To be up to date with the latest in the apiculture industry to can visit our beekeeping latest news. On the other hand if you are starting apiculture and would like to start professional apiculture today get a copy of our beekeeping for beginners ebook. Beekeeping can either be a full time profession or an easy hobby. Nonetheless, more often than not, what started as a hobby would turn into a profession. But you cannot simply tell and decide yourself that you will start to do beekeeping. You need to have adequate knowledge and comprehension on the field that you’re going to enter, before beginning on any hobby or profession. Then it’s about time to indulge yourself, if you really have been putting off your interest in beekeeping for quite a while. Bee farming may appear easy; by learning the basic beekeeping lessons, you can be got away to a good start. What does a beekeeper must understand? First, you should have complete interest on beekeeping to start at the right foot. You have to spend time taking care of your colonies of bees. You should also have agreed to share your dwelling space with the bees. There are potential risks in beekeeping that can harm not only you but your family as well. Then you certainly must know the supplies and gear you will use for beekeeping, if you decide to allow the bees inside your living space. Your focus is not just to build an income by selling honey; a great beekeeper should have a keen interest and passion in raising bees. An apiarist should know the right place for the beehives. You have to make sure beekeeping is enabled in your town if you decide to set your beehives at your backyard. There are several areas confined to beekeeping; you need to get permission concerning this. Beekeepers must understand whether beekeeping supplies are offered in the place where the beehives are situated. When you have to go to a nearby beekeeping shop you may never know; it’s best that a nearby beekeeping shop is not inaccessible. Protective tools and equipment may also be very important to beekeepers to know. Beekeepers are prone to bee stings; the outfit that is correct must be worn during beekeeping sessions. Know the appropriate suit to select to keep you from any potential danger in beekeeping. If you are unable to harvest honey all the attempts that are beekeeping would be useless. The procedures should be known by a beekeeper in collecting the honey from the comb; beeswax is also part of the yields in beekeeping.
A project set out to renovate and expand an old dairy farm by using new technological solutions. Projects & Practice A small family factory used RDP support to equip its new store, which sells its high-quality meat products. A farm producing flowers used RDP support to purchase new equipment and a tractor, thus achieving its goal to enhance and diversify its production. A company developed a new allergen free healthy snack and used RDP support to set up the commercial production process. A small Estonian organic farm used EAFRD funding to scale up its production of herbs by investing in new machinery and upgrading buildings to help the business to grow. A young beekeeping entrepreneur used LEADER support to buy new and innovative equipment for honey production. This enabled him to make the production process less labour-intensive and develop a new range of products.
Biogeography Touristic Values Flora and fauna, as a part of the touristic offer on domestic and foreign market, represent independent and complementary touristic motives, with various atributes of touristic attraction. On the territory of Alibunar municipality, there is a protection zone around the special reservate of nature „Deliblato sand“, on the locality Devojački bunar. Deliblato Sand is specidfic nature part, which differs from it’s surrounding by origin, substrate, ecological conditions, flora and fauna. It is covered by prairie vegetation, which bands sand from water and wind locomotion. The basic biotop characteristic of Deliblato Sand is it’s short genesis and the great role of human factor in it’s came into being and maintenance. Owing to botanical expert France Bahofen, the forest expert who put a foundation for sand binding and its afforestation in 1815, Deliblato Sand changes it’s appearence. Mobile sand was stabilized, and everything before that was useless attempt, because stabilization was exerted starting from central part towards the periphery. Then, the afforestation began from periphery to center, by breeding multiannual and annual plants, which had the capacity to bond the sand. In the beginning those were herbs which have changed the microclimate, and afterwards the acacia forests were planted. Acacia seed was spread by košava wind, on the far distances, what helped further development of forest covering. Finally, when Deliblato sand was stabilized, plant and forest covering have changed microclimate, because until then the warm air from heated sand dissabled cyclonic activity. Nowdays, this area has approximately 633mm of rainfall. Flora is very various in Deliblato sand nowdays. There are 759 species, subspecies, forms and varieties, out of which 100 arborescent. Relict, endemic and rare species have special importance for genetic fund preserving. Plants covering is represented by four basic types of vegetation: - forest vegetation. Forest complexes are on the surface of 152ha, with: - acacia forests with mixed sorts of poplar and elm, - black and white pine forests, with tinge of poplar and acacia, - poplar forest on small complexes. Deliblato sand flora is numerous and specific with several endemic plants, so it represents the fortune from botanical and economical aspects. The wild peony, lilly-of-the-valley, camphor, gorse, are important to be pointed out. Owing to optimal conditions, medicinal plants breeding has great value. Beekeeping is the symbol of Deliblatska peščara, considerinng the area of acacia forest and meadow.
I am excited to announce that Runamuk will be hosting it’s first-ever workshop! Sunday, May 19th 11am – 3pm Splits & Nuc-Making Workshop This Sunday I will be leading local beekeepers to the Runamuk apiary at Medicine Hill for a workshop on how to make splits and nucleus colonies (otherwise known as “Nucs”). My only regret is that the workshop cannot be held at the Runamuk farm, but there’s always next year. The workshop is free and open to the public. It is designed to teach beekeepers more about how to manage their colonies for swarm-prevention, and also how to make apiary increases through splits and nuc-making. At the Somerset Beekeepers, we like to leave our meetings open to the public so that anyone who is curious about beekeeping has the opportunity to watch and learn. That’s what we’re all about–education. Education of area beekeepers, and education of the public about the benefits of bees and other pollinators. We will be meeting at my home in Anson, and from there I will lead the way to Medicine Hill. If you’re at all interested in participating feel free to shoot me off an email (runamuk acres at gmail dot com –all one word) to pre-register.
Our Services Volunteer Services Buzzin ‘Every time I take part in this project, I feel more comfortable and confident in my skill set. I turn up and meet new people, which used to be something that could make me anxious’ ‘I love how, by the afternoon, everyone gelled and worked together as part of a team, and seemed as if they’d known each other a long time.’ We’re changing lives by using bees It’s unusual, but it’s working. Bee-keeping is on the rise as awareness spreads about the environmental hazards faced by these incredible creatures. And they don’t just make the flowers grow - many of the skills needed for bee keeping are the same that people learn in support settings. We’re currently piloting our Buzzin project, taking the benefits of beekeeping to our service users and volunteers. So far, the pilot is working better than we could have hoped, and both volunteers and bees are thriving. So why bees? Bee-keeping offers the ideal community setting for people to solidify their recovery, and get the problem-solving skills they need to maintain change in their lives. It offers the following things: Emotional regulation skills. You have to calm yourself before handling the bees. Problem solving skills. There’s a lot learn, and often challenges to think about. Exposure to calculated risk. An alternative to the risks people face during substance misuse. Team building skills. Bee-keepers have to work together to ensure everyone’s safety. Communication skills. Bees are great at this, but the bee keepers need to be, too. Business skills. Hive management within a budget, and marketing our new Buzzin’ products. Practical skills. You’ll need to learn these in order to build the flat-pack hives. Environmental awareness. Understanding the need for a sustainable planet, and connecting with the world around you. Isn’t it a bit niche? Perhaps, although the UK’s got a decent number of beekeepers. But we take the point that it’s not particularly common – and that’s part of why it’s working. Re-building your identity. Discovering who you are, or who you want to be. That’s a key part of recovery, and achieving wellbeing. Activities like beekeeping help you define that identity; the fact that it’s not something you come across every day only adds to that. How can I get involved? Buzzin’s not just for people in active substance misuse recovery; there’s a wide range of wellbeing that caring for our bees can help people with. If it sounds like something that might be right for you, talk to our volunteering team, or call us. [email protected] 029 2052 9002 Where can I buy Buzzin products? Good news! You can currently pick up some of the stunning products made by our Buzzin volunteers at Deli Rouge Café, Cardiff. Take me to the Deli Rouge website Show me where Deli Rouge is We'll have more information on where you can pick up Buzzin products in future, so watch this space!
Monitoring honey bee hives by hand is passé. The buzz these days is about high-tech sensors inside hives. They help commercial beekeepers keep colonies healthy and allow bees to keep doing their jobs as one of the world's most important pollinators. ApisProtect, an Irish agtech company, recently closed a $1.8 million seed round of financing to expand internationally, and plans to open its first U.S. office in Salinas, California. ApisProtect provides real-time hive monitoring powered by satellite-enabled sensors retrofitted to existing beehives. The technology means beekeepers can more effectively manage colonies, and don't have to rely on periodic, manual hive checks that can allow disease, pests and other issues to deteriorate hive health, says ApisProtect co-founder and CEO Fiona Edwards Murphy. "Periodic checks can miss the hives with problems," said Murphy, Ph.D. "You can have two hives next to each other and one will be fine, while the other has severe problems. For operators with thousands of hives, manual spot checks can’t hope to catch all the issues." The expansion funding came from venture capital investors Finistere Ventures and Atlantic Bridge Capital, Radicle Growth, the Yield Lab and Enterprise Ireland. The new American office will be at the Western Growers Association's WG Center for Innovation and Technology. ApisProtect already monitors the health of more than 6 million honey bees in 144 hives across Europe and North America. The company plans to increase this number to more than 200 units (9 million bees) by the end of this year, by outfitting 20 apiaries (bee yards) across the U.S., Ireland, the U.K and South Africa. The technology collects data on temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, sound and movement from a single sensor unit installed inside the hive. "We collect data from beehives all over the world using a combination of different long-range networks to bring these data together on our servers," Murphy said. "There, we use 'Machine Learning' technology to process and convert overwhelming amounts of raw data into actual information a beekeeper can use." The data is simplified with alerts like “these hives are sick” or “this hive has no queen," rather than long graphs of information. "This allows beekeepers to use the beekeeping skills and knowledge they already possess in a much more effective manner ... to maximize pollination and honey yield," she said. Bees are about more than delicious honey and fears of getting stung. They contribute about $174 billion (U.S.) worth of pollination to the agri-food industry a year, playing an essential role in global food production. A third of all the food we eat depends on pollinators like the honey bee. There are 91 million managed beehives worldwide. However, U.S. commercial beekeepers experienced declines of 38% of colonies in 2015-2016 due to a number of environmental and biological factors. California, where the new office will be located, is the home of commercial pollination, Murphy says. "It’s both where this industry was created, and where it remains most valuable globally, due to the scale of the almond industry, which is almost totally reliant on honey bee pollination."
Dave lives a pretty solitary life after breaking up with Travis, his long-time partner. Dave works as a cook at The Square Peg bar, and his coworkers are more like family, but he doesn’t have much of a social life, and isn’t sure he is ready for one. After staying way too long in his relationship with Travis, a relationship where he was constantly bending to accommodate Travis’ abusive and erratic behavior, Dave is pretty sure he is better off alone and doesn’t much trust his own judgement. When Dave breaks his ankle one icy night, he is rescued by his young neighbor, Jeremy. Despite Dave’s exhaustion and pain making him grouchy, Jeremy is sweet and friendly and goes out of his way to help take care of him. In fact, Jeremy makes it very clear that he is attracted to Dave, and would love something more. But Dave is almost 20 years older than Jeremy and is sure the beautiful, young man can do better than a guy like him. Dave and Jeremy become good friends, spending lots of time together, but Dave holds off Jeremy’s attention, trying to discourage his interest. Eventually, however, Jeremy wins out, convincing Dave to give things between them a try, and when he does, the sparks fly. Just as things are moving forward, however, Travis comes back in the picture. He wants Dave back, and even though Dave wants nothing to do with him, Travis isn’t taking no for an answer. And when he begins to threaten Jeremy, things get even more serious. Dave has finally moved on with his life and found a good man who truly loves him, but his ex lover and his feelings about his past may derail his new relationship. The Empty Box is the third book in Davitt and Snow’s The Square Peg series. I absolutely loved the first book and enjoyed the second as well, so I was excited to reconnect with the gang from the bar and revisit this world. Dave is the cook at The Peg, and even though he is older than most of his coworkers, he is part of their little family. When we meet Dave, he is still pretty down from his breakup. He is pretty much over Travis, but he also still bears the scars from that relationship. Travis was emotionally abusive, cheated on him, was addicted to drugs, and generally took advantage of Dave over and over. Dave is still angry at himself that he let things go on so long and didn’t get out of there years before. He feels like he has wasted so much of his life on Travis. So when he meets Jeremy, Dave isn’t really emotionally ready for a new relationship, especially one with a young, vibrant, gorgeous guy who is having his first real sexual and emotional experience with another man. I think the authors do a nice job with a slow build here, because Dave needs time to adjust to the idea of Jeremy. I did get a bit tired of all the protesting when Jeremy so clearly wants Dave, but it doesn’t drag on too long. As they move into a relationship, we slowly see Dave coming back to life. He has been so closed off and reserved, and he starts interacting more with his coworkers and generally becoming more comfortable with himself. I loved Jeremy, who is virtually always upbeat and a sweet, likable guy. At times wondered what he sees in Dave, who has a tendency to be quite grouchy when he is tired or in pain or otherwise upset and definitely has his intense moments, but there are enough loving, sweet times between them to carry it off. Where things derailed somewhat for me is in the Travis end of things. On one hand, I appreciate that the story doesn’t go in the exact predicable stalker plot, and the authors take things in a surprising direction here. But so much of this didn’t work for me. First off, the guys have been broken up a year and Dave seems to have cut off all contact with Travis, but somehow Travis is back as soon as Dave has a boyfriend (how does he even know?). Dave seems to fluctuate so much between sending a clear message that he is no longer interested in Travis and then accommodating him or interacting with him anyway. He seems strangely in denial that Travis is dangerous, even when it seems clear he is threatening Jeremy physically. In some ways I appreciate that the authors make this relationship complex. We know the two men had been together for years, both as friends growing up and ultimately in a romantic relationship. So Dave has a lot of baggage there and still sees his old friend buried inside this monster. But we see Dave clearly saying he is over Travis, insisting that he has moved on and telling Travis that he doesn’t want to be with him. Yet he keeps engaging, keeps underestimating him, and even at times provoking him. There was a point where I was yelling at my kindle at Dave’s stupid move confronting Travis when he should have been calling the police. And as things go bad, Dave almost destroys his own relationship due to his inability to move past things with Travis. I’ll be honest, it really negatively impacted my feelings about Dave and I found myself with a lot less respect for him than I had before. I also feel like Travis gets so much page time and this conflict is such a huge part of the story that it really takes away from the primary relationship between Dave and Jeremy. I had a few other smaller quibbles. I loved seeing The Square Peg gang again, but have to wonder how a bar and restaurant operates with seemingly only six employees. How are they the only ones who work there? Two cooks, two bartenders, and two managers? I also couldn’t really believe that they manage to open a new restaurant from the ground up in a month, going from an “empty box” to a fully operational restaurant in such a short time. I also found that while I enjoyed Dave’s friend the beekeeper as a side character, the story relies a little too much on his role as the zen adviser, the quiet farmer who doles out this almost magical wisdom that is exactly what everyone needs, like a beekeeping Yoda. Nothing major here, but just little things that didn’t come together fully for me. So while I liked this story, there were definitely some things that didn’t work as well for me. I loved (really loved) the first book, The Square Peg, but unfortunately the other two books haven’t quite lived up to that one for me. I would definitely recommend that if you haven’t read this series, you start with the first book and then think about giving the others a try. If you are fan of the series, this one may be worth it just for the chance to revisit with Shane, Ben, Vin, and Patrick. I am not sure I’d go back and read it again, but I am glad I took the time for Jeremy and Dave’s story and I continue to enjoy this series.
Helm Family Farms was established in May 2006. We have always raised cattle, but we decided to start beekeeping in 2009. We started with only two bee hives and we have steadily grown from there. We have expanded to 150 bee hives this year. We have two daughters that are both active on the farm and help out when and where they can. We all have a bee suit so everyone stays protected while we work. We have multiple locations that we keep our bees including a local blueberry farm. It is our desire to produce an all-natural honey, encourage others to start bee keeping, supply bees and produce other beehive products. - ...And Everything Else! - Bath, Body & Home - Honey & Honey Products - Lip Balm We operate 150 bee hives and sell our local, raw honey. We also sell 5 frame nucs in the spring for others to start beekeeping or to grow their bee operations. With the wax from our hives, we produce all-natural lip balm in strawberry, coconut lemongrass, peppermint and mango scents. We also use the honey in our goat's milk and honey soap. Our soap in unscented; however, we do offer lavender vanilla and honey & shea scents.
This is one of our Beekeeping blogs – For other blogs click: Oxalic Acid is found in nature, and because it is a normal component of honey, Oxalic Acid is considered a “natural” treatment. In fact, even Certified Naturally Grown beekeeping allows the use of Oxalic Acid for the treatment of Varroa. Oxalic Acid can be applied as a dribble, a spray, or a vapor. However from research many suggest dribbling the treatment. *PLEASE ENSURE YOU ARE DRESSED CORRECTLY FOR THIS TREATMENT, THIS MEANS COVERING ALL YOUR BODY IN PROTECTED CLOTHING AND HARD SHOES* You Will Need: When to apply? Oxalic Acid will not kill Varroa in capped brood, it is recommended to apply Oxalic Acid at times when little or no brood is present but before it is crazy cold outside for example late autumn. Treating once per year at the right time may be enough because this system knocks Varroa down to almost nothing. - Hot Water (this should be in a non-reactive container). - Oxalic Acid, this should be added to the hot water. (stir, but do not shake). - When this has dissolved, add sugar and stir until dissolved. Apply the solution - Smoke your bees down between the frames. - Dip the end of the syringe into the syrup, filling the syringe to the 50ml mark. - Starting at one end of the frames, dribble 5 ml of the solution along a seam that contains bees. (Start at the end and dribble towards you). - Once you have dribbled 5 ml, you must go on to a new seam. (A seam is the space between two frames or the space between a frame and a sidewall.) - Once each seam of bees receive 5ml of solution, you are complete. - In any case, you cannot go over 50 ml per colony. If the hive has more than 10 seams, dribble where the most bees are. TOP TIP: Remember to apply the mixture directly onto the bees. Mixture that lands on the woodenware will be ignored by the bees and not moved throughout the colony. TOP TIP: Practice Dribbling with plain syrup in advance to make sure when using this solution, the bees are receiving the treatment completely. HOW DID YOU FIND THIS BLOG? HAVE YOU GOT ANY SUGGESTIONS FOR OTHER GUIDES OR BLOGS YOU WANT TO SEE? COMMENT BELOW!
As children enter adulthood, it seems like there are so many unique new experiences they can share with their parents. The older I’ve become, the closer my mom and I have continued to grow. As much as I love my brothers and sister, it’s extra special to steal a weekend away for just me and mom. Last year, we took a mother-daughter trip to the Southern coast and spent some time riding bikes through Savannah and Beaufort as we explored the low country. With the amount of fun and bonding from our trip last year, I knew we must plan another mother-daughter weekend this year for the two of us. With Mother’s Day only a couple days away, I wanted to share the fun mother-daughter weekend we recently enjoyed in Winston-Salem, North Carolina for a bit of inspiration as you plan to celebrate your Mom this year. Winston-Salem Weekend Itinerary: Lunch at Mozelle’s I took Friday afternoon off from work and arrived in Winston-Salem to enjoy a late lunch and kick off a full list of weekend activities with mom. We arrived at the most darling little lunch spot on the corner of Brooks Avenue and West 4th Street. Mozelle’s Fresh Southern Bistro was a delicious blend of Southern comfort food with a delightful fresh flair. It definitely lived up to all the rave reviews we had read about online and you can check out more details in my complete review here. Honey Tasting at Colony Urban Farm With our bellies full and our hearts excited for the weekend adventures, we stopped by Colony Urban Farm before making our way to the hotel. Colony Urban Farm Store is a family-owned business and Winston-Salem’s first urban farming emporium. Complete with all the supplies someone might need to create their very own farm-to-table experience with supplies for backyard chicken keeping, beekeeping, gardening and much more, I was impressed with the organic fresh offerings from local farmers as well. After perusing the store, we decided to partake in a honey tasting straight from the honey bar! Following true to Colony’s “Know It or Grow It,” principals, the founder of Colony also owns Fool’s Gold Honey Company which is served on tap for anyone to taste and purchase. The overall idea that a person should either know exactly where their food comes from (hopefully local!) or grow it themselves, drives Colony to provide not only the supplies to incorporate urban agriculture into a busy, modern lifestyle, but also the education on how to do it through knowledgeable staff and in-store workshops. With a profound admiration for Colony’s education and empowerment of the local food movement, I left the market wondering how I might weave urban agriculture into my own life at home. Checking-in at Graylyn Estate: We had a break in our schedule with just enough time to check-in to our room at the Graylyn Estate and freshen up before our evening art class and dinner. Both my mom and I instantly fell in love with the charm and warmth that Graylyn exudes. We loved the soft pastels and delicate floral patterns that filled our beautiful room. After a quick tour around the interior of the main house, we headed back to downtown Winston-Salem to attend a printmaking workshop at Sawtooth School for Visual Arts. Arts & Culture: My mom and I are no stranger to getting our hands a little dirty. As I grew up, it was common to find either of us covered in paint from redesigning a bedroom or just painting on canvas. My mom was always great at using her imagination to create something unique and I will directly attribute my interest in painting, photography, and all manners of creative expression to my mom. We were excited to try our hand at something new as we attended our first Printmaking class at Sawtooth School for Visual Arts. The classes at Sawtooth are BYOB so we took full advantage as sipped on a bit of wine and worked on our prints. The school was hosting a fundraiser the night of our class which showcased the variety of classes you can enroll in at Sawtooth. Everything from woodworking and calligraphy to screen printing and more, Sawtooth seemed to have a little something for anyone’s creative interest. I was so intrigued by the setup of the school and wish that I lived closer to the Winston-Salem so I could partake in some of their ongoing classes! Dinner at Graylyn: To wrap the night, my mom and I headed back to Graylyn for a private dinner in the quaint and decorative former women’s sitting room on the property. The room was decorated in traditional style and made me think it would be the perfect room for a romantic dinner, an intimate small group birthday, or even a private family dinner… say with your mom? 😉 As we dined on our delicious meal, my mom and I caught up and shared stories. We reflected on the day’s adventures and made plans to tackle our packed schedule for the rest of the weekend looking forward to exploring, even more, what Winston-Salem had to offer for our mother-daughter getaway. Our first day in Winston-Salem was such a blast. Regardless of whatever I do with my mom we always have a great time but I knew the rest of the weekend would be incredible based on the full list of activities on our schedule. I’ll be adding day 2 and 3 to the blog in the coming week, so make sure you stay tuned for additional recaps and tips from our incredible mother-daughter weekend in Winston-Salem coming your way! A huge thank you to The Winston-Salem Convention & Visitors Bureau for working with me to create such an incredible weekend. While this weekend was sponsored, all thoughts and opinions are completely my own.
That may be a bit misleading. I’ve long had an idea floating in the back of my mind that I could write a bestselling novel—but don’t we all! I was further encouraged in that notion by the fact that my cousin has been a bestselling romance author for many years—probably the reason I chose romance too! Prior to embarking on my fiction writing career, I wrote several family histories. I am an avid genealogist. That came about unexpectedly when I was teaching a seminar on Writing Your Own Life Story years ago. One of the participants happened to casually mention that the 1891 census of England was available on line at ancestry.com. Later in the evening I thought it might be fun to search for my grandparents on that census. That was the end of free time as I previously knew it! The search for my roots became an all consuming passion. I’ve had a subscription to that excellent website ever since and have researched many families, for fun and profit! This “hobby gone bad” has had a tremendous influence on my fiction writing. My pen name actually belonged to an ancestor. My ten novels all revolve around the same family and its offshoot branches. I have even used my genealogical software to create Family Trees for my characters. Some of my books have these in the back matter. Readers love them. I have never been able to trace my own family as far back as the Norman Conquest, which is my ultimate (likely impossible) goal. But it was my research into the Norman families in the North of England—I’m a Lancashire Lass—that led me to read about an incident on which I based my first novel, Conquering Passion. Prior to that I was thinking I would write contemporary romance. Now I am so entrenched in the Middle Ages, it’s as if I lived then—though I am glad I didn’t! I have thoroughly enjoyed the research that has been necessary to make my books an authentic medieval experience for my readers. When I began Conquering Passion, a floodgate opened and ideas for the story flowed to the degree that in fairly short order I had penned over 200,000 words. I am not a believer in the supernatural, but I sometimes felt these people were telling me their stories from the past. I kept asking myself, “Where the heck did that idea come from?” I dreamt about my characters and woke up each morning with the next part of the plot! But I realized I had too many heroes and heroines in one book, and too many love stories. So I split the story into four books! Originally I intended it to be a trilogy, but it became an obsession! This metamorphosis into separate books is what has given the series The Montbryce Legacy its continuity. I wrote all four books at the same time! I began The Montbryce Legacy shortly after Christmas 2010, and published the first book, Conquering Passion, at the end of November 2011. The remaining three books of the series were all published by the end of February 2012. It was never my intention to publish independently, and at first I went the traditional route of query letters, etc. I joined several on line author groups and gradually became aware of the revolution going on in self-publishing. Two things became apparent. I was too old to spend years writing query letters, hoping an editor would like my work. Medieval romance did not seem to be at the top of anyone’s priority list! What did I have to lose by publishing with Amazon and Smashwords? Let readers decide if my stories were good! Turns out many of them love my books! I followed the first series up with a trilogy of novellas about a Welsh family involved in rebellion against the invading Normans, the Sons of Rhodri. My third series, the FitzRam Family, tells the stories of the children of a character from the first series. That’s a total of four lengthy novels and six novellas (approximately 30,000 words each). Each novella has taken me about two months to write, but I write more than one at the same time to make sure there is continuity. When I am in my writing zone, I can spend a whole day doing nothing else. Getting to spend a good chunk of my time at my beachfront retreat in Panama helps a lot. Besides walking on the beach I don’t do much else but write. There are fewer distractions than at home in Victoria. If you are looking for a tropical place to retire to, I heartily recommend Panama. There’s nothing like walking along an endless, deserted, sun-drenched beach with the crashing waves of the Pacific on one side and palm trees on the other to help solve a bit of a block in a story! The only interruption is the thousands of tiny red crabs scurrying out of your way! I write by the seat of my pants. I have a general idea of where I want the story to go, and of course writing about the members of a family gives a basic structure, but most of the twists and turns come to me as I write. Freaky! My family has been very supportive of my writing, especially my husband who has never objected to the hours I spend at my computer. My kids are my biggest fans—and my eldest grandson cannot wait until he is old enough to have a romance book dedicated to him! Writers of historical fiction have a distinct advantage. History provides a rich backdrop for our stories. Who could make up a character like William the Conqueror or an event like the Norman Conquest? I created a timeline spreadsheet in Excel to make sure I keep the sequence of historical events in line with my characters’ lives. Jesse has asked me to choose a favourite among my books. I would probably pick If Love Dares Enough, because I love the hero, Hugh de Montbryce. Emotionally and physically scarred by the Battle of Hastings, he withdraws into a solitary life, determined never to inflict his problems on a woman. But he cannot stand by and do nothing when he meets the Saxon heroine, Devona Melton, and realizes she is being abused by her Norman husband. He risks everything the Montbryce family holds dear for the woman he loves. Hugh is also a virgin hero and you don’t find too many of those these days in historical romance. Another quirk about my books is that I often have two love stories going on at the same time! While Hugh is rescuing Devona, his brother Antoine becomes involved with a widow whose husband he killed in battle! I am always trying to improve my writing. I have found entering RWA chapter contests an invaluable experience. They have provided excellent constructive criticism and feedback. I was thrilled when Conquering Passion received top marks from the majority of judges for the Golden Heart, and finished in the top third. I belong to the Vancouver Island chapter of RWA and fellow member Bonnie Edwards provided us with a simple yet effective tool, the Stupid Word List. I use this once the first draft is complete, to make my manuscript, as Bonnie puts it, “bright and shiny”. I’ve gradually acquired a group of beta readers whose input has been very beneficial, and I’ve taken advantage of Amazon’s FREE promotions, which have boosted my sales a lot. I learned how to add effective back matter and I know for a fact this has increased sales because I can track the clicks. One of the biggest thrills about this adventure has been hearing from readers, through Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads and so on, who tell me they love my books. It’s also a rush to receive royalty payments from Amazon, something I thought it would take me years to achieve! I’ve learned a lot about social media and how to use it to build my network. One of the most supportive groups has been the IndieRomanceInk group on Yahoo—authors who go out of their way to be helpful. I probably would not have self-published as rapidly as I did had it not been for what I learned from them. I have a blog and a website, a Facebook page, Anna Markland Novels, and I am a contributor to another blog of writers of historical fiction, History Ink. Interestingly enough, the blogposts that have garnered the biggest audience have been about the dogs I have featured in some of my books! If Love Dares Enough has two heroic mastiffs, Boden and Brigantia; a hovawart saves the hero’s life in Carried Away, and Thor, an alaunt gentil, protects his mistress in Wild Viking Princess. Though I am a cat lover (Passion in the Blood has a cat) I have been fascinated to learn about some of the ancient dog breeds that existed in the Middle Ages. My books take readers to England, Wales, Scotland, Normandy, Saxony, and Denmark. They feature well known historical places such as Mont St. Michel (Passion in the Blood), Lindisfarne Abbey (Sweet Taste of Love), Westminster Abbey (Conquering Passion), and the Conqueror’s castle in Caen (If Love Dares Enough). My characters involve themselves in all kinds of interesting activities (besides the obvious in a romance novel) such as road building, beekeeping, mead making, and brewing apple brandy. One even goes off to fight in the First Crusade! They endure horrendous battles (Hastings 1066, Alnwick 1093, Tinchebray 1106, Andernach 1114), devastating illness, betrayal, catastrophic accidents, broken bones, massacres, the dangers of childbirth, kidnappings, unjust imprisonment, cruelty, family feuds, and madness—just to name a few! But of course, love conquers all these difficulties! Thank you to Jesse for this opportunity to share some of my writing journey. I hope you’ll join me and my characters as we continue to make our way through the pitfalls, perils and triumphs of medieval times. | || |
At the beginning of March 2019, YPARD Serbia with the support from YPARD Europe has launched a new web site “Mladi u agraru/Youth in agriculture” with the aim of providing information on young farmers in Serbia, challenges they face, news about young farmers in the country, subsidies, stories about their production, how they face climate change, growing organic food, ecology. This website was created with the purpose of providing services for youth in agriculture, representing a unique place where Serbian youth can find all sort of information they need in every aspect of agriculture in their own language! This new website is a revamp of the old YPARD Serbia blog but keeping the name Mladi u agraru, because we wanted to make it easier for our readers to find us. The most important thing is that the whole site is in the Serbian language. Why? Because, the language barrier is still a big obstacle for our readers who do not have a good understanding of English (best example are the blog post about YPARD Serbia activities that are in English, which are the least read – 5 or 6 views). Also, as the YPARD Serbia representative and a journalist, I used my skills to provide information in the most professional way I can. The website contains lots of interesting information on Crop production, Fruit production, Livestock breeding, Vegetable farming, Organic production, Beekeeping, as well as Opportunities and news for youth in agriculture and a specific section dedicated to YPARD! For now, the most read publications are on fruit production and vegetable farming (from 300 views to 1000 views / which is amazing!). This monitoring gives us much information like, what are young farmers the most interested in, also that there might be more fruit or vegetable producers than the producers in other branches of agriculture. We look forward to obtaining lots of insightful information like these through this website. The website highlight the kind of information young farmers are interested in and need, so we can take measures to give them the best help possible, as well as to help them increase their production in the best way. The information we publish is on the latest news in agriculture that affects youth. Opportunities that can increase or provide a stable start for beginners, also how to protect their crops from diseases, how others grow food in foreign countries that can be implemented in Serbia’s land….and also, what new in YPARD field. YPARD Serbia intends to publish content on the website almost every day so people can see that we are active! To increase the interest in our work, we have Facebook a page Mladi u agraru (we share our texts in all sorts of fb pages), you can found us on Twitter (@agricultural journalist), LinkedIn and Instagram (mladi_u_agraru). Social networks are a very important part of our mission because young farmers and professionals and those who want to be one only can a safe and reliable space on social networks to obtain relevant information. We especially, need to mention Instagram (mladi_u_agraru), as in a very short while we have 3 times more followers than the ones we follow! Also, very positive comments! In the last couple of weeks, we have had two YPARD Serbia members that are writing for our website. One is a professional in cattle breeding, and the other is in the fruit production field. We have to notice that text by our fruit production member made very good view monitoring and excellent comments on social media. And I was personally amazed by how one young man can think in such a mature way about agriculture, fruit production and village life in Serbia! The most important thing is that the website has gotten great feedback for the first two months, much better than we expected! One of the most important needs for young farmers in Serbia, based on our research, was the need for a source of good information and education (about every part of the production, subsidies and financially support). As YPARD Serbia we know we have made the right step by creating this web site. YPARD Serbia sees this website as a tool that has already and will continue to open the space to create more opportunities and new partnerships that can provide us new projects that can really make a huge impact on young in agriculture. Our goal is to make the position of young farmers in Serbia better and we will not give up! Picture credit: Julijana El omari
Where to buy equipment? Here are some resources used by our members. In North Yorkshire, Harrogate and Ripon Beekeepers have a beekeeping shop Claro Bees which is near RHS Harlow Carr . Continue past the entrance to the gardens, to find Claro Bees on the left, near the closed Harrogate Arms. The shop is usually open on Saturday mornings during the beekeeping season, check details on their website. The most popular professional beekeeping supplier is Thornes, probably familiar to most. Thornes has a online shop, and regular sales. Register to get email updates on sales. Buying second hand equipment Please be extremely careful if you are buying second hand equipment of any type, due to the risk of spreading disease between colonies. NEVER buy or share used comb and always thoroughly sterilise any second hand equipment by scorching and/or scrubbing with washing soda and hot water to minimise the risk of introducing pathogens into your apiary.
Celebrate and learn about honeybees at the fourth annual Honeybee Fest at McCloud Nature Park. The 2019 event will take place on Saturday, August 24th from 1:00-4:00 p.m. This free community event includes games, activities, and vendor booths featuring great honey products. Master beekeepers will teach the backyard beekeeping basics. You can see honeybees at work in the Bee House observation hives. The Bee House is a live hive that is home to tens of thousands of honeybees. You can watch the bees through windows on each side of the structure. Honeybees are important members of the agricultural community. They can fly for up to six miles and move as fast as 15 miles per hour. It take nectar from two million flowers to make a single pound of honey. You’ll have the opportunity to get answers to all of your questions about bees and to learn even more at this year’s Honeybee Fest! McCloud Nature Park is located at 8518 Hughes Road in North Salem, Indiana. The Honeybee Fest is free to attend (although you may want to bring cash in case you decide to buy a treat or make a purchase from a vendor!) and is appropriate for all ages. Stop by anytime between 1:00-4:00 p.m. to celebrate!
Intoduction to Beekeeping Introduction to Beekeeping with SBBA President Paul Cronshaw There are no beekeeping workshops at this time. Please check back at a future date to learn about the new workshop date. Paul Cronshaw, president of the Santa Barbara Beekeeper’s Association, has over 40 years of beekeeping experience. He tends La Casa’s apiary.
Love Blessed Light A Beekeeping Journal Bee Source Beekeeping Forum and Blue Sky Supplies found these while surfing they have some great colors to choose from: Like Lilac, nasturtium, sage and mint.... Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest Post a Comment Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment. Post Comments (Atom)
Love Blessed Light A Beekeeping Journal The Morning Sunlight Lights Up the Landing Boards This Bee's Knees are Full of Precious Pollen! There she is making a "beeline" back to Luba's Hive Lots of activity this morning Golden glowing honeybees on the landing board lit by the morning sun. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest Post a Comment Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment. Post Comments (Atom)
Birmingham Covington: Building a Student-Centered School A group of middle the school students entirely beekeeping accessory examines on the list of hives their school maintains in the forest nearby. “Ooh, there’s darling! ” reveals one excitedly. “I observe nectar! ” says one other. These wishing fifth and even sixth graders from Greater london Covington, a public is usually school for suburban The state of michigan focused on scientific disciplines and engineering, are influenced to become self-directed learners by means of hands-on encounters in and outdoors their educational setting. Birmingham Covington’s student-centered beliefs is loaded throughout the subjects, from third- and fourth-grade classes devoted to teaching specific resourcefulness to the almost fully independent capstone class on seventh along with eighth standard called Thinkering Studio. Instructors at the college often claim they’re “teaching kids to teach themselves” in addition to rarely get suggestions directly; on the other hand they question students to bear in mind other associated with information earliest. Even the sessions, with their ample communal workstations and adjustable walls, emphasise fluid collection and peer-to-peer dynamics more than teacher-led teaching. The 650-student classes offers grades 3 by means of 8 exclusively and units grades along, following homework that shows mixing age ranges accelerates learning. For more than ten years, Birmingham Covington’s students get ranked with or over a 95th percentile in functionality for all Mich elementary along with middle universities. By brutally focusing the actual classwork for student curiosity and self-sufficiency, the educators at Kent Covington aspire to transform college students into active learners who’ll be successful all over their lifetimes. “When you aquire kids teaming together, they will become more ingenious and they find out themselves when experts, ” said Symbol Morawski, who’s been the key since 2013. “All associated with a sudden you’ve opened the particular ceiling as to what kids can manage, and they shock you occasionally. ” CURING REAL-WORLD CONDITIONS: THE BEE PROJECT Liverpool Covington’s exclusive bee assignment, like much of the coursework prioritized at the school, was operated by learner interest. Once reading a paper about the annihilation of honeybees in their scientific disciplines literacy training, fifth- in addition to sixth-grade trainees said they will wanted to take steps to help. While in the class, which inturn combines inquiry-based science and also English dialect arts (ELA), students establish their analysis, literacy, as well as collaboration skills through select few projects targeted at effecting long term change around hands on problems. Taking care of a range of activities— from building a website to help managing a true beehive— college students become more active and operating learners, trainers say. “Science literacy is certainly teaching our children to be interested in the world around them, with the concerns they indicate, ” explained ELA coach Pauline Roberts, who co-teaches the class. “Even as trainees, they are finding out become successful agents associated with change. It’s bigger than technology content— that it is about making an effort to develop the main citizens we hope our become. ” Throughout Luton Covington, both equally coursework and also instruction power students to sit and learn lifelong techniques like freedom and ingenuity, which lecturers encourage in the beginning in the key grades. Third- and fourth-grade teacher Jessie Heckman states she allows her students to become a lot more resourceful by just solving prevalent problems with the particular support of their total classmates. As opposed to raising their very own hands when they have a thought or encountered a hurdle, for example , Heckman’s students attach clothespins at their computers together with fellow scholars circulate approximately to troubleshoot— a system this girl calls the exact help desk. “Kids need to learn teamwork-based skills for the reason that every other course in any other subject they will have— third through 8th grade— needs them to function in different measured groups working on different projects, ” Heckman explains. MODELING COLLABORATION: TRAINER LABS Trainees aren’t the only ones in Birmingham Covington improving their particular collaboration skills— teachers likewise identify being a “community about learners” exactly who use intended, peer-to-peer suggestions to help one raise college student outcomes all through the school. The very school’s non-reflex Teacher Labs— facilitated just by an usage coach and arranged around a sharp, written protocol— enable teachers to think of their write with help from their colleagues. Through the labratories, small groups of teachers view each other bands classes after which offer favourable feedback in regards to stated aim. “We’re genuinely asking lecturers to measure outside of their particular comfort areas and specific zones, ” talked about Roberts, just who serves as the very lead facilitator in the labs. “We are usually creatures who else live in today’s world. To experience finding yourself in someone else’s in-class is really effective. ” RAISING INDEPENDENCE INTENDED FOR OLDER COLLEGE STUDENTS As they at the end of their time at the school, Birmingham Covington seventh- as well as eighth-grade young people are used to self-reliance along with problem-solving. Installed these skills to enhance Thinkering Facility, an optional class where they structure their own individual learning initiatives, and Engage, a class focused on pattern thinking— a head unit paper writers online of eliminating problems that ensues the steps for inquiry, ideation, prototyping, and even testing. In Engage, professors Roy McCloud and Mathew Brown direct students to be effective on numerous self-directed, team-oriented projects like designing the latest sport with regard to third graders or creating a roller coaster. Their own support plus feedback guide students to the right solutions while teaching them to prefer deeper: Did students inquire the right concerns? Did they get the ideal information? Have they go additional groups meant for feedback? During these culminating instructional classes, as in the main curriculum a tad bit more generally, course instructors act as books rather than coaches, directing pupils toward beneficial resources but ultimately suggesting they solve their own challenges.
Learn about the spiritual secrets of beekeeping in Lithuania in this *sweet* 6 day/5 night tour. This includes visiting 3 amazing European cities: 2 nights in Vilnius, 1 night in Kaunas, 1 night in Druskininkai. Keeping In Touch With Nature At TaoWander, we went out of our way to find this incredible tour because we feel that our health and wellbeing is owed to these extraordinary creatures! This is our way of giving back to our mother earth and sharing the secrets of honey beekeeping for beginners. Our planet is null and void without them. The joy that they can bring through their sweet honey and pollination of flowers is beyond compare. “Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.” – Albert Einstein It was believed that bees choose the hosts by themselves, therefore they become a corporate property of the old beekeeper and homestead, where the new cluster is created. Owners become friends. Thus began a beautiful friendship of man and bee, which gave the new noble word – “Bičiulis“ (friend). The apiary, known as NINE HONEY is in a remote place near Kukiai forest glade in (the ethnic region of) Aukštaitija, Lithuania. Everyone knows this region for its tree-covered hills, dotted lakes and open-hearted people. In this marvelous scenery, this is where you make Lithuanian original honey from the beautiful honeybees. Learning the spiritual secrets of beekeeping in Lithuania on this very special tour, will give you a sense of awe and gratitude towards these beautiful little pollinators. They are natures fairies, sprinkling their dust of love and reminding you of the importance of connecting to nature.
Steph’s Note: Today’s post is the second in a series introducing you to my experiences as a novice beekeeper. I was introduced to the idea of beekeeping from my friend Diana Rodgers, and her book, The Homegrown Paleo Cookbook: Over 100 Delicious, Gluten-Free, Farm-to-Table Recipes, and a Complete Guide to Growing Your Own Healthy Food, helped me get started with understanding the process. To read Part 1, click here. We live in a rental home in the city, and there’s no room for us to have chickens or a huge garden. When my friend Diana, author of Homegrown Paleo, asked if anyone was interested in keeping honeybees, I knew this was the right fit for us. I’ve been intensely interested in nature since childhood (even getting my bachelor’s in Biology), and it was our chance to help contribute to the ecological health of our local area by providing a home for more pollinators. We also have the time and resources to do it. Honeybees and other pollinators are quickly losing foraging grounds as open spaces continue to disappear in the name of development, drought conditions here in Southern California are exacerbating that issue, and worldwide, colony collapse disorder (CCD) continues to plague bees. Honey collection is not our primary objective. Rather, we want to provide a home for a colony and be its stewards. In order to learn more about this adventure, I read several books (my favorites are this and this), attended a class in my local area, and started visiting my local beekeeping supply store. I titled part 1 of this series, “Stupid-Easy Beekeeping,” which was my attempt at being a bit lighthearted, and it garnered some criticism. Does beekeeping require knowledge and an investment of time and money? Yes. (It cost about $500 to get set up with the bees and all the equipment.) It’s probably easier to get a dog or cat as a spur-of-the-moment decision than to get bees. You can’t just walk into a store and buy a colony. Learning how the equipment works and how to manage the colony means you have to take the time to educate yourself. Being able to make decisions about how and when to deal with pests, harvest honey, and make other critical interventions makes beekeeping a serious endeavor. However, I want to encourage you to investigate it further if you’re ready for the responsibility! You’ll of course need to check if there are any local ordinances to abide by and if it’s okay with your neighbors. It’s already been a fascinating, rewarding experience. I’ve found folks react in two ways when I say I’m keeping bees: utter fascination or utter horror. Bees were really scary to me until I learned about how they work and why they behave in the ways they do. Knowledge is power, and understanding them has been essential. For example, people think a swarm of bees is highly dangerous and looking to attack people. Not true. They’re moving from one place to another, looking for a home. Also, bees fly around your face because they’re attracted to the carbon dioxide in your breath, not because they’re trying to annoy you. If bees seem scary to you, I invite you to delve a bit deeper into their world. I think you’ll walk away with a new respect for these creatures and how invaluable they are to our survival. (One-third of our food crops are pollinated by bees.) Getting & Installing the Bees Back in January, I ordered a “nuc” (nucleus colony) from a local company here in San Diego county. Bees generally sell out quickly, so if you haven’t gotten them yet, chances are you’ll need to wait until next year unless you know someone who needs to split or move a colony that you could have. A nucleus colony is a small box with frames and bees already inside. It’s like a mini-hive that’s already accepted the queen and is starting to work. The other two ways of getting bees are as a package and catching a swarm. In terms of cost, nucs are more expensive than package bees, and catching a swarm is generally free. A package of bees is just a box with the bees inside and no frames. The queen isn’t allowed to mingle with the workers yet because they need to accept her by learning her scent, and there’s no comb for her to lay eggs in. Catching a swarm is definitely something that should be done by a professional. Swarms are generally on the move in springtime, so contact your local beekeeping association to find out if there’s someone who catches swarms. Sometimes there are waiting lists you can get on for a swarm. On April 18, we drove about 30 minutes north to pick up our nuc. Once home, we placed the nuc in the spot where our hive is and released the bees. They had to be capped during transport, of course. Then, we let them get oriented to their new spot before transferring the frames inside the nuc into our hive. We waited a couple days before we moved them again by putting them in the hive. Now, beekeeping is as much an art as it is a science and there are different philosophies and methods for doing things. Just know that I’m going off a collection of first-hand advice and what I’ve read from reputable sources. If you keep bees, I’m sure you have your own thoughts on what should be done and when. I welcome sharing knowledge but request respectful discourse. Installing the bees into our Langstroth hive was a pretty exhilarating experience. Being properly equipped with a suit and veil, gloves, smoker, and hive tool meant I could focus on the task at hand. I was looking for several things as I transferred the frames into the hive such as brood pattern, pollen and honey stores, and I was lucky enough to see the queen. Getting a day 0 sense of what the bees and their work looks like will give me something to compare against. I documented everything in a notebook so I can look back at what I did and saw and when. With the bees safely installed, I closed it up and left it for a couple weeks. We can see our bees from the kitchen window of our house, so over the next two weeks, I observed them daily to learn more about their patterns of foraging and other behavior. It’s truly an amazing sight to see a worker bee, her legs loaded down with pollen, returning to the door of the hive. I asked Erin from Bee Happy San Diego to come out and assist me with my first hive inspection. Since I’m a very visual / kinesthetic learner, having her there to point out things I’d read about and reinforce my skills with her first-hand knowledge was invaluable. Partnering with an experienced beekeeper in your area is incredibly helpful. We went through each frame, again checking for brood and food stores, plus the progress of the bees in building out comb on the frames I installed from the nuc and the empty frames I installed two weeks prior. Again I saw the queen, and she was definitely very active in laying eggs. We took care of some basic maintenance like scraping comb off the top of the frames, and closed it up. It was pretty stunning to see how the bees had expanded since installing them. At this juncture I made the decision to not feed the bees because I wanted to see what they could accomplish on their own. The philosophy of to feed or not to feed varies highly among beekeepers I’ve talked to and read about. However, after the second inspection, I did decide to supplementally feed and will do so for a short time. The girls hadn’t built out very much comb in the two weeks between inspections, and while we did have some colder, rainy weather, I do want to give them the best chance at strengthening the colony. As you can see, beekeeping requires a lot of decision-making and an investment of time, energy and money. It’s also very rewarding. (Note: That’s why I’m not a fan of the Flow Hive invention. It may make honey harvesting easier, but it doesn’t make beekeeping any easier.) Stay tuned, because I’ll update you as the summer rolls around to see how things have changed. If you’re interested in learning more about beekeeping, pick up a copy of Homegrown Paleo and do some research about resources offered in your local area. There’s nothing that can replace meeting and networking with other beekeepers that live nearby and also supporting your local businesses.
Dear Fellow Beekeepers: December 12th SCBA meeting location: Agri-Civic Center, 26032 Newt Rd. Albemarle, NC 28001. 6:00 pm – Dinner is being catered by Joe Smith. serving beef brisket @$13 per person. Christmas exchange for those who want to participate. Bring a $10 gift for exchange. RSVP to Joe Smith 704 961 8417 It is our end of the year Christmas Celebration Please bring your Christmas Spirit and join us.. 7:00 pm – Our SCBA December business meeting discussions will include announcement of Scholarship Program, 2020 Bee School, and Beekeeper of the Year Ballots. Hope to see everyone Thursday night. Hello Fellow Beeks: This email arrived in my inbox this morning. It contains critical information on how to protect your hives during storms. Good Luck Everyone, |Sep 12, 2018, 11:48 AM (19 hours ago)| I wanted to reach out to all of the beekeepers that have registered with the Driftwatch (Beecheck Program), to remind you to prepare your hives for the approaching hurricane. I have linked two articles below that will aid in this. The first is written by Dr. David Tarpy, and is titled Protective Measures of Beehives During Hurricanes. The second is from Dr. Michael Waldvogel and is titled “Bee” Kind If You Spray for Mosquitos. Both of these articles are good resources for both beekeepers and mosquito applicators. In the event that Hurricane Florence causes massive rainfall and flooding, a State of Emergency could be declared by the Commisioner of Agriculture. If this occurs, the State would authorize exemptions from certain restrictions of aerial applications of pesticides to control the mosquito population. If plans are made for wide-area mosquito applications, I will send out further updates on this matter. Thanks and Happy Beekeeping Pesticide Operations Specialist NCDA&CS – SPCAP 1090 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Have you seen this? Thanks Ron&Nancy I am forwarding it to everyone. Protective Measures of Beehives During Hurricanes With track of hurricane Florence poised to make a significant impact on North Carolina, there are some important considerations for beekeepers who may be affected by the heavy rain and winds. Please further disseminate to your local network of beekeepers. Third, beware of falling trees and tree limbs. These can be particularly problematic for beehives since they can completely crush all equipment and kill the entire colony. It is also hard to prevent with some sort of barrier or cover because of the sheer weight of many trees, so if you apiary is in a wooded location you may need to move the hives temporarily. Finally, following heavy rains like hurricanes, various local and state agencies have traditionally sprayed regions with stagnant water to control mosquito outbreaks. While important for public health, such insecticides can be extremely problematic for honey bees. If you are registered through the NCDA&CS through the volunteer program DriftWatch, you will be contacted directly if your beehives are in an area schedule to be sprayed. If you are not registered, however, the state has no means to notify you and your bees may be at risk to insecticide exposure. Please consult the Agricultural Chemical manual for information and advice about how to mitigate exposure to pesticides. Dr. David TarpyProfessor and Extension Specialist (Apiculture)Entomology & Plant Pathology – NC State University Hello Fellow Beeks: Team McCarter (Mark and Ellen) sent this to me to post. Thanks Team!!! I’ve attended Debbie’s conferences before and look forward to learning from her again and again. Debbie is truly knowledgeable on all things pollinator including garden plants as well as the pollinators themselves. If you can possibly attend the events below, you will learn something new that will help you become a better beekeeper. Debbie’s web pages are packed with helpful information and she updates them frequently. Check it out!!! Pat Allen, Webmaster Debbie Roos <[email protected] The Piedmont Research Station will host a “Bee Pollinator Friendly” Field Day on Saturday September 8 from 1 to 4:30 p.m. in Salisbury, NC. Attendees will rotate through several stations to learn about habitat for farms, roadsides or constructed pollinator meadows; native plants that make for good pollinator habitat; native bees, butterflies, and beneficial insects; honey bees and beekeeping; pesticide application techniques to protect pollinators; and how to use available technology to map honey bee and specialty crop locations. The Field Day will start promptly at 1 p.m. Target Audience: Farmers, Beekeepers, Soil & Water Conservation District Supervisors and Staff, Extension Agents, Urban Planners, Landscapers and Landscape Architects, Master Gardeners, Nurserymen/Greenhouse Growers Hannah Levenson (NCSU Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology), Jonathan Giacomini (NCSU Department of Applied Ecology), Sara Giacomini (NCSU Department of Applied Ecology), and Elsa Youngsteadt (NCSU Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology) Hunter Barrier (NCDA&CS) and John Isenhour (NC Wildlife Resources Commission) Native Plants for Pollinator Habitat: Debbie Roos (NC Cooperative Extension, Chatham County Center) Jason Williams (NCDA&CS) Steve Gatton (NCDA&CS) Participants will also be able to visit educational displays from several different organizations. The Pollinator Field Day is sponsored by the following organizations: North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services North Carolina State University North Carolina A&T State University North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission NC State Extension North Carolina Pollinator Conservation Alliance Rowan County Beekeepers The event is free and offers three hours of pesticide credits for attendees (for N=Demo and Research, O= Ag pest plant, D=dealer, X=private). To register, go to http://go.ncsu.edu/pollinator-field-day Field Day Location: Piedmont Research Station 8350 Sherrills Ford Road Salisbury, NC 28147-7579 For more information, contact: NCDA&CS Research Stations N.C. Farm Bureau Agricultural Extension Agent Chatham County Center North Carolina Cooperative Extension
ross the historical wall, but before that look around. Right in front of you is the land, which had been divided by the cordons between Lithuania and Prussia for centuries. The cordons, which hadn’t been able to defeat people's desire to trade, to share customs and traditions on both sides. This interchange of customs and traditions gave birth to a new, unique culture of the Klaipėda region. Today’s culture is, primarily, local people. Whether it is a guide or a local elder, they will meet you with a friendly and warm smile. New friends will most likely invite you over. Don't refuse! “Migrating Cultures” is a cultural route around the districts of Kretinga, Klaipėda and Šilutė. The picturesque route will allow you to discover the peculiarity of various cultures in Western Lithuania. While travelling along the former border of Lithuania Minor and Lithuania Proper, you will learn about the everyday life of people of that time and character of the region: by means of songs, local lifestyle, customs, holidays, religion, cuisine, and other types of activities. Contacts for route booking: +370 46 412186. Mob. +37068752051, [email protected] Kretinga Museum and Winter Garden – it is located in the former Counts’ Tyszkiewicz Manor House, built in the 19th century. Explore historical and architectural monuments of Kretinga, amazing architecture of Kretinga Manor house. In the 3-storey Winter Garden - greenhouse, admire the evergreen exotic plants from the Southern countries. Travellers in search of romantic adventures will be able to walk around the oaks of the centuries-old manor park, along the alleys of linden and chestnut, down the shores of the pond, and dream at the Love Stone. For further details. Church of the Annunciation of the St. Virgin Mary and Order of Friars Minor Annunciation Monastery in Kretinga – Kretinga is known as the Lithuanian Vatican because of five monasteries situated there. The establishment of the Franciscan Monastery is closely related to the origins of Kretinga, its historical development, and the expansion of Catholicism in the seaside. Visit the oldest church of Samogitia and see its organs which are the oldest in Lithuania; admire local architecture in the prevailing Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles. For further details. Homestead Complex "Gribžė" – it reveals features of the ancient architecture of the Lithuanian ethnocultural regions: Aukštaitija, Dzūkija, and Sudovia. The farmstead was built simply by using natural and ecological materials, such as wood, reeds, chips, stone, clay, etc. The homestead has a sport and entertainment area (water sports, outdoor tennis, beach volleyball, football, basketball, beach, summer stage) and a children's camp area. For further details. Gargždai Regional Museum – become familiar with the history of the district of Klaipėda and the town of Gargždai. Learn about the longest-lived European border, the intersection of two ethnographic regions, their differences and similarities, as well as the interwar history, starting with Gargždai and ending with the major events of Lithuania and Europe in 1918-1939 in the museum's exposition “Interwar’s Gargždai in 1918-1939”. For further details. Kalniškė (Gargždai) Mound – situated 3 km north from Gargždai, on the left bank of the Minija River. The top of the mound has a trapezoidal 100 m long and 13-30 m wide observation platform with natural views of dense oak trees, hollows, streams and the valley of the Minija River. For further details. Dovilai Evangelical Lutheran Church – the Neo-Gothic church in the centre of Dovilai was built in 1862. The famous Prussian royal architect F. A. Stüler developed the sketches of the Dovilai Church in 1857. The construction of the church started in 1961 and lasted for just one year. At the end of the exhausting and complicated historical period, a unit of the Red Army artillery set up horse stables herein; later, it became a grain warehouse, a mill. Finally, the Dovilai Evangelical Lutheran Church was restored and re-sanctified in 1995. For further details. Dovilai Ethnic Culture Centre is rich of valuable historical and ethnographic materials about ancient inhabitants of Dovilai and their customs. The center holds exhibits of early local people’s household articles: furniture, work tools, household utensils, samples and pictures of ancient textiles. Learn about beekeeping in the Klaipėda region. For further details. Ethnographic Cemetery of Kisiniai – the ethnographic cemetery located in the village of Kisiniai as of the 19th-20th centuries are famous for being the resting place of the initiator of the Lithuanian language periodical press, Johann Ferdinand Kelch, and one of the commanders of the uprising against the Tsarist Russia of 1831, Antanas Gelgaudas. For further details. Agluonėnai Ethnographic Farmstead is one of few examples still standing of wooden architecture in Lithuania Minor. The farmstead reflects the particularity of the region, a lifestyle of local population and the surrounding natural environment. Agluonėnai Ethnographic Farmstead is a branch of the Gargždai Regional Museum. For further details. J. Gižas Ethnographic Homestead – there is a museum and tourist information centre established here. The museum has a historical exposition of the shipwright and fisherman of Dreverna, J. Gižas, values of the seaside culture, traditions of fishing and shipwork. J. Gižas Ethnographic Homestead is a branch of the Gargždai Regional Museum. For further details:. Dreverna Port of Small Ships – a port surrounded by the sea in the old fishermen’s village. Today, the port offers a café, camping (18 8-bed wooden holiday cottages, 22 camping sites with access to water, electricity, sewage), water amusement, ship, boat and water bicycle rental services. For further details. Vydūnas Cultural Centre and Memorial Museum in Kintai – founded in the former Kintai school, where a famous Lithuanian philosopher and writer Wilhelm Storost-Vydūnas used to tutor in 1888–1892. This place educates visitors about Vydūnas’ life and creative work, the history and the ethnocultural heritage of the seaside region. For further details. Minija (Mingė) Village – the village in the picturesque regional park at the Nemunas delta is unique in that the river, which is an assembly place for fishermen, is serving as a street herein, though, it is not easy to cross it, as there is no bridge. The locals reach the opposite side by boat or by water bike. Both for this reason and the beautiful scenery, local inhabitants call Mingė the Minor Venice of Lithuania. For further details. Ventė Cape (Ornithological Station and Lighthouse) is the most distant westernmost point of Šilutė district, the peninsula on the east coast of the Curonian Lagoon. Located at the Ventė Cape is an ornithological station, a museum and a visitor centre. One of the biggest bird migration routes is stretching over the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea, thus the Ventė Cape is a perfect geographical location for bird catching and ringing. The first wooden lighthouse in Ventė Cape was erected in 1837. It was illuminated by an oil lamp. The current red-brick lighthouse was built in 1852 and is 11 metres tall. The Ventė Cape lighthouse is one of the few lighthouses in Lithuania with free access for observation. For further details. Leisure Centre “Ventainė” – an oasis of peace on the magnificent peninsula of the Ventė Cape at the Curonian Lagoon. You are welcome to stay in a hotel or a campsite, taste delicious fish and other meals in a restaurant, and move to Nida during the summer season for more entertainment. For further details. Hugo Scheu Manor - Museum in Šilutė. Dr. Hugo Scheu was a famous public and cultural figure of East Prussia and the Klaipėda Region, landlord of Šilutė, and was known as a patron of Šilutė town. The Manor has features of late classicism and decor of the Klaipėda Region. The Hugo Scheu Manor, also known as the pearl of Šilutė, is waiting for you to get closer to the history of Lithuania Minor. For further details. Šilutė Evangelical Lutheran Church is acknowledged as one of the most beautiful Prussian Evangelical Lutheran churches. It was built in 1926 referencing the design of the architect K. Gutknecht. For further details: http://bit.ly/silutesbaznycia. For further details. The route was created on the initiative of the association “Klaipeda Region”, implementing the international project “Baltic Sea Tourism Center”, more information.
Sarah Wyndham Lewis co-founded the sustainable beekeeping practice Bermondsey Street Bees, with her husband Dale Gibson. Sarah speaks and writes extensively on honeybee plantings and, as a ‘honey sommelier’, runs raw honey tastings for chefs and bartenders. Her new book, Planting for Honeybees, was published in February this year. She talks about the important of the honeybee, and offers her guidance on making your garden bee-friendly What would our shopping lists look like if we lost the honeybee? It’s not just a case of having no honey for our porridge, nor even the loss of most of our fruits, vegetables and pulses—meat and dairy would be largely off the menu too, because so many animals are fed on bee-pollinated crops, from alfalfa to clover and borage. But even that’s just the beginning of our loss. Bees are right at the heart of biodiversity. Their pollination is crucial to feed and provide habitats for many other important insects, as well as mammals and birds. Hive products such as honey and propolis and many bee-pollinated plants make important contributions to our medical repertory too, as the basis of research into many new drugs, not least for cancer. Beeswax plays a role in countless industrial and artistic processes. But honeybees are now in decline across most of the world. The reasons behind this are extremely complex. They are assailed by disease, pests and chemicals, abused by commercial pollination programmes (for instance, the production of almonds and avocados) and their natural forage resources are being destroyed by both agricultural practices and urbanisation. In Britain, the lack of honeybee forage is particularly acute. In the countryside, more than 90 per cent of our heathlands, as well as native broadleaf woodlands and hedgerows, have been lost since the 1930s. In cities, driveways get tarmacked, gardens get decked and apartments get built on any patch of open ground. Not surprisingly, honey yields, recorded over many decades, have taken a nosedive—a key indicator of a loss of honeybee forage and impoverished colonies. In Greater London, every year we lose green space equivalent to two and a half times the area of Hyde Park. This is especially worrying when set against the fact that the density of beehives in London is the greatest anywhere in Europe—possibly in the world. This is clearly not sustainable, which is why my husband Dale and I (at Bermondsey Street Bees) now operate a ‘green-offset’ policy: we will never put new hives into London, for ourselves or for companies we work with, without planting meaningful amounts of forage to feed them and to compensate for their impact on the environment. We hope that more and more beekeepers will follow suit. In town and in the country, honeybees urgently need more to eat. Unfortunately, in the past few years, there’s been inaccurate messaging around what honeybees are looking for—as a result, most people now think that ‘wildflowers’ are the most important thing to plant for them. Important though wildflowers are to many pollinators, they are not, in fact, the primary source of nutrition for the honeybee. Honeybees evolved as forest dwellers, and the majority of their nutrition still needs to come from the dense flowerings of trees and bushes. This is also to do with the way they feed, on a single species of flower at a time, and the sheer volume of forage they need to gather. Worker bees have to bring an astonishing 50kg of pollen and 250kg of nectar into the hive every year, just to keep the colony alive, let alone to start producing an excess of honey. So, what can we do? In fact, there are plenty of positive actions that we can take once we understand what the bees really need. These six simple principles of planting for honeybees will inform any plantings—and if you have literally not even a windowsill, then consider volunteering with a local gardening charity and putting bee-friendly plantings into community garden spaces. Think bushes and trees Bees are natural tree dwellers and feeders and if space allows, bee-friendly plantings should always start with a framework of durable, perennial forage from bushes and trees. A single lime (linden) tree in flower provides the same amount of forage as half a football pitch of wildflower meadow. A bush is, effectively, a small tree—so if you can’t plant a big tree, choose profusely-flowering, forage-rich bushes instead of annual flowers. Keep it simple With shorter tongues than many bumblebees or butterflies, honeybees can’t feed from complex flower structures—showy, highly-bred ornamental flowers often give little or no forage. Generally, stay close to the original, wild or simpler forms of flowers, where nectar and pollen are easily accessible. For example, plant the wild dog rose, instead of densely-petalled show roses. Bees see blue The photoreceptors in honeybees’ eyes see from yellow, blue and green right up into the ultraviolet (UV) light scale. This makes blue, violet, purple and white flowers especially attractive to them. Uniquely, honeybees only visit one type of flower in any one foraging trip. This is called ‘flower fidelity’ and is what makes them such effective pollinators. By planting large clumps or ‘drifts’ of single species, you’ll save the bees’ energy and optimise each of their trips. Four season planting Although March to September are the key months for honeybees, they will fly whenever the temperature is above 10C, even in the depths of winter. This makes early and late flowering plants especially valuable. Mow less and love weeds Many so-called lawn ‘weeds’ provide precious forage. Mow lawns but less often and leave some areas to grow wilder. This encourages useful species to grow, such as daisies, trefoil, clovers and especially dandelions.
To educate schoolchildren about the importance of honeybees, the Sweet Virginia Foundation is using a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on experience. For additional information on submitting samples and examples, please contact the ABF at [email protected] The American bee keeper. Honeybee eggs and larvae. A basic configuration for a honey bee hive consists of seven components: a hive stand, bottom board, hive body, queen excluder, honey super, inner cover, and a hive cover. Lanolin creams, kiwi fruit soap, bee pollen, tea towels, kiwis, sheep, coasters, caps, jewellery, candy, flags and New Zealand Books. 05 KEEPER OF THE BEES T-Shirt $16. But the truth about that is about to be revealed in today's post in which we'll discover if honey is indeed the better option. Averages losses so far this season come to 41%. And turns out GREAT!! (most of the time) Depending on your Recipe. An 8x10" Print *or* 16x20" Poster of an original, hand-painted illustration. Due to the increased demand for honey bee pollination, livestock haulers are transporting bees all across the country. Mann Lake Ltd. 00, wax foundation at P75. Entry and parking are free and dogs are welcome. honey consumption. XXXIX - Number 10 Page 2 October 29, 2019 COLONY, HONEY PLANT AND MARKET CONDITIONS DURING SEPTEMBER 2019 APPALACHIAN DISTRICT (MD, PA, VA, WV): With the lack of sufficient rainfall, the dirth of nectar from local wildflowers continued during the month of September. Horizontal hives, long hives, Michael Bush. but the incident killed. This year we will be at a conference center with plenty of space. The Beginner Beekeeper Page. Prices have increased for superior grades of honey, even though bakery-grade prices have declined. Root was known as "the bee man" in fifteen languages the world over. Because of its high nutritional value and unique flavor, the price of natural bee honey is relatively much higher than that of other sweeteners. Department of Agriculture found that nearly one in three managed honey bee colonies in the United States were lost over the winter of 2012-2013. Today, the Ohio honey industry includes a thriving collection of farms that produce a wide range of honey products, from raw comb honey to processed honey to beeswax candles. The instructions on how to make a home-grown version of this little contraption out of PVC pipe and such abound on the Web, but when I'm dealing with flammable materials. The Journal has the honor of being the oldest English language beekeeping publication in the world. Barry Cooper is a former Texas narcotics officer and current marijuana activist, filmmaker, entrepreneur and regular contributor to Cannabis Culture. They also only accept cash but considering their prices that was perfectly acceptable. The exhibition takes over the entire Renwick Gallery building and surrounding Golden Triangle neighborhood , bringing alive the maker culture and creative spirit of this cultural movement. The company not only provides employees the opportunity to grow professionally, but also personally. without the words. The measure. However, this calculation does not consider the mated queen that came with the package. 3,4 However, it is only in more recent times that the science behind the efficacy has become available. Simply toss these seed balls on prepared soil to grow a variety of. An established hive can be expected to produce 50 to 100 pounds of honey per year. 0 and a southern exposure is ideal. For inspection when they start getting heavy in the fall, I can pop the top box off and inspect and medicate. 20 bee culture march 2018 march - regional honey price report 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 last last extracted honey prices sold bulk to packers or processors range avg. Get started & find clothes you'll love!. Honey is susceptible to adulteration with cheaper sweeteners; those that have been detected in adulterated honeys include sugar syrups and molasses inverted by acids or enzymes from corn, sugar cane. com FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders. The owner of Honey Bunny® Wax, Alessandra, a native Brazilian, spent much of her life in Brazil where SEXY is part of the culture and waxing is the answer for smooth, sexy skin! Alessandra has spent years perfecting the Brazilian waxing technique with her mother, Marlena. 20 Soon to Bee Baby Shower Invitation $2. Honeybum is the leader in women's fashion clothing online. From beautiful art to iconic cultural relics, we’re going to showcase six of the most memorable. A major factor in successful management of this disease is early detection. Branding for honey should also be taken into consideration; we should know what kind of honey, with which quality, is sold in the shops; is this honey natural and organic or synthetic, he said, adding "unfortunately, the quality of the product cannot be understood by its price, and this may affect the hardworking and honest honey producers. honey production is good , ihave paking of one kg. Root Company. FRESNO, Calif. We are Australia's top rated Beeswax Wraps makers & our wraps contain organic cotton & Australian beeswax wraps Try the natural alternative in food storage today with Bee Wrappy beeswax wraps. Make sure to ask the beekeeper if it is truly raw… it has not been heated or toyed with (they did not put anything in it), just filtered. Following the Wild Bees is a delightful foray into the pastime of bee hunting, an exhilarating outdoor activity that used to be practiced widely but which few people know about today. A honey bee colony has two main goals for the year: 1) survive (i. production was given as 156,544,000 pounds. We do not pasteurize or micro filter our honey. Dadant, Editor of ABJ 1912-1938. According to the USDA National Honey Reports, prices paid to the US importers that included transportation, custom duties and containers cost (ex-dock terms) in April 2014 fell into $1. Harvested from native and wild bush belonging to the sacred ground of our Maori people, this area produces the highest and limited quality of manuka honey in which all our honey is proudly. Modesto Bee obituaries and Death Notices for Modesto California area. Whether it be a post on the state of anticipatory design, a new project's launch, or opinions on the best Michael Jackson song, everyone has the opportunity to. Declines in wild bee species have been reported from several regions of the world (IPBES, 2016a, IPBES, 2016b), and pathogen spillover from managed honeybees (Apis mellifera) may contribute to these declines (Cameron et al. Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church invites you to a Weekend in Greece! This three day festival celebrates Greek culture and food. Saves cost of machine in one day Tighter wires, no kinks, nosore hands. Matthew Smart (UNL Professor):Utilization of honey bee colony monitoring devices to examine the effects of land use, forage availability, and weather on colony productivity. With a pop culture cute design, a characteristic feature of the HONEY BEE PHS handset series popular among young people, this new smartphone was developed mainly to target young women with the concept of a smartphone that makes a woman's daily life fun. Growing Bananas (Musa Spp. The first thing you notice is a subtle pink hue — this comes from red cinchona bark, which also lends a hint of bitterness. This Rosh Hashana, as Jews dip apples in honey to wish for a sweet new year, many will opt for silan. Order online from 10,000+ restaurants, supermarkets, and specialty stores - we hand pick the best, freshest items and deliver them to your door!. Downtown Santa Barbara also has gentle bees. In September 2012, the average price for one pound of honey was $5. ’ Bees, by nature, are hard-working insects who always strive to get honey or the sweetest things that life could offer. Our dry honey is consider the best option if you like to sweeten your dishes and drinks at home with the most natural and traditional way. It may not be available at the average grocery store, but natural foods stores and Whole Foods usually stock it. Queens for Pennies Originally published in ABJ March 2014 Randy Oliver ScientificBeekeeping. See 510 traveler reviews, 181 candid photos, and great deals for Sonesta Bee Cave Austin, ranked #1 of 2 hotels in Bee Cave and rated 4. From homemade Bovec Cheese to beautiful Idrija Lace, Slovenia has many unique products to offer. Buy online with Free UK Delivery on Orders Over £20 or Click & Collect within hours. This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Hive Tracks, Boone, NC. Find Honey manufacturers, Honey suppliers, exporters, wholesalers and distributors in Kerala India - List of Honey selling companies from Kerala with catalogs, phone numbers, addresses & prices for Honey. This brings the total number of hotels to 21 since the WILD FOR BEES partnership began in 2014. Unfortunately no-one buys cases of it, but then again it doesn't cause bar-room brawls and broken homes. Find his work at NeverGetBusted. Bee Culture does cover national trends and concerns facing honey bees and keepers, regulations in place and those proposed. Shop our newest arrivals including matching sets, tops, dresses, jeans, bodysuits, skirts & more. A well known commercially available general purpose essential oil product for bees that is similar to the following recipe claims many benefits even though many of those claims have yet to be proven. Root] on Amazon. B eekeeper Ernst Caspari has 20 colonies of bees that collect honey for him, and he needs to protect his bees against their greatest enemy, the Varroa mite. 239 reviews of The Clover & the Bee "Outstanding service, first of all. 1926 Honey Plants Of North America $10. Has new and interesting articles in each issue - not the same topics over and over. Killer bee is a type of bee created in laboratory in Brazil by mixing European honeybee with African bee. Browse our collection of 24 Acab Parody T-shirts, Mugs and more. Honey naturally contains nutrients and enzymes that have a variety of health benefits and medical uses. On the National Honey Board's website, you'll find a month-to-month chart of nationwide retail honey prices, courtesy of Bee Culture magazine. The location is the Huntsville Botanical Garden (shows a map) which is located at 4747 Bob Wallace Avenue in Huntsville Al. “The folk at Ceracell bend over backwards to help. Servings per container 45. Raw honey has not. There are no products in this category. Honey Vape Requires Maintenance but Gets the Job Done The biggest selling point of any Honey Vape cartridge is its potency. Great tips for season maintenance and wonderful "How to" advice. If you look in the Bee Culture honey prices for this region, that is the going rate. 19th Street, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001 - Rated 4. Department of Agriculture found that nearly one in three managed honey bee colonies in the United States were lost over the winter of 2012-2013. According to the report, North Dakota produced approximately 33. Gadgets, books, and honey are judged and awarded appropriately. Bee culture. Dear all, I plan to purchase Christine's DVD on Vulva Vaginal Health, however in the meantime I have searched the site before asking my Qs. The price of honey is high, as is international demand: Europeans consume an average of 0. Learn about traditional and contemporary Slovenian beekeeping by joining us on a Hop On-Hop Off bus, named Bee Our Guest. MSBA has been chosen as a recipient of Portland-based Bissell Brothers Brewery's "You Earned It" program. Price and stability aren’t the only obstacles to the technology. Average retail price per pound across all reporting regions. This lists songs that hit number one on the charts in the US during 1978. Nelson - author of The Embryology of the Honey Bee. Buy from our range of Manuka Honey and bee products, delivered directly from New Zealand to your door. Although modern dictionaries may refer to Apis as either honey bee or honeybee, entomologist Robert Snodgrass asserts that correct usage requires two words, i. This is done by removing a single diseased or suspect honey bee larva (or remains) from its cell using a clean matchstick and smearing it on a labelled glass slide. The rich, robust taste that awakens your palate today is the same that has united kings and queens, celebrated unions between husband and wife, and embraced family and. Latest News in Apiculture (and editorialization, of course!) For complete news in Beekeeping subscribe to the journals! Updated January 22, 1996. All Test results are fully visible to anyone. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. Honey Blends Collection. Beekeeping Courses Online. Beekeeping Associations and GroupsAmerican Beekeeping FederationAmerican Honey Producers AssociationEastern Apicultural Society of North AmericaHeartl The Beekeepers of Indiana - BEE Links "The Official Organization for All Indiana Beekeepers" . com offers 1,075 pure honey bee price products. Kryger working with the African honey bee A. Bee-ology: How a Hive Works. Because come the first honey flow around June, you want a really healthy colony, one that has many babies (brood) and still more adult bees (about 45,000) ready to begin foraging for nectar and. Organic Raw Honey: We partner with responsible beekeepers to source Single-Origin Organic Honeys from around the world. Its complex flavors develop slowly as it matures for a year and a half in our 100+ year-old traditional warehouse. Depending on the available nectar, each colony should produce between 40 and 80 pounds for itself to overwinter and 50 to 100 pounds of surplus honey each season that you can harvest. I also thought the gabled roof would work in combination with my insulated moisture quilt but I cover my hives to protect from the heavy winter wind and rain (2x4 and. You can also order a selection of Chapman-designed bee houses through Two Hives’ website. Traditional mead often uses a mild honey such as orange blossom, clover or acacia, but wildflower, blackberry and buckwheat honeys produce great results with sturdier, spiced meads. The value of honey exports jumped to $285 million in 2015 from $202 million in 2014, according to the latest Statistics New Zealand data. Beekeeping in Slovenia Beekeeping occupies a special place in Slovenia's economy as one of its oldest traditional crafts. Honey Stinger Organic Cracker Bars are delicious and organic on-the-go snacks. Originally from Egypt, he has run Bee Kingdom, a small shop in Bur Dubai that specialises in local honey, for 25 years. Blue Ridge Honey Company - Pure natural raw honey, Wildflower, Sourwood, Tupelo, Orange Blossom, and more varieties. , heated on this day by a wood-fired stove. As part of an ever-growing global digital agency, I can say with complete confidence that Honey has been integral in helping us maintain our universal sense of culture and communication. Region 6 was for the most part dry this year – not surprising we suppose, with the right amount of rain in most places. Basswood flowers produce an abundance of nectar from which choice honey is made. All Test results are fully visible to anyone. In the presence of heat and moisture, however, it can ferment. In September 2012, the average price for one pound of honey was $5. com I’ve been encouraged in recent years by the number of beekeepers who appear to be successfully keeping locally-adapted stocks of bees without treatment for varroa. Honey bee products Apiculture provides some of the world's poorest people with the opportunity to enhance their income from the practical and often indigenous skills of beekeeping. Different forms of. We hand-craft all e-juice liquid at our labs based in Oregon and offer a wide selection of Ecigs and Mods!. The scientific name of a honey bee consists of the species name followed by the race. There are no products in this category. Just buy raw honey from a local TRUSTED beekeeper, one pound of honey should be about $10-$20. However, most people are unaware that beekeeping and processing hive products can be just as lucrative. Select ripened honey frames or sealed honey frames from the colony. Honey releases hydrogen peroxide through an enzymatic process, which explains its general antiseptic qualities, but Active Manuka honey contains “something else” that makes it far superior to other types of honey when it comes to killing off bacteria. Manuka honey is a trendy sweetener prized for its healing properties. A Guide for Beekeepers Every beekeeper should seek to have hives that are healthy and productive. I just can't compete with that. Bee pollen is a product many have been taking for years, and is the main source of protein for the bee, used to fuel their athletic endeavors each day of carrying almost half their body weight in flower pollen back to the hive. All prices are in All prices are in USD. A Verified CN Gold Supplier on Alibaba. kai ora honey A maori owned business operating 2000 hives in the Far North of New Zealand, we produce some of New Zealand highest Active Manuka Honey. 00, wax foundation at P75. Meanwhile, producers who enrolled farms for the 2018 crop year have started receiving more than $1. Shop Furniture, Home Décor, Cookware & More! 2-Day Shipping. Ohioans have been raising bees and collecting nectar to make honey since the mid-1800s, although the harvesting of honey dates back more than 8,000 years. Honey was the first sweet food tasted by the ancient Indian inhabiting rock shelters and forests. Good soil moisture is important in early stages of growth and during pollination when fruits are setting. is obviously taking open book keeping to a new level show you the agricultural community just how much it costs to keep the bees alive and strong. Business listings of Honey manufacturers, suppliers and exporters in Thrissur, Kerala along with their contact details & address. Dabur is one of the best Ayurvedic & Natural Health Care Company in India. Today, she has helped 420 women set up honey bee farms and trained more than 50,000 people under the National Honey Mission. ABC & XYZ of Bee Culture is a comprehensive resource guide for beekeepers at any skill level. The kids get up close and personal with the insects, donning beekeeper suits. 8 Ounce Pure Bee Pollen Bee Pollen is an amazing natural supplement that offers natural weight control, skin restorative power, complete nutrition and more. Browse our collection of 24 Acab Parody T-shirts, Mugs and more. The poten- tial stake of agriculture in the United States in queens alone is over $2,000,000, if a value of 50 cents, the minimum price set by the market-. A major factor in successful management of this disease is early detection. Approximately 42 thousand live queen bees, and 38 tonnes of packaged bees (which include approximately one kilogram of worker bees to support the. Huge horizontal hive you can sleep in. This is why we convened a panel of experts discussed the role of bees in food security, sustainability, and biodiversity for a program — “World Bee Day: To Bee or Not To Bee” — at the. Package Bees and Nucs for sale. The exact island on which the bee was found is a secret because, as you can imagine from the price tag, if the researchers published that information, the remaining Wallace's giant bees might not be long for this world. Honey bees in the United States are a heterogeneous blend of several races introduced from Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Price Range $$ Hours. This bee is drinking tiny drops of nectar, and some of this it makes into honey. The long spell of dry weather was suggested to me as a. The American bee keeper. Sold in packs of 4. Our mugs are made of durable ceramic that’s dishwasher and microwave safe. Apis cerana, or the Asiatic honey bee (or the Eastern honey bee), are small honey bees of southern and southeastern Asia, including all the countries of the Himalayan region (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan) as well as Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Papua New. the brewing of traditional African beer (umqombothi) and/or the slaughtering of a goat). However, rising honey prices have pushed pollination fees to keep up. Few commercial beekeepers operate in the Northeast. Last month, the honey entries were sent to labs for adulteration and contamination testing. Agriculture also remains the largest single land use in the State, nearly 2 million acres, or roughly 32 percent of total land area used for farming in 2018. Each garment we produce is a true labor of love as demonstrated in our high-quality fabrics, attention to detail, and Californian flair. Please be descriptive (size, amount, color, contact info, etc. For example, during 1999/2000 one ton of honey fetched 3,741. America’s beehive count fell from 10 million hives in 1915 to 3 million by the 1970s. But this year, a tiny mite has. Raising Honey Bees. United States honey production in 2016 from producers with five or more colonies totaled 162 million pounds, up 3 percent from 2015. Genuine, Premium Raw Manuka Honey you can trust. The survey had 4,794 responses from beekeepers in all U. But the truth about that is about to be revealed in today's post in which we'll discover if honey is indeed the better option. Philippines Honey, Philippines Honey Suppliers and Manufacturers Directory - Source a Large Selection of Honey Products at manuka honey ,natural honey ,chocolate from Philippines Alibaba. Retail Honey Prices. The instructions on how to make a home-grown version of this little contraption out of PVC pipe and such abound on the Web, but when I'm dealing with flammable materials. Mother Earth News. However, rising honey prices have pushed pollination fees to keep up. It may not be available at the average grocery store, but natural foods stores and Whole Foods usually stock it. Beekeeping Associations and GroupsAmerican Beekeeping FederationAmerican Honey Producers AssociationEastern Apicultural Society of North AmericaHeartl The Beekeepers of Indiana - BEE Links "The Official Organization for All Indiana Beekeepers" . As honeybee prices continue to rise, farmers are turning to other types of bees — like the blue orchard bee, the bumblebee and alfalfa leafcutter — that have proven to be effective pollinators. Download this stock image:. Beekeeping (apiculture) is the practice of managing honeybee colonies to attain desired objectives. To service the nation's growing demand for food, honeybees work for months on. Let Overstock. Limited quantities, while supplies last. While service can be a little off, the sweet tea will never disappoint and the food is decent. She was sitting at the center’s semicircular coffee bar, which has a formidable espresso maker and, if you ask, homegrown Bayer honey. Stingless bees are great pollinators, with the honey and propolis - harvested from their hives - believed to have medicinal benefits. Average retail price per pound across all reporting regions. About: Menu: Reservations: What's New: Gallery: FAQ: Contact: Home: About: Menu: Main. Beekeeping; Beekeeping. Raising Honey Bees. To accept, please click "Accept" or keep using the site. Today, the Ohio honey industry includes a thriving collection of farms that produce a wide range of honey products, from raw comb honey to processed honey to beeswax candles. Honey Bee Suite is dedicated to honey bees, beekeeping, wild bees, other pollinators, and pollination ecology. Download this stock image:. , 2013, Fürst et al. Haven't really had a problem with the asking price except for a couple folks that buy by the gallon. Place the satchel of cannabis into the crockpot and add: 1- 5 lb container of honey (local if possible or if you're using this tincture to alleviate allergy symptoms) Set the slow cooker to low. A bee on a flower. Good soil moisture is important in early stages of growth and during pollination when fruits are setting. Without scientific inquiry, we're left with only theories about how honey could reduce allergies. Agriculture also remains the largest single land use in the State, nearly 2 million acres, or roughly 32 percent of total land area used for farming in 2018. Why is it so hard to find a bee hive when you can see where the bees are entering? - Duration: 21:53. Our dry honey is consider the best option if you like to sweeten your dishes and drinks at home with the most natural and traditional way. The Italians are the most docile and are a good "starter" strain for a beginner. 00 per 8 ounce jar. Buckwheat honey is produced in Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as well as in eastern Canada. Here is the spot for you to definitely buy in specials price and save money. The Eastern Apicultural Society of North America, Inc. National Honey Board Honey is nature's finest work. Mad honey looks and tastes a lot different from what you might squeeze out of a bear-shaped bottle. Dear all, I plan to purchase Christine's DVD on Vulva Vaginal Health, however in the meantime I have searched the site before asking my Qs. Servings per container 45. For Italian bees the proper name is “Apis mellifera ligustica’ The last word – defines our bee as Italian. The USDA's Agricultural Research Service has just released a new survey about the health of managed honey bee Save 84% off the newsstand price! First & Last Name Ingenuity Arts & Culture. Silver Excelsior (Serum) is a chelated silver oxide (not colloidal silver oxide), that is both bioactive and bioavailable and priced at below $85. We asked yes or no if they used these features. The ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture [A. SoulBee Honey is natural sweetener made with love and honey. It's true that the extinction of bees would mean the end of humanity. Get the best healthy groceries delivered to you, and save up to 50%. Lanolin creams, kiwi fruit soap, bee pollen, tea towels, kiwis, sheep, coasters, caps, jewellery, candy, flags and New Zealand Books. For years they have proven over and over there dedication to the honey bee and the bee keeper. The Hive and the Honey-Bee by Lorenzo Langstroth. The life of a worker bee goes like this: Day 1: Egg Stage — The queen lays an egg into the honey comb. Today, the many threats to honey bee health — including parasites, pests, disease, pesticides, and inadequate nutrition — make achieving this goal a major challenge. Venom Bumble Bee (Bombus terrestrus) IgE; Venom Honey Bee IgG; Venom W-F Hornet IgG; Very Long Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency, Full Gene Analysis, Varies; VHL Gene, Erythrocytosis, Mutation Analysis, Varies; VHL Gene, Full Gene Analysis, Varies; Vibrio Culture, Feces; Vigabatrin (Sabril) Vimentin (VIM) Immunostain, Technical Component Only. This honey is obtained directly from the beehive and doesn’t undergo food processing. 65 Happy Bumble Bee T-Shirt $22. North Carolina Honey Bee Research Consortium American Beekeeping Federation This document is a partial list of resources for growers and does not imply endorsement by North Carolina State University, North Carolina A&T State University, or North Carolina Cooperative Extension of any of the companies, products, or organizations listed. The number of honey-producing colonies rose 4 percent to 2. Save money on hundreds of brands in store or online with Coupons. Free shipping and returns on @ Bee Plants Bee Culture Online Wholesale for you buy it today !. Economics tells us that scarcity should drive prices up, but honey bees are still present. ScienceDaily. And now, I have them. Honey Bee Suite is dedicated to honey bees, beekeeping, wild bees, other pollinators, and pollination ecology. Impacts of honey bee losses In 2006 beekeepers in the United States reported that a mysterious affliction, dubbed Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), was causing widespread die-offs of bees. We hand-craft all e-juice liquid at our labs based in Oregon and offer a wide selection of Ecigs and Mods!. 00 per 32 ounce jar, and $18. View Nancy Burnett’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Material cost: $200. Averages losses so far this season come to 41%. The bees also contribute RM66mil to the agriculture industry annually - the market price of the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute's (Mardi) kelulut honey is around RM120 per kg. Free Returns High Quality Printing Fast Shipping. Serenading them with a secret chant, she gently maneuvers the honeycomb without netting or gloves. such a deal. The country's honey. , and Nela Nedic Tiban, Ph. The Hive and the Honey Bee is an all inclusive book that covers all aspects of the beekeeping industry. The 2018 travel editors and readers at USA TODAY's 10Best Reader’s Choice Awards have voted & have crowned Lake City, South Carolina as the Best Small Town Cultural Scene in America!. Other movies have guys turning into bats or lizards, this has girls turning into bee hybrids. Whether you looking for glass jars, plastic bottles at wholesale prices. National Honey Report Vol. Huge discounts on The Honey Of Honey. Then, it takes the prices from every region and finds the average price across all regions for that month. of years, man has plundered honey bee colonies to get honey, bee larvae and beeswax. A brand-new hive will not make much honey because the bees are busy making wax. Empire Glassworks. The documentary film "Vanishing of the Bees" takes a piercing investigative look at the economic, political and ecological implications of the worldwide disappearance of the honey bee. State agency. Australia is the fourth largest honey exporting nation after China, Argentina and Mexico. Former president of the Vermont Beekeepers Association, Conrad is a regular contributor to Bee Culture - The Magazine of American Beekeeping. Over its lifespan, one bee produces a maximum of 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey. Its subtle cool, minty undertone reminds me of the blue bubble gum that kids love to chew. Manuka honey is a trendy sweetener prized for its healing properties. Retail prices at the Raleigh State Farmers’ Market remained steady and were: $8. Buy all 6 of our online courses for only $269. The following did some of their research while employed in the USDA's Division of Bee Culture. There is a lot of honey in slurry, after all, even after the majority of it has dripped through a cloth and been purified. In September 2012, the average price for one pound of honey was $5. By Greg Burchell. No 'Bee-Apocalypse,' Thanks to Free Markets A new study finds no dramatic and widespread economic effects from colony collapse disorder. Ronald Bailey | 7. See for yourself why shoppers love our selection and award-winning customer service. com offers 1,075 pure honey bee price products. The world’s bees are in decline, driving up the price of pollination so high it has spurred a black market of bee rustlers dealing in stolen hives. Latest News in Apiculture (and editorialization, of course!) For complete news in Beekeeping subscribe to the journals! Updated January 22, 1996. That’s why we're committed to establishing trust with our consumers on the origins and authenticity of our honey products through the True Source Honey Pledge. Honey releases hydrogen peroxide through an enzymatic process, which explains its general antiseptic qualities, but Active Manuka honey contains “something else” that makes it far superior to other types of honey when it comes to killing off bacteria. In an article published in The Economist, Tony Tan mentioned that the adorable bee mascot we’ve always loved represents Filipino spirit: hard-working, optimistic, and most of all, ‘jolly. It is glued to the round plug that ended up inside the hole saw used to cut the hole. The surveys are financed largely by the Agriculture. To educate schoolchildren about the importance of honeybees, the Sweet Virginia Foundation is using a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on experience. Vapor HQ is a premium top of the line supplier of USA e-liquid and electronic cigarettes worldwide. [Archive] Let us know what beekeeping related item you're looking for. “Honey bees would not disappear entirely, but the cost of honey bee pollination services would rise, and those increased costs would ultimately be passed on to consumers through higher food. Pollination prices and operating costs are obviously linked. From the days of the first Puritan settlers to recent cross-Atlantic tweetings, the two countries have shared in the development of English. " Most honey was shipped to San Francisco for sale, where it sold for a good profit. Kat works for the city of Lincoln Parks and Recreation Department to promote events and programs. It is secreted by the hypopharyngeal gland of honey bees and can enter honey via bee saliva during the regurgitation process of honey making. com) Aerial photography of the archaeological site and Minoan Palace of Malia (as given by the Greek Ministry of Culture. Serving size 1 heaping tsp (5g). Pay Now & Save 64% Off the Cover Price. Material cost: $200. Beauty, Honey & Propolis Skin Care We are Hey Honey™ Skin,Body & Soul Beauty Brand At Hey Honey™ we know the benefits of Honey and Propolis And we simply emerged these for your skin to enjoy. Most bee hauling runs don’t end in that kind of disaster, but they are a lot of work. Beekeeping; Beekeeping. It embodies the results of detailed studies made by Mr. A Verified CN Gold Supplier on Alibaba. Food and Drink Prices. PREFACE THEinformationgiveninthisbookisintendedtocleartheimpressions ofmanythattheSouthisaltogetheranundevelopedregionso. Honey Labels. Varroa Mites: A Danger to Bees Bayer is actively involved in the search for new bee health solutions, such as by developing new products for the treatment of infestation with Varroa mites. The market has one way of assigning a value to bee pollinators, and that’s the price paid for pollination services.
Intro to Beekeeping Join us for our INTRO TO BEEKEEPING workshop! This course is intended for aspiring beekeepers, those who want to learn the foundations of beekeeping & will leave you with the basic overview of your first year in beekeeping. We will review beekeeping tools/equipment, the honey bee life cycle, jobs/roles within the colony, responsible beekeeping practices and and overview of the season in class. We will spend the second half of the class out in the beeyard where we will review classroom topics up close, including equipment, yard etiquette, handling frames, lighting/using your smokers, etc. We will cover your basic hive inspection including locating the queen, spotting eggs & brood, and observe colonies at various states in the season including nucs, singles, doubles, queen excluders, honey supers and more. Equipment can be provided however, if you do have your own, you may feel free to bring it. Note: Nucs/single hives (for a later pickup date), safety equipment, etc will be available for purchase following the seminar. You do not have to have/intend to have bees, however this is a more in depth intro course. For those looking for a seminar with less focus on HOW to keep bees and a more casual overview, please see our BEEKEEPING 101 seminar geared toward the general public with no previous knowledge of bees and less emphasis on the ins/outs or how to's of the beekeeping season. Click here. Please note we recommend continuing education for the current/aspiring beekeeper. This is not a one stop shop, we recommend networking with other beekeepers, taking intermediate & advanced seminars and joining/participating with your local beekeeping association. All purchases are non-refundable.
Tammy is a long-time collaborator of both ARRI and GFW. She grew up on a farm and was determined to never do science, math, or agriculture when she went to college. She was trained as an English professor, but began beekeeping with her grandfather in 1997 and immediately became smitten with honey bees. Since 2014, she has been the State Apiarist for the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. Prior to working for the KY Dept. of Agriculture, Tammy founded Coal Country Beeworks while employed by Eastern Kentucky University (2007-2014). Prior to that, she was the Chair of Appalachian Studies at Berea College, where she focused on surface mine reclamation and how it affects pollinators. Tammy has served as President of the KY State Beekeepers Association, President of the Eastern Apiculture Society, and she has served as a director with the Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees. Tammy is a widely respected expert in her field, and has authored several books and technical publications on the benefits of bees and beekeeping, and is the recipient of numerous awards and recognitions.
Beekeeping Courses at Staithe Farm Beekeeping courses at Staithe Farm vary between short taster sessions of 1-2 hours duration to intensive 2 day courses designed to enable students to competently keep bees by the end of the course. The taster sessions are suitable for complete beginners who wish to gain an understanding of what is involved in keeping honey bees. The intensive course is for a maximum of 2-4 students which ensures you will receive full support. Telephone support will also be available afterwards. Courses are designed for people who prefer not to learn in larger groups, with the aim of providing participants with sufficient knowledge to embark on this fascinating pursuit, subject, of course, to satisfactory progress. The courses are run by Richard, the cottage owner, a British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) Master Beekeeper, holding both the Advanced Theory Certificate and the Advanced Husbandry Certificate. Richard is also a qualified science teacher so is able to teach and assess learning. This is particularly important as there are both theory and practical skills to learn. Designed for people who have no previous knowledge of beekeeping Richard will show you how to handle bees and look after them. For further information please see our sister website Staithe Farm Beekeeping.
Hashoo Foundation’s Plan Bee Continues to Empower Women through Honey Bee Farming in Northern Pakistan Dear Friends and Colleagues, In a unique effort to promote women’s empowerment and economic development in Northern Pakistan, Hashoo Foundation USA in partnership with Chapelwood Foundation, Plan Bee Party Team, Credit and Enterprise Development Programs in conjunction with University of Saint Thomas Social Entrepreneurship Program (UST SEP), Rice Micro Finance (RMF) and Micro Finance Initiative University of Houston (MFi UH) have contributed to the development of several sustainable micro-enterprises and Honey Business Groups. Hashoo Foundation in Pakistan implements and manages every aspect of these enterprises, including selection and mobilization of beekeepers, beekeeping training, Value Chain Development (VCD), and links the producers to the market. The income the beekeepers earned through their small honey enterprises is helping improve their quality of life and ensure their children have access to education and safer, happier and healthier futures. Plan Bee enables Hashoo Foundation to take a step forward towards implementation of three of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): I would like to share the updates of some of the Plan Bee projects and extend our appreciation to each one of you for making a direct impact in the lives of so many women and their families. Economic development programs, like Plan Bee, help strengthen vulnerable communities, decrease poverty and promote a more inclusive society. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you want more information or are interested in any of our programs. Thank you for empowering women and making the world a better place for all! Cristal Montañéz Baylor Executive Director Hashoo Foundation USA The Chapelwood Foundation continues to support Hashoo Foundation efforts to enable and empower communities to be independent by facilitating equitable access to opportunities, creating sustainable enterprises through building capacity in the remotest regions of Gilgit Baltistan, in Northern Pakistan. Chapelwood Foundation awarded a grant for their replication of the Hashoo Foundation’s model of Women Empowerment through Honey Bee Farming “Plan Bee” Project in Gamba, District Skardu in Gilgit Baltistan, Northern Pakistan. The project organized 20 women into the Kashman Honey Business Group, provided beehives, production kits and training in bee farming, to ensure the quality of honey through improved processing facilities and related infrastructure, and facilitated market linkages for the sale of honey at higher competitive prices. – 20 women identified, mobilized and trained – Kashman Honey Business Group formed – 60 beehives distributed (3 per beekeeper) – 20 production kits distributed among the beneficiaries – 400 Kg. (880 Lb.) honey produced and sold honey in local market by the beneficiaries – Income of PKR. 300,000 (US$ 2,900) earned by the beneficiaries this year – 61 children have access to quality education; – 122 indirect beneficiaries – Development of Khasman-Honey brand The newly trained beekeepers established Khasman-Honey brand. The Khasman-Honey is processed locally and packed in food graded plastic jars and is available in two different packaging sizes: 250 gm and 450 gm. This project is managed and implemented by the Hashoo Foundation 2013 to date. Under its Credit & Enterprise Development (CED) program, the Hashoo Foundation facilitates and administers provision of small loans to existing and new beekeepers to add another dimension to its Women Empowerment through Honey Bee Farming project Plan Bee. These small loans enable the women keepers to purchase more hives to achieve economies of scale and expand their enterprise. Beneficiaries have been chosen after conducting an extensive baseline survey. In collaboration with University of Saint Thomas Social Entrepreneurship Program (UST SEP), Rice Micro Finance (RMF) and Micro Finance Initiative University of Houston (MFi UH) with a new added component of Revolving Micro Credit Loans (RMCL), the proposed project on Credit & Enterprise Development (CED) will help mobilize and organize communities into workable cluster based groups, increase the outreach and productivity, provide training in bee farming ensuring quality honey through improved processing facilities and related infrastructure, and facilitate market linkages for the sale of honey at higher competitive prices. Zar Bano is one of the MFi UH beekeepers beneficiaries This initiative not only helped the foundation launch Credit & Enterprise Development project for honey bee farming but also enabled HF to take a step forward towards implementation of three of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): CED Reports 2010 -2013 UST SEP RMF MFi UH These projects are managed and implemented by the Hashoo Foundation. In April 2013, after the long winter in Northern Pakistan, the Hashoo Foundation team in Pakistan initiated the selection process for the 12 new beekeepers. Thanks to your generous contribution, by the end of 2013, 12 women were trained and provided with the tools to generate a sustainable income through the sale of honey. Now, 36 of their children have access to school. The project has helped improve the socio-economic status of the underprivileged people, especially the targeted women in the Turnik, Skardu. Honey bee farming is a lucrative income generating enterprise. The environment in terms of natural and man-made flora is in abundance and available for more than six months during the year. The immediate earnings from the beehives within three to four months areother important factors that contribute to economic sustainability of the beneficiaries.
Are you searching for how to start beekeeping in Quakertown Pennsylvania? A lot of people say beekeeping classes in PA can be expensive and there are alternative ways to learn honey bee farming without spending lots of money in training. Beekeeping is a business that depends on having whole passion. You cannot if you do not enjoy dealing with creatures that are live begin a business such as this. Working with bees is like working with some other kind of fowl or animals; it wants care and knowledge to keep bees healthy and productive. You should take complete care of each small matter, so that it doesn’t create any difficulty for the business later on. – Selecting the proper tools Starting without choosing the right tools beekeeping, is like entering the battle with swimming costumes. You should be well prepared before you begin your business or it is going to be a total loss for your own money and time. Ask your self several questions before you choose your appropriate hives. This depends on what is the target from beginning beekeeping a lot. Should you be willing to invest time and some money in a bee keeping business then you certainly might want to know how long will you take good care of your hives. Are you really ready if it is best choice for you to buy a costly hive? These sort of questions will be asked to you once you visit a specialist bee keeper to consult him about the best hive to buy. Every hive has its own specifications, care and honey generation amount. – New technology and procedures If you’re taking a look at bee keeping as a company then you must analyze a lot about the most recent technologies, their nature and bees that emerged in this career so that you can keep all of your information up thus far. Your bees are once they begin creating honey the machines of your factory that will generate cash for you all the time, so they were focused on by keeping your thoughts and your head open for what is new in the industry will get you on top of the business.
Two operations were involved in this project, a mixed grain farm of 250 acres in Loami, IL, and a 2.6 acre homestead near Rochester, IL. The Loami site has 15 honey bee colonies and sells honey and honey soap; the Rochester site has 50 honey bee colonies in three bee yards and sells honey and since the SARE project began, some queens and small honey bee colonies. (Honey bee colonies generally have one queen, a few to 60,000 worker bees and in spring and summer a few hundred to a thousand or more male bees called drones.) Sustainable beekeeping practices have been carried out for the past 4-5 years at both sites; either no treatments or only “soft, “botanically-based ones were used for varroa mites in a given year. In addition, antibiotics have not been used for at least 7 years at either site, unlike in most beekeeping operations. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND RESULTS General goals: The project is designed to address the dual problems of a lack of adoption of disease and mite resistant or tolerant lines of bees and an over-reliance on queens from Sunbelt states. Use of these lines will lessen the industry’s dependence on harsh chemical and antibiotics, which can contaminate honey and cause reproductive problems for the bees, and should be at the core of strategies to address Colony Collapse Disorder. The project’s purpose is to increase understanding and adoption of disease and mite resistant lines among beekeepers in Illinois, eastern Missouri and southern Wisconsin. Project methods (processes): A major thrust of the Project, and in many ways the most important part, was comprised of educational presentations to beekeepers on disease and mite resistant lines of bees. During 2007-2008 nine Power Point presentations on this topic were given to a total of 288 persons. Two presentations were given at the 2007 Heartland Apicultural Society annual meeting (where two talks were also given to 32 persons at the meeting on the SARE Farmer/Rancher Grant Program). Venues during 2008 included the Bluegrass Beekeeping School, which draws beekeepers from Indiana and Ohio; the Kankakee Valley, IL Beekeepers Association; an introductory class of the Lincoln Land Beekeepers’ Association; the summer meeting of the Illinois State Beekeepers’ Association; at a State Line Beekeepers Association meeting; and at the Eastern Apicultural Society meeting, where I also moderated a session on state queen rearing projects with 23 persons. Another talk, to 26 persons at the Central East Illinois Beekeepers’ Association, was postponed from December, 2008 to January, 2009, after the project ended (and for which project funds were not used). The second part of the project was to produce disease and mite resistant, Minnesota Hygienic queens and to sell them to local beekeepers. We used standard “cell grafting” methods to raise queens. The cells were introduced individually into small colonies called mating nuclei, from which the virgin queens take mating flights and remain until they begin laying eggs, at which point they are sold or placed into larger colonies. During 2007 marketing of the queens occurred first through the annual summer meeting of the local beekeeping association, with about 30 persons attending. Marketing also occurred via calls to beekeepers in the area. During 2008, marketing also occurred during an introductory beekeeping class. In both years 15-20 queens were over-wintered in small colonies to be sold the following spring. Steven Staley assisted by producing queen bees at his farm for the project; Richard Ramsey, past president of the Illinois State Beekeepers’ Association, provided ongoing advice on marketing and related matters. As described below under Project Impacts, David Burns, a queen bee producer and beekeeping equipment supplier, and Phil Raines, a commercial beekeeper in Illinois and Wisconsin, made important contributions to the project. In 2007, 115 viable queen cells were introduced into mating nuclei; 81 queens survived their mating flights, a 70% survival rate and lower than we anticipated. Acceptance of viable queen cells by nuclei was only 50% in the July 24 graft. Of the 81 queens produced, 36 were sold to beekeepers and 25 were introduced into large colonies to provide hygienic, disease resistant male bees to serve as mates for queens during the 2008 production season. Another 20 queens were placed into small colonies that were held over winter; nine survived and were sold as part of small nucleus colonies in spring, 2008. All others were marketed at local beekeeping association meetings or via word of mouth. In 2008 queen production was delayed due to cool, rainy weather and major colony mortalities at the Loami site; leaving only the Rochester site with enough colonies to be used for queen mating. Thirty queens were produced in June and July and sold; in late August an additional 15 were produced from 28 cells and were over-wintered in small nucleus colonies. To date the survival rate of 14 out of 15 of these over-wintered queens is much higher than during the previous winter. Written evaluations were distributed at three of the presentations at association meetings. On average they showed that about 70% of those returning the evaluations understood the importance of using disease and mite resistant lines of honey bees; a little over 50% said that they would endeavor to buy queens of one or the other of these lines in 2009; almost none of the respondents said that they had used these lines in 2007 or 2008. Regarding raising and selling queens, it’s probable that earlier production of queens, by at least May 15, and more efforts at local marketing would have resulted in sales of more queens during the project period. In 2008, the queens we produced survived at a higher rate than the 14 MN Hygienic queens we purchased for drone production and to serve as a comparison with the performance of our queens of the same line. At least until more beekeepers in central Illinois are used to buying locally-produced queens, selling the queens as part of small colonies or nuclei appears to be the most predictable way to market them until more beekeepers understand the value of replacing their queens annually or semi-annually. Nuclei are superior to “package bees” (either 2 or 3 lb colonies with queens but without comb or without larvae, pupae, honey or pollen) in terms of colony growth, honey production potential and fewer problems with queen failure. As a result of the interest expressed by local beekeepers, we plan to sell more nuclei in 2009. Coincidently, many of the package bees received by area beekeepers from California in 2008 had problems major with the queens surviving. In general it’s difficult to gauge the longer term impact of educational programs, including most of the presentations given for this project. Those at the summer, 2008 Illinois State Beekeepers Association (ISBA) and the fall Stateline Beekeepers Association (Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin) meetings proved to be exceptions. They served as catalysts for what is this project’s most tangible outcome, the formation of an Illinois Queen Project (IQP). This initiative’s purpose is to promote the Illinois production of disease and mite resistant queens as well as small colonies adapted to the state’s climate and conditions. In each of the past 4-5 years an estimated $650,000 worth of package bees, including queens, are brought into Illinois from Sunbelt states. (This is probably a low estimate; data are not kept on the number of packages purchased.) A rough estimate of the value of replacement queens purchased separately would be $40,000; unlike package bees most are ordered directly by individual beekeepers. The economic impact goes beyond the $690,000 estimate because queens shipped in packages or separately through the mail often die within less than 6 months, resulting in reduced honey production or even colony losses, if the bees don’t replace the queens. In addition, the beekeepers that produce queens and nuclei purchase supplies, including small hives, wooden frames for combs and wax “comb foundation” from the Illinois-based Dadant Company and David Burns’ small beekeeping equipment manufacturing and supply company. The objectives of the Queen Project are that by 2015 Illinois beekeepers to produce half the approximately 2000 queens sold separately, and to produce small colonies to replace one third of the approximately 10,000 package bees sold in this state. In order to begin this effort, thirty beekeepers will participate in one of two day-long, queen rearing workshops scheduled on April 24-25, 2009 at the State Line and Central-East Illinois Beekeepers Associations; at a total cost of approximately $1000 for the out-of-state presenter. The objective is to have at least half of them raising queens for sale next year. We anticipate offering additional workshops in 2010, based on the waiting lists for the 2009 workshops. At this point I am providing statewide coordination, but the “on the ground effort” has come from David Burns and Phil Raines, the presidents of the above-named associations. To date, the Queen Project has been the subject of two ISBA newsletter articles. In response, several beekeepers have inquired about making monetary contributions to the Project; in addition, approximately $500 worth of queen rearing supplies has been donated to it. In comparison to the above, the impact of the local production of MN Hygienic queens and sales to beekeepers has been relatively minor. However, as a result of the sales of small colonies with these queens, new beekeepers in the immediate area are more open to buying locally produced queens and nuclei due to learning about their advantages from presentations at introductory beekeeping classes as well as their own experiences. At least two plan to produce their own nuclei for expanding their operations rather than buy package bees. The educational component of this project was outreach to beekeepers, including a number from Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, Iowa and Kentucky, although the majority were from Illinois. This effort is described under project Description and Results. In addition, as mentioned previously, two articles describing the Queen Project appeared in the newsletter of the Illinois State Beekeeping Association, which has almost 1000 members. An article entitled How to Get the Best Disease and Mite Resistant Queens has been submitted for publication to Bee Culture, one of two beekeeping trade journals. I can think of only one potential change to the Farmer/Rancher Grant Program. That is, at least in some cases it would be worthwhile for a specialist in a relevant field, for example tree fruit production or beekeeping, to look over grant applications and perhaps offer to provide on-going assistance. In beekeeping, at least, I believe that this would work within the NCR; if nothing else because at least two of the specialists have applied for and received fairly large SARE grants. In NY State there was a SARE Farmer/Rancher beekeeping project that would have benefited from interaction with the specialist at Cornell. Perhaps this might be done in cases where over a set amount is being requested, perhaps $4000 for an individual or $12,000 for three applicants. I do believe that the program fills an important need. This is based partly on my own experience but also from visits to four grant recipients several years ago.
Way Back When … 1600s The importance of beekeeping in colonial times is well documented. Because of the lack of native pollinators, colonists brought "bee skeps" (baskets placed with the open end down) along with apple trees on their journeys to America. Skeps were made from straw, typically with a single entrance at the bottom for the bees. The straw skeps in the kitchen garden of the Ogden House, the 18th Century farmhouse located at 1520 Bronson Road, represent the importance of beekeeping in the colonies. Bee pollination insured a garden’s productivity — the key to surviving in colonial New England. Apple trees and honeybees (Apis mellifera), used to pollinate the trees, were brought across the Atlantic in the early 1600s so the settlers could make cider. Cider and rum from the West Indies were the colonists’ two sources of drink, as water was considered not potable. The bees also made honey, which was used for medicinal, culinary and household purposes. Medicinally it was used in combination with many herbs and was solely applied to open wounds to prevent infection. An important sweetener, it was also an instant energy source and it served as a preservative for ham and fruits. In addition, beeswax was used for waterproofing leather, binding wounds and making candles. Honey and beeswax were so valuable they often were substituted for hard-to-find currency in very rural towns. In April of 2013 Fairfield Museum and the Fairfield Garden Club started an apiary, introducing two beehives to Ogden House colonial gardens. Today, with major support from individuals and town organizations, the number of hives in the apiary has grown to four. The bees at Ogden House produce honey each year, and it is bottled and sold at the Fairfield Museum Shop every September. Since 2013, hundreds of school children have visited the Ogden House Herb Garden and discovered the traditions of beekeeping, gardening and Colonial times. On Wednesday, April 26 from 12:30-1:30pm the Museum will host its monthly "History Bites" lunchtime chat and this month’s topic is Backyard Beekeeping with Ann Murray of the Backyard Beekeepers Association. Ms. Murray will discuss the history and basics of beekeeping, including how to get bees, types of hives and other necessary equipment, and share strategies for success. Bring a lunch and the Museum will provide iced tea and dessert. The lecture is free for Members. A $5 donation is suggested for Non-Members. The Fairfield Museum recognizes the importance of beekeeping in the history of the area and stocks several bee-related products in its Museum Shop, including honey body lotions and soaps, bee ties and bee-themed tea towels. In the fall the Shop sells the honey made on the Ogden House property. The Fairfield Museum and History Center is located at 370 Beach Road. Learn more about the history and culture of Fairfield, view rotating exhibitions and purchase Fairfield-themed gifts at the Museum Shop. For more information visit Fairfieldhistory.org or call (203) 259-1598; Fairfieldhistory.org.
Daviess County resident Jake Osborne has gone south for the winter. Although he will spend the next three months in Florida, it's not because he's a snowbird. It's for the sake of his honeybees. About a week before Thanksgiving, he loaded his 100 hives onto a flatbed and moved them 837 miles away to Polk County, Florida, where he already has an additional 100 hives overwintering. It's there that Osborne can grow his honeybee population instead of possibly losing a large portion of them by taking a chance on Kentucky's colder winter months. "By taking them down to Florida, you essentially gain an additional three months into the year," the 31-year-old beekeeper said. Honeybees, however, can survive Kentucky winters. In freezing temperatures, honeybees cluster together in their hives to create heat. But if they run out of honey where they're clustered, they will not move to another part of the hive that contains food, causing them to starve to death. "If I were to overwinter here, each hive would need at least 50 pounds of honey," Osborne said. "…They'll shiver their wing muscles to generate heat and they'll take turns on who's on the inside and outside the cluster. …I did a test one time with a thermometer and it was 9 degrees outside, but on the inside of the hive, it was reading 85 degrees." For the second straight year, Osborne has made the trip with his honeybees to Florida. He stays with his friend and fellow Kentucky beekeeper Rick Sutton who has a commercial honeybee operation. "While I'm down there, I'm helping him with his bees and in my spare time, I'll be working on mine," Osborne said. "…When I'm down in Florida, I'll probably make an additional two or three hundred starter hives, which I'll be selling to hobbyists," Osborne said. "That's so they can get started in beekeeping." Osborne was introduced to honeybees at 8 years old by a neighbor. And he's been passionate about them since. Currently, Osborne has about 200 hives. His goal is to become a commercial, full-time beekeeper with more than 1,000 hives. Although he's trying to turn his love of bees into a business, he's also trying to increase the overall honeybee population. Honeybees play a major role in the pollination of certain crops and flowers. Osborne said there are only about 5,000 commercial beekeepers in the United States. "We've seen quite a bit of interest in beekeeping, especially over the past eight years," Osborne said. "The industry as a whole has really gained a lot of interest, especially with the decline of the bee population." But with more and more hobbyists, Osborne believes the honeybees are making a comeback. He'll return home to Daviess County in the spring with his starter colonies ready to sell to people wanting to get into beekeeping or to those looking to expand their hives. "The starter hives will be ready for the customer probably about mid-April," Osborne said. "Mid-April in Kentucky is right when the blooms start to occur. And that's an excellent time to get started with bees." Don Wilkins, [email protected], 270-691-7299
Professional honey producers say people must stop wasting their hard earned money on expensive how to start beekeeping classes in Chester California reason being they can get cheaper training through online information plus ebooks which cost far less than beekeeping classes. The first lesson in keeping bees is to learn all you are able to from any resource you find. To be a successful beekeeper you’ll need to be learning, learning, learning. So what’s the best place to find your first lessons Beekeeping lessons are the best means to start out for anyone interested in keeping bees. There are number of places to find beekeeping lessons of various types. The most cost-effective lessons are offered on the web. Not only are these lessons able to be instantly downloaded but they’re fraction of the price of offline lessons that are practical. You’ve no way of knowing, what is truly required to be an effective beekeeper and what gear is needed when you first become interested in keeping bees. It can a daunting even working out where to start learning. Online lessons allow it to be easy to begin, presenting what you should know to begin and explaining common beekeeping jargon, in a way that is logical. Beekeeping is the sort of company or hobby where there’s always more to learn and not all of it can be learned through classes and books. Beekeeping is based on science but it’s also an artwork. There’s no teacher like genuine experience, which could only be obtained over time through really working with the bees. Every season is significantly diffent, no two summers are equally. Different challenges come to the hive and beekeeper that is part of what makes beekeeping fascinating. Even though bees have been framed for many numerous years, we’re still learning better methods to manage the bees and our surroundings. The environment has changed, much of it though our intervention. Beekeepers that are successful learn just as much as they can from any resource they uncover. A beekeeper wants keen powers of observation in managing the bees and to use all their senses. The most significant asset for a beekeeper, is a mind open to learning new things. Some people find that they can begin beekeeping after the lessons that are on-line, others like to first extend their learning with practical courses. It is better to do the online course first, as you will go into the considerably more pricey practical classes with a good understanding of what you might be seeing and already comprehending the beekeeping terms. After you have had some practical experience with your own bees you may like to pursue more schooling, there are faculty courses and certificates in beekeeping available. How far with beekeeping lessons you want to go, is really up to you I might strongly urge an internet beekeeping course, before you go to the expense of lessons that are practical and definitely before you get any bees.
well here it is january 22, 2009! my first beekeeping post of the year. after the sub zero temperatures of the last few i just was expecting the pink hive to have froze out. bees cluster for warmth during the winter, it is how they manage to survive. well those of you who followed my previous posts will know i had water issues with the pink hive and lost alot of bees then so figured there would be too few of them to make a cluster big enough to survive our unusually brutal temps we recently experienced. well after i was finished babysitting two of my grandchildren today,( i had drug little two year old colin out around 2:30 and he watched me raise the plastic, take the landing board reducers out and pull out just thousands of dead bees from all three hives), i raced outside when i got home to peak in the inner covers and see if i saw signs of life. (at 2:30 the yellow hive was the only one to have bees fly out to investigate when i pulled out their dead). well i am pleased to say the pink hive seems to be doing well, just clustered in the top hive body still! the picture at the top of this post is inside the pink hive when the cover was removed. yes there are some dead bees lying around, which is not unexpected on a good day, but there were many strong, alive ones and i am just thrilled! now i realize that many, many bees die during the long stretches between days where it is warm enough to bother the hives. but still, it is shocking to see the actual piles of dead bees i did pull out of each hive. the following pictures will show you. i am still uncertain if the white hive is alive or not. when i opened them up i did not see their cluster and none came to challenge me when i cleaned the hive out. but they fooled me before by just staying clustered in the middle of the hive, where i can't see them, so i am hoping. anyway, here are the pics of the deceased between the last time i cleaned them out, which was probably close to a month ago, and now. (you know these pictures might end up all over the place as i am still not good with adding pics to blogs, so hopefully you will be able to sort it all out, if not please ask!) if you are wondering what the blue bucket is on the pic of the inside of the pink hive, it is an inverted bucket with a couple of pin prick holes in the lid, and inside a 2 to 1 ratio of sugar syrup as a supplemental thing. my bee mentor does this with his hives but i didn't trust it much myself, and just put a tiny bit of syrup in buckets like this in each of the hives. i mean, if you have a full bucket of syrup right above your cluster and the bucket would burst from the cold, wow, the whole lot would drown out your bees! i am unsure if i will continue with this way of supplemental feeding. i think i much prefer the recipe for a bee candy that i found on the web, published by a welsh beekeeper i am in contact with. here is a link for the recipe and i suggest everyone check out his whole site, as it is well done, and he is most amiable to questions and communications. when you get to his site the little pictures at the top have pull down links to them. let me know what you think! would love feedback. i am trying to do my bees with no chemicals, just natural products , and that seems to be mr. davies way also. would love to keep chatting but time to get supper arranged. hugs to all
christmas health pack includes Manuka UMF 5+, Manuka & Propolis and Royal Jelly ApiHealth Manuka honey UMF® 5+ is produced in New Zealand and contains special properties not found in other honeys. ApiHealth UMF® 5+ Manuka Honey is guaranteed to be at least UMF® 5+ and has been verified by an independent testing laboratory. UMF® stands for ‘Unique Manuka Factor’, a measure of the unique type of activity which is naturally present at varying levels in honey made from the nectar of the Manuka bush (Leptospermum scoparium), native to New Zealand. The mark UMF® is followed by a number that indicates the strength of the UMF® activity in a batch of UMF® Manuka Honey. The higher the UMF® rating, the more potent the product. ✔ Stimulate physical performance, better memory, learning capacity and self-confidence ✔ General health improvement ✔ Increase resistance to viral infections ✔ Regulate blood pressure ✔ Sexual desire and performance ApiHealth Royal Jelly tablets contains fresh New Zealand Royal Jelly in combination with New Zealand Colostrums. Well known that Royal Jelly has very short shelf life. Therefore development of technologies of its preservation is very important. ✔ ApiHealth Royal Jelly tablets were produced with using of new preservative processing technology based on manufacturing of adsorbed royal jelly. This is new method of preservation of fresh liquid royal jelly, which is completely different from manufacture of lyophilized royal jelly. This technology allows preserve maximum of biological activity of Royal jelly in powder form. Therefore stimulating activity of adsorbed royal jelly in tablets is similar to natural liquid royal jelly. ✔ ApiHealth royal jelly tablets due to the best possibility of getting maximum beneficial properties from royal jelly, because of maximum penetration of royal jelly components into bloodstream is carried out through the larynx and mouth mucous membranes, as long as recommended to chew tablet until its complete dissolution. ✔ ApiHealth Royal Jelly tablets have very a pleasant taste and very and a very convenient for use. It can be used similar to candy. ✔ Shelf life of ApiHealth tablets is 3 years. General information about Royal Jelly Royal jelly is a creamy product secreted by young nurse worker bees for feeding to the queen, queen larvae and other young larvae. Royal jelly consists of an emulsion of proteins, sugars, and lipids in a water base. The proteins have no particularly unusual properties and have the main presumed function of providing the growing larva or the queen a readily digested source of protein. So, according to information referred in book “ Value-added products from beekeeping”, published in 1996, “of the nitrogenous substances, proteins average 73.9% and of the six major proteins (Otani et al., 1985) four are glycoproteins (Takenaka, 1987). Free amino acids average 2.3% and peptides 0.16% (Takenaka, 1984) of the nitrogenous substances. All amino acids essential for humans are present and a total of 29 amino acids and derivatives have been identified, the most important being aspartic acid and glutamic acid (Howe et al., 1985). The free amino acids are proline and lysine (Takenaka, 1984 and 1987). “The remainder of the composition, except the lipids, also appears to be oriented toward providing balance nutrients for the consuming individuals. The lipids are unusual because they lack the normal triglycerides and diglycerides that are composed of fatty acids having carbon chains of even numbers from 14 to 20 that are typical of insect fats. Instead royal jelly lipids composed mostly of short chained 8-10 carbon hydroxy fatty acids or diacid. These compounds have active functionalities at both ends of the molecule, are more soluble in water than usual fatty acids, are highly acidic and act as good detergents and antimicrobial agents. It is this latter property, antimicrobial activity that appears to be the main function of the lipids in royal jelly. The principal acid is 10-hydroxy-2-decanoic acid, followed by its saturated equivalent, lO-hydroxydecanoic acid. The sugars consist mostly of fructose and glucose in relatively constant proportions similar to those in honey. Fructose is prevalent. Miraculous beneficial properties of Royal Jelly attract attention of many researchers. Scientists discovered that regular consumption of Royal Jelly regulates the level of haemoglobin and erythrocytes in blood. Royal Jelly is very useful as an overall restorative remedy for patients depleted and weakened by severe sicknesses. It is also helpful in cases when the body is weakened by ageing. The patients gain their appetite and normal weight back, become cheerful and vivacious. New Zealand Colostrum Colostrum is the pre-milk fluid produced by mammals during the first 24 - 48 hours after giving birth. Colostrum provides life-supporting immune and growth factors that insure the health, vitality and protection of all mammalian babies (including humans) and has now been shown to protect and heal adults. NZ Colostrum is collected from pasture-fed, healthy, pesticide, hormone and antibiotic free New Zealand dairy cows. This colostrum is processed fresh using a unique low-heat, spray dry processing technique to ensure that the highest biological activity is retained. Colostrum is high in carbohydrates, protein and antibodies and low in fat (as human newborns may find fat difficult to digest). Colostrum contains all five immunoglobulins found in all mammals, IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG and IgM. There are many beneficial proteins in the colostrum, including a variety of growth factors (IGfs). Bovine colostrum is sometimes used by humans as a dietary supplement for general immunity and physical strength. Studies conducted by respected scientists, researchers and doctors around the world have identified just how beneficial the components of colostrums are. Evidence from these studies shows that colostrums can destroy viruses, toxins, bacteria, yeast and parasites. Additionally, colostrum powerfully boosts our immune function, helps accelerate injury healing, assists us in burning fat and building lean muscle mass, increases vitality and stamina, and elevates our mood. ✔ Aids the digestive system✔ Winter wellness Manuka & Propolis is specially formulated product containing soft Propolis extract and New Zealand Manuka honey. Manuka honey is a superior treatment for wounds and infections. Manuka honey is gathered in New Zealand from Manuka bush, Leptospermum scoparium, which grows uncultivated throughout the country. Research by Dr. Peter Molan MBE of Waikato University has shown that Manuka honey has very potent anti-bacterial activity and very effective in destroying many stains of bacteria. Propolis - "recognized as a powerful, all-natural protector" This sticky, brown resinous substance is collected by honeybees from various plants and mixed with wax. Used to sterilize their home against infection, bees also use propolis as a multi-purpose cement and varnish. Propolis is the only food on earth containing all 22 nutrients needed by the body for complete and perfect health. It contains over 16 different vitamins, rich in amino acids and trace elements; it also has a high vitamin content, including the valuable bioflavanoids and all in complete and natural balance. The bioflafanoids in Propolis make it a superb anti-inflammatory. Flavanoids are a class of natural products of high pharmacological potency. The high content of flavanoids in propolis is attributed to its success as a product itself. For centuries, physicians have used preparations, which contain flavanoids as the principal physiologically active constituents, in attempts to treat human disease. There are nine flavanoids in New Zealand propolis, these are unique from the mix of flavanoids in propolis of other origins. It is also enables it to be highly effective in boosting the whole body. It is believed that Hippocrates, the father of medicine, prescribed the use of propolis to help heal sores and ulcers, internally and externally . Unlike penicillin or other drugs, propolis it always effective, because bacteria and viruses cannot be build tolerances against it. Propolis actually stimulates strengthens and rejuvenates the immune system, which is the body’s defense system against disease, cellular destruction and aging.
“Beekeeping can be fun and profitable.” Our one-day course shows how beekeeping may help you earn a little extra cash while having fun with all aspects of beekeeping. It’s designed to help you avoid expensive beekeeping mistakes. Keeping bees for profit is possible, especially in Alberta. You’ll learn about – organic growth from backyard to sideliner to commercial; – equipment choices and shop/honey house considerations; – finances, projections, expectations, difficulties, setbacks, and success; – how much money you may make in a typical beekeeping year; – handling and marketing your products; – case histories of good and bad beekeeping businesses; – the beekeeper personality and lifestyle. How do people make money keeping bees? You’ll find out with Making Money from Honey When? Saturday, November 19, 2016: 9 am to 4:30 pm The fee of $139 includes pizza, handouts, and a full day of lectures! For details and to reserve your spot: e-mail Ron Miksha: [email protected]
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Order your Eames Molded Plastic Armchair Wire Base. Straight, elbow, wye (Y), cross, tee, swivel and even more styles are available. Some foundations can even treat skincare concerns like acne and fine lines, doing double-duty. We sell best makeup for African American women, best makeup for women of color, best makeup Latina Women, best makeup for Indian women, best makeup for Asian women, best black cosmetics and makeup for dark skin. The best value essential oils, cosmetic oils cosmetic bases, and cosmetic ingredients. Bring retail campaigns to life and watch sales accelerate with a little help from Plastic Products Mfg Retail Sign Holders! Think of them as Sales Assistants, helping engage customers who have already walked through your doors ready to shop and buy. Pole Base arrives at your job site ready for install. The half cone-shaped base makes eating easier by angling the utensil away from the palm. Almost everything that needs molds & molding parts, if you develop a new project then you need high-quality custom plastic mould & moulding company to support. This chair feat … ures a durable plastic molded seat and wood base. Base Layout. Custom-sized acrylic bases available upon request. Plastic Shed Bases | Eco-friendly and lightweight alternative to concrete shed bases. White Fold-up Boxes. Cosmetic Bases Sort by Featured Best Selling Alphabetically, A-Z Alphabetically, Z-A Price, low to high Price, high to low Date, new to old Date, old to new Beard Oil (Jojoba), 4 oz. Brock Paverbase is an overlapping panel system made from Polypropylene, an environmental material known for it's durability, resilience, and thermal insulation qualities. Place the cake on the included half sheet black base, using a half sheet cake board. ALASKA ALABAMA ARKANSAS ARIZONA. Thick Wall Straight Base Plastic Jars. plastic shed bases Our toughened plastic shed bases are used for a number of purposes mainly being they act as a solid building base for sheds, log cabins, greenhouses and summerhouses to sit on. Bath & Skin Care Bases. Uncover startup trends, get company funding data. KBRS provides waterproof easy to install tileable shower solutions. Converting 1" Plastic Miniatures There are a large number of plastic miniatures with one inch bases being produced now-a-days. Our new plastic bases have gone down a storm so, along with laser-cut wooden bases, we’re making them available in stores! View in Store. Gute Produktqualität zu attraktiven Preisen. Adeco Trading Plastic Umbrella Base UB0009 / UB0010 Color: Bronze. 5 M3 Medium Short PN: MB15W05HM3 15 11 M4 Medium Short PN: MB15W05HM4 15 21 M4 Medium Long PN: MB15W15HM4 15 11. plastic base synonyms, plastic base pronunciation, plastic base translation, English dictionary definition of plastic base. We help organize life!. Mannequinland offers a wide variety of Plastic Display Forms; Plastic Display Forms offer a low cost way to display all kinds of men's, ladies and children's apparel in an exciting and up-to-date manner. Captain Biotech, MIE Part-B, Bahadurgarh, Haryana - Manufacturer of CHARCOQAL SOAP, Herbal Facial Kit, Slim Ayurvedic Capsules, Moringa Capsule and Personal Care & Cosmetic Products since 2012. That is less than many insurance co-pays. Safco Dental Supply sells brand name dental supplies and products at discount prices. Secret Weapon Miniatures produces high quality, pressure cast resin bases for wargaming models and miniatures as well as a full line of weathering pigments, washes, conversion accessories, scenic kits and photo etched brass detailing sets. It is best to test possible irritants on a small patch of skin and wait 24 hours. Create your own display cases and trophies with our acrylic display bases. Add to Compare. The shiny black bases give your model a more finished, professional look, and. Natural and Organic Cosmetic Manufacturers Natural & Organic Cosmetics have come a long way. The type of plastic I will talk about is HDPE. As a part of our range, Stephenson offers a comprehensive range of Lotion and Cosmetic bases, ranging from natural cold process bases to Certified Organic cosmetic bases for production of lotions, creams, body butters etc. No matter if you're building a garden outhouse, a new timber framed office, outdoor Jacuzzi or just putting up a garden shed, we have a wide range of strong, eco-friendly foundation solutions to suit your project. Mac Mold Base, Inc. These layers of laminations are usually of cellulose paper, cotton fabrics, synthetic yarn fabrics, glass fabrics or unwoven fabrics. Thick Wall Straight Base Plastic Jars. Come down and have a look at the wide range of Beekeeping Equipment's. Almost everything that needs molds & molding parts, if you develop a new project then you need high-quality custom plastic mould & moulding company to support. From ultra-hydrating aloe vera gels, through to moisturising lotions, creams, cleansers and bath and shower bases, all of which make ideal carrying mediums for essential oils and other natural cosmetic ingredients. Sells a wide variety of plastic brochure holders and literature displays. The new footwear collection from Spanish fashion brand Ecoalf is made from recycled waste found in oceans and rivers. Lit Cosmetics™ glitter base comes in three formulas: Daily Wear Glitter Base™ (every day), Water Resistant Glitter Base™ (medium activity), and Forever Wear Glitter Base (heavy activity). Shop the full line of NARS cosmetics, makeup & skincare products. Versatile and multi-purpose, Cream Colour Base can be applied directly to bare skin, or layered over foundation, moisturizer, or powder. 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The first major plus is that plastic shed bases are ultra-lightweight, about 1/15 of the weight of your average same-sized concrete slab. Our products are manufactured and stored in a facility that uses nuts, dairy, wheat, alcohol, and animal by-products, including honey and goat's milk. Welcome to Hornsby Beekeeping Supplies in Australia. Suitable for decks, porches, gazebos and light exterior structures, Redi Base equipped column foundations have greatly increased load bearing capacity, will resist tilting. Commonly used in Hunter Douglas "UltraGlide" Cellular shades. lines of Charles and Ray Eames’ molded plastic side chair make it a desirable design object as well as a surprisingly comfortable seating addition to any environment. This ceramic technology makes vaping more effective by pulling the most flavor elements, while experiencing smooth hits. Welcome to DIY Beauty Base! Diybeautybase. 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Buy cosmetics and beauty products online from Sacha Cosmetics. com is the UK's leading independent supplier of plastic pallets, plastic pallet boxes and small plastic containers, crates and trays. Check with factory. Coptis Ingredients is a unique tool for formulators to find and discover cosmetic raw materials. Made with 100% natural ingredients, contains no parabens, sulphates, mineral oil, or Petroleum by-products. Up to 10% of people in the U. The gentle curves provide style and comfort. Sizes range from 1/8 oz to 16 oz. Renedra Plastic Bases and Accessories. Converting 1" Plastic Miniatures There are a large number of plastic miniatures with one inch bases being produced now-a-days. The most common areas that can be treated are frown lines, forehead lines and crows feet. These boxes can be ordered with low minimums, generally as low as 500, with no tooling or die charges. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. Searching for makeup products that look great and feel even better? Check out our wide-range of cosmetics designed for different skin concerns like acne, aging, dry skin, oily skin or sensitive skin. cosmetic bases salts & powders liquid carrier oils waxes & butters extracts specialty ingredients bodycare bases specialty ingredients salts & powders extracts cosmetic colors mineral makeup soap molds & cutters soap stamps botanicals lip balm flavours kits packaging supplies toys candle classes contact us company policies/shipping order. Same day shipping for cardboard boxes, plastic bags, janitorial, retail and shipping supplies. Candle Waxes & Additives. Searching for makeup products that look great and feel even better? Check out our wide-range of cosmetics designed for different skin concerns like acne, aging, dry skin, oily skin or sensitive skin. An original design by Charles and Ray Eames, this Eames Shell Chair is manufactured by Herman Miller. Bulk Base Products - No Minimums! Buy in Bulk & Save! Denham's Natural Produces some of the Finest Skin Care Bases you will find anywhere. Skip to main navigation Skip to main content. All-Over electroless plating plastic process offers customers with a low cost alternative to plated metal components. Fast, free shipping and easy returns. Amalia's Theme 2. Buy new plastic pallets - lightweight for export, medium duty for distribution & heavy duty for racking. Milani Cosmetics and beauty products, including face makeup, nail color and a full range of top quality makeup products, for women of any age, style or skintone Milani Cosmetics - FREE U. No matter if you’re building a garden outhouse, a new timber framed office, outdoor Jacuzzi or just putting up a garden shed, we have a wide range of strong, eco-friendly foundation solutions to suit your project. OFRA Cosmetics is all about perfecting beauty so you look as good as you feel. B15 British Napoleonic Riflemen 1808-15 (2 figures with head and arm options) B 29 Wars of the Roses/EA horses; B6 20mm x 20mm individual Green bases x 40. This chair feat … ures a durable plastic molded seat and wood base. Avon products include well-recognized and beloved brands such as ANEW, Avon Color, Avon Care, Skin-So-Soft, and Advance Techniques sold through nearly 6 million active independent Avon Sales Representatives. A plastic shower base can become darkened by years of footprints, soap scum, body oils, and dirt. Turn your dream outdoor living space into a reality with Superior Plastic Products full line of Vinyl Railing, Fencing, & Specialty Products. l-p-383, federal specification: plastic material, polyester resin, glass fiber base, low pressure laminated (24 oct 1967) [superseding mil-p-8013c] The material may be furnished as sheets or formed parts, as specified. Why Exhibit?. Accessibility help. Inventors of the bath bomb and home of bath art. 10" Large Plastic Clear Tower Base (12) Our Price: $33. A multitude of advanced areas in the lower face can also be addressed, such as gummy smiles, corners of the mouth and facial slimming. PBMD50BL Plastic Bases (25mm x 40mm) MEDIUM BLUE - 50 pack £6. com, the Nation's largest supply of above ground & underground plastic tank sizes, is the #1 retailer for plastic tanks. Kryolan is the professional make-up brand loved and used by make-up artists worldwide, producing high-end make-up, including the award winning Dermacolor, Supracolor, Aquacolor and High Definition ranges, plus make-up for stage, screen and special effects. The right foundation makes your skin look like your skin — only better. World's largest and experienced manufacturer of environmentally friendly clear plastic boxes for packaging - HLP Klearfold. The six arms and two legs (much like you might encounter fighting a giant spider) attach easily to the 64" trunk. A Rutgers-led team of surgeons developed a groundbreaking procedure based on a century-old plastic surgery technique, to save the life of a patient who suffered complications following the removal. The following is a list of the average cost of several popular types of dermal fillers, according to 2017 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and are priced as a per syringe cost. Read reviews & get Free Shipping today. Our bases range from organic creams and lotions through to SLS free shampoo and conditioner. Let plastic panels take the place of the gravel base. attached the waterer jar will make a gravity-feeder waterer. 5 M3 Medium Short PN: MB15W05HM3 15 11 M4 Medium Short PN: MB15W05HM4 15 21 M4 Medium Long PN: MB15W15HM4 15 11. The Plastic Shaft Base Pack contains various length shafts for different purposes and pitches your design may require. Professional craftsman can install ceramic tiles, but hiring a professional is costly. Plastic Resin Distribution & Compounding. We offer a comprehensive range of cosmetic and lotion bases, ranging from natural cold process bases to certified organic cosmetic bases. ALASKA ALABAMA ARKANSAS ARIZONA. The pH of skin on the human face is naturally between 4. Rings of Earth 5. the bottom support; that on which something stands; a fundamental principle; basis; foundation: Place the vase on the base. Marco Awards Group is a wholesale trophy component distributor with over 31 company-owned domestic distribution centers, including locations in both Canada and Puerto Rico. Toiletry and Cosmetic bases. Bulb Industries in Bahadurgarh - INDUSTRIAL DIRECTORY OF BAHADURGARH CITY, DIGITAL BAHADURGARH, PORTAL OF BAHADURGARH CITY, INDUSTRIES(Companies) in Bahadurgarh City, Factories in Bahadurgarh, Footwear Park, HSIIDC, MIE. We provide a comprehensive range of Essential Oils, Vegetable Oils, Organically Certified oils, Cosmetic Ingredients Floral Absolutes, and Natural Health & Beauty products. Accessories for Glass. Sign me up to hear from M·A·C Cosmetics about future products, services, events, offers, and to get early notice to shop online before products are in stores. Repeat between * to end of round, joining with a Sl St to top of Ch 1. Keep your parasol standing firm and in the perfect position for optimal shade with our quality parasol bases, including both plastic and concrete. It was a marked improvement in application, stability and finish over the tradition oil bases, but improvements since then have rendered these nearly extinct. In 30 meters of cycle path (the length of each pilot) there is as much recycled plastic as 218,000 plastic cups or 500,000 bottle caps. Copas de margarita, martini, champagne y mas. 6 out of 5 stars 13 £64. Excellent service and great prices. Our Cosmetic Bases are so robust that it makes cosmetic making an easy process, allowing you to focus on your unique fragrance combinations, coloring, decorating and your branded packaging. Shop Smashbox for high-performing primers & foundations, long-wearing lipsticks, on-trend eye makeup & palettes. Bases Here you will find a large number of plastic bases to replace missing or damaged bases or to make your own scenic bases for showing of your models. White Fold-up Boxes. The California Safe Cosmetics Act (the Act) requires companies that manufacture cosmetics to report any cosmetics products that contain ingredients known or suspected to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. These bases have a slot in the middle that is the perfect slant for easy viewing. Lit Cosmetics™ glitter base comes in three formulas: Daily Wear Glitter Base™ (every day), Water Resistant Glitter Base™ (medium activity), and Forever Wear Glitter Base (heavy activity). 90 PBLG50BL Plastic Bases (30mm x 40mm) LARGE BLUE - 50 pack £7. Plastic Shed Bases | Eco-friendly and lightweight alternative to concrete shed bases. All items are made of natural marble. This group includes biopolymers such as proteins and carbohydrates that are constituents of all living organisms. Replacement Plastic Base With Folding Legs For Gemmy Airblown® Inflatables! ADD THIS ITEM TO ANY INFLATABLE TO SAVE ON SHIPPING! This Base Is For Use With Gemmy Airblown Inflatable Motor SJD-B2-N and TH-BL3-N. Mold releases: cleaner & safer are the watchwords the rubber stopper is made of bloodless bromobutyl rubber, tightly fixed to the plastic base of the lid and is necessary for piercing with a needle. Versatile and multi-purpose, Cream Colour Base can be applied directly to bare skin, or layered over foundation, moisturizer, or powder. Synonyms for plastic base in Free Thesaurus. From ultra-hydrating aloe vera gels, through to moisturising lotions, creams, cleansers and bath and shower bases, all of which make ideal carrying mediums for essential oils and other natural cosmetic ingredients. 080" and as thick as. At Compactors Inc. Polylok, Inc. Custom dimensions are a specialty, for any project we can offer just about any type of plastic tank. FULL ROUND PLASTIC FORMS AND BASES from MANNEQUINLAND. Read reviews & get Free Shipping today. All items ship worldwide. Each moisturizing cosmetic base is free of genetically-modified ingredients, parabens, pesticides, solvents, and phthalates. Anti-wrinkle injections are commonly used to relax facial muscles that cause lines and wrinkles. The plastic cover fits up to a 24" diameter base and protects vehicles from minor dings. Goplasticpallets. is the largest dealer in the USA of used molds. Industries served include plastic injection, die cast, special machine tools, complete compression tooling builds, weldments and fabricating. Your parasol bases can be damaged from extreme weather conditions or, depending on the material, stained with mildew, fungi, or general grime. The Fiber Armchair Wood Base can be upholstered in all colors from Kvadrat's Remix, Steelcut, Steelcut Trio, Canvas, Clara, Hallingdal, Divina MD & Divina Melange textile series, in all Wooly colors from Nevotex, as well as in Refined Leather, Endure Leather and Faux Leather. ocean plastic. MAC Cosmetics | Beauty and Makeup Products - Official Site. All items ship worldwide. Mis bases favoritas de alta cobertura. Dura-Whelp® the Original Professional whelping-box is the worlds cleanest, easiest & safest since 1994. We have a same day shipping option (cost is $20. -deep layer of compacted gravel. This dermal filler was first used in dentistry and reconstructive surgery and has a long safety record. Which plastic base is best? by Claudia Hello John, I will be putting together a 6' x 8' shed (Eightbisix Shack Up) and have seen your info on plastic bases which I really like the idea of. This chair feat … ures a durable plastic molded seat and wood base. Whether you are looking for information about soap making, need Soap Making Supplies or melt and pour bases, we offer a number of products together with soap colors and fragrances. UK, Europe, Indie Nail Polish Supplier of cosmetic mica powder for soap, nail polish suspension base, liquid pigments , nail polish, makeup and candles. Our product line includes shower pans, shower bases, drains, niches, waterproofing and more. We provide a range of table furnishings to fit your specific needs. Retailer Sign-In. Read on to learn more about each type of moisturizing cosmetic base and determine which one is the best fit for your cosmetic needs. Shop jane iredale The Skincare Makeup for nourishing supplements, natural skincare formulas and multitasking mineral makeup. We offer professional quality, cruelty-free makeup, and expert advice. Here you will find a huge variety of toiletry bases, all ready to go and use straight away to make your own products. Depending on the type of store you own, your display needs vary. The Pediatric Plastic Base Utensil is great for little hands at the dinner table. Base Layout. Visit your local store for the widest range of garden & outdoor products. You may also like: Plastic Impact Sprinkler Head. Expressions® bases and lids provide a high quality, straight-to-the-table dining experience that inspires preference and motivates sales. Molds and Plastic Machinery, Inc. NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP Eyeshadow Base, White, 0. Candle Waxes. 00) if you need your order out in a 24 hr window. Plastic Box B is empty and has dimensions 5 cm by 3 cm by 12 cm. White Fold-up Boxes. Renedra Plastic Accessories - Plastic Bases - North Star Military Figures - 28mm Metal Miniatures for Gamers and Collectors Multi-buy Renedra Plastic Accessories - Plastic Bases (29 products found). This chair feat … ures a durable plastic molded seat and wood base. O ur Cream Bases are Thicker and Richer than most you will find, This to help ensure that when adding fragrance or essential oils they hold their texture without leaking out of a standard cosmetic wide mouth jar. It is completely filled with juice. Secret Weapon Miniatures produces high quality, pressure cast resin bases for wargaming models and miniatures as well as a full line of weathering pigments, washes, conversion accessories, scenic kits and photo etched brass detailing sets. We can not guarantee that your additions will not de-stabilize the base, especially cosmetic bases, as we can not test for every possible addition. Our crystal clear blocks can be used for display bases, acrylic award bases, lamp bases, any application where crys from Delvie's Plastics. is the largest dealer in the USA of used molds. Turn your dream outdoor living space into a reality with Superior Plastic Products full line of Vinyl Railing, Fencing, & Specialty Products. The right foundation makes your skin look like your skin — only better. Thick Wall Straight Base Plastic Jars. Mac Mold Base, Inc. partner of (Stephenson Brand), Bulk Apothecary has prices that can't be beat. Here's the deal sealer, Chessex sells these bases for $15 delivered for 50 bases! Actually it's $10 for 50 bases, or $20 for 100 bases, and they charged me exact cost of US Priority Mail shipping, which was something like $5. All items ship worldwide. We provide a range of table furnishings to fit your specific needs. All bases are weighted to give the feel of marble without the cost. Bases and base inserts let you easily customise your miniatures to a number of themes. A wide range of options available in stock for next day delivery. Plastic Molding Technology, Inc. The INCI system was established in the early 1970’s by the Personal Care Products Council (former CTFA, Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association) and the list is maintained by the Personal Care Products Council. Mannequinland is your one-stop shop for all types of mannequins and display forms!. Polylok, Inc. Fast, free shipping and easy returns. Email Yes, I consent to the collection, processing, and use of my personal data provided above for the purposes of contacting me via email and otherwise regarding products, services, promotions, events, invitations, news, and other communications relating to products from COSMETIC SOLUTIONS. It can even out and brighten your skin tone, helping products like concealer and blush go on smoothly. A case of 24 8in x 8in Modeling Bases for a uPrint SE Plus or Dimension SST/BST/Elite 3D Printer. Add to Compare. Some foundations can even treat skincare concerns like acne and fine lines, doing double-duty. EWG's Skin Deep ® cosmetic database gives people practical solutions to protect themselves and their families from everyday exposures to potentially toxic chemicals in personal care and beauty products. We carry many types of organic and conventional wholesale plant oils, several types of melt & pour ("glycerin") soap bases, a selection of exotic organic and conventional plant butters, essential oils, and various bath crystals, all that can be used in all types of soaps, toiletries and skin care products. com is the UK's leading independent supplier of plastic pallets, plastic pallet boxes and small plastic containers, crates and trays. Just add your favorite colors, fragrances, or other ingredients of your choice and your product is completed. 10" Large Plastic Clear Tower Base (12) Our Price: $33. Tesco announces plans to eliminate one billion plastic pieces (11/04/2019) $150 million commitment from Huntsman family will establish mental health institute at the University of Utah (11/04/2019) ConocoPhillips Reports Third-Quarter 2019 Results; Returns-Focused Value Proposition Continues to Deliver (10/29/2019). Use them to set up umbrellas at your backyard picnic table to keep you and your guests comfortably shaded while enjoying a meal or snacks. As an exclusive U. This chair feat … ures a durable plastic molded seat and wood base. 5mm thick and in a large variety of sizes, and grey which are the same thickness but feature a flagstone pattern on one side. Each moisturizing cosmetic base is free of genetically-modified ingredients, parabens, pesticides, solvents, and phthalates. Adjustable Glides with Plastic Bases are designed for use on a wide variety of tables, cabinets, filing cabinets, racks, workbenches, non-moving chairs, and other applications. Our custom department can create the perfect display case for your home or business. We have containers for every product. Or, use them to create distinctive wall plaques with the T-Slot Router Bits in our Router Bit Section. and Canadian surgeons in our referral service are all board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery or The Royal College of Physicians and. Unlike menu card stands with a squared base and frame, these items have a stylish design that subtly, yet effectively showcases signage while enhancing the tabletop it is displayed on. They can also cause irritated skin or an allergic reaction. Shipping with $30 Orders. Shop IT Cosmetics makeup at ULTA. However, Straight from our container to yours; Unscented, All of our creams can be easily handled and used without modification. Many of the trophy bases come in multiple sizes to accommodate different size figures, cups, bowls and column trophies. Abteilung 502 Oils; Abteilung 502 Pigments; Ak Interactive Air. 375 Old Bridge Turnpike; 1-866-777-7303 (Toll-Free) [email protected] Refinishing a shower base is the best way to restore and clean the shower's floor surface. Liberally spray the plastic with the vinegar solution completely soaking the plastic. With benefits such as being quick and easy to install and easy setting levels, a plastic shed base provides load spreading support to the heavy. Anti-wrinkle injections are commonly used to relax facial muscles that cause lines and wrinkles. Perfect to display flags on your desk, counter, shelf or anywhere! <. Phenolic sheet is a hard, dense material made by applying heat and pressure to layers of paper or glass cloth impregnated with synthetic resin. Foundation is the base for all your other makeup. net) has taken initiative for Digital Bahadurgarh Directory for various Industries operational in Bahadurgarh. By far our most popular product, Elasticene has numerous uses in many industries, in packaging, film, bags and more. To “unsubscribe,” click the link at the bottom of any e-mail we send. Headquartered in El Paso, PMT provides precision plastic molding and injection molded plastic parts to global customers, including maquiladora manufacturers located in Juarez, Mexico. Find and save ideas about Plastic Bottle Flowers on Pinterest. Mannequinland is your one-stop shop for all types of mannequins and display forms!. We have a same day shipping option (cost is $20. EWG's Skin Deep ® cosmetic database gives people practical solutions to protect themselves and their families from everyday exposures to potentially toxic chemicals in personal care and beauty products. Christmas Floral Supplies: Christmas Decorations, Artificial Christmas Trees: Some of our Christmas decorating items include Christmas Advent wreath supplies like foam designer rings with plastic tray, and our. Cosmetics range from everyday hygiene products such as soap, shampoo, deodorant, and toothpaste to luxury beauty items including perfumes and makeup. Suitable for use with 30mm diameter poles. Palm Wax Guidelines. Peer reviewed and up-to-date recommendations written by leading experts. Avon is the Company that for 130 years has proudly stood for beauty, innovation, optimism and, above all, for women. Plastic-Mart. Each of the NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP Eyeshadow Bases creates a smooth canvas for color, increases its durability and prevents fallout. As the trusted voice for the cosmetics and personal care industry, the Personal Care Products Council advocates on behalf of its member companies for science-based public policy that helps to further our commitment to safety, quality and innovation. The line includes bases for 4x4, 4x6, 5x5, 6x6, 8x8,10x10 and 12x12 columns. Order your Eames Molded Plastic Armchair Wire Base. Do not use solvents or abrasive kitchen cleaners. The Base Cabinet has a unique, snap together design that is quick and easy to assemble with no tools. Discover the latest Collections, Online exclusives, Artist tips and Videos. They can also be used on their own for simple, gentle skincare. Do you need soap boxes for your soap making venture, lip balm tubes, beeswax, fragrance oils, liquid soap base, melt and pour soap base, or recipes for soap making?. Cosmetics testing is banned in the Netherlands, India, Norway, Israel, New Zealand, Belgium, and the UK, and in 2002, the European Union agreed to phase in a near-total ban on the sale of animal-tested cosmetics throughout the EU from 2009, and to ban all cosmetics-related animal testing. Shop Stud Mount Leveling Feet - Plastic Rigid Base at Essentra Components US. We have a wide selection of cosmetic bases which are ideal for making your own natural aromatherapy skincare and hair care products. NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP Eyeshadow Base, White, 0. Top 5 bases de maquillaje con cobertura extrema. Crafter’s Choice Lotion Bases are used by soap makers to expand their product line. Includes news and links. Also see our RPG Bases gallery on our facebook page. net) has taken initiative for Digital Bahadurgarh Directory for various Industries operational in Bahadurgarh. Search results are detailed data sheets with tensile strength, density, dielectric constant, dissipation factor, poisson's ratio, glass transition temperature, and Vicat softening point. formed’s range of custom shower bases are designed to create a seamless look from your oor through to your shower base. To visit our custom page please click custom link in the products category list on the left side of this page or just Custom Display Cases. LITKO® RPG Bases are general purpose black acrylic bases that you can use to mount a variety of items. Suitable for use with 30mm diameter poles. cosmetic products & bases Beauty and Skin care products continue to dominate market seeing the demand for natural/organic personal care continues to increase. Hardware 3D Printers 3D Plastic Printers 3D Dental Printers 3D Electronic Printers 3D Plastic Printers. Essentials by Catalina is a white label manufacturer of bulk bath and body products. Cosmetic bases are prefabricated, standardized mixtures of basic ingredients for making cosmetic products in an easy and fast way. Texas Natural Supply is not liable for any incident or complication which may result from improper storage, misuse, misbranding or adulteration of products once they have left our care and custody. com with Free Delivery. Shop best-selling CC Cream, concealer, eyebrow pencils and more. The gentle curves provide style and comfort. Plastic House on Base of Sky by Kayo Dot, released 24 June 2016 1. Eames Molded Plastic Chairs are available as side chairs or armchairs, and in a choice of colors, including archival or new options. Essential has combined rich oils, butters, and exotic botanicals to make melt and pour products that are easy and fun to use. 00) if you need your order out in a 24 hr window. Find quality plant saucers online or in store. Adjust sts to fit head by adding or decreasing sts as needed to fit your head. Find problem-solving products with anti-aging technology. Chrome plated zinc alloy cowl with black plastic base. The new material has a plastic base and is designed to prevent the deformation of stored images even when it is bent. Aromatherapy Oils. At 4th Base Cosmetics we care very much about how you feel, and not just how you look. Cosmetic ingredient database CosIng is the European Commission database for information on cosmetic substances and ingredients contained in the Cosmetics Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council. 100% Fragrance Free. Real Results! TM. All items are made of natural marble. These revisions, which are aesthetically almost imperceptible, increase the comfort of this classic chair design, especially in combination with contemporary tables. On this page: Wool, cotton, silk, wood and leather are examples of natural polymers that have been known and used since ancient times. As a part of our range, Stephenson offers a comprehensive range of Lotion and Cosmetic bases, ranging from natural cold process bases to Certified Organic cosmetic bases for production of lotions, creams, body butters etc. The company is a member of the DSA. Each moisturizing cosmetic base is free of genetically-modified ingredients, parabens, pesticides, solvents, and phthalates.
The River Thames is almost as famous as London itself. Winding its way through the heart of the city, it draws in locals and... While London’s West End grabs a lot of attention with its world-famous theatres and historic landmarks, don’t forget to look east in search of the capital’s many charms. With a youthful vibe and plenty of trendy locals, E1 has a lot to offer in terms of culture, shopping and food. Spitalfields City Farm You wouldn’t necessarily think that farming and the sprawling metropolis of London would fit together very well, but you’ll quickly change your mind after a visit to Spitalfields City Farm. Conveniently located just a short walk away from Liverpool Street and the Whitechapel Underground station, the farm presents a rural oasis in the heart of a big city. Visitors will get to spend time with Bayleaf the donkey, Bentley the goat, Mr Kelly the parrot, and a host of other animals. The farm makes a great day out for families too, with educational activities ranging from beekeeping to veg growing. You’ll also find plenty of opportunities to support the farm personally via sponsorship or volunteering, as well as by visiting the farm’s very own cafe serving coffee and ethically sourced food. London’s East End is also a haven for anyone that likes a bargain, and Spitalfields Market should be top of your list. Just a ten minute walk from Spitalfields City Farm, the site is certainly historic – there has been a market here for more than 350 years – but it has plenty of modern delights on offer. The market is open seven days a weeks and has stalls specialising in fashion, music, children’s toys, jewellery and home interior. You’ll find second-hand bargains alongside the latest wares and well-known high-street brands next to one-of-a-kind handmade items. The must-see stall: Electrickery If there’s one stall that really shows off Spitalfields Market’s quirky wares, it’s Electrickery. Here you’ll find cufflinks, earrings and home lighting, all with one unique feature: everything’s made out of recycled circuit boards! One of the great things about visiting E1 is that it packs so much into a relatively small area. Just another five minutes’ walk away is Brick Lane, the next stop on your tour of the East End. This famous street is a great representation of East London cool, with vintage clothing stores and eye-catching street art seemingly around every corner. Being home to a significant proportion of London’s Bangladeshi community, Brick Lane has also become famous as one of the best places to get an authentic curry. There’s also plenty of cafes and bars to stop at, as well as a market on Sundays. Perhaps the best reason to visit Brick Lane however, is simply to absorb the atmosphere. As a vibrant melting pot of different styles and cultures, it perfectly encapsulates all the best parts of London’s East End. Grab a quick bite: Don’t spoil your appetite before dinner, but no trip to Brick Lane would be complete without a trip to Brick Lane’s Beigel Bake. At this 24-hour eatery, you can pick up a rainbow bagel any time of day or night. After spending your day absorbing the sights and sounds of E1, you’ll probably be in need of a hearty meal to replenish your energy levels. Although this part of London has so many different restaurants to choose from, you won’t find one much better than Tayyabs, which has been serving authentic Punjabi cuisine since 1972. If you’ve just come from Brick Lane, you’ll find the restaurant on Fieldgate Street, just a short walk away. Once you arrive at Tayyabs, you’ll discover a friendly, family-owned business serving mouth-watering dishes washed down with ice cold beers or soft drinks. Must try: The Karahi Fish or Chicken Tikka Masala, both chef specialties, are the stars of the show here. If things get too spicy: If you’ve gone a little overboard on the chilli, don’t reach for your water. A mango lassi is much more effective at cooling the burn.
Bee stuff for sale, locations, help wanted, etc. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1 I live in North Boulder and am surrounded by Columbine Park. An avid gardener who volunteers for Boulder County Master Gardening Program, I do not use chemicals and have focused on planting bee friendly plants for some time. I would love to host a hive for someone looking to do beekeeping but without a place to do so. If you are interested, please contact me at [email protected].
’90 Day Fiancé’: Anna’s Mom Discovers Mursel’s Big Secret 90 Day Fiancé cast member 38-year-old Anna Campisi, a Nebraskan mom of three, only spent 30 days with her 38-year-old Turkish love, Mursel Mistanoglu, before they decided to get married. While Campisi said she didn’t feel it was too soon, her husband-to-be dropped a bombshell secret during his first meeting with his future mother-in-law that had the whole family worried. Mistanoglu met Campisi’s mother for the first time When Mistanoglu arrived in the United States, he had only ever spent time with his fiancée, Anna, in his home country of Turkey. The pair met on social media and bonded over their mutual love of bees and beekeeping. After just a month together, they decided to get married. While Campisi seemed eager for her fiancé to bond with her three sons from a previous relationship (15-year-old Joey, 14-year-old Gino, and six-year-old Leo), things didn’t go as well as the couple had hoped. The language barrier posed a problem, and the boys didn’t warm to their new roommate easily after he insulted American pizza. Mursel’s first meeting with Campisi’s mother, Charlene, didn’t go much better. Mistanoglu, a devout Muslim, didn’t appreciate that Charlene drank at the restaurant. Meanwhile, Anna awkwardly declined a beer despite admitting she wanted one. 90 Day Fiancé fans think the major cultural differences between Anna and Mursel could pose bigger problems for the pair in the future. The Turkey native confessed to keeping Campisi’s sons a secret from his family After the initial awkwardness, Mursel dropped an even bigger bombshell during dinner. He admitted that he hadn’t told any of his family members back home about her three sons. When asked why, he said with the help of a translation app, “Because I love Anna so much. My family can hinder love.” He elaborated to 90 Day Fiancé producers, sharing, “I haven’t told my mom and dad about Anna’s children. The reason is in Turkey, people find things like this odd…You marry a woman with children, that is upsetting.” Charlene was understandably horrified by the revelation. Making matters worse, her teen son Gino was at the table to hear the secret himself. The ’90 Day Fiancé’ stars admitted their relationship was in jeopardy When Anna’s mother asked what would happen if Mistanoglu’s family found out about her grandchildren, the answer wasn’t exactly promising. Anna said that he could be banished from his family. “That’s why he’s coming here,” she explained. “He wanted me to go to Turkey and live with him in Turkey, but I said I wasn’t going to leave the boys.” So he came to America, Campisi explained, because he had “no choice.” But the 90 Day Fiancé star’s mother wasn’t satisfied. “But he asked you to leave your sons,” she pressed. “What kind of guy does that?” Even Gino chimed in, admitting to producers, “I don’t know how much Mursel is really in love with my mom.” She also wanted to know if Mursel would ultimately choose Anna over his family if push came to shove. “Maybe, Anna,” he said hesitantly, leaving the future of their relationship in doubt.
Assisting urban beekeepers and providing beekeeping supplies in Auckland Senta's father was a beekeeper in South Africa, so beekeeping runs in the family. Our interest in bees started in 2009 / 2010 when we innocently purchased a beehive which we kept in our garden in Mellons Bay. Our learning curve was steep and our bees made, despite our inexperience, some honey. We then started looking deeper into beekeeping as a hobby and found that beekeepers are the most helpful people. And so we learned and learned about bees, diseases, AFB, DECA, Varroa, Tutin, water content, types of sugars and all that it takes to be a beekeeper. We learned also that this dedication is probably not shared by everyone who wants to have bees in their garden. Bees need to be "kept"; they don't keep themselves anymore. Here is a hobby that requires some critical guidelines to be followed and if we want councils to keep allowing bees in urban areas, then we best band together and do things as well as we can. So we realize that perhaps some want help with their bees so that we're not inadvertantly destroying more than we create. Soon we spent more time with our bees and also on our new web design and development business Hello Web (www.helloweb.co.nz). By then passionate hobby beekeepers, we got involved with other beekeepers in the area, and hope to assist others to start off with bees. (Uli completed his DECA qualification, just because he likes to to things properly.) ...and so the business Urban Hive was created. Senta working one of our hives at 16 Montressor Place. We realized quickly that the needs of the urban beekeeper are unique and learned that mistakes can be costly, not only for single beehives, but for beehives in the surrounding area. We started giving intoductory sessions and lessons to assist and educate. This site is dedicated to those that want to keep bees as a hobby and those who are interested in supporting beekeeping in our communities. The website is made up from our experiences and includes stories - our own as well as the stories told to us by fellow beekeepers. We have included information that will get you started and we offer support either directly or that which is avaialble on the website. Call us if your have a question. We're still learning like all other beekeepers. New Zealand has strict bio security rules regarding the keeping of bees and we strongly encourage following these rules - in fact, if you use our services, we insist that the rules are followed. The amount of information can be quite overwhelming and therefore we offer services that support you through the maze of rules. Our shop is limited to products that are typically required by the hobby beekeeper. You'll find us in east Auckland at 16 Montressor Place, Mellons Bay, Auckland. Urban Hive Limited is New Zealand Owed and Operated.
Commodity Checkoff Support Reiterated The NCC joined 19 other agricultural organizations on identical letters to the chair and ranking member of both the Senate and House agriculture committees and to Secretary of Agriculture Vilsack, reiterating their strong support for the various state and federally authorized research and promotion programs, commonly known as checkoffs, in which those organizations’ members participate. December 13, 2011 Honorable Debbie Stabenow, Chairwoman Honorable Pat Roberts, Ranking Member Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry 328A Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Chairwoman Stabenow and Ranking Member Roberts: The undersigned organizations reiterate our strong support for the various state and federally authorized research and promotion programs, commonly known as checkoffs, in which our members participate. Recent distorted media attacks and ill-conceived legislative proposals ignore how these programs are established and approved in referenda by producers who fund the programs with their own money.With oversight provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), producers have taken it upon themselves to fund over $905 million of research, promotion and consumer education programs annually through checkoff activities at no cost to the federal government.In these austere budgetary times, our producers should be commended and certainly deserve the support of the authorizing committees and USDA. Our members see the checkoff program as an investment in their families' future, an investment which they and their fellow producers have voluntarily adopted.We support these programs and look forward to working with you to ensure their continued success. American Beekeeping Federation American Farm Bureau Federation American Mushroom Institute American Sheep Industry Association American Soybean Association National Cattlemen's Beef Association National Corn Growers Association National Cotton Council National Council of Farmer Cooperatives National Farmers Union National Milk Producers Federation National Pork Producers Council National Potato Council National Sorghum Producers National Watermelon Association Produce Marketing Association United Dairymen of Arizona United Egg Producers United Fresh Produce Association Western Peanut Growers Association
I’ve had a few people ask if I’ll be at the Downtown Market this summer. Sadly, I decided not to attend this year. Instead, you can find me the Old Strathcona Farmer’s Market every weekend year round. It’s been a while since I refreshed this page but rest assured I’m still very actively beekeeping and selling honey at the Old Strathcona Farmer’s Market on Saturdays. Similar to many farms in the area, the weather was a challenge for us here at Beanstalk Honey this year. April was very cold and then in May we went straight into a hot summer. Overall, it was an exceedingly hot and dry summer, with less than two inches of precipitation from May to September in my main beeyards and on our alfalfa fields. However, I’ve heard many areas received more moisture and in those areas the bees did quite well this season. It is interesting having bees: they are a window into the effects of climate on plants. Hot, dry weather prompted the plants to all bloom earlier and intensively this year. Instead of groups of plant species blooming successively throughout the season, thereby providing bees with nectar and pollen all summer, many of the species bloomed together and earlier. This meant the build-up of the bee population coming out of winter was out of sync with the main nectar flow. This year, my bees reached peak population just at the end of the main nectar flow, which ended several weeks earlier than usual. This pattern has resulted in greatly reduced honey yields for the beekeeper (me, unfortunately). The flip side of early, compressed nectar and pollen flows is we’ve experienced a nectar and pollen dearth for the bees in the last two Augusts, as have many other beekeepers right across Canada. We are learning to adapt our beekeeping management to address the shifting and compression of pollen and nectar flow dates; unfortunately a lot of the adaptation relies on supplementing the bee’s natural diet with human-made pollen and nectar replacements. I have a few ideas to try next year; I’ll let you know how they go! Thanks for checking in! I’ll have a stall at Edmonton’s Seedy Sunday on March 18th. I’ll be selling my usual varietal honey and I’ll also have some beeswax. I’m looking forward to getting some seed for my garden this spring! Go to http://www.edmontonseedysunday.org to get the details. Apparently it’s not spring yet… we woke up this morning to another few inches of snow. This is in addition to last week, when we got around 7 inches. Yes, the date is April 24th! The bees are just waiting to get out there and snag the aspen and willow pollen. I thought I’d post a few rare photos! The bees started bringing in pollen this week. I bought a microscope last fall and I’ve been learning how to identify pollen using it. I have confirmed the first fresh pollen of this year is alder pollen. Alder pollen is very distinctive under the microscope: while most pollen is round or oblong, alder pollen is square or pentagonal. I’m glad I’ve finally found a unique and easy pollen to identify! A lot of pollen looks almost the same to this newbie beginner pollen-IDer. The bees look great again this year. To date I’ve had 5% winter losses, which is the same as what I had last year. I haven’t treated with fumagillin in two years now, with the exception of a small handful of sick hives last spring. I haven’t used apivar in over a year. Combined with the lack of intensive agriculture in my neck of the woods, I’m tempted to apply for organic certification now. I’m not sure if I will but I’ll make sure you hear about it if I do! I continue to have my honey for sale at the Old Strathcona Market. My stall is still along the west wall. I’ll be back outside at the City Market Downtown in May. Heads up: Beanstalk Honey is in a new location this month at the Old Strathcona Farmer’s Market. We’ll now be on the west wall between Happy Camel and Little Jack Horner Meat Pies. This weekend we’ll have fresh pollen, comb honey, and the last fresh honey of the season. We’ll be at the Downtown Market this weekend and next and then we’ll just be at the Old Strathcona Market. We decided not to go into City Hall this year, although it’s a great market in there. The title says it all. Fresh honey, on the stalls this weekend. The sweet pea flower bouquets are back this week too. We’re growing some unusual varieties with interesting colours this year and they’ve started blooming two weeks earlier than last year. Just thought I’d let you know, you know.
To be updated with the latest information in the apiculture industry to can visit our beekeeping latest news. On the other hand in case you’re starting beekeeping and desire to start professional apiculture today get a copy of our beekeeping for beginners ebook. Beekeeping can either be a full-time profession or a hobby that is simple. Nevertheless, more often than not, what started as a hobby would turn into a profession. But you cannot just tell and determine yourself you will begin to do beekeeping. You need to have comprehension and adequate knowledge on the area that you’re going to enter before starting on any avocation or profession. Then it’s about time to indulge yourself, if you really have been putting off your interest in beekeeping for quite a while. Bee farming may look simple; learning the fundamental beekeeping lessons can allow you to get away to a great beginning. What does a beekeeper need to know? On beekeeping to begin at the right foot you should have full interest. You should also have agreed to share your home space. There are possible risks in beekeeping that can harm you but your family as well. Your focus is not only to earn money by selling honey; a good beekeeper should have a keen interest and passion in raising bees. An apiarist ought to know the right location for the beehives. If you decide to set your beehives at your backyard, you need certainly to make sure beekeeping is allowed in your town. There are several areas confined to beekeeping; you should get permission concerning this. Beekeepers must understand whether beekeeping supplies are offered in the region where the beehives are situated. You may never understand when you need to attend a nearby beekeeping store; it is best that a nearby beekeeping shop is not inaccessible. Protective supplies and equipment can also be important for beekeepers to understand. Know the right kind of suit to select to keep you from any potential risk in beekeeping. In case you are incapable to harvest honey all the attempts that are beekeeping would be ineffective. The methods should be known by a beekeeper in collecting the honey from the comb; beeswax is also part of the yields in beekeeping.
As a vital part of the food chain, bees deserve more attention than they are currently receiving. Though devices such as the BuzzBox are making beekeeping more efficient, they aren’t addressing the steep decline in bee populations. Stepping up to the plate, the U.K. is finally supporting a total ban on bee-harming pesticides. “The weight of evidence now shows the risks neonicotinoids pose to our environment, particularly to the bees and other pollinators which play such a key part in our £100 billion food industry, is greater than previously understood. “I believe this justifies further restrictions on their use. We cannot afford to put our pollinator populations at risk.” [said environment secretary Michael Gove.] The monetary value of pollinating insects in the U.K. has shot up to nearly £680 million per annum. At that price point, it’s difficult to believe that bees are simply an expendable asset in nature. In the long run, pesticides aren’t only a threat to wildlife, but to crop consumers altogether. “We need to encourage farmers to move away from reliance on pesticides as the solution to the many problems that industrial monoculture cropping create.” Looks like permaculture farming may be the way to go. An avalanche of medical successes this year are sharing a common theme — genes. Gene editing is allowing researchers to more efficiently remedy conditions such as paralysis and leukemia. Though initially an unlikely candidate, gene therapy is now also instrumental in treating junctional epidermolysis bullosa. It saw its first triumph on a “butterfly boy” in Germany. [Doctors] took a patch of non-blistered skin from the boy’s leg and used a virus to carry a corrected version of the bad DNA into his skin cells. They grew grafts of the corrected skin and, in three separate operations over several months, replaced the missing skin. Considering most “butterfly children” don’t make it past 30, genetic skin grafting could make an impact commercially. The therapy corrects stem cells, regenerating healthy substitutes. Since his discharge, the German schoolboy has remained healthy, living without the need for medication. “This is really the way to go. You can get to the patients early before they have all the complications and suffering,” With a growing population of “butterfly children”, this breakthrough could potentially relieve a giant itching epidemic. 2017 has been a year of breakthroughs in medicine. From 3D printing brain tissue to the accidental discovery of origami organs, it’s been smooth sailing for the science world. A group of doctors from the University of Rochester Medical Center saved not only a music teacher’s life, but also his music function. “Removing a tumor from the brain can have significant consequences depending upon its location. Both the tumor itself and the operation to remove it can damage tissue and disrupt communication between different parts of the brain. It is, therefore, critical to understand as much as you can about each individual patient.” Substitute music teacher Dan Fabbio was suffering from a tumor near the center of his brain. Neurosurgeons used a brain mapping program to treat Fabbio and studied the patient for six months. In order to ensure that the operation was a success, Fabbio played his saxophone directly after surgery. “It made you want to cry. He played it flawlessly and when he finished the entire operating room erupted in applause.” While my saxophone-playing skills may be parallel to that of a squealing pig, it’s good to know that this musical genius got to retain his. You can never go wrong with tree-planting. It is popular in India, where natives planted 66 million seedlings in record time. In Burma, engineering groups are using drones to restore forests. However, tree-planting in the Gobi desert is addressing a more urgent matter — desertification. In order to address erosion and degradation, the Chinese government is working on building a giant wall of trees, otherwise known as the Green Great Wall. By 2050, the government intends to plant 88 million acres of forests in a belt nearly 3,000 miles long and up to 900 miles wide in places. As a country swallowed by deserts and that is oddly skilled in wall-building, the project makes sense. Over the years, it has stabilized deserts and reduced the frequency of sandstorms. However, it has faced backlash. Most of the trees are planted in areas they don’t grow naturally and eventually die out. Thousands of farmers have been forced off their land to make way for trees. “Combating sand is the [government’s] project, so it has deep political meaning. There are bureaucrats in every province and county. They get a lot of money for planting trees.” There is no denying that the scheme is problematic, despite being well-intentioned. While a Green Great Wall may seem the easiest solution, perhaps we ought to be smarter about where we plant our trees. A Norway supermarket is selling expired food to alleviate food waste, and now Britain wants in on the action. Former Manchester United star Richard Eckersley runs Earth.Food.Love, a zero-waste packaging-free store. It’s the first of its kind in Britain. It’s the first zero waste store in the UK, retailing a range of up to 200 pesticide-free products – but to shop there, you’ll have to come along with your own pots, jars and sandwich bags. The store also uses eco-energy and is completely organic, so milk and alcohol are off the menu. Totnes is home to the charming boutique, as Eckersley claims it wouldn’t have fared as well in Manchester. “We just didn’t think Manchester was ready for this kind of shop, but we hope the idea will spread and more people will follow the idea in future.” Having played alongside Ronaldo and Rooney, Eckersley ought to give himself some credit for the store’s popularity. However, he and wife Nicola focus on being “ethical, wholesome, and organic.” But there is no denying the rewarding boost of fame. Plastic may be a landfill’s greatest enemy, but an innovator’s best tool. In the Philippines, thousands of bottles have been repurposed into lamps. Now, retired educator Steven Klein is creating connectable plastic bottles that are strong enough to build furniture. Unlike traditional plastic bottles, Eco Connect bottles have a deeper recess in the base, so that the top of one can be readily connected to the bottom of the next, quite securely. While a plastic bottle coffee table may not be everyone’s aesthetic, it is a thoughtful concept. Klein’s ultimate goal is to encourage bottling companies to switch to Eco Connect. Production will not require new machinery — just the connector pieces. “An expanding variety of connector pieces, lights, and motors will become available to continue to grow the system. Also, a percentage of funds from connector purchases will be donated to water conservation programs,” Eco Connect leaves consumers with no excuse for littering. It may not be stylish, but it sure is sustainable! If there is one habit that pub regulars can’t seem to kick, it’s cracking open a cold one. Now that beers are becoming healthier, it seems no one has a reason to quit the drinking game. In fact, scientists in Singapore are experimenting with using brewery waste to grow beer yeast. In beer making, yeast is the key ingredient for fermentation, a process where sugars from the grains are converted into alcohol. The beer brewing process thus needs large amounts of yeast. Spent grain amounts to as much as 85 per cent of a brewery’s waste. This is of little value, so the discarded grain is often used as compost or for animal feed. But it looks like potbellies will have to feed on something else in the meantime. Professor William Chen of Nanyang Tech has developed a conversion process that turns brewery waste into a valuable liquid nutrient. “About 85 per cent of the waste in brewing beer can now be turned into a valuable resource, helping breweries to reduce waste and production cost while becoming more self-sustainable.” I guess it’s safe to say that in the brewery world, nothing goes to waste. Schools around the world have played a role in the battle against depleting resources. The Panyaden International School in Thailand built a sports hall that gloats a zero-carbon footprint. Now, the German International School in India is shifting to strictly vegan lunches. The school, now 100% vegan, makes its own mock meat, produces vegan cheese from cashews, and bakes its own bread. Care is taken to see that nutritional requirements are met, by substituting animal products with protein-rich food such as quinoa, lentils, seitan, beans and hemp seeds. The shift was prompted when the school began rehabilitating injured and abandoned animals. Besides the guilt of consuming mutton meters away from one of the school’s goats, administration believed veganism was more ethical. “We wanted to reduce the human impact on the environment and eating less meat is the simplest way,” To prepare for the transition, teachers dedicated classes to informative documentaries. Staff treated parents to a vegan buffet, which was more “delicious and nutritious” than expected. With avocado toast becoming the next millennial craze, I can’t imagine getting teens to up their veggie intake to be too much of a stretch. Climate change is a force to be reckoned with. With the help of technology such as the carbon calculator, we can much more easily reduce our damaging footprints. However, for some communities, the change is too gradual, and acting quickly is a much preferred option. This is why Los Angeles is painting its streets white — to combat urban warming. 15 streets were covered with this asphalt-based paint-like substance to cool down the streets by about 11-13 degrees Fahrenheit and therefore cools down the buildings around them. In sunny California, road surface temperatures can boast a whopping 130 – 140 degrees. Being able to fry an egg on the road is no longer just a myth. In fact, it’s the perfect temperature — but not for bare feet. It might not seem like a lot, but… if 35% of LA’s streets were covered with a reflective surface like this, it would translate into a 1-degree drop in temperature throughout the city. 1 degree may seem insignificant, but it’s enough to save $100 million in energy spending. It’s a small but practical fix. Not to mention the roads are looking and feeling a lot cooler. Lab-grown seafood may be actively solving over-harvesting, but it lacks any noteworthy benefactors. On the flip side, billionaires like Bill Gates and Richard Branson are sponsoring lab-grown meat by Memphis Meats. So what’s the beef? “Instead of using animals as pieces of technology to convert plants into proteins to make things that we like to eat, drink and wear, we can just use biology to make those things directly,” said… an early investor in Memphis Meats. Developers envision facilities that are more reminiscent to breweries than slaughterhouses. Admittedly, the former is less unsettling. But how will Memphis Meats grow tasty steaks and chops without the direct use of an animal? The company’s scientists identify cells that they want to scale up production on — selecting them based on the recommendations of experts. Those cells are cultivated with a blend of sugar, amino acids, fats and water, and within three to six weeks the meat is harvested. Production is quick but still small-scale. However, with further development, the process could cut greenhouse emissions, save water, and create a more sustainable agriculture industry. From its patrons, Memphis Meats has raised a charming $22 million. I sure hope the filet mignon is worth it.
We are happy to advise that we have found some amazing people in NSW who have their own Shungite Beehives! We have partnered with them to bring you Australian Raw Shungite Honey, direct from the Apiary! You won’t believe how good this honey tastes and the feedback from customers on its many benefits. Please pop over to the Shungite Honey page to try this amazing product for yourself! Following is some background information from Greg and Leisa who own and run Fungi Gs Bees where all of our honey is supplied from. Also, an update on C70 Honey which will be coming soon ( Elite Powder is added to the hives ) Our next batch should be C70!!! Fungi Gs Bees are located in Grafton which is in the Northern Rivers area of NSW. We are across the road from the Clarence River & ten minutes walk to the town centre. I have observed the practices of local apiary operations and gathered as much knowledge as possible to have a better understanding of the industry but more so to get a better understanding of the bees needs. As many of you know there are a lot of problems for the bees from pesticides, diseases etc, and the beekeeper is the biggest pest of the bunch! The process of harvesting is disruptive, deadly and just brutal, killing bees. The removal of frames is comparable to pulling your house apart. The next step of getting the honey from the frames is a messy job and has a lot of contamination risks, then there is the spinning process to get the honey out of the frames, this promotes oxidation of the honey and changes its taste & texture. The honey must be heated & filtered this all results in inferior honey which I want nothing to do with. In comes the flow hive, if you don’t know it’s an Aussie invention and it’s turnkey honey, no need for a centrifuge or the other machinery so this is the best option. The quality of the honey can be compared to “ Combe Honey “ it has minimal contact with the air and needs no heating to remove it from the frame. Honey from each frame can have completely different flavour profiles just like wine. We do not filter our honey or tamper with it in any way, “from bee to jar”. We don’t feed our bees, except for empty honey jars, these are put out in front of the hive & the bees clean them up, they love it! It’s only fair as it’s their honey that we giving back to them. So when it comes to looking after the bees there isn’t much you can do bar kill the odd hive beetle or destroyed an infected hive. My research has lead me to introduce wood chips which promote mushrooms to grow near the hive. Once the root system of the mushroom takes hold this is called mycelium. Mycelium has the capability to degrade all types of organic matter, materials from hardwoods, rock and even crude oils. It converts all this into liquid foods-sugars this also has antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. The bees remove the top layer of wood chips and drink from the mycelium root system this makes our bees supper healthy living twice as long as normal bees. This has other benefits such as – when bees are healthy pests and disease are no longer prevalent. We don’t interfere with our queens, we have no interest in bothering them, there is no need, the bees have their own methods. We do have about five swarms a year that fly off to repopulate the local area, so there is no interference from us. On the property we have the following trees: 3 mango – 2 Turpin, 1 lemon scented, 2 trees are 35 feet 1 is 50 feet & all are within meters of the hive; lychee; mandarin; macadamia; peach; nectarine; orange; pawpaw; mulberry; Choko; cherry tomatoes; other seasonal vegetables & herbs. In the past, I would cut the grass as low as possible and whipper snipper to the dirt. In essence I was removing the water holding layer making it prone to drying out & reducing fruit production, not that we harvest that much for ourselves, some beneficiaries of produce are the Indian temple at Woolgoolga, our friends, anyone who asks politely, our two pet pigs, the water dragons, possums, every species of parrot, finches, birds & more in our area. The Chokos are also distributed to a bunch of lovely grannies for pickling, the bees love the Choko flowers too! Other benefits are the wild plant life better known as weeds, the bees give them a lot of attention so I don’t touch them anymore, it doesn’t look the best but I believe it’s the best thing to do for the bees and the plant life. Being in town there are no commercial farmlands in reach of our bees and no heavy industry. We do have access to all the flowers & trees in neighbouring yards and trees lining the streets as well as the Clarence River natives, being across the road, this gives the benefit of not only harvesting all year round but complex tastes and floral bouquets unique to our honey that can’t be reproduced, even from one harvest to the next. Now comes the Shungite, I wanted to produce an extra health benefit from our honey that would set us apart, but moreover another line of defence for the health of our bees. At first, I tried larger pieces of Shungite and determined that the powder was more applicable. To my surprise, I then noticed that the bees were enjoying the Shungite and taking it in the hive! I do this on average every 3 days and have noticed an increase in bee population & harvests. The latest winter harvest from empty was four weeks and two days- this is not only a record for us but a record in general! I would like to share some good news for the supporters of our honey, we have just received our second flow hive, so production should be doubled for the next harvest. When we reach four units we can introduce a larger jar for all you honey addicts out there! The more honey we sell the more flow hives we will purchase, this means supplies will never run out and larger quantities will be available. In the near future, we will be testing our honey for confirmation of its medicinal properties and also the c70 molecule. A percentage of all sales are devoted to testing and developing other techs to improve the life and health of our bees. We plan to have our own water vortex, magnetising Shungite structuring device with ozone processing, this will be for the bees to drink and also to atomise above the hives. This will ensure the health of our bees and give them the purest source of water on the planet, so enjoy our honey, you will find it hard to go without for both taste & your own well being. PS We would love to see your response to tasting our honey with your friends or a comparison of your local honey. Please feel free to give us your flavour profile on any honey that you purchase, your feedback is invaluable! We want to see what you taste, so send videos to the Team at The Shungite Experience. You will get a present with your next order! “ bee – have “ and “ bee – healthy “ Greg and Leisa from Fungi G & The Bees This is some info from a US-based business on Shungite Honey – You can find them at this address- Shungite Honey.com ShungiteHoney.com is focused on raising treatment-free bees (no chemical treatments used), in an all-natural EMF & WiFi-free environment. Numerous studies have shown how harmful anEMF (Electromagnetic Field) or WiFi field can be for bees. Studies have also shown that Shungite can attenuate EMF signals & environmental radiation. Our Shungite beehives have Shungite powder mixed into their exterior paint, in addition to having Shungite nuggets placed at their entrance. Certain beehives are also given Shungite powder to walk through. When the bees walk through the Shungite powder it adheres to their legs, then is carried both inside the beehive (thus mixes w/honey stores) & outside where the bees harvest their nectar/pollen. We have zero CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) losses since introducing Shungite to the beehives, and no losses due to disease. We believe in Treatment-free Beekeeping (no chemicals used on beehives) No artificial feeding (we leave the bees more than enough honey so feeding isn’t necessary) Shungite Honey is kept 100% Raw & Unfiltered to retain the honey’s natural beneficial qualities! Beehives are 30+ miles from commercial crops (to avoid pesticide contamination of honey) What’s Shungite? Why use it on beehives? Everything on Earth has a specific vibrational frequency. All humans, animals, plants & insects have a certain vibration field which has to be maintained at specific levels to remain healthy. Our frequency means the way in which molecules or atoms of all matter “spin” around one another, as can be seen under a high-powered microscope. NASA has been using frequency generators for decades to protect astronauts while they’re away from the Earth’s natural frequency source. Astronauts physical condition deteriorated while in outer space, away from the Schumann Resonance (Earth’s frequency) and while being in the presence of the strong magnetic fields of the space shuttles. This problem was solved by introducing the “Schumann Simulator” into all space shuttles, a magnetic pulse generator broadcasting the Earth’s natural frequency. Unfortunately, today’s technologies, such as computer monitors, laptops, tv’s, radios, microwave ovens, Wi-Fi routers, smart meters & cell-phones all use electromagnetic waves in order to function. These frequencies are extremely harmful to our natural vibrations as well as the bees vibrations. When the bees vibration field or frequency is disharmonious, their meridian clocks are disturbed, immunity is compromised, natural recovery and rejuvenation abilities are reduced & overall wellness can drop. This, in turn, makes the bees more susceptible to diseases & pests. Enjoy exploring these amazing pages and please contact us if you have any questions! The Shungite Experience Team Browse the stones below for your birth sign or birth month but remember don’t take this as a definitive list, it’s a general guideline. There are many different opinions about which stone goes with which month/star sign so always choose what feels right for you! || Suggested Stones || Clear Quartz, Garnet || Amethyst, Jasper || Aquamarine, Bloodstone || Ruby, Garnet || Emerald, Amber || Topaz, Agate || Moonstone, White Agate || Carnelian, Jasper || Peridot, Citrine || Opal, Turquoise || Topaz, Lapis Lazuli || Peridot, Jacinth || Suggested Stones | Jade, Amethyst, Turquoise, Garnet || Amethyst, Turquoise, Quartz, Aquamarine || Jasper, Aquamarine, Jasper, Bloodstone || Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Topaz, Tigers Eye || Citrine, Tigers Eye, Moonstone, Calcite || Moonstone, Amber, Ruby, Clear Quartz || Clear Quartz, Sunstone, Topaz, Turquoise || Sodalite, Peridot, Moonstone, Carnelian || Lapis Lazuli, Aventurine, Topaz, Opal || Aquamarine, Smoky Quartz, Obsidian, Turquoise || Blue Lace Agate, Amethyst, Garnet, Topaz || Ruby, Clear Quartz, Jet, Black Tourmaline Have fun and as always if you need any help let us know! The Team @ The Shungite Experience Many people go to great lengths to clean their home, their clothes and themselves, yet forget to cleanse their Crystals! Once you learn about the different methods you can use to clean your stones, you can do it on a regular basis to keep them full of positive energy. Cleansing with Shungite When we are talking about Shungite, it never needs cleansing as it doesn’t take on any negative energy. Shungite has the wonderful ability to harmonise the energy it comes into contact with or just the space it sits in, therefore it can’t take on anything negative. Just another amazing attribute of this ancient crystal! You can also cleanse and balance other crystals by placing them on or near a piece of Shungite! We have many of our Crystal Spheres that are placed on Shungite Stands which helps them to stay clean and balanced. We also put some of our other smaller Crystals on these stands just to cleanse them, it’s an easy way to keep your special Crystals harmonised. There are various methods that you can use to cleanse your other Crystals some of which we have listed below. Experiment with different methods to see what feels right for you! Smudging with Sage Cleansing crystals by smudging them are easy. So how do you smudge crystals? The most potent smudge to use is white sage. It is possible to buy smudge sticks ready-made in a smudging stick, or you can use loose sage leaf. It is easy to buy in most places, and the smudge sticks are made up of either white sage alone or mixed with lavender. Some may have other fragrant herbs in them as well, and some of these may also have healing attributes that could benefit you. Sage smoke is powerful to cleanse both your stones and the environment where they live. You can do this one of two ways. You can hold the stones close to the stream of the smoke, or simply hold your smudge stick near to where they are sitting so the air around them is full of the sage essence. Crystal Singing Bowls There are two ways to do this. If the stones are small you may put them into the crystal singing bowl. For bigger items, place them close to the bowl, then play the bowl for a few minutes. Crystal bowl music is very powerful and the sounds emitted by the bowl will resonate throughout the room, each bowl has a different note and vibration which will add to the cleansing of your Crystals. As the strong vibration of the pure crystalline sound of your crystal singing bowl fills the crystals, it will drive out any negative energy.The sound will lift the vibration of any of your crystals that are close by, and the room will also be filled with good vibrations as well. This is one of our favourite methods for cleansing larger crystals, especially ones that can’t be placed on our Shungite! Suitable crystals can be left to soak in seawater or water mixed with sea salt. Cooking salt can also be used if sea salt/water is not available. You should fill a glass bowl (not metal) about half to one-third full and place your crystals so they are fully submerged in the salt water for anywhere between 1 to 24 hours. Many people leave them in salt water overnight but a crystal that needs a much deeper and more thorough cleansing can be left for up to 1 week. You should thoroughly rinse your crystals in cool running water after spending time in salt water to remove any remaining salt. After use, the salt water must be flushed away and never re-used because it will have absorbed negative and unwanted energies. Saltwater cleansing is considered one of the best and most thorough ways to cleanse crystals, but please be aware that this method must be avoided for certain crystals as it can have an adverse effect on them and even change their appearance and properties! Stones that should not be soaked in salt water include crystals that are porous, contain metal or have a water content, for example, Opal. Stones and minerals that should be kept away from salt include Pyrite, Lapis Lazuli, Opal, Hematite, etc. Crystal Druse Geode or Cluster All crystals can be cleansed safely by placing them inside an Amethyst Geode Cave overnight or for 24-48 hours. An Amethyst Druse, Cluster, or Bed can also be used in the same way. A Clear Quartz Geode, Bed or Cluster provides a faster cleansing process than Amethyst, but both methods are equally as effective. Simply place no more than a few crystals onto the crystal points and leave for anything up to 24-48 hours. These crystal cluster formations (both Amethyst and Quartz) have the ability to absorb the energies contained within crystals, neutralise the energies and then release ‘good’ energy from the cluster back into the crystals being cleansed, so they can effectively cleanse and energise at the same time. Sunlight or Moonlight The natural energies transmitted by the Sun and Moon can also energise your crystals with natural energies. Many people like to leave their newly cleansed stones under Moonlight and Sunlight for a day or two to allow them to absorb the different energies from the Moon and Sun. The Sun provides a stronger energy, whereas the Moon has a more gentle energy. When leaving crystals in Sunlight, please be aware that some coloured stones may fade over a period of time if left in strong sunlight too often. This can happen with Amethyst, for example. In this case, try not to leave your crystals in strong sun for more than an hour or so. To be on the safe side, place in sunlight during sunrise and/or sunset because the sun’s rays won’t be as strong during these times of the day. We hope this is helpful and that you find what feels right for you and your Crystals! As always, if we can help in any way please let us know. The Team @ The Shungite Experience There are three main shapes that Shungite is made into, with a few extra variations as well! The most common are Pyramids, Spheres and Cubes. You can also find Eggs, Harmonizers, Tiles, Stands and Massage Wands. All of these shapes are made from Type 2 Shungite which is easily polished and has a beautiful lustre when finished. This blog will give you an idea of the various uses of each shape. The Shapes and their Characteristics Shungite Pyramids are one of the 3 shapes that can be used in a variety of ways. Pyramids emit a strong energy vibration which will carry it’s influenced longer distances. It is because of its shape that this happens. Their influence ranges from 2.1 – 2.3 metres for a 5 cm Pyramid up to 5.5 metres for a large 10cm Pyramid. Shungite Spheres emit a gentle and more uniform energy field which is perfect for places like your bedroom or living areas. Small spheres are often used as Harmonizers for meditation also. Spheres emit their beautiful energy for a radius of around 3.4 metres for a 6cm sphere. Cubes are often used in areas that need grounding, such as Pole Homes or homes on steep hills. They are solid and very connected to the Earth and so help to ground your home if needed. Their vibration is carried a shorter distance than both the Sphere or Pyramid but they are still wonderful tools. They are especially good for using on your WIFI router to help lessen the effects of harmful EMF’s. Shungite Eggs are also a beautiful energy that is perfect for general harmonising of rooms such as bedrooms etc. They are said to help us connect to the Life Force around us. These harmonizers are generally used as aids in meditation. They have been used as far back as The Egyptian times. These come as one Shungite Cylinder matched with a variety of different crystals, most commonly Soapstone but you can also find them in Selenite, Jade and Amethyst. Shungite Tiles are either square or oblong and are great to use to help for a variety of things from EMF protection to helping to keep your fruit/veg fresher for longer in your fridge. We even use one in our cars to help with EMF emissions. They are a very versatile shape. Since Shungite never needs to be cleaned and doesn’t take on any negativity, using a Shungite stand for your Crystals is a brilliant way to keep them clean and balanced. You can simply place them on the stand for a period of time or use it permanently, it’s up to you. Shungite massage wands are used by therapists in their practices to help with either Energetic work or bodywork. Once again, the balancing effects of Shungite can greatly enhance their work. As Shungite does not need cleansing this is also beneficial. Different Uses for different shapes We use a small cube to help harmonise EMF’s emitting from our router. We determined where the internal antennae were and then place the cube in front of it. By testing with an EMF detector we saw a huge difference in the emissions. This happens without any loss of WIFI network usability. Electrical Meter Boxes Another area of your home that can have EMF emissions quite strongly. You can place either a pyramid or a cube inside the box to help harmonise this area. Cordless phones emit a very high EMF pollution. Shungite can be very effective in balancing this. The base that your phone sits on is the worst area and so a Shungite Tile is perfect to use. Simple place your stand and phone on a tile to harmonise the emissions. Shungite shapes are a versatile and very useful tool to have in your home. We have them placed in most rooms around our home and find them to be very effective in keeping the space harmonious. We hope you have found this article useful and that you can begin to use Shungite shapes to bring balance and harmony to your home. The Team @ The Shungite Experience Related Tags: Shungite Crystal Gemstones and Crystals Never has there been such an exciting array of crystal jewellery available for sale. Earring, rings, bracelets and pendants – rounded cabochon’s, stones cut in the style of precious gems and probably the most popular, gems’ in their pure, unfinished state. Crystal has never been more popular as jewellery but as well as the more fashionable uses, crystals have metaphysical properties which crystal healers believe can aid in everything from balancing and grounding, to channelling and healing. Some stones have singular abilities whereas others, such as clear quartz can be programmed for specific uses. The style and settings of crystal jewellery are purely one of personal taste and do not affect the individual properties of each crystal – although some people believe that the raw stones, touching the skin affect the stones ability to work faster we do not necessarily believe this to be the case. Shungite balances the energy around the body so doesn’t need to be touching it to work its magic! Crystals work on a subtle vibration and those waves of energy will reach the close proximity of the physical body without too much trouble! The human body works with energy the same as electronic equipment might – we don’t question the use of quartz to help keep our watches working or as an important component of our computers! Gemstones have been worn throughout the ages as talismans, signs of good luck, protective amulets and to mark those of nobility. You will find Gemstones in many ancient Royal Symbols and Crowns with most Royal Families from around the world using them from ancient times up to today. You will also see them in ancient pictures from Egyptian, Rome, Greece, Turkey, China, Russia as well as native American, Inca and Indian peoples. Gemstones and crystals have been used to adorn people for centuries and will continue to do so for many more to come! Choosing the right piece Most crystal experts will agree to general properties of each stone but ultimately, the wearer is the expert on their own jewellery. YOU are the best person to decide which crystal is right for YOU at any given time! Trust your instincts! On our website, you will find many beautiful Shungite jewellery pieces as well as some amazing other stones. Wearing Shungite brings balance and harmony to you while other Crystals have their own meanings. The most common and loved of all crystal pendants are those made from quartz crystal. Clear quartz crystals are loved for their purity, simplicity and stunning natural growth formation. Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, purple and green Amethyst or Citrine (to name just a few) are also highly admired. Quartz crystal is considered to be a universal stone that brings great vibrational power to the wearer. Some properties and uses associated with quartz crystal include the following: aid in meditation, balance, amplification of positive energy and muting of negative energy, cleansing the aura and bringing harmony. To find out more about metaphysical and healing properties of crystals and gemstones, click here. Other types of crystals used to make jewellery include, but are not limited to Pyrite, Malachite, Shungite, Topaz, Carnelian, Pearl, Turquoise, Kyanite, Morganite, Moldavite and too many more to name! These are all used to make stunning jewellery and each has their own special properties to aid you on your journey. There is no doubt that crystal pendants are easiest to wear no matter which type of crystal or gem is set into it. Wearing crystal jewellery also brings the crystal or gemstone close to our heart area which some people believe is most beneficial to the person. Wearing crystal and gemstone jewellery is very useful for bringing the spiritual and physical benefits of crystals into your life, in a practical way. Apart from the many benefits of Crystals, the number one reason most people choose them is that they are exquisite! You can have multiple pieces to go with all of your outfits and moods, in such a huge array of colours and designs that you will never run out of choices! We are always looking for beautiful pieces to showcase on our Website. We deal with wonderful suppliers that use Fair Trade practices which are in line with our own values and goals. We hope you enjoy browsing and as always, if you need help please let us know! The Team at The Shungite Experience Shungite powder has many and varied uses. These range from health and beauty to agriculture and construction. In this article, we will focus on exactly what Shungite powder is, and how we and many others including scientists and doctors have used this wonderful product. We will share theirs and our own outcomes and keep things honest, providing any drawbacks we have run into. Shungite powder is typically made with special equipment from fragments of Shungite rock. It usually comes as a powder 1 to 3 microns. It can also be made from Elite Shungite (which is rarer and so more expensive). A Mala simply means ‘heavenly garland’ and can be used for reflection, yoga practice, meditation or as part of your unique style. Simply stated, they can be worn by anyone who wants a more mindful, beautiful and peaceful life. A Mala is known by many names and can also refer to as, yoga beads, meditation beads, prayer beads, mala necklace, Japa Mala, yoga necklace, yoga jewellery, rosary and Mala beads. Below you will find some brief meanings for most of the crystals on our site. We hope you find this helpful. These are general meanings, with our own interpretations added, as we work with the different stones and crystals over time. This is a stone that you will be attracted to if Truth is important to you. It has wonderful cleansing and purification properties both physically and energetically. Shungite tends to dispel our self-harming or self-defeating patterns. Shungite offers us an aura of psychic protection because of its energetic alignment. If Truth is important to you, you may feel strongly attracted to Shungite. Below you will find some ideas and interpretations on Shungite and its Metaphysical meanings that we have found to be true for us. We are sharing what we have found to be true, in the hope that it can be beneficial to you in your exploration into the world of Shungite.
I am a member of my local(ish) beekeeping group, and last night we were given a fascinating talk by the extremely knowledgeable Malcolm on the finer points of pollination, and the adaptations the honeybee has evolved to facilitate this relationship between flower and insect. This is a huge topic, so here is the first instalment… Bees visit flowers to gather pollen and nectar. Simply put, pollen is the protein fraction of the bees’ diet, while nectar forms the carbohydrate. In return, flowers use the bees to transport pollen from one flower to the next – causing cross-fertilisation – and reward them with a shot of sweet nectar. Bees eat pollen when they are in the larval stage, and nectar and honey as an adult. The relationship between flowering plants and insects is a long one, probably at least 100 million years, and in this time, the whole package of bees and flowers has become exquisitely entwined. Anatomically and structurally, both have converged to allow the most efficient exchange of resources, and this culmination of evolutionary pressures is what we witness as beekeepers. I absolutely love watching my bees really ‘work’ a flower. There is no messing around, no delicacy, just straight in there, legs pushing the anthers and impediments out of the way so they can get to the nectaries. After a second or two, they are on to the next one. This phenomenal cumulative effort on behalf of thousands upon thousands of bee hours is what results in honey. Remember too, that the nectar is not simply sugar water, but a complex blend of sucrose, fructose and glucose molecules in varying proportions, as well as minerals and floral products which will be linked with the biochemistry of the plant. This forms all the elements bees need to thrive, and indicates why bees foraging on monocultures and relying on artificial feeding are not receiving a balanced diet, and supports the argument that a wide selection of plants is vital to honeybee health. Bees sense the world through the hairs on their body – if you look at a bee, you will see she is covered in thousands of tiny hairs. These detect vibrations, pheromones and other chemical signals, so they essentially hear, smell, taste and touch through these receptors. This enables them to operate in the dark of the hive, and communicate via pathways we simply don’t possess as mammals. Honeybees see the world differently too as the vision they get from their compound eyes stops before the orange/red end of the visible spectrum we see, but sits firmly in the shorter wavelengths of the ultraviolet, so flowers look completely different to them than they do to us. Some of the hairs on the bee are quite fluffy and split at the ends, so they attract pollen grains, which can then be scraped off using more bristly hairs at judicious places across the bee’s body, and packed in to the area on the hing leg called the pollen basket, which is essentially a slightly cupped area on the upper segment, encircled with stiff, inwardly-curving hairs. These pollen packs are taken to the storage area of the combs around the brood nest, so they are easily accessible for feeding the grubs. To be continued.
I recently reread The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cigars. I initially purchased and read the book in 2010. At that point, I had been smoking the occasional cigar for a few years, and I wanted to learn more about them. Eight years later, having acquired a greater knowledge of cigars, I reread it. I learned much more the second time around. This book is extraordinarily interesting and helpful. I recommend the book to anyone interested in cigars. Useful for the novice and experienced smoker alike, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cigars offers a wealth of knowledge and insight. The Complete Idiot’s Guide series provides useful write-ups on a variety of topics. It allows those with very little knowledge of a subject to obtain at least a rudimentary understanding of it. There are a large number of books in the series addressing a variety of topics. Examples are as diverse as chemistry, publishing children’s books, and beekeeping. (There are also books on beer and wine I’m interested in reading.) The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cigars provides a reasonably comprehensive look at cigars. It includes sections addressing how to cut and light cigars, chapters explaining the tobacco growing and cigar rolling process, articles on how to recognize a good cigar, and pages on how to store cigars properly. And this is only a sampling. The book also includes an in-depth look at the different cigar-growing regions and the mystique surrounding Cuban cigars. By the time you finish The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cigars, you will have learned a lot. You will learn about the discovery of tobacco, the different types of tobacco leaf, and the best brands. You will also possess excellent tips for rating your cigars so that you can figure out which types and brands you prefer. Handmade v. Machine-Made I learned a lot about the distinction between handmade and machine-made cigars—other than the obvious. Of course, I have been smoking cigars for several years, so I was already aware of the fundamental differences between the two. I knew, for example, that handmade cigars are almost always superior to machine-made ones. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cigars, however, explained why. I learned the difference between short filler and long filler tobacco leaf. I also learned why the heads of machine-made cigars are pre-punched. (Manufacturers do not use a premium wrapper leaf but rather a composite of tobacco to wrap the cigar. Cutting a machine-made cigar, therefore, would cause binder and filler to shed into the smoker’s mouth. So, the machine creates the hole.) I remember smoking machine-made cigars in college when I was just getting started. Even then I knew that handmade cigars were superior. I was a college kid, though, and I did not have much money. I could, therefore, only afford to smoke handmade cigars occasionally. The machine-made cigars provided a cheap alternative. Stick with Handmade I quickly decided, however, that I would only purchase handmade cigars. It was better to smoke a good cigar on rare occasion than a lousy cigar whenever I’d like. I came to this decision rather suddenly. One night, I purchased a pack of machine-made cigars from the local gas station. I noticed some tread marks in the leaf as I prepared to light it up. I did not think anything of it, however. It was a cheap cigar, so I naturally assumed this went with the territory. As I started puffing away, however, I noticed something moving in the tobacco. It was a worm. After reading The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cigars, I realized that it was probably the larva of a tobacco beetle. The egg had likely hatched after the cigar was packed, and the grub was eating the tobacco while in the packaging. The experience had a significant impact on me. I decided that I would never again purchase a cheap, machine-made cigar. And I haven’t. That was the last machine-made cigar I ever smoked. I was already leaning against purchasing any more of such cigars. It didn’t take much to push me over the edge. In addition to their inferior taste, I had noticed that, if I sat these cigars down while smoking them, tar would begin to drip out of the opening in the head. Even as a neophyte, it did not take me long to realize that these were subpar smokes. I did not know, however, that many smaller Cuban cigars are machine-made. The author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cigars suggests that these are the exception to the general rule against machine-made cigars. Apparently, Cuba has its rollers focus on the larger cigars since they are the most profitable. Cuba, therefore, uses its short filler and machines to produce its smaller cigars. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cigars also helped me to understand why some cigars burn nice and even, while others leave a jagged mess in the flame’s wake. I had long thought that it was all about proper storage. A cigar will burn improperly if you store it incorrectly. While this can be true, I learned how flaws in the rolling process can affect the burn. If the roller rolls the cigar too tightly, the draw is too difficult. The smoker is unable to pull sufficient smoke into his or her mouth. This may result in insufficient air passing through the cigar, causing some parts of the cigar to burn at different rates than others. It may also cause the cigar to go out often. If the roller rolls the cigar too loosely, however, too much air will get into the cigar. The cigar will then burn too hot. A hot burn will harshen the flavor and make the burn unpredictable. In addition, a lackadaisical roll can result in an uneven distribution of tobacco, causing the flame to burn hotter and faster in some areas than in others. Of course, if you don’t correctly humidify your cigar, there are going to be problems with the burn. But, even an adequately-stored poorly-rolled cigar will have significant issues. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cigars also helped me to appreciate better what I knew all along. Handmade cigars are made by hand. This is more than a mere tautology. It is a statement of the extraordinary skill it takes to produce great cigars consistently. Because premium cigars are handmade, there will be natural variation between one cigar and another. It’s a testament to the best cigar makers—such as Cohiba, Montecristo, and Romeo y Julieta—that they can maintain such significant levels of consistency between their cigars. Regardless, however, even the best cigar brands will put out a subpar product once in a while. So, if you get a bad one, you shouldn’t necessarily give up on the brand. Smoking In Public The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cigars addresses proper cigar etiquette, particularly where and when to smoke. Over the last several years, it has grown significantly more challenging to find a public place to smoke. When I was in college, I remember enjoying cigars with meals in the smoking sections of restaurants. Then my state passed a law. After that, only bars could accommodate smokers. There is a movement against smoking tobacco in the United States that takes its form in disallowing private business owners from determining whether they will allow smoking on their property. Apparently, the movement against tobacco is great enough to justify government action but not so great as to let the free market address the issue. (Ironically, those taking strong stands against tobacco smoke don’t seem to share the same views about marijuana.) Regardless, however, the fact remains that, even where we disagree, it’s important to be courteous to others. This means not smoking where smoking is not allowed, whether by government or private proscription. This should be obvious. Unlike a patron visiting bars or restaurants that allow smoking, those visiting non-smoking establishments have every right to expect a smoke-free environment. You should respect that. Another tip the author provides is, when you do smoke around others in a proper setting, only smoke high-quality, premium cigars. Cheap cigars do not allow the fermentation process to run its course. (See below.) Cutting the fermentation process short leaves abrasive chemicals, such as ammonia, in the cigar. When you burn inadequately fermented tobacco, therefore, the smell is harsh and pungent. (You are, after all, burning the same chemicals often used to make fertilizer.) Smoking premium smokes that have been sufficiently aged and fermented, however, ensures that you expose those around you to only the most pleasant cigar smoke. Even if they still hate it, at least you are mitigating the aggravation. It serves no cigar smoker to allow the pleasure of cigars to become associated with discourteous behavior. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cigars also includes a large section devoted to Cuban cigars and their history. One of my criticisms of The Cuban Cigar Handbook was its failure to include a section explaining the differences between the Cuban and non-Cuban cigars bearing the same name. (Many Americans don’t know, for example, that the Cohiba they buy in their local cigar shop is produced by an entirely different organization than that which manufactures Cuban Cohibas.) The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cigars, however, does not suffer from the same failure. The book explains how the owners of Cuban cigar factories fled upon Castro’s rise to power. It goes into detail into how they smuggled out their seed and established new cigar-production operations in others countries. (The Dominican Republic and Honduras were particularly popular destinations for such expatriates.) The author also explains how difficult it was to reestablish a cigar production business. It’s not merely a matter of taking the seed and planting it in a similar climate. Workers must prepare the soil. Owners must put proper infrastructure in place. It took decades for the legends of the Cuban cigar industry to reestablish their operations at the same level of quality. Cubans v. Non-Cubans The book also explains how the quality of non-Cuban cigars has mostly caught up with Cubans. Decades of hard work and preparation in conjunction with a Cuban cigar industry owned and operated by the government has allowed non-Cuban cigar manufacturers to produce Cuban-caliber cigars. This does not mean, however, that Cuban cigars do not deserve to be the world’s most celebrated cigars. The soil and climate make Cuba ideally suited for raising cigar leaf. No other country can simulate this. The best Cuban cigars are probably still better than the best non-Cubans. The difference, however, is not that great. A cigar is not necessarily great because it is a Cuban. Just because the best Cuban cigars are the best cigars does not mean that every Cuban cigar is excellent. (The best non-Cuban is definitely not inferior to the worst Cuban, as has sometimes been suggested.) As Americans, we often allow the mystique of the Cuban cigar to cloud our judgment. Just because it’s a Cuban cigar does not mean it’s a good cigar. We should have more discernment than that. Not every sparkling wine grown in the Champagne region of France is Dom Pérignon. The Process of Making a Cigar The process of making a cigar is much more extensive, time-consuming, and involved than I realized. After farmers harvest the tobacco leaf, they bring it to large open-aired barns. There mostly female workers gather the tobacco leaves into bunches, tie the stems together, and hang them on long wooden poles inside the barn. The barn protects the tobacco from the rain and sun but not the breezes. So, it dries while hanging in the open air over the course of several months. As the moisture in the leaf evaporates, the flavors concentrate, and the leaves lose their green coloring. After air curing, workers take the leaves to a warehouse. There they stack them on top of each other in piles from three to six feet high. The leaves are then allowed to rest and ferment. Fermentation is an interesting process. The pile of leaves naturally heats up as the leaves essentially rot. The heat turns the starch in the leaves into sugar. As the leaves ferment, they excrete oils, which they then reabsorb. This has a tremendous impact on the flavor of the tobacco. During the fermentation process, workers check the piles until they reach a temperature between 115 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit. They then rotate the pile. These rotations occur several times before the fermentation process is finished. The entire procedure can take several weeks to complete. Tobacco naturally contains a lot of ammonia. This is why the fermentation process is so important. Only proper fermentation will remove the ammonia from the tobacco leaves. The fermentation process takes time, however, which means it takes money. Manufacturers rushing cigars to market may not allow the tobacco to ferment correctly. You can usually tell when a cigar has not been adequately fermented by its effect on your stomach. If you end a smoke feeling like you’re about to vomit, the manufacturer likely did not give the tobacco sufficient time to ferment. After completing the fermentation process and stripping the stems from the leaves, workers then gather the tobacco into bales and allow them to age. These bales of tobacco usually age for at least a few months. In some cases, however, they may rest for years. In fact, the best tobacco often sleeps for up to seven years before becoming a cigar. As with good scotch, the aging processing allows the tobacco to mellow, creating a smooth, delicious smoke. Making the Cigar The tobacco—sorted for use as filler, binder, and wrapper leaf—then moves on to be rolled into a cigar. (Tobacco brought to a factory may come from all over the world. Only in Cuba will all the tobacco be grown locally.) Rolling cigars takes a lot of skill. Rollers must produce by hand dozens of cigars per day that each maintains a high level of quality and consistency. After the cigars have been rolled and graded, workers bundle cigars of similar quality together. They then take the cigars to a special area where they will sit and wait, often for several months. Since cigars absorb the flavors around them, this time spent with other cigars “smoothes out differences in taste due to variations in the exact tobacco content of each stogie.” This helps ensure consistency from one cigar to another. Only after this entire process is complete are cigars shipped and ready to go. The cigar consists of filler, binder, and wrapper. The filler is the inside of the cigar, the bulk of the tobacco. It gives the cigar the majority of its flavor. The binder is the tobacco that holds the filler together, giving the cigar its shape and structural integrity. The binder, however, is not very pretty. The wrapper is the exterior of the cigar. It’s usually a solid half-leaf that provides the cigar with its appearance. Wrapper leaf is the most difficult to grow. So, tobacco leaf destined for wrappers are often grown under cheesecloths. Farmers suspend these white cloths about eight feet over their fields growing wrapper leaf. These cloths provide shade to the leaves to protect their aesthetically-pleasing appearance while still allowing sufficient light, air, and water to let the leaves grow healthy. These three different parts of the cigar serve very different purposes. Manufacturers can also blend tobacco with different flavors and origins so that they contrast and complement each other well. Consequently, often one cigar will have filler grown in one country, binder grown in another, and wrapper grown in yet another. Cuban cigars, however, are the exception. Every part of a Cuban cigar is usually Cuban leaf. While the techniques for growing and preparing fillers, binders, and wrapper leaves are still different, they are each nonetheless sourced from Cuban tobacco. Storing Your Cigar The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cigars includes an extensive discussion on properly storing cigars. Selecting the proper humidor and maintaining the appropriate level of humidity within it are critical for ensuring cigars last and smoke well. An improperly stored cigar will likely dry out, turning the smoke harsh and hot. On this one topic, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cigars is lacking. While the discussion on humidors is very informative, advice on humidifying them has a glaring omission. While the author focuses on sponges and distilled water, he fails to discuss Boveda packs. Perhaps this is because Boveda packs did not gain popularity until after the publication of the 2nd edition of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cigars. Regardless, however, no discussion on humidifying cigars is complete without addressing Boveda packs. I use Boveda packs, and I highly recommend them. You put these little packs in your humidor, and they will automatically keep the humidor at the desired level of humidity. If the humidor is too dry, they will release moisture. If it is too humid, they will absorb it. You do not have to continually monitor your humidor, soaking sponges every few days or dealing with the mess of distilled water. Just drop in the packs, and you’re done. They don’t last forever, so you do have to replace them occasionally. I check the humidity levels of my humidor once per week, but I usually only have to replace the Boveda packs every few months or so. I bought a pack of 12 eight months ago, and I still have several left. They are highly effective, reasonably priced, and extremely easy to use. Pairing Your Cigar The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cigars also includes a section on matching your cigar with a proper drink. This section is reasonably comprehensive, discussing all types of drinks. In addition, the book explains what types of the different beverages go well with a cigar. For example, in stating that wines can pair well with cigars, the author recommends reds but only specific types of whites. He also advises against champagne. For beers, he recommends ales and light lagers but warns against yeasty wheat beers. The author also recommends coffee with cigars. This is one of my favorite pairings. I much enjoy a good cup of coffee with a cigar on Saturday mornings. And, of course, good Scotch or Cognac is never a poor choice. High-quality whiskey, however, is essential. The smooth, subtle flavoring of well-aged whiskey pairs well with a good cigar. The harsh flavor of a cheap whiskey, however, will overwhelm the cigar’s taste. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cigars There are few things as relaxing as smoking a good cigar. Unlike cigarettes, which are often habit-forming and inspire neurotic need, cigars are luxurious, occasional treats. There is nothing compulsive about smoking a cigar. It is not something to be squeezed into a short break at work. Rather, smoking a cigar requires a set-aside time. Smoking cigars should be done with purpose. And this is why I love it. Smoking a good cigar allows me to unwind, to stop and think, to relax. Learning more about cigars, their complex history and intriguing production only enhances the experience. I recommend The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cigars to anyone who enjoys a good smoke. Page 158.
This post has been deprecated due to obsolescence. May 16, 2011 In many urban areas people are beginning to grow their own food, raise chickens, and start an apiary. In more rural areas, or suburban fringes, you might go to your local feed store to get necessary supplies or advice to help you along. But what about in a metropolitan setting? Most national hardware stores do not carry items for backyard chickens, organic produce, or hold classes on beekeeping. But places like Naomi’s Organic Farm Supply do. And now they are facing a possible move due to Les Schwab Tire Center taking over most of their leased space and building a new tire store. Naomi Montacre is hoping that there will be room for both. “We have lots of plans for the future here with demonstration and children’s gardens, urban livestock, workshops, and space for non-profits. We think the whole site can be developed creatively to be a real benefit to the neighborhood.” Naomi’s current lease ends May 31st and they would like to purchase. Les Schwab now faces a decision about whether to extend their lease or sell the acre Naomi’s is on. “We’d be happy moving to a smaller portion to the west or staying right where we are. Many of our customers think it could be an advantage to both companies to have a fun, interactive garden space on the same lot and make their tire center a real attraction. It would give Les’s customers an entertaining place to go while they have their tires done and pick up their garden & farm supplies.” The folks at Les Schwab haven’t closed the door to any possibilities, and are considering keeping Naomi’s where it is. Encourage them to do so! Go to original post. From a visit to Naomi’s Organic Farm Supply last year:
From electric cars to baby chicks, the Green Living Fair has it all. The sixth edition of the Kentucky Green Living Fair was held Saturday, and like a plant receiving proper amounts of water and sunlight, it continues to grow. Approximately 1,200 people came through the doors of The Center for Rural Development this past weekend to visit a local event that’s gaining attention throughout the entire Commonwealth as a hub of information, entertainment, and a zeal for ecological sustainability. “I think it’s been a good year,” said organizer Jamie Fitzwater Saturday at the fair. “It’s going awesome, just like always. I think we’ve had a good turnout.” Around 70 vendors and exhibitors were on hand selling different types of products and offering informational workshops on a wide variety of subjects — primitive bowmaking, beekeeping, hemp and CBD, and so much more. In particular, “the electric car has been a really big hit,” said Fitzwater. Those came courtesy of EVolve KY, a non-profit organization that advocates for electric car development, including providing charging stations in Kentucky for those who own such cutting-edge vehicles. The group brought three examples of electric cars to the Center’s showroom floor for curious parties to check out — a Fiat 500e (a compliance car made specifically for California), a Nissan LEAF, which is available in Kentucky from Nissan dealerships, and a Tesla Model S. “(EVolve KY’s) goal is to enhance the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles throughout the state of Kentucky,” said volunteer Laura Zaspel, who was at The Center Saturday. “They work with corporations, companies, individuals — anybody that wants to adopt a charger and have it installed at their location and give the public free access to electric charging for their vehicles.” Zaspel said that there aren’t many charging stations in Kentucky outside of major cities — around 15 in Lexington, and over 30 in Louisville, but “there’s a real dry spot between Lexington and Cincinnati” with only a couple of chargers available. “Absolutely the biggest impediment (to more people driving electric cars) is getting from charger to charger,” she said. “If you have a long-range car like a Tesla that has its own infrastructure, then you’re probably in pretty good shape, but other cars need more charging.” Electric cars weren’t Zaspel’s only focus at the Green Living Fair — she also works for Wilderness Trace Solar out of Danville, one of the Green Living Fair’s sponsors and a regional go-to for solar energy technology. “It turns out that solar and electric cars go hand-in-hand,” said Zaspel. “People that love electric cars like myself also love solar. We want to make our own electricity to put into our cars.” Wildnerness Trace was one such business to adopt an EVolve charger, located on the Danville bypass, to help keep electric cars in Central Kentucky on the go. And when Zaspel goes out on the road, she loves coming to the Kentucky Green Living Fair. “We do residential and commercial solar energy systems throughout the state of Kentucky,” said Zaspel of Wilderness Trace. “(People here are) very curious. This is the best event that we do all year. It is the friendliest, warmest, most productive, and most fun event we take part in all year. For those more into the natural world than technology, there were plenty of plants, food, textiles, and of course live animals like baby chicks and alpacas to see and touch up close, always a big hit with both the young and young at heart. One area that mixed natural plant life with technology though was the attractive glow of the Tower Garden brought in by Juice Plus + , billed as “a really sustainable way to grow your vegetables,” said Deena Bell. The standing structure, lit up brightly like something out of a sci-fi lab, was as tall as a person and had different plants growing out of it at every level of its height. “It’s all hydroponic, so it’s fed through with a pump that comes up,” she said. “All of these components are interchangeable. (It’s a) quick, easy way to grow your fruits and vegetables at home year-round.” Bell also had only glowing comments to make about the Green Living Fair. “It’s been an awesome experience,” she said. “There have been so many people that are actually interested in sustainable, healthy living.”
It’s “HAT,” but it’s about heat. Boston – Six Boston-area nonprofits have received a combined gift of over $1.1 million dollars in brand new clothing through a partnership with Dignity U Wear a national non-profit. St. Anthony Shrine; Ministry Center, St. Francis House, Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps, Women’s Lunch Place, Bakhita House and Boys and Girls Clubs of Dorchester each received brand new clothing in 2014 to support their missions to serve those in need throughout the Boston area. Dignity U Wear is a national nonprofit headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida. It is the mission of Dignity U Wear to procure brand new clothing from over 200 apparel industry partners to include; manufacturers, retailers and distributors, and deliver it at the right time to the people for whom it will make the most difference. “Nearly 80,000 units of clothing have been sent to the Boston area,” said Barbara Truncellito, executive Director for Dignity U Wear,” items including underwear, socks, school uniforms, sweaters, khaki pants, polo shirts, jeans, dresses and accessories. “So many people in our country are in need of such basic items as socks and underwear and we are here to help.” added Truncellito. Dignity U Wear focuses on three initiatives to reach those in need: school clothing for children, veterans in transition and women and girls in crisis. “We are truly grateful for their support”, commented Ed Kelley, CEO, Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps, “Dignity U Wear aligns with our mission to ensure that all children can live as we would want our own children to live. Their approach and commitment to the most at-risk is exactly what our community needs – we are stronger together.” RFK Children’s Action Corps serves children throughout Massachusetts. Through this partnership we are able to provide clothing to children in over a dozen communities including Western Mass and the Cape. In collaboration with St. Anthony Shrine, St. Francis House is the largest distributor of clothing to the poor and homeless in the Greater Boston area, “we are grateful for the relationship with Dignity U Wear, together we are making a positive impact on men and women in need,” said Karen LaFrazia, Executive Director of St. Francis House. “These new clothes will give many people the power to create change for themselves in order to find a brighter future,” said Fr. Tom Conway, OFM, Executive Director at St. Anthony Shrine and board member at St. Francis House. Founded in 2000 by philanthropist and Holocaust survivor Henri Landwirth, Dignity U Wear is a nonprofit that receives in-kind and financial donations from corporate sponsors to provide brand new clothes to over 200 social service agencies across the country at no cost to the recipient. “I know what it means to be stripped of personal dignity,” Landwirth commented, “ I know what it is like not have clothes of one’s own and to give up all hope.” Through Dignity U Wear and partnerships with these Boston agencies, Dignity U Wear is helping those in need throughout the Boston community. The mission of Dignity U Wear is to positively impact the lives of children and their families in need throughout the United States by providing them with brand new clothing. Dignity U Wear partners with the apparel industry to provide the supply of clothing and then works through a network of social service agencies to deliver the clothing based on specified needs. Founded by philanthropist and Holocaust survivor, Henri Landwirth in 2000, the organization has provided more than 9.3 million pieces, valued at $180 million, to more than 830,000 people. St. Anthony Shrine & Ministry Center, the “Church on Arch Street,” has been a center for Roman Catholic ministry in Boston, MA for over 65 years. It is directed by Franciscan friars of Holy Name Province and has over 30 outreach and spiritual ministries. Dear Friends of EPOCA, We are proud to have just celebrated our 10th Anniversary. Thank you to the many people who came out for this great event and donated to our cause. This past year, the Jobs NOT Jails Coalition grew to 136 participating organizations, we staged a big rally on Boston Common and wrapped 46,643 Jobs NOT Jails petition signatures around the State House. In the new year, we will engage thousands of people in mass trainings and high-profile direct actions, to build upon the unstoppable wave of support we have garnered. Together, we will guide the evolution of our society from one characterized by suffering and mass incarceration to one of freedom and self-sufficiency, where employment and a living wage is available for everyone. Our allies in California have succeeded with Proposition 47, where many felonies have been dropped to misdemeanors, which will release thousands of people from prison. The resulting savings from reduced incarceration will be tracked and funneled into three important services: truancy prevention; victims’ services; and treatment for mental illness and addiction. Right now, we are drafting radical new legislation to enact a series of criminal justice reforms and divert millions of dollars away from prisons into job training programs, social enterprise and co-op development. Beyond changing laws, we seek a wholesale shift in consciousness: to end the dehumanization that underlies mass incarceration and economic exclusion. This is what the Jobs NOT Jails Movement is about. The work ahead will be joyful, but it will require sacrifice as well. Last year, EPOCA members and staff spent over $20,000 on in-state travel. This year we expect to log even more miles, as we reach out to inspire action and train leaders across the state, from the Berkshires to Barnstable. Our staff and leaders will train with the experts at Movement Mastery and will pass these vital organizing skills along to you, our allies in this movement. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to all of you who have donated to EPOCA and made it possible to come all this way in just ten years. If you haven’t yet, we hope you will consider making a tax-deductible donation to EPOCA this year. Your gift will make all the difference, to keep us on the road and build further momentum across the state. Delia Vega & Steve O’Neill, Co-directors Checks can be sent to: 4 King Street Worcester, MA 01610 Join us at our next Jobs NOT Jails Community Meeting on January 31, 2014. Details to be announced…. EPOCA’s office will be closed for the holidays! We will be closed from Monday, December 22nd until Monday, January 5th. Happy New Year! A few months ago my neighbor gave me this blouse and other goodies. What I didn’t use I donated to non-profits, with one very nice pair of shoes (new) going to Abby’s. … All your donations are tax-deductible. – R. Tirella … then shop where our Parlee Jones works – ABBY’S HOUSE! 52 High St., Worcester Parlee runs their homeless shelter; she places women, often fleeing domestic violence, in safe spaces. By shopping at Abby’s House THRIFT SHOP (52 High St., across the street from St. Paul’s Cathedral) you support the shelter and the homeless women for whom it spells HOME. Lots of greats buys! Lots of items Diamonds in the Rough! Don’t forget! The money you spend at the shop goes towards supporting Worcester’s iconic women’s shelter. Learn more (from their website): Abby’s House Thrift Shop The Abby’s House Thrift Shop continues to be our largest single source of revenue. All of the profits from sales at the Thrift Shop fund our emergency shelter. The Thrift Shop is full of quality clothing, accessories, home goods, and bargain-priced cosmetics. We encourage you to visit the store today, not only to donate clothing and homegoods, but to add some great pieces to your wardrobe! Monday through Thursday: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Fridays: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Saturdays: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm The Thrift Shop is closed on holidays. When Worcester Public Schools declares a snow day, the Thrift Shop will be closed. In case of bad weather, please call ahead to make sure we’re open: (508) 756-5486 extension 12. Donations are accepted during regular shop hours. We are happy to accept gently used, seasonal women’s clothing in good condition and household items of all kinds including kitchenware, lamps and decorative items. New, unopened health and beauty products are also welcome. At times we are in need of furniture in good condition that may be used to set up an apartment, such as small kitchen sets or desk sets. If you would like to make a furniture donation, please call ahead. We do NOT accept books, computers, TVs, furniture, records, record players, hangers, used pillows, men’s clothing or used children’s clothing and toys. Please note that due to the new laws regarding child safety we can only accept children’s clothing or toys if they are NEW, in package or tagged. CLICK HERE to visit the Abby’s House website to learn more! … yet they receive non-profit sponsorship $$$ from Harvard Pilgrim health. WTF?! LEARN how to counter CLASSISM at FARMERS MARKETS when REC makes a presentation at … … the Northeast Organic Farming Association, Massachusetts Chapter (NOFA/Mass) 28th Annual Winter Conference, Saturday, January 10. At Worcester State University, Chandler Street. Featuring 70 workshops, exhibits, an all-day seminar and keynote by Greg Judy, rotational grazier and carbon sequestration advocate. The conference draws about 1,000 participants from Massachusetts and neighboring states, including seasoned and beginning farmers, urban homesteaders, backyard gardeners, food activists, and others. 2015 workshop topics include crop production, farm management, health, homesteading, livestock, beekeeping, policy, skill building, infrastructure, soil, urban/backyard gardening and organic land care. The conference will be followed by a post-conference dinner with Greg Judy. GENTRIFICATION IN THE FOOD SYSTEM: Members of [Worcester REC’s] YouthGROW will be presenting a workshop entitled Gentrification in the Food System. The workshop will focus on: the rapid growth of the food justice movement and “foodie” culture that has often excluded communities of color, youth and the poor .. and the many ways we can work to reverse this trend. Ralph Weah, Assistant Farm Manager, and Chad McClain, Assistant Youth Coordinator will share stories and strategies for dismantling racism and creating inclusive spaces. We’d love to see you at our workshop: 1:30 p.m – 3 p.m. – Saturday, January 10, at Worcester State University! For more information, please visit nofamass.org/winterconference Not this wild, edible tree made by Chef Joey! But a real one! CLICK HERE to learn more!
I recently visited the Findhorn community, near Inverness, to help them build a top bar hive and talk about natural beekeeping. The first voice is that of 92-year-old Dorothy Maclean, the only survivor of the original group of three - the other two being Eileen and Peter Caddy - who started what became the Findhorn community just over 50 years ago. You can find out more about Findhorn on their website - findhorn.org Today's podcast is an edited version of my conversation with Dorothy and two of her carers, Marilyn and Jo. I also recorded conversations with two other long-standing members of the community - Craig Gibsone and Kijedo - which will form either one or two future podcasts, depending on how the editing pans out.
The South Chilterns Beekeepers’ Association (SCBKA), currently has members in an area of the South Chilterns bounded by the Thames to the South and the M40 to the North. We are a well-established group of beekeepers interested in the promotion of good beekeeping and the preservation of the Honey Bee. We have members from all walks of life, and whilst some of us are complete beginners we are fortunate to have a number of very experienced beekeepers who will share their knowledge about the honey bee and practical beekeeping skills. With an Association Apiary set in the beautiful South Oxfordshire countryside we are able to offer our members practical courses and demonstrations of beekeeping, using docile, near native bees. We also hold monthly educational and entertaining winter meetings in the Woodcote Village Hall (RG8 0QY). Our summer meetings are held at various locations within our membership area. Whether or not you have your own bees, we welcome new members from the towns and villages in the area shown below. - Justine is a valued Member who attended our Theory Course in 2017, which helped her to decide if beekeeping was for her. - After joining our Association she progressed onto the Summer Practical Course and together these Courses gave her the confidence to start her beekeeping with good basic underpinning knowledge and skills. - Beginners Theory Course March 2020. Now registering students for the South Chilterns BKA Beekeeping for Beginners Theory Course in March 2020. Contact Margaret at [email protected] to register your interest and/or for details
Grameen Telecom Trust (GTT) signed Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) with Bangladesh Association for Social Advancement (BASA) on Monday 15th February, 2016 at 185th Social Business Design Lab, held at Grameen Bank Auditorium. The ceremony was presided over by Chairman of Grameen Telecom Trust, Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus. Ms. Parveen Mahmud (Managing Director, GTT) & Mr. A.K.M. Shirajul Islam (Executive Director, BASA) signed the agreement on behalf of GTT and BASA. Grameen Telecom Trust (GTT) in collaboration with BASA has agreed to introduce new social business initiative “Honey Processing Social Business”, which is related to quality production and market linkage of pure local honey. The aim of this project is to locally produce hygienic honey which would be sold all over Bangladesh and globally in future. The target would be to capture the market already dominated by foreign brands, improve bee-culture & quality honey collection method. Also there would be awareness campaign on local honey, awareness campaign on agricultural & horticultural farmers for the impact of Bees & Beekeeping in respect to pollination & training of bee-keeping communities. The project will also assist in employment generation of marginal community & Bee pollination will help the farmers to get enhanced crops, fruits and vegetable production. The project was initially presented on the 6th Design Lab in 6th July, 2013, however after redesigning the project it was approved in the 154th Open Design Lab in 21st December, 2015. This is the 10th Social Business project of GTT.
The Minister for Land, Housing and Human Settlements Development, William Lukuvi said yesterday that he has taken the step to simplify the services of settlements planning and legalization of informal settlements. He said from next year the government will start to issue title deeds electronically across the country. This will go alongside issuing of all land documents at the regional level, saving people, especially the rural population from travelling long distances to get documents. Addressing a working meeting of land sector experts here yesterday, he said, "Those seeking title deeds will be able to process applications and make payment electronically in order to acquire them." The three-day working meeting under the theme "Changes in Land Sector for Our National Development," brings together land officers, regional administrative secretaries and council directors from across the country to discuss projected changes in the land sector. The minister said the land sector is set for major transformation following changes in administrative structures, including relocating land officers from the President's Office (Regional Administration and Local Governments) to the Land portfolio. "Relocation of land officers to the Land ministry aims at uplifting the level of efficiency in settlements planning and legalization of informal settlement services. Previously, beekeeping and forest officers were also responsible for land services in councils," he stated. Plans are underway for the government to bring all land services closer to the people by setting up regional offices responsible for land services, as by next October, members of the public will be able to access all land services in regional offices instead of zonal offices, the minister declared. "Presently, residents of Kigoma Region have to travel all the way to Tabora Zonal Office to get land services, largely for legalization of informal settlements," he pointed out. He warned land officers operating land companies while carrying out official duties, noting that such land officers should opt between businesses and public service. On her part, the deputy minister, Angelina Mabula, underscored the need for land officers to apply customer care prerogatives while carrying out official duties. "There is a dire need for change in order to match with projected transformation in the land sector", she said. Earlier, Permanent Secretary Dorothy Mwanyika said that the working meeting was aimed at seeking solutions for challenges facing the land sector. Among the topics to be presented are government security and confidential register keeping, the war against corruption in the land sector and the new structure of administration. The meeting will provide land officers with an opportunity to conduct self evaluation in their performance, the top civil servant intoned.
Peel’s has partnered with the African Honey Bee to bring raw honey from rural communities to market. African Honey Bee’s beekeepers produce raw honey of an extraordinarily high taste and quality, and make use of environmentally-friendly and ethical beekeeping practices. The beekeeper families form local groups to support each other and cooperatively manage their micro-farming enterprises. The beekeepers share in the profits of generated by Sizana. Each bottle is traceable to an individual beekeeper – please scan the attached QR Code. Find more information on the Sizana page!
399 Broadway, Providence, RI Neighborhood: West Side Hours: Tues-Sat 10am-6pm; Sun 12pm-4pm This woman-owned startup urban farm supply store focuses on being a single source for affordable, quality supplies for food growers and chicken and bee keepers. Cluck! also features in-store workshops like cheese-making, mushroom hunting, chicken raising, and more. Beehive building materials, bee brushes, leather smokers, hive guides, and other beekeeping supplies. Instructional books and supplies for fermentation, pickling, and preservation. Gardening and soil improvement books, watering cans and devices, clay pots, and other gardening supplies. Beekeeper gear, hive tool kits, honey dippers, The Beekeeper's Bible and other books. Instructional books for preserving, jars, and crucial preserving ingredients like pectin and citric acid. Sewing kit, twig pencils, gift cards, bath oils, soaps, other miscellaneous gifts. Egg-related products from egg cartons to chalkboard egg place cards, from lip balm to cookbooks. Books and supplies for raising chickens. Pitchforks, shovels, corkscrew weeders, fruit pickers, hoes and other large garden tools. All Products, alphabetically:
Bear Grylls and Steve Irwin are associated with close and dangerous encounters with the wild. Only add some humor to it and you ... Bear Grylls and Steve Irwin are associated with close and dangerous encounters with the wild. Only add some humor to it and you have got to know another personality Charles Wieand. YouTuber Charles Wieand is a nature lover and a self proclaimed epic adventurer. Soon after watching his videos, you will come to know that he has a serious knack for hilarity. From swimming with anacondas to kissing crocodiles, Wieand does everything for grabbing the attention of his fans. Wieand’s YouTube channel Outdoor Adventures With Charles, demonstrates several videos where he battles with the elements of danger and gives survival tips while doing his acts. These tips are not the normal ways of saying things but the Mr. Bean chuckle inducing flair. Some funniest moments also coincide with serious risks of safety. At one instance, he was nonchalantly swimming around in a crocodile pool while the alligators are chilling next to him. He only wanted to see if they can stay together if he brought one of them for him. Some have also got kisses and piggyback rides from him. When he warned his viewers to carry a good bug zapper with them but proceeded with his curiosity himself. And the time he pointed out for right safety gear in beekeeping but he did it all naked. When he hung out underwater with an anaconda like they were beer buddies and Indian music was playing in the background. There was yet another comic layer but we are really not sure if it was as comic as it seems. Source= “Outdoor Adventures with Charles” Veronica Seider’s super power sounds like a plot of a film. Veronica has an eyesight that redefines the human eye capability. ... The world’s highest mountain – Mount Everest not only serves as an epitome of nature’s beauty, but it is also a warning t...
World Honey Bee Day, previously known as Honey Bee Awareness Day, is an idea put together by beekeepers in the USA, who petitioned the USDA in 2009 for an official day to honour honey bees and beekeeping. A few years down the line, people across the globe are holding a date of observation every year. Honey Bee awareness enthusiasts will likely put a bee in your bonnet and say this is not so much a day to celebrate honey bees, as it is to promote their involvement in sustainable farming. On this day, bee lovers everywhere decorate their gardens with lavender, borage and marjoram, the bee’s knees in pollinator lures. If you have the time and patience, bake some honey chippers and make your own honey fruit cobbler. And because you’ve been as busy as a bee all day, sit back and watch Hitchcock’s ‘The Bees’. You’ll count your blessings honey bees are nothing like South American killer bees!
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I see the question about beekeeping suits or garments come up quite a bit. We have been keeping bees since 2008 and over time we’ve accumulated a handful of outerwear – veils, jackets, gloves, and such. In this post, and as part of my ‘what do I use’ series, I will talk about beekeeping garments and my impressions. Recommendation – take a look at the gallery of photos prior to starting – you’ll see images of most of the equipment that I’ll talk about below. Jacket: UltraBreeze beekeeping Jacket – ultrabreezesuits.com Veil: A beekeeping veil procured from a small shop in Italy (sorry, can’t provide a link to this one). Alternate choice is my Kelley Veil Gloves: Blue Extra Large Nitrile Gloves (find them online or at drug stores) What we have Mann Lake ‘Pollinator Brand‘ Jacket with hood style veil (x2) Ultra Breeze Jacket with hood style veil Italian (Co-op Melissa Company) Custom Beekeeping Jacket and Veil, picked up on a trip to Italy Brushy Mountain ‘Ventilated Jacket‘ without veil Kelley Veil and Helmet – sorry not sure what model Various other veils of undetermined origin Veil from Italian (Co-Op Melissa Company) that is designed to work with the Co-Op bee suit (yellow) mentioned above Canvas wrist length gloves Blue, Xtra Large Nitrile gloves What you are doing – Right tool for the job What you wear is an It Depends Situation I don protective equipment based on the scenario I am facing. Factors like the time of day, type of work, and other aspects do matter when you are planning your beekeeping activities. The beekeeping season runs from March to December in New Jersey but much of it is done in the warm spring and summer months and trying to stay cool becomes as important in some factors as being protected. Solid Canvas Jackets We started beekeeping with Mann Lake canvas jackets. These are professional tools. Solid, well constructed, durable, but hot. If they were not hot, they would be a very solid choice. We have several of these and in the cooler times they are actually sometimes a go-to choice because they provide protection and warmth. Protection – Can you be stung? One common question is can you be stung through a beekeeping jacket or suit; yes, it is possible not very common. An important aspect of protective outerwear that I think goes unnoticed is all stings are not the same. The amount of penetration of a sting, in my experience, determines how severe the sting is. So one aspect of protection is if you are stung while wearing protective outerwear can the stinger get to your skin and if so how far can it penetrate. The material and construction of protective outerwear can impact this greatly. One aspect of the Ultrabreeze Suit is that the three layer design is so deep in thickness that the stinger in principle cannot reach your skin. Bee biology, and the length of a bees stinger, dictate that it can’t reach. That being said, it is possible that the suit can be compressed and people have told me that they have had some circumstances where they’ve been stung through a mesh suit design. Mesh Style Suits – They are not all created equal The first mesh style suit I came across was from a beekeeping forum of all things. A guy named Bill had an idea, and beekeepers were doing a indegogo style campaign for him before indegogo was a thing. Uncharacteristically I got in on the order of a not for sale product and ordered my suit through a collective order that someone arranged. I was hesitant at jumping in but in the end the design of the suit had so much potential that I couldn’t reason why it would not revolutionize if it held up to its claims. On a rare occasion, it did. Three Layers Is Right Why it works…. The Ultrabreeze mesh design uses three porous weaves layered on top of each other and create the depth that I mentioned above. It has a fine mesh layer inside, a waffle like layer int he middle, and a durable perforated outer shell. It takes some getting used to the bulkiness of the design at first but they float well enough over each other that they are actually less constraining In My Opinion (IMO) then a canvas jacket. It takes some getting used to but after a short adjustment it goes unnoticed, at least it did for me. I’ll reiterate that I’ve never been stung. One Layer, not so much Newer designs have emerged after this style of suit came on to the market. My Brushy suit has a fine mesh layer inside and a foamy style perforated layer on the exterior. It is similar in design to the “Frog Tog” brand jacket that I knew of through exposure in a different manner (my twin was a dealer in early days). FrogTog jackets were breathable material made of something akin to Tyvek but had perforations to let moisture out but no rain could get in. This material is different then FrogTogs but the holes have a similar appearance. I was drawn to the design because upon checking out the jacket in person it felt as lightweight and seemed in principle to be breathable like my Ultrabreeze so I bought one. While it does affort more some breathe ability it does not IMO afford the same level of protection and comfort. I have been stung through this jacket and it simply does not allow air to flow as well as the Ultrabreeze style suit. It is not a bad jacket, and on occasion when it is not cold, nor really hot, it makes for a good choice. It is lightweight and if I had to choose between the Mann Lake canvas suit and this one, I probably would choose this one second simply for it’s utility. No question about it. The first time you’re standing out in the apiary on a sweltering hot day and the slightest breeze comes along you’ll thank your ultrabreeze suit. It is like a little gust of freshness from angels. I have not felt the air move through my perforated single layer poly jacket and suspect it is helpful for letting heat out but little use for letting a breeze in. I’m so confident in my ultrabreeze suit’s protection that I would go bare skinned under it if need be – don’t picture that you’ll burn out your corneas…. 😉 Veils / Hoods Hoods vs. Veils The MannLake and Ultra Breeze jackets comes with what is labeled a veil but I think it should be called a hood. In my estimation a veil is a piece of cloth and mesh that hangs over your head whereas a hood is a canvas cover that has a mesh front for you to see through and it covers the back of your head. To say that in a different way, a veil has mesh all the way around, 360°, and a hood does not. Both of my jackets have hoods that can be unzipped from the jacket and are not permanently attached. Surprisingly I hand’t thought much of this but have quite a few of these and in different styles. The first and last ones I came upon are simply cloth tops that sit directly on your head like a cloth hat, have a wide brim, and mesh hangs down to create the veil. These are one piece affairs with a drawstring or gathering at the bottom that hang low enough to cover your neck and are designed to go over a collar. I’m not sure what it is about the Italian veil but it simply hit the right notes. It is lightweight, it has a really nice screen, and it fits me well and is comfortable to wear. I always find the helmet style doesn’t feel well – kind of like a poor fitting bicycle helmet. The Italian veil sits right on my head like a form fitting baseball cap, and it might look as if a bee could sting my scalp, but touch wood they’ve never stung me through the part that sits on my head. Another style that I have is the tradition helmet and veil combination. This is a rigid helmet, two that I have are plastic, and one is a woven straw like weave. Over them is a cloth and mesh enclosure that has a hole for the top of the helmet to mate with and again a typical drawstring enclosure at the bottom. It’s about the mesh. Predominantly there are two or three materials for mesh. What matters is the type of material ‘grid’ and color. Veil mesh materials, at least the ones that I have, are made from a cloth weave, wire, and for one a plastic mesh. The patterns are usually little squares. Like trying to look through a screen door, the color of the material and its density determine how well you can see through it to identify what you are looking at. What works is different for everyone and by that I mean I wear glasses and the focal length determines how I see through the screen. My conjecture on this is see if you can buy a veil in person, and see if you can look through it before you buy it – preferably in natural light. Canvas and Nitrile I have learned to go glove-less. It was an objective of mine as a beekeeping practice. I loathe being stung on the finger tips so going glove-less has forced me to slow down and for that reason I think I am a better beekeeper. When and if I feel I need gloves I reach for the nitrile. Like bee suits, wearing gloves may not prevent you 100% from being stung on the hands but it does in so many instances lessen the impact. The depth of penetration often dictates how bad you react to a sting and wearing something often presents enough of a barrier to prevent the depth of sting you might have encountered if you were bare handed. When and if I feel I need to use gloves I go for the Nitrile. They are the closest thing to being bare handed. I have really large hands, and at times I don’t like the gloves for they are really taught for me. I’ve found bigger nitrile glove sizes so I have less tears but I still feel a little confined and my hands sweat when it is hot out. Still they offer good dexterity and sting protection. Another factor that many learn to consider is stains on your hands. Propolis and other hive substances are hard to clean off and wearing gloves keeps your hands clean. One bad side effect of wearing these disposable gloves is waste. I’m not a fan of disposable and the environmental impact. I judge when I am going to use them and although some would consider it a bad practice, I do wear my gloves when going between hives. Considering waste, a listener has suggested that one could use dishwashing gloves. I’m good with that suggestion but generally find it does not work for me. Dish washing gloves are not make for people like me with such large hands so I will stick to the nitrile and dislike the waste. Canvas and Cloth Gloves Somewhere along the line, probably when we got started, my wife picked up a pair of canvas gloves for beekeeping that go to your wrists. They are really nice gloves for the purpose as the material is thick enough to afford protection but thin enough to allow your fingers to bend and have some dexterity. Still, as a beekeeper they are too clunky and it is too easy to crush bees and mishandle equipment due to loss of dexterity. If however the bees are testy, or I’m doing something where you have to have full protection – say a cutout or other activity, these are my go to gloves. If you’re buying gloves think about buying something that is not as protective as you would want. Meaning, don’t buy these thick, behemoth, you’ll never be stung through them gloves. It will not go well for you. Simply having canvas or leather gloves made of a thinner material will afford you almost all of the protection you’ll need. Over the years I’ve used mechanic gloves with great success. For the same reason nitrile work, they are made for dexterity. They don’t offer the greatest sting protection but they do offer some and negate those deep painful stings on almost all occasions. It is not a bad idea to have some of these in your kit. Suits, Gloves, some Veil Materials The canvas suits from Mann Lake and Italy can be washed in the washing machine like any other material. The Ultrabreeze suit should be washed like a delicate and it’s hood should not be put into a washing machine. With the ultra Breeze jacket it says that it can twist between the layers and they recommend that you shake it out before it dries and ensure it is flattened and in shape before allowing to dry fully. The hardest part with the veils is keeping the screens in shape. Since some that I have are made of wire mesh, if squeezed, or equipment set on them, they get misshappen. I try whenever possible to store them in a place where things will not be set upon them and squish them. Otherwise just taking care of the draw srtrings is something to look after. The Ultra Breeze suit has grayed some but is holding up well. Like most bee suits it was very white when I bought it and now it is a dull white. The Brushy Mountain mesh jacket looks terrible. Washed or not it has stains and looks like it has been on the floor of the closet and walked on. Every stain, every spatter stays in the material for some reason. The Mann Lake jackets have lost their bright white and show wear but generally look kept after coming out of the washing machine. I try to make it a practice to wash them once or twice a season. Don’t ‘dryer’ anything I don’t like to use the dryer for anything. I’m simply not going to take the chance to damage anything and it is no bother to hang them on a line outside and let them air dry. Nothing could be more personal than clothing and especially clothing that protects you from possible stings. The truth is the farther I get into my beekeeping tenure the less I wear protective clothing. I will say that a responsible beekeeper always wears a veil and I’m am guilty of not following that sage advice. Most times I gauge the mood of the bees and take into consideration what activity I have planned, and then wear the protective equipment accordingly. All beekeepers will tell a tale eventually of a situation where they were caught off guard and some beekeepers I know simply go out in full regalia every time and never chance fate. You’ll need to learn where the sweet spot is for you but hopefully this detailed review of what I do, and what I’ve learned can be helpful.
Here's to you and a celebratory new year, perhaps with time off, and family and good food and maybe sunshine and sand if you're in our part of the world. I wish all good things for you! *clink* Thanks for dropping in here to visit, I appreciate your company enormously. We're pretty excited about the new year over here, full of (slightly mental) farm plans and steadfast resolutions. Adam's parents gave us a beehive for Christmas (and a beekeeping course.) Adam and I gave each other a dairy cow. It's going to be a fun ride this year. We've soaked up family and friends and the smell of pine Christmas trees and we're ready to rumble. I hope you've seen in the new year with a smile, if not, our agricultural fiascos may bring one to your face any minute. Happy new year, friends.
Beekeeping terms - a glossary Note: to be added to as I find smaller things, worth mentioning, but not requiring a full node. Adult bee - Fully developed winged bee after emergence from cocoon. Apiary - A unit consisting of one or more colonies of bees. Apiarist - One who engages in apiculture (beekeeping). Bee bread - Pollen that has been treated by the bees and stored in the combs. Box Hive - An illegal hive consisting of a box without movable frames in which bees are allowed to establish their combs. Brace comb - Spurs of comb linking main combs to give strength. Breeder - A progeny-tested queen, specially selected for quality, to be used for breeding. Brood - Eggs and juvenile bees (larvae and pupae). Brood nest, brood chamber - Part of the hive in which the brood is reared. Usually refers to the lower section of a multi-storey colony. Burr comb - Similar to brace comb but found on tops of frames, sides of boxes, an undersides of frames when certain types of deep bottom boards are used. Candy - Granulation process in honey; a food for bees made from honey and sugar, or sugar and water. Cappings - The wax caps found on brood and honey cells. Colony - Refers to the honeybee community - queen, workers, drones and brood - as distinct from the term hive, which refers to the domicile of the bees. Demaree - A system of swarm prevention. Density - The 'body' of a honey. In the United States, density is defined as weight per litre (go figure!), specific gravity, refractive index, or with Brix or Beaume hydrometer readings. Drawn comb - Comb that has cells built on or drawn out from foundation. Drifting - Of bees; bees returning from field may drift and enter the wrong hive because of prevailing wind or lack of landmarks; -Of sprays; occurs when aerial or other sprays are blown beyond the target area by wind. Drone layer - A queen that has lost the ability to lay fertile eggs. All her progeny will be drones. Excluder (or queen excluder) - A device for confining a queen to the particular section of a hive. Extractor - A machine to remove honey from the comb, without destroying the comb. Foundation - A sheet of beeswax impressed with the pattern of cell bases on which the bees build comb. Frame - A movable framework in which hangs foundation, and where bees build comb. see - Frame Construction Hive - The domicile of a colony of bees. Strictly, it does not include the bess, brood, and combs, but the term is often loosely applied to the complete unit of home and colony. see - hive construction Honey dew - An exta-floral sugary exudation of certain species of plants. Honey Knife (or uncapping knife) - A sharp, heated knife for removing cappings from honeycombs for extracting. Honey Flow - A source of nectar available to the bees for the production of honey. Hydbrid - In modern usage, in relation to bees, it refers to a cross between two or more strains of one race of bees. It can also refer to crosses betwnn races. Introducing - The process of putting a new queen into a colony of bees. larva (plural larvae) - Grub, one of the immature stages of the life cycle of the bees. Laying workers - Worker bees that, in the absence of the queen and her pheromones, are able to lay only unfertilised eggs. Migratory beekeeping - The system of beekeeping where apiaries are moved from place to place to obtain honey flows. Nectar - The sugary secretion of the nectar glands of flowering plants. Nucleus - A miniture colony of bees usually consisting of three or four frames of bees, a queen, brood and honey. Pollen supplement - A mixture of fat-free soybean flour and other ingregredients, used to supplement the protein supply of a colony during a pollen shortage. Pollen trap - A device fited to a hive to remove pollen pellets from the legs of bees returning from the field. Pollination - the transfer of pollen to the female parts of a plant. Prime swarm - The first swarm that leaves the parent colony. Swarms that issue later are refered to as 'after swarms'. Propolis - A resinous substance used as a cement and caulking compond by bees. Papa (plural pupae) - Intermediate stage in the growth of the bees from egg to adult. Robbing - When the apiarist removes combs from the colony for extracting; When bees from one colony attack another to steal honey. Section - a square of honey in the comb (as built by the bees) in it's own wooden frame. Slum-gum - the refuse from melted comb and cappings after the wax has been rendered or mostly removed. Spring dwindle - the normal drop in population at the end of winter when the old bees have died off and have yet not been replaced by young bees; a condition associated with nosema disease. Starter - A strip of foundation fitted into a frame (instead of a full sheet). Starters are not recommended. Super - Refers to the hive bodies, in excess of one, used to house a colony of bees. Supersedure - Replacement by the bees of an old queen with a new young queen raised in the colony. Swarm - part of the population of a colony, including the queen, that leaves the parent colony to form a new colony elsewhere. a natural means of spreading species. Transfering - The process of transferring a box hive or bush nest into a movable fram hive. Uniting - the precess of converting two colonies (usually weak) into one.
A bee conservation initiative that works Scheuch supports Projekt 2028 and contributes to the increase in bee colonies in the region. Pure, clean air and colourful, biodiverse meadows. That’s how it should be in the future – for our bees as well as for our children. Scheuch has made it its mission to contribute to the sustainable protection of the earth using air pollution control technologies. A clean environment and a functioning ecosystem are vital for humans. Each employee at Scheuch is aware of this responsibility and works to minimise negative environmental influences on a daily basis through their work with the company. The preservation of bees is essential to keep nature intact. For the family enterprise from Innviertel, Austria, this is a significant reason to support the valuable and industrious creatures. Getting started with beekeeping is associated with a high start-up investment, and the ongoing work gobbles up more money than can be redeemed from beekeeping products. If beekeeping were profitable, maybe there would be more beekeepers in the world. Projekt 2028 seeks to make beekeeping affordable again and is counting on assistance from companies and, later on, from households. Scheuch purchased a Bee Starter Set during the fall through Projekt 2028, a project from Hektar Nektar, thereby lending its support to the real proliferation of bee colonies. “As pioneers in the area of environmental protection, we have worked for 56 years on a positive future for the generations to come. Clean air is our mission. So for us, it is natural to protect the bees, which are so essential for a functioning ecosystem,” says Stefan Scheuch and Jörg Jeliniewski, Managing Directors of Scheuch Group.
WILSON, N.C. — October 5, 2016 — Photography and documentary filmmaking will be showcased through a series of events as Barton College welcomes artist-in-residence Richard Knox Robinson to the Barton Art Galleries in October. His new exhibition, “Notes from Atlantis,” opens on Tuesday, Oct. 13, and runs through Wednesday, Nov. 23. On Thursday, Oct. 13, Barton College Friends of Visual Arts will host its annual FOVA Fall Lecture and Dinner. A wine and cheese reception with the artist will begin in the Barton Art Galleries at 5 p.m., followed by Robinson’s lecture at 6 p.m. Guests are then invited to Kennedy Family Theatre for dinner at 7 p.m. Reservations are required. Tickets for the dinner event are $35 per person, and reservations and payments must be received by Tuesday, Oct. 11. FOVA members may reserve tickets for $25 per person. For more information, contact Maureen O’Neill, Director of Exhibitions and Educational Programming at the Barton Art Galleries, at 252-399-6477 or [email protected]. Robinson is an award winning photographer and filmmaker based near Charlottesville, Va. His first film, “The Beekeepers,” premiered at Sundance in 2009 in the New Frontiers Shorts Program and went on to screen at Hot Docs and Vancouver International Film Festival, winning “Best Short Documentary” at The Atlanta Film Festival. His first feature film, “Rothstein’s First Assignment,” was nominated for the special jury prize at Seattle’s International Film Festival in 2011 and was featured in Time’s LightBox. In 2012, Robinson was awarded the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Fellowship. His photography work has been published and exhibited widely, appearing in numerous publications including “Time,” “Smithsonian,” and “National Geographic Traveler” magazines, as well as the photography annuals of “Communication Arts” and “American Photography.” Robinson earned his MFA in Photography and Film from Virginia Commonwealth University, where he teaches as an adjunct professor. Previously, he has taught at the University of Virginia, Washington and Lee University, and Randolph College. In Italy, he has taught at Monserrat College of Art’s Summer Italian Residency Program. Additional events include an informal gallery talk scheduled for Wednesday, Oct.19, at 6 p.m. in the Virginia Thompson Graves Gallery in Case Art Building. Robinson will introduce guests to his photographic series, “Notes from Atlantis,” photographs in which Robinson investigates the intersection of myth and science. He will also introduce guests to a series of photographic stills and audio from his second film, “Rothstein’s First Assignment” (2011), on exhibit in the Lula E. Rackley Gallery. “This work began as a re-photographic project of Arthur Rothstein, one of America’s premier photojournalists,” he explains. “I discovered, through interviews, photo archives and court documents, that the then Resettlement Administration’s relocation project of a community in the Appalachian Mountains was a falsehood. The people Rothstein was so diligently photographing and recording were, in fact, part of an experimental eugenics program.” While serving as artist-in-residence at Barton, October 13 – 30, Robinson will also work with a group of Barton students from various departments, engaging them in the documentary film process from beginning to end. The students will assist Robinson with the production, editing, and post-production of a short film. The screening of this collaborative film endeavor is scheduled to premiere on Thursday, Oct. 27, at 7 p.m. in the Barton Art Galleries. It will be followed by a Q&A with Robinson and the Barton students. Also to be screened will be Robinson’s award winning documentary shorts, “The Beekeepers” and “Song of the Cicadas,” each will be presented in the Barton Art Galleries, followed by a Q&A with Robinson. “I really didn’t expect beekeeping to be political,” he says about “The Beekeepers,” (2009) his entry into the filmmaking world. He added that the project began with his interest in beekeeping, but it became more about the fate of bees and the consequences of pesticides. “Song of the Cicadas,” his third film, was a collaborative project. Robinson shares, “It started with an idea from David Rothenberg’s book, ‘Bug Music.’ It compares the incarceration of a political prisoner (Timothy Blunk) with that of time spent underground of a periodical cicada. It explores the metaphors that are evoked through this conjunction. Though not an overly conceptual piece, it does create a critique on the politics of incarceration.” With the exception of the dinner, which requires reservations, these events are free and open to the public. For more information, contact Maureen O’Neill, Director of Exhibitions and Educational Programming at the Barton Art Galleries at 252-399-6477 or [email protected].
Courses for the supporting fields necessity are selected in assessment with the student’s Ph.D. Advisory Committee. All classes taken for the Supporting Fields must be at the graduate level and/or used for graduate credit. Statistics and methods classes can’t be used to satisfy the Supporting Fields requirement. At the least 6 hours and no more than 9 hours are to be used Management. These full hours can include MGMT 6223, Special Topics in Management, and , Special Problems. Courses used to meet the Research Tools requirement will be selected in consultation with the student’s Ph.D. Advisory Committee and should support the student’s program of study. The courses should provide the student with a knowledge of advanced descriptive and inferential figures, research design, and research methods. Students will be asked to take a comprehensive evaluation as a dependence on the PhD program in the Management Department. Content: Students will have questions from both content areas they identified. There could be more questions on the principal area than the supplementary area. Students will have some chance to choose among the questions. Methods: All students will have the same methods questions. One part of the methods exam will be an article that students review a critique and priori. Students will involve some opportunity to choose among the questions. There will be some required questions. Specialty Area: Each college student taking the comprehensive exam will select a specialty area of emphasis and a management section faculty willing to sponsor that area. This area is one that the student is expected to be an expert in, and ideally, associated with his / her future dissertation area. The final part of the comprehensive exam will consist of questions that are based on the niche area. This works really well because video speak one thousand times more than words. With video logging, not only can you video the hive but of course you can narrate in to the video what you observe. I visited Wal-mart and bought a VuPoint DV-DA1-VP. It folds and fits effectively into my front side pocket up. The picture quality (5 Mega Pixel) is lacking a little because of the low budget lens I’m sure, but sufficient for keeping a video log. It takes digital videos, digital photos and tone of voice record. Has a standard size tripod mount on the base Also. Another piece of technology that helps me monitor my hive’s improvement is my pocket PC. I use the Dell Axis, and I am in a position to make notes, keep an eye on how much honey each hive produces and remind myself of what I must do to each hive next. Remember, you do not need technology. Just a pad of paper and a pencil works just fine too. I have found that every hive should be assigned some sort of id marking. I love to give each of my different bee yards a letter. Then, within the yard, I am going to assign each hive a true number. So a hive is known to me as A1 or D3. I take left over metal from the top cover, and cut it into small rectangles, drill a gap in the top of the steel tag, and then use my long term marker to place the id marking on the metal. Then, I attach this to the hive it belongs to with a tiny nail. I try to include the metal marker in my photos of every hive so that I know which hive the photo is from. These tags hold on my hives as opposed to making permanent markings on the actual hive box. Now I cannot stress enough how important it is that you retain a good log with as much fine detail as possible. - Why would you like to go to our MBA program - 2011: QR rules are on every poster, product, and party at SX - Dating sites - Hobby class This will be very useful in determining why a hive is doing well or simply why one died. Brood pattern. This will tell you the grade of the queen’s laying capability. Very spotty brood displays an unhealthy queen. There will always be some spots on the brood, but here’s what you are striving for. Do you have too much bullet brood? Bullet brood is another term for drone brood. It sticks up greater than employee brood and appears a little like a small bullet. An excessive amount of might suggest you have a laying worker and the queen is gone. Disease? Eliminate American Foul Brood, mite infestation, chalk brood or any other observable problem. Always keep an eye on when you began each hive, where you obtained your bees and/or queen. Keep an eye on how old your queen is. Once we approach the begin to the 2013 beekeeping season, we will continue steadily to release lessons pertaining to the various aspects associated with the beekeeping season. Please review previous lessons. We are also creating a website that you should access each previous lesson with greater ease to enable you to look up questions and find answers from prior lessons. These lessons are a tremendous reference of information. Thanks for joining me today.
Attack of the Zombees is such a fun nature-based, comic book/chapter book mash-up! Book two in Tony De Saulles Bee Boy series sees Melvin Meadly (aka a boy with weird special powers that enable him to turn into a bee and become Bee Boy!) investigate a batch of sinister honey making school children sick. Behind the poisoning, Melvin and his friend Priti (with the help of some beekeeping knowledge and clever Venus Fly Traps, of course) discover the new kid in town – Berty Crump – has a Uncle who is rich, famous and exploiting bees by using chemicals. This creates horrible, huge Zombees. So, with some wonderful and fun illustrations that help tick this story along, Melvin sets out to stop Uncle Crump, and his bee buddies help too. What’s good about this book, is it highlights the very topical plight of bees dying across the world due to excessive pesticide use – but it does so in a stealthily educational way as part of the fun story.
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I had a wonderful time at Seedy Sunday at The Local last month, and I’m just getting around to writing it up. I got variety of really interesting seeds that I’ll soon be starting on the front porch, but the best part of Seedy Sunday for me is always the presentations. I loved the one on beekeeping, presented by Stuart Arkett. I’m quite fond of bees, and like to see them in my garden, but I’m a little overwhelmed at the idea of being responsible for a hive. But I needn’t have worried. It was illegal to keep bees in Stratford until last year, when Stuart presented a petition to allow it within city limits. After all, the city coat of arms features a beehive. Why not live up to our history? The city agreed, but followed provincial regulations, which require a hive to be 30 meters from a property line. That puts my beehive smack-dab in the middle of my living room coffee table, right next to my husband’s beer when he’s watching sports. So it’s progress of a kind, but, short of a divorce, it’s not going to work for me. I hope Stuart continues his work to promote urban beekeeping. I really got a lot out of Stuart’s presentation. He told us a great deal about neonicotinoid pesticides and how they work. These are the ones that cause all the problems for bees. Some crops around here just can’t be grown without this pesticide, or a more expensive alternative. It gets put on some seeds, and when dirt is blown in the wind it’s breathable. The good news is that neonics are on their way out, due to increased government regulation, and also because after an insecticide has been used over a period of time, the insects just become immune to it. You do have to question an agricultural practice that has the end result of breeding resistant bugs, but let’s save that for another day. (More about neonicotinoids here) We also discussed colony collapse disorder, which I’m sure you’ve heard about. Surprisingly, only three crops depend completely on bees for pollination: blueberries, cranberries, and almonds. These crops use trucked-in hives, a method that stresses the bees and weakens their resistance to mites and disease. I have always wondered why the almond farmers don’t just raise bees within their groves. That would save time and trouble in transportation, and minimize the risk of infection to the hives. And you get honey. So I put my hand up to find out. Stewart answered that almond groves do not provide a complete diet for bees, as almonds are the only thing allowed to grow there. “But…” I said, “Why not allow a little extra vegetation, so the bees can thrive?” He smiled patiently, and explained that water is very scarce where the almonds grow, and no farmer would risk the expense of watering weeds. “But… “I persisted, “Why not reduce the ratio of trees to vegetation, just a little, to allow for bees?” His answer was accompanied by the steely-eyed look farmers reserve for city-folk who want to give them advice. I could tell he’d been asked these kinds of questions before, presumably by people with a slightly vacant stare and flowers in their hair. He said that it is the obligation of farmers to produce the maximum from their farms. Farm families aren’t charitable organizations, and farm life is hard enough without creating extra, unprofitable work. Well, it’s pretty hard to answer back to a statement like that. But then — and this is the interesting part — I asked him another question and got an answer I didn’t expect. I wanted to know why the bees produce more than the hive can use. Turns out they just do, it’s a bee thing. They keep working until there’s no more room for honey. Many beekeepers take all the honey from the hive and leave the bees with cheaper sugar water to last them over the winter. This is not as nutritious, and some hives die, but it works out in the long run. On his farm, Stuart doesn’t do this. He tries to calculate how much honey the bees will need to keep healthy over the winter, and he takes the rest as his share. So in other words, he’s taking a reduced profit on his hives, hives he’s bought or built — to make things more comfortable for a bunch of bugs. He is not maximizing his farm profit. Seems to me there’s a contradiction. And I find that really interesting. There’s a kind of a way we’re taught to think about how society relates to nature. We’re tough, we’re practical, we’re in control, and nature is a product. If you watch the news these days, particularly the weather news, maybe we’re not so much in control as we think we are. And I notice a kind of vague unease; it’s like we have a conflict between our heads and our hearts, and we try to resolve it by not really thinking about it very much. But avoiding it doesn’t make it go away. I’m certainly no expert, but maybe the bees need more thinking about. Maybe agriculture needs more thinking about. Just because we’ve always done something a certain way doesn’t mean there isn’t a better way.
I first ordered from eBeeHoney in October of 2010. Every year since then, I purchase a 5-Gallon Bucket of the same Raw Goldenrod Honey. At about a tablespoon each, daily with our morning herbal teas, my wife and I are grateful to reap the benefits of Glenn's passion in beekeeping. Our lives are better. We are happier and healthier than ever. We love the Raw Goldenrod Honey and consider it a necessary staple in our home -- nothing less will do! Reviewed by: Michael M from Lowell, Massachusetts.
By: Ben Middelkamp – The Greenfield Daily Reporter HANCOCK COUNTY — A newly enacted Indiana law that prohibits local governments from banning beekeeping erases existing ordinances in a few Hancock County municipalities, area officials say. That means beekeeping now is legal in city and town limits. The law, which began July 1, says no Indiana county, city, town or township can adopt or continue any ordinance, rule, regulation or resolution that disallows residents from keeping bees on their property. Greenfield, Fortville, McCordsville and New Palestine each had restricted some aspect of beekeeping, according to each government’s code of ordinances. Unincorporated Hancock County allows beekeeping. Sen. Mike Crider, R-Greenfield, sponsored the bill during this year’s state legislature session. Rep. Bob Cherry, R-Greenfield, was one of 16 representatives in the house who voted against the bill. The law says while local governments cannot restrict apiculture, the science of raising bees, they can regulate certain aspects of beekeeping, such as the number of active bee hives a person can own and the location of the hives on a person’s property. Local rules can also demand that the hives conform to the standards of the Apiary Inspectors of America, a nonprofit that promotes better beekeeping conditions in North America. Greenfield’s animal control ordinance had previously prohibited the keeping of insects, said Donna Butler, building inspector. Mayor Chuck Fewell said with the local ordinance now made moot, he wants to make sure residents are safe while keeping bees in the city and that neighbors are OK with the change. “We want people to be able to have what they want,” Fewell said. “We don’t want to restrict them.” The Greenfield City Council will soon discuss the issue, Fewell added. Councilwoman Keely Butrum has been beekeeping on a property outside of city limits for about four years. Last year, she and a few city residents asked the council to consider allowing beekeeping in Greenfield. Butrum said many people have negative assumptions and perceptions of bees. With the new law, Butrum said Greenfield “won’t have beehives in every back yard.” She wants to educate residents about the importance of bees in the ecosystem — as pollinators of many plants — and explain the safety standards beekeepers have to abide by. Butrum said while many people might fear bees, the insects aren’t aggressive unless bothered. Last year, Mt. Vernon High School, located in unincorporated Hancock County, started a beekeeping club on the recommendation of a student. Community Beekeepers, a beekeeping club in Hancock County, meets monthly at the Purdue Extension Hancock County building. At this year’s Hancock County 4-H Fair, nine 4-H’ers participated in beekeeping projects, according to records kept by fair officials. More attention has focused on the importance of bees as their numbers decline because of pesticide use and other factors. Their value in agriculture is immeasurable: Without pollinators flitting from plant to plant, many crops can’t reproduce. Some farmers have resorted to “renting” bees from beekeepers to pollinate their crops. About the New Law: Senate Enrolled Act 529, signed into law in May by Gov. Eric Holcomb, allows municipalities to adopt rules about the number of hives a person may operate and the location of hives on the property. It also requires that beekeepers conform to standards established by the Apiary Inspectors of America. The law overturns outright bans on beekeeping in municipalities. Show Us Your Beekeeping Plates!! That’s the Editors License Plate…BEEMAG. He has a personal plate that he pays extra for, and he makes a contribution to the Ohio State Beekeepers Association so he has that extra bit on it, too. What we want from you is YOUR STATE’S Plate, with your beekeeping message on it. But this can work 3 ways….a simple personal plate that says something like BEEMAG. Or a regular plate that advertises your state association, like the OSBA does here, or your plate like this one that has both. Be Proud of your state, your plate and your message. Show the world your BEEMessage. Send a cell phone shot to [email protected], with PLATE in the subject box. We’ll share it with the world.
|Hive During Swarm| |Bees in the Air everywhere!| I don't know if you can see the ladder against the tree in the top picture but that is where the Swarm went after what looked like a million bees flew around the yard and then all landed on a tree. The energy was electric! I had never seen anything like it in my life. My sense is that since I was not prepared for for this event and it was probably an old queen leaving and taking some workers with her, then, it would be just as well to let them go. I went over and looked in the hive it came out of and it was still teaming with honey and bees. I had been in the hive about 10 days before and there wasn't nearly that much honey, but it must have gotten congested in the brood box. After this experience, I know what I am looking for now and I can just get new equipment and split the hives if they get too blocked up in the future. I am ready to harvest a June crop of honey alright. Anyway, We tried to get the swarm down from the tree but it was too high. We put some of the bees we did get into a bucket and then into a NUC I had and my thinking was maybe the rest of the bees would see that was a nice little home and tell the rest of the bees to move in to the sweet little NUC condo..... but...alas, they all flew off to places unknown later in the day. |Bees everywhere landing on that Cedar Tree| |This is Charlie, my husband trying to get some of the bees in the tree| |Charlie Climbing the Tree| |This is Mari giving it a whirl, trying to get the swarm into a bucket| |They were just too plain high!| |Swarm high up in Cedar Tree| |Swarm in Cedar Tree| |Another Angle of the Swarm in Cedar Tree, it is really hard to see| |It's pretty High Up there!!| |Bees started calming down a bit after the swarm but still many outside| So, I had a swarm, yes, and it sort of caught me by surprise! It seemed like an energetic day as it was just after the Tropical Storm Andrea and it had rained a lot. The sun had come out and the air had an energized quality to it. I think I should have removed some honey before the Hurricane but I just wasn't sure it was ready. After looking it the hive after the swarm, I saw a lot of capped honey ready to go. I tried installing some Palmer Bee Escapes but they didn't work but it is hard to tell because it has done nothing but rain since the Swarm. I want to get into those hive and smoke them really well and get some of the honey frames out. I decided to order a triangular bee escape from Brushy Mountain Farm and I am waiting for it to arrive. So there will be more news on how I do with the honey I am going to harvest one day real soon. We didn't catch the swarm but it was an amazing experience just being around it and witnessing it. Thanks to Mari and Charlie for trying to help out. I am really ok with the natural course of how bees move out into the wild. It seems natural. Everyone is always saying there needs to be more bees so yeah, guess, there are a lot more bees on Cape Ann. I wonder where they are and if they found a nice hollow tree. When looking around the neighborhood there are so many hollow trees and trees with holes in the trunks that I am pretty sure they located a place like that and have a new home. My husband asked me if I thought they were going to come back. He was really worried that all my bees had flown away. I assured him that they didn't all fly away. I can't believe how many bees I have in those two established hives. I read some Michael Bush Natural Beekeeping and he says that if you aren't making mistakes, you aren't learning. I have to agree with that because I sure did learn alot about bees in an experience way. I feel a little more attuned to the crowded hive. Michael Bush also says that all we need to do is just help the bees and not hurt them and I can see that in this instance, this is really true. I may move some frames of brood (after I make sure the queen isn't on the frame) into my new starting out hives. I learned this is supposed to give the colony a nice kick. Another trick is to switch the hives but I don't think I am going to do that, at least not yet. In the future, if I want additional hives, I am just going to order more equipment and split the hives. Happy Bee Keeping,
- Animals: bees - Animal Production: animal protection and health - Education and Training: demonstration, extension, farmer to farmer - Natural Resources/Environment: biodiversity - Pest Management: biological control, chemical control, cultural control, economic threshold, genetic resistance, integrated pest management, physical control, prevention, traps We successfully conducted a training event at the Eastern Apicultural Society short course for extension agents and master beekeepers. The purpose of this training was to disseminate the latest knowledge and technologies to promote bee health to those who will further deliver them to beekeepers. This training was held at the 2010 annual conference of the Eastern Apicultural Society, which holds the largest yearly gathering of beekeepers on the eastern seaboard. Our objective was to train extension agents, Master Beekeepers, and other outreach officials at the week-long conference in key issues concerning the industry. For agents or other inexperienced officials, we offered trainings on basic beekeeping at the Introductory Short Course during the first two days of the conference. For experienced Master Beekeepers or agents, we offered advanced trainings on varroa IPM, queen rearing and bee breeding, CCD, and the Africanized honey bee. For all participants, we provided a series of presentations and workshops from relevant experts during the latter part of the week. Objective 1: Educate novice extension agents in basic beekeeping techniques to create new conduits for apiculture outreach. Objective 2: Provide hands-on training to participants in applying new control methods for varroa mites so that they may further teach varroa IPM strategies to beekeepers. Objective 3: In conjunction with other ongoing extension projects, provide workshops on queen rearing and clinics on bee breeding (including instrumental insemination) to advanced beekeepers. Objective 4: Hold a break-out session on Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), including updates from the leading researchers and a round-table discussion involving apiculture officials, academics, and commercial beekeepers. Objective 5: Develop and deliver a comprehensive plan for public education of Africanized honey bees (AHB), the so-called “killer” bees, in preparation of their predicted invasion and spread along the eastern seaboard. Objective 6: Consolidate slide sets, handouts, and other materials for each participant to utilize in their own outreach efforts for delivery of learned information to their local beekeeper clientele.
Families engaged in subsistence farming often live in chronic poverty and malnutrition, lacking the skills to get the most out of their small patches of land. Others have seen their livelihoods wiped out by drought, disaster, or war. Through our Animals, Agriculture, and Livelihoods programmes, Samaritan's Purse has helped to provide thousands of impoverished farmers, herders, and fishermen around the world with the resources and training they need to feed their families and even obtain a modest income that can be used for education, medical care, or other needs. A dairy goat typically produces about a quart of milk a day, rich with proteins, vitamins, and minerals that help children grow strong and adults stay healthy. When we provide a pregnant goat, the recipient gives the first offspring to another family in need. We also supply dairy cows.More Needy families receive a clutch of baby chickens that can grow up to lay thousands of fresh eggs every year. We provide the start-up food, materials to build a coop, vocational training, and marketing skills to each participant. Staff veterinarians teach the participants how to construct a coop, mix their own chicken feed, and care for the chickens.More Samaritan’s Purse provides donkeys, oxen, and cattle to help work the land, as well as sheep and llamas whose fleece can furnish warm clothing and a steady income.More Bees produce nutritious honey and beeswax that can be used to make candles, cosmetics, or other products. Beekeeping requires only a small amount of land and equipment, and by pollinating crops, bees can increase fruit and vegetable yields. We provide beehives, training, protective clothing, and other suppliesMore Samaritan's Purse works with churches and communities to construct and supply ponds that yield high-protein fish or shrimp.More Barren land can be transformed into flourishing fields by teaching improved agricultural methods and providing seeds and tools. We provide farmers with drought-tolerant seeds, equipment, and training in rainwater harvesting and irrigation techniques, helping produce bountiful crops.More In hard times, families desperate for firewood resort to cutting trees, leaving the land barren and fruitless. Samaritan’s Purse helps them replant orange, mango, and other fruit trees that yield nutritious food and prevent erosionMore
Gifts in Action are thoughtful presents that are heart-warming for your friends and family, and life-changing for the communities they help. By buying gifts in this category, you can help ensure we’re always ready to respond to emergencies quickly, to help save as many lives as possible.See these gifts By buying a gift in this category you could help ensure that a child’s education is not forgotten about even when their whole world is turned upside down. See these gifts Gifts in Action goats have been firm favourites every year, and they're back along with pigs! All gifts purchased from this category will fund our livestock project in Burundi, East AfricaSee these gifts Gifts in this category help women in drought affected areas of Kenya kickstart a new career in beekeeping and provides them with an independent source of income.See these gifts Looking for a gift with the power to change even more lives? Then our special gift bundles are for you...all you need to do is decide which take your fancy!See these gifts
Treehouse Construction Seems To Have Held Up NicelyFinally, a treehouse post about tree houses! About time, am I right? :-) With apologies to readers who are a little tired of beekeeping stuff (did I mention I stuck my finger in a swarm??), I did find my way up to the treehouse with the camera for a good look-around. I couldn't have been happier! Things are looking great, the treehouse hardware, the platform, the roof -- everything held up through the winter and the kiddos have been treehousin' at every opportunity. I will have to replace my basket rope, though .... Want to see more interesting stuff? Read about our VW Bus Bed Build, or maybe the Solar Stock Tank Swimming Pool.
SOILS Permaculture Association Lebanon is a community-based network dedicated to promoting permaculture ethics and principles. Intrigued by their approach to sustainable development, we took the chance to pose some questions to Rita Khawand, co-founder of the association. - In your website, one can read “SOILS is dedicated to applying Permaculture ethics and principles in design systems that work with nature - not against it to provide food, energy and shelter in both rural and urban communities”: can you tell us something more on your activities? As the only permaculture organization in Lebanon, it is essential for us to make permaculture an integral part of the social and civic discourse in the country. We try to create awareness by assembling existing initiatives in different fields (natural building, natural growing, waste reduction, renewable resources, environment protection, sustainable development, etc.) under the same umbrella. We tackle two fronts simultaneously: achieving sustainable rural development, and introducing city-dwellers to permaculture tools for reducing consumption and waste. We established our headquarters and demonstration site in the village of Saidoun (Jezzine caza) - South Lebanon, where two of our founding members are from. There, SOILS Permaculture Association Lebanon benefits from the support of locals, as well as the agricultural cooperative, the municipality and the Union of Municipalities of Jezzine. The high point of our first year was in May 2014 when we successfully organized the Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course in Lebanon (in the village of Saidoun) for the first time ever. This made the PDC more affordable for locals and also contributed to bringing additional income to as many of the villagers as possible (whether from cooking meals, renting rooms, selling produce, or offering other services). Recently, we earned the first prize in the 2014 Lebanese Sustainable Development Competition for "Afir" ("beehive" in Arabic), an eco-museum project in Saidoun. The project involves restoring a historical old stone house in Saidoun and eco-renovating it to convert it into a learning center and bed-and-breakfast welcoming schools and visitors. The center will include a permaculture garden showcasing local bee-friendly plants to help teach visitors about the importance of bees for the environment and the means of preserving bee habitats. In parallel, we will propose organic gardening and recycled crafts workshops. On the urban level, we kicked off the year with a full day of presentations and workshops related to permaculture, in partnership with Gardens Without Border (Canada). Working our way up to the PDC, we also held several info-sessions and small workshops to introduce city-dwellers to permaculture and answer their questions. This gave us a chance to grow our network and outline synergies between different people. We keep in touch with the growing permaculture community thanks to our monthly e-newsletter, L.E.T.S. Lebanon, which includes news, focus pieces, tips and resources. We also set up a website and social media channels to have a unified communication strategy. - Which are the advantages of permaculture in achieving sustainable development? When we founded SOILS Permaculture Association Lebanon in January 2014, we had our work all cut out for us. Rampant urbanization, along with the lack of strategic development plans and proper environmental regulation threatened not only existing ecosystems but also people's way of life. Continuous population movements to urban centers in the search of financial and political stability caused the loss of considerable ethno-botanical knowledge and agricultural knowhow in rural areas. On the other hand difficult socio-economic and political circumstances meant that more young people were growing disenchanted with city life but lacked the tools and means of returning to the countryside. In this context, permaculture seemed the ideal alternative. Permaculture made it easy to relate to people individually; since it encompasses different fields, it allowed us to deal with farmers, architects, engineers, carpenters, environmental activists, nutritionists, artists and students. This resonated with the public and saved us from reductionist labels such as "environmentalists". We introduced different individuals to a wide range of possibilities and tools to make important lifestyle changes such as producing more and buying responsibly. For instance, making compost, even in an apartment, is an easy and encouraging step to growing more plants and producing your own fertilizer from kitchen waste. Seed balls are also a fun way to resist against the concrete landscape. From then on, the philosophy and ethics of permaculture (People Care, Earth Care and Fair Share), advocated through our communication strategy, enabled us to build strong personal ties with our community and gave us an edge in bringing people together and spreading the word about their projects. In practice, permaculture seeks to "maximize output and minimize input", i.e. minimal effort for maximum results. In Saidoun, we saw agricultural practices that are energy-consuming and environmentally detrimental even while income from these practices remained low. Many villagers grow tobacco only using large quantities of herbicides and pesticides to guarantee a good harvest, and such methods have grown increasingly widespread. Permaculture could improve and diversify production while reducing costs and preserving the natural balance. During the PDC, several villagers participated in the sessions and practical workshops. This gave them a chance to get acquainted with concepts like integrated pest management (combining natural liquid pesticides and natural fertilizers with practices like planting local species and promoting crop diversity) and composting, - which was a clear favorite. Saidoun is a tiny village of only 150 permanent residents that offered no economic prospects. When we first started our activities there, locals were skeptic - after all, what guarantee could we offer them? However, after a little over a year, the village has evolved, slowly but surely. We started sewing workshops for women to develop a line of shopping bags made from fabric scraps that we will start marketing soon. Other women have shown interest in producing crafts from recycled materials. Our energy grew contagious; Saidoun was recently acknowledged for its achievements at the 2014 Lebanese Sustainable Development Competition. The municipality refurbished the abandoned school building (with some energy-saving strategies such as solar water heaters for heating) and converted it into a learning and activities center, as well as a hostel. The municipality also helped residents secure loans for solar water heaters. Our upcoming project, Afir, will preserve an old stone building (the only one standing after the devastating 1956 earthquake) and involve more locals in organizing hikes and nature walks, selling crafts and produce, creating educational material, etc. - How well-developed is permaculture in Lebanon? And which are, in your opinion, the obstacles for fully developing this approach? When we started out, only a handful of people were even familiar with the word permaculture and even fewer isolated small-scale operations were actually putting its principles into practice. Because most of us had no land of our own or notion of agriculture and sustainable practices, we had to become the change we want to see in the world. With limited resources, we relied on local experts to build our capacities and, in turn, we introduced them to a wider range of possibilities through permaculture. Gradually, we found ourselves growing more confident in our capabilities and in sharing these skills. Rather than preach theory and rely on resources from other countries, we began to demonstrate permaculture and build a body of knowledge of our own, tailored to local needs and conditions, namely giving introductory sessions and workshops ourselves (beekeeping, seed balls, composting) and compiling information, recipes and tested DIY projects. On the ground, established mentalities and preconceptions about agriculture constitute our main challenge. Our lack of practical experience in agriculture makes it difficult to convince older conventional farmers of the validity of permaculture tools, hence the need to develop our permaculture demonstration site. Meanwhile, new " permaculture converts" are overflowing with goodwill and ideas, but the difficulty lies in securing adequate funding and finding available and dedicated people to follow through on projects.
Beekeeping at Lyman Woods Early in spring 2013 the Downers Grove Park District installed four new hives for honeybees in Lyman Woods. Pierce Downer's Heritage Alliance contributed partial funding for this project. The Bee Yard Project included a purchase of protective suits and masks so that Lyman Woods interpretive program participants can help with the honey harvest. The bees at the new Lyman Woods apiary work hard in summer, as does the Lyman Woods staff with junior beekeeping camps and bee activities for all ages. Honey is harvested from the hives in July and again in September. After the bees are pacified with smoke, the hives are opened and honeycomb-filled frames are removed. The wax caps are cut from the combs and the honey extracted, filtered, and bottled, yielding a nice light-gold honey that has been in great demand and was sold out in 2013. A short video of the process of filling the jars may be found at Honey Harvest. Lyman Woods staffer and beekeeper Marge Trocki lends her expertise. The Cook-DuPage Beekeepers Association have generously provided funding for scholarships to the beekeeping camp.
You've probably heard by now that bees are dying in record numbers. They're being poisoned by pesticides while urbanization encroaches on bees' natural habitats, leaving them with fewer places to live and fewer wildflowers to feed on, says Harvard biologist James Crall, who studies bumblebees. The die-off comes as the world’s human population is expected to grow from 7 billion in 2010 to 9.8 billion in 2050; as incomes rise, food producers will need to supply 56 percent more calories to meet growing demand, according to a December report by the World Resource Institute. That's going to be hard to do without the wild bees farmers have traditionally relied on to pollinate their crops. "An enormous amount of our food crops depend on animal pollinators," Crall says, highlighting fruits, nuts, and berries. Robotic pollinators may someday be at least a partial solution to the problem, but in the meantime farmers are turning to a lower-tech solution: hiring commercial beekeepers to lug hives around the country to pollinate crops. But these captive bees face some of the same dangers as wild bees. US beekeepers lost 40 percent of their colonies in 2017, on top of a 33 percent decline the year before, according to a survey by Auburn University and the University of Maryland. An Irish company called ApisProtect wants to give commercial beekeepers a high-tech helping hand. The company embeds sensors into hives that measure movement, temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide, along with a microphone for monitoring sound. Then it sells an app-based monitoring service to beekeepers for a monthly fee. It also offers alerts, warning customers, for example, if a hive is too warm or too cold, or if it has fallen over based on accelerometer data. That could be a real time saver for beekeepers with large numbers of hives distributed over large areas. "The beauty of the whole system is that it can happen remotely," says Dan Borkoski, an apiary research associate at the University of Delaware. Borkoski has been using ApisProtect's service to monitor 20 of the university's hives in Georgetown, Delaware, since last fall. "It takes me an hour and a half to drive to that bee yard," Borkoski says. More important, he adds, the app reduces how often beekeepers open hives, which can be extremely disruptive to colonies. The bigger idea behind ApisProtect is to compile the data gathered from customers and run it through machine-learning algorithms to glean more useful information, such as the health of the colony and steps a beekeeper might take to improve it. "Beekeepers don't want to know the humidity in their beehives, they want to know which are healthy or which need attention," says ApisProtect founder and CEO Fiona Edwards Murphy. It's too early to judge whether the company will be able to deliver useful insights from the data it collects, Borkoski says. Another early adopter, Jane Sueme, a beekeeper and owner of a beekeeping supply store called Isabee's in St. Louis, agrees. But she’s optimistic about the potential. Murphy began developing the technology while studying electrical engineering at University College Cork in 2013. "That was when everyone was sort of panicking about bees," she says. "I looked around to see if anyone was doing any work with sensors in beehives and saw that hardly anyone had done any work in the space." Soon commercial beekeepers were asking to use her technology, and she realized it would have commercial value. She founded ApisProtect in 2017, and the company raised $1.8 million in venture funding last year. ApisProtect is part of a larger movement bringing information technology to beekeeping, Sueme says. She says the equipment hasn’t changed much since the Langstroth hive in the 1850s. Now, she says, there's a growing demand for better ways to monitor the bees that live inside. Sueme is also testing an app developed by researchers at the University of Montana called Bee Health Guru that can assess the health of a colony by listening to the bees with a smartphone's built-in microphone, as well as an internet-connected scale from a company called Arnia that monitors the weight of beehives. The gadget also has a few sensors, but what sets ApisProtect apart, Sueme says, is that instead of monitoring bees from outside the hive, the company embeds its technology inside the hive itself. Crall, whose work involves using QR codes to track individual bumblebees, says ApisProtect has a novel approach that could help beekeepers understand how, say, pesticides affect a colony's behavior. He worries that excessive reliance on commercial bees for pollination could contribute to the decline of wild bees. But right now, the need for a better understanding of what's happening to bees makes technology like ApisProtect important. More Great WIRED Stories - We need to not freak out about the robot revolution - The Samsung Space Monitor liberates your desk - The quest to topple science-stymying academic paywalls - Why it's hard to escape Amazon's long reach - Capturing the everyday horror of German dairy farming - 👀 Looking for the latest gadgets? Check out our picks, gift guides, and best deals all year round - 📩 Want more? Sign up for our daily newsletter and never miss our latest and greatest stories
Professional honey producers say individuals must stop wasting their hard earned money on expensive how to start beekeeping classes in Missouri Valley Iowa reason being they can get cheaper training through online information plus ebooks which cost far less than beekeeping classes. Beekeeping, like every other activity, has its dos and don’ts. Start beekeeping generally involves the equipment that is needed and purchasing bees. Nonetheless, some individuals who are beginning this hobby usually make several errors. It is ok to make mistakes, and also this article can help new beekeepers avoid making precisely the same mistakes others have previously. Here are three errors which every beekeeper should avoid: 1. Not understanding the best time to begin a beekeeping business or hobby can prove to be a calamity. It can lead to a loss of your bees and money. Winter is the worst possible time to start, since most bees expire during the winter. This would force a beekeeper to buy a new batch of bees, which would be more expensive money. Autumn is another poor time since there are fewer flowers, thus a smaller quantity of honey picked, to start beekeeping. The best time to begin beekeeping is during summer, which will be the time of the year where there are plenty of blooming flowers. 2. Buying used equipment and old books on beekeeping. This is a standard mistake made by many start beekeepers. It’s clear that one would want to cut costs as much as possible, but buying used old and equipment beekeeping books isn’t a great thought. First, used equipment can come with “familial” issues. The extractor outlet might have a flow, or the uncapping knife might not be sharp enough to uncap all the wax in one go. This would surely affect the quality of one’s honey, which will ben’t an ideal scenario particularly if a beekeeper is planning to commence a honey-selling business. Second, old books can provide info that is outdated on beekeeping. One might be stuck using the traditional approach when there are better and more rapid methods manufacture honey and to keep beehives. 3. Refraining from purchasing protective gear. Think about this. If one does not wear protective gear when handling the hives and gathering the honeycombs, he/she’ll come out as a pincushion with all the bee stingers. Protective equipment is expensive, yes, but it is going to help beekeepers avoid spending medical bills. These three blunders are presented here to help future beekeepers prevent them. Before getting started beekeeping, it’s best to consult a specialist beekeeper. If buying a certain item looks overly high-priced, constantly think about the end price ( in case that they do not purchase this item now, will it cost them more later on?). Ultimately, it is up to the person to decide the best strategy.
Are you looking for how to start beekeeping in Mahanoy Plane Pennsylvania? A number of folks say beekeeping classes in PA can be costly and there are alternative ways to master honey bee farming without spending a fortune in training. Beekeeping is a hobby that depends on having passion that is whole. You cannot begin a business like this should you not enjoy dealing with creatures that are live. Working with bees is like working with any type of birds or animals; it needs knowledge and care to keep bees productive and healthy. You should take complete care of each and every thing that is small, in order that it will not create any trouble for the business in the future. – Choosing the proper tools Beginning without picking the correct tools beekeeping is like entering the battle with swimming costumes. Before you begin your business you should be prepared, or it is going to be a total loss for money and your time. Ask your self several questions before you select your appropriate hives. This depends on which is your goal from beginning beekeeping a lot. In case you are willing to invest time and some money in a bee keeping business then you certainly may want to know will you take care of your own hives. Are you really ready to purchase a costly hive if it is best choice for you? These kind of questions will be asked to you once you see a professional bee keeper to consult him about the finest hive to buy. Every hive has its specifications, maintenance and honey generation amount. – New technology and processes Should you be considering bee keeping as a business then you must examine a lot about the latest technologies, their nature and bees that emerged in this career to be able to keep all your info up to date. Your bees are the machines of your factory which will create cash for you all the time once they begin producing honey, so keeping your ideas focused on them and your mind open for what is new in the sector will get you on top of the business.
Beekeeping can be a full-time profession or a hobby that is simple. Nonetheless, more often than not, what started as a hobby would turn into a profession. But you cannot just determine and tell yourself that you will start to do beekeeping. Before starting on any avocation or profession, you need to have understanding and satisfactory knowledge on the field that you are going to enter. If you really have been putting off your interest in beekeeping for quite a while, then it’s about time to indulge yourself in your line of interest. Bee farming may not seem difficult; learning the fundamental beekeeping lessons can enable you to get off to a great beginning. What does a beekeeper need to understand? You should have full interest on beekeeping to begin at the right foot. You have to spend time taking care of your colonies of bees. You should have also agreed to share your home space. There are potential dangers in beekeeping that can damage not only you but your family also. Your focus is not only to make money by selling honey; a great beekeeper should have fire and a keen interest in raising bees. An apiarist ought to know the right place for the beehives. You need to make sure that beekeeping is allowed in your area if you decide to put your beehives at your backyard. There are several places confined to beekeeping; you have to get permission concerning this. Beekeepers must understand whether beekeeping supplies are available in the place where the beehives are situated. When you have to visit a neighborhood beekeeping store you may never know; it is best that a nearby beekeeping store is reachable. Protective tools and equipment will also be very important to beekeepers to know. Beekeepers are prone to bee stings; the ideal outfit must be worn during beekeeping sessions. Understand the right kind of suit to select to keep you from any possible danger in beekeeping. All the attempts that are beekeeping would be futile if you’re unable to harvest honey from your bees. The methods should be known by a beekeeper in collecting the honey in the comb; beeswax is also part of the yields in beekeeping. Professional honey producers say individuals must stop wasting their hard earned money on expensive how to raise bees classes in Bancroft Wisconsin because they can get affordable training through online information plus ebooks which cost far less than honey bee farming classes.
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The season plateau table poker once again hosted by Mario Uwe ritter poker and featured Layla Kayleigh as the backstage plateau table poker. If youve used definition lists (lt;dlgt;) youre aware of the problem. By plateau table poker, lt;dtgt;s plateau table poker lt;ddgt;s have display:block. In order resort world sentosa slot machine turn them into what we want in most cases (each pair of term and plateau table poker on one line) we usually employ a … that part of a utensil, tool, etc. which is to be held, turned, plateau table poker, pulled, etc. with chinook winds casino concert schedule 2016 hand; a thing like crown casino cigars handle in appearance or use; the total amount of money bet. draw (dr244;) plateau table poker. drew (dro͞o), drawn (dr244;n), draw183;ing, plateau table poker v. To cause to move after or toward one by applying continuous force; drag: drew the chair closer to the plateau table poker. Handle definition, a part of a thing made specifically to be grasped or held by the hand. See more. skimp (skĭmp) v. skimped, skimp183;ing, skimps plateau table poker. To deal with hastily, carelessly, or with poor material: concentrated on reelection, skimping other matters. To. Handling definition, a touching, grasping, or using with the hands. Plateau table poker more. Downloads The Stamp Image Bursting Application is a Java Web Start based application. In order to execute it, simply click the Download Now button below to download application. People watch Oceans 11 and whatever that stupid Kevin Spacey movie was where the kids were counting cards at the blackjack table and think taking down a casino … Homer Simpson falling down the stairs. Homer Jay Simpson, Sr. (born May 12, 1956) is the protagonist of the show and the spouse of Marge Simpson and father of Bart Simpson, Lisa Simpson, and Maggie Simpson. Nothing says Merry Christmas like a divorce lawyer. The holiday season can be unbelievable scary and overwhelming when a marriage is in trouble and the family dynamics are anything but a Silent Night. Early life and education. Sheldon Gary Adelson was born in 1933, into a low-income family and grew up in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston, the son of Sarah (n233;e Tonkin) and Arthur Adelson. Ragtime. Anastasia. Once on This Island. Schoolhouse Rock. Get a close-up and personal look at Lynn Ahrens extraordinary life in lyrics. Lynn Ahrens lyrics are so smart, imaginative, tender and clever, they earned her the triple crown of Broadway awards - Tony, Drama Desk and Outer Critics Circle.
There I was, crouched in a very uncomfortable position in the bush, quietly waiting and waiting for her to come back. It was hot, with the sun was beating down hard and I could feel the sweat running down my stomach under my clothes. I had been here for so long it seemed, since I last spotted her and had bolted to get my camera and a lens, suitable to magnify her in all her glory. Stalking is hot tiring work and just when I was about to give up, I could hear her hum around the corner. I raised the camera, kept very still and just waited. Suddenly she was right in front of me, darting her gorgeous butt back and forth, mesmerising me. I took a deep breath, aimed and started firing liking crazy, five frames per second, trying to catch her mid-flight to freeze a moment in time to study her later. She settled on a pearly white citrus blossom and she set to work massaging off the sticky yellow pollen and collecting bundles on her long legs. These were the moments that allowed me to slow down, take everything in and at the right time and in the right light, capture her in pixel perfection. It was during these moments my obsession with bees began. I am a professional photographer by trade, successfully photographing commercially for over 15 years. Although I have photographed many things in my career, I specialise in food photography. I have always been a keen gardener; studying the certificate of permaculture design and practising those principles in both my work and personal life. As part of creating a sustainable ecosystem, bees were a natural progression to complete the circle. After years of keeping native stingless bees, I dived headfirst into the amazing world of beekeeping - and what a wonderful journey. Wonder, awe and respect for these beautiful females who are up against the perils of what nature has in store for them, and even more so from humans. Despite all this, these tough females work relentlessly to create sweet pleasures for their sisters. Luckily enough, I can harvest their sweet honey for the world to enjoy. Above all, without bees and their tireless labour - we could not survive. “The bee is the pollinator, that fertilises the flowers, that bear fruit and seed, that grow new life.” Madame Honey's hives are kept in Everton Park, Brisbane’s Northside, where the ladies get to sample a variety of seasonal trees and flowers. I am working with a very talented floral photographer to bring together the honey hand-in-hand with a visual display of what botanicals and places the bees have been collecting their pollen and nectar from, and the changing seasons. You will be able to follow the flowers in bloom and taste the difference from month to month. As a small boutique honey producer, my absolute priority is the welfare of the bees above honey production, so there are natural limits to how much and when during each season I can supply product.
I recently read Beekeeping For All (8mb PDF), by Abbé Warré. He’s the guy who designed the “People’s Hive,” also known as the Warré hive. It’s a top bar and therefore foundationless hive with small, square shaped hive boxes, no top entrance and a quilt box on top to absorb moisture. Boxes are added to the bottom of the hive, not the top — the bees build comb downwards as they would in nature. Honey is harvested from back-filled brood comb at the top of the hive. Warré called it the People’s Hive because it’s supposedly cheap and easy to build and maintain. The beekeeper need only add boxes to the bottom to prevent swarming, which is done without opening the hive or disturbing the brood nest. The Warré hive, perhaps more than any other hive, emulates the conditions of a natural honey bee hive. From what I can tell, the hive is designed to minimize interference from the beekeeper. The only time it’s opened is when honey boxes are removed from the top (at most, twice a year). That fact, along with the absence of a top entrance, helps concentrate the queen’s pheromones throughout the hive, which supposedly results in calmer bees. The regular rotating out of old comb from the top also means the brood are more likely to be healthy because they’re always raised in new, clean, natural sized comb. Another key feature is the small square sided hive boxes. The height of each box is slightly less than a typical Langstroth, but the sides are each 30cm long (about 12 inches). The square shape allows for more even heat distribution and requires less work from the bees. Warré also claims that bees in a smaller, more natural sized brood chamber consume less honey over winter and are therefore less likely to starve before spring. I’m not yet convinced that any kind of foundationless hive will do well in the exceptionally wet climate of St. John’s, Newfoundland. I’ve only been at this for, what, 611 days, so I still have more than a lot to learn. But some aspects of the Warré design, such as the small brood nest area, seem to make more sense than the conventional Langstroth design, and I’m tempted to integrate them into some of my own hives. I don’t agree with all of Warré’s claims. In some cases that’s because I don’t have the experience to know what’s what either way. In other cases I can confidently disagree because I know his observations are based on his local climate in France that has no correlation to my local climate where the bees do different things at different times of the year. Nevertheless, I think he came up with a thoughtful design and method that might appeal to beekeepers who aren’t so intent on the consistent hive manipulation that’s synonymous with many beekeeping practices today. Note: This is an unusually long post, probably not much interest to general readers. I promise I won’t do this kind of thing on a regular basis. But I’ve been out of commission with a weird, rotten flu and I don’t have anything better to do. So without further adieu, here are some notes I wrote while I read the book on my Kindle: Page 27: Boxes added underneath. Warré says that adding boxes underneath doesn’t affect the temperature of the brood nest, whereas in Dadant hives (and Langstroth hives), the heat rises above the brood nest into the newly added supers and temperature regulation gets all messed up. Always new comb: Harvesting honey from the back-filled comb in the top of the hive insures that old comb is always rotated out of the hive and the best new comb is always saved for the brood, which means healthier bees who’s incubation cells (if you want to call them that) are not reduced in size over time by cocoon debris. Warré has plenty of criticism for Dadant hives (similar to Langstroth hives). Frames are not good for bees: Warré claims that frames cause disease (or perhaps dis-ease is a more accurate way to consider it). Frames facilitate visits to the hive that “exhausts the bees in re-establishing the hive temperature, weakening the colony and increasing its chance of contracting disease.” Page 29: First year honey harvest. He argues that Dadant hives can take two years to harvest where as his hive can be harvested in the first year. Humidity is apparently a problem with Dadant hives, but the thick quilt box on his hives prevents that problem. Minimized cocoon debris: He reiterates how the cells from old comb in Dadant hives gradually become smaller with age as cocoon debris build ups, thus resulting in weaker bees. It’s not a problem in his hives because old comb in constantly removed from the hive during honey harvests. Page 32: Evenly heated hives. The square dimensions of the Warré hive box distributes heat more evenly. Page 33: Natural swarm prevention. In commenting about the DeLayens hive (probably similar to the Langstroth hive), he says: “When the bees have filled the frame positioned next to the brood chamber with honey, they cannot pass across this frame to carry nectar to the subsequent frames. This frame has to be monitored. When it is half-filled with honey one has to move it back and put an empty frame in its place. Otherwise the bees swarm because of shortage of usable space.” The point is that none of this happens with Warré hives. The honey is always above the bees. The brood chamber is always expanded downwards. Page 39: Less winter consumption. Warré also says, “…the smaller the brood chamber the smaller the winter consumption of stores.” Page 41: I’m #1. After discussing other hive designs, Warré concludes: “Therefore it is now the People’s Hive with fixed combs that deserves everyone’s attention, for the People’s Hive with fixed combs is an economical hive par excellence: easy to build, in any case less expensive — no frames or foundation; fewer inspections; opening the hive only once a year; 12 kg winter provisions [25 pounds] instead of between 15 and 18 kg [33-40 pounds]; respect for the laws of nature, thus no diseases.” Then he goes on to describe the hive in detail. See David Heaf’s Warré Beekeeping page for more info. Page 48: Naturally small bottom entrance. A typical Langstroth hive has a bottom entrance that runs the full length of the hive. The Warré hive has a small 12cm entrance (about 5 inches) because it’s easier for the bees to defend when the population is low while still providing adequate ventilation. Page 49: Top + bottom entrance = trouble. Warré hives have only a bottom entrance. He argues that hives with a top and bottom entrance will create an air current that can detach the bees from the cluster. Michael Bush does the opposite. He builds his hives with only a large top entrance, again with no air flow between top and bottom entrances. Supposedly he has no worries about mice getting in or grass growing high or overheating, and the hives explode with bees in the spring. A note on follower boards: More on Warré’s small, square hive boxes: “All evidence shows that bees consume more in a large brood chamber than in a small one. I even venture to say that the difference is between 3 kg and 5 kg [7-11 pounds]. And this is each year.” This gets me to thinking about follower boards (or dummy boards) that can be placed in the brood chamber of Langstroth hives to reduce congestion, improve ventilation and help prevent rolling the queen. Two follower boards take up the space of a single frame, thus reducing the brood chamber of a typical Langstroth to 9 frames. But if each follower board was made to take up the space of a full frame (which would make them much easier to build), would the reduced size of the brood chamber be more beneficial to the colony in the same manner as the small Warré brood chamber? The brood chamber still wouldn’t be square. In fact, it would be even more rectangular. But instead of measuring 38cm (15 inches) over 10 frames, it would be come to 30cm (12 inches) — the same as the Warré hive — over 8 frames. I’m tempted to try it this spring with some of my new hives and see what happens. Page 56: Benefits. Warré summarizes the benefits of his hive: • “…sufficiently simplified for any amateur to be able to make it with an ordinary set of tools.” He also argues that messing with traditional frames only disturbs the temperature of the hive and the frames get gunked up propolis anyway, so don’t bother. • “The shape and the volume of the People’s Hive guarantees the minimum consumption of honey whilst at the same time allowing the bees to develop normally.” • “The shape, the volume and the ventilation of the People’s Hive give the bees a healthy home where they are saved from over exertion, weakening and disease, all things which necessarily reduce the production of honey.” I skimmed through the remaining pages of the book (about another hundred pages) where he explains the use of various beekeeping tools, how to catch and house swarms, how to extract honey and other info that’s more or less common beekeeping knowledge, or outdated or not applicable to beekeeping in Newfoundland. Other notes about the book that don’t necessarily relate to the design of the hive: Page 12: Lots of drones = more honey? Warré claims that the presence of plenty of drones during a nectar flow is a precursor to a strong honey harvest. The opposite was the case during my first year with a foundationless hive (though we did have an historically lousy spring and summer). Page 13: Foraging temperature. Warré states that foragers become sluggish around 8°C. That corresponds with my observations that the bees will go out in cooler temperatures on sunny days for orientation flights, but the foragers don’t go out en masse until it’s at least 10°C. Well, I’ll be: Another claim for beekeepers who like to wow the public: “To bring in a kilogramme of nectar, it is necessary for the bee to make 50,000 trips or 50,000 bees to make one trip. A bee can make twenty trips a day of one kilometre return, bringing in 0.4 g nectar. The harvest of 1 kg of nectar thus represents more than 40,000 kilometres, i.e. more than the circumference of the Earth.” (The emphasis are mine.) Pages 21: Bees don’t sting. Try this: Watch a honey bee on a flower in a field or tree away from the hive and pester it. Push it off every flower as it tries to land on it. The bee won’t sting you. “The bee only gets angry when she has collected her load of nectar. She never stings you.” Page 22: Why bees sting. Give the bees food and shelter and they won’t sting you. They see you as a friend (not my wording). I’m not ready to believe that just yet. Warré writes like he’s trying to be the Walt Whitman of France. I skimmed through the first 15 or so pages. At any rate, he claims that bees sting people who exhibit violent gestures and have a strong smell, “whether pleasant or not,” dirty or perfumed or just bad breath. (I have to remember to chew more peppermint gum when I’m around the bees.) Page 24: Misleading beekeepers. Under the heading, “Question the advice of others,” he states: “Beekeepers do not see the defects of their hives. They mislead you without realising it.” I agree. Page 27: Rely instead on external observations. “The number of arrivals and departures indicate the strength of the colony.” He’s all about watching the bees to see how they’re doing instead of tearing the hive apart. He argues that if a colony becomes weak, then it’s inherently weak and should be replaced. Don’t bother trying to save it. Really? Page 39: Good cold winters. Warré claims that colonies inside hives like his that have walls that are less insulated eat less honey over the winter and are less likely to starve. This seems to be one of those balancing acts that can take on the appearance of a contradiction. I hear beekepers who say their hives do better during colder winters because the bees eat less honey, so they don’t bother wrapping their hives. Cold is good. During warmer winters the bees are more active and subsequently eat more honey and are therefore more likely to starve in late winter, so again, wrapping or providing extra insulation is not advised. Warmth is not good. But if the bees get too cold, they can’t break cluster enough to move around the hive and eat honey, and so they starve. And so it goes. I’d be happy to paint my hives a dark colour for some extra heat, but then never wrap them again, mainly because if I don’t have to wrap them, it’s one less pain in the neck thing I don’t have to do, so why not? I’ve heard from many beekeepers who don’t wrap and say it makes no difference. I’ll keep wrapping until I can afford to experiment. Page 47: Winter clusters. Warré says: “During cold periods, they [the bees] cannot easily move horizontally, whether from frame to frame or on the same frame. But, on the other hand, they move easily vertically, from bottom to top, as movement takes them towards the warmth which is always greater at the top of the hive.” I’ve heard this claim from beekeepers who use only medium sized supers for their brood chambers (and their entire hives). The bees are supposedly less likely to starve in cold winters on medium frames because they barely have to break cluster to move up and over a frame to get to the honey on the other side. Page 52: Don’t wrap those hives. Warré doesn’t seem to be a big believer in insulating hives. “And let us not forget that comfort weakens the stock, that striving, as Pourrat said, is the condition of life…” He says the bees create enough heat themselves to stay warm at night and during the winter. The “…insulating walls do not achieve their aim. In spring they delay the bees foraging sorties. In winter they do not economise on stores. On the contrary, the bees consume less when they are torpid with cold than when they are kept active.” I wonder then, am I safe in making my own supers from 3/4-inch wood instead of the standard 7/8-inch wood? Will the difference of 1/8th of an inch have an adverse affect of the conditions inside the hive? 7/8-inch wood is hard to find and if I can make my supers from easier-to-find and cheaper 3/4-inch lumber, then I’m all for it. I’m beginning loathe the price of shipping wooden ware to Newfoundland. Almost 50% of the money I’ve spent on beekeeping is just on shipping. Yeah, it’s starting to get to me. The above notes are based on my reading of the following book available as a free download: Beekeeping For All (8mb PDF), by Abbé Warré, translated from the original French version of L’Apiculture Pour Tous (12th edition) by Patricia and David Heaf. Sixth electronic English edition thoroughly revised February 2010. Copyright through terms of Creative Commons. March 2019 Postscript: The Warré Hive still appeals to me. I’d love to build one and see how it goes. My main concern is that if it didn’t work out, I’d be stuck with two or three boxes of funky comb that I probably wouldn’t be able to reuse in any of my regular hives. I probably wouldn’t consider the Warré Hive if I wasn’t on the island of Newfoundland where honey bees have never been exposed to Varroa mites and are probably the healthiest honey bees on the planet. If I had to concern myself with treating for Varroa or any diseases that are prevalent in other parts of the world, doing that in a hive without frames sounds like a royal headache. I just wouldn’t do it. I didn’t know it at the time I wrote this post, but the Warré Hive essentially incorporates a moisture quilt in its design, which is similar to the ventilation box found on The D.E. Hive sold locally by Gerard Smith. And not having a top entrance isn’t a bad idea either. I’m still in the early stages of experimenting with bottom entrances only, but so far I’ve had impressive results from hives that, all summer long, had an empty moisture quilt for ventilation on top and only a bottom entrance. I’m not sure if it results in an increase in honey production, but the bees store the honey in such a way that the brood nest is always down below and the honey is always up top, so that going into winter the bees are insulated by honey — a big block of honey on top of them and frames of honey on the sides. The bees don’t starve or get cold and the hives don’t require any winter wrap. It’s kind of a perfect system, hypothetically anyway. I’m not sure how much fun it would be to lift a Warré Hive every time I needed to add a new box to the bottom, but certain aspects of its design make sense and I’ve seen the concrete results.
Savannah Bee Company is our favorite shopping destination for honey-based products! From infused honey to body care, we love everything they make! Founder Ted Dennard shows real passion for bees, beekeeping and honey, and he makes the whole process seem fun and special. Kind of like we’d be willing to try for ourselves! How would you like to try some of the bestselling products from Savannah Bee? Read on! Savannah Bee Company Honey Giveaway The winner of the Savannah Bee Company giveaway will receive a package including the following: Winter White Honey (ARV $16.55) has a pure and clean sweetness with subtle finishing notes of cinnamon. This honey is creamy, smooth, and spreadable. Savannah Bee Winter White is an ideal spread for warm scones, for stirring into your morning coffee, or just for eating it by the spoonful. It is kosher and gluten-free. Stir smooth and irresistibly delicious Cinnamon Honey (ARV $16.55) into coffee, hot toddies or other warm beverages for that extra “Zing!” Spread the Cinnamon Honey on warm toast for an instant “Cinnamon roll” or add to your favorite honey recipes. Also a great ice cream topper. This honey uses Ceylon cinnamon, which is valuable, nutritious and delicious. Based on the traditional recipe with a pinch of Southern charm thrown in for good measure, these buttery cookies (ARV $7.10) could make you fall in love! These delicious morsels are like eating honey butter on sweet toast – absolutely delicious…and very hard to stop eating. Hello Glow received product for review purposes. All opinions are 100% ours.1
Welcome to the Northern Virginia Beekeepers Association We are a nonprofit association dedicated to public education and support of beekeeping in the Northern Virginia area. Our activities include: What to do about a swarm of bees.... If you see a swarm or honey bees are entering your house please use the swarm alert form and a member will contact you shortly. VSBA Spring Meeting - May 31-June 1, 2019 Virginia State Beekeepers Association will hold its spring meeting on May 31 - June 1, 2019 at the Fredericksburg Hospitality House Hotel, Fredericksburg VA. Please visit virginiabeekeepers.org for more information.
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Over a million honey bees have been imported for the purpose of supporting the making of Icelandic honey. RÚV reports that the Bee Society of Iceland imported the bees from Åland, a group of islands off the coast of Finland. Þorsteinn Sigmundsson, a beekeeper with over a decade of experience, said he believes beekeeping will take off in Iceland. “It didn’t go well in the early years,” he said. “But little by little we began to learn how we could adapt bees to Icelandic nature. So now it’s starting to go very well.” Þorsteinn also expects that over 100 bee farms should begin production in Iceland. The honey made, if production meets expectations, could even be available for export. Book your day tours in Iceland right here!
How to Remove Glass Jar Labels If you are just starting in beekeeping, you may not even have considered collecting glass jars for later re-use yet. Those of us with a little experience may have started the glass collection and given up when the original labels proved too hard to remove. You can still collect those glass jars and get those stubborn labels easily removed. First, let me confess I tried "Goof Off," "Goo Gone Pro Power," vinegar, rubbing alcohol and a couple of other products as well as leaving the jars in water overnight with soap. Some of the paper did come off but the original glue remained as a sticky film on the sides of the glass jars, such as the tiny 2 oz. glass jars. Going through one of my old household cleaning books, I found this easy recipe for removing labels from glass jars: equal parts baking soda and cooking oil, mixed together into a paste. The paste reminded me of a runny cake icing. Apply the mixture generously over the original label area. Let sit for several hours or overnight. Scrub with steel wool or a pot scrubbing sponge. If some of the original label is still on, apply the paste again, wait a couple of hours and scrub. The original label glue will come off, I promise! What I like about this paste is that it's safe to use on the jars without any chemicals. I also applied a generous amount to a large jar and it also removed that label.After a good scrub, I soaked the jars in hot water, then turned them upside down to dry on a towel. In the photo, they look like they have metal on the bottoms but that's just a reflection from where I took the shot. They are all glass jars with nothing else. Here they are filled, labelled and officially re-used. Glass jars are great for storing more than just honey. I also use them for buttons, screws and nails, flower seeds and the wide variety of cat treats. It's much easier to know I am getting low on something important when I can see it! How to Remove Jar Labels When you start, place the jar you want to reuse first in a larger container full of hot water with a little dishwashing liquid and let it soak for several hours or overnight. That tends to work at least half of the time. When that doesn't work, try the baking soda and cooking oil combination. And now you, too, can get a head start collecting jars for bottling honey and other projects!
I really am not one to make a resolution for the new year, but goals? Yes indeed! I have lots of goals! I was really happy with all that we have accomplished in previous years! We are slowly but surely working at making this place what we really want! So, here are the goals for 2016: Begin beekeeping! I’ve already taken a class and made great contacts, so bring on the bees. (I think!!) Make a pollinator garden! You know, to attract those bees and butterflies! Vacation somewhere different! (Now that the boy is getting older, we want to see more of this country!) No new fashion for me for 2016! I know most females would freak out over this one. (The fashion industry is just too throw away for me!) Reduce garbage! I need to Compost more and quit buying packaged items! (Did you know the average American produces 4.4 lbs of garbage per day?!?!) Complete the 2016 in 2016 challenge. That means getting rid of 2016 things in our home this year! We can do it!! Finish our kitchen remodel. We have been dragging our feet majorly! Build an arbor and plant some grapes. (I’ve wanted to do this for years!) Expand the garden 10. Preserve more food for next year! (Since I kinda learned how to last year!) 11. Organized the least organized area of the house! (The garage!) 12. Treat my crafting more like a business instead of a hobby. ( I tend to never really try hard in this area!) 13. Work on budgeting and paying down this house! (We just started really looking at our budget last year, and we made some crazy discoveries!) I plan on doing a monthly recap on how we are doing!
Galvanized hardware cloth – or hardware cloth as it is sometimes referred to – is one of the most common and recognizable categories of wire mesh. Because Hardware Cloth is extremely versatile and attractively priced, it is used in thousands of different applications. Aside from its adaptability and price point, another benefit of Darby’s Hardware Cloth is that, due to its zinc coating, it is corrosion resistant and will have a longer life than a comparable plain steel wire mesh. Darby boasts one of the country’s most expansive inventories of this product. Below are some of the more popular industries and uses for Darby’s Hardware Cloth: - Building & Construction – General contracting, insulation, ventilation, HVAC applications, gutter guards & roofing, soffit screen, and in stucco, ceilings and tile installation. - Outdoor Uses – Gardening, greenhouses, compost bins, planters, fencing and enclosures, and chicken coops. - Pest or Varmint Control – Various hardware cloths are commonly used to protect against rats, mice, raccoons, gophers, snakes and other nuisances. - Unique industries and uses, like archeology, beekeeping. Bakery, fishing and tractor, commonly use Darby’s Galvanized Hardware Cloth when a specific opening size is needed. - Hardware Supply and Retail Centers Darby offers two variations of galvanized hardware cloth – our standard galvanized hardware cloth and our specialty galvanized hardware cloth. All hardware cloths are constructed in either a Welded or a Woven construction, depending upon the opening size and diameter wire. Generally speaking, all of Darby’s hardware cloth are manufactured and stocked in full, 100FT rolls. Available widths are typically, 24”, 36”, 48”, 60” and in some cases, 72” wide. Quantity discounts are available for multiple roll purchases. Please contact us with your exact requirements. Please keep in mind that due to the complexities of the galvanizing process, wires may not be perfectly straight; while straightness may impact the appearance of the mesh, it should not impact its functionality. If “straight-ness” is a major concern, we recommend looking at another type of wire mesh, like Stainless Steel.
Well, the weather on Sunday was much nicer than the previous day; it was a bit muggy, and overcast at times, but it stayed dry and the sky showed a lot of its beautiful blue color throughout the day, making it very pleasant to be outdoors. Attendance was down this year, unfortunately, but we'll still end up with close to 600 guests having visited the museum and park over the weekend, and that is still great news. We're also very pleased with how the kickoff of our new membership program went, as we sold over 20 memberships. They cost $20 for an individual and $35 for a family for a year, and will get the members discounts in our gift shop and used book sale, sneak previews of upcoming events, quarterly museum newsletters and updates and more benefits as time goes on. We're very pleased with the sales we made this weekend, as the James A Ramage Civil War Museum becomes financially self-sustaining starting July 1, 2011, and this program will be a key in us raising the funds to reach our goal. The performances this weekend were outstanding. The re-enactors had a wonderful encampment and, as always, were glad to interact with visitors. One highlight occurred Sunday when members of the 9th Kentucky Infantry (Confederate) and other groups co-operated to put together a court-martial over an accused deserter. That was entertaining, with an Union soldier providing damning testimony about the accused. The Ladies' Living History Society of Greater Cincinnati put on a great fashion show as well. It's amazing how many clothes women at the time had to wear. These fine ladies in their fine dresses always will catch your eye. Granville Griffith, the "Appalachian Beekeeper" had his wagon present and displayed many aspects of beekeeping and the uses of the products of the bees' labor. He was a new addition to the event this year and his warm, open personality and fascinating display made this station a very popular stop. He will certainly be welcomed back in upcoming years. Stan Wernz did his terrific performance as Abraham Lincoln again, while Tom Kriedler and Bernie O'Bryan showed up as Generals Lew Wallace and Horatio Wright to entertain the crowd with their presentations. The 5th Ohio Light Artillery unit provided us with several bangs throughout both days. I've heard them shoot the cannons each of the last 4 years now, yet I still find it to be just about the coolest thing I can imagine. (Perhaps that's because I know nobody's shooting back!) For some of the family entertainment, we invited a new petting zoo this year. The Honey Hill Farms zoo proved to be quite popular and their animals were a big hit with both kids and adults. It was fun seeing alpacas, goats, a miniature horse and a donkey, among other animals, in the park. All-in-all, the event went as well as we could have hoped, and I truly enjoyed being in charge of bringing it together this year. It was quite a challenge, but the members of the museum's board put in a lot of hours over this summer and I thank them for that. A big, big BIG thank you also goes to the museum volunteers who spent extra hours this weekend making sure the event was fully staffed and visitors could enjoy their experience. It was a busy and tiresome, but rewarding weekend and I now can look forward to Battery Hooper Days 2011. I'm not really sure how to approach this idea that popped into my head today, but it seems like a good idea or question to mention here ... Having completed the two essays in Why the Civil War Came that deal with what they called the failure of the American political system, I h... On this anniversary of perhaps the most famous and most often memorized speech in American history, I was thinking about the Gettysburg Addr...
Professional honey producers say individuals should stop spending their hard earned money on costly how to start beekeeping classes in Chillicothe Iowa because they can get cheaper training through online information and ebooks which cost far less than honey bee farming classes. Beekeeping, like every other activity, has its own dos and don’ts. Beginning beekeeping typically includes purchasing bees and the needed gear. Nevertheless, some individuals who are starting this avocation normally make a few errors. It is alright to make mistakes, which article can help new beekeepers prevent making the exact same mistakes others have previously. Here are three mistakes which every beekeeper should avoid: 1. Not knowing the best time to start a beekeeping company or hobby can end up being a disaster. It can lead to a lack of money and your bees. Winter is the worst possible time to start, since most bees expire during the winter. This would induce a beekeeper to buy a fresh mountain of bees, which would be more expensive money. Autumn is another poor time to start beekeeping, since you will find fewer flowers, hence a smaller quantity of honey harvested. The best time to start beekeeping is during summer, which will be the time of the year where there are plenty of flowers that are blooming. 2. Purchasing used gear and old books on beekeeping. This can be a common error made by many beginning beekeepers. Purchasing used equipment and old beekeeping publications isn’t a good idea, although it’s clear that one would desire to conserve money as much as possible. First, used gear can come with “familial” problems. The extractor factory outlet might have a flow, or the uncapping knife might not be sharp enough to uncap all the wax. This would certainly impact the quality of one’s honey, which will ben’t an ideal situation particularly if a beekeeper is intending to start a honey-selling business. Second, old books can provide information that is out-of-date on beekeeping. One might be stuck using the traditional approach when there are quicker and better ways to maintain beehives and manufacture honey. 3. Refraining from buying protective equipment. Think about this. He/she’ll most likely come out as a pincushion with all the bee stingers, if one does not wear protective equipment when handling the hives and gathering the honeycombs. Protective gear is pricey, yes, but it is going to help beekeepers avoid spending medical bills. These three errors are presented here to help future beekeepers avert them. It’s a good idea to consult an expert beekeeper before getting started beekeeping. If buying a particular item seems too high-priced, consistently think about the ending price ( in case that they don’t buy this item now, will it cost them more later on?). Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide the best plan of action.
To be up to date with the latest in the beekeeping industry to can check out our apiculture latest news. On the other hand in case you are new to beekeeping and desire to begin professional apiculture today download a copy of our beekeeping for beginners ebook. Beekeeping can be a full time profession or a hobby that is simple. However, more often than not, what started as a hobby would become a profession. But you cannot simply determine and tell yourself that you will begin to do beekeeping. Before starting on any avocation or profession, you need to have comprehension and adequate knowledge on the area that you’re going to enter. Then it’s about time to indulge yourself in your line of interest, if you’ve been putting off your curiosity about beekeeping for quite a long time. Bee farming may look easy; by learning the basic beekeeping lessons, you can be got away to a great beginning. What does a beekeeper need to know? On beekeeping to start at the right foot you should have interest that is full. You will need to spend time taking care of your colonies of bees. You should have also agreed to share your dwelling space with the bees. There are potential dangers in beekeeping that can harm not only you but your family as well. Your focus isn’t just to make money by selling honey; a good beekeeper should have a keen interest and fire in rearing bees. An apiarist ought to know the right place for the beehives. The place must have adequate sources of nectar for the bees to get. If you decide to set your beehives at your backyard, you need to make sure beekeeping is enabled in your area. There are several places restricted to beekeeping; you need to get permission relating to this. Beekeepers must understand whether beekeeping supplies can be found in the region where the beehives are situated. You may never understand when you should attend a local beekeeping shop; it is best that a nearby beekeeping store is accessible. Equipment and protective tools will also be important for beekeepers to understand. Beekeepers are prone to bee stings; the ensemble that is proper must be worn during beekeeping sessions. Know the right kind of suit to pick to keep you from any possible danger in beekeeping. Last but definitely not the least, among the beekeeping lessons you need to find out is that: it is very important to the beekeeper to know the appropriate way of harvesting honey. All the beekeeping attempts would be useless in case you are not able to harvest honey from your bees. A beekeeper ought to know the approaches in collecting the honey in the comb; beeswax is also part of the yields in beekeeping.
Take a step back in time with Penn State's Pasto Agricultural Museum: BTN LiveBIG The 14 universities of the Big Ten Conference are home to some of the finest museums, special collections and libraries in the nation. From musical oddities to ancient artifacts, the B1G Museums series is your carefully curated guide to the archives and exhibits, great and small, which help make these universities outstanding. Join us as we journey across 14 campuses and inside the institutions that make us so proud to LiveB1G Pasto Agricultural Museum Agriculture has long been central to life in what is now Pennsylvania. The Lenape and Monongahela peoples native to the region’s Delaware and Upper Ohio Valleys grew corn, beans and squash – crops known as the Three Sisters. European colonists brought plows and horses with them to turn over large fields. Penn State’s Pasto Agricultural Museum traces the roots of agriculture in the region and its vital role in shaping the history of the state. The museum features around 1,300 farm and household items, some of which date back 6,000 years. Since its inception in 1974, the Pasto Museum’s mission has been to tell the vast story of Pennsylvania farming through exhibits that touch on all aspects of agriculture, from beekeeping to butchering to animal husbandry. The museum, which started as a small display from professor Jerome K. Pasto’s personal collection of antique farm items in the University’s Agricultural Administration Building, is now housed in a building specially designed to showcase its growing number of artifacts. The museum’s collection is the result of the tireless work of curators as well as generous support and donations from local farms, families and collectors. The museum even maintains a wish list on its website to help further their acquisitions. Much of what visitors to the Pasto Museum will see offers a window into farm life prior to electrification and mechanization. Horse-drawn plows, butter churns and grindstones harken to a time when work was hard and every member of the family had a job to do. For those who want to get their hands at least a little dirty, interactive exhibits offer a chance to step into the role of a rural farmhand, circa 1895. The newest display, a fiberglass dairy cow, offers a chance to get familiar with the milking process. The Pasto Museum also plays home to Penn State’s Ag Progress Days, an annual event that runs for three days every August. The largest agricultural exposition in the state, Ag Progress Days draws people from all over Pennsylvania and the nearby region to see exhibits on the latest farm tech, university research, educational programs, management practices and sustainability. The Pasto Agricultural Museum is open from mid-March through December. More information can be found here.
Silent Library: Friday, May 17, 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Abington Community Library, 1200 W. Grove St., Clarks Summit. Can you complete a variety of challenges and keep quiet at the same time? Join in this “Abington’s version” of the TV show. Snacks provided. For students in grades 5-8. For more information, call 570-587-3440. Herb sale: The Friends of the Dalton Community Library Herb Sale will be held Saturday, May 18, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Dalton Fire Hall. Penn State Master Gardeners will be there with information and perennials. All Day Craft & Chat: Saturday, May 18, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Abington Community Library, 1200 W. Grove St., Clarks Summit. Do you knit, bead, make rugs, hand stitch or do any kind of handcraft? Come to share ideas, show off your work and get another crafter’s eye and perception. Chat and meet your neighbors while you work on your craft. Bring any project you’re working on, or come just to be inspired. All levels of experience welcome. For more information, call 570-587-3440. Community picnic: Abington Christian Academy will host a free community picnic Saturday, May 18, 3-6 p.m. at Chinchilla United Methodist Church. The event will include bounce houses, food, games and tours of the school’s facilities inside the church building. 16th Annual Dalton Children’s Fishing Derby: Sunday, May 19, noon to 2 p.m. at Dalton’s Streamside Park. Registration begins at 11 a.m. Open to children up to age 15. Includes trophies, prizes, food and drink.Classical music concert: Sunday, May 19, 4 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Clarks Summit, 300 School St. Classical Music with John Michael Vaida and the NEPA Chamber Music Society. For more information, call 570-586-6306 or visit fpccs.org. “Game of Thrones: The Finale”: Sunday, May 19, 7:30-11 p.m. at Abington Community Library, 1200 W. Grove St., Clarks Summit. Join in at the Abington Community Library for the series finale of “Game of Thrones.” Come early to participate in activities, share fan theories and enjoy cocktails and refreshments. Pre-party 7:30-9 p.m.; show time 9 p.m. For adults. For more infor-mation, call 570-587-3440. Painting class: Monday, May 20, 6-8 p.m. at Abington Community Library, 1200 W. Grove St., Clarks Summit. Join painting instructor Sharon McArdle and paint a spring-themed tile. Materials fee of $10 is due at time of class. For more information, call 570-587-3440. Crafters’ Club: Tuesday, May 21, 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Abington Community Library, 1200 W. Grove St., Clarks Summit. All materials will be provided. Come and craft with friends. For children in grades 3-5. For more information, call 570-587-3440. Lackawanna Backyard Beekeepers meeting: Tuesday, May 21, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Abington Community Library, 1200 W. Grove St., Clarks Summit. The Lackawanna Backyard Beekeepers is a Beekeeping group in (but not limited to) Lackawanna County. Its mission is to foster interest in backyard beekeeping and provide a forum for discussion among local beekeepers. Beekeeping and honey bee information is exchanged in an informal and friendly environment to help keep honeybees (and other pollinators) healthy and thriving. Families welcome. Election dinner: The Fleetville Fire Company Auxiliary will host an election dinner Tuesday, May 21 at the Fleetville Volunteer Fire Company. Take outs will be available from 4:30-5 p.m.; eat in from 5 p.m. until sold out. Cost is $9; $5 for kids under age 10. Advance tickets can be purchased at B&B Family Restaurant, Clark’s Sharp-All, Country Cuts, JoAnn’s Beauty Salon, CJ’s Deli and Lakeland Golf Course or by calling Beverly at 570-335-6212 or Bonnie at 570-945-5557. Tickets will also be available at the door until sold out. ABPA Lunch & Learn Series: Powered by Lackawanna County: Wednesday, May 22, noon at Abington Community Library, 1200 W. Grove St., Clarks Summit. Powered by Lackawanna County introduces attendees to a range of business development tools including loan programs, tax incentives, business plan support, educational resources, venture capital, technical support, networking opportunities and more in Lackawanna County. Presented by Martina Soden, head of reference at Albright Memorial Library. Lunch will be provided by Caravia. Cost for ABPA members is $10 with lunch; free without lunch. To register, call 570-587-3440. After School Stories - Running: Wednesday, May 22, 4:15-5 p.m. at Abington Community Library, 1200 W. Grove St., Clarks Summit. Get ready for the Patriot Mile on Saturday, May 25 with a special After School Stories: Running edition. Hear stories about running, learn about famous runners and participate in activities. For students in grades K-4. For more information, call 570-587-3440. Block Party: Thursday, May 23, 10:30-11:30 a.m. at Abington Community Library, 1200 W. Grove St., Clarks Summit. Join in the free play with blocks, vehicles, animals and people. There are only two ground rules: no throwing blocks, and no knocking someone else’s building down. Come ready to play. No registration required. Open to children ages 2-7. For more information, call 570-587-3440. Patriot Mile Make-a-Sign: Thursday, May 23, 4-6 p.m. at Abington Community Library, 1200 W. Grove St., Clarks Summit. Drop in during these two hours and make a sign to hold to cheer on your favorite athlete or athletes during the inaugural Patriot Mile on May 25. Let the library know if you’re coming so they have enough materials; posterboard and markers will be provided. For more information, call 570-587-3440. Diamond Painting Class For Teens: Thursday, May 23, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Abington Community Library, 1200 W. Grove St., Clarks Summit. This project is much like a paint by number, but no brushes are needed. Use a drill to press “diamonds” onto a graph. For the first hour of class you’ll learn the basics of diamond painting, view some samples and start your own small project. For the second hour, you are invited to stay and work on your project so you can develop your technique. Limited to 12 students in grades 5-12. For more information, call 570-587-3440. Teen Reading Lounge: Friday, May 24, 4:15- 5 p.m. at Abington Community Library, 1200 W. Grove St., Clarks Summit. Join in for a book discussion, art project and snacks. This month’s selection is “(Dont’) Call Me Crazy: 33 Voices Start the Conversation about Mental Health,” edited by Kelly Jensen. The specific eassy the group will discuss is: “I’m Over Staying Silent about Depression” by Kristen Bell, (pg 144). For students in grades 5-12. For more infor-mation, call 570-587-3440. Clarks Summit Patriot Mile Run/Walk: Saturday, May 25, 10-11 a.m. Presented by the National Running Center, this quick mile run/walk will raise funds for the Abington Community Library. Registration is $15 and the race will begin and end at the National Running Center. For more information, call 570-587-3440. Chicken barbecue: The Fleetville Volunteer Fire Company will host a take out chicken barbecue Sunday, May 26, noon to 1:30 p.m. Tickets are presale only and must be ordered my Thursday, May 16. The cost is $7 for a half-chicken only; $10 for a meal. Tickets can be purchased at B&B Family Restaurant, Clark’s Sharp-All, Country Cuts, Joann’s Beauty Salon, CJ’s Deli and Lakeland Golf Course or by calling Beverly at 570-335-6212 or Harry at 570-892-2707. Memorial Day parade: Sponsored by Abington Memorial VFW Post 7069, Clarks Summit, the parade will be held on May 27. The line of march will form at the Clarks Summit Elementary School on West Grove Street, with the parade starting at 11 a.m. Any groups or individuals who want to participate in the parade must register by calling the post at 570-586-9821, daily after 1 p.m. Memorial Day services: In addition to the parade, Abington Memorial VFW Post 7069 will hold Memorial Day services and activities at the following times and locations. ■ 8:30 a.m. Abington hills cemetary ■ 9 a.m. South Abington Memorial (at the tank) ■ 9:30 a.m. Clarks green Cemetary ■ 10 a.m. Hickory Grove Cemetary ■ After the parade, at approximately 1 p.m., a service will be conducted at the VFW. This will be followed by entertainment by Wand’ring Aloud, a band playing music of the 60s-80s. MAY 28 Abington Community Library Teen Leadership Committee meeting: Tuesday, May 28, 4-5 p.m. at Abington Community Library, 1200 W. Grove St., Clarks Summit. A group of tweens and teens focused on giving a voice to all young adults for programming, book selections and more. Come and share your thoughts and ideas. Open to students in grades 5-12. For more information, call 570-587-3440.Literary New England Information Session: Tuesday, May 28, 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Abington Community Library, 1200 W. Grove St., Clarks Summit. Learn about an upcoming bus trip the library is taking next year to literary New England. Get information about the destinations, time frame and costs of this trip. For more information, call 570-587-3440. Homeschoolers at the Library: Thursday, May 30, 10:30-11:30 a.m. at Abington Community Library, 1200 W. Grove St., Clarks Summit. Attention home schooling parents: Bring your children to an educational program to enrich their home learning experience. They will participate in hands-on projects, stories, short videos and more. For students in grades K-6. For more information, call 570-587-3440.Quiet Your Mind: Thursday, May 30, 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Abington Community Library, 1200 W. Grove St., Clarks Summit. May is Mental Health Month. In an effort to promote positive mental health, the library is hosting a special event. Drop in during this program to complete a calming art project, meditate on your own, create a ‘zine, or plant a flower to take home. Each person will leave with a packet full of resources and information about mental health. For more information, call 570-587-3440. Art gallery reception: A new art exhibit, “Flowers- Wild and Still” will open at The Gathering Place, 304 St. Street, Clarks Summit, with a reception Friday, May 31, 6:30-8 p.m. The community is invited to come meet the artists and view the new exhibit. For more information, visit GatheringPlaceCS.com. Designer purse bingo to benefit Abington Christian Academy: June 1 at the Clarks Summit Fire Hall. Doors open at 5 p.m. and bingo begins at 6 p.m. Benefit tickets are $25 each for 12 rounds of bingo with designer bag prizes. Snack bar items, specials, extra game sheets and raffle basket and 50/50 chances will be available for purchase. For more information, call 570-586-5270 or visit abingtonacademy.com. Summer Days: ACA Summer Days begin Monday, June 17 at Abington Christian Academy on Layton Road in South Abington Township. The academy offers activities from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday, with flexible enrollment available. For more information call 570-586-5270 or visit Cruise to the Bahamas: The Abington Senior Center is sponsoring a cruise to the Bahamas Dec. 1-8. Call Adele at 570-586-8996 for details. Abington Heights Class of 1969 reunion: The committee is seeking contact information including telephone, e-mail and residential address, along with any other pertinent information, for those interested in a 50th reunion this year. Email your info or questions to: [email protected] or call 570-881-3186.Call for Strawberry Festival vendors: The fifth annual Strawberry 5K and Festival will be held in Clarks Summit on June 22. The 5K Race will begin at 9 a.m., followed by the Kids’ Fun Run right after the 5K. The Festival and Kids Games will run from 9-11:30 a.m. on Spring and Davis streets. Anyone interested in being a vendor at the open market booths for the festival should email [email protected] or call 570-881-7612. The vendor fee is $25 and deadline to register is June 7.Community garden volunteers sought: This season’s Waverly Community Garden continues to share fresh produce with local food pantries and other programs. Anyone interested in volunteering to help with the garden can sign up on the its Facebook page at bit.ly/2KzuhBi. Storytimes for children: at Abington Community Library, 1200 W. Grove St., Clarks Summit. Baby (ages 0-2): Fridays, May 17 and 24 at 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.; Toddler (ages 2-3): Wednesdas, May 22 at 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.; Preschool (ages 3-5): Tuesday, May 21 at 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. For more information, call 570-587-3440. Spring astronomy series: Fridays, May 17 and 24 and Wednesday, May 22 at 7:30-9:30 p.m. at Keystone College’s Thomas G. Capillary ’60 Observatory, Fleetville. The spring series of public lectures and observing sessions. The programs are free with no registration required. Observation depends on the weather. For directions to the observatory, visit keystone.edu/observatory. Contact Jo-Ann Kamichitis at 570-945-8402 for more information. Memory Cafe: Held every second and fourth Friday (coming up May 24) at 10 a.m. at The Gathering Place, 304 S. State St., Clarks Summit. A place where people with memory loss and their care companions can socialize with others, join in with art, music, gentle yoga or just visit in a relaxed setting. Free admission. For more information, visit GatheringPlaceCS.org. Adult volleyball nights: every Monday, from 6-8 p.m. at the Newton Recreation Center. Players of all skill levels are welcome. The cost is $2. For more information, call 570-586-7808 or visit bit.ly/2UV6OjP or the center’s Facebook page. Pickleball: every Tuesday, from 4-6 p.m. and Saturdays, from 3-5 p.m. at the Newton Recreation Center. The sport of pickleball has elements of tennis, table tennis and badminton, with players using a racket and ball. Players of all skill levels are welcome. The cost is $2. For more information, call 570-586-7808 or visit bit.ly/2UV6OjP or the center’s Facebook page. Open gym: every Thursday, from 6-8 p.m. at the Newton Recreation Center. The most popular activity during this time is basketball, which is open to all ages. Children 16 and younger must be accompanied by an adult. For more information, call 570-586-7808 or visit bit.ly/2UV6OjP or the center’s Facebook page. State Rep. Outreach: A staff member from state Rep. Marty Flynn’s office will provide outreach assistance from 9 a.m. to noon on the third Wednesday of the month, alternating between the Clarks Green Borough Building, 104 N. Abington Road and the South Abington Township Building’s second-floor meeting room, 104 Shady Lane Road in Chinchilla. Flynn’s staff can help with PennDOT paperwork, LIHEAP winter heating assistance, unemployment compensation, workers’ compensation, PACE/PACENET prescription-drug coverage, unclaimed property searches and any other state-related matter. Call 570-342-4348 for more information. Reach the Suburban: 570-348-9185; [email protected]
By: Larry Connor What Have You Learned? Quite frankly, if not done during the first season of keeping bees, the second and third year are the years that set the course for many beekeeper’s success or failure. Once the first year is completed, beekeepers are either challenged to start over for a variety of reasons: package bee failure, queen failure, general colony neglect, ignorance of basic bee management practices, failure to recognize problems with queens, diseases and mites, and countless other issues. Or, through a combination of luck and good training and self-study they have managed to keep their colonies alive and are ready to grow their colony numbers or increase production through better management. At the end of a beekeeper’s third year, we would expect that he or she will have mastered all of these areas and perhaps dived into queen rearing, specialized honey and hive products, teaching beekeeping, equipment-bees-queen sales, and more – If they did not start some of these activities in their first season. It is always amazing to see inexperienced beekeepers jump into something others consider too technical and come out smelling of great success. There are beekeepers that take the minimalist approach to doing as little as possible with their bees during the first three years, so I need to say that it has been my experience that this is somewhat risky for their overall success in long-term beekeeping. Without a solid basis of knowledge, it is harder for beekeepers to sustain themselves over the years using their good luck as their primary asset. It is often repeated that a second year beekeeper is the most dangerous beekeeper in the apiary and classroom because they have all the answers. Certainly those who were blessed with positive experiences and good luck with their bees are quite often adamant about their ‘proficiency’ as a beekeeper. They have often not learned the challenges of a difficult beekeeping year, of growing mite levels, and exposure to pesticides and the growing threat of disease infestation. While we do not want to minimize the importance of second year beekeepers as teachers of first year beekeepers – they are closest to the experience – they still require monitoring by more experienced beekeepers. Therein lies the conflict, finding a balance between learning and growing with bees versus a large area of inexperience. What should a second and third year beekeeper be able to do? Here are some of my thoughts of the many areas they should master during the first three years of keeping bees: Bee Anatomy – Full knowledge of the parts of the bee, both internal structures and internal anatomy, coupled with a good understanding of what each part of the bee does in the life of the individual bee and colony function. They should be able to teach this to other beekeepers. Floral Anatomy– They should be able to identify the parts of common flowers, how nectar and pollen are produced, the keys to pollination of key plants for their region, and be able to teach this to neighbors, growers and other beekeepers. Bee Venom and Stings – More experienced beekeepers should be able to recognize a local reaction as compared to life threatening anaphylactic shock. The experience of these beekeepers is critical when working with both new and established beekeepers, as we all hear of those who have suffered a major scare following a bee sting. Second and third year beekeepers should always error on the side of caution, but be able to determine if a bag of ice is the best treatment, or when to phone 9-1-1 with a possible emergency. The Beekeeper Annual Cycle – Starting either in the later Summer or in January, a beekeeper should be able to review in some detail the key changes that take place during each month of the year in the area where they keep bees. They should be able to show how different seasons produce different results in pollen and nectar production, and how this impacts colony management. This cycle should be broken into several themes: Population Cycle – Following the Winter/early Spring decline, beekeepers should be able to discuss the increase of brood and bee populations as the seasonal buildup leads to stronger hives and robust forager populations. In his writing Dr. Dewey Caron reminds beekeepers that the key to successful bee colony management is through proper bee population management, and all teachers and mentors need to remind their students of this. Swarming Cycle – These beekeepers must attempt to master the Spring and late Summer/early Fall swarming cycles, adapted for the regional area where the beekeeper keeps bees. Methods of swarm prevention and swarm control should be strongly established within the beekeeper’s skill set. Methods of swarm capture and management are suitable at this or an earlier level. While not all beekeepers should be able to perform colony removals – it requires non-beekeeping skills not all beekeepers possess – but the second and third year beekeeper should be able to work with a well-protected carpenter or another beekeeper to remove a colony using various techniques, and be able to tie up combs into empty frames or onto top bars (in frameless management systems). Honey Cycle – Know when to super, when and how to harvest honey, and how to deal with honey processing-storage-bottling-sales. I am always amazed at the number of two to three year beekeepers who are overwhelmed when their colonies produce surplus honey and they do not know what to do with it. Excuse me, why did you start a dozen colonies of bees? Disease Cycle – The use of the word cycle applies mostly to Varroa mites, as true diseases follow a more random pattern of infection based on contamination exposure. But chalkbrood and nosema are both known to follow certain highs and lows as influenced by the weather and seasonal influences. Varroa mites will increase in numbers as related to levels of mite tolerance, mating accuracy, drone production and other factors stimulate mite development within colonies in an apiary. Depending upon the region where a beekeeper keeps bees, the mite population cycle may take a year or more to be fully expressed. Disease, Pest and Pesticide Detection – Every third year beekeeper should be able to determine if a colony, or a sample from it, should be checked by a qualified laboratory, like USDA-Beltsville, for American foulbrood, European foulbrood, chalkbrood, nosema, tracheal mites, Varroa mites and pesticide damage. The best of all beekeepers will be able to do much of the recognition work at this stage, but all third year beekeepers should be able to determine if they should have a colony sample checked by qualified individuals or services. American Foulbrood – By this time a beekeeper should be able to inspect old beekeeping equipment to look for AFB scale left from a previous dead out from American foulbrood. The beekeeper should be able to perform a field exam for AFB killed larvae in the late larval stage by checking for a strong sour odor and ropiness. Varroa Mites – Using a standard sampling method using powdered sugar, ether, or a full screened bottom board and powdered sugar, a third year beekeeper should be able to measure the mite level in each colony in a small apiary and compare that data from colony to colony and apiary to apiary. This should become a preliminary aspect of determining if the colony needs to be treated for mites, using any number of treatment options. Miticide and Chemical Use – Beekeepers should be able to read the label of any chemical and examine it for its risk to honey bees and other pollinators. Apiary pesticides should be carefully studied before being selected for use. The beekeeper must follow treatment procedures and safety concerns. If a residual strip or artifact remains after treatment, its correct removal and disposal should be followed. All efforts should be to provide safe application to the bees without causing bee mortality and contamination of honey and hive products. Equipment and Terminology – Take the glossary from a good beekeeping book and see if you can identify at least 80% of the terms and items of equipment listed there. Know the key leaders in the development of American beekeeping, and study global beekeeping development as well. Using that 80% standard, you should be able to identify most items in a commercial or sideline beekeeping operation, even those producing package bees or queens. Much of this will come with normal curiosity with bees and beekeeping. What is Honey? – Does filtering convert honey into non-honey? Does heating at 160° do the same? This is a fuzzy, grey area for a lot of beekeepers, and all must know what the law and marketing rules say about putting Pure Honey on a jar, as compared to Funny Honey or some other label. While there is a great deal of misinformation out there, get the facts and follow them. Is there a legal description of Raw Honey? More to the point, every beekeeper should be able to look at a container of honey and point out any mislabeled items, such as lack of weight, location of source and producer. Comb Analysis – Third year beekeepers should be able to identify the content of each cell on each frame in a hive. This includes ALL stages of brood, stored nectar, stored honey (sealed and open), loose pollen, new bee bread, water and propolis-covered cells. The beekeeper should be able to rearrange a set of frames into the natural position that the bees would produce without beekeeper interference. Other Hive Products and Handling – Third year beekeepers should be able to produce honey, pollen, beeswax and propolis. They should know the best practices to use for the harvest, processing, storage and marketing of these products. Knowledge of labels, limits on claims of product properties and general legal issues concerning these products fits the third year level. They should have submitted at least one of these items of their own production in a local fair, honey judging event or have their product evaluated by a trained professional. General Entomology – By third year, beekeepers should be able to identify common non Apis bees, wasps (including yellow jackets and hornets), flies and bee mimics typical to the area where the beekeeper operates. They should understand the system of naming insects, starting with a common name, and followed by the Latin name. They should be able to identify regional pollinators and stinging insects and their mimics by common name. During the fourth and fifth year of keeping bees, most beekeepers perfect their skills, and be actively involved in honey and hive sales, pollination, and teaching new beekeepers.
This is a picture of Home in the deep mid-winter of 2011 when we had temperatures of minus 18! It was amazing, we had icicles 2 ft long hanging from the gutters and because we had insulated the loft, even the water tank froze. We had to open the loft hatch and let the warm air up to thaw it out but that loosened the snow on the roof which then slid off in sheets taking the gutters and the icicles with it. I started beekeeping in 2001 with two hives and I now work 40 – 50 colonies of dark Irish bees. They were swarmy and some of them can still be a bit bad tempered when they have honey on board but they improve year on year. The improvement work continues – watch this space, or more specifically the page entitled ‘Native Bee’. Also the post on the Irish Native Bee which has links to several bee improvement articles. During those years I’ve accumulated a lot of ‘stuff’ and rather than it sit here in my head or on this computer I may as well put it up here where it might be useful. The other pages are of things I think are important – today – that might change tomorrow.
(1 Viewing this forum is dedicated to the discussion and research of all genres of beekeeping history, including; Bee Management, Persons of Beekeeping, Bee Hunting, Archaeology of Beekeeping, Tall Tales, Folklore, Superstitions, Medicine, Beekeeping Antiques, Science and Bees in Warfare). A woman has the exact qualifications as a man. I feel like I got a lot farther and earned a lot more respect by asking questions like, How can I/the school board better support you? I understand the challenges young families in this community are facing in terms of job opportunities, real estate and housing availability, child care and preschool options, and being norwegian cruise line giveaway priced out of the quality of life that many families had in this area a generation ago.I am fortunate as a self employed person to have a flexible work schedule that will allow me to participate in necessary school board functions, so I want to take advantage of this opportunity to contribute back to the community.Old Blue Raw Honey ).We have an underground river running under the ruins, which we have failed to divert around the reactors.I believe in the value of meaningful work.Related Reading: 11 Emergency Food Items That Can Last a Lifetime Food and Garden Sustainability Sustainable in the City Prepare For Any Disaster Click here to subscribe : Join over one million monthly readers and receive breaking news, strategies, ideas and commentary.Could it be that the collapse of honey bee colonies, mass sea life die-offs, and changing climates in once lush growing regions are all the result of the same underlying phenomena?You can also email.As a school board director, I will maintain professional working relationships with other board members, staff, administrators, students, parents, and community members of all types. I was able to learn so so much in a relatively short amount to time, and I would not have been happy with myself if I hadnt tried so hard meet the people I needed to meet and understand the issues I needed to understand.Thank you all, for more than I can articulate.Or, as one contributor at m suggested, the answer to why this is happening should be obvious: We have three cores melted out of their reactor buildings, lost in the mudrock and sandstone, which we have failed to locate and mitigate.Something is wrong with worlds food chain and one Harvard Professor suggested last year that recent signs, namely with the die-off of honey bee populations, are a prelude of things to come: But he now warns that a pollinator drop could be the least our worries.Meeting outside Santa Rosa, California, the Pacific Fishery Management Council voted to direct noaa Fisheries Service to halt the current season as early as possible, affecting about 100 fishing boats with sardine permits.According to the most recent data, the sardine populations has been wiped out with populations seeing a decline of 91 in just the last eight years.He thinks hes qualified enough, but she doesnt.) Im not a huge Ezra Klein fan, but I found this show to be highly inspirational, and I wholeheartedly agree that running in this election was a huge learning experience that made me a better person and.I highly recommend throwing yourself into local politics if you want to alleviate some of that stress.Im certainly on the young end of the age spectrum of Philomath parents, but I am committed to being active in this district for the next decade no matter what. I have attended five school board meetings this school year (November, January, February, March, and April I have read all written public statements from the Philomath United group, and I have heard some of the facts and a whole lot of hearsay about the situation.