[ "736", "724", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
nctc 10670 of the rank species pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
nctc 10670 pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
736 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "738", "2094023", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain 1374 of the rank species pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain 1374 pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
738 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "739", "416916", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain hk316 of the rank species pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain hk316 pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
739 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "740", "2609962", "724", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
haemophilus sp. of the rank species haemophilus winslow et al. 1917 of the rank genus pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
haemophilus sp. haemophilus winslow et al. 1917 pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
740 724 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "741", "724", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
haemophilus taxon c of the rank species pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
haemophilus taxon c pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
741 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "747", "745", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
pasteurella multocida of the rank species pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
pasteurella multocida pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
747 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "749", "310966", "1524964", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
pasteurella aerogenes of the rank species pasteurellaceae incertae sedis of the rank no rank pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
pasteurella aerogenes pasteurellaceae incertae sedis pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
749 1524964 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "750", "155493", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain f149 of the rank species pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain f149 pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
750 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "751", "292486", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
pasteurella avium of the rank species pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
pasteurella avium pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
751 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "752", "745", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain a99 of the rank species pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain a99 pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
752 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "753", "745", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
pasteurella canis of the rank species pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
pasteurella canis pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
753 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "754", "745", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
pasteurella dagmatis of the rank species pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
pasteurella dagmatis pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
754 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "755", "292486", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
pasteurella gallinarum of the rank species pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
pasteurella gallinarum pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
755 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "756", "745", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain f73 of the rank species pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain f73 pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
756 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "757", "310966", "1524964", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain lphl 5143/70 of the rank species pasteurellaceae incertae sedis of the rank no rank pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain lphl 5143/70 pasteurellaceae incertae sedis pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
757 1524964 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "758", "1960084", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
rodentibacter pneumotropicus of the rank species pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
rodentibacter pneumotropicus pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
758 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "759", "2621516", "745", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
pasteurella sp. of the rank species pasteurella trevisan 1887 (approved lists 1980) emend. mutters et al. 1985 of the rank genus pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
pasteurella sp. pasteurella trevisan 1887 (approved lists 1980) emend. mutters et al. 1985 pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
759 745 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "760", "745", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
pasteurella stomatis of the rank species pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
pasteurella stomatis pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
760 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "761", "745", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
ucd 90-23-79n of the rank species pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
ucd 90-23-79n pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
761 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "762", "292486", "712", "135625", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain lovell 6 of the rank species pasteurellaceae of the rank family pasteurellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain lovell 6 pasteurellaceae pasteurellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
762 712 135625 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "769", "768", "942", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
"anaplasma marginale subsp. centrale" theiler 1911 of the rank species ehrlichieae philip 1957 of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
"anaplasma marginale subsp. centrale" theiler 1911 ehrlichieae philip 1957 rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
769 942 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "770", "768", "942", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
anaplasma theileri of the rank species ehrlichieae philip 1957 of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
anaplasma theileri ehrlichieae philip 1957 rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
770 942 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "774", "773", "772", "356", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain kc583 of the rank species bartonella group of the rank family rhizobiales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain kc583 bartonella group rhizobiales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
774 772 356 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "777", "776", "118968", "118969", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
rickettsia diaporica of the rank species coxiella group of the rank family legionellales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
rickettsia diaporica coxiella group legionellales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
777 118968 118969 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "779", "106178", "943", "942", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain welgevonden of the rank species rickettsia (subgen. ehrlichia) of the rank genus ehrlichieae philip 1957 of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain welgevonden rickettsia (subgen. ehrlichia) ehrlichieae philip 1957 rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
779 943 942 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "781", "114277", "780", "33988", "775", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain malish 7 of the rank species rickettsia of the rank genus rickettsieae of the rank tribe rickettsiaceae of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain malish 7 rickettsia rickettsieae rickettsiaceae rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
781 780 33988 775 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "782", "114292", "780", "33988", "775", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain breinl of the rank species rickettsia of the rank genus rickettsieae of the rank tribe rickettsiaceae of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain breinl rickettsia rickettsieae rickettsiaceae rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
782 780 33988 775 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "783", "114277", "780", "33988", "775", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain smith of the rank species rickettsia of the rank genus rickettsieae of the rank tribe rickettsiaceae of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain smith rickettsia rickettsieae rickettsiaceae rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
783 780 33988 775 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "784", "69474", "33988", "775", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
theileria tsutsugamushi of the rank species rickettsieae of the rank tribe rickettsiaceae of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
theileria tsutsugamushi rickettsieae rickettsiaceae rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
784 33988 775 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "785", "114292", "780", "33988", "775", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain wilmington of the rank species rickettsia of the rank genus rickettsieae of the rank tribe rickettsiaceae of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain wilmington rickettsia rickettsieae rickettsiaceae rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
785 780 33988 775 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "786", "114277", "780", "33988", "775", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain mk of the rank species rickettsia of the rank genus rickettsieae of the rank tribe rickettsiaceae of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain mk rickettsia rickettsieae rickettsiaceae rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
786 780 33988 775 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "787", "114277", "780", "33988", "775", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
rickettsia australis of the rank species rickettsia of the rank genus rickettsieae of the rank tribe rickettsiaceae of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
rickettsia australis rickettsia rickettsieae rickettsiaceae rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
787 780 33988 775 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "788", "1129742", "780", "33988", "775", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain 2678 of the rank species rickettsia of the rank genus rickettsieae of the rank tribe rickettsiaceae of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain 2678 rickettsia rickettsieae rickettsiaceae rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
788 780 33988 775 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "789", "114295", "780", "33988", "775", "766", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
rickettsia sp. of the rank species rickettsia of the rank genus rickettsieae of the rank tribe rickettsiaceae of the rank family rickettsias of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
rickettsia sp. rickettsia rickettsieae rickettsiaceae rickettsias purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
789 780 33988 775 766 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "803", "773", "772", "356", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
wolhynia qintanae of the rank species bartonella group of the rank family rhizobiales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
wolhynia qintanae bartonella group rhizobiales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
803 772 356 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "807", "773", "772", "356", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain f9251 of the rank species bartonella group of the rank family rhizobiales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain f9251 bartonella group rhizobiales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
807 772 356 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "813", "810", "1113537", "809", "51291", "204429", "204428", "1783257", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain har-13 of the rank species chlamydia/chlamydophila group of the rank no rank chlamydiaceae of the rank family chlamydias of the rank order chlamydiia of the rank class chlamydiota of the rank phylum pvc group of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain har-13 chlamydia/chlamydophila group chlamydiaceae chlamydias chlamydiia chlamydiota pvc group pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
813 1113537 809 51291 204429 204428 1783257 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "817", "816", "815", "171549", "200643", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
sphaerophorus intermedius of the rank species bacteroidaceae of the rank family bacteroidales of the rank order bacteroidia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
sphaerophorus intermedius bacteroidaceae bacteroidales bacteroidia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
817 815 171549 200643 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "818", "816", "815", "171549", "200643", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
vpi 5482 of the rank species bacteroidaceae of the rank family bacteroidales of the rank order bacteroidia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vpi 5482 bacteroidaceae bacteroidales bacteroidia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
818 815 171549 200643 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "820", "816", "815", "171549", "200643", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
nctc 13054 of the rank species bacteroidaceae of the rank family bacteroidales of the rank order bacteroidia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
nctc 13054 bacteroidaceae bacteroidales bacteroidia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
820 815 171549 200643 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "821", "909656", "815", "171549", "200643", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
phocaeicola vulgatus of the rank species bacteroidaceae of the rank family bacteroidales of the rank order bacteroidia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
phocaeicola vulgatus bacteroidaceae bacteroidales bacteroidia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
821 815 171549 200643 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "823", "375288", "2005525", "171549", "200643", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
ristella distasonis of the rank species tannerellaceae of the rank family bacteroidales of the rank order bacteroidia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
ristella distasonis tannerellaceae bacteroidales bacteroidia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
823 2005525 171549 200643 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "824", "194", "72294", "213849", "3031852", "29547", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
nctc 12738 of the rank species campylobacter group of the rank family campylobacterales of the rank order epsilonproteobacteria of the rank class purple bacteria, epsilon subdivision of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
nctc 12738 campylobacter group campylobacterales epsilonproteobacteria purple bacteria, epsilon subdivision pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
824 72294 213849 3031852 29547 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "826", "32068", "1129771", "203491", "203490", "32066", "3384189", "2", "131567" ]
sphaerophorus siccus var. termitidis of the rank species leptotrichiaceae staley and whitman 2012 of the rank family fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 of the rank order fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 of the rank class fusobacteriota of the rank phylum fusobacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
sphaerophorus siccus var. termitidis leptotrichiaceae staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriota fusobacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
826 1129771 203491 203490 32066 3384189 2 131567 1
[ "827", "194", "72294", "213849", "3031852", "29547", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
nctc 10941 of the rank species campylobacter group of the rank family campylobacterales of the rank order epsilonproteobacteria of the rank class purple bacteria, epsilon subdivision of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
nctc 10941 campylobacter group campylobacterales epsilonproteobacteria purple bacteria, epsilon subdivision pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
827 72294 213849 3031852 29547 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "831", "830", "186803", "3085636", "186801", "1239", "1783272", "2", "131567" ]
strain d1 of the rank species lachnospiraceae of the rank family lachnospirales of the rank order clostridia of the rank class low g+c gram-positive bacteria of the rank phylum terrabacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain d1 lachnospiraceae lachnospirales clostridia low g+c gram-positive bacteria terrabacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
831 186803 3085636 186801 1239 1783272 2 131567 1
[ "833", "832", "204431", "218872", "204430", "65842", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain s85 of the rank species fibrobacteraceae spain et al. 2012 of the rank family fibrobacterales spain et al. 2012 of the rank order fibrobacteria spain et al. 2012 of the rank class fibrobacterota of the rank phylum fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain s85 fibrobacteraceae spain et al. 2012 fibrobacterales spain et al. 2012 fibrobacteria spain et al. 2012 fibrobacterota fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
833 204431 218872 204430 65842 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "837", "836", "171551", "171549", "200643", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain 2561 of the rank species porphyromonadaceae of the rank family bacteroidales of the rank order bacteroidia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain 2561 porphyromonadaceae bacteroidales bacteroidia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
837 171551 171549 200643 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "839", "558436", "171552", "171549", "200643", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
xylanibacter ruminicola of the rank species prevotellaceae of the rank family bacteroidales of the rank order bacteroidia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
xylanibacter ruminicola prevotellaceae bacteroidales bacteroidia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
839 171552 171549 200643 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "840", "2974257", "171552", "171549", "200643", "976", "68336", "1783270", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
vpi 9085 of the rank species prevotellaceae of the rank family bacteroidales of the rank order bacteroidia of the rank class sphingobacteria of the rank phylum cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group of the rank clade fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum of the rank clade pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vpi 9085 prevotellaceae bacteroidales bacteroidia sphingobacteria cytophagales/green sulfur bacteria group fibrobacteres-chlorobi-bacteroidetes superphylum pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
840 171552 171549 200643 976 68336 1783270 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "842", "841", "186803", "3085636", "186801", "1239", "1783272", "2", "131567" ]
strain gm of the rank species lachnospiraceae of the rank family lachnospirales of the rank order clostridia of the rank class low g+c gram-positive bacteria of the rank phylum terrabacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain gm lachnospiraceae lachnospirales clostridia low g+c gram-positive bacteria terrabacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
842 186803 3085636 186801 1239 1783272 2 131567 1
[ "844", "843", "72293", "213849", "3031852", "29547", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
wolinella succinogenes (wolin et al. 1961) tanner et al. 1981 of the rank species helicobacter group of the rank family campylobacterales of the rank order epsilonproteobacteria of the rank class purple bacteria, epsilon subdivision of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
wolinella succinogenes (wolin et al. 1961) tanner et al. 1981 helicobacter group campylobacterales epsilonproteobacteria purple bacteria, epsilon subdivision pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
844 72293 213849 3031852 29547 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "847", "846", "75682", "80840", "28216", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain oxb of the rank species oxalobacter group of the rank family burkholderia/oxalobacter/ralstonia group of the rank order purple bacteria, beta subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain oxb oxalobacter group burkholderia/oxalobacter/ralstonia group purple bacteria, beta subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
847 75682 80840 28216 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "849", "848", "203492", "203491", "203490", "32066", "3384189", "2", "131567" ]
"sphaerophorus gonidiaformans" (tunnicliff and jackson 1925) prevot 1938 of the rank species fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 of the rank family fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 of the rank order fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 of the rank class fusobacteriota of the rank phylum fusobacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
"sphaerophorus gonidiaformans" (tunnicliff and jackson 1925) prevot 1938 fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriota fusobacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
849 203492 203491 203490 32066 3384189 2 131567 1
[ "850", "848", "203492", "203491", "203490", "32066", "3384189", "2", "131567" ]
vpi 2488 [[clostridium rectum]] of the rank species fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 of the rank family fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 of the rank order fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 of the rank class fusobacteriota of the rank phylum fusobacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vpi 2488 [[clostridium rectum]] fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriota fusobacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
850 203492 203491 203490 32066 3384189 2 131567 1
[ "851", "848", "203492", "203491", "203490", "32066", "3384189", "2", "131567" ]
lmg:13131 of the rank species fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 of the rank family fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 of the rank order fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 of the rank class fusobacteriota of the rank phylum fusobacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
lmg:13131 fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriota fusobacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
851 203492 203491 203490 32066 3384189 2 131567 1
[ "852", "848", "203492", "203491", "203490", "32066", "3384189", "2", "131567" ]
"sphaerophorus perfoetens" (tissier 1905) sebald 1962 of the rank species fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 of the rank family fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 of the rank order fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 of the rank class fusobacteriota of the rank phylum fusobacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
"sphaerophorus perfoetens" (tissier 1905) sebald 1962 fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriota fusobacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
852 203492 203491 203490 32066 3384189 2 131567 1
[ "853", "216851", "216572", "186802", "186801", "1239", "1783272", "2", "131567" ]
ncimb 13872 of the rank species ruminococcaceae of the rank family eubacteriales of the rank order clostridia of the rank class low g+c gram-positive bacteria of the rank phylum terrabacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
ncimb 13872 ruminococcaceae eubacteriales clostridia low g+c gram-positive bacteria terrabacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
853 216572 186802 186801 1239 1783272 2 131567 1
[ "854", "848", "203492", "203491", "203490", "32066", "3384189", "2", "131567" ]
"influenzabacillenhnliches anarobes stabchen" russ 1905 of the rank species fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 of the rank family fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 of the rank order fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 of the rank class fusobacteriota of the rank phylum fusobacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
"influenzabacillenhnliches anarobes stabchen" russ 1905 fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriota fusobacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
854 203492 203491 203490 32066 3384189 2 131567 1
[ "855", "848", "203492", "203491", "203490", "32066", "3384189", "2", "131567" ]
strain 7511 r2-13 of the rank species fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 of the rank family fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 of the rank order fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 of the rank class fusobacteriota of the rank phylum fusobacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain 7511 r2-13 fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriota fusobacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
855 203492 203491 203490 32066 3384189 2 131567 1
[ "856", "848", "203492", "203491", "203490", "32066", "3384189", "2", "131567" ]
strain fn521 [[fusobacterium pseudonecrophorum (ex harris and brown 1927) shinjo et al. 1990]] of the rank species fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 of the rank family fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 of the rank order fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 of the rank class fusobacteriota of the rank phylum fusobacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain fn521 [[fusobacterium pseudonecrophorum (ex harris and brown 1927) shinjo et al. 1990]] fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriota fusobacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
856 203492 203491 203490 32066 3384189 2 131567 1
[ "858", "848", "203492", "203491", "203490", "32066", "3384189", "2", "131567" ]
spherophorus necrogenes of the rank species fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 of the rank family fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 of the rank order fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 of the rank class fusobacteriota of the rank phylum fusobacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
spherophorus necrogenes fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriota fusobacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
858 203492 203491 203490 32066 3384189 2 131567 1
[ "859", "848", "203492", "203491", "203490", "32066", "3384189", "2", "131567" ]
vpi 2891 of the rank species fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 of the rank family fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 of the rank order fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 of the rank class fusobacteriota of the rank phylum fusobacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vpi 2891 fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriota fusobacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
859 203492 203491 203490 32066 3384189 2 131567 1
[ "860", "848", "203492", "203491", "203490", "32066", "3384189", "2", "131567" ]
strain ek1-15 of the rank species fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 of the rank family fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 of the rank order fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 of the rank class fusobacteriota of the rank phylum fusobacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain ek1-15 fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriota fusobacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
860 203492 203491 203490 32066 3384189 2 131567 1
[ "861", "848", "203492", "203491", "203490", "32066", "3384189", "2", "131567" ]
nctc 12111 of the rank species fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 of the rank family fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 of the rank order fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 of the rank class fusobacteriota of the rank phylum fusobacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
nctc 12111 fusobacteriaceae staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriales staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriia staley and whitman 2012 fusobacteriota fusobacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
861 203492 203491 203490 32066 3384189 2 131567 1
[ "863", "862", "68298", "186802", "186801", "1239", "1783272", "2", "131567" ]
syntrophomonas wolfei of the rank species syntrophomonas group of the rank family eubacteriales of the rank order clostridia of the rank class low g+c gram-positive bacteria of the rank phylum terrabacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
syntrophomonas wolfei syntrophomonas group eubacteriales clostridia low g+c gram-positive bacteria terrabacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
863 68298 186802 186801 1239 1783272 2 131567 1
[ "865", "864", "1843491", "909929", "909932", "1239", "1783272", "2", "131567" ]
pectinatus frisingensis of the rank species selenomonadaceae of the rank family selenomonadales of the rank order negativicutes of the rank class low g+c gram-positive bacteria of the rank phylum terrabacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
pectinatus frisingensis selenomonadaceae selenomonadales negativicutes low g+c gram-positive bacteria terrabacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
865 1843491 909929 909932 1239 1783272 2 131567 1
[ "867", "866", "83763", "135624", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
ruminobacter amylophilus of the rank species succinivibrionaceae of the rank family aeromonadales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
ruminobacter amylophilus succinivibrionaceae aeromonadales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
867 83763 135624 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "870", "869", "868", "135615", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
vpi 2340 of the rank species dichelobacter group of the rank family cardiobacteriales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vpi 2340 dichelobacter group cardiobacteriales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
870 868 135615 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "873", "2582840", "194924", "213115", "3031449", "200940", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
vkm b-1757 of the rank species desulfovibrionaceae of the rank family desulfovibrionales of the rank order desulfovibrionia of the rank class "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vkm b-1757 desulfovibrionaceae desulfovibrionales desulfovibrionia "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
873 194924 213115 3031449 200940 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "876", "872", "194924", "213115", "3031449", "200940", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
vkm b-1799 of the rank species desulfovibrionaceae of the rank family desulfovibrionales of the rank order desulfovibrionia of the rank class "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vkm b-1799 desulfovibrionaceae desulfovibrionales desulfovibrionia "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
876 194924 213115 3031449 200940 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "878", "2910984", "194924", "213115", "3031449", "200940", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
vkm b-1801 of the rank species desulfovibrionaceae of the rank family desulfovibrionales of the rank order desulfovibrionia of the rank class "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vkm b-1801 desulfovibrionaceae desulfovibrionales desulfovibrionia "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
878 194924 213115 3031449 200940 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "879", "2910978", "194924", "213115", "3031449", "200940", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
vkm b-1759 of the rank species desulfovibrionaceae of the rank family desulfovibrionales of the rank order desulfovibrionia of the rank class "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vkm b-1759 desulfovibrionaceae desulfovibrionales desulfovibrionia "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
879 194924 213115 3031449 200940 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "880", "2794998", "194924", "213115", "3031449", "200940", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
vkm b-1763 of the rank species desulfovibrionaceae of the rank family desulfovibrionales of the rank order desulfovibrionia of the rank class "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vkm b-1763 desulfovibrionaceae desulfovibrionales desulfovibrionia "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
880 194924 213115 3031449 200940 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "881", "2802295", "194924", "213115", "3031449", "200940", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
vkm b-1760 of the rank species desulfovibrionaceae of the rank family desulfovibrionales of the rank order desulfovibrionia of the rank class "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vkm b-1760 desulfovibrionaceae desulfovibrionales desulfovibrionia "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
881 194924 213115 3031449 200940 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "885", "2593640", "872", "194924", "213115", "3031449", "200940", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
desulfovibrio sp. of the rank species sporovibrio of the rank genus desulfovibrionaceae of the rank family desulfovibrionales of the rank order desulfovibrionia of the rank class "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
desulfovibrio sp. sporovibrio desulfovibrionaceae desulfovibrionales desulfovibrionia "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
885 872 194924 213115 3031449 200940 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "886", "1740", "188711", "188710", "67799", "200940", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
vkm v-1128 of the rank species thermodesulfobacteriaceae of the rank family thermodesulfobacteriales of the rank order thermodesulfobacterium group of the rank class "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vkm v-1128 thermodesulfobacteriaceae thermodesulfobacteriales thermodesulfobacterium group "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
886 188711 188710 67799 200940 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "888", "48001", "213119", "213118", "3024418", "200940", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain 1pa3 of the rank species desulfobacteraceae of the rank family desulfobacterales of the rank order desulfobacteria waite et al. 2020 of the rank class "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain 1pa3 desulfobacteraceae desulfobacterales desulfobacteria waite et al. 2020 "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
888 213119 213118 3024418 200940 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "889", "2910985", "194924", "213115", "3031449", "200940", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
sebr 2582 of the rank species desulfovibrionaceae of the rank family desulfovibrionales of the rank order desulfovibrionia of the rank class "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
sebr 2582 desulfovibrionaceae desulfovibrionales desulfovibrionia "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
889 194924 213115 3031449 200940 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "891", "890", "213421", "69541", "3031651", "200940", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain 11070 of the rank species "pseudopelobacteraceae" waite et al. 2020 of the rank family "geobacteraceae" lonergan et al. 1996 of the rank order desulfuromonadia of the rank class "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain 11070 "pseudopelobacteraceae" waite et al. 2020 "geobacteraceae" lonergan et al. 1996 desulfuromonadia "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
891 213421 69541 3031651 200940 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "892", "2614637", "890", "213421", "69541", "3031651", "200940", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
desulfuromonas sp. of the rank species desulfuromonas of the rank genus "pseudopelobacteraceae" waite et al. 2020 of the rank family "geobacteraceae" lonergan et al. 1996 of the rank order desulfuromonadia of the rank class "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
desulfuromonas sp. desulfuromonas "pseudopelobacteraceae" waite et al. 2020 "geobacteraceae" lonergan et al. 1996 desulfuromonadia "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
892 890 213421 69541 3031651 200940 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "894", "893", "213121", "3024411", "3031451", "200940", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
vkm b-1956 of the rank species desulfobulbaceae of the rank family desulfobulbales waite et al. 2020 of the rank order desulfobulbia of the rank class "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vkm b-1956 desulfobulbaceae desulfobulbales waite et al. 2020 desulfobulbia "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
894 213121 3024411 3031451 200940 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "895", "2642396", "893", "213121", "3024411", "3031451", "200940", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
desulfobulbus sp. of the rank species desulfobulbus widdel 1981 of the rank genus desulfobulbaceae of the rank family desulfobulbales waite et al. 2020 of the rank order desulfobulbia of the rank class "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
desulfobulbus sp. desulfobulbus widdel 1981 desulfobulbaceae desulfobulbales waite et al. 2020 desulfobulbia "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
895 893 213121 3024411 3031451 200940 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "897", "896", "2931039", "213118", "3024418", "200940", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain 1be1 of the rank species desulfococcaceae waite et al. 2020 of the rank family desulfobacterales of the rank order desulfobacteria waite et al. 2020 of the rank class "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain 1be1 desulfococcaceae waite et al. 2020 desulfobacterales desulfobacteria waite et al. 2020 "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
897 2931039 213118 3024418 200940 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "899", "898", "213116", "213115", "3031449", "200940", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
vkm b-1378 of the rank species desulfomicrobiaceae of the rank family desulfovibrionales of the rank order desulfovibrionia of the rank class "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
vkm b-1378 desulfomicrobiaceae desulfovibrionales desulfovibrionia "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
899 213116 213115 3031449 200940 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "901", "872", "194924", "213115", "3031449", "200940", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
dsm 749 of the rank species desulfovibrionaceae of the rank family desulfovibrionales of the rank order desulfovibrionia of the rank class "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
dsm 749 desulfovibrionaceae desulfovibrionales desulfovibrionia "thermodesulfobacteriota" whitman et al. 2018 pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
901 194924 213115 3031449 200940 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "905", "904", "909930", "1843488", "909932", "1239", "1783272", "2", "131567" ]
strain vr4 of the rank species acidaminococcaceae of the rank family acidaminococcales of the rank order negativicutes of the rank class low g+c gram-positive bacteria of the rank phylum terrabacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain vr4 acidaminococcaceae acidaminococcales negativicutes low g+c gram-positive bacteria terrabacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
905 909930 1843488 909932 1239 1783272 2 131567 1
[ "907", "906", "31977", "1843489", "909932", "1239", "1783272", "2", "131567" ]
rumen organism lc of the rank species veillonellaceae of the rank family veillonellales of the rank order negativicutes of the rank class low g+c gram-positive bacteria of the rank phylum terrabacterida of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
rumen organism lc veillonellaceae veillonellales negativicutes low g+c gram-positive bacteria terrabacterida prokaryotes cellular organisms root
907 31977 1843489 909932 1239 1783272 2 131567 1
[ "912", "911", "41294", "356", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain x14 of the rank species nitrobacteraceae of the rank family rhizobiales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain x14 nitrobacteraceae rhizobiales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
912 41294 356 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "913", "911", "41294", "356", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain nb-255 of the rank species nitrobacteraceae of the rank family rhizobiales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain nb-255 nitrobacteraceae rhizobiales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
913 41294 356 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "915", "914", "206379", "32003", "28216", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain nm50 of the rank species nitrosomonadaceae of the rank family sulfuricellales watanabe et al. 2015 of the rank order purple bacteria, beta subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain nm50 nitrosomonadaceae sulfuricellales watanabe et al. 2015 purple bacteria, beta subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
915 206379 32003 28216 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "916", "914", "206379", "32003", "28216", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain nm57 of the rank species nitrosomonadaceae of the rank family sulfuricellales watanabe et al. 2015 of the rank order purple bacteria, beta subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain nm57 nitrosomonadaceae sulfuricellales watanabe et al. 2015 purple bacteria, beta subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
916 206379 32003 28216 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "917", "914", "206379", "32003", "28216", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
strain nm 22 of the rank species nitrosomonadaceae of the rank family sulfuricellales watanabe et al. 2015 of the rank order purple bacteria, beta subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
strain nm 22 nitrosomonadaceae sulfuricellales watanabe et al. 2015 purple bacteria, beta subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
917 206379 32003 28216 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "920", "119977", "225058", "225057", "1807140", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
thiobacillus ferrooxidans temple and colmer 1951 (approved lists 1980) of the rank species acidithiobacillaceae of the rank family acidithiobacillales of the rank order acidithiobacillia williams and kelly 2013 of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
thiobacillus ferrooxidans temple and colmer 1951 (approved lists 1980) acidithiobacillaceae acidithiobacillales acidithiobacillia williams and kelly 2013 purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
920 225058 225057 1807140 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "921", "99", "335928", "356", "28211", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
thiobacillus novellus starkey 1934 (approved lists 1980) of the rank species xanthobacteraceae of the rank family rhizobiales of the rank order purple bacteria, alpha subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
thiobacillus novellus starkey 1934 (approved lists 1980) xanthobacteraceae rhizobiales purple bacteria, alpha subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
921 335928 356 28211 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "923", "2035712", "2035710", "135613", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
thiobacillus hydrothermalis of the rank species thioalkalibacteraceae of the rank family chromatiales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
thiobacillus hydrothermalis thioalkalibacteraceae chromatiales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
923 2035710 135613 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "924", "2646513", "919", "2008790", "32003", "28216", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
thiobacillus sp. of the rank species thiobacillus of the rank genus thiobacillaceae of the rank family sulfuricellales watanabe et al. 2015 of the rank order purple bacteria, beta subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
thiobacillus sp. thiobacillus thiobacillaceae sulfuricellales watanabe et al. 2015 purple bacteria, beta subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
924 919 2008790 32003 28216 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "926", "32012", "224471", "80840", "28216", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
thiomonas intermedia of the rank species burkholderiales genera incertae sedis of the rank no rank burkholderia/oxalobacter/ralstonia group of the rank order purple bacteria, beta subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
thiomonas intermedia burkholderiales genera incertae sedis burkholderia/oxalobacter/ralstonia group purple bacteria, beta subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
926 224471 80840 28216 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "927", "109262", "255526", "135613", "1236", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
thiobacillus x of the rank species halothiobacillaceae of the rank family chromatiales of the rank order purple bacteria, gamma subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
thiobacillus x halothiobacillaceae chromatiales purple bacteria, gamma subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
927 255526 135613 1236 1224 3379134 2 131567 1
[ "928", "32012", "224471", "80840", "28216", "1224", "3379134", "2", "131567" ]
thiomonas perometabolis of the rank species burkholderiales genera incertae sedis of the rank no rank burkholderia/oxalobacter/ralstonia group of the rank order purple bacteria, beta subdivision of the rank class purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives of the rank phylum pseudomonadati of the rank kingdom prokaryotes of the rank superkingdom cellular organisms of the rank no rank root of the rank no rank
thiomonas perometabolis burkholderiales genera incertae sedis burkholderia/oxalobacter/ralstonia group purple bacteria, beta subdivision purple photosynthetic bacteria and relatives pseudomonadati prokaryotes cellular organisms root
928 224471 80840 28216 1224 3379134 2 131567 1