A 77-year-old male patient (HC 53,296/3), ex-smoker of 60 cigarettes/day, with a history of: |
- Adrenal abdominal aneurysm surgery. - Right renal lithiasis. |
He consulted for presenting macroscopic monosymptomatic hematuria in 1999. |
He was diagnosed with transitional bladder carcinoma showing very focal areas micropap (G3-pT1) and areas of carcinoma in situ. |
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Later he had tumor recurrence in 2000 and 2004 diagnosed with carcinoma in situ and were treated with intravesical chemotherapy (BCG). |
In January 2005, the patient came to our hospital because of a tumor in the abdominal wall at the level of the right iliac fossa. For this reason, a CT scan (computed tomography) of the abdominal wall of 6 cm showed a solid mass. |
Laparotomy was performed with en bloc resection of the abdominal wall. |
An irregular fragment weighing 180 g and a mean of 9 x 9 x 7 cm was received at the Pathological Anatomy Service. Serial sections identified a whitish nodular lesion with a firm edge that was close to 6 x 6 cm. |
The anatomopathological study showed a poorly differentiated carcinoma of high histological grade that frequently showed a micropapillary pattern and frequent permeation of lymphatic vessels, suggesting its metastatic origin. |
Immunohistochemical studies showed positivity for keratin (AE1-AE3) and cytokeratin (CK) 7 and negativity for CK20, TTF-1, N-Cam, Cromofiline |
The final diagnosis was abdominal wall metastasis from a micropapillary bladder carcinoma. |
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Subsequently, PET (Postytron emission tomography) was performed on the right hemipelvis, on the iliac path, a focal hypermetabolic deposit compatible with lymph node metastasis CT scan confirmed later in the diagnosis. |
However, no bladder recurrence was detected and urine cytology was negative. |
Four cycles of chemotherapy were administered according to the Carboplatin-Gemcitabine protocol, aiming at a complete response in the review. |
The patient is alive and disease-free 12 months after the initial diagnosis. |