[ "929", "119979", "225059", "225057", "1807140", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
thiobacillus tepidarius wood and kelly 1985 of the rank species thermithiobacillaceae of the rank family acidithiobacillales of the rank order acidithiobacillia williams and kelly 2013 of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
thiobacillus tepidarius wood and kelly 1985 thermithiobacillaceae acidithiobacillales acidithiobacillia williams and kelly 2013 purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
929 225059 225057 1807140 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "930", "119977", "225058", "225057", "1807140", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
"thiobacterium thiooxydans" (waksman and joffe 1922) lehmann and neumann 1927 of the rank species acidithiobacillaceae of the rank family acidithiobacillales of the rank order acidithiobacillia williams and kelly 2013 of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
"thiobacterium thiooxydans" (waksman and joffe 1922) lehmann and neumann 1927 acidithiobacillaceae acidithiobacillales acidithiobacillia williams and kelly 2013 purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
930 225058 225057 1807140 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "931", "919", "2008790", "32003", "28216", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
thiobacillus thioparus of the rank species thiobacillaceae of the rank family sulfuricellales watanabe et al. 2015 of the rank order purple bacteria, beta subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
thiobacillus thioparus thiobacillaceae sulfuricellales watanabe et al. 2015 purple bacteria, beta subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
931 2008790 32003 28216 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "932", "933", "135616", "72273", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
thiomicrospira thyasirae (wood and kelly 1995) wood and kelly 1995 emend. boden et al. 2017 of the rank species piscirickettsia group of the rank family thiotrichales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
thiomicrospira thyasirae (wood and kelly 1995) wood and kelly 1995 emend. boden et al. 2017 piscirickettsia group thiotrichales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
932 135616 72273 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "934", "933", "135616", "72273", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
thiomicrospira pelophila of the rank species piscirickettsia group of the rank family thiotrichales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
thiomicrospira pelophila piscirickettsia group thiotrichales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
934 135616 72273 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "935", "2643099", "933", "135616", "72273", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
thiomicrospira sp. of the rank species thiomicrospira of the rank genus piscirickettsia group of the rank family thiotrichales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
thiomicrospira sp. thiomicrospira piscirickettsia group thiotrichales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
935 933 135616 72273 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "937", "2639385", "936", "2771471", "213849", "3031852", "29547", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
thiovulum sp. of the rank species thiovulum of the rank genus "thiovulaceae" waite et al. 2017 of the rank family campylobacterales of the rank order epsilonproteobacteria of the rank class purple bacteria, epsilon subdivision of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
thiovulum sp. thiovulum "thiovulaceae" waite et al. 2017 campylobacterales epsilonproteobacteria purple bacteria, epsilon subdivision pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
937 936 2771471 213849 3031852 29547 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "940", "939", "64898", "32069", "187857", "200783", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain tk-6 of the rank species aquificaceae of the rank family oxygen-reducing bacteria of the rank order aquificia of the rank class aquificota of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain tk-6 aquificaceae oxygen-reducing bacteria aquificia aquificota pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
940 64898 32069 187857 200783 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "944", "106178", "943", "942", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain oklahoma of the rank species rickettsia (subgen. ehrlichia) of the rank genus ehrlichieae philip 1957 of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain oklahoma rickettsia (subgen. ehrlichia) ehrlichieae philip 1957 rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
944 943 942 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "945", "106178", "943", "942", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain arkansas of the rank species rickettsia (subgen. ehrlichia) of the rank genus ehrlichieae philip 1957 of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain arkansas rickettsia (subgen. ehrlichia) ehrlichieae philip 1957 rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
945 943 942 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "947", "106178", "943", "942", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain stillwater of the rank species rickettsia (subgen. ehrlichia) of the rank genus ehrlichieae philip 1957 of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain stillwater rickettsia (subgen. ehrlichia) ehrlichieae philip 1957 rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
947 943 942 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "948", "106179", "768", "942", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain webster of the rank species anaplasma theiler 1910 (approved lists 1980) emend. dumler et al. 2001 of the rank genus ehrlichieae philip 1957 of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain webster anaplasma theiler 1910 (approved lists 1980) emend. dumler et al. 2001 ehrlichieae philip 1957 rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
948 768 942 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "949", "768", "942", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
ehrlichia sp. mili2 of the rank species ehrlichieae philip 1957 of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
ehrlichia sp. mili2 ehrlichieae philip 1957 rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
949 942 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "950", "33993", "942", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain illinois of the rank species ehrlichieae philip 1957 of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain illinois ehrlichieae philip 1957 rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
950 942 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "951", "33993", "942", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain miyayama of the rank species ehrlichieae philip 1957 of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain miyayama ehrlichieae philip 1957 rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
951 942 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "954", "262", "34064", "72273", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
wolbachia persica of the rank species francisella group of the rank family thiotrichales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
wolbachia persica francisella group thiotrichales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
954 34064 72273 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "955", "953", "952", "942", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
wolbachia pipientis of the rank species wolbachieae of the rank tribe ehrlichieae philip 1957 of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
wolbachia pipientis wolbachieae ehrlichieae philip 1957 rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
955 952 942 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "956", "2640676", "953", "952", "942", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
wolbachia sp. of the rank species wolbachia of the rank genus wolbachieae of the rank tribe ehrlichieae philip 1957 of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
wolbachia sp. wolbachia wolbachieae ehrlichieae philip 1957 rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
956 953 952 942 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "959", "958", "213483", "213481", "3031418", "3018035", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain hd100 of the rank species pseudobdellovibrionaceae waite et al. 2022 of the rank family bdellovibrionales of the rank order bdellovibrionia waite et al. 2020 of the rank class bdellovibrionota waite et al. 2021 of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain hd100 pseudobdellovibrionaceae waite et al. 2022 bdellovibrionales bdellovibrionia waite et al. 2020 bdellovibrionota waite et al. 2021 pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
959 213483 213481 3031418 3018035 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "960", "146784", "263369", "2024979", "3031419", "3018035", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain uki2 of the rank species peredibacteraceae of the rank family bacteriovoracales of the rank order bacteriovoracia waite et al. 2020 of the rank class bdellovibrionota waite et al. 2021 of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain uki2 peredibacteraceae bacteriovoracales bacteriovoracia waite et al. 2020 bdellovibrionota waite et al. 2021 pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
960 263369 2024979 3031419 3018035 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "962", "122728", "29547", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
campylobacter-like bacterium of the rank species purple bacteria, epsilon subdivision of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
campylobacter-like bacterium purple bacteria, epsilon subdivision pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
962 29547 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "964", "963", "75682", "80840", "28216", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain z67 of the rank species oxalobacter group of the rank family burkholderia/oxalobacter/ralstonia group of the rank order purple bacteria, beta subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain z67 oxalobacter group burkholderia/oxalobacter/ralstonia group purple bacteria, beta subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
964 75682 80840 28216 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "966", "965", "135620", "135619", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
vkm b-1416 of the rank species oceanospirillum group of the rank family oceanospirillum/halomonas group of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vkm b-1416 oceanospirillum group oceanospirillum/halomonas group purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
966 135620 135619 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "968", "967", "119068", "32003", "28216", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
spirillum volutans of the rank species spirillum group of the rank family sulfuricellales watanabe et al. 2015 of the rank order purple bacteria, beta subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
spirillum volutans spirillum group sulfuricellales watanabe et al. 2015 purple bacteria, beta subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
968 119068 32003 28216 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "971", "970", "1843491", "909929", "909932", "1239", "1783272", "2", "131567" ]
strain ga192 of the rank species selenomonadaceae of the rank family selenomonadales of the rank order negativicutes of the rank class low g+c gram-positive bacteria of the rank phylum terrabacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain ga192 selenomonadaceae selenomonadales negativicutes low g+c gram-positive bacteria terrabacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
971 1843491 909929 909932 1239 1783272 2 131567 1
[ "974", "973", "53434", "53433", "186801", "1239", "1783272", "2", "131567" ]
strain md-2 of the rank species halobacteroidaceae zhilina and rainey 1995 of the rank family haloanaerobiales of the rank order clostridia of the rank class low g+c gram-positive bacteria of the rank phylum terrabacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain md-2 halobacteroidaceae zhilina and rainey 1995 haloanaerobiales clostridia low g+c gram-positive bacteria terrabacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
974 53434 53433 186801 1239 1783272 2 131567 1
[ "979", "104264", "49546", "200644", "117743", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
vkm b-1433 of the rank species myroidaceae of the rank family flavobacteriales of the rank order flavobacteriia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vkm b-1433 myroidaceae flavobacteriales flavobacteriia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
979 49546 200644 117743 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "981", "59740", "1853234", "768507", "768503", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain b-1 lewin of the rank species persicobacteraceae of the rank family cytophagales of the rank order cytophagia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain b-1 lewin persicobacteraceae cytophagales cytophagia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
981 1853234 768507 768503 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "982", "1618113", "558415", "1970189", "200643", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
saccharicrinis fermentans of the rank species marinilabiliaceae of the rank family marinilabiliales wu et al. 2016 of the rank order bacteroidia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
saccharicrinis fermentans marinilabiliaceae marinilabiliales wu et al. 2016 bacteroidia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
982 558415 1970189 200643 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "983", "237", "49546", "200644", "117743", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
nbrc 14960 of the rank species myroidaceae of the rank family flavobacteriales of the rank order flavobacteriia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
nbrc 14960 myroidaceae flavobacteriales flavobacteriia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
983 49546 200644 117743 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "984", "84567", "84566", "200666", "117747", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
sphingobacterium heparinum of the rank species sphingobacteriaceae steyn et al. 1998 of the rank family sphingobacteriales of the rank order sphingobacteriia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
sphingobacterium heparinum sphingobacteriaceae steyn et al. 1998 sphingobacteriales sphingobacteriia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
984 84566 200666 117747 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "985", "978", "89373", "768507", "768503", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
ncimb 9469 of the rank species vitreoscillaceae of the rank family cytophagales of the rank order cytophagia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
ncimb 9469 vitreoscillaceae cytophagales cytophagia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
985 89373 768507 768503 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "986", "237", "49546", "200644", "117743", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
vegetative myxobacteria johnson 1932 of the rank species myroidaceae of the rank family flavobacteriales of the rank order flavobacteriia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vegetative myxobacteria johnson 1932 myroidaceae flavobacteriales flavobacteriia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
986 49546 200644 117743 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "987", "290174", "49546", "200644", "117743", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
stanierella latercula of the rank species myroidaceae of the rank family flavobacteriales of the rank order flavobacteriia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
stanierella latercula myroidaceae flavobacteriales flavobacteriia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
987 49546 200644 117743 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "988", "283735", "49546", "200644", "117743", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
ncimb 397 of the rank species myroidaceae of the rank family flavobacteriales of the rank order flavobacteriia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
ncimb 397 myroidaceae flavobacteriales flavobacteriia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
988 49546 200644 117743 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "989", "59738", "558415", "1970189", "200643", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
ncimb 2216 of the rank species marinilabiliaceae of the rank family marinilabiliales wu et al. 2016 of the rank order bacteroidia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
ncimb 2216 marinilabiliaceae marinilabiliales wu et al. 2016 bacteroidia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
989 558415 1970189 200643 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "990", "2762384", "558415", "1970189", "200643", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain xm3 of the rank species marinilabiliaceae of the rank family marinilabiliales wu et al. 2016 of the rank order bacteroidia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain xm3 marinilabiliaceae marinilabiliales wu et al. 2016 bacteroidia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
990 558415 1970189 200643 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "991", "237", "49546", "200644", "117743", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
nrrl b-14732 of the rank species myroidaceae of the rank family flavobacteriales of the rank order flavobacteriia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
nrrl b-14732 myroidaceae flavobacteriales flavobacteriia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
991 49546 200644 117743 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "995", "929509", "84566", "200666", "117747", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
uasm 9d of the rank species sphingobacteriaceae steyn et al. 1998 of the rank family sphingobacteriales of the rank order sphingobacteriia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
uasm 9d sphingobacteriaceae steyn et al. 1998 sphingobacteriales sphingobacteriia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
995 84566 200666 117747 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "996", "237", "49546", "200644", "117743", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain 1-s-2cl of the rank species myroidaceae of the rank family flavobacteriales of the rank order flavobacteriia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain 1-s-2cl myroidaceae flavobacteriales flavobacteriia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
996 49546 200644 117743 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "997", "1937963", "1937962", "768507", "768503", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain nz-1 lewin of the rank species microscillaceae of the rank family cytophagales of the rank order cytophagia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain nz-1 lewin microscillaceae cytophagales cytophagia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
997 1937962 768507 768503 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "998", "992", "2762284", "768507", "768503", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
nbrc 15060 of the rank species flexibacteraceae of the rank family cytophagales of the rank order cytophagia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
nbrc 15060 flexibacteraceae cytophagales cytophagia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
998 2762284 768507 768503 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "999", "1937972", "1937968", "768507", "768503", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
nbrc 15988 of the rank species bernardetiaceae of the rank family cytophagales of the rank order cytophagia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
nbrc 15988 bernardetiaceae cytophagales cytophagia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
999 1937968 768507 768503 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1001", "1937995", "1937968", "768507", "768503", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
nbrc 16703 of the rank species bernardetiaceae of the rank family cytophagales of the rank order cytophagia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
nbrc 16703 bernardetiaceae cytophagales cytophagia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1001 1937968 768507 768503 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1002", "1937999", "1937968", "768507", "768503", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
nbrc 16707 of the rank species bernardetiaceae of the rank family cytophagales of the rank order cytophagia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
nbrc 16707 bernardetiaceae cytophagales cytophagia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1002 1937968 768507 768503 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1003", "1938003", "2762317", "768507", "768503", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
thermoflexibacter ruber of the rank species thermoflexibacteraceae of the rank family cytophagales of the rank order cytophagia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
thermoflexibacter ruber thermoflexibacteraceae cytophagales cytophagia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1003 2762317 768507 768503 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1004", "79328", "563835", "1853229", "1853228", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
vkm b-1428 of the rank species chitinophagaceae of the rank family chitinophagales of the rank order chitinophagia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vkm b-1428 chitinophagaceae chitinophagales chitinophagia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1004 563835 1853229 1853228 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1005", "2628082", "992", "2762284", "768507", "768503", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
flexibacter sp. of the rank species flexibacter soriano 1945 (approved lists 1980) emend. hahnke et al. 2016 of the rank genus flexibacteraceae of the rank family cytophagales of the rank order cytophagia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
flexibacter sp. flexibacter soriano 1945 (approved lists 1980) emend. hahnke et al. 2016 flexibacteraceae cytophagales cytophagia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1005 992 2762284 768507 768503 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1006", "869806", "2762301", "768507", "768503", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
vkm b-1430 of the rank species marivirgaceae of the rank family cytophagales of the rank order cytophagia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vkm b-1430 marivirgaceae cytophagales cytophagia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1006 2762301 768507 768503 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1008", "1007", "89374", "1936988", "1937959", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
saprospira grandis of the rank species saprospira group of the rank family saprospirales of the rank order saprospiria of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
saprospira grandis saprospira group saprospirales saprospiria sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1008 89374 1936988 1937959 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1010", "28453", "84566", "200666", "117747", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain kc1794 of the rank species sphingobacteriaceae steyn et al. 1998 of the rank family sphingobacteriales of the rank order sphingobacteriia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain kc1794 sphingobacteriaceae steyn et al. 1998 sphingobacteriales sphingobacteriia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1010 84566 200666 117747 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1012", "1011", "89373", "768507", "768503", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
sporocytophaga cauliformis of the rank species vitreoscillaceae of the rank family cytophagales of the rank order cytophagia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
sporocytophaga cauliformis vitreoscillaceae cytophagales cytophagia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1012 89373 768507 768503 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1014", "1013", "2762318", "200644", "117743", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
weeksella virosa of the rank species weeksellaceae of the rank family flavobacteriales of the rank order flavobacteriia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
weeksella virosa weeksellaceae flavobacteriales flavobacteriia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1014 2762318 200644 117743 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1015", "59735", "2762318", "200644", "117743", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
weeksella zoohelcum of the rank species weeksellaceae of the rank family flavobacteriales of the rank order flavobacteriia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
weeksella zoohelcum weeksellaceae flavobacteriales flavobacteriia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1015 2762318 200644 117743 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1017", "1016", "49546", "200644", "117743", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain 27 of the rank species myroidaceae of the rank family flavobacteriales of the rank order flavobacteriia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain 27 myroidaceae flavobacteriales flavobacteriia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1017 49546 200644 117743 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1018", "1016", "49546", "200644", "117743", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
vpi 2845 of the rank species myroidaceae of the rank family flavobacteriales of the rank order flavobacteriia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vpi 2845 myroidaceae flavobacteriales flavobacteriia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1018 49546 200644 117743 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1019", "1016", "49546", "200644", "117743", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain 4 of the rank species myroidaceae of the rank family flavobacteriales of the rank order flavobacteriia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain 4 myroidaceae flavobacteriales flavobacteriia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1019 49546 200644 117743 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1022", "1021", "135617", "72273", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain lsu b18ld of the rank species thiotrichaceae of the rank family thiotrichales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain lsu b18ld thiotrichaceae thiotrichales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1022 135617 72273 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1025", "59739", "200667", "768507", "768503", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
nbrc 15982 of the rank species flammeovirgaceae yoon et al. 2011 of the rank family cytophagales of the rank order cytophagia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
nbrc 15982 flammeovirgaceae yoon et al. 2011 cytophagales cytophagia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1025 200667 768507 768503 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1026", "643701", "2762302", "768507", "768503", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
nbrc 15994 of the rank species reichenbachiellaceae of the rank family cytophagales of the rank order cytophagia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
nbrc 15994 reichenbachiellaceae cytophagales cytophagia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1026 2762302 768507 768503 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1027", "1023", "1937962", "768507", "768503", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
nbrc 16560 of the rank species microscillaceae of the rank family cytophagales of the rank order cytophagia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
nbrc 16560 microscillaceae cytophagales cytophagia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1027 1937962 768507 768503 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1028", "869806", "2762301", "768507", "768503", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
ncimb 1403 of the rank species marivirgaceae of the rank family cytophagales of the rank order cytophagia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
ncimb 1403 marivirgaceae cytophagales cytophagia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1028 2762301 768507 768503 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1031", "1030", "135617", "72273", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
thiothrix nivea of the rank species thiotrichaceae of the rank family thiotrichales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
thiothrix nivea thiotrichaceae thiotrichales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1031 135617 72273 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1032", "2636184", "1030", "135617", "72273", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
thiothrix sp. of the rank species thiothrix winogradsky 1888 (approved lists 1980) emend. howarth et al. 1999 of the rank genus thiotrichaceae of the rank family thiotrichales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
thiothrix sp. thiothrix winogradsky 1888 (approved lists 1980) emend. howarth et al. 1999 thiotrichaceae thiotrichales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1032 1030 135617 72273 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1034", "1033", "41294", "356", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain b-91-007353 of the rank species nitrobacteraceae of the rank family rhizobiales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain b-91-007353 nitrobacteraceae rhizobiales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1034 41294 356 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1035", "1033", "41294", "356", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain b-91-007352 of the rank species nitrobacteraceae of the rank family rhizobiales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain b-91-007352 nitrobacteraceae rhizobiales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1035 41294 356 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1037", "32029", "36866", "543", "91347", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
barophile whb 46 of the rank species unclassified enterobacteriaceae of the rank no rank gamma-3 proteobacteria of the rank family gamma-3 proteobacteria of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
barophile whb 46 unclassified enterobacteriaceae gamma-3 proteobacteria gamma-3 proteobacteria purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1037 36866 543 91347 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1042", "2633097", "1041", "2800788", "335929", "204457", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
erythrobacter sp. of the rank species erythrobacter shiba and simidu 1982 emend. xu et al. 2020 of the rank genus erythrobacter/porphyrobacter group of the rank no rank erythrobacteraceae of the rank family sphingomonadales yabuuchi and kosako 2006 of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
erythrobacter sp. erythrobacter shiba and simidu 1982 emend. xu et al. 2020 erythrobacter/porphyrobacter group erythrobacteraceae sphingomonadales yabuuchi and kosako 2006 purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1042 1041 2800788 335929 204457 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1044", "1041", "2800788", "335929", "204457", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain och101 of the rank species erythrobacter/porphyrobacter group of the rank no rank erythrobacteraceae of the rank family sphingomonadales yabuuchi and kosako 2006 of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain och101 erythrobacter/porphyrobacter group erythrobacteraceae sphingomonadales yabuuchi and kosako 2006 purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1044 2800788 335929 204457 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1048", "85076", "1046", "135613", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain 8611 of the rank species thiocapsaceae of the rank family chromatiales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain 8611 thiocapsaceae chromatiales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1048 1046 135613 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1049", "85072", "1046", "135613", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain d of the rank species thiocapsaceae of the rank family chromatiales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain d thiocapsaceae chromatiales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1049 1046 135613 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1050", "85073", "1046", "135613", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
thermochromatium tepidum of the rank species thiocapsaceae of the rank family chromatiales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
thermochromatium tepidum thiocapsaceae chromatiales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1050 1046 135613 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1052", "85108", "72276", "135613", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain bn 9850 of the rank species purple sulfur bacteria of the rank family chromatiales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain bn 9850 purple sulfur bacteria chromatiales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1052 72276 135613 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1053", "85108", "72276", "135613", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain sl1 of the rank species purple sulfur bacteria of the rank family chromatiales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain sl1 purple sulfur bacteria chromatiales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1053 72276 135613 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1054", "1051", "72276", "135613", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
vkm b-1525 of the rank species purple sulfur bacteria of the rank family chromatiales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vkm b-1525 purple sulfur bacteria chromatiales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1054 72276 135613 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1057", "85078", "1046", "135613", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
"thiococcus sp." eimhjellen et al. 1967 of the rank species thiocapsaceae of the rank family chromatiales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
"thiococcus sp." eimhjellen et al. 1967 thiocapsaceae chromatiales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1057 1046 135613 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1058", "1056", "1046", "135613", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
thiocapsa roseopersicina winogradsky 1888 of the rank species thiocapsaceae of the rank family chromatiales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
thiocapsa roseopersicina winogradsky 1888 thiocapsaceae chromatiales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1058 1046 135613 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1061", "1060", "3374108", "204455", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
rhodopseudomonas capsulatus of the rank species rhodobacter group of the rank no rank rhodobacterales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
rhodopseudomonas capsulatus rhodobacter group rhodobacterales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1061 3374108 204455 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1062", "196779", "1060", "3374108", "204455", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
rhodobacter sp. of the rank species rhodobacter of the rank genus rhodobacter group of the rank no rank rhodobacterales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
rhodobacter sp. rhodobacter rhodobacter group rhodobacterales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1062 1060 3374108 204455 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1063", "1653176", "31989", "204455", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain van niels ath 2.4.1 of the rank species rhodobacter clade of the rank family rhodobacterales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain van niels ath 2.4.1 rhodobacter clade rhodobacterales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1063 31989 204455 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1066", "1064", "75787", "206389", "28216", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain pfennig 2761 of the rank species rhodocyclus group of the rank family rhodocyclales of the rank order purple bacteria, beta subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain pfennig 2761 rhodocyclus group rhodocyclales purple bacteria, beta subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1066 75787 206389 28216 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1067", "1064", "75787", "206389", "28216", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain 6770 of the rank species rhodocyclus group of the rank family rhodocyclales of the rank order purple bacteria, beta subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain 6770 rhodocyclus group rhodocyclales purple bacteria, beta subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1067 75787 206389 28216 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1069", "1068", "45401", "356", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
rhodomicrobium vannielii of the rank species "rhodoplanaceae" joseph et al. 2003 of the rank family rhizobiales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
rhodomicrobium vannielii "rhodoplanaceae" joseph et al. 2003 rhizobiales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1069 45401 356 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1071", "1070", "433", "3120395", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
rhodopseudomonas globiformis of the rank species alpha-1 proteobacteria of the rank family acetobacterales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
rhodopseudomonas globiformis alpha-1 proteobacteria acetobacterales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1071 433 3120395 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1074", "168658", "3142802", "356", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain pfennig 7050 of the rank species rhodoblastaceae of the rank family rhizobiales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain pfennig 7050 rhodoblastaceae rhizobiales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1074 3142802 356 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1075", "2818469", "31989", "204455", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
tabrizicola blastica of the rank species rhodobacter clade of the rank family rhodobacterales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
tabrizicola blastica rhodobacter clade rhodobacterales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1075 31989 204455 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1076", "1073", "41294", "356", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain r1 [[rhodopseudomonas rutila]] of the rank species nitrobacteraceae of the rank family rhizobiales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain r1 [[rhodopseudomonas rutila]] nitrobacteraceae rhizobiales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1076 41294 356 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1078", "2638247", "1073", "41294", "356", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
rhodopseudomonas sp. of the rank species rhodopseudomonas of the rank genus nitrobacteraceae of the rank family rhizobiales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
rhodopseudomonas sp. rhodopseudomonas nitrobacteraceae rhizobiales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1078 1073 41294 356 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1079", "59282", "2831090", "356", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain g. drews f of the rank species blastochloridaceae of the rank family rhizobiales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain g. drews f blastochloridaceae rhizobiales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1079 2831090 356 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1080", "643217", "2829802", "356", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain imhoff bn 126 of the rank species afifellaceae of the rank family rhizobiales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain imhoff bn 126 afifellaceae rhizobiales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1080 2829802 356 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1082", "13134", "41295", "204441", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
rhodospirillum fulvum van niel 1944 (approved lists 1980) of the rank species rhodospirillaceae of the rank family rhodospirillales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
rhodospirillum fulvum van niel 1944 (approved lists 1980) rhodospirillaceae rhodospirillales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1082 41295 204441 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1083", "13134", "41295", "204441", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
rhodospirillum molischianum of the rank species rhodospirillaceae of the rank family rhodospirillales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
rhodospirillum molischianum rhodospirillaceae rhodospirillales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1083 41295 204441 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1084", "1612157", "41295", "204441", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
rhodospirillum photometricum of the rank species rhodospirillaceae of the rank family rhodospirillales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
rhodospirillum photometricum rhodospirillaceae rhodospirillales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1084 41295 204441 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1085", "1081", "41295", "204441", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
spirillum rubrum of the rank species rhodospirillaceae of the rank family rhodospirillales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
spirillum rubrum rhodospirillaceae rhodospirillales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1085 41295 204441 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1086", "85273", "1544800", "1544799", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
ws 68 of the rank species rhodothalassiaceae venkata ramana et al. 2014 of the rank family rhodothalassiales venkata ramana et al. 2014 of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
ws 68 rhodothalassiaceae venkata ramana et al. 2014 rhodothalassiales venkata ramana et al. 2014 purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1086 1544800 1544799 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1087", "85274", "2844403", "204441", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
rhodovibrio salinarum of the rank species rhodovibrionaceae of the rank family rhodospirillales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
rhodovibrio salinarum rhodovibrionaceae rhodospirillales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1087 2844403 204441 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1088", "85274", "2844403", "204441", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain dsi of the rank species rhodovibrionaceae of the rank family rhodospirillales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain dsi rhodovibrionaceae rhodospirillales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1088 2844403 204441 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1092", "1091", "274493", "191412", "191411", "191410", "1090", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
nbrc 103803 of the rank species chlorobium/pelodictyon group of the rank no rank "chlorobiacea" (sic) copeland 1956 of the rank family chlorobiales of the rank order chlorobiia of the rank class green sulfur bacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
nbrc 103803 chlorobium/pelodictyon group "chlorobiacea" (sic) copeland 1956 chlorobiales chlorobiia green sulfur bacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1092 274493 191412 191411 191410 1090 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1094", "1091", "274493", "191412", "191411", "191410", "1090", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
dsm 269 of the rank species chlorobium/pelodictyon group of the rank no rank "chlorobiacea" (sic) copeland 1956 of the rank family chlorobiales of the rank order chlorobiia of the rank class green sulfur bacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
dsm 269 chlorobium/pelodictyon group "chlorobiacea" (sic) copeland 1956 chlorobiales chlorobiia green sulfur bacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
1094 274493 191412 191411 191410 1090 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "1095", "2685105", "1091", "274493", "191412", "191411", "191410", "1090", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2" ]
chlorobium sp. of the rank species chlorobium of the rank genus chlorobium/pelodictyon group of the rank no rank "chlorobiacea" (sic) copeland 1956 of the rank family chlorobiales of the rank order chlorobiia of the rank class green sulfur bacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank
chlorobium sp. chlorobium chlorobium/pelodictyon group "chlorobiacea" (sic) copeland 1956 chlorobiales chlorobiia green sulfur bacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms
1095 1091 274493 191412 191411 191410 1090 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567