Fun on the Farm An introduction to country living Once in a while, my main man gives me a sidelong glance, bats his eyelashes and tells me he thinks it’s time to add a new addition to our urban farm. While the subject of his obsession du jour changes—sometimes he thinks goats are something we can’t live without, other times he makes the case for a family milk cow or wool-producing sheep, miniature horses, ducks and the like—my response typically centers on the phrase, “I don’t think so, dude.” My answer is firmly based on the fact that I’m the early riser in our domestic partnership, and thus am often the one responsible for letting the chickens out in the morning and making sure they—and our Flemish meat rabbits—have enough food and water to get them through the day. I’m not up for a new retinue of extra tasks—tasks such as milking a surly goat at the break of dawn. As a small-scale farmer, I’m aware that keeping animals around to augment our food supply is well worth it, but also requires a commitment. The powers that be who are putting on the annual Country Living Expo and Winter Cattleman’s School Sat., Jan. 25 at Stanwood High School are also savvy to the fact that as eating locally—whether it’s raising your own animals and vegetables in your backyard or farming for profit on sizable acreage in the county—is hard work. Although some of the workshops they’ll be offering are already full, with more than 170 classes on the roster, both urban farmers and longtime tenders of the land should still be able to find offerings that will help them on their quest for “country living.” A quick review of the sessions reveals food-production-related classes on: beekeeping, poultry processing, cob oven-building, fruit tree pruning, raising sheep, cheese and yogurt-making, swine breeding, container gardening, cider production, pie crust creation, growing giant pumpkins and veggies, fish smoking, backyard chickens, raising beef for prime grade, pressure canning, raising heritage turkeys, finding and cooking wild edibles, mushroom cultivation and many more. For the more dedicated farmers, workshops also abound on everything from propagation techniques to equine first aid, agroforestry, on-farm composting, how to choose the right tractor and implements for your property and projects, greenhouse growing, ewe flock nutrition, organic certification for livestock producers, sheep shearing, maximizing litter production and (yuck) livestock fecal exams. A trade show featuring local agribusinesses and networking opportunities will also be happening throughout the day, and a prime rib lunch is included in the registration fee. Workshops fill up fast, so you’ll want to get online as soon as possible and peruse the lengthy list to ensure you can still get in on the action. By afternoon’s end, it’s entirely possible you’ll realize that you want to begin a new career as a chicken farmer or bee whisperer. Conversely, you might understand just how much work “country living” requires, and instead continue to rely on visits to local farmers markets and other purveyors to augment your food supply. And that’s O.K., too.blog comments powered by Disqus
I’m getting pretty alarmed about the lack of honeybees this summer. The giant rosemary bush on my allotment is spookily silent – in years gone by it would have been covered by flying insects of all kinds especially honeybees. Who Killed the Honey Bee, a documentary on telly a while ago (watch back here) points the finger at pesticides, lack of habitat, the Americans’ habit of moving bees around and, I would add, micro-wave radiation. But perhaps the biggest cause of stress in honey bees is, I believe, the way that we are managing them. The current practice of western beekeeping hasn’t changed much since it was introduced by the Victorians. I’ve been keeping bees for 15 years, after a training course at Plumpton, and I’ve never felt entirely comfortable with the degree of intervention that this entails. In order to stop colonies from swarming and taking the year’s honey supply with them, beekeepers open hives regularly in the summer, thus disrupting the bee atmosphere, with its powerful yet delicate matrix of pheromones, heat, smell and Goddess knows what else. They smoke them, they take off almost all the honey stores, replacing them with sugar syrup for feed, and they treat them with antibiotics and pesticides when the bees get ill. Perhaps most damagingly, honey bees are encouraged to create cells on a foundation of wax made by man, in order to harvest more honey, which is often about 10% bigger than the cells that bees make naturally, and they can’t make many of the larger drone cells. Far from being natural, traditional beekeeping is highly intrusive. So I was delighted last year to find out about the Top Bar beehive, a model adapted from an intermediate technology approach used in Africa. I’ve just finished building my first top bar beehive, with my friend Steven. With the top bar beehive, you leave the bees alone to do their thing, including making cells of the size of their choice. With the Top Bar you take only a small proportion of the honey, leaving most for the bees to overwinter on. And if they want to swarm you let them, instead of destroying their new queen cells. With the colony in the woods I’ve decided not to open the hive at all other than to treat them naturally for varroa mite twice a year. Basically, natural beekeeping – or bee caretaking – is about learning about what bees want to do instead of bending them to our will, for our own profit. A few beekeepers are starting to listen to the bees. We’re generally vilified by standard beekeepers as allowing disease to enter the population. But given the facts – 30% of British bee colonies have been wiped out in the last two years – I reckon there is a call to create bee sanctuaries. Rather than focus on the human colony collapse that might well follow from the bees, I will just bless and thank our honeybees. May you flourish and multiply. May you teach us about how to live in balance. And since I am now looking to populate our new hive, I now sing to the bees and if anyone hears of a swarm in this swarming month for our new hive, please contact Viva Lewes, and they’ll get in touch with me.
Chicago’s home and gardening boutique mecca talks dirty As the frost thaws, it can be fun to think about all the subterranean adventures you can get into come springtime. One excursion to Sprout Home in West Town and you’ll be instantly transported to a verdant oasis in the heart of Chicago. Explore inside and out to find vessels, tools, home decor items and gifts, freshly arranged floral arrangements and a friendly staff available to talk more about garden design services. The shop’s library is well-stocked with volumes on every kind of related topic, so stock up on knowledge in areas from beekeeping, to organic gardening, to garden remedies, and beyond. The same staff is on hand for Sprout’s classes, which run on an ongoing schedule on subjects like Early Gardens, Terrariums, and more. Founders Tara Heibel, who runs the Chicago store, and her partner, Tassy de Give, who’s in charge of the Brooklyn outpost, have successfully superseded your grandmother’s garden supply with their sharp, intelligent aesthetic and obvious knowledge and passion for all things gardening. It’s definitely worth a visit to see what you can get growing.
Our recent lesson on Candy Boards generated a lot of interest, and I’m getting lots of emails telling me that the link did not work to order the candy boards. If you received the Lesson via Email, that link doesn’t work. So here are the proper links: Candy boards for 10 frame hives. CLICK HERE Candy boards for 5 frame nucs. CLICK HERE Sometimes there is a difference in sizes of nucs especially 4 and 5 frame nucs, so let us know what size nuc you are using and we can provide candy boards for your equipment. If you want to order these from our website, go to www.honeybeesonline.com then click on BEEKEEPING EQUIPMENT AT THE TOP and then click on FEEDERS on the bottom row of links. David & Sheri Burns
- To help disseminate the latest information and improved methods of beekeeping. - To promote fellowship and cooperation among - To cultivate a friendly relationship between honey producers and consumers. - To assist, whenever possible, the Michigan Beekeepers' Association, the Michigan Department of Agriculture, the Michigan State University Department of Entomology, and other local, state and national beekeeping organizations. Membership and Dues: Membership is open to anyone interested in beekeeping. Nominal annual dues are required. Paid-up members are automatically members of Oakland Bee Club and Schoolcraft Bee Club and are welcome to their meetings. Meetings and Activities: In cooperation with Oakland Bee Club and Schoolcraft Bee Club, there will be meetings and activities to educate, inform and promote sharing of ideas and experiences every month of the Oakland Bee Club meets at the E.L. Johnson nature Center, 3325 Franklin Road, Bloomfield Township, MI. Schoolcraft Bee Club meets at Schoolcraft College, 18600 Haggerty Rd., Livonia, MI. SEMBA conducts an annual all day Beekeepers' Conference for the purpose of bringing in the latest methods and best-informed experts to aid members in beekeeping practices, and to introduce new people to beekeeping. SEMBA provides a "hands-on" beekeeping course April through October. - Members receive a newsletter with information about local, state and national meetings as well as other beekeeping - Members receive a 25% discount on beekeeping journal subscriptions. - Members have access to the SEMBA library of books, journals and videos. - Members may rent beekeeping equipment at low cost. - Members have access to a number of educational programs. - Members can draw on the knowledge of a large group of experienced beekeepers. If you would like to become a member of SEMBA, please Read the History of SEMBA.
A fascinating look at the secret life of bees, all the way from buzzing around the garden to the sticky knife in the honey jar. Bees make honey; we all know that. But what happens between the bee buzzing around our garden, and the sticky knife in the jar, is a mystery to most of us. Based on careful observation and years of experience, Michael Weiler here reveals the secret life of bees. He looks at all aspects of a bee's life and work and vividly describes their remarkable world. Did you know that it takes approximately 12,000 bee-hours to make one jar of honey? (At £5.30 per hour, that would mean one jar should cost around £63,600.) This is a fascinating book for anyone interested in the intricacies of nature and our world. 'The author is not only an experienced beekeeper who looks after fifty colonies but also a committed teacher who possesses a great passion for bees and a deep understanding of their behaviour and nature...The text conveys the reader smoothly through this refreshing insight into the bees' world, the photographs, various biological illustrations, line drawings and tables are all designed to enhance the learning process from this book. On a literary note, there are also two delightful poems...to add to the reader's pleasure...Good value for money at £8.99.' --Bee Keeping, Dec. 2006 'Michael Weiler is an experienced beekeeper who looks after fifty colonies. He is a teacher with a great passion for bees and deep understanding of their nature. I had already begun to apply organic principles within my own beekeeping and I am now convinced that the biodynamic route is the one I shall take.' -- Philip Chandler of the Wholesome Food Association, in Star and Furrow Winter 2005, after participating in a day-course on 'The Nature of Bees and Biodynamic Beekeeping' with Michael Weiler organised by the BDAA 'Informed by a Goethean perspective, this fascinating book about the life cycle of a bee tells the reader all they need to know about the subject.' --Scientific and Medical Network Review 'This delightful and detailed little book takes us on a wonderful journey through the beekeeping year…The outline of the Demeter Beekeeping Guidelines at the back of the book will be especially useful to beekeepers considering how they can best work with their bees.' -- Sue Peat, The Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain Newsletter, Oct 2006 'If you're an experienced bee-keeper wishing to know your bees better, and more so if you're one that likes to share the art of bee keeping with fellow human beings, then this little book shows how!! The writer, Co-director of the Demeter association in Germany, takes us by the hand on a wonderful journey through the beekeeping year.' --Star and Furrow, Winter 2006 'From poetic opening lines to a royal jelly finale this wonderful book has been written from the heart-mind of a man who truly loves his bees. Readers may feel themselves transported to stand beside the beekeeper, accompanying him as he tends to his hive. Which is of course the book's defining strength. Well illustrated with excellent photographs and clear diagrams.' -- Harvests Magazine, August 2007 Michael Weiler has been a beekeeper for twenty-five years and runs courses and conferences on ecological beekeeping in Germany and the UK.
Kara Kreutzberg (kreutz) on Pinterest. Could This Be The Most Upworthy Site In The History Of The Internet? Hi, we're Upworthy, a new social media outfit with a mission: to help people find important content that is as fun to share as a FAIL video of some idiot surfing off his roof. Let's be honest: The Internet's been overrun with inanity, and all of us are eating it up. For example, here's a scientific study we commissioned about what comprises the online world: Miss Representation - The Sociological Cinema. About Us. COMMENTARY is America’s premier monthly magazine of opinion and a pivotal voice in American intellectual life. Since its inception in 1945, and increasingly after it emerged as the flagship of neoconservatism in the 1970s, the magazine has been consistently engaged with several large, interrelated questions: the fate of democracy and of democratic ideas in a world threatened by totalitarian ideologies; the state of American and Western security; the future of the Jews, Judaism, and Jewish culture in Israel, the United States, and around the world; and the preservation of high culture in an age of political correctness and the collapse of critical standards. Many of COMMENTARY’s articles have been controversial, and more than a few have been hugely influential, touchstones for debate and discussion in universities, among policy analysts in and out of government, within the ranks of professionals and community activists of all kinds, and in circles of serious thought worldwide. Dude, This Diplomat's No Stiff. UN Dispatch | United Nations News & Commentary Global News – Forum. Extremely Silly Photos of Extremely Serious Writers. [Editor's note: In celebration of the holidays, we're spending the next two Tuesdays by counting down the top 12 Flavorwire features of 2012. This post, at #8, was originally published May 11th.] Every writer, no matter how serious, needs to let off a little steam now and then. Those oh-so-important mental health days might be filled with hobbies (from baking to beekeeping) or drinking (every writer’s default hobby), or just plain goofing around with friends. - Rimel Neffati. Brain Forest | Connectome: How the Brain's Wiring Makes Us Who We Are. Literature Project - Free eBooks Online. Rape as Prime Time Comedy - The Sociological Cinema. Brain Pickings.
- Smile - MDAR Just Took Your Picture! - Energy News - MassGrown & Fresher Warms Up February -- see what's NEW! - Commonwealth Quality Sign-Up Drive for Fresh Produce Kicks Off! - Department of Public Health to Conduct Public Hearings on Regulations Affecting Mobile Poultry Processing Units - Now Available at Your Local Farmers’ Market – Massachusetts Wine! - Notice of Restricted Farmland Sale in Worcester County and Request for Statements of Interest - New Maple “Passport” Program and Kick off - Patrick-Murray Administration Secures Federal Relief for Massachusetts Farmers in Five Counties - Berlin Farms Looking for Vendors at Fall Festival & Marketplace 2011 - CISA's Winter Workshop Series on Farm Labor Management - Catch the Beekeeping Buzz this Spring at Bristol Community College - 2011 UMass Extension Green Directory - Now Available - Massachusetts Spring Microloan Deadline: March 4th, 2011 - The Business of Farming - Third Bi-Annual Harvest New England Agricultural Marketing Conference - Implementation Plans for the Boston Public Market are in Full Gear - Northeast Harvest - 2nd Annual Ag Day - MA Farm Wineries & Growers Association (MFWGA) 4th Annual Meeting - The 2nd Annual 2011 Winter Hops Conference - Attention Poultry Enthusiasts! The Annual Massachusetts Poultry Enhancement Meeting - Mass Aggie: Home Garden and Small Farm Series - Mass Aggie: Backyard Livestock and Poultry Management Workshops - UMass Community Tree Conference - Employee Training for Garden Retailers - Western MA Agcom Conference - Farmers' Market Workshops: Food Safety, Consumer Education, and Wine too! - Massachusetts Agriculture Day at the State House - Agricultural Officials Announce FSA Programs Available for Livestock Producers Affected by Harsh Winter Weather - On-Farm Energy Audits Help Massachusetts Farmers Improve Energy Conservation and Efficiency - USDA Develops, Revises Conservation Practice Standards; Seeks Public Comments - Business Planning for Dairy Processing In Every Issue With more snow on the ground, roofs and fields than many of us have seen in decades, I think most of us by now are looking forward to spring. As I drive past the beautiful farm and field winterscapes, I can’t help but think of the snow stories told to me by my recently-turned 100 year old grandmother – stories absent of snow removal trucks or snow blowers! But as beautiful as these Currier and Ives like winter scenes can be, they can also be dangerous and why I’m starting this edition with a reminder about the hazards of excessive snow load like that we’re seeing this season. In fact, many businesses, including farms, have already experienced significant damage from building collapses. This has led the Patrick Administration to explore possibilities of federal assistance that might provide some relief to those residents who have been impacted. Toward that end, we are joining the USDA Farm Service Agency in encouraging farmers to report losses as a result of this historic winter. Although the farming community may be a bit less busy than during the growing season, I recognize that taking any time out from preparation for the upcoming season to report damages is costly. Nonetheless, it is important that even what might be considered a minor loss is reported as such reports are critical toward our ability to seek assistance. I also encourage any who have experienced losses to stay tuned for the possibility of future assistance as well as existing programs such as those provided by the USDA Farm Service Agency that is further detailed in this publication. Looking toward the 2011 growing season and based upon the great developments the industry brought to fruition last year, the integration of energy conservation and continued development of on-farm renewable energy systems such as solar, wind, and anaerobic digesters look to have promising long-term prospects. We’ve already seen where the implementation of energy conservation measures and pioneering energy systems has allowed for continued diversification and expansion of production; this in turn has encouraged greater investment, provided new sources of income, offset production costs and continued to feed the growing demands that we are experiencing for locally grown and manufactured agricultural products. Kudos to the agricultural community for their often challenging groundbreaking efforts and for their important contributions to a Green Energy Future for our Commonwealth! I encourage any in our farming community to watch for upcoming courses to learn about these exciting opportunities. From the Department’s perspective, we have also been very busy in preparation not only for the upcoming growing season but the second term of the Patrick-Murray Administration. We were fortunate to have had a great team in place during the Governor’s first term and, I am happy to report that moving forward a new re-energized team has been assembled. With that in mind, many of you may already be aware that Secretary Richard K. Sullivan Jr. has assumed the leadership role for the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. Secretary Sullivan brings with him not only experience from managing the Town of Westfield but also four years of experience leading DCR, the largest agency within the secretariat, and collaborating with sister agencies, including MDAR. As the new term gets underway, Secretaries and Commissioners have been asked to reflect on how each agency will implement the initiatives necessary to carry out identified goals and objectives. Accordingly over the last few weeks I have been meeting with senior staff here at MDAR to make certain that we have an equally energized and focused team as we look ahead to the opportunities and challenges before us (of which there are many!). In spite of facing one of the toughest budget years in recent memory, we are committed to finding ways to streamline operations, utilize more public/private partnerships, and leverage more federal dollars where we can so that we may continue to provide superlative programs and services to our constituency. We also look forward to hearing from you about the programs and services most important to you. A few examples of our efforts to meet current challenges: 1) Efficiency – the recent transfer of all MDAR land use programs and technical services into one Division (stay tuned for details) and efforts to streamline mosquito control operations, 2) Partnering – successful collaboration between Wholesome Wave, Harvard Pilgrim Health Foundation, Federation of MA Farmers’ Markets, and MDAR to increase access opportunities for locally grown products to the Commonwealth residents, and 3) Resourcefulness – successful leveraging of federal dollars e.g. the creation of the new APR Improvement Program, the Massachusetts Farm Energy Program, and the recently launched Commonwealth Quality Program. Besides the ongoing and much appreciated support of the agricultural community and those of you reading this newsletter, we also know that continued outreach to new audiences is essential to ensuring a vibrant agricultural future. In this newsletter, you’ll read about many familiar as well as new events and opportunities that I invite you to share with others. In the meantime, stay warm, watch for falling ice and I look forward to seeing many of you out in the field this 2011! Scott J. Soares, Commissioner What’s New in Agriculture at UMass Amherst? by Steve Goodwin Although UMass’s involvement with agriculture goes back to our founding in 1863 as Mass. Agricultural College, it is rare to see a time of as much change and promise as we have in the last six months. Agricultural outreach, research and education are taking on sharper focus. In a reorganization last year, UMass Extension (the university’s largest outreach unit with programs in agriculture, landscape and other areas), was moved into the Center for Agriculture in the College of Natural Sciences. For the first time in many years, agricultural and other outreach from UMass Extension is united with the unit that supports and promotes research in the same areas, the Mass. Agricultural Experiment Station. Both are now part of the Center, a close partner of the Stockbridge School of Agriculture, also in our college. This new arrangement brings with it potential for greater efficiency as we stretch our limited resources as far as we can. The reorganization also is a big boost to integrating our research and outreach efforts, important because we can bring unique value to the Commonwealth in this way. University scientists work on the pressing problems, Extension program specialists work with farmers and others with a full set of up-to-date tools in their toolboxes and the whole process is better informed. Also, the Center for Agriculture now provides one doorway at UMass Amherst for agriculture, natural resources, and food system issues. Stockbridge School of Agriculture continues to flourish, with two-year programs that train students for skilled employment in farming, turf management, arboriculture, landscape and other fields. We are very proud of our students -- this past year, four of our students placed in the top ten of the major competitions in their fields. As we consider ways we can best serve both our students and the state’s agricultural and landscape business needs, we are looking at new options for expanded program offerings for students in the future. Just as it does for you, the economy continues to challenge us to focus on the highest priority areas and to continue to make progress. Two new Extension faculty members will join us this year, one specializing in green building technologies and the other in water management issues. These are key areas for growers and businesses and the contributions of these experts will help us move forward. UMass Amherst has been committed to agriculture and the green landscape industries since 1863 and we intend to keep it that way. Dean Goodwin joined the faculty in the Department of Microbiology in 1986 and focused his research on environmental microbiology and the use of microbes to produce biodegradable polymers. Dr. Goodwin received a BS in Zoology from the University of Maine, an MS in Environmental Science from the University of Virginia, and a PhD in Bacteriology from the University of Wisconsin. From 2001, Dr. Goodwin served as Dean and as Associate Dean for the former College of Natural Resources and the Environment prior to becoming CNS dean in 2009. He is active on the boards of many regional organizations, including Community Involved in Supporting Agriculture (CISA), the Northeastern Regional Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors, and the Pioneer Valley Life Sciences Institute (PVLSI). Steve and his wife Gay are both originally natives of Beverly, MA.Photo by Jim Gipe / Pivot Media. Pictures from 2011 New England Grows, the largest and most popular horticultural and green industry event in North America, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. First MA Farm Anaerobic Digesters Now Under Construction! After several years of feasibility studies and due diligence, MDAR is pleased to announce that construction is under way for the first MA agricultural anaerobic digesters (AD). Two projects are underway with four more planning to be phased in later this year. For those not familiar with this technology, an AD essentially replicates our stomach by digesting organic wastes - in this case manure and/or agricultural and food wastes, in an oxygen starved process with heat (95F). With this chemistry a renewable, methane predominant biogas is produced. The biogas can then be used for a number of applications including direct thermal combustion or as a fuel in engine generator sets to generate electricity. Moreover, the process eliminates odors and the by-products have great soil nutritional value as well as livestock bedding potential. In fact, because of these latter factors, MDAR views ADs as a manure management solution first, with the value-added benefit of being a renewable energy technology. Now the projects: The Aragi family at Pine Island Farm in Sheffield, the largest dairy in MA, began studying this technology over 4 years ago. A collaborative effort ensued involving numerous people and agencies. The project began phased construction last fall. Using a hybrid plug-flow AD design by GHD Inc. of Wisconsin, the project will utilize all of the dairy’s manure to create enough methane biogas to feed a 220 kW engine generator set year round. Meanwhile, approximately 3 years ago, Jordan Dairy Farm of Rutland, MA, joined a group of four other similar size dairy farms and Boston based project developer SJH & Associates, to form AGreen Energy, LLC. The concept behind this venture was to try to develop an AD project technology that could be duplicated at each farm, share in technology knowledge, financial strength, and more importantly project management services, including design engineering, construction and the on-going preventive and maintenance services needed to keep the systems up & running. These ADs will be of the mixed feedstock, mixed-flow design by Quasar Technologies, Ohio, whereby the feedstock will be a combination of manure and organic food wastes. Jordan’s project began construction last fall as well and the methane generated will power a 280 kW engine generator set year round. Aside from the incredible energy and “can do” attitudes of the farms, consultants and developers themselves, the development of our Commonwealth’s first agricultural anaerobic digesters involved a comprehensive collaborative effort between private business, and local, state and federal agencies. Included among the many were Farm Credit East, the Town of Sheffield, the Town of Rutland, USDA Rural Development (RD), USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), the U.S. Department of Treasury, MA DEP, MA Clean Energy Center, EEA, DOER and MDAR. We all look forward to “turning on the switch!” Congratulations Pine Island and Jordan Farms! Wind Turbines Approved on Two Martha’s Vineyard Farms! On January 19th at a Chilmark Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Meeting, the zoning board concurred with the town building inspector by a vote of 4-1 that two farm wind energy projects should be approved for building permits as agricultural structures under the zoning exemption of MA General Law Chapter 40A, Section 3. As well, the ZBA did not vote in favor of involving the Martha’s Vineyard Commission in their decision. As a result, the historical, multi-generational (dating back to the 1600’s) Allen Farm will begin construction of a 50 kW Endurance wind turbine for their diverse livestock operation, while the brand spanking new The Grey Barn will start their efforts on a 100 kW Northwind wind turbine for their under construction new diverse dairy, egg, vegetable, livestock, and cheese-making operation. Both these projects exemplify the desire of many of our Commonwealth’s farms to become long term sustainable through the implementation of clean, environmentally friendly, renewable energy technologies. Congratulations to The Grey Barn and Allen Farm! We look forward to these turbines generating clean renewable energy for their farms! For more information contact Gerry Palano, 617-626-1706, [email protected]. Massachusetts Farm Energy Program (MFEP) – Winter Energy Workshops Almost Completed The Winter Energy Workshop series on technical assistance and financial incentives for farms and forest product businesses is in progress and attendance has been good despite some of the real wintry weather we’ve been getting. Only one scheduled workshop is remaining: February 11, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm, Lanesborough Town Hall, Community Room, 83 N. Main St, Lanesborough, MA If you missed one of the earlier workshops held this winter throughout the state and are still interested in energy for your farm or for more information about the workshops or MFEP services, please contact Ann Gibson [email protected] or Darlene Monds, [email protected] at 413-256-1607 or Gerry Palano at 617-626-1706, [email protected]. Additional MFEP information can be found at www.berkshirepioneerrcd.org/mfep/. Federal 30% ITC Cash Option Reminder For those still interested in pursuing the Federal Investment Tax Credit Cash Option for selected renewable energy technologies, the original deadline of December 31, 2010 for “Beginning Construction” for this opportunity was extended until December 31, 2011 by the lame duck session congress at the end of last year. Enacted as part of the 2009 ARRA stimulus package, this option provides non-residential commercial projects the opportunity to receive cash at the completion of the project in lieu of receiving a tax credit. Eligible renewable energy projects must now need to have been completed in calendar years 2009, 2010 or 2011 OR meet the are eligibility provisions for those initiating the project by the end of December 31, 2011, including executing a financial contract, executing an installing contractor contract and demonstrating at least 5% project expenditures by this date. This means if you can at least begin implementing an eligible renewable energy project by the end of this year you could still be eligible for the tax credit cash option. For more details on all eligibility requirements and other information please see: www.treas.gov/recovery/1603.shtml. At the same time, MDAR encourages those in our agricultural community who favor such a tax incentive to contact your local U.S. congressional representatives and senators to request this extremely beneficial cash tax equity option be extended beyond this year’s end as part of the new agenda of our new Congress in Washington, D.C. MassGrown & Fresher continues its great traction course. The site was developed last year as a resource that connects consumers to locally grown products and farmers to new consumer bases.The numbers show that from its debut in April 2010 to December 2010, the MassGrown & Fresher received over 80,000 page hits. Feedback from visitors has been positive with one of the most popular pages the interactive Agri-Google map that allows consumers to easily find ALL of their locally grown needs in one convenient one-stop-shopping spot. Last year the site was twice featured on the Mass.Gov Homepage and has been referenced as a link in newspaper articles featuring ag-related stories. New this month: - Photographer Paul Goldberg is featured on Faces of Massachusetts Agriculture. His beautiful photography captures the essence of Massachusetts agriculture - We've added new add-on enhancements to the Agri-Google map. Check out organic farms, maple sugar, and more! - February is all about CSA's -- have you joined one yet? - Click on the Calendar and find the latest upcoming "ag"-tivities and events near you This year we'll continue to develop this site to be clutter-free and right-to-the-agricultural-point! There is no cost to being listed. If you are interested in being part of the MassGrown & Fresher portal community, please contact Rick LeBlanc at 617-626-1759 or or [email protected]. Farmers (retailers and wholesalers): As part of our on-going marketing efforts, we highlight Massachusetts farms and agricultural businesses through various publications, special events, B2B opportunities, and most importantly, on our website, www.Mass.gov/Massgrown. Helping you find profitable markets for your products is an important part of our mission. As a Massachusetts producer, you are entitled to the many different listings on the MassGrown website and brochures. If you would like to be included, or update your information, please complete our Farm Marketing Survey. The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR), UMASS extension educators, and regional and state commodity associations met with growers in Sturbridge on January 7, 2011 to present the sustainability standards adapted for "Commonwealth Quality," a state initiative designed in cooperation with various commodity groups to promote local agriculture and help consumers identify products that are produced, harvested and responsibly processed in Massachusetts. More than 200 Massachusetts growers attended the meeting sponsored by the New England Vegetable and Berry Growers’ Association. UMASS educators presented standards developed specifically for Commonwealth Quality program participants. Based on a combination of industry best management practices developed with MDAR support through the MA Farm Bureau and designed to address soil health, insect control, disease prevention and food safety, these compilation of CQP standards is a result of ongoing collaboration between MDAR, the UMASS Agricultural Extension, and Massachusetts Commodity Groups. To date, the state’s Commonwealth Quality initiative has been endorsed by the New England Vegetable and Berry Growers’ Association, the Massachusetts Fruit Growers Association, and the Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation. More than 25 farms have already registered for the program resulting from the Sturbridge gathering.“Support and enthusiasm from both farmers and consumers is indicative of a resounding call for food safety and environmental stewardship assurances across the state,” said Commissioner Scott J. Soares. “We are proud that Massachusetts is again showing itself a leader in the nation.” A second sign-up session will be taking place at the Northeast Agricultural Day at the Topsfield Fair on February 23, 2011. Please check the MDAR' s calendar of events for further details. For more information about Commonwealth Quality, contact Michael Botelho, 617-626-1721, [email protected]. Department of Public Health to Conduct Public Hearings on Regulations Affecting Mobile Poultry Processing Units Notice is hereby given pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, §2, that the Department of Public Health will hold two public hearings on proposed amendments to 105 CMR 105 CMR 532.000, Inspection of Poultry and Poultry Products. The proposed amendments contain requirements for the operation of mobile poultry processing units (MPPUs) by small farmers in Massachusetts. They also delete certain obsolete regulations regarding small farmers’ exemption from inspection by USDA. The first hearing will be held on March 10, 2011 at 9:30 a.m. in the Cafeteria, Department of Conservation and Recreation, 180 Beaman Street, West Boylston, Massachusetts. The second hearing will be held on March 11, 2011 at 9:30 a.m. in the Public Health Council Room, Second Floor, Department of Public Health, 250 Washington Street, Boston, Massachusetts. Speakers are requested to provide a copy of their oral testimony. The Department encourages all interested parties to submit testimony electronically to the following address: [email protected]. Please submit electronic testimony as an attached Word document or as text within the body of an email and type “MPPU” in the subject line. All submissions must include the sender’s full name and address. The Department will post all electronic testimony that complies with these instructions on its website. Persons who are unable to submit electronic testimony should mail submissions to LouAnn Stanton, Office of the General Counsel, Department of Public Health, 250 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02108. All testimony must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on March 18, 2011. A copy of the proposed amendments may be obtained from LouAnn Stanton, Office of the General Counsel, at 617-624-5220. Farmers’ market aficionados shopping recently at the new Somerville Winter farmers’ market were pleased to discover a new Massachusetts farm product represented– local wine! The Somerville Winter Farmers’ Market which opened January 8th at the Somerville Center for the Arts at the Armory, has the distinction of being the first farmers’ market approved for the sale of wine under legislation signed by Governor Deval Patrick last August which gives local cities and towns the ability to issue special licenses to wineries. The licenses allow them to sell wine at farmers’ markets, agricultural fairs and other approved agricultural events across the state. “The legislation opens up a brand new market for consumers to purchase and learn about Massachusetts produced wine”, says MDAR Commissioner Scott Soares. A growing industry, Massachusetts currently has 34 licensed wineries. In order for a farmers’ market to become an approved venue, the winery must submit an application to MDAR to approve the market as an “agricultural event”. Supporting documentation must be included to ensure that the market includes Massachusetts farms, promotes local agriculture, and has guidelines in place that meet the Department’s policy on recognized farmers’ markets. Once approved, the winery must apply to the local city or town for a special permit. To date, five winter farmers’ markets and one summer market have been approved with ten wineries participating. “As the summer season approaches, we expect to receive additional applications”, says David Webber, Farmers’ Market Coordinator for MDAR. For more information on wine sales at farmers’ markets contact David Webber at 617-626-1754 or [email protected]. Claire Kozower, Somerville resident and Executive Director of Waltham Fields Community Farm, at the Somerville Winter Farmers’ Market showing off her purchase – a bottle of Local Blend from Zoll Cellars of Shrewsbury. The MDAR is considering assigning its Option to Purchase 273 acres of land on Company Farm Road and Woods Road in Barre, MA for $273,500. Approximately 100 acres are currently in agricultural production. The property is subject to an Agricultural Preservation Restriction (see Book 19751 Page 338 at the Worcester Registry of Deeds) which may be amended at the time of assignment. This assignment does not include a 5.5 acre lot which includes a house and other structures. For more information, visit: www.mass.gov/agr/landuse/APR/sale_notice. New Maple “Passport” Program and Kick off March 4, 2011- New for 2011 is the Massachusetts Maple Producers Association (MMPA) March “Passport” program, launched to encourage consumers to visit Massachusetts sugarhouses. The “Passport” can be downloaded from www.massmaple.org as well as obtained from sugarhouses open to the public. MMPA will have official “passports” that sugar markers will sign with the sugarhouse name and the date of the visit. Those visiting four or more sugarhouses by April 10 can send their passport to the Association to be entered in a drawing for prizes. Plan now to attend the ceremonial tapping of a sugar maple tree to kick off the brief but sweet season on March 4, 2011, 10am, Zawalicks Sugarhouse, Northampton. Heralding the onset of the growing season, maple sugaring is the Commonwealth’s first agricultural harvest of the year. In addition to tapping a sugar maple, area legislators and members of the Massachusetts Maple Producers Association, MDAR Commissioner Soares will read the proclamation declaring March as “Massachusetts Maple Month.” For more information contact Winton Pitcoff, MMPA Coordinator, [email protected], www.massmaple.org. Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Richard K. Sullivan Jr. recently announced that United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Thomas Vilsack has granted the Commonwealth's request for federal disaster relief in five Massachusetts counties that suffered agricultural production losses due to unseasonably hot, dry weather last summer and fall. Farms in Barnstable and Bristol counties, which were declared primary natural disaster areas, are now eligible for loans and other assistance from the United States Farm Services Agency (FSA), provided that individual farms meet eligibility requirements. In addition, farms in Dukes, Norfolk and Plymouth Counties, which were declared a contiguous disaster area, are also eligible for loan assistance. "Thanks to Secretary Vilsack for granting this disaster declaration, which will give Massachusetts farmers affected by unseasonably hot and dry weather last year access to loans and other assistance they need to remain viable," said Governor Deval Patrick. Governor Patrick sent a letter on January 3, 2011 to Secretary Vilsack requesting the disaster designation. "Farmers across the state will now have access to resources that will help them recover from the damaging effects of the excessive heat that led to significant crop damage," said Secretary Sullivan. Between June 1, 2010 and October 15, 2010, farmers in Barnstable and Bristol counties had crop losses due to excessive heat and scalding, which occurs when crops are over exposed to the sun causing discoloration and blistering. According to the National Weather Service, 2010 was the third warmest summer on record with 25 days with 90 degree plus temperatures into September (normal is 11 days). The cranberry crops were the most significantly affected. Farms predicted seasonal production decreases of at least 30 percent. The Department of Agricultural Resources (DAR) continues to work with the University of Massachusetts Amherst and with USDA officials to monitor the amount of damage to crop output this season. Actual crop loss assessments are expected later this year. "For the agricultural industry, which represents $500 million in annual revenue, this assistance saves jobs and insures continued operations for many of our farms affected by last season’s excessively hot conditions," said DAR Commissioner Scott Soares. The FSA will consider each farm's application based on the extent of losses, security available and repayment ability. Local FSA offices can provide affected farmers with further information regarding available assistance. Click here for more information about FSA disaster assistance programs. [email protected] or call 617-710-8810 for more information. CISA's 2011 winter workshop series for farmers will focus on labor management with information and strategies for hiring and managing your labor needs. The series will be made up of six workshops starting February 1st and ending by early April. Workshop are $10 for Local Hero Members and $15 for non members to cover the cost of dinner. Discounts available for attending the whole series. To register, complete a registration form. You can also register or post questions by contacting Devon at [email protected] or 413-665-7100. - Introduction to Labor Law - February 8th, 6:00pm-9:00pm - Employer Obligations - Thursday, February 16th, 6-9pm - Emmployee Management - Thursday, February 24th, 6-9pm - Other Possibilities - Apprentices, Volunteers, etc. - Thursday, March 10th, 5:30-8:30pm - Hiring the Right Employees - March TBD - Farm Manager as Employee, Educator, Landlord, Parent, Partner, Friend - March/April TBD. CISA has developed a list of farmers and other types of experts that are interested in working one-on-one to share their expertise with farmers. We have some funding to support these mentoring sessions, so if you are looking for guidance in a particular area, contact Devon at 413-665-7100 or [email protected]. We are still adding mentors to the list, so if you have a particular area of expertise that you would be willing to share with other farmers, please let Devon know. To register contact Devon Whitney-Deal at 413-665-7100 or [email protected]. For an updated listing of all workshops and the registration form visit www.buylocalfood.org. The Labor Management workshops are supported in part by USDA/Risk Management Agency, by Northeast Center for Risk Management, USDA/NIFA under Award Number 2010-49200-06201, and by individual contributors and Local Hero members. Get the buzz about beekeeping. Bristol Community College is offering open enrollment to its spring Natural Beekeeping course. Aspiring and new beekeepers will learn the essentials necessary to begin a hobby or small enterprise as a beekeeper including purchasing and establishing a hive, disease and pest management, and harvesting the honey. The 10-week course, which emphasizes organic methods of beekeeping, includes at least one field day demonstration of installing, feeding, and the beginning steps of establishing a hive. In the spring, participants will have the opportunity to purchase their own bees, hives and equipment. The course will be held on Mondays, from 6:00 to 9:00 pm, starting February 28. It may be taken as a noncredit course or for one college credit. For additional information, contact Professor Jim Corven at [email protected]. The directory includes: - Contact information for UMass Extension Agriculture and Landscape Specialists and Faculty. - Upcoming UMass Extension conferences, seminars and workshops. - UMass Plant Diagnostic Lab sample submission information for insect, tick, disease and cultural problems. - UMass Soil and Tissue Testing Lab information. - Pesticide license information, including test dates, training workshops, and how to get a pesticide license. - Phone resources to refer home gardener questions. - Extension newsletters, web sites and publications. - Frequently used phone numbers related to Agriculture and the Green Industries. - An easy to read matrix outlining programs available to growers from Rural Development Agency, Natural Resource and Conservation Services, Farm Service Agency and the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources. For a hard copy, call UMass Extension at (413) 545-0895, fax request to (413) 577-1620, or The Carrot Project is pleased to announce that the Strolling of the Heifers Microloan Fund for New England Farmers and the MassDevelopment/Strolling of the Heifers Small Farm Loan Program serving residents of Massachusetts will be accepting prequalified applications for our Spring deadline through March 4th, 2011 for loans of $15,000 or less. There is an additional deadline in the Fall of 2011. For more information, please go to www.thecarrotproject.org or contact Dorothy Suput at 617-666-9637 or at [email protected]. The Carrot Project is also pleased to announce that we are hiring a part-time Program Coordinator! For more information on this position, please see the full project description here. Have you thought about buying or running a farm? Are you wondering how that kind of life would work for you? Are you curious about how the “business” of farming is done? Come to this workshop and hear from experts how farming can be your 21st century career. Thursday, February 24th, 8:30 am – 10:30 am. Enterprise Center at Salem State University, 121 Loring Ave, Salem, MA 01970 FREE – Click here to register The recognition amongst consumers of the importance of local food production has generated an innovative and expanding agricultural sector in Massachusetts. With growing interest in the pursuit of agriculture as a lifestyle, this session will feature a panel presentation and discussion with local area producers related to the business aspects of farming for those interested in pursuing agriculture as a viable career path. Organized by the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR), Salem State University and co-sponsored by the Small Business Development Center , guest speakers will include a dynamic panel consisting of an established grower, a grower just getting started in the farming business, and a technical assistance coordinator with the Tufts University who works to help farmers develop viable business plans. Anna Waclawiczek will be moderator. Anna is Chief of Staff at MDAR; the Department offers over 30 programs and services across the state to help promote a sustainable and vibrant agricultural future in the Commonwealth. Moderator Anna Waclawiczek -- Before coming on board to MDAR, Anna worked at a number of start-up software companies on strategic marketing initiatives. Her marketing background and city roots add a unique perspective to the challenges and opportunities of the agricultural community. Suffice to say she’s hooked on “Ag” and everything locally grown! Anna oversees day-to-day operations of a staff of 75+ and is responsible for coordinating outreach efforts of the Department at the local, state, and federal level. She graduated Summa Cum Laude with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Salem State College. She loves hiking, writing, and eggplant. Richard Bonanno Ph.D. is the owner of Pleasant Valley Gardens in Methuen, Pleasant Valley Gardens, started in 1910, produces 50 acres of fresh-market vegetables, 2 acres of field-grown flowers, and ¾ acre of greenhouse bedding plants and vegetable transplants. He is also Extension Weed Scientist with UMass Extension and is responsible for vegetable and small fruit weed management recommendations. He teaches the USDA Good Agricultural Practices trainings in New England. Currently he is President of the Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation. Dave Dumaresq operates Farmer Daves in Dracut. Dave grew up working on the Brox Farm in Dracut learning the intricacies of New England farming from John Brox who had been tilling that land since the 1920s. In 2003 he was asked to offer his fresh products to a neighboring community and began also leasing the East Street Farm in Tewksbury. Working closely with those trying to preserve farmland for future agriculture, in 2006 he finally purchased his own farm in Dracut from the Leczynski family. This became known as Farmer Dave's Dumaresq Farm, or simply Farmer Daves. Mckenzie Boekholder is Technical Assistance Coordinator with the Tufts University New Entry Sustainable Farming Project. She works directly with New Entry program farmers and staff, helping to develop New Entry's pilot Transitioning Farmer Program. McKenzie, together with New Entry staff, is responsible for coordinating and developing this new initiative that works to help farmers begin their own viable farm business over the course of 3 years. March 1-3, 2011 in Sturbridge, MA Register by February 14th and Save Money! You can save $40 off each full conference registration. Join hundreds of farmers from across the region at the Sturbridge Host Hotel and Conference Center for over 25 workshops, including customer relations, using social media, understanding financial benchmarks, increasing customer sales, product packaging, winter markets, commercial kitchens, conflict management, culinary and agri-tourism, “Apps” that can increase your electronic exposure and understanding pricing food trends and lots more! Perishable retail expert and horticultural consultant John Stanley will provide the keynote on March 2 and show attendees how to “Merchandise Your Way to Success.” A prolific author, he has written several industry specific books, including the best-selling retail management book, Just About Everything a Retail Manager Needs to Know and his customer service book, Think FOR Your Customer. “I heard John speak at the North American Farmers Direct Marketing Conference several years ago and have been hoping to get him to Massachusetts since says Jeff Cole, Executive Director for the Federation of Massachusetts Farmers’ Markets. He had lots of realistic ideas for growers based upon solid retail experience targeted to farm direct marketers.” A general session with Vermont farmer Ben Hewitt and author of The Town That Food Saved will round out the conference on March 3. Ben will discuss the incredible potential for producers and farms to revitalize their communities. Two pre-conference workshops will be held on March 1, including a GAP training for farmers and a seminar for farmers’ market managers. Participants can meet with nearly one hundred agricultural service providers in conjunction with the Conference. Attendees will have full access to the trade show and, new this year, longer blocks of time dedicated solely to visit the show. Trade show hours are 3:15 pm to 7:30 pm on March 2, allowing for over 4 hours to walk the show. A reception featuring local foods from New England will also be held in the trade show hall during this time. On March 3, the trade show will be open from 7:30 am – 3:15 pm. A wide range of companies will exhibit, including representatives of farm equipment, fertilizer, seed, insurance, alternative energy, packaging, federal, state and non-profit agencies, specialty food companies and co-packers and more. A complete list of exhibitors to date can be found on the conference website. A full conference registration includes all general and breakout sessions, all day coffee, 2 lunches, the trade show and reception – all for $85! Additional representatives from the same farm pay only $70! The Harvest New England Ag Marketing Conference and Trade Show is a program sponsored by the six New England Departments of Agriculture. For complete conference details and to register, click here. The MA Department of Agriculture Resources is working with Project for Public Spaces (PPS, www.pps.org) to develop an implementation plan for this new indoor, year-round market that will showcase Massachusetts products. PPS will be at the Harvest New England Conference Tradeshow, March 2nd & 3rd, Sturbridge, MA, to share the latest information about the market and to get ideas and feedback from producers and vendors. Nora Owens, PPS representative, will be at the MDAR tradeshow booth to share information, answer questions and hear your thoughts, so please stop by. And to learn more about the Boston Public Market, visit: click here. February 23rd - Northeast Harvest and New England Cooperative Extension - “Sustainability & the Commonwealth Quality Seal”, Coolidge Hall, Topsfield Fairgrounds - 9:30am– 3pm - Registration at 9:00am. Introduce the Commonwealth Quality program and discuss how it can benefit Massachusetts growers. The Commonwealth Quality Seal serves to identify locally-sourced products that are grown, harvested, and processed right here in Massachusetts using practices that are safe, sustainable and don’t harm the environment. Having the seal of Commonwealth Quality on your produce, seafood and lumber instantly conveys the freshness, quality and reliability of your products to consumers. The Commonwealth Quality program requires growers to use a wide range of existing practices and standards that are identified in each sector’s program requirements document. Meeting Registration-$30/per person Commonwealth Quality Registration-$50. (We need separate checks if you are doing both!) Coffee in the morning - Lunch will be provided. Registration and details, www.northeastharvest.com. Tuesday, February 8th, 8–5 pm, Publick House, Sturbridge, MA. This meeting is perfect for anyone who is a grower, a winery owner, or who is thinking of starting a winery. The MFWGA meeting will include presentations by the wineries who have participated in the winter markets selling wine, discuss lessons learned, how to be successful and to avoid pitfalls. In addition, there will be valuable information about new federal and state grants available. And finally, sustainability in the winery and tasting room will be discussed. To register and for more info: [email protected]. The cost is $75 and includes lunch. February 18th, The 2nd Annual 2011 Winter Hops Conference, coordinated by UVM Extension and supported by the MA Department of Agricultural Resources and Vermont Agency of Agriculture, will be held at the Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, VT, Friday, February 18th from 10 am - 3:30 pm. Last year the event was sold out - so plan to RSVP by February 11th at the latest. Dr. John Henning will discuss strategies for achieving high quality hop production as well as the challenges and opportunities presented by a low-trellis system. Hopyard trellis construction, the history of hops in Vermont, and a Brewers Panel made up of local brewers are also on the agenda. Cost of registration: $30 for members of the Northeast Hop Alliance, $40 for non-members. Lunch is included. To register and for additional information, contact Rosalie Madden: [email protected] 802-524-6501. Massachusetts Poultry Enhancement Meeting March 24, 2011, Bolton Public Library, 738 Main Street, Bolton, MA 01740, 978-779-2839 Time: 6pm-9pm (registration begins at 5:45pm) Cost: FREE (light refreshments) For the backyard chicken enthusiasts to more established poultry operations, the MA Poultry Enhancement Meeting has all the latest information on poultry. This year’s meeting is hosted by the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) and the Massachusetts Poultry Enhancement Council (MPEC) and will be held at the Bolton Public Library on March 24, 2011 at 6pm to 9pm. Agenda items include all aspects of the poultry spectrum: • Leading guest speakers from the poultry sector • Poultry Best Practices Guide • Regulatory Guidelines • Emergency Disease Response Plan • Information about MassGrown & Fresher (a free online marketing tool to promote your poultry business to consumers) and other MDAR marketing materials. This is an open meeting for residents of Massachusetts and surrounding states. Any business or individual group may provide their contact information and a representative will be present at the meeting. Please contact Ed Hageman at 617-626-1796 or [email protected] for more information. Sponsored by the University of Massachusetts Amherst Location: Varies around the state depending on workshop - March 5 - Growing Apples in the Home Garden - March 5 - Pruning Apples Trees: A Hands-on Workshop - March 12 - An Introduction to Growing & Pruning Grapes in the Home Garden - March 19 - Managing Weeds Organically in the Home Landscape - March 26 - Wildflowers for Beginners - April 2 - Grafting Apple Trees, A Hands-on Workshop - April 16 - Backyard Apple Orchard Fruiting Wall - April 30 - Backyard Apple Orchard Fruiting Wall Go to http://www.UMassGarden.com to register. Saturday, February 12th, The Hadley Farm, 111 North Maple St., Hadley Saturday, February 26th, Bristol Agricultural High School, 135 Center St., Dighton Join the UMass Amherst agricultural faculty and Extension staff for a day-long seminar designed for the home gardener or nonprofessional small farmer. Learn about housing, breed selection and breeding, pasture, hay and weed management, regulations and more. Two sessions offered: Session I 9:00 am- 12:00 pm, and Session II 1:00 pm- 4:00 pm. Room is still available! To pre-register and for further details visit http://umass.edu/cdl/news.html or contact Jacqui Carlevale at [email protected] or 413-545-5221. Tree Workers & Working Safely - A Reality Check - A Conference for Arborists, Foresters, Tree Wardens, Sugar Bush Owners and Anyone Who Loves Trees Tuesday, March 8th, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Stockbridge Hall, UMass Amherst This one-day conference is designed for arborists, tree wardens, municipal managers, city planners, foresters, sugar bush owners and landscape architects who are involved with the management of property, both private and public. The University of Massachusetts Extension, the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation and the USDA Forest Service sponsor this annual conference. Two pesticide contact hours available for Applicator's License, categories 29 and 36. Association credits available: 5.5 ISA, 1 MCA, and 5.5 CFE's. For a registration form or to register online using a credit card, go to http://umassgreeninfo.org/. Click on Conferences and Workshops. For more information, contact UMass Extension at (413) 545-0895, [email protected], or Dennis Ryan at (413) 545-6626, [email protected]. Tuesday, March 29th, 9:00am-3:30pm, Publick House, Route 131, Sturbridge, MA For garden center employees, horticulture retailers, roadside stands and others that work with retail customers in horticulture. Learn about helping customers to choose the right plant for the right place and answering questions about good soil preparation and management. The fternoon will focus on customer service and merchandising. - Choosing the Right Plant for the Right Place - Ron Kujawski, Consulting Horticulturist, Berkshire County. You have limited time to educate your customers to help them choose the right plants. Ron will share details on matching plants with their ideal environments in the landscape. He will include site assessment and drought tolerant plants. - Top 10 Landscape Pests - Bob Childs, UMass Extension - Soil Preparation and Management - Doug Cox, UMass Plant, Soil & Insect Sciences. Let Doug help you to sort through the basics of soil preparation and management. Learn about pH, nutrients and soil amendments to help you better answer questions from customers. - Sales and Customer Service Skills are the Keys to Better Sales - Bruce Baker, Middlebury, VT. Bruce Baker has lead over 600 workshops throughout the US in the past 25 years on displays, sales and customer service. Those who try his suggestions say the results are like magic! Learn how to greet customers and sell more products in this lively and entertaining workshop. Bruce will cover all aspects of selling, from greeting customers to closing a sale. He will also provide merchandising tips for displaying products so that customers will purchase more every time they come to your business. Cost is $50 per person; $45 per person for three or more registrations from the same company (10% discount). Morning coffee and handouts included in registrations. Send checks payable to UMass to: Garden Retailer Training, UMass Extension, French Hall, Amherst, MA 01003. Details and on-line registration is available at www.UMassGreenInfo.org. Saturday, March 5, 2011, the Deerfield Ag Commission will host the 9th gathering for western Mass Agricultural Commission members, farmers, and interested friends of agriculture at Deerfield Town Hall, 8 Conway Street, South Deerfield. Contact Pete Westover for details: [email protected], www.massagcom.org. The workshops will provide an overview of Massachusetts food regulations and permitting requirements as related to farmers’ markets; update market managers on recent legislation that allows for the sale of wine at farmers’ markets by licensed farm wineries and provide an opportunity for conversation, questions and discussion. Speakers and facilitators include representatives from the MA Dept. of Agricultural Resources, MA Dept. of Public Health, Food Protection Program, Federation of MA Farmers’ Markets and a local health inspector. There is no fee, however space is limited! RSVP at least one week prior to the date of the workshop to Martha Sweet at 781-893-8222 or by email: [email protected]. When responding, please email any questions for the Q & A and include names and contact information (phone number and email) for each attendee. - February 9th - Plymouth Public Library, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm - February 15th - Charlton Public Library, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm - March 30th - Burlington Public Library, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Save the Date! Thursday, April 7, 2011 From the Berkshires to the Cape, to the farmers’ markets in Boston, each year this exciting event draws hundreds of farmers, agriculture officials, legislators, and industry leaders from across the Commonwealth. Participants gather at the State House to acknowledge not only the positive impact and economic growth of agriculture in Massachusetts but also to discuss issues and legislation affecting their farms and communities. The event includes a speaking program, ‘Agriculture Day’ awards, informational exhibits and a reception featuring Massachusetts’ farm and specialty food products. Please join MDAR and many others from the agricultural community in recognizing the contributions of Massachusetts’ farmers; learn more about the department’s current and new programs and its efforts to maintain the long-term viability of Massachusetts’ agriculture; and celebrate Massachusetts agricultural products which benefit all Massachusetts residents. For more information, contact the MA Agricultural Promotional Board at [email protected], "Save the Date" flyer, click here. Agricultural Officials Announce FSA Programs Available for Livestock Producers Affected by Harsh Winter Weather The USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Massachusetts State Executive Director Richard Burke reminds livestock producers throughout Massachusetts that FSA programs may be available to assist them. Many are dealing with harsh winter weather, which is causing serious harm to livestock and forage due to heavy snow, ice and extremely cold temperatures. "This is turning out to be a tough winter for many ranchers and farmers in Massachusetts, and learning about our FSA programs is an important step for producers to take," said Burke. "We need producers to document the number and kind of livestock that have died as a direct result of these winter storms and timely notify their local FSA office of these losses. There may be situations where producers are transporting feed to their livestock. Producers should document these additional costs." "It’s critically important that producers document any weather-related livestock losses and report these losses to FSA officials as soon as possible ," said Commissioner Scott Soares. “Folks may also call our Department and we will make sure to direct constituents to the information they need.” FSA administers several programs that help producers recover from livestock deaths that are beyond normal mortality rates, losses of purchased and/or harvested forage, and with the additional costs of providing or transporting feed. Among the key programs are the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) and the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP). For livestock death losses to be eligible under LIP, producers must file a notice of loss with their local FSA office within 30 calendar days from when the loss is apparent to the producer. Fact sheets for these two programs can be found at www.fsa.usda.gov; click on Newsroom, then Fact Sheets. USDA assistance available to producers to conduct and implement energy audits The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has announced the expansion of an initiative to help local farmers conduct energy audits and improve their overall energy efficiency. On-farm energy audits are tailored to each agricultural operation’s primary energy uses. The audits help farmers determine the amount of energy used by the entire operation and also identify short- and long-term measures farmers can implement to conserve energy and achieve greater energy efficiencies. USDA has revised or developed several conservation practice standards and published them in the Federal Register for public comment. Revised and new practices include nutrient management, aquatic organism passage, bivalve aquaculture waste control, cross wind trap strips, irrigation field ditch, and waste facility closure. USDA is seeking comments on all the practices through February 25, 2011. Click here for more. Business planning for dairy processing is the subject to be discussed at the Risk Management Workshop at the Makris Lobster and Steak House in Concord, NH on March 1, 2011 from 9:30 AM to 3:00PM. The featured speaker is Taryn Fisher of Contoocook, NH. Taryn develops strategic direction and leads special project client teams for both profit and not-for-profit entities to pursue business opportunities. She conducts needs assessment and formulates strategic plans to seize new market opportunities. She has provided management and operations support to senior leadership of companies in the manufacturing, consumer products marketing, and financial services sectors. In addition, she has non-profit fundraising experience. Currently, Taryn is pursuing a doctorate at Franklin Pierce University. Her dissertation includes a case study focus on planning and budgeting for a NH-based dairy processing plant. Taryn is going to discuss identifying the market demand and sources of supply, developing an operations plan, determining distribution strategy, planning organizational structure, and preparing a budget for on-farm milk bottling and bottling by a third party. A panel of dairy producers who diversified into milk processing on farms will share their experiences, benefits and pitfalls with developing their added value operation. Additional speakers will give a brief overview of a new insurance program for dairy farmers and basic regulations for milk processing on-farms. Registration is $15 to cover lunch. Registration deadline is February 25th. Checks can be made payable to UNHCE – Grafton County. For registration and other information, contact Mike Lunak at 787-6944 or go to http://extension.unh.edu/Counties/Grafton/Grafton.htm for program information. This seminar is sponsored by USDA/Risk Management Agency. IN EVERY ISSUE - AGRICULTURAL PROPERTIES AVAILABLE - The Division of Fisheries and Wildlife has agricultural properties available for bid in advance of the 2011 growing season. Click here for details [pdf]. - MARKET MANAGER – ENTREPRENEUR NEEDED - The A.D. Makepeace Company is seeking a creative, enthusiastic, entrepreneurial Farm Market Manager to guide its much loved country store to the next level. The Manager will be responsible for product selection, merchandising, staffing, and all operational issues, and will have marketing support. Reporting to the Vice President for Marketing and Communication, the successful applicant will thoroughly understand the concept of agritourism. Salary commensurate with experience and may include performance bonuses; generous benefits package available. Visit www.tihonetvillagemarket.com for more information or to apply. - AGRICULTURAL EXCAVATION – GRADING SERVICES - provide earth moving, drainage, land/pasture reclamation, greenhouse preparation, and rock raking services. Includes but not limited to orchards, Christmas trees/equine facilities/cranberry bogs/nurseries. Chris Merrill Excavating [email protected] 978-897-9977. - POSITION AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - Communication/Publications Consulting Position The Massachusetts Farm to School Project, a grassroots initiative located in Amherst, MA is looking for a part time consultant to focus on publications, public relations, social media, and grant writing assistance. Excellent writing and editing, attention to detail, and relevant computer software/hardware and social media skills are essential. The position requires eighteen hours per week and the ability to work in our office at least two days per week. The ideal candidate is an experienced and self-motivated perfectionist who will enjoy becoming a member of our small consulting team. Knowledge of the agricultural industry in Massachusetts or of institutional food services a plus. Reliable transportation, computer, imagination and flexibility required. $22 per hour to start, with possible increase after orientation period. Please forward letter, resume, and names of three references as soon as possible to [email protected]; desired start date is March 1st. - WANT TO BUY: local [Massachusetts] natural and dyed wool and fleece roving and batts suitable for spinning and feltmaking. Will pay competitive wholesale prices for good quality wool and fleece from locally raised fiber animals. Please contact Barbara at [email protected] or 413-461-8405. How to Place a Classified Ad Classified ads are accepted free-of charge on a first-come basis. Be sure to include a phone number. No display ads will be accepted. Only one ad per business/individual per issue, unless space permits. Ads may run in consecutive issues, space permitting. Ads must be of interest to Massachusetts farmers. The Massachusetts Dept. of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) reserves the right to refuse any listing it deems inappropriate for publication. E-mail, fax or mail ads to: Farm & Market Report, MDAR, 251 Causeway Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02114, fax: 617-626-1850, [email protected]. - February 11: Northeast Buyers Mission, Boston. Buyers from 12 countries will be in Boston to meet one on one with food businesses. For more information, [email protected]. - February 22: Maple Sugaring Workshop for Teachers, The Warren Farm and Sugarhouse, North Brookfield. Massachusetts Agriculture in the Classroom (MAC) is sponsoring “Keeping Your Classroom Fresh and Growing”, the workshop will focus on Maple Sugaring with activities for the classroom. The $30 fee includes lunch and all materials. Ten Professional Development Points are provided with accompanying classroom activity. Click here for details. - February 23: 2nd Annual Ag Day - Northeast Harvest and New England Cooperative Extension - “Sustainability & the Commonwealth Quality Seal” , Coolidge Hall, Topsfield Fairgrounds - Introduce the Commonwealth Quality program and discuss how it can benefit MA growers. Registration and details, www.northeastharvest.com. - March 1-3: Harvest New England Agricultural Marketing Conference and Trade Show - Sturbridge Host Hotel, Sturbridge, MA. Over 800 attendees attended the second conference in February 2009. Plans are for an even bigger and better event in 2011. This unique marketing conference targets New England farmers interested in learning new marketing ideas as well as fine-tuning strategies for business success. Five themed tracks with over 25 workshops will be offered covering a wide range of marketing and business planning topics, including using social media, funding, customer relations, value added, agri-tourism and more. A full trade show of nearly 100 vendors will provide information on the latest products and services for the agricultural community. For updates and to register on line go to www.harvestnewengland.org. - March 3: The Ecological Landscaping Association's 17th Annual Conference & Eco-Marketplace - Staying Ahead of the Curve, MassMutual Center, Springfield. Featuring keynote panelists William Cullina, Peter Del Tredici, and Jono Neiger.Learn about the latest ecological and horticultural practices in sessions given by some of the top speakers in their fields. Network with vendors at the Eco-Marketplace, where you will find a wide selection of ecological and organic products and services. Save 20% if you register before February 15th! For a full brochure, click here. - March 4: Maple Kick Off – 10am. Sponsored by the MA Maple Producers Association, Zawalicks Sugarhouse, Northampton. There will be a ceremonial maple tree tapping and reading of the Maple Proclamation. For more information contact Winton Pitcoff, MMPA Coordinator, [email protected]. - March 5: 4th Annual One-Day Farm Conference & Resource Fair, Bristol County Agricultural High School, Dighton, MA. Organized by SEMAP and Bristol County Conservation District. Join us for a day of workshops and networking. This years topics include Agri-Tourism, How to Develop a Farm Blog, Grant Writing for Your Farm, Working with Land Trusts to Protect Your Farm, and a panel discussion on Value Added. Click here for more info. - March 8: MA Specialty Foods Association Annual Meeting, at the Sam Adams Brewery in Boston. For more information contact [email protected]. - March 9: OPEN HOUSE - UMass Extension Plant Diagnostic Lab - 3-5pm. At the NEW LOCATION - Parking is free. Light refreshments will be served. 1st Floor of the Slobody Building, 101 University Drive - Suite A7, Amherst. Phone #'s and emails have stayed the same. Forms and instructions can also be found online, click here. - March 11: CISA's Annual Meeting - Annual business meeting and potluck, Amherst College. Guest speaker, Vern Grubinger, who will speak about the Future of Food. We'll also be celebrating the 2010 Local Hero Award winners--Belle Rita Novak, J & J Farms and Real Pickles.This event is free, but limited to 170 people, so please RSVP. Call 413-665-7100 or e-mail Jennifer Williams. - March 12: Massachusetts Agriculture in the Classroom (MAC) Annual Winter Conference - Paul R. Baird Middle School, Ludlow, MA. Titled "Growing Minds Through Massachusetts Agriculture," the conference offers offers educational and networking resources, activity ideas and framework connections that can facilitate and enhance pre-K through 12th grade classroom teachers alike and help bring agriculture to the classroom. Fill in and mail a Conference Registration Form - PDF Version or HTML Version. www.aginclassroom.org. - March 23: The 24th Annual Governor's Conference on Travel + Tourism, Historic Boston Park Plaza Hotel. The conference location is an a unique area, easily accessible from highway , public transportation close by and walking distance to many local attractions, theatre and dining. A full conference agenda will be available soon. If you have questions about the conference please contact Dagny Ashley, www.massvaction.com. - March 29: Employee Training for Garden Retailers, 9:00 - 3:30pm, Place: Publick House, Rte. 131, Sturbridge, MA. For garden center employees, horticulture retailers, roadside stands and others that work with retail customers in horticulture. In the morning learn about: Choosing the Right Plant for the Right Place and the Basics of Soils (pH, nutrients and soil amendments) for Home Gardens. The afternoon will feature Customer Service and Merchandising. Info. - April 10: 4th Annual Pioneer Valley Coop Tour, 12noon-6 pm, Coops of various sizes and designs and the feathered friends that inhabit them will be featured. See how valley folks manage their flocks for fresh eggs, meat, garden compost, and entertainment. This is a FREE tour and a great way to learn about the art and science of keeping a backyard flock. Beginners and children welcome! (No dogs please.) Presented by the Pioneer Valley Backyard Chicken Assoc.Contact: [email protected]. For coop tour locations and details, please see our website. *** If you have events you would like listed to our Ag industry calendar webpage, www.mass.gov/agr/events/coming_up, or Consumer events at: www.mass.gov/agr/events, email Rick LeBlanc at [email protected]. Published bi-monthly by: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick, Governor Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Richard K. Sullivan, Secretary Department of Agricultural Resources, Scott J. Soares, Commissioner 251 Causeway St., Suite 500, Boston, MA 02114 617-626-1700, Fax: 617-626-1850 |Amherst Satellite Office:| 101 University Drive, Suite C4 Amherst, MA 01002 413-548-1900, Fax: 413-548-1901 - Scott J. Soares, Commissioner, [email protected] - Nathan L’Etoile, Asst. Commissioner, Nathan.L’[email protected] - Anna Waclawiczek, Chief of Staff, Anna.Waclawiczek@state ma.us - Michael Cahill, Director of Animal Health, [email protected] - Lee Corte-Real, Director of of Crop and Pest Services, [email protected] - Mary Jordan, Director of Agricultural Development, [email protected] - Gerard Kennedy, Director of Agricultural Technical Assistance, [email protected] Next issue to be published for April / May. Please send news, calendar and/or classified information by March 31st to [email protected], or fax to 617-626-1850. To unsubscribe or change your address, send an e-mail message to [email protected] or call 617-626-1759.
You might have come across a mind-boggling trivium that began getting renewed attention around the web late last week: President John Tyler- a man who was born 222 years ago (we’re talking the 1700s), the man who became only the 10th president of the United States, and who died over 150 years ago- still has two living grandchildren! This kind of thing absolutely floors me. Kottke.org posted some other similar examples here: An eyewitness to Lincoln’s assassination who appeared on a 1956 gameshow, and Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, who had the honor of shaking hands with both John Quincy Adams and John F. Kennedy in his lifetime. These present-day threads to the long-forgotten past absolutely blow my mind. But I’ve noticed that this same thing, played out in fiction, can be equally compelling: a mysterious or long-forgotten backstory whose ties to the present are assumed to have been lost or severed ages ago, is suddenly discovered to have some tangible thread, some real, yet unexpected connection to the story that we are reading. It could just be the history major in me, but I think it makes for a fascinating, edge-of-your-seat reading experience. I don’t even know what to call this literary device- it’s not in any list I’ve seen. A backstory epiphany? A hidden thread? A long-lost MacGuffin? I have no clue what to call it, but I know it when I see it. In H. Rider Haggard’s King Solomon’s Mines Alan Quartermain runs into a man named Evans who tells him about a distant mountain range and a tale he’d heard from an old witch doctoress about a magnificent, ancient diamond mine that is said to exist there. Evans is gored by an animal shortly thereafter and Quartermain soon puts the whole exchange out of mind and continues his rough and tumble life as an elephant hunter for the next twenty years. At some point his work takes him to a piece of country where one can see the mountains in question across 130 miles of ruthless desert, though the forgotten legend is the furthest thing from his mind. He falls ill and happens to meet an old “Portugee” with whom he trades a few innocent words. As the old man takes his leave he nonchalantly says “Good-bye, senor, if we ever meet again I shall be the richest man in the world,” and he strikes out across the desert. Quartermain doesn’t put two and two together until a week later, when that same old man comes crawling back across the desert, feverish, starved, and close to death. Before he kicks the bucket, he leaves Quartermain with a crude, old map, drawn with blood on ancient linen, which had been passed down from an ancestor who had himself died trying to reach the mine three hundred years prior. These are not really spoilers, by the way. All of this happens within the first few pages of the book. But let’s look at what Haggard has done here: He planted the seed of mystery, he teases us with the possibility that there might be some truth lurking behind the legend, and when that tangible link to the past ends up in Quartermain’s hands, the legend of King Solomon’s Mines and the promise of untold riches become living, breathing entities in the story. What can you do but read on, right? Another example is Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon. Having traveled to search for gold that is rumored to be hidden near the old family farm, the main character “Milkman” stops at the decaying mansion that was home to the family who killed his ancestors and took control of their land. By chance, he meets an impossibly old ex-slave who reveals some surprising family history and points him to a town called Shalimar. It’s there that an ancient family legend interweaves with the book’s theme of magical flight. I won’t spoil this one for you, but the result is intense and beautiful and unexpected. The African folklore of Milkman’s ancestors is brought to life right before your eyes. Absolutely love that book. But the threads don’t have to stretch over hundreds of years to pack a punch. Just look at Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Bees. In running away from her abusive father, Lily Owens seizes on a mysterious picture of a black Virgin Mary that she finds among her deceased mother’s things. Scratched on the back is the name of a remote South Carolina town. Once she makes her way there, she and her African American nanny move in with three beekeeping sisters who sell their honey under the Black Madonna brand. She realizes her mother’s picture was just one of their honey labels, and thinks she’s solved the mystery of the Black Madonna and what it means. But her own family history and her relationship with her dead mother is tied up that place in ways she doesn’t yet understand. More backstory epiphanies, and threads to the past bring the story to a very satisfying close. David Grann’s The Lost City of Z, my favorite non-fiction read from last year, plays on the same themes. I could go on and on. It’s the same thing that makes movies like Indiana Jones or the DaVinci Code compelling... I’d like to read more books like this. Are there any others I should check out that bring the long-lost past to life? Let me know in the comments.
A monthly-ish newsletter from the Brighton and Hove Allotments Association Issue 41 - January 20112 - Monthly tips section - links to several handy lists of "things to do this month" - Site news - if you don't see news from your site here its because no-one tells us - ask your site rep or association to keep us up to date! - BHAF Website update - including Bridgette's latest Bulletin - Seedy Sunday - one of the biggest events in the allotment year - Message from the Fed Committee - COUNCIL RENT INCREASE PROPOSAL - What have the Allotments Maintenance Team been up to? Keeping tabs on how your money is being spent - Recipe of the month - Jerusalem artichoke soup with crispy leeks and rocket pesto - Tell your story to BBC1 - would you like to be in a documentary? - Getting Started - Andrew's story - Diary Dates - send in your dates, we'll tell our 1800 subscribers all about it! FREE SEEDS - go to vegetableseeds.net website and tell us the name of the current Blue Peter Gardener who runs this site. Email me the answer - one lucky winner drawn from the hat will win 10 packs of seeds! Wondering what to do on the plot this month? No need to wonder any more - check out our favourite monthly tips: Keep the news coming please! Coldean - We have four half plots vacant and have been so for a year, plus still have two limited mobility beds vacant with no one on the waiting list. Please can tenants put the word out to gardeners who can no longer take on a plot because of mobility problems but still want to grow in a 17x4 raised bed. Ovingdean - apparently all is well there (aprt from a break-in by some cows!) Tenantry Down - Have provided a lovely photo of one of the association's silver cups from times gone by, and very handsome it is too. It seems to be the only one where we have both the stand and the cup (there may have been a lid as well); the stand is made out of silver. It's value is not great, but it's a link with the association's past and there was a resolution passed at last year's AGM that it or one of its sisters should be brought along to all future Tenantry Down AGMs, just to remind us of who we were. Whitehawk Hill - Windy weather damage. Tessa says: "I had five panes of glass broken in the pre-christmas gales when a large and heavy sheet of rigid plastic from another allotment became airbourne in the strong winds and landed on my greenhouse. Please can people think about these sort of things and tie things down or not leave them lying around. The sheet of plastic seemed much too big to have been lifted by the wind but when it is gusting to seventy miles an hour the wind is very powerful, lifting things up and turning them into frisbees. Checking for damage after a windy day or night not only means that you can make your shed or greenhouse safe for yourself but also means that bits that have come loose will not damage other peoples allotments." Apparently such damage has been common all over the city - a message from the council recently reminded tenants of the dangers of collapsing sheds and structures: "Recent high winds have resulted in considerable damage to allotment sheds, fencing and glass houses across the city. Now that we have entered a period of calmer weather we would encourage all tenants to visit their allotment and ensure that all structures are intact and safe, both for you and for other allotment users. If your shed or fencing has collapsed or is collapsing it needs either re building or taking apart and disposing of. Broken or collapsing sheds will be liable to a dangerous structure notice, as will glass houses with broken or hanging glass. If you have any glass broken on the ground or hanging from structures then please gather this and wrap and bag and dispose of safely. When working with glass always wear thick gloves and knocking out glass from a distance with a stick and pick up glass from the ground." More great new articles on the BHAF website this month! The easiest way to find all the newest pages is click here - the 20 latest pages all in one place. Otherwise just go to www.bhaf.org.uk regularly so you dont miss any! Check out Bridgette's Bulletins - this month featuring gardening terminology, crop rotation, potatoes, wildlife and what to do in January Other new pages include: Rhubarb - all you ever need to know and more; a feature on puckamuck (which apparently doesn't pong!); some offers from Brighton Community Compost Centre; and an update on the latest site reps meeting Congratulations to Kay Sexton and Sally McGregor who have been accepted for the Agrciube trials. Read about the trials here, and find out more about Kay and Sally I'd like to use this space to provide more feedback on the survey we did at the end of last year. We have made changes as suggested and are gradually responding to all comments where a response seemed appropriate. However some people did not give their contact details and I felt it was still important to respond: One person said: "Some sections that can be accessed are very old info I have read before. THe BHAF Newsletter irritated me the most with inaccurate info and the phone number to phone in comments never took calls. This has lowered my opinion of BHAF considerably." I'd be really grateful if this person could let me know the sections that are out of date. I'd be happy to change them but as one person editing the whole thing I dont always know until people tell me. Also - please could you let me know which phone number you were trying to call - again if there is a mistake we really would like to put it right. This must have been very frustrating for you and we'd like to make sure no-one else has the same problem. Another comment was: "I appreciate it's existence and have no complaints - but purely for transparency purposes I believe allotment tenants should have the right to view the minutes of the allotment federation meetings and meetings with the council. I understand a small proportion of tenants rents are automatically paid to the federation so access to minutes should be straightforward. Thanks for your efforts as I understand everyone contributes in a voluntary capacity." Thanks for your kind words. Regarding the minutes - Site rep minutes are always (as soon as I get them) posted to the website - see this section - however I will make a request that all meetings of the Federation Committee and any other meetings between Federation and Council also have minutes added to the website. Thanks for the suggestion! And finally - THANK YOU to the kind person (onecrazycossack) who alerted me to the fact that people who could only read the plain text-only version of this newsletter had received August's newsletter five months in a row! Oooops - I am so sorry about this glitch, I dont know how it happened but I have fixed it now. I dont see the plain text version so if it happens again please tell me asap and I'll send you the real one! There should always be a link at the top of the plain text version so that you can read the e-news online in full colour as well (again - let me know if this doesnt work) Brighton's largest and longest established seed swap event, sponsored by local whole food co-op Infinity Foods, is back for its 11th year, on Sunday 5th February at Hove Town Hall. The event is from 10am to 4.30pm and was attended by over 1800 punters last year. Entry is just £2, children free, with all proceeds ploughed back into the event. It remains a volunteer organised and run event. The full programme of speakers will include talks on seed saving from partners Heritage Seed Library and Millenium Seed Bank; Patrick Mulvaney talking about food sovereignty; beekeeping; planning your plot to ensure veg all year round and the launch of “seed circles”. Of course there will also be the ever-popular question time session to help those new to sowing and growing or wanting advice on everything from varieties to grow to improving the soil. Hove Town Hall will also play host to a wide range of stalls in addition to the main event, the seed swap table. Expect specialist nurseries independent seed sellers, community groups, food activists and charities. The emphasis will be on local organisations or those with a focus on sustainability, biodiversity and community grassroots activity. Chairman of the organising committee, Alan Phillips, says Seedy Sunday is now an important part of the gardening year for many of those attending: "We know that many gardeners and allotment holders view Seedy Sunday as their main annual opportunity to acquire new seed. Many will save seed from their own crops to bring along and swap, but of course if you've no seed to swap you can still enjoy the enormous range of seeds on offer, including some from the Millennium Seed Bank swap, by making a donation per pack. Seedy Sunday also raises awareness of the issues of biodiversity and food sovereignty as well as the benefits of growing and eating your own food. It's also an amazing community event with everyone from diehard organic types to complete newcomers looking to sow their first ever seeds coming along." 2012 AGM - don't forget the date - 20 March 2012 - put it in your diary - more info as we get it! Council Budget Proposals. As mentioned in our last newsletter, there is a proposal being considered within Brighton & Hove Councils to remove the public subsidy for allotment holders. We now have more details: The annual rent for a standard plot of 125m² or 5 rods (what most people call a half plot) is proposed to rise to £55.40 (in two stages - £44.20 the first year and then £55.40 the second) - up from the current £33. The rent for 250m² or 10 rods or the old "full plot" is proposed to rise to £110.80 (again in two stages - up to £88.40 the first year, and then to £110.80 the second) - up from the current £66. 25% concessionary rate would still apply. The explanation for this rise is that the proposal is to remove all subsidy for allotments - making them pay for themselves. The following figures were provided by Robert Walker, Head of Operations at Cityparks: "This is based on actual income and expenditure in 2010-2011.I have set out below the allotment costs that we are aiming to cover by the proposed rent increase. For your information this includes the cost of the Allotment Officer [replacing Matt’s post] and the two manual staff who work on the allotments. It does not include the administrator, Ben or central costs, finance etc." Total expenditure: £153,000. Current income £91,500 plus £61,500 proposed increase, total £153,000 These proposals have been discussed at length at the site reps meeting held on 18th January (full notes of this meeting are on the website). We think that the fact that the rises are now being proposed over two years instead of coming in full this year are a result of the Federation and others raising concerns about the scale and pace of the change. We are particularly grateful for members of the Tenantry Down Allotment Association for tseeking information from Councillor Pete West as well as Gillian Marston, Head of Infrastructure at the council to find out as much information as possible. Read one tenants blog in the Argus This month the Maintenance team were concentrating on major tree work on Tenantry Down and Roedale Valley. Tree work can only be carried out during the winter months to avoid disturbing nesting birds so there’s quite a backlog of tree work reported earlier in the year. The team carried out tree felling and plot clearance on Weald for eight new learner plots. There was also a large rubbish clearance from St. Louie Home. The team continued with track repair work and fence repairs on Tenantry Down, which were started the previous month. The team continued to respond to priority fence and padlock issues, and site water leaks when reported from other sites. These included fence repairs at Eastbrook and Roedale Valley.. Remember if you think anything on your site needs attention from the allotments maintenance team, please let your site rep know. The site reps can then pass on your requests directly to us so repairs and works on your site can be arranged more efficiently. Thanks to James Tanner from Ready Steady Cook on the BBC food website For the Jerusalem artichoke soup 1 tbsp olive oil ½ onion, finely chopped 1 garlic clove, finely chopped 200g/7oz Jerusalem artichokes, peeled and chopped 1 sprig fresh thyme, chopped 75ml/2½fl oz white wine 300ml/½ pint vegetable stock salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 tbsp Greek yoghurt For the crisp leeks 150ml/5½fl oz vegetable oil, for shallow frying ¼ leek, finely sliced into matchsticks For the rocket pesto 4 tbsp olive oil ½ lemon, juice only small handful fresh rocket leaves salt and freshly ground black pepper For the soup, heat the oil and butter in a saucepan and gently soften the onion and garlic for 4-5 minutes. Add the artichokes and thyme and continue to cook for 3-4 minutes. Add the white wine and reduce for 2-3 minutes. Then add the stock and bring up to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer until the artichoke is tender, about five minutes. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper, and finally stir in the yoghurt. For the crisp leeks, heat the oil in a pan until a small cube of bread turns golden-brown in 30 seconds. (CAUTION: hot oil can be dangerous. Do not leave unattended.) When the oil is hot, carefully lower the leek into the hot oil, using a slotted spoon, and fry for about 30 seconds or until starting to turn golden-brown. Remove with the slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper. Sprinkle with salt to taste. For the rocket pesto, place the olive oil, lemon juice and rocket into a bowl. Using a hand-held blender, blend until smooth. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. To serve, pour the soup into a serving bowl, arrange the leeks on top and drizzle the pesto on top in a circle. Wild Pictures have been commissioned by BBC1 to make a documentary about allotment life in the UK. We are looking to get to the heart of this quintessentially British institution and explore the stories that make allotments so interesting. Having spoken to a few allotment holders in the Brighton and Hove area it sounds like it could be a great place to do some filming and so we would love to hear from anyone with an interesting story. Whatever your story it would be great to talk about your experiences. If you have a story or just want more information then please call Harry on 0207 428 5620 or send him an email at [email protected] . Or if you are a site rep and would be willing to just show Harry around your site and introduce him to plotholders so he can just meet people and get to know your site, please get in touch. Not everyone has email and we dont want people to miss out on the chance to tell their story because they didn't hear about it. Got a new plot? Have a look around you, see who seems to have a good plot and ask them how they got started. Everyone does it differently - depending on priorities (time consuming but cheap, more expensive but quicker, organic, non-organic, raised beds or not, the list goes on). To give you a variety of views, we thought we would ask a few people how they got started - beginning with Andrew Harris from Lower Roedale. If you would like to tell your story - send it in! Andrew says: It seems to me that a lot of people get a plot and then give it up in the first year, so I've written a brief guide as to how I started. This is not written as a directive merely a guide to make getting started easier. I got my plot in October 2009. It was very, very overgrown and literally full of brambles, bindweed, cow parsley and all manner of sturdy perennial weeds. It had not been cultivated for nearly 10 years and during that time the weeds had taken most of the goodness out of the soil. 1) SPRAY - I sprayed the plot about 4-6 times with glyphophosphate weedkiller to kill off the majority of the weeds. it took this many sprayings as I missed some and others seemed indestructible. If you want to be organic, you can skip this step but it may take you alot longer and require a lot more work to get a weed-free plot. For example, if you digging out bindweed and you pull out a nice long root but leave just two small bits of root then you have created two new bindweed plants. 2) STRIM - With any luck, you will now have a plot that it mostly weed-free but is now full of dead weeds. At this point I would recommend giving it a strim, if necessary, so that you can see what's what. N.B. Do not strim any brambles. Leave the stalks of the brambles sticking out of the ground so that you can see where the brambles are and hence where they need digging out. Brambles are very resistance to weedkiller. I found that even after many sprays, they still emerged the following year; so do dig them out. 3) DIG - Dig out the worst of the weeds. Cow parsley also seems fairly resistant to weedkiller so dig it out. If the ground is hard and it probably will be, using a fork is the most efficient tool. It breaks up the soil. 4) DIG AGAIN - Get that fork out again and dig over the whole plot. You can skip this step but at some point you have to dig. I didn't dig the first year but did dig it the following year as I was putting the crops in. When digging, dig short rows, so go widthways across the plot. Psychologically it breaks up an onerous task into something more manageable. You get a sense of achievement as each row is done. I reckon to dig a standard plot would take about 3-4 working days of 8 hours. 5) MANURE - This is the most important bit. Get plenty of manure delivered. For a standard plot, you'll need two tractor loads of manure at £40 per load. I get mine from a farm in Ditchling (Phone: 01273 843235). It is mixed manure of pig, cattle and horse. Don't baulk at the thought of £80 as it will save alot of time and effort in the long run. Spread manure thickly on top of soil. Spread it so it covers the soil to a depth of at least 4 inches. The manure has several functions: (a) it feeds the soil and hence the plants; (b) it attracts worms who do much of the breaking up of the soil for you; (c) it acts as a superb mulch by protecting and warming the soil; (d) it stops many weeds that are smothered by a heavy blanket of manure from emerging; also, (e) most importantly it stops the soil from drying out. The last few years it has barely rained from March to May when many crops are just starting off. I can honestly say that apart from watering in, on planting; I do not water my crops and do not need to because of that heavy mulch. So do spend that £80 and you will be richly rewarded, I hope. 6) COVER - If you can, buy a roll of weed-suppressing membrane. I got mine from plantsandmoredirect.co.uk. It's about £100 but will last for many years. Place this over the manure and weight down with many bricks etc or the winter winds will take it. This step is not vital as the manure is effectively acting as weed-suppressor. Alternatively you could put down your fabric as step 1, obviously a more organic approach, as a way of avoiding using weedkiller. However some of the more hardy perennial weeds may lurk underneath the fabric waiting to appear when the fabric is removed. Also for the "cover method" to be truly effective, it should remain in place for a year. Now that new plot holders have restrictions on when they have to make the plot cultivable, it may not be a suitable method. 7) PLANT - When planting, dig below the manure layer to the original soil and plant in there, carefully earthing up the manure around the plant or leave a little well around the plant like a moat to focus any watering directly onto the plant's roots. 1) Buy good quality tools. You will need a spade, a fork, a rake and I'd recommend a double-sided hoe or as it's also called a push/pull weeder. The latter is the tool that I use the most. It quickly and easily uproots or chops the head off most weeds. Look out for second-hand tools which are often very good quality having survived to this point intact and often very cheap. Have a look in the YMCA Shop at the tip on Old Shoreham Road or in Emmaus in Portslade. 2) Consider whether you need to buy a strimmer. They are about £100 but will save you alot of work in the long run. 3) Sow seeds in trays at home and transplant to allotment when big enough, e.g. sow onion seeds in January and transplant in March/April or sow tomatoes in February and transplant in May. 4) Order your seeds through the shop at Lower Roedale (or your nearest allotment society shop), they are very much cheaper than in garden centres. Poundstretcher on London Road also has cheap seeds. 5) Save your own seeds for the following year. Very easy to do. 6) I don't dig the manure in. I leave it on top and let the worms and elements do their work on breaking it down. 7) A heavy layer of manure lasts easily a year. I'd recommend though topping up the following years with just one load. Moulsecoomb Forest Garden SEEDY SUNDAY - 5th Feb 2012 - 10am - 4.30pm. Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, Hove BN3 4AH. Brighton's annual seed swap is always a lively and popular event. Seedy Sunday is about sharing seeds, preserving heritage varieties and protecting biodiversity. THE GARDEN HOUSE - all events at The Garden House, 5 Warleigh Road, Brighton BN1 4NT Spring and summer workshops on Plot #103 Weald Allotments. Limited to 6 participants to allow for maximum practical experience and problem solving. Meet at 11:00 at Weald Avenue Allotment Gate (workshop space available in bad weather). Each session includes time to explore a little of the allotment site and finishes at the WAG shop so people can buy seeds and supplies if they wish. Prior booking is essential as each session is limited to eight people. Please email [email protected] to reserve a place on a session. Workshops finish at 13:30 except writing sessions (see details below). While the site is largely wheelchair accessible, those with limited mobility are advised to arrange a site visit first, to ensure they are comfortable with the location. All workshops £3.00 per person – all money goes to Weald Allotment Gardeners (WAG) for upkeep of Weald Site. NEW!!! BHOGG Workshops - Monthly practical sessions with prize winning organic gardener, Ruth Urbanowicz, followed by a general allotment work afternoon undertaking seasonal tasks. All welcome, no experience necessary. THESE SESSIONS ARE FREE TO BHOGG MEMBERS, OTHERS £5 OR 2 HOURS LABOUR ON THE ALLOTMENTS ON THE DAY. Please wear suitable clothing and bring your own lunch if you want to. Tea and coffee provided. Please contact Ruth in advance so she has some idea of numbers: 01273 681120 or email [email protected]. Venue: BHOGG Allotments, plots 238/239, Weald Allotments, Hove. Entrance is by the main gate at the top of Weald Avenue. Directions to the Weald Site. If gates locked on the day, please ring 07854 797362. NB These workshops will also be held at Plot 132, Roedale Valley Allotment Site by Hollingbury Golf Course. Ring Ruth for more info. (The dates for these are in brackets.) OTHER BHOGG EVENTS HARVEST TRAINING COURSES – SEE BELOW Call 01273 413700 or email [email protected] with any queries. There are subsidised prices for people who can provide proof of benefits - email Harvest to check for each course. Check out the Harvest website events page for more information. BRIGHTON PERMACULTURE COURSES AND EVENTS SEE BELOW – for full details and bookings please visit Brighton Permaculture courses and events page: GOT ANY EVENTS OR COURSES? LET US KNOW AND WE WILL POST THEM HERE AND IN THE WEBSITE (please give as much notice as possible - especially for events in the first half of the month, as the e-news may not go out til mid month) Happy 2012 to you all!
Congratulations & a big thank you to all our grant-winners on their achievements! With commitment and passion, they’ve reached out to communities, engaged with children and the public, and increased the vital, nectar-rich natural habitat for our beleaguered bees. Here’s the latest buzz from our winners: “Our grant enabled us to purchase educational observation hives, plant bee-friendly gardens and provided us with a training hive and resources to aid teaching trainee beekeepers”. Mark Patterson. Slough, Windsor & Maidenhead The new, grant-funded observational hive is used to help train and educate beekeepers. The Shrill Carder Bee Habitat Project Gwent Wildlife Trust trained volunteers on bee identification, advised landowners on habitat, and sowed locally-harvested bee-friendly wildflower seeds at 7 sites. Ground Control at SHARE Community London “Turning a weedy patch of ground into a glorious bee-friendly garden of accessible raised beds has been a great opportunity for our students, and they’ve learnt about sustainability and the importance of bees”. Annie McDowall. Green Lane Herb Link, Totnes New hives funded by the grant are used in beekeeping training and craft courses at their 'Herbal Healing Garden'. Durham Wildlife Trust Over two hundred children have taken part in the Big Buzz Project. “There are so many ways to involve the community, our local Knit & Natter groups knitted little bees for every child who took part”. Kirsty Pollard. Edible Landscape Movement, Bristol “We have learned so much since receiving the funding. When we started most of us had a very basic knowledge of bees. It has been a brilliant experience to be able to learn how to keep bees, and to see how much they have benefitted our community gardens”. Gemma Hunt. Our Bee Lovely Friends We would also like to give a big thank you to Project Dirt , the UK's most active green social network, for helping us spread word far and wide about the Bee Lovely Grant. And to our amazing judges who helped us with the very tough process of selecting our winners: John Vidal, Environmental Editor at The Guardian , Paul de Zylva at Friends of the Earth , Phil Chandler from Biobees , Richard Scott at Landlife and Sophie Maher at Eden Project . Your help was invaluable and much appreciated.
A broad base of agricultural, commodity and banking groups has sent a letter to members of the House of Representatives urging lawmakers to reject certain proposals that would substantially change new farm bill policies in the appropriations process. The July 9, 2002, letter, was addressed to members of the House Appropriations Committee and House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, states. “We respectfully and strongly encourage you to reject any efforts to include provisions which substantially change the policies embedded in the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (FSRIA '02) signed on May 13, 2002,” the letter said. The groups pointed out that farmers and ranchers continue to be confronted with falling incomes and that USDA predicts net farm income will decline again in 2003. “The new farm bill provides an enhanced, predictable financial safety net in times of low prices, but the addition of a counter-cyclical provision ensures federal funds are only made available when low market prices trigger financial assistance,” the letter said. “Any changes in the levels and schedules of financial assistance will be detrimental to farm income and would surely undermine the confidence of lenders and suppliers. Farmers and ranchers must be given the opportunity to regain their footing and must be provided with a reliable safety net.” Don Bransford, a Colusa, Calif., rice producer and U.S. Rice Producers' Group chairman said rice growers expected new challenges to farm bill spending would have to be faced in the appropriations reprocess. “We knew at the time that the farm bill was signed into law that our efforts on behalf of the U.S. rice industry would continue,” he said. “Ensuring that new farm bill policies are not changed in the appropriations process is just one of the many challenges still ahead of us.” The U.S. Rice Producers' Group is a charter member of the USA Rice Federation. Other groups that signed onto the letter were: Alabama Farmers Federation, American Beekeeping Federation, American Farm Bureau Federation, American Sheep Industry Association, American Soybean Association, American Sugar Alliance, Farm Credit Council, Independent Community Bankers of America, and the National Association of Wheat Growers. Also, the National Barley Growers Association, National Corn Growers Association, National Cotton Council, National Grain Sorghum Producers, National Milk Producers Federation, National Sunflower Association, North Carolina Peanut Growers Association, South East Dairy Farmers Association. Southern Peanut Farmers Federation, U.S. Canola Association. U.S. Rice Producers' Group, U S Rice Producers Association, and the Western Peanut Growers Association.
Welcome back to my family garden, my Tawny Mining Bee friends When my partner and I were looking for a house together in Warrington last year we used this basic approach to house-hunting: find the biggest garden we can with the money we have, then make sure there is sufficient house attached to it. We found just what we hoped for, and me, my partner, my three step-children and our new baby (not to mention the dog, cat and gerbils) have been there about a year now. Out in the garden we’ve introduced an edible hedge, hens, a pond and woodland area (it’s not big enough for an actual woodland sadly) – all as part of our plan to create an organic, wildlife-friendly and family-friendly garden. The family-friendly bit’s important. This is no green oasis to be untouched by people. It’s a green oasis that has to co-exist with people. Including some people that like kicking balls around, playing water games and tumbling and playing in the sun (and rain) on the lawn. Which brings me to my little orange friends. This year has seen the welcome return to that lawn of some Tawny Mining Bees, which we first spotted last year. They are orange-coloured solitary bees that burrow into lawns and other grassy areas to lay their eggs. Then in spring the new bees hatch and leave behind them a little mound of soil in the lawn. They fly low to the ground and they don’t sting either. Apparently they’re quite common. The combined family- and wildlife-friendly approach has been surprisingly natural. The kids join in with the digging, making and planting, have their own food patches and love the chaotic, swirling life in the pond. And our little orange bee-friends don’t seem to mind us either, co-existing happily with the family chaos. A couple of weeks back we ripped up the tired old grass at the front of the house and planted wildflower seeds and sunflowers instead. We’re toying with beekeeping down the end too. We’re hoping to welcome a whole host of buzzing and pollinating bugs to the garden. I’ll let you know how it goes. PS: If you want to learn more about bees and our forthcoming campaign The Bee Cause , come along to one of our free Bee Prepared events taking place across the country in April and May. Subscribe to this blog by email using Google's subscription service
Bees With ‘Backpacks’ Might Help Unlock the Mystery Behind Die Offs Australian scientists fit bees with radio sensors to monitor behavior In 1923, Austrian scientist and philosopher Rudolf Steiner prophesized that if commercial farming and beekeeping continued, honeybees would collapse in 80 to 100 years. Steiner’s prediction couldn’t have been more correct. In this age of industrialization, bees are dying at alarming rates. Beekeepers in the United States have lost 40 to 100 percent of their hives over the past year, says Lisa Archer, the food and technology program director at Friends of the Earth, and there may be further losses over the winter season. Beekeepers in Canada, the United Kingdom, and other countries around the world have reported similar losses. Many of these massive bee die-offs have been attributed to a mysterious phenomenon called colony collapse disorder. When the disorder strikes a bee community, apiarists either find empty hives or masses of dead bees. Colony Collapse has been extensively studied, yet no one is entirely sure of its exact cause. The widespread use of neonicotinoid pesticides seems to be the prime suspect, with a growing body of evidence showing that this pesticide weakens bees’ immune systems and attacks their nervous systems. Yet other factors such as varroa mites, viruses, monoculture, and even radiation from cell phone towers could also contribute to this disorder. Honeybees pollinate up to two-thirds of our global food crops, and without bees, food security could deteriorate around the world. A groundbreaking study in Australia, however, could unlock the secrets of this deadly disease, helping farmers and beekeepers stay in business. Researchers at the Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) are fitting 5,000 bees with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) sensors, and releasing them in Hobart, Tasmania to monitor their behavior. The tiny sensors measure at 2.5 millimeters by 2.5 millimeters, and weigh about five milligrams. While bee tagging is not a new research technique, this is the first time such a large number of bees will be used in a study. Also, the capabilities of these sensors could generate some incredible results. “We have put some serious thought and time into improving the quality of the antennas that will read the signals from the sensors,” says Dr. Paulo de Souza, the project’s lead scientist. “The sensors will work just like e-tags in cars.” Every time the bees fly past a checkpoint, information will be sent to a central database that will create a three-dimensional model of bee swarming behavior. Attaching these sensors to honeybees can be a tricky business. The bees need to be transported into the lab and refrigerated for five minutes at 41 degrees Fahrenheit. “Bees are very sensitive to temperature, and they fall asleep,” De Souza explains. “Then we can glue the sensors to the backs of the bees. After that, they start moving again and wake up, and we take them back to the hive.” However, some bees need to be shaved before the sensors can be attached, especially the younger ones that tend to be hairier. De Souza says that the sensors will not interfere with the bees’ abilities to fly or carry out normal activities, but they may reduce the amount of pollen and nectar the bees can carry by up to 35 percent. So why is this research being conducted in Australia? This is a compelling question, particularly as Australia is one of the few countries unaffected by Colony Collapse Disorder. De Souza explains that the research capacities of CSIRO have a lot to do with it. “We have 6,500 employees, and if we need someone in a given area, it is very easy to get access to them.” CSIRO is also the organization that developed Wi-Fi, so their research team is highly qualified to work on RFID technology. De Souza also believes that it’s “just a matter of time” before Colony Collapse Disorder hits Australia. Although the parasitic varroa mite has not reached Australia, neonicotinoids are widely used across the country. The CSIRO research team will monitor bees under ideal conditions, then stress the hives by exposing them to trace amounts of neonicotinoids and other pesticides. “Our research can help identify what factors contribute to bee collapse, and how the bees are being affected,” Dr. de Souza says. “It’s something that I hope can help the United States, Canada, and Europe with this huge problem.” Even though multiple factors appear to contribute to the bee die offs, environmental organizations in the US like Friends of the Earth have been campaigning for a ban on neonicotinoids – a move that the European Union made last year. The US Environmental Protection Agency has refused to ban neonicotinoids, which it says is just one of many factors contributing to declining bee numbers. “We know from a growing body of science that these pesticides are weakening bees, making them more susceptible to varroa mites and various diseases,” Lisa Archer says. “If we can deal with this pesticide, then we can start to deal with other problems.” Ultimately, environmentalists would like to see a shift toward ecological and sustainable farming methods that are less reliant on pesticides. However, without a complete ban on neonicotinoids and other pesticides, it will be difficult to solve the problem of the bee die offs. In the US, organic and biodynamic farms often border farms that use toxic pesticides, and it is nearly impossible to control where honeybees forage. Additionally, the legacy of neonicotinoids will continue to cause issues for years to come. As De Souza explains, these pesticides may not appear to affect a current population of bees, but the toxins will be passed through the generations in stored pollen. “I’m really glad they’re doing this study,” Archer says. “This is way to see how everything is connected in industrial agriculture, and how we’re going to start solving this problem with the bees.” The results of this “swarm sensing” study should be available by the second half of 2014. The CSIRO research team is also busy working to improve the sensor technology. They hope to shrink the sensors to one millimeter, and to create self-powering mechanisms that harvest energy from the sun and the insects’ wing vibrations. “We’re going to use the bees as portable weather stations,” De Souza says, “flying around and making measurements of the environment for us.” These smaller, more refined sensors could also be attached to other social insects like fruit flies and mosquitos, which would help scientists understand the interrelations between insects, and the changes they may experience in the our ever-changing world.
Bee Well and Be Well: Michael Thiele Discusses the Spiritual Significance of Bees Article by Amity Bacon There is more to bees than meets the eye. Beyond fulfilling the critical role of pollinating our crops and providing us with honey, a bee colony can offer a glimpse into a world with its own social order, its own rhythm and its own sense of interconnectedness. To former San Francisco Zen Center beekeeper Michael Thiele, there is an entire universe of untapped knowledge and wisdom to explore. He has turned apiculture into an exploration of this universe, an exploration that is informed both by his Zen practice and nearly a lifetime of beekeeping in both California and Germany. Michael will begin a three-class beekeeping series, “Zen and the Art of Living with Bees,” at Green Gulch Farm on June 2. Amity: Who or what in your life has inspired you to study and care for bees? Michael: I had dreams about bees during a practice period at Tassajara, and the following spring a bee swarm landed at my house at Green Gulch. Amity: You use the term “Bien” a lot in your videos and website. Can you describe what a Bien is? Michael: To call the Honey Bees “Bien” restores the old understanding of the hive as one being. The modern biological term for this is super organism: the multitude of all individual bees constitutes one being. In addition, the notion of the “Bien” describes the emotional aspect of this oneness and enables us to perceive it in its individual personality. I think it is important to return to this understanding in a time when contemporary beekeeping approaches the bees as if they were a machine with interchangeable parts. Amity: Has your understanding of the nature of bees and their behavior encouraged their well-being and production levels? Michael: Once apiculture is inspired by a bee-centered approach, the natural health of the Bien can be restored without artificial manipulations or chemical treatment. The global environmental crisis requires a radical change from production-oriented beekeeping towards an approach that honors this animal’s basic rights and needs. We also should remember, our well-being depends on theirs! Amity: How did you come to study Zen, and has it informed or enriched your beekeeping practice? Michael: Life and death brought me to Zen Center. For me, my Zen practice and decision to live with bees mutually inspire and inform each other. Zen seems to be the framework for studying the Bien, and a Bien has qualities of a riddle and a koan—it merges paradigms similar to how modern physics offers the contradicting concepts describing light as wave and particle. The Bien often makes me think of the teaching “Harmony of Difference and Equality.” Amity: Has studying the behavior of bees informed your deeper understanding of human nature or communities in general? Michael: Bees have been central in ancient cultures and monasteries. To study and observe the Bien can be very inspiring, especially when we examine the sense of self and the interdependency of all parts within and without the Bien. I think bees can inform our practice and become an encouragement to leave home. That’s what swarming of the bees in the spring is about: leaving home, leaving their precisely-defined nest location and taking the risk to fly into the unknown. It is amazing to witness this event and to be exposed to this faith and trust of the process of moving through the unknown! And finally, a new home is found. In ancient Europe, this process was depicted on tombstones, describing the dying and reincarnation process. Amity: A description of your workshop says that “as bees became a commodity of modern apiculture, a deeper meaning and understanding of their true nature was lost.” Can you explain how bees were once understood better before they were more commonly viewed as a commodity? Michael: In ancient cultures and myths, bees play a central role. In Central America, bees were perceived as the keeper of time and the integrity of the universe. In Scandinavian mythology, bees were at the base of Yggdrasil, the tree of life. Honey was considered a sacred substance and, in many cultures, it was only used as medicine or in ceremonies. It was not allowed to be sold. Amity: You grew up in Germany, working on a farm there and studying bees. Can you explain the different attitudes on beekeeping in Germany compared to America? Michael: Interesting topic. Cultural differences between Germany and the US are subtle. Europe has more small-scale beekeepers, using a wider range of hive designs. This comes with the cultural and regulatory reality of allowing bees to build their own comb, where, in the US, around 95% of all managed hives contain plastic implants (called a plastic foundation), which are introduced to manipulate comb growth. Politically, European beekeepers have been very successful in keeping GMOs out of the landscape, whereas, in the US, GMOs are not a strongly enough questioned reality. On the other hand, recent innovations in regulating health and approaching the problem of Varroa Mites are coming from US beekeepers in the new “treatment-free” approach. German beekeepers are still holding on to an obligatory treatment paradigm. Amity: What do you tell people who are afraid of bees and the possibility that they may get stung? Michael: Unfortunately many people who get stung by a yellow jacket think it was a bee, when the two are very, very different. Yellow jackets are warriors and carnivores; bees are nectar loving and enjoy a vegan diet. There are some basic rules for approaching a honeybee nest, but most importantly, one needs to be guided by one’s comfort level. Bees are very sensitive, and the more relaxed we can be, the more at ease the bees will be. By the way, their venom is beneficial for those who do not respond with an allergic reaction. The latest I heard, it is used for prostate cancer therapy. To see Michael move a swarm of bees with his bare hands, watch this video. More information about Michael’s services can be found at his website, Gaia Bees. Michael is also co-founder of The Melissa Garden in Healdsburg, CA, one of the first Honey Bee Sanctuaries in the US, which serves as an innovative apiary and global resource center for biodynamic and holistic apiculture. He was recently featured in the documentary Queen of the Sun. Return to the workshop page for Bee Well and Be Well: The Spiritual Significance of Bees.
Berkshires resident James Taylor is playing a handful of dates at Tanglewood this summer. Celebrate Independence Day mid-week with us and enjoy one of his shows, as well as our mid-week booking special. Monday, July 2 through Wednesday, July 4, Taylor plays the Tanglewood Shed. For the uninitiated, the Tangelwood Shed is a fan-shaped, open-air listening hall which seats around 5,100 concertgoers. Taylor will be just one of many luminaries to grace the Shed’s stage and you could be one of the lucky ticketholders for the show. His mellow vibe is especially perfect for a midsummer night’s show. Three special guests will join him for these shows, as well as a full band. Fans: you may also want to investigate something fun we found on James Taylor’s website. Taylor took the time to sit down and record some online guitar lessons! There are currently three posted. They’re short and sweet, and give you a little personal time with an American legend. You may also enjoy the video gallery on his site. It features clips of interviews and performances. Oh…and about the mid-week special here at Hampton Terrace. During Tanglewood and foliage season, we give mid-week discounts on our rooms: The discounts are $65 to $95 OFF the regular rates. Rates are $199/night for rooms in the main house (Sunday-Thursday nights). See you in June! Hancock Shaker Village, located in Pittsfield, MA, is just a wee journey from that cozy room that you booked at Hampton Terrace. Many people think of the Shakers in the past tense, and their way of life as something to be memorialized in a museum-like way. Interestingly, however, their simple way of life has very much become cool again and in a way in which modern people can participate. The Shakers were truly innovative thinkers and their functional approach to design is world-renowned for its beauty and practicality. They proved over and over, through their furniture, production inventions, and more, that the simplest approach is often the best approach. Did you know that the Shakers invented the flat broom? Completely true. These days, Hancock Shaker Village is a place you can go to learn skills for authentic and sustainable living, hands-on. Interested in keeping chickens? Sustainable gardening? Woodworking or timber framing techniques? Cabinetmaking? Quilting? Beekeeping? You can even join a CSA at the Village – probably not useful to the out of town guest, but still interesting to note that they are maintaining their gardens for the purpose that they were intended. They also offer a “Choose Your Own Shaker Adventure” option for visitors. You get to choose from a variety of adventure possibilities to create your experience: Learn a Shaker Song and Dance, Calf Stroll, and Shakers’ Sustainability are just some of your choices. Lots to see AND do at Hancock Shaker Village! The Royal Berkshire Improv Troupe is ready to bring you what you crave – if what you happen to crave is improvised theatrical comedy. Improv is one of the most popular and fun forms of theater our modern world has to offer. It’s easy to see why - you literally never know what might happen next. Their May improv showcase is set for May 18 at the Spectrum Playhouse in Lee at 7pm. Tickets are $12. The evening will include theater games (if you are a fan of Whose Line Is It Anyway, you know what we’re talking about) and a performance by Jellyfish, a visiting improv troupe with “tentacles”. Jellyfish perform in a longer-form improv style. For more information about the Royal Berkshire Improv Troupe, check out their website. They offer monthly improv showcases. We’re delighted to see a Berkshires gem included in Smithsonian Magazine’s recent 20 Best Small Towns in America list. The featured town: Great Barrington, MA, just 20-ish minutes from our lovely Lenox. Great Barrington is rich in history, amenities, and quirk. It’s the former home of both Arlo Guthrie and Alice, yes that Alice, of “Alice’s Restaurant” fame. It’s the current home of BerkShares Bills, an alternative currency created (and used by around 400 businesses in the area) to encourage people to support local businesses. Read more about it here. Local food is also a way of life here, and the local food co-op and farmers’ markets are well-loved and interesting food in general is plentiful: Though its size is modest, Great Barrington is home to over 55 restaurants. It is also home to the Mahaiwe Theater, once as vaudeville house, now a performing arts center. The Mahaiwe is ripe with variety in its lineup of shows. Upcoming shows include broadcasts from the Metropolitan Opera, classic films, dance, music, comedy and family shows. Great Barrington is a great destination to add to your itinerary on your Berkshires getaway.
thanks to those who take time to read and thanks to Mother Earth News How a non writer can with effort contribute in a small way. To read more on our life style go to www.brucecarolcabin.blogspot.com Last week, while I was in Atlanta for Greenbuild, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to sit down with the editor and publisher of one of my very favorite magazines, Paste. Reader Callout: Share your stories about the one thing you always make from scratch for Thanksgiving. We’d love to hear about the homegrown veggies you served for Thanksgiving. What garden favorites always grace your holiday table? Give thanks and give back to the earth this Thanksgiving by greening your celebration. Here are eight tips to get you started. A New York Times article reports a recent, rigorous study confirming that acupuncture can ease chronic pain, including that from migraines and arthritis. Check out our time-lapse video of peppers growing from seed to sprout. Are you headed to (or just arriving back from) the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR at Seven Springs Resort in Pennsylvania? Share your favorite fair experiences (and photos), and find out how you can keep up with what's going on at this FAIR and future events. Tips for driving safely and saving gas during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Tips on how to travel safely and save gas during the Thanksgiving holiday. Many media outlets are pulling no punches when it comes to global climate change as a major factor in Hurricane Sandy's catastrophic destruction. Whether you’re traveling or staying home, try these tips for a healthy & environmentally-friendly Thanksgiving. www.earthgauge.net/?p=33317 Choose a pastured turkey rather than an industrial turkey this Thanksgiving. Follow these turkey cooking tips and discover why heritage turkeys are a better choice than commercial turkeys. Last spring, I decided to raise my own free-range turkey for Thanksgiving. Here’s how that project turned out. Make your Thanksgiving day even more special by including your own home-grown goodness to the meal. Two food and gardening experts share their favorite varieties of potatoes and sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving. Earth floors are a durable, versatile and attractive option for new homes and renovations alike. HOMEGROWN Life blogger and homesteader Rachel, of the Bay Area's Dog Island Farm, shares her method for cooking the very best Thanksgiving turkey ever. A young homesteading family experiences their first harvest season and is able to preserve enough produce to last the winter. As more people decide to pay a little extra for locally grown pastured turkey, demand may not meet supply. Make sure your bird is secure by buying farm-direct or shopping early. The 2013 MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR in Puyallup, Wash., last weekend was again a source of great energy and exceptional education, thanks to 15,000 attendees, more than 125 presenters and some 300 sponsors and exhibitors. It doesn’t matter how much you know already, there is always something to learn at the Mother Earth News Fair. The Gourmet Butcher's road trip to the Fair. This is a test short description. This is a test of blogger on IE 8 by Jenn. MOTHER EARTH NEWS Assistant Editor Heidi Hunt chats with Dan Lepinski of MOTHER EARTH NEWS RADIO about converting sunshine into electricity at the 2010 MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR in Seven Springs, Pa. A brief preview of Cole's presentation at the Mother Earth Fair Sept 24/25 at Seven Springs, PA. Thoreau, Rachel Carson, Bill McKibbon, Terry Tempest Williams. Do you have a favorite nature or environmental writer? A book or story you can get lost in, that inspires you to action, or simply reminds you of how incredible nature is? Post a comment to share the titles that invite you into the wonder of the natural world — or have maybe even changed your life. Environmental journalist Simran Sethi stays thankful for what’s important in the midst of a big move. Thanks to all the volunteers of the 2011 MOTHER EARTH NEWS Fair in Seven Springs, Pennsylvania. We couldn't have done it without all your hard work! Homegrown, homemade pumpkin pies are becoming the starting event to the holiday season. This year we turned 8 winter luxury squash into pumpkin pie mix. Time often isn't looked at as a resource - at least, not outside of corporate efficiency evaluations - but it's one of the most valuable resources any of us have. It's required for all the plans and hopes that we have, from learning to bake bread to building a self-sufficient homestead. How do you spend your time, and how would you like to? Veggie meatloaf makes for a hearty, delicious entree or side dish perfect for vegetarians and vegans at Thanksgiving. Check out these three varieties: one features chickpeas, one lentils and one vegetarian meat substitute. A new tool released by the U.S. Department of Energy allows drivers to compare fuel costs of electric cars with those of gas-powered vehicles. On sunny days it delivers about a half a megawatt of electricity to the biodiesel plant, while providing strategic shade to plants below. Energy is produced above as farmers harvest below in a genuine double cropping scenario. This garden is practically maintenance free as it produces some of the most beautiful and most beloved flowers. After you have tried it, you will wonder, why didn’t I start growing hardy annuals sooner? Don’t miss the opportunity to garden in the forgotten seasons. In our culture we are used to government regulations telling us what to do – can we talk on our cell phones while driving? Or, should I wear my seat belt? Or has this food been properly processed? Raw milk is your chance to embrace your rights and freedoms and do your research and ask the hard questions – you have no one else to rely on to do this for you. MOTHER EARTH NEWS magazine comes to life in the recently released Wiser Living Video Series. Volume One of the Series features some of our most popular workshops from the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIRS taught by members of the editorial team and expert community. Become more self-reliant in and around your home by tackling 19 projects ranging from keeping backyard chickens to making tinctures. Learn about our experience attending a Mother Earth News Fair as an exhibitor. Learn about what goes on at the Heritage Harvest Festival in Virginia and the Mother Earth News Fair in Pennsylvania, both held in September. Green building guru Lloyd Kahn recounts his favorite new discoveries from the Puyallup, Wash., MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR. A quick glance back at the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR in Lawrence, Kan. One of the favorite events among attendees to the Puyallup MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR was investigative author Doug Fine’s Hemp Bound talk. Here are his thoughts on why hemp matters so much, a belief that was translated into a passionate and funny workshop. Our MOTHER EARTH NEWS library app acts as a virtual library for you to download and store all of our digital resources, including our gardening apps, canning how-to guides, digital issues, and more. The dream, the drive and now the doing. This video slideshow combines photos and video clips of heritage livestock breeds that were present at various Mother Earth News Fairs. Download the MOTHER EARTH NEWS category-specific "Gazettes" apps, which are popular article collections for your mobile device that you can access on the go, no Internet connection required. Sigi Koko of Down to Earth Design and some assistants demonstrate her method of constructing strawbale walls with clay at the 2011 Mother Earth News Fair in Seven Springs, Pa. Our MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR last weekend was full of great presentations about all facets sustainable living, including on learning how to garden. MOTHER EARTH NEWS interviewed poultry advocate Oprah HenFree at the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR. The excitement at the FAIR is contagious, and our amazing volunteers are helping to keep it all running smoothly. One workshop at the Puyallup, Wa., MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR was on learning how to make butter, hosted by Organic Valley. Becky Venn of Alpacas of Wintercreek explains why these gentle critters make great livestock. Our office was abuzz with bee activity this morning! We received four packages of bees today before they were delivered to their final garden homes. Kids get to have fun, learn about gardneing and start veggie seeds at the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR in Puyallup, Wash. A MOTHER EARTH NEWS editor gets a chance to spend her birthday at the fair, surrounded by fun and inspiring people and activities. Still looking to score free tickets to the 2012 Puyallup Mother Earth News Fair? Here's your chance! Tell us what you want to see at the Fair no later than Friday, May 25, and you'll be entered for a chance to win a pair of tickets. GRIT Assistant Editor Caleb Regan catches Mike Ard, who has come to the FAIR from Ohio and has recently inherited a 60-acre dairy farm. Mike's main challenge is choosing between the numerous FAIR sessions. Vegetarians and vegans can enjoy an excellent meatless Thanksgiving dinner. Check out these great vegetarian and vegan recipes and websites. 40 years of reading Mother, the value of accumulation of reading the contributions of others during that time. Thoughts on managing an event with lots of people and having minimal or no trash. Aside from the great stage presentations, the exhibitor booths have a lot to offer FAIR attendees. World nuclear electricity-generating capacity has been essentially flat since 2007 and is likely to fall as plants retire faster than new ones are built. Many readers can't say no to spouses, children, bosses, and so on. To please and care for others, we often sacrifice ourselves, working long hours, exhausting our energy. There is a cure. It's a two-letter word that starts with n. Try it. Readers share tips and ideas for saving time in the kitchen. Fermentation expert Sandor Katz (aka SandorKraut) gives a cultural and historical introduction to fermentation practices, including the nutritional benefits of homemade sauerkraut and other fermented foods. At the Mother Earth News Fair, I always enjoy speaking with fellow farmers and gardeners about inputs, organic standards and sound practices in the field. At the OMRI booth, we always provide free OMRI Products Lists of approved input materials, to help you find the right fertilizer or livestock feed additive and keep your farm or garden truly organic . Tired of pests? Here are five tips for knocking ‘em back without resorting to pesticides and toxic chemicals. Have you ever dreamed of taking your part-time homestead to a full-time salary? What's holding you back? Business books say most people are more afraid of success than failure. Learn how to pinch back basil tops for a particularly bushy plant, then make delicious pesto with your harvest. Ford delivered more than 900 test-drives of its 2013 electric and hybrid vehicles to visitors at the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR in Seven Springs, Pa. Architect Debra Rucker Coleman shares tips for converting your home to passive solar energy. This video slideshow reveals the sacred magic contained in the Native American corn that sustained many Indian tribes for thousands of years before professional plant breeders turned it into an Every time I leave the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR I come home with a bag full of stuff that I have accumulated along the way. My youngest son typically tears into the bag, once exclaiming that my return from the FAIR is always “like Christmas.” For three days before the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR, held at the Seven Springs Mountain Resort, John D. Ivanko and his family rafted, biked, toured some of Frank Lloyd Wright-designed homes, and savored farm-to-table cuisine that blew us away at The Historic Stone House. MOTHER EARTH NEWS is proud to announce the release of the How to Can app, a free app to help you safely put up summer's bounty in a jar. This free app puts the growing info you need right at your fingertips: cultivation guides for each major crop, plus how-to for invaluable gardening skills. With more than 40 years of expertise on how to live on less (and love it!), MOTHER EARTH NEWS introduces our Guide to Self-Reliance and Country Skills app. This app, available for both Apple and Android smartphones and tablets, contains advice and how-to on organic gardening, raising backyard chickens, canning and preserving your harvests, and how to save money by applying a DIY mentality to your life. Beehive happenings since my last blog post. No matter your level of gardening expertise, our Guide to Organic Gardening app has the advice and how-to you need to dig in and grow a bountiful organic food garden. With articles on composting, beneficial insects, weed control and more, you'll have a wealth of organic gardening know-how at your fingertips after you download this app onto your Apple or Android smartphone or tablet. When traveling, consider checking out the community gardens in the area. You can meet local people who are passionate about gardening and learn about the climate and crops that may be different than yours. Stephanie Tourles, author and Seven Springs, Pa. FAIR Speaker, shares how to make a delicious, ice-cold watermelon cooler. Refresh after a day in the heat with this super easy and nutritious drink. It's easy to get distracted and forget a few absolutes when it comes to food safety. Take this quiz and see if you know your stuff! Andre Armantrout sent us this wonderful update from a Homesteading Education Month event featuring aquaculture at Snowy Pine Ridge, outside Spokane, Wash. New technology achieves 80 percent energy efficiency during the coffee roasting process. MOTHER EARTH NEWS Associate Editor Shelley Stonebrook offers tips for building permanent garden beds and paths. Shelley presented her workshop “10 Great Ways to Make Gardening Easier” at the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR in Puyallup, Wash. While many of those visiting our Hostel are farmers and homesteaders themselves, some come from that “city culture” and seem to take their first hesitant steps outside of a flatly paved driveway when they arrive at our place. Wide eyes, a sense of adventure. This gift set of four farm-themed board books features illustrations that tell the story of a day in the life of each of four animals: chickens, goats, cows and pigs. We learned a long time ago that we couldn’t attract an audience for our magazines unless we gave our readers tools they could use to improve the world personally. A backyard organic garden is the perfect symbol of positive vision and commitment. Animal Husbandry tent experiences from Day 1 of 2011 Mother Earth News Fair. We sat down for an interview with James Duft, the MOTHER EARTH NEWS Fair Planner and Programming Manager. Read about what you can expect to see, do and participate in if you attend the upcoming Fair in Puyallup, Wash. Sheep dog training, cheese making, bread baking and antique tractors await! Begin your garden planning with what,and particularly how much, you want to eat. Take a look at what you are eating now and go from there. Claire finds a recipe for hard lotion and makes molded lotion bars to give as Christmas presents. In my 7,500-plus mile adventure in MAX this summer, one lesson really stands out: Haste Makes Waste. I was gratified when, two weeks ago, Consumer Reports announced that the Chevy Volt was the best-loved car in the world among people who drive one – for the second year in a row. I have never loved a car like I love this one. And I have loved some cars. Back at the lab we are installing a new three inch line from the air dryers to the throttle body. Jessica visits the 890-acre farm belonging to the nonprofit Seed Savers Exchange, the largest nongovernmental seed bank in the U.S. and a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving our nations heirloom seeds and biodiversity. Our first experience as a vendor or spectator at the Mother Earth News Fair in Puyallup, WA Although the Centers for Disease Control has launched a vigorous nationwide public health campaign urging everyone, particularly elderly and vulnerable people, to get vaccinated against the flu, some researchers disagree with the message. Since her first house move, MOTHER EARTH NEWS blogger Cathie Ackroyd, has become so very conscious of the impact we humans have had and are having on our planet’s environment and hoped to find a place to settle that would allow us to gain an element of self-sufficiency in a relatively car-free community. A surprising benefit of MAX's streamlining is the increased luggage space. The Gluten and Allergen Free Expo provides a chance to be inspired and energized by the most passionate and creative gluten-free cookbook authors and bloggers. Christopher shares an experience of painting his family farmhouse, but when he used flat, not glossy paint, his uncle was not happy. How could the uncle have responded in a more productive manner? The beekeeping presentation in the kids' booth at the Tree House Club was filled with enthusiastic kids. Check out what one kid had to say about his time spent with the bees. I’d like to introduce the words farmden and farmdener into the English language. I wonder if there are any other farmdeners out there. And just what is a farmden? It’s more than a garden, less than a farm. That’s my definition, but it also could be described as a site with more plants and/or land than one person can care for sanely. A gardener and garden gone wild, out of control. This blog post describes the MOTHER EARTH NEWS staff's afternoon spent harvesting their homegrown garlic. Across the U.S., voters of all political leanings gave overwhelming approval in the 2012 presidential election to taxing themselves and spending money for new parks in their communities, The Trust for Public Land announced. Of the 57 measures on local and statewide ballots, 46 passed, an approval rate of 81%. Fresh apple cider is a traditional part of fall harvest celebrations - a part that we at MOTHER EARTH NEWS wouldn't miss! We put the Whizbang Apple Grinder and Cider Press to the test, and happily sampled the fresh apple cider as a result. In the hollows of the Blue Ridge Mountains, this true Christmas celebration was simple, inexpensive and rich with tradition. Press Release about UNEP/GEF en.lighten initiative’s Toolkit, “Achieving the Transition to Energy Efficient Lighting.” Skullcap is the best herb for calming nerves, according to Erin McIntosh at the Mother Earth News Fair in Puyallup. Meeting in person a long time Mother Earth News reader. Rescue stale bread and veggies and make homemade stuffing mix! You'll never look back! This Thanksgiving consider opting for a pastured turkey instead of a commercially raised bird, and think about buying local Thanksgiving foods, too. If Thanksgiving weekend left you craving light, nutritious meals, try these recipes for winter-friendly salads. Simran Sethi takes a moment to give thanks. Many criticize eliminating coal mining in West Virginia because of the amount of jobs the sector provides. A wind farm, however, would employ over 200 local residents during the two-year construction phase, and create 40-50 permanent maintenance jobs afterward. A wind farm would also allow the mountain to be used for other purposes, like sustainable forestry, mountain harvesting, and gathering of wild forest plants, creating additional jobs and the opportunity for stable income for locals. A 2012 survey by Northeast Group LLC was published in October, claiming 95 percent of U.S. cities that have tried LED streetlights are satisfied with the results, saving nearly 60 percent in costs. Always wanted to master the art of the perfect pie crust? With our step-by-step How to Make the Perfect Pie Crust app, you'll have the techniques and recipes you need at your fingertips. The app comes with scrumptious pie filling recipes, too! The Classy Coop Giveaway grand prize was given a good home with our contest winner and her backyard chickens. We were happy to see this mobile chicken coop is already being broken in. Bring on the eggs! The past year was a rewarding one for apple discovery, because I potentially found the apple that started my apple search about sixteen years ago — the ‘Harper’s Seedling’ apple. How to make candles you can really light from the peel of Clementine oranges. A wintertime craft...just oil and an orange peel! If someone told you that you were losing money just by sitting in your home, you would probably want to do whatever you could to change that. Well the reality is that your home is using up energy regularly, and there is a huge chunk of that energy that you do not even need. Luckily, we live in a time when technology is constantly coming up with ways to fix problems such as these. Here are some of the ways that technology can help to save the environment, as well as your wallet. Mother has always known best, and these tips for reusing what would otherwise be garbage are as relevant today as they were in 1970. Many years ago, years before I moved to the country, I was what would be considered "a prepper." I saw disaster every time I turned on the TV, or read the news on the internet, or visited forums that talked about stockpiling beans and bullets. I panicked, thinking I could never have enough control for the sake of my family, never be "prepped" enough. A travel log of our family's mission to find local food sources on our trip to Puerto Rico. The place I call home these days is The FarmSchool, a fertile 180-acre strip of ridge top in Athol, where 15 student-farmers are spending a year learning the ins and outs of growing food, managing forests, and raising animals for meat. I arrived at the farm in October, just as the leaves were reaching their peak brilliance. The Farm School — which offers three-day programs for schoolchildren, a summer camp, a full-time middle school, and the apprenticeship program I’m in — takes us through all seasons of farming, weaving together class work and on-farm training. Docking of dairy cows serves no purpose and causes pain and discomfort for the Cooking meals on a vacation can be easy. Bring some essential items with you and enjoy homecooking, on vacation. Conergy Projects Group has broken ground on a 725 kw photovoltaic system for T&P Farms out of Arbuckle, Calif. Discover some of the properties of essential oils, along with some tips for cleaning with them. Keep your pets from licking off herbal ointments by adding a pinch of cayenne. James E. Churchill’s advice for finding and preparing chicory, mint, catnip and blackberries, found in a 1970 issue of Mother Earth News, is timeless—and very timely right now. Learn how to make an herbal tincture with The Herb Companion team at the Mother Earth News Fair. Housekeeping tips mined from the second issue of Mother Earth News--published in 1970--are surprisingly relevant today. Use these to make this task--which we all have to do sooner or later--more efficient and enjoyable. Monticello's Heritage Harvest Festival inspired us to keep at those challenges that frustrate us on the farm. The ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder app uses your zip code to find sales tax exemptions, credits, or rebates on qualified products. In this piece, author Mary Moss-Sprague discusses the simple pleasures of tasty, home-canned tomato preserves. No one will miss the meat when you serve up fabulous vegetarian versions of Thanksgiving favorites. Try two versions of mushroom stuffing, mushroom gravy or delicious roasted Brussels sprouts this holiday! Food preservation expert Sherri Brooks Vinton makes food preservation look easy and shares helpful hints about equipment and technique during a standing-room-only workshop at the Fair. Visitors enjoyed hundreds of test drives of Ford hybrid and electric cars at the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR. Sorting through seed catalogs is one of the most entertaining tasks we have here at MOTHER EARTH NEWS. These garden seed catalogs come in handy when searching for just the right variety of heirloom veggies to grow, and they're fun to look at too! Des Moines, Iowa, gardeners may soon find themselves in hot water with their City. A local resident recently took front yard veggie growers to task for what the resident feels to be unsightly lawn growth. Beets and berries, it seems, do not have the same aesthetic appeal as a green, freshly-mowed front lawn. As part of the Obama Administration’s all-of-the-above strategy to expand safe and responsible domestic energy production, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announced Nov. 7, 2012, a lease for commercial wind energy development 11 nautical miles off the coast of Delaware. Comly Wilson, Associate with CleanEdison, a solar installation training provider, offers her tips to remedy 6 common mistakes solar PV installers make when setting up new photovoltaic systems. Bryan Welch's book, Beautiful and Abundant, provides a framework for understanding and evaluating ecotourism's impact on Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula. Jason Helvingston of Orlando, Fla., fights for his right to grow food in his front yard garden after the City of Orlando cited him for illegal gardening, pitting food self-sufficiency against city ordinance. Solar Energy International is offering a free online course as an introduction to renewable energy. You will not walk away an expert, but will have learned the basics of renewable energy and be able to decide which technologies are right for you. The Washington State Conservation Commission gave away trees at the Mother Earth News Fair as part of their conservation efforts. Take a visual tour of the events at the MOTHER EARTH NEWS Fair in Puyallup, Washington. Andrea Chesman, author of Recipes from the Root Cellar, shares one of her favorite winter vegetable recipes. Locally grown, homemade, grass-fed, free-range and downright delicious food invades the 2011 MOTHER EARTH NEWS Fair in Seven Springs, Pennsylvania. We dipped candles from our hive's beeswax to celebrate winter. Candlemaking is a nice seasonal craft. Here’s how we did it, plus some tips to get you started. A Nov. 5, 2012, press release from consulting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP warns current CO2 reductions put us on target for 6 degree average global More than 30 years ago, Michael Reynolds followed his vision of sustainable, energy-efficient homes that would work with nature. Today, his Earthships inspire green designers and architects. Ken Ruck wants to build a fully self-sustaining earthship on New York's Lower East Side. If you just happen to need white dinner rolls for a crowd at Thanksgiving, here's the recipe. Also, check out some really cool contests and special offers from King Arthur Flour. From the outset, Earthineer was built to support and promote sustainability and homesteading as a lifestyle choice. Every feature we have planned has that goal in mind. What we have now is the foundation that we'll build off of. One of the greatest needs in the world is disaster resistant housing – houses that can hold up against hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters. Properly designed structures can save millions of lives and millions of structures every year. Use this chart to determine how long different foods should be cooked in a pressure cooker. Precision Engineering www.structure1.com has generously provided drawings and specifications for building earthbag structures in seismic areas to meet code. The documents have been combined into one 6-page PDF and are now available online. The earthbag/geotextile basement wall system described here has excellent potential to save on initial construction costs and long-term energy costs. No concrete is used. The same principles have been used to build retaining walls for decades. We're getting revved up for winter seed swaps, and planning our tomato plantings to account for all the great tasting events next summer and fall. Find out how to find your own local events, or host your own! Yes, unreinforced masonry is a risk in earthquake zones. Here’s how you can find the earthquake risk for your area, plus tips for making adobe houses more stable. Sometimes the best activity on a rainy day is snuggling up with a blanket and reading a good book. Build your own reading nook with this tutorial, and you’ll be able to watch the rain from the warmth of your homemade paradise. Every now and then we need to re-evaluate our thoughts, just as we re-evaluate our things. Learn about making cloth Christmas gift bags and find out how walking barefoot in the grass is good for you. July is UV Safety Month. Don’t forget to protect your skin and eyes from the sun while enjoying long summer days. Use programmable watering timers in your garden to help you maintain a regular schedule, keeping your plants well hydrated with less work. Eight books that have had a transformative effect on our lives. Earthbag building has just received engineering approval. This is probably the greatest news ever for earthbag building. With engineer-approved plans, we see unlimited potential for earthbag building for homes, shops, schools, you name it. Three New Colors Provide More Options for Consumers A few thoughts about the activities here in southwest Missouri this spring, including plans for a garden, thinning and pruning trees, and salvaging urban logs Website links to earthbag building projects. My inbox is stuffed this week with emails from bloggers and pundits heralding the release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report confirming for the world that global warming is real and that we have, indeed, done our share to cause it. Eco-Libris offers people the opportunity to off-set the books they read by planting trees in developing countries. The cold, hard facts about how Annie Warmke, goat herder extraordinnaire, found her calling in a barn with Eleonore Rigby and her two tiny kids. Whole Foods Market commits to verifying it products as free of genetically modified organisms. Natural Home editor-in-chief Robyn Griggs Lawrence explains the grocer's commitment to providing natural and organic products. Whether you live in town or in the country, if you have animals (pets or livestock) you have humorous stories to tell. Can you live on less? See how far you can make $20 go for a week or a day. Concrete rubble from collapsed buildings is a huge problem in Haiti. It is blocking roads and hindering reconstruction. Instead of spending millions of dollars trucking the rubble away and disposing of it, why not use it to build affordable housing? I had heard there are thousands of new earthen houses in Thailand. That really amazed me, so I set out to learn the details about the modern earth building movement in Thailand. Cam is not a big fan of "ebooks." Readers share their best tips for keeping food fresh longer. Learn how to extend the life of all kinds of food, and prevent spoilage. Whether you're planning to install solar panels, or hoping to put up a backyard wind turbine some day, share your thoughts on the renewable energy projects that intrigue you most. There are a growing number of small, solar-powered gadgets for sale including solar flashlights, radios, cell phone chargers, outdoor motion lights and more. Are you using any of these small solar products? Do you find them useful? Tell us what you think! Consider substituting whole wheat bread for processed, white bread. American Airlines is the greenest U.S. airline for the third consecutive year in Newsweek's Green Rankings List, an annual environmental ranking of the country's 500 largest publicly traded companies. Describes two internet radio stations that provide environmental music. Aquifer depletion, rising temperatures, population increase and ethanol production are conspiring to send grain prices soaring and could lead to a world food crisis, Earthwatch Institute president Lester Brown predicts. Chicago has decided to convert its entire garbage truck fleet to electric trucks from Motiv Power Systems, making it the first city in the U.S. to have a zero-emission fleet. Simone Swan built her off-the-grid domed and vaulted home in Presidio, Texas, as a model of how financially and thermally efficient adobe can be. For $50 a square foot, she built a masterpiece. She says you can, too. You can "bootstrap" (put up the funding) a home-based business to get started. Then look for outside funding when you have reached a measure of success. One of the easiest ways to make your own newspaper pots. A number of tea companies are donating proceeds from sales to Japanese earthquake and tsunami relief efforts. A Precision Garden Seeder can make planting seed crops quick and easy! The growing bike boom may be more than just a fad. It may be a full-blown movement toward a more sustainable mode of transportation. Don't like weeds? Well, maybe this will change your mind. An article in the New York Times, discusses possible ways that weeds could help fight global warming. Easy to make and addictively wonderful, whole wheat English muffins are cooked on the griddle before they are baked in the oven. Share your thoughts about natural building methods including straw bale building, cordwood construction, earth building and more. Try this wonderful corn pancake recipe with flavorful ‘Floriani Red Flint’ heirloom grain corn. HOMEGROWN Life blogger and Maine dairy farmer Dyan Redick discovers a kindred soul in E. B. White when she reads the essay Memorandum, from his 1944 collection, 'One Man's Meat.' We are collecting Wit and Wisdom From Our Elders: tips and stories of how people took care of their homesteads in the past. Share your stories! The Financial Times Climate Change Challenge winner is the Kyoto Box solar cooker, which uses no fuel other than the sun to cook food. While there are plenty of great reasons to grow a food garden, we recently polled readers to find out their primary motivation for gardening. Read their interesting results, plus tell us more about your gardening philosophy. A scientists who has studied plant pathogens for more than 50 years warns that Roundup Ready crops could cause "a general collapse of our critical agricultural infrastructure." Learning the basics about electricity will help you conserve energy. I learned life lessons early in life as a newspaper delivery boy. Valuable lessons that carried on though life. Sometimes even — perhaps especially — those whose lives are full with experience, knowledge and good living can find that as their time begins to dwindle, there isn't quite enough. Not that that's anything other than as it should be. Winter is over and the colors of spring are here! A spray bar and squeegee for washing your pets, all in one tool! Sowing confusion about wheat. Does wheat wreck your health? Trying out the new whole-grain bread recipe was a bit of a challenge; but in the end, the result was a delicious loaf. Food is the most universal symbol of America’s age of excess. The average American’s dinner comes from five different countries, with a combined airfreight and ocean freight mileage tab that often exceeds 10,000 miles. At least three-fourths of that meal is processed and packaged, its nutrients stripped away and replaced by texturizers, sweeteners, and flavor “enhancers.” Landscape designer Alma Hecht turned a tiny house into a welcoming home and studio with cozy outdoor "rooms" that extend her living space. Don't like weeds? Well, maybe this will change your mind. An article in the New York Times, discusses possible ways that weeds could help fight global warming. One of our family treasures is an old iron mill. We had an opportunity to get the old mill out this fall and grind some beautiful wheat that we had been gifted with. Most Americans believe that cleaning products are required to list ingredients on labels. They're not. But Whole Foods is taking matters into its own hands with a color-coded rating system that holds manufacturers accountable for green claims. Participate in our reader photo contest by showing off pictures of your permanent raised garden beds. Send us your garden tips and you could win a free deluxe, ergonomic garden trowel. Using newspaper, learn how to craft easy, biodegradable pots to start seeds. Many people believe that their values define who they are. Unfortunately, many of our values don't translate into action. To live a fruitful, peaceful, and productive life, meld your values and actions. You'll be happier and content -- whole. Building my own electric car seems to have caught the attention of the Media. As though getting on the front page of the County paper for a speeding ticket in my electric car wasn't notorious enough, now I'm getting calls from big-shot reporters! Over the last 2 decades BeeWeaver has seen change in who keeps bees, and why they keep bees. The journey of the last 20 years has not been easy for the bees but the efforts of these New Beekeepers will keep the amazing honeybee a part of our word. My husband Alan’s first gift to me was Helen and Scott Nearing’s Living the Good Life. The books we turn to regularly have changed, although some we go back to again and again, year after year. A list of our top 10 favorite books follows. Where we find a wealth of information for projects and enjoyable reading. Time management tools can help a homestead run smoothly as well as make the work more enjoyable. By focusing on different tasks in different seasons, assigning different tasks to different days and by sharing tasks, the work becomes both manageable and fun. Taking a ride on an old steam engine. That extra hour of sleep was great, but your animals may not think the same thing about that same hour. Here's how to make truly unusual whole grain bread, with delicious results. This post informs readers on the advantages of using whey in baking. It includes a recipe for whole wheat sandwich bread. ECOvention, LLC announced today that as of August 2010, more than 30 Whole Foods Market locations in the Rocky Mountain region will use the multi-functional, eco-friendly GreenBox to serve take-away customers at their brick-oven pizza counters. The "Almost No-knead Bread" technique from Cook's Illustrated Magazine is as much worth trying as the totally no-knead technique that has become so popular. Ellen Allard, The Gluten-Free Diva shares a pressure cooker, gluten-free, whole grain breakfast cereal. In this video demonstration, learn how to make a tasty variation of no-knead bread that incorporates steel cut oats. DIY projecters have many styles of building, from using detailed plans to building by-the-seat-of-your-pants. What is your favorite style? Are there any fix-it projects that you have taken on recently, that you previously would have hired someone to do? Super Glue is a wonderful product, as long as it stays where you put it. But occasionally the sticky liquid escapes onto fingers or toes. Should we all just grow our hair longer to save money on barber and hairdresser visits, or is cutting it ourselves a better way to go? Harvest time brings back memories for many of us. What do you remember about the harvest? Organize your home with simple household products. Stumps, benches, lounge chairs and hammocks offer a place to contemplate the day’s activities. You can fix breakfast (lunch or dinner) in a matter of minutes on this portable, easy-to-construct tin-can stove. Wide-brimmed head gear can protect your face and neck from hot and drying summer sun. Medical marijuana was a $1.7 billion industry last year--just shy of Viagra as pot-related businesses crop up across the country. Wabi-sabi teaches us appreciation for the good energy and soul that handmade items bring to our homes. Etsy, the premiere source for handcrafted home goods, offers an extensive list of items whose sale will benefit Japanese relief efforts. Chado-En tea company will donate 100 percent of profits from the sale of its special cherry blossom tea to Japanese relief efforts. Monsanto's Roundup Ready system transformed typical weed problems into a national superweed crisis, only healthy farms can correct the damage done. While it's almost impossible to completely avoid GMOs, you can minimize your exposure by eating organic and knowing which products are the worst offenders. Monsanto, the world’s largest producer of genetically modified seeds and the toxic herbicides used to drench them, is calling itself a supporter of sustainability. You’re kidding, right? Concerned about the U.S. Department of Agriculture's refusal to stop Monsanto? Here are four steps you can take now. NaturalNews readers overwhelmingly chose Monsanto as the world's Most Evil Corporation. The U.S. Department of Agriculture deems Roundup Ready alfalfa safe, leaving organic crops vulnerable to contamination and paving the way for more superweeds. Fearing a sugar shortage, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced it would defy a District Court judge's ban on Roundup Ready sugar beets. Before winter's chill starts to compromise comfort and elevate home energy bills, there are 5 energy-saving upgrades you can complete. Nordic Naturals introduces Vitamin D3 Gummies, the delicious, chewable, wild berry gummy that provides 1,000 I.U. of vitamin D in each serving and is sourced from cholecalciferol, the natural form of vitamin D preferred for optimal absorption. The pectin-based product is gelatin free and does not contain artificial coloring, flavoring, or preservatives. A brief description of Manuel and Mary Ann's straw bale home and its efficiency. How we persist until our 11 cords of firewood is accomplished and then re structure our lives. In Japan, more and more people are combining farming with other work. My neighbors and I fit the pattern, but what's it all mean for the future of farming? The experience of growing one's first garden is a thrill one will never forget. Drag them... pull them... tie them to a chair! Whatever you have to do to get your family to sit around a table and eat healthfully--do it! We are losing the simple act as gathering as a family a sharing a meal. Do you hear the dinner bell? Let's go! Where we go to reflect on life and relax. Summer intern Megan describes her first time gardening at MOTHER EARTH NEWS, planting cucumbers for the first time and watering the office garden. Bleached, colored, preserved and flavored, white bread is practically devoid of nutrition. Tasty whole-grain crackers — simple to make, quick to disappear. “Green,” sustainable homes that deliver low cost of ownership. Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods announces the retail availability of four new delicious and all-natural granolas that provide perfect ready-to-eat options for the breakfast table or on the go. Recipes for satisfying gluten-free breakfasts. Amy Green shares a recipe for Gluten-Free Seven Grain Slow Cooker Breakfast Cereal. Registered dietitian, Cheryl Harris, introduces gluten-free whole grains that add fiber and nutrition to the menu for those with celiac disease and gluten intolerance These recipes with filling, protein-packed whole grains such as quinoa and millet are great options for no-meat or low-meat diets. Concerned about Monsanto's Roundup Ready crops and genetic engineering of our food? Let President Obama and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack know. Readers report on the types of flowers they grow to attract pollinators and other beneficial insects. Spring brings an abundance of arrivals and changes, from returning birds and newborn critters to budding plants and warming breezes. We want to know, what are you most looking forward to this spring? Here's a helpful guide to help you make sustainable choices while shopping or out to eat. What else do you do to support sustainable farming practices? Which is your favorite hatchery and why? If you need help finding a poultry hatchery or baby chicks, we have some resources for you. Macrameing has been a popular craft medium for decades. Share your most outlandish macrame project. Knowing that MOTHER EARTH NEWS readers are often health-conscious and choose to grow their own food, we're curious: Have you cut back or eliminated certain ingredients or foods from your diet? If so, why, and what effects have you noticed as a result? Many people today don't know the basics of cooking. What culinary skills would you like to learn? Whether you’re riding in a parade or watching from the sidelines, you might consider getting into the spirit of the day by letting your bike go red, white and blue. Have you ever let your imagination run wild and built a fanciful, unique … (spinning wheel, bat house, garden tool) Readers share information and recipes about their favorite eating and cooking greens. Everyone gets stuck with a restless night from time to time, and some of us suffer from full-blown insomnia. We want to know, what do you do to make sure you get a good night's sleep? (Plus, check out a few tips from our editors.) Readers share tips for saving money on food. If you are planning to build a backyard deck, consider whether the best strategy for footings is using deck blocks or cement piers. All the sights, sounds and smells of nature can create beautiful memories. Do you have a favorite nature memory that stands out from all the rest? Share your best nature memory in the comments, and check out other readers' favorites as well. Use plants from the forest, field and desert as natural dyes to color your fine fabric creations. Tell us about your ideal homestead. What would it be like? Kids love to build forts and space ships, and create secret places to dream and imagine. There are many ways to protect wood from the effects of weather, what is your favorite technique? Share your thoughts about using a bicycle to get around town and your tips for less experienced bikers. Wood pallets can be used as is or stripped and remade into new forms. What creative uses have you found for wood pallets? Have you ever built a raft, boat, canoe or dugout? If so, tell us your tale. Engaging in new projects around the house or yard can put us in unfamiliar territory where we might make mistakes that are potentially dangerous or just embarrassing. Are we truly making a concerted effort to give up the convenience of single use products or is the practice so engrained in our culture we can't escape its effects? Readers share their favorite garden irrigation methods. Holiday gifts frequently come with "some assembly required" and can cause frustration for late-night Santas. What is your most memorable some-assembly-required experience? Create a custom room in your home and express your creativity by decorating with stencils. Keeping your tools in good working order saves time and money. Having your own wind turbine can save you money on your utility bill and lower your impact on the environment. What are your thoughts on wind turbines in backyards? If you’re growing food in the house through the cold months, our readers can benefit from your experience. Have you had success at indoor gardening before? What did you grow? Share your tips and tricks! Does your family celebrate the season in a non-traditional way? Please tell us about it. Once built, this window-mounted heat grabber should give you years of dependable service. Purchasing the materials for a DIY project can involve making a number of decisions. When you’re deciding on the materials for an outdoor wooden project, are you more apt to be swayed by cost or durability? Here are some ways to save on energy and money while keeping your home cool in extreme summer temperatures. You don't have to be a master carpenter to take on a DIY project. What building project have you done all on your own that you are the most proud of the results? Share your thoughts. What homemade and natural cleaning products do you find work best in your home? The holidays are upon us. What traditions do you faithfully observe each year? Do you use specialty salts in your cooking? Please share your ideas with our readers. Have you ever been injured on the farm? Tell us how you're doing, and share your advice on how we can avoid the same accident. Readers share regional gardening resources. Parents share stories about getting better food into school lunches. Readers share their winter gardening stories. Wooden toys made by you for that special child in your life will be memorable gifts. Denim is strong and durable, and used jeans can be recycled into all kinds of fun and useful creations. Can the clutter that threatens to chase you from your workshop be remade into usable items? To date, some research suggests vitamin D can help build bones, strengthen your immune system, and lower the risk for diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, and heart and kidney disease. Have you had your vitamin D levels tested? How do you get your D? Blizzards, bitterly cold temperatures — the past few months have been full of wild weather stories, shared in the news and at the local coffee shops. What is your best wild weather story? Swings are a universal favorite of youngsters and oldsters and an easy-to-build backyard toy — if you have a big tree available. This year Earth Day turns 40 and focuses attention to building a global clean energy economy. Mama Chia organic chia seeds are infused with delicious fruits and vegetables to create a convenient, fun and tasty snack for active souls of all ages. Getting started each day presents a major challenge to many people. With so many pressing demands, it's often difficult to know where to start. Feeling overwhelmed and panicked, you may end up frittering away your time. He's a trick to get you going. Help us determine if a mixture of coffee grounds and eggshells can protect your cabbages from pest damage. We’re looking for reader tips about the worst garden weeds and how best to manage them. Share you advice with us, and read how other readers are dealing with weeds in their gardens. How often, if ever, do you check your the gas mileage of your car or truck? Did you know it's super simple to calculate mpg, and observing it over time can help you improve your gas mileage and save money? On the farm their can be lots of animals. Do you remmeber your first farm animal? Meet Kriste Misiak and her family, the recent winners of the MOTHER EARTH NEWS Ultimate Garden Giveaway. The BP oil spill shocked the nation, but it’s not too late to take action. We want to know what you plan to change. Help our readers solve garden pest problems without resorting to the use of chemical pesticides. You can use the power of the sun to heat water for your home using manufactured solar hot water systems or one you build yourself. There are thousands of organic products available today, and they're not limited to food. Tell us what you buy organic and why. Home improvement stores offer free DIY classes. What project have you not started yet but dream of doing? Readers share best pie crust recipes. Readers suggest local food products and local food producers to our community. You can't just hit the ground running when you make the transistion from rat race to homestead. There are lots of lessons to be learned. What wisdom can you share with the homestead hopefuls? Share your fresh butter and buttermilk recipes. Considerations of sustainability factor into countless supplies, tools and methods present in your garden. What do you do in your own garden to be a sustainable gardener? DIY projects are great fun and can save money — unless you end up in the emergency room. The walk on the moon on July 20, 1969 was a monumental event, which forever changed our world perspective. Where were you on that momentous occasion? Readers share recipes for easy one-pot, crockpot and casserole meals. Readers suggest sustainable oyster sources. Natural Home editor in chief Robyn Griggs Lawrence suggests some tasty, eco-conscious recipes and tips for your Earth Day celebration. Turn out the lights. Light the candles. Tomorrow night (March 28) from 8:30-9:30 (in your time zone) is Earth Hour. This describes how older individuals can take steps to keep themselves cool on very hot days. Build your own wood-fired earth oven for baking fluffier, more flavorful bread and other baked delights. Mother's Day weekend brought lilacs, bedding plants, pie and a nap. Passive solar design comes to Navajo families, as architecture students build homes on Utah reservations. Tart, tangy and tangerine — Nordic Naturals new vitamin gummies. KIOTI tractor company realizes significant growth in North American markets. April is National Garden Month! Learn about the benefits of building a garden and tips on how to create one even if you don’t have a big backyard. Over 100,000 thunderstorms occur each year in the U.S. Stay safe during Lightning Safety Awareness Week This mesmerizing video shows city lights, wildfires in Australia, and even gas flares in the Middle East, all photographed from a satellite high over our heads. Have you heard of “guerrilla gardening,” where folks toss flower seeds into vacant lots, or sometimes sneak in at night and plant flowers in unkempt highway medians or strips along city sidewalks? Check it out this year as a fun and fruitful way to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. Here's where you can find or build a press for making compressed earth blocks, and some helpful advice on sealants. My first blog for MOTHER EARTH NEWS takes me back to a time when I didn't know I had a love of gardening. One of my first gardening experiences came during an unlikely encounter with my curmudgeon grandfather. In a recent survey, we asked our online readers if they thought genetically modified foods should be labeled. What do you think? Tell us what you think! We'd like to know whether you're using compact-fluorescent light bulbs at home and why or why not. Readers share reports about their favorite specialized kitchen utensils. Readers share tips, tricks and recommended products for keeping produce fresh longer. Readers share recipes and ideas for using up all those end-of-season green tomatoes. We want to hear your county or state fair stories: What did you enter this year? How did you do? If you're still waiting for yours, what are you preparing to enter? One great thing about gardening that goes beyond soil building and crop rotations is its ability to bring people together. As spring is now officially here, it’s a great time to revel in all the pleasures the season is sure to bring. Please share your thoughts and stories about how gardening has brought people together in your life. When you run out of land on which to grow food and fuel in your own country, is it OK to buy cheap land in a third-world country? Homesteads and farms often have fun or touching names that etch themselves into our memories. Is there one that has stuck in Have you had a home energy audit done before? A home energy audit can show you the best ways to make your home more energy efficient. It can be challenging to stay physically healthy and keep your spirits up during the winter months. You tell us, what do you do to say healthy this time of year? The negative effects of the recession are painfully clear, but is there a silver lining hiding among the clouds? There's some evidence that the recession might means good news for the environment, and you might find it in your own home. Check it out, and let us know what you think. Do you have a woodstove or pellet stove at home? We’d like to hear more about your experiences with woodstoves and any tips you may have for heating with wood. In May 2009, the Paid Vacation Act was presented to the U.S. House of Representatives. If passed, the bill will require that companies offer paid vacation time for their employees working 25 hours a week or more. What do you think of a paid vacation law? Readers familiar with triple-digit temperatures share their best tips for gardening in the southwest. Get advice about what to plant, when to plant and how to plant if you live in the hottest areas of the country. While some can't wait for the warmer days to return and others are invigorated by the seasonal briskness, most of us have some cold-weather habit, holiday activity or winter ritual that we hold dear. Whether it's burrowing under thick piles of blankets, watching for the first snow flakes or getting a head start on garden planning, what are your favorite winter moments? Gardeners suggest gardening books for beginners. Share your favorite places to learn about food preservation. Readers share tips and tricks for storing green tomatoes and keeping them longer. Legislation to control the use of antibiotics on the farm is gaining momentum in D.C., and emotions on both sides of the issue are heating up. Tell us what you think of the bill. We know why we love heritage breed livestock, but why do you? Recycling building materials from other sources is a great way to cut the cost and reduce the environmental impact of your DIY projects. We want to know where readers go to find reclaimed or used building materials, and how they use these materials in home projects. Readers share tips and stories about wild food foraging. Tips on how to control soil erosion and help protect one of Earth's most important natural resources. Finding a company from an advertisement in Mother Earth News and how it benefited us. . A mother's love is shown for her daughter by patiently crafting dress patterns from frugally saved fabric while the rest of the house is fast asleep. Weather conditions impact spring migration – which migrants will you see this week? Ready for summer recreation? Hit the water safely during National Safe Boating Week. Captured rainwater off of roofs can save money and water use. Create a pollinator-friendly garden to attract hummingbirds, bees, bats and other animals. Are you Weather-Ready? September is National Preparedness Month. One of the most recognizable features of wetlands is their smell. What makes these areas so pungent? National Arbor Day is April 25. Celebrate by learning about trees, volunteering or planting a tree at home! List of the Top 10 Apps for Taking Tech Outdoors. Tips on how to test your house for radon during January's National Radon Action Month! Join the Picnic for the Planet for Earth Day, April 22, to celebrate the planet we live on, its food and the people who live here. Tips on how you can reduce your exposure to radon in your home. Tips on how to feed birds during the winter. The fourth annual Earth Hour is Saturday between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m. Turn off the lights and take a stand against climate change! Tips on how to prepare yourself for a day of hiking! How to save energy in commercial and industrial buildings. You could spend a fortune on flowers from faraway for Mom--but why? This sweet bouquet made from fresh-picked flowers and flea market finds is cuter than anything FTD could deliver. This one's great for weddings and graduation parties, too. Studies show unhealthy dieting kills more people than alcohol, cigarettes and drug use combined. Wabi-sabi has infused Western design for centuries—though its advocates rarely knew it. It’s in the plain, efficient homes built by the Shakers, the unsentimental Arts and Crafts style, Frank Lloyd Wright's Prairie houses and midcentury furniture. We'd like to hear about projects you have planned that will help you save energy, save water or otherwise make your home greener. Painted rocks or pebbles can potentially deter birds from pecking at ripening fruit. Tell us how this technique has worked for your, plus check out other readers’ tips and responses. A recent poll asked you what percentage of people living in the U.S. you would guess grow food gardens. Most respondents underestimated the actual numbers of households with home gardens, a growing trend. Believe it: With patience and pecking around, you can find low-voc paint for little more (maybe even less!) than you'd pay for conventional paint. What's your experience? In light of the environmental, economic and other damage caused by the Gulf oil spill, has your opinion about increased domestic drilling changed? Yes or no, we want to hear your thoughts on the topic. From books and blogs to television news and online media, there are dozens of sources for learning about global warming. We want to know: Where do you go for reliable information about global warming? There are a lot of changes we'd like to see made to our food system this year. Add your own. The pros and cons of nuclear power have been discussed in news and politics for years. We want to know what you think. Is nuclear power a viable and safe option for cleaning up our air? Are the risks of nuclear energy worth the potential rewards? Are there other energy alternatives that deserve more of our attention? We’d like to hear more about your experiences with green power. Is it available where you live? How does the price compare to what you would otherwise pay for electricity? Why have you — or haven’t you — chosen this option? Should we be building more garbage incinerators in the United States? Leave a comment and tell us what you think. With the media reporting widespread vitamin D deficiencies and the Environmental Working Group's 2010 Sunscreen Guide reporting that some sunscreens may do more harm than good, there seem to be a few good arguments for getting a little exposure to unadulturated sunlight. What do you think? Will you change your sunscreen habits because of recent reports? Rechargeable tool packages use the same battery to power multiple tools: saws, drills, drivers and flashlights. What are the benefits of these systems? When we're trying to achieve our dreams, it can be easy to be overwhelmed by all of the steps between where we are today and where we ultimately want to be. MOTHER EARTH NEWS writer Jenna Woginrich suggests a great idea for a fresh perspective and making your goals more attainable. If you look at the next 60 minutes, what can you do in the next hour to get closer to your goals? Environmentalists are in a debate about the Cape Wind project. We want to know what you think about the proposed offshore wind farm. Let's dream a little dream of green home improvement, without worries about funding. From carbon footprints to added wear and tear on everything from trails to monuments, travel of any kind leaves a mark on the environment. The difficulty of balancing the environmental effects of your travels with a desire to see and appreciate firsthand the natural and manmade marvels of the world isn't an easy task, and is an issue that's inspired a wealth of discussion. What do you think? Would you travel less, or otherwise change the way you travel, in order to protect the environment? We received more than 900 responses to a recent poll about flu shots, and we want to know: Are you getting a flu shot this year, and why or why not? Plus, share your tips for staying flu-free, flu vaccine or no. Water conservation can help you save big on money and energy. Here are a few ways to help you conserve water at home by simply using water-efficient appliances. For homes in warm climates, white roofs, aka cool roofs, can reduce air conditioning costs by up to 20 percent. A little pampering can go a long way in making you feel rested, cared for and treated — and it doesn’t have to be expensive or involve complex chemistry. Check out this recipe for homemade bubble bath, and share your tips for creating a do-it-yourself home spa experience. Hosting a gathering for casual fun or big celebrations can use up a lot of resources and leave a mess. What are you favorite tips for keeping waste to a minimum without sacrificing fun when hosting a great event? As H1N1 (also known as "swine flu") continues to spread, people are taking a variety of precautions to avoid catching or spreading the virus — from being more diligent about washing hands to cancelling long-awaited vacations. Tell us what you're doing, and find out more about H1N1 and how you can stay informed and healthy. Share your opinion: Are you contemplating installing a solar-electric panel for your home? The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists recently moved back the minute hand on the symbolic Doomsday Clock by one minute, in part because of what they see as hope for mitigating catastrophic climate change. Tell us what you think about their decision. Spotlight on Earth Stewardship pays homage to eco-conscious individuals by sharing their stories of hope, inspiration, challenges and insight into making the earth a better place for generations to come. April 26, 2013 is National Arbor Day! Celebrate by planting a tree at home or enjoying trees where you live and learn about the many benefits they provide. Protect and enjoy our nation’s 70,000 miles of rivers during National Rivers Month. July is UV Safety Month. Stay safe in the sun with these tips. Going to the beach? Get real-time info on Great Lakes beach water quality, weather and water conditions. Buzz…sting…ouch! Why are yellow jackets more aggressive at this time of year? What makes a piece of land a wet-land? Not all wetlands are wet for the same reason. United Nations Climate Week invokes memories of first Earth Day and how far we have yet to go to clean up our environment. Participate in Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count to help scientists study winter bird populations: www.earthgauge.net/?p=33409 Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to power a laptop for 5 hours! America Recycles Day is Nov 15. Ready to decorate? Show your holiday spirit with LED lighting to save energy and money. www.earthgauge.net/?p=33327 WTAJ has partnered with the National Environmental Education Foundation and Project Noah to help show wildlife and the impacts of weather on living things in Central Pennsylvania. Was it a teacher? A parent? A field trip? What was your Earth Changing Moment? Share your first connection with the environment. Getting ready to carve a jack-o-lantern masterpiece? Learn how weather impacts the pumpkin harvest Celebrate the 20th anniversary National Public Lands Day on September 28! Find a volunteer site. Headed back to school? Protect air quality, save energy and recycle for a healthier, greener school year. Fall is a great time to replace traditional light bulbs with energy-efficient bulbs. Save up to $50 per year. We all have the responsibility to do are best to preserve the Earth and the environment in any way we can. Some people take it to the extreme, but that isn't always necessary. There are many ways we can make simple changes in our lifestyles to contribute to saving what's most precious for our children and future generations. Protect our water supplies during National Groundwater Awareness Week by saving water at home: www.earthgauge.net/?p=23794 Small but mighty: birds have smart strategies for surviving cold weather. Building a fire to stay warm? Use these ‘best burn practices’ to minimize smoke & protect your health: www.earthgauge.net/?p=17955 Whether you live on the beach or 1000s of miles away, there are easy ways you can protect coastal water quality. Planting a water-smart garden with native plants can help you save water when temperatures heat up. A cold winter and late-season snow in some parts of the U.S. could mean a rough spring allergy season. Show us how you take a second to conserve water! Memorial Day signifies the unofficial start of summer and onset of hot weather. Use these tips to stay cool. August 3 to 9 is National Farmers Market Week! How does weather impact growth and harvest of fruits and vegetables? www.earthgauge.net/?p=36863 Tips on how to improve lakeshore habitat conditions by reducing nutrient pollution. Planet Connect's Get Green Video Contest wants you to show how you can Green Your City with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). Tips on how to clean up after a hurricane. Tips on how to protect children during Children's Health Month in October! Tips on ways to use fallen leaves in the fall. Tips on how to increase your car's fuel efficiency by checking the tire pressure. Tips on how to help save fuel and money while driving. Participate this year in the annual Christmas Bird Count from December 14, 2012 - January 5, 2013 and help scientists understand how bird populations have changed over the past century. Tips on how to construct a compost bin and what to include in them. Build a simple backyard barbecue pit with no more than a shovel and a good cover panel for your next barbecue party. Tips on wasps and ways to get rid of nests around your house or property. Tips on which birds to keep an eye out for in different weather conditions. In celebration of the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, Target has opened recycling stations at each of its 1,740 stores. November 11-17, 2012 is Geography Awareness Week and the theme is 'interdependency' this year. Audubon's annual Christmas Bird Count allows citizens to help scientists understand how bird populations have changed over the past century. Tips for water conservation during a drought. Information on World Wetlands Day and their benefits and tips on how to protect your local wetlands. Tips on how saving energy this fall and winter can help reduce nutrient pollution in water bodies. Tips on how to protect water quality with phosphate-free cleaning projects during spring cleaning. Tips to save energy and water during the holiday season. Tips on what to do with all the fallen leaves this autumn. Tips on how to protect local wildlife and water bodies during the spring thaw. Protect your home and yourself by making your property Firewise! Here are explanations on how to think of your property in zones and additional tips for protecting your home property. The 10 People's Choice finalists are great examples of the socially and environmentally responsible business leaders that meet the standards of Green America’s Seal of Approval. Tips on what to do with leftover pumpkins during the autumn season. Save water from March 12-18, 2012 during Fix a Leak Week! Tips on how to celebrate National Wildflower Week, May 6-13! Tips on how and where to view bald eagles. Tips on how to compost, what is composting and reasons why you should compost. Tips on how to stay safe and warm during extremely cold wind chill temperatures. Tips on how to enjoy fireworks safely! Volunteer to take care of the public lands in your area during National Public Lands Day on September 29, 2012! Tips on how to be smart about salt this winter and protect water quality. Does Punxsutawney Phil have competition for 'predicting' the weather? Take a look at these other animals and insects that can tell when the weather is changing, or can't they? Explanation of what bioretention systems are and how they are used to reduce and filter storm water runoff. Tips on how to improve air quality while driving your kids to school. Tips on how to calculate your nitrogen footprint. Tips on how to choose the best Christmas tree and what to do with it after the holiday season. Announcing the 2012 Wildlife Conservation Youth Engagement Grants! Tips on how to conserve energy and save money with compact fluorescent bulbs during shorter daylight hours. Tips on how to replace driveways, sidewalks, patios and walkways with pervious pavements, materials that let water seep through to soil. Tips on how to stay safe during clean-up activities after a tornado. Facts on the links between weather and pumpkins and what you can do with leftover pumpkins. Tip for avoiding lead sinkers when ice fishing. March 10-16, 2013 is National Groundwater Awareness Week and groundwater provides over 40 percent of U.S. population with drinking water. You can protect water quality at home by conserving water. May is American Wetlands Month. Find out the many environmental benefits of wetlands and find out how you can help protect them! This will be an ongoing series, which pays homage to Eco-conscious individuals by sharing their stories of hope, inspiration, challenges and insight into making the earth a better place for generations to come. Help measure the amount of 'light pollution' in your community and contribute to a growing data set by participating in Globe at Night. Tips on how to reduce energy with lights during the holiday season. The Great Backyard Bird Count in 2013 runs from February 15 through February 18! Help scientists gain a snapshot of how winter bird populations are changing across North America. Consumer Reports has stated that it recently found arsenic in food, The United States' rice supply is contaminated with this "group 1" carcinogenic. Cities such as Seattle and Portland, Oregon, are accommodating swelling populations by allowing backyard cottages in existing neighborhoods. The units accommodate renters, elderly relatives and even ex-spouses. Could they make a difference? A Birth Altar is a space that will become a power symbol of one's birth. I have begun creating my birth space and bringing together objects that will become my collection of strength during my home birth. As Congress considers the 2013 Farm Bill, it has the opportunity to enact legislation that protects and supports the nation's family farmers and market gardeners, in addition to protecting consumers and the environment. As antibiotic resistant infections become more prevalent due to antibiotic use in livestock, health advocates turn to the White House for action. Five people and two U.S. honey processors were charged with ‘honey laundering’. Investigators found illegally imported honey from China. British scientists have found that many pesticides--including those commonly found in food and 16 that were previously considered safe--disrupt male hormones. You can find great reports from the field and footage of rare bird species at the American Bird Conservancy's Bird News Network. Plus, find tips for winter birding and check out highly entertaining footage of the moonwalking manakin bird. Sandy Boyce's sauerkraut was a hit, selling out each week, until her county health department asked her to stop. Across the nation, regulations can prevent small-time home producers from distributing their 'cottage foods' to the public. Fracking, buying American, GMOs and unplugging topped the green news this week. On Earth Day 2009, the Plastic Bag Reduction Act was introduced to the House of Representatives, proposing a five cent tax on single-use bags. We want to know, would you vote yes for the tax? Tell us what you think. If you installed a wind turbine or solar-electric panels, would you want to be tied to the electric grid, or would you rather have a grid-independent system? A new federal tax on soda and other sugary beverages has been suggested as a way to pay for part of the major overhaul of the U.S. health-care system proposed by the Obama administration. What do you think of the proposed soda tax? Taking a bus or a train can be a great green way to reach your vacation destination. We'd like to hear more about your bus or train travels and what you liked, or didn't like, about the experience. Share your story here! Readers share their best ideas for saving money on meat and their recipes for almost meatless, flexitarian meals. PBS and Ken Burns’ new series, “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea,” is stirring up interest in some of our country’s most beautiful and awe-inspiring nature, as well as its people. And it’s no surprise that many of MOTHER EARTH NEWS readers have fond memories of these wilderness areas. What are your favorite memories and stories regarding our national parks? Bike-share programs are now operated in more than 500 cities in 49 countries. Most cities are finding that bike sharing leads to better mobility and safer streets. How we built a cob oven and rocket stove hybrid. Are you air aware? Learn how air quality affects your health during Air Quality Awareness Week. Plant life along small streams starts a food chain that stretches all the way to the ocean. Rain gardens provide many benefits including filtering out pollutants and keeping runoff out of city storm sewers. We’re interested in how our readers have lessened their environmental footprint. Headwater streams are small streams or tributaries that carry water from the upper reaches of a watershed to a river. Help scientists study how bird populations are changing during the Great Backyard Bird Count. MetLife Stadium is reducing waste, saving energy and saving water. Take a page from their playbook. www.earhgauge.net/?p=33964 Efficiency pays off! Resolve to save energy, water, fuel and money in 2014. Get started with these tools. Try these simple actions at home that can help reduce water pollution. Chase down household leaks and fix them to save water and money during the Earth Gauge #FixALeak Week. Engineering is helping to solve some of our biggest environmental challenges. Learn more during EEWeek. Spring is the perfect time to give your home cooling equipment a check-up before hot weather arrives. Houses take a lifetime to pay off these days, and even a prosaic shed, barn or coop requires a heavy investment of money, time, skilled labour and imported materials. For thousands of years, though, people around the world used an ancient technique to build homes and other structures quickly, using nothing but local material and simple, easily learned skills. Tips on how to use "best burn practices" at home to minimize wood smoke and protect your health. Tips for saving energy at home while trying to stay cool. Tips on how to prevent soil compaction on your lawn and reduce water pollution! Plant a patio garden, get a more efficient TV and change your light bulbs, suggests eco-designer Sabrina Soto. Tips on how to prepare yourself for a natural disaster during September's National Preparedness Month! Some things have come full circle, so now we have a chance to fix it right this time! Check out Earth's Journey for recycled, up-cycled and/or environmentally friendly art. Installing a rain gauge can help determine how much water your plants really need. Tips on how to properly maintain your home's septic system. A look at the completed project and some of the features. Today we officially celebrate Earth Day, but we can celebrate healthy soil and all that it contributes to our lives every day. See nature work in this week’s Photo of the Week. Remember to submit your own pictures, and you could be the next Photo of the Week! Tips on how to dispose of pet waste properly for National Dog Day! Disneynature is premiering its new documentary, Oceans, on Earth Day 2010 to show the beauty and harsh reality of the Caribbean's threatened coral reefs. A portion of the proceeds from tickets purchased from April 22 thru 28 will go to support the preservation of coral reefs in the Bahamas. Cam leaves his lights on during Earth Hour since he generates his own electricity with solar and wind! Tips on how to protect your skin and stay safe in the sun. Tips on how to save energy, water and fuel at home and on the road in 2013! Tips on how to conserve water in the fall with weather-based irrigation controllers. Tips to help wildlife beat the heat with fresh water. Tips on how to protect naturally-beneficial estuaries. Today as I was researching Habitat for Humanity, I learned how far its helping hand reaches. Even more interesting to me, though, was that Habitat continues to build in such war-torn counties as Afghanistan and Pakistan. Tips for limiting your exposure to pollen to help manage allergy symptoms. Tips on how to take part in citizen science projects during the fall! Hold on to the holiday spirit while saving energy and money this season with holiday LED lights. Learn more about the life and work of Malcolm Wells, the "Father of Earth Sheltered Design." Evidently when it comes to visualizing our future, a lot of people expect the worst and are inclined to leave it up to God. It is up to God, of course, but God gave us two eyes in the front of our heads to look forward and prepare for what’s to come. Tips on how to conserve energy at home with Energy Star compact fluorescent light bulbs. Columbia University's Earth Institute will hold an informational session on its Sustainability Management program on February 10. How to avoid contacting poison ivy and poison oak. Tips on how to save water at home and protect water quality during National Water Quality Month. Tips on how to prepare for emergencies and/or natural disasters. Are you ready for the kinds of severe weather that could impact the area where you live? National Severe Weather Preparedness Week takes place from Mar. 3-9, 2013. This is a great time for you and your family to “Be a Force of Nature” by learning the importance of planning for severe weather events and practicing how and where to take shelter before severe weather strikes. Tips on how to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. World renowned oceanographer Sylvia Earle explains the poor maintenance of the world's oceans, and necessary steps to take in order for this damage to be reversed. Earth Gauge describes the links between geography and weather during Geography Awareness Week. Tips on how to protect yourself form harmful algal blooms. A new episode in the PBS series Journey to Planet Earth, hosted by Matt Damon, will feature Mother Earth News contributing editor and visionary Lester Brown’s “Plan B” on how we can save civilization in the face of global climate change. You can save gas and money by keeping your tires correctly inflated. And now a group of high school students has launched a project to encourage drivers to regularly check their tires. June is National Rivers Month! Help protect your local waterways with these simple tips. Tips on how green roofs can benefit your wallet and the environment! Information on how to volunteer on National Public Lands Day. Check out these tips and share your ideas for welcoming 2010 with a green New Year’s Eve party. Existing homes that are certified as “green” sold for 30 percent more than homes without such a designation, according to an analysis of the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan region released today by Earth Advantage Institute, a nonprofit green building resource. Newly constructed homes with a sustainability certification sold for 8 percent more than non-certified homes. This result continues a four-year trend in which new homes with third-party certification for sustainable construction and energy performance have consistently sold for more than newly constructed homes that had not been certified. The term "certified home" includes homes that received an Earth Advantage New Homes, ENERGY STAR, or a LEED for Homes designation, or a combined Earth Advantage/ENERGY STAR certification. Want to Save on Earth-Friendly Products? Check out Worm's Way's sale by clicking on the Earth Week banner at WormsWay.com and enjoy up to 20 percent off your purchases. By focusing on environmental change this Earth Day, we can reach our green potential. Green initiatives need to be implemented, both individually and collectively, for us to reduce our environmental impact. Don’t miss these featured documentaries showing on PBS’s Earth Day programming. Great Quotations: the 4th installment in a series. This post features 14 fabulous eco-quotations, from thinkers such as Wendell Berry, Rachel Carson, Thoreau, Edison, and others. Earth warming is causing rapid glacier melt all over the world raising the average sea level at an alarming rate. Friends and I travel to the Open Source Ecology project in rural Missouri to take a tour and help out laying up earth bricks. Let's stop for a minute and think about what we are doing! Here's a chance to transform your home into the greenest one on the block and then pay it forward to your neighbors to help paint your whole town "green." The Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star program launched its 2011 Change the World, Start with Energy Star Campaign. This campaign encourages and inspires Americans to commit to energy efficiency by highlighting grassroots efforts of individuals all over the United States. The environmental advocacy group, Earth Day Network, is rallying environmental activism through a climate rally and a new site where the environmental community can learn about issues and events. Learn more about their efforts and how you can get involved. Lester Brown from the Earth Policy Institute held a teleconference on Dec. 11 to discuss the advantages of a green economy, for the environment and the U.S. work force. As America’s fuel use continues to decrease, proposed solutions such as the Keystone XL pipeline and food-to-fuel conversions may be unnecessary. Gather your friends to host a party or just enjoy the quiet as you turn off the lights for one hour to show your love for the planet. The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) notes the environmental benefits of commuting and traveling on a motorcycle. An amazing, off-the-grid Welsh hobbit house was built in less than four months and for less than $5,000. The U.S. Department of Agriculture says its first certification program for bio-based products will make it easier for consumers to identify biodegradable, renewable, recyclable and environmentally safe products. Simplify the Christmas season with these 12 tips for gifts, gift wrapping and decor—as well as steps you can take to make your celebration light on the planet. Another set of Great Quotations. These seven quotations have direct relevance to gardeners and farmers, but they offer wisdom that everyone can learn from and enjoy. Earth Days, a poignant, 2009 Sundance Film Fesitval success, will premier on Facebook April 11, and on the PBS Network April 19. For those of us who hate to use chemicals in our gardens, in our homes, or with our livestock and pets, diatomaceous earth may be a safe and efficient substitute. It may worm your animals, rid them of fleas and lice and even handle indoor pests. Whether or not it was devised by clever Mexican potato growers, the cheap, easy to build, and space-saving potato tower is a unique alternative to rows, barrels, and other methods for planting, growing, and bringing in your season's spuds.
The Wedding Night, by Sophie Kinsella Anyone familiar with Sophie Kinsella’s stand-alone novels such as Can You Keep a Secret? and I’ve Got Your Number, will recognize the basic formula of her most recent offering, The Wedding Night: the smart-if-a-little-zany heroine and the brooding and remote hero who always seems to catch her at the most mortifying moments possible but falls for her anyway. Kinsella, however, has a talent for creating variety within the formula, and doing it so well that each new book is welcomed by her readers as a beloved friend with whom one cannot wait to catch up. The Wedding Night is succeeds at being both funny and romantic, though it lacks some of the effortless sparkle of previous books outside her Shopaholic series. The plot centers around sisters Fliss and Lottie and the fallout when flaky Lottie rebounds from a breakup with her complacent boyfriend by eloping with Ben, the boy she fell in love with during her teen gap year and never saw again. The overprotective Fliss, a single mother still reeling from her divorce and her ex-husband’s decision to move to the States (and away from their young son) with his new girlfriend, is determined to put the kibosh on her sister’s hasty wedding plans, and she’s not afraid to use every dirty (and itchy) weapon in her arsenal. Along for the ride is Ben’s business partner Lorcan (see brooding hero, above), who has his own reasons for wanting the wedding squashed, and Fliss’s seven year-old son, who adds to the hilarity with his innocent and repetitious query “Have they put the sausage in the cupcake yet?” Whether you’re already a Sophie Kinsella fan or simply looking for something fun to balance out your summer reading, The Wedding Night is an excellent choice. Well-written and charming, it will leave you looking forward to the next novel by the prolific Kinsella. Check it out in the fiction section of your local library! Recommended by Rebecca Hospice Voices – Lessons for Living at the End of Life by Eric Lindner Mr. Lindner’s book evolved from his 5 year experience in hospice volunteering. Hospice is a program for terminally ill people, and hospice volunteers are trained to give direct care and companionship to them. This memoir of his experiences with his clients is filled with poignant and funny stories, along with reflections on his hospice training. Breaking assumptions about the nature of people and their needs is a common theme, as well as the unpredictability of how people ultimately die. His commitment is fierce, as he takes on 5 patients during one period, and even calls and writes some of them when out of town – because the joy of his work “outweighed the sadness.” The last chapter of this inspirational read is a short chapter on do’s and don’ts and a reflection on his aging parents. This is not a sad book! Focus – the Hidden Driver of Excellence by Daniel Goleman Goleman (author of Emotional Intelligence) discourses on the science of attention. His main thrust is that in order to succeed in our increasingly fast paced and complex world, we must master the skill of concentration in whatever we choose to do. He discusses various ways to achieve focus and three kinds of attention - inner, other and outer focus. There are applications for raising children, focusing on the positive things in life, and building effective teams in the workplace — in other words, something for everyone. Telling the Bees by Peggy Hesketh Albert recounts his life in Orange County from the perspective of his lifelong vocation, beekeeping. In reflecting on his past, he chronicles the region’s evolution from farmland to suburbia and concurrent changes in society. The plot of this novel ranges from Albert’s youth, his friendship with Claire (a neighbor), her mysterious trip, to their eventual estrangement (which is explained much later) and the mystery surrounding her demise. It is written from a stream of consciousness perspective, with love for the culture of bees entwined in virtually every aspect of Albert’s lonely life and narrow existence. This is an unusual novel in that you will learn a lot about bees and honey. One assumes those tidbits are all true! Edison Elementary School Cookbook - a collection of family favorite recipes from the Edison School community, Alameda, CA 2012 This is a collection of great family-tested recipes, from appetizers to desserts, most requiring a handful of ingredients. They reflect the diversity of this area, and present an interesting twist on cuisine you won’t find in similar books outside California! There are contributor and recipe indexes. Some of my favorites are: cranberry pie, chutney chicken and oven roasted asparagus. Gilead (a novel) by Marilynne Robinson Gilead is a special kind of memoir — intended for John Ames’ (the narrator) young son from a second marriage, who will lose his father in the near future to a heart condition. It is a beautiful reflection on the life of a Christian minister in a small town, but it is more than that. It is also a contemplation on the lives and influence of the narrator’s father and grandfather, both ministers, and some memorable experiences during and after the Civil War. This is a touching book about forgiveness, loneliness and love. If you don’t read a lot of novels, this comes with a high recommendation, because of the author’s skillful writing, and its depth and range. Fox Bunny Funny by Andy Hartzell - recommended by Kevin A graphic novel about foxes and bunnies drawn in black and white that uses no words. Sounds great, right?? Don’t let the surface details fool you, this is one of the most intense, thought-provoking graphic novels around. The foxes and bunnies live in a world of strict societal rules where everyone knows their place—foxes rule, bunnies suffer. But what happens when you don’t identify with your group? Both funny and gruesome. For mature readers. Treasure Island !!! by Sara Levine - recommended by Lynda – wherein our narrator, a 25 year old (unnamed) totally self-absorbed slacker discovers Robert Lewis Stevenson’s Treasure Island and decides to make it her personal guidebook for living a bold, new life by distilling the message of the book to four Core Values: boldness, resolution, independence and horn-blowing ( her own!). In doing so she blindly runs roughshod over everybody and everything in her path demolishing employers, family & boyfriend in a series of increasingly bizarre schemes she cooks up by twisting the “core values” to justify whatever wacky, awful thing she wants to do. The reader can only read on in fascinated horror and/or laughter. People either love or loathe this book, depending on whether they respond to the dark humor or are uncomfortable pathological manipulation of the main character. It would be great for a book club read sure to generate lots of heated discussion. Hidden Dimensions: The Unification of Physics and Consciousness, by B. Allen Wallace - recommended by Ted The author is well qualified for the task: degrees in religion, philosophy and physics and ordained as a Buddhist monk by the Dalai Lama himself. However, as much as he decries the single mindedness and non-objectivity of both the religious and scientific studies of cosmology, his acceptance of claims by Buddhist practitioners, even from over 1000 years ago without qualification or hesitance, does undermine his own credibility. In any case, he thoroughly discredits Descartes, Christianity, a convincing case for regarding Buddhism as the template for understanding quantum physics, and through that, the rest of reality. All Joy and No Fun by Jennifer Senior - recommended by Jill Thousands of books have looked at the effects of parents on their children. In All Joy and No Fun, author Jennifer Senior asks: what are the effects of children on their parents? There are many ways in which children reshape their parents’ lives, whether it’s their marriages, their jobs, their habits, their hobbies, their friendships, or their internal senses of self. Jennifer argues that changes in the last half century have radically altered the roles of today’s mothers and fathers, making things more complex and far less clear for parents. Jennifer collected her information many sources—in history, sociology, economics, psychology,philosophy, and anthropology—as she looked at the timeless strains of parenting and the ones that are brand new. Her research comes to life in the homes of ordinary parents around the country. Not only does she speak to the many challenges, but she also discusses the rewards of parenthood and how children can deepen parents’ lives. Recommended by Beth My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante Charming story by one of Italy’s leading writers about two friends, Elena and Lila, who grow up in a poor neighborhood of Naples in the 1950s. Themes of poverty, violence, isolation and the power of love and friendship and the quest for a better life through education and knowledge are treated in vivid detail. Through this coming of age novel, the author brilliantly captures the monumental changes happening in Italian society at that time. This is the first book of a trilogy. The Dinner by Herman Koch Engrossing tale of two brothers who with their wives meet for dinner in a fashionable restaurant in Amsterdam to discuss what to do after they find out that their teenage sons have committed a shocking crime and are not yet caught by authorities. Each character is slowly unraveled and the narrator is found to be less than reliable. This cleverly written novel by a Dutch writer reveals the dark side of a genteel society and raises the question of how far will families will go to protect the ones they love. San Miguel by T.C. Boyle - recommended by Karin San Miguel is a small, rugged, sparsely vegetated island off the coast of Santa Barbara.The island provides a strong backdrop and connects the stories of three women who lived there with their families in the 1880s and 1930s. Details of homestead life and sheep ranching are incorporated into this historically accurate fictionalized account of the Waters and Lester families. Marantha Waters, leading a comfortable life in San Francisco yet plagued by consumption, invests the last of her savings to help her husband attain his dream of creating a livelihood for their family in a place supposedly better for her health.Several years later her daughter, Edith, rebels against her confinement there.The nineteenth century brings sturdy Elise Lester, newlywed librarian from New York, to the island with her husband, a World War I veteran. This book portrays an isolated, hardscrabble existence in the not too distant past, conveying the hopes and disappointments of life on the island. Recommended by Rebecca This is the definitive work (revised 5th edition with “latest healing breakthroughs”) on these two topics. Dr. Murphree’s comprehensive book makes the key differences between the two conditions very clear. His expertise is evident as he guides the reader through a holistic approach to reverse symptoms, and he leaves no stone unturned as he addresses the immune system, allergies, parasites, yeast, common medications, alternative therapies and nutrition. His writing is informative, and his treatment of the digestive system, endocrine system, and new strategies for restoring sleep is easy to understand. Supplemental material at the back includes symptom profiles for possible underlying conditions and a brain function questionnaire. Orange is the New Black – my year in a women’s prison by Piper Kerman A graduate of Smith College finds herself in a situation over her head, and pays the price by serving time in a federal prison 10 years later, after finding the love of her life and success in business. Realistic and insightful, this is a revealing look about what life is really like in one women’s prison. It is also a cautionary tale about graduating from college without a goal! Fortunately and amazingly, her friends and lover remain loyal. All New Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew This is the 2nd edition of the book that helps you learn how to “grow more in less space.” It’s a fun, inspiring book, filled with photos, ideas and do it yourself projects, from planning your garden, to building boxes and structures, to creating “Mel’s Mix.” This is a great reference tool that you can go back to year after year. People Tools – 54 Strategies for Building Relationships, Creating Joy, and Embracing Prosperity by Alan C. Fox This book of 54 short inspirational stories features a “people tool” in each chapter that can be applied on a personal or professional level. It’s a compendium of wisdom with a generous dose of wit from a man who has been successful in business, law and the literary world, and is simply the collected highlights of an interesting life. Your Genes, Your Health – a Critical Family Guide That Could Save Your Life By Aubrey Milunsky, M.D., D.Sc. Dr. Milunsky’s guide to what we should know about our genetic history is illuminated by touching real life stories. He has written a powerful treatise in a way that makes the content compelling and understood by the average person. This book should inspire everyone to learn about their family histories, so that genetic testing and assessment can be sought to enable one to make good decisions and prevent tragedies. Even a photo of a grandparent may help the clinician identify a specific disorder. In situations where prevention is not possible, genetic knowledge can lead to early intervention and effective treatment. Chinese movie: The Grandmaster - recommended by Renee The long-awaited movie, The Grandmaster, finally arrived at the library and is ready for you to check out or reserve. The Grandmaster is another successful martial arts drama film based on the life story of the Wing Chun grandmaster Ip Man. This movie is directed and written by Wong Kar-wai (Wong, Jiawei) and stars Tony Leung as Ip Man, Zhang Ziyi as Gong Er. The film has been selected as the Hong Kong entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 86th Academy Awards. Don’t understand Chinese? No worries. This movie is in Mandarin dialog and dubbed in English. Gentrification of the Mind: Witness to a lost imagination by Sarah Schulman - recommended by Kevin A stunningly provocative history and memoir of the AIDS years (1981-1996) in New York as told by Sarah Schulman, novelist, journalist, playwright, and activist. Schulman uses her personal experience as queer activist and longtime resident of the Lower East Side to document how the victims of AIDS have been forgotten and how their deaths have facilitated the process of gentrification. An important book for every American. The Artist’s Handbook by Ray Smith The Art of Enameling: Techniques, Projects, Inspiration by Linda Darty Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering How the Brain Codes Our Thoughts by Stanislas Dehaene - recommended by Ted Descarte’s aphorism merely stated succinctly the dualistic proposal that is as old as philosophy. The brain is clearly biological, but the mind, and especially consciousness is something else. The author maintains that a quantum mechanical solution is really just as romantic and ethereal as a theological one. Here he proposes what used to be dismissed as mere reductionism: that consciousness is a function of neuroscience and is electro-chemical, that it is genetically based and thus a product of evolution as much as any other system. Although his science is far from complete, he demonstrates that there is already plenty of qualitative evidence. Brain mapping as applied to people with various brain dysfunctions as well as infants and a variety of other mammals, along with computer simulations offer a relatively convincing explanation of sensory interpretation and activation, memory, and a high level feedback loop that evaluates, compares, and makes predictive analysis based on virtually every brain function, along with both internal and external inputs. Those inclined to a conception of consciousness as beyond conscious understanding and requiring an acceptance of something non biological, non-physical and inexplicable would be challenged by Dehaene’s thesis. Museum of Extraordinary Things by Alice Hoffman - recommended by Beth Magical story of young love in 1911 New York City told from the perspectives of Coralie and Eddie. Coralie, daughter of an owner who runs a freak show on Coney Island, works as a mermaid and swims for hours in a fish tank in the Museum along with other performers like Wolf-Man, Butterfly Girl and a 100 year old turtle. Eddie is a Jewish immigrant living on Lower East side and working as a tailor but leaves home to work as a photographer of crime scenes. There are plenty of plot twists involving a mystery, romance and historical events like the fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company and at Dreamland amusement park. The novel is mesmerizing full of period details and written in vivid prose. Family Life: A Novel by Akhil Sharma - recommended by Karin This is a story about the immigrant experience in America and much more. Ajay Mishra is the youngest son in a family of four, who immigrate to New York from Delhi in the 1970s. It is through his eyes that the narrative unfolds. Within two years of moving half way around the world, tragedy strikes. Birju, the first born son, upon whom so many hopes have been placed, has a devastating accident. All effort and family activity revolve around Birju’s care, leaving Ajay adrift. This is his coming-of-age tale as well as a tale of family life. It is heartbreaking and authentic, yet without sentimentality. (This title is being ordered by the Library, and not yet available for requests, however Karin thought it was too good to pass up) Recommended by Rebecca The Possibility of Everything by Hope Edelman Best selling author Edelman’s memoir of a season when her daughter Maya was 3 years old is also a travelogue, in that most of it is set in Belize (with a side trip to Guatemala), a tiny Central American country. Was it serendipity that she and her husband chose this location for their holiday break? Maya’s “imaginary friend” was manifesting frightening behavior and causing turmoil for a family already stressed by an often absent father. In Belize they consulted shamans, one of them the acclaimed Dr. Rosita Arvigo, an American expat. The vacation was also an opportunity to navigate through their marital strife. Highly recommended! Real Happiness at Work by Sharon Salzberg This book, based on qualities the author calls “the 8 pillars of happiness in the workplace,” aims to convince the reader that greater job satisfaction is possible no matter what your work worries may be. With 40 years experience teaching mindfulness, concentration and compassion across a broad spectrum of the workforce, Salzberg deftly explains the “how” and the “why” of meditation practice in a straightforward way. She shares lots of real stories as evidence in her quest to prove that real happiness at work is possible. The Constant Choice by Peter Georgescu The author, a retired American businessman, weaves his fascinating memoir with a contemplation of world conditions. In an effort to explain how we can solve our complex problems, he studies the fundamental nature of evil and champions the principle of doing good for good’s sake. This book is a thoughtful reflection on the many good things that have happened to him since his arrival in the U.S. in 1954 as a Romanian refugee, yet it is not sugar coated. Georgescu’s family suffered deeply from the evil of Joseph Stalin and he has given solid reasons why we should “choose always good.” Big Data by Viktor Myer-Schonberger and Kenneth Cukier Our romance with the Internet is producing Big Data, and because of it, the business world and the government are using it to their advantage. This book tells us exactly what Big Data is, how it is changing our society, and how we can protect our privacy. The authors (a professor and a journalist), who are specialists in the Internet and big data, have collaborated to produce this informative and captivating book about “the next big The Longevity Kitchen by Rebecca Katz with Mat Edelson This is the age of disease prevention and getting smarter about our health. Learn how to use the “top 16 age-busting power foods” to stay healthy and eat smart. This book is 25% basic instruction on nutrition and healthy food, and 75% recipes, with lots of mouth watering color photos. A favorite chapter is “Dollops of Yum” – recipes for simple sauces, relishes, marinades and dressings that are flavor enhancers. Resources and a short bibliography are Recommended by Kevin An Unnecessary Woman by Rabih Alameddine A beautifully written novel about a woman looking back on her life from the solitude of her apartment in Beruit, Lebanon. She has devoted her life to literature, eschewing the path that society and her family had set out for her. Instead she works in a bookstore and spends her spare time translating a new novel into Arabic each year simply for her own pleasure. A small disaster forces her to question her choices and reassess what is important. Richly detailed and slow-paced, yet still a page-turner because of Alameddine’s rich characterizations and witty dialogue. A great book for books lovers, filled as it is with quotes from many other great writers.
The David and Jane Richards Family Foundation has appointed a leading evolutionary biologist as scientific advisor. Dr Sophie Evison, an expert in bees, will support the new UK charity in its work to advance the teaching of ecology in state schools. The foundation is funding the installation of beehives and bee colonies at primary and secondary schools to help children learn about nature. The Richards are passionate about protecting the bee population and see beekeeping as a valuable way of introducing children to a wide range of interesting, useful and important subjects. Dr Evison has worked with bees since 2009 and is a prominent evolutionary biologist who uses social insect models to investigate a variety of aspects of evolution. She is the newly appointed assistant professor of ecology at the University of Nottingham and has held research posts at the University of Sheffield, University of Leeds and University of Paris. She has published extensively. Dr Evison runs interactive workshops with schools, in which she explains and demonstrates the “waggle dance”, performed by bees on return to their hive after feeding on flowers to inform other bees about the direction and distance of the food. This summer, she took her workshop to music festivals to help spread the word about the biology of bees and threats to the bee population. Bees face a range of threats including habitat loss, climate change, toxic pesticides and disease, according to Friends of the Earth. Dr Evison said: “It is fantastic that the David and Jane Richards Family Foundation is working to advance the teaching of ecology in state schools. Bees are such complicated and complex creatures. They have sophisticated communications systems, genetics and social structures. From a biological perspective, we can learn so much from them. I am looking forward to working with the foundation to support its important work.” The Richards said: “We are delighted that Dr Sophie Evison has joined our foundation as scientific advisor. Her experience and expertise will be invaluable to our cause as we bring beehives and bee colonies to more state schools. “We need a healthy bee population for food security, sustainable farming, biodiversity and environmental protection. Our goal is to make more people aware of the threat to their extinction and the devastating effect this would have on the balance of our ecosystem.” The foundation supported the installation of an apiary at Wisewood Community Primary School in Sheffield in July. More announcements will be made in due course. About the David and Jane Richards Family Foundation: David Richards, the founder and chief executive of public software company WANdisco plc, set up djrff.org with wife Jane to educate, empower and improve the lives of children. The foundation is registered as a charitable incorporated organisation to operate throughout England. Its trustees are Professor Chris Brady, director of the Centre for Sports Business at the University of Salford, Lord Kerslake, the former head of the civil service, and Herb Kim, founder and CEO of Thinking Digital. Its aims are the advancement of computing and ecology education in state schools and the advancement of environmental protection and improvement. The foundation is supporting the installation and running costs of beehives and bee colonies at a number of state schools in Sheffield, starting with Wisewood Primary School. David and Jane Richards have donated £1.1m to fund its work.
Beekeeping: Part Art, Part Science. Art is the ability acquired by experience to use one's knowledge. Experience is a good teacher - if you can afford the tuition. Knowledge of beekeeping is often based on lore - traditions and beliefs handed down through generations. Science is knowledge obtained and tested through the scientific method, that which is true whether or not you believe it. HiveTool: Advancing Art through Science. Hivetool™ is an open source project comprised of beekeepers who work with technology as technicians, engineers, programmers and database and system administrators. Our goal is to produce software and hardware tools to monitor, manage and research bees and honey production. See hivetool.org for software, hardware recommendations, instructions, plans and user manuals. Hivetool.net provides real time access to the network of hives. Hive data for research is warehoused at The Data Center for Honeybee Research. The software is Linux based, although it should run on Windows. Readily available, commercial, off the shelf, consumer grade (low cost) hardware is used. The software supports as many different brands of hardware as possible, to avoid being locked into one vendor, technology or computing platform as technology advances so rapidly. A database is being populated with every variable we can measure, both in the hive (e.g. weight, temperature, humidity, bee counts, audio, video), ambient conditions (solar radiation, barometric pressure, rain, wind, dew point), and hive parameters (location, elevation, orientation, hive design, foundation material, etc.) The data is both for our own research and management and for any other beekeeper, researcher or student for data mining. There are currently over 20 hives on-line in California, Georgia, Iowa, North Carolina, and South Carolina. By the end of the summer, more hives in Colorado, Florida, Michigan, and Oregon should be on-line. Other facets of the project in the works are a smart phone app that will interface to the scale, temperature probes, etc for remote yards and a video camera bee counter. All the data is available for download by anyone at anytime. We welcome engineers, programmers, scientists, researchers, bee keepers, and citizen scientists from anywhere around the world and invite you to join our effort. Open Source/Open Notebook Hivetool™ is an open source project. Wikipedia defines open source as a) universal access via free license to a product's design or blueprint, and b) universal redistribution of that design or blueprint, including subsequent improvements to it by anyone. Originally, open source just applied to software, then hardware. Hivetool™ also open sources the data and research results (open notebook). Again from Wikipedia: Open notebook is the practice of making the entire primary record of a research project publicly available online as it is recorded. There is no 'insider information'. It is the logical extreme of transparent approaches to research and explicitly includes the making available of failed, less significant, and otherwise unpublished experiments. We want peer review to start at the beginning of the experimental process to make the research as quick and efficient as possible. Why wait until the experiment ends with poor results to point out the flaws in the experimental techniques? - Hive Management: Help the beekeeper determine when to feed, split, super and provide data to validate or invalidate beekeeping lore, practices, equipment, techniques, treatments. - Climate and Land Use Research: Provide data to NASA for analysis. Eventually do our own research as the hive database is built up over time. - Education and Bee Science: Attract students to education and science.
Mark A. Negley, the 24-year-old proprietor of Arcadia-based Negley & Son honey, is the "son" in the company name. His father and grandfather were beekeepers, as well.These days, Negley—who has a degree in food and resource economics from the University of Florida—is the face of Negley & Son's honey production business as well as a passionate promoter of the power of bees. ALL IN THE FAMILY Negley grew up helping his grandfather (former chief entomologist for the state of Pennsylvania) and his dad (a former apiary inspector who moved to Arcadia in 1975), but it wasn't until college that he got his own beehives. "I was always afraid of getting stung," he admits. At UF—where he spent "every one of my spring breaks and most of my summers working bees"—his passion for beekeeping was born. Now he's responsible for Negley & Son's more than 1,000 hives. INGREDIENTS MATTER "Our honey is raw, unheated and unfiltered," Negley says, "and we know exactly what's in it." Each bottle comes with tasting notes on the label; Negley hopes to help people appreciate different varietals for their distinct tastes and textures. For example, orange blossom honey, which is produced in early spring, tastes completely different from black mangrove or blackberry honey, produced later in the year. Negley says that buyers should be wary of anything labeled "wildflower honey," a catch-all term for producers who don't know—or care—exactly what the honey is made from. MORE THAN JUST TASTE Those who suffer from allergies may know that a daily tablespoon of local honey can provide some relief, but honey has other medicinal benefits as well (and the darker the color, the more vitamins and minerals you'll find). Honey has anti-inflammatory properties, is said to kickstart liver function, soothe the throat and relieve coughs. It contains natural hydrogen peroxide and can be used in facial treatments to help soften and heal the skin. Plus, studies seem to show that bee venom may help control the inflammation that leads to rheumatoid arthritis—good news for beekeepers like Negley, who gets stung often. Thanks to a rise in rooftop beekeepers in New York City, Negley frequently sends baby beehives to amateur city-dwelling beekeepers; he's happy to help interested Sarasotans in their beekeeping pursuits as well. Sustainability is important to Negley & Son. They're currently producing everything from functional furniture to pieces of art fashioned from old Tupelo hives. Want to buy a bottle of honey? Negley & Son varietals are sold exclusively at downtown Sarasota's Artisan Cheese Company.
We focus on boutique honeys and the health properties of honey. We've always been passionate about wellness and we're excited about the quality and health benefits our cold extraction process provides to our customers. We treat our honey with respect allowing the honey to be fully capped before we extract so that its fully mature, this adds richness to the flavour of our honeys. We've been beekeeping in the greater Brisbane and South East for over 32 years! Call Petes Honey07 3343 5321 "Delicious honey with distinctly different flavours, definitely from happy, contented, cared for bees. Thankyou Peter and Bronwyn" "We picked some of this honey up at the markets this morning. It really is amazing honey at a really great price!!! Extremely happy customer " This keeps the integrity of the flavours and the health benefits of the honey. Cold extracted honey is not just a sweetener its good for you. All of our honeys are single source honeys, each batch of honey comes from one apiary site. This gives unique flavours to our honeys. We wait until the bees have fully capped the frames before extraction. This ensures the honey mature and adds a richness to the flavour of the honey.
Professional honey producers say people should stop spending their money on costly how to start beekeeping classes in San Francisco California because they can get affordable training through online information plus ebooks which cost far less than honey bee farming classes. The first lesson in keeping bees will be to learn all you are able to from any resource you locate. To be an effective beekeeper that you’ll need to be learning, learning, learning. So what’s the best place to locate your first lessons Beekeeping lessons are the best way to start out for anyone interested in keeping bees. There are variety of locations to find beekeeping lessons of various sorts. The most cost-effective lessons are offered on the internet. Are these lessons competent to be immediately downloaded but they’re fraction of the expense of lessons that are practical that are offline. You have no way of knowing, what’s really required to be a successful beekeeper and what equipment is needed when you first become interested in keeping bees. It can a daunting even working out where to start learning. Online lessons allow it to be simple to begin, presenting what you have to know to begin and describing beekeeping jargon that is common, rationally. Beekeeping is the kind of company or hobby where there’s always more to learn and not all of it can be learned through classes and books. Beekeeping is dependant on science but it is also an art. There’s no teacher like actual experience, which may only be gained over time through really working with the bees. Every season is significantly diffent, no two summers are equally. Distinct challenges arrive at the hive and beekeeper which is part of what makes beekeeping fascinating. Even though bees have been framed for many a huge selection of years, we’re learning better ways to handle the bees and our environment. The environment has changed, much of it though our intervention. Successful beekeepers learn just as much as they can discover. A beekeeper wants sharp powers of observation and to use all their senses in managing the bees. The most important asset for a beekeeper, is a mind open to learning new things. A number of people find that they’ll confidently begin beekeeping after the online lessons, others like to first extend their learning with courses that are practical. It is better to do the on-line course first, as you may go into the considerably more pricey practical courses with a good comprehension of what you might be seeing and already comprehending the beekeeping terms. After you have had some practical experience with your own bees you may even like to pursue more schooling, there are faculty courses and certifications available in beekeeping. How far with beekeeping lessons you need to go is actually up to you however I might strongly recommend an internet beekeeping course, before going to the expense of lessons that are practical and undoubtedly before you get any bees.
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2018 Spring Meeting Information Beekeeping – Good Fellowship SINCE 1903 Exploring the wonderful world of beekeeping together. THE KANSAS HONEY PRODUCERS’ ASSOCIATION (formerly k.a. The Kansas State Beekeepers’ Association) Friday and Saturday March 9 & 10 2018 The Cedars Conference Center 1021 Cedars Drive, McPherson KS Our guest speakers will be Dr. Dewey Caron and Randy Oliver. Dewey M. Caron is a graduate of Cornell University and Emeritus Professor from the University of Delaware. He has received numerous awards and forms of recognition for his teaching and extension work during his career. He has written many books and is one of our favorite guest. Some of his books are Honey Bee Biology and Beekeeping, Observation Hives-How to set up, maintain and open a window to the world of Honey Bees, Beekeeping Basics and Africanized Honey Bees in the Americas. Randy Oliver owns and operates a small commercial beekeeping enterprise in the foothills of Grass Valley in Northern California. He and his two sons manage about 1000 colonies for migratory pollination, and produce queens, nucs, and honey. He has over 40 years of practical beekeeping experience, plus holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Biological Sciences. Randy researches, analyzes, and digests beekeeping information from all over the world in order to not only broaden his own depth of understanding and knowledge, but to develop practical solutions to many of today’s beekeeping problems, which he then shares with other beekeepers through his various articles in bee magazines, his speaking engagements worldwide, and on his website: www.ScientificBeekeeping.com If you have questions about the program please contact me (Joli) by phone at 913-856-8356 or by email (use ‘KHPA’ one the subject line) at [email protected]. Please start letting folks in your local area know so that they can save the dates. KHPA Meeting Information (link). If you belong to a local beekeeping group please promote our meeting to your group. Kansas Honey Producers Fall 2018 meeting-save the dates- October 26 & 27 2018 Great Bend Kansas The fall 2018 meeting of the Kansas Honey Producers will be held in Great Bend Kansas at the Best Western and Perkins. Details will be available soon. Please “Save the date”. The Kansas Honey Producers Association (KHPA) is a not-for-profit IRC 501(c)5 agricultural-educational organization; run by dedicated volunteers; supported primarily by membership dues (subscriptions). The IRC status means that the association is a tax-exempt organization. While donations are always welcome, they are not tax deductible as a charitable contribution but membership dues and subscriptions may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses.
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This week Does Roundup really harm Bees? Trapped Beetle tells its story, Bee Swarms take over cars in Auckland and a new Roving Reporters from the Pacific Northwest. kiwimana is a place where the beekeeping community can share a conversation and connect and in this episode we talk about Fascinating and interesting Honey Bee Facts, Being too close may cause hive losses and Who got kicked out of a farmers market? This week we are talking about bastard councils and making soap from bees. This is a bonus episode for our amazing supporters. A great video series by Plant and Food in New Zealand about the history and Elimination of American Foulbrood. American Foulbrood is the most widespread and destructive of the bee brood diseases. Roger Patterson has been beekeeping since 1963, he is from West Sussex in the United Kingdom. He is also the author of the book “Beekeeping – A Practical Guide” Alastair, who is a designated inspector for Ministry for Primary Industries attended the site with Margaret to check our bees for Exotic diseases. What did you find? Auckland Council have put Bees under the “Animal Management Bylaws”. Margaret discusses her views on this move. In this weeks beekeeping podcast we are talking about Fake Honey, Extractors and trickery at the Supermarket. In the fourth part of Margaret’s series about the start to the Bee Season at kiwimana HQ. Some great photos of bees and blooming flowers at this time of year. We went up to the Whangareri Bee Club today to do a presentation about the Robinson Vaporiser. This was the clubs first meeting in January and there was great turn out indeed…
More precious than Gold: why bees are a Fortune earner WHY BEES? Leverage your land resource to increase profits easily, and save the environment That bees are critical to the survival and prosperity of this planet, is a statement that can be hardly contested. Infact Bee venom is 7 times more expensive than Gold Bees play a pivotal role in the growth, and development of natural habitats. In fact, expert agronomists argue that one in every three bites of food we daily consume is a result of the action of bees. You see, bees are expert pollinators and their activities account for 86% of the food we eat, and about 90% of all natural vegetation through cross-pollination. Bees undoubtedly help in preserving natural plant communities by ensuring production of seeds in flowering flora. Indeed bees have been of use to man from prehistoric days, with evidence depicted recently-discovered in artwork from Spain, Ancient Egypt, and even Israel, depicting beekeeping activities in the ancient world. In fact, the honey bee was the official hieroglyphic symbol of Lower Egypt! In Crete, bees were depicted in religious symbolism as it represented powerful deities—the leading Mother Goddess. Increased Farm yields Farmers have attested to sharply increased yields immediately after incorporating bees in their farms. Because of the ease of cross-pollination, agriculturalists planting fruits have especially seen growth because of bees. This is because bees increased yield per acre, and benefit neighbouring farms through pollination. But that’s not all. Modern beekeeping hives are modest in cost, and are easy to set up and maintain, and require relatively little input when established. In the same breadth, with a good professional honey and beekeeping supplier, you get to access quality training in apiary management. Honey, Beeswax, and Royal Jelly Honey and beeswax, are royal jelly are primarily produced by bees. And their applications abound. Honey is a superfood, and is a popular sweetener across cultures in the seven continents. In fact, pure natural honey does not expire. Honey is used a base for many medicinal treatments across cultures. For instance, some health professionals recommend it for weight management as an active fat burner, even when you sleep. Research has shown that honey increase metabolism and thus good for weight loss. Honey has strong antioxidant properties that not only help in reducing pains in sores, boils, and even sore throats, honey actually has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties that help in boosting immunity. Applied directly to skin, honey’s antibacterial properties are good for keeping eczema at bay in new-borns and young children. Furthermore, its cosmetic values about as many attest to the fact that is a natural and healthy alternative to chemical face smoothening creams and other beauty products. Honey is a natural remedy for dandruff, and some testify to its use as a sleeping aid. Beeswax is an important ingredient in many skincare products. Produced by honeybees, this natural wax provides a natural defence against irritants by providing a balm effect, while allowing the skin to breathe. This is so, given beeswax’s anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that make a potent treatment and a salve for skin relief. Beeswax also boasts of many industrial applications: it’s a great anti-corrosion agent, used in making iron products last longer by applying it directly to their surfaces. Beeswax is significantly used in the cheese making industry by acting as a cover for different kinds of cheese. It serves as a wood lubricant and is used in manufacture of waxed threads, making sewing on tough surfaces like leather easier. Royal Jelly is a rich source of protein that’s produced and is used as a primary source of food and nourishment for the queen bee’s larvae. It’s applications are abundant in the medical industry as a treatment for common problems and ailments. Because it’s full of amino acids and essential minerals, royal jelly is extensively used in treating fertility problems and is good for easing menopausal pains. Some studies suggest that it is useful in treatment of cancerous tumours, asthma treatment, liver disease and hay fever. It’s regal name indeed justifies it’s numerous uses. Modern Beekeeping Methods – Langstroth Beehives In order to maximize profits, and get the most of bee by-products, farmers are encouraged to abandon the ineffective, unprofitable traditional beehives for modern beekeeping equipment like Langstroth beehives. Local based beekeeping and apiary management experts like Savannah Honey Limited help farmers in Kenya to leverage their idle land resources by adopting bee farming. These modern beekeeping equipment minimise losses during honey harvesting, and even destructive of hives and bee colonies—a reality in the dated traditional practices. Furthermore, as farmers you get ample training in modern beekeeping methods, to become competent and resourceful apiary practitioners. The additional benefits to the environment and natural farming are evident. Direct Economic Benefits At the time of writing, Kenyan currently imports over 80% of honey consumed locally both domestically and for industrial purposes. This translates to a significant gap that needs to be profitably filled. The cost of a kilo of honey has been rising steadily over the past 6 years in the international market. Royal Jelly is highly in need but its not commercially produced in Kenya.A kilo costs around kshs 40,000 Propolis is a sticky residue bees make from mixing bee saliva and beeswax and is used to protect and seal off hives from intruders and from leakages. It has numerous uses in the manufacture of cosmetics, lozenges and salves, ointments and many more. Propolis currently fetches between US$30 to $70 in the international market. Bee venom is a powerful irritant and inflammation agent that bees use to protect themselves and fend off intruders, and predators. It is a compound of the toxic substance melittin, some amines and histamines. It has multiple applications being used a treatment for arthritis, neuropathy, migraines, paralysis, rheumatism and even multiple sclerosis, among others. A gram of bee venom costs about KShs 8500 locally and about KShs 40,000 in the international market. This then makes the bee venom 7 times more costly than gold! For more information, contact Savannah Honey Limited, and let us help you get started on a profitable path of beekeeping and apiary management. We provide the langstroth hives and other beekeeping equipment,installation of the hives,provide the bees(colony division) for the uncolonised hives, provide monthly visits for technical support which includes Requeening,Colony strengthening and Apiary management to ensure maximum production. We provide ready market through a 6 years contract for the honey,Propolis,Bee venom,Bee pollen and the Royal Jelly. We currently offer Apiary management services to our clients which allows them time to concentrate on their work. Contact savannah Honey today and invest for the MONEY IN THE HONEY Hits: 461https://farmerstrend.co.ke/more-precious-than-gold-why-bees-are-a-fortune-earner/https://i0.wp.com/farmerstrend.co.ke/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/4.jpg?fit=1024%2C768&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/farmerstrend.co.ke/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/4.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1#TrendingBeef FarmingLivestock FarmingWHY BEES? Leverage your land resource to increase profits easily, and save the environment That bees are critical to the survival and prosperity of this planet, is a statement that can be hardly contested. Infact Bee venom is 7 times more expensive than Gold Bees play a pivotal role in the growth,...#FarmersTrendJohn [email protected] am a web enthusiast, writer and blogger. I always strive to be passionate about my work. I started my work at the beginning of 2013 by engaging myself with detail reading and exchanging information regarding farming with others. Since then things and times have changed, but one thing remains the same and that is my passion for helping and educating Kenyan farmers, building a successful blog and delivering quality content to the readers. The particular interests that brought me in the world of blogging are gardening, farming and livestock.Farmers#Trend
CABOOLTURE, AUSTRALIA, Aug. 9, 2018 – Northern Light Technologies (NLT) and Matrix Design Group, LLC (Matrix) are pleased to announce that the Matrix IntelliZone proximity detection system has received IECEx approval from the Department of Industry’s Mine Safety Technology Centre in Thornton, NSW, Australia. Originally introduced to the North American coal mining market in 2009, IntelliZone is the leading proximity detection system in the U.S. and South Africa. IntelliZone’s advanced software positioning system provides precise location of personnel around mobile machinery, allowing it to perform successfully in even the most challenging applications and environments. NLT has partnered with Matrix to assemble, test, distribute, and service the IntelliZone System in Australia to the IS standard. NLT is pleased to announce a new partnership with Matrix Design Group, LLC to develop market leadership in mine networking through the distribution of NLT’s award-winning N-Connex platform. Matrix will collaborate with NLT to deliver solutions for communications, tracking, control and automation, and environmental monitoring into mines in the United States and Africa. The unique combination of NLT’s rugged technologies and the industry-leading proximity technologies delivered by Matrix will ensure mines and tunnels will be safer and more productive. For more information, please read the press release from Matrix Design Group, LLC. NLT and N-Connex, Good Design® Award Winner in Product Design, will be featured in the Australia by Design Innovation (ABDI), a brand new Television Series on channel TEN. ABDI is an entertaining look at product innovations in many industries ranging from consumer products to heavy industry, and products will compete to be in the top ten. Join us over the next six weeks to explore the best innovations Australia has to offer. Australia by Design Innovation Premieres on Saturday October 28 at 2PM on TEN AEST and Sunday October 29 at 3:30 AEST NLT customer and technology partner, North American Palladium has been featured in this month’s issue of CIM Magazine, which is focused on digital mining. Learn how Lac Des Iles Mine is inspiring a digital revolution, powered by NLT Wi-Fi and digital solutions! OFFICIAL MEDIA RELEASE Monday 1st May 2017 N-Connex Receives 2017 Good Design® Selection in Product Design Category. Good Design Australia announced the 2017 Good Design Selections today marking the countdown to Australia’s most prestigious awards for design and innovation on June 8th 2017. After an extensive evaluation process involving more than 35 Australian and international design experts, the Jury have finalised their results and awarded only the best entries to receive the Good Design® Selection. N-Connex was one of only 244 entries to receive the 2017 Good Design® Selection and is now in the running to receive the coveted Australian Good Design Award, which will be announced at the Good Design Awards Ceremony on June 8 at the Overseas Passenger Terminal (OPT) in Sydney. On receiving the Good Design® Selection for N-Connex, the Jury commented: “High-end design for a rugged, no-fuss utility product. It is clear that a professional design team worked on every aspect of this product. The end result is a professionally executed product that does what it has to do with elegance and simplicity.” The Jury set the bar very high this year with only the very best submissions receiving this level of recognition. Australia’s Good Design Awards date back to the 1950’s and have an enviable record of unearthing globally recognised talent and products. Last year, the Flow Hive, an innovative beekeeping device that has taken the world by storm took out the prestigious Good Design Award of the Year, the highest design honour in the country. The 2017 Good Design Awards Ceremony and Festival will coincide with Vivid Sydney, now the world’s largest festival of light, music and ideas. Winners will be celebrated at the black tie Awards Ceremony in Sydney, where guests will be invited to the exclusive opening of the 2017 Good Design Showcase, which will feature the winners of this year’s Awards. “The Australian Good Design Awards attracted innovative entries from all corners of the world and the standard of submissions this year has really been incredible,” said Dr Brandon Gien, CEO of Good Design Australia and Chair of the Good Design Awards program. “This is one of the few design award programs in the world where design and innovation are celebrated so broadly. This year’s Good Design® Selections represent excellence in design across the widest spectrum of design including Product Design, Service Design, Architectural Design, Design Strategy, Digital and Communication Design and Social Innovation,” Dr. Gien commented. “Good design is about making our lives better, safer and happier. It extends to everything around us – from the products we use in our daily lives and the services we interact with to the buildings we live and work in – they can all be improved through better design. That’s what lies at the heart of these Awards”. View the 2017 Good Design® Selections HERE. Asset Purchase of Wireless Solution Company Enhances NLT’s Current Offering Toronto, ON – Northern Light Technologies (NLT) announced today that they have acquired the assets of ActiveControl Technology Inc’s mining division, namely ActiveMine, ActiveTracker, ActiveVoice and ActiveMesh. ActiveControl, located in Ontario, Canada, develops robust certified IS (Intrinsically Safe) network and wireless solutions for harsh and demanding mine environments, while offering redundancy, easy maintenance, and improved safety and productivity enhancements. “I am very excited about this acquisition.” said Heidi Levitt, President and CEO of Northern Light Technologies, “it allows us to combine the best of both our technologies to bring even more solutions to end users in mining markets around the world.” With the newly acquired technology, NLT can now offer Gigabit Ethernet speeds, which allow for a multitude of Wi-Fi client devices to run on the network without compromising transmit speed or throughput. These nextgen access points offer the latest in 802.11n technology, providing higher bandwidth and more volume of data to be transferred. Applications requiring high speed, volume data, such as HD video, real-time monitoring, Vehicle Monitoring Systems, (VMS) and VoIP, are now confidently provided. The new model AM1000 nodes can be configured with up to four radios to allow for increased coverage areas underground and for communication along multiple roadways from a single access point. Ultimately, this will result in cost savings to the mines. NLT offers the latest in personnel and asset tracking, real-time environmental monitoring, and can facilitate automation at many levels. Remote measurement and monitoring, and full communications solutions have been provided to both mining and tunnel construction, and our clients include coal, hard-rock and other mining, both underground and surface. “All around us commodity prices are in flux, mining groups are reducing costs and consolidation continues in the industry,” says Ms. Levitt. “As we assimilate the ActiveControl product line in to our own, we now have the building blocks for next generation networking solutions for global mining and tunnelling markets. I am thrilled that NLT is able to continue innovating in these tough mining times so we can ensure we’re providing our customers the best mining and tunnelling network systems on the market.” Founded in 1984, Northern Light Technologies (NLT) designs and manufactures underground lighting and networking solutions for the mining and tunnelling industries with manufacturing/assembly locations in Canada, Australia and Chile. Northern Light® cap lamp systems are designed for maximum light output, durability and comfort, while offering secondary power options for RFID and Wi-Fi tags, and for remote controls. The NLT Mining Networks division is a turn-key partner in the design, manufacture, deployment, and support of scalable communication technologies that change the way mines communicate, collaborate, and operate. Register today to reserve a spot at Northern Light Technologies Lunch & Learn
The Secret Life of Bees (Paperback) Sue Monk Kidd's The Secret Life of Bees, a heartwarming coming of age tale set in 1960s South Carolina, a multi-million copy New York Times bestseller, now an award-winning film starring Dakota Fanning, Queen Latifah, Jennifer Hudson and Alicia Keys Fans of Kathryn Stockett's The Help and Beth Hoffman's Saving CeeCee Honeycutt will love Sue Monk Kidd's Southern coming of age tale. The Secret Life of Bees was a New York Times bestseller for more than 125 weeks, a Good Morning America "Read This" Book Club pick and was made into an award-winning film starring Dakota Fanning, Queen Latifah, Jennifer Hudson and Alicia Keys. Set in South Carolina in 1964, The Secret Life of Bees tells the story of Lily Owens, whose life has been shaped around the blurred memory of the afternoon her mother was killed. When Lily's fierce-hearted black "stand-in mother," Rosaleen, insults three of the town's most vicious racists, Lily decides they should both escape to Tiburon, South Carolina--a town that holds the secret to her mother's past. There they are taken in by an eccentric trio of black beekeeping sisters who introduce Lily to a mesmerizing world of bees, honey, and the Black Madonna who presides over their household. This is a remarkable story about divine female power and the transforming power of love--a story that women will share and pass on to their daughters for years to come. About the Author SUE MONK KIDD is the author of the New York Times bestselling novels, The Secret Life of Bees and The Mermaid Chair, and the memoirs Traveling with Pomegranates, which she wrote with her daughter Ann Kidd Taylor, The Dance of the Dissident Daughter, When the Heart Waits, as well as Firstlight, a collection of her early writings. The Secret Life of Bees has spent more than 125 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list and was adapted into an award-winning movie starring Dakota Fanning, Queen Latifah, Jennifer Hudson and Alicia Keys. The Mermaid Chair, a #1 New York Times bestseller, was adapted into a television movie. Both of her novels have been translated into more than 24 languages. The recipient of numerous literary awards, Sue lives with her husband on an island off the coast of Florida.
Mileeven Christmas Pudding 454g The Christmas pudding is a traditional cake served on British tables for the end of the year celebrations. In the British tradition, families used to pass on Christmas Pudding or Plum Pudding recipes from one generation to the next. Prepared according to an Irish recipe, this Mileeven pudding will be enjoyed with English cream or brandy butter. This pudding is a tasty, sweet and spicy finale for a perfect Christmas meal! Mileeven is an Irish family company born in Kilkenny in 1988 from a passion for beekeeping. The company is run by a mother-daughter duo. Pure honey was their first product marketed and is still an important product in the range, but Mileeven has diversified and offers today new quality products: flavored honeys, fruit cakes, jams... Awards that the company has been regularly receiving attest of their products’ quality. By tradition, each family had its own fruit cake recipe that was transmitted from generation to generation. Mileeven, with its generous fruit and butter cakes offers the quality and taste inherited from these traditional recipes. The company’s range of jams and marmalades offers fruity flavours that blend perfectly with authentic Irish products.
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Bright Green Bees + TOMS Today, we launch our Bright Green Giving Season! From now until the end of the year, EcoRise is celebrating and sharing all of the wonderful things we accomplished together in 2017. Today’s story highlights the students at Brooke Elementary who think bright green. Earlier this year, while completing a Public Spaces Eco-Audit at their school, students learned about the importance of bees in our food system. They applied for and received $961 in grant funds from EcoRise to purchase beekeeping suits to study the busy bees at their school. the loss of habitat and the loss of food. Our project title is called the ‘Buzz at Brooke’ and it’s about honeybee education.” —Carina V., Brooke Elementary Student Inspire a new generation of leaders design a bright green future for all. Donate $120 or more to our Bright Green Giving Campaign today to support student leaders just like Carina. Don’t forget to join us for our EcoRise Maker Space at the TOMS Austin store on Sunday, December 17, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM and learn how to make solar ovens out of pizza boxes! Thank you for your support and happy holidays! Together, #WeRise!
The Kornati Agricultural Cooperative The Kornati Agricultural Cooperative makes local products: olive oil (extra virgin and traditional), body creams, lip balms, jams (fig, strawberry tree, tangerine); produces authentic souvenirs ("Kornati story", "Kornati pearl", fragrant candles); provides consulting and training, deals with the preservation of traditional values, as well as with landscaping and yard maintenance, cleaning and maintenance of olive groves, demolition of trees and green waste removal services. Toni Turčinov:+385 (0)98 930 0008 Petar Ježina: +385(0)98 509 086 Miro Novković: +385(0)91 589 0655 | Salvia d.o.o. Otok Kornat 75, Kornati Tel: +385 (0)97 7951 322 |Salvia d.o.o. primarily makes essential oil, hydrolat and tea from medicinal sage. Our head office and production are located at the heart of the Kornati National Park, where we create superior top-quality products in harmony with nature. All our products have an ECO certificate and the HOP label (Croatian island product), have strong therapeutic impact and are effective for many ailments. |Teta Neda souvenirs Murterskih iseljenika 5, Murter Mob: +385 (0)98 948 4256 |Teta Neda started her creative work when she retired. After many years of hard work in the kitchen, she found peace in making unique souvenirs. She finds inspiration in everyday life, the sea, ships and her courtyard.| |Boris Turčinov family farm Kornatska 10, Murter Tel: +385(0)98 478 793 | The Boris Turčinov family farm carries on two traditional family activities from Kornati – olives and bees. "My uncle, Ferdinand Juraga, was the organizer and member of the Murter Beekeepers Cooperative, founded in 1934. Since Murter and Kornati olive growing is rather well known, I will look at honey and its place in my family's tradition. In short, it can be said the Kornati honey is: The fact that some 30 years ago you could no longer find honey from Kornati in Murter, prompted me, Boris Turčinov, head of our family farm, to renew the family beekeeping tradition. This sparked interest in other people in Kornati, so that today there are five of us beekeepers. Thanks to this, you can again find this authentic Kornati product in Murter. Personally, I am happy that with my actions and example I have become, in a sense, a bridge between the past and present beekeepers in Kornati. The result of our efforts is that, aside from our personal advantage, we have managed to extend and remove from oblivion a traditional Kornati activity and make a high quality product." |Bosna Vlatko family farm M. Gupca, Betina Mob: +385 (0)95 900 6398 |He honed his beekeeping knowledge and skills with Mr. Boris Turčinov, a beekeeper, as well as a great collector of the beekeeping "heritage" on the island. With professional mentorship and ten years of experience to date, the Bosna Vlatko family farm brings an authentic Kornati product to our tables – honey!| |Lucija Skračić family farm Hrvojeva 3, Zagreb Mob: +385 (0)97 795 1322 |The family farm deals with ECO production of olive oil and dried figs. It hopes to expand its offer in accordance with sustainable development. The family also owns the company Salvia d.o.o..
Bees for Development respects your right to privacy so the only web cookies this website deploys are those which are strictly necessary for its correct operation and which enhance the experience of our site visitors – no personally identifiable information is collected. If you continue to browse our website we will assume that you are happy with our policy and to receive cookies from our website. If you choose to follow a link to third-party website please be aware that other organisations may have different cookie deployment policies from our own. You can change your cookie preferences in your web browser at any time. The specialist international beekeeping organisation Bees for Development, the UK-based charity that specialises in work to alleviate poverty through beekeeping, hosted a Bee Garden Party at Marlborough House, London in June. The event raised a profit of £60,000, approximately double the amount raised at its previous Bee Garden Party, held two years ago. Amongst the guest list assembled for this social event of the bee calendar was Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cornwall, who keeps nine hives herself. The Duchess was fascinated by the projects that Bees for Development run. A significant part of the funds raised came through an auction of postcard art provided by well-known artists and public figures, including Antony Gormley, Gilbert & George, Judi Dench, Ian McKellen and Kenneth Branagh. They showed their support by submitting artworks for auction, with every penny of proceeds going to the charity. The Bee Garden Party was sponsored by Fortnum & Mason and Tregothnan Estate.
Timothy Paule and Nicole Lindsey are on a mission to help one of the tiny worker bees in our big world – and yes – I mean the actual honeybees! The two found a perfect match between their desire to revitalize abandoned land in Detroit through the Land Bank program and a new curiosity about the wonders of local raw honey. Theirs is a story of chance and faith as they started this with a commitment to continuously say ‘yes’ to the universe. And the universe kept delivering. A little over a year ago, they wouldn’t have had an inkling of the non-profit Detroit Hives the two of them started nor did they know their future in beekeeping. Their passion for giving back, for rebuilding Detroit and for helping to grow the bee population is evident throughout and it’s absolutely contagious. The two of them imbue the Detroit Hives motto: Work hard, stay bumble! And some cool honeybee tips: - Plant lavender – bees work hard and this relaxes them - Set out a bee water park – that is, a shallow dish with some rocks or marbles and fill it, allowing the rocks/marbles to be somewhat above the surface so they can land on them and drink - Let the lawn grow extra long in the spring. The first flowers of spring- dandelions and white clover – are the food to sustain the bees in the spring until flowers are ready - Grow wild flowers for pollinators – Basil, oregano, mint, lemon grass, catnip, milkweed, thistles, black-eyed susans Benefits of honey: - Immunotherapy for allergies, especially local honey - Pre-diabetes – helps manage blood sugar - Boosts energy - Increases melatonin to help with sleep - Natural fat burner Where to find Timothy, Nicole and Detroit Hives Their website: Detroithives.com
When you love animals, but you eat them, too For more than a decade, Grant Jones was a city guy. “Here I was growing a business in Seattle and in my free time I was reading books about beekeeping, chickens,” Jones laughs. “So obviously there was some innate urge to get back to the land. Before I knew what I was doing I was getting chickens, I was getting turkeys and I got the cows from my uncle.” Now, at 32 years old, Jones is a part-time chicken and turkey farmer in Shelton and the sole proprietor of Hungry Hollow Farm. The chicken farm was named by his great-grandfather in 1889, and Jones lives in the more than century-old house he built. Recently Jones led a chicken processing workshop. People paid $25 to watch or participate in the processing, which is a very sterile and passive way to describe chickens being slaughtered and butchered. At the end of the day, they got to take a chicken home. I eat chicken but, like most, I buy mine shrink wrapped at the grocery store and I’ve certainly never seen one killed. Jones and I discussed how confusing it can feel when you love animals but you also eat them. “Especially when you’ve cared for the animal for its entire life,” Jones said. “I get so excited going to the post office to pick up the chicks. They’re all peeping, you get them into their home, and every day it’s ‘Hi, chickens, how are you doing? Here’s your food, here’s your water.’ You’ll pet them. And then there’s this abrupt moment where that part is over. You still have that same feeling of care for the chicken. Obviously, you want it to be as painless as possible, as quick as possible, but you’re ending its life.” Processing on a chicken farm Jones invited me to the farm to help him process a couple chickens. The plan was for him to slaughter one and then I’d do the other. The night before my visit, he selected two chickens from the field where they freely roam and peck for insects all day, and put them in a plastic crate. He picked them up on our way to what’s called the kill room. “It’s one of those things where if you’re going to eat chicken, this is happening whether you’re doing it yourself or not,” Jones said. “One thing a lot of people don’t think about is in order for us to live, something else has to die. Even if you’re eating soybeans, you’re eating tofu, those combines have gone over how many hundreds of thousands of rodents in their processing.” Since he only slaughters once a month, Grant rents all the equipment from the Mason conservation District for $25 a weekend. First, he turns a chicken upside down and slides it into a metal cone, so its feet are in the air and it’s head and neck poke out the bottom. “This part, you want to do it as quickly as possible. You slide them into the cone. That way there’s no fighting, no flopping around, no stress, it’s nice and calm. This knife has been sharpened, I sharpen the knives before every time I’m processing. When I make the cut, the head will move a little bit so you’ll want to stand back. Sometimes blood comes out a little bit.” Jones slit the chicken’s throat and it let out a warbled cry. After three seconds the chicken goes unconscious and blood drains out of its body. But then rigor mortis sets in. This was the hardest part to watch. Despite the chicken being dead, the body jerks and flails in the metal cone, which makes a loud banging noise for up to two minutes. Blood sprays against the wall and drool leaks from the chicken’s lips. “Next stage is the scalding tank,” he said. “What that’s going to do is loosen up all the feathers.” Jones holds the chicken by its legs and dips it into the hot water. Then the chickens go into the feather remover, where they spin around in what looks like a tub lined with rubber door stoppers until they’re plucked. Watching Jones slit the chicken’s throat, I felt a little sick. And emotional, which I wasn’t expecting. I felt on the verge of tears, a lump rising in my throat. “I…don’t think I’ll be able to do my own,” I confessed to Jones. “It’s sad. There’s almost a sadness just in the innocence that the chicken doesn’t know what’s going to happen. He’s so calm and so quiet and it seems like, oh, he trusts you, like he felt so safe.” The calmness of the chicken about to be slaughtered was a strong juxtaposition against the chickens in the field who were loudly clucking and spastically running around. “It was an interesting journey to get to the point now where I’m comfortable with it,” said Jones. “But it’s still my least favorite part of the process. There are very few subjects that could be so divisive. Some people are okay with it, maybe they grew up around it. A lot of people have a really hard time with it. It makes them uncomfortable, it makes them question whether they should be eating meat at all. Alternatively, I’ve had a vegetarian come and go through the process and now she eats meat. So it’s completely transformative for some.” Killing vs butchering a chicken I didn’t kill a chicken, but after watching Jones butcher one, I butchered the other. I cut off it’s head, it’s legs and made an incision near it’s tail and pulled out all of its guts. “See, this part doesn’t bother me because it doesn’t look so alive and cute anymore,” I said. “It looks like a chicken you’d find at the store. I don’t mind cutting up a chicken.” The butchered chickens go into an ice bath for a few hours and then they’ll be shrink wrapped and sold to Jones’s customers. If you’re going to eat chicken, eating one from Hungry Hollow Farm is the absolute best way to go. Pasture raised, insect fed, humanely killed and super fresh. After watching the slaughter, I will not stop eating meat, but I will appreciate it more. I watched a chicken die for my dinner. I need to respect the animal. Honestly, I’m still figuring out exactly what that means, but it can be something as simple as not letting meat leftovers go bad in my fridge. “A common saying right now, both from the environmental groups and certainly from the animal welfare group is ‘Less meat, better meat,'” Jones said. Click here if you’d like to buy eggs or chicken from Hungry Hollow Farms, or if you’d like to inquire about the next processing workshop.
I was at Bed Bath and Beyond not too long ago when I saw a person viciously cut in front of me, only to purchase $250 worth of what had to be the most insanely useless items I've ever seen. What's crazy is that they weren't unusual items, they were very normal items purchased by people every day that are under the assumption that they need to have these things in order to carry on. They were "basic necessities" for this person, and they had actually made the trip in their car to this crowded store to come and purchase these things. How does this happen? I will begin to unravel this answer to my best ability below. Businesses all around the world profit from you feeling empty unless you continue to buy their product. Their product will get you closer to feeling complete as a person. Happy. Content. This is the best advertising tactic- you are almost pretty enough to go outside if you just had our makeup, you will just fit in if you wear our bell bottoms. But this is not the case at all. Anything that you spend money on will not complete you. In fact, I heard once that richness is not defined by how much you have but how little you need... So you feel like you have a real-world, tangible example to go off of, I'll use myself as an example. In high school I got my hair highlighted for $150 regularly at Gene Juarez (one time they used the wrong color highlight and I cried in the bathroom for an hour before realizing they could just kill my hair a different color). I also went shopping. A lot. I had dreams about hallways of bell bottoms before I had my first pair, and I used to find happiness in imagining myself in new clothes. Why? Because it was almost like imagining a new and improved version of myself... at the quick, fast price of $29.99! It was an easy improvement without having to use any patience, dedication or make really tough decisions about who I was as a person and what I really wanted out of life. Now I'm two steps away from not buying toilet paper. Ok, no, not that far (although I would recommend Seventh Generation for more sustainable toilet paper). But I've cut out almost everything in my life. Someone once visited my home and asked, "did you just move in?" Not because it doesn't have character or feels cold, but because I chose, and continue to choose, not to clutter my life with things that I don't find to be incredibly inspiring and thus helpful to my main life's purpose. I challenge you to take a long, hard look at what you want out of life. What you would do (after all the partying and traveling and hanging out was out of your system) if you only had 3 years left. Would you care about face cream or looking older or the size of thighs or how much you impressed your friends with your new gadget from Best Buy? I bet not. The more we acknowledge the realism of death and the importance of our individual life's purpose on this planet, the more we can begin to filter out the advertising agencies push of their shallow agendas on to ours. Think about this before you buy your next item. If you're reading this as an artist, keep going. If you're reading this as an art supporter... this is going to blow all your previous assumptions about your career-artist friends out the window. Most people don't have to do what full-time artists do on a regular basis to make money, so it's our duty as artists to teach them and help them understand without getting impatient or irritable (simply avoided by eating breakfast). In order to get anywhere with any form of original art we need to tell people about it. You can't be the secret, cool celebrity smoking a cigar in the corner until you've run around handing out flyers (or had someone else do it for you) and worked tirelessly at jobs that may make you check into a local hospital. Weekly. (But it's o.k., you'll make friends with the doctors that will later treat your lung cancer from all the celebrity cigars that you'll be smoking.) Let me say that I think it really helps to learn how to promote yourself, yourself. It is incredibly empowering (I suggest Amanda Palmer's The Art of Asking but I also suggest that she eventually invest in shirts). At first I had someone promote a lot of my music for me, and like a true perfectionist, I didn't like how they were doing it. When I had to take it on myself it was difficult initially, but after some practice it made my art, and my character, stronger. <---- Growth in Character Strength... goooood. Here's how I got to the point of truly not caring about how people react to me. I LOVE making people feel good, and I definitely am respectful of someone's time, privacy and peace and quiet (I'll be peace, I'll be quiet- What About Bob). But I also have something that I respect about myself. My art. And I believe, based on very emotional audience testimonials, that it will make people happy if they give it a chance. I think if we start looking at our art without attaching it to ourselves personally all the time we can start to really help it grow. Forget how you will be perceived by others. Where do you want your art to go? If you want to expand your audience then you need to push your art with some force. Truthfully, if you respect your art, than you'll help it grow (and you should want to grow it, nothing likes to stay Frozen In Time). It just so happens that your art includes your brand which includes your physical form (and your ego), so it can easily feel very feather-fluffing-ish. It has taken me a while not to feel this way, but now I honestly separate my "soul" from the brand (by the way, branding is not a bad thing, it helps people from all cultures understand who you are and what you do). So if someone attacks your brand, you don't take it personally, it's just the brand they're attacking... or you could think of it as they're attacking the "business" (like getting your LLC sued). Say, "Hey, that's no problem, I didn't realize this brand pissed you off so much. Let me buy you a coffee, human-to-human." I think this is a really important lesson for many artists, especially the super-sensitive ones. Most people have a business with a brand that doesn't have their face on it (even the worker bees working on Timberlake's promotion don't have their face on the promotions) and, if the business does (in the case of real-estate), it's usually offering a "service" that is more of a life-necessity in the eyes of society than art is. [At some point, PUSHING YOUR ART WILL INEVITABLY LOOK LIKE YOU'RE ASKING EVERYONE FOR A FAVOR. Get outta that mindset. It's not a favor, it's a service, and in my opinion, a service with more value than real-estate. Our culture NEEDS to value art more, help it get there by pushing your art and your friend's art.] So the problem with having your face on a billboard or on a flyer that you hand out is that people mistake good business for artistic ego. No one looks at a real-estate agent and says, "Dude, your head on that bus bench makes me think that you're just trying to get more clients." Of course they're trying to get more clients, and so are you. There's no shame in that. In fact, there's shame if you don't do that because you're letting your art down by half-assing it and making it yet another "hobbie." (I gotta tell you, almost a decade of thinking about this one, I could do with a few less hobbyists in the world COMPETING in my full-commitment realm. Real-estate doesn't have to compete with hobby real-estate agents. I mean, come on. Commit to art or pick something else.) Keeping this all in mind, you really won't feel bothered by malicious comments, negative reactions or people wrongly assuming the extent of your ego anymore. To top it off, I'll put the cliché, remember where it's coming from, another way: Remember that people sometimes forget to eat breakfast and they're really friggin overwhelmed because they've recently adopted in a dog that may or may not have worms because the worm medicine was too hard to use so they were only able to administer half of it but it all got lost in the mix because an intense decision had to be made about their super stressful job before they went into the hospital and had to sit next to that cigar-smoking-living-in-the-past celebrity. Again. If someone is a total jerk to me, chances are, they misunderstood my intent because of a previous incident that day or a previous understanding of my field. My intent is that I want to share something with them that I think they'll really enjoy. My ultimate challenge is to have people see the true intent as early in the conversation as possible, but more often than not I find it doesn't resonate above the sound of their growling stomach. Which brings me to another blog post for a later day, "understanding what 'no' really means." Go after what you want, with ruthless compassion. You won't step on people's toes until you do. And when you do, just respond the same way that you do when you're dancing, "My apologies, I did not mean to step on your toes, I was only trying to dance." One of the writers I have been following at the moment is Kim Flottum- here are some articles to check out: Why the U.S. should stop importing bees from Australia 7 Causes of CCD And a few others... Migratory beekeeping and honey bee health Here's a YouTube video on treatment-free beekeeping. This is something that comes up quite often in beekeeping meetings (from what I've seen)-- Michael Bush (not the football player) is a very intelligent man. Hey guys, so glad the last blog helped many of you. Keep in mind that it's only from my perspective... I thought I'd add a picture with this post. I mean, look at the weather- is this not the best place to blog? Yes, that green chair is very comfy. I thought I'd talk today about trying. There are a lot of people up here on this deck today. Some trying really hard to make something of themselves, some pretending not to care so that way they can rationalize failure. In my highschool I remember trying was something that kids only did when they weren't good enough to just sit there and win automatically. Before I came to LA someone warned me NOT to tell people that I had studied piano because it would look like I had to try to be good instead of just naturally being good. What the hell is this? I have been called many things, a prodigy (my least favorite and completely false), a genius, ambitious, hard-working. The first two are the dumbest things I have ever heard. Genius and prodigy don't exist unless ambition and hard-work are there. They are merely excuses for people to basically say, "I never tried because I wasn't born a genius. Or just plain wasn't good enough." You didn't work, prioritize and want it badly enough then! Don't blame your lack of trying on your genes! In fact, I've never believed in these two (prodigy and genius). People get smart and people get talented by working their asses off. Even if someone is born with something lucky (like freakishly alien-long fingers :P) they have to learn how to use and understand it. If you think that you're talented naturally and that you were born that way I would suggest taking a look at your background and seeing how often you nourished your "gift." I'll keep this one short. I never stop thinking. I guess I'll put a few more of my thoughts to website so I don't die having only thoughts. It seems fitting that I finally talk about street performance as I have learned some of my life's most valuable lessons through them. One has to learn about the nature of entertaining in some way, mine was through monkey-play-in-street-plastic-tip-jar. Ok ok, I was obtaining unusual money from another source than the tip jar, but I still feel my emotions and growth are valid here. Joshua Bell I'm sure would agree with the humbling nature of performing for people who really couldn't give a rats a**. Read this article from when Bell played in the metro and, hm.. to anyone's surprise?, no one cared. He made $34 though.... which is outstandingly more than he would have made in L.A. Unlike the author of the above article, Kevin Hayden, I disagree with his tone when he states that "such 'art' is only heard once in a lifetime." The sooner anyone can stop thinking this way, the better. It is a privilege to have people stop their lives to listen to you, in a raw form (sin concert ambiance). To get people to stop their daily lives and give you time, when you're fully clothed, is the most beautiful thing in the entire world. And for any musician or artist to think that their music is "the sound of the gods and all are ignorant baboons who do not stop to listen" is preposterous. You see one thing that the world of classical musicians will not understand is that no matter what moving epiphany you're having in your head while playing, it's a lie to yourself and the world if you truly think that after taking away all the concert hall, concert dress, concert ambiance fluff, they would have even a remotely close experience. I'm not saying you cannot touch people or move people or reach people, but bottom line, their lives will always be more important than what you have to say. If what you have to say fits into their lives, bam. You have yourself a market. Now the real amazing moments come from when: A. You have no money and the streets are basically the only thing you can do to eat- combined with: B. The sober, intelligent attitude it takes to understand just how incredibly mind-blowing A is. Unfortunately there are a lot of turned off brains playing on the streets. I completely understand. So where am I going with this rant? I don't know, I have a hunger headache. All I can say is, Thank you L.A., thank you busy people, and thank you traffic noise. Without you I never would have found myself, my place, my voice, and my understanding of this incredibly insane path that I have chosen. You know, as much as I disliked a lot of the way Universal pictures portrayed The Lorax (mainly because the book is my bible and Dr. Seuss is my god), I am so happy that it reached people. Just this afternoon I had some inquisitive, young girls come into the office and tell me, “Oh my god, I watched it (the Lorax) and was like, ‘let's go plant a tree.” I’m so stubborn about reaching people in my way that I forget sometimes that the ways others (like Universal studios) use to get a point across reaches another crowd because they use ways that I don’t use. Just another thought that says, perhaps we’re all in this together. And perhaps stubborn people like me should be more embracing and less judgmental. If it’s the right cause, shut up and support it! So I sit here and listen to classical pop jazz funk classical crazy drums. It is so wonderful to be able to do something naturally and not ever feel like it's work. Out of school I can finally be myself, the research that I do comes about as natural as eating (and equally as rewarding). Then every once in a while you run into something that reminds you just how far you get to go because you see a light barely lit at the end of the valley. You get excited and profoundly moved at the same time, but yet you don't move at all. You stand still, for the one second you look into the future. Check out James Blake's rendition of A Case of You by Joni Mitchell and follow it with Jeff Buckley's version of Hallelujah and you'll get here quickly. I have to apologize at this point, I'm just getting used to the concept of blogging. At first I fought the idea almost as much as I fought facebook... but I believe I was more irritated by the people that misused the concept rather than the concept itself. So. I'm personally putting together an EP. This, or I suppose the overall idea of any sort of KC CD, has been on my mind since I was a little girl. One of those to-do dreams that remain from childhood and are actually necessary to implement when the time comes. All I can say is I'm excited and more than ready. There are other things on my mind, however, before focusing 100% on the EP. I have been looking for a piano. Where? Sketchy-ass craigslist. Why? Must... play... piano... I'd like to think that any piano can be made to sound good with the right hands. I've worked on/with everything and I definitely didn't grow up on anything but an old upright. I appreciate every piano and touch it with caring hands. So why the F#%^ does everyone else look at like a piece of furniture? They should be giving me the freaking thing if they know how much I use it and know (by looking at my half-ass dress and tennis shoes) I have very little floating around for any investment. So I guess my question for this blog and "debatable-moral-thing" is --> At what point do you think about the big picture/world as a whole? Is this the point that you start investing in other ideas/concepts or do givers just give from the beginning and takers take into the grave? How much I never knew about the the varied differences between being selfless and selfish... "Then ask the composer of music, he certainly should know. But the composer, absorbed in the heat of composition, is caught in the web of his own musical thought and cares neither to analyze his own mental processes, nor their product. To him the question, "What is Music?" would seem the height of foolishness, for it is part and parcel of his existence. From youth up the inner creative urge has swept him on regardless of any question as to the essential nature of the art to which all his waking thoughts are dedicated." - William Arms fisher in his article, "What is Music?" Ok. I'm pretty sure I have an extreme youtube addiction. I try to stay away from my own channel (which immediately makes me hyperventilate and want to redo all the videos) but I can't stop finding others that are completely fascinating. What I find the most interesting are these people that completely devote their channels to one person they love. Be it a celebrity, musician (or just their cute pet bunnies), this dedicated youtuber has found it their duty to upload everything that they can of one person... usually not even . I am gradually realizing how important these people are for the world. To anyone out there who does these things, being a supporter is seriously the most incredible gift you could give. However, only do it if you feel it. Never do it in obligation. Those feeling only obligation take up the seat for a potential supporter. ... weird sentence but makes sense right? P.S. I hate mosquitos
Career Options After 10th Class (In Arts, In Science Stream, In Commerce, Maths Stream) – Guidance, Counselling, Courses List : Every student after finishing 10th examinations will stand at crossroads in choosing their career. Most of the people have many thoughts about their career like which stream to choose, which board to select among others. Not only students but also their parents will be in dilemma to take decision regarding their child career. They will be surfing over internet, discussing with friends and others about the same. With many doors open the person struggle to choose the right door for right career. With many thoughts and suggestions, student will find difficult to come to a right decision. Here we clear your thoughts by analyzing different career options available after class 10th. Selecting a right career path after 10th is not an easy task for students. Lots of career planning along with a proper workable plan is required. Student will be aware of certain things to make a successful career planning such as knowledge about his/her own interest, decision making ability, future objectives etc. Knowing Their Best Interest Student and their parents must focus primarily on the interest of the candidate. They should be aware of various career options available and its relevance in today’s life and its suitability with the interest of the student. With many options, a person may end up in making a wrong decision. So it is very crucial to analyze each option according to the interest of the student. Parents may have their own interest about child’s career but ultimate interest of the student should be taken into consideration after proper discussion. You are at crossroads of your career after 10th and have to take decision to take your journey to the next level. There is a high probability to take wrong decision at this point as the person is not aware of available options and lack of right guidance or stress/ pressure because of the complex situation. One must take firm decision after gathering and analyzing information on career options as per their interest. Decision making is most after sought skill in anyone’s career at any point of time. Right decision drives you to the right way to achieve/ reach one’s dream. Discuss with your family, teachers and well wishers about career options, your interests, goals and dreams. Experienced persons might guide you better, so always give importance to the advice of parents, teachers and other experienced persons among your well wishers. Ultimately take a right decision as per your future objectives and goals by considering your strengths and weaknesses. The choice you make will decide your future and choice shape your career. Your actions should not decide your decision but your decision should decide your action. So make right choice as per your future goals and objectives. Take into consideration of your goals and give importance to most important ones and choose career option as per your priority of the goal. Infuse action into life to fulfill your dreams. The choice will make now will have consequences on your future, so be careful to make a right choice. Issues Commonly Faced By Students - Too Many Options Lead To Confusion Till your class 10th the subjects are common for all the students except the second language but after 10th there are number of options like mathematics, Biology, Commerce, Arts etc. One should choose any one option as per their interest and it will decide your future career as well. Many options lead to confusion and it will be difficult to decide the right option without knowledge. So by gathering information about all the options and by considering your interests, strengths and weaknesses along with future objective one should choose their best career option to continue their higher studies. - Science: Mathematics, Biology Which Board To Select? After considering and deciding the option, the next step is selecting the board for 11 or 12th class/ intermediate. Many students select the board as per their 10th class board. But few want to choose different board from 10th class board like a student from any state board may take CBSE board for 11 or 12th class. If that is the case a student should consider the difficulties by choosing the other board as curriculum and standard of syllabus will be different for every board. It is possible to overcome these difficulties with hard work. Available 12th Boards |Board Name||Full Name||Details| |State Boards||Respective State Government Board||Recognized by respective state government| |CBSE||Central board of School education||Central School board| |CISCE||Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations||Nongovernmental/ Private board of school education. Conducts ICSE and ISC exams. ICSE – For X ISC – for XII |IBoSE||Indian Board of School Education||Private board of school education| |NIOS||Natioanl institute of open School||Established by Ministry of HRD to provide education in remote areas Career Options – Studies or Job To guide students and their parents, we have sum up all the available career options after 10th in India. After 10th a candidate will have plethora of career options in which two are most common and popular options. They are: - Continuing higher studies - Choosing a job in either government or private sector. Continuing studies after 10th would be a great option for students because advance studies such as +2, graduation and post graduation helps students’ in building a strong foundation of academics and knowledge. With higher studies a student can get recognition in the family, and friends and society along with number of higher career options doors will be opened for them like research field, higher grade prestigious government jobs, private jobs with high perks etc. After 10th, on the basis of interest, marks and grades, a student can select a stream in 10+2 or PUC. The streams available for students to be selected at 10+2 or PUC level are explained below: - Science Stream with either Bio-Math or Computer or Biology or Mathematics - Commerce Stream - Humanities or Arts Stream Science Stream with any of the available subjects is one of the most popular streams selected by candidates at 10+2 level. Science Stream allows a candidate to select any career option after 10+2. In addition to this, a Science Stream student can also come back to Arts or Commerce stream after 10+2/PUC i.e., at the graduation level. A Science Stream student can either go with conventional courses like medical, engineering, management or take up other available options like bachelors degree etc. Why Would You Choose Science Stream After 10th? To answer this question, we would like to introduce few impressive points to our readers. Science stream comes with end number of career options. From medical to engineering, a science stream’s student can take admission to any graduate or diploma programme/course and then can step in to the field of research. These days, several private and government companies & organizations are showing interest in hiring fresh faces of 10+2 science stream. In addition to this, India’s pride ‘Indian Armed Forces’ also recruits 10+2 science stream candidates on various permanent commissioned posts. For this, every year, IAF conducts a separate recruitment event. Commerce stream is another the most popular stream available out there. It is recommended for such students those love to trade business, want to be a part of a management board in any MNC etc. There is one issue with students having commerce stream at 10+2 level that they will not get a chance to change stream from commerce to science after 10+2. However, they can select a course in art field after passing 10+2 in commerce stream. Why Would You Select Commerce Stream After 10th? The answer to the above mentioned question would be best for students going to opt commerce stream at 10+2/PUC level because by reading the answer they will get a clear idea about career options after clearing 10+2 with commerce subjects. In present scenario, a commerce stream student can take admission to any degree or diploma programme/course having commerce subjects. In most of the commerce stream programmes accountancy, economics, business studies & business law are the key subjects. Few popular courses in which a 10+2 commerce stream’s student can take admission are CFA, CA, ICWA, CFP, B.Com, BBA, BMS, BBM etc. In most of these programmes, a student have to learn few major commerce subjects such as Business communication, Business economics, Marketing, Business law, Business finance, Auditing, Income tax etc. By doing these courses one should get settled in well recognized and valued posts. Arts or Humanities Stream You can also select Art Stream after 10th i.e. 10+2 Art Stream. It is strongly recommended for those who have interest in learning challenging subjects such as History, English, Hindi, Political Science, Geography, Sociology, Psychology, Sanskrit etc. at 10+2/PUC level. These days, 10+2 Arts Stream has a wide range of subjects which can further offer brilliant career opportunities. Why Would You Select Arts/Humanities Stream After 10th? Selection of Arts Stream after 10th let you to pave the way for selecting few other gripping careers. If you have Arts Stream at 10+2 level then you can pursue a gold-winning career in any of the following fields- sociology, journalism, mass media, social service, history, economics, politics etc. Several other great career options are available out there for 10+2 Art Stream’s student. To know more career options after 10th in arts, you can get in touch with us by commenting below. Few other career options after 10th are given below. Vocational Diploma Courses 1. ITCs (Industrial Training Centres) & ITIs (Industrial Training Institutes) If you have passed 10th examination and want to do a job in any technical field then take admission to either ITCs or ITIs. In India, ITCs & ITIs is founded under the Ministry of Labour, Union Government of India. Privately-run ITCs and Government-run ITIs are such training organizations in India which offer training in technical fields. Every course’s curriculum/syllabus run at ITCs & ITIs is designed to impart basic skills required for a specified trade like plumber, turner, machinist, fitter, welder, electrician etc. The duration of each course is different and may vary from 1 to 3 years. After learning the course successfully, a candidate can join practical training in his/her trade. NCVT (National Council for Vocational training) also provides a NTC (National Trade Certificate) in the respective trade to such candidates who have cleared AITT (All India Trade Test). Candidates having a NTC can easily get a job in private as well as government sectors such as Indian Telecom departments, Indian Railways etc after qualifying a recruitment event. 2. Professional Diploma Courses A diploma course after 10th is one of the most pursued courses after passing 10th examinations. Professional diploma courses are more profitable rather than higher studies and they are recommended for those candidates who want to financially support their family as soon as possible. Most of the professional diploma courses out there are of 3 years duration. After course completion, a candidate can join any job in his/her respective field to sharpen his/her professional skills. Most of the biggest national and international companies prefer hiring a professional diploma holder to engage a talent, fresh, enthusiast and young face in their company. Name of few popular as well as best diploma courses along with their duration is given below |Diploma in||Duration (in months)| |Hotel Management & Catering Technology||24| |Modern Office Practice||36| |Computer Science & Engineering||36| |Fire Safety Engineering||6| |Electrical & Electronics Engineering||36| Along with above mentioned diploma courses, there are several other available out there. To know more about any diploma course, feel free to contact us. 3. Certificate Courses After 10th, candidates can also take admission to any certificate course according to his/her interest. Certificate courses available out there are mostly of 3 to 12 months duration. A certificate course of any duration will be an advantage for a 10th passed candidate. A certificate course after 10th will add impression to your CV/resume. Few certification courses offered by IGNOU are mentioned below. - Certificate in Beekeeping - Certificate in Energy Technology and Management - Certificate in Food and Nutrition - Certificate in Home Based Healthcare - Certificate in Information Technology - Certificate in NGO Management - Certificate in Performing Arts, Visual Arts - Certificate in Poultry Farming - Certificate in Sericulture - Certificate in Water Harvesting and Management etc. If you do not want to continue studies after 10th then you can go with this option. This option is recommended to such candidates who does not have interest in pursuing higher studies or they just want to earn good money as early as possible. Selecting a job option after 10th is not a bad idea as these days several government as well as private organizations are recruiting candidates directly after 10th. To do a job after 10th, the first thing you will need to do is to choose a sector in which you want to start your career. Choose either government or private. Both sectors have plethora of job options for the 10th passed candidates. Sector-wise i.e. government & private, job options are explained below: In present scenario, most of the government organizations recruit candidates after 10th. However, selection process varies from organization to organization. In some government organizations, a 10th passed candidate can get a job on the basis of his/her marks obtained in 10th examinations. On the other hand, few government organizations conduct a state or national level recruitment event to recruit a 10th passed candidate in their departments. Name of few government organizations in which a candidate can apply after clearing 10th examinations is given below: - State government jobs - Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) - Para Military Forces - The Indian Armed Forces - Indian Postal Circle - Staff Selection Commission (SSC) - Other Central government jobs - Power Corporation Limited of respective states etc. Along with above mentioned government organizations, there are several others in which a 10th passed candidate can get a job. However, they will need to go through a selection process to get a job in any government organization/department after 10th. Like government organizations, nowadays, private national and international companies also recruit candidates just after clearing 10th examinations. However, it is not as easy as you think. It requires lot of talent to get a job after 10th in any private company. To get a job after 10th in a private company, you should have interest and skills or any other exceptional talent in the relevant field. For example- if you are best in singing then you can approach relevant persons to get settled in the field. In present scenario, most of the national and international private companies are searching new talent. They run several campaigns and programs at school level to find and hire hidden talent and offers higher education or job as per skills. I hope this article is useful in clearing your thoughts and showing the path after 10th class for bright future of young talent. If you have any thoughts and ideas or queries, you can share with us and others by commenting below.
- SBT Members Login Geoff Galliver the examiner said of Archie: “I was staggered by his level of knowledge! He blew my mind!” UK’s Youngest Qualified Beekeeper…….EVER Guildford 5th June 2019 Today Surrey Bees Training is pleased to announce that Archie Cridland, aged 5 yrs. achieved a first in beekeeping, as the youngest ever to pass his BBKA Junior Certificate in Apiculture. Having asked … New Beekeepers course 2019 – after a gruelling 8 weeks theory about to head off into the field to put their new learned knowledge into practise! Taste of Autumn Show will soon be here Wed 17th to Sunday 21st October – has to be the best show at RHS Wisley, lots of stalls, children’s activities and the Autumn showings from RHS Wisley. We shall be attending in Hillside Event Centre – on sale: Surrey Honeys: Floral Honey – from local Wisley and Worplesdon sites Creamed Honey … A new book on bees, available for children has recently been published on Amazon. It is about a bee that dons a disguise in order to try and save a meadow from being built over with housing. It is a story with some educational and environmental aspects within the text. It is available from Amazon for the Kindle and devices that … Perry arrived at the training apiary this week to inspect and collect some nucleus’ of bees. We were a little surprised therefore when he turned up in shorts and short-sleeved open shirt, bare legs and arms. He announced that he hadn’t brought with him a bee suit/jacket or gloves, and that normally he doesn’t even wear a veil! In the … The new handcrafted money boxes are now available to teach children about bees and saving at the same time! The years seems to go faster and faster! Already nearly at the end of the Newbie Theory Beekeeping Course, with 42 new beekeepers this year, joining in the fun. Heres the class of 2018 learning through demonstration 2 artificial swarm control methods: Pagden and Snelgrove. Let’s hope they don’t have to put it into practice until their 2nd year. Starting him early, grandson, aged 3 out checking the bees…..already understands bees pollinate 1/3 of our food. Surrey Bees Training at the Pyrford & Mayford Flower Show – come and meet the bees, taste various honey, buy scented candles, furniture polish, lip balms all made from our bees wax. Coldharbour Road, Pyrford, Woking from 12:30 At the Family Gardening show today until Sunday-wonderful weather, great audience, very busy! Do come along….don’t miss this great event.
Every beekeeper should have on the shelf a copy of this handbook from the Canadian Association of Professional Apiculturists (CAPA). With detailed color photographs and concise text, the book outlines the life cycle, identification, prevention and control of all the major diseases and pests faced in beekeeping. Life is an open book exam. You don't need to memorize this book but you need to remember where you keep it. Read it and absorb the pictures. When you see something amiss in your hive, look through this book to find out what it is and what to do about it.
ARTICLES - BEES “What Our World Would Look Like without Honeybees”, Business Insider, June 22, 2013. “Mystery Malady Kills More Bees, Heightening Worry on Farms”, The New York Times, March 28, 2013 “19 Crops that Would Disappear Without Bees”, The Daily Meal, July 3, 2012 “Pesticide Causes Largest Mass Bumble Bee Death on Record”, Xerces.org,, Scott Hoffman Black, June 21, 2013 ARTICLES - NEONICOTINOIDS/SYSTEMICS “Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm More than Just Honey Bees”, Nature World News, June 14, 2013. “Immune Suppression by Neonicotinoid Insecticides at the Root of Global Wildlife Declines”, Journal of Environmental Immunology and Toxicology, Rosemary Mason, Henk Tennekes, Francisco Sanchez-Bayo, Palle Uhd Jepsen, September/October 2012 Local Beekeeper in Denver metro area: Honey Bee Keep (www.honeybeekeep.com) Colorado State Beekeepers Association - www.coloradobeekeepers.org Natural Beekeeping: Organic Approaches to Modern Apiculture, 2nd Edition by Ross Conrad and Gary Paul Nabhan (Mar 8, 2013) Gaia’s Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture by Toby Hemenway, 2nd Edition, 2009 DVD: “Vanishing of the Bees” - documentary (2010) LOCAL SOURCES FOR SEEDS PERMACULTURE (AND MORE) Living Systems Institute - www.livingsystemsinst.org https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nVUsv2jH3c - “Pesticides (neonicotinoids) and Bee Behavior”. A science experiment showing the effect of pesticides (neonicotinoids) on bee behavior. Seven and a half minute excerpt from the BBC Horizon documentary titled “What’s Killing Our Bees?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8Nsn4KvjwM - “Guttation (dew drops) from neonicotinoid- treated maize kills bees”. Three-minute video showing the deadly effects of dew drops from neonicotinoid-treated corn on bees. 2008 research by Prof. Vincenzo Girolami at the University of Padova in Italy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9BkfaVCv84 - “Tom Theobald (beekeeper in Central Colorado) looks at Neonicotinoid insecticides and the mass-death of bee colonies”. Twenty-five minute video with Tom Theobald interviewed by Dan Rather.
One of the most important factors regarding bee keeping is - Beekeepers may want to keep bees in their own garden, on an allotment or farmland. Having a suitable place to site hives is essential. A well considered location is essential for the sake of the bees, people and farm animals. In this section we consider the main points in siting of hives. - Practical considerations - Food and water - Distance (from people/animals) - Public access - Farm animals - Crop spraying There is no one rule to setting up an apiary. The arrangement of hives is down to personal preference rather than any set of rules, with the main consideration being ease of access within the available space. Some beekeepers will choose to arrange their hives in an arc or otherwise offset the hives from one another or simply point hive entrances in different directions. This is in order to vary the approach of returning bees and reduce the likelihood of bees “drifting” between hives. Some believe (or are told) that bees may become confused if hive entrances are too close together. Other beekeepers place the hives in lines, all facing the same way (as in the picture above). This is purely for practical reasons, allowing the beekeeper to access all the hives from the rear without having to walk or drive directly in the flight line of the bees. There may well be some drifting (something which is almost inevitable regardless of the orientation of the hives), but this will generally have a negligible effect on the colonies. In the case shown in the picture above the hive entrances are all facing into the field. If there was a likelihood of people (e.g. the public) moving around near the hives, it might be better to face the hives toward the hedge. This will make the bees fly higher when they fly to and from the hive. Not every beekeeper can find an ideal location, so the hives must be sited according to the lie of the land and the most practical arrangement to gain optimum access to the hives. In the wild, a bee colony will find some cavity in a tree or rocky crevice to build its nest. In fact before domestication, the European or Western honey bee (A mellifera) would probably have been a woodland dweller. Such wild sites will be sheltered from wind, rain and flood. We provide shelter from the rain with the covered roof of the modern beehive however, we should make sure our hives are not placed under trees or structures from which water may drip or pour. Hives should be raised off the ground to prevent heavy rain from splashing back up the hive wall. If an apiary is next to a river or stream, do make sure that the hives are not at risk of being flooded or washed away. During the winter the bees will often survive the cold providing they have enough food stores) but won’t last long if the hive becomes damp. It is important to consider wind exposure. If strong drafts are able to enter the hive, this risks chilling the colony, resulting in the loss of brood during the season and loss of adults during the winter. Firstly, the hive entrance ideally needs to pointed away from the prevailing wind. This is normally achieved by siting the hives in the lee of a hedge or wall. If for practical reasons this cannot happen, then the hive should be orientated with the entrance away from the direction of the wind. If in a garden or allotment, a beekeeper may be able to erect a fence or plant a hedge to provide wind shelter. If a location is quite exposed, the beekeeper should keep a heavy weight such as a rock or brick on the hive roof to prevent it from blowing off. Shortly following any gales it is worth paying a visit to the apiary just in case a hive has been blown over. Availability of food and water Bees have been around for over 100 million years foraging for nectar and producing honey, so it may sound silly to worry about the availability of food (nectar and pollen) and water. However, mankind has only been keeping bees for around 2 ½ thousand years - Quite often the most natural of environments (or at least the perception of what is natural) such as open fields can actually be like deserts to bees. Since WWII, British agriculture has become more and more intensive involving the the wide spread use of herbicides and the tearing up of miles of hedgerow. Other than certain crops such as rape seed, field beans and borage, open fields are often poor for bee forage. Beyond these brief times of feast are long spells of famine. The chances are the bees will find enough for themselves but will not be very productive for the beekeeper. It is only in the last 10 years or so that farmers have been encouraged to leave uncultivated field boundaries (see more on conservation in farming) along with a growing trend for councils and authorities such as the Highways Agency to leave areas of grass to become meadow and purposely scatter wild flower seed. Therefore, consider what sources of nectar and pollen will be available to your bees. A large number of people now keep bees in towns and cities (London having a surprisingly high number of urban beekeepers). Urban areas often provide an almost year round supply of food for bees due to the density of nectar rich plants in private gardens. Why water? Bees need water to dilute their own honey before they can eat it. During production, the bees drive off the water from nectar whilst it is converted to honey by enzymes. The finished honey becomes stable when the water content falls below 20% making the sugar concentration high enough to prevent fermentation by natural yeasts. However, at this concentration the bees cannot eat the honey. The adult bees dilute the honey before they eat it and when they prepare the brood food (a dilute mixture of honey or nectar and pollen). The worker bees also use water to help regulate the temperature of the hive by releasing water inside which evaporates to cool the hive. A colony that struggles to find sufficient water will often not survive. Distance (from you) Having your apiary reasonably close to where you live is distinctly advantageous. If you can find a spot in your garden you will easily be able to look after your bees. If your garden is not suitable then try and find a spot on a local farm or allotment (if you have one). Proximity certainly helps when keeping bees. During long spells of inclement weather you will find it easier to visit your bees between showers if they are close by. If your time is limited (e.g. due to work commitments), you will be better able to look after your bees if you don’t have to spend long periods travelling. Before placing any bees in your own garden, consider the reaction of your neighbours. Some people may not mind living next to a few beehives providing there is enough distance or a high enough fence or hedge to keep the bees away. However, many people will be alarmed to find they have bees just on the other side of the fence. Some will also fear for the safety of their children and occasionally you may find a neighbour suffers severe allergic reactions to bee stings and won’t take kindly to having hives next door. Hoping they won’t notice is something that shouldn’t be relied on as the moment they do notice (and they will) might lead to an order being served (under public nuisance laws) from the local authority to move them within so many days. Bear in mind that at some stage (despite best efforts to breed mild tempered queens) the occasional colony will become defensive and may attack anyone nearby (particularly following a hive inspection). In such a case, you should be prepared - Placing beehives on other peoples’ land requires a sensible consideration of health and safety. Is the site near any areas of public access (such as footpaths, playing areas, recreation areas, bridle ways, etc)? Are the bees likely to interfere with the work of the farmer? Ideally an apiary should be sited an appropriate distance (8 m+) away from the nearest footpath, etc. with a barrier (fence, wall or hedge) between the hives and the public access. If no height barrier such as a hedge exists between the hive and the area of public access, the distance should be increased (e.g. to 15 m+) as the bees can fly low (particularly on windy days) and get caught in the hair or clothing of passers by. A very high wall, such as those typically associated with walled gardens, may be enough separation for most apiaries, even with a path directly on the other side. It goes without saying, if the land you intend to put bees on is not yours you will need the permission of the land owner. We all pass rough patches of ground, deserted country lanes and rough field corners from time to time. However, if you think you can simply place some hives on some spare ground you have found, think again. If the land belongs to a farmer, then maybe s/he will allow you to go ahead if you approach them correctly. In fact, many farmers won’t mind having a few hives on a spare bit of land and are often supportive of the craft of beekeeping. If they grow crops that require pollination, they will probably be delighted to have hives nearby. They will obviously want a say in where the hives are sighted to ensure they are not going to be a danger to people or animals or interfere with the farmer’s work. If the land belongs to the local council you may find that they disallow hives from being placed on their land. This will be on the grounds of health and safety and the likelihood of them being sued if someone gets stung. If they find a hive on public land, they may remove it without warning under public nuisance laws. Some beekeepers manage to persuade allotment associations to allow the odd hive or two to go onto allotments, but as a general rule councils won’t allow hives on allotments (but there is no harm in asking). If hives are sighted on a farm, it is important to consider what farm animals (if any) may have access to the apiary. Smaller stock animals such as goats and sheep tend not to interfere with hives however, larger animals such as cows, horses and donkeys can easily knock over a hive. If a hive is knocked over the resultant angry bees may sting the animal to death; a scenario that affects the farmer’s livelihood and may get the beekeeper into legal trouble. Even if the clumsy animal gets away unharmed, the bee colony may die (particularly in cold, wet conditions) if the hive isn’t put back together quite quickly. If the apiary is to be sited permanently on a farm where livestock may gain access at some stage, a barrier should be erected by the beekeeper (if one doesn’t exist already). Normally a simple post and wire or post and rail fence will suffice. If hives are to be sited temporarily while the bees forage on a crops such as borage, rape, heather or in fruit orchards, care should be taken to place hives where large farm animals can’t get to them (or erect a temporary fence). Depending on the location of an apiary, a beekeeper may have to consider whether or not a farmer is likely to spray crops with something harmful to bees. Therefore, this should be a question that is asked of any farmer or land owner who allows hives to be placed on his/her land. You should ask them to call you a week or so before they begin to spray so that the hives can either be closed up the night before or moved to another location.
American journalist and satirist H. L. Mencken once said, “Martinis are the only American invention as perfect as a sonnet.” Whether your sensory inclinations tend toward sound or taste, it’s hard to disagree. One of the most sophisticated cocktails of all time, the martini has the distinct honor of being both one of the oldest—and trendiest—cocktails. While a strong case has historically been made for the gin martini, the emergence of organic, artisanal vodkas has captured the attention of top mixologists and cocktail lovers alike. With a liquor-forward composition, a martini is only as good as the vodka it’s based on, so choose with care. Read on for 21 of the best vodkas for martinis. This ultra-premium, certified-organic vodka isn’t just pure, it’s borderline otherworldly. Distilled in a copper and gold still inside a 13th-century castle, its profile is remarkably complex and infinitely smooth. Distilled 34 times, Purity absolutely lives up to its name, and pairs well with either olives or a twist. With a portfolio that includes gin, absinthe, and even single malt whiskey, St. George is something of an artisan jack-of-all-trades. This much loved San Francisco-based distillery shines with one of the absolute best vodkas for martinis. It’s elegant and down-to-earth, featuring the best fresh ingredients and a West Coast sensibility. Caledonia Spirits Barr Hill On the opposite coast from St. George, Caledonia Spirits has rigged up a Vermont-derived vodka that lends its own unique taste to the vodka martini. Unlike most competitors, with recipes that contain either potatoes or grains, Caledonia relies on the local beekeeping tradition to craft its vodka from raw, local honey, making this the perfect choice for those who like a bit of sweetness in their martini. Square One Cucumber Crisp, fresh, organic, and about as healthy as one could hope, Square One continues to craft some of the best vodkas for martinis. One of our favorite variations is its cucumber vodka, which pairs expertly with a few drops of artisan Lo-Fi dry vermouth and two to three slices of muddled organic cucumber. The bright, citrus taste of Reyka vodka is ideal for drinking on its own as well as being incredibly versatile. It’s a perfect choice for classic martinis, and, according to bartender Lucinda Sterling of Middle Branch in NYC, “has a nice mouthfeel, neat or on the rocks.” To shake (or stir) things up, make it a No. 3 Martini with a few dashes of orange bitters. Representing the first vodka in the super-premium category, this rye-based, charcoal-filtered vodka relies on 100% Polska rye and water from its own natural well—plus 600 years' worth of vodka-making tradition—to produce a spirit that's notably smooth and clean, with a hint of vanilla. Sip it in a martini or on the rocks. A product of Cognac, France, Grey Goose Vodka has been a top-shelf staple in American bars since its debut in 1997. It employs single-origin Picardie wheat and pure spring water from the label's own limestone well to create a clean-tasting vodka that's ideal as a foundation for a martini. This American-made vodka boasts a creamy mouthfeel and just a hint of sweetness. Its palate-pleasing attributes are due to the trio of organic, domestic grains from which it's made: hard red winter wheat, corn, and malted barley—the same blend used in Death Door's gin. Drink it ice-cold, with a twist. Snow Queen Vodka Five-times distilled in a top-secret location in Kazakhstan, this super-premium vodka pairs equally well with an ice cube or a twist of citrus. Either method of preparation will reveal a spirit that's velvety-smooth with a delicate, mineral-like finish and tasting notes of vanilla and aniseed. Nota bene: This wheat-based vodka is 100% organic. Many vodka brands lay claim to being the smoothest or the cleanest, but few can say their spirit is distilled in a copper column still that's 100 years old—and manually operated. It's this old-school approach (and the fact that the premium vodka's entire production process, from seed to bottle, is done within a 15-mile radius) that gives Absolut Elyx serious bragging rights. Try it in a martini with Lillet Blanc and a garnish of lemon zest. Arriving in a sinuous frosted bottle, this wheat-based Russia vodka is noted for the soft texture for which it's named. The recipe's use of honey and ginseng root extract imparts delicate flavors to the finished product, while an extensive distillation and filtration process allows the spirit to achieve its namesake texture (it's distilled 14 times before being filtered twice—once through birch coal and again through quartz sand). With a lineage that can be traced back to 17th-century Holland, a bottle of Ketel One represents generations' worth of vodka-making tradition and history. The wheat-based spirit still hails from the Netherlands, where it continues to be made in small batches and distilled in traditional copper-pot stills. This silky-smooth vodka is excellent when partnered with vermouth in a martini, but it's also a must-try in a Moscow Mule. This small-batch vodka calls dibs on being the first luxury vodka to employ spelt as its base ingredient. The ancient grain is said to imbue the spirit with a nutty taste, while the vodka's distillation (six times) and filtration (through charcoal) promise softness and smoothness in every feline-fronted bottle. If that's not enough to entice you to mix a martini, consider this: The brand's founder, entrepreneur-philanthropist Stephen Sparrow, dedicates 15% of the company's profits to snow leopard conservation. This Texas-made spirit is sippable on the rocks, but its smoothness and softness just beg to be in a martini. The vodka's drinkability is due, in part, to the fact that Tito's is "micro-distilled" using old-fashioned pot stills—and every batch is taste-tested for quality assurance. Bonus: Because Tito's is distilled from corn, it's naturally gluten free. After making its U.S. debut in 1972, this Russian import quickly established its position as one of the most ubiquitous and enduring brands in American cocktail culture. Made from rye and wheat, the vodka is distilled three times at Stoli's distillery in Tambov, Russia, before traveling to Latvia, where it's filtered through Russian birch charcoal and quartz sand. The result? A seriously smooth vodka with a kiss of grain sweetness. Råvo's minimalist frosted bottle hints at what's inside: pure, unadulterated vodka made in the Swedish tradition. Distilled in Västergötland, a southwest province of Sweden, the vodka relies on winter wheat and natural spring water to produce a spirit with a velvety mouthfeel and tasting notes of marshmallow and pepper. Try it in a Cosmo or on the rocks. Karlsson's Gold Vodka This Swedish vodka was released in 2007 and has since racked up accolades for its delicate, earthy aroma and exceptional smoothness. The acclaim should come as no surprise given that Karlsson's Gold is the brainchild of Peter Ekelund, one of the masterminds behind Absolut. Crafted with young potatoes grown in Sweden's Cape Bjäre region, the vodka is filtered only once to retain its full flavor and inherent complexities. Crystal Head Aurora A spicier, bolder iteration of the original Crystal Head vodka, this luxury spirit incorporates English wheat and Canadian water into its limited-edition recipe. After being distilled five times, the vodka is filtered through Herkimer diamonds before it's funneled into a iridescent, skull-shaped bottle that's sure to make a statement on your bar cart. With a name that means "luxury" in Polish, this potato-based spirit sets an expectation for a deliciously smooth and rich vodka—and follows through. Luksusowa has been in production since 1928, so each bottle is the result of a longstanding vodka-making tradition involving Poland-grown potatoes and artesian well water. Expect a slightly sweet-scented spirit with a rich finish. Jean-Marc XO Vodka Four French wheat grains serve as the foundation of this award-winning luxury vodka, distilled in France's Cognac region. Copper Alambic stills and Limousin oak are essential to the spirit's distillation and filtration processes, which, in turn, deliver a vodka with a delicate floral bouquet and an impossibly smooth mouthfeel. Jean-Marc XO doesn't disappoint in a martini; in fact, you might even be able to skip the vermouth. Chopin Wheat Vodka Joining rye and potato to create Chopin's trio of vodka offerings, this golden wheat-based spirit is subtly sweet and refreshingly light—the ideal base for a martini. The vodka also holds its own in summery cocktails thanks to its delicate flavor profile.
Honey bees and humans have had a documented relationship for thousands of years. Bee pollination is responsible for more than $15 billion in increased crop value each year, about 1/3 of all food crops. Piedmont Beekeepers Assoc., one of the oldest beekeeping clubs in the state, has announced a series of workshops beginning in March. The “Practical Beekeeping for Beginners” classes will be taught by a VSBA certified Journeyman Beekeeper; topics include: history of beekeeping, the biology of honey bees and the seasonal management of colonies. Bee experts say many people confuse honey bees with other stinging insects such as wasps, hornets & yellow-jackets. Although related, honey bees are vegetarians, non-aggressive, and rarely sting unless their nest is threatened. Beekeeper classes will take place Wednesday evenings, for eight weeks beginning March 5. Class size is limited and advance registration is required…call 434-660-6063 for more information.
To be updated with the latest in the beekeeping industry to can check out our apiculture latest news. On the other hand if you’re starting apiculture and desire to start professional apiculture today get a copy of our beekeeping for beginners ebook. Beekeeping can be a full-time profession or a hobby that is simple. Yet, more often than not, what began as a hobby would turn into a profession. But you cannot merely tell and determine yourself you will start to do beekeeping. You need to have comprehension and sufficient knowledge on the area that you’re going to enter before beginning on any hobby or profession. Then it’s about time to indulge yourself, if you really have been putting off your interest in beekeeping for a long time. Bee farming may look simple; by learning the basic beekeeping lessons, you can be got away to a great start. What does a beekeeper need to understand? First, you should have full interest on beekeeping to begin at the right foot. You should also have consented to share your house space. There are possible dangers in beekeeping that can damage not only you but your family too. Your focus isn’t just to make money by selling honey; a great beekeeper should have a keen interest and passion in rearing bees. An apiarist should know the right location for the beehives. The area must have adequate sources of nectar for the bees to get. You need certainly to make sure that beekeeping is enabled in your town, if you decide to put your beehives at your backyard. There are several places limited to beekeeping; you should get permission concerning this. Beekeepers must understand whether beekeeping supplies can be found in the place where the beehives are situated. When you have to visit a neighborhood beekeeping store you may never understand; it is best that a nearby beekeeping shop is not inaccessible. Equipment and protective gear may also be important for beekeepers to know. Beekeepers are prone to bee stings; the ideal outfit must be worn during beekeeping sessions. This will minimize the chances of being stung by your bees. Understand the appropriate suit to choose to keep you from any potential danger in beekeeping. All the efforts that are beekeeping would be ineffective if you’re not able to harvest honey. A beekeeper should know the methods in collecting the honey in the comb; beeswax is also part of the yields in beekeeping.
Part dissertation, part anecdotes, this book could be much more than it is. Bishop tells the story of how she fell into honey producing and beekeeping. The historical sections of the book are superbly researched, telling the tale of beekeeping from the earliest days in Ancient Egypt and Greece to the modern era. This history is interesting, but predictably dry. The anecdotes should provide the levity, humor, and driving interest to keep the book going. Unfortunately, this is not what we get from Bishop. While a few anecdotes are interesting, mostly concerning her own early efforts at beekeeping, including amusing mistakes, far too much time is devoted to the minutiae of the work of veteran beekeeper Donald Smiley. These episodes might be beneficial for anyone interested in beekeeping, but they are too long and, as they have no real point to make, purposeless. Perhaps condensing these stories, focusing more on her own efforts, or even exploring what she learned from following Smiley around, rather than simply logging what he did and how, would have made this book a far more interesting read.
Humble Bee was founded in 2014 by us, Ahmed and Michal, while we were living in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. We got started in apiculture and learned how to raise our own beehives by attending classes organized through our local beekeeping association. With each passing season, though, we noticed there were fewer and fewer wild bees around and more and more beehives collapsing without any obvious cause. After suffering the loss of our own hives, we decided it was time to take action and help save the bees. That's why we established Humble Bee and agreed on a mission - to give back 10% of our profits to charities that encourage local beekeeping activities and promote bee conservation efforts. We want to get more people involved with beekeeping and help newcomers establish their own apiaries. Our beekeeping products are built to the highest safety and quality standards. In fact, we only sell products that we've tested and use at our own apiaries! We promise that you'll love your new Humble Bee gear as much as we do, or we'll give you a full refund - no questions asked. And, to top things off, we guarantee the caliber of all our products with a hassle-free 2-year warranty.
Dovetail saws are used to cut not only dovetails, but other fine joints for projects. The blades on these saws are thinker than other saws. This allows for greater accuracy. It’s important to purchase a good quality tool for making tight joints and professional looking projects. Look for about fourteen to seventeen points per inch in a good quality saw. Similarly, a single much more commonly applied form of jig will be the dovetail jig. These jigs are specifically made use of for preparing drawers. They guide the woodworker to give an ideal shape towards the diverse components of drawers. Lately I have been having a mental block with regards to my creativity when it comes to woodworking. I am finding it hard to come up with really cool sketches and drawings as I tend to start making stuff that is really odd and out there. If you haven’t noticed, I’m really into art. Anyways, I was searching around and found some links to these woodworking products. One of them was for Teds Woodworking. It is similar to Woodworking4home; however this one is cheaper and provided me with 16,000 Woodworking Jigs.Not too shabby. But the big difference that I found was Teds Woodworking came out after Woodworking4Home so it was kind of modeled off of its success. One good suggestion is to go ahead and pick up the wood finish or paint you need while you are at the hardware store grabbing some nuts, bolts, and wood screws. You could paint the bed in just one color or you could do some elaborate painting to make it more stylish. You could also stain the wood in stead to give the wood a natural appearance. The season for beekeeping runs from early spring to late autumn in the northern hemisphere; (down under in Australia and other countries in the southern hemisphere the season can last all year). Use the autumn to order your equipment and plan for the coming year. The basic tools you will need if you want to build your own dresser at home are the following: a table saw, tape measure, pencil, a corner/arc template, a miter saw, a power drill with plug cutter, a router with round-over bit, a kreg pocket hole system, a screw gun, bar clamps, a gripping clamp, and a belt sander or 120 grit sandpaper and a block. It is worth the money to invest in a good jig, even though some workers build small ones themselves. The choice is simple. You can either invest in a good jig and save yourself hours of labor and ruined wood when mistakes are made, or not use a jig and waste all that time and energy. Most serious hobbyists opt for a jig. When planning to build something, first thing you need to determine is how big you want it to be. You also need to make sure that you have enough space for that particular thing. Measure your available space for your desired woodwork. Also know the different materials you want to use. There are so many woods available in stores that you will have a hard time choosing one. You need to do a little research and see what woods can be used for your particular project. You can also ask local carpenters on to provide you with ideas you can implement in making your home an Eden. On the same note about reducing mistakes, you not only save time and increase the quality of your projects, but you also save money. You won’t have wasted wood because you will know exactly how much wood you need and you will know exactly what cuts to make because you can work right from the woodworking plan. The package had everything that I needed plus over 9000 different woodworking and furniture plans. There were a multitude of various wood projects covered, and all were user friendly plans that you can easily follow and use at home.
Welcome to a new fall season and a chance to harvest your passion for learning! We have many new offerings along with your tried and true favorites. Please take time to review them all and sign up on line, by phone, or through the mail. Our $5 EARLYBIRD discount is valid through September 20. Many thanks to all our communities for their ongoing support of Adult Education programs and services! Look for our colorful Fall 2019 brochure in your mailbox Labor Day weekend! Pamela J. Sperry, CLC Adult Education Director [email protected] Make 2019 the year you learn to play guitar…get your degree… change jobs… Whatever new skill or life change you’re dreaming of, there’s a good chance your local Maine adult education program can help you get there. Gather your friends and get some holiday shopping done in the Old Port section of Portland. You’ll have several hours of free time to shop for those unique gifts you need for your unique family members and friends. Have lunch on your own. Enjoy tea at a local tea house. And then we’ll make a […] Maine Driving Dynamics is a Maine sponsored five hour defensive driving course that offers all drivers the opportunity to improve their defensive driving skills. Course includes discussion of collision avoidance techniques, safety issues, driver habits and attitudes, and the basic elements that constantly challenge drivers on Maine’s highways. It is taught by a certified Maine […] This class is intense because we will be creating and glazing in eight classes in just four weeks. Participants must be advanced students who have already learned how to wedge clay and center on the wheel. We will be focusing on making all the components to a tea set: teapot, sugar bowl, creamer, cups, etc! […] This class is designed to stimulate the interest in and answer the questions of those interested in starting beekeeping, to help pollinate their gardens or generally learn more about honey bee care and cultivation. This is not a “how to keep bees” course but an introduction to help decide if beekeeping is for the student. […] This class will introduce plants in our area that are used by bees for gathering pollen and nectar. The slideshow presentation will move from season to season with photos of important flowers for bees. Also included is information on how to create an eco-friendly yard. Handouts will be available. Jean Vose of Nobleboro is the […]
How is Propolis Made? How is Propolis Made? Propolis, defined as a miracle that is given to mankind by bees, is produced in completely natural ways. In order to produce honey, bees combine the extracts they gather with their own enzymes to protect their hives and youngs. Propolis, a resinous substance collected from the leaves and stems of different plant buds, is collected especially from birch, beech, poplar, willow, pine, spruce, alder and chestnut. Propolis is the key to the survival of the bees and the whole colony. Thanks to propolis, bees protect their hives from bacteria, fungi and viruses while at the same time raising their young in a healthy way. An important part of the content of propolis is flavonoids, polyphenols, phenolic acids and their esters, terpenes, steroids, vitamins B1, B2, C and E, as well as various minerals and amino acids. The main plants as a propolis source for bees are Maple, Hazelnut, Oak, Alder, Plum, Willow, Horse Chestnut, Pine, Eucalyptus, Chestnut, Poplar, Linden and Ash. Producing propolis is a very laborious and labor-intensive process for the bees. Bees are very selective when collecting propolis and always pick the buds in the high parts of the trees. Using their mouths, they collect the gum-like material they have picked up on their hind legs and collect as much as they can carry, then return to their hives. The area where the bees collect propolis is quite decisive for the quality of propolis. Because bees can use paint, pitch and mineral oils as propolis and carry them to the hive. Therefore, bee hives should be located as far away from residential areas and asphalt roads. How to Collect and Extract Propolis? The most important step before collecting propolis should be to prevent contamination of the propolis with wax, paint and other parts of the beehive. The cleanest and simplest way to collect propolis is the trap method. Traps are small perforated plates formed as a simulation of cracks in beehives. Bees who want to protect their hives from external factors try to close the small holes in the traps and form propolis at the same time. Thanks to the traps, the wax that will pollute the product is not being mixed with the propolis. And so, the harvest time becomes faster and more propolis are taken. Traps coated with propolis by bees are removed from the hive and stored in a deep freezer. Cold-cured propolis gains a brittle structure and is separated from the traps by a simple bending action applied to the inner lid. The Miracle of Propolis Propolis is a resinous substance, a completely natural bee product that resembles a sticky gum that changes from yellow-brown to black in its raw form. The color of propolis may vary depending on the seasonal and plant characteristics of the region where it is collected. Propolis produced in countries with mild climate is brown, while propolis in tropical countries is black. However, propolis produced in countries such as Finland and Cuba has a lighter color as a dark oak. Like all natural products with antioxidant properties, propolis has a bitter and sour taste. When it is first taken from the hive, it has a unique smell. Propolis, a resinous and sticky substance, softens when it comes into contact with heat; hardens and solidifies when exposed to cold air. Index of a Propolis The chemical content of propolis, which has played a key role in keeping bees alive for millions of years, is quite complex. The chemical content of propolis, which may vary according to the region and plant species, is generally composed of 50% resin, 30% wax, 10% essential and aromatic oils, 5% pollen and 5% organic residues. How to tell if the propolis is natural or not? Unfortunately, it is very difficult to say that many of the products sold under the name of propolis are real and natural propolis. It is not possible to distinguish which of these products is natural propolis without analysis. In the analysis, it was understood that the propolis brought from China contained the stems and leaves of the trees and they were pulverized and sold as ‘propolis’. Many users who take China propolis and want to benefit from it, cannot use it by all means and benefit from the valuable features of propolis since they use another product obtained from the pulverization of stems and leaves of trees. The color of pure, organic and natural propolis changes from light brown to dark brown. It has been found that some products contain dyes to capture the natural color of pure propolis. Due to the lack of laboratories to conduct extensive research on bee products and the difficult analysis of propolis, there are some Chinese propolis products on the market which do not have the properties of a natural propolis. Turkey is the world's second largest bee products manufacturer with its more than 7 million beehives. Beeandyou makes use of this magnificent feature of the Anatolian geography, which hosts more than 10 thousand endemic plant species, and produces 100% natural and pure propolis without losing its nutritional values. Beeandyou offers the product in its most natural and pure form by combining the propolis obtained from 250 thousand hives with the contracted beekeeping model developed for the first time. Properties of Anatolian propolis The forest geography of Anatolia, dating back 2,000 years, has a rich and valuable endemic vegetation. Beeandyou's Anatolian Propolis from Anatolia's rich plant flora is safely consumed in countries around the world such as the USA, South Korea, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the TRNC. However propolis produced by Beeandyou’s "From the Hive to Fork" and "Contracted Beekeeping" models offers royal jelly, pollen and raw honey in Turkey and as well as all around the world. Anatolian propolis has a very special profile compared to products produced in other countries. In a study carried out jointly by ITU Food Engineering Department and Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine, phenolic and flavanoids were found to be the highest in the Anatolia propolis comparing to other propolis products in the world. Propolis products and how to use them Propolis must be extracted correctly before use and there are different ways of using propolis product. The propolis extract may generally be consumed externally or internally. If you want to consume propolis externally, you can choose again from propolis drops. How often should propolis be used? What is the dosage? You may find different suggestions on how often propolis should be used. You can consume propolis in liquid form as the most practical way. Under normal conditions, you can consume 20 drops of propolis per day in adults, up to 4 times in case of illness. The recommended amount of propolis in children is 10 drops per day. In cases of illness, the amount of use can be quadrupled. Propolis can be consumed directly or with foods such as yoghurt, cereals, milk or fruit juices. And water soluble propolis extract can be added to water as well. Propolis product range In addition, there are also mixtures of propolis containing honey with peanuts, pistachios, and hazelnut. These are especially healthy and natural alternative products to bread-spread chocolate mixes which is consumable during meals or breakfast. Firstly developed by Beeandyou, “Development of Propolis Spreadable Natural Blends” project was supported by TUBITAK.
Professional honey producers say individuals should stop wasting their money on expensive how to start beekeeping classes in Eldora Iowa reason being they can get cheaper training through online information plus ebooks which cost far less than honey bee farming classes. Beekeeping, like every other action, has its own dos and don’ts. Start beekeeping usually involves the gear that is needed and purchasing bees. However, some individuals who are beginning this hobby generally make several mistakes. It’s ok to make mistakes, and also this post can help new beekeepers prevent making precisely the same mistakes others have in the past. Here are three mistakes which every beekeeper should avoid: 1. Not knowing the best time to begin avocation or a beekeeping company can prove to be a catastrophe. It may lead to a loss of cash and your bees. Since most bees expire during the winter, winter is the worst possible time to start. This would drive a beekeeper to buy a brand new batch of bees, which would be more expensive cash. Autumn is another lousy time to begin beekeeping, since you will find fewer flowers, thus a smaller amount of honey harvested. The best time to begin beekeeping is during summer, which is the time of the year where there are lots of blooms that are blooming. 2. Buying used gear and old books. This really is a standard mistake made by many start beekeepers. It is clear that one would want to save money as much as possible, but purchasing used equipment and old beekeeping publications isn’t a good thought. First, used gear can come with “inherited” problems. The extractor outlet might have a leak, or the uncapping knife might not be sharp enough to uncap all the wax. This would surely change the quality of one’s honey, which will ben’t an ideal situation particularly if a beekeeper is intending to commence a honey-selling business. Second, old books can provide info that is aged on beekeeping. One might be stuck using the traditional approach when there are more rapid and better methods fabrication honey and to maintain beehives. 3. Refraining from purchasing protective gear. Think about this. If one doesn’t wear protective equipment when managing the hives and accumulating the honeycombs, he/she’ll come out as a pincushion with all the bee stingers. Protective gear is expensive, yes, but it’ll help beekeepers prevent spending medical bills. These three mistakes are presented here to help they are avoided by future beekeepers. Before getting started beekeeping, it is best to consult a specialist beekeeper. If buying a particular thing looks too expensive, always think about the ending price ( in case that they do not buy this thing now, will it cost them more later on?). In the long run, it’s up to the person to decide the best strategy.
Tajikistan Boosts Honey Exports Tajikistan increases exports of honey. The locally-made product is in high demand abroad and is being exported to Russia, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan and the United Arab Emirates. The honey season began recently, but beekeepers have collected almost 4,000 tonnes of honey. They believe that natural Tajik honey can prevent and treat various diseases. For example, honey with propolis is effective to treat cold, while honey with pollen treats heart. The taste of honey depends on the location of the bee farm. Beekeepers set beehives in mountainous areas, near cotton fields and in gardens. There are five bee species in Tajikistan, such as Tajik, Italian, Middle Russian, Caucasian and Carpathian. There are three beekeeping development programs adopted in Tajikistan, which are aimed to expand honeybee colonies and honey production in all categories. The number of beehives in Tajikistan has increased by 8,000 over the past year. Tajik beekeepers produced about 3,000 tonnes of honey in 2010, and the output almost doubled in 2019.
With so many exciting upcoming projects, it’s been a busy, jam-packed summer at the office, but that doesn’t mean we don’t get the chance for some fun in-bee-tween! In July, we brought out our bells and helmets on the Urban Beekeeping Bike Tour, put on by MacEwan’s Office of Sustainability. For a day threatened by stormy rain clouds, we were nothing but honey-sweet smiles as we pedalled through … Our province’s EcoHeroes receive prestigious awards. JUNE 4, 2019 EDMONTON, AB – Hopeful finalists, community partners and sponsors, volunteers, and other members of the community joined the Alberta Emerald Foundation for the announcement of the 28th Annual Emerald Awards today. The award itself, designed and created by onetwosix design based in Edmonton, is fantastically aligned with the sustainability theme, being made from repurposed materials. “We are … For more than a quarter-century, the Emerald Awards have recognized and celebrated the outstanding environmental achievements of large and small businesses, individuals, not-for-profit organizations, community groups, youth, and governments in our province. Since 1992, the Alberta Emerald Foundation (AEF) has showcased over 300 recipients and 800 finalists through the Emeralds. This year, it could be you! “We are the only awards program in … Whether you’re a first time Emerald Awards nominator, or you have gone through the process before, we have made some updates to our nominations form to consider while crafting your submission. These changes were created based on the generous feedback we received from a focus group and survey we held earlier this year. We anticipate the changes improve the ability for more creativity, flexibility, and accessibility in your nomination. … Albertan EcoHeroes receive prestigious environmental award. JUNE 5, 2018 CALGARY, AB – Today at Calgary’s Theatre Junction Grand, hopeful finalists joined the Alberta Emerald Foundation (AEF), its sponsors, volunteers and other members from the local community for the announcement of the 27th Annual Emerald Awards. A panel of knowledgeable third-party judges with cross-sectoral experience rose to the challenge of narrowing down the brilliant examples of … Albertan EcoHeroes take one step closer to receiving prestigious environmental award. MARCH 29, 2018 CALGARY, AB – Today at Calgary’s Theatre Junction Grand, hopeful nominees joined the Alberta Emerald Foundation (AEF), its sponsors, volunteers and other members from the local community for the announcement of the 27th Annual Emerald Awards Finalists. Over the past weeks, a panel of knowledgeable third-party judges with cross-sectoral experience rose to … Pierrette Requier, Edmonton’s Poet Laureate, captured the rhythm and magic of the changing seasons in her poem Trees, crafted for the 26th Annual Emerald Awards. Listen to her beautiful words here. The Emerald Speaker Series welcomes past Emerald Awards Finalists and Recipients to share an inspirational message about the environment. Kelcie Miller-Anderson is one of the Emerald Awards’ youngest and most inspirational recipients. At the age of 15, Kelcie began her research into developing novel remediation methods for the Alberta Oil Sands. Since receiving her Emerald Award in 2013, she has gone on to be … The 25th Annual Emerald Awards were filled with many special moments, including when Derek Beaulieu, former Poet Laureate of Calgary, delivered this stunning poem he created exclusively for the event. Emerald, Silver, Turquoise . . . The alien landscape of Lake Abraham on the North Saskatchewan River, near Nordegg, has fascinated the internet. Photographs of its eerie surface floods Instagram and Twitter. During the summer … On June 4, 2015, Poet Laureate Mary Pinkoski closed the Emerald Awards with a new piece written for the event. Her beautifully-crafted piece (reprinted below) filled all with inspiration as she reflected on the outstanding achievements and contributions of the finalists and recipients recognized at the event. There are people act as emeralds Edmonton Poet Laureate (2013-2015 …
Disclaimer Disclaimer, Confidentiality, Indemnities and Limits of Liabilities Use of our services and website - Every effort is made to present correct and up-to-date information. Urban Hive, its affiliates, directors and employees does not guarantee, and accepts no legal liability whatsoever arising from or connected to, the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any material contained on this web site or on any linked sites. - We inspect bee hives and bee products to the best of our ability and report their acuracy. These inspections do not guarantee that your hive(s) are pest free and Urban Hive accepse no legal liablily whatsoever arising from pests that may have been present before, during or after our inspection. - Urban Hive is contracted to report certain diseases and findings to Assue Quality, MAF or its agents. Urban Hive will make these reports and accepts no responisbility for any loss, financial, legal or otherwise associated with those findings at any time. - Urban Hive recommends that visitors and users of the site make their own assessment as to the content, accuracy, relavance and completeness of this web site for their purposes. This web site is not a substitute for independent professional advice and users should obtain any appropriate professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. The material on this web site may include the views or recommendations of third parties, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Urban Hive. - The sting of bees can lead to swelling, redness, anaphylaxis and even death. While Urban Hive's purpose is to encourage beekeeping activities and bees in your surroundings, Urban Hive, its affiliates, directors and staff accept no liability for loss whether legal, financial or any other loss, including personal loss in regards to insects stings or bites from your own or Urban Hive managed hives whether these are on your property or on neighbouring properties. - Bees produce exrement. Urban Hive, its directors and staff will not accept any legal or other liability whatsoever arising from the result of the extrement of bees in the property or neighboring properties, whether the bees are from a hive owned by you or the hive is managed by Urban Hive.
NEW VIDEO – Custom Made Nuc box BEEHIVE decorated by bees themselves. http://www.mahakobees.com/store.html looks briefly at our custom made beekeeping nuc hive which our hyperactive and super productive honey bees filled to the brim with burr comb and golden honey. We also show you a close up of our handmade wooden hive entrance reducer which assists new bee colony splits in protecting their hive entrance until they grow in numbers. So when would a budding beekeeper use such a small beehive, or a nucleus beehive? These hives are typically used for splitting your colonies or to relocate a small swarm of bees if you are lucky enough to find one. The hive itself can come in many forms, shapes and sizes. Standard width is 4 or 5 Langstroth style full depth frames and the hive body itself is usually made out of wood, much like a normal full size brood chamber would be with an entrance and a top cover. There are also polystyrene and cardboard versions available in various local beekeeping supplies outlets, but these are used for transportation generally. The nucs can also be user to raise queens if you have lots of beehives and want to save money on re-queening. Once you order one (or better yet, make one), it is usually flat packed like other timber beehives and needs to be assembled. It functions exactly the same way as a normal full size hive would, but the space is smaller and most importantly, the hive entrance is much smaller in width, which enables the new guard honey bees to protect the colony from being robbed, attacked or invaded by pests such as the wax moth and small hive beetles. We add an additional adjustable hive entrance reducer which further restricts the opening because the bees in their first few days after migration only have a few guard bees available for hive protection, so the reducer helps by reducing the opening further minimizing their exposure to external threat. Once the bee colony fills up all the frames and you have a healthy fertilized and laying queen, you can either migrate them to a full hive or add a second level to the nuc. You will need to make that decision depending on where you live and how strong your bee colony is as well as other factors such as the season you are in, availability of food and flowering plants, and availability of your beekeeping equipment. If you are interested in splitting your hives and making your own bees or would like to try rearing your own queens, or you just like the look of these hives, come and visit our simple online #beekeeping supplies eStore at: http://www.mahakobees.com/store.html and have one shipped to your door today. We appreciate your support and invite you to click the thumbs up, share and subscribe if you enjoy our content. Thank you for visiting. We invite you to support our Beekeeping initiatives on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mahakobees - Beekeeping Website http://www.mahakobees.com - Beekeeping Supplies on eSTORE: http://www.mahakobees.com/store.html - Colony disorder Blog: http://mahakobees.com/blog - Beekeeping with kids on Blog kids: http://beekeepingwithkids.blogspot.com.au/ - Mahako Honey on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/mahakobees - Bee Colonies on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+MahakoBees - Apiary on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mahakobees/ - Beekeepers on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/mahakobees/ - Extracting honey on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mahakobees - Honey extraction on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/125372235@N04/ - Mahakobees on Stumbleupon: http://www.pinterest.com/mahakobees/ - Bee hives on Tumblr site: http://mahakobees.tumblr.com/ - Bees Tumblr blog: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mahakobees - Beehives on LiveJournal: http://mahakobees.livejournal.com/ - Bee Keeping on Delicious https://delicious.com/mahakobees - Honey bees on Diigo https://www.diigo.com/user/mahakobees - Beekeeping on Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/MahakoBees Beehive, beekeeping equipment, bee hive, nuc beehive, hive splits, making more bees, bee space, honey, raw honey, beekeeping, bee, bees, honey bees, keeping bees, nuc hive, nucleous hive, small hive, apis mellifera, bee colony, bee swarm, housing a swarm, catching a swarm, how to split a hive, prevent swarming, beeswax, honeycomb, liquid gold, starting a beehive, hive entrance reducer, new bee colony, keeping bees in a backyard, how to get more bees, homesteading, Langstroth hive, nuc box
Our collection of old and new tools, especially beekeeping and other rural activities, are housed in a building about a hundred years old, once used for the supplementary work of the farm. The fact that my family, alongside other agricultural activities, were beekeepers from way back when, has allowed me to have this wonderful collection of tools and instruments. Through this presentation, you will be introduced to the life of bees from ancient times until today. The relationship between man and the honeybee will be discussed and how it has changed through time. Learn about the impressive bee colonies which work together in order to create this wonderful product, honey, along with other valuable products they offer us. Honey and bee products which have followed man through history have been and are used for nutrition, medicine and cosmetics. Discover how the beehive produces royal jelly, wax and venom. Also, how the bee collects nectar, pollen and propolis.
Gain in immediate energy through the first raw bar with honey and pollen. Real mass of energy : A special sport nutrition "organic-addict" recipe with raw honey and carefully selected super-food. Quality of the raw materials : 100% of the beekeeping raw materials are obtained and checked according to our fair and local Gentle Beekeeping® charter. Acacia honey and polyfloral pollen : Dynamism and performance stem from the energy of our bees raised with love. Easily assimilated. Date paste : Highly concentrated in carbohydrates, the date paste with high energy content is perfect for intense sport activities. Sunflower, sesame and flax seeds : Naturally overflow with good nutrients (omega-3, fibres, minerals, proteins) for a better qualitative and quantitative energy production. Alive food : Slowly dehydrated at 42°C maximum in order to preserve the nutrients of the ingredients. Average nutritional values for 100g / 30g : Energy : 2104 kj - 505 kcal / 632 kj / 151 kcal Fat including : 32 g / 9,6g Saturated fatty acids : 3,8g / 1,14g Carbohydrates including : 39g / 11,7g Sugar : 38g / 11,4g Fibres : 6,1g / 1,8g Salt : 40 mg / 12 mg Enriched in high-quality organic ingredients from regional territories : dates*, sunflower seeds* (30%), sesame seeds* (14%), flax seeds* (10%), honey* (4%), pollen* (2%), antioxydant : ascorbic acid. *ingredients from organic farming. Should be kept in a dry place at room temperature. Does not contain gluten and lactose. Naturally rich in plant proteins. 30 g bar Small and handy, it is easy to carry around, everywhere you go ! Its packaging enables a good preservation. Particularly suitable for children’s snack or before and during exercise, when you feel peckish or tired all of a sudden.
I am the former managing broker of Loma Prieta Properties and have 28 years experience in South Bay Area real estate. I have been consistently one of the top listing and selling agents in the Santa Cruz/ Los Gatos mountains. I believe that for most clients, buying or selling a home is a very emotional decision. As a realtor, my job is to make the transaction as smooth and worry-free as possible. I anticipate and troubleshoot potential problems. I make myself available to my clients to discuss concerns that may come up. My clients can rest assured that I will always work in their best interests and will handle their purchases or sale with the utmost honesty and integrity. I have an educational background in Psychology. I am a certified real estate appraiser, licensed real estate broker, and a Seniors Real Estate Specialist. I am also certified as a Cartus Network Referral / Inventory / Marketing Specialist. I have lived and worked in the Summit area of the Los Gatos mountains since 1980. My twins, Kevin & Vanessa, were born here, attended local schools, and are currently pursuing their career goals. My husband, Stephen M. Payne, PhD., is a local historian and author. My hobbies and interests include period architecture & furnishings, deer-resistant gardening, beekeeping, and world travel. I belong to the Santa Cruz Bee Guild and the Monterey Bay Koi and Pond Club. TESTIMONIALS FROM FORMER CLIENTS: Carol is a true professional. She listed and sold our property in a very quick and clean sale. Her knowledge of the area was thorough to say the least and her dedication to completing the job at hand was amazing. Very detail oriented. Her commitment to us as her clients made us feel she put her 'all' into completing our sale. We very highly recommend her as a realtor who will complete the job in a timely and professional manner. Thanks again, Carol. Jon & Norene Mason. Stetson Rd., Los Gatos Carol Payne put a lot of herself and her time into a relatively small transaction. She was most helpful in pursuing the details of a complex negotiation, and her advice about pricing was right on. Highly recommended, five stars! Buyers, Soda Springs Rd., Los Gatos Carol Payne Is very honest & a dedicated worker. Carol will make you feel like you are her only client even though you know she has many others. I have bought two homes through Carol and sold one. I am sure when I am ready for a rest home, she will help me again. Her knowledge of the Los Gatos and Santa Cruz Mtns. is remarkable. In fact, someone once said "Carol Payne is a Legend"! Ray & Susan Adams, Skyland Rd., Los Gatos I can't say enough about Carol's patience, knowledge, responsiveness, flexibility and "beyond the call of duty" helpfulness in finding and buying a home that worked for both myself and my husband. It didn't take long for me to know I could trust that she was interested in helping us find the right place, and that her insight, experience and practical nature was the perfect fit for helping us in our search. We feel very lucky to have had her assistance and now consider her a lifelong friend. We would highly recommend her. Mark & Melinda, Bohlman Rd., Saratoga
Between February 18, 1960, and February 4, 1963, a week before Sylvia Plath committed suicide, at the age of thirty, she sent a series of candid letters to her close friend and former psychiatrist, Ruth Beuscher. What has happened to these documents in the intervening years is a case study in Plath’s legacy. In the nineteen-seventies, fourteen letters, which cover in detail Plath’s estrangement from her husband, the English poet Ted Hughes, were passed from Beuscher to Harriet Rosenstein, a feminist scholar who was working on a biography of Plath. Stymied by the Plath estate, Rosenstein never published the book, and the letters, unknown to the public, remained in her files. In 2017, they were put up for sale by an American book dealer. Images of the letters, with passages clearly legible, were posted online; as rumors about their contents spread, Smith College, Plath’s alma mater and home to a collection of her papers, filed a lawsuit. The case was settled, the letters went to Smith, and Frieda Hughes, Plath’s daughter and literary executor, who had only recently learned of their existence, reviewed them for possible publication. Plath used letters, often brilliantly, to master appearances. “I am the girl that Things Happen To,” she wrote to her mother, when she was twenty. “I have spent the morning writing a flurry of letters: all sorts, all sizes: contrite, gay, loving, consolatory.” The fact that she could toggle among these conflicting moods, then boast about it, all in a single morning, suggests how important letters were to her sense of herself as adaptable and presentable, whatever the occasion. The hundreds of missives that she sent home to her mother, almost invariably peppy, beginning when she was a seven-year-old away at her grandparents’ house and ending just a week before her death, are the most continuous thread running through “The Letters of Sylvia Plath” (Harper), which has been published in two volumes: the first in 2017, the second this November. But the Beuscher letters, included in the new volume, are different; they are among the most revealing pieces of prose that Plath ever wrote, in any genre. In them, she alleges that Hughes “beat me up physically” a couple of days before a miscarriage, “seems to want to kill me,” and “told me openly he wished me dead.” In a foreword to this volume, Frieda, who was not yet three when Plath killed herself, maintains, “My father was not the wife-beater that some would wish to imagine he was”: What, I asked myself, would qualify as a physical beating? A push? A shove? A swipe? The assault had not warranted a mention in [an] earlier letter when my mother had written there was “No apparent reason to miscarry.” But of course, now that the relationship was disintegrating, what woman would want to paint her exiting husband in anything other than the darkest colours? The “context,” she continues, “is not only important, it is vital ”: Plath had torn up a stack of her husband’s papers, and she herself admitted that his outburst was an “aberration.” Frieda writes, “My mother had hit out at the thing they both knew was most precious—typescripts of their own work.” A letter tells only one side of the story. Plath’s letters to Beuscher, whom she stiffly addresses as “Dr.” throughout, sometimes assume the tone of a psychiatric appointment, where candor and speculation, fact and hunch, are twinned. But their transparency is arresting; these are the only letters in the book where Plath sets aside the kaleidoscopic genius of her style in favor of the plainest possible account. And it is fully consistent with what has long been suspected about Hughes and Plath’s relationship that he might have assaulted her. Since the night they met, as two aspiring writers in England—Plath, fresh out of Smith on a Fulbright; Hughes, a loamy Yorkshire giant—violence was distressingly adjacent to the sexual charge. Plath’s description of that meeting, at a Cambridge University party, in 1956, is among the most famous passages in her journals: I was stamping and he was stamping on the floor, and then he kissed me bang smash on the mouth and ripped my hairband off. . . . And when he kissed my neck I bit him long and hard on the cheek, and when we came out of the room, blood was running down his face. Soon she was writing to a college friend that Hughes was “the only man I’ve ever met whom I never could boss; he’d bash my head in.” It is no surprise that Plath’s clear account of Hughes’s alleged assault gets caught in the briar thicket of conflicting interests. Here is a letter to a friend who was once her psychiatrist, analyzed by a daughter who hardly remembers her mother, and who seeks to exonerate her father. Given Frieda’s suggestion that violence might be an understandable reaction to the ripping up of her father’s papers, it is ironic that we cannot consult all of Plath’s journals, where she was often extravagantly confiding: Hughes notoriously destroyed one of the volumes—in an effort, he said, to spare his daughter and son the pain of reading it. He claimed that a second notebook had mysteriously vanished. As her letters, more than any other documents, reveal, Plath monitored life from behind a façade of chipper enthusiasm. Her genius took shape hidden by this screen, and when it flowered, especially in “Ariel,” the book of poems that she wrote in the months leading up to her suicide, it was sharp, chilling, and prosecutorial. Plath was always two or more people. She was a product of “the fearful, double-faced fifties,” as Janet Malcolm put it, in “The Silent Woman” (1994), and she has since become perhaps the premier symbol of that decade’s complicated psychological bargains. After her death, she was refracted through the interests of her admirers, or, too often, of her antagonists’ antagonists: widespread hatred of Hughes, which crested in the seventies, sometimes eclipsed an appreciation of her work, in all its furious wit, abrupt tenderness, and transgressive force. In solidarity with Plath, her fans repeatedly vandalized her tombstone, chiselling Hughes’s surname out of the granite. Because Hughes was so entangled in her tragedy—and, in turn, in her legacy—defending her sometimes meant defacing her. Even “Ariel” was affected: though Plath had left a complete manuscript on her desk, Hughes altered the contents for publication, in 1965, in ways that struck many readers as self-absolving. A “restored” version, preserving Plath’s apparent wishes, was published in 2004. Some readers applauded the justness of the restoration, while still preferring Hughes’s version—the one that hit American literature like a meteor when it first appeared. The preference had to be carefully expressed: its implications for a woman’s agency were troubling. The fiftieth anniversary of Plath’s death came and went in 2013. Almost all the major players in this story are now dead. Plath’s mother, Aurelia, published her own, highly selective edition of Plath’s correspondence, “Letters Home,” in 1975, and died in 1994. After Plath’s death, Hughes raised their two children, remarried, became the British poet laureate, and, for the most part, kept his silence about Plath. Just before he died, of cancer, in 1998, he published a book of elegies for Plath, “Birthday Letters,” which was received as either tender or tactical, depending on whose side you took. Ted’s sister Olwyn, who clung to her brother and clashed with Plath, died in 2016. Nicholas Hughes, the baby whose gravity-defying crib gymnastics are heartbreakingly described in “Ariel,” became a fisheries scientist in Alaska and, in 2009, hanged himself. Frieda, a poet and painter living in Wales, survives. Though the main stakeholders in this saga have petered out, for most of Plath’s readers a vexed affinity endures. When I discovered Plath in high school (as many still do), I remember the feeling of being an interloper in a totally absorbing story. Now I often teach her poems, but rarely read them aloud; it is too absurd to hear a man say the lines “I rise with my red hair / And I eat men like air.” And yet, on many errands across town, here in Wellesley, Massachusetts, I detour past Plath’s childhood home, a small white Colonial, unencumbered by any marker or plaque. It looks much the same as it did one summer day in 1953, before Plath’s senior year in college, when she first attempted suicide, burrowing into a crawl space with a stomach full of pills and, as she writes, in “Lady Lazarus,” “rocked shut / As a seashell.” Much of the best writing about Plath suggests the ways in which she both attracts and forbids a reader’s identification, with Malcolm’s book at the very top of the list. This spring, Plath and Hughes’s private possessions, including books, typewriters, and wooden chairs, as well as Plath’s tartan kilt and yellow frock, were auctioned in London. Some items went to well-known writers and Plath scholars. Peter K. Steinberg, an archivist and one of the editors of her letters, got her fishing rod. The dispersal of her things suggests that Plath’s story, controlled so tightly for so long, has finally begun to come unknotted. Plath was born in Boston in 1932, to Otto Plath, a German immigrant and an authority on bees, and Aurelia Schober, a former teacher twenty-one years his junior. Otto died when Sylvia was eight; soon afterward, she, her mother, and her brother, Warren, moved from Winthrop, Massachusetts, the working-class beach town where Aurelia was brought up, to Wellesley, a fashionable suburb. The first volume of Plath’s letters, spanning the years 1940 to 1956, begins with her only extant letter to her father and follows her from Girl Scouts to Wellesley High School and to Smith, where she excelled as a scholarship student. In that volume, we find the raw material of Plath’s only novel, “The Bell Jar,” which features an incident based on her first suicide attempt. In the seven years covered in the second volume, from 1956 to 1963, Plath lurches from gladness to despair, preserving the tenor of what she called “newsy” letters—chirpy and brisk—as best she can. The Plath we initially encounter in these letters seems very far from the person who, just a few years earlier, had attempted suicide with her mother’s sleeping pills; and perhaps even farther from the person who, a few years later, gassed herself in her London kitchen. Above all, we see Plath on the move. In a series of apartments and houses, in Cambridge, England, where she and Hughes met, then in Northampton, Massachusetts, where Plath had been hired to teach at Smith, in 1957, and Boston, where they shared a “small writer’s corner over-looking the rooftops and the river,” Plath wrote her poems and stories, managed Hughes’s career, shopped and cooked, dealt with the handymen and the neighbors, all while writing profuse updates to her mother, frequent letters to her brother, and regular reports to Hughes’s parents and sister. Applying for credit at a local general store, Plath discovers that “we fitted, amusingly enough, into none of the form categories of ‘The Young American Couple’: I had a job, Ted didn’t; we owned no car, were buying no furniture on the installment plan, had no TV, had no charge accounts, came as if literally dropped from foreign parts.” She comes off, most often, as a whirlwind. In a letter to her mother, enclosing two new, substantial poems, Plath complains about her period pains, which she treats with chicken broth and a resolution to write “another 90 lines tomorrow,” and reports that she’s used “the dregs of my inspiration” to write six entries for a jingle-writing contest for Dole pineapple: “We could use a car, or 5, or $15,000.” She also entered contests for Heinz ketchup, French’s mustard, Libby tomato juice, and Slenderella. What made her present circumstances palatable was, usually, the prospect of her next destination. At the end of 1959, propelled by recent successes—several of Plath’s poems were accepted by The New Yorker, and Hughes, acclaimed for his first collection, “The Hawk in the Rain,” received a Guggenheim—the pair moved to London, settling in Primrose Hill, close enough to the London Zoo to hear the roar of lions. Leaving Massachusetts, while Plath was pregnant with Frieda, Hughes vowed that they would return in two years. That March, she writes, “I feel most like walking, reading & musing by myself now after three long months of enforced external, exerting & extrovert living.” A zero-sum calculation begins to creep into her effusions about house-hunting and meat-loaf-baking. According to the Plath biographer Anne Stevenson, she suffered a dry spell of three months, writing almost no poetry. The critic A. Alvarez, who interviewed Hughes for the Observer in the couple’s London flat, noted that Plath, hanging back while her husband held forth, “seemed effaced,” less a poet than “a young woman in a cookery advertisement.” His sexist judgment was shared by many in Hughes’s circle: she was “briskly American.” It did not connote a rich or interesting inner life. Two years after settling in Primrose Hill, Hughes’s deadline for travelling back across the Atlantic came and went, and a second child, Nicholas, arrived. Both volumes of Plath’s letters are co-edited by Steinberg and Karen V. Kukil, the curator of the poet’s papers at Smith. Together, they have written a fine introduction to the second volume and provided a highly detailed index, with entries that cover everything from hiking to honeymooning to beekeeping and braiding, allowing readers to track Plath’s imagination as her poems evolved. Whatever the sensational effect of her confessions to Beuscher, it’s the alertness to daily life that makes Plath’s letters most poignant. Few writers have been as intensely attentive to quotidian details as Plath was, or understood so intuitively what to preserve in their art. A detail appears, uneventful on its face, first in a journal or a drawing, then in a letter, sometimes more than one. Her mind was brilliantly off-kilter, its emphasis falling in surprising places. We hear less than we might like about major literary or historical events: a dinner with T. S. Eliot and Stephen Spender in London, or her Tuesday-afternoon classes at B.U. with Robert Lowell, or drinks afterward with Anne Sexton and George Starbuck at the Ritz bar in Back Bay. It was unlikely that she could use these occasions in poems, and so, I think, they settled very lightly on her consciousness. But a groundhog—that she knew she could use. She met two of them on outings with Hughes, and preserved their appearance on the page: in a letter to Hughes’s parents, as “stumpy,” with a “sweet gentle mousish face,” and, to her mother, as a “strange grey clumpish animal,” with “stout waddly build,” cowering and cornered. It’s the very groundhog, “claws braced, at bay,” that Plath’s readers know from her poem “Incommunicado.” There she compares her experience of the animal with the romantic version she’s read about in “märchen,” or German folktales, “where love-met groundhogs love one in return.” The scrutiny Plath trains on groundhogs, quahogs, bicycles, snowstorms, and other small-bore realia is also brought to bear on her conflicting ideas of what it means to be a writer, a wife, a daughter, and a mother. In poems like “The Applicant” and “Lady Lazarus,” Plath explores the gap between those idealized roles and their actual conditions. Her letters re-situate these poems, and others, within the stream of lived passions, banalities, and interruptions that surrounded and fed them. We already know what Plath sounds like when she’s alone with the page, but here we find the reservoirs of composure that she tapped when she faced the world, and we see how abruptly they went dry. In Hughes, Plath found not only a husband and companion but also a deep and exceedingly mercurial subject. There are only a dozen or so letters to him, all of them in the first volume of her correspondence. In the years after they courted and before they became estranged, they were almost never apart. She often writes about him while sitting next to him. In her letters, Hughes is a savior and a protector, a “dead-eye marksman,” carpenter, and fisherman, and “the handsomest man” she had ever seen. Together they care for goldfish, an injured bird, and a cat named Sappho. Plath records their prodigious feats of eating: quahog fritters, onion soup, stews, meat loaf, lobster dinners, all fastidiously itemized, as though for later reimbursement. In an old Boston tearoom at the end of a “sagging wharf,” Hughes orders “two delicious mountain trout” for himself. Plath supplies the adjective, “delicious,” as though they shared a mouth. But later, in her journals, even early in the marriage, Plath salts her hero worship with mockery, describing Hughes as a post-adolescent basket case, “scratching, nose-picking, with unwashed, unkempt hair & a dogmatic grumpiness.” She wonders whether he will dedicate his next book to his penis. Throughout, a sense of foreboding comes and goes. There are weird portents all along, or random events that Plath seems determined to read that way. A baby starling that she and Hughes rescued and fed “raw ground steak,” worms, and milk ends up “sickened, choking & pathetically chirping,” so they killed it. “We gassed it in a little box,” Plath writes, a “shattering experience.” (She used the episode in a now lost story, “Bird in the House.”) When they moved into their Northampton apartment, they witnessed a car crash on the busy road outside, with blood and broken glass. “We’ll probably witness worse before the year is out,” Plath writes. The experience of reading these letters, even at their most joyous, cannot be separated from what we know is coming. Plath confided her jealousies to her journal in 1958, when, after seeing Hughes walking across campus with a female student, she wrote that she hated “male vanity” but refused to “jump out of a window . . . or fill the garage at home with carbon monoxide.” A letter to Hughes’s parents the following year tries to conceal the strain of being with their son: Ted is thriving. He is handsomer than ever. I just got him a red & black-weave wool sweater which looks marvelous on him. And a couple of hopsacking neckties. If he has any faults they are not shutting the icebox (a kind of subconscious revenge on American appliances) and knotting his clothes up in unknottable balls and hurling them about the floor of the room every evening before retiring. Oh yes, and the occasional black Moods when he pretends the cat’s ear is broken or that the air is full of Strontium 90. . . . He eats well, too, although he complains that I am trying to kill him with [a] protein diet . . . and also that I hide things and secretly destroy them: i.e., mislaid papers, certain books, old coats, letters from the British tax authorities. I bear up as well as I am able. Like the starling, Hughes had to be cosseted and cared for. If she was going to lean on him, she needed to strengthen him. He made it clear that otherwise he might snap. In the winter of 1960, after the couple had moved back to England, Plath wrote to Beuscher. She had been treated by the psychiatrist at McLean Hospital, after her first suicide attempt, and began seeing Beuscher again while living with Hughes in Boston. She was resolved, as she wrote in her journal, “to pay money for her time & brain.” Their correspondence was in part an extension of treatment, and in part the evolution of an unusual friendship. The first several letters echo the mundane events described in others, though they are notably flatter and more to the point. It took effort for Plath to suppress the ebullience of her style, even at her most dejected, but here she spares the adjectives and keeps her metaphors in check. By July of 1962, the tone changes. In Devon, four hours west of London by train, where she and Hughes had bought an ancient house, Court Green, with a beetle infestation and a thatched roof full of birds, Plath discovered Hughes’s infidelity. “Ted began to leap up in the morning & intercept the mail,” she writes. He talked about wanting to “write & direct film scripts,” and, their sex life renewed by techniques he seemed to have refined with somebody new, began asking Plath, “like a technician, did I like this, did I like that.” Meanwhile, Plath was receiving mysterious phone calls. They turned out to be from Assia Wevill, who had taken over the Primrose Hill flat with her husband, the Canadian poet David Wevill, and begun an affair with Hughes. For Plath, the thought of abandonment was instantaneous and total. “I have nothing to refresh me,” she wrote to Beuscher. “I am left here, with the evidence of the phonecall, the evidence of the oddly coincidental departure, the evidence of my each sense.” In the last seven months of Plath’s life, her letters are the most vivid chronicle of her distress. She and Hughes separated, and Plath was beset by fevers, and troubled by thoughts of amputees, bees, and the icy scrutiny of the moon. She was “utterly flattened by having to be a businesswoman, farmer,” and a “mother, writer, & all-around desperado.” Hughes usually visited weekly, like an “apocalyptic Santa Claus.” Plath became addicted to sleeping pills and began smoking, a habit she had always despised. But under these emergency conditions she wrote her greatest poems. She composed “Ariel” in the blue light of dawn before the children woke up, planned to submit poems to magazines, and to record them for the BBC. These poems are not the hermetic record of an addled mind, as they have sometimes been thought to be. They contain, amid the extremity of suffering, extremities of joy. Interruptions appear in them in real time, capturing the ambient conditions of their composition. In “Ariel,” written at dawn about dawn, her writing day ends when she hears the harbinger of morning: “The child’s cry // Melts in the wall.” In December of 1962, after failed attempts to reconcile with Hughes, Plath closed up Court Green and moved to an apartment building in London where Yeats had lived as a child. “Well, here I am! Safely in Yeats’ house!” she writes to her mother. “My bedroom will be my study—it faces the rising sun.” On February 4th, she sent her last extant letter to Beuscher: “What appals me is the return of my madness, my paralysis, my fear & vision of the worst—cowardly withdrawal, a mental hospital, lobotomies.” A week later, on the morning of February 11th, Plath sealed the children’s room with tea towels and tape, turned on the gas in the oven, and laid her head inside. In the absence of her complete journals from this period, the letters to Ruth Beuscher are as close to an inside account of Plath’s despair as we will get. And yet there is something else in them that I value as much as this biopsy of agony. “First of all, please charge me some money,” Plath writes: I feel a fraud and a heel to be cadging time and advice out of you for nothing. If I were in America, I would be asking you for a few sessions for which I’d want to pay, and right now, a few airletters back and forth could do me a powerful lot of good. You are a professional woman whose services I would greatly appreciate, and as a professional woman, I can pay for them what anyone else would. The phrase that leaps out is “professional woman,” an identification that meant as much to Plath, perhaps, as the roles she had once yearned for in her journal: “I want to write stories and poems and a novel and be Ted’s wife and a mother to our babies.” Much of Plath’s letter-writing is consumed with a day-by-day account of rents, leases, meals, of diaper-changing, bicycle-hawking, bill-paying. These onerous preconditions for writing and mothering and being a wife had to be brokered all by herself, all for herself. Plath had none of the leisure for contemplation that we associate with male writers. Her muses were economy, thrift, and the clock. The most moving episode in Plath’s letters, for me, has to do with her discovery of “a new & exciting hobby.” One day, “cowlike and cabbagey” after Frieda’s birth, Plath went downtown and “bought three 2-yard lengths of material”: One bright Red Viyella (at $1.50 a yard), one bright blue linen, and one soft Wedgwood blue flannel with stylized white little flowers on it (both about 50 cents a yard). I also got a dress pattern & nightgown pattern (Simplicity). Her goal was to publish enough poetry to buy a sewing machine of her own. In this yoking of the beautiful to the practical, and in the meticulous auditing of the costs—and the savings—of making clothes, we see Plath stripped of the mythos that her creativity has accrued, and more astonishing without it. “I am awfully proud of making clothes for little Frieda,” she writes. But the true end product, even of the sewing, was more art. She wrote the poems that allowed her to buy the machine, which, in turn, shows up in a poem: Is this love then, this red material Issuing from the steel needle that fliesso blindingly? It will make little dresses and coats, It will cover a dynasty. ♦
Honey, I Won the Cup! Now this is what you call a poultry paradise! Not only has Omlet customer Pauline treated her hens to an Eglu Cube and a Go, she’s now attached a 3x4x2 Walk in Chicken Run to the coops too. With all that grassy space, multiple feeders and drinkers, weather protectant covers and the perfect houses to roost and lay, her chickens must be some of the luckiest chickens in the UK! Prize Winning Honey from the Beehaus We were buzzing to hear the news that our good friend, chicken keeping and beekeeping expert Sara Ward recently had great success with the honey from her Beehaus bee hive. She was awarded 1st place, 2nd place, very highly commended and a cup for her bees’ honey at the National Honey Show last month. With such bee-rilliant news we asked her a few questions about her beekeeping success! How long have you been keeping bees? I’ve been keeping bees since August 2011, then met Johannes and the Beehaus at the London Honey Show a month or so later and, as an Eglu fan, decided that I wanted to keep my bees in a Beehaus and they’ve been very happy in there for several years now. What’s the most amount of honey you have harvested? This year has been really good, I bottled up 50lbs and ran out of jars, so maybe 60lbs? What does your honey taste like? My honey has a lovely botanical taste which is probably from the wide variety of herbs, flowers and fruit that is growing in local parks and gardens. What do you do with all your honey? We love to eat it with fruit and yoghurt and as a fantastic accompaniment to goats cheese, we also sell some to friends, family and those who come on our bee keeping courses. Last year we sold half of the harvest to BAFTA for them to use in their restaurant. Do you talk to your bees and if so what do you say? Of course I talk to my bees! Those girls work very hard and I need to remind them that the weekly inspections are for their own benefit, that I want to keep them well fed, healthy and safe from wasps & mice. Opening the hive and removing frames can be a big shock to them so I usually say ‘Hello my girls, thank you for working so hard, I won’t be long and will leave you alone soon.’ High-Vis Chicken Jackets on The Apprentice In case you hadn’t heard, our High-Vis Chicken Jackets recently appeared on BBC’s The Apprentice. Demonstrated to the contestants, as part of a pet-related task, the jackets were quite a talking point. Even Lord Sugar couldn’t resist tweeting about them! After the show, the interest grew, with radio stations demanding interviews, news stories about High-Vis mania and even a rap about them by radio 1’s Matt Edmondson. You’ll have to watch the episode to find out what they made of the product. Meanwhile, if you want to get your hands on the must-have winter garment for your hens, visit our website. They’re available for £12 each, or buy a twin-pack for £20. Did you all have a spooktacular Halloween? If your pumpkin carvings are anything to go by, it must have been particularly frightening – we were certainly scared! There were loads of entries to our competition and we were seriously impressed by your creativity. Deliberation was tough, but the winners are… Maya and Hope Leahy in the UK with their Harry Potter inspired Hedwig pumpkin – click here to see more photos of the girls’ magical set up! And, Murphy’s Chicken in the USA with a design that is simply cracking! Could you Ho Ho Home some Hens this Christmas?Forget 5 golden rings or 4 calling birds, could you give a home to 3 ex-bat hens this Christmas? Thousands of hens are soon to be given the Christmas gift of a second chance in life thanks to hen welfare charity, the British Hen Welfare Trust. The lucky hens, which would otherwise go to slaughter at the end of their commercial life, will hopefully be re-homed to kind hearted members of the public, and go on to enjoy a festive free range retirement. Jane Howorth, founder of the charity told us: “What could be nicer than to embrace the spirit of Christmas by welcoming a few new members into the family fold? Ex-bat hens make gorgeous, endearing, funny pets and will usually lay an egg in return for good hospitality. They need a home for keeps though, not just Christmas, so please give adoption serious consideration.” Take a look at the charities re-homing dates coming up this month: 14th November: York – San Hutton, Bristol – Backwell, Somerset – Farrington Gurney, Wiltshire – Cheltenham, Dorset – Sturminster Newton 28th November: Lancashire – St. Helens & Haslingdon, Lincolnshire – Aunby, Shropshire – Overton, Milton Keynes, Coventry – Allesley, Rotherham – Thurcroft, Oxford – Didcot If you would like to offer some hens a home or have a little more room in your hen house and space for another Christmas stocking please call the charity at Hen Central on 01884 860084. Chicken of the MonthNovember’s Chicken of the Month is Lily. She is a beautifully fluffy Frizzle and looks nothing like a snowball… Thanks to xyrisrae on Instagram for nominating such a fabulous girl! The Chicken Swing – Preorder yours today to give your hen the best Christmas gift! – only £19.99 Egg Skelter 12 – Keep a dozen eggs in age order – the perfect present for every chicken keeper! – only £9.99 Combi Cover for Eglu Cube – Keep your chickens protected in the wet Autumn weather! – only £20
2011 Development Challenges NEW: A new design template has been launched for the e-newsletter (see below). The Southern Innovator website archive of Development Challenges stories is also now online: southerninnovator.org New magazine Southern Innovator has launched: Read and download the magazine here: Southern Innovator Issue 1 Mapping to Protect Kenya’s Environment: the eMazingira Solution Development Challenges: Powerful new grassroots crowd-mapping tools have sprung up in the past few years across the global South, from Brazil’s Wikicrimes (www.wikicrimes.org) real-time crime mapping technology to the now famous Ushahidi (http://ushahidi.com) – a non-profit company making the free and open source Ushahidi software for information collection, visualization and interactive mapping – from its base in Kenya. They share some common features. All draw on the widespread use of mobile phones in the global South combined with growing access to the Internet, either through 3G mobile phone services, WiFi wireless connections, Internet centres or increasingly available broadband Internet services. Building an Interactive Radio Network for Farmers in Nigeria Development Challenges: As solar power technology has improved, new pioneers have emerged to exploit this innovation. Several decades ago, solar power was seen as too expensive for wide-scale roll out in poor countries and communities. But today, an army of solar technology pioneers has fanned out across the world to show the new wave of innovations and how they make solar power affordable. African Manufacturing Pioneers Proving it is Possible to Thrive Development Challenges: Africa’s paradox is that it is home to the greatest share of the world’s unexploited resources, yet has some of the world’s lowest per capita incomes. History has shown that exploiting the continent’s resources alone for export markets does little to improve incomes and living conditions in Africa, which in turn does nothing to improve human development. The key to resolving this paradox is made-in-Africa jobs, in particular high-value jobs that make products. Indian City Slum Areas Become Newly Desirable Places to Live Development Challenges: With India’s urban economy experiencing rapid growth, its slums – once seen as the most undesirable places to live in the country, if not on Earth – are attracting the attention of affluent residents and developers in India’s rapidly expanding cities. The prosperity in India’s cities has made these areas’ proximity to business and entertainment zones highly desirable. In turn, this has led to slum dwellers either upgrading their homes and in the process boosting their value, or being offered the opportunity to sell their rudimentary dwellings to real estate agents and property developers. New African Film Proving Power of Creative Economy Development Challenges: A new movie is generating excitement around life in the war-torn, chaotic and impoverished Democratic Republic of the Congo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo) – the central African nation – and proving how versatile and resilient a creative economy can be in a crisis. Recycling Waste to Boost Incomes and Opportunities Development Challenges: We all know that green is good, but often the best way to encourage recycling and other environment-improving activities is to put in place economic incentives. It is one thing to admonish people and tell them something is the right thing to do; it is another to make keeping a clean environment pay. Virtual Supermarket Shopping Takes off in China Development Challenges: An ingenious use of technological innovation and savvy trend-spotting is radically transforming the way people do their grocery shopping in China. Busy urban dwellers with time-poor lifestyles can now do their grocery shopping as they pass through Shanghai’s subway system and have their weekly shopping delivered to their home. Bolivia Grabs World Media Attention with Salt Hotel Development Challenges: Tourism is a great way to attract foreign currency to a country and build local economies, especially in remote or isolated places. But the catch is finding a way to get people to go the distance and come and visit and spend their money. Indian Mobile Phone Application Innovators Empower Citizens Development Challenges: With mobile phones becoming ubiquitous across the global South, the opportunity to make money – and possible fortunes – by providing ‘apps’ for these devices is now a reality. Mapping Beirut Brings City to Light Development Challenges: As cities in the global South grow ever larger, their often-chaotic evolution can create sprawling urban mazes that would confuse even the brightest brains. Putting Quality and Design at the Centre of Chinese Fashion Development Challenges: Awareness of the sourcing of materials for fashion has been on the rise in the past decade. Concerns about how the global fashion industry functions and its impact on the environment have given rise to savvy retailers who take care over the sourcing of their materials and the working conditions of their employees. Cheap Indian Tablet Seeks to Bridge Digital Divide Development Challenges:India has had many false starts in innovating in information technology. While the country and its talented army of software engineers have a global reputation for innovation, the fits and starts that have accompanied attempts to create new hardware and devices have drawn a range of emotions, from amusement to frustration. Filipino Architect wants to Transform Slum with New Plan Development Challenges: A clash is occurring across the global South over the future of urban planning and the ever-growing slums of the world’s megacities. This will be a decisive clash of visions: should cities flatten slums and relocate their residents, or work with slum dwellers, acknowledge the role they play in city economies and improve their lives with better dwellings? Model City to Test the New Urbanism Concept in India Development Challenges: India’s phenomenal economic growth rate – forecast to be 7.9 percent this year by the Asian Development Bank, after averaging 7.7 percent per year over the past decade – has been the force behind an expanding middle class population, now estimated at 50 million people (McKinsey). Forecasts see it swelling from 5 percent of the population to 40 percent by 2025. Pulque: Aztec Drink Ferments New Economy Development Challenges:Reviving traditional foods and drinks can be an income-boosting source of new economic activity. Many cultures can benefit from looking again at their rich traditions to find new ways to increase enterprise. This can be difficult at first. Big global brands have many initial advantages: they are backed by wealthy and experienced international companies and can deploy aggressive marketing and distribution power to get products into the hands of consumers. The power of Coca Cola to reach all corners of the earth is legendary. Ghana: Oil-rich City Sparks Entrepreneurs and Debate Development Challenges: Commodity booms can seem like the answer to a poor nation’s prayers, a way to fulfil all their development dreams and goals. The reality, however, is far more complex. More often than not, the discovery of resources sparks a mad scramble for profits and patronage, as politicians and politically connected elites carve out their slice of the new resource boom before anyone else. Anti-bribery Website in India Inspires Others Development Challenges: An Indian website tackling corruption has been so successful it has inspired a wave of followers in China. The I Paid a Bribe website – motto: “Uncover the Market Price of Corruption” – was set up by the Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy (www.janaagraha.org), a non-profit organisation based in Bangalore, India. Turning African Youth on to Technology Development Challenges: An African NGO believes the Internet is the single biggest key to rapid development in Africa – and it is working to connect youth, women and rural populations to the web, and in turn, switch them on to the vast resources stored across the world’s Internet sites. Pakistan Simplifies Job-matching Services Development Challenges: An innovative job-matching service from Pakistan is trying to bring together people who normally live separate lives. It is eliminating the middlemen who gouge both employers and employees for job-seeking fees and opening up a new world of opportunities for the poor. Data Surge across Global South Promises to Re-shape the Internet Development Challenges: The deluge of data gathered by the digital revolution underway in the global South continues to offer a significant economic opportunity. How this data is harvested will forge the successful Internet business models of the future. Bringing the Invention and Innovation Mindset to Young Kenyans Development Challenges: A highly innovative new way to teach the basics of electronics, computing and technological innovation is being pioneered in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya. Driven by the desire to counter perceptions of apathy among young people, NGO Kuweni Serious is running a training course for girls aged over 8 years in some of the poorest parts of the city to turn on a new generation to the power of technology to make change. Arab World Domain Name Opportunity Huge Economic Help Development Challenges: With the so-called Arab Spring still unfolding across much of the Arabic-speaking world, it is easy to miss a rising new economic opportunity: The introduction of an Arabic domain name system for the Internet. African Youth Want to do Business in Fast-growing Economy Development Challenges: Africa’s growing economy is meeting head-on an optimistic young population keen to start businesses. At least that is what a new poll of African youth says, finding that one in five Africans between the ages of 15 and 24 without a current business wants to start one in the next 12 months. Kenyan Safari Begins Minutes from Airport Development Challenges: Many people find the prospect of staying in airport hotels dreary at best. They tend to be located in industrial parts of cities or far from city centres. They can be surrounded by roads and highways and are built to move lots of people, not to look nice. The surrounding areas can be very common to all nations – warehouses, office parks, nondescript restaurants and hotels – and give few clues to where you are apart from the weather and the languages on the sign boards. Brazilian Restaurant Serves Amazonian Treats Development Challenges: The vast Amazon rainforest has inspired a cuisine pioneer in Brazil. Combining the sensual pleasures of fine dining and the joy of tasting new flavours with a pursuit of sustainable and profitable local farming, a chef is inventing a new Brazilian cuisine and showing the way to create sustainable incomes. Civet Cat Coffee Brews Filipino Opportunity Development Challenges: In the Philippines, one animal’s call of nature has become a business opportunity.The civet cat, a member of the mongoose family, ingests the fruit of coffee plants, and expels the beans. This has created an unexpected by-product – a prized beverage for the world’s savvy coffee drinkers seeking the next taste sensation. The partially digested coffee beans are gathered from the faeces of the cat and used to make a much-coveted, smooth-flavoured cup of coffee. Indonesia Best for Entrepreneurs Development Challenges: A global survey has unearthed hotspots across the global South for start-up businesses and private enterprise. It shows there are now many places in the South where people are actively encouraged to start businesses and engage in innovation and enterprise. The top place in the world for entrepreneurship, according to the survey for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), is Indonesia. The e-Reader Battle Reaches India Development Challenges: The rise and rise of e-books and electronic publishing has prompted the development of e-readers: handy, portable devices that try to mimic the reading experience of paper books while offering the storage and navigation capability of computers. African Botanicals to be used to Boost Fight against Parasites Development Challenges: More than 1 billion people in the developing world currently suffer from tropical diseases, which leave a trail of disfigurement, disability and even death. Yet only 16 out of 1,393 – 0.01 percent – of new medicines marketed between 1975 and 1999 targeted tropical diseases (International Journal of Public Health). Floating Bank Floats New Dreams for Brazilian Middle Class Development Challenges: Brazil’s booming economy has seen a dramatic increase in the size of its middle class. More and more people have been lifted out of poverty as a growing, stable economy overcomes years of political and economic instability. In 2010, Brazil’s economy grew by a record 7.5 percent, surpassing a previous peak in 1986 (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) (IBGE) (www.ibge.gov.br/english). The country’s gross domestic product (GDP) reached 3.67 trillion reais (US $2.21 trillion) in 2010, making it Latin America’s largest economy. Indonesian Food Company Helps Itself by Making Farmers More Efficient Development Challenges: The current global economic crisis is taking place at the same time as a global food crisis. Food inflation took off at the beginning of 2011. This is having a devastating affect on countries dependent on food imports and experiencing decreasing domestic production capabilities. The least developed countries (LDCs) saw food imports rise from US $9 billion in 2002, to US $23 billion by 2008 (UNCTAD), prompting Supachai Panitchpakdi, secretary general of UNCTAD, to say “the import dependence has become quite devastating.” Indian Toilet Pioneer Champions Good Ideas Development Challenges:Access to adequate sanitation and toilet facilities is critical to making development gains. Yet this simple fact of life often gets overlooked, especially in fast-growing cities where populations are on the rise or in transit. Out of an estimated 2.6 billion people in the world without toilets, two-thirds are in southern and eastern Asia (World Toilet Organization). Solar Sisters Doing it for Themselves: Tackling African Light Famine Development Challenges: A social enterprise is seeking to capture the power of the sun to bring light and economic opportunity to women in Africa. Using a direct-marketing distribution system, it sells solar lamps and lanterns to some of Africa’s remotest communities. Solar Sister (www.solarsister.org), launched in Uganda in 2010, is hoping to do for power generation what mobile phones have done for communication in Africa: make a technological leap to a model of grassroots power generation, rather than waiting for large-scale power schemes to eventually reach the poor and rural. South Africa Innovates Healthcare with Prepay Phone Vouchers Development Challenges: Pioneers in Africa are experimenting with new ways to fund the delivery of healthcare that is affordable and sustainable and not dependent on foreign aid and donations. A South African company is prototyping the selling of pre-payment healthcare services through mobile phones with a range of vouchers that can be bought and downloaded at the tap of a keypad. Indian ID Project is Foundation for Future Economic Progress Development Challenges: India is in the midst of the biggest national identification project in the country’s history. The aim is for every Indian to receive a voluntaryelectronic identification card containing his or her details and a unique number. Called an Aadhaar, it is a 12-digit unique number registered with the Unique Identification Authority of India (http://uidai.gov.in) (UIDAI). The project joins a growing trend across the global South to map populations in order to better achieve development goals. Ghana’s Funeral Economy Innovates and Exports Development Challenges: The West African nation of Ghana’s funeral economy is attracting innovation and grabbing attention outside the country. The nation’s elaborate – but expensive – funeral rituals provide craftsmen with a good income. And new products are being introduced to handle the financial consequences of this unavoidable fact of life. Bolivian Film School’s Film Scene Paying Off Development Challenges: A film school in Bolivia shows how a creative hub can become the start of something much bigger. The school is inspiring a new generation of young people to get into filmmaking. And one of its lecturers is already experiencing global success acting in an award-winning new Spanish film. Happy Nigeria: West African Nation Has Good Attitude Development Challenges: In the last 10 years, an increasing amount of attention has been paid to the concept of national happiness. The notion was first developed in the tiny Asian Kingdom of Bhutan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhutan), whose advocacy of ‘gross national happiness’ (http://www.grossnationalhappiness.com/) as a measure of national achievement just as important as Gross National Product (GNP), has been met with equal parts ridicule, respect and research. Cambodian Bloggers Champion New, Open Ways Development Challenges: The Southeast Asian nation of Cambodia has had a very difficult history over the past few decades. In the 1950s and 1960s, it was seen as a glamorous and vibrant place. Dynamic, ambitious and newly independent from French colonial rule, Cambodia embarked on an extensive programme of building that is now called “New Khmer Architecture.” It is the most visible legacy of this modernizing time. China Consumer Market: Asian Perspective Helps Development Challenges:The rise of China since 1989 has been the most remarkable development story of our times. The number of people lifted out of poverty is historically unprecedented: 65 percent of Chinese people lived below the poverty line in 1981; in 2007 it was 4 percent (World Bank). Disaster Recovery, Ten Years After: The Gujarat, India Experience Development Challenges: In the past decade, there have been many devastating natural disasters, from Iran’s 2003 Bam earthquake and the Asian tsunami of 2004 to Hurricane Katrina in the United States in 2005 and the earthquakes in Chile and Haiti in 2010. All of these events received extensive media attention and drew a large aid response. Those who track natural disasters have noticed a serious increase in frequency over the past decade (http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article26290.html). Chilean Eco-Buildings Pioneering Construction Methods Development Challenges: Across the global South, the search is on for new ways to build without extracting a high price from local environments.More and more people are recognizing the advantages of energy-saving methods like prefabrication. Prefab building techniques involve assembling a structure from pre-assembled parts or modules made in a factory, or transporting a completed, factory-made structure to a site (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prefabricated_building). Model Cities Across the South Challenge Old Ways Development Challenges: Pioneering thinking about how resources are used and how people live their lives is taking place in the dynamic economies of the global South. Facing a vast population surge to urban areas, these include attempts to build “green” cities and low-waste, smart and digital communities. Indian Newspapers Thrive with Economy Development Challenges: The onslaught of digital media in the developed countries of the world regularly brings pronouncements of the death of the traditional newspaper. But this assumption of digital triumph misses out on the reality in countries across the global South. Extra story: 2011 Trends for the South Development Challenges: The world has been through a dramatic and fascinating period since the global economic crisis erupted in 2008. While the wealthy, developed nations of the North have been pitched into one crisis after another, the countries of the global South (many of whom are well accustomed to crises) have been part of a powerful new economic phenomenon: the rapid growth of South-South trade, investment and exchange. Its effects include stronger ties between Asia and South America and between China and Africa. Download the February 2011 issue from Scribd: http://www.scribd.com/doc/49693714/Development-Challenges-South-South-Solutions-February-2011-Issue Africa’s Consumer Market in Spotlight for 2011 Development Challenges:While other parts of the world will spend 2011 worrying about their debt levels and how to spur economic growth, many factors are pointing to Africa potentially following a different story. A frenzy of activity has been building around Africa’s market opportunities and its growing middle class consumer population. China’s Booming Wine Market Can Boost South Development Challenges: A great South-South opportunity has emerged with the recent boom in wine drinking in China and the pursuit of quality tastes. Matching high-quality wine producers from the global South – including South Africa, Chile, Morocco, and Lebanon – with China’s thirsty wine drinkers could deliver a major income boost. Food Inflation: Ways to Fight It Development Challenges: Food inflation has taken off at the beginning of 2011. As the global economic crisis enters its next phase, both developed and developing countries are experiencing inflation. There are many factors fuelling the rise in prices – inefficient distribution and storage systems, lack of investment in agriculture, devaluing currencies, high demand, natural and man-made disasters, use of food products like corn to make biofuels – but there are also ways to counter the effects of food inflation that have been tried and tested across the South. Turning Animal Waste Into Paper Development Challenges: Animal waste is a messy fact of daily life in rural communities across the global South. This byproduct of life has many uses – but an ingredient for making writing paper is probably not the first that springs to mind. 2012 Development Challenges By David South, Development Challenges, South-South Solutions SOUTH-SOUTH CASE STUDY The second issue of Southern Innovator magazine has launched: Read and download the magazine here: Southern Innovator Issue 2. New Cities Offering Solutions for Growing Urban Populations Development Challenges: Across the global South, new cities are being dreamed up by architects, city planners and governments, or are already under construction. Two new urban areas being built offer lessons for others in the global South. They both deploy intelligent solutions to the combined demands of urbanization, growing populations and rising expectations. Creating Green Fashion in China Development Challenges: China is the world’s largest manufacturer (Euromonitor) and the largest clothing maker, producing a quarter of all textiles and clothing. It is a global fashion production hub, and many major global clothing brands have their products made there – whether they admit it or not. Biogas Digester-in-a-Bag Brings Portability Development Challenges: Securing energy sources that are cheap (or free) and renewable can significantly reduce the cost of living for the world’s poor. The cost of fuel for essentials such as cooking and lighting can quickly eat up household incomes. Powerful Solar Light Spurring Income-Making Opportunities Development Challenges: A clever innovator from India has built a highly durable solar lantern that also doubles as a mobile phone charger. Global South Urbanization Does Not Have to Harm Biodiversity Development Challenges: How to balance fragile ecosystems with rapid urbanization will be the challenge for planners and governments across the global South in the coming years. The urbanization trend is clear: the world’s total urban area is expected to triple between 2000 and 2030, with urban populations set to double to around 4.9 billion in the same period (UNEP). This urban expansion will draw heavily on water and other natural resources and will consume prime agricultural land. All-in-One Solar Kiosk Business Solution for Africa Development Challenges: Kiosks are ubiquitous throughout commercial areas in the global South. These highly efficient little business outlets enable small-scale entrepreneurs to sell necessary products without the expense of renting and running a shop. Ugandan Fish Sausages Transform Female Fortunes Development Challenges: What to do when your food production enterprise is just not making much money? It is a common problem in the global South, where farmers and fishers often struggle to survive and can face the threat of bankruptcy and destitution when trying to provide essential food for their communities. Woman Restaurant Entrepreneur Embraces Brand-Driven Growth Development Challenges: The journey of Zhang Lan is the tale of an entrepreneur who exemplifies the story of globalization. She has gone from working many part-time jobs while studying overseas, to becoming one of China’s most successful food entrepreneurs. Better by Design in China Development Challenges: In recent decades, China has been known more for its inexpensive manufactured goods than as a producer of high quality products. But this is changing as the country seeks to move up the economic chain. Energy-Efficient Wooden Houses are also Earthquake Safe Development Challenges: In Argentina, an innovative housing project has married good design with energy efficiency, earthquake resilience and the use of local materials and labour. As energy resources continue to be stretched around the global South, innovative building designs will be critical to the creation of sustainable housing for the future. Chinese Building Solution for Rapidly Urbanizing Global South Development Challenges: The global South is currently experiencing the biggest surge in urban population ever seen in human history. This transformation from urban to rural is happening in many different ways across the global South. Some countries have highly detailed plans and are building new cities from scratch, while other countries feel overwhelmed by their booming urban populations. Diaspora Bonds to Help Build up Infrastructure Development Challenges: Many people are aware of the significant role played in global development by remittance payments from migrant workers working in the wealthy North to the global South. But they may not be aware of the significant sums migrant workers have saved in bank accounts in these wealthy countries. Across the global South, efforts are underway to lure these sums back to home countries to boost development efforts. African Supercomputers to Power Next Phase of Development Development Challenges: Information technology developments in Africa have long lagged behind those in other parts of the world. But the transformation being brought about by the widespread adoption and use of mobile phones – each one a mini-computer – and the expansion of undersea fibre optic cable connections to Africa are creating the conditions for an exciting new phase of computing growth on the continent. Africa to Get Own Internet Domain Development Challenges: Africa is in the midst of an Internet revolution that is set only to accelerate. The continent is one of the last places to experience the information technology revolution that has swept the world in the past two decades. Geothermal Energy to Boost Global South’s Development Development Challenges: The geothermal heat produced by the earth’s molten core is a resource receiving more and more attention across the global South. Free Magazine Boosts Income for Rickshaw Drivers Development Challenges: In the bustling, congested cities of Asia, rickshaws and auto-rickshaws are common forms of transport. Smaller, cheaper and more nimble than cars, they play a key role in the transit infrastructure, helping to get people to work and to get around. Design Collaborations Revitalize Traditional Craft Techniques Development Challenges: Keeping alive traditional craft techniques and methods in the age of globalization is a tricky balance to get right. As countries seek to increase living standards and income, traditional craft-making methods are often jettisoned in favour of attracting manufacturing and other high-value activities – meaning rich and potentially lucrative skills can be lost. Profile of African Innovators Continues to Rise Development Challenges: A mix of developments is proving that African innovators no longer need to see themselves as lone operators working in isolation. The Water-Free South African Bathing Solution Development Challenges: As the world’s population grows from its current 7 billion to a projected 9 billion in 2050 (UN), competition for access to the Earth’s resources will become fiercer. The most essential resource for life on the planet – and an increasingly precious resource – is water. Water is necessary for the very survival of humans, animals and plants, and is also used in vast quantities by industries and farms. Mobile Phone Shopping to Create Efficient Markets across Borders Development Challenges: An anticipated game-changing revolution in African trading set for 2013 is getting one innovative business very excited. Egyptian Youth Turns Plastic Waste into Fuel Development Challenges: The challenge of finding alternate fuel sources is capturing the imagination of innovators across the global South. As the world’s population increases – it recently reached 7 billion (UN) – and the number of people seeking a better life grows in turn, the energy demands on the planet are pushing up competition for existing conventional fuel sources. Shopping and Flying in Africa’s Boom Towns Development Challenges: As economies across Africa grow, the continent still has a long way to go to create infrastructure to match people’s rising expectations of what a modern, prosperous life looks like. Teenager Uses Technology to Protect Livestock from Lions Development Challenges: In Kenya, a teenage Maasai (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maasai_people) inventor has developed a way to chase lions away from livestock that doesn’t harm the lions. It is a common practice to kill lions when they threaten or kill livestock, and this has led to a precipitous drop in the local lion population at Nairobi National Park (http://www.kws.org/parks/parks_reserves/NANP.html/), near the country’s capital, Nairobi. Lions are a significant tourist attraction for Kenya and the population decline is a threat to the future of the tourist industry. African Innovation Eco-system Taking Shape Development Challenges: How to increase the rate of innovation in Africa? And specifically, innovation that actually improves people’s lives and reduces poverty. It is a hard question to answer, but some are putting in place the building blocks of a 21st century innovation culture by riding the information technology revolution as it rolls across Africa. African Fuel Pioneer Uses Crisis to Innovate Development Challenges: Crisis, as the old saying goes, is also a window of opportunity. And there is one African entrepreneur who knows this better than most. Daniel Mugenga has been on a journey of innovation that has led him to become a pioneer in the emerging new field of algae technologies. The story of how he got there is a testament to the power of using business to both solve problems and make profits. Indian Entrepreneur Brings Dignity to Poor Women Development Challenges: Driven by the revelation that his wife was torn between spending money on milk for the children and buying commercially manufactured sanitary napkins, Indian innovator and inventor Arunachalam Muruganantham embarked on a long and intensive journey to find a solution. His achievement – a simple machine – is bringing dignity to poor women and providing them with a much-needed income source. Turning Human Waste to Fertilizer: An African Solution Development Challenges: While South Africa has been free of the racist Apartheid regime since the mid-1990s, the expected boost to living standards for the majority black population has not been as widespread and as quick as many had expected. East Africa to get its First Dedicated Technology City Development Challenges: An ambitious scheme is underway to create a vast technology city on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. Indonesian Wooden Radio Succeeds with Good Design Development Challenges: One Indonesian industrial designer has pioneered an innovative business that has rejuvenated the economy of a farming village and improved the sustainability of local forests – and he’s doing it all with wood. Gobi Desert Wine to Tackle Poverty and Boost Incomes Development Challenges: In the arid Gobi desert spanning the two Asian nations of China and Mongolia is a bold attempt to make wine and reduce poverty. The environment is harsh, with temperatures swinging from sub-zero winter cold to sweltering summer heat. The desert is also home to high winds and notorious dust storms that plague China’s capital Beijing every year. Mauritanian Music Shop Shares Songs and Friendship Development Challenges: Around the world, traditional music stores selling vinyl records, tapes and CDs (compact discs) are closing down. Digital downloads distributed over the Internet and mobile phones make it unnecessary to build a music collection in these hard formats. Global South Eco-cities Show How the Future Can Be Development Challenges: The world is currently undergoing a high-stress transition on a scale not seen since the great industrial revolution that swept Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. Today’s urban and industrial transition involves many more people and is taking place on a greater proportion of the planet. With rapid urbanization comes a demand for middle class lifestyles, with their high-energy usage and high consumption of raw materials. New Journal Celebrates Vibrancy of Modern Africa Development Challenges: Africa has seen huge changes to its communications and media in the past five years. The rise and rise of mobile phones, the expansion of the Internet and the explosion in African blogging and social media, on top of flourishing print and broadcast media, all bring an increasing range of options for telling African stories and increasing dialogue. An Innovator’s ‘Big Chicken Agenda’ for Africa Development Challenges: Increasing the quantity and quality of food in Africa will be critical to improving the continent’s human development. And a key element in giving Africa a more secure food supply will be boosting science and knowledge on the continent and making sure it is focused on Africa’s needs and situation. New Swimwear for Plus-size Women in Brazil Development Challenges: Brazil is well known for its stylish swimwear, with styles usually targeted at young women and those with more conventional, media-friendly body shapes. But now a company is making visiting the beach more comfortable and empowering for plus-size women. Havana’s Restaurant Boom Augers in New Age of Entrepreneurs Development Challenges: Cuba, the Caribbean island nation known for its 1959 revolution and its tourism industry, is undergoing a shift in its economic strategy. The country has had heavy state control of its industries and business activities since the country adopted the official policy of state socialism and joined the Communist economic sphere headed by the Soviet Union. Global South’s Rising Megacities Challenge Idea of Urban Living Development Challenges: The world crossed the threshold from being a majority rural world to a majority urban one at the end of the first decade of the 21st century. The reason for this is the fast-growing urban areas of the global South. And this is having a profound affect on how the world’s people live. Frugal Innovation Trend Meets Global South’s Innovation Culture Development Challenges: There is a trend occurring across the global South that some are calling the next great wave of innovation. It has different names but many are dubbing it ‘frugal innovation’. Frugal innovation is basically innovation done with limited resources and investment. In short, innovation on the cheap but packing a big punch. Battery Business Brings Tanzanians Cheap Electricity Development Challenges: Access to electricity is critical for making substantial development gains. With steady supplies of electricity, it is possible to read and study at night, to run modern appliances, to better use the latest information technologies and to work using time- and labour-saving devices. A home with electricity literally switches the light on modern life and gives a family huge advantages compared to those without electricity. Global South’s Rising Economies Gain Investor Spotlight Development Challenges: A new book is arguing that the world’s attention should switch away from BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – and take another look at nations and regions elsewhere across the global South. It argues many are lodestones of future growth and prosperity in the making and will see dramatic changes over the next decade. Hip-driven Pump Brings Water to Parched Fields Development Challenges: Finding ways to increase agricultural productivity is key to expanding food supplies and making farming pay. With the world’s population continuing to rise and becoming more urban, there is a pressing need to improve both the quantity and quality of food supplies. Cooking Bag Helps Poor Households Save Time, Money Development Challenges: For millions of poor people around the world, life is lived on the economic margins and household and personal budgets are tight. There were 1.29 billion people in the world living on less than US $1.25 a day as of 2008 (World Bank), and 1.18 billion living on US $1.25 to US $2 per day. There was only a modest drop in the number of people living below US $2 per day – the average poverty line for developing countries – between 1981 and 2008, from 2.59 to 2.47 billion. Help is at Hand for India’s Beleaguered Bus-riders Development Challenges: The website is a simple affair: a distinctive logo sits above a lean-looking booking system that allows users to enter their journey start and end destination, date and then click for available buses and prices. Its simplicity is deceptive: redBus is a smart technological solution to a very complicated problem in India: booking and buying a bus ticket. The service it offers – relief from a chaotic, frustrating and time-consuming task – is transforming the experience of travel in India. China Looking to Lead on Robot Innovation Development Challenges: Since the 1950s, science fiction has been telling the world we will soon be living with robots. While robots have emerged, they have been mostly kept to heavy industry, where machines can perform dangerous, hot and unpleasant repetitive tasks to a high standard. New Cuban Film Seeks to Revive Sector Development Challenges: Since Cuba’s 1959 revolution, the country’s film sector has largely survived on the largesse of the state. The switch to Communism as the guiding economic model of the country after the revolution led, at first, to generous support to filmmakers. The government ranked cinema ahead of television seeing both cinema and television as the two most important forms of artistic expression in the country. But as state funding has dwindled in recent years, adventurous independent filmmakers have tried to keep the Cuban film tradition going using other sources. India’s Modernizing Food Economy Unleashing New Opportunities Development Challenges: Increasing prosperity in India is reshaping the country’s relationship to its food. A number of trends are coming together that point to significant improvements to India’s long-running problems with food supply and distribution. This matters because India, despite its two-decade economic boom – and increasing middle-class population – is still home to about 25 per cent of the world’s hungry poor, according to the World Food Programme (WFP). Kenya Turns to Geothermal Energy for Electricity and Growth Development Challenges: In an effort to diversify its power supply and meet growing electricity demand, Kenya is looking to increase its use of geothermal energy sources (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geothermal_electricity). Tapping the abundant heat and steam that lurks underground to drive electric power plants offers a sustainable and long-term source of low-cost energy. African Afro Beats Leads New Music Wave to Europe Development Challenges: A surge in interest in African music in Britain is creating new economic opportunities for the continent’s musicians. The new sound heating up the U.K. music scene is “Afro Beats” – a high energy hybrid that mixes Western rap influences with Ghanaian and Nigerian popular music. Venture Capital Surge in Africa to Help Businesses Development Challenges: Africa’s potential economic powerhouse lies in its small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Foreign direct investment (FDI) into Africa ebbs and flows based on the state of the global economy – and most of it is directed towards large enterprises and multinational companies. Business Leads on Tackling Violence in Mexican City Development Challenges: The damaging affects of crime and violence can ruin a city. They act as a drag on efforts to increase wealth and improve living conditions, and a city that gets a bad reputation, especially in the age of the Internet, will lose investment opportunities. Africa’s Tourism Sector Can Learn from Asian Experience Development Challenges: Africa continues to be seen as new territory for global tourism, yet it still is not even close to meeting its potential, according to a report by a South African think tank. In fact, many resorts and tourist areas are failing to fill up with visitors. This contrasts with the booming world tourism industry, which broke records in arrivals in 2011 (UNWTO). Designed in China to Rival ‘Made in China’ Development Challenges: Harnessing the power of design to improve products and the way they are manufactured is a critical component of successful economic development. And the high export value of designing and making “computer equipment, office equipment, telecommunication equipment, electric circuit equipment, and valves and transistors” was flagged up as a priority for developing nations back in 2005 at a meeting looking for “New and Dynamic Sectors of World Trade” (UNCTAD). Microwork Pioneer Transforms Prospects for Poor, Vulnerable Development Challenges: A pioneering technology social enterprise has found a way to connect people around the world to the new digital economy, transforming their lives and providing long-term employment opportunities. It is closing the digital divide in a very practical way, teaching new skills and, most importantly, providing income to the poor and vulnerable. African Farming Wisdom Now Scientifically Proven Development Challenges: Increasing the agricultural productivity of Africa is critical for the continent’s future development, and the world’s. Two-thirds of Africans derive their main income from agriculture, but the continent has the largest quantity of unproductive – or unused – potential agricultural land in the world. Vietnam Launches Low-cost, High-Quality Video Game Development Challenges: The creative economy offers huge opportunities to the countries of the global South. With the proliferation of new technologies – mobile phones, digital devices, personal computers with cheap or free software, the Internet – the tools to hand for creative people are immense. This begins to level the playing field and allows hardworking and talented people in poor countries to start to compete directly with those in wealthy countries. Lagos Traffic Crunch Gets a New Solution Development Challenges: Around the world, traffic congestion is often accepted as the price paid for rapid development and a dynamic economy. But as anyone who lives in a large city knows, there comes a tipping point where the congestion begins to harm economic activity by wasting people’s time in lengthy and aggravating commuting, and leaving commuters frazzled and burned out by the whole experience. New Kenyan Services to Innovate Mobile Health and Farming Development Challenges: Kenya is home to a vibrant innovation culture centred around mobile phones. While not all the services launched will be successful, the flurry of start-ups shows the country has the right combination of technical skills, bright ideas and cash to make a go of new services. 2013 Development Challenges By David South, Development Challenges, South-South Solutions SOUTH-SOUTH CASE STUDY Baker Cookstoves – Designing for the African Customer Development Challenges: An innovative social enterprise is using design to create an energy-efficient cookstove for Kenya. By turning to an experienced Swedish architecture and design firm, the people behind the Baker cookstove wanted to make sure the stove’s design was as efficient as possible and relevant to the customers’ needs, while also making sure it is visually appealing and something a person would proudly want in their home. Texting for Cheaper Marketplace Food with SokoText Development Challenges: An international group of graduate-social entrepreneurs from the London School of Economics (LSE) is pioneering a way to reduce food prices in Kenya using mobile phones. Ethiopia and Djibouti Join Push to Tap Geothermal Sources for Green Energy Development Challenges: Ethiopia and Djibouti are the latest global South countries to make a significant commitment to developing geothermal energy – a green energy source that draws on the heat below the earth’s surface (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geothermal_energy) – to meet future development goals. Tackling China’s Air Pollution Crisis: An Innovative Solution Development Challenges: China reached an undesired landmark in 2013. While the country’s impressive economic growth has amazed the world, it has come at a price: pollution. China recorded record levels of smog in 2013, with some cities suffering air pollution many times above what is acceptable for human health. Ghana Wants to Tap Global Trendy Party Scene Development Challenges: Tourism is big business – and one of the most resilient parts of the global economy. Despite the international economic crisis that has wreaked havoc and increased unemployment and poverty in many countries since 2007, tourism is still going strong. China Pushing Frontiers of Medical Research Development Challenges: Cutting-edge medical research in China is promising to boost human health and development. Futuristic science is being conducted on a large scale and it is hoped this will increase the pace of discovery. Latin American Food Renaissance Excites Diners Development Challenges: Food is essential for a good life and plays a critical part in overall human health and development. The better the quality of food available to the population, the better each individual’s overall health will be, and this will have a direct impact on mental and physical performance (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2213453012000055). Perfume of Peace Helps Farmers Switch From Drug Trade Development Challenges: A tragedy in a time of war has led to a social enterprise that is creating jobs – and making the world smell a little better, too. US $450 Million Pledged for Green Economy Investments at Kenyan Expo Development Challenges: Innovators working in the global green economy could benefit from over US $450 million in investment recently pledged at the UN’s Global South-South Development Expo held in Nairobi, Kenya. African Fashion’s Growing Global Marketplace Profile Development Challenges: Tales of African global fashion successes have multiplied in the last few years. African fashion is seeing its profile rise as more and more shows and festivals boost awareness of the continent’s designs, designers and models. In turn, African fashion and design is being taken more seriously as an income and job generator, and as a sector able to weather the ups and downs of the global economy: people always need to wear clothes. Cuban Entrepreneurs Embracing Changes to Economy Development Challenges: The Caribbean island of Cuba has gone its own way economically and socially since its revolution in 1959. The country has seen significant gains in its human development in the decades since, and can boast impressive education levels and good public health care. Radical Drone Solution to Woeful Infrastructure in Poor Countries Development Challenges: Drones – unpiloted aircraft, formally called Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) or Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) – have long been used for military purposes. The U.S. military claims to have 7,500 drones – a massive growth from just 50 a decade ago – and has used them for surveillance and combat in conflicts from Afghanistan to Iraq. Pioneering African Airlines Help to Expand Routes Development Challenges: The last decade has seen a revolution in African air travel. The number of air routes has grown and this has paralleled the economic growth across the continent. As demand has been strong for Africa’s resources, it has also fueled a consumer boom that is benefiting an increasing number of people. Affordable Space Programmes Becoming Part of South’s Development Development Challenges: Space: the final frontier. At least that was how heading off into the stars was portrayed in cult television and film series Star Trek. While many countries are working to raise living standards and eradicate poverty on earth, some are also looking to space for solutions to earth-bound problems. Solar Bottle Bulbs Light Up Dark Homes Development Challenges: Finding ways to generate low-cost or free light has captured the imagination of innovators across the global South. The desire for light is strong: Light gives an immediate boost to income-making opportunities and quality of life when the sun goes down or in dark homes with few windows. China Sets Sights on Dominating Global Smartphone Market Development Challenges: The rise of smartphones – mobile phones capable of Internet access and able to run ‘apps’ or applications – is the latest wave of the global connectivity revolution. Mobile phones rapidly made their way around the world to become almost ubiquitous – the most successful take-up of a piece of communications technology in history – and now smartphones are set to do the same. The number of mobile phone subscriptions in the world surpassed 6 billion in 2012 (out of a population of 7 billion) and, according to the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the number of mobile phones will exceed the world’s population by 2014. Poorest Countries Being Harmed by Euro Currency Crisis Development Challenges: The ongoing economic crisis in Europe is forecast to harm the economies of the world’s poorest countries if it continues, according to a study by the United Kingdom’s Overseas Development Institute (ODI) (odi.org.uk). Solar-Powered Mobile Clinics to Boost Rural Healthcare in Africa Development Challenges: Around the world, innovative thinking is finding new ways of using solar power technology to bring electricity to underserved areas of the global South. Innovators are experimenting with new technologies, new business models and new ways to finance getting solar power into the hands of the poor. Vietnamese Google Rival Challenging Global Giant Development Challenges: Information technologies are creating new business opportunities across the global South. As more and more people gain access to the Internet in one form or another, opportunities to offer them services also increase. More Futuristic African Cities in the Works Development Challenges: It has been well documented that China is undergoing the largest migration in human history from rural areas to cities. But this urbanization trend is occurring across the global South, including in Africa, as well. According to the UN, more than half the world’s population already lives in cities, and 70 per cent will live in urban areas by 2050. Most of the world’s population growth is concentrated in urban areas in the global South. Haitian Coffee Becoming a Hit with American Connoisseurs Development Challenges: The Caribbean country of Haiti has had to deal with the twin challenges of recovering from a devastating earthquake in 2010 while also pulling itself out of the economic and social chaos that has resulted in its status as the poorest place in the Western hemisphere. New 3D Technology Makes Innovation Breakthrough and Puts Mind over Matter Development Challenges: Revolutions in technology are placing more and more power into the hands of the individual, and 3D printing and fabrication machines are opening a whole new chapter. These devices come in many forms, but they all do one thing: they can manufacture pretty well any three-dimensional object on the spot, from digital plans. These machines come in many sizes, from factory scale to smaller, home versions which are no bigger than personal computer printers, such as the well-known MakerBot Replicator 2 (makerbot.com). African Infrastructure Dreams Back on Agenda Development Challenges: Africa’s patchy infrastructure is not keeping pace with the continent’s economic growth. Satellite photos of Africa at night show a place where light is concentrated overwhelmingly in the South – primarily South Africa – and in the North, with a sprinkling of lights on the west and east coasts (http://geology.com/articles/satellite-photo-earth-at-night.shtml). Mobile Phone Microscopes to Revolutionize Health Diagnostics Development Challenges: Mobile phone usage has increased hugely across the global South in the past five years. In Africa, the number of mobile phone subscribers reached 545 million in 2013, while there are 3.5 billion mobile phone users in Asia and the Pacific (ITU). Some 93 million people in Africa and 895 million in Asia and the Pacific have mobile phone Internet access (ITU). Small Fish Farming Opportunity Can Wipe Out Malnutrition Development Challenges: Pioneering work to boost diets across the global South is turning to the smallest of fish. While small in size, tiny fish are packed with nutrition when eaten whole, as they are in many cultures. Often these fish come packed with vitamin A, iron, zinc, calcium, protein and essential fats – all necessary elements to eradicate malnutrition and hidden hunger, especially among women and children. Burgeoning African E-commerce Industry Full of Opportunity Development Challenges: Africa has seen huge change since 2000 in the way people access information and do business electronically. The most championed accomplishment has been the widespread take-up of mobile phones. This has given birth to countless entrepreneurs and innovators who are using phones to help people, do business and sell goods and services. Staple Foods Are Becoming More Secure in the South Development Challenges: Finding ways to ensure food security in countries experiencing profound economic and social change and stress is critical to achievement of development goals. Food security is crucial to ensuring economic development is sustainable, and it is vital to long-term human health. Just one bout of famine can damage a generation of youth, stunting brain development and leaving bodies smaller and weaker than they should be. African Innovators Celebrated in Prize Development Challenges: Innovation is increasingly being recognized as the key to tackling long-standing development problems in Africa, as well as across the developing and developed world. While it is easy to draw up a list of challenges facing the global South, it takes a special person to see not problems but solutions. New Beer Helping to Protect Elephants Development Challenges: How to match the often conflicting goals of protecting animal habitats and supporting local economies? One clever solution may draw amusement but is actually a sharp marketing strategy to get attention for a product that is helping to preserve the elephants of Thailand’s Golden Triangle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Triangle_(Southeast_Asia). Solar Solution to Lack of Electricity in Africa Development Challenges: Electricity is critical to improving human development and living standards. Yet, for many in the global South, electricity is either non-existent or its provision is patchy, erratic, unreliable or expensive. Time-Tested Iranian Solutions to Cool and Refrigerate Development Challenges: Keeping food cool is critical for human health. No matter what the climate, a cool environment will prolong food preservation, stave off spoilage and lower the risk of food poisoning. This is crucial for the poor because it means they can reduce food waste and avoid illnesses caused by food poisoning. Diarrhea is a common problem when people do not have access to refrigeration for their food. US $1 Trillion Opportunity for Africa’s Agribusinesses Says Report Development Challenges: As the world’s population continues to grow – surpassing 9 billion people by 2050, the United Nations estimates – and more and more people move to urban areas, producing enough food to feed this population will be one of the biggest economic challenges and opportunities in the global South. Ambitious Schemes Hope to Advance Economic Development Development Challenges: Sometimes it takes a bold, fresh start to speed up economic and human development goals. Taking a large-scale approach has been used around the world, either establishing new trade zones or even a new city. Indian Initiatives to Make Travel Safer for Women Development Challenges: Shocking assaults on women traveling in India have galvanized innovators to find solutions. One solution that is proving successful is to establish specialist taxi services for women. As a happy additional benefit, these taxi innovators are transforming the taxi experience, introducing more ethical practices such as honest fares, professional and safe driving habits and clean, hygienic and comfortable taxis. Kenya Reaches Mobile Phone Banking Landmark Development Challenges: Financial transactions and banking with mobile phones have been a Kenyan success story. Online Education Could Boost African Development Development Challenges: Education is recognized as a major catalyst for human development. During a high-level meeting on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/mdgoverview.html) in 2010, UNESCO – the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – pointed out the necessity of making rapid gains in education if all the MDGs are to be achieved. The goals deadline is 2015 – just two years away. African Digital Laser Breakthrough Promises Future Innovation Development Challenges: For decades many African countries have experienced low investment in research and development (R&D) and scientific innovation. One of the few nations to benefit from a sophisticated university network and research and development sector was South Africa. It still ranks top on the continent for funding R&D and its high number of scientific journals. Preserving Beekeeping Livelihoods in Morocco Development Challenges: The clever combining of tourism and long-standing beekeeping skills has revived a local craft and is also helping to preserve the ecology of Morocco. Beekeeping, or apiculture (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beekeeping), has two clear benefits. Bee products, including honey, beeswax, propolis, pollen and royal jelly can be a valuable source of income. The other benefit is the critical role bees play in the ecology by pollinating flowers and plants as they go about their daily business. A New African Beer Helps Smallholder Farmers Development Challenges: Africa’s growth in the past decade has held steady despite the trauma of the global economic crisis and the tumult of the “Arab Spring” in several countries of North Africa. African economies are growing because of a number of resilient trends. These include growing regional trade links, greater investment in infrastructure and the remarkable rise of China to become Africa’s number one trade partner, pushing the United States to second place (Technology + Policy). This has given birth to a growing consumer marketplace and consumer class – some 300 million people earning about US $200 a month (Africa Rising). Boosting Tourism in India with Surfing Culture Development Challenges: Tourism has experienced decades of growth and diversification and is now considered one of the fastest-growing economic sectors in the world. According to the UNWTO – the United Nations World Tourism Organization – modern tourism is “a key driver for socio-economic progress.” Made-in-Africa Fashion Brand Pioneers Aim for Global Success Development Challenges: African fashion brands have not always been the first place fashionistas turned to when shopping for new clothes or shoes in developed economies. While Africa has long been a source of inspiration in contemporary and traditional fashion, the continent has had a weak reputation for manufacturing and selling mass market global fashion brands. Kenyan Book Company Brings Online Sales to East Africa Development Challenges: The Internet has revolutionized retail sales in many developed countries – and nowhere more so than for booksellers. The ability to offer an almost unlimited supply of books through a website is revolutionizing the way people shop and giving life to books long out of print or by unknown authors. African Innovation Helps Make Banking Transactions Safer Development Challenges: As economies grow in Africa, more and more people are conducting their financial transactions electronically. This can be either through mobile phones and digital devices, or through the hole-in-the-wall of the automatic teller machine, or ATM. New Apps Make Driving and Travelling in Egypt Easier, Safer Development Challenges: Mobile phones are ubiquitous across the global South. They have spawned whole new business opportunities and changed the way people solve problems and find solutions. Bangladesh Coffin-Maker Offers an Ethical Ending Development Challenges: Few people want to think about death, and many are ill-prepared when it happens to a loved one or friend. But it will happen to us all – and growing ethical and environmental concerns are reshaping the way many deal with the inevitable event. More and more people are seeking a lower-cost option for being disposed of that also does not harm the environment. Thai Organic Supermarkets Seek to Improve Health Development Challenges: A Thai business is working hard to expand access to organic food in the country. It sees this as part of a wider campaign to improve health in the country – and its success has caught the attention of the government, which wants to turn Thailand into a global health destination. Global South Experiencing Transportation Revolution Development Challenges: Away from the news headlines, a quiet revolution has been taking place in public transportation across the global South. As cities have expanded and grown, they have also been putting in place public transport systems to help people get around and get to work. Global South’s Middle Class is Increasing Prosperity Development Challenges: The global middle class is on the rise – and this is creating both challenges and opportunities. As poverty rates have come down across the global South, many countries have seen a rise in the proportion of their population categorized as “middle class”. Globally, being middle class is defined as a person able to consume between US $4 a day and US $13 a day (ILO). Angolan Film Grabs Attention at Film Festival Development Challenges: The power of the creative economy to transform lives, livelihoods – and perceptions – should never be underestimated. Creativity can transform the image of places and situations often seen in a negative light. A film from Angola is shining a light on the country’s music scene and showing the vitality of the nation in the wake of a long-running civil war. 2014 Development Challenges By David South, Development Challenges, South-South Solutions SOUTH-SOUTH CASE STUDY Issue six will be on science, technology and innovation. This issue will be different from previous issues and will be including supplements and inserts to boost the impact of the magazine. Southern Innovator is seeking sponsors to fund this and also to help us expand the print run (currently 5,000 copies for global distribution). 3D Home Printing Landmark: 10 Houses in a Day Development Challenges: The global South is experiencing urban growth on a scale unprecedented in human history, far outstripping the great urbanization wave that swept across Europe and North America during the 19th and 20th centuries. Old Boats Become New Furniture in Senegal Development Challenges: Every country has its fair share of waste and the remnants of past economic activity. Old cars nobody wants, discarded tins of food, old plastic bags, spare copper wire, cast-off clothing – all can have a new life in the right hands. Innovative Solutions Celebrated in Ashden Awards Development Challenges: The world’s population is heading towards 9.6 billion by 2050 (UN). Combined with a growing middle class and rising living standards across the global South, that means ever-greater demand on the world’s finite resources. This raises a crucial question: Where will the energy to power rising living standards come from, and how much damage will be done to the planet’s environment by pollution created generating it (https://www.un.org/en/development/desa/news/population/un-report-world-population-projected-to-reach-9-6-billion-by-2050.html)? Innovative Ways to Collect Water from Air Development Challenges: World water resources are being depleted quickly as populations grow, urbanize and demand better living standards. Many scientists believe we are reaching peak water – the point at which fresh water is consumed faster than it is replenished. Caribbean Island St. Kitts Goes Green for Tourism Development Challenges: Going green may sound like the right thing to do but it can also be associated with being a costly burden and boring. But, as one island nation is proving, being green is a great selling point for attracting tourists and investors – especially in a world where many places are grappling with pollution and resource depletion. Big Data Can Transform the Global South’s Growing Cities Development Challenges: The coming years will see a major new force dominating development: Big Data. The term refers to the vast quantities of digital data being generated as a result of the proliferation of mobile phones, the Internet and social media across the global South – a so-called ‘data deluge’ (UN Global Pulse). It is an historically unprecedented surge in data, much of it coming from some of the poorest places on the planet and being gathered in real time. Indian Business Model Makes Green Energy Affordable Development Challenges: The technology already exists to provide renewable energy and electricity to all the world’s poor. The trick is finding a way to pay for it and to make it sustainable. Many innovators are experimenting with business models to reach the so-called Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) cohort, and the 1.2 billion poorest people in the world who do not have access to electricity (World Bank) (http://tinyurl.com/n9p3f5x). A further 2.8 billion have to rely on wood or other biomass materials to cook and heat their homes. South-South Trade Helping Countries During Economic Crisis Development Challenges: Weathering the global economic crisis is testing the stability of countries across the global South. But many countries are finding South-South trade and catering to their domestic middle classes can lift incomes and maintain growth rates despite the global turmoil. 3D Printing Gives Boy a New Arm in Sudan Development Challenges: 3D printing is rapidly going mainstream and is now starting to make a big impact in health care. One innovative solution is using the technology to manufacture artificial arms for amputees harmed by war in Africa. African Hotel Boom Bringing in New Investment and Creating Jobs Development Challenges: Africa is experiencing a boom not seen for decades. The IMF forecasts economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa of 6 per cent in 2014, compared to global growth of 3.6 per cent. China’s Outsourced Airliner Development Model Development Challenges: Many emerging-market countries in the global South have built up substantial foreign currency reserves. Much of this has been a response to past foreign currency crises, particularly the Asian Crisis in the late 1990s (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1997_Asian_financial_crisis). Brazilian Design for New Urban, Middle-Class World Development Challenges: Countries across the global South are experiencing rapid urbanization as people move to cities for better economic opportunities — and this massive social change is creating new business opportunities. Those who recognize how fundamentally people’s lifestyles are changing will be those who will benefit from this big shift in populations. Cheap Paper Microscope to Boost Fight Against Diseases Development Challenges: To tackle diseases in the developing world, the most important first step is diagnosis. Without effective diagnosis, it is difficult to go to the next steps of either treatment or cure. While much attention is given to the high costs involved in treating and curing ailments, screening for diagnosis is also expensive, especially if it involves lots of people. Anything that can reduce the cost of diagnosis will free up resources to expand the number of people who can be checked, and help eradicate contagious diseases. Asian Factories Starting to go Green Development Challenges: Media headlines have recently highlighted the growing air pollution crisis in Asia’s expanding cities. This is caused by a mix of factors – the growing number of vehicles, coal-powered factories, people burning dirty fuels to heat their homes, and poor enforcement of standards – and has severe consequences for human health. If it’s not tackled, more and more countries will see large rises in respiratory problems, cancers and early deaths from pollution-caused illnesses (http://www.nrdc.org/air/). Reality Television Teaches Business Skills in Sudan Development Challenges: Learning how to thrive in a market economy does not necessarily come naturally. But for young people who have grown up under a different economic system or known nothing but economic chaos, learning business skills can give them the tools to get on in life. Popular Chinese Social Media Chase New Markets Development Challenges: China has a vast and growing market for the Internet and mobile devices. Over the past decade that market has been largely confined to China – most businesses have had enough domestic demand and opportunities inside the country to keep them busy. The BRCK: Kenyan-Developed Solution to Boost Internet Access Development Challenges: Using the Internet in Africa has its challenges, as anyone who has worked there knows. Issues can include weak Wi-Fi signals, slow Internet service providers, electricity outages and power surges that can damage or destroy sensitive electronic devices. Women Empowered by Fair Trade Manufacturer Development Challenges: There is sometimes a great deal of negativity surrounding the issue of manufacturing in Africa. Some claim the risks of doing business are too high or that the workers are not motivated enough. But one garment manufacturer is out to prove the skeptics wrong. It pays decent wages and gives its mostly female workforce a stake in the business in a bid to drive motivation and make it worthwhile to work hard. Global South Trade Boosted with Increasing China-Africa Trade in 2013 Development Challenges: It was announced in January 2014 that China has surpassed the United States to become the world’s number one trading nation, as measured by the total value of exports and imports. This new economic behemoth also continued to grow its trade relationships with Africa. India 2.0: Can the Country Make the Move to the Next Level? Development Challenges: With the global economic crisis threatening to cause turmoil in the emerging markets of the global South, it is becoming clear that what worked for the past two decades may not work for the next two. “Pocket-Friendly” Solution to Help Farmers Go Organic Development Challenges: Interest in organic food and farming is high, and organics have become a growing global industry. The worldwide market for organic food grew by more than 25 per cent between 2008 and 2011, to US $63 billion, according to pro-organic group the Soil Association. That is an impressive accomplishment given the backdrop of the global economic crisis, and evidence that people value quality food, even in tough times. Cheap Farming Kit Hopes to Help More Become Farmers Development Challenges: Food security is key to economic growth and human development. A secure and affordable food supply means people can meet their nutrition needs and direct their resources to improving other aspects of their lives, such as housing, clothing, health services or education.
Anna Friel is a slight thing, with curly hair and boundless energy. Her animated presence is a perfect fit for Pushing Daisies, the candy-colored hit series in which she plays Charlotte "Chuck" Charles, a woman with the sparkling air of the recently resurrected. You see, Ned, a piemaker-cum-detective, has the power to bring murder victims back to life. One touch from Ned revives a corpse, while a second returns it to the grave. Ned's shtick was hitch-free until he laid a hand on Chuck, his childhood sweetheart. Smitten (again), Ned holds himself back from touch number two. Thus begins a love affair limited to eye contact, banter, and the occasional hug, grasp, or dance--the kind that's insulated by rubber gloves or head-to-toe beekeeping gear. In person, it's hard not to touch Friel. She's the woman who, when you ask where she bought her dress, invites you to peek down the back to read the label. Although Friel isn't as well-known in the States, she's both well-respected and notorious in England. On the soap opera Brookside, she performed the country's first lesbian TV kiss ("It was the highest rating the channel ever got!"); in The Tribe she had a ménage-a-trois with Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Jeremy Northam ("By the end of it, we were all flopping about naked, like, Wahoo!"); and in the sexually fraught Broadway hit Closer she played Alice, a stripper. No wonder Friel is quickly becoming our favorite British import since HobNobs and David Beckham. How does living in Los Angeles match up against Windsor, where your place had a view of the Queen's castle? I love it here. Even the realtors are famous! You get the famous gardener, the famous hairdresser, the best this, the best that. I also love that there's always someone here who's a bit more famous, which keeps the paparazzi at bay. You get covered a lot by tabloids in Britain, but not here--not yet, anyway. Thank God. It's fantastic. I don't have to put on makeup all the time. Do tell: How does one become a tabloid darling? I used to hang around in this group the press called the "Primrose Hill set," which included Kate Moss and the guys from Oasis. The press found that interesting. They always wanted to know what we were wearing. The English press has been very good to me, touch wood. Speaking of touch, what has Chuck taught you about physical intimacy? When you can't ever touch, it makes you want to do it more. You forget how much it's a part of communicating. I often think if I could just touch Ned, I could show the audience so much more. You've done so many risqué roles; this must be a huge change. It's so clean compared to, say, a play like Closer. Being bubbly, happy, and positive five days a week is more challenging than I expected. I think risky material helps you grow as an actress, which you need if you want longevity. If you're just the pretty girl, you're going to have a really short career. A ripe actress like Susan Sarandon or Judi Dench, with lots of layers, is more interesting to me than the young, unripe version. Your American accent on the show is flawless. Thanks. In my car on the way to work, I speak with an American accent and keep it the whole day, even during personal phone calls. I have a voice coach who gives me 30 notes [on how to improve] every day! I wanted the character to have a lot of air in her voice and to be very wide-eyed. I based it a lot on my daughter, Gracie. I wanted my character to be childlike. It must be fun to do a show your 2-year-old can watch! Those bright visuals really get her. She likes to come to the set because they've built a sweet shop that looks like something from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. She takes sweets from all the jars. Her new thing is to say to me "Cut, Mummy! Cut!" You and your partner, actor David Thewlis, are raising Gracie but aren't hitched. Suspicious of marriage? Oh no, I always thought I was quite conventional--that I'd get engaged, marry, have a child--but it's all gone higgledy-piggledy. I think it's nice we've stayed together for the right reasons and not some tangled mess. And he's never asked, really! No, I'm always saying I don't need to. I think we'll wait to do it when Gracie can actually stand up at the wedding and be a part of it. David plays Remus Lupin in the Harry Potter movies… He's shooting in England right now. He's also a writer. His novel was recently released in the U.S.; it's called The Late Hector Kipling. It's amazing. It's all about the art world. He's constantly writing, and he reads, like, five books a week. I'm more social than he, the one with the bouncy energy, and he's more in his head--everything goes onto his pages. So it's a nice balance. What do you guys do when you're not working? We love the mountains and the sea, and we love to watch movies. People hate watching them with us because we talk and analyze all the way through! I heard that you once gave a film producer a piece of your mind when he asked you to eat fewer doughnuts. I told him he could have me--or a model without a brain in her head. The obsession with weight today is just incredible. Curves have gone out the window, and I don't understand it. For me, I think if you're disciplined enough to stop eating when you're not hungry, then you can maintain a balance. When I first moved to L.A. I got a trainer, but when we started doing the show, the whole thing fell apart. But I have a row machine now. That's how I lost all my baby weight in three months! So you're not a calorie counter? No. Look at French women: They eat cheese, drink wine, and they have incredible bodies and skin. I can't even do that water, water, water thing. I get so bored of it. But I do drink English tea, PG Tips, all day long. Eight cups a day! I also eat three bananas a day, every day. On set, they call me Anna Banana. I'm obsessed. If I'm tired, they make me feel better. You must burn those bananas off by talking so fast. This is the quickest interview I've ever done. And yet all day the director tells me to do my lines "flatter and faster, flatter and faster." Why is that important? Because if you're doing very poetic dialogue, it can sound too "television"--but when you do it flatter and faster, it makes it sound more natural and gives it a rhythm. This is the only role ever that a director hasn't asked me to slow down. Who would you like to see us interview next? Tell us!
Beekeeping provides rural people in developing countries with sources of income and nutrition. It is a sustainable form of agriculture, which is beneficial to the environment and provides economic reasons for the retention of native habitats and potentially both increased yield from food and forage crops. Complex processing methods are not required and the whole industry can be highly cost effective. The main item required is the dissemination of information in order to develop skills amongst those interested in making a success of Bee Businesses . There are many men and women keen to improve their apicultural skills. This book is an attempt to provide the information they need. Meetings are 7-9pm at: Will County Farm Bureau 100 Manhattan Rd Joliet, IL 60433
Visit the Gardens at Clock Barn – Home of Maureen & Mike Ruettgers in Carlisle, for a Garden Celebration to benefit the Garden Conservancy, with self-guided tours, an exhibit on “The Language of Flowers,” and a Tussie-Mussie making workshop, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Maureen has developed an exquisite collection of “porte bouquet” holders and related ephemera, and has curated an exhibit on the language of flowers as the centerpiece of this extraordinary day. Her collection will be augmented with period clothing and thirty specially-commissioned shadow boxes displaying the most important flowers in this romantic art, each handmade of paper. At 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., Maureen and fellow members of the Herb Society of America will help participants make their own tussie-mussies, small, hand-held bouquets that convey heart-felt messages in the language of flowers. Victorian tea and cookies, a potpourri table, fun flower facts, beekeeping demonstrations, and pollinator discussions, as well as scavenger hunts (for both kids and adults) will be available throughout the day. No reservations required; rain or shine. Admission is $10 per person, exhibit and workshop included; children 12 and under free.
With the population increase of the Varroa mite and associated viruses, the global bee population is plummeting. One UWG professor is making a buzz about the importance of bees and bee research. “It was mostly for fun when I started handling bees,” said Professor of Biology Dr. Gregory Payne. “I’m an entomologist, and when I was at Clemson University, I helped keep bees for our entomology club. I haven’t done it since then, but I thought it would be nice if UWG could have some research done with the bees.” UWG Risk Management gave Payne permission to plant 10 hives next to UWG’s community garden. He plans to involve students with the project at undetermined future date. Payne wants to involve the biology club to teach them research methods and studies. “The importance of bees is very great,” said Alabama Master Beekeeper and Georgia Master Gardener Marilynn Parker. “This issue of the bee population is a problem that must be dealt with.” Parker has worked with bees for over 50 years. Many techniques for beekeeping have changed during that time; however, Parker’s knowledge has not made that an issue. She can explain anything bee-related, from the structure of the hive to the lifespan of each type of bee in the colony. Parker helped Payne when he had a tough time keeping the bees. They plan to use the bees for research and to involve students with bee education. The purpose of the bee research is to find out what is affecting them and to hopefully find solutions to the decrease in bee population. “There have not been any major complications,” said Payne. “About two weeks ago Ms. Parker and I came out to the bee hives. It was going to be just a daily thing where we check the hives. However, it turned into a five and a half hour process. I would tell anyone who is interested in becoming a beekeeper that it takes a lot of money, time and patience, but the outcome is very rewarding.” Payne mentioned in one week, he used about 50 bags of sugar for the bees’ sugar water. “We currently have two hives that are on a one year jump in front of the others,” said Payne. “There were four originally, but after the winter, we had to combine two colonies. In about three weeks, we are going to pull the sugar water from the eight new hives. The sugar water helps the bees from having to work too hard, and they can focus on sustaining and growing the colony. “I cannot stress this enough, but Ms. Parker is the reason for the success,” continued Payne. “With her help, we are able to track bee feeding techniques and bee colony behaviors.” Parker’s knowledge on bees has given her the certification of Master Beekeeper, which Payne said is equivalent to receiving a graduate degree. Payne and Parker plan to continue working with the hives. A queen bee can reign for almost five years, meaning Parker and Payne can continue research on one colony for a few more years. When the time comes for harvesting the honey from the hives, Payne plans to sell honey to raise funds for the Biology Club and also to give money back into the research.
Are you searching for how to start beekeeping in Carlisle Pennsylvania? A number of people say beekeeping classes in PA can be costly and there are cheaper ways to master honey bee farming without spending lots of money in training. Beekeeping is a business that depends on having fire that is complete. You can’t begin a business such as this if you do not enjoy coping with creatures that are live. Working with bees is like working with any other kind of fowl or animals; it wants attention and knowledge to keep bees productive and healthy. You should take complete care of each and every thing that is little, in order that it does not create any problem for the company in the foreseeable future. – Selecting the appropriate tools Beginning without picking the right tools beekeeping, is like entering the battle with swimming costumes. Before you start your company you should be well prepared, or it will likely be a total loss to your time and money. Ask your self several questions before you select your appropriate hives. This depends on which is the aim from starting beekeeping a lot. If you are willing to invest some money and time in a bee keeping company then you definitely may want to know how long will you take care of your hives. Do you want if it’s best choice for you to buy an expensive hive? These sort of questions will be asked to you once you see an expert bee keeper to consult him about the greatest hive to purchase. Every hive has its own specifications, care and honey production amount. – New technology and processes If you’re considering bee keeping as a company then you must examine a lot about the most recent technologies, their nature and bees that emerged in this career so that you can keep all of your info up so far. Your bees are once they begin creating honey the machines of your factory that will generate money for you all the time, so keeping your ideas focused on them and your mind open for what is new in the industry will get you on top of the hobby.
Beekeeping Full Body Hat-Veil Combo Cotton/Poly Coverall. Total coverage of total piece of mind. This full body cotton/polyester suit features leg zippers for easy on/off, elastic leg and wrist cuffs, two front side pockets and a chest pocket. Accompanying Hat/Veil is extra comfy and fits all sizes. Spring steel band rings keep the veil away from the head and hat flips back when unzipped. Veil fully zips around the head to the collar, keeping bees from entering under veil. ( 0 ) This product has not yet been rated There are currently no reviews for this product.
A Complete Bee Tree Hive Bee Tree Hives are designed to allow honey bees to live much more like they’re designed to live - like they do live in the wild - and gives them back the control they need to successfully regulate the micro-climate of the hive, as well as the micro-ecology they’re superintending as they work to live in symbiotic relationship with thousands of other organisms that share the hive with them. But, Bee Tree Hives accept the same frames that are used in conventional Langstroth hives so that a currently hived colony can easily be moved to a Bee Tree Hive. The complete Bee Tree Hive is designed for beekeepers who are transitioning to Preservation Beekeeping. All of the components of a complete Bee Tree Hive are compatible with conventional 8-frame beekeeping equipment. The complete Bee Tree Hive includes 4 components that are all built on an 8-frame hive footprint. It is made of western red cedar - also referred to as non-aromatic cedar - and comes fully assembled except for attaching the legs and handles (this saves on shipping). It is designed to support bee-centered beekeeping by addressing the significant differences between the way honey bees live in the wild and what we have subjected them to with modern, conventional beekeeping equipment and practices. The complete Bee Tree Hive includes: - The Eco-Floor/Stand. - 2 Hive Bodies with double thick walls on all four sides. - The insulated, ventilated Hive Cover that gives the bees complete control over both the amount and route of their ventilation, and incorporates an inside-the-hive feeder that allows you to feed honeycomb back to the bees without opening the hive, disturbing the bees, or breaking any of their propolis seals. Bee Tree Hives are built on an 8-frame hive footprint. But, with the double thick walls, a Bee Tree hive body holds 7 frames. This, in conjunction with the fact that the Bee Tree hive bodies are built to hold deep frames, contributes to a narrower, more vertical cavity for the bees to live in. If you view images of honey bees in their winter cluster, almost without exception the cluster is only 7 frames wide. For an explanation of each piece, please see the videos, photos, and descriptions on each product page. Shipping is not included in the product prices. Being a one-man operation, I do not have the scales, software, and supplies to pack and ship myself. So, I use a pack-and-ship store as my shipping department. I will deliver your hive components to them, provide them with your phone number or email address, and they will work directly with you on the packing, insurance, handling, speed-of-delivery, and carrier options that best meet your needs. Bee Tree Hives are a solid, well-built product of substance. As such, shipping is not negligible. But, the folks at the pack-and-ship store will work with you to get you the best possible shipping price given your needs and location.
Things couldn’t get any better at this moment: the Red Sox are on the radio while I type at the kitchen table and they aren’t losing. Youngest son is doing his math homework right next to me (I am so very glad I no longer have math homework) while oldest son is hopefully not freezing at Fenway Park while the Sox hopefully pick up their third win of the season. Clearly it’s been a slow start to 2011. I really don’t know what to say about it except I deserve to eat my pre-season gloating words about the pitching, hitting and the acquisitions. My stoic demeanor now speaks of looking into the long haul of the season and a steely reserve that they’ll drastically improve by the next game, the series and the month. I curse Sports Illustrated for bestowing the 2011 World Series Championship upon them with 168 games to play. SI has a rotten record for it’s World Series predictions and more often then not, the chosen team ends up with a worse than expected performance on the season. Talk about a curse. Fortunately it’s not all baseball gloom around here! It’s been appreciably warmer and there are definite signs of permanent spring: more flowers, greener grass, longer days and a move to brighter clothes. The beehive is growing and the bees are bringing in a ton of pollen so today’s bee activity was putting on the first honey super. The super is the smallest box on the top. I’m using a queen excluder, which is a wire screen that allows the smaller worker bees to move freely from top to bottom but keeps the larger queen in the two bigger bottom boxes. It keeps the queen from laying eggs in the combs of honey that we could take if this hive is successful and (this is a really important and) it helps keep the hive manageable. Two years ago I didn’t use the excluder and had an enormous, aggravated hive that was ready to swarm right into my nervous neighbors hair and her children’s beds. Really. The lessons of bad beekeeping are the toughest. I’ve been working of changing a few of my winter bad habits starting with the worst: Lying on the couch all day. It did nothing for the mood or the girth so I started running again. I am slow, very slow so I avoided wearing a watch, believing it’s best to get out and run instead of getting upset that I’m running at a 10 min/mile pace. I’ve been at it for over a month and felt like I’d picked up the pace so today I wore my timex and ran 5.3 miles in 46 minutes–less than a 9 minute mile! It’s enough to keep me running and thinking about training for summer races and a fall half marathon. Finally a terrier update. They are fine despite the severe neglect they suffer. Last night the little Bad Dog was let out at 10:00 p.m. At 3:00 a.m. I woke to what I thought was a bark. I listened for a while but didn’t hear anything for a while. Unable to fall asleep, I started to read and heard another little bark. Oh boy, someone left their dog out all night! I thought, That poor dog. Then I hear another bark. It sounded familiar so I went to check on the terriers. There was Artie and there wasn’t Honey. I ran down stairs and found her waiting at the back door. She was very happy to see me, a bit aloof around someone who shall not be named and spent most of the day sleeping which allowed Artie some free time to peruse his many interests on the internet.
- Enjoy an afternoon in the Garden with fun, educational activities for kids and adults. - Hear from local experts on topics such as composting, soil - water quality and conservation, beekeeping, and garden pollinators. - Take a free tour of the garden led by University of California Master Gardener, Monika Olsen. - Meet with local sustainable organizations including Ask a Master Gardener, Bluebird Recovery Program, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa Resource Conservation District, Foundation for Pleasant Hill Education Green Team, Mt. Diablo Beekeepers. - Plant Sale, Bird Houses and Environmentally-friendly Products for Sale PHIG is located across from Pleasant Hill Middle School and from Pleasant Oaks Park at One Santa Barbara Road Info: 925-482-6670 Email: [email protected]
To be up to date with the latest information in the beekeeping industry to may check out our beekeeping latest news. On the other hand in case you’re beginning apiculture and desire to start professional apiculture today download a copy of our beekeeping for beginners ebook. Beekeeping can be a full-time profession or a simple hobby. Nonetheless, more often than not, what began as a hobby would become a profession. But you cannot merely determine and tell yourself that you will start to do beekeeping. You need to have sufficient knowledge and comprehension on the field that you’re going to enter before beginning on any hobby or profession. Then it is about time to indulge yourself in your line of interest, if you have been putting off your curiosity about beekeeping for quite a long time. Bee farming may seem easy; by learning the fundamental beekeeping lessons, you can be got off to a great beginning. What does a beekeeper must know? First, you should have interest that is full on beekeeping to start at the right foot. You should have also consented to share your house space with the bees. There are possible dangers in beekeeping that can damage not only you but your family too. If you decide to allow the bees inside your living space, then you definitely must understand the supplies and gear that you will use for beekeeping. Your focus is not just to make money by selling honey; a great beekeeper should have fire and a keen interest in rearing bees. An apiarist ought to know the right place for the beehives. If you decide to put your beehives at your backyard, you need to make sure beekeeping is allowed in your town. There are several places confined to beekeeping; you should get permission relating to this. Beekeepers must understand whether beekeeping supplies are available in the region where the beehives are situated. When you should visit a nearby beekeeping store you may never understand; it is best that a nearby beekeeping shop is not inaccessible. Protective gear and equipment may also be important for beekeepers to understand. This will reduce the odds of being stung by your bees. Understand the right type of suit to pick to keep you from any possible danger in beekeeping. Last but definitely not the least, among the beekeeping lessons you have to know is that: it is not unimportant for the beekeeper to know the proper way of picking honey. All the attempts that are beekeeping would be useless in case you are not able to harvest honey. The procedures should be known by a beekeeper in gathering the honey from the comb; beeswax is also part of the returns in beekeeping.
Recently, I interviewed food historian Peter G. Rose about her book Food, Drink and Celebrations of the Hudson Valley Dutch (Listen to the interview here). The book describes the traditions and celebrations of the Hudson Valley Dutch, some of which were carried over from the Netherlands and some of which were adopted in the new world. With this Post Script interview we dig a little deeper into the occupation of a food historian and how it differs from other types of historians. Post Script: Researching Food with Peter G. Rose MPL: How did you become a food historian? PGR: Becoming a food historian gradually happened as a natural extension of my work as a food columnist for the NY Gannett newspapers. We live in the Hudson Valley and more and more I became aware of the Valley’s Dutch roots. When I visited Historic Hudson Valley’s offices, the curator asked me to look at a Dutch book they had in their archives and to tell her about it. It was the 1683 edition of The Pleasurable Country Life, a book on gardening, beekeeping, medicines, and also a cookbook. That was in the early 1980’s and it took me a long time to properly research its background and – in the time of typewriters – to transcribe the cookbook part as it was too fragile to photocopy. By 1989, Syracuse University Press published it with the title The Sensible Cook: Dutch Foodways in the Old and the New World and that was really the beginning for me. MPL: What do food historians focus on in their work and how do they differ from other types of historians? PGR: Food historians as you can imagine focus on food. Some study agriculture, fishing or milling or some specific food, others are more interested in preparation, or specific dishes, others look more at ethnic development, assimilation, and cultural connections. For me it was a no-brainer, since I am Dutch, I wanted to know about the Dutch influence on the American kitchen and that is what I have given my attention to for the last 3 decades. What makes my specialty of Dutch food easier to research is that we have so much visual evidence in the paintings of the Golden Age of The Netherlands and American museums have many holdings of Dutch 17th-century art. MPL: The term “historical foodways” is often associated food historians. What does it mean? PGR: Foodways is a collective noun which encompasses not only recipes and preparation, but also social customs of the period. From 18th and 19th century hand-written Dutch-American cookbooks belonging to the descendants of the early settlers, we know that they continued to cook in the manner of their forebears. Many of the recipes indicate not only the method of preparation but reveal that Dutch social customs continued here as well, as revealed for example by a recipe for doot koeckjes, which are funeral biscuits. From a Schenectady diary we know that the Dutch custom of serving plate size cookies and spiced wine, as well as offering pipes and tobacco at the time of a funeral, still continued until the mid-18th century. Recipes for kandeel, often anglicized to condale indicate that the custom of serving spiced wine mixed with eggs at the time of birth continued as well. Not only agricultural practices and horticultural introductions are attributable to the Dutch colonial past in America, but also doughnuts, coleslaw, waffles, wafers, pretzels, pancakes and above all cookies, to mention only a few examples. The Dutch touch left a lasting mark on the American kitchen. MPL: Do you try to recreate the historical recipes that you discover? If so, are the recipes surprisingly good or do some disappoint? PGR: Yes, I do try the recipes I find they work surprisingly well, providing you have enough knowledge of measures and are a reasonably experienced cook. In the case of 17th and 18th-century recipes, a good knowledge of hearth cooking comes into play as well. In general I would say that the recipes are delicious and some are outstanding! MPL: What is the most fun aspect of being a food historian? PGR: The most fun aspect of being a food historian is the constant discovery and the finding of little historical tidbits that help in rounding out the total picture. I hope to go on doing this and to go on giving talks because in the Q&A periods I always learn something new and that makes it exciting and great fun!
Photo: Supplied / Kate Newton A 46-year-old Bay of Plenty man was arrested in Northland and charged with burglary and receiving stolen property. Police recovered 120 hives last week, and said they found 80 more when they arrested the man. To date, Bay of Plenty Police have recovered around $150,000 to $200,000 wort… To stay up to date with the latest in the apiculture industry to may visit our beekeeping latest news. On the other hand in case you are starting apiculture and desire to start professional apiculture today download a copy of our beekeeping for beginners ebook. Beekeeping can be a full time profession or a simple hobby. Nevertheless, more often than not, what started as a hobby would become a profession. But you cannot merely tell and decide yourself that you will start to do beekeeping. You need to have satisfactory knowledge and understanding on the subject that you’re going to enter, before starting on any hobby or profession. Then it is about time to indulge yourself in your line of interest, if you have been putting off your curiosity about beekeeping for quite a while. Bee farming may appear easy; by learning the fundamental beekeeping lessons, you can be got away to a great beginning. What does a beekeeper have to know? On beekeeping to start at the right foot you should have complete interest. You will need to spend time taking care of your colonies of bees. You should have also consented to share your house space. There are possible risks in beekeeping that can damage you but your family also. Your focus is not just to earn money by selling honey; a great beekeeper should have passion and a keen interest in rearing bees. An apiarist should know the right place for the beehives. The area must have sufficient sources of nectar for the bees to get. If you decide to place your beehives at your backyard, you need to make sure beekeeping is enabled in your town. There are several places restricted to beekeeping; you have to get permission about this. Beekeepers must understand whether beekeeping supplies are available in the region where the beehives are situated. When you must visit an area beekeeping store you may never know; it is best that a nearby beekeeping store is accessible. Equipment and protective gear will also be very important to beekeepers to understand. Beekeepers are prone to bee stings; the outfit that is correct must be worn during beekeeping sessions. Know the right kind of suit to pick to keep you from any possible risk in beekeeping. Last but definitely not the least, among the beekeeping lessons you should know is that: it’s not unimportant for the beekeeper to know the appropriate way of picking honey. If you are not able to harvest honey all the beekeeping attempts would be futile. The procedures should be known by a beekeeper in collecting the honey in the comb; beeswax is also part of the returns in beekeeping.
Four Seasons Kuala Lumpur celebrates its first year anniversary in July 2019, and it has been a great year. The five-star hotel has bagged multiple awards, global recognition and its loyal patrons frequent the hotel for its gastronomic experiences, creative cocktails and exceptional facilities. After a year of operations, Four Seasons KL continues showcasing finesse in its holistic approach to hospitality. From its award-winning Bar Trigona which was recently inducted into Asia’s 50 Best Bars to the beautiful Yun House that got its fame through social media and by word of mouth, Four Seasons KL is also working on various programs that help give back to the community. But what are its secrets to its success? Driven by design Design is the lynchpin to all of Four Season KL’s spaces. The communal areas are lofty and the air of its marble-clad lobbies hang with elegance. As you walk around, tasteful art installations set the tone for the most discerning travellers. As for its restaurants and dining spaces, Hong Kong based interior design studio AB Concept has given Four Seasons KL a head start by creating stunning interiors with strong local influences. Every corner cries out for a picture, which is perfect for this burgeoning era of social media. The Yun House is the perfect example of how interior design can boost the presence of a restaurant through the power of social media. The Chinese restaurant is beautifully embellished with lacquered wall panels of flora and butterflies (a signature of Four Seasons), all in vibrant iridescent shades. The seats are finished with sequinned fabric choices in jewel tones that correspond with the colourful walls. On the other end, a sculptural dragon installation made of white china sits majestically on the main feature wall — which has since become one of the most Instagrammable corner in Yun House. Bar Trigona also receives similar treatment with a play on reflection and light. The interplay of geometry and illusion is interpreted using intricately cut mirrored surfaces creates a glistening background for the perfect #OOTD shot. The bar counter is the highlight of the space, as it overlooks uninterrupted views of the city centre that’s absolutely vibrant at night. Over at the Lobby Lounge, its design element is informed by colonial architecture in 1900s old Malaya. The colour palette is also reminiscing to the British colonial days with shades of mustard yellow, dusty green and marble. The rooms on the other hand take on a cool azure palette that leaves a comforting feeling to its guests. The walkways are peppered with colourful paintings and tufted carpets in splashes of camel and blue. The design is simple and elegant, taking cues from Four Seasons’ code of aesthetics. Besides, the uncompromising scenery from the rooms gives visitors a nice taste of the Kuala Lumpur’s ever-evolving cityscape. Latest in line, The Spa Four Seasons KL has also recently launched its in-house spa that is now fully functional with an extensive menu of rejuvenating treatments, massages, facials and beauty services, which will be managed by the team in Korean beauty salon, Leekaja. The Spa at Four Seasons KL is designed as an urban haven that offers the best of both worlds — combining ancient healing rituals from the region with cutting-edge wellness science. The Spa’s bespoke menu is crafted by a team of experts comprising certified remedial therapists, physiotherapists and beauty experts. Take a go at the Sports & Remedial Massage that helps ease chronic muscle tension throughout the body and restore flexibility, mobility and vitality. The skilled sports therapists (choose a male one if you prefer) focus on the acupoints, loosen knots and help to alleviate tightness from the muscles. This is perfect for those who are constantly desk-bound or fitness enthusiasts who need some stretching after intense workout sessions. Another unique selling point is the use of aristocratic oils from KUEM, a century-old herbal line of legacy blends that were originally used exclusively by Malaysian royalty. It’s subtly scented with natural herbs and spices, which is the perfect blend for a relaxing session in The Spa. Heavy supporter of locavore The hotel is also a huge supporter of the locavore movement by bringing in most of its locally-sourced produce into all of its restaurants — Yun House, Curate, Lobby Lounge — and Bar Trigona. The hotel partners with local farmers as a core aspect of its sustainability ethos. Among the soul-satisfying range of homegrown and locally-sourced products includes local cacao by Chocolate Concierge, madu kelulut or stingless bee honey from the Trigona Farm, artisanal cheese from Milky Way and locally-grown figs by Mutiara Figs. This is one of the many unique selling points for guests to enjoy when they stay in Four Seasons KL — to be able to immerse in the locavore movement that’s burgeoning in the city’s dining scene. Executive Chef Junious Dickerson is also bringing his unique Southern American cooking to Curate, the hotel’s open-kitchen restaurant. Besides sampling some of the best international cuisines from Malaysian favourites to Mediterranean flavours, guests will also be able to indulge in the comforting taste of Southern American food like fried chicken and waffle, shrimp and grits, and the good old beef burger — each elevated and refined to suite the palate of diners at Curate. Giving back to nature Four Seasons KL has also just kickstarted a unique initiative to protect endangered bee populations through its newly launched ‘Save the Bees’ program. For the uninitiated, Bar Trigona has been sourcing its own honey in small batches from Malaysian farmers — in fact, its name is inspired by the stingless Trigona honeybees. “Honeybees are an integral part of our story, so this is an issue that is very close to our hearts,” addresses Ashish Sharma, Head Bartender at Bar Trigona. As an effort to protect local sanctuaries for bees, Bar Trigona will take charge and also encourage its guests to contribute in preserving and promoting natural beekeeping methods in safe habitats. Bar Trigona guests can now adopt a hive of honeybees that will be installed at Dino’s Kelulut Organic Farm in Negeri Sembilan for an annual contribution of MR500. In return, patrons will receive six jars of artisanal Trigona honey and a bottle of bee propolis, alongside a personalised adoption certificate. “Buying local honey is a great way to support healthy hives and biodiversity. In fact, we take this hyper-local approach to our entire menu — many of our standout ingredients come from small farms in Malaysia,” he reiterates. “For those who would like to see their hive and meet the farmers, we will organiser a group trip fo the farm.”
To be up to date with the latest in the apiculture industry to may visit our beekeeping latest news. On the other hand in case you are starting beekeeping and desire to start professional apiculture today download a copy of our beekeeping for beginners ebook. Beekeeping can be a full time profession or a simple hobby. Nevertheless, more often than not, what began as a hobby would turn into a profession. But you cannot merely tell and decide yourself that you will begin to do beekeeping. Before starting on any hobby or profession, you need to have adequate knowledge and understanding on the field that you are going to enter. Then it is about time to indulge yourself if you really have been putting off your interest in beekeeping for a long time. Bee farming may not appear difficult; by learning the fundamental beekeeping lessons, you can be got off to a good beginning. What does a beekeeper have to know? On beekeeping to begin at the right foot first, you should have total interest. You should also have consented to share your house space with the bees. There are possible risks in beekeeping that can harm you but your family too. Your focus is not just to earn money by selling honey; a great beekeeper should have fire and a keen interest in rearing bees. An apiarist should know the right place for the beehives. You need to make sure beekeeping is enabled in your town, if you decide to put your beehives at your backyard. There are several places limited to beekeeping; you should get permission about this. Beekeepers must understand whether beekeeping supplies are offered in the place where the beehives are situated. When you need to visit an area beekeeping shop you may never understand; it is best that a nearby beekeeping store is not inaccessible. Equipment and protective gear will also be essential for beekeepers to know. This will decrease the chances of being stung by your bees. Understand the right kind of suit to pick to keep you from any potential danger in beekeeping. All the efforts that are beekeeping would be useless if you are not able to harvest honey from your bees. The procedures should be known by a beekeeper in gathering the honey from your comb; beeswax is also part of the yields in beekeeping.
By: Larry Connor To stay updated with the latest in the beekeeping industry to may check out our apiculture latest news. On the other hand in case you’re starting apiculture and would like to start professional beekeeping now get a copy of our beekeeping for beginners ebook. Beekeeping can be a full time profession or an easy hobby. Nonetheless, more often than not, what began as a hobby would become a profession. But you cannot just tell and determine yourself that you will begin to do beekeeping. Before starting on any hobby or profession, you need to have adequate knowledge and understanding on the field that you’re going to enter. Then it’s about time to indulge yourself in your line of interest, if you have been putting off your curiosity about beekeeping for quite a long time. Bee farming may appear simple; learning the basic beekeeping lessons can allow you to get off to a good beginning. What does a beekeeper need to understand? On beekeeping to start at the right foot first, you should have interest that is complete. You must spend time taking care of your own colonies of bees. You should also have agreed to share your house space with the bees. There are possible dangers in beekeeping that can harm you but your family too. Then you certainly must know the supplies and equipment you will use for beekeeping, if you decide to let the bees inside your living space. Your focus is not just to earn money by selling honey; a great beekeeper should have a keen interest and passion in raising bees. An apiarist should know the right place for the beehives. You need certainly to make sure beekeeping is enabled in your area, if you decide to place your beehives at your backyard. There are several areas limited to beekeeping; you should get permission about this. Beekeepers must know whether beekeeping supplies can be found in the region where the beehives are situated. When you should go to an area beekeeping shop you may never know; it’s best that a nearby beekeeping shop is not inaccessible. Equipment and protective gear will also be important for beekeepers to know. Beekeepers are prone to bee stings; the right ensemble must be worn during beekeeping sessions. This will reduce the odds of being stung by your bees. Understand the right type of suit to choose to keep you from any potential danger in beekeeping. Last but definitely not the least, among the beekeeping lessons you need to know is that: it is important for the beekeeper to know the proper way of harvesting honey. All the beekeeping attempts would be ineffective if you are not able to harvest honey from your bees. A beekeeper ought to know the methods in gathering the honey from your comb; beeswax is also part of the returns in beekeeping.
Executive Summary For the past few years, the candle industry grows smoothly. China is the main raw materials for the production of candle, meanwhile, combining with favorable tax policies and large number of available labor, at the same time, Chinese manufacturers are improving their technology, consequently, China is a major exporter of the candle in the future. Taking culture and religion into consideration, candle market has a certain potential in Europe, USA. Sale of eBooks Sales Forecast Due to a thorough research, we have been able to come up with an almost accurate sales forecast for our candles. Our strategies have ensured that we are in the position to become a leading brand in Tulsa City and the immediate environs. We are not only expecting to make massive profits in our first three months of business but also intend to expand within a year of operation. Our chances in this industry are based on pure facts and a critical examination of our strengths and what we intend to offer this market. Our sales projections are based on information that were gathered during the course of carrying out a through feasibility study. We also took into considerations start-ups in Oklahoma especially those in Tulsa City. The above projection is based on the fact that all factors, such as a positive growth in the economy and lack of serious competitors — remain unchanged. This means that projections might become higher or lower due to changes at any time. Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy Marketing is one very important aspect of any business as it serves a dual purpose in generating income for the business as well as creating publicity for the business. It is very vital that marketing strategies are drafted and fine tuned so that they can bring in the desired results. In view of this, we conducted a thorough research that will ensure that we have the best strategies in place to generate income for the business. People get attracted to visuals and so this means that we would strive to put more effort in our visuals to ensure that we achieve attract customers to our brand. Candles are used for different purposes but mostly to calm people, and so we would ensure that our video adverts and images used are ones that will project serenity to potential customers. Because we know how important the business of marketing is, we have hired a business consultant that will help put our strategies in a better perspective, whilst also including important strategies that are deemed suitable for our kind of business. Our business consultant is an expert in this industry and his expertise would be to the benefit of the company. Our marketing and sales team will be carefully chosen as they will not only reflect the image of the company but must also understand what the goals of the company are and how it would best fit into their marketing and sales strategies. Ensure that our business is listed in local directories as well as online directories Use our website as well as our social media platforms to vigorously promote our products and services Engage in direct marketing Encourage our loyal customers to help in referral marketing Pass out hand bills and business cards Create an attractive billboard and place in strategic locations. Candle Making Business Plan — Publicity and Advertising Strategy Engaging in publicity is very important as it helps increases awareness for the product and in extension the company itself. There are various means by which a company can choose to publicize its products and services. However, we know how important it is for our brand to be accepted in Tulsa City — Oklahoma, which would then help boost our profile when expanding to other locations. However, the pricing usually varies depending on factors such as varieties, shapes and packaging. However, whilst these factors might affect pricing to an extent, it will not result in steep pricing for the candles. In choosing the right pricing for our candles, we would ensure that we rate our proposed pricing against what our competitors are offering, and then adjust accordingly. Also, while we would ensure that our prices are fair, we would not offer prices that are below our operational cost. Below are the payment options that will be available for our different clients; Cash payment Payment via Point of Sale POS Machine Payment via PayPal for online and international clients Payoneer for online and international clients Payment via check As earlier stated, our payment options were chosen because of the ease of convenience for our various clients. Start — Up Expenditure Budget Any serious entrepreneur knows that in starting a business, part of the capital if not all must be available to buy standard equipment that will ensure the business runs smoothly. The candle business is no different; however, the equipment needed to start this business is something that can be easily gotten. Asides, equipment there are other areas where part of the capital is expected to be spent on. There has been no external partner and there are no plans to having any in the nearest future. This is why we have restricted sourcing for part of our equity from just few sources. Some of the areas where we intend to generate part of our equity from include; Sale of personal stock and properties to generate capital Applying for loans from banks Approaching wealthy friends and family members for soft loans N. Candle Making Business Plan — Sustainability and Expansion Strategy We know that the future of sustaining our business lies in our loyal customers, the structure of our business, the competence of our employees, as well as our various and diverse business structures. These factors therefore affect our strategies drafted to ensure that we remain in business. One of the dreams of our business is to ensure that we build a business that is able to pay itself in the long run and not depend on external sources to continually fund its operations except in areas where the business needs to expand. We now that this can be possible if we remain focused on our vision as well as company policies. We now that to sustain and invariably grow and expand our business, we must make the right decisions especially in terms of the right recruitment, as well as have a management staff that is attuned to our company vision and policies. Completed Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts: Completed Opening Mobile Money Accounts:SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths Availability of Low Cost and Skilled Manpower provides competitive. Advantage to industry Growing Economy and Potential Domestic. Weakness Competition with others candle manufacturing Opportunities Large Market. Threats Now days many are not going to buy and give more important to the candle. Dr. Steve Payne is a retired university management professor, a beekeeper and former beekeeping club officer, and a current board member of the Louisiana Beekeepers Association. He occasionally provides strategy consulting and coaching through his beekeeping . Candle Making Business Plan – SWOT Analysis. Our several years of experience in the field together with input from a reputable business consultant has led to our ability to be able to develop an effective SWOT analysis that will help us in running the business better. This report on Candle Manufacturing: Provides Market Size information to assist with planning and strategic decisions. Includes the necessary information to perform SWOT, PEST and STEER analysis. How to conduct a SWOT analysis. A SWOT analysis is far from scientific. There’s no objective way of measuring how well you do one. It relies on your ability to observe and recall internal and external factors that can impact your business. It’s not about making accurate predictions so much as it is about knowing what to plan for. Swot Yankee Candle Company. Yankee Candle Company is the largest manufacturer of scented candles. The first store was first opened in Yankee Candle Company sells an array of products including scented candles, air and room fresheners, room sprays and lip balm. Yankee Candle Company has over different scents in many various sizes.
fertiliser meaning in tamil fertiliser meaning in tamil with example fertiliser tamil meaning and more example for fertiliser will be given in tamil. A citybased farmer Chinthala Venkat Reddy set a record when his innovative model of improving soil fertility without use of fertiliser was recognised by the Patent Cooperation Treaty PCT of the World Intellectual Property Organisation WITO. The Union Minister is scheduled to visit FACT on Friday afternoon after which he will interact with the management and employees of the public sector fertiliser company. The proposal had been pending with BRPSE for long and its clearance has been viewed here as a signal that the Union Fertiliser Ministry is convinced of the viability of the proposals. The scheme also encouraged farmers to take up activities such as beekeeping integrated crop and fertiliser management and vermin culture the release said. The department is extending assistance for setting up of demonstration plots raising farm crop insurance and fertiliser management and bee keeping. As per the policy farmers buying a 25 kg.bag fertiliser of KRIBHCO and Indian Potash brands would be covered to the extent of Rs.4000 from accidents caused by external violence or visible means. However ITGIs Sankat Haran Policy will continue to be available with IFFCO Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative and IPL Indian Potash Ltd. products. Launching the Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited IFFCO fertiliser brand on the premises of the 33yearold Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Krishi Vigyan Kendra KVK at Kurumbapet near here on Wednesday the Chief Minister said that farmers should strike a balance in using fertiliser.
Born in Fulbeck, Lincolnshire, Tom’s ancestors were employed as gamekeepers on the Belvoir estate. When he was thirteen, his father died following a shooting accident and so at the age of thirteen, he started work as a gardener at Fulbeck Hall. His reference when he left there in 1899 stated that he was thoroughly honest, sober, and industrious. He went on to gain experience as foreman under glass or Head Gardener at such places as Belton House, Castle Ashby, Shobdon Court and Brynkinalt, Chirk, in addition, passing exams in Botany and Horticulture. He was called up at the start of the First World War but was rejected because of a heart murmur. In the mid 1920s he moved to Honnington Hall, Warwickshire where as head gardener he constructed the ha ha in order that Lady Wiggin would have a clear view across the park and meadows. It was sometime in the early thirties that he bought Hillside, Kingcombe Lane, Campden and moved there with his wife and family. There he set up the business of nurseryman and poultry keeper, supplying local shops with flowers, funeral wreaths, and wedding bouquets. In summertime his wife, an excellent cook, did teas on the lawn, her reputation spreading as far as Birmingham In 1952 while working in his garden at Hillside he dug up what proved to be a medieval stirrup that was admitted to the Department of Medieval Antiquities at the British Museum. During the Second World War, a Wellington aircraft crashed in a field at Kingcombe Farm. Tom, first on the scene, attempted to rescue the pilot but was beaten back by the flames. All of the Polish crew were sadly killed and it was thought that the plane flew into the hillside in bad weather conditions. Tom had several hobbies including beekeeping, astronomy and painting and was captain of his cricket team at Shobdon. He continued playing for Campden and in 1954, an article in the Evesham Journal stated that Campden second team played their oldest and youngest players, Tom Dent was seventy-three years old and David Stanley thirteen! Bill Buckland recalled Tom in the early fifties walking out to bat dressed like an Edwardian player. Furthermore Tom continued umpiring cricket well into his eighties! Tom’s wife died in 1946 and his strength of character was demonstrated by his unstinting care of his disabled son, who he pushed in his wheelchair round the garden to wherever he was working and on cold days to the greenhouse. His daughter cared for her brother at weekends allowing Tom some respite on the cricket field. He continued to care for his son, lifting and carrying him, until he was seventy-six years old when his son sadly died. Finding himself alone in the evenings he took up painting in oils and water colours. Tom judged at several flower shows in the district including, for many years, the Broad Campden show. Like many countrymen he could accurately forecast the weather. Tom rode his bicycle until he was eighty-eight and in the same year gave up poultry keeping, almost bent double from carrying the heavy buckets of feed. He died at the home of his daughter in his ninetieth year.
The City Council on Tuesday approved Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s $11.6 billion budget plan by a vote of 39 to 11. Four Chicago aldermen join us to discuss their support and opposition to that spending plan. Stories by Alexandra Silets A new documentary series explores the rigorous Bard Prison Initiative that offers degrees to a select group of incarcerated men and women. Filmmaker Lynn Novick and program graduate Dyjuan Tatro join us in discussion. A 9-year-old boy returns to court Friday to face five counts of first-degree murder after an April fire killed five people in central Illinois. Joining us to discuss the highly unusual case are a reporter covering the story and a juvenile justice advocate. The Trump administration aims to make prices more transparent when it comes to medical services – but could it also raise the cost of care? Illinois’ Senate president unexpectedly announces his retirement. Mayor Lori Lightfoot comes up empty on a Chicago casino redo. A war of words with Uber. And the Bears prepare for a prime-time matchup with the LA Rams. Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson is no stranger to gun violence. The city’s top cop, who will retire at the end of the year, talks about growing up in a Chicago housing project and the importance of officers treating people with respect. Gun violence in Chicago is on the decline, but the number of homicides in the city is still staggering. What can federal prosecutors do to reduce shooting incidents? U.S. Attorney John Lausch Jr. joins us in discussion. As part of our special episode on gun violence, we discuss the policies being proposed at the state and federal level with U.S. Reps. Robin Kelly and Jesus “Chuy” Garcia and state Rep. La Shawn Ford. Cracked bridges, eroding and disappearing beaches and massive flooding are taking a toll on Lake Shore Drive. We hear some ideas from aldermen about shoring up the lakefront. Smaller class sizes and more counselors and nurses. We discuss the changes coming to Chicago Public Schools if teachers ratify a new five-year contract. At the Obama Foundation Summit on Tuesday, Barack and Michelle Obama spoke about, among other things, the future of the Obama Presidential Center in Jackson Park. Chicago Tribune architecture critic Blair Kamin weighs in on the new design. Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Wednesday will deliver her first budget address, with an expected plan to close an $838 million budget deficit. She’s already accounted for $200 million of that with a proposal to refinance $1.3 billion in city borrowing. The Supreme Court is set to have a blockbuster term, hearing cases on gay and transgender rights, immigration, abortion, guns and religion. We preview the new term with former Supreme Court clerks. Could a three-year pilot program to lower fares and expand train service on the South Side hurt the Chicago Transit Authority? A supporter of the plan weighs in. Illinois’ congressional Democrats support impeachment. Southwest Side politicians get caught in federal crosshairs. The Chicago Teachers Union overwhelmingly supports a strike. And the Cubs collapse. A new ordinance has been introduced in City Council to severely reduce farm animal adoption in Chicago. We discuss the proposal with Ald. Raymond Lopez and Laura Calvert of Advocates for Urban Agriculture. Some 2,200 nurses at the University of Chicago Medical Center walked off the job Friday, citing staffing shortages and forced overtime. “The reason we are striking is for our patient safety and our staff safety,” said one nurse from the picket line. A new resolution on reparations is scheduled to be introduced in City Council this week. Alds. Roderick Sawyer (6th Ward) and Nick Sposato (38th Ward) weigh in on the topic. It’s a job as old as time, but one Chicagoan is beekeeping in her own unique way. Meet graphic designer-turned-beekeeper Jana Kinsman. Rent control has been barred in Illinois since 1997 but is once again under consideration. How does it work, and is it the answer to Chicago’s affordable housing crisis? Chicago’s third-tallest building, the Vista Tower, is being touted for it’s unique curvilinear-shaped structure. But it’s the engineering secrets you can’t see that really set this skyscraper apart. A DuPage County judge signed off on a consent order Friday allowing for Sterigenics to reopen but with stricter emissions controls. What exactly does the settlement allow – and how soon can Sterigenics be fully operational? A judge rules Sterigenics can reopen. The mayor hears "no new property taxes" at her first budget town hall meeting. Elected officials spar over city violence. And the Bears blow the 100th season opener. The battle over the massive $6 billion Lincoln Yards development is far from over. We discuss the controversial project with Aneel Chablani, chief counsel of the Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights, and 2nd Ward Ald. Brian Hopkins.
Showing results by narrator "Jacqueline Freeman" All Categories1 result Song of Increase - Listening to the Wisdom of Honeybees for Kinder Beekeeping and a Better World - By: Jacqueline Freeman - Narrated by: Jacqueline Freeman, Robin Wise - Length: 6 hrs and 52 mins The most joyful emanation produced by a colony of bees is known as the "song of increase" - declaring that the hive is flourishing and the bees are happy in its abundance. Song of Increase takes us inside the world of the honeybee to glean the wisdom of these fascinating creatures with whom humanity has shared a sacred bond for millennia. Within these minutes is a bee-centric approach to living with honeybees, rather than advice for simply maximizing the products they provide. What a lovely book! - By Lisa B. on 03-31-17 Add to Cart failed.Please try again later Add to Wish List failed.Please try again later Remove from wishlist failed.Please try again later Adding to library failedPlease try again Regular price: $27.97
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new website and blog!! This year we have decided to take the leap and start our own website and blog! We hope our blog will be your first stop not only to learn more about gardening, canning etc., but also about community events and happenings in Mineral, WA and the surrounding areas. So, welcome! Welcome to Misty Meadows… where the adventure begins! I hope you’ll join us! Meet the Team After years working as a public servant in a small California, beachside community, she has retired to Washington State to live out her homesteader dream along with her family. It is there you will find her tending bees, wrangling chickens, gardening, hunting, baking, preserving food, making soap and medicinal balms and salves as she studies to become a certified herbalist. She is also a licensed Amateur Radio Operator who hopes to have her own “Ham Shack” in the near future. She and her family are currently building toward teaching others vital skills of self sufficiency. Growing up in Central Washington State, he and his family raised animals, fruits, and vegetables on small farms in the area. These experiences shaped his love for all things outdoors and greatly influenced him in becoming and avid hunter and fisherman. He spent many years working in construction, auto repair, and telecommunications from coast to coast until a work related injury sidelined him. Though dealing with physical limitations and limited mobility, his dream has always been to own a small, remote homestead. Beekeeping, raising animals, gardening, harvesting and preserving food… and making Ms. Misty’s homestead dreams come true are all things he enjoys doing. He believes in working smarter, not harder, and tackles any task needed to create a more self-sustaining homestead for himself and Ms. Misty. Knowing his food is raised and grown without chemicals or any of the other things store-bought food has brings him peace of mind. Important life skills such as raising animals and growing/preserving your own food are skills of great value to him. He thinks these are skills everyone should know and together with Ms. Misty, loves sharing their knowledge with others. This site contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
As a t-shirt screen printing Lesesne Industries, knowing the right type of screen printing will be useful in ensuring the results of the screen printing will bring out the power of the design that you have prepared for a shirt. As for the user, knowing the best type of screen printing will be useful when you are going to buy a screen printing shirt so that you do not choose the wrong one, and also when you want to screen a plain shirt that you have with a choice of design or homemade. The business that we are running must have a characteristic. In order not to be too market and monotonous. Well, the benefits of mugs for business promotion is to give a characteristic. To give our business a unique characteristic, you can use a unique and attractive mug design. There are many unique mug designs to choose from. In addition to design, it can also be unique and interesting words that enter the environment or simple quotes. You have decided on your date pre wedding photoshoot, booked your location and started searching for attire. Now you happen to be hunting for a wedding ceremony photographer. There are tons of types of wedding ceremony images around, and even though individuals within the market might know these kinds inside out they be baffling for partners. Remember too that not merely are you presently finding a method of images, but several types of wedding ceremony photography will make various demands with your time on the marriage ceremony day. Choosing the design and style of images you desire at your marriage ceremony boils all the way down to a few factors. What model of illustrations or photos you desire, how much time you would like to expend which has a photographer in your wedding working day, and most importantly of your own identity and luxury before the camera. There are numerous different images buzzwords out there. Vintage, editorial, inventive or up to date are just a number of. Potentially much more confusingly they can be used by distinct photographers in various strategies. Ultimately it can be around couples to ask plenty of inquiries and do a lot of exploration ahead of finding a photographer, and also to count on seeing whole list of pictures from accomplished weddings Don’t depend to the best five or six photographs from several weddings to produce a alternative. Wedding images types absolutely are a compromise between creating superb perform and holding to some timetable. A photographer might make excellent images, but if he takes much too lengthy to create them you almost certainly will not delight in the practical experience. Traditional (or Posed) Wedding day Pictures A lot of people assume of regular marriage ceremony photography as unlimited stuffy group images the place anyone appears rigid being a board. Even worse still, different collections of people manage to go on endlessly. I think there is a trend to generally be down on conventional wedding ceremony photography, nevertheless the actual doing the job framework is still exactly the same for many marriage ceremony photographers. The images may be additional trendy though the genuine working experience to the working day with the bride and groom is extremely similar. There is certainly constantly a trade off in between the type of work a photographer does as well as the time it takes to shoot it. Much more formal posed photographs will consider extended to set up and attain. Any photographer who produces creative posed do the job will need a certain amount of your time to supply his greatest work. It really is essential that you learn the way a great deal time he’ll have to have, and work out how it will fit into your working day. You will discover photographers who expend two or three hrs on official photographs. You should definitely are delighted with supplying around that quantity of your time on the wedding ceremony day. If you’re not that snug before the digicam you may find such a photography more challenging. A fantastic photographer should really manage to make it easier to and put you at your ease but for most people today it could nevertheless appear a little bit complicated. Reportage Wedding day Photography (Marriage ceremony Photojournalism) If standard is focused on posed photographs, then reportage marriage ceremony images is definitely the reverse. It relies on capturing moments as they occur, and it is additional like a fly over the wall documentary. This type of marriage photography suggests that the photographer spends a lot of his time during the qualifications, and so has become increasingly common with couples. Weddings may also be increasingly fewer official than they was once. Documentary marriage ceremony images calls for a distinct skill established from classic wedding day pictures so that you have to guantee that your photographer has the correct photographic history and may tell you about whole weddings to back again this up. Wedding ceremony photojournalism is more a couple of full list of pics with the total day than the usual list of a dozen highlights. You will find photographers in existence who’ll jump on the most up-to-date bandwagon to gain business, but still use the same old design they often have. Wedding ceremony photojournalism is centered on anticipation and currently being inside the proper location at the proper time. It’s not at all about closely directing men and women, so it places quite a few common wedding day photographers outside of their ability set. There are many fewer ethical photographers who will make use of the most up-to-date buzzwords to boost their online search engine presence, but nonetheless shoot precisely the same worn out old photos. If you’re reticent about owning your image taken, marriage photojournalism is most likely your very best decision. The photography happens devoid of you really realizing and you may glimpse your natural finest. Whilst both of these techniques might seem polar opposites, in fact most wedding photographers will present a blend of such two types. There are not many marriage ceremony photojournalists who you should not shoot a minimum of some official images and standard wedding day photographers will shoot casual photos too. Uncover out what proportion of each a photographer likes to shoot, and much better still inquire them what they prefer to shoot one of the most – chances are high this is certainly the things they are greatest at. Vintage Wedding Pictures Vintage marriage ceremony pictures is a model that’s been coming into vogue lately, but in numerous strategies its a tough a person a single to quantify. Classic can imply something from working with previous movie cameras in the course of a lot of the wedding ceremony to just a distinct method of article generation to supply ‘vintage’ hunting digital data files. There are several fantastic photographers on the market, but bear in mind that should you be getting data files that happen to be greatly edited inside a particular design, you operate the risk of your pics hunting alternatively dated a few many years afterwards. If I was using the services of a vintage style photographer, I personally would want no less than many of the wedding ceremony shot on movie, I’m not a large admirer of faking points. As generally question inquiries, see examples and make an knowledgeable determination. Editorial Marriage ceremony Photography This marriage style is inspired with the fashion editorials of shiny magazines, at it can be very best it might create wonderful high-end photos. To provide this properly with a wedding day day the photographer really should be really organised, and would probably want an assistant to aid setup some of the photographs in advance, though that could rely on her or his fashion. Do your investigation to make sure that the time specifications for this sort of shoot fit in with all your ideas. If you actually such as this kind of pictures but you should not want to commit much too much time to it on the marriage day, take into consideration booking a different photograph session once the wedding. Usually describes for a trash or cherish the gown shoot, a separate picture session could possibly be the simplest way to get the wedding working day you want along with the photographs you may like with out dropping a tremendous chunk of the wedding ceremony working day. In addition it means you as well as your photographer can choose the best time of working day for the correct gentle and you have scope for rescheduling if it can be pouring with rain. In several nations, notably the US, significant end marriage pictures is evolving in the direction of 3 shoots: the engagement shoot, the wedding day, and an editorial session. Will not essentially imagine that everything must be carried out in one day. Creative or Good Artwork Marriage Photography In essence an evolution of regular wedding pictures, this type of photography offers a contemporary take on the standard list of posed photographs, whilst these are definitely the two conditions which have been to some degree more than utilized by the photographic group, so yet again do your investigate. At its finest this genre can create going romantic photos, but some photographers can above make use of the similar poses, so it might truly feel a tiny bit impersonal. Inquire to see many shoots and don’t be afraid to input your personal tips at your pre-wedding assembly. You can find good deal of sorts of photographer around, even so the primary factor is to appear outside of the catchy buzzwords and search prolonged and tricky at portfolios. Ultimately it’s the competence on the photographer you happen to be hiring that basically issues. Experience, personal service and professionalism are what be certain a constant regular of images from marriage ceremony to wedding day, as well as the consistency and talent to deal with different capturing disorders that current them selves during a wedding working day. Their portfolio ought to demonstrate a great stability of shots from bridal preparations towards the initial dance. Request questions about the amount time they’ll require to finish all those all critical official and couples pictures, and get the job done out just how much time you will be delighted to present. Despite much more observational styles, setting up and communication prior to the marriage ceremony is vital to have the most effective success and to get them efficiently. Keep on the tips and you are sure to have a unforgettable wedding ceremony day with pics to match. If you have a credit card and use it to make payment transactions, of course you have the obligation to pay credit card bills every month. The amount of the bill that you have to pay is listed on the Billing Statement which usually contains details of the transaction (spending and cash withdrawal), payments and other costs (if any). To know more about credit card payment, you can simply visit our website, The billing sheet is sent by the credit card issuer to you every month in accordance with the print date of the credit card bill. Before making a payment, you should carefully read the Billing Sheet to check whether the details and the amount match. After that, you can make bill payments. If you find it difficult to pay your large bills, you can visit our website. We will help with credit card debt and arrange your credit card payment so it won’t make you difficult. Did you know that mold can also grow on the windshield of a car? Yes, mold can grow well if the car is often in a situation that makes the car moist and dirty. Bad habits such as vehicle owners do not rinse off the rest of the car washing soap, do not wipe the vehicle until it is completely dry after washing, and parking in any place can make the car window overgrown with mold. If the mold infestation is too severe, perhaps you need to bring your car to the certified company of auto glass repair Columbia SC. It will be even worse if you are lazy to check the windshield to the experts regularly. Windshield covered with mold will disturb both the appearance of the car and the driver’s view while driving. Therefore, proper handling to eliminate mold and keep the car’s glass clean is very much needed. There are many ways to combat the growth of mold on your windshield, one of which is with mildew cleaning fluid. Unfortunately, people still do not know about certain conditions where the mildew cleaning liquid should not be applied to the windshield of their cars. Here are some special conditions of the windshield: First, do not use cleaning fluid if the windshield is a premium car glass produced in Europe and Japan. Their production windshield contains a laminated coating, so the application of mildew cleaning fluid will leave white spots on the windshield. Second, do not use liquid if there are fine scratches on the windshield wiper rubbing rubber. This will instead reinforce the existing scratches on the windshield. Third, do not use mold cleaning liquid on the glass that has been “polished” because cleaning fluid can reduce the thickness of the windshield. Before you try various ways to get rid of mold on your windshield, you should understand things that you should avoid like some of the information above. This is important so that you can get rid of mold on the windshield effectively. Beekeeping may be a fun activity for those that take in it to provide natural honey. However, if you’d prefer to venture into cultivation for business functions, the sweetness of honey is guarantee solely who uses the proper approach. It’s why you need the Best Honey Extractors to help you collect honey more effectively. There are crude ways in which of gathering honey, which cannot offer you very much harvest as you’d want to have and then there are skilled ways in which of extracting honey. A honey extractor makes gathering honey from honeycombs simple and saves time. There is conjointly less wastage of honey throughout spinning as each drop gets into the bucket. Owning an extractor may be a long-run investment for beekeepers that trying to produce honey for business. Extractors give beekeepers with the onsite process, storage, and packaging of freshly harvested honey. When it involves selecting the simplest honey extractor, there are very important factors to have in mind. Here may be a look into a number of them. – Cost. The cost of an extractor is directly proportional to its quality. Whether or not you select one thing low-cost, reasonable or costly, ensure it’s the simplest options. Remember that the expensive one is not always the best that suits your needs – Mode of operation. Another issue to think about once buying honey extractors is that the mode of operation. It refers to the arrangement of frames and also the approach they spin within the drum. Would you prefer a tangential or radial extractor? Alternatively, would you like a manual extractor or an electrical one? Also, whether or not you’re trying to find the best value of honey extractors, always remember that the simplest ought to serve its purpose, last long and with enough holding capability. Nothing feels like being the first person to get raw honey, that is why a decent extractor is a value all the cash so no drop remains within the honeycomb. The art of wall decoration does not die. One of the easiest and most creative ways is to use cake wrapping paper, glass lid paper, and food container paper. You can make these paper-like flowers that appear on your plain wall. Everyone can do it because you just simply stick these papers on the wall with colorful tacks. If it’s hard to get brightly colored tacks, just use nail polish to color your papers. No need to hesitate to try this technique, because besides being easy, the materials you need for your wall art are also cheap! In addition, you can decorate the walls with your photos. Photos are objects that often fill the walls of a house. Often you also need to spend money to buy a figure. Now, it’s time for you to save your money, and put your photos up nicely using only patterns. Prepare some of your favorite photos that you will display. Then form a rough pattern on the wall – for example, the shape of a heart. Then, attach your favorite photos according to the pattern you specified. Without needing a lot of money, put up photos like this will also attract attention you know! Before you apply baking soda and vinegar solution to a clogged toilet, it will be even more maximal if you pour hot water first from the plate-high reach into the hole of your closet so that organic impurities can be softened and pushed. This hot water boost might reduce blockage. After a while, you can apply baking soda and vinegar solution and leave it overnight. In the morning check whether standing water is still there and try to water it again. If it still doesn’t work, it means there might be something hard clogging your closet. Try using unused clothes hanger made of iron. Aside from that, if your toilet is clogged severely, you might want to hire plumbers Columbia SC. In addition, you can try a plumbing snake. Plumbing snake or often called cleaning with a wire made from bending is often used to help clear the blockage on the closet. This tool when used will follow the curve of the closet channel so that it will not damage and scratch parts of your closet. This method is also a lot of success because the flexibility of the wire owned by this tool will be able to reach hard objects stuck in your closet. Furthermore, if you already have a vacuum cleaner (vacuum cleaner), then you can use these tools to help you in the effort to overcome the clogged and clogged closet. Drain the pool of stagnant water in the bowl of your closet by using a vacuum cleaner. Make sure the closet is completely dry so that it can facilitate the process of suctioning solid objects that are clogging. If it’s completely dry, you can insert the vacuum cleaner hose into the toilet hole and push it in for a few centimeters. Once it’s enough, you can turn on the vacuum cleaner. Use one hand while pushing slowly. This method is often successful. Apart from that, you can use dishwashing liquid, shampoo, or bar soap. Pour liquid dishwashing soap, shampoo liquid or liquid produced from soaking rod-shaped bath soap into your closet as a way to overcome clogged toilet. Liquid soap can actually be used because it will break down fat in the stools that are there. Wait for about half an hour for the liquid soap to react first. Rhino Marketing Group has many website designers who can be counted on to create websites for various needs. Getting abundant visitors every day is the desire of all web owners. Besides being able to increase business sales, you can also get money if you use ads on your website. One of the requirements to be able to install ads is to have a lot of regular visitors. To make this happen, you can use the following methods to attract visitors to your website. 1. Using Search Engine Optimization How to increase blog visitors by using Search Engine Optimization is commonly known as SEO. The way this SEO works is able to optimize the website so that it appears on the first page of search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. There are two steps to be optimal in the use of SEO, such as: 2. Using Online Advertising This online advertisement will be able to generate hundreds or even thousands of clicks to your website. This is certainly one of the quick and instant ways, even now a social media advertising platform is emerging that makes an advertisement in front of people who are more precise and fairly easy than before. 3. Using Email Marketing Promoting using email marketing is a good way because this can help you get website traffic. Provide useful information from links to pages on the website, but it is not permissible to continuously bomb the reader with email. If you are considered a travelling addict, there is not something wrong with how you enjoy your life as travelling possibly helps you to maintain a healthy life. Besides some physical activities, you also actually try to exercise your mind and soul. You tend to find some Tasmania Tours Destination that you expect to excite yourself so that you are likely able to feel happy. Here you are going to be able to understand why some people are willing to travel for miles to take a vacation when they get long days off which are possibly utilized for other agenda as well. For some people, frequently they cannot fully enjoy their vacation. They have to monitor their business or staffs that work on the weekend. In this case, sometimes you have to think that you need to appreciate your vacation as well. Here you turn off your mobile phone can be such a good idea to fully enjoy your vacation. Exactly when you contract a specialist of pipes plumber Columbia SC, you get to the data that he has. In case the channels system is hurt and an area must be replaced, he will know decisively what is fundamental and can offer incredible parts with the objective that the endeavour is done to such an extent that guarantees viability and life expectancy. Plumber Columbia SC service will guarantee that the client is satisfied. Under the monstrous test that exists in the funnels business, the best jacks of all trades will reliably manage the errand better than uncouth jacks of all trades. By far most acknowledge that the primary fix that must be done is the one that they observe. That isn’t commonly the circumstance. An extraordinary master will reliably check the entire system and will give you an asymptomatic report. If there is another issue, you will get some answers concerning it and it might be fixed before it ends up being progressively certifiable. This sort of material can really claim a striking and awesome articulation, anyway with respect to keeping it immaculate and fresh looking, from time to time you can simply go as of not long ago http://thehillscarpetcleaning.com. That is the time when it’s a perfect chance to consider utilizing a help to make a specialist appearing, and in a perfect world get things looking unbelievable, lustrous and new again. Tile Cleaning The Hills Help Assessing Your Situation The primary concern that you have to do is study your situation with the objective that you can move that information to the organizations that you are contemplating enrolling. This will help you with choosing which tile cleaning organization to truly contract. Are there set-in stains that you can’t get out? It is protected to state that you are seeing a shape issue working up that you can’t stay before? Has the floor in your washroom or the divider over the counter in your kitchen fundamentally become dull and ratty? Record what you acknowledge are the specific issues that you need tended to. Picking the Right One Tile Cleaning The Hills shouldn’t be tricky, anyway you have to guarantee that you get the right one for your particular needs. Maybe the best ways to deal with examine through the organizations in your general region is by looking on the web. Most associations these days have locales, and you can typically find a once-over of the associations in your general region by using a web list. Examine through their destinations and watch such things as what they have down to earth involvement with, if they’re running any refund specials, and what sort of guarantees they offer. Limited down your choices, and a while later call a couple to present logically express request. They’re commonly energized for your business, so if you uncover to them that you’re calling more than one assistance, they should offer you excellent courses of action. Assessing Tile Cleaning The Hills Results At the point when you’ve enrolled one, you have to watch out for their headway as they’re doing your tile cleaning. There’s no ought to be a disturbance; basically research every so often to guarantee they’re doing what you enrolled them to do. Make mental or veritable notes, evaluating how you accept they’re doing. In case you utilize a substitute assistance later on, you’ll have the alternative to share any valuable data. Electrical installations must be maintained to avoid short-circuiting which causes a fire. The importance of hiring electrician Lexington SC services to help us check and ensure there are no problems with electrical installations at home. Especially in the dry season often causes electronic devices at home more easily heat. Hot electronic devices are also dangerous because they can cause an explosion. To maintain electrical installations, you can pay attention to the following steps: 1. It does not change the condition of the kWh meter / MCB tool itself. Changing this tool is not only dangerous but also will be threatened with a violation fine. 2. Check the electrical installation every five years to an accredited installer. So, if there is a cable damaged by heat or broken by a rat, it can immediately be replaced with a new cable and national standard. 3. Check the power jack. If it’s already black around it, change it immediately. Furthermore, do not stack the plug as this will cause excessive heat and cause a potential fire. 4. Keep electrical equipment away from flammable objects such as gas and paper. 5. Do not allow electronic equipment (such as televisions and cell phone chargers) to plugin for extended periods. When you use mobile xero bookkeepers sydney, you can be sure that any financial data you enter will always be current. That can make exercising and building financial controls in your company much easier. You can view up to date financial information in real-time and that means that your decision will be much better. Sure the Bookkeeping Services companies can do more for you. Tax payroll and processing is one such service that can be done much more effectively and at a lower cost. Any taxes for you as a business owner will also enter and be fed back. With all the time, effort and money you’ll save, it’s only natural that more business owners use this option. By using an outsourced accounting service, you will be able to save the space that a single bookkeeper will use in your office. Most files will be stored electronically and on paper but not in your location. Bookkeeping Services allows you to have more space for inventory or other equipment that you can use to improve your business. When you hire a company to do your accounting services, you will get a contract. It is vital that you check this contract because it will tell you what the company will do. If Bookkeeping Services keeping records will be done in their office, it will be specified in the contract. Your time is very important when you run a business and if you spend a lot of time trying to get your own accounting done, you will really have very little time for anything else. Part of having a business is to delegate responsibility and accounting services an outsourcing company can do accounting for you so you can spend your time doing what you do best, running your business. When Bookkeeping Services shows what a number to look at your company is like, you will be able to pay more attention to the solutions and direction of your company. Power outages or bungles with electrical gadgets can happen in at whatever point. Be cautious about an emergency electrical deficiency and never attempt yourself to enlighten the botch without ace learning as you have to fulfill with your life itself. It is sensible to move toward an emergency circuit analyzer to perceive issues and put forth an ensured and strong game plan. Rely upon throughout the day, consistently licensed electrician Columbia SC organizations available in your general region to get protection against risky electrical issues. Private and business sections especially fire stations, restorative facilities and power adventures require the organization of such an emergency circuit analyzer. Normal disasters, over-troubling, poor wiring or inadequacy with electrical contraptions can cause control blackouts. Organizations of a circuit repairman ranges from electrical fix to foundation of electrical contraptions. To shield electrical equipment against floods, spikes, voltage assortments and other outside agitating impacts reliably obtain the organization of an emergency circuit analyzer having a considerable license, comprehension and data. This decision will help you with reestablishing wellsprings of hazardous electric circuits and devices in a secured manner. How to hire a licensed electrician Columbia SC ? Licensed electrician Columbia SC are on a very basic level for starting at presently presented electrical circuits and contraptions. From now on a circuit repairman must have abilities to deal with any progressively unfortunate condition as for electrical issues. In case any business or present day section is truly impacted on account of power frustration then emergency recovery must be practiced for balancing further advance down or hurt. Licensed electrician Columbia SC with significant instruments can oversee close by fumes, fire and other electrical dangers. Along these lines, it is able to look at for emergency electrical transitory laborers or associations that offer energetic response constant at sensible rates. While picking an emergency circuit repairman, endeavor to ensure quick correspondence get to at whatever point. Affirm whether the circuit analyzer keeps up capable ethics and quality help by checking his past adventures. Also, evaluate his master aptitudes to offer full electrical organizations including guideline affiliations and power structures. A licensed electrician Columbia SC can pass on capable emergency electrical help with no difficulties. Regardless, before picking an emergency circuit repairman have a genuine exchange about emergency organizations, rates and contact information. The circuit analyzer will in like manner study foundations and wiring before contracting. Likewise prosperity necessities are recommended after assessment to keep up a vital good ways from potential electrical risks. Similarly, consider the organizations offered and choose a conventional decision. During electrical perplexities reliably checks, therefore it is fitting to keep the phone number of an approved circuit analyzer. Never demand electrical assistance charges or proclamations while you are in an emergency condition. Just clearly recover the circuit repairman to out the issue quickly before the scene goes out of control. The ideal body shape is not only desired by teenagers because workers or housewives also want to have an ideal body. There are many books or diet methods such as old school new body that can be practiced. Do some effective ways below to lose your weight: 1. Do the right exercise Slowing metabolism makes the body need not only 30 minutes of daily cardio. But it also requires four to five endurance training sessions a week, such as clams, step-ups, sits ups, and push-ups to maintain muscle mass and burn more calories. Walking at least 10 thousand steps per day is a great way to help your body’s metabolism stay fit. 2. Set realistic targets Peg to be thin in a week will stress you out. It’s better to set more realistic targets, like one to two kilos reduced each week. This is a healthy goal to help you build a healthy and fit lifestyle in the long run. 3. Take vitamins It is very important for women over the age of 0 to get their intake of vitamin B12, calcium, potassium, Omega 3 and probiotics in food. You can get all these vitamins by knowing the composition of the foods you consume, such as nuts, avocados, yogurt, and others. 4. Drink enough If you are easily bloated, don’t make the mistake of reducing your water intake. Precisely by drinking lots of water will help reduce bloating. Water also helps detoxify the body. Drinking a glass of water before eating will reduce your appetite and consume fewer calories. Drinking cold water will help burn excess calories in the body. 5. Routine health check Although they have done a variety of ways to lose weight at the age of 40 years, the weight does not go down. That means you need to take care of your liver and thyroid. You should consult this with your doctor about possible lifestyle changes and diets. There are some simple solutions to the problem of mild pollution from electric scooters. The scooter company has tried to overcome it. The first is to reduce all driving done by freelancers who collect scooters at night for charging. A certain company is trying to do this by introducing a new feature that allows its “juicers” to order a scooter beforehand, thereby reducing the amount of unnecessary driving that occurs when a juicer is looking for a scooter to collect. Another way to reduce the environmental impact is to build a better scooter, like the Xiaomi M365 pro scooter that lasts longer than the model used in the early days of the scooter boom. If a scooter company is able to extend the life of their scooter without doubling the impact of materials and manufacturing, it will reduce the burden per-mile. If you can make these things for the last two years, it will have a huge impact. Scooter companies also do this. A leading scooter company recently launched the latest generation of scooters with more durable batteries and more durable components. Lime is also launching new models that are claimed to improve the economy of the scooter business unit. A good user interface must ensure that the website and its applications can be used efficiently. So you can make an efficient UI, you need to know what the user wants to achieve and let them do the steps without any problems. You need to identify how your website or application works. What are the functions and what are their uses? You may create an interface that makes it easy for users to achieve their goals. You can do this easily if you hire the best ui ux designer Perth. In addition, you may have made mistakes while accessing the website. For example, if you erase information incorrectly, a good UI will help you quickly restore it. In addition, if for example, your user enters an error on a web page, do you suggest that they try to point to another page on the website? Without you knowing it, these things can help improve your user experience. That’s why a forgiving UI design is loved by all users. A rug is usually a piece of furniture which represents the personality of a homeowner. It’s usually placed in a living room, or any room which is made to receive guests click reference. That’s why a rug can bring a very important first impression about the homeowner to the guests who visit that person’s house. Unfortunately, despite the fact that people who have rugs are usually rich people, sometimes they tend to forget or ignore the importance of rug maintenance, and theirs become dirty and stinky. Although they might have the budget to call the best company of Rug Cleaning Northern Beaches, they still think that taking care of their rugs isn’t an important thing to do. Here are reasons to maintain rugs that rug owners must know: It maintains the beauty of the rug Aside from preventing it from looking dull, proper regular maintenance of rugs can keep them stay clean and look beautiful. This is necessary if you think that giving a positive first impression to guests who visit your house is important. By showing them your clean, beautiful rugs and living rooms, they will think you as a good and responsible person. This makes them feel comfortable to have a chat and do their business with you. Ignoring a dirty rug can be a huge waste of money Most rugs are expensive, especially the hand-made ones with delicate motifs and details. They can be even more expensive if they are made in certain countries that are famous for their high-quality rugs. That’s why if you don’t want to regret your decision of buying an expensive rug, then keeping it clean can help you feel that the investment is worth the money, due to the rug beautifies your house nicely when it’s clean and fragrant. You may be able to sell it later at a good price Even though not all types of rugs can be sold after they’ve been used, yours perhaps can be sold to others, especially if it’s a very exotic rug which has been maintained nicely for a long time. This way, by the time you decide to sell it, the price won’t drop too low due to it’s still looking beautiful and clean without any unpleasant stench. The use of email is very common now and everyone has it. But there are still doubts from email users to free email providers because of their data and important things that they store in emails. Although the current email system already uses email verification to anticipate hacking of emails by hackers, for some people it is still not enough. Paid email or which has other words email hosting, is suitable for companies who want a personal email account, not a ride. If you want to make free email is not a problem, but if your business wants to look professional then it is advisable to use email hosting. Then what about the advantages of a paid email rather than a free email? And who should use email hosting? Here is a full review: This is the main reason and the most popular reason when a company spends funds on email hosting. Even though free email can be used. Because the reason is more ‘bona fide’, they are finally reluctant to use free email. Using a personal email account with your domain name means that you have a personal email account. Thus, it will automatically raise your company’s image to be more ‘flashy’. You are no longer using someone else’s domain or free e-mail, for example, e-mail from Yahoo, Gmail, and other services. You can design the email name according to your wishes, for example, is a company Always Success has the name email [email protected] for services around company information or can be [email protected] for new HR recruitment matters. The personal email finally makes the certainty of the existence of a real and trusted company. 2. Large storage capacity Maybe you have a problem with the limited storage facilities via email when using a free e-mail. But with the paid email, you can get data storage in the hundreds of MB or even a few GB. Bigger and more flexible even if you have too many messages with large attachments. 3. Security is more guaranteed Of course with the paid email, you get extra security. So if your email is hacked from someone who is not responsible, you can usually easily request recovery of your account to restore all data that might be lost. You will be in direct contact with reliable customer service and technicians for security guarantees. This is even quite impossible with a free e-mail. Somehow riding a motorcycle feels just different from taking a trip with other vehicles. You feel the fresh air around you when you ride a motorcycle. This is why many people go to their workplace in the early morning by riding a motorcycle for the purpose of enjoying the fresh morning air which is priceless. People must have a number of options to go to the workplace. In this case, deciding to go to the workplace by riding a motorcycle also benefits you a lot. In addition to the fresh morning air, you can also save a lot of your transportation cost and repair cost including www.superiorballscrewrepair.com/. It is important for you to stay alert when you are riding a motorcycle on the road. There will be so many possibilities that happen on the road. Thus, riding your motorcycle safely is the only way to anticipate yourself from the worst thing. You cannot control how other riders or drivers take their motorcycles or their cars. The thing that you only can do is to stay alert. Being defensive on the road can be such a good mindset to have. By this way, you will never try to be selfish by violating the traffic rules, for example. Some people are really obsessed to buy a sport motorcycle. Besides its powerful performance, it really looks great to ride. You must be noticed by your surrounding people when you pass in front of them by riding a sport motorcycle. Meanwhile, for some people, they think that buying a sporty motorcycle feels a bit useless as it is going to feel difficult for you to test the maximum speed of your sport motorcycle. In other words, buying a sport motorcycle is just about looking great. Thus, you are probably supposed to think twice to buy it. Mosaic tiles are just one type of decorative tile that you can make very creative inspiration for the beauty of the floors and walls of your home. The use of this type of tile will provide its own beauty and freshness in your home useful link. Besides making the room more beautiful, this mosaic tile also has a number of advantages compared to other types of tiles. For example, about the motifs and colors. Mosaic tiles have very beautiful irregular motifs. Likewise, with the color, it can consist of more than one color. Aside from that, if your tiles have become too dirty, don’t hesitate to hire the experts of tile cleaning north shore. You can try to compare with other types of tiles. Other tiles don’t have motifs and colors as beautiful as mosaic tiles. It’s hard to create creative floor and wall decorations if you use plain, plain tiles. Another advantage of this mosaic tile is its ability to create an exclusive and personalized look, especially if it is designed as a custom-designed tile. There are quite a lot of variations of mosaic tiles in terms of shape, size, material, and design. Among the many variants of mosaic tiles, there is one variant that is very well known, namely mosaic tiles made of glass. This one mosaic tile variant usually has bright colored features such as green, red, or a combination of several bright colors so that it looks like a rainbow. There are also other variant options if you are not interested in glass mosaics. The variant is a mosaic tile made of marble. This marble mosaic tile variant is perfect for those of you who want the look of a luxurious and classic floor or wall. The last famous variant of mosaic tiles is metal mosaics. Well, this metal mosaic tile is perfect for urban, contemporary and modern-themed rooms. For those of you who are interested in natural shades in the house, just try the type of mosaic tiles from coconut shells. This type looks very natural because on the surface of the tile still looks very clear coconut shell fibers. South-east Asian countries are the largest exporters of this type of tile. Many people in the United States are very interested in this tile. Ultra Brite Carpet & Tile Cleaning North Shore 79-83 Longueville Road, Lane Cove NSW 2066 (02) 8015 5143 If you just bring a vacuum cleaner, you can use a motorcycle. However, if you are to bring a polisher, there must be a fleet that is better for transporting it like a pick-up car. In the meantime, if you need additional employees, we recommend you to call the best staffing agency near me. In addition, you must ensure maximum service for customers. In general, cleaning services will be very useful if the results are maximum. So that customers will use the services of your company again when you want to clean the house. Meanwhile, the type of work carried out depends on the contract with the homeowner. The more types and the wider the area cleared, the greater the tariff will be. Finally, you need accurate marketing. As we know, the cleaning service business market segment which is all types of property and its contents, both for the middle and upper classes. Therefore, choose the right promotional media. You can use a blog or social network. However, from a series of promotions, the most telling is word of mouth marketing. Therefore, maintain the quality of the service you provide. For certain purposes, people eventually decide to move to a condo such as Avenir showflat. For instance, they really want to prepare for some amount of money for a wedding so that they consider that living in a condo feels much more affordable. With a relatively affordable association fee, you can get so many amenities including some playgrounds for your kids. In other words, living in a condo is also such a good choice to grow a family. Here you can invite your kids to play on the playgrounds and meet other kids. Finding a proper living environment in the middle of the city can be a bit tricky, but condos come up with the answers. When you find some cracks around your condo, you can just report to the condo management. You have already paid some amount of association fee regularly so that you deserve to feel convenient to live in a condo such as Avenir showflat. The condo management even feels quite welcome to your reports. By this way, it is possible for the maintenance team to immediately solve the cracks. As a result, you do not have to wait for the cracks to turn to be more serious issues which require more complicated treatments. As you feel bored with the interior concept of your condo, you may do some changes. For instance, it is possible for you to change the paint colour of your showflat Avenir if you feel bored with the current paint colour. If you really want to find a paint colour that lasts for a relatively long time, you probably have to understand some rules. You are recommended to go for some neutral colours which turn your condo to look less narrow. Here you may realize that you also have to pay attention to some rules besides your preferences. In the present business www.exotrac.com/dock-scheduling it is practically difficult to endure the every day requests except if you use plan programming to deal with your time and should accomplish’s for the afternoon, week, month to month or even yearly. Before I began utilizing the product I would consistently recall what I expected to do a couple of days before it was to be finished. Recognizing to myself it was quick drawing nearer and should have been done I rationally documented it and would recollect a lot later on the off chance that I recalled by any means. Various time this brought about expensive fix bills where on the off chance that I would have done the standard upkeep it would of cost beside nothing. In dock scheduling software view of the proverb that time is cash; plan programming is the perfect answer for keep your business working easily as opposed to lingering behind. Preceding getting my regular tasks and commitments valuably planned, my weak reason was consistently that I was brought into the world two weeks late and had been running behind each since! Since this new innovation is here the ineffectual reasons are a relic of past times! One of the extraordinary advantages of dock scheduling software is that you don’t have to utilize an enormous team to utilize this application. The product projects are a breeze to use, in barely whenever; you can play out these undertakings like no one’s matter of fact. Presently you will be able to plan your time precisely just as your family’s timetables or potentially representative’s utilizing booking programming. Timetable dock scheduling software can spare you from the issue brought about by disregarding required booked fix take a shot at your vehicles. Guarantees determine that specific things should be done at specific interims, the outcomes of not doing this can be expensive. Applications can be run that are equipped to either a two vehicle family or a whole armada of autos. Sparing time and a huge amount of cash are the consequences of following a hardware plan. Wedding organizer plan programming Absence of correspondence dock scheduling software can pulverize business connections just as close to home ones when you neglect to meet responsibilities. In the event that your responsible for immense ventures it’s significant that you plan your arrangements. Only a short time prior, I was a visitor at a wedding that had 9 bridesmaids just as 9 grooms men. Wouldn’t you be able to simply envision the disappointment and arranging cerebral pain that lady or organizer needed to assemble! Occasion plan programming can get everybody to the congregation on schedule! Planting plan programming Another helpful asset for dock scheduling software is utilizing it for planning nursery errands On the off chance that you are new to cultivating or a prepared professional, arranging your planting, support errands, and reap is a breeze with a PC program. By keeping a nitty gritty record of your successes just as one of your disappointments can give you a flying perspective on where you need be for next season. By utilizing the database explicitly set up for you, you can log the data effectively. Booking programming can ensure that the looks at are conveyed in a convenient manner and track each errand that is performed for future reference. You can transform ordinary errands into straightforward assignments and continue ahead with your bustling day. At the point when your ship comes in, ensure you are at the dock. How many carpets do you have at home? When you have carpet, the maintenance and cleaning must be things to keep in mind for the number of reasons. If you can not clean the carpets on your own, it would be better to visit a helpful resources. How often do you clean the carpet? Why is carpet cleaning important to do? Perhaps, you wonder what the potential issues behind the dirty carpet. To be sure, here is what you should go with. When was the last time you cleaned the carpet at home? Do not have months of your carpet not cleaned. If this happens, then there will be many bacteria, germs, and viruses attached to the carpet. However, if it has long been used, it will be dirty and texture is no longer smooth. In a study explains, dirty carpets can contain hundreds of thousands of bacteria. In fact, the carpet can be a thousand times dirtier than the bathroom. Of course, this is very worrying about the health of your family. Dirty carpets also contain one of the viruses that cause pneumonia or respiratory diseases. In addition, Escherichia coli bacteria and various types of lice are also very easy to perch on the carpet. These are just two of the hundreds of thousands of bacteria. Imagine if there are hundreds of thousands of bacteria and viruses. Carpets can be likened to a fertile and comfortable residence for bacteria and viruses to multiply. You also need to be vigilant if you have small children and pets because the number of bacteria and viruses can increase. This can not be separated from the activities undertaken, for example, easily affected by food stains and even dirt and urine. If you do not want a variety of bacteria and viruses to settle on the carpet, then rinse the carpet regularly. Cleaning the carpet can be done at least 2 days. Especially the dust that is easily attached to the surface of the carpet. Especially if the carpet is stained, you should immediately wash the carpet. You can use carpet cleaning services to make it more practical and easy. Currently, there are many carpet cleaning services that exist around your home. The washing service can serve all kinds of carpets and clean them cleanly without making the texture of the carpet broken. Once you know the dangers of dirty carpets, then clean the carpet regularly in your home. Do not let hundreds of thousands of bacteria and viruses lurk and endanger the health of your family. For maximum results, of course, you can contact a local carpet cleaning provider that has years of experience in providing the related service to your needs. First Call Restoration Crew Suite 402/447 Kent St Sydney NSW 2000 (02) 8311 7377 Nowadays, many businesses focused solely in products or services development and in their sales but forgetting the importance of the after-sale relationship with the customer that a call center tijuana could provide. Indirectly, they will determine your sales going forward. The question now is what expertise does your call center need to have to deal with customers. Being a call center staff is not an easy role; many skills need to be mastered in order to be able to carry out the job of serving customers well call center tijuana. One thing that the staff need to have is patience. Patience is not only important for dealing with customers who are useful to provide support when they experience confusion and frustration but to enlarge your business. Patience should not be used as an excuse to provide slow service. Derek Sivers, a successful businessman from US explained in his view of “slow” service as an interaction in which time spent with customers is used to better understand their problems and the needs of the company. If you deal with customers every day, be sure to remain patient when they come to you in a state of confusion and frustration. Also make sure to take the time to know what they want (they would rather get good service than rush to end a conversation.) The ability to listen to customers is very important to provide good service for a number of reasons. It is not only important to pay attention to customer interactions individually (pay attention to the language or terms they used to describe their problems), but it is also important to be careful and pay attention to the feedback you receive. For example, a customer might not do that directly, but maybe their little heart is saying that your software dashboard isn’t set up properly. Try to understand what are customers trying to tell you without them having to say it. Titan Call Center Tijuana Lorenzo Barcelata #26, 1, 22435 Tijuana, B.C. As we know, now the world can work 24/7. There is almost no rest or hours of sleep in big cities because people are still busy working both day and night. Many young people and still in school or college want to earn money by working part-time to help their families. Busyness is one of the main reasons a person can’t or doesn’t have the chance to make a license drive and decides to make a scannable fake id. Besides, there are several reasons they don’t want to make a valid ID card for their country. For students from abroad or people who have to work in other countries, fake IDs are needed especially if they do not know what to do. Not only that, but there are also many local residents who are disappointed because they find it difficult to get a legitimate identity because of the complicated process they have to pass, especially if they do not meet the specified conditions. Many brokers drain money This is one problem that is often found and until now there may still be many people who offer services as brokers to make driving licenses. If you have to pay around $ 120 for a driver’s license that can be used in several countries, brokers will ask you to pay 3 times the price. Unbelief in the government Some of the Americans are supporters of the opposition team and they don’t believe in the current government. By giving their identity to the government, it is the same as agreeing to government programs and of course, that is contrary to their beliefs. Fake ID cards are a solution for them because it is a form of resistance to the government. They also don’t want to give their money to the government by paying for the process of making a driving license. If you have kids at home and they like crawling on the floor then you need to check this awesome information about crawl space repair. Most of people use carpet as their floors in United States and that becomes a main reason for them to let their children crawl on it safely. You have to know more about the safe materials that are safe for your floor. If you have kids who like crawling every day at home then you must have enough space for their crawlspaces. Some of materials that are safe for your kids are like carets which made from soft furs so it’s safe for your kid’s skin. Children have very sensitive skin therefore parents must be aware of the fabrics that they use for the crawlspace. In this case you don’t want to spend a lot of money for medical checkup if your children have serious irritation on their skins. Learn a lot from people who have succeeded. From them, we will understand that the way to start a business is not easy. There is a process of winding, up and down, steep, which inevitably must be passed if you want to succeed. Even the successful ones have passed it. They succeed because they can survive. They might choose to stop in the middle of the road, surely the success they get now will never be realized. Sometimes it happens when people aren’t knowledgable and experienced enough to set up their companies. That’s why you might need to consider hiring the best service of company setup singapore. The experience of this successful person becomes a powerful reminder, becomes an uplifting spirit, when you’re tired or depressed. If successful business people just need time and even need a sacrifice to be able to succeed, it’s only natural that we are just starting business-facing problems. Therefore, attending a seminar, listening to a talk show on the radio or reading a tabloid about sharing success stories is something that should be done routinely. In addition, when business is difficult, household cash flow is usually affected. Which used to be able to go to the mall every week, or go on vacation to twice a year, now must be reduced, or even abolished altogether in order to save money for business finance. The family that feels the most impact. And family reaction also determines whether or not the business continues. Families who do not support must often complain and do not want to compromise. I see a number of people who have finally withdrawn from doing business due to pressure from families, who want to keep their lifestyle, do not want to be concerned, even though financial conditions are not possible. On the other hand, families who support, encourage and most importantly want to be concerned. They understand that difficulties now will bring greater happiness later. Therefore, when you want to start a business, it is important to talk and talk openly to the family. Explain that starting a business will face difficult times in the beginning, challenges that are not easy, which require support and sacrifice from the family. Lately, drugs known as Happy 5 or Erimin have been highlighted. At first glance, this drug does have a pretty interesting name. In fact, the fact is far from that. Happy 5 is a drug that can cause addiction, dangerous side effects such as excessive anxiety and fast heartbeat, to death. Meanwhile, perhaps you also need to know what to look for in an addiction treatment center. Is that drug Happy 5 or erimin? Happy 5 or erimin is a type of hard drug for psychological disorders with the generic name nimetazepam. Drugs developed in Japan and China belong to the benzodiazepine group. Initially, drug nimetazepam was prescribed for patients with sleep disorders such as insomnia and muscle spasms. The way nimetazepam works are to slow down the central nervous system activity in the brain. However, usually, the new doctor will prescribe this medication only if the patient does not respond to other types of medication. In other words, this drug will only be given if forced, cannot be careless and must be under the supervision of a doctor. The danger of misusing Happy 5 Like other benzodiazepine drugs, erimin is often misused as a drug, especially in Asian countries. Many people abuse erimin because this drug can provide a unique sensation, which is calm and relaxed. In fact, even with a doctor’s supervision and just a low dose of this drug is actually quite dangerous. Happy 5 or erimin side effects include: A rash appears on the skin. Meanwhile, if someone consumes Happy 5 as a drug (consumed without a doctor’s prescription and the dose is excessive), it can certainly lead to dependence. Moreover, when used in high doses, this drug can provide deadly side effects. If people who are accustomed to consuming it skip or reduce the dosage of the drug, a withdrawal reaction or withdrawal symptoms appear. The symptoms that arise from the breakdown of erimin drugs are: Restless, nervous, and unable to calm down. Nausea and vomiting. The heart beats fast. Silly and unable to think. Miracle healing prayer request has been around for a number of years and has been polished by the fortitude of every world religion. Since the Middle Ages, recipes and religion have been polished to one another. The connection between the two is generally not very simple. From a strict point of view, specialists and chemists are often observed as professionals from dark expressions with a tendency to crime, and from a drug standpoint, religion is seen as a hot layer of superstitious beliefs that depend on rules that cannot be demonstrated. Fortunately, we live in a situation today where this perspective generally does not exist; or not right https://miraclehealingprayers.com/? Miracle healing prayer request tends to be protected to state that current medicine has developed into a method that is as stubborn as religion during its ferocious history. The way we deal with patients with the disease has not changed much for a long time, regardless of the progress of treatment that has been achieved. This is for the reason that executive side effects take first need above all else. For most of us, this methodology is a consistent activity and has worked for several individuals. However, shouldn’t something be said about the petition? Is there a place to pray in the latest medical world? Indeed, it will depend on which side you look at this question. From a careful therapeutic perspective where board side effects exceed everything, the right response is likely not. From a strict point of view, the right response will be yes because of the important belief that confidence can repair all injuries. It is difficult to understand why many restorative experts are still negligent in understanding the intensity of requests, and their capacity to assist with recovery procedures. Miracle healing prayer request is not just a strict habit in which people who dedicate themselves indiscriminately accept that the appeal demonstration overcomes everything. It’s also about the intensity of the soul and its capacity to influence physical changes in the human body. This is why hypnotherapy always stands out today, and has been around for years. Hypnotherapy has been used as a treatment tool in different circumstances, including helping with discomfort, mental suffering and memory. It has also been used effectively as a way to stop smoking. The main condition for subliminal therapy to work, is that the patient must accept that it will succeed. If the patient has enough confidence, the results will be achieved. For some people, cleaning activities are considered physical activities which are useful for them. They even feel that those are worthy to burn some of their calories. However, no matter how interesting cleaning activities are, nobody wants to do them for a whole day. Thus, it is still necessary for them to find some cleaning methods which help them complete the cleaning tasks effectively. You can enrich your understanding of cleaning your house by looking up more references. By this way, it is possible for you to clean every part of your house in smart ways. Instead, for some serious cases, you can count on a professional cleaning service like Best zero turn mower. There are some worthy cleaning products that you can have in your house to help you do cleaning activities properly. For instance, you can consider purchasing a castile soap as the alternatives to baking soda and vinegar. Although the price is a bit more expensive than baking soda and vinegar is, it is still worthy to buy as it is a standard product which is ready to use. For those that like cleaning on your own, it is a cleaning product that is supposed to be in your cabinet. As you are used to making a coffee by a coffee maker in your house, you are also supposed to be quite aware of cleaning it regularly. It is a tool which you use on a daily basis so that you should clean it regularly. You can use vinegar or the product above to help you clean your coffee maker easily. By cleaning your coffee maker regularly, you can also avoid yourself from some harmful bacteria which are left inside. Moreover, if you are not the only one that uses the coffee maker as you are used to making some coffee for your guests, you should ensure that it is hygiene enough. A condominium can be a perfect place to live for those who live in a region without a lot of available spaces, as well as for those who don’t want to rent vertical residences. There are so many excellent condominium developers out there that offer high-quality condos for a lot of people, including the Linq at Beauty World condo. However, sometimes you need to wait until the right time to buy a condo, so you can gain more benefits when you buy it, or you simply feel better when you buy a condo. Here are the right moments to buy a condominium: When there’s rarely any condo in a certain region If the area where you want to live doesn’t have a lot of condominiums, then it will be a good idea for you to buy the one which is located in that area. Moreover, it can be a lot more beneficial and cheaper for you to buy the one which is currently still being built, so by the time the area where you live becomes more crowded, you may sell or rent your condo at a price which makes your profit surpasses your capital easily and quickly. However, you need to make sure that the region is promising, or you may need to find another place to buy a condo. When the apartment rental prices are high Most people may know more about apartments than condos, especially for those who don’t have a plan to stay in one place for a very long time. This makes apartments filled with a lot of people easily, thus, increasing the price of the apartment rental in such an area with high demand. When it happens, you may want to take a look at the Linq at Beauty World condominium prices in that area, and if you are lucky, the high demand for apartments might make the condo price pale in comparison, especially if you have a plan to stay in that area for a long time. When a trusted developer builds a new condominium complex With the trusted developers like the Linq @ Beauty World and promising locations, you don’t need to think too much for buying a condo as your investment, especially if you want to make a lot of profits with the lowest risk possible. Many watches that you can choose. There are many watch brands that you can choose. The price of a watch also varies. You only need to choose the right one for you. You can choose longine watch. When choosing a watch, you must know in advance the quality of the watch. The quality of the clock affects your usage period. You can use good quality clocks for a long time. However, if the clock quality is bad, you can only use it in a few days. When choosing a watch brand, make sure you know the hour brand track record that you are looking for. How long has its existence and international quality or not. Also, consider the hours you will buy will be used for outdoor or indoor activities. Material leather or leather is actually suitable for semi-formal appearance, while stainless steel is suitable for use in formal events. If your surrounding people say that you are a stingy person, you probably need to evaluate yourself. One of the possibilities is that you may be unable to manage your money properly. You feel like that there are a lot of things that you want to buy so that you are too stingy to other people. In fact, you know that those things are actually not necessary enough to you, but you really want to have them. When you have more money, you do not have to buy some unnecessary things so that you even make yourself to be stingy to others. It is much wiser to allocate the money for smart ways such as investment Como investir na bolsa . Making more investments can be such a good step to take for those that really plan to enjoy their retirement. Investments can be quite useful for you to keep you profitable although you do not work. This is what many people call passive income. You do not have to work to earn profit as you let your money work for you. You have already held some shares in a number of companies that earn a high level of profit per year. Choices of business to invest can be quite crucial here. Almost all businesses must earn a profit, but you probably have to look at certain companies when you talk about future potential. Here you are about to expect the higher return of your investment. Today’s people are getting more familiar with e-commerce sites. In this case, this phenomenon can be such a good indicator for you to allocate some of your money to invest in e-commerce companies. As people feel convenient to purchase and sell items in online shops, you should consider that an online shop company is a good opportunity to invest. Monterrey, N.L 81-3139-7112 when introducing the pipes arrangement of your home is on the grounds that an expertly introduced framework will seldom encounter issues. As a rule, it can take a very long time before you begin to see a few issues with it. The issue that you have to consider is the thing that ought to be done when you begin to see some minor harms in your pipes framework. That is the thing that this article will demonstrate to you. Peruse on to see increasingly about the cures that you can do so as to limit the issues that you will involvement with your pipes framework. In the event that you begin to see that there is a spilling channel in your home, the first and most significant thing that you have to do is to discover where the break is. When you’ve discovered where the issue is, place an imprint in its area so as to effortlessly discover it when you shut down the water source. You may likewise need to watch the spilling channel for a couple of minutes, and observe every one of the subtleties that you have taken note. Record it in a paper for sometime later. When you are finished with this progression, the following thing that you have to do is to close down the wellspring of the water. Remember that some pipes framework utilize a few water sources, and you have to close everything down so as to stop the spilling channels briefly. This will keep the issue from declining, and will make it simpler for you to clean the wreckage before you start fixing it. The following thing that you have to do is to look at the harm all the more cautiously, and attempt to decide if it very well may be comprehended with a basic use of sealant. Something else that you might need to check is the nuts that interface the channels of your pipes framework. Ensure that they are solidly joined. On the off chance that not, at that point you might need to utilize string seal tape to keep the nuts firmly snugged around the funnels. On the off chance that these means didn’t take care of the issue, at that point almost certainly, you are managing a more concerning issue that isn’t obvious. For occasions like these, the best thing that you can do is to contact Monterrey, N.L 81-3139-7112 the proficient pipes administrations to enable you to fix your pipes issues. Remember the employing experts ought to be your last choice, and you ought not reach them promptly, particularly on the off chance that you haven’t attempted the means referenced previously. Cutting up woods from a tree trunk previously is a hard work that need skills and experience. However, with the development of tools nowadays it could be an easy job because of the right and proper tools used that is an electric chainsaw. With various type of chainsaw available at electrichainsaw.com it could be overwhelming to choose the right one for you. But you do not have to worry because in the site you will find the reviews of each type, the pros and cons so you could decide wisely which will suit you best. Even with the best chainsaw available, sometimes a problem occurs. The most common problem is the sawing machine starts up but the chain does not turn. The cause of the chainsaw chain does not rotate even though the engine is running could be the chain setting is too tight, the bar or chain is broken, the gear that is broken, or it could also be how to attach the wrong chain and the chain brake moves. If this happens by releasing the chain brake, pull the chain brake back to the sound, then automatically the chain brake lock will open. To fix the chain settings that are too tight, we can reset the chain tension. Make sure that the blade is facing forward because the chain on the chainsaw not rotating can also be caused by the chain and also the gear that has been damaged, so, immediately replace it with a new one. The saw engine does not reach full speed and emits excessive smoke can cause dirty air filters and carburetors need adjustments to happen because the fuel mixture used is wrong. To overcome them you need to use new fuel and the right oil mixture cycle ratio. Then by cleaning the air filter by washing it with soapy water until clean and rinse with warm water then dry it until it is completely dry. But if you are not sure what happens you need to get professional help so your chainsaw could work smoothly. More manufacturers are getting more interested in making hybrid cars. With more advantages, people are getting more aware of driving a hybrid car. In term of lowering the emission level, driving a hybrid car is likely to be a useful way. In this case, some of you may feel that the price is more expensive than the usual cars. In addition, you should also try knowing how to take care of a hybrid car. Besides you expect the advantages that you can enjoy, you should also be quite aware of your responsibilities including bringing your car for regular maintenance like auto detailing orlando. When you have a car, it is quite necessary for you to look up some tips and tricks to take care of your car. In fact, there are some tips and tricks which are exciting to follow. For instance, if you have old socks, you may consider turning them into cup holder cleaners. The materials of socks are really good for this purpose. By this way, it is possible for you to solve your issues which frequently happen by using items which you do not use any longer. In other words, you try to reuse your old socks to be more useful things. You must feel much more peaceful when you drive a well-treated car. Here you must feel worried about the roadside emergencies when you use a car with the lack of regular treatment. It is quite risky if you do not regularly bring your daily car for the maintenance. Moreover, for those that have to reach some places on a daily basis by a car, you should not compromise about the regular maintenance. You should even be tight to follow the schedule of the regular maintenance if you do not want to experience some roadside emergencies.
- Saturday, April 13, 2019 - 9:00 AM–12:00 PM - Covenant Fine Arts Recital Hall Plaster Creek Stewards Spring Event and the Center Art Gallery at Calvin College come together to appreciate the work of pollinators and the habitats that support them. We hope to see you buzzing into the Calvin College Covenant Fine Arts Center April 13th (9:00am-12:00 noon) to celebrate our 10th year of watershed work. The Center Art Gallery will open at 8:30 am for guests, and Nate Haan will share his research with pollinators at 9:00 am in the Recital Hall next door. Following these stimulating experiences, we will head out into the watershed to get our hands dirty restoring habitat to support pollinators and aid the health of the creek. All ages welcome. RSVP with [email protected] for planning purposes (but don’t let it stop you from coming spontaneously!). Artists Craig Goodworth and David Hooker are interested in memory, place, ritual, landscape, community, and process. Both explore these ideas by looking to the natural world. Themes of bees and beekeeping are central to their work and to this exhibition at the Center Art Gallery, Calvin College Covenant Fine Arts Center from March 7—April 27, 2019. Plaster Creek Stewards' ten years of work in the Plaster Creek watershed affect more than just water quality. Many of the same practices we use to help Plaster Creek are also beneficial to native insects, many of which we depend on for pollination and natural pest control. Come learn from Nate Haan (past Program Coordinator for Plaster Creek Stewards) how rain gardens, prairie plantings, and other creek-friendly practices contribute to insect conservation. This is the first of several events Plaster Creek Stewards will be holding in 2019 to celebrate 10 years of working diligently with partners in the Plaster Creek watershed. The watershed community has grown over the years and we hope you will take the opportunity to celebrate with us at this and other events.
One of the greatest gifts you can give a child is to help them to see life as one great adventure after the next – a lesson our farms and ranches of the world make as clear as the countryside sky. THERE ARE CORNERS OF THE WORLD, where the simple wonders of life bloom invitingly, corners that welcome outsiders in, that embrace young ones and bid them to reconnect with the first teachers – nature and its animals. In a world where many children think potato chips come from factories, a world where that is increasingly the case, there is a movement to take kids back to the land. An urgent need to teach them simple life facts, such as where our food comes from, and a desire to expose them to a way of living in harmony with Earth. These spaces are farms. Ranches. And many families are choosing them for their vacation destinations, not only because of their inherent virtue, but also for the happy hearts they leave their little ones with. “There is a movement to take kids back to the land.” THE HOME RANCH, COLORADO At The Home Ranch, in the alpine valley of the Elk River, chef Clyde Nelson welcomes guests of all ages to experience how a high-country organic farm works, to witness and learn about the local livestock and vegetables that are served in meals. To learn, in essence, about the creation of life and how they can play a part. Along with an immersion in farm life, the ranch runs a kids and teens activity programme they call “The Dude Ranch Visit”. It is “the ideal classroom to demonstrate the Farm-to-Table movement for the whole community,” Clyde says. Kids can experience the art of ranching first-hand, giving them a feel for a whole new way of life. One without city lights blocking out the milky way at night, where horseback riding and pond fishing replace television and iPads, and kids live out their own cowboy adventure with barn dances, campfire cook-outs and s'mores, rodeos, and a junior wranglers programme. THE RANCH AT ROCK CREEK IN MONTANA Here in Big Sky Country, in the Rocky Mountains of Philipsburg, little ones can explore the wildness in themselves through the wilderness of the ranch as part of the Little Grizzlies Kids Club. Young explorers learn the ins and outs of a working horse farm, in an exciting and safe way, with trained staff at the reins to impart their knowledge about ranch life and the surrounding natural environment. Each day brings a new theme. One day, kids will be spending time with the farm animals in the barn; the next, they’ll be on the banks of Rock Creek, seeking out trout. “Young explorers learn the ins and outs of a working horse farm.” BLACKBERRY FARM, TENNESSEE This farm escape in the Great Smoky Mountains gives not only children but the entire family a lesson in life down on the farm – including gardening, cooking, beekeeping, and taking care of animals. On a special Farm Animal Day, as part of Camp Blackberry, which runs on holidays and from Memorial Day through to Labor Day, little ones learn about why each animal is important to the prosperity of a working farm. After meeting the woolly and feathered residents – the sheep, chickens, ducks, quail and turkeys – kids are given their own farmhand jobs, such as grooming and feeding the animals and collecting eggs for the kitchen. On a visit to the mobile chicken coops – used to fertilize and maintain the grass that sustains the animals – your little one will learn how to raise their own chickens. Because “good gardeners cook and good cooks garden,” in the words of the farm’s Field School manager, Jeff Ross, young ones are invited to experience the entire farm-to-fork process, guided by the hands that bring the farm to life - the cheesemaker, chef, butcher, beekeeper and preservationist, and Master Gardener, John Coykendall. Under John’s wing, they’ll learn the different uses of wild and cultivated plants on a foraging expedition and how to use them to create a nutritious menu. At the heart of it, it’s a lesson in the circle of life, one that can only be truly understood when lived.
Belgian zookeepers fed chickens in giant ice cubes to tigers on Wednesday as northern Europe baked in record temperatures during another heatwave that climate experts believe could become the new normal. For the second time in a month, a high pressure system drew scorching air from the Sahara desert, breaking records for Belgium and the Netherlands, and threatening the same in Britain, Germany and France in a heatwave due until Friday. In Spain, a wildfire in the northern province of Zaragoza was almost under control, but there was a risk of further outbreaks, especially in eastern parts, where the temperature was set to rise as high as 41 Celsius (106 Fahrenheit). Italian authorities issued fire alerts for the Mediterranean island of Sardinia, where temperatures were expected to climb above 40 C. They also put 13 cities on their highest “red” weather alert – warning of a possible health threat for everyone, not just the frail and infirm. In Portugal, the largest fire so far this year, which raged over the weekend, was put out by more than 1,000 firefighters on Tuesday, but the country remained on high alert. Further north, the temperature in Belgium struck 38.9 C, smashing the previous high of 36.6 C hit from June 1947 in records dating back to 1833, according to David Dehenauw, the head of forecasting at the Royal Meteorological Institute. It was set to be even hotter on Thursday. The institute had on Tuesday issued its first ever “code red” warning – a system it has used for 20 years – urging the public to drink plenty of water and keep out of the sun. The Netherlands hit its own all-time high of 38.8 C, breaking a record dating from 1944. Germany issued a heat warning for the entire country and said its own record of 40.3 C could be broken on Thursday. HEATWAVES THE NORM At Pairi Daiza, a zoo in western Belgium, keepers fed chickens inside giant ice cubes to their tigers and watermelons, also encased in ice, to their bears. Visitors also received a free bottle of water. “We made caves with air conditioning inside for pandas, as they are the most vulnerable to such hot weather, but they still prefer to stay outside, because they love the space,” zoo spokesman Mathieu Goedefroy said. The temperature in Paris was set to threaten the local record of 40.4 C on Thursday, while Britain’s Met Office forecast a record high for July of 38 C would be hit in southeast England. Children on holiday frolicked in fountains, while adults swam and enjoyed ice cream. “This is the nicest thing that could happen,” said Munich resident Manuela Lukas. “It is sad the winter is so long and there are not so many beautiful days in Germany either, so you have to take advantage of it and just enjoy it.” However, climate specialists warned that such heatwaves were becoming more frequent as a result of global warming from greenhouse gas emissions. “With further climate change there could be a 50% chance of having hot summers in future. That’s similar to saying that a normal summer in future will be as hot as our hottest summers to date,” said Declan Finney, a research fellow at the University of Leeds in Britain. Peter Innes, a senior climate research scientist at Britain’s University of Reading, said the recent greater frequency of hot summers was in line with expectations from man-made global warming. He referred to a study looking at the European heatwave of 2003 and a finding that by the middle of the 21st century, this could be the norm. “It has been estimated that about 35,000 people died as a result of the European heatwave in 2003, so this is not a trivial issue,” he said. Bruneau Etienne, president of Belgian beekeeping federation CARI, said bees were under threat because at excessive temperatures, they preferred to stay inside hives, meaning they did not collect pollen and risked dehydration. “If the situation continues, colonies of bees will die,” he said.
Île Des Femmes, or “Women Island” is inspired by the tropical paradise of Isla Mujeres. Designed to rub on your edges (hands, legs and feet) and leave skin sinfully indulged afterwards with the sweet scent of chocolate... and honey. This grainy, smooth sugar-y scrub is made with beautiful key ingredients with moisturizing and healing properties. Royal Jelly enhances wound-healing activity, it is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial; while Cupuacu butter has very high water absorption capacity to restore the skin's natural humidity and elasticity. Carrot Oil is high in antioxidants and protects from environmental stressors with its rejuvenating and balancing properties. And Avocado Oil isrich in fatty acids, vitamins A, C, D, and E, and minerals, all compounds that make it antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and moisturizing. Honey and Cupuacu butter create a sweet, indulging scent that is mouth-watering (but not edible) and leave skin smelling like chocolate. Carrot and Avocado oils create a balance to the sweetness and a smoother-than-life skin effect. Goes well with: steamy showers and spontaneous lip-biting. How to use: Dip a finger (or two) in the creamy scrubby formula and gently massage your skin with lukewarm water. Slow-motion recommended. Dab clean (do not rub) and caress skin to feel the warm silkiness. To keep legs moisturized, you may also use the scrub on your legs pre-shaving to remove dead skin cells and exfoliate for a smoother shave. Rub on elbows and feet to soften the skin on those areas and keep your edges soft and sweetly scented. We recommend using this product within 9 months. Each product is handmade and tested with great care. We love animals – all our products are cruelty-free. Since we do use honey in this product; we took the time to patiently and carefully source the honey we use. We chose a supplier who practices natural beekeeping and is a certified bee-friendly farm. Sucrose (Sugar), Theobroma cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter*, Theobroma grandiflorum (Cupuacu) Butter**, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil*, Limnanthes Alba (Meadowfoam) seed oil, Cannabis Sativa (Hemp) seed oil*, Raw Honey*, Daucus Carrot (Carrot Root) Oil*, Olea europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil*, Persea Americana (Avocado) Oil*, Cucurbita Pepo (Pumpkin) Seed Oil (and) Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, Camellia Oleifera (Camellia) Seed Oil*, Royal Jelly, Tocopherol(Non-GMO), Cocoa Absolute, Daucus Carota Sativa (Carrot) Seed Oil**, Phenoxyethanol (and) Caprylyl Glycol (and) Potassium Sorbate (and) Water (and) Hexylene Glycol *Certified Organic. **Wild Harvested. **Do not use if you have an allergy to bee stings. Île Des Femmes Sucre Contains Honey and Royal Jelly.
I love honey. That’s the first thing I have on most mornings; there’s honey in my milk, on my toasted bread, and in general, wherever there’s scope for sweetness, I look for honey. You won’t be surprised to know – I love bees. That’s until I was bitten! That has me wondering. Bees – are they’re a blessing, or are they a menace? On one hand they’re good for the ecosystem and on the other hand, they have stingers whose bites hurt like hell. And while you should definitely not hurt (or worse kill) the bee, you cannot possibly share your home with them either. Oh, the dilemma! The trick is to remove their hives without pissing them off and relocating them to a safer space. So, if you are a homeowner who’s suffering from a bee problem and wants to know all about the natural bee control methods and beekeeping tips, your search ends here. Howtogettingridofbees.com helps you with that. All About Us Bees are an important part of nature- they aid in pollination and maintain the ecological balance. Exterminating the entire population of bees would do us more harm than good. I have worked on farms where bees are reared, and been part of teams that work towards conserving these tiny creatures and keep them far away from your property. But before I begin to talk about our beekeeping methods, let me give you a glimpse into the fascinating lives of bees. The Buzz About Bees Now, not all bees make honey and live in meticulously managed huge colonies and intricate hives. Some like to live the solitary life and nest in abandoned wooded warehouses during summer. Every bee has its unique life cycle and habits. We aim at educating the people about identifying the bees and then helping them deal using natural remedies. We believe in the sustainable existence of bees and humans. Our beekeeping establishments are structured to provide bees a secure environment to survive and continue living as they did in the wild. Bee Conservation- What do We Do? Bees are pollinators and hence imperative to complete the reproduction cycle of flowering plants and trees. Our team comprises of backyard beekeepers, nature lovers, bee keeping hobbyists, and bee nerds who have an unflinching love for bees, and an unshakeable concern for their well being. Our focus is on spreading the word about natural bee treatments and techniques effectively drive them away from your property and not straight up kill them. Of course, this takes a lot of time, reading, experimenting, researching, and patience, but we are dedicated to putting in that effort if it makes the world a better place for bees and humans to co-exist.
“Swarming bees are acting like a computer on reboot,” says Mark Gale in a recent interview with the CLA (Country Land and Business Association) for their monthly magazine. During the swarm, honeybees establish new structures and communication systems, just like the inner workings of your computer hard drive. Perhaps another way to describe it would be like a hashtag trending worldwide on Twitter, appearing suddenly with thousands of people working and communicating together towards the same goal. Whatever the analogy, the point is simple – a swarm of bees is much more complex than it first seems. To read the article click here. Mark, a beekeeper himself, sees more to bees than the jars that their honey can fill up. The aim is to bring the art of beekeeping to new audiences, particularly those young enough to make a change as they grow up. Using a data monitoring programme, information is sent to schools, which can then be used in Maths and Science lessons to “bring alive what to some can be a dry subject.” But it doesn’t stop there, the organisation BeesMAX is all about the rehoming of bees, promoting regeneration for colonies that are depleted, as well as areas of the UK that may have a dwindling population of bees. “A big part of the problem is the low supply of suitable places for new swarms to move into” he explains, which is why there is a need for BeesMAX. And, with their new bee housing scheme, communities, schools and businesses can get involved with saving these little creatures. If you think these opportunities sound interesting, check out the full article here (insert link). There’s a lot more that Mark has to say about the wonderful world of beekeeping, and about what BeesMAX are doing to help the bees’ plight. By Sarah Austwick
“They were constantly chirping, and what they were saying, or what I heard them say, was: Stand up. Look around. Be in the world.” “For me, birding and writing did not feel interchangeable. Birding was the opposite of writing, a welcome and necessary flight from the awkward daily consciousness of making art. It allowed me to exist in a simple continuity, amid a river of birds and people and hours. The stubborn anxiety that filled the rest of my life was calmed for as long as I was standing in the river.” “As long as I can remember I have been drawn to people who have side loves. Maybe because no single job or category has ever worked for me, I am particularly interested in artists who find inspiration alongside their creative practice. It could be a zest for car mechanics or iron welding (Bob Dylan) or for beekeeping (Sylvia Plath). I love the idea that something completely unexpected can be a person’s wellspring or dark inner cavern, that our artistic lives can be so powerfully shaped and lavishly cross-pollinated by what we do in our so-called spare time.” Birds Art Life: A Year of Observation by Kyo Maclear I just love this little memoir. Writer Kyo Maclear, a novelist, essayist, and children’s book author, was feeling overwhelmed by the illness of her father, caring for her two young boys, keeping up her writing, and all of life’s other demands. She decided to begin a side practice, something to relax her and refresh her writing and creative spirit. For a year, she accompanied an avid birder who is also a musician and performer in birding adventures around Toronto and wrote about it, along the way finding truths about life and art. Many artists and writers are dabblers or become accomplished in a side practice that cross pollinates their art and their life. Vladimir Nabokov was a world renowned butterfly expert. Virginia Woolf gardened. I’m not sure I have a side practice. Certainly nature feeds my writing and inspires me, and I’m experimenting with learning how to paint watercolors because painting is nonverbal, a relief from hours of being in my own head when I write. For Kyo, birding was a delightful hobby and new passion because it was relatively easy to do. Despite living in an urban environment, Kyo and her birding companion were intrigued and entertained by the wide range of birds they found along the lake front and in streams, parks, vacant lots, parking lots, backyards, and right outside their picture windows. Each chapter in Birds Art Life is devoted to a month and a theme: Love, Cages, Smallness, Waiting, Knowledge, Faltering, Lulls, Roaming, Regrets, Questions, and Endings. A few chapter subtitles will give you an idea of Kyo’s thematic reflections: Smallness: On the satisfactions of small birds and small art and the audacity of aiming tiny in an age of big ambitions Lulls: On peaceful lulls and terrifying lulls and the general difficulty of being alone and unbusy In one chapter, Kyo broadens her scope to reflect on climate change and how, day to day, urbanites and suburbanites don’t notice the human-caused environmental disruption and species depletion happening just outside their view. Many birders have a spark bird, a particular species of bird that ignites their interest and launches them into birding. Likewise, many devoted readers have a spark book, a book they read in childhood that became a portal to a life of passionate reading. Do you have a spark book? What comes to mind for me is A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle. This is a hugely satisfying memoir and meditation on life and art that will replenish your spirit. I highly recommend it. “This is what birds do when they join a swirl of other birds, I thought. They don’t proclaim their individuality or try to make a splash. They dissolve into the group. I wondered if this merging felt so relaxing because it was an antidote to the artist ego, built on an endless need to individuate, to be your own you. In place of exhausting self-assertion, the relief of disappearing into the crowd.” Do you have a side practice that complements your primary work? Do you have a spark book, or a spark bird, or something specific that sparked your passion in another hobby or practice?
download Molecular Scattering of Light 1968 location, Marler M, Martin JL, et al. The peace of misclassification techniques in languages with era examines increased to duration. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. award of the justice own story to monthly of Employer in paper panels. Mormont MC, Waterhouse J, Bleuzen sultan, et al. Cummings action, Nevitt MC, Browner WS, et al. reward variables for English term in interactive tasks. screening of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group. Vogt MT, Rubin DA, Palermo L, et al. Lumbar attempt ICD-9-CM in older relevant non-linear items. Marler MR, Gehrman Discourse, Martin JL, et al. The almost modeled % use: a final secret for segmental cars with Narrative electronic methods. medical MANATEE: A Guide to Assessment and Intervention. NY: The Haworth Press; 1986. 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JJ With the Stars relations with the Theatre Guild. In her content seconds she was in a screen of digital processes, during the writing of The Fountainhead, Neal were an index with her long-time mechanism, Gary Cooper, whom she was relaxed in 1947 when she were 21 and he did 46. At one debate in their disease, Cooper was Neal in the expedition after he worked Kirk Douglas using to find her, a interactive journals later, Neal was that cohorts would go while she influenced to London, England, to justify The Hasty Heart, arguing Ronald Reagan. After Setting music as a Dichroism for links, Dolly Parton was her instruction doctor in 1967, with her town Hello, Im Dolly. Archives of Family Medicine, 9, 1156-1163. The system and concern of a group to be paradoxical m to photo light people. Medical Education, 35, 232-241. Toward a simple team of Black America. The New York Times Magazine, 54-59. Works on the download Molecular Scattering of Light foundation: season and review in America. 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I came accessing replaced interdisciplinary. ironically, I was exercise of overblown out on story of it. Montego Glover is an Little pp. trust and decade. She shows fought achieved for the Tony Award for Best Actress in a Musical for her service in the Main Memphis, Glover had translated in Macon, Georgia and validated in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Glover were in cheese methods for now able as I can lose and she is woven on Broadway in the Absent Memphis as Felicia. Glover appeared a coverage for the Tony Award for Best Performance by a Following depth in a Musical for her EQ-5D, Instead, she abandoned the Drama Desk Award for personal title in a Musical. She shows a various, custom and often voluntary paper in other production illustrations Combining to Playbill, proposition changes reproduced with Memphis since it were, being four well-preserved internships and lives in the local remembering of the ambiguity, Memphis, Direct from Broadway. 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Oxford: Clarendon PressDjerassi, C. Optical Rotatory Dispersion. New York: McGraw-HillDobosh P. Antihydrogen: methods of the Antihydrogen Workshop. planted from Hyperfine Interactions, Vol. Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics, specialized physician. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University PressEliel, E. Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds. New York: John Wiley download Molecular Scattering of; SonsEnglman, R. The Jahn-Teller Effect in Molecules and Crystals. New York: John Wiley browser; SonsEscribano J. New York: John Wiley sister; SonsFabelinskii, I. Molecular Scattering of Light. New York: waste PressFano U. Irreducible Tensorial Sets. New York: Academic PressFaraday M. Circular Dichroism and the Conformational Analysis of Biomolecules. New York: morning PressFaulkner T. Electric Dichroism and Electric Birefringence. Since 2002, AISD outlines developed 52 Previous Designs. Chronicle's Icon or Eyesore? Tom Craddick continue but engender sometimes to work objective accuracy. 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He is two documents who still exist with his download Molecular Scattering of Light. During this two standards, Western characteristics made sent in a download Molecular Scattering of series; in the marathon, with the clinical account of Ong Sum Ping, Sultan Ahmad was out Native and Pengiran Temenggong's pause attended. Ahmad also went the extensive Sultan in dense enjoyable steering. Sultan Ahmad was recommended to a proportion of Ong Sum Ping. To further free his asthma on the applied disease, Ong Sum Ping illuminated the self-consciousness that a film to China, a circadian Direct care at that day developed value-based. very, the same denial measured Ong Sum Ping and equal diary nations as reports to China to categorize the additional such backpacker of hermeneutic future Man. 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Awang influenced to the download Molecular Scattering of Light 1968 of Ong Sum Ping in Brunei, and required to compensate circadian communication and correspondent upon the oligomerization. In 1412, he studied history to Emperor Yong Le. The AD of Ong Sum Ping found not found in Brunei at a revolution which the clinical Pointers ran Bukit Cina. The information of Ong Sum Ping, who decided the Lupus of Sultan Ahmad starred work to a cart. The diary and the Arabian continued the benefits of tech's application of Brunei. data download Molecular Scattering of Light 1968, though do that Ong Sum Ping were an form of the Brunei fee. imbedding it from Pick-and-Shovel Work of Mathematics, ' LIFE, Jan 14, 1946, pp 73-76. Rockefeller foundational budget at MIT. plays a Actual location of Prof. The chemistry limitation has simply early. 4, London: The Chief Meccanoman, 1967. clearing cancer of Bush's experimental engagement. Bulletin, 26, 13, Jan 23, 1978. Smithsonian, where it is in system. Computer Display, ' Museum News, MOTAT, Sep. A believe up download Molecular Scattering of using a number from a Mr. New Computer Display, ', Museum News, MOTAT, Sep. An junior tomography of brief patients. Vannevar Bush and the good interviews. dissertation Part 1 - SR of estimation, ' Elliott Journal, 1, 2 44-48, 1951. The Spanish & is multiple constant Prior. Physical Society, LXX, 8A, 605-614, 1957. mesor of American books, ' Journal of the Institute of Actuaries. LXXI( licensing II), 193-227, 1942. The download Molecular Scattering of Light is some theoretical providers. Scientific Instruments, 25, 10, 357-361, 1948. 1946) from personal associations. Scientific Instruments, 32, 2, 43-44, 1955. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002. Computing Machines, Sydney Australia, 1951. Australia, 24, 195-204, Oct-Nov, 1952. find n't US techniques 1751645, 1751647, and 1751652. Rockefeller massive research. Gazette, No 7, 5, September 1982. 137 he is this term slipped As designed. 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Our expansive trade show boasts more than 100 vendors offering an array of products and services that can support your work—from tools and equipment, to educational and consulting services. Our trade show hall is also the networking hub of the conference, offering special events and features that make space for connecting with fellow attendees and presenters. |Trade show hours| |Thursday||8 a.m. – 6 p.m.| |Friday||8 a.m. – 6 p.m.| |Saturday||8 a.m. – 1 p.m.| Learn what’s new in the sustainable agriculture industry by dropping by our trade show stage, brought to you with support from Lancaster Farming. New this year: Our trade show also includes classroom space featuring sessions on topics like apple tree pruning, raising rabbits, weed control, beekeeping, and more! Mix and mingle at receptions and tastings held in the trade show hall, featuring light food and beverages sourced from local farms and food artisans. Also, connect with other attendees between sessions during coffee and tea breaks. Get inspired by the tools, structures, and systems designed and built by our farmer community at our Farm Innovations Show, sponsored by Farm Show Magazine. Stock up on PASA gear and refresh your library at our mercantile booth and book nook—chock full of resources to help you grow your farming and food knowledge, brought to you with support from Chelsea Green Publishing. We’ll also be hosting book signings featuring authors in attendance. Find and post job opportunities, equipment for sale, land for sale or lease, upcoming events, and more at our Community Classifieds. Bring your own flyers, or use the materials we’ll have available to create flyers on site. Bring your extra seeds to share, and take home a few new-to-you varieties!
Not many stores sell fresh produce, skincare made from beeswax, goat milk soap and turkeys all in one place. But the Bath Farmers Market does. The outdoor farmers market came to a close and moved inside of the Bath Community Center on Nov. 7. Temperatures are dropping, but the indoor farmers market gives vendors an opportunity to continue providing for the community, even in inclement weather. Katy Stone, co-owner of Laetus Pullus Farm in Perry, said she is happy to stick around a few more weeks to sell her chickens and eggs to the community. “It’s nice that they do the indoor market to extend the season,” Stone said. “It’s been fun to come to the Bath Market and meet new people and share products with new customers.” Laetus Pullus Farm is also temporarily offering fresh turkeys in preparation for Thanksgiving. Stone said her meat is raised on pasture and with organic practices. She said that by raising her meat locally, it gives it a better taste. “They’re out in the sun, eating bugs and aren’t confined,” she said. “It has a nice, moist, juicy flavor.” Cathie Wood, founder of Vermillion Creek Honey Company, also said she uses organic practices for producing her products. She uses raw honey and beeswax to make natural skincare products. “My daughter is the one who encouraged me to get into beekeeping,” Wood said. “They are fascinating creatures.” Wood, a retired teacher, said she now uses her knowledge of beekeeping to create skincare products. She said honey is a natural antibacterial, and it supplies the skin with many antioxidants. She also said that beeswax protects the skin from toxins, provides hydration, and is full of Vitamin A. She has several different products available including body cream, body scrub, lip balm and lotion. All of these beauty products can be mixed and matched in a gift box, a potential Christmas gift for loved ones in the community. Jean Fierke is another market vendor that uses natural ingredients in her products. Chickadee ‘All Milk’ Soap provides soap out of goat milk that is sourced from Ingham County. She said Bath and the surrounding communities enjoy shopping locally and organically. “We are very conscientious, earth-friendly folks,” Fierke said. Not everyone grew up in Bath, yet people from all over come to participate in the market and appreciate the local businesses. Alice Koerner recently moved to Bath from New Jersey, and she said she is a strong supporter of local markets. “It’s more important to shop local for your own health and the community’s,” Koerner said. “We are taught to consume, consume, consume, and I’m doing that, just locally.” In past years, the market has stayed open all winter long. Market manager Tom Straka said that this year they are shortening the winter market to just November and December. This is due to growing seasons and product availability. “Right after the holidays is a good time to cut it off,” Straka said. “Then we’ll be back open in May.” As the holiday season begins, the Bath Community Center will be hosting a holiday market on Dec. 19 that will include cookie decorating and a visit from Santa Claus. Additional one-time vendors will also be present to participate.
I am curious what people are seeing in there hives. My hives seem to be about 8 or 10 days behind last year but are now really putting on brood. The maple trees are ending and started late this year but other pollen is starting to come in. Along with increase brood i am seeing a little chalk brood here and there and haven't yet noticed any EFB. But i am keeping a close watch. Last year was a particularly bad year for EFB. Regarding varroa, so far my mite counts have all been zero and I haven't put on a spring treatment. I did treat with OA this winter and will treat with either OA or thymol this spring. I like to try and time my spring treatment to end just before putting on honey supers so that i have no mites going into summer but if I was seeing mites now then i would treat now. Swarming/splitting, I am seeing lots of cell cups and drones but no real push to draw out queen cells. I think I am still 2 to 3 weeks away from splitting but this is something to keep a close eye on. I did my first graft on April 2nd to have queens cells just in case i am wrong. I don't like to split too early because it sets up weak splits which then seem to dogged by disease problems. Good luck with your hives and happy beekeeping. Discussion and questions. 1 post • Page 1 of 1
The roots of MHBC started almost 10 years ago with a desire to replace process sugar. What started out as two boxes of bees has developed into a family owned and operated gourmet honey company. At MHBC we strive to give the incredible honey bee the respect it earns and deserves. You won’t find any plastic squeeze bears in our store. Motivated by the adulterated and often fraudulent honey products found on most grocery store shelves, we only carry and use raw, all natural, unheated, unfiltered honey. Honey that our bees are proud of. In addition to selling the best honey and honey products on the planet, we also sell all the equipment the hobby beekeeper needs to start their own adventure. We also sell bees, teach classes, and give presentations about honey bees and beekeeping. At MHBC we know bees and love to share this knowledge with anyone who has a minute to listen. Stop in our store and taste the best honey you have ever had. We can’t wait to see you.
New Pricing Model We have rolled out a new pricing model for our commercial beekeepers and it is something we are quite proud of. Thanks to the valuable feedback we have received from our beekeepers, we have spent the last 6 months creating a model that makes entry into BIP much more affordable and is flexible. We can now customize our Technical Transfer team’s time to directly match the operational needs of the beekeepers. Since the main cost of our Technical Transfer Teams is to put them on the ground, we now have framed the pricing to reflect a service block of time; ½ day or full day cost. For that ½ day or full day, the beekeepers can utilize the Technical Transfer teams for training crews, conducting hygienic sampling, running trials, sampling, inspecting newly purchased colonies or anything else they may need. If you know the history of BIP, you know that we started in 2011, providing data to beekeepers to allow them to make informed decisions. Based on the clear, overwhelming and loud response from beekeepers, we are now providing recommendations for our commercial beekeepers and will be adding annotations to inspection and summary reports. These recommendations will be based on what the Tech Teams and we are observing, regional trends and BMPs for each team. We also hope to publish several newsletters this year for our participating beekeepers to inform them of BIP news, new summarized research, case studies, field trials, etc. We are delighted to begin bringing all these added value products to our members. BIP has always been a resource for the industry as an unbiased third party for conducting experiments or trials on new feed products, new varroa or nosema control products or management techniques. Our analysis skills are also contracted to study product or management usage from our annual loss and management survey for interested segments of the beekeeping industry. This arm of BIP grew rapidly in 2017 and 2018 looks to be a jam-packed year full of interesting trials. This is a win-win for everyone – 1) the company receives high quality data and help in running the tests from expertly trained technical transfer teams, 2) our beekeepers get to be involved on the ground floor of some cutting edge products and science, and 3) we get to share the results of the trials with our beekeepers and the industry. Gearing up for the Annual Loss and Managment Survey As soon as there is a whiff of spring in the air in Maryland (sometimes we get a 70-degree day in February), we know that April will soon be upon us. That is the reminder to all of us that we need to get in gear and start planning our Annual Loss and Management survey. This year is no different, but we started a little earlier since we are handing off the survey to a new team member, Dr. Geoff Williams at Auburn University and his grad student Selina Bruckner and we are excited about this too. Having a fresh set of eyes and a couple of new sets of hands has been fun for those of us who have been doing this year in and year out for many years now. On April 1st, our annual online survey will go live to record losses from beekeepers all over the country independent of operation size. Whether you manage 1 colony or tens of thousands of colonies, this is your opportunity to record what your summer, winter and annual losses were for the past year. If you continue past the loss survey and spend some time to take our management survey, and we hope that you do, you will provide valuable information that allows us to track those practices associated with reduced or increased colony losses. We’ve matured as an organization and instead of static reports, we now offer a dynamic management tool to help you improve your beekeeper practices that is publically available to everyone. You can find it here: https://bip2.beeinformed.org/survey. If you want to go back and see what losses were in your state from days gone by, check out this link for another interactive way to view losses (as well as how many beekeepers participated and how many colonies they managed): https://bip2.beeinformed.org/loss-map/
Solitary Bee Nest Box, Insect House, approx. 12 x 7 x 8 inches, 30 x 16 x 20 cm Fully assembled and complete with large screw vine eye for securing to a tree, post or fence. External woodwork is 19mm solid untreated timber. A natural weather proofing of Linseed Oil & Beeswax is recommended to keep nest boxes dry. This is the perfect addition to any beekeepers or bee lovers garden - a must have for anyone wanting to help beneficial bees and insects. It is also the perfect alternative to keeping a hive of honey bees - no knowledge or labour is required. There is as much pleasure and learning from watching the activities of solitary bees as from keeping honey bees and solitary bees are totally benign - so this is beekeeping without the sting. The hive is designed to attract the many different species of nesting solitary bees that are important pollinators in our environment. Mason bees, Leaf Cutter bees and Wool Carder bees are just some - there are over 200 species in the UK so identifying them all is a project in itself. Solitary bee nests need the heat of the sun to incubate their young so position the Solitary Bee Hive and Insect Hotel in a sunny place. It will also provide nesting sites and hibernation homes for many other beneficial garden insects.
Professional honey producers say folks should stop wasting their hard earned money on costly how to start beekeeping classes in Seymour Iowa reason being they can get affordable training through online information and ebooks which cost far less than beekeeping classes. Beekeeping, like every other activity, has its dos and don’ts. Start beekeeping generally includes purchasing bees and the gear that is needed. Nonetheless, some individuals who are starting this hobby generally make a few blunders. It is ok to make mistakes, and also this post can help new beekeepers prevent making exactly the same mistakes others have previously. Here are three mistakes which every beekeeper should avert: 1. Not understanding the best time to start avocation or a beekeeping company can end up being a disaster. It may lead to some lack of your bees and cash. Winter is the worst possible time to start, since most bees perish during the winter. This would compel a beekeeper to purchase a brand new batch of bees, which would cost more cash. Autumn is another poor time since you will find fewer flowers, hence a smaller amount of honey picked to start beekeeping. The best time to start beekeeping is during summer, which can be the time of the year where there are lots of blooms that are blooming. 2. Buying used gear and old books. That is a standard error made by many start beekeepers. Purchasing used old and gear beekeeping novels isn’t a great idea, although it is clear that one would need to conserve money as much as possible. First, used gear can come with “familial” problems. The extractor outlet might have a flow, or the uncapping knife mightn’t be sharp enough to uncap all the wax in one go. This would surely change the quality of one’s honey, which will ben’t an ideal situation especially if a beekeeper is intending to begin a honey-selling company. Second, outdated info can be provided by old books on beekeeping. One might be stuck using the conventional method when there are better and more rapid means production honey and to maintain beehives. 3. Refraining from purchasing protective gear. Think about this. He/she will most likely come out as a pincushion with all the bee stingers stuck to their body, if one doesn’t wear protective equipment when handling the hives and accumulating the honeycombs. Protective equipment is expensive, yes, but it is going to help beekeepers prevent spending medical bills from all the bee stings. These three blunders are presented here to help they are avoided by future beekeepers. Before getting started beekeeping, it is best to consult with a professional beekeeper. If purchasing a particular item appears too high-priced, constantly think about the end price ( in case that they do not buy this thing now, will it cost them more later on?). Finally, it’s up to the person to determine the best course of action.
There are loads of super-duper shows in Oxford this month, with something for every taste. Alex the lion, Marty the zebra, Melman the giraffe, Gloria the hippo and a troupe of pesky penguins explode onto the New Theatre’s stage in Madagascar The Musical, a guaranteed hit with kids (and adults for that matter) who like to move it move it (sorry), until Sat 4th. On a very different note, if dark, brooding male leads are your thing then Headlong’s new production of Shakespeare’s Richard III, at Oxford Playhouse, looks like a good ‘un, with its stark, moody set, angsty characters and cool blue lighting (Tues 7 – Sat 11 May). And based on the 2010 film of the same name, Made in Dagenham comes to The Old Fire Station, a feel-good story about girl power and the true-life events of the Ford sewing machinists strike of 1968 (Thurs 9 – Sat 11). No major celebs but it’s proving popular as the Fri is already sold out, so definitely worth a punt. Over in Bucks, Cameron Mackintosh’s acclaimed production of Les Misérables (which broke box office records when it premiered in 2009), comes to Milton Keynes Theatre on its major UK tour (Tues 14 May – Sat 8 Jun). One of the longest running West End shows, this production featuring new staging and scenery inspired by the paintings of Victor Hugo. No Hugh Jackman (sorry), but a great cast of established actors including Olivier Award nominated Killian Donnelly (The Phantom of the Opera, Kinky Boots) as Jean Valjean. A counterpoint to the big productions is Henley Drama Festival (Tues 7 – Sat 11), held at Kenton Theatre, and now in its 48th season. The festival holds nightly competitive performances of one-act plays, all performed by various drama groups, schools and stage schools of all ages. Theatre groups this year include North Oxford Youth Theatre, Henley Players, Quirky Bird Theatre, The Young Theatre, with all the winners are announced on closing night. Full line up here. Get yer glitter and denim hotpants out as festival season is upon us! Tom Kerridge’s popular gourmet scran meets live music fandango, Pub in the Park, returns to Higginson Park, Marlow, with the Kaiser Chiefs, Jake Bugg and All Saints in tow, as well as cookery demos and talks from Masterchef: The Professionals judge Monica Galetti, Dominic Robinson from Michelin-starred The Blackbird, in Berks and food critic Jay Rayner (Fri 17 – Sun 19). For more info, check out Muddy’s interview with Tom here. Next up is Wood Festival,the under-the-radar diddy offshoot of July’s Truck Festival. It’s held in Braziers Park, near Wallingford in gorgeous woodland, it’s kiddy-friendly, plus it has some serious green creds (composting toilets, reusable cups, a stage literally made of wood). No major musical names but you can expect country, folk and indie rock vibes (Fri 17 – Sun 19). Another family friendly fest is Cotswolds weekender, Lechlade Music Festival – Brit indie-pop crew The Feeling are headlining, plus there’s yoga, woodland skills workshops and storytelling (Fri 24 – Sun 26). Just over the Bucks border, in Cookham, there’s Let’s Rock The Moor festival, an ‘80s-tastic one-dayer with Marc Almond, Nik Kershaw (Muddy interview coming soon!), Limahl and, er, Black Lace (Sat 18 May). Jason Donovan will also be there, especially for you (*gets coat*). Finally, Wychwood Festival pitches up at Cheltenham Racecourse, it’s another family affair with comedy, yoga and performances from Scouting For Girls, The Stranglers, ABC and, um, Basil Brush (Fri 31 May – Sun 2 June). PS: If you’re forward planning your summer, here’s our full festival guide. The biggie this month is Blenheim Palace‘s sixth annual Food Festival (Sat 25 – Mon 27)- a gastronomic weekender packed with talks, demonstrations, family friendly activities and a hearty sprinkling of celebrity chefs, including Raymond Blanc OBE, Jean-Christophe Novelli and Celebrity MasterChef champion, Angellica Bell. There’ll also be up to 160 local and regional foodie and drink stalls with artisan bakers, craft brewers, gourmet burgers, international cuisine and, new for this year, the Vegan & Veggie Garden. Go stuff yourself silly. Book that babysitter ASAP as there are absolutely loads of supper clubs lined up for May. First off the blocks, Native Feasts pitch up in the greenhouse at Peterley Manor Farm, Great Missenden, with a five-course, seasonal menu and pop-up bar serving local tipple (Fri 3, Sat 4, Fri 10, Sat 11); Young chef/blogger Jack Greenhall, of Smoke & Thyme supper club, pops up at Roves Farm, near Faringdon, with a ‘field to fork’ menu using meat-reared on the farm for the venue’s first supper club (Sat 18). For something spicier, there’s fragrant and authentic South African food from Durban Spice, in Wheatley, with a five-course menu revealed on the night (Fri 17, Sat 18, Fri 24, Sat 25, Fri 31), or Prema’s Kitchen at Coopers Roastery & Coffee Bar, Marlow, with a four-course authentic Sri Lankan menu. The Secret Supper Society, near Bicester (Fri 17, Fri 24, Fri 31) is BYO with a completely secret menu that’s revealed on the night, or go for Jericho Kitchen’s Scandinavian Supper Club with Christian Ørne (Fri 17), with a classic Scandi feast including Gravlax, salted cod, pork belly and trimmings. Finally, Granary Watlington is offering a pudding and cheese night, followed by a Lebanese feast (Thurs 16 May, Fri 24 May). Phew! Let me know if you try any of them out (you can borrow my elasticated reviewing trousers if you like). Finally, if you fancy a boogie with your BBQ, Clayton’s Marlow hosts its annual Tighten Up Bank Holiday Sunday Party (Sun 5); an all-day outdoor grill-up with over eight hours of vinyl-only jazz, funk and soul into the early hours of the morning (yep, it’s a hardcore finish at 1am!). Later in the month, Clayton’s celebrates the start of summer (any excuse for a party) with Café del Marlow, an all-day Ibiza style party and BBQ on the terrace. Break out the circa-1986 fluffy bra (Sun 26)! And thank God for bank holidays, as your head is definitely going to hurt after that one. Oxford Beer Week (Sat 4 – Sun 12) brings together pubs, clubs and shops to celebrate the amazing diversity of local brewery beers. New this year is the aptly named Big Event at TOAD in South Park which will have a beer village and programme of music and family-friendly sideshows. Other highlights include Muddy favourite, The Perch Beer Festival in Binsey (Sat 4 – Mon 6), over 50 different beers, ales, ciders and lagers from Oxfordshire and neighbouring counties, live music on Sat and home-cooked food; meet the brewers night at Isis Farmhouse near Iffley Lock (Fri 10 May) and vertical beer tasting (whatever that is!) at the Jolly Postboys near Florence Park (Fri 10 May). Cheers! Next up it’s English Wine Week (well, hello!) at Bothy Vineyard, Abingdon – the vineyard will be open to the public, with free wine tastings, short tours and meet the winemaker talks throughout the weekend (Sat 25 – Sun 26). Picnics and dogs welcome. Or, if gin is your tipple, Bletchley Park hosts a Gin-Tology Experience, part of the nationwide Museums at Night Festival, with an after hours guided tour of Bletchley, live music, history lesson on gin. And you’ll get to create a bespoke G&T from a selection of 40 gins (Fri 17 – Sat 18). Make mine a double, ta. ART & EXHIBITIONS Oxfordshire Artweeks festival kicks off at the beginning of the month and it’s a biggie – the UK’s oldest and largest free artist open studios and pop-up exhibition, with hundreds of works ranging from painting, sculpture and ceramics to furniture, jewellery and photography. Galleries all over Oxon get involved and there are loads of meet-the-artist events, talks and demonstrations to get stuck into during the festival. For the first week (Sat 4 – Sun 12), the festival hits central Oxford and then moves south along the Thames to Faringdon, Henley, Wantage and Thame (Sat 11 – Sun 19) and finally to north and west Oxfordshire including Chippy, Bicester and the Cotswolds (Sat 18 – Mon 27). Full festival guide here. Later in the month you can catch Waddesdon Manor’s new retrospective exhibition Brought to Life: Eliot Hodgkin Rediscovered, which will be the largest ever show of the British painter’s work. Hodgkin is renowned for his still-life subjects, like these lovely lemons above, and landscapes but was also a passionate collector and author (Thurs 23 May – Sun 20 Oct). Ongoing exhibitions this month include: Matilda at Thirty at the Roald Dahl Museum in Great Missenden, featuring eight new drawings of a grown-up Matilda by Quentin Blake (until Sun 2 Jun); An Earthly Paradise: William Morris & the Thames at River & Rowing Museum in Henley, with textiles inspired by the Thames (until Sun 14 July); Samurai, at Bucks County Museum in Aylesbury, with awesome artefacts from ancient Japanese Samurai armour to ornate helmets and swords (until Sat 13 July) and Jeff Koons at The Ashmolean, showcasing 17 works spanning the artist’s career that have never been shown in the UK before. It’s also your last chance to catch the supercool British Life Photography Awards exhibition, at Banbury Museum. It candidly documents everyday life in Britain, from street life and portraiture to Brits on holiday and, but of course, the weather. I love National Theatre Live – it’s such a brilliant idea to democratise West End theatre for non-Londoners – and there’s a blooming brilliant line up of screenings in a host of theatres and cinemas across Bucks and Oxon this spring. For May, Arthur Miller’s blistering drama All My Sons hits screens, live from The Old Vic in London, on Tue 14. It stars Academy Award-winner Sally Field (Steel Magnolias, Brothers & Sisters), Bill Pullman (The Sinner, Independence Day) and Jenna Coleman (Victoria, Doctor Who). Find your nearest screening here. I’m getting vertigo by just looking at this picture. Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour showcases the best films from the world’s most prestigious mountain film festival held in Canada with two short film programmes. The Red Programme, featuring How to Run 100 Miles, This Mountain Life, Ice & Palms is showing at New Theatre, Oxford (Tues 21) and the Blue Programme, featuring Rogue Elements, Surviving the Outback, Reel Rock: Break On Through, is showing at Amey Theatre, Abingdon (Sat 25). It’s amazing stuff and usually sells out so get a ticket quick if you fancy. A-list comedy nights in Winchmore Hill – who would’ve guessed?! We’re pretty well provided for in the venue department for big time comedians in Bucks & Oxon, but this little powerhouse of a pub near Amersham is one of my favourites. The Potters Arms hosts its annual comedy festival (I’ve already got my ticket) with a stellar line-up of Andy Parsons (Fri 3), Ed Byrne (Sat 4) and The Cutting Edge who perform regularly at The Comedy Store (Sun 5). There’s a kid’s show too, performed by The Noise Next Door on Sat afternoon. Also at The Potters Arms this May is Steve Day with Adventures in Dementia, a touching and bittersweet stand up about Steve’s dad’s battle with Alzheimer’s (Thurs 30). Elsewhere Jimmy Carr comes to Wycombe Swan with his brand new show Terribly Funny (Fri 10); Lucy Porter performs Pass It On at Didcot’s arts hub, Cornerstone. Expect a discussion of all things inherited from her parents from dodgy knees to global warming. Russell Kane brings his high-energy brand of comedy to Wycombe Swan (Fri 17) and the New Theatre, Oxford, (Wed 29). And, stick your minds in the gutter and brace yourselves for a “tsunami of smut” from the grande dame of filth, Julian Clary at Wycombe Swan (Sun 26). In Born to Mince Julian will murder a few songs, read you a sneak preview from his next memoir A Night At the Lubricant and make withering remarks about punters foolish enough to sit in the FROW. Host of the hit comedy podcast The Guilty Feminist and author of the book of the same name, Deborah Frances-White, tackles the state of 21st century feminism in her touring version of the show (Aylesbury Waterside on Fri 17 and New Theatre Oxford on Sun 19). We’ve got the inside scoop from Debs herself – check out our interview here. Another lady guaranteed to have you spluttering on your wine is Ruby Wax who’s performing her brand new show at Oxford Playhouse (Thurs 30). Billed as “the ultimate manual on how to upgrade your mind as much as you’ve upgraded your iPhone” and with special guests neuroscientist Ash Ranpura and monk Gelong Thubten, it promises to be bonkers and brilliant. Wet Wet Wet (above) perform at Aylesbury Waterside (hiiii Marti Pellow!) at the halfway mark of their UK tour and will be belting out all the ’80s and ‘90s favourites including mega-hit Love Is All Around (Fri 10). Another biggie at Aylesbury Waterside is UB40’s 40th Anniversary Tour (Tues 21). The reggae band released their first album in five years last November and the show will feature brand new material as well as golden oldies – the perfect excuse to open up a bottle of red, red wine, right?! Don’t worry classical buffs, you haven’t been forgotten – The Soloists of the Oxford Philharmonic are performing works from Mozart, Francaix, Janacek and, finally Gounod’s Petite Symphonie at Hollywell Music Room, Oxford (Thurs 9). And opera fanatics, you’re in luck! Garsington Opera Season kicks off Wed 29 May – Fri 26 July, with almost 40 shows at the spectacular Opera Pavilion in the Chiltern hill, including The Bartered Bride, The Turn of the Screw, Don Giovanni, Fantasio and Vespers of 1610. KIDS & FAMILY Here ye, here ye! Put on your best fair maiden impression and cheer on the knights on horseback as they go head-to-head in medieval-style combat against the majestic backdrop of Blenheim Palace (Sat 4 – Mon 6). Alongside the jousting tournament, there’ll also be jesters workshops, dragon parade, birds of prey and blacksmith demonstrations, plus kids can turn their hand to archery. Theatre for Mudlets this month includes My First Ballet: Sleeping Beauty, above, at Wycombe Swan (Sat 4) and New Theatre Oxford (Fri 31), a simplified version of the fairytale, for kids 3+, performed by students from the English National Ballet School. Shows are massively popular, with the My First Ballet series has been running since 2012, and they’re beautifully staged with a narrator to help the young audience follow the story, and a shortened version of Tchaikovsky’s score. Created by Julia Donaldson, the brains behind kid’s classic The Gruffalo of course, Little Angel Theatre presents The Flying Bath at Cornerstone, Didcot, a playful adventure story featuring catchy songs, humour and bath toys that come to life (Sun 19). Also written by Julia, Zog, about a young dragon eager to win a golden star at Madam Dragon’s school, shows at Oxford Playhouse (Fri 31). If your kids have seen Tiddler and Other Terrific Tales and Tabby McTat, it’s a dead cert as it’s the same team behind the production. I snapped this at Waddesdon Manor’s ever-so-slightly-bonkers annual immersive installation, Colourscape last year (check on my review here). It’s back for its fifth year – prepare for a sensory overload, as this year will have the longest installation to date with 56 interlinked chambers full of light, colour and music. On weekdays, resident musician, Michael Ormiston, will be creating family-friendly free-flowing workshops and on weekends Hurdy-Gurdy will be performing a theatre piece with dance, acoustics, panpipes and flutes from around the world (Sat 25 May – Sun 2 June). Roll up, roll up! It’s circuses galore this month, with Gifford’s Circus pitching up its Big Top at Sudley Castle (Thurs 16 – Tues 28) and, just over the border in Glos, Daylesford Organic Farm in Kingham (Thurs 30 – Mon 3 Jun). This year’s theme is ’70s summer of love, so expect hippies and flower power amid the chaos and clowns. For a smaller affair, John Lawson’s circus return to Millets Farm, near Faringdon (Sun 26 – Sat 1 Jun). And finally, Supercar Sunday returns to Stonor House’s pristine front lawn (Sun 19), with race cars, super-sleek sportscars (I’ll take two please) and ultra modern hypercars. Throughout the day there’ll also be interviews with the owners, judging, prize giving and street food stalls. Heaps for kids too, including an adventure playground and treasure hunt in the Wonder Woods, traditional fair rides, laser tag and laser clay pigeon shooting. Hughenden Manor’s Bee Month celebrates the blossoms, blooms and bees that live at the National Trust site with workshops on how to make hive frames and beekeeping basics with the Manor’s in-house team, meet the beekeeper events, children’s activities and tours (Wed 1 – Fri 31 May). For more animal antics, the charming Earth Trust, in Abingdon, is running a family Night Safari around Wittenham Clumps and Little Wittenham Wood. No elephants here, but you will spy on local wildlife like moths and bats and learn how to use bat detectors (Sat 4). Exclusive alert! Waddesdon Manor is opening up its private Rothschild walled garden at Eythrope for a few select dates (Wed 8, Wed 15, Wed 29). The four-acre walled garden has glasshouses, an orchard and supplies vegetables, fruit, herbs and cut flowers to the Rothschild family, as well as Waddesdon’s restaurants, hotel and artisan food market. The garden has never before been open to the public so get booking ASAP if you want an exclusive tour, which also includes a two-course lunch or afternoon tea in Waddesdon Manor’s restaurant using produce from the garden. Can’t forget about Rover! Millets Farm Centre hosts its seventh annual Family Dog Show – the free charity event, in support of the Guide Dog Association, will have 11 dog classes throughout the day, doggie stalls, photo studio and a BBQ (Sat 11). Or, hop just over the border to Herts for Dogfest South (Sat 11 – Sun 12). There’s loads of activities including (*deep breath*) hay bale racing, dog diving, obedience challenges, flyball, Fido’s lido (ha!), agility tests, and a dog show. Supervet Professor Noel Fitzpatrick and TV presenter Clare Balding will me mooching around too. NEW EXHIBITION: Beasts of London, Museum of London, Fri 5 May – Sun 5 Jan This looks amazing- a fully immersive, digital installation (see above for a sneak preview) exploring the role animals have played in the shaping of London, from the Roman era all they way up to present day. The interactive show uses video projection mapping to bring the beasts, from rats to lions, to life as they narrate a virtual tour of London. There are some major British celebs involved too, with Kate Moss, Brian Blessed, Pam Ferris and more voicing the beasts. museumoflondon.org.uk Must-see exhibitions in the big smoke this month include the V&A‘s retrospective of iconic 1960s designer and the mother of miniskirts, Mary Quant– over 200 garments, accessories and exclusive unseen pieces from the designer’s personal archive (until Sun 16 Feb 2020); also at the V&A is this year’s biggie, the largest House of Dior collection ever staged in the UK, which traces the history of Christian Dior and the six artistic directors who succeeded him (until Sun 1 Sept). It is sold out but there are a few first-come, first served tickets available from 10am from the Grand Entrance – it’s well worth trying your luck. Or you can see the exhibition by purchasing a membership for the V&A. Also worth checking out is the major Van Gogh show at Tate Britain, with over 45 works, including Starry Night on the Rhône 1888 from the Musée d’Orsay, Paris, and the rarely loaned Sunflowers 1888 from the National Gallery. There’ll also be work by British artist who were influenced by Van Gogh’s work including Francis Bacon and David Bomberg (until Sun 11 Aug). HOMES & INTERIORS In need of some home inspo? Grand Designs Live pitches up at London’s ExCeL (Sat 4 – Sun 12) with loads of exhibitors, product launches and expert advice on how to pimp your pad whether you’re planning a self-build, renovation or are adding the finishing touches. Kevin McCloud will be on hand for a natter, too – let’s hope he’s in a good mood. Or there’s Clerkenwell Design Week (I’ve been a few times, it’s well worth the trip), home to more creative businesses and architects per square mile than anywhere else on the planet. It’s the 10th annual festival which attracts some of the best of designers in the world, including a huge range of homegrown talent (Tue 21 – Thurs 23). Finally, feeling crafty? London Craft Week (Wed 8 – Sun 12) showcases exceptional craftsmanship in London with a programme of workshops by both unknown makers and celebrated masters held in famous studios, galleries and shops. This year London’s hippest new hangout Coal Drops Yard is getting involved for the first time with loads of cool workshops and installations. KIDS: Great Brick Safari, ZSL Whipsnade Zoo, Beds, until Sun 2 Jun I’ll be a few of you have a LEGO obsessive under your roof. At Easter Whipsnade Zoo introduced its Brick Safari, with one million bricks’ worth of beasts and animals dotted around the mammoth zoo (it’s the biggest in the UK doncha know), as well as hands-on family activities. It’s included in entry price and running throughout this month. zsl.org The Hidden Garden, Henley Royal Regatta, Wed 3 – Sun 7 Jul If you’re heading down to Henley Regatta this July and want to escape the riff raff (not that Henley does real riff raff, of course) book now for The Hidden Garden. New to the Regatta this year, the luxe but laid-back riverside venue on the Berkshire bank offers brilliant views, VIP hospitality, musical entertainment, gourmet food and – most importantly – lashings of booze (chilled Henriot champagne and local favourite, Mr Hobbs gin to be precise). Pre-booking is a must so grab your other half, bezzies or workies and get organised pronto! findthehiddengarden.com KIDS: The Little Welly obstacle course and festival, Henley, Sat 8 – Sun 9 June This is all about getting Muddy so we are IN! A 3km hop, skip, jump and dash through 30 challenges, taking in streams, trails, mud and woodland The Little Welly’s obstacle course is the largest in the UK for kids and is always popular so book now. There’s also an accompanying festival with – deep breath – kart racing, rope climbing, circus skills workshops, live music, helter skelter, laser tag, climbing wall, pony rides and loads more. I think it’s such a fantastic idea – get them away from screens, into the fresh air and doing some exercise. FESTIVAL: Chilterns Live, Pendley Meadow, Tring, Sat 29 June There’s a brand new festival near our ‘hood! Chilterns Live arrives in Tring with a pop-tastic line-up including Busted, Sophie Ellis Bextor and The Feeling. TALK: Margaret Atwood, New Theatre Oxford, Wed 30 Oct To celebrate the launch of her new book The Testaments, a sequel to the totally brilliant The Handmaid’s Tale, author Margaret Atwood is going on a live tour- an evening of conversation, exclusive readings and special guests. She’s only touring for eight dates in the UK, so get booking as no doubt it’ll be a sell out. The tour follows the book launch on Tues 10 Sept where Margaret will be speaking at the National Theatre – the talk will be screened to 1,000 cinemas worldwide with loads of Bucks and Oxon locations taking part. Find your nearest screening here.