Dataset Viewer
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audioduration (s)
8 values
Convert the speech into a written transcript.
hello hello 可以
Capture the spoken content in writing.
Could you put the speech into writing?
那个 wave 比较 慢 一点 [啊]
Write down what was said, please.
okay 可以
Can you write out the speech?
讲 多 一点 [咯] 可以
Transcribe the spoken content into text.
<unk> okay 可以
Capture the spoken content in writing.
okay (ppl)
Capture the spoken content in writing.
okay (ppl) (ppb) 他 跟 你 讲了 [啊] 就是 这样的 [咯] (ppl) 都 跟你 讲 这是 这样了 [啦] 对不对
Could you put the speech into writing?
[哦] 对 [咯] 好 再 继续 再讲 [咯]
Write down what was said, please.
你 要 那个 chocolate 你 刚才 吃的 那个 chocolate
Could you put the speech into writing?
我 是 从 camp 那边 拿来的 自从 mark* 那时 拿来 了 之后
Can you write out the speech?
一直 在 等 一直 在 找 他的 那个 现在 <unk> 找到 了 那个 牌子 找得 到 牌子 找不到 那个 flavor 找得 到 那个 flavor <unk> 三个 在一起 然后 就是 卖得 很贵 #sibeh# #sien# 去 哪里 买 [啊] fair-price n. t. u. c. (呃) 在 jurong-point 那边
Convert the speech into a written transcript.
Could you put the speech into writing?
剩 很多 几粒 [啊] 你看 那个 罐 多大 你 就 知道了 [啦]
Transcribe the spoken content into text.
吃了 多少
Convert the speech into a written transcript.
<unk> 有 几条 [啊] 里面 有 至少 也有 二 三十 条 [吧] 够我 二 三十 条
Transcribe the spoken content into text.
(ppl) 一条 多少 [啊] 大概 about <unk> [hm] 三块二 [吧]
Please convert the audio into written words.
三块二 四十 一支八毛 诶 一支八分 [吧]
Can you write out the speech?
差不多 一支一毛 [啦] let's make it this way
Can you write out the speech?
but then 你要 想一下 它的 taste* 它的 taste* 蛮好的 [嘞]
Could you put the speech into writing?
(ppl) 我 吃了 三天 了 [嘞] 今天 还剩 还 [哈] 不会 [啊] 就是很好吃 [啊] (ppl) 一直在 想念 那个 味道 (呃) then 今天你要做什么
Transcribe the spoken content into text.
Convert the speech into a written transcript.
Record the speech in written form.
Please convert the audio into written words.
诶 <unk> [哦] yeah yeah 对 对 对 对 jurong-point 有 jurong-point 有 [唉] 忘记了
Could you put the speech into writing?
[hm] so 今天 就是 今天 只是 after that 就 直接 回家 了 [啦]
Can you write out the speech?
yeah 一样 一样 <unk> 等下 下午 去 sim-lim-square then after that 就回家了 [啊]
Write down what was said, please.
看看 东西 逛逛 东西 不会 买 [啦] 钱包 已经 开始 廋了 很多了 [啊] (ppl) yes holiday holiday 想 要 去 apply for job but apply 不到
Capture the spoken content in writing.
[hah] tuition 不懂 [嘞] tuition 也是 好像 也是 没有 什么 好 #lobang# 这样的 [嘞]
Convert the speech into a written transcript.
[哈] 我是 don't mind 给 啦 but 我 现在 很 有 空 that's the thing
Capture the spoken content in writing.
有 空 到 现在 在 想 要 做 什么 during the holidays rather than to come here for 那个 <unk> 那个 <unk>
Could you put the speech into writing?
我 只是 想 问他 [嘞] 他 已经 选到 人 了 [吗] 他 已经 选到 人 的话 then 我 可以 不要 去 [嘛] 如果 不够 人的话 then 我 就去 [啦] 够人 的话 then [哈]
Could you put the speech into writing?
maybe 很 像 围棋 [啊]
Can you write out the speech?
but 我 觉得 othello 很 像 比较 多 人 这样的 感觉
Transcribe the spoken content into text.
but then 我 不 不 太 会 玩 不 太 会 strategize
Record the speech in written form.
对 [咯] 他们 他们 都 不懂 几时 回来 他们
Could you put the speech into writing?
没有 讲 好东西 [嘞] 到 现在 but 你 要 想 一下 [欸] 是 明年 才 training [eh] 因为 明年 才 比赛 [欸]
Capture the spoken content in writing.
Convert the speech into a written transcript.
i think 是 right before school start [hah] 还不是一样 对[啊] like at least 不是 十二月 三十 号 三十一 号 [嘛]
Write down what was said, please.
对不对 你 跟他 讲你 这样 十二月 三十号 三十一号 你去 你 弄到来 你 三十一号 你 比赛到完 回来 更好 enjoy for new year 不是 有点 怪 then 你输 的话 then 你不是
Convert the speech into a written transcript.
不用 看的 [啦] 你看 你看 <unk> 他们 在 做 什么 recruit other people [haiz] yes 振宏* 他 [啊] 我 没有 话 讲 [啦] (ppl)
Convert the speech into a written transcript.
[haiyo] [hah] 等下玩 dota [ah]
Convert the speech into a written transcript.
玩 dota [ah]
Please convert the audio into written words.
(em) 所以 倒是 真的 but 我 那边 很多 东西 要 pack 一下
Can you write out the speech?
yes 没有 <unk> 那边 那些 lego 舍不得 拆
Convert the speech into a written transcript.
舍不得 拆 [啊] (ppl)
Record the speech in written form.
不懂 [嘞] 拆了 之后 [吼] 我就 after that 就没有 拆* 了 我 现在 是 在 等 一个 好的 天气然后 就去 take photograph 了
Transcribe the spoken content into text.
还 没有 这几天 一直 在 下雨 [嘞] 这几天 起来 的 时候 天黑黑
Transcribe the spoken content into text.
外面 [咯] just <unk> 我们 外面 不是 有一个 <unk> 我 起来 的 时候 就 天黑黑 after that [hor] <unk> 下 下 下 下 到 完 已经 六点 了 我也 不用 去了
Record the speech in written form.
Please convert the audio into written words.
差不多 有得- 有 这样 的 时间 [吗] 你的 east side 都 没有 这样 <unk> 诶 east side 也是 这样 对不对
Capture the spoken content in writing.
Please convert the audio into written words.
why 怎么 这样 小声的
Convert the speech into a written transcript.
哈 哈哈 哈哈 哈 哈 哈 哈 哈 i think we do feel like we are wasting their precious resources [ah]
Please convert the audio into written words.
yeah hello (ppl)
Capture the spoken content in writing.
一个 钟头
Capture the spoken content in writing.
attempt to compose music as like by you although not every one can write song <unk> they can think that they like but through your input and perception of what you think will make a great music (er) 我有这种感觉 [hor] 出来的时候 [哦] <unk> it is like 你把 the best of everything let say the best of the apples the best of the oranges the best of cucumbers 然后 after that 你 全部 #lap# 在一起 [吼] 然后 变成 一个 fruit juice or the best of chillies okay let say example best of <unk> (ppl) and best of apples best of chillies best of oranges 然后 全部 加在 一起 然后 掺了 之后 make 一个 juice 然后 <unk> then 你来喝 i think this is what i mean then i think this is what they mean by number five cross over mutational replacement
Could you put the speech into writing?
Can you write out the speech?
Write down what was said, please.
no (ppl)
Record the speech in written form.
Could you put the speech into writing?
不是 你 frequency 是 你的 那个 amplitude
Capture the spoken content in writing.
[ah] how loud yeah 多 高 是 你的 loudness 然后 你的 wave 是 你的 frequency [hah]
Please convert the audio into written words.
Write down what was said, please.
yeah <unk>
Transcribe the spoken content into text.
Record the speech in written form.
Can you write out the speech?
Can you write out the speech?
[hah] the score is nothing
Please convert the audio into written words.
Convert the speech into a written transcript.
Capture the spoken content in writing.
and nothing is weird*
Can you write out the speech?
four minutes and thirty three seconds
Could you put the speech into writing?
so the whole four minutes and thirty three seconds is to allow you to sit there and enjoy the natural sounds
Transcribe the spoken content into text.
made by yourself i think we do have of that enough of it (ppb)
Could you put the speech into writing?
Transcribe the spoken content into text.
pay money to listen to (ppl) it is like
Write down what was said, please.
it is like it is a bit pointless [啦] 你 会不会 有 一点 觉得 <unk> like how much is the entry fee
Transcribe the spoken content into text.
没 twenty sing 应该 没有 这样 便- 没有 这样 便宜 [吧]
Please convert the audio into written words.
你 懂 那个 game music live [hor] 它的 second seat (呃) 我有去 yes 五月的时候 (呃) 在 indoor-stadium
Record the speech in written form.
who is playing [ah] one of the american (em) that (er) american composer [ah] if i am not wrong he is from
Write down what was said, please.
which orchestra n. u. s. wind* symphony yes who
Capture the spoken content in writing.
Write down what was said, please.
okay yeah that is what i heard also
Can you write out the speech?
what else do they play [ah] i know i know the square <unk> song they didn't play cause <unk> is all occupied by that one guy who supposely can play blind he plays final fantasy mario the whole of the stages from level one to level eight then after that yes then after that still got what (er) not exactly a lot [lah] i think i already forgotten of what they played but i remember they played from the <unk> call <unk> generation until now so it is like virtually anything you can think of maybe <unk>
Can you write out the speech?
yep they didn't played <unk> i think it is some other guy <unk> playing <unk> [lah]
Record the speech in written form.
no no it is there were a lot there were <unk> that there's two male one there is like piano guy the wind symphony the wind symphony yeah they take up the main of the stage [lah] yup <unk>
Please convert the audio into written words.
Please convert the audio into written words.
then they played the full of the level one then the lev~ the part the one part of the level [lah] which is level one to level four then until level two then <unk> play <unk> whole of the level [hah] then <unk> mario there is only two three distinctive levels [ah] yeah that that [ah] two three distinctive not <unk> (er) music that they make [ah] yeah <unk> he played all the way [ah] until the end
Write down what was said, please.
my second row of seat cost about eighty dollars eighty bucks
Please convert the audio into written words.
it is like it is like first row second row third row and forth row right the forth row is the the one <unk> at the side [lah] i look at it [hah] luckily i didn't get one [eh] no i think i didn't get the second row i got the third row the third row was seventy eighty dollars <unk> like first row second row right but just nice i was at i was at the third row the first of the third row of the seats so it is like mine is the first and then at the front there is the second [lah] so at the last of the second [lah] so it is like [um] i am getting i am enjoy i am having that kind of experience [lah] it is like facing to them not too near that i can (er) i can en~ i can feel their saliva bursting onto me but far enough such that i can just enjoy the music as a whole without having to turn my head around like i don't know what [lah]
Write down what was said, please.
eight seventy plus dollars seventy plus
Record the speech in written form.
Record the speech in written form.
<unk> was at the concert one i think about two of us <unk>
Please convert the audio into written words.
it started from eight thirty until it ends at about ten or eleven yeah then after that i went back to camp
Please convert the audio into written words.
<unk> but then that was a very very <unk>
Write down what was said, please.
<unk> 的 东西 cause 就 回去 camp 的 时候 去 外面 等 taxi is horrific experience man #walao# [eh] [hah] 很多人 不用紧 全部 都是 book book book book book book so it is like [hor] 我出去的时候 [hor] 诶 有 taxi [hor] 红色 又有 taxi [hor] 又 红色
Write down what was said, please.
after that 我 走 到 哪里 啊 我 走 i think basically out of kallang
Convert the speech into a written transcript.
i think even worse than that i think <unk> the kallang stadium out of the kallang stadium there's still got another the the k.f. c. and all other stuff right i went there to take a cab
Please convert the audio into written words.
then 我是 like <unk> and i waited about one about waited about thirty minutes to forty minutes just to wait for the cab [hah]
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

This is the dev dataset.

  title={SEAME: a Mandarin-English code-switching speech corpus in south-east asia.},
  author={Lyu, Dau-Cheng and Tan, Tien Ping and Chng, Engsiong and Li, Haizhou},
  title={AudioBench: A Universal Benchmark for Audio Large Language Models},
  author={Wang, Bin and Zou, Xunlong and Lin, Geyu and Sun, Shuo and Liu, Zhuohan and Zhang, Wenyu and Liu, Zhengyuan and Aw, AiTi and Chen, Nancy F},
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