no change.
overlying soft tissue along the lateral aspect of the left lung is difficult to discriminate from a definite left mid lung opacity. conventional radiographs should be considered if clinical concern is present.
no acute findings.
no pneumothorax. chronic changes. subtle opacity projecting over the anterior right first rib likely relates to the rib, however, this can be confirmed with apical lordotic view of the chest.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
no evidence of pneumonia.
tiny bilateral pleural effusions. otherwise unremarkable exam.
no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary abnormality
no acute intrathoracic process.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
moderate right and small left effusions with mild pulmonary edema.
no acute cardiopulmonary process. no evidence of free air beneath the diaphragms.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. stable mild cardiomegaly.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
small, residual left pleural effusion. unchanged left apical and perihilar opacities.
<num>. unchanged chronic interstitial prominence, likely related to sickle cell disease. <num>. no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no evidence of pneumonia.
unremarkable chest radiographic examination.
clear lungs with no evidence of pneumonia.
no acute intrathoracic process with left upper lung opacity, nodule versus superimposition of normal structures. consider apical lordotic radiographs on a nonemergent basis to further assess.
stable appearance of right middle lobe mass and pleural effusion and since <unk>.
normal chest radiograph.
bibasilar opacities, likely representing atelectasis on the right, however the opacities in the left lower lung are slightly more confluent and may represent atelectasis or pneumonia. mild to moderate cardiomegaly.
<num>. linear left basilar opacity, most consistent with atelectasis. <num>. likely small right pleural effusion.
radiographic resolution of previously diagnosed pneumonia. no further followup is required.
interval reduction in size of layering pleural effusion when compared to the study from two days ago. otherwise, stable appearance of the right lower thoracic chest wall mass and loculated component of left pleural effusion.
no evidence of pneumonia.
patchy right upper lung opacity seen on the frontal view, worrisome for pneumonia.
low lung volumes crowd the pulmonary vasculature and give overall a more hazy appearance to the lungs. there is no definite focal parenchymal opacity reflecting pneumonia.
no infiltrate.
normal chest radiograph.
low lung volumes with bibasilar atelectasis. known mediastinal lymphadenopathy and pulmonary metastases are better visualized on the previous ct.
no evidence of pneumonia. note is made of gaseous distension of the proximal stomach.
normal study.
no acute intrathoracic process identified.
no evidence for acute cardiopulmonary process. stable thoracic aorta tortuosity and aneurysmal dilatation at the level of the diaphragm.
no evidence of active tuberculosis.
no acute intrathoracic process.
pulmonary edema.
dobbhoff ends in the proximal stomach.
stable cardiomegaly without superimposed acute cardiopulmonary process.
chronic scarring with superior retraction of the hila and pleural thickening. small pleural effusions difficult to exclude.
mild cardiomegaly. otherwise, unremarkable chest radiograph.
minimal bibasilar atelectasis. otherwise, no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no acute intrathoracic process.
normal chest.
<num>. no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. <num>. previously characterized bibasilar nodules are better evaluated by ct, not evident on radiography.
<num>. resolution of previously seen pulmonary edema and small bilateral pleural effusions. <num>. bilateral hilar enlargement concerning for underlying lymphadenopathy. please see subsequent chest cta report for further details.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
elevated left hemidiaphragm. no cardiomegaly.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. crescentic lucency on the left hemidiaphragm most likely represents air within a decompressed stomach. if there is any concern for possible pneumoperitoneum, dedicated abdominal radiographs or ct could be considered for further evaluation.
normal chest radiograph.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no acute cardiopulmonary process. vague <num>-cm opacities in the mid and lower right lung only seen on the pa view. recommend oblique views for further evaluation.
bibasilar opacities concerning for atelectasis versus pneumonia. hilar engorgement is unchanged.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no acute intrathoracic process.
no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease.
no acute findings.
no evidence to suggest active or latent tuberculosis.
no definite evidence for pneumonia.
vague new right upper lobe opacity, possibly due to atelectasis or airway inflammation; although probably less likely, early development of pneumonia is not excluded. decreased right mid lung opacity. otherwise no significant change.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities
new right middle lobe opacity, which <unk> represent atelectasis or infectious consolidation. apparent increase in moderate right pleural effusion and persistent small left pleural effusion.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
new right lower lobe posterior segment early pneumonia. previous exam recommended oblique films to evaluate suspected nodular infiltrate which is not seen on this film; however, recommend follow up exam to ensure resolution of current pneumonia and further evaluate the previously seen nodular infiltrate.
<num>. decreased right pleural effusion with residual small effusion and small right apical pneumothorax. <num>. improving left lower lobe atelectasis and slight decrease in small left pleural effusion.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
top-normal cardiac silhouette. otherwise, clear lungs.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
unchanged mild cardiomegaly with mild pulmonary vascular congestion. trace bilateral pleural effusions. no focal consolidation.
mild pulmonary edema with moderate bilateral effusions atelectasis in the lung bases. left lower lobe atelectasis or pneumonia.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no focal consolidation. minimal anterior wedging of <unk> vertebral body at the thoracolumbar junction of indeterminate age.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
compression of an upper thoracic vertebral body possibly t<num> ,this is of indeterminate age but new from <unk>. no evidence for a mass or other abnormality in the chest.
no acute findings, including no signs of free intraperitoneal air.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
small right pleural effusion, similar to prior. no focal consolidation.
no acute cardiopulmonary process. a rounded <num> mm nodular opacity projecting over the left mid lung. this could be due to overlapping shadows although underlying pulmonary nodule is possible. nonurgent repeat frontal view with shallow obliques for further assessment and if it persists, ct will be necessary.
interval enlargement of the right-sided pneumothorax with middle and lower lobe atelectasis. findings were discussed with dr. <unk> <unk> the phone at <time> p.m. (also the time of discovery) on <unk> by dr. <unk>.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
streaky lower lung opacities likely representing atelectasis or scarring, less likely pneumonia. borderline cardiomegaly.
<num>. no fracture is identified. <num>. nonspecific opacity overlying the right seventh anterior rib, possibly localized contusion given history of fall. short-term followup is recommended to ensure resolution.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
change in position of right-sided picc catheter which now travels short distance up the right internal jugular before looping downward and terminating within the mid svc. it is recommended that this right-sided picc catheter be repositioned. remainder of the study is unchanged.
<num>. generalized pulmonary edema appears slightly worse than <unk>. <num>. moderate right pleural effusion. possible trace left pleural effusion.
minimal prominence of the pulmonary vasculature with probable small bilateral pleural effusions. no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia.
new, faint, right lower lung opacities may be new, mild, dependent edema or a developing pneumonia.
mild pulmonary edema and possible small left pleural effusion. more focal opacity in the right upper lobe may reflect an area developing infection. continue followup radiographs after diuresis are recommended.
no acute cardiopulmonary process.
no acute intrathoracic process.
no acute intrathoracic process.
no convincing signs of pneumonia. top-normal heart size. mild right infrahilar atelectasis.