Omar Espejel


AI & ML interests

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Sentence Transformers's profile picture BigScience Workshop's profile picture Flax-sentence-embeddings's profile picture NLP en ES's profile picture I Hackathon Somos NLP: PLN en Español's profile picture community's profile picture Laboratorio de Tecnologías del Lenguaje (INAOE)'s profile picture Biomedical TeMU's profile picture Escuela Latinoamericana de IA's profile picture Universidad Panamericana (UP)'s profile picture SomosNLP's profile picture Tecnologico de Monterrey's profile picture Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society's profile picture Webis Hugging Face Workshop's profile picture Universidad Tecnológica's profile picture Universidade NOVA de Lisboa's profile picture Centro de Investigación en Computación (IPN)'s profile picture ONNXConfig for all's profile picture Data's profile picture fasthug group 2022's profile picture fastai X Hugging Face Group 2022's profile picture Embedding Training Data's profile picture Platzi Community's profile picture Starknet Foundation's profile picture

Articles 4


Train and Fine-Tune Sentence Transformers Models


Getting Started With Embeddings