@NODES _LINE @RULES # Ex: Office:\_( _phoneWorkPhrase <- _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s layer=("_Work") match=("Office" "Wk" "w" "O" "Work")] \: [s] _xWHITE [star s] _phoneNumber [s] _xWHITE [star s] _phoneExtension [s] @@ _phoneWorkPhrase <- _phoneNumber [s] _xWHITE [star s] _phoneExtension [s] _xWHITE [star s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=("_openPunct" "\(")] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 trig s layer=("_Work") match=("Office" "Wk" "O" "W" "work")] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=("_closePunct" "\)")] @@ # Ex: Office:\_( _phoneWorkPhrase <- _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s layer=("_Work") match=("Office" "Wk" "w" "O" "Work")] \: [s] _xWHITE [star s] _phoneNumber [s] @@ _phoneWorkPhrase <- _phoneNumber [s] _xWHITE [star s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=("_openPunct" "\(")] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 trig s layer=("_Work") match=("Office" "Wk" "O" "W" "work")] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=("_closePunct" "\)")] @@ _phoneWorkPhrase <- _phoneNumber [s] _xWHITE [star s] _phoneExtension [s] _xWHITE [star s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 trig s layer=("_Work") match=("Office" "Wk" "O" "W" "work")] @@ _phoneWorkPhrase <- _phoneNumber [s] _xWHITE [star s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 trig s layer=("_Work") match=("Office" "Wk" "O" "W" "work")] @@ # Ex: (office)\_( _phoneWorkPhrase <- _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=("_openPunct" "\(")] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 trig s layer=("_Work") match=("office" "Wk" "W" "O" "Work")] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=("_closePunct" "\)")] _xWHITE [star s] _phoneNumber [s] _xWHITE [star s] _phoneExtension [s] @@ # Ex: (office)\_( _phoneWorkPhrase <- _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=("_openPunct" "\(")] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 trig s layer=("_Work") match=("office" "Wk" "W" "O" "Work")] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=("_closePunct" "\)")] _xWHITE [star s] _phoneNumber [s] @@ _phoneWorkPhrase <- _phoneNumber [s] _xWHITE [star s] _phoneExtension [s] @@
@DECL FileNameNumbered(L("name"),L("zero count")) { L("c") = 0; L("stop") = L("zero count") - strlength(str(G("counter"))) + 1; while (L("c") < L("stop")) { L("zeroes") = L("zeroes") + "0"; L("c")++; } L("filename") = G("$apppath") + "/files/" + L("name") + L("zeroes") + str(G("counter")) + ".txt"; "debug.txt" << L("filename"); return L("filename"); } @@DECL
@NODES _ROOT @PRE <1,1> var("word"); <1,1> var("female"); <1,1> varz("male"); @POST "output.txt" << N("word") << " female\n"; @RULES _xNIL <- _LINE ### (1) @@
@CODE L("hello") = 0; if (!G("hilite")) exitpass(); @@CODE # Traverse the whole tree. @MULTI _ROOT @PRE <1,1> var("mypos"); #<1,1> var("pos_np"); @POST noop(); # Merely matching the rule will set text to green. @RULES _xNIL <- _xANY @@
@CODE DispKB(); @@CODE
@POST excise(1, 1) noop() @RULES _xNIL <- \, [plus] @@
@DECL # EUIToCodes # Gets all codes for EUI GetCodes(L("eui")) { L("eui_con") = findconcept(G("eui_to_codes"), L("eui")); if (L("eui_con")) { L("return_vals") = findvals(L("eui_con"), "codes"); return L("return_vals"); } else { return 0; } } # AddVals # Add string vals to attribute of concept AddVals(L("con"), L("attr_name"), L("vals")) { while (L("vals")) { addstrval(L("con"), L("attr_name"), getstrval(L("vals"))); L("vals") = nextval(L("vals")); } } # rankCode # Rank code by calculating # (bases in code) / (bases in note section) # Args # code: code to rank # note_euis: list of euis from note to rank rankCode(L("code"), L("note_euis")) { # Lookup code in KB L("code_con") = findconcept(G("code_to_euis"), L("code")); if (!L("code_con")) { "debug.txt" << "Warning: no concept in <code_to_euis> for code " << L("code") << "\n"; return 0; } "debug_rank.txt" << "# " << L("code") << "\n"; L("code_euis") = findvals(L("code_con"), "euis"); L("eui_arr") = StrValsToArray(L("code_euis")); L("note_euis") = FilterDuplicates(L("note_euis"), 0); # Get number of euis represented in code L("total_code_euis") = arraylength(L("eui_arr")); L("total_code_euis") = 0; # Iterate over code euis L("rank") = 0; L("euis_found") = 0; L("code_eui_iter") = L("code_euis"); "debug_rank.txt" << getstrval(L("code_eui_iter")) << "\n"; while (L("code_eui_iter")) { L("curr_eui") = getstrval(L("code_eui_iter")); # Search for current euis in (sorted) note euis, L("in_notes") = BinarySearch(L("note_euis"), L("curr_eui")); "debug_rank.txt" << L("curr_eui") << "\n"; L("not_found") = -1; # Need to store as variable for comparison if (1) { # Weight euis based on frequency of occurence in codes (higher frequency = lower weight) # Get eui frequency (or probability) "debug_division.txt" << "Eui " << L("curr_eui") << " at index " << L("in_notes") << "\n"; L("p_eui_con") = getconcept(G("P_eui"), L("curr_eui")); if (!L("p_eui_con")) { "debug_division.txt" << "\t Warning: No p_eui concept found."; } else { "debug_division.txt" << "\tRetrieved concept: " << conceptname(L("p_eui_con")) << "\n"; } L("freq_attr") = findattrs(L("p_eui_con")); L("freq") = getsval(attrvals(L("freq_attr"))); "debug_division.txt" << L("freq") << "\n"; # debug L("all_attrs") = findattrs(L("p_eui_con")); while (L("all_attrs")){ "debug_division.txt" << "\Eui attrs: " << attrname(L("all_attrs")) << "\n"; L("all_attrs") = nextattr(L("all_attrs")); } "debug_division.txt" << "\tFrequency: " << L("freq") << "\n"; "debug_division.txt" << "\tFrequency: " << flt(L("freq")) << "\n"; L("weight") = 1.0 / flt(L("freq")); "weights.txt" << L("weight") << "\n"; L("total_code_euis") = flt(L("total_code_euis")) + L("weight"); if (L("in_notes") != L("not_found")) { L("euis_found") = flt(L("euis_found")) + L("weight"); } # Alternatively, increment euis_found # L("euis_found")++; } L("code_eui_iter") = nextval(L("code_eui_iter")); } # Rank = |intersection(euis in note, euis in code)| / |euis in code| if (L("total_code_euis") == 0) { return 0; } L("rank") = flt(L("euis_found")) / flt(L("total_code_euis")); # # Alternatively, simply set to num euis found. # L("rank") = L("euis_found"); # "ranks.txt" << L("euis_found") << " / " << L("total_code_euis") << " code euis"; "ranks.txt" << " = " << L("rank") << "\n"; return L("rank"); } # extractCodeRanks # Takes a set of key words from a note, finds plausible keywords, # then appends code predictions to KB with ranking # Params: # keys: List of keys from a given section # type: procedure/diagnosis split # Return: # null, non-zero ranked codes and ranks will be added to kb # extractCodeRanks(L("keys"), L("type")) { # L("i") = 0; # while (L("i") < arraylength(L("keys"))) { # L("key") = L("keys")[L("i")]; # L("first_code") = keyToCodes(L("key")); # # Loop over each code which contains current key word # L("code_iter") = L("first_code"); # while (L("code_iter")) { # L("code") = conceptname(L("code_iter")); # L("rank") = rankCode(L("code"), L("keys"), L("type")); # "codes.txt" << L("code") << ", rank: " << L("rank") << "\n"; # # FIXME: Add logic to partition into relevant split (proc or diag) # if (flt(L("rank")) != 0.0) { # if (L("type") == "diagnoses") { # L("con") = AddUniqueCon(G("pred_diagnoses"), L("code")); # addstrval(L("con"), "rank", str(L("rank"))); # } # else if (L("type") == "procedures") { # L("con") = AddUniqueCon(G("pred_procedures"), L("code")); # addstrval(L("con"), "rank", str(L("rank"))); # } # } # L("code_iter") = next(L("code_iter")); # } # L("i")++; # } # } # getFloatSum # Params: # L("list"): list of float vals stored as strings # Returns: # Sum of list as float getFloatSum(L("list")) { L("sum") = 0.0; while (L("list")) { L("sum") = L("sum") + flt(getstrval(L("list"))); "sums.txt" << flt(getstrval(L("list"))) << "\n"; L("list") = nextval(L("list")); } return L("sum"); } # sumRanks # Params: # L("first_code"): first code with rank attribute # the next siblings will also be summed # Returns: # Null. After calling, sums = sumRanks(L("first_code")) { L("iter_code") = L("first_code"); while (L("iter_code")) { L("rank") = attrvals(findattr(L("iter_code"), "rank")); L("rank_sum") = getFloatSum(L("rank")); replaceval(L("iter_code"), "rank", L("rank_sum")); L("iter_code") = next(L("iter_code")); } } convertToInt(L("first_code"), L("shift")) { L("iter_code") = L("first_code"); while (L("iter_code")) { L("rank") = fltval(L("iter_code"), "rank"); L("shifted") = str(L("rank") * L("shift")); L("split") = split(L("shifted"), "."); L("int") = num(L("split")[0]); replaceval(L("iter_code"), "rank", L("int")); L("iter_code") = next(L("iter_code")); } } # getChildCons # (concepts, not convicts) # Params: # parent_con: parent concept with children concepts to sort # Returns: # List of child concepts of parent_con of type con if not str, else string getChildCons(L("parent_con"), L("str")) { L("children") = 0; L("iter") = down(L("parent_con")); while (L("iter")) { if (L("children")) { if (L("str")) { L("children")[arraylength(L("children"))] = conceptname(L("iter")); } else { L("children")[arraylength(L("children"))] = L("iter"); } } else { if (L("str")) { L("children") = conceptname(L("iter")); } else { L("children") = L("iter"); } } L("iter") = next(L("iter")); } return L("children"); } @@DECL
@CODE # Traverse top split of eui_to_codes concept, saving sum total # and adding eui/count to kb G("top_eui_sum") = 0; G("top_eui_exp_sum") = 0; L("iter") = down(G("eui_to_codes_top")); while (L("iter")) { # Get all codes for eui L("codes") = findvals(L("iter"), "codes"); # Create concept for code in P_eui L("eui_con") = makeconcept(G("P_eui_top"), conceptname(L("iter"))); # Get number of codes in codes attribute L("num_codes") = ValsLength(L("codes")); # Add to sum total G("top_eui_sum") = G("top_eui_sum") + L("num_codes"); # Add to exp total (softmax denominator) G("top_eui_exp_sum") = flt(G("top_eui_exp_sum")) + exp(L("num_codes")); # Add to numval addnumval(L("eui_con"), "codes", L("num_codes")); # Advance iterator to sibling concept L("iter") = next(L("iter")); } "p_top.txt" << "\nTotal sum: " << G("top_eui_sum") << "\n"; "p_top.txt" << "Total exp sum: " << G("top_eui_exp_sum") << "\n\n"; L("iter") = down(G("P_eui_top")); while (L("iter")) { # Get codes attribute L("frequency") = numval(L("iter"), "codes"); # # Calculate exp(eui) / (sum to j [exp(eui_j)]) # L("exp_n") = flt(exp(L("frequency"))) # L("p") = L("exp_n") / flt(G("top_eui_exp_sum")); # "p_top.txt" << conceptname(L("iter")) << ": " << L("exp_n") << " / total = " << L("p") << "\n"; # Add p as attribute under eui addstrval(L("iter"), "p", str(L("p"))); # Advance iterator to next sibling L("iter") = next(L("iter")); } @@CODE
# To demonstrate nextattr, we first need to build a KB: if (findconcept(findroot(),"apple")) rmconcept(findconcept(findroot(),"apple")); # Create the apple concept G("apple") = makeconcept(findroot(),"apple"); # Apples have color addstrval(G("apple"),"have","color"); # Apple's color is red addstrval(G("apple"),"color","red"); # Apple's weigh 3 something or others addnumval(G("apple"),"weight",3); # Apple's color is also green and yellow addstrval(G("apple"),"color","green and yellow"); The code creates a KB like this:
@NODES _ROOT @RULES ## Changed this from _BLANKLINE to _LINE from library Lines.pat _LINE <- _xWILD [min=0 max=0 matches=(\ \t \r)] ### (1) \n ### (2) @@ _LINE <- _xWILD [min=0 max=0 fails=(\r \n)] ### (1) _xWILD [one match=(\n _xEND)] ### (2) @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST L("con") = AddUniqueCon(G("pos"),N("$text",3)); "pos.txt" << N("$text",3) << "\n"; IncrementCount(L("con"),"count"); @RULES _xNIL <- pos ### (1) \= ### (2) _xALPHA ### (3) @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST # Saving code, but not adding to KB, so we can put it in order later S("code") = AddUniqueCon(G("icd_codes"), N("$text", 1)); addstrval(S("code"), "term", N("$text", 3)); # S("code") = N("$text", 1); excise(4,4); excise(1,2); single(); @RULES _entry<- _xWILD [fails=(\t)] ### (1) \t ### (2) _xWILD [fails=(\n \r)] ### (3) _xWILD [one matches=(\n \r)] ### (4) @@
@CODE # Replace "labels.kb" with file path to store in different dir #kbdumptree(G("labels"), "labels.kb"); #DumpKB(G("root"), "ICD"); DisplayKB(G("root"),1); @@CODE
@NODES _LINE @POST X("code") = N("$text",1); @RULES _xNIL <- _code @@
# Lookup all the values in the words variable in the dict.words file @CODE G("Words")[0] = "aardvark"; G("Words")[1] = "abacus"; gtolower("Words"); sortvals("Words"); guniq("Words"); lookup("Words","dict.words","word"); @PRE <1,1> unknown(); @POST N("unknown word") = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA @@
@NODES _LINE # No intervening whitespace. "retokenization". @POST S("len") = 2; S("puncts") = 1; # 01/11/00 AM. single(); @RULES _Caps [unsealed] <- _xCAP [s] _xWILD [s one match=( \- \/ )] _xCAP [s] @@ # Some special names. # Ex, O'Henry. @RULES _surName [layer=(_humanNamepart _Caps)] <- O [s] _xWILD [s one match=( \' \~ )] _xCAP [s] @@ # VARIOUS POSSESSIVES, etc. John's, Peoples'. @POST S("len") = 1; single(); @RULES _Caps [unsealed] <- _xCAP [s] \' [s] _xALPHA [s opt] @@ # E.g., Southern California. @POST S("len") = 2; S("state") = N("$text",3); single(); @RULES _Caps [unsealed] <- _adjDirection [s] _xWHITE [s star] _state [s] @@ # Preempt caps formation for some stuff. @POST S("city") = N("$text",1); S("state") = N("$text",4); single(); @RULES _cityState <- _city [s] \, [s opt] _xWHITE [s star] _state [s] @@ # Take a look at some other city-state candidates. #@PRE #<1,1> unknown(); #<3,3> unknown(); @CHECK # 09/02/01 AM. if (spellword(N("$text",1)) || spellword(N("$text",3))) fail(); @POST S("state") = N("$text",6); group(1,3,"_city"); S("city") = N("$text",1); # group changes numbering. single(); @RULES _cityState <- _xCAP [s] _xWHITE [s star] _xCAP [s] \, [s] _xWHITE [s star] _state [s trig] @@ #@PRE #<1,1> unknown(); @CHECK if (spellword(N("$text",1))) fail(); @POST S("state") = N("$text",4); S("city") = N("$text",1); single(); @RULES _cityState <- _xCAP [s layer=(_city)] \, [s] _xWHITE [s star] _state [s trig] @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _nameToken <- _xNUM _xCAP @@ @RULES _USA <- U \. S \. A \. @@ _USA <- U \. S \. @@ _AKA <- a \. k \. a \. @@ _AKA <- aka @@ _ST <- st \. @@ _month <- _xWILD [one match=( jan feb mar apr jun jul aug sept oct nov dec )] \. @@ _quote <- _xWILD [one match=(\' \")] ### (1) @@ _nameSuffix <- _xWILD [match=(_xWHITE \,)] ### (1) _xWILD [one match=(jr sr i ii iii)] ### (2) \. ### (3) @@ _nameAbbrevCandidate <- _xCAPLET [s] ### (1) \. ### (2) @@
# Rename every node that matched the current element to NAME @RULES _locfield <- location \: _xWILD [ren=_location] \n @@
@NODES _ROOT @CHECK if (N("count",1) == G("max header")) succeed(); fail(); @POST "nesting.txt" << "header: " << N("count",1) << " " << N("header",1) << "\n"; S("count") = N("count",1); S("header") = N("header",1); single(); @RULES _headerZone <- _header ### (1) _xWILD [fail=(_header _xEND)] ### (2) @@ @POST G("max header")--; if (G("max header") < 1) exitpass(); "nesting.txt" << "max: " << G("max header") << "\n"; @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [match=(_LINE _headerZone)] _xEND @@
@NODES _LINE @POST L("header") = N("$text",2); S("header") = L("header"); X("header") = 1; S("count") = strlength(N("$text",1)); if (S("count") > G("max header")) { G("max header") = S("count"); } "header.txt" << L("header") << " " << str(S("count")) << "\n"; single(); @RULES _header <- _xWILD [min=1 match=(\#)] ### (1) _xWILD [plus fail=(_xEND)] ### (2) @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _tdOpen <- \< td _xWILD [fail=(\>)] \> @@ _tdClose <- \< \/ td \> @@
# Match a _verb node optionally preceded by _modal, _have, or _be nodes, reducing to _vgroup @RULES _vgroup <- _modal [opt] _have [opt] _be [opt] _verb @@
@PATH _ROOT _paragraph _sentence @POST S("title") = N("$text",3); single(); @RULES _titleParen <- \( ### (1) a ### (2) _agency ### (3) \) ### (4) @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _xNIL <- _xNIL ### (1) @@
# Do a mini-reduction of all the nodes that matched _noun, naming the @RULES _np <-  _det _quan _adj _noun [plus group=_nouns] @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST PathToConcept(G("kb"),N("con")); @RULES _xNIL <- _LINE ### (1) @@
@PATH _ROOT _paragraph _sentence @POST L("con") = getconcept(G("caps"),N("$text")); S("caps") = L("con"); AddUniqueStr(L("con"),"type","full"); single(); @RULES _name <- _xWILD [min=2 match=(_xCAP)] @@ @PRE <1,1> uppercase(); @POST L("con") = getconcept(G("caps"),N("$text")); S("caps") = L("con"); AddUniqueStr(L("con"),"type","abbrev"); # L("name") = makeconcept(X("sent",3),N("$text")); # addconval(L("name"),"caps",L("con")); single(); @RULES _name <- _xALPHA @@
@CODE TakeKB("phrases"); G("phrases") = findconcept(findroot(), "phrases"); @@CODE
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _BLANKLINE <- _xWILD [min=0 max=0 matches=(\ \t \r)] ### (1) \n ### (2) @@ @POST S("con") = MakeCountCon(G("sentences"),"sentence"); single(); @RULES _LINE <- _xWILD [min=0 max=0 fails=(\r \n)] ### (1) _xWILD [one match=(\n _xEND)] ### (2) @@
@PATH _ROOT _LINE _Caps # Job title root word (eg, "programmer") at the end of phrase # gets a bonus. @POST ++X("jobtitleroots"); # Bump in _Caps context node. if (N("$end")) # If last node in caps phrase. ++X("end jobtitleroot"); # Bonus. Last word in cap phrase. # noop() # Implicit. @RULES _xNIL <- _jobTitleRoot [s] @@ _xNIL <- _jobPhrase [s] @@ # 12/26/99 AM. _xNIL <- _jobTitle [s] @@ # 01/01/00 AM. @POST ++X("jobmods"); # Bump in _Caps context node. if (N("$end")) # If last node in caps phrase. ++X("end jobmod"); # Bonus. Last word in cap phrase. # noop() # Implicit. @RULES _xNIL <- _jobMod [s] @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _section <- _xWILD [min=2 matches=(\n \r)] @@
@NODES _LINE @RULES _degree <- _xWILD [s one match=(Bachelor Master Bachelors Masters)] _xWHITE [s star] Degree [s] @@ _degree <- _xWILD [s one match=(Bachelor Master)] \' [s] s [s] _xWHITE [s star] Degree [s] @@ _degree <- _xWILD [s one match=(Bachelor Bachelors Master Masters)] _xWHITE [s star] of [s] _xWHITE [s star] _xWILD [s one match=(Art Arts Science Sciences)] @@ _degree <- _xWILD [s one match=(Bachelor Master )] \' [s] s [s] _xWHITE [s star] of [s] _xWHITE [s star] _xWILD [s one match=(Art Arts Science Sciences)] @@ #_degree [] <- _xWILD [s t one match = ( graduate graduated )] # _xWHITE [s opt] # _xWILD [s opt match = ( of from )] # @@ _degree [] <- _xWILD [s t one match = (Associate Bachelor Master )] \' [s] s [s] @@ _degree [] <- _xWILD [s one match = ( Associate Associates Bachelor Bachelors Masters Master Doctorate diploma certificate senior junior sophmore freshman #certified )] @@ _degree [] <- _xWILD [s one match = ( A Advanced )] _xWHITE [s] _xWILD [s one match = ( Levels Level )] @@
@NODES _LINE @PRE <1,1> cap() <1,1> length(4) <3,3> cap() <3,3> length(5) @RULES # Ex: West\_Point _university <- _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=(_cityMod _companyMod _jobMod _Direction West)] _xWHITE [star s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=(_PostalRoad Point)] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap() <1,1> length(1) <3,3> cap() <3,3> length(1) <5,5> cap() <5,5> length(1) @RULES # Ex: S.M.U. _university <- _xALPHA [s] \. [trig s] _xALPHA [s] \. [s] _xALPHA [s] \. [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap() <1,1> length(1) <3,3> cap() <3,3> length(1) <5,5> cap() <5,5> length(1) <7,7> cap() <7,7> length(1) @RULES # Ex: U.C.S.B. _university <- _xALPHA [s] \. [s] _xALPHA [s] \. [s] _xWILD [min=1 max=1 trig s match=(_Direction S)] \. [s] _xALPHA [s] \. [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap() <1,1> length(1) <3,3> cap() <3,3> length(4) @RULES # Ex: U.PENN _university <- U [s] \. [s] _xALPHA [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap() <1,1> length(1) <3,3> cap() <3,3> length(1) @RULES # Ex: U.C. _university <- U [s] \. [s] _xALPHA [s] \. [s] @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST "header.txt" << N("$text",2) << "\n\n"; S("text") = N("$text",2); single(); @RULES _header <- _headerOpen ### (1) _xWILD [fail=(_headerClose)] ### (2) _headerClose ### (3) @@
@NODES _LINE @PRE <1,1> cap(); @RULES # Ex: Media _companyMod <- _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=("Media" "Advanced" "Air" "America" "American" "Apparel" "Applied" "Atlantic" "Auto" "Automotive" "Bio" "Business" "Capital" "Care" "Cellular" "Central" "China" "City" "Computer" "Consolidated" "Control" "Crown" "Data" "De" "Dental" "Design" "Development" "Digital" "Eagle" "Environmental" "Exploration" "First" "Food" "Furniture" "Gold" "Golf" "Home" "Hospitality" "Information" "Integrated" "Internet" "Laser" "Learning" "Life" "Management" "Marine" "Access" "Motor" "National" "Natural" "Net" "Network" "New" "North" "Oil" "One" "Pacific" "Park" "Penn" "Phoenix" "Pioneer" "Power" "Precision" "Premier" "Public" "Resorts" "Restaurant" "Science" "Sciences" "Scientific" "Security" "Southern" "Specialty" "Sports" "Standard" "Star" "Steel" "Tele" "Thermo" "Transport" "Transportation" "USA" "Valley" "Video" "Vision" "Waste" "Water" "West" "Western" "Wireless" "World" "Worldwide")] @@
## CODE REGION @CODE prlit("output.txt","\n"); prlit("output.txt","EXPERIENCE:\n"); @@CODE @PATH _ROOT _experienceZone @CHECK # Require the instance to have a daterange. if (!N("date range",1)) fail(); @POST if(N("date range")){ "output.txt" << LJ("Date:",G("indent")) << N("date range",1) << "\n"; } if(N("company name")){ "output.txt" << LJ("Company:",G("indent")) << N("company name",1) << "\n"; } if(N("job title")){ "output.txt" << LJ("Position:",G("indent")) << N("job title",1) << "\n"; } if (N("city")) { if (N("state")) N("loc") = N("city") + ", " + N("state"); else if (N("country")) N("loc") = N("city") + ", " + N("country"); else N("loc") = N("city"); } else if (N("state")) N("loc") = N("state"); else if (N("country")) N("loc") = N("country"); if (N("loc")){ "output.txt" << LJ("Location:",G("indent")) << N("loc",1) << "\n"; } "output.txt" << "\n"; # 11/22/00 AM. @RULES _xNIL <- _experienceInstance @@
# Allocate statement handle for the currently open database @CODE dbopen("test","root","mypassword"); dballocstmt(); dbexecstmt("INSERT INTO employee (name, age) VALUES('John Smith','32');"); dbfreestmt(); dbclose(); @@CODE
@NODES _LINE @RULES # ex. Linguistics and Philosophy _major [] <- _major [s] _xWHITE [s] _xWILD [s one matches = ( and \& ) ] _xWHITE [s] _major [s] @@ # ex. Linguistics, Philosophy _major [] <- _major [s] _xWILD [s one matches = ( \,) ] _xWHITE [s] _major [s] @@ # ex. Linguistics, Philosophy, Computer Science _major [] <- _major [s] _xWILD [s one matches = ( \,) ] _xWHITE [s] _xWILD [s one matches = ( \,) ] _xWHITE [s] _major [s] @@
@PATH _ROOT _EntityDecl @POST if (N("$text",4)) S("buffer1") = str(N("$text",4)) ; if (N("$text",5)) S("buffer2") = str(N("$text",5)) ; if (S("buffer1") && S("buffer2")) { S("EntityName") = S("buffer1") + S("buffer2") ; } else if (S("buffer1")) S("EntityName") = S("buffer1") ; else if (S("buffer2")) S("EntityName") = S("buffer2") ; G("CurrentEntity") = findconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; if (G("CurrentEntity") == 0 ) { makeconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; G("CurrentEntity") = findconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; } addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"parameter") ; addsval(G("CurrentEntity"),"parameter",1) ; addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"internal") ; addsval(G("CurrentEntity"),"internal",0) ; addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"textValue") ; addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"URI") ; addstrval(G("CurrentEntity"),"URI",str(N("URI",7))) ; single() ; @@POST @RULES _PEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] ### (1) _xWILD [s trig min=1 max=1 matches=("\%")] ### (2) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (3) _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] ### (4) _xWILD [s min=0 max=0 matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (5) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (6) _ExternalID [one] ### (7) @@ @@RULES @POST if (N("$text",4)) S("buffer1") = str(N("$text",4)) ; if (N("$text",5)) S("buffer2") = str(N("$text",5)) ; if (S("buffer1") && S("buffer2")) { S("EntityName") = S("buffer1") + S("buffer2") ; } else if (S("buffer1")) S("EntityName") = S("buffer1") ; else if (S("buffer2")) S("EntityName") = S("buffer2") ; G("CurrentEntity") = findconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; if (G("CurrentEntity") == 0 ) { makeconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; G("CurrentEntity") = findconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; } addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"parameter") ; addsval(G("CurrentEntity"),"parameter",1) ; addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"internal") ; addsval(G("CurrentEntity"),"internal",1) ; addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"textValue") ; addstrval(G("CurrentEntity"),"textValue",str(N("textValue",7))) ; single() ; @@POST @RULES _PEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] ### (1) _xWILD [s trig one matches=("\%")] ### (2) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (3) _xWILD [s one matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] ### (4) _xWILD [s star matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (5) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (6) _EntityRef [one] ### (7) @@ _PEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] ### (1) _xWILD [s trig min=1 max=1 matches=("\%")] ### (2) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (3) _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] ### (4) _xWILD [s min=0 max=0 matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (5) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (6) _PEReference [one] ### (7) @@ @@RULES @POST if (N("$text",4)) S("buffer1") = str(N("$text",4)) ; if (N("$text",5)) S("buffer2") = str(N("$text",5)) ; if (S("buffer1") && S("buffer2")) { S("EntityName") = S("buffer1") + S("buffer2") ; } else if (S("buffer1")) S("EntityName") = S("buffer1") ; else if (S("buffer2")) S("EntityName") = S("buffer2") ; G("CurrentEntity") = findconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; if (G("CurrentEntity") == 0 ) { makeconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; G("CurrentEntity") = findconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; } addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"parameter") ; addsval(G("CurrentEntity"),"parameter",1) ; addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"internal") ; addsval(G("CurrentEntity"),"internal",1) ; addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"textValue") ; addstrval(G("CurrentEntity"),"textValue",str(N("textValue",7))) ; single() ; @@POST @RULES _PEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] ### (1) _xWILD [s trig one matches=("\%")] ### (2) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (3) _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] ### (4) _xWILD [s min=0 max=0 matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (5) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (6) _PubidLiteral [one] ### (7) @@ _PEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] ### (1) _xWILD [s trig min=1 max=1 matches=("\%")] ### (2) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (3) _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] ### (4) _xWILD [s min=0 max=0 matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (5) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (6) _SystemLiteral [one] ### (7) @@ @@RULES @POST if (N("$text",2)) S("buffer1") = str(N("$text",2)) ; if (N("$text",3)) S("buffer2") = str(N("$text",3)) ; if (N("$text",2) && N("$text",3)) { S("EntityName") = S("buffer1") + S("buffer2") ; } else if (N("$text",2)) S("EntityName") = S("buffer1") ; else if (N("$text",3)) S("EntityName") = S("buffer2") ; G("CurrentEntity") = findconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; if (G("CurrentEntity") == 0 ) { makeconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; G("CurrentEntity") = findconcept(G("Entities"),S("EntityName")) ; } addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"parameter") ; addsval(G("CurrentEntity"),"parameter",0) ; addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"internal") ; addsval(G("CurrentEntity"),"internal",1) ; addattr(G("CurrentEntity"),"textValue") ; addstrval(G("CurrentEntity"),"textValue",str(N("textValue",5))) ; single() ; @@POST @RULES _GEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] ### (1) _xWILD [s one matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] ### (2) _xWILD [s star matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (3) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (4) _PubidLiteral [one] ### (5) @@ _GEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] ### (1) _xWILD [s one matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] ### (2) _xWILD [s star matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (3) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (4) _SystemLiteral [one] ### (5) @@ _GEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] ### (1) _xWILD [s one matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] ### (2) _xWILD [s star matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (3) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (4) _EntityRef [one] ### (5) @@ _GEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] ### (1) _xWILD [s one matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] ### (2) _xWILD [s star matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (3) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (4) _PEReference [one] ### (5) @@ _GEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] ### (1) _xWILD [s one matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] ### (2) _xWILD [s opt matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (3) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (4) _PubidLiteral [one] ### (5) @@ _GEDecl <- _whiteSpace [opt] ### (1) _xWILD [s one matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] ### (2) _xWILD [s opt matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (3) _whiteSpace [opt] ### (4) _SystemLiteral [one] ### (5) @@ @@RULES
@NODES _LINE @RULES _item <- _comma ### (1) @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST excise(1,3); noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- RID ### (1) _xNUM ### (2) \n [opt] ### (3) @@
# Fetch the float-value of a kb attribute attrName belonging to concept concept. If there are multiple numeric values, only the first value is returned @CODE L("pi") = makeconcept(findroot(), "pi"); replaceval(L("pi"),"val",3.14); "output.txt" << "pi = " << fltval(L("pi"), "val") << "\n";
@NODES _ROOT @POST if (N("$text", 4)) { S("code") = str(N("$text", 4)) + str(N("$text", 5)); } else { S("code") = str(N("$text", 5)); } S("type") = N("$text", 9); excise(2,9); single(); @RULES _term <- _xWILD [fail=(code)] ### (1) _xWILD [one matches=(code)] ### (2) \= ### (3) _xLET [opt] ### (4) _xANY ### (5) _xWHITE ### (6) _xWILD [one matches=(type)] ### (7) \= ### (8) _xANY ### (9) _xWILD [one matches=(\n \r _xEND)] ### (10) @@
@CODE G("parse") = getconcept(findroot(),"parse"); @@CODE
@NODES _ROOT # ONLINE HELP: # http://visualtext.org/help/NLP_PP_Stuff/Phrase_element_modifiers.htm @RULES _np <- _det ### (1) _adj [optional] ### (2) _noun [trig] ### (3) @@
@NODES _LINE @POST X("concept") = N("$text",2); @RULES _xNIL <- \" ### (1) _xWILD [fails=(\")] ### (2) \" ### (3) _xEND ### (4) @@
@CODE G("kb") = getconcept(findroot(),"kb"); @@CODE
@CODE if (!G("pretagged")) exitpass(); @@CODE @NODES _ROOT @POST splice(1,1); @RULES _xNIL <- _text @@ @POST excise(1,1); @RULES _xNIL <- _slash @@
# Make a phrase in con by creating named node. L("return_phr") = makephrase(L("con"), L("name"));
@CODE L("hello") = 0; @@CODE #@PATH _ROOT _TEXTZONE _sent _clause @NODES _clause @POST X("stuff-in-clause") = 1; noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=( _xALPHA _seg _tok _aposS _noun _verb _adj _adv _premod _interj # _prep _xNUM _xPUNCT )] @@ # Funny things to check on. _xNIL <- _vg _vg @@
@NODES _LINE @PRE <1,1> cap(); <4,4> cap(); <7,7> cap(); <10,10> cap(); @RULES # Ex: B.\_S.\_E.\_E. _degreeInMajor <- B [s] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] S [s] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] E [s] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] E [s] \. [s] @@ # Ex: B.\_S.\_C.\_S. _degreeInMajor <- B [s] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] S [s] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] C [s] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] S [s] \. [s] @@ # Ex: M.\_S.\_E.\_E. _degreeInMajor <- M [s] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] S [s] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] E [s] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] E [s] \. [s] @@ # Ex: M.\_S.\_C.\_S. _degreeInMajor <- M [s] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] S [s] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] C [s] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] S [s] \. [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <4,4> cap(); <7,7> cap(); @RULES # Ex: B.\_B.\_A. _degreeInMajor <- B [s] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] B [s] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] A [s] \. [s] @@ # Ex: M.\_B.\_A. _degreeInMajor <- M [s] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] B [s] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] A [s] \. [s] @@ # Ex: M.\_S.\_W. _degreeInMajor <- M [s] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] S [s] \. [s] _xWHITE [star s] W [s] \. [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <3,3> cap(); <5,5> cap(); <7,7> cap(); @RULES # Ex: B.S.E.E. _degreeInMajor <- B [s] \. [s] S [s] \. [s] E [s] \. [s] E [s] \. [s] @@ # Ex: B.S.C.S. _degreeInMajor <- B [s] \. [s] S [s] \. [s] C [s] \. [s] S [s] \. [s] @@ # Ex: M.S.E.E. _degreeInMajor <- M [s] \. [s] S [s] \. [s] E [s] \. [s] E [s] \. [s] @@ @RULES # Ex: M.S.C.S. _degreeInMajor <- _degreeInMajor [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <3,3> cap(); <5,5> cap(); @RULES # Ex: B.B.A. _degreeInMajor <- B [s] \. [s] B [s] \. [s] A [s] \. [s] @@ # Ex: M.B.A. _degreeInMajor <- M [s] \. [s] B [s] \. [s] A [s] \. [s] @@ # Ex: M.S.W. _degreeInMajor <- M [s] \. [s] S [s] \. [s] W [s] \. [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <3,3> cap(); @RULES # Ex: Juris\_Doctor _degreeInMajor <- Juris [s] _xWHITE [star s] Doctor [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); @RULES # Ex: BSCS _degreeInMajor <- BSCS [s] @@ # Ex: BSEE _degreeInMajor <- BSEE [s] @@ # Ex: MSEE _degreeInMajor <- MSEE [s] @@ # Ex: MSCS _degreeInMajor <- MSCS [s] @@ # Ex: BBA _degreeInMajor <- BBA [s] @@ # Ex: MBA _degreeInMajor <- MBA [s] @@ # Ex: BSW _degreeInMajor <- BSW [s] @@ # Ex: MSW _degreeInMajor <- MSW [s] @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST excise(1,6); noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- Report ### (1) _xWHITE ### (2) approved ### (3) _xWHITE ### (4) on ### (5) _xWILD [one matches=(\r \n)] ### (6) @@ @POST excise(1,6); noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- NationalRad ### (1) _xWHITE ### (2) \| ### (3) _xWILD ### (4) com ### (5) _xWILD [one matches=(\r \n)] ### (6) @@ @POST excise(1,5); noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- Page ### (1) _xWILD ### (2) of ### (3) _xWILD ### (4) _xWILD [one matches=(\r \n)] ### (5) @@ @POST excise(1,6); noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xPUNCT ### (1) NationalRad ### (2) _xWHITE ### (3) Neuroradiologist ### (4) _xPUNCT ### (5) _xWILD [one matches=(\r \n)] ### (6) @@ @POST excise(1,6); noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- Board ### (1) _xWHITE ### (2) Certified ### (3) _xWHITE ### (4) Radiologist ### (5) _xWILD [one matches=(\r \n)] ### (6) @@ @POST excise(1,6); noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- THIS ### (1) _xBLANK ### (2) REPORT ### (3) _xWILD ### (4) SIGNED ### (5) _xEND ### (6) @@
@NODES _LINE @POST noop() @RULES # ex. University of Miami(,) Orlando _xNIL <- _CompleteSchoolName [s] _xWILD [s opt matches = (\, \: \; \-)] _xWILD [s star matches = ( _xWHITE _whtSEP )] _CityName [tree layer = ( _SchoolLocation )] @@ # ex. UNiversity of Pittsburg - Miami _xNIL <- _CompleteSchoolName [s] _xWHITE [s ] _xWILD [s opt matches = ( \-)] _xWHITE [s] _CityName [tree layer = ( _SchoolLocation )] @@ # ex. University of Miami(,) at Orlando _xNIL <- _CompleteSchoolName [s] _xWILD [s opt matches = (\, \: \; \-)] at [s] _xWHITE [s] _CityName [tree layer = ( _SchoolLocation )] @@
@NODES _LINE @RULES _xNIL <- _xNIL @@ #_company <- # _xWILD [s one match=(_company _companyPhrase _companyModroot)] # \, [s opt] # _xWHITE [s] # _companyRoot [s] @@ #@RULES #_company <- # _xALPHA [s] # \, [s opt] # _xWHITE [s] # _companyRoot [s] @@
@PATH _ROOT _attr _type _LINE @POST X("type",2) = N("word",1); @RULES _xNIL <- _string _xEND @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _brackets <- \[ ### (1) _xWILD [fail=(\])] ### (2) \] ### (3) @@
@NODES _LINE @RULES _countryName <- _xWILD [s one match=(_countryWord _countryPhrase)] @@
@PATH _ROOT _LINE _language @POST X("abbrev",3) = N("$text",2); X("con",2) = makeconcept(G("languages"),N("$text",2)); single(); @RULES _abbrev <- \[ ### (1) _xALPHA ### (2) \] ### (3) @@
# Reduces a node labeled _noun to an _np @RULES _np [base] <- _noun @@
################################################## # FILE: SIMPLE_NUMERICS.pat # # SUBJ: Analyse simple numeric words as numerals # # AUTH: Paul Deane # # CREATED: 04/Jan/01 # DATE OF THIS VERSION: 31/Aug/01 # # Copyright ################################################## @CODE G("word") = addword("January"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",1); G("word") = addword("Jan"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",1); G("word") = addword("February"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",2); G("word") = addword("Feb"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",2); G("word") = addword("March"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",3); G("word") = addword("Mar"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",3); G("word") = addword("April"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",4); G("word") = addword("Apr"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",4); G("word") = addword("May"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",5); G("word") = addword("June"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",6); G("word") = addword("Ju"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",6); G("word") = addword("July"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",7); G("word") = addword("Jy"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",7); G("word") = addword("August"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",8); G("word") = addword("Aug"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",8); G("word") = addword("September"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",9); G("word") = addword("Sept"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",9); G("word") = addword("Sep"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",9); G("word") = addword("October"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",10); G("word") = addword("Oct"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",10); G("word") = addword("November"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",11); G("word") = addword("Nov"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",11); G("word") = addword("December"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",12); G("word") = addword("Dec"); addnumval(G("word"),"Month",12); @@CODE @NODES _ROOT @POST G("stem") = strtolower(N("$text",5)); if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"hundred")) { G("Numeral Value") = 100; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"thousand")) { G("Numeral Value") = 1000; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"million")) { G("Numeral Value") = 1000000; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"billion")) { G("Numeral Value") = 1000000000; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"trillion")) { G("Numeral Value") = 1000000000000; } S("Numeral Value") = num(N("$text",1)) * G("Numeral Value"); single(); @@POST @RULES _cardinalNumeral <- _xNUM [one] ### (1) \. [opt] ### (2) _xNUM [opt] ### (3) _xWILD [star match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (4) _xWILD [one match=("hundred" "thousand" "million" "billion" "trillion")] ### (5) @@ @@RULES ####################### # Ordinal with integer# ####################### @POST G("numeralT") = N("$text",1); S("Numeral Value") = num(G("numeralT")); single(); @@POST @RULES _ordinalNumeral <- _xNUM [s one] ### (1) _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("st" "nd" "rd" "th")] ### (2) @@ @@RULES ##################### # One word ordinals # ##################### @POST G("stem") = N("$text",1); if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"first")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"second")) { S("Numeral Value") = 2; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"third")) { S("Numeral Value") = 3; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"fourth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 4; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"fifth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 5; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"sixth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 6; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"seventh")) { S("Numeral Value") = 7; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"eighth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 8; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"ninth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 9; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"tenth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 10; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"eleventh")) { S("Numeral Value") = 11; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"twelfth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 12; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"thirteenth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 13; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"fourteenth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 14; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"fifteenth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 15; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"sixteenth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 16; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"seventeenth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 17; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"eighteenth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 18; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"nineteenth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 19; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"twentieth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 20; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"thirtieth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 30; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"fortieth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 40; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"fiftieth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 50; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"sixtieth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 60; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"seventieth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 70; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"eightieth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 80; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"ninetieth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 90; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"hundredth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 100; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"thousandth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1000; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"millionth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1000000; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"billionth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1000000000; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"trillionth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1000000000000; } single(); @@POST @RULES _ordinalNumeral <- _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("first" "second" "third" "fourth" "fifth" "sixth" "seventh" "eighth" "ninth" "tenth" "eleventh" "twelfth" "thirteenth" "fourteenth" "fifteenth" "sixteenth" "seventeenth" "eighteenth" "nineteenth" "twentieth" "thirtieth" "fortieth" "fiftieth" "sixtieth" "seventieth" "eightieth" "ninetieth" "hundredth" "thousandth" "millionth" "billionth" "trillionth")] ### (1) @@ @@RULES ##################### # One word cardinals # ##################### @POST G("stem") = N("$text",1); if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"one")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"two")) { S("Numeral Value") = 2; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"three")) { S("Numeral Value") = 3; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"four")) { S("Numeral Value") = 4; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"five")) { S("Numeral Value") = 5; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"six")) { S("Numeral Value") = 6; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"seven")) { S("Numeral Value") = 7; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"eight")) { S("Numeral Value") = 8; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"nine")) { S("Numeral Value") = 9; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"ten")) { S("Numeral Value") = 10; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"eleven")) { S("Numeral Value") = 11; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"twelve")) { S("Numeral Value") = 12; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"thirteen")) { S("Numeral Value") = 13; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"fourteen")) { S("Numeral Value") = 14; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"fifteen")) { S("Numeral Value") = 15; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"sixteen")) { S("Numeral Value") = 16; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"seventeen")) { S("Numeral Value") = 17; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"eighteen")) { S("Numeral Value") = 18; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"nineteen")) { S("Numeral Value") = 19; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"twenty")) { S("Numeral Value") = 20; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"thirty")) { S("Numeral Value") = 30; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"forty")) { S("Numeral Value") = 40; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"fifty")) { S("Numeral Value") = 50; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"sixty")) { S("Numeral Value") = 60; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"seventy")) { S("Numeral Value") = 70; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"eighty")) { S("Numeral Value") = 80; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"ninety")) { S("Numeral Value") = 90; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"hundred")) { S("Numeral Value") = 100; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"thousand")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1000; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"million")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1000000; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"billion")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1000000000; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"trillion")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1000000000000; } single(); @@POST @RULES _cardinalNumeral <- _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("one" "two" "three" "four" "five" "six" "seven" "eight" "nine" "ten" "eleven" "twelve" "thirteen" "fourteen" "fifteen" "sixteen" "seventeen" "eighteen" "nineteen" "twenty" "thirty" "forty" "fifty" "sixty" "seventy" "eighty" "ninety" "hundred" "thousand" "million" "billion" "trillion")] ### (1) @@ @@RULES
@NODES _LINE _humanNameCandidate # Zap all matched nodes in parse tree. @POST excise(1,1); @RULES # Retaining these for now. # _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_whtINDENT _whtSEP)] @@
@CODE L("hello") = 0; if (G("verbose")) "wsd.txt" << "\n" << "ANAPHORA100 PASS" << "\n"; @@CODE @NODES _sent # that @CHECK if (N("pattern",2) != "n") fail(); @POST L("np") = N("np",2); if (N("pattern",4) == "vn" || N("pattern",4) == "v" ) { # Resolve using earlier np. N("np1 remote",4) = L("np"); } if (N("pattern",6) == "vn" || N("pattern",6) == "v" ) { # Resolve using earlier np. N("np1 remote",6) = L("np"); } @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART _clause _xWILD [s one match=(which that)] _clause [lookahead] _prep _clause @@ # that @CHECK if (N("pattern",2) != "n") fail(); @POST L("np") = N("np",2); if (N("pattern",4) == "vn" || N("pattern",4) == "v" ) { # Resolve using earlier np. N("np1 remote",4) = L("np"); } @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART _clause _xWILD [s one lookahead match=(which that)] _clause @@ @CHECK L("pat3") = N("pattern",3); if (!L("pat3")) fail(); if (strpiece(L("pat3"),0,0) != "v") fail(); L("pat2") = N("pattern",2); if (!L("pat2")) fail(); if (strpiece(L("pat2"),0,0) != "n") fail(); if (vconjq(N(3),"-en")) fail(); @POST # Distribute np to second clause. L("np") = N("np1",2); if (!L("np")) L("np") = N("np",2); if (L("np")) { N("np1 remote",3) = L("np"); # Distribute to 3rd clause. if (N("pattern",5)) { if (strpiece(N("pattern",5),0,0) == "v") N("np1 remote",5) = L("np"); } } @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART _clause _clause [lookahead] _xWILD [s one match=(while when _conj)] _clause @@ # passive passive. # X was processed by Y connected to Z. # Y is the resolver. @CHECK if (N("voice",1) != "passive" || N("voice",2) != "passive") fail(); if (!N("pattern",2)) fail(); # Flag this to debug file... if (strpiece(N("pattern",2),0,0) != "v") fail(); # Get last np in clause. if (!N("last np",1)) fail(); @POST N("np1 remote",2) = N("last np",1); @RULES _xNIL <- _clause _clause [lookahead] @@ @CHECK L("pat2") = N("pattern",2); if (!L("pat2")) fail(); if (strpiece(L("pat2"),0,0) != "v") fail(); L("pat1") = N("pattern",1); if (!L("pat1")) fail(); if (strpiece(L("pat1"),0,0) != "n") fail(); if (vconjq(N(2),"-en")) fail(); @POST # Distribute np to second clause. L("np") = N("np1",1); if (!L("np")) L("np") = N("np",1); if (L("np")) { N("np1 remote",2) = L("np"); } N("id",2) = "anaph100 c-c"; @RULES _xNIL <- _clause _clause [lookahead] @@
@CODE prlit("output.xml", "<JobCandidateContact>\n"); @@CODE @MULTI _contactZone # 09/04/99 AM. @POST prxtree("output.xml", "Title: ", 1, "_prefixName", "\n"); prxtree("output.xml", "<Name>\n<First>", 1, "_firstName", "</First>\n"); prxtree("output.xml", "Middle Name: ", 1, "_middleName", "\n"); prxtree("output.xml", "<Last>", 1, "_lastName", "</Last>\n</Name>\n"); prxtree("output.xml", "Suffix Name: ", 1, "_suffixName", "\n"); @RULES _xNIL <- _humanName @@ @POST prxtree("output.xml", "<Email>", 1, "_email", "</Email>\n"); @RULES _xNIL <- _email @@ @POST prxtree("output.xml", "<Website>", 1, "_url", "</Website>\n"); @RULES _xNIL <- _url @@ @POST prlit("output.xml", "<Address>\n"); prlit("output.xml", "<AddressLine>\n"); prxtree("output.xml", "PO Box ", 1, "_poBoxNumber", " "); prxtree("output.xml", " ", 1, "_streetNumber", " "); prxtree("output.xml", " ", 1, "_direction", " "); prxtree("output.xml", " ", 1, "_streetName", " "); prxtree("output.xml", " ", 1, "_road", " "); prxtree("output.xml", " ", 1, "_unit", " "); prxtree("output.xml", " ", 1, "_room", " "); prlit("output.xml", "\n</AddressLine>\n"); prlit("output.xml", "</Address>\n"); @RULES _xNIL <- _addressLine @@ @POST prlit("output.xml", "<Address>\n"); prlit("output.xml", "<AddressLine>\n"); prxtree("output.xml", " ", 1, "_unit", " "); prxtree("output.xml", " ", 1, "_room", " "); prlit("output.xml", "\n</AddressLine>\n"); prlit("output.xml", "\n</Address>\n"); @RULES _xNIL <- _unitRoom @@ @POST prlit("output.xml", "<Address>\n"); prxtree("output.xml", "<City> ", 1, "_cityName", " </City>\n"); prxtree("output.xml", "<State> ", 1, "_stateName", " </State>\n"); prxtree("output.xml", "<Province> ", 1, "_province", " </Province>\n"); prxtree("output.xml", "<PostalCode> ", 1, "_zipCode", " </PostalCode>\n"); prxtree("output.xml", " ", 1, "_zipSuffix", "\n"); prxtree("output.xml", "<Country>", 1, "_country", " </Country>\n"); prlit("output.xml", "</Address>\n"); @RULES _xNIL <- _cityStateZip @@ @CHECK if (G("cityStateZip")) fail(); @POST prlit("output.xml", "<Address>\n"); prxtree("output.xml", "<City> ", 1, "_cityName", " </City>\n"); prxtree("output.xml", "<State> ", 1, "_stateName", " </State>\n"); prxtree("output.xml", "<Province> ", 1, "_province", "</Province>\n"); prlit("output.xml", "</Address>\n"); @RULES _xNIL <- _cityState @@ # This XML schema distinguishes three types of phone numbers: # Voice, Fax and Pager. Here's the voice @POST prlit("output.xml", "<PhoneNumbers>"); prlit("output.xml", "\n<Voice>"); prxtree("output.xml", "\n<IntlCode> ", 1, "_countryCode", " </IntlCode>"); prxtree("output.xml", "\n<AreaCode> ", 1, "_areaCode", " </AreaCode>"); prlit("output.xml", "\n<TelNumber> "); prtree("output.xml", 1, "_prefix"); prtree("output.xml", 1, "_suffix"); prlit("output.xml", " </TelNumber>"); prlit("output.xml", "\n</Voice>"); prlit("output.xml", "\n</PhoneNumbers>\n"); @RULES #_xNIL <- _phoneNumber @@ _xNIL <- _xWILD [one matches=( _phoneNumber _phoneHomePhrase _phoneWorkPhrase _phoneCellPhrase)]@@ # Here's the fax @POST prlit("output.xml", "<PhoneNumbers>"); prlit("output.xml", "\n<Fax>"); prxtree("output.xml", "\n<IntlCode> ", 1, "_countryCode", " </IntlCode>"); prxtree("output.xml", "\n<AreaCode> ", 1, "_areaCode", " </AreaCode>"); prlit("output.xml", "\n<TelNumber> "); prtree("output.xml", 1, "_prefix"); prtree("output.xml", 1, "_suffix"); prlit("output.xml", " </TelNumber>"); prlit("output.xml", "\n</Fax>"); prlit("output.xml", "\n</PhoneNumbers>\n"); @RULES #_xNIL <- _phoneNumber @@ _xNIL <- _xWILD [one matches=( _phoneHomeFaxPhrase _phoneFaxPhrase)]@@ # pager phone number @POST prlit("output.xml", "<PhoneNumbers>"); prlit("output.xml", "\n<Pager>"); prxtree("output.xml", "\n<IntlCode> ", 1, "_countryCode", " </IntlCode>"); prxtree("output.xml", "\n<AreaCode> ", 1, "_areaCode", " </AreaCode>"); prlit("output.xml", "\n<TelNumber> "); prtree("output.xml", 1, "_prefix"); prtree("output.xml", 1, "_suffix"); prlit("output.xml", " </TelNumber>"); prlit("output.xml", "\n</Pager>"); prlit("output.xml", "\n</PhoneNumbers>\n"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one matches=( _phonePagerPhrase )]@@
# @NODES _ROOT @PATH _ROOT @CHECK if ( #Nlt(3, "nblobs", 6) #Nlt(5, "nblobs", 6) (N("nblobs",3) < 6) && (N("nblobs",5) < 6) ) succeed(); fail(); @POST noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART _xWILD [s star match=( _BLANKLINE _horizRule)] _xANY _xWILD [s star match=( _BLANKLINE _horizRule)] _xANY @@ @POST noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART _xWILD [s star match=(_BLANKLINE _horizRule)] _xANY @@ # Skip resume of constructs, and any lines with unknown words. @CHECK if ( N("html turd", 2) || N("resumeOf", 2) || N("nunknowns", 2) ) succeed(); fail(); @POST noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s star match=(_BLANKLINE _horizRule)] _xANY @@ # Skip known resume headers. # @CHECK if (!N("ResumeByItselfLine", 2)) fail(); @POST noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s star match=(_BLANKLINE _horizRule)] _xANY # E.g, resume of _xWILD [s star match=(_BLANKLINE _horizRule)] _xANY # E.g., John Q. Smith @@ # Basically moved this from previous pass. # Line based on having blank line before and after. #@CHECK # Nlt(2, "nblobs", 5) # Neq(2, "addressParts", 0) # Nlt(2, "walpha", 5) # Neq(2, "wnum", 0) #@RULES #_otherBoundary <- # _xWILD [s plus match=(_BLANKLINE _horizRule)] # >=1 above. # _xWILD [s one fails=(_horizRule _BLANKLINE) trig] # _xWILD [s plus match=(_BLANKLINE _horizRule)] # >=1 below. # @@ # this section removed 01.28. # incorrect zoning on felbab, e.g. education # where it inserted 'other bounday' on a blank line # Should have all alphas capitalized. #@CHECK # Neq(2, "addressParts", 0) # Nlt(2, "walpha", 5) # Header. Little text. # Neq(2, "wnum", 0) # No numbers on this line. # Ngt(4, "walpha", 6) # First line of section. Lots of text. #@POST # singler(1,3) # All but first line of section. #@RULES #_otherBoundary <- # _xWILD [s plus match=(_BLANKLINE _horizRule)] # One thing above. # _LINE [s] # Candidate header line. # _xWILD [s star match=(_BLANKLINE _horizRule)] # _LINE [s] # Some alphabetic line. # @@
# Switch places of first two children of parse tree root (assumes they exist). L("n1") = pndown(pnroot()); L("n2") = pnnext(L("n1")); pnmove(L("n1"),L("n2"),1);
@CODE if (!G("pretagged")) exitpass(); @@CODE @NODES _ROOT @POST splice(1,1); @RULES _xNIL <- _pos @@
############################################### # FILE: DATE_PATTERNS.pat # # SUBJ: Recognize date expressions with year # # AUTH: Paul Deane # # CREATED: 26/Feb/01 # DATE OF THIS VERSION: 31/Aug/01 # # Copyright ############################################### @NODES _ROOT @CHECK S("N1") = N("Numeral Value",3) ; if (S("N1")) { if ( S("N1") < 1 && S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } } if ( strlength(N("$text",12)) != 4 ) { fail(); } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value") = N("Numeral Value",3); S("Year Value") = num(N("$text",12)); G("WordStr") = N("$text",9); S("MaxArrayPos") = 0; G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- the [s opt]### (1) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (2) _xWILD [s one matches=("_ordinalNumeral")] ### (3) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (4) _xWILD [s opt matches=("day" "days")] ### (5) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (6) of [s opt] ### (7) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (8) _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan." "Jan" "February" "Feb." "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr." "Apr" "May" "June" "Ju." "July" "Jy." "Jy" "Jul." "Jul" "August" "Aug." "Aug" "September" "Sept." "Sept" "Sep." "Sep" "October" "Oct." "Oct" "November" "Nov." "Nov" "December" "Dec." "Dec")] \, [s opt] ### (10) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (11) _xNUM [s min=1 max=1] ### (12) @@ @@RULES @CHECK S("N1") = N("Numeral Value",3)[0] ; if (S("N1")) { if ( S("N1") < 1 && S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } } if ( strlength(N("$text",12)) != 4 ) { fail(); } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value List") = N("Numeral Value",3); S("Year Value") = num(N("$text",12)); G("WordStr") = N("$text",9); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); if (G("Word")) S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); S("MaxArrayPos") = N("MaxArrayPos",3); single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- the [s opt]### (1) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (2) _xWILD [s one matches=("_ordinalList" "_ordinalSequence")] ### (3) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (4) _xWILD [s opt matches=("day" "days")] ### (5) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (6) of [s opt] ### (7) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (8) _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan." "Jan" "February" "Feb." "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr." "Apr" "May" "June" "Ju." "July" "Jy." "Jy" "Jul." "Jul" "August" "Aug." "Aug" "September" "Sept." "Sept" "Sep." "Sep" "October" "Oct." "Oct" "November" "Nov." "Nov" "December" "Dec." "Dec")] \, [s opt] ### (10) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (11) _xNUM [s min=1 max=1] ### (12) @@ @@RULES @CHECK S("N1") = N("Numeral Value",3); if (S("N1")) { if ( S("N1") < 1 || S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value") = N("Numeral Value",3); S("Year Value") = 0; S("YearInCentury") = N("YearInCentury",12); G("WordStr") = N("$text",9); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); if (G("Word")) S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); S("MaxArrayPos") = 0; single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- the [s opt] _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xWILD [s one matches=("_ordinalNumeral")] _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xWILD [s opt matches=("day" "days")] ### (5) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] of [s opt] _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan" "February" "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr" "May" "June" "July" "Jy" "Jul" "August" "Aug" "September" "Sept" "Sep" "October" "Oct" "November" "Nov" "December" "Dec")] \, [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _yearAbbr [s one] @@ @@RULES @CHECK S("N1") = N("Numeral Value",3)[0]; if (S("N1")) { if ( S("N1") < 1 || S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value List") = N("Numeral Value",3); S("Year Value") = 0; S("YearInCentury") = N("YearInCentury",12); G("WordStr") = N("$text",9); S("MaxArrayPos") = N("MaxArrayPos",3); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); if (G("Word")) S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- the [s opt] _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xWILD [s one matches=("_ordinalList" "_ordinalSequence")] _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xWILD [s opt matches=("day" "days")] ### (5) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] of [s opt] _whiteSpace [s opt] _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan" "February" "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr" "May" "June" "July" "Jy" "Jul" "August" "Aug" "September" "Sept" "Sep" "October" "Oct" "November" "Nov" "December" "Dec")] \, [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _yearAbbr [s one] @@ @@RULES @CHECK S("N1") = N("Numeral Value",5); if ( S("N1") < 1 || S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } if ( strlength(N("$text",8)) != 4 ) { fail(); } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value") = N("Numeral Value",5); S("Year Value") = num(N("$text",8)); G("WordStr") = N("$text",1); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); if (G("Word")) S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); S("MaxArrayPos") = 0; single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan." "Jan" "February" "Feb." "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr." "Apr" "May" "June" "Ju." "July" "Jy." "Jy" "Jul." "Jul" "August" "Aug." "Aug" "September" "Sept." "Sept" "Sep." "Sep" "October" "Oct." "Oct" "November" "Nov." "Nov" "December" "Dec." "Dec")] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] the [s opt] _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xWILD [s one matches=("_ordinalNumeral")] \, [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xNUM [s one] @@ @@RULES @CHECK S("N1") = N("Numeral Value",5)[0]; if ( S("N1") < 1 || S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } if ( strlength(N("$text",8)) != 4 ) { fail(); } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value List") = N("Numeral Value",5); S("Year Value") = num(N("$text",8)); G("WordStr") = N("$text",1); S("MaxArrayPos") = N("MaxArrayPos",5); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); if (G("Word")) S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan." "Jan" "February" "Feb." "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr." "Apr" "May" "June" "Ju." "July" "Jy." "Jy" "Jul." "Jul" "August" "Aug." "Aug" "September" "Sept." "Sept" "Sep." "Sep" "October" "Oct." "Oct" "November" "Nov." "Nov" "December" "Dec." "Dec")] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] the [s opt] _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xWILD [s one matches=("_ordinalList" "_ordinalSequence")] \, [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xNUM [s one] @@ @@RULES @CHECK S("N1") = N("Numeral Value",5); if ( S("N1") < 1 || S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value") = N("Numeral Value",5); S("Year Value") = 0; S("YearInCentury") = N("YearInCentury",8); G("WordStr") = N("$text",1); G("Word") = 0; G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); if (G("word")) S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); S("MaxArrayPos") = 0; single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan" "February" "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr" "May" "June" "Ju" "July" "Jy" "Jul" "August" "Aug" "September" "Sept" "Sep" "October" "Oct" "November" "Nov" "December" "Dec")] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] the [s opt] _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xWILD [s one matches=("_ordinalNumeral")] \, [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _yearAbbr [s one] @@ @@RULES @CHECK S("N1") = N("Numeral Value",5)[0]; if ( S("N1") < 1 || S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value List") = N("Numeral Value",5); S("Year Value") = 0; S("YearInCentury") = N("YearInCentury",8); G("WordStr") = N("$text",1); G("Word") = 0; S("MaxArrayPos") = N("MaxArrayPos",5); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); if (G("Word")) S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan" "February" "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr" "May" "June" "Ju" "July" "Jy" "Jul" "August" "Aug" "September" "Sept" "Sep" "October" "Oct" "November" "Nov" "December" "Dec")] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] the [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xWILD [s one matches=("_ordinalList" "_ordinalSequence")] \, [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _yearAbbr [s one] @@ @@RULES @CHECK S("N1") = N("Numeral Value",1); if ( S("N1") < 1 || S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } if ( strlength(N("$text",6)) != 4 ) { fail(); } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value") = N("Numeral Value",1); S("Year Value") = num(N("$text",6)); G("WordStr") = N("$text",3); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); if (G("Word")) S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); S("MaxArrayPos") = 0; single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- _xWILD [s one matches=("_cardinalNumeral")] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (2) _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan." "Jan" "February" "Feb." "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr." "Apr" "May" "June" "Ju." "July" "Jy." "Jy" "Jul." "Jul" "August" "Aug." "Aug" "September" "Sept." "Sept" "Sep." "Sep" "October" "Oct." "Oct" "November" "Nov." "Nov" "December" "Dec." "Dec")] \, [s opt] ### (4) _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (5) _xNUM [s one] ### (6) @@ @@RULES @CHECK S("N1") = N("Numeral Value",1)[0]; if ( S("N1") < 1 || S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } if ( strlength(N("$text",6)) != 4 ) { fail(); } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value List") = N("Numeral Value",1); S("Year Value") = num(N("$text",6)); G("WordStr") = N("$text",3); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); S("MaxArrayPos") = N("MaxArrayPos",1); if (G("Word")) S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- _xWILD [s one matches=("_cardinalList" "_cardinalSequence")] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (2) _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan." "Jan" "February" "Feb." "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr." "Apr" "May" "June" "Ju." "July" "Jy." "Jy" "Jul." "Jul" "August" "Aug." "Aug" "September" "Sept." "Sept" "Sep." "Sep" "October" "Oct." "Oct" "November" "Nov." "Nov" "December" "Dec." "Dec")] \, [s opt] ### (4) _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (5) _xNUM [s one] ### (6) @@ @@RULES @CHECK S("N1") = N("Numeral Value",1); if ( S("N1") < 1 || S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value") = N("Numeral Value",1); S("Year Value") = 0; S("YearInCentury") = N("YearInCentury",6); G("WordStr") = N("$text",3); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); if (G("Word")) G("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); S("MaxArrayPos") = 0; single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- _xWILD [s one matches=("_cardinalNumeral")] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan." "Jan" "February" "Feb." "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr." "Apr" "May" "June" "Ju." "July" "Jy." "Jy" "Jul." "Jul" "August" "Aug." "Aug" "September" "Sept." "Sept" "Sep." "Sep" "October" "Oct." "Oct" "November" "Nov." "Nov" "December" "Dec." "Dec")] \, [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _yearAbbr [s one] @@ @@RULES @CHECK S("N1") = N("Numeral Value",1)[0]; if ( S("N1") < 1 || S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value List") = N("Numeral Value",1); S("Year Value") = 0; S("YearInCentury") = N("YearInCentury",6); G("WordStr") = N("$text",3); S("MaxArrayPos") = N("MaxArrayPos",1); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); if (G("Word")) G("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- _xWILD [s one matches=("_cardinalList" "_cardinalSequence")] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan." "Jan" "February" "Feb." "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr." "Apr" "May" "June" "Ju." "July" "Jy." "Jy" "Jul." "Jul" "August" "Aug." "Aug" "September" "Sept." "Sept" "Sep." "Sep" "October" "Oct." "Oct" "November" "Nov." "Nov" "December" "Dec." "Dec")] \, [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _yearAbbr [s one] @@ @@RULES @CHECK S("N1") = num(N("$text",1)); if ( S("N1") < 1 || S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } if ( strlength(N("$text",6)) != 4 ) { fail(); } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value") = num(N("$text",1)); S("Year Value") = num(N("$text",6)); G("WordStr") = N("$text",3); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); if (G("Word")) S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); S("MaxArrayPos") = 0; single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- _xNUM [s one] ### (1) _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (2) _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan." "Jan" "February" "Feb." "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr." "Apr" "May" "June" "Ju." "July" "Jy." "Jy" "Jul." "Jul" "August" "Aug." "Aug" "September" "Sept." "Sept" "Sep." "Sep" "October" "Oct." "Oct" "November" "Nov." "Nov" "December" "Dec." "Dec")] \, [s opt] ### (4) _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (5) _xNUM [s one] ### (6) @@ @@RULES @CHECK S("N1") = num(N("$text",1)); if ( S("N1") < 1 || S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value") = num(N("$text",1)); S("Year Value") = 0; S("YearInCentury") = N("YearInCentury",6); G("WordStr") = N("$text",3); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); S("MaxArrayPos") = 0; single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- _xNUM [s one] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan." "Jan" "February" "Feb." "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr." "Apr" "May" "June" "Ju." "July" "Jy." "Jy" "Jul." "Jul" "August" "Aug." "Aug" "September" "Sept." "Sept" "Sep." "Sep" "October" "Oct." "Oct" "November" "Nov." "Nov" "December" "Dec." "Dec")] \, [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _yearAbbr [s one] @@ @@RULES @CHECK S("N1") = N("Numeral Value",3); if ( S("N1") < 1 || S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } if ( strlength(N("$text",6)) != 4 ) { fail(); } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value") = N("Numeral Value",3); S("Year Value") = num(N("$text",6)); G("WordStr") = N("$text",1); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); if (G("Word")) S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); S("MaxArrayPos") = 0; single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr <- _xWILD [s one match=("January" "Jan" "February" "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr" "May" "June" "July" "Jy" "Jul" "August" "Aug" "September" "Sept" "Sep" "October" "Oct" "November" "Nov" "December" "Dec")] _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xWILD [s one matches=("_cardinalNumeral")] \, [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xNUM [s one] @@ @@RULES @CHECK S("N1") = num(N("$text",3)); if ( S("N1") < 1 || S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } if ( strlength(N("$text",6)) != 4 ) { fail(); } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value List") = N("Numeral Value",3); S("Year Value") = num(N("$text",6)); G("WordStr") = N("$text",1); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); S("MaxArrayPos") = N("MaxArrayPos",3); if (G("Word")) S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); S("MaxArrayPos") = 0; single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr <- _xWILD [s one match=("January" "Jan" "February" "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr" "May" "June" "July" "Jy" "Jul" "August" "Aug" "September" "Sept" "Sep" "October" "Oct" "November" "Nov" "December" "Dec")] _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xWILD [s one matches=("_cardinalList" "_cardinalSequence")] \, [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xNUM [s one] @@ @@RULES @CHECK S("N0") = N("Numeral Value",3); S("N1") = S("N0"); if ( S("N1") < 1 ) fail(); if ( S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value") = N("Numeral Value",3); S("Year Value") = 0; S("YearInCentury") = N("YearInCentury",6); G("WordStr") = N("$text",1); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); if (G("Word")) { S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); } S("MaxArrayPos") = 0; single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan." "Jan" "February" "Feb." "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr." "Apr" "May" "June" "Ju." "July" "Jy." "Jy" "Jul." "Jul" "August" "Aug." "Aug" "September" "Sept." "Sept" "Sep." "Sep" "October" "Oct." "Oct" "November" "Nov." "Nov" "December" "Dec." "Dec")] _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xWILD [s one matches=("_cardinalNumeral")] \, [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _yearAbbr [ s one] @@ @@RULES @CHECK S("N0") = N("$text",3); S("N1") = S("N0"); if ( S("N1") < 1 ) fail(); if ( S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value List") = N("Numeral Value",3); S("Year Value") = 0; S("YearInCentury") = N("YearInCentury",6); G("WordStr") = N("$text",1); S("MaxArrayPos") = N("MaxArrayPos",3); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); if (G("Word")) { S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); } single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan." "Jan" "February" "Feb." "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr." "Apr" "May" "June" "Ju." "July" "Jy." "Jy" "Jul." "Jul" "August" "Aug." "Aug" "September" "Sept." "Sept" "Sep." "Sep" "October" "Oct." "Oct" "November" "Nov." "Nov" "December" "Dec." "Dec")] _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xWILD [s one matches=("_cardinalList" "_cardinalSequence")] \, [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _yearAbbr [ s one] @@ @@RULES @CHECK S("N1") = num(N("$text",3)); if ( S("N1") < 1 || S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } if ( strlength(N("$text",6)) != 4 ) { fail(); } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value") = num(N("$text",3)); S("Year Value") = num(N("$text",6)); G("WordStr") = N("$text",1); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); if (G("Word")) S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); S("MaxArrayPos") = 0; single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan." "Jan" "February" "Feb." "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr." "Apr" "May" "June" "Ju." "July" "Jy." "Jy" "Jul." "Jul" "August" "Aug." "Aug" "September" "Sept." "Sept" "Sep." "Sep" "October" "Oct." "Oct" "November" "Nov." "Nov" "December" "Dec." "Dec")] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xNUM [s one] \, [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xNUM [s one] @@ @@RULES @CHECK if (N("$text",4)) { if ( strlength(N("$text",4)) != 4 ) { fail(); } } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value") = 0; S("Year Value") = num(N("$text",4)); G("WordStr") = N("$text",1); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); if (G("Word")) S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),"Month"); S("MaxArrayPos") = 0; single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan." "Jan" "February" "Feb." "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr." "Apr" "May" "June" "Ju." "July" "Jy." "Jy" "Jul." "Jul" "August" "Aug." "Aug" "September" "Sept." "Sept" "Sep." "Sep" "October" "Oct." "Oct" "November" "Nov." "Nov" "December" "Dec." "Dec")] \, [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xNUM [s one] @@ @@RULES @CHECK if (N("$text",3)) { S("N1") = num(N("$text",3)); if ( S("N1") < 1 || S("N1") > 31) { fail(); } } @@CHECK @POST S("Date Value") = N("Numeral Value",3); S("Year Value") = 0; S("YearInCentury") = N("YearInCentury",6); G("WordStr") = N("$text",1); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); G("attrname") = "Month"; if (G("Word")) S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),G("attrname")); S("MaxArrayPos") = 0; single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan." "Jan" "February" "Feb." "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr." "Apr" "May" "June" "Ju." "July" "Jy." "Jy" "Jul." "Jul" "August" "Aug." "Aug" "September" "Sept." "Sept" "Sep." "Sep" "October" "Oct." "Oct" "November" "Nov." "Nov" "December" "Dec." "Dec")] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _xNUM [s one] \, [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _yearAbbr [s one] @@ @@RULES @POST S("Date Value") = 0; S("Year Value") = 0; S("YearInCentury") = N("YearInCentury",4); G("WordStr") = N("$text",1); G("Word") = dictfindword(G("WordStr")); G("attrname") = "Month"; S("Month Value") = numval(G("Word"),G("attrname")); S("MaxArrayPos") = 0; single(); @@POST @RULES _dateExpr [base] <- _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("January" "Jan." "Jan" "February" "Feb." "Feb" "March" "April" "Apr." "Apr" "May" "June" "Ju." "July" "Jy." "Jy" "Jul." "Jul" "August" "Aug." "Aug" "September" "Sept." "Sept" "Sep." "Sep" "October" "Oct." "Oct" "November" "Nov." "Nov" "December" "Dec." "Dec")] \, [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] _yearAbbr [s one] @@ @@RULES
@NODES _ROOT @POST splice(1,1); @RULES _xNIL <- _enum @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _textEnd <- \< ### (1) \/ ### (2) text ### (3) \> ### (4) @@ @RULES _textStart <- \< ### (1) text ### (2) _xWILD [fail=(\>)] ### (3) \> ### (4) @@ @POST X("word",1) = N("$text",4); single(); @RULES _word <- \< ### (1) title ### (2) \> ### (3) _xALPHA ### (4) \< ### (5) \/ ### (6) title ### (7) \> ### (8) @@
@CODE # Bitwise tests # L("or") = 8 | 4; # "test.txt" << "8 | 4 = 12 [" << L("or") << "]\n"; # L("and") = 8 & 12; # "test.txt" << "8 & 12 = 4 [" << L("and") << "]\n"; # L("rshift") = 8 >> 2; # "test.txt" << "8 >> 2 = 2 [" << L("rshift") << "]\n"; # L("lshift") = 8 << 2; # "test.txt" << "8 << 2 = 32 [" << L("lshift") << "]\n"; "test.txt" << exp(4) << "\n"; @@CODE
# Add str as string value to concept con's attribute called name. addstrval(L("con"), L("name"), L("str"));
@CODE XMLOut(cbuf()); XMLOut("output.xml"); @@CODE
@NODES _ROOT @POST S("header") = N("header", 1); single(); @RULES _headerZone <- _zoneHeader ### (1) _xWILD [fail=(_zoneHeader _xEND)] ### (2) @@
@PATH _ROOT _paragraph _sentence @POST S("value") = N("value",1); S("type") = N("$text",3); single(); @RULES _money <- _money [s] ### (1) in [s] ### (2) _moneyType [s] ### (3) @@ _money <- _money [s] ### (1) _det [s] ### (2) share [s] ### (3) @@ @POST S("value") = N("value",4); S("type") = N("$text",2); single(); @RULES _money <- _det [s] ### (1) total [s] ### (2) _prep [s] ### (3) _money [s] ### (4) @@ @POST S("value") = N("value",2); S("type") = N("compare",1); single(); @RULES _money <- _compare [s] ### (1) _money [s] ### (2) @@
@CODE fileout( "edu.txt" ); @@CODE # Traverse a line, looking for education parts. # Keep an ordering counter for each line. # NOTE: Because the edu parts may be scattered, the ordering may # be approximate, but that's good enough for now. # NOTE: If an edupart is already assigned, it's value gets # overwritten. Could accumulate redundancy counters also, or # could store multiple order values per variable. # At least could flag some nonadjacent redundancy as a possible # in-line segmentation point. (later.....) # parts will be found in a more principled fashion. (Sometimes # they are nested in each other). # Implementing notion of FIRST part and LAST part on a line. # Using ENUM VALUES as follows: # 0-none, 1-major,2-minor,3-school,4-degree,5-grade,6-date. @PATH _ROOT _educationZone _LINE @POST if (X("eduparts") == 0) X("first edupart") = 2; X("last edupart") = 2; ++X("eduparts"); X("Ominor") = X("eduparts"); # XXsetifzero( "first edupart", 2, "eduparts") #Xset( "last edupart", 2) #Xinc( "eduparts" ) #XsetX( "Ominor", "eduparts" ) # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _minor [s] @@ @POST if (X("eduparts") == 0) X("first edupart") = 1; X("last edupart") = 1; ++X("eduparts"); X("Omajor") = X("eduparts"); # XXsetifzero( "first edupart", 1, "eduparts") # Xset( "last edupart", 1) # Last one seen is major. # Xinc( "eduparts" ) # XsetX( "Omajor", "eduparts" ) # line(var1) = line(var2) # noop() # document no reduction @RULES _xNIL <- _major [s] @@ @POST if (X("eduparts") == 0) X("first edupart") = 3; X("last edupart") = 3; ++X("eduparts"); X("Oschool") = X("eduparts"); #XXsetifzero( "first edupart", 3, "eduparts") #Xset( "last edupart", 3) #Xinc( "eduparts" ) #XsetX ( "Oschool", "eduparts" ) # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _CompleteSchoolName [s] @@ _xNIL <- _school [s] @@ # 12/15/99 AM. @POST if (X("eduparts") == 0) X("first edupart") = 4; X("last edupart") = 4; ++X("eduparts"); X("Odegree") = X("eduparts"); #XXsetifzero( "first edupart", 4, "eduparts") #Xset( "last edupart", 4) #Xinc( "eduparts" ) #XsetX ( "Odegree", "eduparts" ) # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _degree [s] @@ @POST if (X("eduparts") == 0) X("first edupart") = 4; # First = DEGREE! X("last edupart") = 1; # Last = MAJOR! ++X("eduparts"); X("Odegree") = X("eduparts"); X("Omajor") = X("eduparts"); # Record this also. #XXsetifzero( "first edupart", 4, "eduparts") #Xset( "last edupart", 4) #Xinc( "eduparts" ) #XsetX ( "Odegree", "eduparts" ) # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _degreeInMajor [s] @@ @POST if (X("eduparts") == 0) X("first edupart") = 5; X("last edupart") = 5; ++X("eduparts"); X("Ograde") = X("eduparts"); #XXsetifzero( "first edupart", 5, "eduparts") #Xset( "last edupart", 5) #Xinc( "eduparts" ) #XsetX( "Ograde", "eduparts" ) # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _Grade [s] @@ @POST if (X("eduparts") == 0) X("first edupart") = 6; X("last edupart") = 6; ++X("eduparts"); X("Odate") = X("eduparts"); #XXsetifzero( "first edupart", 6, "eduparts") #Xset( "last edupart", 6) #Xinc( "eduparts" ) #XsetX( "Odate", "eduparts" ) # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=( _DateRange _SingleDate )] @@
@CODE fileout("dumpy.txt"); # Must declare file. prlit("dumpy.txt", "Globals:\n"); gdump("dumpy.txt"); prlit("dumpy.txt", "\n"); prlit("dumpy.txt", "DUMPING LINES\n"); prlit("dumpy.txt", "-------------\n"); prlit("dumpy.txt", "\n"); @@CODE @NODES _ROOT @POST ndump("dumpy.txt",1); prlit("dumpy.txt", "Globals:\n"); gdump("dumpy.txt"); prlit("dumpy.txt", "Root context:\n"); xdump("dumpy.txt", 1); prlit("dumpy.txt", "Suggested node variables:\n"); sdump("dumpy.txt"); prlit("dumpy.txt", "===============\n"); @RULES _xNIL <- _LINE @@
@NODES _LINE @POST group(2,2,"_item"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART ### (1) _xWILD [fail=(\,)] ### (2) @@ @POST group(2,2,"_item"); @RULES _xNIL <- \, ### (1) _xWILD [fail=(\,)] ### (2) @@
# Find and return the concept with name str under the parent concept con. L("return_con") = findconcept(L("con"), L("str"));
# Calculate the keyword density @CODE G("confidence") = hitconf(5, 100, 17); @@CODE
@NODES _LINE @POST if (!X("num")) { if (!X("c")) { "headers.kbb" << "headers" << "\n"; } "headers.kbb" << " " << N("$text",1) << "\n"; X("c")++; } @RULES _xNIL <- _item ### (1) @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST excise(1,2); @RULES _xNIL <- \[ \[ @@ @POST excise(1,2); @RULES _xNIL <- \] \] @@ @POST excise(1,2); @RULES _xNIL <- \{ \{ @@ @POST excise(1,2); @RULES _xNIL <- \} \} @@ @POST excise(1,2); @RULES _xNIL <- \( \( @@ @POST excise(1,2); @RULES _xNIL <- \) \) @@ @POST excise(1,2); @RULES _xNIL <- \< \< @@ @POST excise(1,2); @RULES _xNIL <- \> \> @@ @POST excise(1,2); @RULES _xNIL <- \> \> @@ @POST excise(1,3); @RULES _xNIL <- \' \' \' [opt] @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST singler(2,3); @RULES _labels <- _columnHeaders ### (1) _xWILD [plus fails=(_xEND)] ### (2) _xEND ### (3) @@
@CODE L("hello") = 0; @@CODE @NODES _TEXTZONE # Non- eos cases also. @PRE <3,3> lowercase(); @POST noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- \. _xWHITE [star lookahead] _xALPHA @@ # Some abbreviatons. @POST pncopyvars(1); S("mypos") = "NP"; single(); @RULES _companyDESIG [layer=(_abbr _noun)] <- _xWILD [one match=(inc co corp ltd llc bancorp)] \. [opt] @@ @POST S("mypos") = "NP"; single(); @RULES #n.v. _companyDESIG <- n \. [opt] v \. [opt] @@ @POST S("cap") = 1; singler(1,2); @RULES _abbr [layer=_noun] <- _xWILD [one match=(mr mrs dr messrs inc jr sen)] \. [opt] _xWHITE [star lookahead] _xCAP @@ @CHECK L("txt") = strtolower(N("$text",1)); if (spellword(L("txt"))) # 04/22/07 AM. fail(); L("len") = strlength(L("txt")); if (L("len") > 3) # 04/22/07 AM. fail(); if (finddictattr(L("txt"),"common-cap")) # 04/23/07 AM. fail(); @POST L("tmp1") = N(1); group(1,2,"_abbr"); group(1,1,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); N("cap",1) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _xCAP \. @@ # Too broad. # #@PRE #<1,1> length(2); #@POST # S("cap") = 1; # singler(1,2); #@RULES #_abbr [layer=_noun] <- # _xCAP # \. [opt] # _xWHITE [star lookahead] # _xCAP # @@ # Period at end of letter abbreviations. @PRE <4,4> lowercase(); @POST listadd(1,2,"false"); @RULES _xNIL <- _letabbr \. _xWHITE [star lookahead] _xWILD [one match=(_xALPHA _xPUNCT)] @@ # letter . # alpha . @PRE <1,1> length(1); @POST group(1,2,"_letabbr"); N("cap",1) = 1; # 04/21/07 AM. @RULES _xNIL <- _xCAP \. @@ # High confidence end-of-sentence. #@PRE #<1,1> lowercase(); @POST L("txt") = N("$text",2); if (L("txt") == "?") S("sent end") = "interrogative"; else if (L("txt") == "!") S("sent end") = "exclamatory"; singler(2,3); @RULES _qEOS <- _xWILD [one match=(_xALPHA _xNUM \] \) \> \% _noun)] _xWILD [plus match=( \. \: \; \? \! )] _xWHITE [star] _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_xCAP _letabbr \( \[ \< \" \' )] @@ # Period at end of text zone. @POST L("txt") = N("$text",2); if (L("txt") == "?") S("sent end") = "interrogative"; else if (L("txt") == "!") S("sent end") = "exclamatory"; singler(2,3); @RULES _qEOS <- _xWILD [one match=(_xALPHA _xNUM \] \) \> \% _noun)] _xWILD [plus match=( \. \: \; \? \! )] _xWHITE [star] _xEND @@ # Sentinel. @PRE <5,5> lowercase(); @POST noop(); @RULES _qEOS <- _xWILD [one match=(_xALPHA _xNUM )] \. [plus] _xWILD [one lookahead match=( \) \] \> )] _xWHITE [star] _xALPHA @@ @POST singler(2,2); @RULES _qEOS <- _xWILD [one match=(_xALPHA _xNUM )] \. [plus] _xWILD [one lookahead match=( \) \] \> )] @@ # Some may be followed by noncapitalized words. @POST singler(2,2); @RULES _qEOS <- _xWILD [one match=(_xALPHA _xNUM _noun \] \) \> \% )] _xWILD [plus match=( \: \; )] # _xWHITE [plus] @@ @RULES _qEOS <- \. \" @@ @POST listadd(3,4,"false"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(_xPUNCT)] _xWHITE [star] _letabbr \. @@ # Just a period at end of line, assume ok for now. # @POST group(1,1,"_qEOS"); @RULES _xNIL <- \. _xBLANK [star] \n [lookahead] @@ # Rearguard. @POST ++G("unhandled periods"); if (G("error")) "err1.txt" << "[Unhandled period]" << "\n"; L("n") = N(1); L("prev") = pnprev(L("n")); if (L("prev")) L("prev") = pnprev(L("prev")); L("next") = pnnext(L("n")); if (L("next")) L("next") = pnnext(L("next")); if (L("next")) L("next") = pnnext(L("next")); if (L("prev")) L("s") = pnvar(L("prev"),"$ostart"); else L("s") = N("$ostart"); if (L("next")) L("e") = pnvar(L("next"),"$oend"); else L("e") = N("$oend"); if (G("error")) "err1.txt" << " " << inputrange(L("s"),L("e")); @RULES _xNIL <- \. [plus] @@ # Pre-tagged issue. # possessive apostrophe @CHECK if (N("posarr") != "POS") # possessive. fail(); @POST pncopyvars(); S("mypos") = "POS"; single(); @RULES _aposX <- \' @@ # `` @POST S("dblquote start") = 1; S("nopos") = 1; single(); @RULES _dblquote <- \` \` @@ # '' @POST S("dblquote end") = 1; S("nopos") = 1; single(); @RULES _dblquote <- \' \' @@ # alpha * @POST L("tmp1") = N(1); group(1,2,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); N("text",1) = pnvar(L("tmp1"),"$text"); N("punct end",1) = "*"; if (strisupper(N("text",1))) chpos(N(1),"NP"); @RULES _xNIL <- # 19 _xALPHA \* @@ # num s @POST N("nospace after",1) = 1; L("num") = N("$text",1); group(1,2,"_noun"); N("num",1) = L("num"); chpos(N(1),"CD"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xNUM s @@ # Sentinel. @POST noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xCAP _xWHITE [star] _xCAP \- _xALPHA @@ # alpha - alpha # alpha dash alpha @POST L("tmp3") = N(3); L("txt") = strtolower(N("$text",3)); if (strisupper(N("$text",1)) || strisupper(N("$text",3))) L("cap") = 1; if (strisupper(N("$text",3))) L("cap3") = 1; if (N("verb",3)) { L("vc") = vconj(N(3)); if (L("vc") == "-ing" || L("vc") == "-en" || L("vc") == "-edn") L("inflected") = 1; } if (!spellword(L("txt")) || L("cap")) { group(3,3,"_noun"); group(1,3,"_noun"); chpos(N(1),"NP"); } else if (N("adj",3) || L("inflected")) { group(3,3,"_adj"); group(1,3,"_adj"); } else if (N("noun",3)) { # Default to adj for now. L("tmp3") = N(3); group(3,3,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); fixnoun(N(3)); L("pos") = N("mypos",3); group(1,3,"_adj"); if (pnvar(L("tmp3"),"sem") == "date") chpos(N(1),"JJ"); # eg., "five-year". else chpos(N(1),L("pos")); # NN or NNS... } else { # Default to adj for now. group(3,3,"_adj"); group(1,3,"_adj"); } N("hyphenated",1) = 1; if (L("cap")) N("cap",1) = 1; if (L("cap3")) N("pos_np") = "NP"; # 06/08/06 AM. else N("pos_np") = "JJ"; # Default. # 06/07/06 AM. @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA # [s] buggy -- can't reduce nonlit to lit. \- _xALPHA # [s] buggy @@ # ( letter ) # List item, etc. @PRE <2,2> length(1); @POST chpos(N(2),"NN"); group(1,3,"_listitem"); group(1,1,"_noun"); @RULES _xNIL <- \( _xALPHA \) @@ # Zap single quotes for now. # @POST excise(2,2); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWHITE [star] _xWILD [one match=( \` \' )] @@ @POST excise(1,1); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=( \` \' )] _xWHITE [star] @@ # Zap all control characters # @POST excise(1,1); @RULES _xNIL <- _xCTRL @@
@CODE G("kb") = makeconcept(findroot(),"kb"); G("kb_child") = makeconcept(G("kb"), "kb_child"); addstrval(G("kb_child"), "attr", "first attr"); addstrval(G("kb_child"), "attr", "secondattr"); addstrval(G("kb_child"), "attr", "third attr"); G("kb_child_2") = makeconcept(G("kb"), "kb_child_2"); addstrval(G("kb_child_2"), "attr", "first attr"); addstrval(G("kb_child_2"), "attr", "second attr"); addstrval(G("kb_child_2"), "attr", "thirdattr"); SaveKB("mykb.kbb",G("kb"),2); @@CODE
@NODES _NLPPP @POST preaction() single() @RULES _ACTION [base] <- _PREPAIR _FNCALL [s] \; [s opt] @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _paragraph <- _xWILD [match=(_LINE)] ### (2) @@
@CODE L("hello") = 0; #"metric.txt" << G("$passnum") << "\n"; @@CODE #@PATH _ROOT _TEXTZONE _sent @NODES _sent # dqa alpha alpha @PRE <5,5> var("noun"); @CHECK if (!N(1) && !N(2)) fail(); if (!N("adj",4) && !N("noun",4)) fail(); @POST fixnphead(5); fixnpnonhead(4); if (pnname(N(4)) == "_adj") L("nn") = 5; else L("nn") = 4; if (pnname(N(4)) == "_adj" && !N(3)) L("jj") = 4; else L("jj") = 3; dqaninfo(1,2,L("jj"),L("nn")); groupnp(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [star match=(_det _pro)] _xWILD [star match=(_quan _num _xNUM)] _adj [star] _xALPHA _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_verb _vg)] @@ # those alpha to @POST if (N("noun",2) && plural(N(2))) fixnphead(2); else if (N("verb",2)) alphatoverb(2,0,"VBP"); else if (N("noun",2)) fixnphead(2); else if (N("adj",2)) alphatoadj(2); else if (N("adv",2)) alphatoadv(2); @RULES _xNIL <- those [s] _xALPHA to [s lookahead] @@ # det alpha @CHECK if (!N("noun",2) && !N("unknown",2)) fail(); @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); group(2,2,"_noun"); L("num") = number(L("tmp2")); if (L("num")) N("number",2) = L("num"); L("n") = N(2); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); group(1,2,"_np"); pncopyvars(L("n"),N(1)); clearpos(N(1),1,1); @RULES _xNIL <- _det _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_xEND _qEOS)] @@ # det alpha # NIBBLE. @CHECK if (N("unknown",3)) succeed(); if (N("number",1) == "singular" && plural(N(3))) fail(); if (!N("verb",3)) fail(); if (N("pos num",3) < 2) fail(); @POST N("pos25 det-a-a") = 1; if (N("unknown",3)) alphatonoun(3); else { if (vconjq(N(3),"-en") && !N("noun",3) && !N("adj",3)) L("pos") = "VBN"; N("verb",3) = 0; # verb = 0 --N("pos num",3); if (N("noun",3) && N("pos num",3) == 1) alphatonoun(3); # 04/21/07 AM. if (L("pos")) N("mypos",3) = L("pos"); } @RULES _xNIL <- _det _adv [star] _xALPHA @@ # det alpha # NIBBLE. @CHECK if (N("unknown",2)) succeed(); if (!N("verb",2)) fail(); if (N("pos num",2) < 2) fail(); if (vconjq(N(2),"-ing") || vconjq(N(2),"-en")) fail(); @POST if (N("unknown",2)) alphatonoun(2); else if (N("adj",2) && N("noun",2)) fixnpnonhead(2); else { N("verb",2) = 0; # verb = 0 --N("pos num",2); alphaunambigred(2); } @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(while)] _xALPHA @@ # det alpha [NIBBLE] @CHECK if (N("noun",3) || !N("adj",3)) fail(); @POST alphatoadj(3); @RULES _xNIL <- _det _adv [star] _xALPHA @@ # alpha verb # alpha modal # alpha mhbv @CHECK if (!N("noun",3)) fail(); # Todo: Check helping or multi-verb stuff here. @POST L("tmp3") = N(3); group(3,3,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); fixnoun(N(3)); nountonp(3,1); # semcomposenp(N(3),L("tmp3"),L("tmp3")); @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_modal _have _be _verb)] @@ # mhbv conj alpha @PRE <11,11> var("verb"); @CHECK if (!N(1) && !N(3) && !N(5) && !N(7)) fail(); # Agreement... L("arr") = vgagree(N(1),N(3),N(5),N(7),N(9)); if (!L("arr")[0]) fail(); L("arr") = vgagree(N(1),N(3),N(5),N(7),N(11)); if (!L("arr")[0]) fail(); @POST L("m") = N(1); L("h") = N(3); L("b") = N(5); L("being") = N(7); L("v") = N(9); if (N(7)) { N("sem",7) = N("stem",7) = "be"; chpos(N(7),"VBG"); } alphatovg(11,0,0); L("neg") = mhbvadv(2,4,6,8); group(1,9,"_vg"); mhbv(N(1),L("neg"),L("m"),L("h"),L("b"),L("being"),L("v")); # Note: everything renumbered, vg conj vg ... L("v2") = N("verb node",3); mhbv(N(3),L("neg"),L("m"),L("h"),L("b"),L("being"),L("v2")); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s star match=(_modal _do)] ### (1) _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] ### (2) _have [s opt] ### (3) _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] ### (4) _be [s opt] ### (5) _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] ### (6) being [s opt] ### (7) _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] ### (8) _xWILD [s one match=(_verb) except=(_modal _have _be _vg)] ### (9) _conj ### (10) _xALPHA ### (11) @@ # mhbv # Complete vg. @CHECK if (pnname(N(9)) != "_verb" && !N("verb",9)) fail(); # Agreement... L("arr") = vgagree(N(1),N(3),N(5),N(7),N(9)); if (!L("arr")[0]) fail(); @POST if (pnname(N(9)) != "_verb") alphatoverb(9,0,0); L("m") = N(1); L("h") = N(3); L("b") = N(5); L("being") = N(7); L("v") = N(9); if (N(7)) { N("sem",7) = N("stem",7) = "be"; chpos(N(7),"VBG"); } L("neg") = mhbvadv(2,4,6,8); group(1,9,"_vg"); mhbv(N(1),L("neg"),L("m"),L("h"),L("b"),L("being"),L("v")); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(_modal)] ### (1) _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] ### (2) _have [s opt] ### (3) _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] ### (4) _be [s opt] ### (5) _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] ### (6) being [s opt] ### (7) _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] ### (8) _xWILD [s one match=(_verb _xALPHA) except=(_modal _have _be _vg)] ### (9) @@ # mhbv @CHECK if (pnname(N(7)) != "_verb" && !N("verb",7)) fail(); # Agreement... L("arr") = vgagree(0,N(1),N(3),N(5),N(7)); if (!L("arr")[0]) fail(); @POST if (pnname(N(7)) != "_verb") alphatoverb(7,0,0); L("m") = 0; L("h") = N(1); L("b") = N(3); L("being") = N(5); L("v") = N(7); if (N(5)) { N("sem",5) = N("stem",5) = "be"; chpos(N(5),"VBG"); } L("neg") = mhbvadv(2,4,6,0); group(1,7,"_vg"); mhbv(N(1),L("neg"),L("m"),L("h"),L("b"),L("being"),L("v")); @RULES _xNIL <- _have [s] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _be [s opt] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] being [s opt] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _xWILD [s one match=(_verb _xALPHA) except=(_modal _have _be _vg)] @@ # mhbv @CHECK if (pnname(N(5)) != "_verb" && !N("verb",5)) fail(); # Agreement... L("arr") = vgagree(0,0,N(1),N(3),N(5)); if (!L("arr")[0]) fail(); @POST if (pnname(N(5)) != "_verb") alphatoverb(5,0,0); L("m") = 0; L("h") = 0; L("b") = N(1); L("being") = N(3); L("v") = N(5); if (N(3)) { N("sem",3) = N("stem",3) = "be"; chpos(N(3),"VBG"); } L("neg") = mhbvadv(2,4,0,0); group(1,5,"_vg"); mhbv(N(1),L("neg"),L("m"),L("h"),L("b"),L("being"),L("v")); @RULES _xNIL <- _be [s] ### (1) _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] ### (2) being [s opt] ### (3) _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] ### (4) _xWILD [s one match=(_verb _xALPHA) except=(_modal _have _be _vg _adj _adjc)] ### (5) @@ # verb damn [verb alpha] # vg damn [vg alpha] @POST alphatoadv(3); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg)] _adv [star] damn @@ # prep damn [prep alpha] @PRE <1,1> varne("stem","to"); @POST alphatoadv(3); @RULES _xNIL <- _prep _adv [star] damn @@ # prep alpha dqan # prep ving dqan @PRE <1,1> varne("stem","of"); @CHECK if (!N("verb",3)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(3),"-ing")) fail(); @POST alphatovg(3,"active",0); # Replace old code. # 05/22/07 AM. @RULES _xNIL <- _prep _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_det _quan _num _prep)] @@ # while alpha dqan # when alpha dqan # when ving dqan _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(when while where why)] _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_det _quan _num # _prep )] @@ # prep alpha alpha , @CHECK if (!N("noun",3)) fail(); if (!N("noun",2) && !N("adj",2)) fail(); if (!singular(N(2))) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(3),"-ing")) fail(); @POST fixnphead(3); fixnpnonhead(2); @RULES _xNIL <- _prep _xALPHA _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(\,)] @@ _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(before)] _xALPHA _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(\,)] @@ # prep alpha , @CHECK if (!N("noun",2) && !N("unknown",2)) fail(); if (N("verb",2)) { if (vconjq(N(2),"-ing")) fail(); } @POST alphatonoun(2); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(_prep) except=(to)] _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(\, _conj)] _xWILD [one fail=(_xALPHA _adj)] @@ _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(_prep) except=(to)] _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_clausesep)] @@ # prep alpha [NIBBLE] @CHECK if (!N("verb",2)) fail(); if (vconjq(N(2),"-ing")) fail(); @POST --N("pos num",2); N("verb",2) = 0; # verb = 0 alphaunambigred(2); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(_prep) except=(to)] _xALPHA @@ # det alpha alpha noun # 's alpha alpha noun # in a double balanced modulator . @CHECK if (!N("adj",2)) fail(); if (!N("adj",3) && !N("noun",3)) fail(); if (N("noun",3)) { if (!singular(N(3))) fail(); } if (!singular(N(4))) fail(); @POST fixnpnonhead(3); fixnpnonhead(2); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_det _aposS)] _xALPHA _xALPHA _noun _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_qEOS _xEND _prep)] @@ # Equation stuff. @CHECK if (N("sem",3) != "formula") fail(); @POST L("tmp1") = N(1); group(1,4,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); N("sem",1) = "symbol"; @RULES _xNIL <- _noun \( _np \) @@ # Misc parentheticals. @POST group(2,4,"_noun"); @RULES _xNIL <- _noun \( _xWILD [min=1 max=3 fail=( \) )] \) @@ # Question/query/interrogative fixups. @CHECK if (!N("verb",3)) fail(); S("vc") = vconj(N(3)); if (S("vc") == "inf" || S("vc") == "-ed" || S("vc") == "-ing") fail(); @POST L("tmp3") = N(3); group(3,3,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(_have)] _xWILD [one match=(_noun _np _nps)] _xALPHA @@ # Question/query/interrogative fixups. @CHECK if (!N("verb",3)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(3),"-ing")) fail(); @POST L("tmp3") = N(3); group(3,3,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(_be)] _xWILD [one match=(_noun _np _nps)] _xALPHA @@ # cap prep @CHECK if (N("verb",2)) { if (N("noun",2) && (vconjq(N(2),"inf") || vconjq(N(2),"-ing")) ) fail(); } @POST if (N("noun",2) && plural(N(2))) fixnphead(2); else if (N("verb",2)) { if (N("stem",4) == "by" && vconjq(N(2),"-en")) alphatovg(2,"passive","VBN"); else alphatovg(2,0,"VB"); } else if (N("noun",2)) { fixnphead(2); nountonp(2,1); } else if (N("adj",2)) alphatoadj(2); else if (N("adv",2)) alphatoadv(2); @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART _xCAP _xWILD [star match=(_advl _adv)] _xWILD [one match=(_prep)] @@ # verb alpha dqan @CHECK if (!N("adv",3) || !N("adj",3)) fail(); if (N("pos num",3) != 2) fail(); @POST L("tmp3") = N(3); group(3,3,"_adv"); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg)] _xWILD [star match=(_advl _adv)] _xALPHA _xWILD [star lookahead match=(_advl _adv)] _xWILD [one match=(_det _pro _quan _num _xNUM _fnword)] @@ # verb alpha @CHECK if (!N("adv",3) || !N("adj",3)) fail(); if (N("pos num",3) != 2) fail(); L("txt") = nodesem(N(1)); if (!copulaq(N(1))) fail(); @POST L("tmp3") = N(3); alphatoadj(3); group(3,3,"_adjc"); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); clearpos(N(3),1,0); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg)] _xWILD [star match=(_advl _adv)] _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead fail=(_adj _adjc _xALPHA)] @@ # that verb @CHECK if (pnname(N(2)) != "_fnword") fail(); if (N("mypos",2)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(3),"-ed") && !vconjq(N(3),"-s")) fail(); @POST pnrename(N(2),"_noun"); # rename _fnword. chpos(N(2),"DT"); # that/DT @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART that [s] _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_modal _verb _vg)] @@ # , said @POST L("t") = strtolower(N("$text",3)); alphatovg(3,"active","VBP"); N("glom",3) = "left"; clearpos(N(3),1,0); if (L("next") = pnnext(N(3))) pnreplaceval(L("next"),"glom","right"); N("inverted-verb-noun",3) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=( \, _dblquote _qEOS _xSTART _conj _clause _noun _np)] _xWILD [star match=(_advl _adv)] _xWILD [one match=(say says said quip quips quipped recalls recalled)] @@ # X said # cap said # alpha said @CHECK if (N("stem",2) != "say") fail(); @POST L("tmp1") = N(1); group(1,1,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); N("ne type",1) = N("sem",1) = "person"; N("ne type conf",1) = 60; N("stem",1) = N("$text",1); if (singular(N(1))) chpos(N(1),"NP"); else chpos(N(1),"NPS"); if (pnname(N(2)) != "_verb") { L("tmp2") = N(2); group(2,2,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); L("v") = N(2); group(2,2,"_vg"); mhbv(N(2),L("neg"),0,0,0,0,L("v")); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); N("verb node",2) = L("v"); clearpos(N(2),1,0); fixvg(N(2),"active",0); } @RULES _xNIL <- _xCAP _xWILD [one match=(_verb say says saying said quip quips quipping quipped recalls recalled)] @@ # last noun # last date @CHECK if (N("sem",2) != "date") fail(); @POST alphatoadj(1); @RULES _xNIL <- last _noun [lookahead] @@ # alpha alpha # alpha date @PRE <1,1> varz("adj"); # First alpha is not an adj. <2,2> vareq("sem","date"); # Second alpha is a date. @CHECK if (!N("noun",1) && !N("verb",1)) fail(); if (!N("noun",2) || !N("adv",2)) fail(); @POST # NLP++: don't know if the lookahead can safely be reduced. L("tmp2") = N(2); group(2,2,"_adv"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead fail=(_aposS)] @@ # alpha alpha # # alpha date @PRE <1,1> var("verb"); # First alpha can be verb. <2,2> vareq("sem","date"); # Second alpha is a date. @CHECK if (vconjq(N(1),"inf") || vconjq(N(1),"-s")) fail(); if (!N("noun",2) || !N("adv",2)) fail(); @POST # NLP++: lookahead cannot safely be reduced. L("tmp2") = N(2); group(2,2,"_adv"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead fail=(_aposS)] @@ # alpha date # last date # next date. @PRE <2,2> vareq("sem","date"); @POST alphatoadj(1); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(last next)] _noun @@ # since early July. # since alpha noun. @PRE <2,2> var("adj"); @POST alphatoadj(2); @RULES _xNIL <- # 04/20/07 AM. _xWILD [s one match=(since _det)] _xALPHA _noun [lookahead] @@ # alpha date # alpha noun # Note: Assume date item doesn't glom. If it does, # assume that was handled already. @PRE <2,2> vareq("sem","date"); @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); if ((N("noun",1) || N("adj",1)) && !N("adv",1) && !N("verb",1)) { fixnpnonhead(1); group(1,2,"_np"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(1)); clearpos(N(1),1,1); } else { nountonp(2,1); } @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA _noun _xWILD [one lookahead fail=(_aposS _noun _xALPHA)] @@ _xNIL <- _xALPHA _noun _xEND @@ # though @POST pnrename(N(2),"_adv"); chpos(N(2),"RB"); # Override pos. @RULES _xNIL <- \, though [s] _xWILD [one lookahead match=(\, _qEOS _xEND)] @@ # including # note: as prepositional construct. @PRE <2,2> varz("pos25 including"); @POST N("pos25 including",2) = 1; if (pnname(N(2)) == "_verb") pnrename(N(2),"_prep"); # including -> prep # chpos(N(2),"IN"); chpos(N(2),"VBG"); # Conform to Treebank. @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one fail=(_be )] including [s] @@ # still @POST L("tmp1") = N(1); group(1,1,"_adv"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); chpos(N(1),"RB"); @RULES _xNIL <- still _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_verb _vg _prep _adv _advl)] @@ # than those prep #@POST # pnrename(N(2),"_noun"); #@RULES #_xNIL <- # than [s] # _xWILD [s one match=(these those)] # _prep [lookahead] # @@ # num noun # note: number as adjective. @CHECK if (!singular(N(2))) fail(); @POST L("tmp1") = N(1); group(1,1,"_adj"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); chpos(N(1),"CD"); N("numeric",1) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _xNUM _noun @@ # alpha enough @POST L("tmp1") = N(1); L("tmp2") = N(2); group(2,2,"_adv"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); group(1,1,"_adj"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(good bad)] enough @@ # Some default tagging. @PRE <3,3> varz("done"); @POST N("done",3) = 1; chpos(N(3),"VB"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(to _modal _do)] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] have [s] @@ @POST L("tmp1") = N(1); group(1,1,"_prep"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); @RULES _xNIL <- unlike @@ # prep that alpha $ @CHECK if (!N("noun",3)) fail(); @POST if (!N("mypos",2)) chpos(N(2),"DT"); # that/DT. L("tmp3") = N(3); group(3,3,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_prep)] that [s] _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_xEND)] @@ # prep that # on that @PRE <2,2> varz("mypos"); @POST chpos(N(2),"DT"); # that/DT. pnrename(N(2),"_det"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(on)] that [s] @@ # that adj $ # "that green" <=> "so green". #@CHECK # if (N("mypos",1)) # fail(); #@POST # chpos(N(1),"RB"); # that/RB #@RULES #_xNIL <- # that [s] # _adj [lookahead] # _xEND # @@ #_xNIL <- # that [s] # _adj [lookahead] # _xWILD [one fail=(_adj _noun \, _xALPHA)] # @@ # that alpha noun noun alpha $ @CHECK if (!N("verb",2)) fail(); if (!N("noun",5)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(2),"-ed") && !vconjq(N(2),"-s") && !vconjq(N(2),"inf")) fail(); if (!singular(N(4))) fail(); if (!plural(N(5))) fail(); @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); L("tmp5") = N(5); group(5,5,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp5"),N(5)); group(2,2,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); fixverb(N(2),"active","VBP"); if (!N("mypos",1)) chpos(N(1),"IN"); # that/IN @RULES _xNIL <- that [s] _xALPHA _noun _noun _xALPHA _xWILD [one match=(_xEND)] @@ # det that verb $ # ex: all that required. # Ellipted: "all that that required" @CHECK if (pnname(N(2)) == "_np") fail(); if (N("mypos",2)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(3),"-ed") && !vconjq(N(3),"-s")) fail(); @POST pnrename(N(2),"_det"); chpos(N(2),"DT"); # that/DT nountonp(2,1); nountonp(1,1); @RULES _xNIL <- _det that [s] _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg)] _xEND @@ # more noun @CHECK if (N("mypos",1)) fail(); @POST chpos(N(1),"JJR"); pnrename(N(1),"_adj"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(more less)] _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_noun _np)] @@ # most noun @CHECK if (N("mypos",1)) fail(); @POST chpos(N(1),"JJS"); if (pnname(N(1)) == "_fnword") pnrename(N(1),"_adj"); @RULES _xNIL <- most [s] _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_noun _np)] @@ # far more # alpha fnword # alpha more @CHECK if (N("pos num",1) != 2) fail(); if (!N("adj",1) || !N("adv",1)) fail(); @POST L("tmp1") = N(1); group(1,1,"_adv"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA _xWILD [s one lookahead match=(more less)] @@ # more alpha @CHECK if (!N("adj",2)) fail(); @POST if (N("mass",2)) { alphatonoun(2); if (!N("mypos",1)) chpos(N(1),"JJR"); } else { alphatoadj(2); if (!N("mypos",1)) chpos(N(1),"RBR"); } chpos(N(1),"RBR"); # more/RBR. pnrename(N(1),"_adj"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(more less)] _xALPHA @@ # most alpha @CHECK if (!N("adj",2)) fail(); @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); group(2,2,"_adj"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); fixadj(N(2)); if (!N("mypos",1)) chpos(N(1),"RB"); # most/RJS if (pnname(N(1)) == "_fnword") pnrename(N(1),"_adv"); @RULES _xNIL <- most [s] _xALPHA \, [lookahead] _xWILD [one fail=(_xALPHA _adj)] @@ # det most adj # pro most adj @POST chpos(N(2),"RBS"); # most/RBS pnrename(N(2),"_premod"); group(2,3,"_adj"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_det _pro)] most [s] _adj @@ # most adj # Note: If the above not matched, then most is adj. @PRE <1,1> varz("pos25 most-adj"); @POST N("pos25 most-adj",1) = 1; chpos(N(1),"JJS"); # most/JJS pnrename(N(1),"_adj"); @RULES _xNIL <- most [s] _adj [lookahead] @@ # most alpha @CHECK if (!N("adj",3)) fail(); @POST alphatoadj(3); if (!N("mypos",2)) { if (N(1)) chpos(N(2),"RBS"); # most/RBS else chpos(N(2),"JJS"); # most/JJS } pnrename(N(2),"_adj"); # most -> adj @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [opt match=(_det _pro)] most [s] _xALPHA @@ # , up # , down # up # down @CHECK if (N("mypos",3)) fail(); @POST if (!N("mypos",3)) chpos(N(3),"RB"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_xSTART \, _dbldash \- )] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _xWILD [s one lookahead match=(up down)] @@ # verb prep prep @PRE <2,2> varz("mypos"); @CHECK if (pnname(N(1)) == "_vg") { L("v") = N("verb node",1); if (N("voice",1) != "active" && vconjq(L("v"),"-en")) fail(); } else { if (!N("mypos",1) || N("mypos",1) == "VBN") fail(); } @POST if (!N("mypos",2)) chpos(N(2),"IN"); # prep/IN @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg)] _prep [lookahead] _prep @@ # be up # be down # up # down # copula # Note: "is off" -- some assign this as ADJ. @CHECK if (N("mypos",3)) fail(); L("txt") = nodesem(N(1)); S("copula") = copulaq(N(1)); # Also check phrasal/prepositional. S("rp/in") = phrprepverbq(N(1),N(3)); if (!S("copula") && !S("rp/in")) fail(); @POST # If both, don't know how to decide. # Prefer prep/phrasal for now. if (S("rp/in") == 1 # PHRASAL. || S("rp/in") == 3) # Ambig. Choose phrasal, slight pref. chpos(N(3),"RP"); else if (S("rp/in") == 2) # PREPOSITIONAL. chpos(N(3),"IN"); else # Must be copula case. chpos(N(3),"RB"); # up/RB down/RB out/RB off/RB # Reduce verb+particle to vg. if (pnname(N(1)) == "_vg" && S("rp/in")) { N("particle",1) = N(3); listadd(1,3,"true"); # Glom it together. } @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg)] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _xWILD [s one lookahead match=(up down out off)] @@ # noun alpha up # noun alpha down # up # down # out @CHECK if (!N("verb",3)) fail(); # Require prepositional/phrasal verb. S("num") = phrprepverbq(N(3),N(5)); if (!S("num")) fail(); @POST if (!N("mypos",5)) { if (N("stem",5) == "to") chpos(N(5),"TO"); else if (S("num") == 2) chpos(N(5),"IN"); else # 1 or 3 chpos(N(5),"RP"); } L("tmp3") = N(3); group(3,3,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_noun _np)] _xWILD [plus match=(_adv _advl)] # 04/20/07 AM. _xALPHA _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] # _xWILD [s one lookahead match=(up down out off)] _prep [lookahead] @@ # clausal # verb noun prep # Check for phrasal verb. @CHECK if (N("mypos",5)) fail(); if (N("pos25-particle",5)) fail(); @POST N("pos25-particle",5) = 1; if (copulaq(N(1))) { chpos(N(5),"IN"); # eg, UP % # 06/15/06 AM. } # See if kb has something. # else if (L("num") = phrprepverbq(N(1),N(5))) { if (L("num") == 2) # prepositional. # FIX. 06/18/06 AM. chpos(N(5),"IN"); else # 1 or 3. chpos(N(5),"RP"); # Default. } # else # Default. # chpos(N(5),"RP"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg)] _xWILD [star lookahead match=(_adv _advl)] _xWILD [one match=(_noun _np)] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _prep _xWILD [one match=(_prep _advl \, _dbldash _xEND)] @@ _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg)] _xWILD [star lookahead match=(_adv _advl)] _xWILD [one match=(_noun _np)] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _xWILD [s one match=(up down out off)] @@ # as alpha prep @CHECK if (!N("adj",2)) fail(); if (N("verb",2) || N("noun",2)) fail(); @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); group(2,2,"_adj"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); fixadj(N(2)); pnrename(N(1),"_adv"); if (!N("mypos",1)) chpos(N(1),"RB"); @RULES _xNIL <- as [s] _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_prep)] @@ # as yet @CHECK if (N("mypos",1) && N("mypos",2)) fail(); @POST if (!N("mypos",2)) { chpos(N(2),"RB"); pnrename(N(2),"_adv"); } if (!N("mypos",1)) { chpos(N(1),"RB"); pnrename(N(1),"_adv"); } @RULES _xNIL <- as [s] yet [s] @@ # as adj as # as adj det @PRE <1,1> varz("mypos"); @POST pnrename(N(1),"_adv"); # as -> adv. chpos(N(1),"RB"); # as/RB @RULES _xNIL <- as [s] _adj _xWILD [s one lookahead match=(_det as)] @@ # as dqan verb @PRE <1,1> varz("mypos"); @POST chpos(N(1),"IN"); @RULES _xNIL <- as [s] _xWILD [plus lookahead match=(_det _pro _quan _num _xNUM _adj _noun _np _xALPHA)] _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg)] @@ # as @CHECK if (N("mypos")) fail(); @POST chpos(N(1),"IN"); # as/IN pnrename(N(1),"_prep"); @RULES _xNIL <- as [s] @@ # yet whether @CHECK if (N("mypos",1)) fail(); @POST chpos(N(1),"RB"); # yet/RB. pnrename(N(1),"_adv"); @RULES _xNIL <- yet [s] _fnword [lookahead] @@ # no adv @CHECK if (N("mypos",1)) fail(); @POST chpos(N(1),"RB"); pnrename(N(1),"_adv"); @RULES _xNIL <- no [s] _adv [lookahead] @@ # , compared # compared @CHECK if (N("mypos",2)) fail(); @POST chpos(N(2),"VBN"); N("voice",2) = "passive"; N("-en",2) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(_xSTART \, when if as)] compared [s] @@ # alpha 's # alpha ' @CHECK if (!N("noun",1)) fail(); @POST L("tmp1") = N(1); group(1,1,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_aposS _aposX)] @@ # once dqan #@CHECK # if (N("mypos",1)) # fail(); @POST chpos(N(1),"IN"); # once/IN @RULES _xNIL <- once [s] _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_noun _np _det _pro _quan _num _xNUM _adj )] @@ # num 's @POST if (!N("mypos",2)) chpos(N(2),"POS"); # 's/POS group(1,2,"_adj"); N("ignorepos",1) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _xNUM _aposS @@ # 's not verb @CHECK if (!vconjq(N(4),"-en") && !vconjq(N(4),"-ing")) fail(); @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); pnrename(N(2),"_be"); group(2,2,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); chpos(N(2),"VBZ"); # 's/VBZ N("copula",2) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_noun _np _xALPHA)] _aposS _neg [s] _xWILD [one match=(_verb)] @@ # 's not dqan @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); pnrename(N(2),"_be"); group(2,2,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); chpos(N(2),"VBZ"); N("apos-s",2) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_noun _np _xALPHA)] _aposS _neg [s] _xWILD [one match=(_np _det _pro _quan _num _xNUM _adj _noun)] @@ # cap 's said # Webster's said # Note: actually, ambiguous verb/noun. @POST chpos(N(1),"NP"); chpos(N(2),"POS"); L("tmp1") = N(1); group(1,2,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); clearpos(N(1),1,0); N("apos-s",1) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _xCAP [s] _aposS _xWILD [star lookahead match=(_adv _advl)] said [s] @@ _xNIL <- _xCAP [s] _aposS _xWILD [star lookahead match=(_adv _advl)] _xWILD [one match=(_verb _modal _vg)] @@ # 's alpha @CHECK if (!N("noun",2)) fail(); if (N("adj",2)) fail(); if (!singular(N(2))) fail(); @POST if (!N("mypos",1)) chpos(N(1),"POS"); # 's/POS alphatonoun(2); @RULES _xNIL <- _aposS _xALPHA @@ # 's alpha @CHECK if (N("mypos",1)) fail(); if (N("verb",2)) { if (!vconjq(N(2),"-s") && !vconjq(N(2),"inf")) fail(); } else if (N("noun",2)) { if (!plural(N(2))) fail(); } @POST chpos(N(1),"POS"); # 's/POS @RULES _xNIL <- _aposS _xALPHA [lookahead] @@ # noun 's $ @POST chpos(N(2),"POS"); # 's/POS group(1,2,"_adj"); N("apos-s",1) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _noun _aposS _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_dbldash _xEND)] @@ # 's $ @POST chpos(N(1),"POS"); # 's/POS @RULES _xNIL <- _aposS _xWILD [one match=(_dbldash _xEND)] @@ # adj alpha @CHECK if (!N("noun",2) && !N("unknown",2)) fail(); @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); group(2,2,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); @RULES _xNIL <- _adj _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_xEND _advl _conj _dbldash _fnword _modal _prep _verb _vg)] @@ # det alpha _xNIL <- _det _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_verb _vg)] @@ # adj alpha @PRE <2,2> var("noun"); <2,2> var("verb"); @CHECK if (N("pos num",2) != 2) fail(); @POST alphatonoun(2); @RULES _xNIL <- _adj _xALPHA @@ # conj alpha prep @PRE <2,2> varz("noun"); @CHECK if (!N("verb",2)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(2),"-ing") && !vconjq(N(2),"-edn")) fail(); @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); group(2,2,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); @RULES _xNIL <- _conj _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_prep)] @@ # conj alpha noun @POST L("done") = 0; # If found something. if (N("noun",2) || N("adj",2)) { if (singular(N(3)) && !N("cap",3)) { fixnpnonhead(2); L("done") = 1; } } noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _conj _xALPHA _noun [lookahead] _xWILD [one match=(_prep)] @@ # fnword alpha verb # conj alpha verb @CHECK if (!N("noun",2) && !N("unknown",2)) fail(); # if (vconjq(N(2),"-ing") # || vconjq(N(2),"-edn")) # fail(); @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); group(2,2,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_fnword _conj)] _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_verb _vg _modal)] @@ # fnword alpha alpha @PRE <3,3> var("verb"); <5,5> var("adv"); @POST alphatoadv(5); alphatovg(3,0,0); @RULES _xNIL <- but [s] _adv [star] _xALPHA _adv [star] _xALPHA _xWILD [one match=(_np _pro _det _quan _num _xNUM)] @@ # noun alpha verb @CHECK if (!N("noun",2) && !N("unknown",2)) fail(); @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); group(2,2,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); posacct(N(2)); @RULES _xNIL <- _noun _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_modal _verb _vg)] @@ # idiom: pretty much # much @POST L("tmp1") = N(1); L("tmp2") = N(2); group(2,2,"_adv"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); group(1,1,"_adv"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); @RULES _xNIL <- pretty much @@ # that num , # that money , @CHECK if (N("mypos",1) && N("mypos",1) != "DT") fail(); @POST chpos(N(1),"DT"); # that/DT. pnrename(N(1),"_det"); @RULES _xNIL <- that [s except=(_det)] _num _xWILD [one lookahead match=( \, )] @@ # that noun $ # that dqan $ @CHECK if (N("mypos",1)) fail(); @POST chpos(N(1),"DT"); # that/DT. if (pnname(N(1)) == "_fnword") pnrename(N(1),"_det"); @RULES _xNIL <- that [s] _adj [star] _noun [plus] _xWILD [one match=(_xEND _qEOS _dbldash)] @@ # that $ @CHECK if (N("mypos",1)) fail(); @POST chpos(N(1),"DT"); # that/DT. if (pnname(N(1)) == "_fnword") pnrename(N(1),"_noun"); @RULES _xNIL <- that [s] _xWILD [one match=(_xEND _qEOS _dbldash)] @@ # that alpha # Idiomatic or highly preferred cases. @POST L("tmp3") = N(3); group(3,3,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp3"),N(3)); @RULES _xNIL <- that [s] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _xWILD [one match=(uses)] @@ # alpha noun # gives us @POST L("tmp1") = N(1); group(1,1,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); @RULES _xNIL <- gives _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_pro _det _quan _num _xNUM _adj _noun _np)] @@ # noun adj noun @CHECK if (!N("cap",2) && !N("num",2) && !N("possessive",3)) fail(); @POST pnrename(N(2),"_adj"); # noun -> adj @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_det _prep _pro _conj)] _noun _adj [plus] _noun @@ # these alpha # those alpha # plural alpha @CHECK if (!N("noun",2)) fail(); if (!plural(N(2))) fail(); @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); group(2,2,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); # _np @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(these those)] _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead fail=(_xALPHA _noun)] @@ _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(these those)] _xALPHA _xEND @@ # such alpha alpha # plural reasoning. @POST if (plural(N(3))) { L("done") = 1; fixnphead(3); } else if (vconjq(N(3),"-ing")) L("done") = 1; if (!L("done") && N(4)) { if (plural(N(4))) { L("done") = 1; fixnphead(4); fixnpnonhead(3); } else if (vconjq(N(4),"-ing")) L("done") = 1; } if (!L("done") && N(5)) { if (plural(N(5))) { L("done") = 1; fixnphead(5); fixnpnonhead(4); fixnpnonhead(3); } else if (vconjq(N(5),"-ing")) L("done") = 1; } @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one fail=(no)] such [s] _xALPHA _xALPHA [opt] _xALPHA [opt] @@ # ever verb @POST pnrename(N(1),"_adv"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(ever) except=(_adv)] _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_verb _vg)] @@ # ^ like dqan @CHECK if (N("mypos",3)) fail(); if (pnname(N(3)) != "_fnword") fail(); @POST pnrename(N(3),"_prep"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_xSTART \( _dbldash \, )] _xWILD [star match=(_conj _adv _advl)] like [s] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_np _noun _det _quan _adj _num _xNUM )] @@ # something like @CHECK if (N("mypos",2)) fail(); if (pnname(N(2)) != "_fnword") fail(); @POST pnrename(N(2),"_prep"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(something someone somewhat somewhere somehow someplace sometime )] like [s] @@ # alpha like @CHECK if (pnname(N(2)) != "_fnword") fail(); if (N("pos num",1) != 2) fail(); if (!N("verb",1) || !N("adj",1)) fail(); @POST # Don't commit to verb-adj yet. pnrename(N(2),"_prep"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA like [s] @@ # verb num @POST nountonp(2,1); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg)] _xWILD [one match=(_num _quan _xNUM)] _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_fnword _prep _verb _vg _det _np)] @@ # this # Fixup of lone determiner. @CHECK if (pnname(N(1)) != "_det") fail(); @POST group(1,1,"_noun"); nountonp(1,1); @RULES _xNIL <- this [s] _adv [star] _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_advl _np _vg _pro _modal _verb _fnword _prep _conj )] @@ # to alpha @CHECK if (!N("verb",3)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(3),"inf")) # New function. # 06/15/06 AM. fail(); @POST alphatovg(3,"active","VB"); @RULES _xNIL <- to [s] _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _xALPHA _xWILD [star match=(_adv _advl)] _xWILD [lookahead one match=( _det _quan _num _xNUM _adj _np _pro)] @@ # to alpha @PRE <1,1> varz("pos25 to-alph"); @CHECK if (N("adj",2) && N("verb",2) && vconjq(N(2),"-ing")) fail(); @POST N("pos25 to-alph",1) = 1; if (N("unknown",2)) alphatonoun(2); else if (vconjq(N(2),"-ing")) { if (N("adj",2)) alphatoadj(2); else alphatoverb(2,"active","VBG"); } else if (N("verb",2)) { if (vconjq(N(2),"inf") && !plural(N(2)) ) { # Still ambiguous. # # alphatoverb(2,"active","VB"); # } else if (vconjq(N(2),"-en") || vconjq(N(2),"-ing")) alphatoadj(2); else if (N("noun",2)) alphatonoun(2); else { "err.txt" << "pos50 to-alpha: " << phrasetext() << "\n"; alphatoverb(2,"active","VB"); # verb/VB [DEFAULT] } } else if (N("adj",2)) alphatoadj(2); else if (N("noun",2)) alphatonoun(2); else if (N("adv",2)) alphatoadv(2); else # [DEFAULT] { "err.txt" << "pos50 to-alpha: " << phrasetext() << "\n"; alphatoverb(2,"active","VB"); # verb/VB [DEFAULT] } @RULES _xNIL <- to [s] _xALPHA @@ # , but # Note: Finding different types of commas. @POST group(1,1,"_clausesep"); @RULES _xNIL <- \, but [s lookahead] @@ # verb yet @CHECK if (N("mypos",3)) fail(); if (!N("verb",4)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(4),"-en")) fail(); @POST chpos(N(3),"RB"); # yet/RB. pnrename(N(3),"_adv"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(_modal _have _be being)] _adv [star] yet [s] _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_xALPHA _verb)] @@ # have @PRE <1,1> varz("done"); @POST N("done",1) = 1; chpos(N(1),"VBP"); @RULES _xNIL <- have [s] @@ # adv alpha @CHECK if (!N("verb",2)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(2),"-ing")) fail(); @POST alphatoverb(2,"active","VBG"); @RULES _xNIL <- _neg [s] _xALPHA @@ # det date alpha # det noun alpha # dqan alpha # NIBBLE. @CHECK if (N("sem",3) != "date" && !N("cap",3)) fail(); if (!N("noun",4)) fail(); if (N("verb",4)) { if (vconjq(N(4),"-ed") || vconjq(N(4),"-ing")) fail(); if (singular(N(3)) && singular(N(4))) succeed(); fail(); } @POST alphatonoun(4); # adjnoun thingy. # Fix some caps from context. if (N("mypos",3) == "NPS" && N("unknown",3) && singular(N(4))) N("mypos",4) = "NP"; # noun(pl) -> noun(s) @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_det _pro)] _adj [star] _xWILD [one match=(_noun _np)] _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead fail=(_pro _noun _np)] @@ # det noun alpha $ @PRE <3,3> var("noun"); @CHECK if (N("unknown",2) && N("cap",2) && N("mypos",2) == "NPS") succeed(); fail(); @POST N("mypos",2) = "NP"; fixnphead(3); @RULES _xNIL <- _det _noun _xALPHA _xEND @@ # alpha modal @CHECK if (!N("noun",1)) fail(); if (N("verb")) { if (vconjq(N(1),"-ing") || vconjq(N(1),"-en")) fail(); } @POST fixnphead(1); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA _modal [lookahead] @@ # prep noun alpha conj verb # prep dqan alpha conj verb @CHECK # Todo: check v-v agreement. if (!N("noun",6)) fail(); if (vvagree(N(6),N(8))) fail(); @POST fixnphead(6); @RULES _xNIL <- _prep _xWILD [star match=(_det _pro)] _xWILD [star match=(_quan _num _xNUM)] _adj [star] _noun [star] _xALPHA _conj [lookahead] _xWILD [one match=(_modal _verb _vg)] @@ # det verb # the verb @POST pnrename(N(2),"_adj"); # verb -> adj chpos(N(2),"JJ"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(a the _premod)] _verb @@ # alpha by @CHECK if (!N("verb",1)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(1),"-en")) fail(); @POST alphatoverb(1,0,0); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA by [s lookahead] @@ # alpha than # Note: test comparative adj. @CHECK L("txt") = strtolower(N("$text",1)); L("j") = adjconj(L("txt")); if (L("j") != "JJR") fail(); @POST alphatoadj(1); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA than [s lookahead] @@ # , alpha prep @CHECK if (!N("noun",2)) fail(); if (N("verb",2) || N("adv",2)) fail(); @POST fixnphead(2); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=( \, )] _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_prep)] @@ # whose alpha @POST if (N("verb",2)) { N("verb",2) = 0; # verb = 0 --N("pos num",2); } alphaunambigred(2); @RULES _xNIL <- whose [s] _xALPHA @@ # det num alpha alpha @CHECK if (!N("noun",3) && !N("adj",3)) fail(); @POST if (plural(N(3))) fixnphead(3); else if (N("noun",4)) { fixnpnonhead(3); if (plural(N(4))) fixnphead(4); } @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [opt match=(_det _pro)] _xWILD [one match=(_xNUM _num _quan)] _xALPHA _xALPHA @@ # dqan alpha adj # Post-np adj. ("outstanding"). @CHECK if (!N("noun",2)) fail(); if (copulaq(N(2))) fail(); @POST fixnphead(2); group(3,3,"_adjc"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [plus match=(_det _pro _quan _num _xNUM _adj _noun)] _xALPHA _adj # 04/25/10 AM. _xWILD [one lookahead fail=(_xALPHA _adj _noun)] @@ _xNIL <- _xWILD [plus match=(_det _pro _quan _num _xNUM _adj _noun)] _xALPHA _adj # 04/25/10 AM. _xEND @@ # how many alpha @POST if (N("noun",2) && N("adj",2)) { if (N("verb",2)) { --N("pos num",2); N("verb",2) = 0; # verb = 0 } } else if (N("noun",2)) alphatonoun(2); else if (N("adj",2)) alphatoadj(2); @RULES _xNIL <- _howmuch [s] _xALPHA @@ # when alpha @PRE <1,1> varz("pos25 when"); @CHECK N("pos25 when",1) = 1; if (N("verb",2)) { if (vconjq(N(2),"-ing") || vconjq(N(2),"-en")) fail(); } @POST if (N("verb",2)) { --N("pos num",2); N("verb",2) = 0; # verb = 0 } alphaunambigred(2); @RULES _xNIL <- when [s] _xALPHA @@ # alpha alpha that @CHECK if (!N("verb",2)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(2),"-ed")) fail(); @POST alphatoverb(2,"active","VBD"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA _xALPHA that [s lookahead] @@ # verb worth # Copied here. # @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); group(2,2,"_prep"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg)] worth _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_qEOS _xEND \, )] @@ # alpha $ #@POST # if (N("verb",1)) # { # if (vconjq(N(1),"-edn")) # alphatoverb(1,0,0); # } # else if (N("pos num",1) == 2 # && N("noun",1) && N("adj",1)) # fixnphead(1); #@RULES #_xNIL <- # _xALPHA # _xWILD [one match=(_xEND)] # @@ # alpha alpha @CHECK if (!N("noun",2)) fail(); if (N("adj",2) || N("verb",2)) fail(); if (!N("adj",1) || !N("verb",1)) fail(); if (N("pos num",1) != 2) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(1),"-edn")) fail(); @POST alphatonoun(2); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA _xALPHA @@ # Note: exceptions are run on clauses. # Note: eg, "the ship he runs is shoddy" # alpha be @CHECK if (!N("noun",2)) fail(); if (plural(N(2))) # 04/22/07 AM. fail(); @POST fixnphead(2); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one fail=(_pro _np)] _xALPHA _be [s lookahead] @@ # adj num @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); if (!N(3)) { group(2,2,"_adj"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); chpos(N(2),"CD"); } else { if (!N("mypos",3)) chpos(N(3),"POS"); chpos(N(2),"CD"); group(2,3,"_adj"); } @RULES _xNIL <- _adj _xNUM _aposS [opt] @@ @PRE <1,1> var("verb"); <1,1> varz("noun"); # 04/20/07 AM. @CHECK # Require prepositional/phrasal verb. S("num") = phrprepverbq(N(1),N(2)); if (!S("num")) fail(); @POST alphatoverb(1,0,0); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA to [s] @@ # noun list. # # noun , alpha , alpha and alpha noun @PRE <3,3> var("noun"); <5,5> var("noun"); <8,8> var("noun"); @POST alphatonoun(3); alphatonoun(5); alphatonoun(8); group(3,5,"_noun"); # Collapse some of this... @RULES _xNIL <- _noun \, _xALPHA \, _xALPHA \, [opt] _conj _xALPHA _noun [lookahead] @@ # while. # Note: while as a verb is specialized, ignoring for now. @CHECK if (N("mypos",1)) fail(); @POST chpos(N(1),"IN"); @RULES _xNIL <- while [s except=(_noun _prep)] @@ # past num @POST L("tmp1") = N(1); group(1,1,"_num"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); chpos(N(1),"JJ"); @RULES _xNIL <- past _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_num _quan _xNUM)] @@ # dqan # det noun conj noun prep @POST if (N("date",2) || N("date",4)) L("date") = 1; group(2,4,"_noun"); if (L("date")) N("date",2) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_det)] _noun _conj _noun _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_prep)] @@ # Note: special verbs. # beginning next @CHECK if (!N("noun",1) && !N("verb",1)) fail(); @POST alphatoverb(2,"active","VBG"); # Conform Treebank. group(2,3,"_prep"); # Treat as a complex preposition. @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA _xWILD [one match=(starting beginning commencing ending )] _prep [opt] _xWILD [one lookahead match=(next last)] @@ # noun , alpha $ @PRE <3,3> var("noun"); @POST fixnphead(3); @RULES _xNIL <- _noun \, _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_dbldash _xEND)] @@ # alpha to be @PRE <1,1> var("verb"); <1,1> varz("noun"); @CHECK if (!vconjq(N(1),"-en")) fail(); @POST alphatoverb(1,"passive","VBN"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA to [s lookahead] _be [s] @@ # noun and noun alpha @CHECK if (!N("noun",4)) fail(); if (!plural(N(4))) fail(); @POST alphatonoun(4); @RULES _xNIL <- _noun _conj _noun _xALPHA @@ # noun alpha of # noun alpha prep @PRE <2,2> var("adj"); @CHECK if (!plural(N(1))) fail(); @POST alphatoadj(2); group(2,2,"_adjc"); @RULES _xNIL <- _noun _xALPHA of [s lookahead] @@ # noun alpha prep @PRE <2,2> var("adj"); <2,2> var("adv"); <2,2> vareq("pos num",2); @CHECK if (!plural(N(1))) fail(); @POST # Prefer adv, but may need some list of preferences # for post-np cases like these. alphatoadv(2); @RULES _xNIL <- _noun _xALPHA _prep [lookahead] @@ # alpha of @PRE <1,1> var("noun"); <1,1> var("verb"); <1,1> varz("adj"); @CHECK if (phrprepverbq(N(1),N(2))) fail(); @POST fixnphead(1); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA of [s lookahead] @@ # det num @POST if (N("num",2) == 1) N("mypos",2) = "NN"; else N("mypos",2) = "NNS"; pnrename(N(2),"_noun"); # num -> noun @RULES _xNIL <- _det _num _xWILD [one lookahead fail=(_xALPHA _det _quan _num _xNUM _adj _adjc _noun _fnword)] @@ # one alpha # num alpha @PRE <3,3> var("verb"); @POST alphatoverb(3,0,0); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_dbldash)] _num _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_det _pro)] @@ # num that # one that @PRE <1,1> varz("mypos"); @POST pnrename(N(1),"_np"); # one -> np chpos(N(1),"NN"); # one/NN @RULES _xNIL <- one [s] that [s lookahead] @@ # if alpha @CHECK if (!N("verb",2)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(2),"inf")) fail(); @POST --N("pos num",2); N("verb",2) = 0; # verb = 0 alphaunambigred(2); @RULES _xNIL <- if [s] _xALPHA @@ # , alpha adj # , alpha noun @PRE <2,2> var("noun"); <2,2> var("adj"); <2,2> vareq("pos num",2); @POST fixnpnonhead(2); @RULES _xNIL <- \, _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_adj _noun)] @@ # noun , alpha adj # dqan , alpha adj @PRE <3,3> var("verb"); <3,3> varz("adj"); @POST alphatovg(3,0,0); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_noun _np)] ### (1) \, ### (2) _xALPHA ### (3) _adj [lookahead] ### (4) @@ # conj alpha adj @PRE <3,3> var("noun"); <3,3> var("verb"); <3,3> vareq("pos num",2); @POST alphatoverb(3,0,0); @RULES _xNIL <- _conj _adv [star] _xALPHA _adj [lookahead] @@ # num alpha $ @CHECK if (!N("noun",2)) fail(); if (!singular(N(2))) fail(); if (N("num",1) > 1900 && N("num",1) < 2015) succeed(); fail(); @POST fixnphead(2); @RULES _xNIL <- _xNUM _xALPHA _xEND @@ # get verb @PRE <1,1> vareq("stem","get"); @CHECK if (!vconjq(N(2),"-en")) fail(); @POST pnrename(N(1),"_be"); L("tmp1") = N(1); group(1,1,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); @RULES _xNIL <- _verb _verb @@ # get alpha @PRE <1,1> vareq("stem","get"); <2,2> var("verb"); @CHECK if (!vconjq(N(2),"-en")) fail(); @POST alphatoverb(2,"passive","VBN"); pnrename(N(1),"_be"); L("tmp1") = N(1); group(1,1,"_verb"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); @RULES _xNIL <- _verb _xALPHA @@ # det adj verb alpha @PRE <2,2> var("cap"); <5,5> var("noun"); @CHECK if (!vconjq(N(4),"-en")) fail(); if (N("mass",5)) fail(); if (plural(N(5))) fail(); @POST pnrename(N(4),"_adj"); # verb -> adj fixnphead(5); @RULES _xNIL <- _det _noun [opt] _adj _verb _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_dbldash _xEND)] @@ # verb so alpha @PRE <3,3> var("adj"); @CHECK if (!copulaq(N(1))) fail(); @POST pnrename(N(2),"_adv"); chpos(N(2),"RB"); # so/RB alphatoadj(3); @RULES _xNIL <- _verb so [s] _xALPHA @@ # before $ @PRE <1,1> varz("pos25 before $"); @POST N("pos25 before $",1) = 1; chpos(N(1),"RB"); # before/RB pnrename(N(1),"_adv"); @RULES _xNIL <- before [s] _xWILD [one match=(_qEOS _xEND _dbldash \, )] @@ # unworkable by ... # , adj by @POST group(2,2,"_adjc"); N("ellipted-copula",2) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- \, _adj by [s lookahead] @@ # pro alpha $ @POST if (N("verb",2) && vconjq(N(2),"inf")) alphatovg(2,"active","VBP"); @RULES _xNIL <- us [s] _xALPHA _xEND @@ # , adj , @POST excise(3,3); excise(1,1); @RULES _xNIL <- \, _adj \, @@ # who noun verb @PRE <3,3> varz("mypos"); @CHECK if (!vconjq(N(3),"-ed")) fail(); @POST chpos(N(3),"VBD"); @RULES _xNIL <- _whword [s] _xWILD [one match=(_noun _np)] _verb @@ # Note: Too simple and stupid. Need more context. # # noun verb #@PRE #<2,2> varz("mypos"); #@CHECK # if (!vconjq(N(2),"inf")) # fail(); #@POST # chpos(N(2),"VBP"); #@RULES #_xNIL <- # _noun # _verb # @@ # prep both alpha @CHECK if (!N("noun",3) && !N("adj",3)) fail(); @POST if (N("noun",3) && plural(N(3))) fixnphead(3); else if (N("adj",3)) alphatoadj(3); @RULES _xNIL <- of [s] both [s] _xALPHA @@ # before alpha noun @PRE <2,2> var("verb"); @CHECK if (!vconjq(N(2),"-ing")) fail(); @POST alphatovg(2,"active","VBG"); @RULES _xNIL <- before [s] _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_noun _np _det _quan _adj _num _xNUM )] @@ # before # Note: Try simple approach here. @PRE <1,1> varz("mypos"); @POST chpos(N(1),"IN"); # before/IN # pnrename(N(1),"_prep"); @RULES _xNIL <- before [s] @@ # verb alpha alpha prep # Ex: was still well above @CHECK if (N(2)) { if (!N("adv",2)) fail(); } @POST alphatoadv(3); alphatoadv(2); @RULES _xNIL <- _verb _xALPHA [opt] well _prep [lookahead] @@ # alpha alpha dqan # ving ving dqan @PRE <1,1> var("noun"); <2,2> var("verb"); @CHECK if (!N("verb",1)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(1),"-ing") || !vconjq(N(2),"-ing")) fail(); @POST alphatoverb(2,"active","VBG"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA _xALPHA _xWILD [one match=(_det _pro _quan _num _xNUM _np)] @@ # conj alpha , modal $ @PRE <3,3> var("noun"); @POST fixnphead(3); @RULES _xNIL <- _conj _adv [star] _xALPHA \, _modal _xEND @@ # alpha pro @PRE <2,2> var("noun"); <3,3> var("prosubj"); @POST fixnphead(2); @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART _xALPHA _pro [lookahead] @@ _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_dbldash)] _xALPHA _pro [lookahead] @@ # alpha pro @PRE <1,1> var("verb"); <1,1> varz("adj"); @POST alphatoverb(1,0,0); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA _adv [star] _xWILD [s one match=(me him them us)] # Some _proObj @@ # prep num alpha _conj @CHECK N("num") = num(N("$text",2)); if (N("num") < 1900 || N("num") > 2015) fail(); if (N("noun",2) && plural(N(2))) fail(); if (N("verb",2) && vconjq(N(2),"-s")) fail(); @POST alphatonoun(2); chpos(N(2),"CD"); # num/CD. L("tmp2") = N(2); nountonp(2,1); @RULES _xNIL <- _prep _xNUM _xALPHA [lookahead] _conj @@ # prep num alpha @PRE <4,4> var("adj"); @POST alphatoadj(4); @RULES _xNIL <- _prep _xWILD [star match=(_det _pro)] _xWILD [plus match=(_quan _num _xNUM)] _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_adj _noun)] @@ # noun verb to alpha alpha # np vg to alpha alpha @PRE <4,4> var("verb"); <5,5> varz("verb"); @CHECK if (!vconjq(N(4),"inf")) fail(); @POST alphatovg(4,"active","VB"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_noun _np)] _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg)] to [s] _xALPHA _xALPHA [lookahead] @@ # noun alpha to verb # np alpha to vg @PRE <2,2> var("verb"); @CHECK if (!verbfeat(N(2),"T3")) fail(); @POST alphatoverb(2,0,"VBP"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_noun _np _pro)] _xALPHA to [s lookahead] _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg _modal)] @@ # noun alpha to alpha @PRE <2,2> var("verb"); <4,4> var("verb"); @CHECK if (!verbfeat(N(2),"T3")) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(4),"inf")) fail(); @POST alphatoverb(4,"active","VB"); alphatoverb(2,"active","VBP"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_noun _np)] _xALPHA to [s] _xALPHA @@ # det alpha , alpha @PRE <2,2> var("adj"); <4,4> var("adj"); @POST fixnpnonhead(2); @RULES _xNIL <- _det _xALPHA \, [lookahead] _xALPHA @@ # verb prep dqa alpha alpha by # vg prep dqa alpha alpha by @PRE <7,7> var("noun"); @CHECK if (!N("noun",6) && !N("adj",6)) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(1),"-en")) fail(); @POST if (!N("voice",1)) { if (pnname(N(1)) == "_vg") fixvg(N(1),"passive","VBN"); else fixverb(N(1),"passive","VBN"); } fixnphead(7); fixnpnonhead(6); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg)] _prep _xWILD [star match=(_det _pro)] _xWILD [star match=(_quan _num _xNUM)] _adj [star] _xALPHA _xALPHA by [s lookahead] @@ # verb by alpha alpha alpha conj # vg by alpha alpha alpha conj # verb prep alpha alpha alpha conj @PRE <2,2> vareq("stem","by"); @POST if (N("noun",3) && plural(N(3))) fixnphead(3); else if (!N(4)) # One alpha { } else if (!N(5)) # Two alphas { if (N("noun",4) && plural(N(4))) fixnphead(4); } else # Three alphas { if (N("noun",4) && plural(N(4))) fixnphead(4); else if (N("noun",5) && plural(N(5))) { fixnphead(5); if (N("adj",4) || N("noun",4)) fixnpnonhead(4); } } @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg)] _prep _xALPHA _xALPHA [opt] _xALPHA [opt] _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_conj)] @@ # conj alpha alpha alpha , @PRE <2,2> var("noun"); <3,3> var("verb"); @CHECK if (!plural(N(2))) fail(); if (!vconjq(N(3),"-ing")) fail(); @POST alphatovg(3,"active","VBG"); fixnphead(2); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [plus match=(_conj \, )] _xALPHA _xALPHA _xALPHA [star] _xWILD [one lookahead match=( \, _conj)] @@ # alpha prep # Note: Looks too broad. # @PRE <1,1> varz("proposs"); <2,2> var("verb"); @CHECK S("num") = phrprepverbq(N(2),N(3)); if (!S("num")) fail(); if (vconjq(N(2),"inf") || vconjq(N(3),"-s")) fail(); @POST if (vconjq(N(2),"-edn")) # ambig L("pos") = 0; else if (vconjq(N(2),"-ed")) L("pos") = "VBD"; else if (vconjq(N(2),"-en")) L("pos") = "VBD"; else L("pos") = "VBP"; alphatoverb(2,0,L("pos")); if (!N("mypos",3)) { if (N(4)) chpos(N(3),"IN"); # prep/IN else if (S("num") == 1 # PHRASAL. || S("num") == 3) chpos(N(3),"RP"); # prep/RP else chpos(N(3),"IN"); # prep/IN } @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one fail=( \, _det )] _xALPHA _prep [lookahead] _prep [opt] @@ # dqan time # Note: Idiom @PRE <6,6> var("cap"); @POST N("ellipted-that",6) = 1; if (literal(N(5))) fixnphead(5); L("tmp5") = N(5); group(1,5,"_np"); pncopyvars(L("tmp5"),N(1)); clearpos(N(1),1,1); # Really it's equivalent to "when"! group(1,1,"_whword"); N("stem",1) = "when"; group(1,1,"_fnword"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [plus match=(_det _pro)] ### (1) _xWILD [star match=(_quan _num _xNUM)] ### (2) _adj [star] ### (3) _noun [star] ### (4) time [s] ### (5) _noun [lookahead] ### (6) @@ # dqan # Note: plain dqan @PRE <1,1> varz("prosubj"); <1,1> varz("proobj"); # Only possessive pronoun, if _pro. @POST dqaninfo(1,2,3,4); groupnp(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [plus match=(_det _pro)] _xWILD [star match=(_quan _num _xNUM)] _adj [star] _noun [plus] _xWILD [one lookahead fail=(_xALPHA _noun _conj \, _aposS _aposX _adj)] @@ # prep alpha conj @PRE <1,1> varne("stem","to"); <2,2> var("noun"); @CHECK if (N("verb",2)) { if (vconjq(N(2),"-ing")) fail(); # Ambig. } @POST fixnphead(2); @RULES _xNIL <- _prep _xALPHA _conj [lookahead] @@ # to dqan alpha $ @PRE <1,1> vareq("stem","to"); @CHECK dqaninfo(2,3,4,5); if (!numbersagree(S("first"),N(6))) fail(); @POST fixnphead(6); @RULES _xNIL <- _prep _xWILD [opt match=(_det _pro)] _xWILD [star match=(_quan _num _xNUM)] _adj [star] _noun [plus] _xALPHA _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_dbldash _xEND)] @@ # where noun alpha* @PRE <3,3> var("verb"); @CHECK # Todo: nvagree. if (plural(N(2))) { if (!vconjq(N(3),"inf") && !vconjq(N(3),"-ed")) fail(); } else { if (!vconjq(N(3),"-s") && !vconjq(N(3),"-ed")) fail(); } @POST alphatoverb(3,"active","VBP"); @RULES _xNIL <- where [s] _noun _xALPHA _xALPHA [star] _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_fnword _prep)] @@ # noun conj alpha , adj # Note: Part of a complex noun or list. @PRE <3,3> var("noun"); @POST fixnphead(3); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_noun _np)] _conj _xALPHA \, [lookahead] _xWILD [one match=(_adj _adjc)] @@ # which alpha alpha adj @PRE <2,2> var("verb"); @CHECK if (N("adv",2) && N("verb",3)) fail(); # Another interp. if (!N("noun",3) && !N("adj",3)) fail(); if (vconjq(N(2),"-ing")) fail(); @POST alphatovg(2,0,"VBP"); @RULES _xNIL <- which [s] _xALPHA _xALPHA [lookahead] @@ # pro alpha conj @PRE <2,2> var("noun"); @POST fixnphead(2); @RULES _xNIL <- _proPoss [s] _xALPHA _conj [lookahead] _xWILD [one match=(_np _det _quan _num _xNUM)] @@ # verb alpha conj alpha @PRE <3,3> varz("pos25 v-a-conj-a"); @POST N("pos25 v-a-conj-a",3) = 1; if ((N("noun",2) || N("adj",2)) && !N("verb",2)) { if (!N("adj",4)) alphatonoun(2); } @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg)] _xALPHA _conj [lookahead] _xALPHA @@ # verb to alpha # be to alpha # have to alpha @PRE <3,3> var("verb"); <3,3> varz("noun"); @CHECK if (N("stem",1) != "be" && N("stem",1) != "have") fail(); if (!vconjq(N(3),"inf")) fail(); @POST alphatoverb(3,"active","VB"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg)] _prep _xALPHA @@ # Hard-wired development set item. # (Not to raise score, but because every error is reviewed # over and over.) @PRE <4,4> var("verb"); @CHECK if (!vconjq(N(4),"-ed")) fail(); @POST alphatovg(4,"active","VBD"); @RULES _xNIL <- I [s] say [s] _dblquote _xALPHA _noun _dblquote @@ ########################### # JOBDESC # # Ex: ^ Designs and oversees # JOBDESC # # ^ cap and verb # Todo: agreement among the two verbs. @PRE <2,2> var("verb"); # Can be a verb. @POST alphatovg(2,"active",0); @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART _xCAP _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_conj)] _xWILD [one match=(_verb _vg)] @@
@CODE # Created in pr_laddr.txt #fileout("addr.txt"); prlit("addr.txt","\n"); prlit("addr.txt","ZONE ADDRESSPARTS\n"); prlit("addr.txt","-----------------\n"); @@CODE # @NODES _ROOT # @PATH _ROOT # 10/19/99 AM. # Print out the total count of vars in each line. @POST prlit("addr.txt", "zone count="); # fprintnvar("addr.txt", "addressParts", 1); "addr.txt" << N("addressParts",1); prlit("addr.txt", "\n"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xANY @@
@NODES _LINE @POST X("concept") = N("$text",2); @RULES _xNIL <- \" ### (1) _xALPHA ### (2) \" ### (3) _xEND ### (4) @@
# Build an apple kb with color and weight @CODE # if you find apples in the concept hierarchy if (findconcept(findroot(),"apple")) # kill them (to start fresh) rmconcept(findconcept(findroot(),"apple")); # Create the apple concept G("apple") = makeconcept(findroot(),"apple"); # Apples have color addstrval(G("apple"),"have","color"); # Apple's color is red addstrval(G("apple"),"color","red"); # Apple's color is also green and yellow addstrval(G("apple"),"color","green and yellow"); The code creates a KB like this: The following code accesses the KB's attributes and values: # Find apple's attribute list G("attrList") = findattrs(G("apple")); # Find the list of values of the first attribute G("valList") = attrvals(G("attrList")); # print out the first attribute's name and value if(attrname(G("attrList"))){ "output.txt" << "1) first attribute of apple is: " << attrname(G("attrList")) << "\n"; "output.txt" << "2) first value of that attribute is: " << getstrval(G("valList")) << "\n";} # get the next attribute G("nextAttr") = nextattr(G("attrList")); if(attrname(nextattr(G("attrList")))) "output.txt" << "3) next attribute of apple is: " << attrname(G("nextAttr")) << "\n"; # get the list of values of the second attribute G("valList") = attrvals(G("nextAttr")); # print the first value's name "output.txt" << "4) first value of that attribute is: " << getstrval(G("valList")) << "\n"; # print the second value of the second attribute "output.txt" << "5) second value of that attribute is: " << getstrval(nextval(G("valList"))) << "\n"; The output looks like this:
# Execute commands in a knowledge base command file (.KB file) @CODE take("e:\\apps\\tester\\companies.kb"); take("\\data\\myadditions.kb"); # Starts from G("$apppath"), project folder. @@CODE where the companies.kb file might contain the following: add hier "concept" "company" add hier "concept" "company" "ford" add hier "concept" "company "gm" .... quit
@POST rfanodes(2, path) single() @RULES _PATH [base] <- _soPATH _NONLIT [star] _eoPATH [opt] @@
@POST rfanodes(2, "nodes") single() @RULES _NODES [base] <- _soNODES [s] _NONLIT [star] _eoNODES [s opt] @@ @POST rfanodes(2, "path") single() @RULES _PATH [base] <- _soPATH [s] _NONLIT [star] _eoPATH [s opt] @@ @POST rfanodes(2, "multi") single() @RULES _MULTI [base] <- _soMULTI [s] _NONLIT [star] _eoMULTI [s opt] @@ # Need a check action to flag an error if _endMark found at last elt. @POST oldgroup(2,2, "_NLPPP") # An NLP++ region. singler(1,3) @RULES _PRES [base unsealed] <- _soPRE [s] _xWILD [fail=(_endMark _startMark)] _eoPRE [s opt] _xWILD [opt lookahead match=(_endMark _startMark)] @@ # Need a check action to flag an error if _endMark found at last elt. @POST oldgroup(2,2, "_NLPPP") # An NLP++ region. singler(1,3) @RULES _CHECKS [base unsealed] <- _soCHECK [s] _xWILD [fail=(_endMark _startMark)] _eoCHECK [s opt] _xWILD [opt lookahead match=(_endMark _startMark)] @@ # Need a check action to flag an error if _endMark found at last elt. @POST oldgroup(2,2, "_NLPPP") # An NLP++ region. singler(1,3) @RULES _POSTS [base unsealed] <- _soPOST [s] _xWILD [fail=(_endMark _startMark)] _eoPOST [s opt] _xWILD [opt lookahead match=(_endMark _startMark)] @@ # Need a check action to flag an error if _endMark found at last elt. @POST singler(1,3) @RULES _RULES [base unsealed] <- _soRULES [s] _xWILD [fail=(_endMark _startMark)] _eoRULES [s opt] _xWILD [opt lookahead match=(_endMark _startMark)] @@ # NEW REGION! FOR RUNNING CODE BEFORE SOMETHING (like @nodes). # Need a check action to flag an error if _endMark found at last elt. @POST oldgroup(2,2, "_NLPPP") # An NLP++ region. singler(1,3) @RULES _INI [base unsealed] <- _soINI [s] _xWILD [fail=(_endMark _startMark)] _eoINI [s opt] _xWILD [opt lookahead match=(_endMark _startMark)] @@ # NEW REGION! FOR RUNNING CODE AFTER SOMETHING (like @nodes). # Need a check action to flag an error if _endMark found at last elt. @POST oldgroup(2,2, "_NLPPP") # An NLP++ region. singler(1,3) @RULES _FIN [base unsealed] <- _soFIN [s] _xWILD [fail=(_endMark _startMark)] _eoFIN [s opt] _xWILD [opt lookahead match=(_endMark _startMark)] @@ # Need a check action to flag an error if _endMark found at last elt. @POST oldgroup(2,2, "_NLPPP") # An NLP++ region. setbase(2,"true") singler(1,3) @RULES _CODE [base unsealed] <- _soCODE [s] _xWILD [fail=(_endMark _startMark)] _eoCODE [s opt] _xWILD [opt lookahead match=(_endMark _startMark)] @@ @POST oldgroup(2,2, "_NLPPP") # An NLP++ region. setbase(2,"true") singler(1,3) @RULES _DECL [base unsealed] <- _soDECL [s] _xWILD [fail=(_endMark _startMark)] _eoDECL [s opt] _xWILD [opt lookahead match=(_endMark _startMark)] @@
@CODE L("hello") = 0; @@CODE @NODES _sent @PRE <1,1> lowercase(); @CHECK if (N("ne type",2)) fail(); @POST L("tmp") = lasteltnode(3); # if (pnvar(L("tmp"),"apos-s")) # { # S("apos-s") = 1; # group(2,3,"_adj"); # } # else group(2,3,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp"),N(2)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(_xALPHA _xPUNCT _xNUM)] _xWILD [one match=(_xCAP _caps)] _xWILD [s plus match=(_xCAP _caps \- )] @@ @POST L("tmp") = lasteltnode(3); # if (pnvar(L("tmp"),"apos-s")) # { # group(2,3,"_adj"); # N("apos-s",2) = 1; # } # else group(2,3,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp"),N(2)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART _abbr [s] _xWILD [s plus match=(_xCAP _caps \- )] @@ @CHECK if (!N("cap",3)) fail(); if (N("cap",1) || N("cap",5)) fail(); # Need bigger handler... @POST L("tmp4") = lasteltnode(4); group(2,4,"_caps"); group(2,2,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp4"),N(2)); chpos(N(2),"NP"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xANY _xWILD [s plus match=(_xCAP _caps)] _xANY _xWILD [s plus match=(_xCAP _caps)] _xANY @@ _xNIL <- _xSTART _xWILD [s plus match=(_xCAP _caps)] _xANY _xWILD [s plus match=(_xCAP _caps)] _xANY @@ @CHECK if (!N("unknown")) fail(); if (N("cap")) fail(); # Already handled by caps. @POST L("tmp1") = N(1); group(1,1,"_caps"); # if (pnvar(L("tmp1"),"apos-s")) # group(1,1,"_adj"); # else group(1,1,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp1"),N(1)); N("cap") = 1; N("ne") = 1; # Some domain semantics. L("lc") = strtolower(N("$text")); if (finddictattr(L("lc"),"persname")) { N("sem") = "person"; N("ne type") = "person"; N("ne type conf") = 70; } @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(_xCAP) except=(_np)] @@ @PRE <1,1> lowercase(); <3,3> lowercase(); @CHECK if (N("pos num",2) > 0) fail(); @POST L("tmp2") = N(2); group(2,2,"_caps"); # if (pnvar(L("tmp2"),"apos-s")) # group(2,2,"_adj"); # else group(2,2,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp2"),N(2)); chpos(N(2),"NP"); N("cap",2) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=(_xALPHA _xPUNCT _xNUM)] _xWILD [one match=(_xCAP _abbr)] _xWILD [s one lookahead match=(_xALPHA _xPUNCT _xNUM _xEND)] @@ # alpha name @POST group(1,1,"_name"); group(1,1,"_noun"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA _name [s] @@ # @CHECK if (!N("glom",2) || !N("cap",2)) fail(); if (!N("ne",1)) fail(); @POST L("tmp1") = N(1); group(2,3,"_caps"); group(2,2,"_noun"); N("cap",2) = 1; L("ne type") = pnvar(L("tmp1"),"ne type"); if (L("ne type") == "person") { N("ne",2) = 1; N("ne type",2) = "person"; N("ne type conf",2) = 50; N("stem",2) = N("$text",2); N("sem",2) = "person"; registerpersnames(N("$text",2)); } # Assign POS. @RULES _xNIL <- _noun _noun _xCAP [plus] _xANY [lookahead] @@
@CODE L("hello") = 0; @@CODE @NODES _sent @POST group(1,2,"_clause"); setunsealed(1,"true"); # 07/10/12 AM. @RULES _xNIL <- _clausestart [opt] _xWILD [plus fail=(\, _fnword _qEOS _dbldash \" _dblquote _clause _clausestart _clausesep)] _xWILD [plus lookahead match=(\, _fnword _qEOS _dbldash \" _dblquote _clause _clausestart _clausesep _xEND)] @@ @POST group(1,1,"_clause"); setunsealed(1,"true"); # 07/10/12 AM. @RULES _xNIL <- _clausestart @@
@DECL ######## # FUNC: DOMVNN # SUBJ: Query semantics for VNN clause. # EX: "Is Smith an author?" ######## domvnn( L("clause"), L("vg"), L("np1"), L("np2") ) { if (!L("clause") || !L("vg") || !L("np1") || !L("np2")) return; L("sem vg") = nodesem(L("vg")); L("sem np1") = nodesem(L("np1")); L("sem np2") = nodesem(L("np2")); #"sem.txt" << L("sem vg") # << "," << L("sem np1") # << "," << L("sem np2") # << "\n"; # be X author if (L("sem vg") != "be") return; if (L("sem np2") == "author") { # Case where np1 is a name. # Case where np1 is undetermined or not a known item. # (Case of one cap, two caps, etc. Caps patterns...) # Try # select * from author where auth_last_name='x'; L("nm") = pnvar(L("np1"),"$text"); L("table") = "author"; L("field") = "auth_last_name"; "cmd.txt" << "SELECT * FROM " << L("table") << " WHERE " << L("field") << " = '" << L("nm") << "';" << "\n" ; } } @CODE L("hello") = 0; @@CODE
@CODE # Simplified since tutorials were recorded G("person") = getconcept(findroot(),"person"); G("sentences") = getconcept(findroot(),"sentences"); @@CODE
@PATH _ROOT _equation _split @POST addEquationToLabel(X("name",2),N("$text")); X("split",2) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _equation [s] @@
@PATH _ROOT _headerZone @POST excise(1,1); noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xBLANK [s] ### (1) @@
@NODES _LINE @PRE <1,1> cap(); @RULES # Ex: E-mail: _emailHeader <- E [s] \- [s] mail [s] \: [s] @@ @RULES # Ex: e-mail: _emailHeader <- e [s] \- [s] mail [s] \: [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); @RULES # Ex: Email: _emailHeader <- Email [s] \: [s] @@ @RULES # Ex: email: _emailHeader <- email [s] \: [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <3,3> cap(); @RULES # Ex: Mail\_To\_: _emailHeader <- Mail [s] _xWHITE [star s] To [s] _xWHITE [star s] \: [s] @@ @RULES # Ex: mailto: _emailHeader <- mailto [s] \: [s] @@