST] Hi, SEEING TO YOUR HISTORY YOU MAY BE SUFFERING FROM PROLAPSE DISC.SO VISIT YOUR ORTHOPEDIC IAN. HE MAY YOUR MRI DONE TO CONFIRM THIS. I think this will be useful for you.</s>
<s>[INST] My son complained of headaches...took him to his doc about a week ago-says well give him a strong antibiotic for a sinus infection and some medicine for allergies, if it doesnt get better in a month he needs m.r.i. he vomitted once about 6 days ago we held back on the antibiotic had an ok appetite but not his normal self, tired and a little distracted. yesterday he starts having diarrhea, stomach pains, and the same complaints of a headache. Last night he vommited multiple times and diarrhea. managed to make it through the whole day without vommitting drank some and ate some soup. thought we were clear..he just vommitted again seems to vommit at night, he had a fever earlier and stomach pains, I have been feeding him ice chips to keep him somewhat hydrated planning to take him to doctor tomorrow any clue whats happening? [/INST] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor Sinus infection can be associated with headaches, but they would normally be additional symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, post nasal Chat Doctor. Some of these are usually present. Vomiting and diarrhea are commonly due to infection of the gastrointestinal tract. This can be viral or bacterial, headache can occur. You should continue with the ice chips though using a fluid with electrolytes would be better to give him back both. e.g. mediate or another oral rely</s>
<s>[INST] Age : 24,Weight : 50Height : 5ft 7 inchesMedical History : Have had jaundice when I was 21 year old. Current Problem : I get a fever every evening. This has been happening since 4-5 months now. I feel tired and irritated. Also been getting viral fever on and off. Please suggest what do I do? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand your problem. Fever in every evening can be due to number of reasons like tuberculosis, urinary infection, certain viral, bacterial or fungal infection, hyperthyroidism, malignancy, etc. Here, it is very important to find out the cause. You should undergo following investigations:Complete blood count with ESR, Urine routine and microscopic examination, Stool routine and microscopic examination, Thyroid profile: T3,T4, Ashtray of chest if you have any breathing problem or cough of long duration, Please consult a GP around you to get this tests done. Please let me know the results of this investigation and further course of action may be decided. Hope this will be helpful. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] severe back pain I am having.on left side just above buttocks area..I am doing and sitting job 10 hours daily... when moving to a standing position..has stiffness for sometime and then it get releases...on lying down no pain.....pain is on the left side need your advice [/INST] Hi, thanks for using ChatDoctorin my opinion you should stop worrying. For immediate relief have some painkiller along with a muscle relaxant and have proper bed rest for 2 weeks. Do not lie down on soft mattress use hard one instead, do not sit for longer durations and do not travel long distance for 2 weeks. When getting up from bed always take a lateral position first then hang your legs down and then get up. When working, maintain a good posture of your back. Add a lumbar support cushion to you chair. Do not strain your self or over exert. . U can also apply some good anti inflammatory painkiller gel on your back. If the pain increases do some hot fermentation locally and make a routine of doing some back strangling exercise daily. Start will 10 mins twice a day to 20 mins twice a day and walk for 30-40 mins a day alt east. I am sure you will be fine in 2 weeks</s>
<s>[INST] hello doctor i have been undergoing homeopathic treatment for acanthosis nigricans . however even after 9 months of homeopathic treatment i have not yet achieved the desired result. as the doctor said it was fungal infection and prescribed me silicia powder and homeopathy pills for the same however it has made little difference. i have dark fold blotches on my back, arms, and elbows i am not overweight i do not even have diabetes. kindly advise. [/INST] 1. Acanthuses Nigerian (AN) is usually found in body folds and is associated with diabetes, obesity (both are ruled out in your case), but also with hormonal disorder (hypothyroidism, problem with a Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I recently had surgery that involved opening up my Belly Button and now about 6 months later I have a scar there. It has been really hot the last couple of days and I looked in a mirror today and saw this Cylender Like red bumb (that is not big at all) inside my bellybutton. I can not tell if it is sitting just on my belly button but when I move my bellybutton around it appears to be leading into my bellybutton Like Into my stomach through my belly button. I have no idea what caused this or what it is. Should I be alarmed? [/INST] Cellophane You for contacting Chat Doctor. There could be two possibilities in your case. First, bacterial infection of the belly button area. Second, incisional hernia. For first case, clean the area with spirit and apply poly fax plus ointment thrice a day for a week. For second, you need to visit hospital where doctors will confirm it by examining it. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. Wishing you good health.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor, recently I & my wife decided to go IVF after several IUI failed! there were 5 eggs retrieved and fertilized. doctors says fertilized embroy are not in good quality. 2 of them with 4 cell grade 3 and one embroy 4 cell grade 4. these are the four embroys has been transferred and we hope that it me develops better once move to uterus . any way, doctor says reason for this that my sperm morphology is 2% (Kruger s Criteria). I am currently taking medicin named Oligocare . please suggest [/INST] Hello, as your Kruger strict criteria is 2%, it has poor prognosis, this condition can be due to nutritional deficiency as your doctor gave your Oligocene, so I suggest taking the treatment for 3 months and again get your sperm morphology done... and hope for the best... take care</s>
<s>[INST] I want to know if I have understand correctly about two differents drugs: SEOFLO inhaler ( salmetero & fluticasone ) is a corticoide asthalin is a broncho dilatateur? A I write and then both can be use at the same time as treatment against asthma? Thanks [/INST] Hello, COMING TO EACH ChatDoctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, my hasband has had an alllergic reaction to ppd, it has become infected and he was prescribed sulfatrim.. the sulfatrim has taken away the swelling and redness but there is some oozing and oxidation going on and the area now looks like there are holes in he skin and bleeding.. I desperately need to find him some relief he has been on these meds for four days now..please help.. [/INST] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor The antibiotic course is normally 7 days at least, it can sometimes be extended if needed. Since he is only at day 4, it is possible that improvements will continue to occur. It is possible that he may also need Chat Doctor. He may need to revisit his doctor to find out if this is necessary. I hope this helps</s>
<s>[INST] MY SON IS SUSPECTED TO BE SUFFERING FROM TYPHOID FEVER...THE DOCTORS HAVE PRESCRIBED WIDAL TEST TO CONFIRM...BUT ITS ALMOST CERTAIN HE IS TYPHOID AS ALL THE TYPICAL SYMPTOMS ARE PRESENT. MY SON HAS NO APPETITE AND IS REFUSING ALL AND EVERY FOOD AND DRINK POSSIBLE. WHAT SHOULD I DO? [/INST] Hello I have gone through your question and appreciate your concern.tidal test will give you the diagnosis. Ciprofloxacin 500 mg for 7 days is generally given in typhoid fever.definite is also good for typhoid fever.</s>
<s>[INST] hi, I have a 22 month old weighs approx 13 kilos and about 88 cm tall, and has been getting excessive saliva the past few days. The saliva will run out of her mouth down her cheek...She does not feel uncomfortable or whingy about the excess saliva.could this be a stage of growth or just a process? [/INST] Hello, I can understand your concern. As your daughter is 22 months old, she might be teething right now. When new teeth erupt in the oral cavity, tongue repeatedly touches the newly erupted tooth and that causes production of excess saliva. This is just a temporary phase. As all the teeth will erupt into the oral cavity, and she will get used to teeth in mouth, the excess salivation and Chat Doctor. It does not require any treatment. I hope this information helps you. Thank you for choosing Chat Doctor. Take care. Best,</s>
<s>[INST] I have a small bump that I didnt notice until today. I have no idea how I got it. Its located inside my urethra. Ive been looking for any pictures that could at least put Name on my symptoms. But I had no luck. Its iterating a little. Both the fact I cant find out what this bump is. And the bump. its very sensative too. I tried examenating it with my finger and the moment I put any pressure on the bump it bled. So any thoughts? (So just incase Im still getting tested for any stds) [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor. 1. It could be an infective etiology, can be present infection or followed by some previous infection. 2. So as I can think of there is a lesion at the tip of urethra (as anything internally one can not see in to it)3. This case if you are my patient I would have examined and ask for an RGU - retrograde arthrogram which will delineate the urethra in whole length and shows as a filling defect if there is any lesion / narrowing of the path.4. And if required treating doctor after examination might clear the swell in if possible and followed by a course of antibiotics.5. Suggest you to get an appointment and KET it gets examined and needful treatment. Good luck. Hope I have answered your query.Anything to ask do not hesitate. Thank you.</s>