@NODES _ROOT @POST "funcwords.dict" << N("word") << " pos=" << N("pos") << "\n"; @RULES _xNIL <- _LINE @@
@PATH _ROOT _doctypedecl _AttlistDecl @RULES _DefaultDecl <- \# [one] ### (1) _xWILD [s one matches=("REQUIRED" "IMPLIED")] ### (2) @@ _DefaultDecl <- \# [one] ### (1) _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 matches=("FIXED")] ### (2) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (3) _PEReference [one] ### (4) @@ _DefaultDecl <- \# [one] ### (1) _xWILD [s one matches=("FIXED")] ### (2) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (3) _PubidLiteral [one] ### (4) @@ _DefaultDecl <- \# [one] ### (1) _xWILD [s one matches=("FIXED")] ### (2) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (3) _SystemLiteral [one] ### (4) @@ _DefaultDecl <- _PubidLiteral [one] ### (1) @@ _DefaultDecl <- _SystemLiteral [one] ### (1) @@ _AttType <- _xWILD [s one matches=("CDATA" "ID" "IDREF" "IDREFS" "ENTITY" "ENTITIES" "NMTOKEN" "NMTOKENS")] ### (1) @@ _EnumNameElement <- _whiteSpace [opt] ### (1) \| [one] ### (2) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (3) _xWILD [s one matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] ### (4) _xWILD [s star matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (5) @@ _EnumElement <- _whiteSpace [opt] ### (1) \| [one] ### (2) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (3) _xWILD [s plus matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (4) @@
@PATH _ROOT _zoneHeader @POST excise(1,1); noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWHITE [s] ### (1) @@
# Fetch attribute's list of values. L("return_val") = attrvals(L("attr"));
@NODES _ROOT @CHECK if () @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [min=3 matches=(_)] ### (1) @@
@CODE # rmchildren(findroot()); L("codes") = findconcept(findroot(), "icd_codes"); L("cod") = findconcept(L("codes"), "code2words"); L("proc") = findconcept(L("cod"), "procedures"); DisplayKB(L("proc"), 1); L("iter") = G("level_1_con"); while(L("iter")) { "testing_nav.txt" << conceptname(L("iter")) << "\n"; if (down(L("iter"))) "testing_nav.txt" << "\tdown " << " = " << conceptname(down(L("iter"))) << "\n"; if (next(L("iter"))) "testing_nav.txt" << "\nnext " << " = " << conceptname(next(L("iter"))) << "\n"; L("attrs") = findattrs(L("iter")); if (L("attrs")) { "testing_nav.txt" << "\tattrs = " << arraylength(L("attrs")) << "\n"; } else { "testing_nav.txt" << "\tNo attributes\n"; } L("iter") = down(L("iter")); } @@CODE
tokenize nil # Gen: Convert input to token list. pat kb # comment pat tags # comment pat items # comment pat count # comment pat names # comment pat output # comment
@CODE L("filename") = G("$kbpath") + "\\en.dict"; if (G("$isfirstfile")) { G("dict") = openfile(L("filename")); } else { G("dict") = openfile(L("filename"),"app"); } @@CODE
@NODES _LINE @POST if (X("num")) { N("num",1) = X("items")++; if (N("$text",1) != ",") { if (!N("str")) { N("value") = N("$text",1); } N("header") = NthHeader(N("num")); if (N("header") == "ClassKind") X("ClassKind") = N("$text",1); } } @RULES _xNIL <- _item ### (1) @@
# To demonstrate nextattr, we first need to build a KB: @CODE # if you find apples in the concept hierarchy if (findconcept(findroot(),"apple")) # kill them (to start fresh) rmconcept(findconcept(findroot(),"apple")); # Create the apple concept G("apple") = makeconcept(findroot(),"apple"); # Apples have color addstrval(G("apple"),"have","color"); # Apple's color is red addstrval(G("apple"),"color","red"); # Apple's weigh 3 something or others addnumval(G("apple"),"weight",3); # Apple's color is also green and yellow addstrval(G("apple"),"color","green and yellow"); The code creates a KB like this:
# Compute base 10 logarithm of 3.1 and print to "output.txt" @CODE "output.txt" << logten(3.1) << "\n"; @@CODE Outputs something like: .49136
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _interjection <- hello ### (1) @@
# In CHECK Region and CODE Region, succeed without executing further code @CHECK succeed(); @@CHECK
# See if the given analyzer is loaded into memory @CODE L("ana present") = findana("TAIParse");
@NODES _ROOT @PRE <2,2> varz("NL"); @RULES _LINE <- _xSTART ### (1) _xWILD [plus] ### (2) @@ @PRE <1,1> var("NL"); <2,2> varz("NL"); @RULES _LINE <- _xWILD [one] ### (1) _xWILD [star] ### (2) @@
@NODES _LINE @RULES _skill <- _xWILD [s one matches=( assembly basic cgi dec dos eurolang excel fortran galaxy graphic graphics html interface interfaces internet java javascript lisp mac macintosh motif netscape next pascal pc perl prolog smalltalk sql sun sunview trados unix vax webmaster windowing word workstation writing )] @@
@NODES _textZone @RULES _BLANKLINE <- _xWILD [min=0 max=0 matches=(\ \t \r)] ### (1) \n ### (2) @@ _LINE <- _xWILD [min=0 max=0 fails=(\r \n)] ### (1) _xWILD [one match=(\n _xEND)] ### (2) @@
@CODE G("labels") = findconcept(findroot(),"labels"); if (!G("labels")) G("labels") = makeconcept(findroot(),"labels"); rmchildren(G("labels")); @@CODE
@CODE prlit("output.xml","</History>\n"); @@CODE @RULES _xNIL <- _xNIL @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _equation <- _beginEq [s] ### (1) _xWILD [s] ### (2) _endEq [s] ### (3) @@ @POST S("equation") = N("$text",2); single(); @RULES _equationInline <- \$ [s] ### (1) _xWILD [s] ### (2) \$ [s] ### (3) @@
@CODE L("hello") = 0; @@CODE @NODES _TEXTZONE # noncount or mass nouns. Need to build a full listing. @POST N("mass") = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=( advice AIDS air aluminum anger applause attire bacon beauty beef beer behavior biology blood boating bread broccoli butter cabbage cake camping cancer candy cash cauliflower caution celery cement cereal chalk chaos cheese chemistry chicken Chinese chocolate cloth clothing coal coffee #common conduct confidence copper corn cotton courage cream crime dancing despair detergent difficulty # have difficulty... dirt dust economics education electricity email employment engineering English entertainment equipment experience fish flour fog food fruit fun furniture gas gasoline glass gold grief hail hair happiness harm hate health heat help hepatitis history hockey homework honesty honey hospitality humidity hydrogen ice information insurance intelligence iron jewelry jogging juice junk justice knowledge leather leisure lemonade lettuce leukemia lightning linguistics lotion love luggage machinery mail marble margarine mathematics meat melancholy merchandise metal microbiology milk money mononucleosis motion music nausea net # biz domain. news nonsense nylon oil optimism output oxygen paper pasta patience pay peace pepper permission pessimism petroleum photography plastic poetry polio pollution polyester porcelain poverty praise produce progress propaganda property publicity rain reading remorse research rice rope running safety salt sand satisfaction scenery science sense shampoo shopping sickness silk silver skating skiing sleet smog smoke smoking snow soap soccer softness soil soup Spanish speed spinach steam steel stock string stuff sugar sunshine swimming thread thunder traffic transportation trash truth unemployment vinegar violence walking warmth water wealth weather welfare wheat wind wine wood wool work yogurt )] @@
@CODE G("dict") = findconcept(findroot(),"dict"); if (!G("dict")) G("dict") = makeconcept(findroot(),"dict"); rmchildren(G("dict")); @@CODE
@CODE L("hello") = 0; if (!G("hilite")) # 10/25/10 AM. exitpass(); # 10/25/10 AM. @@CODE @PATH _ROOT _TEXTZONE @POST noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA [plus] @@
# Reduce "fly" to a verb and then a vg (or "verb @POST   noop(); @RULES _xNIL <-  to fly [layer=(_verb _vg)] @@
@NODES _LINE @PRE <1,1> cap(); @RULES # Ex: Motif _ProgrammingLanguage <- _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=("Motif" "Pascal")] @@
@DECL # Join KB path concept names to form Radlex phrase GetKBPathString(L("path")) { L("pathArray") = split(L("path"), " "); L("len") = arraylength(L("pathArray")); L("i") = 3; L("string") = L("pathArray")[2]; L("string") = strpiece(L("string"), 1, strlength(L("string"))-2); while (L("i") < L("len")) { L("string") = L("string") + " " + strpiece(L("pathArray")[L("i")], 1, strlength(L("pathArray")[L("i")])-2); L("i") = L("i") + 1; } return L("string"); } GetRadLexTerms(L("node")) { # Stores phrases encountered L("completePhrases"); while (L("node")) { # Get text from pn node L("text") = pnvar(L("node"), "$text"); # If text is a word, convert to lowercase if (strisalpha(L("text"))) { L("text") = strtolower(L("text")); } L("term"); L("found") = 0; # Look up successive words in subtree until we reach leaf or dne L("KBIter") = findconcept(G("phrases"), L("text")); L("word") = L("node"); while (L("KBIter") && L("word")) { # Store term, if it's terminal if (findconcept(L("KBIter"), "00000")) { L("path") = conceptpath(L("KBIter")); L("term") = GetKBPathString(L("path")); L("found") = 1; L("node") = L("word"); } # Advance to next word L("word") = pnnext(L("word")); L("wordText") = pnvar(L("word"), "$text"); L("KBIter") = findconcept(L("KBIter"), L("wordText")); } # Add longest term to list of terms found if (L("found")) { if (arraylength(L("completePhrases")) == 1 && !L("completePhrases")) { L("completePhrases") = L("term"); } else { L("completePhrases")[arraylength(L("completePhrases"))] = L("term"); } } L("node") = pnnext(L("node")); } return L("completePhrases"); } @@DECL
@NODES _ROOT @POST "indexList.txt" << N("words", 1) << "\n"; noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _labelEntry @@
@CODE G("vocab") << "\n"; closefile(G("debug")); closefile(G("vocab")); @@CODE
@PATH _ROOT _LINE _Caps # But how to subtype headers!? # Probably best is: decide you have a header first, then # count up the subtype confidences... @POST ++X("headerroots"); if (N("$end")) ++X("end headerroot"); @RULES _xNIL <- _headerWord [s] @@ _xNIL <- _header [s] @@ # Just in case this is allowed. @POST ++X("headermods"); if (N("$end")) ++X("end headermod"); @RULES _xNIL <- _headerMod [s] @@
# Extract a normalized directory path from a URL @CODE "output.txt" << urlbase("http://www.x.com/pqr/a.txt") << "\n"; "output.txt" << urlbase("http://www.abc.com/") << "\n"; "output.txt" << urlbase("http://www.x.com/pqr/") << "\n"; prints out: http://www.x.com/pqr http://www.abc.com http://www.x.com/pqr
@NODES _LINE @RULES _comma <- \, ### (1) @@
@PATH _ROOT _doctypedecl _AttlistDecl @RULES _DefaultDecl <- \# [one] ### (1) _xWILD [s one matches=("REQUIRED" "IMPLIED")] ### (2) @@ _DefaultDecl <- \# [one] ### (1) _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 matches=("FIXED")] ### (2) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (3) _PEReference [one] ### (4) @@ _DefaultDecl <- \# [one] ### (1) _xWILD [s one matches=("FIXED")] ### (2) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (3) _PubidLiteral [one] ### (4) @@ _DefaultDecl <- \# [one] ### (1) _xWILD [s one matches=("FIXED")] ### (2) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (3) _SystemLiteral [one] ### (4) @@ _DefaultDecl <- _PubidLiteral [one] ### (1) @@ _DefaultDecl <- _SystemLiteral [one] ### (1) @@ _AttType <- _xWILD [s one matches=("CDATA" "ID" "IDREF" "IDREFS" "ENTITY" "ENTITIES" "NMTOKEN" "NMTOKENS")] ### (1) @@ _EnumNameElement <- _whiteSpace [opt] ### (1) \| [one] ### (2) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (3) _xWILD [s one matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] ### (4) _xWILD [s star matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (5) @@ _EnumElement <- _whiteSpace [opt] ### (1) \| [one] ### (2) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (3) _xWILD [s plus matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (4) @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _zap <- _xWILD [plus fail=(_word _textZone)] ### (1) @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST G("verb") = N("$text",5); "debug.txt" << "verb: " << G("verb") << "\n"; singler(5,5); @RULES _verb <- \< ### (1) title ### (2) \> ### (3) Conjugation ### (4) _xALPHA ### (5) @@
@CODE G("output") = G("$inputhead") + ".kbb"; G("kb") = makeconcept(findroot(),"kb"); @@CODE
@PATH _ROOT _LINE _Caps @POST ++X("humannames"); if (N("$end")) ++X("end humanname"); if (N("$start")) ++X("start humanname"); @RULES _xNIL <- _humanNamepart [s] @@
@NODES _LINE @POST X("words") = X("words") + 1; if (strlength(N("$text")) > 1) { if (striscaps(N("$text")) && strlength(N("$text")) > 1) { X("caps") = X("caps") + 1; } else if (strisupper(N("$text")) && strlength(N("$text")) > 1) { X("upper") = X("upper") + 1; } } if (N("common") || (N("lower") && spellword(N("$text")))) { X("prose")++; } L("con") = getconcept(G("words"),strtolower(N("$text"))); IncrementCount(L("con"),"count"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA ### (1) @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _Comment <- _CommentStart [one] ### (1) _xWILD [star fail=("_CommentEnd" "_CommentEnd" "_DoubleHyphen")] ### (2) _CommentEnd [one] ### (3) @@ _ExternalID <- _xWILD [one matches=("PUBLIC")] ### (1) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (2) _PubidLiteral [one] ### (3) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (4) _PubidLiteral [one] ### (5) @@ _ExternalID <- _xWILD [one matches=("PUBLIC")] ### (1) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (2) _PubidLiteral [one] ### (3) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (4) _SystemLiteral [one] ### (5) @@ _ExternalID <- _xWILD [one matches=("SYSTEM")] ### (1) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (2) _PubidLiteral [one] ### (3) @@ _ExternalID <- _xWILD [one matches=("SYSTEM")] ### (1) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (2) _SystemLiteral [one] ### (3) @@ @@RULES @POST S("ElementName") = N("ElementName",1) ; single() ; @@POST @RULES _AttlistDecl [unsealed] <- _AttlistDeclStart [one] ### (1) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (2) _xWILD [plus fail=("_EndTag")] ### (3) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (4) _EndTag [one] ### (5) @@ _PCDataStart <- \( [one] ### (1) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (2) \# [one] ### (3) _xALPHA [s one matches=("#PCDATA")] ### (4) @@ _EntityDecl <- _EntityDeclStart [one] ### (1) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (2) _xWILD [plus fail=("_EndTag" "_CommentEnd" "_EndEmptyTag" "EndDocType")] ### (3) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (4) _EndTag [one] ### (5) @@ _EntityDecl <- _EntityDeclStart [one] ### (1) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (2) _xWILD [min=1 max=0 fail=("_EndTag" "_CommentEnd" "_EndEmptyTag" "EndDocType")] ### (3) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (4) _CommentEnd [one] ### (5) @@ _EntityDecl <- _EntityDeclStart [one] ### (1) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (2) _xWILD [min=1 max=0 fail=("_EndTag" "_CommentEnd" "_EndEmptyTag" "EndDocType")] ### (3) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (4) _EndEmptyTag [one] ### (5) @@ _EntityDecl <- _EntityDeclStart [one] ### (1) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (2) _xWILD [min=1 max=0 fail=("_EndTag" "_CommentEnd" "_EndEmptyTag" "EndDocType")] ### (3) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (4) _EndDocType [one] ### (5) @@ @@RULES
@NODES _ROOT @POST makeconcept(G("kb"),N("$text",1)) @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA ### (1) @@
# Fetch concept given its string path if (findconcept(findroot(),"parent")) rmconcept(findconcept(findroot(),"parent")); G("childConcept") = makeconcept(makeconcept(findroot(),"parent"),"child"); G("the path") = conceptpath(G("childConcept")); "output.txt" << "The path is: " << G("the path") << "\n"; G("the concept") = pathconcept(G("the path")); "output.txt" << "The concept is: " << conceptname(G("the concept")) << "\n"; G("garbage") = pathconcept("foo bar"); "output.txt" << "garbage is: " << G("garbage");
@NODES _LINE @POST X("rank") = num(N("$text")); @RULES _xNIL <- _rank ### (1) @@ @POST X("country") = N("$text"); @RULES _xNIL <- _country ### (1) @@ @POST X("pop") = num(strsubst(N("$text"),",",0)); @RULES _xNIL <- _pop ### (1) @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST if (num(N("words")) && num(N("words")) == num(N("caps"))) { N("level") = 1; single(); } else if (num(N("words")) && num(N("words")) == num(N("upper")) && N("words") <= 3) { N("level") = 2; single(); } @RULES _header <- _LINE ### (1) @@
@CODE G("numbers") = getconcept(findroot(),"numbers"); rmchildren(G("numbers")); @@CODE
@NODES _LINE @PRE <1,1> cap(); @RULES # Ex: International _companyModroot <- _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=("International" "Associates" "Bookstore" "Brands" "Casinos" "Centers" "Chemical" "Communications" "Companies" "Consulting" "Devices" "Dynamics" "Electric" "Electronic" "Electronics" "Energy" "Engineering" "Enterprises" "Entertainment" "Equipment" "Financial" "Foods" "Gaming" "Gas" "General" "Global" "Graphics" "Group" "Grupo" "Health" "Healthcare" "Holding" "Holdings" "Homes" "Hotels" "Imaging" "Industrial" "Industries" "Instruments" "Insurance" "Interactive" "Airlines" "Laboratories" "Manufacturing" "Market" "Marketing" "Markets" "Materials" "Medical" "Micro" "Microsystems" "Mines" "Mining" "Networks" "Online" "Partners" "Petroleum" "Pharmaceutical" "Pharmaceuticals" "Pharmacy" "Products" "Research" "Resources" "Restaurant" "Restaurants" "Semiconductor" "Service" "Services" "Software" "Solutions" "Store" "Stores" "Supermarket" "Supermarkets" "Systems" "Tech" "Technologies" "Technology" "Telecom" "Telecommunications" "Therapeutics" "United" "Universal")] @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST L("word") = strtolower(N("$text",1)); L("word con") = findconcept(G("words"),L("word")); "debug.txt" << "word: " << L("word") << "\n"; if (L("word con")) { "debug.txt" << "Found word: " << L("word") << "\n"; L("code") = down(L("word con")); while (L("code")) { L("con") = AddUniqueCon(G("matches"),conceptname(L("code"))); AddUniqueCon(L("con"),L("word")); L("code") = next(L("code")); } } @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_xALPHA _xNUM)] ### (1) @@
@NODES _bodyZone @RULES _trZone <- _tr ### (1) _xWILD [fail=(_trClose)] ### (2) _trClose ### (3) @@
@PATH _ROOT _contactZone _LINE _Caps # 12/25/99 AM. # Hand building generalized human name. # @PRE <1,1> cap(); <1,1> length(1); <4,4> cap(); <4,4> length(1); <7,7> cap(); @CHECK if (!X("humanNameCandidate",3)) fail(); # Line is likely candidate. @POST # Rename the cap phrase node. xrename("_humanName"); # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA [s layer=(_firstName)] \. [s opt] _xBLANK [s opt] _xALPHA [s layer=(_middleName)] # middle initial \. [s opt] _xBLANK [s opt] _xALPHA [s layer=(_lastName)] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <3,3> cap(); <3,3> length(1); <6,6> cap(); @CHECK if (!X("humanNameCandidate",3)) fail(); # Line is likely candidate. @POST xrename("_humanName"); # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA [s layer=(_firstName)] _xBLANK [s opt] _xALPHA [s layer=(_middleName)] # middle initial \. [s opt] _xBLANK [s opt] _xALPHA [s layer=(_lastName)] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <5,5> cap(); @CHECK if (!X("humanNameCandidate",3)) fail(); # Line is likely candidate. @POST group(3,5, "_lastName"); xrename("_humanName"); # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA [s layer=(_firstName)] _xBLANK [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(de du la da)] _xBLANK [s opt] _xALPHA [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <3,3> cap(); <5,5> cap(); @CHECK if (!X("humanNameCandidate",3)) fail(); @POST xrename("_humanName"); # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA [s layer=(_firstName)] _xWHITE [s star] _xALPHA [s layer=(_middleName)] _xWHITE [s star] _xALPHA [s layer=(_lastName)] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <5,5> cap(); @CHECK if (!X("humanNameCandidate",3)) fail(); @POST xrename("_humanName"); # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA [s layer=(_firstName)] _xWHITE [s star] _xALPHA [s layer=(_lastName)] @@
@MULTI _ROOT @POST S("num") = N("num", 1); excise(1,1); single(); @RULES _item <- _listItem _xWILD [fails=(_listItem _xEND)] @@
# Match a _verb node optionally preceded by _modal, _have, or _be nodes, reducing to _vgroup @RULES _vgroup <- _modal [optional] _have [optional] _be [optional] _verb @@
# Traverse caps in experience instance, assigning conf. as # job title, company name. # Compute a score for each capitalized phrase based on its # absolute confidence plus factor based on distance from anchor. # Retain the maximum with the experience instance. @PATH _ROOT _experienceZone _experienceInstance _LINE @POST # Convert schools in the education zone to companies, ie, # places of employment. if (N("hi class") == "school") { N("hi class") = "company"; N("company conf") = N("school conf"); } # If cap is on same line as anchor, add a bonus. # NEED TO GET ANCHOR LINE NO. FROM INSTANCE. N("diff") = 0; # Initialize temp variable! if (X("anchor lineno",3) == X("lineno")) { N("prox penalty") = 0; # PENALTY BECOMES A BONUS FOR WORTHY GUYS. if (N("job conf") >= G("threshold")) N("job conf") = N("job conf") %% 85; if (N("company conf") >= G("threshold")) N("company conf") = N("company conf") %% 85; } # Reduce confidence with greater distance. # Need absolute value here. # Need += here! # Need to iterate here. else if (X("anchor lineno",3) >= X("lineno")) N("diff") = X("anchor lineno",3) - X("lineno"); else # if <= N("diff") = X("lineno") - X("anchor lineno",3); N("print1") = N("diff"); N("diff") = N("diff") * 25; N("printy") = N("diff"); if (N("diff") > 100) N("diff") = 99; N("prox penalty") = N("prox penalty") %% N("diff"); # Additional penalty for ambiguity. if (N("ambigs")) N("prox penalty") = N("prox penalty") %% ((N("ambigs") - 1) * 20); # Compute total confidences. N("job conf tot") = N("job conf",1) %% -N("prox penalty"); N("company conf tot") = N("company conf") %% -N("prox penalty"); # Now find the maximum for each experience instance. # (Note: no good way to initialize context vars yet, till # NLP++ modified to have code regions with @PATH.) if (N("job conf tot",1) > N("company conf tot",1) && N("job conf tot",1) > X("job conf hi",3)) X("job conf hi",3) = N("job conf tot",1); else if (N("company conf tot",1) > X("company conf hi",3)) X("company conf hi",3) = N("company conf tot",1); #noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _Caps @@
@PATH _ROOT _LINE _countryText @POST L("text") = strtolower(N("$text",2)); if (L("text") != "the") { X("full",2) = L("text"); } single(); @RULES _parens <- \( ### (1) _xWILD [fail=(\))] ### (2) \) ### (3) @@
@CODE L("con") = getconcept(findroot(), "kb"); # L("con_3") = makeconcept(L("con"), "con_3"); # L("def_con_3") = makeconcept(L("con_3"), "def_con_3"); # addstrval(L("def_con_3"), "keyword1", "a system test"); # addstrval(L("def_con_3"), "keyword2", "system"); # addstrval(L("def_con_3"), "keyword3", "system test"); DisplayKB(L("con"), 1); # SaveKB("mykb.kbb",G("kb"),2); @@CODE
@DECL AddOrder(L("node"),L("sent")) { L("name") = pnname(L("node")); L("text") = pnvar(L("node"),"$text"); L("conname") = strpiece(L("name"),1,strlength(L("name"))-1); L("con") = makeconcept(L("sent"),L("conname")); return L("con"); } GetAbbreviation(L("word")) { "abbrev.txt" << L("word"); L("len") = strlength(L("word")); L("i") = 0; while (L("i") < L("len")) { L("c") = strpiece(L("word"),L("i"),L("i")); "abbrev.txt" << " " << L("c"); if (L("last c") == " " || L("i") == 0) { L("abbrev") = L("abbrev") + L("c"); } L("last c") = L("c"); L("i")++; } "abbrev.txt" << "\n ==> " << L("abbrev") << "\n"; return L("abbrev"); } @@DECL
@PATH _ROOT _section @POST L("icdDiagnoses") = GetICDTerms(N(2), "diagnoses"); L("icdProcedures") = GetICDTerms(N(2), "procedures"); if(L("icdDiagnoses")) { L("count") = 0; while (L("count") < arraylength(L("icdDiagnoses"))) { "icdDiagnoses.txt" << "\t" << L("icdDiagnoses")[L("count")] << "\n"; L("count") = L("count") + 1; } } if(L("icdProcedures")) { L("count") = 0; while (L("count") < arraylength(L("icdProcedures"))) { "icdProcedures.txt" << "\t" << L("icdProcedures")[L("count")] << "\n"; L("count") = L("count") + 1; } } @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one matches=(_xSTART _patientID _time)] ### (1) _xWILD [one match=(_xALPHA _xNUM)] ### (2) @@
@CODE # Change the passed argument to the concept you are wanting to Dump DisplayKB(G("radlex"),1); @@CODE
@PATH _ROOT _paragraph _sentence @PRE <3,3> varz("name"); @POST S("title") = N("$text",1); if (N(3)) S("agency") = N("$text",3); group(2,3,"_agency"); single(); @RULES _title <- _title ### (1) for ### (2) _xCAP [plus] ### (3) @@
################################################# # FILE: HTML Text Functions.pat # # SUBJ: Distinguish between formatting elements # # in HTML tags and other tags # # AUTH: Paul Deane # # CREATED: 07/Jun/01 # DATE OF THIS VERSION: 31/Aug/01 # # Copyright ################################################# @NODES _ROOT ########################## # HTML horizontal rules # ########################## @CHECK if ( N("horizBreak",2) == 1) succeed() ; else fail(); @@CHECK @POST pncopyvars(2); single(); @@POST @RULES _horizRule <- _xWHITE [star] ### (1) _HTMLOpenTag [trig] ### (2) _xWHITE [star] ### (3) @@ @@RULES @RULES \& <- \& [one] ### (1) amp [one] ### (2) \; [one] ### (3) @@ @@RULES ####################################################### # HTML paragraph break indicated by double linebreak # ####################################################### @CHECK if ( N("lineBreak",2)==1 && N("lineBreak",4)==1 ) succeed() ; else fail(); @@CHECK @POST pncopyvars(2); single(); @@POST @RULES _paraBreak <- _xWHITE [star] ### (1) _HTMLOpenTag [trig] ### (2) _xWHITE [star] ### (3) _HTMLOpenTag ### (4) _xWHITE [star] ### (5) @@ @@RULES ########################### # HTML paragraph breaks # ########################### @CHECK if ( N("paraBreak",2)==1 && N("paraBreak",4)==1 ) succeed() ; else fail(); @@CHECK @POST pncopyvars(2); single(); @@POST @RULES _paraBreak <- _xWHITE [star] ### (1) _HTMLEndTag [trig] ### (2) _xWHITE [star] ### (3) _HTMLOpenTag ### (4) _xWHITE [star] ### (5) @@ @@RULES ########################### # HTML paragraph breaks # ########################### @CHECK if ( N("paraBreak",2)==1) succeed() ; else fail(); @@CHECK @POST pncopyvars(2); single(); @@POST @RULES _paraBreak <- _xWHITE [star] ### (1) _HTMLOpenTag [trig] ### (2) _xWHITE [star] ### (3) @@ _paraBreak <- _xWHITE [star] ### (1) _HTMLEndTag [trig] ### (2) _xWHITE [star] ### (3) @@ @@RULES ##################################################### # Section breaks. # # # # DIV tags are one major indication of section # # information in an HTML document, as are the start # # of a heading. # ##################################################### @CHECK if (N("sectionBreak",2)==1) succeed() ; else fail(); @@CHECK @POST pncopyvars(2); single(); @@POST @RULES _sectionBreak <- _xWHITE [star] ### (1) _HTMLOpenTag [trig] ### (2) _xWHITE [star] ### (3) @@ @@RULES ################################################ # Eliminate repeated whitespace, which isn't # # significant in an HTML file # ################################################ @POST single(); @@POST @RULES _whiteSpace <- _xWHITE [star] ### (1) \& [one] ### (2) nbsp [one] ### (3) \; [one] ### (4) _xWHITE [star] ### (5) @@ _whiteSpace <- _xWHITE [one] ### (1) _xWHITE [star] ### (2) @@ @@RULES ##################################################### # Mapping of <BR> and similar tags to line breaks # # for compatibility with non-html handling of text # ##################################################### @CHECK if (N("lineBreak",2) != 1) fail(); else succeed(); @@CHECK @POST pncopyvars(2); single(); @@POST @RULES _lineBreak <- _xWHITE [star] ### (1) _HTMLOpenTag [trig] ### (2) _xWHITE [star] ### (3) @@ @@RULES ##################################################### # Mapping of <IMG> and similar tags to line breaks # # for compatibility with non-html handling of text # ##################################################### @CHECK if (strequal(N("tagName",2),"IMG") != 1 && strequal(N("tagName",2),"AREA") != 1 ) fail(); else succeed(); @@CHECK @POST pncopyvars(2); single(); @@POST @RULES _imageLink <- _xWHITE [star] ### (1) _HTMLOpenTag [trig] ### (2) _xWHITE [star] ### (3) @@ @@RULES ##################################################### # Mapping of <META> and similar tags to line breaks # # for compatibility with non-html handling of text # ##################################################### @CHECK if (strequal(N("tagName",2),"META") != 1 && strequal(N("tagName",2),"BASE") != 1 ) fail(); else succeed(); @@CHECK @POST pncopyvars(2); single(); @@POST @RULES _metaInfo <- _xWHITE [star] ### (1) _HTMLOpenTag [trig] ### (2) _xWHITE [star] ### (3) @@ @@RULES ##################################################### # Mapping of <META> and similar tags to line breaks # # for compatibility with non-html handling of text # ##################################################### @CHECK if (strequal(N("tagName",2),"INPUT") != 1 ) fail(); else succeed(); @@CHECK @POST pncopyvars(2); single(); @@POST @RULES _formInfo <- _xWHITE [star] ### (1) _HTMLOpenTag [trig] ### (2) _xWHITE [star] ### (3) @@ @@RULES @CHECK G("tagName") = N("tagName",1); if (!G("tagName")) fail(); if ( !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"title") && !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"h1") && !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"h2") && !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"h3") && !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"h4") && !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"h5") && !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"h6") ) fail(); @@CHECK @POST pncopyvars(1); single(); @@POST @RULES _startElement <- _HTMLOpenTag [one] ### (1) @@ @CHECK G("tagName") = N("tagName",1); if (!G("tagName")) fail(); if ( !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"title") && !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"h1") && !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"h2") && !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"h3") && !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"h4") && !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"h5") && !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"h6") ) fail(); @@CHECK @POST pncopyvars(1); single(); @@POST @RULES _endElement <- _HTMLEndTag [one] ### (1) @@ @CHECK G("tagName") = N("tagName",1); if (!G("tagName")) fail(); if ( !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"b") && !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"i") && !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"strong") && !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"font") && !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"center") && !strequalnocase(G("tagName"),"em") ) fail(); @@CHECK @POST pncopyvars(1); single(); @@POST @RULES _startFormatElement <- _HTMLOpenTag [one] ### (1) @@ _endFormatElement <- _HTMLEndTag [one] ### (1) @@
# Find dictionary concept wordString in the dictionary hierarchy of KB, return handle to concept @CODE "output.txt" << "1 " << conceptname(addword("hello")) << "\n"; "output.txt" << "2 " << conceptname(wordindex("hello")) << "\n"; "output.txt" << "3 " << findwordpath("hello") << "\n"; "output.txt" << "4 " << findwordpath("olleh") << "\n"; "output.txt" << "5 " << wordpath("foobaz") << "\n"; "output.txt" << "6 " << conceptname(dictfindword("hello")) << \n"; rmword("foobaz"); Prints out: 1 hello 2 he 3 "concept" "sys" "dict" "a" "h" "he" "hello" 4 5 "concept" "sys" "dict" "a" "f" "fo" "foobaz" 6 hello
@DECL ############################################### # General functions ############################################### AddUniqueCon(L("concept"),L("name")) { L("con") = findconcept(L("concept"),L("name")); if (!L("con")) L("con") = makeconcept(L("concept"),L("name")); return L("con"); } AddUniqueStr(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")) { if (L("value")) { L("val") = AttrValues(L("concept"),L("attr")); while (L("val")) { L("str") = getstrval(L("val")); if (L("str") == L("value")) return 0; L("val") = nextval(L("val")); } addstrval(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")); return 1; } return 0; } AddUniqueNum(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")) { if (L("value")) { L("val") = AttrValues(L("concept"),L("attr")); while (L("val")) { L("num") = getnumval(L("val")); if (L("num") == L("value")) return 0; L("val") = nextval(L("val")); } addnumval(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")); return 1; } return 0; } AddUniqueConVal(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")) { "unique.txt" << L("attr") << " " << conceptpath(L("concept")) << " ==> " << L("attr") << " -- " << conceptpath(L("value")) << "\n"; L("val") = AttrValues(L("concept"),L("attr")); while (L("val")) { L("con") = getconval(L("val")); "unique.txt" << conceptname(L("con")) << "\n"; if (conceptpath(L("con")) == conceptpath(L("value"))) return 0; L("val") = nextval(L("val")); } addconval(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")); return 1; } PathToConcept(L("parent"),L("hier")) { L("cons") = split(L("hier")," "); L("i") = 0; L("con") = L("parent"); while (L("cons")[L("i")]) { L("c") = L("cons")[L("i")]; L("name") = strsubst(L("c"),"\"",0); if (L("name") != "concept") L("con") = AddUniqueCon(L("con"),L("name")); L("i")++; } return L("con"); } CopyAttr(L("from"),L("to"),L("attr")) { L("from value") = strval(L("from"),L("attr")); if (L("from value")) { L("to value") = strval(L("to"),L("attr")); if (L("from value") && !L("to value")) addstrval(L("to"),L("attr"),L("from value")); } } CopyAttrNew(L("from"),L("to"),L("attr from"),L("attr to")) { L("from value") = strval(L("from"),L("attr from")); if (L("from value")) { L("to value") = strval(L("to"),L("attr to")); if (L("from value") && !L("to value")) addstrval(L("to"),L("attr to"),L("from value")); } } CopyConAttr(L("from"),L("to"),L("attr")) { L("from value") = conval(L("from"),L("attr")); if (L("from value")) { L("to value") = conval(L("to"),L("attr")); if (L("from value") && !L("to value")) addconval(L("to"),L("attr"),L("from value")); } } AttrValues(L("con"),L("attr")) { L("at") = findattr(L("con"),L("attr")); if (L("at")) return attrvals(L("at")); return 0; } ValCount(L("attr")) { L("vals") = attrvals(L("attr")); while (L("con")) { L("count")++; L("con") = nextval(L("con")); } return L("count"); } LastChild(L("parent")) { L("child") = down(L("parent")); while (L("child")) { L("last") = L("child"); L("child") = next(L("child")); } return L("last"); } MakeCountCon(L("con"),L("count name")) { L("count name") = CountName(L("con"),L("count name")); return makeconcept(L("con"),L("count name")); } IncrementCount(L("con"),L("countname")) { L("count") = numval(L("con"),L("countname")); if (L("count")) { L("count") = L("count") + 1; replaceval(L("con"),L("countname"),L("count")); } else { addnumval(L("con"),L("countname"),1); L("count") = 1; } return L("count"); } CountName(L("con"),L("root")) { L("count") = IncrementCount(L("con"),L("root")); return L("root") + str(L("count")); } StripEndDigits(L("name")) { if (strisdigit(L("name"))) return 0; L("len") = strlength(L("name")) - 1; L("i") = L("len") - 1; L("str") = strpiece(L("name"),L("i"),L("len")); while (strisdigit(L("str")) && L("i")) { L("i")--; L("str") = strpiece(L("name"),L("i"),L("len")); } return strpiece(L("name"),0,L("i")); } ############################################### # KB Dump Functins ############################################### DumpKB(L("con"),L("file")) { L("dir") = G("$apppath") + "/kb/"; L("filename") = L("dir") + L("file") + ".kb"; if (!kbdumptree(L("con"),L("filename"))) { "kb.txt" << "FAILED dump: " << L("filename") << "\n"; } else { "kb.txt" << "DUMPED: " << L("filename") << "\n"; } } TakeKB(L("filename")) { L("path") = G("$apppath") + "/kb/" + L("filename") + ".kb"; "kb.txt" << "Taking: " << L("path") << "\n"; if (take(L("path"))) { "kb.txt" << " Taken successfully: " << L("path") << "\n"; } else { "kb.txt" << " Taken FAILED: " << L("path") << "\n"; } } ChildCount(L("con")) { L("count") = 0; L("child") = down(L("con")); while (L("child")) { L("count")++; L("child") = next(L("child")); } return L("count"); } ############################################### # KBB DISPLAY FUNCTIONS ############################################### ############################################### # display type: # 0 compact with ellipses on long attr values # 1 full, more spread out # 2 compact without ellipses on long attr values ############################################### DisplayKB(L("top con"),L("display type")) { L("file") = DisplayFileName(); DisplayKBRecurse(L("file"),L("top con"),0,L("display type")); L("file") << "\n"; return L("top con"); } KBHeader(L("text")) { L("file") = DisplayFileName(); L("file") << "#######################\n"; L("file") << "# " << L("text") << "\n"; L("file") << "#######################\n\n"; } DisplayFileName() { if (num(G("$passnum")) < 10) { L("file") = "ana00" + str(G("$passnum")); }else if (num(G("$passnum")) < 100) { L("file") = "ana0" + str(G("$passnum")); } else { L("file") = "ana" + str(G("$passnum")); } L("file") = L("file") + ".kbb"; return L("file"); } DisplayKBRecurse(L("file"),L("parent"),L("level"),L("display type")) { if (L("level") == 0) { L("file") << conceptname(L("parent")) << "\n"; } L("con") = down(L("parent")); while (L("con")) { L("file") << SpacesStr(L("level")+1) << conceptname(L("con")); DisplayAttributes(L("file"),L("con"),L("display type"),L("level")); L("file") << "\n"; if (down(L("con"))) { L("lev") = 1; DisplayKBRecurse(L("file"),L("con"),L("level")+L("lev"),L("display type")); } L("con") = next(L("con")); } } DisplayAttributes(L("file"),L("con"),L("display type"),L("level")) { L("attrs") = findattrs(L("con")); if (L("attrs")) L("file") << ": "; if (L("display type") == 1 && L("attrs")) L("file") << "\n"; L("first attr") = 1; while (L("attrs")) { L("vals") = attrvals(L("attrs")); L("count") = ValCount(L("attrs")); if (L("display type") != 1 && !L("first attr")) { L("file") << ", "; } if (L("display type") == 1) { if (!L("first attr")) L("file") << "\n"; L("file") << SpacesStr(L("level")+2); } L("file") << attrname(L("attrs")) << "="; L("first") = 1; while (L("vals")) { L("val") = getstrval(L("vals")); L("num") = getnumval(L("vals")); L("con") = getconval(L("vals")); if (!L("first")) L("file") << ","; else if (L("count") > 1 || L("con")) L("file") << "["; if (L("con")) { if (L("first")) L("file") << "["; L("file") << conceptpath(L("con")); } else if (L("display type") == 0 && strlength(L("val")) > 20) { L("shorty") = strpiece(L("val"),0,20); L("file") << L("shorty"); L("file") << "..."; if (strendswith(L("val"),"\"")) L("file") << "\""; } else if (L("num") > -1) { L("file") << str(L("num")); } else { if (DisplayValNeedsQuote(L("val"))) L("file") << "\""; L("file") << L("val"); if (DisplayValNeedsQuote(L("val"))) L("file") << "\""; } L("first") = 0; L("vals") = nextval(L("vals")); } if (L("con")) L("file") << "]"; L("first attr") = 0; L("attrs") = nextattr(L("attrs")); } } DisplayValNeedsQuote(L("str")) { if (strcontains(" ",L("str")) || strcontains("[",L("str")) || strcontains("]",L("str"))) return 1; return 0; } # Because NLP++ doesn't allow for empty strings, # this function can only be called with "num" >= 1 SpacesStr(L("num")) { L("n") = 1; L("spaces") = " "; while (L("n") < L("num")) { L("spaces") = L("spaces") + " "; L("n")++; } return L("spaces"); } ############################################### # DICTIONARY FUNCTIONS ############################################### DictionaryStart() { G("attrs path") = G("$apppath") + "\\kb\\user\\attrs.kb"; G("attrs") = openfile(G("attrs path")); } DictionaryWord(L("word"),L("attrName"),L("value"),L("attrType")) { addword(L("word")); addword(L("attrName")); G("attrs") << "ind attr\n" << findwordpath(L("word")) << "\n0\n"; G("attrs") << findwordpath(L("attrName")) << "\n"; if (L("attrType") == "str") G("attrs") << "pst\n" << "\"" << L("value") << "\""; else if (L("attrType") == "num") G("attrs") << "pnum\n" << str(L("value")); else if (L("attrType") == "con") G("attrs") << "pcon\n" << conceptpath(L("value")); G("attrs") << "\nend ind\n\n"; } DictionaryEnd() { G("attrs") << "\nquit\n\n"; closefile(G("attrs")); } @@DECL
@CODE prlit("ctc.txt", "\n Contact Zone Cap Phrases\n"); prlit("ctc.txt", "----------------------------------\n"); @@CODE @PATH _ROOT _contactZone _LINE @POST ndump("ctc.txt",1); prlit("ctc.txt", "-------\n"); @RULES _xNIL <- _Caps @@ _xNIL <- _humanName @@
@CODE # L("word") = down(G("pos")); # while (L("word")) { # L("pos") = down(L("word")); # L("w") = conceptname(L("word")); # while (L("pos")) { # "pos.dict" << L("w") << " pos=" << conceptname(L("pos")) << "\n"; # L("pos") = next(L("pos")); # } # L("word") = next(L("word")); # } # sortchilds(G("lookups")); # DisplayKB(G("lookups"),0); sortchilds(G("codes")); DisplayKB(G("codes"),0); # sortchilds(G("words")); # DisplayKB(G("words"),0); # DisplayKB(G("pos"),0); @@CODE
# Match one node of inc, ltd, company, or firm, and reduce to _company _company <- _xWILD [s one matches=(inc ltd company firm)]
@CODE SaveKB("everything.kbb",findroot(),2); @@CODE
@CODE sortchilds(G("langs")); L("file2") = "iso-languages2.dict"; L("file3") = "iso-languages3.dict"; L("lang") = down(G("langs")); while (L("lang")) { L("attrs") = DictDisplayAttr(L("lang"),"language"); L("file2") << conceptname(L("lang")) << " iso=2 " << L("attrs") << "\n"; L("file3") << strval(L("lang"),"iso2") << " iso=3 " << L("attrs") << "\n"; if (strval(L("lang"),"iso2") != strval(L("lang"),"iso3")) L("file3") << strval(L("lang"),"iso3") << " iso=4 " << L("attrs") << "\n"; L("lang") = next(L("lang")); } SaveKB("iso-languages.kbb",G("langs"),2); @@CODE
@NODES _NLPPP @POST movesem(2) single() @RULES _IFPART <- _IF _xWILD [s one match=( _EXPR _NUM _FLOAT _STR )] @@ # Simple statements. @POST # movesem(1) # makestmt(1) # 05/11/00 AM. single() @RULES # NOTE: num and str aren't handled as statements, for now. _STMT <- _xWILD [s one match=( _EXPR _NUM _FLOAT _STR )] \; [s] @@ # FUNCTION RETURN STATEMENT. # @POST returnstmt(1,2) # 03/12/02 AM. single() @RULES _STMT <- # 03/07/02 AM. _RETURN _xWILD [s opt match=(_EXPR _NUM _FLOAT _STR)] \; [s] @@ # EMPTY STATEMENT. # @RULES _STMT <- \; [s] @@ # SOME SYNTAX ERROR DETECTION. # @POST rfbunmatchedpunct(1) # 05/19/01 AM. @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=( \( \) \[ \] \< \> )] @@
@DECL # Takes PN node and add subsequent tokens to # KB ti form a hierarchy AddPhrase(L("node")) { L("con") = G("phrases"); while (L("node")) { L("text") = pnvar(L("node"), "$text"); L("con") = AddUniqueCon(L("con"), L("text")); L("node") = pnnext(L("node")); if (!L("node")) { makeconcept(L("con"), "00000"); } } } # Takes lexicon term and EID and adds to # hierarchical phrase KB addConceptPhrase(L("node"), L("eid")) { "log.txt" << "Phrase: " << L("phrase") << "\tEID: " << L("eid") << "\n"; L("con") = G("terms"); L("node") = pndown(L("node")); while (L("node")) { L("text") = pnvar(L("node"), "$text"); L("con") = AddUniqueCon(L("con"), L("text")); L("node") = pnnext(L("node")); if (!L("node")) { makeconcept(L("con"), L("eid")); } } } @@DECL
# Fetch name of given concept. L("return_str") = conceptname(L("con"));
# Replace the hyphenated "moti-vate" with "motivate" @POST  singlezap(); @RULES motivate <- moti \- vate @@
@NODES _LINE @PRE <1,1> length(3); @RULES # Ex: and _posCONJ [layer=(_funWORD )] <- _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=("and")] @@
@CODE L("hello") = 0; @@CODE @NODES _TEXTZONE # New tokenization handlers. @CHECK if (!N("dissolve")) fail(); @POST splice(1,1); @RULES _xNIL <- _tok @@
@PATH _ROOT _contactZone _LINE _Caps @CHECK if ( !X("name found",2) && !G("humannames") # No hi conf names found yet. && X("humanname conf") >= 50 # Caps is reasonable to try. ) succeed(); fail(); @POST # If fit this pattern, raise confidence a bunch. X("humanname conf") = X("humanname conf") %% 80; # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART _xALPHA [s layer=(_firstName)] \. [s opt] _xWHITE [s star] _xALPHA [s layer=(_middleName)] \. [s] _xWHITE [s star] _xALPHA [s layer=(_lastName)] _xEND @@ @CHECK if ( !X("name found",2) && !G("humannames") # No hi conf names found yet. && X("humanname conf") >= 50 # Caps is reasonable to try. ) succeed(); fail(); @POST # If fit this pattern, raise confidence. X("humanname conf") = X("humanname conf") %% 65; # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART _xALPHA [s layer=(_firstName)] _xWHITE [s star] _xALPHA [s layer=(_middleName)] _xWHITE [s star] _xALPHA [s layer=(_lastName)] _xEND @@ @CHECK if ( !X("name found",2) && !G("humannames") # No hi conf names found yet. && X("humanname conf") >= 50 # Caps is reasonable to try. ) succeed(); fail(); @POST # If fit this pattern, raise confidence. X("humanname conf") = X("humanname conf") %% 65; # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART _xALPHA [s layer=(_firstName)] _xWHITE [s star] _xALPHA [s layer=(_lastName)] _xEND @@
# Sort concept's subhierarchy in alphabetic order L("con") = getconcept(findroot(),"top"); getconcept(L("con"),"32"); getconcept(L("con"),"3"); getconcept(L("con"),"33"); # Another layer. getconcept(L("33"),"c"); getconcept(L("33"),"b"); getconcept(L("33"),"a"); sortchilds(L("con")); sorthier(L("con")); Before sorting, the children of "top" are ordered 32, 3, 33.  The children of 33 are ordered c b a. After sorting, the order is changed to 3, 32, 33 under top, and a b c under 33.
# Sort concept's phrase nodes alphabetically. sortphrase(L("con"));
@NODES _LINE @RULES # Ex: "(The) (XXX) U niversity of XXX (XXX)," _SchoolName [] <- _xWILD [opt s match=(The)] _xWHITE [star s] # _xALPHA [opt s fails=( University _xWHITE The)] # _xWHITE [star s] _xALPHA [opt s fails=( University _xWHITE The)] _xWHITE [star s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=(University) trigger] _xWHITE [star s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=(for of) ] _xWHITE [star s] _xALPHA [opt s] _xWHITE [star s] _xALPHA [opt s] \, @@ #Ex: "(The)(XXX) University of XXX (XXX) ENDOFLINE" _SchoolName [] <- _xWILD [opt s match=(The)] _xWHITE [star s] # _xALPHA [opt s fails=( University _xWHITE The)] # _xWHITE [star s] _xALPHA [opt s fails=( University _xWHITE The)] _xWHITE [star s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=(University) trigger] _xWHITE [star s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=(for of)] _xWHITE [star s] _xALPHA [opt s] _xWHITE [star s] _xALPHA [opt s] \n @@
@NODES _ROOT @PRE <1,1> var("up"); @POST splice(1,1); @RULES _xNIL <- _LINE ### (1) @@
@PATH _ROOT _experienceZone _experienceInstance _LINE _experiencePart _Caps @POST X("job title",3) = N("$text"); @RULES _xNIL <- _jobTitle [s] @@ _xNIL <- _jobPhrase [s] @@ _xNIL <- _jobTitleRoot [s] @@
@PATH _ROOT _doctypedecl _EntityDecl @POST if (N("$text",4)) S("buffer1") = str(N("$text",4)) ; if (N("$text",5)) S("buffer2") = str(N("$text",5)) ; if (S("buffer1") && S("buffer2")) { S("EntityName") = S("buffer1") + S("buffer2") ; } else if (S("buffer1")) S("EntityName") = S("buffer1") ; else if (S("buffer2")) S("EntityName") = S("buffer2") ; G("CurrentEntity") = findconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; if (G("CurrentEntity") == 0 ) { makeconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; G("CurrentEntity") = findconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; } addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"parameter") ; addsval(G("CurrentEntity"),"parameter",1) ; addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"internal") ; addsval(G("CurrentEntity"),"internal",0) ; addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"textValue") ; addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"URI") ; addstrval(G("CurrentEntity"),"URI",str(N("URI",7))) ; single() ; @@POST @RULES _PEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] _xWILD [s trig min=1 max=1 matches=("\%")] _whiteSpace _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] _xWILD [s min=0 max=0 matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] _whiteSpace _ExternalID @@ @@RULES @POST if (N("$text",4)) S("buffer1") = str(N("$text",4)) ; if (N("$text",5)) S("buffer2") = str(N("$text",5)) ; if (S("buffer1") && S("buffer2")) { S("EntityName") = S("buffer1") + S("buffer2") ; } else if (S("buffer1")) S("EntityName") = S("buffer1") ; else if (S("buffer2")) S("EntityName") = S("buffer2") ; G("CurrentEntity") = findconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; if (G("CurrentEntity") == 0 ) { makeconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; G("CurrentEntity") = findconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; } addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"parameter") ; addsval(G("CurrentEntity"),"parameter",1) ; addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"internal") ; addsval(G("CurrentEntity"),"internal",1) ; addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"textValue") ; addstrval(G("CurrentEntity"),"textValue",str(N("textValue",7))) ; single() ; @@POST @RULES _PEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] _xWILD [s trig min=1 max=1 matches=("\%")] _whiteSpace _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] _xWILD [s min=0 max=0 matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] _whiteSpace _EntityRef @@ _PEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] _xWILD [s trig min=1 max=1 matches=("\%")] _whiteSpace _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] _xWILD [s min=0 max=0 matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] _whiteSpace _PEReference @@ @@RULES @POST if (N("$text",4)) S("buffer1") = str(N("$text",4)) ; if (N("$text",5)) S("buffer2") = str(N("$text",5)) ; if (S("buffer1") && S("buffer2")) { S("EntityName") = S("buffer1") + S("buffer2") ; } else if (S("buffer1")) S("EntityName") = S("buffer1") ; else if (S("buffer2")) S("EntityName") = S("buffer2") ; G("CurrentEntity") = findconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; if (G("CurrentEntity") == 0 ) { makeconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; G("CurrentEntity") = findconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; } addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"parameter") ; addsval(G("CurrentEntity"),"parameter",1) ; addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"internal") ; addsval(G("CurrentEntity"),"internal",1) ; addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"textValue") ; addstrval(G("CurrentEntity"),"textValue",str(N("textValue",7))) ; single() ; @@POST @RULES _PEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] _xWILD [s trig min=1 max=1 matches=("\%")] _whiteSpace _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] _xWILD [s min=0 max=0 matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] _whiteSpace _PubidLiteral @@ _PEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] _xWILD [s trig min=1 max=1 matches=("\%")] _whiteSpace _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] _xWILD [s min=0 max=0 matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] _whiteSpace _SystemLiteral @@ @@RULES @POST if (N("$text",2)) S("buffer1") = str(N("$text",2)) ; if (N("$text",3)) S("buffer2") = str(N("$text",3)) ; if (N("$text",2) && N("$text",3)) { S("EntityName") = S("buffer1") + S("buffer2") ; } else if (N("$text",2)) S("EntityName") = S("buffer1") ; else if (N("$text",3)) S("EntityName") = S("buffer2") ; G("CurrentEntity") = findconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; if (G("CurrentEntity") == 0 ) { makeconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; G("CurrentEntity") = findconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; } addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"parameter") ; addsval(G("CurrentEntity"),"parameter",0) ; addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"internal") ; addsval(G("CurrentEntity"),"internal",1) ; addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"textValue") ; addstrval(G("CurrentEntity"),"textValue",str(N("textValue",5))) ; single() ; @@POST @RULES _GEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] _xWILD [s min=0 max=0 matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] _whiteSpace _PubidLiteral @@ _GEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] _xWILD [s min=0 max=0 matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] _whiteSpace _SystemLiteral @@ _GEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] _xWILD [s min=0 max=0 matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] _whiteSpace _EntityRef @@ _GEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] _xWILD [s min=0 max=0 matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] _whiteSpace _PEReference @@ _GEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] _xWILD [s min=0 max=0 matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] _whiteSpace _PubidLiteral @@ _GEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] _xWILD [s min=0 max=0 matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] _whiteSpace _SystemLiteral @@ @@RULES
@NODES _ROOT @POST oldsplice(1,1) # 07/19/02 AM. @RULES _xNIL <- _NLPPP @@
# Copy a node's variables to the suggested node of a rule match @POST pncopyvars(N(2)); # Copy head _noun variables to _np node. single(); @RULES _np <- _det [s] _noun [s] @@
@DECL ############################################### # General functions ############################################### AddUniqueCon(L("concept"),L("name")) { L("con") = findconcept(L("concept"),L("name")); if (!L("con")) L("con") = makeconcept(L("concept"),L("name")); return L("con"); } AddUniqueStr(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")) { if (L("value")) { L("val") = AttrValues(L("concept"),L("attr")); while (L("val")) { L("str") = getstrval(L("val")); if (L("str") == L("value")) return 0; L("val") = nextval(L("val")); } addstrval(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")); return 1; } return 0; } AddUniqueNum(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")) { if (L("value")) { L("val") = AttrValues(L("concept"),L("attr")); while (L("val")) { L("num") = getnumval(L("val")); if (L("num") == L("value")) return 0; L("val") = nextval(L("val")); } addnumval(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")); return 1; } return 0; } AddUniqueConVal(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")) { "unique.txt" << L("attr") << " " << conceptpath(L("concept")) << " ==> " << L("attr") << " -- " << conceptpath(L("value")) << "\n"; L("val") = AttrValues(L("concept"),L("attr")); while (L("val")) { L("con") = getconval(L("val")); "unique.txt" << conceptname(L("con")) << "\n"; if (conceptpath(L("con")) == conceptpath(L("value"))) return 0; L("val") = nextval(L("val")); } addconval(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")); return 1; } PathToConcept(L("parent"),L("hier")) { L("cons") = split(L("hier")," "); L("i") = 0; L("con") = L("parent"); while (L("cons")[L("i")]) { L("c") = L("cons")[L("i")]; L("name") = strsubst(L("c"),"\"",0); if (L("name") != "concept") L("con") = AddUniqueCon(L("con"),L("name")); L("i")++; } return L("con"); } CopyAttr(L("from"),L("to"),L("attr")) { L("from value") = strval(L("from"),L("attr")); if (L("from value")) { L("to value") = strval(L("to"),L("attr")); if (L("from value") && !L("to value")) addstrval(L("to"),L("attr"),L("from value")); } } CopyAttrNew(L("from"),L("to"),L("attr from"),L("attr to")) { L("from value") = strval(L("from"),L("attr from")); if (L("from value")) { L("to value") = strval(L("to"),L("attr to")); if (L("from value") && !L("to value")) addstrval(L("to"),L("attr to"),L("from value")); } } CopyConAttr(L("from"),L("to"),L("attr")) { L("from value") = conval(L("from"),L("attr")); if (L("from value")) { L("to value") = conval(L("to"),L("attr")); if (L("from value") && !L("to value")) addconval(L("to"),L("attr"),L("from value")); } } AttrValues(L("con"),L("attr")) { L("at") = findattr(L("con"),L("attr")); if (L("at")) return attrvals(L("at")); return 0; } LastChild(L("parent")) { L("child") = down(L("parent")); while (L("child")) { L("last") = L("child"); L("child") = next(L("child")); } return L("last"); } MakeCountCon(L("con"),L("count name")) { L("count name") = CountName(L("con"),L("count name")); return makeconcept(L("con"),L("count name")); } IncrementCount(L("con"),L("countname")) { L("count") = numval(L("con"),L("countname")); if (L("count")) { L("count") = L("count") + 1; replaceval(L("con"),L("countname"),L("count")); } else { addnumval(L("con"),L("countname"),1); L("count") = 1; } return L("count"); } CountName(L("con"),L("root")) { L("count") = IncrementCount(L("con"),L("root")); return L("root") + str(L("count")); } StripEndDigits(L("name")) { if (strisdigit(L("name"))) return 0; L("len") = strlength(L("name")) - 1; L("i") = L("len") - 1; L("str") = strpiece(L("name"),L("i"),L("len")); while (strisdigit(L("str")) && L("i")) { L("i")--; L("str") = strpiece(L("name"),L("i"),L("len")); } return strpiece(L("name"),0,L("i")); } ############################################### # KB Dump Functins ############################################### DumpKB(L("con"),L("file")) { L("dir") = G("$apppath") + "/kb/"; L("filename") = L("dir") + L("file") + ".kb"; if (!kbdumptree(L("con"),L("filename"))) { "kb.txt" << "FAILED dump: " << L("filename") << "\n"; } else { "kb.txt" << "DUMPED: " << L("filename") << "\n"; } } TakeKB(L("filename")) { L("path") = G("$apppath") + "/kb/" + L("filename") + ".kb"; "kb.txt" << "Taking: " << L("path") << "\n"; if (take(L("path"))) { "kb.txt" << " Taken successfully: " << L("path") << "\n"; } else { "kb.txt" << " Taken FAILED: " << L("path") << "\n"; } } ChildCount(L("con")) { L("count") = 0; L("child") = down(L("con")); while (L("child")) { L("count")++; L("child") = next(L("child")); } return L("count"); } ############################################### # KBB DISPLAY FUNCTIONS ############################################### DisplayKB(L("top con"),L("full")) { L("file") = DisplayFileName(); DisplayKBRecurse(L("file"),L("top con"),0,L("full")); L("file") << "\n"; return L("top con"); } KBHeader(L("text")) { L("file") = DisplayFileName(); L("file") << "#######################\n"; L("file") << "# " << L("text") << "\n"; L("file") << "#######################\n\n"; } DisplayFileName() { if (num(G("$passnum")) < 10) { L("file") = "ana00" + str(G("$passnum")); }else if (num(G("$passnum")) < 100) { L("file") = "ana0" + str(G("$passnum")); } else { L("file") = "ana" + str(G("$passnum")); } L("file") = L("file") + ".kbb"; return L("file"); } DisplayKBRecurse(L("file"),L("con"),L("level"),L("full")) { while (L("con")) { L("file") << SpacesStr(L("level")+1) << conceptname(L("con")); DisplayAttributes(L("file"),L("con"),L("full"),L("level")); L("file") << "\n"; if (down(L("con"))) { L("lev") = 1; DisplayKBRecurse(L("file"),down(L("con")),L("level")+L("lev"),L("full")); } if (L("level") == 0) return 0; L("con") = next(L("con")); } } DisplayAttributes(L("file"),L("con"),L("full"),L("level")) { L("attrs") = findattrs(L("con")); if (L("attrs")) L("file") << ": "; if (L("full") && L("attrs")) L("file") << "\n"; L("first attr") = 1; while (L("attrs")) { L("vals") = attrvals(L("attrs")); if (!L("full") && !L("first attr")) { L("file") << ", "; } if (L("full")) { if (!L("first attr")) L("file") << "\n"; L("file") << SpacesStr(L("level")+2); } L("file") << attrname(L("attrs")) << "=["; L("first") = 1; while (L("vals")) { if (!L("first")) L("file") << ","; L("val") = getstrval(L("vals")); L("num") = getnumval(L("vals")); L("con") = getconval(L("vals")); if (L("con")) { L("file") << conceptpath(L("con")); } else if (!L("full") && strlength(L("val")) > 20) { L("shorty") = strpiece(L("val"),0,20); L("file") << L("shorty"); L("file") << "..."; if (strendswith(L("val"),"\"")) L("file") << "\""; } else if (L("num") > -1) { L("file") << str(L("num")); } else { L("file") << L("val"); } L("first") = 0; L("vals") = nextval(L("vals")); } L("file") << "]"; L("first attr") = 0; L("attrs") = nextattr(L("attrs")); } } # Because NLP++ doesn't allow for empty strings, # this function can only be called with "num" >= 1 SpacesStr(L("num")) { L("n") = 1; L("spaces") = " "; while (L("n") < L("num")) { L("spaces") = L("spaces") + " "; L("n")++; } return L("spaces"); } ############################################### # DICTIONARY FUNCTIONS ############################################### DictionaryStart() { G("attrs path") = G("$apppath") + "\\kb\\user\\attrs.kb"; G("attrs") = openfile(G("attrs path")); } DictionaryWord(L("word"),L("attrName"),L("value"),L("attrType")) { addword(L("word")); addword(L("attrName")); G("attrs") << "ind attr\n" << findwordpath(L("word")) << "\n0\n"; G("attrs") << findwordpath(L("attrName")) << "\n"; if (L("attrType") == "str") G("attrs") << "pst\n" << "\"" << L("value") << "\""; else if (L("attrType") == "num") G("attrs") << "pnum\n" << str(L("value")); else if (L("attrType") == "con") G("attrs") << "pcon\n" << conceptpath(L("value")); G("attrs") << "\nend ind\n\n"; } DictionaryEnd() { G("attrs") << "\nquit\n\n"; closefile(G("attrs")); } @@DECL
@CODE prlit("output.xml", "</CandidateProfile>\n"); prlit("output.xml", "</Body>\n"); prlit("output.xml", "</BizTalk>\n"); @@CODE @RULES _xNIL <- _xNIL @@
@CODE L("hello") = 0; @@CODE #@PATH _ROOT _TEXTZONE _sent _clause @NODES _clause # Looking for suitable by-actor adverbial. # For passive, will support transformation to active. @POST if (N("by-actor") && !X("by-actor")) X("by-actor") = N("by-actor"); if (N("subs")) X("last np") = N("subs")[0]; noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _advl @@ @POST L("x3") = pnparent(X()); # 07/13/12 AM. X("last np") = N(1); if (!pnvar(L("x3"),"subject")) # Find subject for sentence. # X("subject",3) = N(1); pnreplaceval(L("x3"),"subject",N(1)); # 07/13/12 AM. @RULES _xNIL <- _np @@
@CODE L("hello") = 0; @@CODE @NODES _TEXTZONE @POST ++S("don't splice"); single(); @RULES _date [layer=(_noun _np)] <- _xNUM _xWILD [star match=(_xWHITE _nbsp)] _xWILD [one match=(GMT PST MST CST EST)] @@ @POST ++S("don't splice"); S("temporal") = 1; S("dy") = num(N("$text",3)); S("mo") = num(N("$text",1)); S("yr") = num(N("$text",5)); S("sem") = "date"; ++X("date ref"); # Normalize year. if (S("yr") < 20) S("yr") = S("yr") + 2000; else if (S("yr") < 100) S("yr") = S("yr") + 1900; single(); @RULES _date [layer=(_noun _np)] <- _xNUM [s] ### (1) \/ [s] ### (2) _xNUM [s] ### (3) \/ [s] ### (4) _xNUM [s] ### (5) @@ @CHECK S("dy") = num(N("$text",4)); S("yr") = num(N("$text",7)); if (S("dy") > 31) fail(); if (S("yr") < 100) fail(); @POST N("mypos",1) = "NP"; S("mo") = monthtonum(strtolower(N("$text",1))); S("sem") = "date"; ++X("date ref"); if (N(7)) S("don't splice") = 1; # Keep this np. # (Don't want to lose useful work.) S("bracket") = 1; single(); @RULES _date [layer=(_noun _np)] <- _xWILD [s one match=( _month January February March April May June July August September October November December Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Sept Oct Nov Dec )] \. [s opt] _xWHITE [s star] _xNUM [s] \, [s opt] _xWHITE [s star] _xNUM [s] @@ # num month num # day month year # year month day @CHECK L("xx") = num(N("$text",1)); if (!N(7)) { if (L("xx") > 31 || L("xx") == 0) fail(); L("dy") = L("xx"); succeed(); } L("zz") = num(N("$text",7)); if (L("xx") <= 31) { # Check dd mo yy S("dy") = L("xx"); S("yr") = L("zz"); } else { # Check yy mo dd S("yr") = L("xx"); S("dy") = L("zz"); } if (S("dy") > 31) fail(); if (S("yr") < 90 || (S("yr") > 99 && S("yr") < 1900) || S("yr") > 2050) fail(); @POST if (N(7)) L("flag") = 1; S("mo") = monthtonum(strtolower(N("$text",3))); # (Don't want to lose useful work.) group(1,7,"_date"); group(1,1,"_noun"); nountonp(1,1); N("sem",1) = "date"; N("mo",1) = S("mo"); N("yr",1) = S("yr"); N("dy",1) = S("dy"); ++X("date ref"); if (L("flag")) { N("don't splice",1) = 1; # Keep this np. X("date node") = N(1); } getdate(N(1)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xNUM [s] _xWILD [s star match=(_xWHITE \- )] _xWILD [s one match=( _month January February March April May June July August September October November December Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Sept Oct Nov Dec )] \. [s opt] \, [s opt] _xWILD [s star match=(_xWHITE \- )] _xNUM [s opt] @@ @CHECK S("dy") = 0; L("mooryr") = num(N("$text",5)); L("ch") = strpiece(N("$text",5),0,0); if (L("ch") == "0" && L("mooryr") >= 0 && L("mooryr") <= 9) S("yr") = 2000 + L("mooryr"); else if (L("mooryr") >= 1900 && L("mooryr") <= 2100) S("yr") = L("mooryr"); else if (L("mooryr") >= 90 && L("mooryr") <= 99) S("yr") = 1900 + L("mooryr"); else if (L("mooryr") <= 31) S("dy") = L("mooryr"); else fail(); @POST chpos(N(1),"NP"); S("mo") = monthtonum(strtolower(N("$text",1))); S("sem") = "date"; S("year") = N("$text",5); # 02/13/14 AM. ++X("date ref"); single(); @RULES _date [layer=(_noun)] <- _xWILD [s one match=( _month January February March April May June July August September October November December Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Sept Oct Nov Dec )] \. [s opt] \, [s opt] _xWHITE [s star] _xNUM [s] @@ # pretagged corpus stuff. @POST S("sem") = "date"; ++X("date ref"); single(); @RULES _date [layer=(_noun)] <- _month [s] _xNUM @@ @POST S("day") = strtolower(N("$text")); S("sem") = "date"; pncopyvars(1); S("mypos") = "NP"; S("ne") = 1; S("ne type") = "date"; ++X("date ref"); S("ne type conf") = 95; single(); @RULES _day [layer=(_date _noun)] <- _xWILD [s one match=( Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday )] @@ @POST S("hr") = num(N("$text",1)); S("min") = num(N("$text",3)); if (N(5)) S("am/pm") = N("$text",5); single(); @RULES _daytime [layer=(_noun _np)] <- _xNUM [s] \: [s] _xNUM [s] _xWHITE [s star] _xWILD [s opt match=(AM PM)] @@ # Put some semantics on. # @POST if (G("conform treebank")) { chpos(N(1),"NN"); N("bracket") = 1; } N("sem") = "date"; N("advl") = 1; # Possible standalone adverbial. @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=( today yesterday tomorrow )] @@ @POST N("sem") = "date"; ++X("date ref"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=( millennium millennia millenniums century centuries decade decades year years month months week weeks day days evening evenings night nights morning mornings noon noons afternoon afternoons hour hours minute minutes second seconds time date season # 01/12/05 AM. holiday holidays quarter quarters # ambig, of course. )] @@
@CODE L("hello") = 0; @@CODE @NODES _sent # vg np conj vg @POST # Align verb assignments. L("pos") = vgpos(N(1)); L("voice") = N("voice",1); fixvg(N(4),L("voice"),L("pos")); @RULES _xNIL <- _vg _np [opt] _conj _vg @@ # vg np prep np vg # threw people in a mine filled .... @POST fixvg(N(5),"passive","VBN"); @RULES _xNIL <- _vg _np [lookahead] _prep _np _vg @@ # np vg np vg np @PRE <4,4> varz("voice"); @CHECK if (N("glom",2) != "left" && N("glom",3) != "right") fail(); @POST fixvg(N(4),"active","VBP"); @RULES _xNIL <- _np _vg [lookahead] _np _vg _np @@ # vg np vg @PRE <3,3> varz("phr50 vg-np-vg"); <3,3> varz("voice"); @POST N("phr50 vg-np-vg",3) = 1; if (verbfeat(N(1),"V8") && vconjq(N(3),"-en")) fixvg(N(3),"passive","VBN"); @RULES _xNIL <- _vg _np _vg @@ # In a larger context. # prep dqan alpha @CHECK if (!N("noun",7)) fail(); if (N("verb",7)) { if (!vconjq(N(7),"inf")) fail(); } @POST L("tmp7") = N(7); group(7,7,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp7"),N(7)); fixnoun(N(7)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART _np \, _xWILD [one match=(_prep)] _proPoss [s opt] _xWILD [plus match=(_det _quan _num _xNUM _adj _noun)] _xALPHA @@ # np conj np @POST group(3,5,"_np"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_vg)] _xWILD [opt match=(_prep)] _np _conj _np _xWILD [lookahead one match=(_qEOS _dbldash _xEND)] @@ # np vg adj @CHECK S("v") = N("verb node",2); if (!S("v")) fail(); if (pnvar(S("v"),"mypos")) fail(); @POST fixvg(N(2),"active","VBP"); @RULES _xNIL <- _np _vg _adj [lookahead] @@ # np apos @POST chpos(N(2),"POS"); @RULES _xNIL <- _np _aposX @@ # ^ np vg prep np advl np vg @POST N("ellipted-that",11) = 1; group(2,10,"_clause"); setunsealed(2,"true"); # 07/10/12 AM. @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _np _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _vg _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _prep _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _np _xWILD [plus match=(_adv _advl)] _np _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _vg @@
@NODES _LINE @PRE <1,1> cap(); @RULES # Ex: Projects _ExperienceHeaderWord [layer=(_headerWord )] <- _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=("Projects" "Employment" "Experience")] @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST excise(1,1); noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xBLANK [s] ### (1) @@
@NODES _LINE @RULES # Ex: A.\_A. _degreePhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- _degree [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap() @RULES # Ex: AS _degreePhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- AS [s] @@ # Ex: BA _degreePhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- BA [s] @@ # Ex: BS _degreePhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- BS [s] @@ # Ex: BSc _degreePhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- BSc [s] @@ # Ex: MA _degreePhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- MA [s] @@ # Ex: MS _degreePhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- MS [s] @@ # Ex: MSc _degreePhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- MSc [s] @@ # Ex: PHD _degreePhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- PHD [s] @@ # Ex: HSC _degreePhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- HSC [s] @@
############################################### # FILE: cleanNotes # SUBJ: comment # AUTH: Ashton # MODIFIED: ############################################### @NODES _ROOT @POST setunsealed(1, "true"); noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one matches=(_patientID _time _init)] @@
@CODE L("hello") = 0; @@CODE
@CODE G("Delimiter") = "\t"; @@CODE
@NODES _LINE @POST group(2,2,"_item"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART ### (1) _comma ### (2) @@ @POST group(2,2,"_item"); @RULES _xNIL <- _comma ### (1) _comma ### (2) @@
# Sort concept's immediate children in alphabetic order L("con") = getconcept(findroot(),"top"); getconcept(L("con"),"32"); getconcept(L("con"),"3"); getconcept(L("con"),"33"); sortchilds(L("con")); Before sorting, the children of "top" are ordered 32, 3, 33. After sorting, the order is changed to 3, 32, 33.
@NODES _LINE @PRE <1,1> cap(); @RULES # Ex: MIT _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- MIT [s] @@ # Ex: SJSU _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- SJSU [s] @@ # Ex: UCLA _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- UCLA [s] @@ # Ex: UCSB _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- UCSB [s] @@ # Ex: UCSD _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- UCSD [s] @@ # Ex: URI _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- URI [s] @@ # Ex: UNH _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- UNH [s] @@ # Ex: UMASS _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- UMASS [s] @@ # Ex: UPENN _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- UPENN [s] @@ # Ex: UNC _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- UNC [s] @@ # Ex: UMISS _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- UMISS [s] @@ # Ex: UH _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- UH [s] @@ # Ex: UC _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- UC [s] @@ # Ex: SUNY _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- SUNY [s] @@ # Ex: CALTECH _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- CALTECH [s] @@ # Ex: Citadel _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- Citadel [s] @@ # Ex: USNA _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- USNA [s] @@ # Ex: USMC _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- USMC [s] @@ # Ex: USAFA _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- USAFA [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <3,3> cap(); @RULES # Ex: West\_Point _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- West [s] _xWHITE [star s] Point [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); @RULES # Ex: SMU _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- SMU [s] @@ # Ex: LACC _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- LACC [s] @@ # Ex: CSU _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- CSU [s] @@ # Ex: UNSW _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- UNSW [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <3,3> cap(); <5,5> cap(); @RULES # Ex: M.I.T. _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- M [s] \. [s] I [s] \. [s] T [s] \. [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <3,3> cap(); <5,5> cap(); <7,7> cap(); @RULES # Ex: S.J.S.U. _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- S [s] \. [s] J [s] \. [s] S [s] \. [s] U [s] \. [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <3,3> cap(); @RULES # Ex: U.C.L.A. _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- U [s] \. [s] C [s] \. [s] _cityPhrase [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <3,3> cap(); <5,5> cap(); <7,7> cap(); @RULES # Ex: U.C.S.B. _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- U [s] \. [s] C [s] \. [s] S [s] \. [s] B [s] \. [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <3,3> cap(); @RULES # Ex: U.C.S.D. _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- U [s] \. [s] C [s] \. [s] _statePhrase [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); @RULES # Ex: U.R.I. _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- U [s] \. [s] _statePhrase [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <3,3> cap(); @RULES # Ex: U.MASS _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- U [s] \. [s] MASS [s] @@ # Ex: U.PENN _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- U [s] \. [s] PENN [s] @@ # Ex: U.MISS _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- U [s] \. [s] MISS [s] @@ # Ex: U.H. _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- U [s] \. [s] H [s] \. [s] @@ # Ex: U.C. _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- U [s] \. [s] C [s] \. [s] @@ @PRE <2,2> cap(); <4,4> cap(); @RULES # Ex: U.S.N.A. _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- _countryPhrase [s] N [trig s] \. [s] A [s] \. [s] @@ # Ex: U.S.M.C. _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- _countryPhrase [s] M [trig s] \. [s] C [s] \. [s] @@ # Ex: U.S.A.F.A. _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- _countryPhrase [s] F [trig s] \. [s] A [s] \. [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <3,3> cap(); <5,5> cap(); @RULES # Ex: S.M.U. _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- S [s] \. [s] M [s] \. [s] U [s] \. [s] @@ @PRE <2,2> cap(); <4,4> cap(); @RULES # Ex: L.A.C.C. _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- _cityPhrase [s] C [trig s] \. [s] C [s] \. [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <3,3> cap(); <5,5> cap(); @RULES # Ex: C.S.U. _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- C [s] \. [s] S [s] \. [s] U [s] \. [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <3,3> cap(); <5,5> cap(); <7,7> cap(); @RULES # Ex: U.N.S.W. _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- U [s] \. [s] N [s] \. [s] S [s] \. [s] W [s] \. [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); @RULES # Ex: Penn _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- Penn [s] @@ # Ex: Dartmouth _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- Dartmouth [s] @@ # Ex: Columbia _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- Columbia [s] @@ # Ex: Princeton _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- Princeton [s] @@ # Ex: Brown _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- Brown [s] @@ # Ex: Harvard _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- Harvard [s] @@ # Ex: Yale _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- Yale [s] @@ # Ex: Berkeley _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- Berkeley [s] @@ # Ex: Stanford _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- Stanford [s] @@ # Ex: Oxford _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- Oxford [s] @@ # Ex: Cambridge\r _schoolPhrase [layer=(_Caps )] <- Cambridge [s] _xWHITE [star s] @@
@CODE G("dict") = findhierconcept("dict",findroot()); G("alphas") = findhierconcept("a",G("dict")); G("letter") = down(G("alphas")); G("nouns") = 0; G("adjectives") = 0; G("adverbs") = 0; G("unmarked") = 0; G("knowns") = 0; while (G("letter")) { G("subletter") = down(G("letter")); while (G("subletter")) { G("word") = down(G("subletter")); while (G("word")) { G("word name") = conceptname(G("word")); G("attrs") = findattrs(G("word")); G("classified") = 0; if (G("attrs")) { if (attrname(G("attrs")) == "pos") { G("vals") = attrvals(G("attrs")); while (G("vals")) { addnumval(G("word"),getstrval(G("vals")),1); G("vals") = nextval(G("vals")); } rmattr(G("word"),"pos"); } # while (G("attrs")) # { # if (attrname(G("attrs")) != "pos") # addstrval(G("word"),"pos",attrname(G("attrs"))); # G("attrs") = nextattr(G("attrs")); # } # # G("attrs") = findattrs(G("word")); # while (G("attrs")) # { # if (attrname(G("attrs")) != "pos") # rmattr(G("word"),attrname(G("attrs"))); # G("attrs") = nextattr(G("attrs")); # } # # if (strendswith(G("word name"),"i") || # strendswith(G("word name"),"encies") || # strendswith(G("word name"),"ibles") || # strendswith(G("word name"),"ller")) # { # addnumval(G("word"),"nouns",1); # "nouns.txt" << G("word name") << "\n"; # G("nouns")++; # G("classified") = 1; # } # else if (strendswith(G("word name"),"fuller") || # strendswith(G("word name"),"fullest")) # { # addnumval(G("word"),"adjective",1); # "adjectives.txt" << G("word name") << "\n"; # G("adjectives")++; # G("classified") = 1; # } # else if (strpiece(G("word name"),0,4) == "super" || # strpiece(G("word name"),0,4) == "inter" || # strpiece(G("word name"),0,4) == "under" || # strpiece(G("word name"),0,4) == "hyper" || # strpiece(G("word name"),0,4) == "multi" || # strpiece(G("word name"),0,4) == "ultra") # { # G("root concept") = dictfindword(strpiece(G("word name"),5,strlength(G("word name"))-1)); # if (G("root concept")) # { # G("attrs") = findattrs(G("root concept")); # while (G("attrs")) # { # "verb.txt" << G("word name") << "\n"; # G("verbs")++; # G("classified") = 1; # addnumval(G("word"),attrname(G("attrs")),1); # G("attrs") = nextattr(G("attrs")); # } # } # } # else if (strpiece(G("word name"),0,3) == "over" || # strpiece(G("word name"),0,3) == "post") # { # G("root concept") = dictfindword(strpiece(G("word name"),4,strlength(G("word name"))-1)); # if (G("root concept")) # { # G("attrs") = findattrs(G("root concept")); # while (G("attrs")) # { # "verb.txt" << G("word name") << "\n"; # G("verbs")++; # G("classified") = 1; # addnumval(G("word"),attrname(G("attrs")),1); # G("attrs") = nextattr(G("attrs")); # } # } # } # else if (strpiece(G("word name"),0,2) == "sub" || # strpiece(G("word name"),0,2) == "non" || # strpiece(G("word name"),0,2) == "mis" || # strpiece(G("word name"),0,2) == "pre" || # strpiece(G("word name"),0,2) == "out" || # strpiece(G("word name"),0,2) == "dis") # { # G("root concept") = dictfindword(strpiece(G("word name"),3,strlength(G("word name"))-1)); # if (G("root concept")) # { # G("attrs") = findattrs(G("root concept")); # while (G("attrs")) # { # "verb.txt" << G("word name") << "\n"; # G("verbs")++; # G("classified") = 1; # addnumval(G("word"),attrname(G("attrs")),1); # G("attrs") = nextattr(G("attrs")); # } # } # } # else if (strpiece(G("word name"),0,1) == "re" || # strpiece(G("word name"),0,1) == "up" || # strpiece(G("word name"),0,1) == "un") # { # G("root concept") = dictfindword(strpiece(G("word name"),2,strlength(G("word name"))-1)); # if (G("root concept")) # { # G("attrs") = findattrs(G("root concept")); # while (G("attrs")) # { # "verb.txt" << G("word name") << "\n"; # G("verbs")++; # G("classified") = 1; # addnumval(G("word"),attrname(G("attrs")),1); # G("attrs") = nextattr(G("attrs")); # } # } # } # addnumval(G("word"),"verb",1); # "verb.txt" << G("word name") << "\n"; # G("verbs")++; # G("classified") = 1; # } # if (strendswith(G("word name"),"mmed") || # strendswith(G("word name"),"pped")) # { # addnumval(G("word"),"verb",1); # "verb.txt" << G("word name") << "\n"; # G("verbs")++; # G("classified") = 1; # } # else if (strendswith(G("word name"),"ings") || # strendswith(G("word name"),"ers")) # { # addnumval(G("word"),"noun",1); # "noun.txt" << G("word name") << "\n"; # G("nouns")++; # G("classified") = 1; # } # # if (findattrs(G("word"))) # { # while (G("attrs")) # { # if (attrname(G("attrs")) != "pos") # { # rmattr(G("word"),attrname(G("attrs"))); # "nonpos.txt" << G("word name") << "\n"; # } # G("attrs") = nextattr(G("attrs")); # } # } # else if (G("attrs")) # if (G("attrs")) # { # G("classified") = 0; # # if (attrname(G("attrs")) == "pos") # { # G("vals") = attrvals(G("attrs")); # while (G("vals")) # { # addnumval(G("word"),getstrval(G("vals")),1); # G("vals") = nextval(G("vals")); # } # rmattr(G("word"),"pos"); # } # # if (strpiece(G("word name"),0,3) == "anti") # { # if (!attrwithval(G("word"),"pos","noun")) # addstrval(G("word"),"pos","noun"); # "anti.txt" << G("word name") << "\n"; # G("nouns")++; # G("classified") = 1; # } # # else if (strendswith(G("word name"),"s")) # { # G("word root") = strpiece(G("word name"),0,strlength(G("word name"))-2); # G("word singular") = dictfindword(G("word root")); # if (G("word singular")) # { # if (!findattrs(G("word singular"))) # { # if (!attrwithval(G("word"),"pos","noun")) # addstrval(G("word"),"pos","noun"); # if (!attrwithval(G("word singular"),"pos","noun")) # addstrval(G("word singular"),"pos","noun"); # "noun2.txt" << conceptname(G("word singular")) << " - " << G("word name") << "\n"; # G("nouns") = G("nouns") + 2; # G("classified") = 1; # } # } # } # # # if (strendswith(G("word name"),"ly")) # { # if (!attrwithval(G("word"),"pos","adverb")) # addstrval(G("word"),"pos","adverb"); # "adv.txt" << G("word name") << "\n"; # G("adverbs")++; # G("classified") = 1; # } # else if (strendswith(G("word name"),"tional") || # strendswith(G("word name"),"like") || # strendswith(G("word name"),"less") || # strendswith(G("word name"),"ier") || # strendswith(G("word name"),"some") || # strendswith(G("word name"),"iest")) # { # if (!attrwithval(G("word"),"pos","adjective")) # addstrval(G("word"),"pos","adjective"); # G("adjectives")++; # "adj.txt" << G("word name") << "\n"; # G("classified") = 1; # } # else if (strendswith(G("word name"),"ities") || # strendswith(G("word name"),"men") || # strendswith(G("word name"),"man")) # { # if (!attrwithval(G("word"),"pos","noun")) # addstrval(G("word"),"pos","noun"); # G("nouns")++; # "nouns.txt" << G("word name") << "\n"; # G("classified") = 1; # } # # if (strendswith(G("word name"),"s")) # { # G("word root") = strpiece(G("word name"),0,strlength(G("word name"))-2); # if (strendswith(G("word name"),"ies")) # { # G("word stripped") = strpiece(G("word name"),0,strlength(G("word name"))-4); # G("word root") = G("word stripped") + "y"; # } # else if (strendswith(G("word name"),"es")) # { # G("word stripped") = strpiece(G("word name"),0,strlength(G("word name"))-3); # if (strendswith(G("word stripped"),"s")) # G("word root") = G("word stripped"); # } # else # G("word stripped") = strpiece(G("word name"),0,strlength(G("word name"))-2); # G("word ing") = G("word stripped") + "ing"; # G("word ed") = G("word stripped") + "ed"; # G("word concept") = dictfindword(G("word root")); # G("word ing concept") = dictfindword(G("word ing")); # G("word ed concept") = dictfindword(G("word ed")); # # if (G("word concept") && G("word ing concept") && G("word ed concept")) # { # if (!findattrs(G("word concept")) && !findattrs(G("word ing concept")) && # !findattrs(G("word ed concept"))) # { # if (!attrwithval(G("word"),"pos","verb")) # addstrval(G("word"),"pos","verb"); # if (!attrwithval(G("word concept"),"pos","verb")) # addstrval(G("word concept"),"pos","verb"); # if (!attrwithval(G("word ing concept"),"pos","verb")) # addstrval(G("word ing concept"),"pos","verb"); # if (!attrwithval(G("word ed concept"),"pos","verb")) # addstrval(G("word ed concept"),"pos","verb"); # "verbs.txt" << G("word root") << " - " << G("word name") << " - " << G("word ing") << " - " << G("word ed") << "\n"; # G("verbs") = G("verbs") + 4; # G("classified") = 1; # } # } # else if (G("word concept")) # { # if (!findattrs(G("word concept"))) # { # if (!attrwithval(G("word"),"pos","noun")) # addstrval(G("word"),"pos","noun"); # if (!attrwithval(G("word concept"),"pos","noun")) # addstrval(G("word concept"),"pos","noun"); # "nouns.txt" << G("word root") << " - " << G("word name") << "\n"; # G("nouns") = G("nouns") + 2; # G("classified") = 1; # } # } # } # else if (strendswith(G("word name"),"ed")) # { # G("word root") = strpiece(G("word name"),0,strlength(G("word name"))-2); # G("word stripped") = strpiece(G("word name"),0,strlength(G("word name"))-3); # G("word ing") = G("word stripped") + "ing"; # G("word concept") = dictfindword(G("word root")); # G("word ing concept") = dictfindword(G("word ing")); # # if (G("word concept") && G("word ing concept")) # { # if (!findattrs(G("word concept")) && !findattrs(G("word ing concept"))) # { # if (!attrwithval(G("word"),"pos","verb")) # addstrval(G("word"),"pos","verb"); # if (!attrwithval(G("word concept"),"pos","verb")) # addstrval(G("word concept"),"pos","verb"); # if (!attrwithval(G("word ing concept"),"pos","verb")) # addstrval(G("word ing concept"),"pos","verb"); # G("word es") = G("word root") + "s"; # G("word es concept") = dictfindword(G("word es")); # if (!G("word es concept")) # { # G("word es concept") = addword(G("word es")); # addstrval(G("word es concept"),"pos","verb"); # } # # "verbs.txt" << G("word root") << " - " << G("word name") << " - " << G("word ing") << "\n"; # G("verbs") = G("verbs") + 3; # } # } # } if (G("classified") == 0) "rest.txt" << G("word name") << "\n"; G("unmarked")++; "unmarked.txt" << G("word name") << "\n"; } G("word") = next(G("word")); } G("subletter") = next(G("subletter")); } G("letter") = next(G("letter")); } "output.txt" << " Knowns: " << G("knowns") << "\n"; "output.txt" << " Unmarked: " << G("unmarked") << "\n"; "output.txt" << " nouns: " << G("nouns") << "\n"; "output.txt" << "adjectives: " << G("adjectives") << "\n"; "output.txt" << " verbs: " << G("verbs") << "\n"; "output.txt" << " adverbs: " << G("adverbs") << "\n"; "output.txt" << "-------------------\n"; "output.txt" << " diff: " << str(G("unmarked") - G("nouns") - G("adverbs") - G("verbs") - G("adjectives")) << "\n"; @@CODE
# Fetch attribute's name. L("return_str") = attrname(L("attr"));
@PATH _ROOT _LINE _Caps @POST ++X("companyroots"); if (N("$end")) ++X("end companyroot"); @RULES _xNIL <- _companyRoot [s] @@ @POST ++X("companymodroots"); if (N("$end")) ++X("end companymodroot"); @RULES _xNIL <- _companyModroot [s] @@ @POST ++X("companymods"); @RULES _xNIL <- _companyMod [s] @@ @POST ++X("companyphrase"); @RULES _xNIL <- _companyPhrase [s] @@
@PATH _ROOT _headerZone @POST S("title") = N("title",1); single(); @RULES _conjugationGroup <- _paraGroup ### (1) _xWILD [plus fail=(_paraGroup)] ### (2) @@
# "rough out" a set of nodes ending in a period, @NODES _np @POST  ++X("nouns"); @RULES _xNIL <- _noun @@
@POST rfaregion(1, 2, 3, 4) single() @RULES # Opt: try triggering the last elt. _REGION [base] <- _PRES [opt] _CHECKS [opt] _POSTS [opt] _RULES @@