# Match if the element is in a match list. Match is used only with _xWILD, and succeeds only if one of the list names matches a node @RULES _james <- _xWILD [match=(jim jimmy james) singlet min=1 max=1] @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _columnHeaders <- Class ### (1) _xWILD [plus fails=(\n \r)] _xWILD [one matches=(\n \r)] @@
@DECL ############################################### # General functions ############################################### AddUniqueCon(L("concept"),L("name")) { L("con") = findconcept(L("concept"),L("name")); if (!L("con")) L("con") = makeconcept(L("concept"),L("name")); return L("con"); } AddUniqueStr(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")) { if (L("value")) { L("val") = AttrValues(L("concept"),L("attr")); while (L("val")) { L("str") = getstrval(L("val")); if (L("str") == L("value")) return 0; L("val") = nextval(L("val")); } addstrval(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")); return 1; } return 0; } AddUniqueNum(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")) { if (L("value")) { L("val") = AttrValues(L("concept"),L("attr")); while (L("val")) { L("num") = getnumval(L("val")); if (L("num") == L("value")) return 0; L("val") = nextval(L("val")); } addnumval(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")); return 1; } return 0; } AddUniqueConVal(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")) { "unique.txt" << L("attr") << " " << conceptpath(L("concept")) << " ==> " << L("attr") << " -- " << conceptpath(L("value")) << "\n"; L("val") = AttrValues(L("concept"),L("attr")); while (L("val")) { L("con") = getconval(L("val")); "unique.txt" << conceptname(L("con")) << "\n"; if (conceptpath(L("con")) == conceptpath(L("value"))) return 0; L("val") = nextval(L("val")); } addconval(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")); return 1; } PathToConcept(L("parent"),L("hier")) { L("cons") = split(L("hier")," "); L("i") = 0; L("con") = L("parent"); while (L("cons")[L("i")]) { L("c") = L("cons")[L("i")]; L("name") = strsubst(L("c"),"\"",0); if (L("name") != "concept") L("con") = AddUniqueCon(L("con"),L("name")); L("i")++; } return L("con"); } CopyAttr(L("from"),L("to"),L("attr")) { L("from value") = strval(L("from"),L("attr")); if (L("from value")) { L("to value") = strval(L("to"),L("attr")); if (L("from value") && !L("to value")) addstrval(L("to"),L("attr"),L("from value")); } } CopyAttrNew(L("from"),L("to"),L("attr from"),L("attr to")) { L("from value") = strval(L("from"),L("attr from")); if (L("from value")) { L("to value") = strval(L("to"),L("attr to")); if (L("from value") && !L("to value")) addstrval(L("to"),L("attr to"),L("from value")); } } CopyConAttr(L("from"),L("to"),L("attr")) { L("from value") = conval(L("from"),L("attr")); if (L("from value")) { L("to value") = conval(L("to"),L("attr")); if (L("from value") && !L("to value")) addconval(L("to"),L("attr"),L("from value")); } } CopyConAttrs(L("from"),L("to")) { L("attrs") = findattrs(L("from")); while (L("attrs")) { L("vals") = attrvals(L("attrs")); L("name") = attrname(L("attrs")); L("type") = attrtype(L("from"),L("name")); while (L("vals")) { if (L("type") == 1) { addnumval(L("to"),L("name"),getnumval(L("vals"))); } else if (L("type") == 2) { addconval(L("to"),L("name"),getconval(L("vals"))); } else if (L("type") == 3) { addnumval(L("to"),L("name"),getfltval(L("vals"))); } else { addstrval(L("to"),L("name"),getstrval(L("vals"))); } L("vals") = nextval(L("vals")); } L("attrs") = nextattr(L("attrs")); } } AttrValues(L("con"),L("attr")) { L("at") = findattr(L("con"),L("attr")); if (L("at")) return attrvals(L("at")); return 0; } ValCount(L("vals")) { while (L("vals")) { L("count")++; L("vals") = nextval(L("vals")); } return L("count"); } LastChild(L("parent")) { L("child") = down(L("parent")); while (L("child")) { L("last") = L("child"); L("child") = next(L("child")); } return L("last"); } MakeCountCon(L("con"),L("count name")) { L("count name") = CountName(L("con"),L("count name")); return makeconcept(L("con"),L("count name")); } IncrementCount(L("con"),L("countname")) { L("count") = numval(L("con"),L("countname")); if (L("count")) { L("count") = L("count") + 1; replaceval(L("con"),L("countname"),L("count")); } else { addnumval(L("con"),L("countname"),1); L("count") = 1; } return L("count"); } CountName(L("con"),L("root")) { L("count") = IncrementCount(L("con"),L("root")); return L("root") + str(L("count")); } StripEndDigits(L("name")) { if (strisdigit(L("name"))) return 0; L("len") = strlength(L("name")) - 1; L("i") = L("len") - 1; L("str") = strpiece(L("name"),L("i"),L("len")); while (strisdigit(L("str")) && L("i")) { L("i")--; L("str") = strpiece(L("name"),L("i"),L("len")); } return strpiece(L("name"),0,L("i")); } ############################################### # KB Dump Functins ############################################### DumpKB(L("con"),L("file")) { L("dir") = G("$apppath") + "/kb/"; L("filename") = L("dir") + L("file") + ".kb"; if (!kbdumptree(L("con"),L("filename"))) { "kb.txt" << "FAILED dump: " << L("filename") << "\n"; } else { "kb.txt" << "DUMPED: " << L("filename") << "\n"; } } TakeKB(L("filename")) { L("path") = G("$apppath") + "/kb/" + L("filename") + ".kb"; "kb.txt" << "Taking: " << L("path") << "\n"; if (take(L("path"))) { "kb.txt" << " Taken successfully: " << L("path") << "\n"; } else { "kb.txt" << " Taken FAILED: " << L("path") << "\n"; } } ChildCount(L("con")) { L("count") = 0; L("child") = down(L("con")); while (L("child")) { L("count")++; L("child") = next(L("child")); } return L("count"); } ############################################### # KBB DISPLAY FUNCTIONS ############################################### ############################################### # display type: # 0 compact with ellipses on long attr values # 1 full, more spread out # 2 compact without ellipses on long attr values ############################################### SaveToKB(L("con"),L("name")) { L("filepath") = G("$kbpath") + L("name") + ".kbb"; L("file") = openfile(L("filepath")); SaveKB(L("file"),L("con"),2); closefile(L("file")); } SaveKB(L("file"),L("top con"),L("display type")) { DisplayKBRecurse(L("file"),L("top con"),0,L("display type")); L("file") << "\n"; return L("top con"); } DisplayKB(L("top con"),L("display type")) { L("file") = DisplayFileName(); DisplayKBRecurse(L("file"),L("top con"),0,L("display type")); L("file") << "\n"; return L("top con"); } KBHeader(L("text")) { L("file") = DisplayFileName(); L("file") << "#######################\n"; L("file") << "# " << L("text") << "\n"; L("file") << "#######################\n\n"; } DisplayFileName() { if (num(G("$passnum")) < 10) { L("file") = "ana00" + str(G("$passnum")); }else if (num(G("$passnum")) < 100) { L("file") = "ana0" + str(G("$passnum")); } else { L("file") = "ana" + str(G("$passnum")); } L("file") = L("file") + ".kbb"; return L("file"); } DisplayKBRecurse(L("file"),L("parent"),L("level"),L("display type")) { if (L("level") == 0) { L("file") << conceptname(L("parent")) << "\n"; } L("con") = down(L("parent")); while (L("con")) { L("file") << SpacesStr(L("level")+1) << conceptname(L("con")); DisplayAttributes(L("file"),L("con"),L("display type"),L("level")); L("file") << "\n"; if (down(L("con"))) { L("lev") = 1; DisplayKBRecurse(L("file"),L("con"),L("level")+L("lev"),L("display type")); } L("con") = next(L("con")); } } DisplayAttributes(L("file"),L("con"),L("display type"),L("level")) { L("attrs") = findattrs(L("con")); if (L("attrs")) L("file") << ": "; if (L("display type") == 1 && L("attrs")) L("file") << "\n"; L("first attr") = 1; while (L("attrs")) { L("vals") = attrvals(L("attrs")); L("count") = ValCount(L("vals")); if (L("display type") != 1 && !L("first attr")) { L("file") << ", "; } if (L("display type") == 1) { if (!L("first attr")) L("file") << "\n"; L("file") << SpacesStr(L("level")+2); } L("name") = attrname(L("attrs")); L("file") << QuoteIfNeeded(L("name")) << "="; L("first") = 1; L("type") = attrtype(L("con"),L("name")); while (L("vals")) { if (!L("first")) L("file") << ","; else if (L("type") != 2 && L("count") > 1) L("file") << "["; if (L("type") == 1) { L("num") = getnumval(L("vals")); L("file") << str(L("num")); } else if (L("type") == 2) { if (L("first")) L("file") << "["; L("c") = getconval(L("vals")); L("file") << conceptpath(L("c")); } else if (L("type") == 3) { L("flt") = getfltval(L("vals")); L("file") << str(L("flt")); } else { L("val") = getstrval(L("vals")); if (L("display type") == 0 && strlength(L("val")) > 20) { L("shorty") = strpiece(L("val"),0,20); L("val") = L("shorty") + "..."; } L("file") << QuoteIfNeeded(str(L("val"))); } L("first") = 0; L("vals") = nextval(L("vals")); } if (L("type") == 2 || L("count") > 1) L("file") << "]"; L("first attr") = 0; L("attrs") = nextattr(L("attrs")); } } QuoteIfNeeded(L("str")) { if (!L("str")) return 0; L("new") = L("str"); if (strcontains(" ",L("str")) || strhaspunct(L("str"))) L("new") = "\"" + L("new") + "\""; return L("new"); } # Because NLP++ doesn't allow for empty strings, # this function can only be called with "num" >= 1 SpacesStr(L("num")) { L("n") = 1; L("spaces") = " "; while (L("n") < L("num")) { L("spaces") = L("spaces") + " "; L("n")++; } return L("spaces"); } PadStr(L("num str"),L("pad str"),L("pad len")) { L("len") = strlength(L("num str")); L("pad") = 0; L("to pad") = L("pad len") - L("len"); while (L("i")++ < L("to pad")) { L("pad") = L("pad") + L("pad str"); } L("padded") = L("pad") + L("num str"); return L("padded"); } ############################################### # DICTIONARY FUNCTIONS ############################################### DictionaryStart() { G("attrs path") = G("$apppath") + "\\kb\\user\\attrs.kb"; G("attrs") = openfile(G("attrs path")); } DictionaryWord(L("word"),L("attrName"),L("value"),L("attrType")) { addword(L("word")); addword(L("attrName")); G("attrs") << "ind attr\n" << findwordpath(L("word")) << "\n0\n"; G("attrs") << findwordpath(L("attrName")) << "\n"; if (L("attrType") == "str") G("attrs") << "pst\n" << "\"" << L("value") << "\""; else if (L("attrType") == "num") G("attrs") << "pnum\n" << str(L("value")); else if (L("attrType") == "con") G("attrs") << "pcon\n" << conceptpath(L("value")); G("attrs") << "\nend ind\n\n"; } DictionaryEnd() { G("attrs") << "\nquit\n\n"; closefile(G("attrs")); } OrderByCount(L("words"),L("order")) { L("done") = 0; L("sanity") = 0; while (!L("done")) { L("done") = 1; L("conmax") = 0; L("max") = 0; L("word") = down(L("words")); while (L("word")) { L("check") = numval(L("word"),"checked"); if (!L("check")) { L("done") = 0; L("count") = numval(L("word"),"count"); if (L("count") > L("max")) { "max.txt" << conceptname(L("word")) << " " << L("count") << "\n"; L("max") = L("count"); L("conmax") = L("word"); } } L("word") = next(L("word")); } if (!L("done") && L("conmax")) { L("word") = conceptname(L("conmax")); L("con") = makeconcept(L("order"),L("word")); if (!spellword(L("word"))) { addnumval(L("con"),"unknown",1); } addnumval(L("con"),"count",L("max")); addnumval(L("conmax"),"checked",1); } if (L("safety")++ > 300) { L("done") = 1; } } } @@DECL
@PATH _ROOT _LINE _example @RULES _ignore <- father ### (1) or ### (2) mother ### (3) @@
@PATH _ROOT _LINE _example @POST X("female",2) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one matches=(woman girl female mother sister aunt)] ### (1) @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _xNIL <- _xNIL ### (1) @@
@MULTI _section _sentence @POST singler(2,2); @@POST @RULES _endSent <- _xWILD [one match=(_xALPHA _xNUM _patientID _xWHITE) except=(\n \r)] ### (1) _xWILD [one trig match=(\. \?)] ### (2) _xWILD [one match=(_xWHITE _xEND _xCTRL)] ### (3) @@
@DECL addCategory(L("category"),L("categoryid")) { L("con") = findconcept(G("categories"),L("category")); if (!L("con")) { L("con") = makeconcept(G("categories"),L("category")); addnumval(L("con"),"count",1); } else { L("count") = getnumval(findvals(L("con"), "count")); "dupes.txt" << L("categoryid") << "-" << L("category") << " " << L("count") << "\n"; replaceval(L("con"),"count",L("count")+1); } if (!attrwithval(L("con"),"catid",L("categoryid"))) { addstrval(L("con"),"catid",L("categoryid")); } } @@DECL @CODE G("categories") = findconcept(findroot(),"categories"); if (!G("categories")) G("categories") = makeconcept(findroot(),"categories"); rmchildren(G("categories")); @@CODE
@PATH _ROOT _FOOTER _bibBlock _bibBody _bibItem @POST S("text") = N("$text",3); S("type") = "text"; singler(3,3); @RULES _text <- _xWILD [matches=(_section _figure _ref _cite)] ### (1) _NEWLINE [s] ### (2) _xWILD [s plus fails=(_text _abstract _ref _cite _BLANKLINE _stopper _HEADER _FOOTER)] ### (3) _xWILD [match=(_text _abstract _ref _cite _BLANKLINE _stopper _HEADER _FOOTER) lookahead] ### (4) @@ @POST S("text") = N("$text",2); S("type") = "text"; singler(2,2); @RULES _text <- _xWILD [matches=(_section _figure _ref _cite)] ### (1) _xWILD [s plus fails=(_text _abstract _ref _cite _BLANKLINE _stopper _HEADER _FOOTER)] ### (2) _xWILD [match=(_text _abstract _ref _cite _BLANKLINE _stopper _HEADER _FOOTER) lookahead] ### (3) @@
@CODE G("dictfile") = G("$kbpath") + "states.dictt"; G("abbrevdict") = G("$kbpath") + "abbrev.dictt"; G("kbbfile") = G("$kbpath") + "states.kbbb"; G("citiesdict") = G("$kbpath") + "cities.dictt"; G("debugfile") = G("$kbpath") + "debug.txt"; G("debug") = openfile(G("debugfile"),"app"); G("state name") = strsubst(G("$inputhead"),"-"," "); G("states") = getconcept(findroot(),"states"); if (G("$isfirstfile") || !G("$isdirrun")) { rmchildren(G("states")); L("type") = "w"; } else { L("type") = "app"; } G("state") = getconcept(G("states"),G("state name")); G("dict") = openfile(G("dictfile"),L("type")); G("kbb") = openfile(G("kbbfile"),L("type")); G("abbrev") = openfile(G("abbrevdict"),L("type")); G("cities") = openfile(G("citiesdict"),L("type")); @@CODE
# Find "per capita" and reduce to _adj, searching descendents @RULES _adj <- per [s] capita @@
@CODE L("hello") = 0; @@CODE @NODES _TEXTZONE # New tokenization handlers. @CHECK if (!N("dissolve")) fail(); @POST splice(1,1); @RULES _xNIL <- _tok @@ ########## IDIOMS @POST S("sem detail") = "usa"; S("sem") = "country"; S("ne") = 1; S("ne type") = "location"; S("ne type conf") = 95; S("country") = S("stem") = "usa"; singler(2,9); @RULES _nounCountry [layer=_noun] <- _xWILD [one fail=(_xALPHA \.)] u \. [opt] _xWHITE [star] s \. [opt] _xWHITE [star] a [opt] \. [opt] @@ _nounCountry [layer=_noun] <- _xSTART u \. [opt] _xWHITE [star] s \. [opt] _xWHITE [star] a [opt] \. [opt] @@ # Chaff @PRE <1,1> length(1); <4,4> length(1); <7,7> length(1); <8,8> length(1); # ! @POST group(1,8,"_letabbr"); N("cap",1) = 1; N("ne",1) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _xCAP \. [opt] _xWHITE [star] _xCAP \. [opt] _xWHITE [star] _xCAP _xWILD [star match=(_xWHITE _xCAP \. )] @@ ################# # Grab some letter - period sequences. @PRE <2,2> length(1); <5,5> length(1); <8,8> length(1); @POST S("cap") = 1; # 04/21/07 AM. singler(2,8); @RULES _letabbr <- _xWILD [one fail=(_xALPHA \.)] _xCAP \. _xWHITE [star] _xCAP \. _xWHITE [star] _xCAP \. [lookahead] _xWILD [one fail=(_xALPHA \.)] @@ _letabbr <- _xSTART _xCAP \. _xWHITE [star] _xCAP \. _xWHITE [star] _xCAP \. [lookahead] _xWILD [one fail=(_xALPHA \.)] @@ ########## IDIOMS # un # u.n. @POST S("sem") = S("ne type") = "organization"; S("ne type conf") = 95; S("stem") = "united nations"; S("ne") = 1; single(); @RULES _caps [layer=_noun] <- _xWILD [one fail=(_xALPHA \.)] u [s] \. [s opt] _xWHITE [star] n [s] \. [s opt] @@ _caps [layer=_noun] <- _xSTART u [s] \. [s opt] _xWHITE [star] n [s] \. [s opt] @@ # US States. @POST S("sem") = "us_state"; S("ne type") = "location"; S("ne type conf") = 85; S("stem") = strtolower(phrasetext()); S("ne") = 1; S("mypos") = "NP"; single(); @RULES _usstate [layer=_noun] <- _xWILD [one fail=(_xALPHA \.)] n [s] \. [s opt] _xWHITE [star] _xWILD [s one match=(d j m h c y)] \. [s opt] @@ _usstate [layer=_noun] <- _xWILD [one fail=(_xALPHA \.)] s [s] \. [s opt] _xWHITE [star] _xWILD [s one match=(c d)] \. [s opt] @@ _usstate [layer=_noun] <- _xWILD [one fail=(_xALPHA \.)] w [s] \. [s opt] _xWHITE [star] v [s] \. [s opt] @@ _usstate [layer=_noun] <- _xWILD [one fail=(_xALPHA \.)] r [s] \. [s opt] _xWHITE [star] i [s] \. [s opt] @@ _usstate [layer=_noun] <- _xWILD [one fail=(_xALPHA \.)] d [s] \. [s opt] _xWHITE [star] c [s] \. [s opt] @@ # US States. @POST pncopyvars(1); S("sem") = "us_state"; S("ne type") = "location"; S("ne type conf") = 85; S("stem") = strtolower(phrasetext()); S("ne") = 1; S("mypos") = "NP"; single(); @RULES _usstate [layer=_noun] <- Conn \. [s] @@ @PRE <2,2> length(1); <5,5> length(1); @POST S("cap") = 1; # 04/21/07 AM. singler(2,6); @RULES _letabbr <- _xWILD [one fail=(_xALPHA \.)] _xCAP \. _xWHITE [star] _xCAP \. _xWILD [one fail=(_xALPHA \.)] @@ _letabbr <- _xSTART _xCAP \. _xWHITE [star] _xCAP \. _xWILD [one fail=(_xALPHA \.)] @@ @POST S("cap") = 1; # 04/21/07 AM. singler(2,3); @RULES _letabbr <- _xWILD [one fail=(_xALPHA \.)] _xCAPLET \. _xWILD [one lookahead fail=(_xALPHA \.)] @@ _letabbr <- _xSTART _xCAPLET \. _xWILD [one lookahead fail=(_xALPHA \.)] @@ # ... @POST S("nopos") = 1; single(); @RULES _qEOS <- _xWILD [min=3 match=(\. )] @@ @POST singler(1,1); @RULES _qEOS <- \, \" @@ @RULES _dbldash <- _xWHITE [plus] \- [plus] _xWHITE [plus] @@ @POST group(2,3,"_dbldash"); N("nopos",2) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA \- \- _xALPHA [lookahead] @@ # alpha ' s #@POST # N("apos-s",1) = 1; # excise(2,3); #@RULES #_xNIL <- # _xALPHA # \' # s # @@ @RULES _aposS <- \' [s] s [s] @@ _aposD <- \' [s] d [s] @@ # aposLL # Note: I'll .... @POST group(1,2,"_modal"); N("mypos",1) = "MD"; @RULES _xNIL <- \' ll @@ @POST if (N(6)) N("quoted eos left",6) = 1; L("txt") = N("$text",2); if (L("txt") == "?") S("sent end") = "interrogative"; else if (L("txt") == "!") S("sent end") = "exclamatory"; singler(2,4); @RULES _qEOS <- # 05/27/07 AM. _xWILD [one match=(_xALPHA _xNUM \] \) \> \% _noun)] _xWILD [plus match=( \. \: \; \? \! )] _xWHITE [star] _dblquote _xWHITE [star lookahead] _xANY @@ # NOTE: Trying to retain quotes within a sentence. # alpha " alpha @POST N("dblquote rt",1) = 1; N("dblquote lt",3) = 1; noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA _dblquote _xALPHA [lookahead] @@ # Zap double quotes for now... @POST if (N(1)) N("dblquote rt",1) = 1; if (N(3)) N("dblquote lt",3) = 1; excise(2,2); @RULES _xNIL <- _xANY _dblquote [trigger] _xWILD [one lookahead match=( _xEND)] @@ _xNIL <- _xSTART _dblquote _xANY [lookahead] @@ # num % @POST chpos(N(2),"NN"); pncopyvars(1); sclearpos(1,0); single(); @RULES _noun <- _num \% @@ # HTML/XML crud. @POST group(1,3,"_dblquote"); @RULES _xNIL <- \& _xWILD [one match=(quot)] \; @@ # Artifacts from tokenization. # can't # ca n't @CHECK if (N("tok",2) != "n't") fail(); @POST L("tmp1") = N(1); group(1,1,"_modal"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); chpos(N(1),"MD"); N("stem",1) = N("text",1) = "can"; @RULES _xNIL <- ca _adv @@ # won't # wo n't @CHECK if (N("tok",2) != "n't") fail(); @POST L("tmp1") = N(1); group(1,1,"_modal"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); chpos(N(1),"MD"); N("stem",1) = N("text",1) = "will"; @RULES _xNIL <- wo _adv @@ # num num @PRE <2,2> var("fraction"); @POST group(1,2,"_num"); N("number",1) = "plural"; @RULES _xNIL <- _xNUM _num @@ @POST group(1,5,"_EQ"); group(1,1,"_adv"); chpos(N(1),"RB"); # 03/04/10 AM. @RULES _xNIL <- e \. _xWHITE [star] g \. @@
@CODE prlit("output.txt","\n") prlit("output.txt","EDUCATION:\n\n") @@CODE #@MULTI _educationZone # @MULTI _educationInstance # 11/16/99 AM. @POST prlit("output.txt","School Name: ") prtree("output.txt",1,"_CompleteSchoolName") prlit("output.txt","\n") @RULES _xNIL <- _CompleteSchoolName @@ @POST prlit("output.txt","School Location: ") prtree("output.txt",1,"_SchoolLocation") prlit("output.txt","\n") @RULES _xNIL <- _SchoolLocation @@ @POST prlit("output.txt","Degree Major: ") prtree("output.txt",1,"_degreeInMajor") prlit("output.txt","\n") @RULES _xNIL <- _degreeInMajor @@ @POST prlit("output.txt","Major: ") prtree("output.txt",1,"_RealMajor") prlit("output.txt","\n") @RULES _xNIL <- _RealMajor @@ @POST prlit("output.txt","Minor: ") prtree("output.txt",1,"_minor") prlit("output.txt","\n") @RULES _xNIL <- _minor @@ @POST prlit("output.txt","Year Graduated: ") prtree("output.txt",1,"_SingleDate") prlit("output.txt","\n") @RULES _xNIL <- _SingleDate @@ @POST prlit("output.txt","Attended: ") prtree("output.txt",1,"_DateRange") prlit("output.txt","\n") @RULES _xNIL <- _DateRange @@ @POST prlit("output.txt","GPA: ") prtree("output.txt",1,"_gradeValue") prlit("output.txt","\n") prlit("output.txt","\n") @RULES _xNIL <- _Grade @@
@CODE DisplayKB(G("headers"),0); @@CODE
# Remove value named str2 from attribute named str1 under concept con. Also removes the attribute. rmattrval(L("con"), L("str1"), L("str2"));
# NOTE: String and comment collection must be done together. # # NOTE: Strings must be collected in a pass following collection of \". # @POST excise(1, 3) @RULES _xNIL <- \# _xWILD \n @@ @POST excise(1, 2) @RULES _xNIL <- \# _xWILD _xEOF @@ @POST rfastr(2) single() @RULES _STR [base] <- \" _xWILD _xWILD [one match=( \" \n )] @@ # 07/12/06 AM. # Moved x_commas here. (May want to get rid of this in the future.) #@POST # excise(1, 1) #@RULES #_xNIL <- \, [plus] @@ # EXPRESSION GRAMMAR STUFF. # @POST rfaop(1,2) single() @RULES _opAND <- \& \& @@ _opOR <- \| \| @@ _opINC <- \+ \+ @@ _opDEC <- \- \- @@ _opEQ <- \= \= @@ _opNEQ <- \! \= @@ _opGE <- \> \= @@ _opLE <- \< \= @@ _opCONF <- \% \% @@ # 12/17/99 AM. _opOUT <- \< \< @@ # 12/31/99 AM. # MOVED COMPONENTS HERE. @RULES _ENDRULE [base] <- \@ \@ _xWHITE @@ #@POST # noop() #@RULES #_xNIL <- _xWILD [min=1 max=1 fail=(\@)] @@ @RULES _ENDRULE [base] <- \@ \@ _xEOF @@ _eoPOST [base layer=(_endMark)] <- \@ \@ POST [t] @@ _eoCHECK [base layer=(_endMark)] <- \@ \@ CHECK [t] @@ _eoPRE [base layer=(_endMark)] <- \@ \@ PRE [t] @@ _eoRULES [base layer=(_endMark)] <- \@ \@ RULES [t] @@ _eoRECURSE [base layer=(_endMark)] <- \@ \@ RECURSE [t] @@ _eoSELECT [base layer=(_endMark)] <- \@ \@ SELECT [t] @@ _eoNODES [base layer=(_endMark)] <- \@ \@ NODES [t] @@ _eoMULTI [base layer=(_endMark)] <- \@ \@ MULTI [t] @@ _eoPATH [base layer=(_endMark)] <- \@ \@ PATH [t] @@ _eoCODE [base layer=(_endMark)] <- \@ \@ CODE [t] @@ _eoDECL [base layer=(_endMark)] <- \@ \@ DECL [t] @@ # 12/19/01 AM. # _soRULES [base layer=(_startMark)] <- \@ RULES [t] @@ # _soPOST [base layer=(_startMark)] <- \@ POST [t] @@ _soCHECK [base layer=(_startMark)] <- \@ CHECK [t] @@ _soPRE [base layer=(_startMark)] <- \@ PRE [t] @@ _soNODES [base layer=(_startMark)] <- \@ NODES [t] @@ _soMULTI [base layer=(_startMark)] <- \@ MULTI [t] @@ _soPATH [base layer=(_startMark)] <- \@ PATH [t] @@ _soCODE [base layer=(_startMark)] <- \@ CODE [t] @@ _soDECL [base layer=(_startMark)] <- \@ DECL [t] @@ _soSELECT [base layer=(_startMark)] <- \@ SELECT [t] @@ _soRECURSE [base layer=(_startMark)] <- \@ RECURSE [t] @@ # Separating out rule mark so it can be counted. # If there are none, then don't need to warn about no rules in pass. # @POST rfarulemark() single() @RULES _soRULES [base layer=(_startMark)] <- \@ RULES [t] @@ @POST rfanonlit(2) single() @RULES _NONLIT [base] <- \_ _xWILD [s one match=(_xALPHA _xEMOJI)] @@ @RULES _ARROW [base] <- \< \- @@ @POST rfaname(1) single() @RULES # Not setting base for these potential keywords. # _LIT <- _xWILD [s one match=( N X G P s L # LOCAL VARS FOR USER-DEFINED FNS. # 03/09/02 AM. if else while return )] @@ # 11/06/99 AM. _LIT [base] <- _xALPHA @@ _LIT [base] <- _xEMOJI @@ _LIT [base] <- _xCTRL @@ # 10/14/13 AM. # ADDING FLOAT TO GRAMMAR. # @POST rfafloat(1,3) single() @RULES _FLOAT <- _xNUM \. _xNUM @@ @POST rfanum(1) single() @RULES _NUM [base] <- _xNUM @@
@PATH _ROOT _LINE _conjugation @POST X("up",3) = 1; excise(1,1); noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWHITE [s] ### (1) @@
@PATH _ROOT _contactZone _LINE # If human names, track highest confidence. @CHECK if (!X("name found",2) && !N("name found") && G("humannames") > 1) succeed(); fail(); @POST if (!N("humanname conf")) { # Must have come from Gram hierarchy or other strong source. # Assign an initial confidence. N("humanname conf") = 90; } # Now some computations in the contact zone. N("ctcname conf") = N("humanname conf"); # Proximity to first address line. if (X("lineno") < X("first addressline",2)) { N("diff") = X("first addressline",2) - X("lineno"); N("ctcname conf") = N("ctcname conf") %% -(N("diff") * 15); } # Formatting above and below line. if (X("format above")) N("ctcname conf") = N("ctcname conf") %% 80; if (X("format below")) N("ctcname conf") = N("ctcname conf") %% 80; # Now, comparison to others. if (N("ctcname conf") > X("hi ctcname conf",2)) X("hi ctcname conf",2) = N("ctcname conf"); # High so far. @RULES _xNIL <- _humanName @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST S("section_title") = N("$text", 1); # excise(4,4); excise(1,2); single(); @RULES _section <- _xWILD [min=1 max=10 fails=(\: \n \r _break)] ### (1) \: [trig] ### (2) _xWILD [fails=(_break _xEND)] ### (3) # _xWILD [one matches=(_break _xEND)] ### (4) @@ # @POST # excise(1,1); # @RULES # _xNIL <- # _break # @@
@PATH _ROOT _posZone _defZone _definition _headerZone _LINE @POST L("con") = MakeCountCon(X("con",3),"variation"); addstrval(L("con"),"text",N("$text",2)); singler(2,2); @RULES _xNIL <- _item ### (1) @@
@PATH _ROOT _DECL _NLPPP @POST rfbdecls(1) single() @RULES _DECL [base] <- _FUNCDEF [plus] @@ # Ignore ok things within a mangled function body. @RULES _ERROR <- _FNCALL \{ _STMTS [star] @@ _ERROR <- _STMTS [plus] @@ # Will find only first error in a function. # Better than nothing. @POST rfberror(1) single() @RULES _ERROR <- _xANY [plus] @@
@CODE # If not outputting tags, exit. if (!G("verbose")) # Todo: another flag here. exitpass(); if (!G("pretagged")) exitpass(); # Initialize traversal data. G("parseRoot") = pnroot(); G("node") = G("parseRoot"); G("depth") = 0; G("path") = 0; # Store the current path in the parse tree. while (G("node")) # Traverse the parse tree. { G("path")[G("depth")] = G("node"); # Update path in the parse tree. G("childs") = pndown(G("node")); G("next") = pnnext(G("node")); # Stop at a node with a part-of-speech array. L("posarr len") = pnvar(G("node"),"posarr len"); L("nopos") = pnvar(G("node"),"nopos"); L("nm") = pnname(G("node")); L("ln") = strlength(L("nm")) - 1; if (strpiece(L("nm"),0,0) != "_") { if (strisdigit(L("nm"))) pnreplaceval(G("node"),"mypos","CD"); L("nm") = "NIL"; } else { if (L("nm") == "_sent") "tags.txt" << "\n"; if (L("ln") >= 1) L("nm") = strpiece(L("nm"),1,L("ln")); } if (L("posarr len") > 0) { G("gochilds") = 0; # Don't traverse children. L("npos") = nodepos(G("node"),L("nm")); L("txt") = prosify(G("node"),"text"); # 12/15/20 AM. "tags.txt" << L("txt") << " / (" << pnvar(G("node"),"posarr") << ") " << L("npos"); ; if (!scorenodepos(G("node"),L("npos"))) # mismatch { pnrename(G("node"),"_poserr"); "tags.txt" << " *********************"; # 01/08/05 AM. if (L("npos")) # 06/14/06 AM. { G("mismatch out") << L("txt") # 06/14/06 AM. << " / (" << pnvar(G("node"),"posarr") << ") " << L("npos") ; if (G("mismatch verbose")) { G("mismatch out") << " (" << G("$inputhead") << ")"; } G("mismatch out") << "\n"; } else { G("zero out") << L("txt") << " / (" << pnvar(G("node"),"posarr") << ") " << L("npos") ; if (G("mismatch verbose")) { G("zero out") << " (" << G("$inputhead") << ")"; } G("zero out") << "\n"; } } "tags.txt" << "\n"; } else if (L("nopos")) # Things like punctuation... { G("gochilds") = 0; # Don't traverse children. L("txt") = pnvar(G("node"),"$text"); "tags.txt" << L("txt") << " / ()" << "\n"; } else G("gochilds") = 1; # Traverse children. if (G("childs") # If node has children, traverse them. && G("gochilds")) { G("node") = G("childs"); ++G("depth"); } else if (G("next")) # If node has right sibling, get it. G("node") = G("next"); else # Try continuing from a parent. { G("done") = 0; G("node") = 0; while (!G("done")) # Find a continuation or quit. { if (--G("depth") > 0) { G("node") = G("path")[G("depth")]; # Move up to parent. if (G("node") = pnnext(G("node"))) # Try to move right. G("done") = 1; } else G("done") = 1; } } } @@CODE
@PATH _ROOT _nepali _headerZone @POST G("word") = makeconcept(G("words"),N("$text",2)); @RULES _xNIL <- _LINE ### (1) _LINE ### (2) @@
@CODE L("hello") = 0; @@CODE @NODES _sent @CHECK if (!N("needs-np",1)) fail(); @POST L("tmp") = N(2); group(2,2,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp"),N(2)); @RULES _xNIL <- _det _xALPHA _prep [lookahead] @@ # vg det alpha alpha . @CHECK if (!N("noun",4) && !N("adv",4)) fail(); @POST L("tmp4") = N(4); L("tmp3") = N(3); if (N("noun",4)) { group(4,4,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp4"),N(4)); if (N("adj",3)) group(3,3,"_adj"); else if (N("noun",3)) group(3,3,"_noun"); else group(3,3,"_adj"); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); if (pnname(N(3)) == "_adj") fixadj(N(3)); group(2,4,"_np"); pncopyvars(L("tmp4"),N(2)); clearpos(N(2),1,1); # Zero out token info. } else # 4 = adv { group(4,4,"_adv"); pncopyvars(L("tmp4"),N(4)); group(3,3,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); group(2,3,"_np"); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(2)); clearpos(N(2),1,1); # Zero out token info. } if (!N("voice",1)) N("voice",1) = "active"; @RULES _xNIL <- _vg _det _xALPHA _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_qEOS _xEND)] @@ # vg alpha prep @CHECK if (!N("noun",2)) fail(); if (N("adv",2)) fail(); @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); group(2,2,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); nountonp(2,1); if (pnname(N(1)) == "_vg") if (!N("voice",1)) N("voice",1) = "active"; @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_vg _verb)] _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_prep)] @@ # to vg conj alpha # to verb conj alpha @CHECK if (!N("verb",4)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(4),"inf")) fail(); @POST L("tmp4") = N(4); group(4,4,"_verb"); L("v") = N(4); pncopyvars(L("tmp4"),N(4)); group(4,4,"_vg"); mhbv(N(4),L("neg"),0,0,0,0,L("v")); N("voice",4) = "active"; pncopyvars(L("tmp4"),N(4)); clearpos(N(4),1,0); # Zero out token info. if (pnname(N(2)) == "_vg") if (!N("voice",2)) N("voice",2) = "active"; @RULES _xNIL <- to [s] _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg)] _conj _xALPHA @@ # dqa alpha alpha prep @CHECK if (N("noun",3)) fail(); @POST L("tmp3") = N(3); if (N("verb",3)) { group(3,3,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); L("v") = N(3); group(3,3,"_vg"); mhbv(N(3),L("neg"),0,0,0,0,L("v")); # N("voice",3) = 0; pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); N("verb node",3) = L("v"); clearpos(N(3),1,0); # Zero out token info. } else if (N("adv",3)) { group(3,3,"_adv"); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); } else if (N("adj",3)) { group(3,3,"_adj"); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); fixadj(N(3)); } @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [plus match=(_det _quan _num _xNUM _adj)] _xALPHA _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_prep)] @@ # det quan adj alpha prep # dqan @CHECK if (!N("noun",2)) fail(); # Todo: agreement. @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); group(2,2,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [plus match=(_det _quan _num _xNUM _adj)] _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_prep _qEOS _xEND)] @@ # vg out adj @CHECK if (N("mypos",2) && N("mypos",2) != "RP") fail(); @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); if (!N("mypos",2)) # Could already be assigned. { group(2,2,"_particle"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); # See if kb has something. if (L("num") = phrprepverbq(N(1),N(2))) { if (L("num") == 2) # prepositional # FIX. 06/18/06 AM. chpos(N(2),"IN"); else # 1 or 3. chpos(N(2),"RP"); # Default. } # else # Default. # chpos(N(2),"RP"); # } if (pnname(N(1)) == "_vg") { if (!N("voice",1)) N("voice",1) = "active"; listadd(1,2,"false"); } else { L("v") = N(1); group(1,1,"_vg"); mhbv(N(1),L("neg"),0,0,0,0,L("v")); pncopyvars(L("v"),N(1)); clearpos(N(1),1,0); N("pos100 v-particle",1) = 1; listadd(1,2,"false"); } @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg)] _xWILD [s one match=(out up down off)] _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_det _quan _num _xNUM _adj _noun _np _adv)] @@ # noun alpha alpha np @CHECK if (!N("verb",3)) fail(); @POST L("tmp3") = N(3); group(3,3,"_verb"); L("v") = N(3); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); fixverb(N(3),"active","VBP"); group(3,3,"_vg"); mhbv(N(3),L("neg"),0,0,0,0,L("v")); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); N("voice",3) = "active"; clearpos(N(3),1,0); # Zero out token info. @RULES _xNIL <- _noun _xALPHA _xALPHA _np [lookahead] @@ # prep alpha prep @CHECK if (!N("verb",3)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(3),"-ing")) fail(); @POST L("tmp3") = N(3); group(3,3,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); L("v") = N(3); L("neg") = mhbvadv(2,0,0,0); group(3,3,"_vg"); mhbv(N(3),L("neg"),0,0,0,0,L("v")); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); N("first verb",3) = N("verb node",3) = L("v"); clearpos(N(3),1,0); # Zero out token info. fixvg(N(3),"active","VBG"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(_prep) except=(to)] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_prep _fnword)] @@ # np conj np @POST if (N("sem",1) == "date" || N("sem",3) == "date") S("sem") = "date"; singler(1,3); @RULES _np <- _np _conj _np _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_qEOS _xEND)] @@ @POST L("tmp7") = N(7); group(2,7,"_np"); pncopyvars(L("tmp7"),N(2)); # Todo: compose nps. N("list",2) = N("compound-np",2) = 1; N("ne",2) = 0; if (pnname(N(1)) == "_vg") if (!N("voice",1)) N("voice",1) = "active"; @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_prep _fnword _verb _vg)] _np \, _np \, [opt] _conj _np @@ # noun conj np @POST nountonp(2,1); group(2,4,"_np"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART _noun _conj _np @@ # at the same time , @CHECK if (!N("noun",4)) fail(); @POST L("tmp4") = N(4); group(4,4,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp4"),N(4)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(at)] _det [opt] _adj _xALPHA _xWILD [lookahead one match=(\, )] @@ # same alpha as @CHECK if (!N("noun",2)) fail(); @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); group(2,2,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); @RULES _xNIL <- same [s] _xALPHA @@ # alpha up @CHECK if (!N("verb",1)) fail(); L("v") = vconj(N(1)); if (L("v") != "-edn" && L("v") != "-en" && L("v") != "-ing") fail(); @POST L("tmp1") = N(1); group(1,1,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA _xWILD [s one match=(up out)] @@ # vg adj alpha @CHECK if (!N("noun",3) && !N("adj",3)) fail(); @POST L("tmp3") = N(3); if (N("adj",3)) group(3,3,"_adj"); else if (N("noun",3)) group(3,3,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); if (pnname(N(3)) == "_adj") fixadj(N(3)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_vg _verb)] _adj _xALPHA @@ # vg to vg # used to make #@POST # L("tmp1") = N(1); # L("tmp4") = N(4); # L("v") = N("verb node",4); # if (L("v")) # { # chpos(L("v"),"VB"); # infinitive. # pnreplaceval(L("v"),"inf",1); # } # # # If ambiguous... # fixvg(N(1),"active","VBD"); # # group(1,4,"_vg"); # pncopyvars(L("tmp4"),N(1)); # N("voice",1) = 0; # Todo: Compose voice here... # N("first vg",1) = L("tmp1"); # N("last vg",1) = L("tmp4"); # N("pattern",1) = "vg-to-vg"; #@RULES #_xNIL <- # _vg # _adv [star] # to [s] # _vg # @@ # vg as alpha @CHECK if (!N("noun",3) && !N("unknown",3)) fail(); @POST pnrename(N(2),"_prep"); chpos(N(2),"IN"); @RULES _xNIL <- _vg as [s] _xALPHA @@ # np , np # person , age # apposition. @CHECK if (N("sem",3) != "specific_age") fail(); @POST group(1,4,"_np"); N("sem",1) = "person"; @RULES _xNIL <- _np \, _np \, @@ # Looks too old. # # happy to oblige #@POST # if (N("voice",3) == "active") # { # # Fix to infinitive. # L("v") = N("verb node",3); # chpos(L("v"),"VB"); # } # L("tmp3") = N(3); # group(1,1,"_adjc"); # group(1,3,"_vg"); # pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(1)); # N("pattern",1) = "adj-to-v"; #@RULES #_xNIL <- # _adj # to [s] # _vg # @@
@NODES _ROOT _IGNORE @POST S("type") = "figure"; single(); @RULES _figure <- _beginFigure ### (1) _xWILD ### (2) _endFigure ### (3) @@
@PATH _ROOT _contactZone _LINE # If name has been selected, use it. Else... # If a single high confidence name was found in contact zone(s) # of the resume, use it without further reasoning. @CHECK if (X("name found",2)) fail(); if (G("humannames") == 1 || N("name found") || N("ctcname conf") == X("hi ctcname conf",2)) succeed(); fail(); @POST # Need a way to get all the pieces of a name. # Probably should have been put into semantics already. # For now, designate this name as the chosen one, # and get it in a subsequent round. N("name found") = 1; X("name found") = 1; # Track the line that has the name. X("name found",2) = 1; # Name for contact zone found. X("contactName",2) = N("$text"); # At least get total name here. @RULES _xNIL <- _humanName @@
@CODE G("nodesToTraverse") = G("root"); G("count") = 0; G("count2") = 0; @@CODE @NODES _ROOT @POST "test.txt" << "count: " << G("count") << " passnum: " << G("$passnum") << " rulenum: " << G("$rulenum") << "\n"; G("count") = G("count") + 1; L("parentNode") = G("nodesToTraverse")[0]; if (N("$text", 3) == conceptname(L("parentNode"))) { G("nodesToTraverse")[arraylength( G("nodesToTraverse") )] = makeconcept(L("parentNode"), N("$text", 1)); } noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [plus fails=(\t)] ### (1) \t ### (2) _xWILD [plus fails=(\n \r)] ### (3) _xWILD [one matches=(\n \r)] ### (4) @@ @POST "test.txt" << "count2: " << G("count2") << " passnum: " << G("$passnum") << " rulenum: " << G("$rulenum") << "\n"; G("count2") = G("count2") + 1; noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xNIL ### (1) @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST excise(1,3); noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- RID ### (1) _xNUM ### (2) \n [opt] ### (3) @@
@PATH _ROOT _story ### Including generic business words in the "stop list". # ### And other general words. ### In this way, they don't count against the current industry. @POST ++G("total alphas"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=( finger fingers order orders ordering ordered wait waits waiting waited complain complains complaining complained pay pas paying paid amount amounts check checks checking checked customer customers client clients clientele staff clerk clerks employee employees employe employes checker checkers manager managers cashier cashiers service services place places placing placed mess messes sign signs behavior behaviors problem problems hassle hassles quality qualities woman women girl girls gal gals man men boy boys guys person persons teenager teenagers minute minutes hour hours clue clues look looks ruder ruder rudest slow slower slowest wrong wronger wrongest right righter rightest correct perfect nasty nastier nastiest mean meaner meanest hard harder hardest ill iller illest sick sicker sickest dirty dirtier dirtiest filthy filthier filthiest sticky stickier stickiest messy messier messiest poor poorer poorest bad worse worst lousy lousier lousiest yucky yuckier yuckiest ucky uckier uckiest blechy blechier blechiest blecchy blecchier blecchiest cruddy cruddier cruddiest crappy crappier crappiest small smaller smallest tiny tinier tiniest teeny teenier teeniest teensy teensier teensiest clueless incompetent braindead allergic sensitive averse intolerant I we me us he she they him her them you somehow only just extremely forever remotely really very ever so such too even thoroughly totally completely fully absolutely likewise similarly always sometimes still not never rarely )] @@ @POST # While we're here, COUNT THE ALPHABETICS IN THE TEXT. # ++G("total alphas"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one matches=( a about above achieve achieved achieves achieving across add added adding adds after again against al alike all almost alone along alongside already also although always am amid amidst among amongst an and another any anyhow anyway anyways apart apiece aplenty apparently apropos are aren around as at atop attain attained attaining attains averse avoid awake aware away b back bad badly barely barring base based bases basing basically basis be because became become becomes becoming been before began begin beginning begins behind being below beneath beside besides best better between beyond big billion both bound break briefly bring but by c call can cause certain certainly chance chances change changed changes changing choose clear close come compare compel complain complete completely concerning conceivably concentrate concerning consider considerable considering continue continued continues continuing convince cordially could create created creates creating criteria criterion cut d dare date day decide decidedly decrease decreased decreases decreasing deeply defer define definite definitely degree delay demand demonstrate deny describe despite determine did direct directly disable discover do does doing done double doubly doubt doubtless down dozen due during e each earlier earliest early easily easy eight eighteen either eleven else elsewhere empty enable end enough entire entirely equally essence essential essentially et etc even evening evenly ever every everyone everything everywhere exact exactly except excepting exist existed existing exists extreme extremely f fast faster fastest few fewer fewest fifteen find finding finds first five follow following follows for forth forward found four fourteen fourth from full g gave get gets getting give go goes going granted grew grow growing grows h had hard hardly has have having height heights her here hers high highly him his how i if important importantly in include included includes including inclusive increase increased increases increasing inside into is it its j just k knew know knowing known knows l large largely last late lately later latest least left less lesser like likewise ll look looked looking looks low lowly m many may mid might milestone milestones mine minus more most much my n near need needed needing needs new nine nineteen notwithstanding now number o of off old on one onto open opposite or other our out outside outwith over p past pending per plus put q r re remain remained remaining remains right round s same second serving set seven seventeen shall should significant similar similarly since six sixteen size sized small so soon start strength strengths strong stronger strongest strongly such sure t take ten than that the their theirs them then there these they third thirteen this three through throughout till to today toward towards twelve two u under underneath unlike until up upon us use v via w want wanted wanting wants was way weak weaker weakest weakly week weekly well went were what when where while who why will with within without wonder wondered wondering wonders would x y year years you your z face facilitate fail faint fairly fall fancy far farther farthest father favor favour feed feel fever few fewer fewest fight fill finally find fine finish firm first foremost fish flatly flee fling flounder flu fly focus following foot for start end all that certain example instance thing one sure forbid force forget forgive formally former formula formulae forum freeze from see full fully fun fundamentally funds further furthest galore generally get give place given go good goods graciously granted great greatly greetings grow guarantee guess half hand happen hardly hate have got he head hear help hence her here hero herself hide him himself his hit hold holidays home honestly how however humbly hundred hundredweight hurt ideally identical if only ignore ill imagine immediately imply fact actual addition brief case front order other words particular reality short spite inasmuch incidentally incite include included including inclusion indeed indefinite indicate induce inside insist insofar instead intend into introduce invite it its itself just keep kind kindly know last least lastly lately later latter lead leaf lean leap learn least leave lend less lest let alone lie light like listen literally little live long look upon looks lose sight track louse love lovely main make allowance room man manage manners many may might me mean means medium meet mention mere merely midnight million mind mine mini minus minutes miss mistake more morning most mother mouse mouth move mow much multi must my myself name namely natural naturally near nearby nearly necessarily need needn needs neglect neither neo never next nice night no doubt longer matter more sooner nominally non none noon nor not unnaturally yet notice notify notwithstanding now nowadays nucleus observe oblige obviously odds course off offer officially old omit on condition contrary onto top once one only onset open opposite optional or so order other otherwise ought oughtn our ourselves out outright outside outskirts outwardly outwith over overlook owe owing pains part particular particulars partly pass passive past path patois pay attention pending people pending per perfect perfectly perhaps period permit personal personally persuade phenomenon phenomena place plain plan plane plead please plus point position positive possibly postpone practice practise precise precisely prefer premises prepare presently press presuming pretend prevent principal principle private pro process proclaim promise propose protect prove provide provided providing pseudo pull punish pure purely simply put end stop quit quite rarely rather than read readily real realistically really recently recognize recollect recommend refer refuse regard regards regret regularly rejoice relative relieve rely remain remains remark remember remind rend render replace report reportedly repute reputedly request require research resent reserve resist resolve resort respective respectively rest result riches rid ride right rightly rigid ring rise fall rising risk rob round rule run with same save saw say scarcely school sea see seeing seek seem seldom self selfsame sell send separate separation seriously serve set several sew shake shall should she sheaf shear shed sheer shine shoot short should show shrink shun shut sick signal similar similarly simple simply since sink sit slay sleep slide sling slink slit smell smite so sole solo some somehow something sooner sort sound sow space spare speak specific specify speed spell spend spill spin spirits spit split spoil spread spring stadium stairs stand stare start state steal stem stick still stimulus sting stink stone stop stratum stress strew strict strictly speaking stride strike string strive strong structure structural style stylus subject such summer sunrise sunset super superficial superficially supper supply suppose supposedly supposing sure surely surround surroundings suspect swear sweat sweep swell swim swing tag take talk tantamount taste teach tear tell tempo tempt tend tense test than thank thanks that the their them themselves then theoretically there these they thief thine think this thorough thoroughly those thou though thousand threaten thrive through throughout throw thrust thus thy thyself till time to together ton tone too total totally toward towards town train tread treat true truly truth truthfully try turn twice twilight ultimatum ultra uncle under underneath understand undertake undoubtedly uniue unit unless unlike until unwell up upon upper urge us use used utter utterly very via vice virtuoso wait wake walk want warn watch we weak wear wed weep well were wet what whatever when whenever where whereas whereby whereupon wherever whether which whichever while whilst )] @@ @POST # Add word to dict, if absent. Get its word-concept. G("word concept") = addword(N("$text")); # Get the counter from the word concept. # (If absent, automatically starts at zero.) G("frequency") = numval(G("word concept"), "frequency"); # Increment counter and store back in word-concept. replaceval(G("word concept"), "frequency", ++G("frequency")); # While we're here, COUNT THE ALPHABETICS IN THE TEXT. # ++G("total alphas"); ++G("nonstop alphas"); # 10/08/00 AM. # noop(); # By default, no reduce occurs if there's code in @POST. @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA [s] ### 1 @@
@PATH _ROOT _headerZone _liGroup @POST "hiGroup.txt" << N("$text",2) << "\n"; single(); @RULES _hiGroup <- _iOpen ### (1) _xWILD [match=(_iGroup)] ### (2) _iClose ### (3) @@
# Remove concept con from Knowledge Base. Removes entire subhierarchy. rmconcept(L("con"));
@NODES _LINE @PRE <3,3> cap(); <5,5> length(1); <7,7> cap(); <9,9> cap(); @POST group(3, 7, "_streetName"); single(); @RULES _addressLine <- _xNUM [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] _xALPHA [s] \' [s] s [trig s] _xWHITE [star s] _xALPHA [s] _xWHITE [star s] _PostalRoad [s layer=("_road")] @@ @PRE <3,3> cap(); <5,5> cap(); <7,7> cap(); <10,10> cap(); <10,10> length(5); @POST group(3, 5, "_streetName"); single(); @RULES _addressLine <- _xNUM [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] _xALPHA [s] _xWHITE [star s] _xALPHA [s] _xWHITE [star s] _PostalRoad [trig s layer=("_road")] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s layer=("_postdirection") match=("_cityMod" "_Direction")] @@ @PRE <3,3> cap(); <5,5> cap(); <5,5> length(4); <7,7> cap(); <9,9> cap(); <9,9> length(4); @POST group(3, 5, "_streetName"); single(); @RULES # Ex: 33\_Grand\_View\_Rd\_East _addressLine <- _xNUM [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] _xALPHA [s] _xWHITE [star s] _PostalRoad [trig s] _xWHITE [star s] _PostalRoad [s layer=("_road")] _xWHITE [star s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s layer=("_postdirection") match=("_cityMod" "_Direction")] @@ @PRE <3,3> cap(); <5,5> cap(); <7,7> cap(); @RULES # Ex: 33\_Grand\_Rd\_East _addressLine <- _xNUM [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] _xALPHA [s layer=("_streetName")] _xWHITE [star s] _PostalRoad [trig s layer=("_road")] _xWHITE [star s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s layer=("_postdirection") match=("_cityMod" "_Direction")] @@ @PRE <1,1> length(3); <3,3> cap(); <3,3> length(1); <5,5> cap(); <7,7> cap(); <7,7> length(4); @RULES _addressLine <- _xNUM [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] _Direction [trig s layer=("_direction")] _xWHITE [star s] _xALPHA [s layer=("_streetName")] _xWHITE [star s] _PostalRoad [s layer=("_road")] @@ @PRE <1,1> length(4); <3,3> cap(); <3,3> length(6); <5,5> cap(); <5,5> length(5); <7,7> cap(); <7,7> length(6); @POST group(3, 5, "_streetName"); single(); @RULES _addressLine <- 1015 [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] Marlin [s] _xWHITE [star s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=("_PostalRoad" "Lakes")] _xWHITE [star s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s layer=("_road") match=("_PostalRoad" "Circle")] @@ @PRE <3,3> cap(); <5,5> cap(); <8,8> cap(); <8,8> length(5); @RULES _addressLine <- _xNUM [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] _xALPHA [s layer=("_streetName")] _xWHITE [star s] _PostalRoad [trig s layer=("_road")] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s layer=("_postdirection") match=("_cityMod" "_Direction")] @@ @PRE <1,1> length(3); <5,5> cap(); <5,5> length(4); @RULES _addressLine <- 260 [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s layer=("_streetName") match=("_city" "_Caps" "_cityPhrase")] _xWHITE [star s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s layer=("_road") match=("_PostalRoad" "Blvd")] @@ @PRE <1,1> length(2); <3,3> cap(); <3,3> length(4); <6,6> cap(); <6,6> length(2); @RULES # Ex: 45\_Worm\_Apple\_Rd. _addressLine <- 45 [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] Worm [s] _xWHITE [star s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=("_Caps" "_hardware")] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s layer=("_road") match=("_PostalRoad" "Rd")] \. [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> length(3); <3,3> cap(); <3,3> length(1); <5,5> cap(); <7,7> cap(); @RULES _addressLine <- _xNUM [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] _Direction [trig s layer=("_direction")] _xWHITE [star s] _xALPHA [s layer=("_streetName")] _xWHITE [star s] _PostalRoad [s layer=("_road")] \. [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> length(3); <3,3> cap(); <3,3> length(3); <5,5> cap(); <5,5> length(4); <7,7> cap(); <7,7> length(4); @POST group(3, 5, "_streetName"); single(); @RULES _addressLine <- 111 [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] Ink [s] _xWHITE [star s] Spot [s] _xWHITE [star s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s layer=("_road") match=("_PostalRoad" "Blvd")] \. [s] @@ @PRE <3,3> cap(); <7,7> cap(); @RULES _addressLine <- _xNUM [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] _Direction [trig s layer=("_direction")] _xWHITE [star s] _ordinal [s layer=("_streetName")] _xWHITE [star s] _PostalRoad [s layer=("_road")] \. [s] @@ _addressLine <- _xNUM [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] _Direction [trig s layer=("_direction")] _xWHITE [star s] _ordinal [s layer=("_streetName")] _xWHITE [star s] _PostalRoad [s layer=("_road")] @@ @PRE <3,3> cap(); <5,5> cap(); @RULES # Ex: 18\_Peters\_Street _addressLine <- _xNUM [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] _xALPHA [s layer=("_streetName")] _xWHITE [star s] _PostalRoad [trig s layer=("_road")] @@ @PRE <3,3> cap(); <3,3> length(8); <5,5> cap(); <5,5> length(2); @RULES _addressLine <- _xNUM [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] _xALPHA [s layer=("_streetName")] _xWHITE [star s] _PostalRoad [trig s layer=("_road")] \. [s] @@ @PRE <3,3> cap(); <3,3> length(1); <5,5> cap(); <5,5> length(1); <10,10> cap(); @POST group(3, 6, "_direction"); single(); @RULES _addressLine <- _xNUM [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] _Direction [trig s] \. [s] _Direction [s] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] _ordinal [s layer=("_streetName")] _xWHITE [star s] _PostalRoad [s layer=("_road")] \. [s] @@ @PRE <5,5> cap(); <7,7> cap(); @RULES _addressLine <- _xNUM [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] _ordinal [trig s layer=("_streetName")] _xWHITE [star s] _PostalRoad [s layer=("_road")] _xWHITE [star s] _Direction [s layer=("_postdirection")] @@ @PRE <5,5> cap(); <5,5> length(2); <8,8> cap(); <8,8> length(1); @RULES _addressLine <- _xNUM [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] _ordinal [trig s layer=("_streetName")] _xWHITE [star s] _PostalRoad [s layer=("_road")] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] _Direction [s layer=("_postdirection")] \. [s] @@ @PRE <3,3> cap(); <3,3> length(1); <6,6> cap(); <8,8> cap(); @RULES # Ex: 22\_W.\_Grinch\_Road _addressLine <- _xNUM [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] _Direction [trig s layer=("_direction")] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] _xALPHA [s layer=("_streetName")] _xWHITE [star s] _PostalRoad [s layer=("_road")] @@ @PRE <3,3> cap(); <3,3> length(1); <6,6> cap(); <6,6> length(6); <8,8> cap(); @RULES _addressLine <- _xNUM [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] _Direction [trig s layer=("_direction")] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] _xALPHA [s layer=("_streetName")] _xWHITE [star s] _PostalRoad [s layer=("_road")] \. [s] @@ @PRE <3,3> cap(); <3,3> length(1); <8,8> cap(); @RULES _addressLine <- _xNUM [s layer=("_streetNumber")] _xWHITE [star s] _Direction [trig s layer=("_direction")] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] _ordinal [s layer=("_streetName")] _xWHITE [star s] _PostalRoad [s layer=("_road")] @@ @RULES # Ex: P.O.\_Box\_3 _addressLine <- _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=("_addressLine" "_poBoxNumber")] @@
@PATH _ROOT _textZone _LINE _conjugation @POST X("up",3) = 1; excise(1,1); noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWHITE [s] ### (1) @@
# Tracking in the line and globally. # Should count tabs also. @PATH _ROOT _LINE @POST # S("bullet") = X("bullet") = "*"; # Commented out. # if (X("nindent") == 3) ++X("Netscape * bullet"); # Track max and min bullet indent. if (!G("* bullets")) # No * bullets seen yet. G("* bullet max") = G("* bullet min") = X("nindent"); if (X("nindent") > G("* bullet max")) G("* bullet max") = X("nindent"); if (X("nindent") < G("* bullet min")) G("* bullet min") = X("nindent"); # Globally track number of bullets. ++G("* bullets"); ++G("Netscape * bullets"); # modified 01.28.2k - PS: # single() noop(); @RULES # modified 01.28.2k - PS: was bleeding degree phrases #_bullet [base] <- _xNIL <- _xSTART _whtINDENT [s star] \* [s] # The bullet _xWILD [s plus match=( _xWHITE _whtSEP)] _xWILD [s one lookahead fail=( \* )] @@ @PRE <3,3> lowercase() @POST # S("bullet") = X("bullet") = "o"; # Commented out. # if (X("nindent") == 8) ++X("Netscape o bullet"); # Track max and min bullet indent. if (!G("o bullets")) # No o bullets seen yet. G("o bullet max") = G("o bullet min") = X("nindent"); if (X("nindent") > G("* bullet max")) G("o bullet max") = X("nindent"); if (X("nindent") < G("o bullet min")) G("o bullet min") = X("nindent"); # Globally track number of bullets. ++G("o bullets"); ++G("Netscape o bullets"); # modified 01.28.2k - PS: # single() noop(); @RULES # modified 01.28.2k - PS: was bleeding degree phrases #_bullet [base] <- _xNIL <- _xSTART _whtINDENT [s star] o [s] # The bullet. _xWILD [s plus match=( _xWHITE _whtSEP)] @@ @POST # S("bullet") = X("bullet") = "+"; # Commented out. # if (X("nindent") == 13) ++X("Netscape + bullet"); # Track max and min bullet indent. if (!G("+ bullets")) # No + bullets seen yet. G("+ bullet max") = G("+ bullet min") = X("nindent"); if (X("nindent") > G("+ bullet max")) G("+ bullet max") = X("nindent"); if (X("nindent") < G("+ bullet min")) G("+ bullet min") = X("nindent"); # Globally track number of bullets. ++G("+ bullets"); ++G("Netscape + bullets"); single(); @RULES _bullet [base] <- _xSTART _whtINDENT [s star] \+ [s] # The bullet _xWILD [s plus match=( _xWHITE _whtSEP)] @@ # Dashes are ambiguous. (They could start widow lines.) # So we'll wait and see before committing. @POST X("bullet") = "-"; # Track max and min bullet indent. if (!G("- bullets")) # No - bullets seen yet. G("- bullet max") = G("- bullet min") = X("nindent"); if (X("nindent") > G("- bullet max")) G("- bullet max") = X("nindent"); if (X("nindent") < G("- bullet min")) G("- bullet min") = X("nindent"); # Globally track number of bullets. ++G("- bullets"); # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART _whtINDENT [s star] \- [s] # The bullet _xWILD [s plus match=( _xWHITE _whtSEP)] @@ # Throwing some other stuff here for now. # # Flag a line as an HTML converted turd. @POST ++X("html turd"); # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- \[ [s] _xWILD \] [s] @@
# note: The funny looking stuff here matches all the zones but # only reduces the FIRST zone found to a contactZone. Just a trick # for singling out the first item in a list. # (may be working just because a single REZZONE is found in the list ;-) # @NODES _ROOT @PATH _ROOT @POST singler(2,2); @RULES # note: I believe rules fail with wildcard at start or end of rule. # Will fix after Tuesday demo for PM. #_contactZone <- _REZZONE _xWILD _xEND @@ #_contactZone <- _xSTART _REZZONE _xWILD _xANY @@ _contactZone [unsealed] <- _xSTART _REZZONE @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST excise(1,1) @RULES _xNIL <- _BLANKLINE [s] ### (1) @@
@CODE L("hello") = 0; if (G("studyout")) closefile(G("studyout")); @@CODE @NODES _sent @CHECK # Agreement... L("arr") = vgagree(N(1),N(3),N(5),N(7),N(9)); if (!L("arr")[0]) fail(); @POST L("m") = N(1); L("h") = N(3); L("b") = N(5); L("being") = N(7); L("v") = N(9); L("neg") = mhbvadv(2,4,6,8); if (N(7)) { N("sem",7) = N("stem",7) = "be"; chpos(N(7),"VBG"); } # Should be a more compact way to do the below... # At least group could return the grouped node. if (N(1)) { group(1,9,"_vg"); mhbv(N(1),L("neg"),L("m"),L("h"),L("b"),L("being"),L("v")); } else if (N(3)) { group(3,9,"_vg"); mhbv(N(3),L("neg"),L("m"),L("h"),L("b"),L("being"),L("v")); } else if (N(5)) { group(5,9,"_vg"); mhbv(N(5),L("neg"),L("m"),L("h"),L("b"),L("being"),L("v")); } else if (N(7)) { group(7,9,"_vg"); mhbv(N(7),L("neg"),L("m"),L("h"),L("b"),L("being"),L("v")); } else { group(9,9,"_vg"); mhbv(N(9),L("neg"),L("m"),L("h"),L("b"),L("being"),L("v")); } @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s opt match=(_modal _do)] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _have [s opt] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _be [s opt] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] being [s opt] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _xWILD [s one match=(_verb) except=(_modal _have _be _vg)] @@ ####### MHB ALPHA @CHECK if (!N("verb",9)) fail(); if (!N(1) && !N(3) && !N(5) && !N(7)) # 06/15/06 AM. fail(); # Agreement... L("arr") = vgagree(N(1),N(3),N(5),N(7),N(9)); if (!L("arr")[0]) fail(); @POST L("tmp9") = N(9); group(9,9,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp9"),N(9)); L("m") = N(1); L("h") = N(3); L("b") = N(5); L("being") = N(7); L("v") = N(9); if (N(7)) { N("sem",7) = N("stem",7) = "be"; chpos(N(7),"VBG"); } L("neg") = mhbvadv(2,4,6,8); group(1,9,"_vg"); mhbv(N(1),L("neg"),L("m"),L("h"),L("b"),L("being"),L("v")); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s opt match=(_modal _do)] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _have [s opt] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _be [s opt] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] being [s opt] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _xALPHA @@ @CHECK if (!N("verb",7)) fail(); # Agreement... L("arr") = vgagree(0,N(1),N(3),N(5),N(7)); if (!L("arr")[0]) fail(); @POST L("tmp7") = N(7); group(7,7,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp7"),N(7)); L("m") = 0; L("h") = N(1); L("b") = N(3); L("being") = N(5); L("v") = N(7); if (N(5)) { N("sem",5) = N("stem",5) = "be"; chpos(N(5),"VBG"); } L("neg") = mhbvadv(2,4,6,0); group(1,7,"_vg"); mhbv(N(1),L("neg"),L("m"),L("h"),L("b"),L("being"),L("v")); @RULES _xNIL <- _have [s] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _be [s opt] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] being [s opt] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _xALPHA @@ @CHECK if (!N("verb",5)) fail(); # Agreement... L("arr") = vgagree(0,0,N(1),N(3),N(5)); if (!L("arr")[0]) fail(); @POST L("tmp5") = N(5); group(5,5,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp5"),N(5)); L("m") = 0; L("h") = 0; L("b") = N(1); L("being") = N(3); L("v") = N(5); if (N(3)) { N("sem",3) = N("stem",3) = "be"; chpos(N(3),"VBG"); } L("neg") = mhbvadv(2,4,0,0); group(1,5,"_vg"); mhbv(N(1),L("neg"),L("m"),L("h"),L("b"),L("being"),L("v")); @RULES _xNIL <- _be [s] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] being [s opt] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _xALPHA @@ ##### VERBLESS @CHECK # Agreement... L("arr") = vgagree(N(1),N(3),N(5),N(7),0); # "err.txt" << L("arr") << phrasetext() << "\n"; if (!L("arr")[0]) fail(); S("voice") = "active"; @POST L("m") = N(1); L("h") = N(3); L("b") = N(5); L("being") = N(7); if (N(7)) { N("sem",7) = N("stem",7) = "be"; chpos(N(7),"VBG"); } L("neg") = mhbvadv(2,4,6,0); group(1,7,"_vg"); mhbv(N(1),L("neg"),L("m"),L("h"),L("b"),L("being"),0); N("voice",1) = S("voice"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(_modal _do) except=(_vg _np)] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _have [s opt] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _be [s opt] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] being [s opt] @@ @CHECK # Agreement... L("arr") = vgagree(0,N(1),N(3),N(5),0); S("verb node") = N(1); if (!L("arr")[0]) fail(); # S("voice") = "active"; @POST L("h") = N(1); L("b") = N(3); L("being") = N(5); if (N(5)) { N("sem",5) = N("stem",5) = "be"; chpos(N(5),"VBG"); } L("neg") = mhbvadv(2,4,0,0); if (N(5)) group(1,5,"_vg"); else if (N(3)) group(1,3,"_vg"); else group(1,1,"_vg"); mhbv(N(1),L("neg"),0,L("h"),L("b"),L("being"),0); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(_have) except=(_vg)] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _be [s opt] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] being [s opt] @@ @CHECK # Agreement... L("arr") = vgagree(0,0,N(1),N(3),0); if (!L("arr")[0]) fail(); S("voice") = "active"; if (N(3)) { N("sem",3) = N("stem",3) = "be"; chpos(N(3),"VBG"); } @RULES _vg <- _be [s] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] being [s] @@ # be @POST L("tmp1") = N(1); L("neg") = mhbvadv(2,0,0,0); group(1,1,"_vg"); mhbv(N(1),L("neg"),0,0,L("tmp1"),0,0); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); N("voice",1) = "active"; clearpos(N(1),1,0); @RULES _xNIL <- _be [s except=(_vg)] _adv [star] _xWILD [one fail=(_xALPHA _verb)] @@ _xNIL <- _be [s except=(_vg)] _adv [star] _xEND @@ # noun alpha by @CHECK if (!N("verb",2)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(2),"-en")) fail(); @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); group(2,2,"_verb"); L("vb") = N(2); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); group(2,2,"_vg"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); N("voice",2) = "passive"; N("verb node",2) = L("vb"); clearpos(N(2),1,0); # Zero out token info. N("ellipted-rel",2) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _noun _xALPHA _prep [lookahead] @@ # to alpha @CHECK if (!N("verb",2)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(2),"inf")) fail(); @POST L("tmp") = N(2); group(2,2,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp"),N(2)); chpos(N(2),"VB"); # Infinitive. group(2,2,"_vg"); pncopyvars(L("tmp"),N(2)); N("voice",2) = "active"; clearpos(N(2),1,0); # Zero out token info. @RULES _xNIL <- to [s] _xALPHA _xWILD [lookahead one match=(_conj _prep _fnword _det _quan _num _xNUM _adj _noun \,)] @@ # noun alpha noun # to alpha noun # prep alpha noun @CHECK if (!N("verb",3)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(3),"inf")) fail(); @POST L("tmp3") = N(3); group(3,3,"_verb"); L("v") = N(3); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); fixverb(N(3),"active","VB"); L("neg") = mhbvadv(2,0,0,0); group(3,3,"_vg"); mhbv(N(3),L("neg"),0,0,0,0,L("v")); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); N("voice",3) = "active"; clearpos(N(3),1,0); # Zero out token info. @RULES #_xNIL <- # _xWILD [one match=(_noun _np _pro)] # _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] # _xALPHA # _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] # _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_noun _np _pro _det _prep _conj)] # @@ # to alpha _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(to)] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _xALPHA _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_noun _np _pro _det _prep _conj _fnword _whword \, )] @@ # to alpha @CHECK if (!N("verb",3)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(3),"inf")) fail(); @POST L("tmp3") = N(3); group(3,3,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); L("v") = N(3); L("neg") = mhbvadv(2,0,0,0); group(3,3,"_vg"); mhbv(N(3),L("neg"),0,0,0,0,L("v")); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); N("verb node",3) = L("v"); fixvg(N(3),"active","VB"); clearpos(N(3),1,0); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(to)] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _xALPHA @@
@PATH _ROOT _RULES @POST rfarules(1) single() @RULES _RULES [base] <- _RULE [plus trig] @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _patientID <- \[ ### (1) \* ### (2) \* ### (3) _xWILD [fails=(\*)] ### (4) \* ### (5) \* ### (6) \] ### (7) @@ @RULES _time <- _xNUM \: _xNUM \: [opt] _xNUM [opt] \_ [opt] _xWILD [opt match=(am pm AM PM)] @@ @POST excise(6,6); excise(4,4); excise(2,2); single(); # Initialism @RULES _init <- _xWILD [one matches=(_xNUM _xALPHA)] ### (1) \. ### (2) _xWILD [one matches=(_xNUM _xALPHA)] ### (3) \. ### (4) _xWILD [opt matches=(_xNUM _xALPHA)] ### (5) \. [opt] ### (6) @@ @POST excise(2,2); singler(1,1); @RULES _init <- # Add abbreviations here, in the form dr., jr., etc _xWILD [one match=(Dr DR dr q etc)] \. _xWILD [one matches=(\_ \, \:)] @@ # Remove attending clinician line. @POST excise(1,4); @RULES _init <- _xWILD [one match=(Attending attending)] ### (1) \: ### (2) _xWHITE [opt] ### (3) _patientID [opt] ### (4) @@ # Remove stop words @PRE <1,1> vareq("s", "stop"); @POST "stop_words.txt" << N("$text", 1) << "\n"; excise(1,1); @RULES _xNIL <- _xANY @@ # Remove stop words which have been reduced to _stop @POST "stop_words.txt" << N("$text", 1) << "\n"; excise(1,1); @RULES _xNIL <- _stop @@
@PATH _ROOT _RULES @RECURSE listarg @POST rfaarg(1) single() @RULES _ARG [base] <- _NONLIT @@ _ARG [base] <- _LIT @@ _ARG [base] <- _STR @@ _ARG [base] <- _NUM @@ @@RECURSE listarg @POST rfalist(2) single() @RULES _LIST [base] <- \( _xWILD [match=(_LIT _NONLIT _STR _NUM) recurse=(listarg)] \) @@
@MULTI _ROOT _section @POST excise(1,1); @RULES _xNIL <- _break @@
@CODE L("node") = pndown(pnroot()); L("filename") = G("$apppath") + "\\input\\X\\" + G("$inputhead") + "." + G("$inputtail"); L("file") = openfile(L("filename")); # L("debugname") = G("$inputpath") + "debug.txt"; # L("debug") = openfile(L("debugname"),"app"); # L("debug") << L("filename") << "\n"; # closefile(L("debug")); while (L("node")) { L("file") << pnvar(L("node"),"$treetext") << "\n"; L("node") = pnnext(L("node")); } closefile(L("file")); @@CODE
@DECL ############# # PRINTRULE ############# printrule(L("clause")) { if (!L("clause")) return; L("n") = pndown(L("clause")); if (!L("n")) return; # Assume we have a good clause. G("rout") << "\n_clause <-"; # Traverse. L("a flag") = 0; # Flag if working on adverbial. while (L("n")) { L("a flag") = printruleelt(L("n"),L("a flag"),G("rout")); L("n") = pnnext(L("n")); } G("rout") << " @@"; } ############# # PRINTRULEELTS ############# printruleelts( L("start"), # 1st node. L("end"), # last node. L("a flag"), # If last was an adverbial. L("rout") # Stream to print to. ) { if (!L("start") || !L("rout")) return L("a flag"); if (L("end")) L("end") = pnnext(L("end")); while (L("start") && L("start") != L("end")) { L("a flag") = printruleelt(L("start"),L("a flag"),L("rout")); L("start") = pnnext(L("start")); } return L("a flag"); } ############# # PRINTRULEELT ############# printruleelt( L("n"), # Current node. L("a flag"), # If last was an adverbial. L("rout") # Stream to print to. ) { if (!L("n") || !L("rout")) return L("a flag"); L("name") = pnname(L("n")); if (L("name") == "_adv" || L("name") == "_advl") { if (!L("a flag")) # First adverbial in group. { L("rout") << " "; L("a flag") = 1; # G("rout") << "_xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)]"; L("rout") << "_advl"; # For readability... } } else { L("rout") << " "; L("a flag") = 0; # Reset. L("ch") = strpiece(L("name"),0,0); # First char. if (L("ch") == "_") # nonliteral. L("rout") << L("name"); # else if (strisdigit(L("ch")) || strisalpha(L("ch"))) # L("rout") << L("name"); else if (strisdigit(L("ch"))) L("rout") << "num"; else if (strisalpha(L("ch"))) { if (pnvar(L("n"),"posarr len")) { L("arr") = pnvar(L("n"),"posarr"); L("pos") = L("arr")[0]; L("pos2") = strpiece(L("pos"),0,1); if (L("pos2") == "NN" || L("pos2") == "VB" || L("pos2") == "JJ" || L("pos2") == "RB") L("rout") << L("pos2"); else L("rout") << L("pos"); } else L("rout") << "alpha"; } else # punct L("rout") << "\\" << L("name"); } return L("a flag"); } ############# # PRINTRULEALPHAS ############# printrulealphas(L("count"),L("rout")) { if (!L("count") || !L("rout")) return; while (L("count") > 0) { L("rout") << " " << "alpha"; --L("count"); } } @CODE if (!G("verbose")) exitpass(); G("rout") = "rule.txt"; G("rout") << "\n# Automatically gen'd rule file." << "\n"; G("rout") << "@PATH _ROOT _TEXTZONE _sent" << "\n"; # Keep it simple for now, with one rule region. G("rout") << "\n@RULES\n"; @@CODE #@PATH _ROOT _TEXTZONE _sent _clause #@PATH _ROOT _TEXTZONE _sent # Comment. # @NODES _sent # 07/13/12 AM. # Every time I see a clause with a verb group, #traverse it and print out a grammar rule for it. #@POST # printrule(X(4)); # Supply the clause node. #@RULES #_xNIL <- # _xANY [plus] # _vg [trigger] # _xANY [plus] # @@ @POST printrule(N(1)); @RULES _xNIL <- _clause @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST if (N("$text",2)) S("text") = strsubst(N("$text",2),"'"," \\\' "); single(); @RULES _string <- \" ### (1) _xWILD [fail=(\")] ### (2) \" ### (3) @@
@NODES _LINE @POST X("country",2) = strtolower(strtrim(N("$text",1))); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [fail=(_codes)] _codes ### (1) @@
@PATH _ROOT _LINE _Caps _Caps # Job title root word (eg, "programmer") at the end of phrase # gets a bonus. @POST ++X("jobtitleroots"); # Bump in _Caps context node. if (N("$end")) # If last node in caps phrase. ++X("end jobtitleroot"); # Bonus. Last word in cap phrase. # noop() # Implicit. @RULES _xNIL <- _jobTitleRoot [s] @@ _xNIL <- _jobPhrase [s] @@ # 12/26/99 AM. _xNIL <- _jobTitle [s] @@ # 01/01/00 AM. @POST ++X("jobmods"); # Bump in _Caps context node. if (N("$end")) # If last node in caps phrase. ++X("end jobmod"); # Bonus. Last word in cap phrase. # noop() # Implicit. @RULES _xNIL <- _jobMod [s] @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _DeclSep <- _PEReference [one] ### (1) @@ _DeclSep <- _whiteSpace [one] ### (1) @@ @@RULES
@NODES _LINE @RULES # College and Univertity, Institute & Seminary _SchoolRoot [] <- _SchoolRoot _xWHITE _xWILD [s one match = (and And \&)] _xWHITE _SchoolRoot @@ # A&M _SchoolName [] <- A [s] \& M [s] @@ # A&T _SchoolName [] <- A [s] \& [s] T [s]@@ # Agricultural and {Mechanical | Technical) _SchoolName [] <- Agricultural [s] _xWHITE _xWILD [s one match = (and And \&)]_xWHITE _xWILD [s one match = (Mechanical Technical)] @@ # {Art | Science | Mining | Technology | Design } _SchoolName []<- _xWILD [s one match =(Business Commerce Art Science Mining Technology Design)] _xWHITE _xWILD [s one match = (and And \&)]_xWHITE _xWILD [s one match =(Business Commerce Art Science Mining Technology Design)] @@ # Hobart and William Smith Colleges _SchoolName [] <- Hobart [s]_xWHITE _xWILD [s one match = (and And \&)]_xWHITE William [s]_xWHITE Smith [s] @@ # Washington and Jefferson College _SchoolName [] <- Washington [s] _xWHITE _xWILD [s one match = (and And \&)] _xWHITE Jefferson [s]@@ # William and Mary _SchoolName [] <- William [s] _xWHITE _xWILD [s one match = (and And \&)] _xWHITE Mary [s]@@ # Bryant & Stratton _SchoolName [] <- Bryant [s] _xWHITE _xWILD [s one match = (and And \&)] _xWHITE Stratton [s]@@ # Davis & Elkins College _SchoolName [] <- Davis [s]_xWHITE _xWILD [s one match = (and And \&)] _xWHITE Elkins [s] @@ # Emory & Henry College _SchoolName [] <- Emory [s] _xWHITE _xWILD [s one match = (and And \&)] _xWHITE Henry [s] @@ # Johnson & Wales _SchoolName [] <- Johnson [s]_xWHITE _xWILD [s one match = (and And \&)] _xWHITE Wales [s]@@ # Franklin & Marshall _SchoolName [] <- Franklin [s] _xWHITE _xWILD [s one match = (and And \&)] _xWHITE Marshall [s]@@ # Lewis & Clark College _SchoolName [] <- Lewis [s] _xWHITE _xWILD [s one match = (and And \&)] _xWHITE Clark [s]@@ # Washington & Lee University _SchoolName [] <- Washington [s]_xWHITE _xWILD [s one match = (and And \&)] _xWHITE Lee [s]@@ # Cooper Union _SchoolName [] <- Cooper [s] _xWHITE Union [s]@@
# Fetch concept-value of attribute (must be first). L("return_con") = conval(L("con"), L("name"));
@DECL DisplayCode(L("code")) { L("codename") = conceptname(L("code")); L("con") = FindCodeHier(L("codename"),G("icd11")); if (L("con")) { L("count") = 0; while (up(L("con")) && conceptname(L("con")) != "ICD11") { L("path")[L("i")++] = L("con"); L("count")++; L("con") = up(L("con")); } L("i") = L("count") - 1; L("indent") = 0; while (L("i") >= 0) { L("con") = L("path")[L("i")]; L("title") = strval(L("con"),"title"); "matches.txt" << SpacesStr(L("indent")) << conceptname(L("con")) << ": " << L("title") << "\n"; L("con") = down(L("con")); L("indent") = L("indent") + 2; L("i")--; } } } FindCodeHier(L("code"),L("con")) { L("child") = down(L("con")); while (L("child")) { # "debug.txt" << conceptname(L("child")) << "\n"; if (conceptname(L("child")) == L("code")) { return L("child"); } if (down(L("child"))) { L("found") = FindCodeHier(L("code"),L("child")); if (L("found")) return L("found"); } L("child") = next(L("child")); } } @@DECL
@PATH _ROOT _textZone _LINE @POST S("header") = N("$text",2); X("header") = N("$text",2); X("up") = 1; X("level") = strlength(N("$text",1)); "header.txt" << N("$text",2) << "\n"; single(); @RULES _header <- _xWILD [min=2 match=(\=)] ### (1) _xWILD [plus fail=(\=)] ### (2) _xWILD [min=2 match=(\=)] ### (3) @@
# Remove the two _adjs nodes from the parse tree, merging their children under a new _adjs node @POST merger(1,2); @RULES _adjs <- _adjs _adjs _xyz @@
@CODE G("trend file") << "TRENDS: RAW ALPHABETIC FREQUENCY" << "\n"; G("trend file") << "================================" << "\n"; # TRAVERSE DICTIONARY HIERARCHY. (Has 2 levels of dictionary indices.) G("dict level 1") = down(G("dict alpha")); # Get level 1. while (G("dict level 1")) # Traverse level 1. { G("dict level 2") = down(G("dict level 1")); # Get level 2. while (G("dict level 2")) # Traverse level 2. { G("dict word") = down(G("dict level 2")); # Get word concepts. while (G("dict word")) { # Print out words and their frequencies. G("freq") = numval(G("dict word"), "frequency"); if (G("freq") > 0) G("trend file") << rightjustifynum(G("freq"),5) << " " << LJ(conceptname(G("dict word")),12) << "\n"; G("dict word") = next(G("dict word")); # Get next word. } G("dict level 2") = next(G("dict level 2")); # Next level 2 index. } G("dict level 1") = next(G("dict level 1")); # Next level 1 index. } @@CODE
@NODES _LINE # Some phrases. # #@PRE #<1,1> cap() #<3,3> cap() @CHECK if (X("nblobs") >= 5) fail(); # Xlt("nblobs", 5) @RULES # Should have a confidence bonus if the header covers the entire line. #_contactHeader <- Personal [s] _xWHITE [s star] Information [s] @@ _contactHeader <- _xWILD [s one match=(_ContactHeaderPhrase _ContactHeaderWord)] @@ _educationHeader <- _xWILD [s one match=(_EducationHeaderPhrase _EducationHeaderWord)] @@ _experienceHeader <- _xWILD [s one match=(_ExperienceHeaderPhrase _ExperienceHeaderWord)] @@ _objectiveHeader <- _xWILD [s one match=(_ObjectiveHeaderPhrase _ObjectiveHeaderWord)] @@ _skillsHeader <- _xWILD [s one match=(_SkillsHeaderPhrase _SkillsHeaderWord)] @@ _referencesHeader <- _xWILD [s one match=(_ReferencesHeaderPhrase _ReferencesHeaderWord)] @@ _presentationsHeader <- _xWILD [s one match=(_PresentationsHeaderPhrase _PresentationsHeaderWord)] @@ _publicationsHeader <- _xWILD [s one match=(_PublicationsHeaderPhrase _PublicationsHeaderWord)] @@ _otherHeader <- _xWILD [s one match=(_OtherHeaderPhrase _OtherHeaderWord)] @@ @PRE <3,3> cap(); @RULES _contactHeader <- _xSTART _xWILD [s star match=( _xWHITE _whtINDENT)] _xWHITE [s star] _ContactHeaderWord [s t] \: [s opt] @@ _objectiveHeader <- _xSTART _xWILD [s star match=( _xWHITE _whtINDENT)] _xWHITE [s star] _ObjectiveHeaderWord [s t] \: [s opt] @@ _experienceHeader <- _xSTART _xWILD [s star match=( _xWHITE _whtINDENT)] _xWHITE [s star] _ExperienceHeaderWord [s t] \: [s opt] @@ _educationHeader <- _xSTART _xWILD [s star match=( _xWHITE _whtINDENT)] _xWHITE [s star] _EducationHeaderWord [s t] \: [s opt] @@ _skillsHeader <- _xSTART _xWILD [s star match=( _xWHITE _whtINDENT)] _xWHITE [s star] _SkillsHeaderWord [s t] \: [s opt] @@ _referencesHeader <- _xSTART _xWILD [s star match=( _xWHITE _whtINDENT)] _xWHITE [s star] _ReferencesHeaderWord [s t] \: [s opt] @@ _presentationsHeader <- _xSTART _xWILD [s star match=( _xWHITE _whtINDENT)] _xWHITE [s star] _PresentationsHeaderWord [s t] \: [s opt] @@ _publicationsHeader <- _xSTART _xWILD [s star match=( _xWHITE _whtINDENT)] _xWHITE [s star] _PublicationsHeaderWord [s t] \: [s opt] @@ _otherHeader <- _xSTART _xWILD [s star match=( _xWHITE _whtINDENT)] _xWHITE [s star] _OtherHeaderWord [s t] \: [s opt] @@ #_educationWord <- Education @@ #_educationWord <- Schooling @@ #_experienceWord <- Experience @@ #_experienceWord <- Projects @@ #_otherHeaderWord <- _xWILD [s one matches=( #Affiliations #Certificate #Certificates # expertise # Too specialized for the moment. #General #Information #Objective #Objectives #Patents #Presentations #Publications #References #Skill #Skills # )] @@
@PATH _ROOT _headerZone _liGroup _hiGroup @POST X("text") = X("text") + N("text"); "hitext.txt" << X("text") << "\n"; @RULES _xNIL <- _iGroup @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _Comment <- _CommentStart [one] ### (1) _xWILD [min=0 max=0 fail=("_CommentEnd" "_CommentEnd" "_DoubleHyphen")] ### (2) _CommentEnd [one] ### (3) @@ @POST S("textValue") = N("$text",2) ; single() ; @@POST @RULES _PubidLiteral <- \" [one] ### (1) _xWILD [min=0 max=0 matches=( "_xALPHA" "_xNUM" \ \- \' \( \) \+ \, \. \/ \: \= \? \; \! \* \# \@ \$ \_ \% )] ### (2) \" [one] ### (3) @@ _PubidLiteral <- \' [one] ### (1) _xWILD [min=0 max=0 matches=( "_xALPHA" _xNUM \ \- \( \) \+ \, \. \/ \: \= \? \; \! \* \# \@ \$ \_ \% )] ### (2) \' [one] ### (3) @@ _SystemLiteral <- \" [one] ### (1) _xWILD [min=0 max=0 fails=("\"")] ### (2) \" [one] ### (3) @@ _SystemLiteral <- \' [one] ### (1) _xWILD [min=0 max=0 fails=("'")] ### (2) \' [one] ### (3) @@ @@RULES @RULES _whiteSpace <- _xWHITE [plus] ### (1) @@ @@RULES
# Add num as numeric value to concept con's attribute called name. addnumval(L("con"), L("name"), L("num"));
@PATH _ROOT _POSTS _NLPPP @POST rfaactions(1) single() @RULES #_POSTS [base] <- _ACTION [star] @@ _POSTS [base] <- _STMTS [plus] @@
@DECL LookUpPhrases(L("node")) { L("this") = 1; } @@DECL
@PATH _ROOT _TEXTZONE _sent _clause @POST L("child") = pndown(N(1)); if (pnname(L("child")) == "_np") { "bodyAttr.txt" << "\nCOMPOUND\n"; } "bodyAttr.txt" << N("$text", 1) << "\n" << N("$text", 2) << "\n" << N("$text", 3) << "\n---------------\n"; single(); @RULES _xNIL <- _np ### (1) _vg _adjc @@
@PATH _ROOT _paragraph _sentence @POST S("conj count") = 0; S("conj")[S("conj count")++] = N("normal",1); S("conj")[S("conj count")++] = N("normal",3); S("conj")[S("conj count")++] = N("normal",5); single(); @RULES _company <- _company [s] ### (1) _conj [s plus] ### (2) _company [s] ### (3) _conj [s plus] ### (4) _company [s] ### (5) @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _columnHeaders <- Class ### (1) _xWILD [plus fails=(\n \r)] ### (2) _xWILD [one matches=(\n \r)] ### (3) @@