Beauty eMakeup: Hệ thống Chuyển đổi Trang điểm Sâu
[ "Learning Hierarchical Features for Scene Labeling", "Makeup like a superstar: Deep Localized Makeup Transfer Network", "SuperParsing: Scalable Nonparametric Image Parsing with Superpixels", "Matching-CNN meets KNN: Quasi-parametric human parsing", "Entropy rate superpixel segmentation" ]
[ "Registration with the Point Cloud Library: A Modular Framework for Aligning in 3-D", "Comparison of high-performance packet processing frameworks on NUMA", "Design and Implementation of a Secure Modbus Protocol", "Interactive painterly stylization of images, videos and 3D animations", "A Timing-Based Scheme for Rogue AP Detection", "Early detection of diabetic retinopathy from digital retinal fundus images", "Attention-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks (ATA-GANs)", "Technical assessment of the CLEERGAS moving grate-based process for energy generation from municipal solid waste.", "A Multifaceted Evaluation of Neural versus Phrase-Based Machine Translation for 9 Language Directions", "Building Generalizable Agents with a Realistic and Rich 3D Environment", "The cognitive neuroscience of creativity.", "Recurrent Inference Machines for Accelerated MRI Reconstruction", "Incorporating Unsupervised Learning in Activity Recognition", "Generate Identity-Preserving Faces by Generative Adversarial Networks", "Validation and Performance Evaluations of Methods for Estimating Land Surface Temperatures from ASTER Data in the Middle Reach of the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China", "Axial Force and Vibroacoustic Analysis of External-Rotor Axial-Flux Motors", "A Modular Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Generation System Based on DC Bus", "Wireless communication applications of the continuous transverse stub (CTS) array at microwave and millimeter wave frequencies", "Instructional video in e-learning: Assessing the impact of interactive video on learning effectiveness", "Model-based testing and validation on artificial intelligence systems", "Effect of subjective perspective taking during simulation of action: a PET investigation of agency", "Integrity attestation in military IoT", "Image classification using the web graph", "Tagging Ingush - Language Technology For Low-Resource Languages Using Resources From Linguistic Field Work", "Asking the Right Questions in Crowd Data Sourcing" ]
Beauty eMakeup: A Deep Makeup Transfer System
AdDroid: Phân quyền riêng biệt cho ứng dụng và nhà quảng cáo trên Android
[ "Korat: automated testing based on Java predicates", "On lightweight mobile phone application certification", "These aren't the droids you're looking for: retrofitting android to protect data from imperious applications", "AdJail: Practical Enforcement of Confidentiality and Integrity Policies on Web Advertisements", "Curbing Android Permission Creep Encouraging Least Privilege in development" ]
[ "Stay on the Wikipedia task: When task-related disagreements slip into personal and procedural conflicts", "An evolutionary algorithm that constructs recurrent neural networks", "Megahertz OCT for ultrawide-field retinal imaging with a 1050 nm Fourier domain mode-locked laser.", "Game mechanics telling stories? An experiment", "Macrophage biology in development, homeostasis and disease", "HANDSET ANTENNA DESIGN: PRACTICE AND THEORY", "Detection, Tracking and Classification of Road Signs in Adverse Conditions", "Effects of hippotherapy and therapeutic horseback riding on postural control or balance in children with cerebral palsy: a meta-analysis.", "Randomized, controlled trial of long-term moderate exercise training in chronic heart failure: effects on functional capacity, quality of life, and clinical outcome.", "Prevalence and molecular identification of the sinus worm Skrjabingylus petrowi (Nematoda: Metastrongyloidea) from Martes spp. in Germany", "Early validation of computational thinking pattern analysis", "Coupling Mechanism in Hybrid SIW–CPW Forward Couplers for Millimeter-Wave Substrate Integrated Circuits", "Language independent web news extraction system based on text detection framework", "Timbre-specific enhancement of auditory cortical representations in musicians.", "Big Data and Recommender Systems", "Create Your Own Internet of Things: A survey of IoT platforms.", "Examining the Feasibilities of Industry 4 . 0 for the Hospitality Sector with the Lens of Management Practice", "Color-based Segmentation of Point Clouds", "A comparative study of K-Means, DBSCAN and OPTICS", "Integrating Importance, Non-Redundancy and Coherence in Graph-Based Extractive Summarization", "Opposing effects of viral mediated brain expression of apolipoprotein E2 (apoE2) and apoE4 on apoE lipidation and Aβ metabolism in apoE4-targeted replacement mice", "Visual Navigation with Actor-Critic Deep Reinforcement Learning", "Residual Networks Behave Like Ensembles of Relatively Shallow Networks", "Measuring the perceived quality of an AR-based learning application: a multidimensional model", "Personalized news recommendation based on click behavior" ]
AdDroid: privilege separation for applications and advertisers in Android
Nhận dạng và chuyển đổi ký tự Tamil viết tay bằng Mạng Neural
[ "A Training Algorithm for Optimal Margin Classifiers", "Support-Vector Networks", "Training Support Vector Machines: an Application to Face Detection" ]
[ "X-Tag: A Fiducial Tag for Flexible and Accurate Bundle Adjustment", "IL-Miner: Instance-Level Discovery of Complex Event Patterns", "Design and Evaluation of a Compiler Algorithm for Prefetching", "Stochastic computation", "The Pfam protein families database: towards a more sustainable future", "A VLSI Implementation of an Analog Neural Network Suited for Genetic Algorithms", "Utilizing concept correlations for effective imbalanced data classification", "A Novel Representation and Feature Matching Algorithm for Automatic Pairwise Registration of Range Images", "A practical evaluation of radio signal strength for ranging-based localization", "egoSlider: Visual Analysis of Egocentric Network Evolution", "Seed priming to alleviate salinity stress in germinating seeds.", "Message Passing Graph Kernels", "Software Reuse: Metrics and Models", "Manipulating Attributes of Natural Scenes via Hallucination", "Optimal Power Flow by Black Hole Optimization Algorithm", "A Kinect-Based Wearable Face Recognition System to Aid Visually Impaired Users", "Saliency Unified: A Deep Architecture for simultaneous Eye Fixation Prediction and Salient Object Segmentation", "Grid-connected hybrid PV/wind power generation system with improved DC bus voltage regulation strategy", "Contract Performance in Offshore Systems Development: Role of Control Mechanisms", "Inference for Knowledge Graph Construction", "Comparison of sampler and VNA based Large Signal Measurement Systems (LSNA) under CW and pulsed operation", "Sensorless Brushless DC Motor Drive Based on the Zero-Crossing Detection of Back Electromotive Force (EMF) From the Line Voltage Difference", "USARSim: a robot simulator for research and education", "Image Deblurring and Super-Resolution by Adaptive Sparse Domain Selection and Adaptive Regularization", "Planar monopole antennas on substrates fabricated through an additive manufacturing process" ]
Handwritten Tamil Character Recognition and Conversion using Neural Network
Một Mạng Lưới Xoay Chuyển Dải Đa Cột Tổng Hợp Không Phụ Thuộc Quan Điểm
[ "Learning Hierarchical Features for Scene Labeling", "FlowNet: Learning Optical Flow with Convolutional Networks", "Face Recognition Using Kernel Ridge Regression", "CrowdNet: A Deep Convolutional Network for Dense Crowd Counting", "Learning to count with deep object features" ]
[ "Data Gloves for Sign Language Recognition System", "Partial midfacial duplication.", "Center feed single layer slotted waveguide array", "Strategic asset allocation", "From Movement to Thought: Executive Function, Embodied Cognition, and the Cerebellum", "How to Choose the Best Pivot Language for Automatic Translation of Low-Resource Languages", "An Insight Extraction System on BioMedical Literature with Deep Neural Networks", "Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence: Theories, Methods, and Technologies", "FTP-SC: Fuzzy Topology Preserving Stroke Correspondence", "Security trade-offs in Cloud storage systems", "DeepLife: An Entity-aware Search, Analytics and Exploration Platform for Health and Life Sciences", "IMAGE STITCHING USING MATLAB", "Automatic License Plate Recognition Using Local Binary Pattern and Histogram Matching", "Exploring possible predictors and moderators of an executive function training for children with an autism spectrum disorder.", "Survey of platforms for massive IoT", "Phylogeny and cryptic diversification in Southeast Asian flying geckos.", "Augmented Reality in Astrophysics", "Few-shot learning of neural networks from scratch by pseudo example optimization", "Large-Scale Cross-Game Player Behavior Analysis on Steam", "Application of Computational Intelligence to Improve Education in Smart Cities", "Developing Smart Car Parking System Using Wireless Sensor Networks", "How ontologies benefit enterprise applications", "APT attack behavior pattern mining using the FP-growth algorithm", "Driving automation : Learning from aviation about design philosophies", "Improving your data transformations : Applying the Box-Cox transformation" ]
An Aggregated Multicolumn Dilated Convolution Network for Perspective-Free Counting
Phân phối và các cơ chế tương tác của não bộ trong nhận thức về khuôn mặt cảm xúc: Chứng cứ từ hình ảnh chức năng của não
[ "Fears, phobias, and preparedness: toward an evolved module of fear and fear learning.", "The facilitated processing of threatening faces: an ERP analysis.", "Understanding face recognition.", "Electrophysiological Studies of Face Perception in Humans", "Beware and be aware: capture of spatial attention by fear-related stimuli in neglect." ]
[ "Evaluation of 3D Feature Descriptors for Multi-modal Data Registration", "Non-uniformity Correction of Infrared Images by Midway Equalization", "SoftBound: highly compatible and complete spatial memory safety for c", "HydraDB: a resilient RDMA-driven key-value middleware for in-memory cluster computing", "A Probabilistic Approach for Web Service Discovery", "Recognition and Pose Estimation of Rigid Transparent Objects with a Kinect Sensor", "Ternary Residual Networks", "Feature-based aggregation and deep reinforcement learning: a survey and some new implementations", "CLORIFI: software vulnerability discovery using code clone verification", "A refined PWM scheme for voltage and current source converters", "Microbiological, technological and therapeutic properties of kefir: a natural probiotic beverage", "Distributional semantics for understanding spoken meal descriptions", "Deployable Helical Antennas for CubeSats", "A protocol for a secure remote keyless entry system applicable in vehicles using symmetric-key cryptography", "Air filter particulate loading detection using smartphone audio and optimized ensemble classification", "Mining financial statement fraud: An analysis of some experimental issues", "Assessing Personality Profiles of Software Developers in Agile Development Teams", "Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification Networks", "A Decade of Automatic Content Evaluation of News Summaries: Reassessing the State of the Art", "Validation and verification of computer forensic software tools d Searching Function", "Reusing stanford POS tagger for tagging Urdu sentences", "Presence and Flow in Virtual Environments", "Two dimensional model of a permanent magnet spur gear", "Tracking and Classification of In-Air Hand Gesture Based on Thermal Guided Joint Filter", "M4: A Visualization-Oriented Time Series Data Aggregation" ]
Distributed and interactive brain mechanisms during emotion face perception: Evidence from functional neuroimaging
Phân đoạn Câu chuyện và Phát hiện Quảng cáo trong Video Tin tức Trực tiếp
[ "Intelligent Access to Digital Video: Informedia Project", "Image Processing on Compressed Data for Large Video Databases", "Velocity determination in scenes containing several moving objects", "Digital Video Segmentation" ]
[ "Introduction to the CoNLL-2003 Shared Task: Language-Independent Named Entity Recognition", "Ontology-Based Integrated Information Platform for Digital City", "Design and Analysis of a Full-Bridge LLC-Based PEV Charger Optimized for Wide Battery Voltage Range", "Detecting influenza epidemics using search engine query data", "CSIFT: A SIFT Descriptor with Color Invariant Characteristics", "Mold Fluid Flow : Practical Investigation of Mold Flux Entrainment in CC Molds Due to Shear Layer Instability", "A Compact Parallel-Plane Perpendicular-Current Feed for a Modified Equiangular Spiral Antenna", "The consume - create spectrum: balancing convenience and computational thinking in stem learning", "Students' self-presentation on Facebook: An examination of personality and self-construal factors", "Automatic Scoring of an Analytical Response-To-Text Assessment", "Emission of polarization-entangled microwave photons from a pair of quantum dots.", "A robust algorithm for point set registration using mixture of Gaussians", "Validation of the five-factor model of personality across instruments and observers.", "Affective Design of E-Commerce User Interfaces : How to Maximise Perceived Trustworthiness", "Power efficiency optimization of charge pumps in embedded low voltage NOR flash memory", "Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation for Skeletal Muscle Function", "A Reference-Less Clock and Data Recovery Circuit Using Phase-Rotating Phase-Locked Loop", "Perspectives on the Productivity Dilemma", "Broadband SOI PA with tunable matching network for improved LTE performances under high VSWR", "Survey on Energy Consumption Entities on the Smartphone Platform", "For the law, neuroscience changes nothing and everything.", "Evidential Deep Learning to Quantify Classification Uncertainty", "Sign language recognition using Microsoft Kinect", "Low Latency Geo-distributed Data Analytics", "Learning Pixel-Level Semantic Affinity with Image-Level Supervision for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation" ]
Story Segmentation and Detection of Commercials in Broadcast News Video
Giới thiệu hệ thống mật khẩu đánh dấu (COPS): Một bước tiến trong phương pháp xác thực người dùng và bảo mật thông tin
[ "Making Passwords Secure and Usable", "Password Security - A Case History", "Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology", "The magical number seven plus or minus two: some limits on our capacity for processing information.", "Why Johnny Can't Encrypt: A Usability Evaluation of PGP 5.0" ]
[ "Adolescents' attitudes toward sports, exercise, and fitness predict physical activity 5 and 10 years later.", "Efficient FPGA Implementation of Sigmoid and Bipolar Sigmoid Activation Functions for Multilayer Perceptrons", "The \"Parallel Vectors\" operator-a vector field visualization primitive", "Client Profiling for an Anti-Money Laundering System", "Off The Beaten Lane: AI Challenges In MOBAs Beyond Player Control", "Road condition monitoring using on-board Three-axis Accelerometer and GPS Sensor", "What's It Mean to \"Be Social\" in VR?: Mapping the Social VR Design Ecology", "Self-configuration of IEEE 802.1 TSN networks", "Modified phase shifted PWM for cascaded H bridge multilevel inverter", "A social-cognitive model of trait and state levels of gratitude.", "DYNAMIC DAYLIGHT GLARE EVALUATION", "Toward Practical Privacy-Preserving Analytics for IoT and Cloud-Based Healthcare Systems", "Location-based Resource Allocation for mobile D2D communications in multicell deployments", "Identification of influencers - Measuring influence in customer networks", "An optimized system to solve text-based CAPTCHA", "Is vaginal mucosal graft the excellent substitute material for urethral reconstruction in female-to-male transsexuals?", "Imagination-Augmented Agents for Deep Reinforcement Learning", "Robot therapy for elders affected by dementia", "Modeling Cellular-to-UAV Path-Loss for Suburban Environments", "ONLINE MARKETING AND CONSUMER PURCHASE BEHAVIOUR : A STUDY OF NIGERIAN FIRMS", "Cloud computing-based forensic analysis for collaborative network security management system", "Building Hierarchical Representations for Oracle Character and Sketch Recognition", "Generating Stopword List for Sanskrit Language", "Cognitive Machine-Learning Algorithm for Cardiac Imaging: A Pilot Study for Differentiating Constrictive Pericarditis From Restrictive Cardiomyopathy.", "E-book Reading and its Impact on Academic Status of Students at Payame Noor University, Iran" ]
Introducing the Check-Off Password System (COPS): An Advancement in User Authentication Methods and Information Security
Nơi chốn: Một Cơ sở Dữ liệu Hình ảnh cho Sự Hiểu biết Sâu Sắc về Cảnh vật
[ "Synthesizing the preferred inputs for neurons in neural networks via deep generator networks", "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition", "What, where and who? Classifying events by scene and object recognition", "Long Short-Term Memory", "Going deeper with convolutions" ]
[ "PixelDefend: Leveraging Generative Models to Understand and Defend against Adversarial Examples", "Efficient computation of adaptive threshold surfaces for image binarization", "Expectation-maximization algorithm for multi-pitch estimation and separation of overlapping harmonic spectra", "Innovative Pedagogical Approaches to a Capstone Laboratory Course in Cyber Operations", "A user-centric evaluation framework for recommender systems", "Hardware reverse engineering: Overview and open challenges", "Linggle: a Web-scale Linguistic Search Engine for Words in Context", "The evolution of synthetic aperture radar systems and their progression to the EOS SAR", "Global Inference for Sentence Compression: An Integer Linear Programming Approach", "The Fourth PASCAL Recognizing Textual Entailment Challenge", "Temperature dependent Pspice model of silicon carbide power MOSFET", "Learning hierarchical representations for face verification with convolutional deep belief networks", "Neural and behavioral responses to attractiveness in adult and infant faces", "Experimental Evaluations on Ship Autonomous Navigation and Collision Avoidance by Intelligent Guidance", "A Global Hypothesis Verification Framework for 3D Object Recognition in Clutter", "Articulated Billboards for Video-based Rendering", "Cognition as the tip of the emotional iceberg: A neuro-evolutionary perspective.", "Semi-Supervised Nonnegative Matrix Factorization", "Acromelic frontonasal dysostosis and ZSWIM6 mutation: phenotypic spectrum and mosaicism", "Improved power transformer winding fault detection using FRA diagnostics – part 1: axial displacement simulation", "Algorithm for 3D Point Cloud Denoising", "Circuit Simulator Models for the Diode and IGBT with full temperature dependent features", "Gain Enhancement of a Broadband Symmetrical Dual-Loop Antenna Using Shorting Pins", "Service Performance and Analysis in Cloud Computing", "Compression of soft-body animation sequences" ]
Places: An Image Database for Deep Scene Understanding
Bộ quay pha 7 bit tuyến tính cao 2-11 GHz dựa trên tạo đa pha khóa chèn băng thông rộng cho liên kết nối nối nối tiếp tốc độ cao trong 28 nm CMOS FDSOI
[ "A Reference-Less Clock and Data Recovery Circuit Using Phase-Rotating Phase-Locked Loop", "56Gb/s PAM4 and NRZ SerDes transceivers in 40nm CMOS", "A 21-Gb/s 87-mW Transceiver With FFE/DFE/Analog Equalizer in 65-nm CMOS Technology", "A T-Coil-Enhanced 8.5 Gb/s High-Swing SST Transmitter in 65 nm Bulk CMOS With $≪ -$16 dB Return Loss Over 10 GHz Bandwidth" ]
[ "Spatial but not verbal cognitive deficits at age 3 years in persistently antisocial individuals.", "Classifying imbalanced data using a bagging ensemble variation (BEV)", "Imaging system having White-RGB color filter array", "Hybrid Forest: A Concept Drift Aware Data Stream Mining Algorithm", "Methodological aspects of EEG and body dynamics measurements during motion", "Geographical partition for distributed web crawling", "Self-Efficacy Perspective On Achievement Behavior", "Restricted and repetitive behaviors in toddlers and preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders based on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS).", "Comparing continuous and intermittent assistance controllers for assistive devices", "Special thanks to the reviewers", "A Single-Stage Three-Phase Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System With Modified MPPT Method and Reactive Power Compensation", "Intrusion detection based on k-means clustering and OneR classification", "Mesh repair with user-friendly topology control", "Information metrics (iMetrics): a research specialty with a socio-cognitive identity?", "CertLedger: A New PKI Model with Certificate Transparency Based on Blockchain", "Teaching a Machine to Read Maps With Deep Reinforcement Learning", "File-level vs. module-level regression test selection for .NET", "Eventually Returning to Strong Consistency", "Improving Multi-documents Summarization by Sentence Compression based on Expanded Constituent Parse Trees", "Lack of sleep affects the evaluation of emotional stimuli", "Diet and risk of colorectal cancer in a cohort of Finnish men", "Sherpa : Hyperparameter Optimization for Machine Learning Models", "A 0.3 pJ/access 8T data-aware SRAM utilizing column-based data encoding for ultra-low power applications", "An automated framework for software test oracle", "A review of more electric aircraft technology" ]
A 2–11 GHz 7-Bit High-Linearity Phase Rotator Based on Wideband Injection-Locking Multi-Phase Generation for High-Speed Serial Links in 28-nm CMOS FDSOI
Phân loại email với đồng huấn luyện
[ "Human Behaviour and the Principle of Least Effort: an Introduction to Human Ecology", "Estimating Continuous Distributions in Bayesian Classifiers", "A Comparison of Event Models for Naive Bayes Text Classification", "A Bayesian Approach to Filtering Junk E-Mail", "Analyzing the Effectiveness and Applicability of Co-training" ]
[ "Design and Governance of Platform Ecosystems - Key Concepts and Issues for Future Research", "Patch Autocorrelation Features: a translation and rotation invariant approach for image classification", "Exploring the Relationship between Organizational Adoption Motives and the Tailoring of Agile Methods", "Artificial Neural Network Application in the Diagnosis of Disease Conditions with Liver Ultrasound Images", "Testing malware detectors", "A tractable model of reciprocity and fairness", "How does knowledge management influence innovation and competitiveness?", "A Comparative Evaluation of Blockchain Systems for Application Sharing Using Containers", "Statistical techniques for online personalized advertising: a survey", "The Effect of Vibrotactile Stimulation on the Emotional Response to Horror Films", "The Perceptual Organization of Texture Flow: A Contextual Inference Approach", "Application of the Artificial Neural Network for blood pressure evaluation with smartphones", "Determinants of acute malnutrition among children aged 6-59 months in Public Hospitals, Oromia region, West Ethiopia:", "Artificial Neural Network based Web Application Firewall for SQL Injection", "Actor-Oriented Design of Embedded Hardware and Software Systems", "Chapter 3 Eye Tracking and Eye-Based Human – Computer Interaction", "DeltaIoT: A Self-Adaptive Internet of Things Exemplar", "Social CLWPR: A socially enhanced position based routing protocol for handling misbehaviour inVANETs", "Multi-task assignment for crowdsensing in mobile social networks", "Effect of Pet Insects on the Psychological Health of Community-Dwelling Elderly People: A Single-Blinded, Randomized, Controlled Trial.", "Compact Representation of Dynamic Driving Environments for ADAS by Parametric Free Space and Dynamic Object Maps", "A mixture model for preferences data analysis", "Searching for Common Sense: Populating Cyc™ from the Web", "Design optimization of transformerless grid-connected PV inverters including reliability", "Reliability and validity of the Test of In-Hand Manipulation in children ages 5 to 6 years." ]
Email classification with co-training
Chỉnh sửa hình ảnh tương tác với lệnh hướng dẫn bằng ngôn ngữ tự nhiên
[ "Neural Photo Editing with Introspective Adversarial Networks", "Adversarial Feature Learning", "Long Short-Term Memory", "Deep Visual Analogy-Making", "Chainer : a Next-Generation Open Source Framework for Deep Learning" ]
[ "Towards a Decentralized Magnetic Indoor Positioning System", "A Bidirectional-Switch-Based Wide-Input Range High-Efficiency Isolated Resonant Converter for Photovoltaic Applications", "Towards the Web of Things: Web Mashups for Embedded Devices", "Application-centric security policies on unmodified Android", "Understanding Performance Interference of I/O Workload in Virtualized Cloud Environments", "Making business sense of the Internet.", "Photonic Crystal-Structures for THz Vacuum Electron Devices", "Improving Unsupervised Defect Segmentation by Applying Structural Similarity to Autoencoders", "Connections between covering-based rough sets and concept lattices", "Approximate dynamic programming using fluid and diffusion approximations with applications to power management", "Vertical Nanowire Gate-All-Around p-type Tunneling Field-Effect Transistor With Si", "Health Neuroscience: Defining a New Field.", "Intent Discovery Through Unsupervised Semantic Text Clustering", "Swarm intelligence: past, present and future", "Development and Validation of the Smartphone Addiction Inventory (SPAI)", "Iseult/INUMAC Whole Body 11.7 T MRI Magnet", "DEEP HEDGING", "Adaptive Edge Features Guided Graph Attention Networks", "A Random-Finite-Set Approach to Bayesian SLAM", "A solution to room-by-room coverage for autonomous cleaning robots", "Ontology-driven Requirements Engineering: Building the OntoREM Meta Model", "Quick detection of brain tumors and edemas: A bounding box method using symmetry", "Hybrid Bidirectional Wireless EV Charging System Tolerant to Pad Misalignment", "Double-Rotor Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Machine With Yokeless Stator", "A 98.55% Efficiency Switched-Tank Converter for Data Center Application" ]
Interactive Image Manipulation with Natural Language Instruction Commands
Thiết kế ăng-ten mảng khe SIW băng kép gọn nhẹ
[ "Simulation and experiment on SIW slot array antennas", "Guided-wave and leakage characteristics of substrate integrated waveguide", "Accurate modeling, wave mechanisms, and design considerations of a substrate integrated waveguide", "Design and Implementation of Dual-Frequency Dual-Polarization Slotted Waveguide Antenna Array for Ka-Band Application", "Low-Cost X/Ku/Ka-Band Dual-Polarized Array With Shared Aperture" ]
[ "Weakly-supervised convolutional neural networks for multimodal image registration", "IoT Security and Privacy Issues", "Rule Based Metadata Extraction Framework from Academic Articles", "Real-time performance evaluation of a genetic-algorithm-based fuzzy logic controller for IPM motor drives", "'Some tactical problems in digital simulation' for the next 10 years", "LQR, double-PID and pole placement stabilization and tracking control of single link inverted pendulum", "Semantic Role Labeling of Emotions in Tweets", "Implementing Multidimensional Data Warehouses into NoSQL", "Using galvanic skin response for cognitive load measurement in arithmetic and reading tasks", "Matroid theory", "Modeling the statistical time and angle of arrival characteristics of an indoor multipath channel", "A fast, invariant representation for human action in the visual system.", "Mining distance-based outliers in near linear time with randomization and a simple pruning rule", "Electrowetting for Tunable Microoptics", "Efficiently solving dynamic Markov random fields using graph cuts", "Effects of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback on EEG Alpha Asymmetry and Anxiety Symptoms in Male Athletes: A Pilot Study.", "Next-Generation Synthetic Gene Networks", "Secure ARP and Secure DHCP Protocols to Mitigate Security Attacks", "Velocity determination in scenes containing several moving objects", "Stream reasoning and complex event processing in ETALIS", "Handwritten-Digit Recognition by Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network based on HfO2 Memristive Spiking-Neuron", "Validity in qualitative research.", "Efficiency Optimization of a DSP-Based Standalone PV System Using Fuzzy Logic and Dual-MPPT Control", "Hiding Privacy Leaks in Android Applications Using Low-Attention Raising Covert Channels", "First-order Bayesian logic" ]
Design of Compact Dual-Band SIW Slotted Array Antenna
Một mô hình phổ quát cho việc lựa chọn mục linh hoạt trong các cuộc đối thoại
[ "MATCH: An Architecture for Multimodal Dialogue Systems", "Labeled LDA: A supervised topic model for credit attribution in multi-labeled corpora", "Latent Dirichlet Allocation", "An architecture for a generic dialogue shell" ]
[ "A Survey of Graph Mining Techniques for Biological Datasets", "A 88-dB DR, 84-dB SNDR Very Low-Power Single Op-Amp Third-Order $\\Sigma \\Delta$ Modulator", "The role of emotion in moral psychology", "Kinematic features of unrestrained vertical arm movements.", "Statistical Nested Sensor Array Signal Processing", "JSUT corpus: free large-scale Japanese speech corpus for end-to-end speech synthesis", "Umbrella wheel — A stair-climbing and obstacle-handling wheel design concept", "Statistical Pattern Recognition", "Automatic abstraction for verification of cyber-physical systems", "\"Like-Me\" Simulation as an Effective and Cognitively Plausible Basis for Social Robotics", "QFN based packaging concepts for millimeter-wave transceivers", "Portfolio Construction: Using Bootstrapping and Portfolio Weight Resampling for Construction of Diversified Portfolios", "Network Analysis with the Enron Email Corpus", "Active learning in multimedia annotation and retrieval: A survey", "A Comparative Study of Different Data Mining Algorithms", "A taxonomy of argumentation models used for knowledge representation", "Deep Q-Networks for Accelerating the Training of Deep Neural Networks", "Ratiometric Artifact Reduction in Low Power Reflective Photoplethysmography", "Probabilistic Prognostic Estimates of Survival in Metastatic Cancer Patients (PPES-Met) Utilizing Free-Text Clinical Narratives", "Improving Cytoarchitectonic Segmentation of Human Brain Areas with Self-supervised Siamese Networks", "Silicon-on-Glass Dielectric Waveguide—Part I: For Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits", "Short-Term Travel Time Prediction Using A Time-Varying Coefficient Linear Model ?", "Expertise-related deactivation of the right temporoparietal junction during musical improvisation", "Proactive rumor control in online networks", "The log-structured merge-tree (LSM-tree)" ]
A universal model for flexible item selection in conversational dialogs
Một loại ăng-ten thấp, song cực, băng thông rộng mới cho các ứng dụng 4G LTE
[ "A novel broadband omnidirectional dual polarized MIMO antenna for 4G LTE applications", "A Low Profile Dual-Polarized Wideband Omnidirectional Antenna Based on AMC Reflector", "A Dual-Mode Wideband MIMO Cube Antenna With Magneto-Electric Dipoles", "A Wideband Omnidirectional Horizontally Polarized Antenna for 4G LTE Applications", "Broadband Dual-Polarized Omnidirectional Antenna for 2G/3G/LTE/WiFi Applications" ]
[ "Big Data for Open Digital Innovation - A Research Roadmap", "Hyperdimensional biosignal processing: A case study for EMG-based hand gesture recognition", "MRI in the diagnosis of diphallia", "Game theory and human evolution: a critique of some recent interpretations of experimental games.", "Generating Keyword Queries for Natural Language Queries to Alleviate Lexical Chasm Problem", "Authentication Algorithm for Intrusion Detection in Wireless Networks", "Principal components analysis based control of a multi-dof underactuated prosthetic hand", "Signature-based videos' visual similarity detection and measurement", "Game-based forensics course for first year students", "CrowdBC: A Blockchain-based Decentralized Framework for Crowdsourcing", "Using Distributed Scrum for Supporting an Online Community-A Qualitative Descriptive Study of Students ’ Perceptions", "A hybrid HMM/DNN approach to keyword spotting of short words", "Substrate switching noise analysis and layout/circuit considerations in monolithic power converters", "ToneTrack: Leveraging Frequency-Agile Radios for Time-Based Indoor Wireless Localization", "Cloud Automation: Precomputing Roadmaps for Flexible Manipulation", "Taxonomy Model for Cyber Threat Intelligence Information Exchange Technologies", "DISC: Deep Image Saliency Computing via Progressive Representation Learning", "A Review of Models and Frameworks for Designing Mobile Learning Experiences and Environments.", "The Relationship Between Mobile Phone Use , Metacognitive Awareness and Academic Achievement", "A Method for Mapping Sensor Data to SSN Ontology", "The Energy Intensity of the Internet: Home and Access Networks", "Preimages for Step-Reduced SHA-2", "Local Gaussian Process Regression for Real Time Online Model Learning", "Center of gravity balance approach based on CPG algorithm for locomotion control of a quadruped robot", "A Survey on Visual Approaches for Analyzing Scientific Literature and Patents" ]
A novel broadband dual-polarized low-profile antenna for 4G LTE applications
Thực hiện Hướng dẫn ITIL cho Quy trình Hỗ trợ CNTT trong một Tổ chức Dịch vụ
[ "Improving Business Process Quality through Exception Understanding, Prediction, and Prevention", "Workflow mining: discovering process models from event logs", "Classifying ITIL Processes; A Taxonomy under Tool Support Aspects", "Workflow mining: A survey of issues and approaches", "ITIL as common practice reference model for IT service management: formal assessment and implications for practice" ]
[ "Automated Driving in Uncertain Environments: Planning With Interaction and Uncertain Maneuver Prediction", "Autonomously semantifying wikipedia", "Analysing Qualitative Data: More Than 'Identifying Themes'", "Towards the enhancement of e-democracy: identifying the notion of the 'middleman paradox'", "Automated Whitebox Fuzz Testing", "Spatial Transformer Introspective Neural Network", "Deep embedding convolutional neural network for synthesizing CT image from T1-Weighted MR image", "Bridging Space over Time : Global Virtual Team Dynamics and Effectiveness", "Adapting GOMS to model human-robot interaction", "A compact low-power supply-insensitive CMOS current reference", "Very High Force Hydraulic McKibben Artificial Muscle with a p-Phenylene-2, 6-benzobisoxazole Cord Sleeve", "Growth of the flickr social network", "Identification of phthalate esters in the serum of young Puerto Rican girls with premature breast development.", "Using fMRI to study reward processing in humans: past, present, and future.", "A Better Baseline for AVA", "Miniaturization of Circular Patch Antennas Using MNG Metamaterials", "Gunshot detection and localization using sensor networks", "Identifying medical terms in patient-authored text: a crowdsourcing-based approach", "The effects of prosthetic foot stiffness on transtibial amputee walking mechanics and balance control during turning.", "Filling Knowledge Base Gaps for Distant Supervision of Relation Extraction", "Cogging Torque Definitions for Magnetic Gears and Magnetically Geared Electrical Machines", "An Earthworm-Like Robotic Endoscope System for Human Intestine: Design, Analysis, and Experiment", "Combination of Hidden Markov Random Field and Conjugate Gradient for Brain Image Segmentation", "Highly programmable wavelength selective switch based on liquid crystal on silicon switching elements", "A Circularly Polarized Antenna With Wide Axial Ratio Beamwidth" ]
An Implementation of ITIL Guidelines for IT Support Process in a Service Organization
Khám phá các Phụ thuộc Trò chuyện giữa các Tin nhắn trong Đối thoại
[ "Context dependent recurrent neural network language model", "Unsupervised Modeling of Twitter Conversations", "Learning representations by back-propagating errors", "A unified architecture for natural language processing: deep neural networks with multitask learning", "A Latent Semantic Model with Convolutional-Pooling Structure for Information Retrieval" ]
[ "A Touchless Human-machine Interface for the Control of an Elevator", "Classification of rice grain varieties using two artificial neural networks (MLP and neuro-fuzzy).", "Solving the team orienteering problem using effective multi-start simulated annealing", "Back to Basics: Benchmarking Canonical Evolution Strategies for Playing Atari", "Design of series-parallel combined resonant circuit with rotary transformer used for ultrasonic spindle drive", "Immersive VR for Scientific Visualization: A Progress Report", "Smart City Planning - Developing an Urban Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles", "Four-element dual-band printed slot antenna array for the future 5G mobile communication networks", "Multidimensional Constellations for Uplink SCMA Systems - A Comparative Study", "An implementation of cloud-based platform with R packages for spatiotemporal analysis of air pollution", "A Fast Unified Model for Parsing and Sentence Understanding", "Dynamics of B cells in germinal centres", "Multi-Touch Surfaces: A Technical Guide Technical Report TUM-I0833", "Morpho-syntactically Annotated Amharic Treebank", "Functional maps: a flexible representation of maps between shapes", "Network-Based Modeling and Intelligent Data Mining of Social Media for Improving Care", "Traffic Management and Forecasting System Based on 3D GIS", "3D point cloud processing using spin images for object detection", "Bayesian Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning", "Spectral and temporal processing in human auditory cortex.", "Metaphors of human thinking for usability inspection and design", "Simplified Design Methodology for a Slotless Brushless DC Motor", "Evaluating Fluency in Human-Robot Collaboration", "Toward Ubiquitous Blood Pressure Monitoring via Pulse Transit Time: Predictions on Maximum Calibration Period and Acceptable Error Limits", "Public Displays of Connection" ]
Discovering Conversational Dependencies between Messages in Dialogs
Robot đám mây: Kiến trúc phần mềm: Cho các robot tự trị đa dạng quy mô lớn
[ "Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing", "A Survey of Research on Cloud Robotics and Automation", "Cloud robotics: architecture, challenges and applications", "A survey of socially interactive robots", "FastSLAM 2 . 0 : An Improved Particle Filtering Algorithm for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping that Provably Converges" ]
[ "A Web Crawler System Design Based on Distributed Technology", "Deep Spatial Regression Model for Image Crowd Counting", "Composite Scale of Morningness: psychometric properties, validity with Munich ChronoType Questionnaire and age/sex differences in Poland.", "Node Detection and Internode Length Estimation of Tomato Seedlings Based on Image Analysis and Machine Learning", "Vection and simulator sickness.", "Artificial intelligence and the future of cybersecurity", "Understanding Online Consumer Stickiness in E-commerce Environment : A Relationship Formation Model", "Optimal Distributed Online Prediction", "Improved Consistent Sampling, Weighted Minhash and L1 Sketching", "Perceiving mass in mixed reality through pseudo-haptic rendering of Newton's third law", "Subtitle-free Movie to Script Alignment", "Classifying eye and head movement artifacts in EEG signals", "Acoustic Echo Cancellation using Adaptive Algorithms", "A Foundation for Actor Computation", "A model of ERP project implementation", "PEDESTRIAN DETECTION AND TRACKING IN SURVEILLANCE VIDEO By PENNY CHONG", "Consciousness cannot be separated from function", "Uncovering Temporal Context for Video Question and Answering", "The Microfinance Promise", "Toward controlling a KUKA LBR IIWA for interactive tracking", "A Reconfigurable Quadri-Polarization Diversity Aperture-Coupled Patch Antenna", "Learning to Pinpoint Singing Voice from Weakly Labeled Examples", "GUIDANCE LAW EVALUATION FOR MISSILE GUIDANCE SYSTEMS", "Business Models for Internet based E-Procurement Systems and B2B Electronic Markets: An Exploratory Assessment", "Task-Based Robot Grasp Planning Using Probabilistic Inference" ]
Cloud robotics: A software architecture: For heterogeneous large-scale autonomous robots
Một phương pháp phát hiện tự động chứng ngưng thở khi ngủ dựa trên entropy của tín hiệu EEG đa băng
[ "PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: components of a new research resource for complex physiologic signals.", "Classification of sleep apnea using cross wavelet transform", "Comparison of detrended fluctuation analysis and spectral analysis for heart rate variability in sleep and sleep apnea", "Automatic detection of sleep apnea based on EEG detrended fluctuation analysis and support vector machine", "Efficient obstructive sleep apnea classification based on EEG signals" ]
[ "An Evaluation of the Challenges of Multilingualism in Data Warehouse Development", "BOLD correlates of EEG topography reveal rapid resting-state network dynamics", "Plan Online, Learn Offline: Efficient Learning and Exploration via Model-Based Control", "CityMomentum: an online approach for crowd behavior prediction at a citywide level", "Communication of Emotion in Social Robots through Simple Head and Arm Movements", "Exceeding chance level by chance: The caveat of theoretical chance levels in brain signal classification and statistical assessment of decoding accuracy", "Analysis of self-efficacy theory of behavioral change", "Evaluation: From Precision, Recall and F-Factor to ROC, Informedness, Markedness & Correlation", "RolX: structural role extraction & mining in large graphs", "Accurate and dense wide-baseline stereo matching using SW-POC", "Hausdorff and Minimal Distances between Parametric Freeforms in R2 and R3", "Augmenting photographs with textures using the Laplacian pyramid", "A virtual shared metadata storage for HDFS", "Beamforming for MIMO-OFDM Wireless Systems", "A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the efficacy and safety of vortioxetine 10 mg and 20 mg in adults with major depressive disorder.", "Fast exact and heuristic methods for role minimization problems", "The Most Probable Database Problem", "A recommender agent based on learning styles for better virtual collaborative learning experiences", "Response to Douglas Re: \"Conclusions of Ghaheri's Study That Laser Surgery for Posterior Tongue and Lip Ties Improves Breastfeeding Are Not Substantiated\".", "Exploring the behaviour of base classifiers in credit scoring ensembles", "A global view of gene activity and alternative splicing by deep sequencing of the human transcriptome.", "Data mining of gene expression changes in Alzheimer brain", "Generating test cases to expose concurrency bugs in android applications", "Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis.", "Method of verifying declared identity in optical answer sheets" ]
An approach for automatic sleep apnea detection based on entropy of multi-band EEG signal
Đánh giá về trí tuệ nhân tạo Trí tuệ nhân tạo (AI) là một trong những công nghệ định hình tương lai với tiềm năng biến đổi cuộc sống của con người theo những cách chưa từng có. Với khả năng xử lý và phân tích dữ liệu khổng lồ, AI đang được áp dụng trong nhiều lĩnh vực, từ chăm sóc sức khỏe và giáo dục đến tự động hóa và trí tuệ nhân tạo. Một trong những lợi ích chính của AI là khả năng tự học và thích ứng. Bằng cách phân tích dữ liệu và xác định các mẫu, AI có thể học hỏi và phát triển mà không cần được lập trình cụ thể. Điều này cho phép nó giải quyết các vấn đề phức tạp và đưa ra quyết định thông minh. Ví dụ, trong lĩnh vực y tế, AI có thể giúp chẩn đoán bệnh chính xác hơn và đề xuất phương pháp điều trị tùy chỉnh cho từng bệnh nhân. Ngoài ra, AI còn cải thiện hiệu quả và chính xác của nhiều quy trình. Trong sản xuất, AI có thể tối ưu hóa các quy trình sản xuất, dự đoán bảo trì và cải thiện chất lượng sản phẩm. Trong dịch vụ khách hàng, AI có thể cung cấp phản hồi tức thời và hỗ trợ cá nhân hóa, nâng cao trải nghiệm khách hàng. Tuy nhiên, AI cũng gây ra một số lo ngại, bao gồm vấn đề đạo đức và bảo mật. Việc thu thập và phân tích dữ liệu lớn có thể dẫn đến vi phạm quyền riêng tư và lạm dụng dữ liệu. Ngoài ra, còn có lo ngại về偏见 (偏见) trong AI, khi các thuật toán phản ánh偏见 của người tạo ra chúng. Để tận dụng tối đa lợi ích của AI, cần phải có sự giám sát và quy định cẩn trọng. Điều này bao gồm đảm bảo tính minh bạch và trách nhiệm giải trình trong phát triển và triển khai AI, cũng như giáo dục và nâng cao nhận thức về các vấn đề đạo đức liên quan. Tóm lại, AI là một công nghệ đầy hứa hẹn với khả năng tác động sâu sắc đến xã hội. Bằng cách tận dụng sức mạnh của dữ liệu và học máy, AI có thể giúp giải quyết một số thách thức lớn nhất của thế giới và cải thiện cuộc sống của con người theo những cách chưa từng có. Tuy nhiên, để đạt được tiềm năng này, chúng ta phải giải quyết các vấn đề liên quan một cách cẩn trọng và có trách nhiệm.
[ "Philosophical conceptions of the self: implications for cognitive science", "ELIZA - a computer program for the study of natural language communication between man and machine", "Elephants don't play chess", "COMPUTING MACHINERY AND INTELLIGENCE", "Syntactic ambiguity resolution in discourse: modeling the effects of referential context and lexical frequency." ]
[ "Loop antenna for the LTE/WWAN metal-casing laptop computer", "Perching and takeoff of a robotic insect on overhangs using switchable electrostatic adhesion", "A Cascade Multilevel Converter Topology With Reduced Number of Switches", "Code block segmentation hardware architecture for LTE-Advanced", "A multilevel relaxation algorithm for simultaneous localization and mapping", "Weighted Local Binary Pattern Infrared Face Recognition Based on Weber's Law", "Naive Bayes models for probability estimation", "A Maximum Entropy Approach to Biomedical Named Entity Recognition", "Sentence Selection and Evaluation Metrics", "PAC-Net: Pairwise Aesthetic Comparison Network for Image Aesthetic Assessment", "Microblogging after a major disaster in China: a case study of the 2010 Yushu earthquake", "Do Semantic Parts Emerge in Convolutional Neural Networks?", "Polygon mesh repairing: An application perspective", "Automatic information extraction from semi-structured Web pages by pattern discovery", "The Nature, Importance, and Difficulty of Machine Ethics", "Design of BPSK / QPSK Modulator using Verilog HDL and Matlab", "Effective and Efficient Spectral Clustering on Text and Link Data", "Designing games with a purpose", "On the dynamics of SCARA robot", "Strategic Aspects of Cyber Risk Information Sharing", "Aspects of Graphical Models Connected with Causality", "On the number of response regions of deep feed forward networks with piece-wise linear activations", "Seasonal Change in Oxidative Stress Markers in Blood Plasma of Tharparkar ( Bos indicus ) and Karan Fries ( Bos indicus x Bos taurus ) Cattle under Tropical Climate", "Electrostatic Energy Harvester Employing Conductive Droplet and Thin-Film Electret", "CS Teacher Experiences with Educational Technology, Problem-BasedLearning, and a CS Principles Curriculum" ]
A review of artificial intelligence
Tạm dịch: Tính ẩn danh trong bối cảnh: Tác động của tính ẩn danh, tính nhất thời và siêu địa phương trên phương tiện truyền thông xã hội
[ "Limiting, leaving, and (re)lapsing: an exploration of facebook non-use practices and experiences", "Looking at, looking up or keeping up with people?: motives and use of facebook", "Wisdom in the social crowd: an analysis of quora", "The Benefits of Facebook \"Friends: \" Social Capital and College Students' Use of Online Social Network Sites", "\"Is it Weird to Still Be a Virgin\": Anonymous, Locally Targeted Questions on Facebook Confession Boards" ]
[ "A Survey On Various Web Template Detection And Extraction Methods", "The Medial Axis of a Multi-Layered Environment and Its Application as a Navigation Mesh", "UWB antennas for ground penetrating radar application", "What Is the Blockchain?", "Distributed Wireless Power Transfer With Energy Feedback", "An efficient cooperative hybrid routing protocol for hybrid wireless mesh networks", "Real Estate Image Classification", "Drugs interaction checker based on IoT", "Programming Online Judge System", "Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning with the MAXQ Value Function Decomposition", "The Most Probable Database Problem", "Measuring coupling and cohesion in object-oriented systems", "Design & Check Cyclic Redundancy Code using VERILOG HDL", "Cure of chronic prostatitis presumably due to Enterococcus spp and gram-negative bacteria", "Mesoniviridae: a proposed new family in the order Nidovirales formed by a single species of mosquito-borne viruses", "Low cost Ka-band transmitter for CubeSat systems", "Side scan sonar segmentation using deep convolutional neural network", "Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist - Effective Modeling in RDFS and OWL, Second Edition", "Design of Dual-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna with Defected Ground Plane for Modern Wireless Applications", "Outlier Robust Online Learning", "High-quality speech coding with SampleRNN", "Methods for extracting and classifying pairs of cognates and false friends", "Personalization in the public sector: An inventory of organizational and user obstacles towards personalization of electronic services in the public sector", "American Sign Language Recognition System Using Image Processing Method", "Verb Semantics and Lexical Selection" ]
Situated Anonymity: Impacts of Anonymity, Ephemerality, and Hyper-Locality on Social Media
ReSeg: Mạng Nơ-ron Hồi quy cho Phân đoạn Đối tượng
[ "\"GrabCut\": interactive foreground extraction using iterated graph cuts", "Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation", "Combining Top-Down and Bottom-Up Segmentation", "A Simple Weight Decay Can Improve Generalization", "Hypercolumns for object segmentation and fine-grained localization" ]
[ "Treating umbilical granuloma with topical clobetasol propionate cream at home is as effective as treating it with topical silver nitrate in the clinic.", "Numeric data frames and probabilistic judgments in complex real-world environments", "An integrated process for game balancing", "CadentFlow : An Application-Driven Network Abstraction for the Cloud", "User perception of adapting video quality", "Breast Cancer Classification in Histopathological Images using Convolutional Neural Network", "Working Memory Capacity and Fluid Intelligence: Maintenance and Disengagement.", "Design & performance analysis of Fuzzy based MPPT control using two-switch non inverting Buck-Boost converter", "Coalescing in Temporal Databases", "Innateness, AlphaZero, and Artificial Intelligence", "Contrasting futures for ocean and society from different anthropogenic CO2 emissions scenarios", "Offline Handwritten Character Recognition Techniques using Neural Network : A Review", "Scaling Clustering Algorithms to Large Databases", "Towards Low Cost, High Speed Data Sampling Module for Multifunctional Real-Time UWB Radar", "Non-Deterministic Policy Improvement Stabilizes Approximated Reinforcement Learning", "No . 6100 A Theory of Crowdfunding – A Mechanism Design Approach with Demand Uncertainty and Moral Hazard", "CudaChain: A Practical GPU-accelerated 2D Convex Hull Algorithm", "Skin Microbiome: Looking Back to Move Forward", "A Zero-Crossing-Based 8-bit 200 MS/s Pipelined ADC", "Topic Models for Mortality Modeling in Intensive Care Units", "Search engine coverage bias: evidence and possible causes", "Detecting spam tweets in Twitter using a data stream clustering algorithm", "Making Sense of Word Embeddings", "Sentiment analysis of Facebook statuses using Naive Bayes classifier for language learning", "A framework for improved video text detection and recognition" ]
ReSeg: A Recurrent Neural Network for Object Segmentation
Phát hiện và phân loại sự kiện âm thanh sử dụng phương pháp R-FCN mở rộng
[ "Metrics for Polyphonic Sound Event Detection", "Boosting Contextual Information for Deep Neural Network Based Voice Activity Detection", "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition", "Deep neural networks for automatic detection of screams and shouted speech in subway trains", "TUT database for acoustic scene classification and sound event detection" ]
[ "ValenTo: Sentiment Analysis of Figurative Language Tweets with Irony and Sarcasm", "An Efficient Method for Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Extreme Learning Machine", "One-Class Novelty Detection for Seizure Analysis from Intracranial EEG", "Task assignment in spatial crowdsourcing: challenges and approaches", "Category Oriented Task Extraction", "Key success factors for implementing Business Intelligence in South African public sector organisations", "A simple interface circuit to measure very small capacitance changes in capacitive sensors", "A Multiphase Buck Converter With a Rotating Phase-Shedding Scheme For Efficient Light-Load Control", "Language processing and learning models for community question answering in Arabic", "ssEMnet: Serial-section Electron Microscopy Image Registration using a Spatial Transformer Network with Learned Features", "PENS syndrome: a new neurocutaneous phenotype.", "A low-light image enhancement method for both denoising and contrast enlarging", "Sparse regularized discriminative canonical correlation analysis for multi-view semi-supervised learning", "MofySim: A mobile full-system simulation framework for energy consumption and performance analysis", "The accuracy of the Edinburgh diplopia diagnostic algorithm", "Normalized Cuts and Image Segmentation", "Sharing graphs using differentially private graph models", "Analysis of Common-Mode Noise for Weakly Coupled Differential Serpentine Delay Microstrip Line in High-Speed Digital Circuits", "Improving static and dynamic registration in an optical see-through HMD", "KEPLER: Keypoint and Pose Estimation of Unconstrained Faces by Learning Efficient H-CNN Regressors", "Children ’ s Motivations for Video Game Play in the Context of Normal Development", "Meta-Learning with Adaptive Layerwise Metric and Subspace", "A new method for brain tumor segmentation based on watershed and edge detection algorithms in HSV colour model", "Simulation-based efficiency analysis of an in-plant milk-run operator under disturbances", "A Methodology for Outlier Detection in Audit Logs for Financial Transactions" ]
Audio Event Detection and classification using extended R-FCN Approach
Liên kết thực thể đa ngôn ngữ cho bảng web
[ "Using linked data to mine RDF from wikipedia's tables", "Freebase: a collaboratively created graph database for structuring human knowledge", "ERD'14: entity recognition and disambiguation challenge", "Reasoning With Neural Tensor Networks for Knowledge Base Completion", "Understanding Tables on the Web" ]
[ "Logarithmic edge detection with applications", "Self-organization of speech sound inventories in the framework of complex networks", "Inferring Person-to-person Proximity Using WiFi Signals", "OpenFlow Controllers over EstiNet Network Simulator and Emulator : Functional Validation and Performance Evaluation", "Geographic Information Systems", "A Critique of the Balanced Scorecard as a Performance Measurement Tool", "Predicting Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) Game Outcome Based on Hero Draft Data", "Learning in Natural Language", "Informative path planning for an autonomous underwater vehicle", "COM: A method for mining and monitoring human activity patterns in home-based health monitoring systems", "Sliding Window Trend Analysis: A Method for Short and Open Circuit Detection in Copper Electrorefining", "Approximate computing: Challenges and opportunities", "Retrieving documents with mathematical content", "Evaluation of Cluster Identification Performance for Different PCP Variants", "The Random Neural Network: A Survey", "Computed tomography--an increasing source of radiation exposure.", "Monitoring Activities of Daily Living in Smart Homes: Understanding human behavior", "Optimized rate matching architecture for a LTE-Advanced FPGA-based PHY", "Learning Context-Dependent Mappings from Sentences to Logical Form", "Recommending resolutions of ITIL services tickets using Deep Neural Network", "Treatment of keloids and hypertrophic scars.", "A World-Championship-Level Othello Program", "Dermoscopy of early stage mycosis fungoides.", "Statistical Schema Induction", "Augmented Reality versus Virtual Reality for 3D Object Manipulation" ]
Cross-Lingual Entity Linking for Web Tables
Dò dự báo tải điện ngắn hạn dựa trên thuật toán cá voi đực và máy véc-tơ hỗ trợ ít nhất bình phương sóng với DWT-IR cho lựa chọn đặc trưng
[ "Handling multiple objectives with particle swarm optimization", "Ant-colony algorithms for permutation flowshop scheduling to minimize makespan/total flowtime of jobs", "An improved fruit fly optimization algorithm and its application to joint replenishment problems" ]
[ "Arduino Programming Language", "A Fast Alignment Scheme for Automatic OCR Evaluation of Books", "Determination of minimum inhibitory concentrations.", "Development of a cost-effective modular SPECT/CT scanner", "Launchpad: A Rhythm-Based Level Generator for 2-D Platformers", "Consumer RGB-D Cameras and their Applications", "Congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors : Restorative replacement", "Interactive Multimodal Learning Environments Special Issue on Interactive Learning Environments : Contemporary Issues and Trends", "Predicting the perceived quality of a first person shooter: the Quake IV G-model", "SAIL: single access point-based indoor localization", "SHPF: Enhancing HTTP(S) Session Security with Browser Fingerprinting", "The Effects of Task Difficulty and Multitasking on Performance", "Hierarchical Modeling to Facilitate Personalized Word Prediction for Dialogue", "An Electrically Large Metallic Cavity Antenna With Circular Polarization for Satellite Applications", "Semantic Deep Learning", "Subregional hippocampal atrophy predicts Alzheimer's dementia in the cognitively normal", "A survey on Vehicular Cloud Computing and its security", "Electromagnetic Two-Dimensional Scanner Using Radial Magnetic Field", "How IT Creates Business Value: A Process Theory Synthesis", "Customer Churn Prediction Modelling Based on Behavioural Patterns Analysis using Deep Learning", "Security Analysis in the Migration to Cloud Environments", "Virtual Wave Optics for Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging", "Houston, we have a problem...: a survey of actual problems in computer games development", "Culture and Identity-Protective Cognition : Explaining the White Male Effect in Risk Perception", "The Impact of Motivation and Personality on Academic Performance in Online and Blended Learning Environments" ]
The Short-Term Power Load Forecasting Based on Sperm Whale Algorithm and Wavelet Least Square Support Vector Machine with DWT-IR for Feature Selection
Một phương pháp gradient tăng tốc cho việc tối thiểu hóa chuẩn dấu vết
[ "Exact Matrix Completion via Convex Optimization", "Learning the Kernel Matrix with Semi-Definite Programming", "Regression Shrinkage and Selection via the Lasso", "A Rank Minimization Heuristic with Application to Minimum Order System Approximation", "A Simple Proof of the Restricted Isometry Property for Random Matrices" ]
[ "Predicting human behavior: The next frontiers", "Dynamic Bin Packing for On-Demand Cloud Resource Allocation", "Measuring dimensions of intergenerational contact: factor analysis of the Queen's University Scale.", "A Generalized Blahut-Arimoto Algorithm", "Development of a Compact Centrifugal Pump With a Two-Axis Actively Positioned Consequent-Pole Bearingless Motor", "Footstep and Motion Planning in Semi-unstructured Environments Using Possibility Graphs", "N-Desalkylquetiapine, a Potent Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor and Partial 5-HT1A Agonist, as a Putative Mediator of Quetiapine's Antidepressant Activity", "Reinforcement Learning in Topology-based Representation for Human Body Movement with Whole Arm Manipulation", "Cyberentity Security in the Internet of Things", "MI&T Lab at SemEval-2017 task 4: An Integrated Training Method of Word Vector for Sentiment Classification", "Double Exponential Smoothing: An Alternative to Kalman Filter-Based Predictive Tracking", "High efficiency voltage-clamped coupled-inductor boost converter", "Neon: A (Big) (Fast) Single-Chip 3D Workstation Graphics Accelerator", "A Framework to Estimate the Nutritional Value of Food in Real Time Using Deep Learning Techniques", "A Card Game Description Language", "Agile Model Driven Development: An Intelligent Compromise", "Trap Design for Vibratory Bowl Feeders", "Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment To Turkey", "Soil Microbial Resources for Improving Fertilizers Efficiency in an Integrated Plant Nutrient Management System", "A learner-centred approach to developing team skills through web-based learning and assessment", "Open Sesame!: a Look at Personal Assistants", "5kW Weinberg Converter for Battery Discharging in High-Power Communication Satellites", "Automated API Property Inference Techniques", "Coupled Dictionary Training for Image Super-Resolution", "Mars Sample Return as a campaign" ]
An accelerated gradient method for trace norm minimization
Máy hỗ trợ vectơ hậu xác suất cho dữ liệu không cân bằng
[ "Boosting the margin: A new explanation for the effectiveness of voting methods", "The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory", "Probabilistic outputs for support vector machines and comparisons to regularized likelihood methods", "Fuzzy support vector machines", "How to construct random functions" ]
[ "Roles of Pre-Training and Fine-Tuning in Context-Dependent DBN-HMMs for Real-World Speech Recognition", "Character usage in Chinese short message service (SMS): a real-world study in Mainland China", "Emotional processing in anterior cingulate and medial prefrontal cortex", "Decentralized Inventory Sharing with Asymmetric Information", "Relationship among family environment, self-control, friendship quality, and adolescents’ smartphone addiction in South Korea: Findings from nationwide data", "Neural correlates of cognitive processing in monolinguals and bilinguals.", "End-to-End Goal-Driven Web Navigation", "Comparison of text mining tools", "High-efficiency line-start interior permanent-magnet synchronous motors", "Analysis of importance of pre-processing in prediction of hypertension", "Predictive Tool for Software Team Performance", "Virtual channel space-time processing with dual-polarization discrete lens antenna arrays", "A Theoretical Framework for Structured Prediction using Factor Graph Complexity ∗", "Blockchain Enabled Privacy Audit Logs", "CEPR: A Collaborative Exploration and Periodically Returning Model for Location Prediction", "A Meta-plugin for Bespoke Data Management in WordPress", "Data-driven Workflows for Microservices", "Reconstruction of 3D virtual buildings from 2D architectural floor plans", "Ping to Win?: Non-Verbal Communication and Team Performance in Competitive Online Multiplayer Games", "Research on key application issues of smart synchronous rectifier driver IC in LLC resonant converter", "Increasing psychological well-being and resilience by psychotherapeutic methods.", "Data Mining: Web Data Mining Techniques, Tools and Algorithms: An Overview", "Semantic Path based Personalized Recommendation on Weighted Heterogeneous Information Networks", "Who falls for phish?: a demographic analysis of phishing susceptibility and effectiveness of interventions", "Malton: Towards On-Device Non-Invasive Mobile Malware Analysis for ART" ]
Posterior probability support vector Machines for unbalanced data
Mệt mỏi vì Đồng cảm giữa những Người Chăm sóc Sức khỏe, Cứu hộ Khẩn cấp và Cộng đồng: Một Đánh giá Có Hệ thống
[ "Compassion fatigue: psychotherapists' chronic lack of self care.", "Mirror Neuron and Theory of Mind Mechanisms Involved in Face-to-Face Interactions: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Approach to Empathy", "In search of how people change. Applications to addictive behaviors.", "Coping with compassion fatigue.", "Imitation, empathy, and mirror neurons." ]
[ "Implications of modified waterfall model to the roles and education of health IT professionals", "SPARQL Graph Pattern Processing with Apache Spark", "A Sparse Structure Learning Algorithm for Gaussian Bayesian Network Identification from High-Dimensional Data", "ICE: Managing cold state for big data applications", "Self-organized structures in a superorganism : do ants “ behave ” like molecules ?", "A Compact Portable Microwave Life-Detection Device for Finding Survivors", "Analysis of a new topology of flexible PCB winding for slotless BLDC machines", "Let me Join Two Worlds! Analyzing the Integration of Web and Native Technologies in Hybrid Mobile Apps", "1 . 2 Named Entity Recognition Task", "Analysis of Features Selection and Machine Learning Classifier in Android Malware Detection", "Computational Thinking as a Computer Science Education Framework and the Related Effects on Gender Equity", "Open-World Knowledge Graph Completion", "Computer Architecture with Associative Processor Replacing Last-Level Cache and SIMD Accelerator", "Packing Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for Efficient Systolic Array Implementations: Column Combining Under Joint Optimization", "Learning Extractors from Unlabeled Text using Relevant Databases", "Design of Traffic Lights Controlling System Based on PLC and Configuration Technology", "The brain as a flexible task machine: implications for visual rehabilitation using noninvasive vs. invasive approaches.", "Automated Face Analysis for Affective Computing", "The Role of Posterior Parietal Cortex in Beat-based Timing Perception: A Continuous Theta Burst Stimulation Study", "Design and Analysis of 239 GHz CMOS Push-Push Transformer-Based VCO With High Efficiency and Wide Tuning Range", "Two Possible Paradoxes in Numerical Comparisons of Optimization Algorithms", "Toward Predictable Performance in Software Packet-Processing Platforms", "All-hardware SIFT implementation for real-time VGA images feature extraction", "Shamela: A Large-Scale Historical Arabic Corpus", "Phase-shifted full-bridge PWM converter with clamping diodes and current transformer" ]
Compassion Fatigue among Healthcare, Emergency and Community Service Workers: A Systematic Review
Mô hình Thủ tục Hướng dẫn Thần kinh: Học cách Hướng dẫn Mô hình Thủ tục với Mạng Neural Sâu
[ "Universal approximation bounds for superpositions of a sigmoidal function", "The Neural Autoregressive Distribution Estimator", "Neural Variational Inference and Learning in Belief Networks", "The Helmholtz Machine", "Guided Procedural Modeling" ]
[ "Achieving near-optimal traffic engineering in hybrid Software Defined Networks", "Online Metric Learning and Fast Similarity Search", "Sentiment analysis of movie reviews: A study on feature selection & classification algorithms", "Biometrics: privacy's foe or privacy's friend?", "Interference reduction in ECG signal acquisition: Ground electrode removal (case study)", "The graph isomorphism disease", "A quasi-passive compliant stance control Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis", "Goubau-Line Leaky-Wave Antenna for Wide-Angle Beam Scanning From Backfire to Endfire", "Fusion of electrocardiogram with unobtrusive biometrics: An efficient individual authentication system", "Evidences for the Anti-panic Actions of Cannabidiol", "Railway accidents analysis based on the improved algorithm of the maximal information coefficient", "Bypassing Passkey Authentication in Bluetooth Low Energy", "Face identification from low resolution near-infrared images", "Definition Modeling: Learning to define word embeddings in natural language", "Speakers optimize information density through syntactic reduction", "The Minimum Rank with Hysteresis Objective Function", "The TPR*-Tree: An Optimized Spatio-Temporal Access Method for Predictive Queries", "Caching based socially-aware D2D communications in wireless content delivery networks: a hypergraph framework", "Do Language Models Understand Anything? On the Ability of LSTMs to Understand Negative Polarity Items", "Elastic Distributed Bayesian Collaborative Filtering", "Lipemia: causes, interference mechanisms, detection and management", "Verifiable agent interaction in abductive logic programming: The SCIFF framework", "Harnessing nonlinearity: predicting chaotic systems and saving energy in wireless communication.", "Character-based Neural Machine Translation", "Learning Multi-agent Communication under Limited-bandwidth Restriction for Internet Packet Routing" ]
Neurally-Guided Procedural Models: Learning to Guide Procedural Models with Deep Neural Networks
Phát hiện cộng đồng trong mạng xã hội
[ "Finding community structure in networks using the eigenvectors of matrices.", "Statistical mechanics of community detection.", "A Particle-and-Density Based Evolutionary Clustering Method for Dynamic Networks", "Community Structure in Large Networks: Natural Cluster Sizes and the Absence of Large Well-Defined Clusters", "Community detection algorithms: a comparative analysis." ]
[ "A Study on the Use of the kNN Algorithm for Prognosis of Breast Cancer", "Game literacy in theory and practice", "Fast Line Description for Line-based SLAM", "Segmentation Based Urdu Nastalique OCR", "An auditory oddball (P300) spelling system for brain-computer interfaces.", "An Approach to Data Analysis in 5G Networks", "A latent topic model for mining heterogenous non-randomly missing electronic health records data", "Engagement in Multimedia Training Systems", "An Analysis of Lateral Crural Repositioning and Its Effect on Alar Rim Position.", "Extracting a biologically relevant latent space from cancer transcriptomes with variational autoencoders", "Modeling Distributive and Integrative Negotiations . Review and Revised Characterization", "Design and Performance Evaluation of Overcurrent Protection Schemes for Silicon Carbide (SiC) Power MOSFETs", "A study of success and failure in product innovation: The case of the U.S. electronics industry", "Blind source separation and acoustic echo cancellation: A unified framework", "Software-Defined LANs for Interconnected Smart Environment", "Layer-compensated Pruning for Resource-constrained Convolutional Neural Networks", "Distributed Representations of Words and Documents for Discriminating Similar Languages", "Cultural determinants of organizational social media adoption", "Ketamine Inhibits Ultrasound Stimulation-Induced Neuromodulation by Blocking Cortical Neuron Activity.", "Disturbless flash memory due to high boost efficiency on BiCS structure and optimal memory film stack for ultra high density storage device", "Speech Recognition in Noisy Environment-an Implementation on MATLAB", "Continuous-Time Dynamic Network Embeddings", "Joint adaptive loss and l2/l0-norm minimization for unsupervised feature selection", "Diff/TS: A Tool for Fine-Grained Structural Change Analysis", "Science and society. Social media and the elections." ]
Community detection in Social Media
Ba Kiến trúc và Điều khiển Hệ thống Robot Mạng
[ "RADAR: An In-Building RF-Based User Location and Tracking System", "The Cricket location-support system" ]
[ "Genetic Algorithms and the Optimal Allocation of Trials", "Ring Resonator Modulators in Silicon for Interchip Photonic Links", "Identifying critical infrastructure sectors and their dependencies: An Indian scenario", "Enabling the Sharing Economy: Privacy Respecting Contract based on Public Blockchain", "Narrowband Internet of Things: Evolutions, Technologies, and Open Issues", "Real Time Intrusion and Wormhole Attack Detection in Internet of Things", "A PDF Wrapper for Table Processing", "On Secure Bulletin Boards for E-Voting", "Fixed point implementation of Kalman filtering for AC drives : a case study using TMS 320 F 24 x DSP", "THE EFFECT OF POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS ON STUDENT LEARNING AND ATTITUDES", "Lucid Data Dreaming for Object Tracking", "Guillain-Barré syndrome.", "Faster Dual-Key Stealth Address for Blockchain-Based Internet of Things Systems", "ARGUMENTATION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF DELIBERATION DIALOGUE", "Utilizing Large Scale Vision and Text Datasets for Image Segmentation from Referring Expressions", "Achievement goals in sport: the development and validation of the Perception of Success Questionnaire.", "Improving Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition by Iterative Refinement", "Verifiable smart packaging with passive RFID", "HHCART: An Oblique Decision Tree", "CLEAR: Cross-layer exploration for architecting resilience: Combining hardware and software techniques to tolerate soft errors in processor cores", "Deep Learning Approach Combining Sparse Autoencoder With SVM for Network Intrusion Detection", "A Modular Framework for Versatile Conversational Agent Building", "A Survey on Application of Bio-Inspired Algorithms", "Beyond Wise et al . : Neuroleptic-induced “ anhedonia ” in rats : Pimozide blocks reward quality of food", "The role of culture and cultural techniques in psychotherapy. A critique and reformulation." ]
Three Architectures and Control of Networked Robotic Systems
Bộ ổn định điện áp tuyến tính siêu tiết kiệm năng lượng không cần tụ lọc đầu ra với điều khiển phản hồi đạo hàm động
[ "Analysis and design of monolithic, high PSR, linear regulators for SoC applications", "A High Slew-Rate Push–Pull Output Amplifier for Low-Quiescent Current Low-Dropout Regulators With Transient-Response Improvement", "Development of Single-Transistor-Control LDO Based on Flipped Voltage Follower for SoC", "Active capacitor multiplier in Miller-compensated circuits", "Full On-Chip CMOS Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator" ]
[ "Backpropagation Through Time: What It Does and How to Do It", "A case of autoimmune progesterone dermatitis characterized by grouped small vesicles.", "Partial Image Encryption based on Block wise Shuffling using Arnold Map", "Frequent itemset mining of uncertain data streams using the damped window model", "Phase Retrieval via Polytope Optimization: Geometry, Phase Transitions, and New Algorithms", "Phase transition in the controllability of temporal networks", "Hierarchical Document Clustering: A Review", "Aggregate G-Buffer Anti-Aliasing -Extended Version-", "An Hybrid Approach to Quality Evaluation across Big Data Value Chain", "Modeling and Propagating CNNs in a Tree Structure for Visual Tracking", "Comparison and combination of iris matchers for reliable personal authentication", "Epidermoid cyst of the clitoris: an unusual cause of clitoromegaly in a patient without history of previous female circumcision.", "Storage-less and converter-less maximum power point tracking of photovoltaic cells for a nonvolatile microprocessor", "Canine computer interaction: towards designing a touchscreen interface for working dogs", "Integrity-Based Kernel Malware Detection", "Clinical Applications of Brain-Computer Interfaces: Current State and Future Prospects", "Automatic number plate recognition system using modified stroke width transform", "FACTO: a fact lookup engine based on web tables", "A layout-similarity-based approach for detecting phishing pages", "SnapApp: Reducing Authentication Overhead with a Time-Constrained Fast Unlock Option", "Glioma Segmentation with Cascaded UNet", "Review of TDNN (time delay neural network) architectures for speech recognition", "An iterative adaptive dynamic programming method for solving a class of nonlinear zero-sum differential games", "Cryptology and the origins of spread spectrum: Engineers during World War II developed an unbreakable scrambler to guarantee secure communications between Allied leaders; actress Hedy Lamarr played a role in the technology", "\"Isn't it fun to get the respect that we're going to deserve?\" Narcissism, social rejection, and aggression." ]
Ultra low power capless LDO with dynamic biasing of derivative feedback
Đại diện từ liên tục sử dụng mạng nơ-ron cho việc thu hồi tên chính xác từ tài liệu diachronic
[ "Recent advances in deep learning for speech research at Microsoft", "Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors", "Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space", "A Scalable Hierarchical Distributed Language Model", "Linguistic Regularities in Continuous Space Word Representations" ]
[ "Sequence-to-sequence prediction of personal computer software by recurrent neural network", "Vision-guided flight stability and control for micro air vehicles", "DESIRE: Distant Future Prediction in Dynamic Scenes with Interacting Agents", "Comparing Twitter Summarization Algorithms for Multiple Post Summaries", "Parallel progressive photon mapping on GPUs", "Assessment of heart rate variability derived from finger-tip photoplethysmography as compared to electrocardiography.", "Data Mining Techniques: To Predict and Resolve Breast Cancer Survivability", "A Model-Based Sensor Database for Internet of Things", "ContextPlayer: learning contextual music preferences for situational recommendations", "A wireless slanted optrode array with integrated micro leds for optogenetics", "Congestion-Aware Path Selection for Tor", "Literature Review of Automatic Multiple Documents Text Summarization", "Learning based digital matting", "Edina: Building an Open Domain Socialbot with Self-dialogues", "The Adressa dataset for news recommendation", "Internet use and online safety in adults with Williams syndrome.", "Optimization of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Clustering in Data Mining", "Chapter 8. Sociality through Social Network Sites", "Forensic entomology and climatic change.", "Teacher Concerns During Initial Implementation of a One-toOne Laptop Initiative at the Middle School Level", "Multiregion Bilinear Convolutional Neural Networks for Person Re-Identification", "LUCSS: Language-based User-customized Colourization of Scene Sketches", "Detecting Text in Natural Image with Connectionist Text Proposal Network", "Gated Recurrent Units for Airline Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data", "Measured Gene-Environment Interactions in Psychopathology: Concepts, Research Strategies, and Implications for Research, Intervention, and Public Understanding of Genetics." ]
Continuous word representation using neural networks for proper name retrieval from diachronic documents
Tạo Tự Động Câu Hỏi Từ Văn Bản Thông Tin
[ "Understanding Mental States in Natural Language", "Building a Large Annotated Corpus of English: The Penn Treebank", "Shallow Semantic Parsing using Support Vector Machines", "The Proposition Bank: An Annotated Corpus of Semantic Roles", "Class-Based Construction of a Verb Lexicon" ]
[ "Landing page component classification with convolutional neural networks for online advertising", "Cyber Physical System for Stroke Detection", "Modelo de Impacto del Consumo Masivo de Productos y Servicios Digitalizados", "Adhesive restorations, centric relation, and the Dahl principle: minimally invasive approaches to localized anterior tooth erosion.", "Rotor Failures in Squirrel Cage Induction Motors", "Diffeomorphic demons: Efficient non-parametric image registration", "Planar reconfigurable antenna with integrated switching control circuitry", "New directions in cryptography", "Project milestone report for CS 229 : Blood Pressure detection from PPG signal -", "Comparison of eSports and Traditional Sports Consumption Motives", "AntMiner: Mining More Bugs by Reducing Noise Interference", "A comparative analysis of edge and color based segmentation for orange fruit recognition", "Searching for a baseline: Functional imaging and the resting human brain", "Improving Unsupervised Word-by-Word Translation with Language Model and Denoising Autoencoder", "Animals as Mobile Biological Sensors for Forest Fire Detection", "Synthesizing memory models from framework sketches and Litmus tests", "A Low Rank Weighted Graph Convolutional Approach to Weather Prediction", "The square-root unscented Kalman filter for state and parameter-estimation", "The Cambridge Face Tracker: Accurate, Low Cost Measurement of Head Posture Using Computer Vision and Face Recognition Software", "An Analysis of Internal Environment of a Commercial-oriented Research Organization : Using Mckinsey 7 S Framework in a Ghanaian Context 1", "Speeding Up Automatic Hyperparameter Optimization of Deep Neural Networks by Extrapolation of Learning Curves", "Copy-Move Image Forgery Detection Using Local Binary Pattern and Neighborhood Clustering", "Brain structures differ between musicians and non-musician", "Oxytocin modulates neural circuitry for social cognition and fear in humans.", "Discrete Modal Decomposition: a new approach for the reflectance modeling and rendering of real surfaces" ]
Generating Questions Automatically from Informational Text
Không gian Hilbert của POMDPs
[ "Probabilistic Graphical Models - Principles and Techniques", "Perseus: Randomized Point-based Value Iteration for POMDPs", "A Kernel Method for the Two-Sample Problem", "Residual Algorithms: Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation", "Kernel Belief Propagation" ]
[ "Mobile Money: Understanding and Predicting its Adoption and Use in a Developing Economy", "Design and Implementation of a High-Performance Distributed Web Crawler", "How Effective Are School Bullying Intervention Programs ?", "Strategic Alignment: Leveraging Information Technology for Transforming Organizations", "An Image-based Feature Extraction Approach for Phishing Website Detection", "Perceived barriers to effective knowledge sharing in agile software teams", "An Overview of the Theory and Applications of Metasurfaces: The Two-Dimensional Equivalents of Metamaterials", "BCYCLIC: A parallel block tridiagonal matrix cyclic solver", "BRAIN TUMOR DETECTION AND SEGMENTATION USING WATERSHED SEGMENTATION AND MORPHOLOGICAL OPERATION", "\"Easy\" Cooking Recipe Recommendation Considering User's Conditions", "Question Answering Using Enhanced Lexical Semantic Models", "Bottom-Up Abstractive Summarization", "Compressor trees for decimal partial product reduction", "Discovering facts with boolean tensor tucker decomposition", "A Secure Microservice Framework for IoT", "Premarital Sexual Behavior among male college students of Kathmandu, Nepal", "A Bayesian neural network method for adverse drug reaction signal generation", "IoT-aware business processes for logistics : limitations of current approaches", "Nonlinear canonical correlation analysis by neural networks", "Is a picture really worth a thousand words? Exploring the feasibility of graphical authentication systems", "Vertex Stimulation as a Control Site for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Concurrent TMS/fMRI Study", "Benefits and barriers to the consumption of a vegetarian diet in Australia.", "Adversarially Robust Generalization Requires More Data", "A CLOSED-FORM ANALYTIC MODEL FOR ILD THICKNESS VARIATION IN CMP PROCESSES", "Combination of Language Models for Word Prediction: An Exponential Approach" ]
Hilbert Space Embeddings of POMDPs
Đổi mới và điều chỉnh lại hỗn hợp tiếp thị xã hội
[ "Social marketing: an approach to planned social change.", "Zero defections: quality comes to services.", "A New Marketing Paradigm for Electronic Commerce", "The Marketing Mix Revisited : Towards the 21 st Century Marketing", "E-commerce marketing strategies : an integrated framework and case analysis" ]
[ "Video based technology for ambient assisted living: A review of the literature", "Security Matters: A Survey on Adversarial Machine Learning", "Affordance, conventions, and design", "Local Descriptor for Robust Place Recognition Using LiDAR Intensity", "A unified neural model for review-based rating prediction by leveraging multi-criteria ratings and review text", "Evaluation of communication technologies for IEC 61850 based distribution automation system with distributed energy resources", "Neural mechanisms of selective visual attention.", "Estimating Android applications' CPU energy usage via bytecode profiling", "Arioc: high-throughput read alignment with GPU-accelerated exploration of the seed-and-extend search space", "Implementing a skin BSSRDF: (or several...)", "Evaluating Dialogs based on Grice’s Maxims", "Pattern-Based Reverse-Engineering of Design Components", "Cell-level Production-Logistics Synchronization for multi-variety and small-batch Production: A step toward industry 4.0", "HCI in Business, Government, and Organizations: Information Systems", "Sparse Higher-Order Principal Components Analysis", "Medical WordNet: A New Methodology for the Construction and Validation of Information Resources for Consumer Health", "Online education today.", "Adaptive Application Scheduling under Interference in Kubernetes", "PrivacyGuard: Enforcing Private Data Usage with Blockchain and Attested Execution", "A Five-Level Design Framework for Bicluster Visualizations", "WiStep: Device-free Step Counting with WiFi Signals", "3D Printed Reversible Shape Changing Components with Stimuli Responsive Materials.", "Understanding the Adoption of Mobile Banking Services: An Empirical Assessment", "A highly linear 4GS/s uncalibrated voltage-to-time converter with wide input range", "An Ontology-Based Architecture for Natural Language Access to Relational Databases" ]
Re-thinking and retooling the social marketing mix
Phân loại dữ liệu chiều cao rất với Rừng Quyết định Oblique ngẫu nhiên
[ "Ensemble Methods in Machine Learning", "Extremely randomized trees", "PERT – Perfect Random Tree Ensembles", "Random Forests--random Features", "An Experimental Comparison of Three Methods for Constructing Ensembles of Decision Trees: Bagging, Boosting, and Randomization" ]
[ "The Cityscapes Dataset", "Do Online Reviews Reflect a Product's True Perceived Quality? - An Investigation of Online Movie Reviews Across Cultures", "Merkle-Damgård Revisited: How to Construct a Hash Function", "Vehicle Applications of Controller Area Network", "A statistical method for robust 3D surface reconstruction from sparse data", "Detection of Schizophrenia in brain MR images based on segmented ventricle region and deep belief networks", "Maintainability defects detection and correction: a multi-objective approach", "Segmentation Guided Attention Networks for Visual Question Answering", "Ultra-reliable communication in 5G wireless systems", "Optical Motion Capture: Theory and Implementation", "Multi-entity Sentiment Scoring", "On Radio Access Network Slicing from a Radio Resource Management Perspective", "Distributed representations", "An integrated approach for warehouse analysis and optimization: A case study", "Adverse Drug Event Detection in Tweets with Semi-Supervised Convolutional Neural Networks", "Exemplar SVMs as visual feature encoders", "Combining content-based and collaborative recommendations: A hybrid approach based on Bayesian networks", "BLINKS: ranked keyword searches on graphs", "Agent-Based Service Composition in Cloud Computing", "On the generalized bin packing problem", "Design of compact microstrip diplexer with high selectivity", "A Study of Attribute-based Proxy Re-encryption Scheme in Cloud Environments", "An Attention-Based Syntax-Tree and Tree-LSTM Model for Sentence Summarization", "JackIn: integrating first-person view with out-of-body vision generation for human-human augmentation", "Exoskeleton inflatable robotic arm with thin McKibben muscle" ]
Classifying Very-High-Dimensional Data with Random Forests of Oblique Decision Trees
Mạng Lưới Ký ức Không gian Trung tâm Bản thân
[ "Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning", "Reading Digits in Natural Images with Unsupervised Feature Learning", "Spatial Transformer Networks", "Show, Attend and Tell: Neural Image Caption Generation with Visual Attention", "The Arcade Learning Environment: An Evaluation Platform for General Agents" ]
[ "Symbolic representations of action in the human cerebellum", "Ensemble Transfer Learning Algorithm", "Shilling attack detection utilizing semi-supervised learning method for collaborative recommender system", "Deep Location-Specific Tracking", "Planar High-Gain Circularly Polarized Element Antenna for Array Applications", "Wireless Telemedicine Systems : An Overview", "Spatiotemporal dynamics of functional clusters of neurons in the mouse motor cortex during a voluntary movement.", "Adversarial Example Defenses: Ensembles of Weak Defenses are not Strong", "Spoof Attacks on Gait Authentication System", "Classifying evolving data streams with partially labeled data", "Keeping up to date: An academic researcher's information journey", "Position Sensorless Control for Four-Switch Three-Phase Brushless DC Motor Drives", "Behavioral Cloning from Observation", "Visualizing Association Rules : Introduction to the R-extension Package arulesViz", "An Intruder Tracking and Attendance Monitoring System Using Mifare Technology", "Data Burst Statistics and Performance Analysis of Optical Burst Switching Networks with Self-Similar Traffic", "Scaling and criticality in a stochastic multi-agent model of a financial market", "Dissolvable films of silk fibroin for ultrathin conformal bio-integrated electronics.", "Adversarial Examples Detection in Deep Networks with Convolutional Filter Statistics", "IGCTs vs. IGBTs for circuit breakers in advanced ship electrical systems", "Fourier PCA and robust tensor decomposition", "Local potassium signaling couples neuronal activity to vasodilation in the brain", "Auditory beats in the brain.", "Comparison of Strategies for Multi-step-Ahead Prediction of Time Series Using Neural Network", "Optimizing Hierarchical Visualizations with the Minimum Description Length Principle" ]
Egocentric Spatial Memory Network
Yếu tố then chốt để thành công trong việc áp dụng Hệ thống Hồ sơ Sức khỏe Điện tử: Đánh giá Văn học và Phân tích Quy định
[ "Learning to Implement Enterprise Systems: An Exploratory Study of the Dialectics of Change", "A Survey of the State of Cloud Computing in Healthcare", "Chapter 10 The Enterprise System Experience — From Adoption to Success", "Adopting customer relationship management technology", "Health Care Information Systems: Architectural Models and Governance" ]
[ "Performance comparison between low-speed axial-flux and radial-flux permanent-magnet machines including mechanical constraints", "The adoption of electronic tax filing systems: an empirical study", "High-voltage wordline generator for low-power program operation in NAND flash memories", "Discovery of Blog Communities based on Mutual Awareness", "Improving efficiency in convolutional neural networks with multilinear filters", "Free/Open Source Software Development: Recent Research Results and Methods", "Bleeding Frame and Region Detection in the Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Video", "Noise Injection: Theoretical Prospects", "Study of Brightness Preservation Histogram Equalization Techniques", "Design of a cable-driven active leg exoskeleton (C-ALEX) and gait training experiments with human subjects", "An empirical study on how expert knowledge affects bug reports", "Continuous-action reinforcement learning with fast policy search and adaptive basis function selection", "Enhancing Recommendation Diversity Through a Dual Recommendation Interface", "Smartphone Background Activities in the Wild: Origin, Energy Drain, and Optimization", "Optimization of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Clustering in Data Mining", "Tracking Control of Ball and Plate System with a Double Feedback Loop Structure", "Single and Multi Objective Genetic Programming for software development effort estimation", "Conformity in virtual environments: a hybrid neurophysiological and psychosocial approach", "Some Aspects of Stability in Microgrids", "The development of children ages 6 to 14.", "ERC A Theory of Equity , Reciprocity and Competition", "Shallow Networks for High-Accuracy Road Object-Detection", "Array-Antenna Decoupling Surface", "Macro-Operators: A Weak Method for Learning", "Chapter 9 Communication Avoiding ( CA ) and Other Innovative Algorithms" ]
Critical Success Factors for Adoption of Electronic Health Record Systems: Literature Review and Prescriptive Analysis
Phát hiện và Phân tích Cộng đồng Những người Có Rối loạn Ăn uống trên Mạng Xã hội
[ "Measuring Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Twitter", "Online analysis of information diffusion in twitter", "Estimating county health statistics with twitter", "Aggregate Characterization of User Behavior in Twitter and Analysis of the Retweet Graph", "Quantifying and Predicting Mental Illness Severity in Online Pro-Eating Disorder Communities" ]
[ "Adapting boosting for information retrieval measures", "Integrated energy and spectrum harvesting for 5G wireless communications", "The Modeling Process for Stage Models", "An Improved DC-Link Voltage Fast Control Scheme for a PWM Rectifier-Inverter System", "An effective algorithm for hyperparameter optimization of neural networks", "An Interactive Web Mapping Visualization of Urban Air Quality Monitoring Data of China", "Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) for Topic Modeling of the CFPB Consumer Complaints", "Relationship between concussion and neuropsychological performance in college football players.", "Genetic Algorithm Rule-Based Intrusion Detection System ( GAIDS )", "Artificial General Intelligence: Concept, State of the Art, and Future Prospects", "Quality-Guided Fusion-Based Co-Saliency Estimation for Image Co-Segmentation and Colocalization", "Ultra-Compact and Robust Physically Unclonable Function Based on Voltage-Compensated Proportional-to-Absolute-Temperature Voltage Generators", "NCDawareRank: a novel ranking method that exploits the decomposable structure of the web", "Tracking-assisted Weakly Supervised Online Visual Object Segmentation in Unconstrained Videos", "Self-standardizing cognitive profile based on gardner's multiple intelligence theory", "Enhancing Query Formulation for Spoken Document Retrieval", "Image Super-Resolution Based on Dual Path Network", "Congestion Prediction With Big Data for Real-Time Highway Traffic", "Load-Adaptive Modulation of a Series-Resonant Inverter for All-Metal Induction Heating Applications", "Design equations for the Quasi Yagi-Uda antenna operating in the UHF band", "Brief Review of Vibration Based Machine Condition Monitoring", "A Probabilistic Model for Exteriors of Residential Buildings", "FPGA-based Data Partitioning", "Automated 3-D Segmentation of Lungs With Lung Cancer in CT Data Using a Novel Robust Active Shape Model Approach", "Detection of money laundering groups using supervised learning in networks" ]
Detecting and Characterizing Eating-Disorder Communities on Social Media
Đo lường sự tương đồng ngữ nghĩa sử dụng các vectơ ngữ cảnh dựa trên WordNet
[ "Using Information Content to Evaluate Semantic Similarity in a Taxonomy", "Automatic Word Sense Discrimination", "The Generative Lexicon", "Semantic Similarity Based on Corpus Statistics and Lexical Taxonomy", "Verb Semantics and Lexical Selection" ]
[ "A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF DECISION MAKING METHODS FOR THE SEISMIC RETROFIT OF RC BUILDINGS", "Altered caudate connectivity is associated with executive dysfunction after traumatic brain injury", "Reputation systems", "A Large-Scale Database of Images and Captions for Automatic Face Naming", "Automatic Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy using Deep Convolutional Neural Network", "Integrated antennas in eWLB packages for 77 GHz and 79 GHz automotive radar sensors", "Adaptive comanagement for building resilience in social-ecological systems.", "Transfer Learning for Behavior Ranking", "Delite: A Compiler Architecture for Performance-Oriented Embedded Domain-Specific Languages", "Optimized Cost per Click in Taobao Display Advertising", "An Adaptive Edge Router Enabling Internet of Things", "Color image segmentation using histogram thresholding - Fuzzy C-means hybrid approach", "Ultra-wideband conformal apertures with digital beamforming for UHF to millimeter-wave applications", "Gamification of Information Systems and Security Training : Issues and Case Studies", "Transmit/receive (T/R) modules architectures for dual-polarized weather phased array radars", "A Universal Crease Pattern for Folding Orthogonal Shapes", "Deep Big Simple Neural Nets Excel on Handwritten Digit Recognition", "Better ϵ-Dependencies for Offline Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search, Euclidean Minimum Spanning Trees, and ϵ-Kernels", "Challenge AI Mind: A Crowd System for Proactive AI Testing", "Power maximization control of small wind system using permanent magnet synchronous generator", "Casting doubts on the viability of WiFi offloading", "A fractional open circuit voltage based maximum power point tracker for photovoltaic arrays", "A neurophilosophical slant on consciousness research.", "Facial Expression Recognition Based on 3D Dynamic Range Model Sequences", "Design of orthogonal pulse shapes for communications via semidefinite programming" ]
Measuring semantic similarity using wordnet-based context vectors
Học chung biểu diễn từ và ngữ nghĩa cho phân tích ngữ nghĩa văn bản mở
[ "WORDNET: A Lexical Database For English", "A Stochastic Approximation Method", "Learning Structured Embeddings of Knowledge Bases", "Enriching very large ontologies using the WWW", "YAGO: A Large Ontology from Wikipedia and WordNet" ]
[ "Signal analysis, design methodolgy, and modular development of a TR module for phased array radars", "A Robotic Leg Prosthesis: Design, Control, and Implementation", "From Properties to Links: Deep Network Embedding on Incomplete Graphs", "Discriminative Information Retrieval for Knowledge Discovery", "Smart drip irrigation system using raspberry pi and arduino", "Picturing classical and quantum Bayesian inference", "Energy-efficient M2M communications with mobile edge computing in virtualized cellular networks", "E-swish: Adjusting Activations to Different Network Depths", "Current mode class-D power amplifiers for high efficiency RF applications", "WORLD: A Vocoder-Based High-Quality Speech Synthesis System for Real-Time Applications", "eWOM: THE EFFECTS OF ONLINE CONSUMER REVIEWS ON PURCHASING DECISION OF ELECTRONIC GOODS", "Anomaly Detection in Networks with Changing Trends", "Data-driven biped control", "CertiCoq : A verified compiler for Coq", "NFV: Security Threats and Best Practices", "Fast Component-Based QR Code Detection in Arbitrarily Acquired Images", "Selective Transfer Learning for Cross Domain Recommendation", "A Survey of Computation Offloading for Mobile Systems", "Total quality management and sustainable competitive advantage", "Operational resilience: concepts, design and analysis", "Learning Background-Aware Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking", "Deep learning for visual understanding: A review", "Differences between effects of psychological versus pharmacological treatments on functional and morphological brain alterations in anxiety disorders and major depressive disorder: A systematic review", "Q-CP: Learning Action Values for Cooperative Planning", "The Danish National Patient Registry: a review of content, data quality, and research potential" ]
Joint Learning of Words and Meaning Representations for Open-Text Semantic Parsing
Cơ chế kiểm soát truy cập dữ liệu an toàn, hiệu quả và chi tiết cho P2P lưu trữ trên đám mây
[ "Spotify -- Large Scale, Low Latency, P2P Music-on-Demand Streaming", "CLive: Cloud-assisted P2P live streaming", "Attribute-based encryption for fine-grained access control of encrypted data", "Computer security technology planning study", "A survey of trust and reputation systems for online service provision" ]
[ "The big and the small: challenges of imaging the brain's circuits.", "The Music Encoding Initiative ( MEI )", "Prospects and limitations of non-invasive blood glucose monitoring using near-infrared spectroscopy", "A circuit representation technique for automated circuit design", "Digital Disruption", "Game theory-based opponent modeling in large imperfect-information games", "Predicting function from sequence in venom peptide families", "CyberC3: A Prototype Cybernetic Transportation System for Urban Applications", "Combining pixel domain and compressed domain index for sketch based image retrieval", "Risk prediction models for hospital readmission: a systematic review.", "Missing value imputation for gene expression data: computational techniques to recover missing data from available information", "Identifying the Higgs Boson", "Multivariate neural biomarkers of emotional states are categorically distinct.", "BIER — Boosting Independent Embeddings Robustly", "An Intruder Tracking and Attendance Monitoring System Using Mifare Technology", "A Coaxial Line to Post-Wall Waveguide Transition for a Cost-Effective Transformer between a RF-Device and a Planar Slot-Array Antenna in 60-GHz Band", "A Printed Monopole Antenna With Two Steps and a Circular Slot for UWB Applications", "Aspect-level Sentiment Classification with HEAT (HiErarchical ATtention) Network", "AnatomyNet: Deep learning for fast and fully automated whole-volume segmentation of head and neck anatomy.", "Cascaded Feature Network for Semantic Segmentation of RGB-D Images", "Cloud-Based Automated Design and Additive Manufacturing: A Usage Data-Enabled Paradigm Shift", "Silent speech interfaces", "LANGUAGE MODELS FOR AUTOMATIC SPEECH RECOGNITION OF CZECH LECTURES", "Simple and Complex Activity Recognition through Smart Phones", "MRI Segmentation of the Human Brain: Challenges, Methods, and Applications" ]
Secure, Efficient and Fine-Grained Data Access Control Mechanism for P2P Storage Cloud
Học máy trong động lực học chất lưu
[ "Machine Learning Methods for Data-Driven Turbulence Modeling", "ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks", "Top 10 algorithms in data mining", "A Survey of Projection-Based Model Reduction Methods for Parametric Dynamical Systems", "Receptive fields, binocular interaction and functional architecture in the cat's visual cortex." ]
[ "NAACL HLT 2018 Subword and Character LEvel Models in NLP Proceedings of the Second Workshop", "A Deeper Look at FFT and Winograd Convolutions", "From high-level deep neural models to FPGAs", "Has the U.S. Economy Become More Stable? A Bayesian Approach Based on a Markov-Switching Model of the Business Cycle", "Large-scale brain networks in cognition: emerging methods and principles", "Phenotypic Characterization of a Genetically Diverse Panel of Mice for Behavioral Despair and Anxiety", "Tourism and Mobile Technology", "Structure-Mapping: A Theoretical Framework for Analogy", "Dynamic path planning in sensor-based terrain acquisition", "Mining comparative opinions from customer reviews for Competitive Intelligence", "An Adaptive Dataset for the Evaluation of Android Malware Detection Techniques", "An empirical study on how expert knowledge affects bug reports", "Compact Microstrip-to-CPS Transition for UWB Application", "An Adaptation of the Fast Fourier Transform for Parallel Processing", "Evolutionary self-adaptation: a survey of operators and strategy parameters", "Agile in Public Administration: Oxymoron or Reality? An Experience Report", "A Better Comparison Summary of Credit Scoring Classification", "Glove Based User Interaction Techniques for Augmented Reality in an Outdoor Environment", "A three-phase ZVS PWM DC/DC converter with asymmetrical duty cycle associated with a three-phase version of the hybridge rectifier", "Word Sense Induction for Novel Sense Detection", "SHiP: Signature-based Hit Predictor for high performance caching", "An overview of body sensor networks in enabling pervasive healthcare and assistive environments", "Market-Oriented Cloud Computing and the Cloudbus Toolkit", "Efficient GPU path rendering using scanline rasterization", "CrowdOTA: An Online Task Assignment System in Crowdsourcing" ]
Deep learning in fluid dynamics
YẾU TỐ ẢNH HƯỞNG ĐẾN MỤC ĐÍCH MUA SẮM mỹ phẩm ở THÁI LAN: Một nghiên cứu về mối quan hệ giữa độ tin cậy và uy tín với khả năng thuyết phục của những người viết blog về vẻ đẹp
[ "Consumer evaluations of brand extensions : an integration of previous research", "Acceptance of blog usage: The roles of technology acceptance, social influence and knowledge sharing motivation", "Electronic Word-of-Mouth: Motives for and Consequences of Reading Customer Articulations on the Internet", "Mining knowledge-sharing sites for viral marketing", "Understanding and Predicting Electronic Commerce Adoption: An Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior" ]
[ "A Study on the Current State of the Art in Tool-Supported UML-Based Static Reverse Engineering", "Measuring Intelligence through Games", "Hue-Preserving Color Blending", "Shape Based Image Retrieval : A Review", "Predicting Human Trustfulness from Facebook Language", "Emotion-sensitive Human-Computer Interaction ( HCI ) : State of the art-Seminar paper ∗", "Water-Filling: A Geometric Approach and its Application to Solve Generalized Radio Resource Allocation Problems", "User Environment Detection with Acoustic Sensors Embedded on Mobile Devices for the Recognition of Activities of Daily Living", "Eating when bored: revision of the emotional eating scale with a focus on boredom.", "Performance comparison between slotted IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.1 lah in IoT based applications", "Efficient online recommendation via low-rank ensemble sampling", "Vision-as-Inverse-Graphics: Obtaining a Rich 3D Explanation of a Scene from a Single Image", "Resource Management in Clouds: Survey and Research Challenges", "MCloudDB: A Mobile Cloud Database Service Framework", "Multiband 10-Antenna Array for Sub-6 GHz MIMO Applications in 5-G Smartphones", "Fully Convolutional Network with Multi-Step Reinforcement Learning for Image Processing", "V-Clip: Fast and Robust Polyhedral Collision Detection", "Performance assessment of a smart road management system for the wireless detection of wildlife road-crossing", "Permanent magnet-assisted omnidirectional ball drive", "Autofocusing and Astigmatism Correction in the Scanning Electron Microscope", "Contention-Aware Scheduling on Multicore Systems", "The delay/Doppler radar altimeter", "Energy aware optimal cluster head selection in wireless sensor networks", "A Robust Horn Ridge Gap Waveguide Launcher for Metal Strip Grating Leaky Wave Antenna", "Flora Robotica - Mixed Societies of Symbiotic Robot-Plant Bio-Hybrids" ]
Phân rã Bất định cho Học Tích cực và Học Tăng cường đáng Tin cậy trong Hệ thống Xác suất
[ "Variational Information Maximisation for Intrinsically Motivated Reinforcement Learning", "Near-optimal Regret Bounds for Reinforcement Learning", "Predicting Depth, Surface Normals and Semantic Labels with a Common Multi-scale Convolutional Architecture", "What Uncertainties Do We Need in Bayesian Deep Learning for Computer Vision?", "An information-theoretic approach to curiosity-driven reinforcement learning" ]
[ "A Short Text Similarity Algorithm for Finding Similar Police 110 Incidents", "Networks for Code Generation and Semantic Parsing", "Vertical Partitioning for Database Design: A Graphical Algorithm", "5 Mbps optical wireless communication with error correction coding for underwater sensor nodes", "A three-stage approach for aircraft line maintenance personnel rostering using MIP, discrete event simulation and DEA", "Marmara Turkish Coreference Corpus and Coreference Resolution Baseline", "Extended Rasch Modeling: The eRm Package for the Application of IRT Models in R", "Theano: A CPU and GPU Math Compiler in Python", "Stationary and nonstationary learning characteristics of the LMS adaptive filter", "Super-Scalar RAM-CPU Cache Compression", "SEC - a lightweight event correlation tool", "Advanced obfuscation techniques for Java bytecode", "Understanding and mitigating the impact of RF interference on 802.11 networks", "Environmental Uncertainty and IT Infrastructure Governance: A Curvilinear Relationship", "A static power model for architects", "T-KVM : A Trusted architecture for KVM ARM v 7 and v 8 Virtual Machines Securing Virtual Machines by means of KVM , TrustZone , TEE and SELinux", "Feasibility Study on Plant Chili Disease Detection Using Image Processing Techniques", "Caraoke: An E-Toll Transponder Network for Smart Cities", "Big Data Investment, Skills, and Firm Value", "EMBEDDED IMAGE CAPTURING SYSTEM USING RASPBERRY PI SYSTEM", "BlueSentinel: a first approach using iBeacon for an energy efficient occupancy detection system", "Anomaly detection methods for bankruptcy prediction", "Architecture-driven reliability optimization with uncertain model parameters", "A framework for cloud-based context-aware information services for citizens in smart cities", "Extracellular-matrix tethering regulates stem-cell fate." ]
Decomposition of Uncertainty for Active Learning and Reliable Reinforcement Learning in Stochastic Systems
dCat: quản lý bộ nhớ cache năng động cho hiệu năng cao, dịch vụ cơ sở hạ tầng nhạy cảm về hiệu năng
[ "SecondNet: a data center network virtualization architecture with bandwidth guarantees", "Quasar: resource-efficient and QoS-aware cluster management", "Bubble-up: Increasing utilization in modern warehouse scale computers via sensible co-locations", "Utility-Based Cache Partitioning", "MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters" ]
[ "Social Network Data Analytics", "Organ-on-a-chip platforms for studying drug delivery systems.", "Emergence in Nascent Online Communities: An Affordance Perspective", "EAP as Artificial Muscles-Progress and Challenges", "Writing a narrative biomedical review: considerations for authors, peer reviewers, and editors", "Developing a Concept-Level Knowledge Base for Sentiment Analysis in Singlish", "A crucial role for adipose tissue p53 in the regulation of insulin resistance", "Crystal Structure of Human Cyclophilin A Bound to the Amino-Terminal Domain of HIV-1 Capsid", "3 D printing : an emerging tool for novel microfluidics and lab ‐ on ‐ a ‐ chip applications", "Predicting Human Trustfulness from Facebook Language", "Zero Shot Learning via Multi-scale Manifold Regularization", "Do facial expressions signal specific emotions? Judging emotion from the face in context.", "Porting an Open Information Extraction System from English to German", "MI&T Lab at SemEval-2017 task 4: An Integrated Training Method of Word Vector for Sentiment Classification", "Using Intermediate Representations to Solve Math Word Problems", "Feature Analysis for Computational Personality Recognition Using YouTube Personality Data set", "Object Detector on Coastal Surveillance Radar Using Two-Dimensional Order-Statistic Constant-False Alarm Rate Algoritm", "Non-Deterministic Policy Improvement Stabilizes Approximated Reinforcement Learning", "Hair Segmentation Using Heuristically-Trained Neural Networks", "Microvascular and Macrovascular Complications of Diabetes", "Wasserstein Adversarial Mixture Clustering", "Knowledge warehouse: an architectural integration of knowledge management, decision support, artificial intelligence and data warehousing", "Study of wheel slip and traction forces in differential drive robots and slip avoidance control strategy", "Location disclosure to social relations: why, when, & what people want to share", "LambdaMerge: merging the results of query reformulations" ]
dCat: dynamic cache management for efficient, performance-sensitive infrastructure-as-a-service
Một ứng dụng di động thực tế tăng cường cho đào tạo bảo trì hàng không vũ trụ
[ "Recent Advances in Augmented Reality", "Camera Tracking for Augmented Reality Media", "Table-top spatially-augmented realty: bringing physical models to life with projected imagery", "Augmented reality: an application of heads-up display technology to manual manufacturing processes", "Cognitive, performance, and systems issues for augmented reality applications in manufacturing and maintenance" ]
[ "The duval triangle for load tap changers, non-mineral oils and low temperature faults in transformers", "DroidLink: Automated Generation of Deep Links for Android Apps", "An Experimental Study of Genetic Crossover Operators for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem", "Power Line Communication with Tree Based Interleaver in Iterative IDMA Systems", "Rule of law and the international diffusion of e-commerce", "Study and analysis of data mining for healthcare", "No one (cluster) size fits all: automatic cluster sizing for data-intensive analytics", "Selecting the Optimal Focus Measure for Autofocusing and Depth-From-Focus", "Combining Similarity Features and Deep Representation Learning for Stance Detection in the Context of Checking Fake News", "RQUERY: Rewriting Natural Language Queries on Knowledge Graphs to Alleviate the Vocabulary Mismatch Problem", "Universal approximation using incremental constructive feedforward networks with random hidden nodes", "Metacontrol for Adaptive Imagination-Based Optimization", "Joint Representation Learning of Text and Knowledge for Knowledge Graph Completion", "Distance estimation with 2 . 5 D anchors and its application to robot navigation", "Development of a Multi-Channel Compact-Size Wireless Hybrid sEMG/NIRS Sensor System for Prosthetic Manipulation", "A survey of autonomic computing - degrees, models, and applications", "An efficient transaction processing method on the distributed database", "Phase-Shifted Full Bridge DC-DC Converter with Energy Recovery Clamp and Reduced Circulating Current", "Contributions to High-Performance Big Data Computing", "On quantum algorithms", "Spectral and temporal processing in human auditory cortex.", "A New Optimization Layer for Real-Time Bidding Advertising Campaigns", "Time optimal path planning considering acceleration limits", "Trust Based Recommender System for Semantic Web", "Problem Frames - Analysing and Structuring Software Development Problems" ]
A mobile application of augmented reality for aerospace maintenance training
Biểu diễn từ phân phối song ngữ từ dữ liệu có thể so sánh được sắp xếp tài liệu
[ "Exploiting Similarities among Languages for Machine Translation", "Learning representations by back-propagating errors", "Don't count, predict! A systematic comparison of context-counting vs. context-predicting semantic vectors", "A unified architecture for natural language processing: deep neural networks with multitask learning", "A Comparison of Vector-based Representations for Semantic Composition" ]
[ "Machine Learning for E-mail Spam Filtering: Review, Techniques and Trends", "Schema Conversion Model of SQL Database to NoSQL", "Recursive Spatial Transformer (ReST) for Alignment-Free Face Recognition", "A Novel Approach for Learning How to Automatically Match Job Offers and Candidate Profiles", "Semantic Parsing on Freebase from Question-Answer Pairs", "Chain Replication for Supporting High Throughput and Availability", "Three-dimensional Facial Anatomy: Structure and Function as It Relates to Injectable Neuromodulators and Soft Tissue Fillers", "Sentiment Classification at Discourse Segment Level: Experiments on multi-domain Arabic corpus", "A Flexible Approach to Semantic Annotation Systems for Web Content", "Analysis of Different Clustering Techniques in Data and Text Mining", "Mechatronic Implementation of a Force Optimal Underconstrained Planar Cable Robot", "Narrow Band FLIP for Liquid Simulations", "End-to-End Interpretation of the French Street Name Signs Dataset", "Variable gain differential current feedback amplifier", "Von Mises-Fisher Clustering Models", "A Hybrid System for Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis and Correction", "Validity in Quantitative Content Analysis", "Pictogrammar: an AAC device based on a semantic grammar", "Improvements to Frank-Wolfe optimization for multi-detector multi-object tracking", "Experimental validation of FEM based design method for synchronous reluctance machine", "A recurrent neural network based MPC for a hybrid neuroprosthesis system", "The Good, the Bad, and the Irrelevant: Neural Mechanisms of Learning Real and Hypothetical Rewards and Effort.", "A CMOS spiking neuron for dense memristor-synapse connectivity for brain-inspired computing", "Efficiently inferring community structure in bipartite networks", "Unilateral gestational macromastia--a rare disorder." ]
Bilingual Distributed Word Representations from Document-Aligned Comparable Data
Đánh giá độ sâu xuyên thấu nhất quán cho phản ứng va chạm có thể biến dạng
[ "Fast penetration depth computation for physically-based animation", "A fast procedure for computing the distance between complex objects in three-dimensional space", "Realistic animation of rigid bodies" ]
[ "Comparison between SPM and IPM motor drives for EV application", "WordFreak: An Open Tool for Linguistic Annotation", "Fast and Efficient Skin Detection for Facial Detection", "Capturing the Temporal Domain in Echonest Features for Improved Classification Effectiveness", "Understanding Virtual Experience and Telepresence - a Review and Synthesis of literature", "\"Cut and stick\" rubbery ion gels as high capacitance gate dielectrics.", "Deep Neural Network Approximation Theory", "A Review of Cloud Computing Security Issues", "Data pricing strategy based on data quality", "Web-scale knowledge extraction from semi-structured tables", "Lichen Aureus : A Congenital Case ? Liquen aureus : ¿ un caso congénito ?", "Are Accuracy and Robustness Correlated", "Building Rome on a Cloudless Day", "Seeking a Foundation for Context-Aware Computing", "Limitation of inductive power transfer for consumer applications", "Improving Intrusion Detection System based on Snort rules for network probe attack detection", "Performance Issues of Heterogeneous Hadoop Clusters in Cloud Computing", "Prefetching-Based Data Dissemination in Vehicular Cloud Systems", "A Novel Control Strategy for a Variable-Speed Wind Turbine With a Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generator", "Convolutional neural networks applied to house numbers digit classification", "Prediction of Time-varying Musical Mood Distributions from Audio", "Causes and mechanisms of common coccydynia: role of body mass index and coccygeal trauma.", "The FOUR score predicts outcome in patients after traumatic brain injury.", "X-band isoflux pattern antenna for SAR data transmission", "Decrease in timed balance test scores with aging." ]
Consistent penetration depth estimation for deformable collision response
Một Thuật toán Chuỗi Markov cho Nén trong Hệ thống Hạt tự Tổ chức
[ "Analysis and implementation of distributed algorithms for multi-robot systems", "An Algorithmic Framework for Shape Formation Problems in Self-Organizing Particle Systems", "Self-Organization in Biological Systems", "Universal Shape Formation for Programmable Matter", "Programmable self-assembly in a thousand-robot swarm" ]
[ "Opinion Dynamics and Learning in Social Networks", "Contextual Bandits for Information Retrieval", "Transformer-Less Converter Concept for a Grid-Connection of Thin-Film Photovoltaic Modules", "Hashtag Recommendation Using Attention-Based Convolutional Neural Network", "Coronal positioning of existing gingiva: short term results in the treatment of shallow marginal tissue recession.", "Generative Adversarial Networks recover features in astrophysical images of galaxies beyond the deconvolution limit", "Increase in Perceived Availability of Social Support Is Associated With a Further Reduction in the Association Between Psychological Stress and Depressive Symptoms in College Students", "Software engineering issues for mobile application development", "A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Opinion Mining on Large Scale Twitter Data", "Microphone Array Driven Speech Recognition: Influence of Localization on the Word Error Rate", "Unsupervised Feature Selection Using Feature Similarity", "Social-Aware Movie Recommendation via Multimodal Network Learning", "A Novel Two Switch Non-inverting Buck-Boost Converter based Maximum Power Point Tracking System", "Can I Do That? Discovering Domain Axioms Using Declarative Programming and Relational Reinforcement Learning", "Dielectric resonators and filters", "ORBIT: Hybrid movie recommendation engine", "Implementing bedside handover: strategies for change management.", "Cognitive radio network security: A survey", "Soft Robot Arm Inspired by the Octopus", "Eigenvalues of a real supersymmetric tensor", "Best basis-based wavelet packet entropy feature extraction and hierarchical EEG classification for epileptic detection", "Show Me the Money! Finding Flawed Implementations of Third-party In-app Payment in Android Apps", "A Fast-Response Pseudo-PWM Buck Converter With PLL-Based Hysteresis Control", "Support vector machine-based classification of Alzheimer’s disease from whole-brain anatomical MRI", "Q-CP: Learning Action Values for Cooperative Planning" ]
A Markov Chain Algorithm for Compression in Self-Organizing Particle Systems
Hướng tới việc Học không giám sát về Quan hệ Thời gian giữa các Sự kiện
[ "Discriminative Reranking for Natural Language Parsing", "Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation Rivaling Supervised Methods", "Building a Large Annotated Corpus of English: The Penn Treebank", "Convolution Kernels for Natural Language", "Convolution Kernels on Discrete Structures" ]
[ "Four Motives for Community Involvement", "Design and development of low-cost EMG amplifier for assistive technology", "A genetic algorithm tutorial", "Large-Scale Video Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks", "Feature and model space speaker adaptation with full covariance Gaussians", "Evaluating Entity Linking with Wikipedia", "Cryptographic Hash-Function Basics: Definitions, Implications and Separations for Preimage Resistance, Second-Preimage Resistance, and Collision Resistance", "Young attitudes towards F-commerce advertising", "Citation Recommendation Using Distributed Representation of Discourse Facets in Scientific Articles", "Interpretable Basis Decomposition for Visual Explanation", "Accounting for the Contradictory Organizational Consequences of Information Technology: Theoretical Directions and Methodological Implications", "New Metrics for the Reliability of Approximate and Probabilistic Adders", "Cognitive walkthrough for the web", "The Role of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Crisis Response", "Do LoRa Low-Power Wide-Area Networks Scale?", "Analytic Error Modeling for Imprecise Arithmetic Circuits", "Whole-body aerial manipulation by transformable multirotor with two-dimensional multilinks", "Broadband Substrate Integrated Waveguide Cavity-Backed Bow-Tie Slot Antenna", "Americas Conference on Information Systems ( AMCIS ) December 2002 E-COMMERCE ADOPTION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES", "Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Environment Using Improved Weighted Round Robin Algorithm for Nonpreemptive Dependent Tasks.", "Simultaneous determination of eugenol, isoeugenol and methyleugenol in fish fillet using gas chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry.", "Modeling and Predicting Students' Academic Performance Using Data Mining Techniques", "Use of concurrent pupil dilation assessment to inform interpretation and analysis of fMRI data", "Introduction to Arabic Natural Language Processing Nizar Y. Habash (Columbia University) Morgan & Claypool (Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies, edited by Graeme Hirst, volume 10), 2010, xvii+167 pp; paperbound, ISBN 978-1-59829-795-9, $40.00; ebook, ISBN 978-1-59829-796-6, $30.00 or b", "Adding nesting structure to words" ]
Towards Unsupervised Learning of Temporal Relations between Events
Đánh giá Mô hình hỗn hợp thông qua hỗn hợp đa thức
[ "Coarse-to-Fine n-Best Parsing and MaxEnt Discriminative Reranking", "A Procedure for Quantitatively Comparing the Syntactic Coverage of English Grammars", "Multi-View Learning of Word Embeddings via CCA", "A Method of Moments for Mixture Models and Hidden Markov Models", "Bayesian Symbol-Refined Tree Substitution Grammars for Syntactic Parsing" ]
[ "Intelligent Mobile Health Monitoring System (IMHMS)", "Styling with Attention to Details", "Qualitative comparison of graph-based and logic-based multi-relational data mining: a case study", "Emotional convergence between people over time.", "A compact power-efficient 3 V CMOS rail-to-rail input/output operational amplifier for VLSI cell libraries", "The Spectrum Kernel: A String Kernel for SVM Protein Classification", "Bach in a Box: The Evolution of Four Part Baroque Harmony Using the Genetic Algorithm", "Convolutional gated recurrent networks for video segmentation", "Demand forecasting with high dimensional data: The case of SKU retail sales forecasting with intra- and inter-category promotional information", "Standardization versus adaptation of international marketing strategy : an integrative assessment of the empirical research", "Training techniques to improve endurance exercise performances.", "An N-Bit Digitally Variable Ultra Wideband Pulse Generator for GPR and UWB Applications", "Functional Near Infrared Spectroscope for Cognition Brain Tasks by Wavelets Analysis and Neural Networks", "LSTM-Based ECG Classification for Continuous Monitoring on Personal Wearable Devices", "Visual firewall: real-time network security monitor", "LambdaFM: Learning Optimal Ranking with Factorization Machines Using Lambda Surrogates", "POLYGLOT-NER: Massive Multilingual Named Entity Recognition", "$LCL$ Filter Design and Performance Analysis for Grid-Interconnected Systems", "A memory optimization technique for software-managed scratchpad memory in GPUs", "Digital Mont'e Prama: Exploring Large Collections of Detailed 3D Models of Sculptures", "Crime Data Mining: An Overview and Case Studies", "A Fuzzy-based approach to programming language independent source-code plagiarism detection", "State Detection Using Adaptive Human Sensor Sampling", "The Mediator complex: a central integrator of transcription", "Argument Mining: Extracting Arguments from Online Dialogue" ]
Estimating Mixture Models via Mixtures of Polynomials
Đánh giá lợi ích của thực tế tăng cường cho việc địa phương hóa nhiệm vụ trong bảo trì tháp pháo của xe bọc thép chở quân
[ "Fun and usable: augmented reality instructions in a hospital setting", "Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology", "Augmented reality: an application of heads-up display technology to manual manufacturing processes", "A Survey of Augmented Reality", "Cognitive, performance, and systems issues for augmented reality applications in manufacturing and maintenance" ]
[ "Purchase Conversion Using Web Path Analysis", "Preperformance State , Routines , and Automaticity : What Does it Take to Realize Expertise in Self-Paced Events ?", "Modeling people flow: simulation analysis of international-departure passenger flows in an airport terminal", "A Solution to Forecast Demand Using Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting", "Early Diagnosis of Dementia from Clinical Data by Machine Learning Techniques", "Transform a Simple Sketch to a Chinese Painting by a Multiscale Deep Neural Network", "Feature-based survey of model transformation approaches", "An overview of Wireless Sensor Networks towards internet of things", "Diversifying trending topic discovery via Semidefinite Programming", "Threatened egotism, narcissism, self-esteem, and direct and displaced aggression: does self-love or self-hate lead to violence?", "Measuring experiential avoidance and psychological inflexibility: The Spanish version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire - II.", "Energy Efficient IoT Data Collection in Smart Cities Exploiting D2D Communications", "An image analysis framework for the early assessment of hypertensive retinopathy signs", "Cancer statistics, 2013.", "Responses of Gut Microbiota and Glucose and Lipid Metabolism to Prebiotics in Genetic Obese and Diet-Induced Leptin-Resistant Mice", "SemEval-2017 Task 2: Multilingual and Cross-lingual Semantic Word Similarity", "Combining Multiple Coverage Criteria in Search-Based Unit Test Generation", "An Efficient Deep Learning Model to Predict Cloud Workload for Industry Informatics", "High Gain Wide-Band U-Shaped Patch Antennas With Modified Ground Planes", "A CNN-Based Supermarket Auto-Counting System", "Towards Generating Real-life Datasets for Network Intrusion Detection", "A Double-Auction Mechanism for Mobile Data-Offloading Markets", "Brain Tumor Detection And Localization In Magnetic Resonance Imaging", "Youth texting: Help or hindrance to literacy?", "An Approximately Efficient TDOA Localization Algorithm in Closed-Form for Locating Multiple Disjoint Sources With Erroneous Sensor Positions" ]
Evaluating the benefits of augmented reality for task localization in maintenance of an armored personnel carrier turret
Dự án về Clustering Algorithms trong Phòng chống Rửa Tiền bằng Lý thuyết Đồ thị và Phân tích Mạng Xã hội
[ "Finding community structure in networks using the eigenvectors of matrices.", "Statistical mechanics of community detection.", "Introduction to Algorithms", "The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web.", "Genetic Algorithms in Search Optimization and Machine Learning" ]
[ "Integrating real-time and batch processing in a polystore", "QuickRec: prototyping an intel architecture extension for record and replay of multithreaded programs", "Subspace Clustering with Priors via Sparse Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programming", "An improvement on the Euler number computing algorithm used in MATLAB", "Refreshing Labioplasty Techniques for Plastic Surgeons", "Concrete Crack Detection by Multiple Sequential Image Filtering", "Skipping Word: A Character-Sequential Representation based Framework for Question Answering", "Low-cost TSH (through-silicon hole) interposers for 3D IC integration", "Imaging the intervertebral disk: age-related changes, herniations, and radicular pain.", "Risk factors for involvement in cyber bullying : Victims , bullies and bully – victims ☆", "Soft compression and the origins of nonlinear behavior of GaN HEMTs", "Field-weakening Control Algorithm for Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Space-Vector Modulation Technique", "Efficient deep learning for stereo matching with larger image patches", "A Review on Mobile Technologies: 3G, 4G and 5G", "Nighttime Face Recognition at Long Distance: Cross-Distance and Cross-Spectral Matching", "The Current State of StarCraft AI Competitions and Bots", "An efficient downlink packet scheduling algorithm in LTE-Advanced systems with Carrier Aggregation", "Agile Modeling, Agile Software Development, and Extreme Programming: The State of Research", "Will Simulation Sickness Slow Down the Diffusion of Virtual Environment Technology?", "An objective and subjective study of the role of semantics and prosodic features in building corpora for emotional TTS", "3D-Printed Biosensor Arrays for Medical Diagnostics", "A novel line-to-line back EMF calculation for sensorless brushless DC motor drives", "Random Projection and Hashing", "FactoMineR: An R Package for Multivariate Analysis", "A case study of using HCI methods to improve tools for programmers" ]
Project on Clustering Algorithms for Anti-Money Laundering Using Graph Theory and Social Network Analysis
Phân tích thái độ và tính cực của ý kiến
[ "Supervised and Unsupervised Aspect Category Detection for Sentiment Analysis with Co-occurrence Data", "Sentiment Analyzer: Extracting Sentiments about a Given Topic using Natural Language Processing Techniques", "From Tweets to Polls: Linking Text Sentiment to Public Opinion Time Series", "Detecting product review spammers using rating behaviors", "Predicting Elections with Twitter: What 140 Characters Reveal about Political Sentiment" ]
[ "Cloud detection of remote sensing images by deep learning", "On Multi-Sensor Radar Configurations for Vehicle Tracking in Autonomous Driving Environments", "Text Dependent Speaker Recognition using Deep Neural Networks", "Denial-of-service attack-detection techniques", "SteerFit: Automated Parameter Fitting for Steering Algorithms", "Best practices for eye tracking of television and video user experiences", "Classification of Spatiotemporal Patterns with Applications to Recognition of Sonar Sequences", "Applying a Multi-Level Modeling Theory to Assess Taxonomic Hierarchies in Wikidata", "Geometric Approximation via Coresets", "Natural Language Processing: State of The Art, Current Trends and Challenges", "Poster Abstract: Resource Aware Placement of Data Stream Analytics Operators on Fog Infrastructure for Internet of Things Applications", "Sensor-Based Mobile Web Cross-Site Input Inference Attacks and Defenses", "L-Band Feed Horn and Orthogonal Mode Transducer for the KAT-7 Radio Telescope", "Bipartite graph reinforcement model for web image annotation", "Fixed-class Classifier Personalized Classifier User-specific incremental update", "Modeling Human Understanding of Complex Intentional Action with a Bayesian Nonparametric Subgoal Model", "Investigation of a new motor assessment scale for stroke patients.", "An efficient ontology comparison tool for semantic Web applications", "Corporate Governance and Equity Prices July 2001", "Information Retrieval", "Beamspace Channel Estimation for Wideband Millimeter-Wave MIMO with Lens Antenna Array", "An intelligent system for user behavior detection in Internet Banking", "Automatic detection of acute myeloid leukemia from microscopic blood smear image", "Cardiovascular simulation toolbox.", "Exploiting the Data Redundancy Locality to Improve the Performance of Deduplication-Based Storage Systems" ]
Analysis of sentiments & polarity computation of opinions
Giao tiếp sử dụng UAV với NOMA
[ "Throughput Maximization for UAV-Enabled Mobile Relaying Systems", "User cooperation diversity. Part I. System description", "Non-orthogonal Multiple Access in a Downlink Multiuser Beamforming System", "Application of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in LTE and 5G Networks", "The Application of MIMO to Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access" ]
[ "Effective Representing of Information Network by Variational Autoencoder", "Adolescent maturity and the brain: the promise and pitfalls of neuroscience research in adolescent health policy.", "A Warm Welcome Matters!: The Link Between Social Feedback and Weight Loss in /r/loseit", "Solving NP-Hard Problems with Physarum-Based Ant Colony System", "The cortical thickness of the proximal humeral diaphysis predicts bone mineral density of the proximal humerus.", "Multimodal Question Answering over Structured Data with Ambiguous Entities", "Guillain-Barré syndrome.", "Automatic segmentation of the airway tree from thoracic CT scans using a multi-threshold approach", "iSleep: unobtrusive sleep quality monitoring using smartphones", "The Dysphagia Outcome and Severity Scale", "The Author-Topic Model for Authors and Documents", "Collaborative Filtering on a Budget", "An end-to-end generative adversarial network for crowd counting under complicated scenes", "3-D Modeling of Tomato Canopies Using a High-Resolution Portable Scanning Lidar for Extracting Structural Information", "Building Recognition From Multi-Aspect High-Resolution InSAR Data in Urban Areas", "Strengthening of Flat Slabs Against Punching Shear Using Post-Installed Shear Reinforcement", "[Psychological dimension of cancer genetics: Doctor-patient communication].", "When and Why are Pre-trained Word Embeddings Useful for Neural Machine Translation?", "A Reconfigurable Quadri-Polarization Diversity Aperture-Coupled Patch Antenna", "FACON: A flow-aided cooperative navigation scheme", "CRIME PLACES IN CRIME THEORY by", "AN1059 APPLICATION NOTE DESIGN EQUATIONS OF HIGH-POWER-FACTOR FLYBACK CONVERTERS BASED ON THE L6561", "Adapting Naive Bayes to Domain Adaptation for Sentiment Analysis", "Double-Balanced Gilbert Mixer with Current Bleeding for RF Front-End Using 0.13µm SiGe BiCMOS Technology", "Modeling and Control of Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Generators in Wind Energy Applications" ]
UAV-Enabled Communication Using NOMA
Cuộc tấn công ND2DB: Chiết xuất nội dung cơ sở dữ liệu bằng các cuộc tấn công thời gian vào các thuật toán lập chỉ mục
[ "Timing Attacks on Implementations of Diffie-Hellman, RSA, DSS, and Other Systems", "Remote Timing Attacks Are Practical", "Timing attacks on Web privacy", "Database System Implementation", "Organization and maintenance of large ordered indexes" ]
[ "Teaching Syntax by Adversarial Distraction", "Thermal and electrical characterization of eWLB (embedded Wafer Level BGA)", "Asking \"Good\" Questions: Questionnaire Design and Analysis in Interactive Information Retrieval Research", "Correlation analysis of MQTT loss and delay according to QoS level", "The influences of electronic word-of-mouth message appeal and message source credibility on brand attitude", "3-Dimensional Localization via RFID Tag Array", "Stock Market Forecasting Using Machine Learning Algorithms", "Comprehensible reasoning and automated reporting of medical examinations based on deep learning analysis", "Exploiting Trade-offs in Symbolic Execution for Identifying Security Bugs", "Extracting Aspect-Evaluation and Aspect-Of Relations in Opinion Mining", "Analysis of blood samples for counting leukemia cells using Support vector machine and nearest neighbour", "Building an open-source robotic stereotaxic instrument.", "Encoded evidence: DNA in forensic analysis", "Inpainting of Continuous Frames of Old Movies Based on Deep Neural Network", "ARCHITECTURE-BASED DEPENDABILITY ANALYSIS APPROACHES", "Reading the mind's eye: Decoding category information during mental imagery", "An Empirical Investigation into Programming Language Syntax", "Considering service strategy in ITIL V3 as a framework for IT Governance", "A Smart Cloud Robotic System Based on Cloud Computing Services", "Brain Tumor Detection And Localization In Magnetic Resonance Imaging", "Energetic consequences of walking like an inverted pendulum: step-to-step transitions.", "Improving SAT-solving with Machine Learning", "Single-ISA heterogeneous multi-core architectures for multithreaded workload performance", "ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING ‡ Two Happiness Puzzles", "Bulk current injection test modeling using an equivalent circuit for 1.8V mobile ICs" ]
The ND2DB Attack: Database Content Extraction Using Timing Attacks on the Indexing Algorithms
Chẩn đoán hệ thống bệnh tim mạch vành bằng cách kết hợp giảm chiều và kỹ thuật khai phá dữ liệu: Một bài bình luận
[ "An Extensive Empirical Study of Feature Selection Metrics for Text Classification", "A Data mining Model for predicting the Coronary Heart Disease using Random Forest Classifier", "Programs for Machine Learning. Part I", "Automated Heart Wall Motion Abnormality Detection from Ultrasound Images Using Bayesian Networks", "The CN2 Induction Algorithm" ]
[ "Analyzing Massive Machine Maintenance Data in a Computing Cloud", "Energy efficiency of 2-step charging power-clock for adiabatic logic", "ABMOF: A Novel Optical Flow Algorithm for Dynamic Vision Sensors", "Improved asynchronous voltage regulation strategy of non-inverting Buck-Boost converter for renewable energy integration", "Generalization of TORCS car racing controllers with artificial neural networks and linear regression analysis", "Automating extract class refactoring: an improved method and its evaluation", "Unsupervised Learning of Finite Mixture Models", "The VideoToolbox software for visual psychophysics: transforming numbers into movies.", "Agenda-Based User Simulation for Bootstrapping a POMDP Dialogue System", "Architecture for an Artificial Immune System", "HosTaGe : a Mobile Honeypot for Collaborative Defense [ Tool Demo ]", "Closed-Loop Targeted Memory Reactivation during Sleep Improves Spatial Navigation", "An entropy-based uncertainty measure of process models", "Computer Game Mods, Modders, Modding, and the Mod Scene", "Effects of haptic guidance and disturbance on motor learning: Potential advantage of haptic disturbance", "Wideband Millimeter-Wave Substrate Integrated Waveguide Slotted Narrow-Wall Fed Cavity Antennas", "Single Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals at Low Temperature: Fast Single-Photon Emission, Reduced Blinking, and Exciton Fine Structure.", "Neural Network Optimization", "NeuroNER: an easy-to-use program for named-entity recognition based on neural networks", "High-Q MEMS Resonators for Laser Beam Scanning Displays", "A Lightweight Component Caching Scheme for Satisfiability Solvers", "Wind noise reduction method for speech recording using multiple noise templates and observed spectrum fine structure", "Ffsck: The Fast File-System Checker", "Integrated non-inverting buck-boost DC-DC converter with average-current-mode control", "RPL-based multipath Routing Protocols for Internet of Things on Wireless Sensor Networks" ]
System Diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease Using a Combination of Dimensional Reduction and Data Mining Techniques : A Review
Khảo sát về Chọn Lựa Tính Năng cho Giảm Dữ Liệu
[ "Wrappers for Feature Subset Selection", "Programs for Machine Learning. Part I", "Instance-based learning algorithms", "Stable feature selection via dense feature groups", "A Mathematical Programming Approach to the Kernel Fisher Algorithm" ]
[ "TCAD simulation of Ge-GaAs hetrojunction dopingless tunnel field effect transistor", "Towards Extracting Faithful and Descriptive Representations of Latent Variable Models", "Inferring templates from spreadsheets", "Wideband Pattern-Reconfigurable Antenna Using Pair of Radial Radiators on Truncated Ground With Switchable Director and Reflector", "Academic procrastination of undergraduates : Low self-efficacy to self-regulate predicts higher levels of procrastination", "Concept and Dimensions of Web 4 . 0", "Ontology based classification system for online job offers", "The Potential Energy of an Autoencoder", "A Deep Convolutional Neural Network-Based Framework for Automatic Fetal Facial Standard Plane Recognition", "Distributed proportional-fairness control in microgrids via blockchain smart contracts", "Characterizing the Google Books Corpus: Strong Limits to Inferences of Socio-Cultural and Linguistic Evolution", "Agent based approach for organization and personal knowledge modelling: knowledge management perspective", "A Simulink-based robotic toolkit for simulation and control of the PUMA 560 robot manipulator", "A pediatric robotic thumb exoskeleton for at-home rehabilitation: The Isolated Orthosis for Thumb Actuation (IOTA)", "A Comparison of Data Warehouse Development Methodologies Case Study of the Process Warehouse", "Novice user perception of e-services: A study in the Egyptian public sector", "Utilizing Anaerobic Fungi for Two-stage Sugar Extraction and Biofuel Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass", "Extracting and Modeling Product Line Functional Requirements", "Factors Influencing Solid-Waste Management in the Developing World", "Research on deep neural network's hidden layers in phoneme recognition", "Centralized network utility maximization over aggregate flows", "LEAD USER ANALYSES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS", "Agent-Based and Individual-Based Modeling: A Practical Introduction", "Implicit Weight Uncertainty in Neural Networks", "Learning Online Smooth Predictors for Realtime Camera Planning Using Recurrent Decision Trees" ]
Survey on Feature Selection for Data Reduction
Mở rộng lý thuyết về độ phong phú của phương tiện truyền thông để giải thích việc áp dụng phương tiện truyền thông xã hội bởi các doanh nghiệp nhỏ
[ "Users of the world , unite ! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media", "Testing Media Richness Theory in the New Media: The Effects of Cues, Feedback, and Task Equivocality", "Brand Community", "The Field Behind the Screen : Using Netnography For Marketing Research in Online Communities", "Media Richness Theory and New Electronic Communication Media: A Study of Voice Mail and Electronic Mail" ]
[ "Do Personal Ethics Influence Corporate Ethics ?", "How computer games affect CS (and other) students' school performance", "Good features to track", "Video-Based Human Walking Estimation Using Joint Gait and Pose Manifolds", "A user experience framework and model within experiential living labs for Internet of Things", "High SNR capacity of millimeter wave MIMO systems with one-bit quantization", "A passive technique for fingerprinting wireless devices with Wired-side Observations", "Innovation : Mapping the winds of creative destruction *", "Windows driver memory analysis: A reverse engineering methodology", "AIDA - Abstraction for Advanced In-Database Analytics", "Efficient Human Pose Estimation from Single Depth Images", "A Comparative Study of Methods for Transductive Transfer Learning", "Operations on fuzzy numbers via fuzzy reasoning", "A fully connected layer elimination for a binarizec convolutional neural network on an FPGA", "BinMatch: A Semantics-Based Hybrid Approach on Binary Code Clone Analysis", "Defense Methods Against Adversarial Examples for Recurrent Neural Networks", "SPHORB: A Fast and Robust Binary Feature on the Sphere", "Towards enhanced hierarchical attention networks in ICD-9 tagging of clinical notes", "Do Bots impact Twitter activity?", "Learning in a mobile age: an investigation of student motivation", "OF INDIAN INSTITUTES OF", "Structure Based Data De-Anonymization of Social Networks and Mobility Traces", "Exploiting deep neural networks for detection-based speech recognition", "Proliferation, cell cycle and apoptosis in cancer", "Wrapper Induction for Information Extraction" ]
Extending media richness theory to explain social media adoption by microbusinesses
Deep3: Khai thác ba cấp độ song song để tối ưu hóa Học Máy Sâu
[ "DeLight: Adding Energy Dimension To Deep Neural Networks", "Project Adam: Building an Efficient and Scalable Deep Learning Training System", "Adaptive Subgradient Methods for Online Learning and Stochastic Optimization", "Large Scale Distributed Deep Networks", "Optimizing FPGA-based Accelerator Design for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks" ]
[ "The psychological roots of anti-vaccination attitudes: A 24-nation investigation.", "Robust ground plane detection for obstacle avoidance of mobile robots using a monocular camera", "The application of graph theoretical analysis to complex networks in the brain", "Autonomic Communications in Software-Driven Networks", "Workload characterization of JVM languages", "Functional connectivity in the motor cortex of resting human brain using echo-planar MRI.", "Query Aware Determinization of Uncertain Objects", "Design and analysis of a non-backdrivable series elastic actuator", "Extractive Summarisation Based on Keyword Profile and Language Model", "Harvesting Mid-level Visual Concepts from Large-Scale Internet Images", "Comparing the Topological and Electrical Structure of the North American Electric Power Infrastructure", "cGAN Based Facial Expression Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction", "Privacy-Preserving Attribute-Based Access Control Model for XML-Based Electronic Health Record System", "When Asperger's Disorder Came Out.", "Convolutional Neural Networks for Steady Flow Approximation", "How To Rigorously Develop Process Theory Using Case Research", "The Emerging Hallmarks of Cancer Metabolism.", "Solution of non-convex economic load dispatch problem using Grey Wolf Optimizer", "Wasserstein Variational Inference", "Can social media help us reason about mental health?", "Designing the W3C open annotation data model", "Improved Person Re-Identification Based on Saliency and Semantic Parsing with Deep Neural Network Models", "COCONUT: Seamless Scale-out of Network Elements", "A p53-mediated DNA damage response limits reprogramming to ensure iPS cell genomic integrity", "Spatial ray features for real-time ego-lane extraction" ]
Deep3: Leveraging three levels of parallelism for efficient Deep Learning
Một Đường ống Học Sâu Mới để Phân tích Dữ liệu Lâm sàng theo Thời gian
[ "Neural Networks - A Systematic Introduction", "Deep Learning for Time-Series Analysis", "Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition", "A temporal pattern mining approach for classifying electronic health record data", "Large Scale Distributed Deep Networks" ]
[ "SecGDB: Graph Encryption for Exact Shortest Distance Queries with Efficient Updates", "Virtual Reality und Augmented Reality (VR/AR)", "Managing Overloaded Hosts for Dynamic Consolidation of Virtual Machines in Cloud Data Centers under Quality of Service Constraints", "The Additive Value of Multimodal Features for Predicting Engagement, Frustration, and Learning during Tutoring", "SnortView: visualization system of snort logs", "Automatic Query Expansion for Patent Passage Retrieval using Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Information", "Iris Recognition: On the Segmentation of Degraded Images Acquired in the Visible Wavelength", "Soft robotics: a bioinspired evolution in robotics.", "A new approach for Face Recognition Based on PCA & Double LDA Treatment combined with SVM", "Iranian Face Database with age, pose and expression", "MED: The LMU System for the SIGMORPHON 2016 Shared Task on Morphological Reinflection", "Topic Modelling of Empirical Text Corpora: Validity, Reliability, and Reproducibility in Comparison to Semantic Maps", "Bypassing Passkey Authentication in Bluetooth Low Energy", "Enhanced brain connectivity in long-term meditation practitioners", "Bender: a virtual ribbon for deforming 3D shapes in biomedical and styling applications", "The Cyclic Towers of Hanoi", "A Constrained, Weighted-L1 Minimization Approach for Joint Discovery of Heterogeneous Neural Connectivity Graphs", "GENIA corpus - a semantically annotated corpus for bio-textmining", "A Linear Algorithm for Computing the Visibility Polygon from a Point", "ECG Signal Processing Using Digital Signal Processing Techniques", "Politeness and psychological distance: a construal level perspective.", "Achieving High Performance Oxide TFT-Based Inverters by Use of Dual-Gate Configurations With Floating and Biased Secondary Gates", "Love, hate, arousal and engagement: exploring audience responses to performing arts", "VulPecker: an automated vulnerability detection system based on code similarity analysis", "DeepWarp: Photorealistic Image Resynthesis for Gaze Manipulation" ]
A Novel Deep Learning Pipeline to Analyze Temporal Clinical Data
Một Thuật Toán Mới Cho Hoạt Động Giao Cắt Đa Giác
[ "Reentrant Polygon Clipping", "A pair-wise offset algorithm for 2D point-sequence curve", "Polygon comparison using a graph representation", "Polygonal chain intersection", "Geometric intersection problems" ]
[ "Lifting Wavelet Transform and Singular Values Decomposition for Secure Image Watermarking", "Automatic Intra-Register Vectorization for the Intel® Architecture", "ERP implementation: a compilation and analysis of critical success factors", "Back to Basics: Benchmarking Canonical Evolution Strategies for Playing Atari", "Threshold-Dependent Camouflaged Cells to Secure Circuits Against Reverse Engineering Attacks", "Integration of Parallel Write Ahead Logging and Cicada Concurrency Control Method", "A CNN-based segmentation model for segmenting foreground by a probability map", "Two-Stream Neural Networks for Tampered Face Detection", "A Sound Type System for Secure Flow Analysis", "A compressed LSB steganography method", "Escaping Plato's Cave using Adversarial Training: 3D Shape From Unstructured 2D Image Collections", "An EM Algorithm for Localizing Multiple Sound Sources in Reverberant Environments", "Evaluation of tracking algorithm performance without ground-truth data", "Collaborative Dynamic Sparse Topic Regression with User Profile Evolution for Item Recommendation", "Marital processes predictive of later dissolution: behavior, physiology, and health.", "Automatic basis selection techniques for RBF networks", "Classification of occupational therapy intervention for inpatient stroke rehabilitation.", "Robo-Advising as a Human-Machine Interaction System", "A Brain Mechanism for Facilitation of Insight by Positive Affect", "Compiling Packet Programs to Reconfigurable Switches", "Anatomy of the Facial Danger Zones: Maximizing Safety during Soft-Tissue Filler Injections.", "Optimal loop unrolling for GPGPU programs", "A Loop-Free Extended Bellman-Ford Routing Protocol Without Bouncing Effect", "On the rate of channel polarization", "Think-aloud protocols: Analyzing three different think-aloud protocols with counts of verbalized frustrations in a usability study of an information-rich Web site" ]
A New Algorithm for Polygon Intersection Operation
So sánh tỷ lệ rủi ro của $l_0$ và $l_1$ Penalized Regression
[ "Estimating the dimension of a linear model", "Model selection and estimation in regression with grouped variables", "Relaxed Lasso", "Sparsity and smoothness via the fused lasso", "The Adaptive Lasso and Its Oracle Properties" ]
[ "A 12-Step Sensorless Drive for Brushless DC Motors Based on Back-EMF Differences", "I Spot a Bot : Building a binary classifier to detect bots on Twitter", "Ellipse Detection in Digital Image Data Using Geometric Features", "Compassion: an evolutionary analysis and empirical review.", "USER INTERFACE DESIGN OF VOICE CONTROLLED CONSUMER ELECTRONICS", "Effective Dynamic Voltage Scaling Through CPU-Boundedness Detection", "The Focussed D* Algorithm for Real-Time Replanning", "Harmonic Path (HAPA) algorithm for non-contact vital signs monitoring with IR-UWB radar", "Alarm Prediction in LTE Networks", "Inguinal Hernia Repair Using 3D Printed Surgical Instruments in the Cadaveric Model: A Feasibility Study", "Why-Question Answering using Intra- and Inter-Sentential Causal Relations", "Combining (Integer) Linear Programming Techniques and Metaheuristics for Combinatorial Optimization", "Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows, Part II: Metaheuristics", "Bartender: a fast and accurate clustering algorithm to count barcode reads", "Contrastive Learning Using Spectral Methods", "Harlequin fetus.", "Union simulation on lower limbs rehabilitation robot based on MATLAB and ADAMS", "MIMO Performance of Realistic UE Antennas in LTE Scenarios at 750 MHz", "Attachment theory and intergroup bias: evidence that priming the secure base schema attenuates negative reactions to out-groups.", "Observations on periorbital and midface aging.", "Multimodal 'eyes-free' interaction techniques for wearable devices", "Printed $\\lambda/8$ -PIFA for Penta-Band WWAN Operation in the Mobile Phone", "Chemical constituents of marijuana: the complex mixture of natural cannabinoids.", "Multiport UHF RFID-Tag Antenna for Enhanced Energy Harvesting of Self-Powered Wireless Sensors", "Watertight surface reconstruction of caves from 3D laser data" ]
A Risk Ratio Comparison of $l_0$ and $l_1$ Penalized Regression
Hệ thống điều khiển di động đa bậc: Kiến trúc, thuật toán và thí nghiệm
[ "Histograms of oriented gradients for human detection", "Introduction to Algorithms", "LabelMe: A Database and Web-Based Tool for Image Annotation", "AprilTag: A robust and flexible visual fiducial system", "Fast smoothing of manipulator trajectories using optimal bounded-acceleration shortcuts" ]
[ "Real-time 3D Walking Pattern Generation for a Biped Robot with Telescopic Legs", "Signal-dependent noise determinesmotorplanning", "ENHANCED BEAT TRACKING WITH CONTEXT-AWARE NEURAL NETWORKS", "Unsupervised Cross-Domain Word Representation Learning", "Adversarial support vector machine learning", "A Capacitive Coupled Patch Antenna Array With High Gain and Wide Coverage for 5G Smartphone Applications", "Expectation Backpropagation: Parameter-Free Training of Multilayer Neural Networks with Continuous or Discrete Weights", "Rear end planar slot antenna of a substrate integrated waveguide cavity fed by grounded coplanar waveguide", "Geometric Structures for Three-Dimensional Shape Representation", "Semi-Supervised Learning via New Deep Network Inversion", "Design and Experimental Investigation of a Compact Circularly Polarized Integrated Filtering Antenna for Wearable Biotelemetric Devices", "Building Dynamic Knowledge Graphs", "Object Discovery in Videos as Foreground Motion Clustering", "Cloud RAN challenges and solutions", "Cloud-assisted industrial cyber-physical systems: An insight", "Authorship categorization of public domain literature", "Recommendation System Using Bloom Filter in Mapreduce", "Gratitude and well-being: a review and theoretical integration.", "Adaptive web caching: towards a new global caching architecture", "IT Governance Mechanisms: A Literature Review", "Tracking Sentiment in Mail: How Genders Differ on Emotional Axes", "Identification of the optic nerve head with genetic algorithms", "Buzz: An extensible programming language for heterogeneous swarm robotics", "Predicting personality with social behavior: a comparative study", "Zero is Not Enough : On The Lower Limit of Agent Intelligence For Continuous Double Auction Markets †" ]
A System for Multi-step Mobile Manipulation: Architecture, Algorithms, and Experiments
Máy quay video điều chế biên độ - Tách ánh sáng trong các cảnh động
[ "A novel algorithm for color constancy", "Detecting Moving Shadows: Algorithms and Evaluation", "Color Constancy with Spatio-Spectral Statistics", "A Theory of Multiplexed Illumination", "Light mixture estimation for spatially varying white balance" ]
[ "GlobFit: consistently fitting primitives by discovering global relations", "Pictory - neural style transfer and editing with coreML", "A Framework for Cross-Layer Evaluation of 5G mmWave Cellular Networks in ns-3", "Software Architecture Evaluation: A Systematic Mapping Study", "PGS: Parking Guidance System based on wireless sensor network", "Construction of the Literature Graph in Semantic Scholar", "Automatic Population of Structured Knowledge Bases via Natural Language Processing", "Familiarity, Confidence, Trust: Problems and Alternatives", "Coding polygon meshes as compressable ASCII", "Reliable Multiple-choice Iterative Algorithm for Crowdsourcing Systems", "Referral Web: Combining Social Networks and Collaborative Filtering", "Acoustic Echo Cancellation using Adaptive Algorithms", "Psychophysiological contributions to phantom limbs.", "Location Privacy in Usage-Based Automotive Insurance: Attacks and Countermeasures", "Boilerplate detection using shallow text features", "Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation Networks", "Big Data Classification using Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor", "The pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis.", "Expert and exceptional performance: evidence of maximal adaptation to task constraints.", "Web Page Design: Implications of Memory, Structure and Scent for Information Retrieval", "Deringing cartoons by image analogies", "Multimodal Emotion Recognition for One-Minute-Gradual Emotion Challenge", "Cache'n DASH: Efficient Caching for DASH", "AlgorithmSeer: A System for Extracting and Searching for Algorithms in Scholarly Big Data", "Detecting source code similarity using code abstraction" ]
Amplitude Modulated Video Camera - Light Separation in Dynamic Scenes
Những câu chuyện được sáng tác với sự trợ giúp của Mạng Nơ-ron Hồi quy
[ "Story Generation with Crowdsourced Plot Graphs", "Towards End-To-End Speech Recognition with Recurrent Neural Networks", "Learning representations by back-propagating errors", "Translation Modeling with Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks", "Creative Help: A Story Writing Assistant" ]
[ "Designing structurally-sound ornamental curve networks", "Flip-chip interconnection EA-DFB laser module for 100-Gbit/s/λ application", "Genetically Improved PSO Algorithm for Efficient Data Clustering", "Vehicle detection and tracking in wide field-of-view aerial video", "Foldable Joints for Foldable Robots", "Retrieval and classification of food images", "An Efficient Micropayment System Based on Probabilistic Polling", "Understanding and Improving the Latency of DRAM-Based Memory Systems", "Neurobiology of decision-making: risk and reward.", "Guidelines for critique of a research report.", "Proactive Network Fault Detection", "Exploit imaging through opaque wall via deep learning", "The serval mesh: A platform for resilient communications in disaster & crisis", "A Framework for Modeling the Appearance of 3D Articulated Figures", "Manga109 dataset and creation of metadata", "Analyzing and evaluating query reformulation strategies in web search logs", "Deep Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Action Spaces: a Case Study in the Game of Simulated Curling", "Leveraging Unlabeled Whole-Slide-Images for Mitosis Detection", "Selective mutism and anxiety: a review of the current conceptualization of the disorder.", "A Context Based Dialog System with a Personality", "Discovering Graph Temporal Association Rules", "Point to Set Similarity Based Deep Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification", "Design, Modeling, and Control of an Aerial Robot DRAGON: A Dual-Rotor-Embedded Multilink Robot With the Ability of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Aerial Transformation", "A Fog-Based Digital Forensics Investigation Framework for IoT Systems", "Visual-Interactive Preprocessing of Time Series Data" ]
Stories with Help from Recurrent Neural Networks
Mối Quan Hệ Giữa Việc Sử Dụng Phim Hình Ảnh Tình Dục Nam Giới , Sự Gắn Kết và Hành Vi Hỗn Loạn Trong Quan Hệ Tình Duyên Lãng Mạn
[ "Pornography and attitudes supporting violence against women: revisiting the relationship in nonexperimental studies.", "Predicting sexual aggression: the role of pornography in the context of general and specific risk factors.", "Attachment Style as a Predictor of Adult Romantic Relationships", "Resolving attachment injuries in couples using emotionally focused therapy: steps toward forgiveness and reconciliation.", "Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy : Status and Challenges" ]
[ "Fingerprint Model Based on Fingerprint Image Topology and Ridge Count Values", "Spatial Diversity 24-GHz FMCW Radar With Ground Effect Compensation for Automotive Applications", "Reconfigurable Skyrmion Logic Gates.", "Remote Sensing for Crop Management", "Machine learning for medical diagnosis: history, state of the art and perspective", "C-RAN simulator: A tool for evaluating 5G cloud-based networks system-level performance", "Investigating and promoting UX practice in industry: An experimental study", "Internal validity , performance and dimensionality of the Body Shape Questionnaire among female students in the Kurdistan Iraq Region", "Smith-Petersen osteotomy in thoracolumbar deformity surgery.", "Adverse Drug Reactions and Interactions: Mechanisms, Risk Factors, Detection, Management and Prevention", "Easy Hyperparameter Search Using Optunity", "Isogeometric Analysis using T-splines", "Unsupervised robust nonparametric estimation of the hemodynamic response function for any fMRI experiment", "Answering Opinion Questions on Products by Exploiting Hierarchical Organization of Consumer Reviews", "RCS reduction of Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna", "A quantum leap for AI", "Learning Scene Flow in 3D Point Clouds", "Self-supervised Sparse-to-Dense: Self-supervised Depth Completion from LiDAR and Monocular Camera", "Nonlinear connectivity by Granger causality", "STATISTICAL METHODS FOR ASSESSING AGREEMENT BETWEEN TWO METHODS OF CLINICAL MEASUREMENT", "Biotea: semantics for Pubmed Central", "Measuring Individual Performance with Comprehensive Bibliometric Reports as an Alternative to h-Index Values", "Depth map generation by image classification", "BetterAuth: web authentication revisited", "Issues in the Specification and Measurement of Software Portability" ]
The Relationship Among Male Pornography Use , Attachment , and Aggression in Romantic Relationships
Khám phá sự kết hợp giữa trực quan hóa phần mềm và phân cụm dữ liệu trong quá trình phục hồi kiến trúc phần mềm
[ "Comparing Software Architecture Recovery Techniques Using Accurate Dependencies", "A comparative analysis of software architecture recovery techniques", "Using Clustering Algorithms in Legacy Systems Remodularization", "Archimetrix: Improved Software Architecture Recovery in the Presence of Design Deficiencies", "An Overview of 3D Software Visualization" ]
[ "Discovering Motion Primitives for Unsupervised Grouping and One-Shot Learning of Human Actions, Gestures, and Expressions", "Deep Learning of Convolutional Auto-Encoder for Image Matching and 3D Object Reconstruction in the Infrared Range", "SecureML: A System for Scalable Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning", "Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence: A Threat or Savior?", "Understanding intention to continuously share information on weblogs", "Context-Aware Captions from Context-Agnostic Supervision", "Instagram and WhatsApp in Health and Healthcare: An Overview", "Producing radiologist-quality reports for interpretable artificial intelligence", "An Empirical Evaluation of the MuJava Mutation Operators", "Detection and Recognition of Malaysian Special License Plate Based On SIFT Features", "Adaptive Mho type distance relaying scheme with fault resistance compensation", "A Robust, Simple Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS) Approach for High Diversity Species", "Learning Word-Like Units from Joint Audio-Visual Analysis", "A Frequent Pattern Mining Algorithm for Feature Extraction of Customer Reviews", "Audio Steganography using Echo Hiding in Wavelet Domain with Pseudorandom Sequence", "A Smart City Data Model based on Semantics Best Practice and Principles", "Educational Dashboards for Smart Learning: Review of Case Studies", "Image inpainting", "An extensive comparative study of cluster validity indices", "A fuzzy-genetic approach to breast cancer diagnosis", "Presynaptic depression of glutamatergic synaptic transmission by D1-like dopamine receptor activation in the avian basal ganglia.", "The DStar Method for Effective Software Fault Localization", "Case series of selenium toxicity from a nutritional supplement.", "Anonymous voting by two-round public discussion", "A New Ensemble Model for Efficient Churn Prediction in Mobile Telecommunication" ]
Exploring the combination of software visualization and data clustering in the software architecture recovery process
Vai trò của Chủ nghĩa Thực dân trong Sự Thành công của Ngành Công nghiệp Làm trắng Da ở Philippines
[ "Skin color as post-colonial hierarchy: a global strategy for conflict resolution.", "The skin whitening industry in the Philippines.", "Skin Bleaching and Global White Supremacy : By Way of Introduction Yaba", "The Market for \" Lemons \" : Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism", "The price of innovation: new estimates of drug development costs." ]
[ "Ultrasound-Guided Genicular Nerve Block for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Double-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial of Local Anesthetic Alone or in Combination with Corticosteroid.", "Tendril Perversion in Intrinsically Curved Rods", "Episodic memory--from brain to mind.", "Iterative Document Representation Learning Towards Summarization with Polishing", "A 6-bit active phase shifter for Ku-band phased arrays", "Slip detection and prediction in human walking using only wearable inertial measurement units (IMUs)", "The theory of bandpass sampling", "Fast and accurate link prediction in social networking systems", "Multimodal selection techniques for dense and occluded 3D virtual environments", "Question routing in community question answering: putting category in its place", "Visual Tracking Using Attention-Modulated Disintegration and Integration", "Reinforcement-Learning-Based Intelligent Maximum Power Point Tracking Control for Wind Energy Conversion Systems", "A static power model for architects", "MeshLab: an Open-Source Mesh Processing Tool", "BRAIN ANATOMICAL FEATURE DETECTION BY SOLVING PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS ON GENERAL MANIFOLDS", "Full-reference image quality assessment-based B-mode ultrasound image similarity measure", "Decoding of EEG Signals Using Deep Long Short-Term Memory Network in Face Recognition Task", "Smart Grid Privacy via Anonymization of Smart Metering Data", "ON MEANING-PRESERVING ADVERSARIAL PERTUR-", "The Human Aspects of Information Security Questionnaire (HAIS-Q): Two further validation studies", "Complex Linguistic Features for Text Classification: A Comprehensive Study", "Content Based Image Retrieval Systems using SIFT : A Survey", "3D fully convolutional network for vehicle detection in point cloud", "User-defined gestures for surface computing", "Optical Character Recognition from Text Image" ]
Colonialsim ' s Role in the Success of the Filipino Skin Whitening Industry
Phân phối nội dung dựa trên sở thích trong mạng xã hội di động cơ hội
[ "The Hungarian Method for the Assignment Problem", "A delay-tolerant network architecture for challenged internets", "PeopleNet: engineering a wireless virtual social network", "Delay-Tolerant Networking Architecture", "Mining knowledge-sharing sites for viral marketing" ]
[ "Attribute-Based Signatures", "Application of Statistical Relational Learning to Hybrid Recommendation Systems", "Temporal Readout Noise Analysis and Reduction Techniques for Low-Light CMOS Image Sensors", "Facial Expression Recognition Using Enhanced Deep 3D Convolutional Neural Networks", "Role of Open Source Software and ICT in Disaster Management", "Unveiling patterns of international communities in a global city using mobile phone data", "Static Specification Mining Using Automata-Based Abstractions", "Modeling of Political Discourse Framing on Twitter", "Active Messages: A Mechanism for Integrated Communication and Computation", "YAGO2: A spatially and temporally enhanced knowledge base from Wikipedia", "Recommending citations: translating papers into references", "Biometric Gait Authentication Using Accelerometer Sensor", "A Comparative Study of Texture Measures for Terrain Classification", "ABNORMALITY DETECTION IN LUMBAR DISCS FROM CLINICAL MR IMAG ES WITH A PROBABILISTIC MODEL", "The Cryptanalysis of the Enigma Cipher. The Plugboard and the Cryptologic Bomb", "Understanding packet delivery performance in dense wireless sensor networks", "A Cautionary Note Regarding Evaluation of AES Candidates on Smart-Cards", "Automatic Stance Detection Using End-to-End Memory Networks", "Computational Curiosity (A Book Draft)", "Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Improved MFCC", "Co-Evolution in the Successful Learning of Backgammon Strategy", "A framework and graphical development environment for robust NLP tools and applications.", "An efficient parallel neural network-based multi-instance learning algorithm", "Algorithms on evolving graphs", "The FFT on a GPU" ]
Preference-aware content dissemination in opportunistic mobile social networks
Khung phân tích dựa trên đường dẫn để phân biệt sản phẩm thay thế và bổ sung trong thương mại điện tử
[ "A Survey of Collaborative Filtering Techniques", "Content-based book recommending using learning for text categorization", "One-Class Collaborative Filtering", "A Scalable Hierarchical Distributed Language Model", "A unified architecture for natural language processing: deep neural networks with multitask learning" ]
[ "Percutaneous left atrial appendage closure for stroke prophylaxis in patients with atrial fibrillation: 2.3-Year Follow-up of the PROTECT AF (Watchman Left Atrial Appendage System for Embolic Protection in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation) Trial.", "Visualization of Eye Tracking Data: A Taxonomy and Survey", "Affective Computing: A Review", "ArticulatedFusion: Real-time Reconstruction of Motion, Geometry and Segmentation Using a Single Depth Camera", "Dual-State Parametric Eye Tracking", "The impact of machine translation error types on post-editing effort indicators", "A Bridgeless PFC Boost Rectifier With Optimized Magnetic Utilization", "Integrated Communication and Control Systems: Part I—Analysis", "Combining Social Network Analysis with Semi-supervised Clustering : a case study on fraud detection", "Millimeter-Wave Substrate Integrated Waveguide Multibeam Antenna Based on the Parabolic Reflector Principle", "Design for Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing Environments", "A tutorial on stochastic approximation algorithms for training Restricted Boltzmann Machines and Deep Belief Nets", "A randomised controlled trial of adjunctive yoga and adjunctive physical exercise training for cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia.", "A multimodal parallel architecture: A cognitive framework for multimodal interactions", "CNN-PS: CNN-Based Photometric Stereo for General Non-convex Surfaces", "An Online Identity and Smart Contract Management System", "High-frequency power of heart rate variability can predict the outcome of thoracic surgical patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome on admission to the intensive care unit: a prospective, single-centric, case-controlled study", "Minimax Regret Bounds for Reinforcement Learning", "A Comprehensive Survey of Data Mining-based Fraud Detection Research", "Online Cruising Mile Reduction in Large-Scale Taxicab Networks", "Local Rademacher Complexity Bounds based on Covering Numbers", "Design of Ultrawideband Planar Monopole Antennas of Circular and Elliptical Shape", "A Network Model for Reddit Post Virality Prediction", "A Review of Implantable Antennas for Wireless Biomedical Devices", "Cyber Security and Privacy Issues in Smart Grids" ]
A Path-constrained Framework for Discriminating Substitutable and Complementary Products in E-commerce
Đề xuất điểm đến thú vị trong mạng xã hội dựa trên vị trí với nhận thức về chủ đề và địa điểm
[ "Latent Dirichlet Allocation", "Finding scientific topics.", "fLDA: matrix factorization through latent dirichlet allocation", "Probabilistic Matrix Factorization", "Mining interesting locations and travel sequences from GPS trajectories" ]
[ "Collective Entity Disambiguation with Structured Gradient Tree Boosting", "Integrating object-oriented image analysis and decision tree algorithm for land use and land cover classification using RADARSAT-2 polarimetric SAR imagery", "Atrial fibrillation detection using feature based algorithm and deep convolutional neural network", "Unification of Cas protein families and a simple scenario for the origin and evolution of CRISPR-Cas systems", "Conversation and Object Manipulation Influence Children's Learning in a Museum.", "Power electronics help reduce diversity of arc welding process for optimal performance", "FAST: fast architecture sensitive tree search on modern CPUs and GPUs", "Logical Parsing from Natural Language Based on a Neural Translation Model", "-‐ 11 December 2013 SENSOR NETWORKS FOR MONITORING AND CONTROL OF WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS", "Efficient Autoscaling in the Cloud Using Predictive Models for Workload Forecasting", "Mining distance-based outliers in near linear time with randomization and a simple pruning rule", "Enhancing Social Inclusion of Children With Externalizing Problems Through Classroom Seating Arrangements: A Randomized Controlled Trial", "Power factor improvement of a transverse flux machine with high torque density", "Neural Content-Collaborative Filtering for News Recommendation", "Circularly Polarized Stacked Annular-Ring Microstrip Antenna With Integrated Feeding Network for UHF RFID Readers", "Electrostatic separation of metals and plastics from granular industrial wastes", "NR - The New 5G Radio-Access Technology", "Experiences in Improving Risk Management Processes Using the Concepts of the Riskit Method", "Gray Scale and Rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Local Binary Patterns", "Monostatic and bistatic radar measurements of birds and micro-drone", "The Impact of Leadership Style on Job Satisfaction : A Study of Iranian Hotels", "A Microactuation and Sensing Platform With Active Lockdown for In Situ Calibration of Scale Factor Drifts in Dual-Axis Gyroscopes", "A Compact S-Box Design for SMS4 Block Cipher", "Effectiveness Evaluation of Rule Based Classifiers for the Classification of Iris Data Set", "Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory An Optimized Design of Finned-Tube Evaporators Using the Learnable Evolution Model" ]
Point-of-Interest Recommendation in Location Based Social Networks with Topic and Location Awareness
Lỗi dự đoán dựa trên lớp để phát hiện bài phát biểu thù hận với từ ngoài từ điển
[ "Character-Aware Neural Language Models", "Theano: A Python framework for fast computation of mathematical expressions", "Hate Speech Detection with Comment Embeddings", "Derivative Dynamic Time Warping", "A Survey on Hate Speech Detection using Natural Language Processing" ]
[ "A Scalable Recipe Recommendation System for Mobile Application", "TimeSpan: Using Visualization to Explore Temporal Multi-dimensional Data of Stroke Patients", "Does Competition Destroy Ethical Behavior?", "Personality and Character Selection in World of Warcraft", "Randomized protocols for asynchronous consensus", "The use of IMU MEMS-sensors for designing of motion capture system for control of robotic objects", "MemorySanitizer: Fast detector of uninitialized memory use in C++", "IDS rainStorm: visualizing IDS alarms", "Dense visual SLAM for RGB-D cameras", "Three-dimensional tracking of axonal projections in the brain by magnetic resonance imaging.", "Behavioral-state modulation of inhibition is context-dependent and cell type specific in mouse visual cortex", "Paraphrase Detection Using Recursive Autoencoder", "Discriminative Multimetric Learning for Kinship Verification", "Variational Inference for Dirichlet Process Mixtures", "Document categories in the ISI Web of Knowledge: Misunderstanding the Social Sciences?", "Cyber/Physical Co-verification for Developing Reliable Cyber-physical Systems", "Efficiency Study of a 2.2 kV, 1 ns, 1 MHz Pulsed Power Generator Based on a Drift-Step-Recovery Diode", "Real-time obstacle detection using dense stereo vision and dense optical flow", "NetPilot: automating datacenter network failure mitigation", "Mobile Apps for Weight Management: A Scoping Review", "The Impact of Social Media on Academic Performance of Selected College Students", "An Image Processing Approach for Detection, Quantification, and Identification of Plant Leaf Diseases -A Review", "A Framework for Detecting MAC and IP Spoofing Attacks with Network Characteristics", "Complications of penis or scrotum enlargement due to injections with permanent filling substances.", "Innovative technology-based interventions for autism spectrum disorders: a meta-analysis." ]
Class-based Prediction Errors to Detect Hate Speech with Out-of-vocabulary Words
Siêu phân giải mạnh mẽ
[ "A versatile camera calibration technique for high-accuracy 3D machine vision metrology using off-the-shelf TV cameras and lenses", "Restoration of a single superresolution image from several blurred, noisy, and undersampled measured images", "Determining Optical Flow", "Efficient super-resolution via image warping", "The Robust Estimation of Multiple Motions: Parametric and Piecewise-Smooth Flow Fields" ]
[ "Bioinformatics analysis of the structural and evolutionary characteristics for toll-like receptor 15", "Nonlinear Coordinated Steering and Braking Control of Vision-Based Autonomous Vehicles in Emergency Obstacle Avoidance", "Coronal positioning of existing gingiva: short term results in the treatment of shallow marginal tissue recession.", "Ichthyosis congenita, harlequin fetus type: a case report.", "Energy-efficient rate-adaptive GPS-based positioning for smartphones", "Adas on Cots with OpenCL: A Case Study with Lane Detection", "Multi-Graph Learning with Positive and Unlabeled Bags", "A design of miniaturization LPDA antenna with ultra wideband", "Interface Theories for Component-Based Design", "3D spatial pyramid: descriptors generation from point clouds for indoor scene classification", "Restaurant Rating: Industrial Standard and Word-of-Mouth -- A Text Mining and Multi-dimensional Sentiment Analysis", "Diagnosing the Periphery: Using the Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure Drawing Test to Characterize Peripheral Visual Function", "A mobility-based framework for adaptive clustering in wireless ad hoc networks", "Paraphrase-Supervised Models of Compositionality", "Using Indirect Encoding of Multiple Brains to Produce Multimodal Behavior", "Benchmarking personal cloud storage", "Functional connectivity in the resting brain: a network analysis of the default mode hypothesis.", "Mobility management for IoT: a survey", "Technische Grundlagen und datenschutzrechtliche Fragen der Blockchain-Technologie", "A Holistic Approach to Cross-Channel Image Noise Modeling and Its Application to Image Denoising", "Eye gaze tracking with google cardboard using purkinje images", "Open source robotic 3D mapping framework with ROS — Robot Operating System, PCL — Point Cloud Library and Cloud Compare", "Wireless Measurement of RFID IC Impedance", "Factored Neural Language Models", "Development and analysis of U-core switched reluctance machine" ]
Robust Super-Resolution
Điện thoại GSM có phải là Giải pháp Địa phương hóa?
[ "Practical robust localization over large-scale 802.11 wireless networks", "Cyberguide: A mobile context-aware tour guide", "A robot exploration and mapping strategy based on a semantic hierarchy of spatial representations", "RADAR: An In-Building RF-Based User Location and Tracking System", "System Software for Ubiquitous Computing" ]
[ "The over-constrained airport gate assignment problem", "An investigation into the applicability of building information models in geospatial environment in support of site selection and fire response management processes", "Recommender Systems for Large-scale E-Commerce : Scalable Neighborhood Formation Using Clustering", "Benchmarking Android Data Leak Detection Tools", "QoE in Video Transmission: A User Experience-Driven Strategy", "Applying deep learning on electronic health records in Swedish to predict healthcare-associated infections", "Angular Quantization-based Binary Codes for Fast Similarity Search", "MED: The LMU System for the SIGMORPHON 2016 Shared Task on Morphological Reinflection", "SeCURITy AnAlySIS oF MobIle Two-FACToR AUThenTICATIon SCheMeS", "New cache designs for thwarting software cache-based side channel attacks", "Handling Obstacles in Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering", "Deep Action Conditional Neural Network for Frame Prediction in Atari Games", "Clustering and Community Detection in Directed Networks: A Survey", "Artificial Intelligence and Legal Liability", "Executive control of visual attention in dual-task situations.", "The high-conductance state of neocortical neurons in vivo", "Heart rate variability biofeedback: how and why does it work?", "Tracking control with adaption of kites", "EPIC: A Differential Privacy Framework to Defend Smart Homes Against Internet Traffic Analysis", "Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Model with Non-Sequential Greedy Decoding for Grapheme to Phoneme Conversion", "Features for Measuring Credibility on Facebook Information", "Geographic routing without location information", "A Unified Virtual Power Decoupling Method for Droop-Controlled Parallel Inverters in Microgrids", "Text Extraction in Complex Color Document Images for Enhanced Readability", "Deep Material-Aware Cross-Spectral Stereo Matching" ]
Are GSM Phones THE Solution for Localization?
Hàng hành vi: Khám phá và Đại diện
[ "Cross-domain transfer for reinforcement learning", "Autonomous shaping: knowledge transfer in reinforcement learning", "Transfer Learning via Inter-Task Mappings for Temporal Difference Learning", "Reinforcement Learning for RoboCup Soccer Keepaway", "Between MDPs and Semi-MDPs: A Framework for Temporal Abstraction in Reinforcement Learning" ]
[ "Beyond the basic emotions: what should affective computing compute?", "Automated extractive single-document summarization: beating the baselines with a new approach", "Optimized Load Modulation Network for Doherty Power Amplifier Performance Enhancement", "Benign violations: making immoral behavior funny.", "Classification and discrimination of focal and non-focal EEG signals based on deep neural network", "Hand rehabilitation after stroke using a wearable, high DOF, spring powered exoskeleton", "Research on Symbol Recognition for Mathematical Expressions", "Interpretation of Overtracing Freehand Sketching for Geometric Shapes", "A study of prefix hijacking and interception in the internet", "Improving the Robustness of Deep Neural Networks via Stability Training", "Fingerprinting Electronic Control Units for Vehicle Intrusion Detection", "ARTTag: aesthetic fiducial markers based on circle pairs", "Analysis and Design of Tag Antenna Based UHF RFID for Libraries", "Distance metric between 3D models and 2D images for recognition and classification", "The HAM10000 dataset, a large collection of multi-source dermatoscopic images of common pigmented skin lesions", "Point-Set Topological Spatial Relations", "PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum (PROS): diagnostic and testing eligibility criteria, differential diagnosis, and evaluation.", "Security engineering - a guide to building dependable distributed systems", "Fingerprint image analysis: Role of orientation patch and ridge structure dictionaries", "Learning Features and Parts for Fine-Grained Recognition", "Service-Oriented Architectures for a Flexible and Safe Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", "Water Quality Measurement and Control from Remote Station for Pisiculture Using NI myRIO Beena", "Voxel-based global illumination", "Chameleon: A Versatile Emulator for Contactless Smartcards", "Ricci Flow for 3D Shape Analysis" ]
Behavioral Hierarchy: Exploration and Representation
Sự hợp nhất dựa trên Octree cho tái tạo 3D thời gian thực
[ "Efficient Variants of the ICP Algorithm", "A Cooperative Algorithm for Stereo Matching and Occlusion Detection", "A Taxonomy and Evaluation of Dense Two-Frame Stereo Correspondence Algorithms", "The Correlated Correspondence Algorithm for Unsupervised Registration of Nonrigid Surfaces", "Global Correspondence Optimization for Non-Rigid Registration of Depth Scans" ]
[ "Design and control of a GaN-based, 13-level, flying capacitor multilevel inverter", "On the definition and the computation of the basic reproduction ratio R0 in models for infectious diseases in heterogeneous populations.", "Stylistically User-specific Response Generation", "Two-way D* algorithm for path planning and replanning", "Deep Neural Networks Reveal a Gradient in the Complexity of Neural Representations across the Ventral Stream.", "A 3-D Camera With Adaptable Background Light Suppression Using Pixel-Binning and Super-Resolution", "The Development and Comparison of Robust Methods for Estimating the Fundamental Matrix", "Optimal Step Nonrigid ICP Algorithms for Surface Registration", "I Forget What That's Called! Children's Online Processing of Disfluencies Depends on Speaker Knowledge.", "Routing and scheduling of vehicles and crews : The state of the art", "Early detection of radiographic knee osteoarthritis using computer-aided analysis.", "Practical Implementation of Private Cloud Based on Open Source ownCloud for Small Teams - Case Study", "MMCF: Multimodal Collaborative Filtering for Automatic Playlist Continuation", "Developing Toward Generality: Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting with Developmental Compression", "On the Synthesis of Discrete Controllers for Timed Systems (An Extended Abstract)", "Nonsubsampled shearlet based CT and MR medical image fusion using biologically inspired spiking neural network", "An Integrated Semantic Web Service Discovery and Composition Framework", "Test Case Prioritization: An Empirical Study", "A Privacy Preserving Method Using Privacy Enhancing Techniques for Location Based Services", "Detection of SQL injection and XSS attacks in three tier web applications", "Controllable Text Generation", "Automatic emotional speech classification", "Brief report: vocabulary acquisition for children with autism: teacher or computer instruction.", "A Developed Collaborative Filtering Similarity Method to Improve the Accuracy of Recommendations under Data Sparsity", "A review report on low power VLSI systems analysis and modeling techniques" ]
Octree-based fusion for realtime 3D reconstruction
Về vấn đề (không) an toàn của xác thực hai yếu tố trên di động
[ "Multi Factor Authentication Using Mobile Phones", "Dissecting Android Malware: Characterization and Evolution", "Exploiting smart-phone USB connectivity for fun and profit", "Phoolproof Phishing Prevention", "Memory Errors: The Past, the Present, and the Future" ]
[ "Design and Control of a Four-Wheeled Omnidirectional Mobile Robot with Steerable Omnidirectional Wheels", "Investigating Crime-to-Twitter Relationships in Urban Environments - Facilitating a Virtual Neighborhood Watch", "Variable Computation in Recurrent Neural Networks", "Paper2vec: Combining Graph and Text Information for Scientific Paper Representation", "Learning preferences for manipulation tasks from online coactive feedback", "Universal semantic communication I", "Using High-Quality Resources in NLP: The Valency Dictionary of English as a Resource for Left-Associative Grammars", "A background subtraction algorithm for detecting and tracking vehicles", "How Generative Adversarial Nets and its variants Work: An Overview of GAN", "SiC MOSFET Switching Waveform Profiling Through Passive Networks", "Using Retweets to Shape our Online Persona: a Topic Modeling Approach", "Classification of fruits using Probabilistic Neural Networks - Improvement using color features", "Accurate indoor navigation using Smartphone , Bluetooth Low Energy and Visual Tags", "Designing a Programming Language for Home Automation", "Single‐cell sequencing maps gene expression to mutational phylogenies in PDGF‐ and EGF‐driven gliomas", "Chemical-disease Relations Extraction Based on The Shortest Dependency Path Tree", "Customer lifetime network value: customer valuation in the context of network effects", "MANAGING CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS - A HEALTH CARE IMPERATIVE.", "Robotic Detection of Marine Litter Using Deep Visual Detection Models", "A public key cryptosystem and a signature scheme based on discrete logarithms", "A Typology of Technology-Enhanced Tourism Experiences", "Identification of Cognates and Recurrent Sound Correspondences in Word Lists", "Videogame Addiction and its Treatment", "TRANSFORMERLESS HIGH STEP-UP DC-DC COCKCROFT-WALTON VOLTAGE MULTIPLIER FOR A HYBRID SYSTEM APPLICATION 1", "Embodied Conversational Interface Agents+" ]
On the (In)Security of Mobile Two-Factor Authentication
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