mildly worsened left basilar opacity, likely atelectasis. small pleural effusions.
improved bronchopneumonia with residual opacities in the right upper, right lower and lingula. recommendation(s): repeat radiographs in <num> weeks to ensure resolution, if opacities do not resolve, consider ct thorax
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
left basilar patchy opacity most consistent with atelectasis. clinical correlation is advised.
no acute cardiopulmonary process seen. moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged.
worsening opacification of both lungs.
subtle increased opacity of the left lung base worrisome for infection.
no acute intrathoracic process.
mild pulmonary vascular congestion and small left pleural effusion.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
interval increase in size of right pleural effusion. no definite other changed noting that subtle underlying parenchymal changes would be difficult to assess given changes mentioned above.
mild bibasilar atelectasis without definite focal consolidation. there is subtle increased interstitial markings bilaterally which may be due to mild vascular congestion though atypical pneumonia not excluded.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities
normal chest.
stable right-sided pleural effusion. however, in the appropriate clinical setting, a superimposed pneumonia cannot be entirely excluded.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
small bilateral effusions and cardiomegaly. retrocardiac opacity, potentially atelectasis although infection is not excluded, to be correlated clinically.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
chronic interstitial prominence without radiographic evidence for acute process.
scattered pulmonary infiltrates in the mid lung field of left hemithorax. new pleural blunting on the right base. markedly prominent right-sided breast shadow. followup examination is recommended. also, clinical comparison of the unusual right-sided breast shadow is recommended.
low lung volumes. minimal, if any, pulmonary venous hypertension.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
widespread interstitial abnormality, although asymmetric and greater on the right than left. although this appearance is suspected to reflect fluid overload, noting asymmetry differential considerations may include pneumonia in addition to a somewhat asymmetric pattern of pulmonary edema.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
low lung volumes with mild pulmonary vascular congestion and bibasilar atelectasis.
mild interstitial edema with bibasilar opacities and air bronchograms in the right lower lobe concerning for pneumonia.
<num>. no definite focal consolidation identified. low lung volumes cause bronchovascular crowding and accentuation of the heart size. <num>. no evidence of pneumothorax.
<num>. unchanged diffuse interstitial edema. <num>. previously noted increased lucency at the left costophrenic angle is unchanged, in appearance compared to the prior radiograph obtained earlier on the same day. given that there is no apical pneumothorax on this upright view - this may represent a summation shadow or a loculated pocket of air rather than free pleural air- either airways has remained unchanged hence less concerning. <num>. lines and tubes as above.
no acute intrathoracic process.
<num>. bibasilar opacities are worrisome for bibasilar pneumonia or aspiration pneumonia. <num>. small left pleural effusion.
bibasilar opacities, left greater than right, are minimally improved from the prior study. recommend followup chest radiograph in <num> weeks and if not fully resolved at that time, consider ct evaluation of the chest.
<num>. minimally displaced lateral right ninth rib fracture. no pneumothorax. <num>. stable t<num> compression. <num>. no acute cardiopulmonary process. <num>. consider repeat pa/lateral radiographs once rib fracture heals to ensure re-expansion of the right middle lobe. findings paged to dr. <unk> at <num> a.m. on <unk>.
right infrahilar opacity is suspicious for focal right lower lobe pneumonia. followup chest x-rays in <unk> weeks after completion of antibiotic therapy may be helpful to assess for resolution if warranted clinically
mild diffuse interstitial abnormality. differential considerations include mild vascular congestion or atypical infection. correlation with clinical information is suggested.
no significant interval change given differences in lung volumes.
poor quality image. no definite pneumothorax or pleural effusion. recommend repeat study.
no acute intrathoracic process. no pneumonia.
no focal consolidations concerning for pneumonia.
lines and tubes as described. -of note, the left chest tube has probably retracted very slightly compare with the prior film, such that its side-port straddles the outer left chest wall. -in addition, as before, the left subclavian central line does not cross the midline to reach the svc. -et tube lies <num> cm above the carina at the level of midclavicular heads. clinical correlation regarding possible advancement is requested. extensive subcutaneous emphysema. areas of lucency in the left lung adjacent to the aortic knob and at the base of the left lung could represent residual pneumothoraces, but are less distinct on today's exam. other bilateral areas of opacity are similar to the prior study. the presence or absence of chf and the infectious consolidations would be difficult to exclude in this setting.
severe emphysema without focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia.
<num>. large hiatal hernia. <num>. bilateral small pleural effusions with associated bibasilar atelectasis.
no acute intrathoracic process.
small bilateral pleural effusions and mild dependent atelectasis
stable right middle lobe pneumonia. no new areas of pneumonia.
expansile right lateral seventh rib lesion is similar in appearance to prior radiographs. considering clinical suspicion for pathologic fracture, dedicated rib radiograph might be helpful to exclude a subtle fracture which may not be detectable on conventional chest radiographs.
subtle areas of small patchy opacity bilaterally, most likely relate to overlapping structures as these seem to be located in the region of the ribs. however, underlying ground-glass opacity and infectious process are not excluded. subtle patchy left base opacity is stable as compared to <unk>.
mild enlargement of the cardiac silhouette without pulmonary edema. the cardiac silhouette is larger in size than on the prior study from <unk>. no focal consolidation.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
no substantial interval change.
right picc terminates near the right subclavian and internal jugular vein confluence with its tip pointing slightly superiorly in the direction of internal jugular vein.
no significant interval change.
<num>. mild cardiomegaly with worsening mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema is concerning for heart failure. <num>. increase in opacity overlying the left lower lobe is concerning for an infectious process.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
left midlung opacity likely represents scarring and healing of the lingular lobe necrotizing pneumonia
no acute cardiopulmonary pathology.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
<num>. new nodular opacity in the right lower lung is of unclear significance. further assessment with chest ct is recommended. <num>. compression deformity of a lower thoracic vertebra is unchanged.
no acute cardiopulmonary radiographic abnormality.
interval increase in size of the now small right apical pneumothorax. no significant interval change otherwise.
moderate cardiomegaly. no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
<num>. interstitial edema. <num>. increase in the moderate left pleural effusion and stable small right pleural effusion. <num>. bibasilar consolidative opacities, concerning for infectious or aspiration pneumonia. <num>. gastric distention. results were discussed with the gynecology resident caring for the patient at <time> a.m. on <unk> via telephone by dr. <unk> at the time the findings were discovered.
interval clearing of right lung base pneumonia. mild residual opacity remains.
<num>. inferior migration of patient's esophageal stent as compared to the prior study. <num>. slight increase in right mid lung patchy opacity may due to consolidation in the superior right lower lobe which could be due to an infection. the above findings were discussed with dr. <unk> on <unk> via telephone.
right upper lobe opacity which may represent sequela of radiation treatment or acute pneumonia.
no acute intrathoracic process.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
nasogastric tube extends below the diaphragm and terminates in the fundus of the stomach.
<num>. healing left first rib fracture without evidence for acute fracture. however, dedicated rib series is more sensitive for rib fractures. <num>. right middle lobe bronchiectasis.
normal chest radiograph.
<num>. overall decrease in size of hydropneumothorax. a tiny apical air collection remains and several small pockets of air-fluid levels are still evident. <num>. decreasing atelectasis in the right lower lobe. <num>. very mild interstitial edema has not significantly changed.
lower lung volumes with right basilar atelectasis. infection cannot be completely excluded.
<num>. right base consolidative opacity and patchy left base opacity are compatible with pneumonia or aspiration. <num>. moderate cardiomegaly.
persistent large right pleural effusion. minimal to no left pleural effusion.
mild cardiomegaly and vascular congestion, not significantly changed since <unk>.
standard positions of the endotracheal and enteric tubes. low lung volumes with probable bibasilar atelectasis.
no acute intrathoracic process.
no interval change since <unk>
no acute intrathoracic process.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no evidence of acute disease.
<num>. no evidence of pneumonia. <num>. <num>-cm nodular opacity in right mid hemithorax, likely representing a known sclerotic focus in the inferior right scapula. repeat chest radiograph with improved positioning may be helpful to confirm scapular location and to fully exclude a lung nodule in this region.
interval removal of right chest tube with new small right apical pneumothorax and residual opacity projecting over the right lung base, possibly representing a combination of atelectasis and small pleural effusions, since <unk>.
bronchial wall thickening suggesting bronchitis. no focal consolidation.
focal consolidation in the right upper lung concerning for pneumonia. followup to resolution advised.
hyperinflated, but clear lungs.
<num>. loculated pneumothorax again seen along the right upper chest, stable to possibly minimally increased. there has been interval increase in adjacent right upper chest opacification which may be due to a combination of pleural fluid and consolidation with possible component of lung collapse without mediastinal shift, underlying malignancy not excluded. elevation of the right hemidiaphragm may be due to volume loss with possible subpulmonic effusion.
<num>. low lung volumes. worsening left lower lung opacity is concerning for developing pneumonia. <num>. resolution of right pleural effusion.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
persistent prominent interstitial markings. resolving pneumothorax. unchanged left pleural effusion.
faint patchy right upper lung field opacity which could reflect an area of developing infection.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
<num>. interval enlargement of the cardiac silhouette, mild pulmonary edema and increased small bilateral pleural effusions is consistent with cardiac decompensation. <num>. dense retrocardiac opacification could be related to edema; however, pneumonia is not excluded and repeat radiographs are recommended once the edema improves.
persistent multifocal parenchymal opacities, with subpleural and peribronchial distribution suggestive of cryptogenic organizing pneumonia. although it is overall similar in appearance compared to the prior ct scout image, a repeat ct would be more sensitive for detecting subtle changes.
right ij catheter with tip terminating over the lower svc. no pneumothorax.