worsening right pleural effusion and pulmonary edema.
mild pulmonary vascular congestion.
no acute intrathoracic process.
low lung volumes and kyphosis limits evaluation, but no definite focal consolidation.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no pneumonia.
possible mild increased pulmonary vascular prominence and possible tiny right pleural effusion.
continued multifocal pneumonia with some areas of improvement and some areas that appear slightly worse.
<num>. worsening bilateral lower lobe opacification is partially due to worsening atelectasis and pleural effusion. however, the right side is worrisome for pneumonia. <num>. no pneumothorax.
no radiographic evidence of injury.
low lung volumes with bibasilar opacities likely reflecting atelectasis and/or pneumonia. small right pleural effusion.
left basilar opacity, potentially atelectasis, noting that infection is also possible in the appropriate clinical setting.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no radiographic evidence for acute cardiopulmonary process.
<num>. no radiographic evidence for acute cardiopulmonary process. <num>. at least <num> cm right lower lobe lung nodule. chest ct is recommended to evaluate for stability, as previously recommended. findings and recommendations were discussed with <unk> by <unk> <unk> by telephone at <time> on <unk> at the time of initial review of the study.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
<num>. no acute cardiopulmonary process. <num>. redemonstration of increased interstitial markings suggestive of chronic underlying interstitial lung disease.correlation with chest ct is recommended
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no pneumothorax following left chest tube removal.
no pneumonia.
increased density at the left lung base could represent atelectasis or scarring however infection is not completely excluded.
no evidence of acute disease. no evidence for free air.
no radiographic evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease.
possible trace pleural effusion. persistently enlarged cardiac silhouette.
mild pulmonary vascular congestion, little changed from <unk>.
cardiomegaly with mild pulmonary edema.
interval improvement in pulmonary vascular congestion. possible mild volume loss in the left hemithorax.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no evidence of pneumonia.
subtle left suprahilar opacity most likely represent vascular structure or possible consolidation given that no pulmonary nodule or mass is seen at this location on chest ct from <unk>.
no acute cardiopulmonary process. please note that atypical infection may be more apparent on ct.
nasogastric tube seen coursing below the diaphragm with the tip not identified. right subclavian central line unchanged in position. lung volumes are somewhat low with bibasilar patchy opacities which could reflect atelectasis, although pneumonia or aspiration cannot be excluded. the vasculature appears cephalized consistent with pulmonary venous hypertension but no overt pulmonary edema is appreciated. no pneumothorax is seen. overall cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable.
no evidence of fluid overload.
stable moderate right pleural effusion with adjacent pleural thickening and atelectasis after removal of right pleural drainage tube.
no radiographic evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease. findings consistent with known pulmonary fibrosis.
no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process.
no definite evidence of metastatic disease in the thorax.
<num>. no evidence for acute cardiopulmonary process. <num>. et tube terminating <num> cm above the carina. nasogastric tube position within the stomach.
feeding tube within the stomach
normal chest radiograph
innumerable pulmonary lesions many of which are calcified and consistent with a hamartomas related to the patient's known cowden disease. superimposed infection is difficult to exclude in this setting, especially without prior chest radiographs available for comparison.
small right-greater-than- left pleural effusions are new or larger compared with <unk>. no definite consolidation, but confluent opacity at the right lung base makes it difficult to exclude an early pneumonic infiltrate or focus of aspiration. linear lucency overlying left third posterior rib --<unk> artifact due to overlapping structures. if the patient has focal tenderness in this location, the nondisplaced rib fracture would be considered. upper zone redistribution. doubt overt chf. no pneumothorax detected.
consolidation in the lingula compatible with pneumonia. followup after treatment will be necessary to document resolution.
new consolidation at the left lung base which may be secondary to atelectasis however an acute infectious process cannot be excluded. no definite rib fractures are identified. however if there is further clinical concern for rib fractures, a dedicated rib series would be recommended for further evaluation.
minimal bibasilar atelectasis, including in the right infrahilar region. the appearance is less pronounced than on <unk>. no definite consolidation, though an early infiltrate would be difficult to exclude in this setting.
no change. no new line identified
no change. no new infiltrate
improvement in postsurgical appearance of the mediastinum with stable small pleural effusions with bibasilar opacities.
left greater than right bibasilar opacities may reflect atelectasis, or consolidation in the proper clinical context. no pulmonary edema.