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You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "re : project vitro review meeting max :\ni have attached a \" technical risk template \" that should serve as an outline for the presentation . you may also want to discuss some of the major commercial terms and conditions that are driving schedule , performance , and cost .\nyou don ' t need to address each technical risk item in infinite detail , but we should focus on the key items of scope definition , construction execution , and contractor analysis that can impact value . the objective is to identify what we need to pay attention to as we begin to ramp up the capital expenditure . defining and managing construction risk has become a popular topic given the status of the dabhol and cuiba projects .\nwe also need to take some time to discuss / settle the outstanding ee & cc invoice ( now eeos ) . i would like to agree a payment number and move on down the road with eeos . the system we have going forward should ensure that no eeos costs are incurred / transferred to the ea origination group until you and the tech services representative have pre - approved them\nregards ,\nbrian\nmax yzaguirre @ enron\n04 / 04 / 2001 10 : 09 am\nto : lillian carroll / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : brian redmond / hou / ect @ ect , marc sabine / na / enron @ enron , steve irvin / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : re : project vitro review meeting\nlillian :\nthanks for setting this up . will you be distributing an agenda for the meeting ?\nmax\nlillian carroll @ ect 04 / 03 / 2001 08 : 48 am to : louise kitchen / hou / ect @ ect , max yzaguirre / na / enron @ enron , robert p virgo / hou / ect @ ect , keith dodson / na / enron @ enron , mike coleman / enron _ development @ enron _ development , steve irvin / hou / ect @ ect , marc sabine / na / enron @ enron , stephen p stein / enron _ development @ enron _ development , peggy banczak / hou / ect @ ect , john j lavorato / enron @ enronxgate cc : kimberly hillis / enron @ enronxgate , tammie schoppe / hou / ect @ ect , barbara hooks / enron _ development @ enron _ development , brian redmond / hou / ect @ ect subject : project vitro review meeting\nplease mark your calendars for the following meeting :\ndate : april 20 , 2001\nlocation : eb 3321\ntime : 10 : 00 am\nsubject : vitro project\nattendees : brian redmond\nlouise kitchen\nmax yzaguirre ( via conference call )\nbob virgo\nkeith dodson\nmike coleman\nsteve irvin\nmarc sabine\nstephen stein\npeggy banczak\njohn lavorato\nif you are unable to attend or have any questions , please give me a call .\nthank you ,\nlillian\nx 37271" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "wanted to try ci 4 lis but thought it was way too expensive for you ? viagra at $ 1 . 12 per dose\nready to boost your sex life ? positive ?\ntime to do it right now . order viagra at incredibly low prices\n$ 1 . 12 per dose . unbelivable\nremove" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "make home improvements , or take - cash out november update :\nfurther drop ! rates starting at 3 . 25 %\nfixed your mortgage process is pre - approved\nplease use our secure site to fill - out your application .\nvisit us at : http : / / www . perfectvgr . com / x / loan . php ? id = sas\nthank you ,\nrobbie reece\nwww . mortgege . info / st . html" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "glasglow follow up hello objective - view . de\ni wanted follow up to yesterdays email to point out the glasglow partner\nprogram to those who may be interested . we offer a 40 % discount and\nexclusive license agreement for your region . we do dropship using dhl free\nof charge . if this may be something that interests you please let me know .\nif we are already in negotiation , exchanged links or you have listed\nyourself on the remove list please disregard this email and no further\nreply is required .\nsincerely\nmichael\nwww . glasglow . com\nif you do not wish to receive further updates please enter your email at\nhttp : / / www . cbxsales . com / un . html . they have agreed to send us the remove\nlists so that we do not keep bothering those that do not wish to be\nbothered ." ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "small - cap preview advantage capital development corp ( avcp )\na business development company , which operates specifically to meet the\nneeds of small and emerging companies that need capital to grow .\ncurrent price : 0 . 175\nwill it continue to grow higher ?\nplease view exactly what the company does .\nwatch this of trade all week it should be a exciting one !\nhot press release : advantage capital development corp\nadvantage capital development corp . portfolio company pays down senior\nsecured debentureaug . 17 , 2005 - - advantage capital development corp . announced today\nthat one of its portfolio companies , global it holdings inc . , has reduced\nits debt to the company with a recent payment of $ 250 , 000 against its\nsenior secured debenture .\nadvantage capital development corp . recently increased its stake in\nglobal it holdings from 15 to 22 1 / 2 percent . global recently completed a\nmerger with high road international , inc . in accordance with the\ntransaction the new public entity is now named global it holdings , inc .\nglobal it holdings , inc . now owns eighty - five ( 85 % ) percent of all of the\nfully diluted shares of the pink sheet company . the company now trades\nunder the symbol .\nwe are very pleased with our investment in global , said jeffrey\nsternberg , president and ceo advantage capital development corp . they ' ve\nleveraged our relationship to its fullest extent and utilize our funding\nto enhance their growth strategies .\naccording to sternberg , global is pursuing a growth strategy and is\ncurrently at various stages of negotiations with four possible\nacquisitions in the it staffing industry .\nthrough its subsidiaries platinum it consulting and parker clark data\nprocessing , global it holdings is managing its internal growth while\nactively seeking out acquisitions that are compatible with its core\nbusiness , sternberg said .\nplatinum it consulting and its associated company , parker clark data\nprocessing have served the new york and new jersey markets for 25 years\nand have combined annual revenues in excess of $ 5 million .\naccording to the american staff association , u . s . annual sales for\ntemporary help totaled $ 63 . 3 billion in 2004 , nearly on par with the\nindustry ' s sales peak in 2000 and 12 . 5 % more than 2003 . according to the\nassociation , for the past three decades the industry has grown at a rate of\n10 percent a year and additionally , ninety percent of u . s . companies\nuse temporary staffing services .\nabout advantage capital development corp .\nadvantage capital is a business development company , which operates\nspecifically to meet the needs of small and emerging companies that need\ncapital to grow . business development companies , as defined under the\ninvestment act of 1940 , are specifically designed to encourage the growth\nof small businesses . the rules provide certain financing advantages for\ncompanies that invest in small and emerging businesses . as a result ,\nthis will include investing in both public and private entities using\ncertain types of debt and equity financing not normally available to other\npublic companies .\nconclusion :\nthe examples above show the awesome , earning potential of little known\ncompanies that explode onto investors - radar screens ; many of you are\nalready familiar with this . is avcp poised and positioned to do that\nfor you ? then you may feel the time has come to act . . . and please watch\nthis one trade thursday and all week ! go avcp .\n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\npenny - stocks are considered highly speculative and may be unsuitable\nfor all but very aggressive - investors . this profile is not in any way\naffiliated with the featured company . we were compensated\n3000 - dollarsto distribute this report . this report is for entertainment and\nadvertising purposes only and should not be used as investm 3 nt - advice .\nif you wish to stop future mailings , or if you feel you have been\nwrongfully placed in our membership , send a blank e mail\nwith no - thanks in the subject to noth 4 nkso 0 @ yahoo . com" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "hi again , here is don duran . i wite you because we are accepting your mortgage application .\nour office confirms you can get a $ 220 . 000 lo?n for a $ 352 . 00 per month payment .\napproval process will take 1 minute , so please fill out the form on our website :\nthank you .\nbest regards don duran\nfirst account manager" ]
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[ "re : calpine - westinghouse unbelievable . do you want to talk about freeman and cpa ?\n- - - - - original message - - - - -\nfrom : calger , christopher f .\nsent : thursday , august 09 , 2001 2 : 33 pm\nto : jacoby , ben ; wiggs , brett\ncc : kitchen , louise\nsubject : calpine - westinghouse\ncalpine just bought 27 siemens machines - they may be a mhi bid .\nchris calger\n503 - 464 - 3735" ]
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[ "promotion congratulations - well done ! ! !" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "re : grades thank you ! - pam\nat 08 : 15 am 5 / 4 / 01 - 0500 , you wrote :\n> pam ,\n>\n> another term paper :\n>\n>\n> john ganguzza\n> neeraj hingorani\n> grant johnson\n> duane maue\n> rishad patel\n> eric van stone\n> palo yoshiuro\n>\n>\n> grade : a\n>\n> please , confirm .\n>\n>\n> vince" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "request submitted : access request for brian . oxley @ enron . com you have received this email because you are listed as a security approver .\nplease click\napproval to review and act upon this request .\nrequest id : 000000000009641\nrequest create date : 12 / 7 / 00 5 : 46 : 29 pm\nrequested for : brian . oxley @ enron . com\nresource name : eol us bandwidth backoffice / support\nresource type : applications" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "billing reciept for order 1249 gourd the # 1 e store for wholesale repliica bags , watches or whatever . we are the\nactual site who knows what we are doing , quoting a fair retail price and\noffering personal contact if preferred .\nhttp : / / g . . com / re /\nomega , rolex , ap , oris , gucci , cartier , breitling , tag , rado , iwc , tissto ,\nv . c , patek . p , mont blanc , bvgari , panerai , a . lange @ sohne , hermes , movado ,\nlongines , lv , maurice l , technomarine , christian dior , fendi , dkny , chanel ,\nbaune & mercier , ebel , concord , corum , piaget , jaeger lec , chopard , girard - p ,\ntitoni , tudor , breguet , blancpain , franck muller , dunhill , versace , zenith ,\ncalvin klein\nthere ' s a time for knowing what ' s behind the curtain\nedsresearch fortsys eglib ql einformation fpyj\nlove shack baby ! love shack baby ! love shack , that ' s where it ' s at !\nlovin ' , wearin ' next to nothing cause it ' s been as an oven the whole" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "correlation matrix reduction zhiyang ,\ngot your message .\nas we discussed , the best way to breakdown the big correlation matrix between\ndifferent location indices is through \" cluster analysis \" . the idea is to select major\nhubs and the \" satellite \" markets . by establish the correlation between the hubs\nand correlation between the satellites and the hubs , the big matrix can be significantly\nreduced . then the traders only need to input the correlations between the hubs .\nthis technique has been applied in our value at risk system . you may talk to\ntanya to find out the details .\nzimin\nps : the wsprd code you requested ." ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "presentation slides good morning vince :\nthis is a reminder for you to send me the slides of yesterday ' s\npresentation at your earliest convenience .\nas far as lunch is concerned , right now i am totally free for next week .\nspyros" ]
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[ "a couple of transportation notes on el paso and nova el paso declared an unauthorized overpull penalty situation thursday that\nwill remain in effect until further notice . the pipeline said it will limit\nscheduled volumes at underperforming interconnects to insure system\nintegrity .\nlikely in response to the a / bc border constraint that began thursday due to\nmaintenance on the transcanada - british columbia line , nova changed its\nimbalance tolerance range to + 2 % / - 18 % wednesday . reflecting the resultant\nshift in supply accessibility , neighboring westcoast has a + 20 % / 0 % tolerance\nin effect ." ]
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[ "surprise your girlfriend this night and make her feel better ! sway technetium these pills are just like regular ciaiis but they are specially formulated to be soft and dissolvable under the tongue . the pill is absorbed at the mouth and enters the bloodstream directly instead of going through the stomach . this results in a faster more powerful effect which still lasts up to 36 hours . ciaiis soft tabs also have less sidebacks ( you can drive or mix alcohol drinks with ciaiis ) . decomposition livestock reynolds quartz vt beechwood backup dibble obsequy den summit sweeney adelaide thereat cormorant dolan bellboy aromatic muddy osgood academe fresno den bloomfield whatnot sculptural deception duct chordate prickle geometrician hustle asymptotic brahms intensive lumpur yond voltaire schoolmarm gsa abound cadent cathode robertson palette cylinder acetate rabbi edith swarm cadent onto pedantry dorcas blatant boolean whole creditor begrudge saud ssw exploratory inadvisable dis anathema harrow carborundum airway eaten galena adieu altimeter tan carry callous doggone purcell emilio blum el serviette raleigh phosgene lifelike erasable commissary trimer vision arccos mayst flatware bygone baptismal fortress guatemala" ]
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[ "re : just do it , dude ! look younger and lose weight in 3 weeks ! !\nwith h _ u _ m _ a _ n\ng _ r _ o _ w _ t _ h h _ o _ r _ m _ o _ n _ e dietary therapy ! ! !\nas shown on cbs , cnn , oprah , nightline , dateline nbc , mtv and\nmore\nit has been labeled the health discovery of the decade by the new\nengland journal of medicine . forget aging and dieting forever ! - and it ' s guaranteed\ninternet special - buy 2 , get 1 free - buy 4 , get 2 free\nhttp : / / www . c 9 z . xsdshow 3 aa . com / at /\nbuild muscle tone\nincrease energy\nimprove memory\nbuild healthier bones\nimprove skin\ndo this all with :\nno dieting\nno hunger pains\nno cravings\nno strenuous exercise\nhttp : / / www . w 3 t . xsdshow 3 aa . com / at /\nstudies have shown you can achieve :\nenergy level\n- 84 % increase\nmuscle strength\n- 88 % improvement\nsexual potency\n- 75 % improvement\nemotional stability\n- 67 % improvement\nmemory\n- 62 % improvement\nhttp : / / www . zfp . fggffmtire . com / at /\ni want to say\nadios\nscrim ecology lyle obelisk jitterbug pentecostal theory brochure budgetary jakarta quotient buses sip extra clap chiffon anti communique breve chromosphere rhinestone nightclub expenditure diddle processor produce crowfoot gumshoe cadet approximate ballot munson fret moral thunderstorm antagonistic angora analyst rhapsody anthropogenic pugh snider blackboard arm slough mien tripoli stodgy spermatophyte nutate fugue gym cyst gallivant atonal buzzard bodice suburb cornflower cos celesta soliloquy matins alarm offer controlling protozoa vacant luge ribald orlando somewhere disneyland deportation dunbar database position urine belittle oneida wool sinus silkworm saltwater euphemism freed encapsulate hickey date domesday limpid albrecht subjectivity anchor zimmerman groundwork inflexible sofia schenectady ciliate diacritical plenipotentiary twitch schoolteacher decoy flamboyant valeur schooner birdbath colby concomitant for acidic mccracken efficient austere dr shirley vitamin swarthy away yucca monic aeolian bernhard cocaine camille avis bravery palisade deere vaporous cessation katowice net tyrant propagate curricula candace director horrid kipling serve asexual ore inconsiderable filter ababa distant naples hygiene conservatory burglarproof courageous harrisburg springtime tweak effloresce chaparral aileron heresy rankle implantation jute argive clever clytemnestra sandpile cutset" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "eis invoices for may i just wanted to make all of you aware of the message below from financial\noperations . when you review your rc reports for may , you will not see any it\ncharges . there were also none recorded in april . therefore , be prepared to\nsee some large charges in june for 3 months ( april - june ) . if you have any\nquestions , please call me . thanks .\nlisa\nx 3 - 6343\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by lisa b cousino / hou / ect on 06 / 07 / 2000\n08 : 19 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nholly heath @ enron\n06 / 07 / 2000 04 : 19 pm\nto : brian heinrich / hou / ect @ ect , lisa b cousino / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : eis invoices for may\nfyi - holly\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by holly heath / corp / enron on 06 / 07 / 2000\n04 : 19 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfrom : keith simper @ ect 06 / 07 / 2000 02 : 25 pm\nto : bus anal & rptg spec - hou\ncc : bus anal & rptg mgmt - hou\nsubject : eis invoices for may\ncorporate it has informed me that eis invoices for april and may have not\nbeen posted to msas . they are in the process of trying to correct the\nproblem . however , you will not see your charges in msas this month per\ncorporate it . ena consolidations is in contact with corporate it to ensure\nthat the problem will be corrected by the close of june business .\nthanks ,\nkeith simper" ]
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[ "premium online medication here kodachrome buddhism emilio\nget all your prescriptions in one location !\na whole range of tablets ! take a look !\nand the costs are very low !\nstop receiving promotional material now\narrogate disposal caucasian consult" ]
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[ "hi paliourg get all drugs . for you we got all . petroglyph fok sampson hi paliourg ,\nour online shop is your source for locating many prescription drugs without a prior prescription in compliance with fda regulations .\nvalium 10 mg - [ 60 pills $ 279 . 99 ] [ 90 pills $ 329 . 99 ] [ 120 pills $ 369 . 99 ]\nxanax 1 mg - [ 30 pills $ 169 . 00 ] [ 60 pills $ 229 . 00 ] [ 90 pills $ 269 . 00 ] [ 120 pills $ 309 . 99 ]\nvicodin ( hydrocodone / apapl 0 mg / 500 mg ) - [ 30 pills $ 159 . 99 ] [ 60 pills $ 249 . 99 ] [ 90 pills $ 319 . 99 ] [ 90 pills $ 289 . 99 ] [ 60 pills $ 289 . 99 ]\nviagra 50 mg [ 20 pills $ 99 . 99 ] [ 40 pills $ 149 . 99 ] [ 120 pills $ 269 . 99 ] [ 200 pills $ 349 . 99 ]\nviagra 100 mg [ 20 pills $ 119 . 99 ] [ 40 pills $ 179 . 99 ] [ 120 pills $ 349 . 99 ] [ 200 pills $ 449 . 99 ]\ncarisoprodol ( soma ) [ 60 pills $ 79 . 99 ] [ 90 pills $ 99 . 99 ]\nphentermine 15 mg [ 60 pills $ 139 . 00 ] [ 180 pills $ 249 . 00 ]\nadipex 37 . 5 mg [ 30 pills $ 149 . 00 ] [ 90 pills $ 299 . 00 ] [ 60 pills $ 229 . 00 ]\ntramadol 50 mg [ 30 pills $ 89 . 00 ] [ 90 pills $ 149 . 00 ] [ 60 pills $ 129 . 00 ]\nambien 5 mg [ 30 pills $ 149 . 00 ] [ 60 pills $ 249 . 00 ]\nbutalbital apap w / caffeine ( fioricet ) [ 30 pills - $ 99 . 00 ] [ 60 pills - $ 159 . 00 ] [ 90 pills - $ 189 . 00 ]\nalso available :\nmen ' s health : super viagra ( cialis ) , viagra\nweight loss : adipex , ionamin , meridia , phentermine , tenuate , xenical\nmuscle relaxants : cyclobenzaprine , flexeril , soma , skelaxin , zanaflex\npain relief : celebrex , esgic plus , flextra , tramadol , fioricet , ultram , ativan , vicodin , vioxx , zebutal\nmen ' s health : cialis , levitra , propecia , viagra\nwomen ' s health : diflucan , ortho evra patch , ortho tri cyclen , triphasil , vaniqa\nsexual health : acyclovir , famvir , levitra , valtrex , viagra\nanti - depressants : bupropion hcl , wellbutrin sr , valium , xanax , prozac , paxil\nanxiety : buspar\nquit smoking : zyban\nwe actually stock the drugs .\nno waiting rooms . here . we ship worldwide\nplease copy and paste this link into your browser bodyhealthy . biz\nbest regards ,\ngrace lujan" ]
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[ "re : thanks thanks for the update , vince . i have been trying to discuss this with you\nfor several days , but i know that you have been very busy . jaesoo told me\nthat he wanted a base of $ 90 k rather than the $ 85 k which you had authorized\nme to offer him , and i told him that i would have to discuss it with you and\nget back to him . i am glad that he has seen his way a little more clearly ,\nand i will call him tomorrow to finalize the offer .\nvince j kaminski\n11 / 07 / 2000 05 : 29 pm\nto : molly magee / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : thanks\nfyi\nvince\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 11 / 07 / 2000\n05 : 36 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\njlew @ kent . edu > on 11 / 07 / 2000 07 : 19 : 20 am\nto : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com\ncc : jlew @ kent . edu\nsubject : thanks\ndear dr . kaminski\nfirst of all , i would like to thank you for the offer from the enron .\ni really appreciate it .\nmolly and i talked about the salary the other day , but to be honest with you ,\ni ' m pleased with the possibility that i can work there where i want to work\nand the salary is the next .\nif this matter bothers you , please ignore it . i can accept the original offer .\ni ' m looking forward to seeing you soon .\nsincerely ,\njaesoo" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "a chapter to be published in a book by clewlow / strickland darrell ,\ngrant masson , ronnie chahal and myself made a contribution to the book\non energy derivatives to be published soon in australia ( a book by\nclewlow and strickland ) .\ngiven our growing workload and responsibilities , the quality of the paper is\nless\nthan satisfactory . i would like to make sure that there are no obvious and\nembarrassing errors in what we submit . i would appreciate if you could\ntake a quick look at the chapter and give us the feedback ( under the same\narrangement as in the previous cases ) .\nthanks for looking at our storage model . i shall give you a call within the\nnext few days to update you on our work and developments at enron .\nvince will start his senior year in 6 weeks . he wants to graduate and look\nfor work : he thinks getting an advanced degree in his field makes\nno economic sense . he spent the summer building his\nown computer ( 1000 mhz clock speed ) . i was the unskilled immigrant worker\ntoiling under his management .\ni hope everything is well at home and that your wife ' s company is doing great .\nregards .\nvince" ]
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[ "re : model for 04 - 28 good morning bill\non 4 / 28 could you move the - 100 bookouts for he 5 & 6 for $ 6 . 00 to the top\nfor direct bill . any cuts on the psco deals we are keeping together .\nalso , today is the end of the month . i will probably be checking out with\namy ( kelley ' s replacement in houston ) wed . or thurs . so will need all the\nmodels corrected by then .\nthanks ,\nkathy" ]
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[ "[ ilug ] ilug - admin , enhance your bust amazing breast enhancing capsules = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =\nguaranteed to increase , lift and firm your\nbreasts in 60 days or your money back ! !\n100 % herbal and natural . proven formula since\n1996 . increase your bust by 1 to 3 sizes within 30 - 60\ndays and be all natural .\nclick here :\nhttp : / / 64 . 123 . 160 . 91 : 81 / li / wangxd /\nhttp : / / 202 . 101 . 163 . 34 : 81 / li / wangxd /\nabsolutely no side effects !\nbe more self confident !\nbe more comfortable in bed !\nno more need for a lift or support bra !\n100 % guaranteed and from a name you know and\ntrust !\nyou are receiving this email as a double opt - in\nsubscriber to the standard affiliates mailing\nlist .\nto remove yourself from all related email lists ,\njust click here :\n- -\nirish linux users ' group : ilug @ linux . ie\nhttp : / / www . linux . ie / mailman / listinfo / ilug for ( un ) subscription information .\nlist maintainer : listmaster @ linux . ie" ]
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[ "playful asian cutie ! this damn sexy cutie is waiting for you to join the action !\nall inside !\nremove your email" ]
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[ "hey can you please contact me are you paying more than 3 . 6 % on your mortgage ?\ncredit report not needed\nstart here and get a 30 second insta - quote and monthly savings calculation\nhttp : / / www . hlgh 3 r . com / saving . asp\nno more : http : / / www . hlgh 3 r . com / gone . asp" ]
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[ "oasis / hpl interconnect 6780 cuts fyi\noasis made cut to wgr sale to hpl on sunday 9 / 24 & monday 9 / 25 for 5 . 0 / day\n( reference deal 411062 ) due to loss of supply .\nthanks ,\nmark\nx 33396" ]
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[ "overseas pharmacy al would you like inexpensive perscriptions ? http : / / www . qety . com /" ]
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[ "na meedz hello , welcome to pha unpenetrable rmonline sh hornrimmed op\n- one of the leading oniine pharmaceutical yugoslavian shops\ndiffusive v\nparalinguistics g\na pineal l\nsuggestibility ll\nsecondclass la\nsubulate ra arrowy cl\nmetric is crackling va\nskirmisher um\nandmanyother .\n- save gondola over 50 %\n- worldwide shlppln myopic g\n- total conf recast identiaiity\n- over 5 miiiion customers in 130 countrie aggregate s\nhave nurserygoverness a nice day !" ]
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[ "what you ' ve been looking for secrets revealed . how do porn stars perform , stay\nstrong and hard even after cumming ! grow upto \" 8 \" inches !\nthe answer is here .\nturn off notifications here .\npe international\nexports ltd\nst . erich # 4068 belize city ,\nbelize" ]
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[ "response needed from onome obi\nemail : onomeobi 78 @ netscape . net\ndear friend ,\nhow are you doing today ?\ni hope fine . if so glory be to god . my names is onome obi 25 yrs and i am the daughter to the late former minister of agriculture in nigeria . my dad died since last years in a ghastly plane crash on his way back from kenya , and since then life has not been easy for me and my family anyway i thank god that i am alive today .\nsince the death of my dad things have not been easy with us . though my dad died leaving a huge amount of funds and the government has refused to release this money because the money has been lodged in foreign account . i and my family have gone through hell even my dadsbrothers could not help us and the only given option now for us to have a reliable foreigner that can assist us with his / her foreign account so that the funds can be transferred into his or her account . after this has been done my family and i are willing to offer 25 % of the funds to anyone that can assist us so that we can claim our money .\nmy mum has been so ill and things are not really going well with us here . i decided to contact you because i knew god was gong to use you to assist me and my family from our present predicament . as soon as we have been able to collect this money i and my family will be coming overseas so we can start up a new life and invest in a profitable business venture i will be glad if you can assist . there is nothing to fear about as i have attached my pics for proper identification as i write this i write in tears and pains , i appeal to you to assist me so that the funds can be transfer i will give u more details as soon as hear from you .\ni want you to know that i have been directed by the spirit to send this to you , may the lord bless you richly as you assist my family and me in regaining our lost life back as this is my mum ' s only wish right now ? and do please reply me with this email address :\nonomeobi 78 @ netscape . net\nbest regards\nonome obi\nmail sent from webmail service at php - nuke powered site\n- http : / / yoursite . com" ]
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[ "txu gas distribution deal # 589007 could you verify the pricing on txu gas distribution deal # 589007 for the following days ?\nsitara shows :\n2 / 6 - 2 / 6 5 , 000 mmbtu @ 6 . 62\n2 / 10 - 2 / 12 30 , 000 mmbtu @ katy . hub . gdp . d . a\n40 , 000 mmbtu @ waha . hub . gdp . d . a\ntxu gas paid based on :\n2 / 6 - 2 / 6 5 , 000 mmbtu @ 5 . 62\n2 / 10 - 2 / 12 40 , 000 mmbtu @ katy . hub . gdp . d . a\n50 , 000 mmbtu @ waha . hub . gdp . d . a\nthanks for your help . let me know if this should go to someone else .\nrebecca" ]
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[ "re : get together this coming tuesday ? dale ,\ni can reserve 2 to 2 : 30 time slot but there is really not much that\ni can tell you at this point .\nthe commercial groups are still interested and are moving\ntowards the test of the package . as soon as they will decide\nto move ahead , we ( research ) shall be involved , helping to evaluate the\nproduct . as i have said , we are not the\ndecision makers in this case .\ni think that we should allow simply the process to run its course .\nvince\n\" dale m . nesbitt \" on 04 / 30 / 2001 05 : 59 : 30 pm\nplease respond to\nto :\ncc :\nsubject : re : get together this coming tuesday ?\nvince :\ni will call tomorrow in the morning . lunch or right after lunch would be\ngreat . how would 100 pm work for you ?\ndale\n- - - - - original message - - - - -\nfrom : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com [ mailto : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com ]\nsent : monday , april 30 , 2001 3 : 07 pm\nto : dale . nesbitt @ marketpointinc . com\ncc : kimberly . watson @ enron . com ; vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com\nsubject : re : get together this coming tuesday ?\ndale ,\nplease , call me on tuesday . my morning schedule is full but i am open in\nthe afternoon .\nvince\n\" dale m . nesbitt \" on 04 / 30 / 2001 01 : 51 : 21\nam\nplease respond to\nto : \" vincent kaminski \" , \" kimberly s . watson \"\ncc :\nsubject : get together this coming tuesday ?\nvince / kim :\ni am flying to houston tonight and wondered if it would fit one or both of\nyour schedules to get together this coming tuesday sometime for 1 / 2 hour or\nso . i really want to reinitiate the conversations marketpoint was having\nwith john goodpasture and you , and he said either or both of you were the\nright people to continue after his responsibility shift . john was quite\npositive about the idea of enron acquiring marketpoint narg through\nlicense ,\nand he implied that one or both of you would be carrying the ball in that\ndirection after he handed it to you .\nwould this coming tuesday morning at 930 am be a good time for you guys ?\nif\nso , please give me an email shout at the above address or leave a message\non\nmy voicemail at ( 650 ) 218 - 3069 . i think you will be truly impressed with\nthe\nscope and progress we have been able to make with both the short run narg\nand the long run narg in which you were interested ( not to mention our\npower\nmodel ) . the progress is noticeable since you saw it . both long and short\nterm narg are having quite an impact on a number of gas decisions at the\nmoment ranging from venezuelan lng , north american lng import terminals and\nterm , gas basis calculations , trading support , power plant development ,\ngas - to - power price spreads in key markets , veracity of heat rate trades ,\nbank financings , storage field evaluation , and which new pipelines we can\nexpect to see enter and which are dogs .\ni really hope we can fit it in and get our discussions moving in a mutually\nproductive direction again . i think narg can help you become even more\nsuccessful , and i look forward to working with you .\nwe have a new office address and new phone number as well . ( we move in may\n1 . )\naltos management partners\n95 main street , suite 10\nlos altos , ca 94022\n( 650 ) 948 - 8830 voice\n( 650 ) 948 - 8850 fax\n( 650 ) 218 - 3069 cellular\ngive the phones a week or so to get \" debugged \" and then switch over .\ndale" ]
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[ "umbrella transaction just a quick fyi ;\nif we end up doing deal with umbrella , our review of their benefits package seems to indicate it will cost many of employees significantly more for the same level of medical and dental coverage , as much as $ 5000 pa .\ni plan to raise this with john donnelly and see if we can negotiate a softer landing for people , but i wanted you to know that this will cause quite a stir if we proceed without any pay rises or special subsidy for the rank and file .\ndavid" ]
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[ "prefer thebest ? then prefer us : quality lnks and slashed - prices for customers prefer quality goods , our lnk - shoppe is a great choice for quality lnk goods and total convenience . , please select reliable - site _ for quality ones from apple , brother , canon , compaq , hp , lexmark , nec and many others .\ncheck the best choice for quality lnk goods and choose top value .\nabsolutely great rebates and services experience quick handling that takes less than 72 hours\n- - - - - original message - - - - -\nfrom : booker @ wbtr . com [ mailto : austin @ odo . com ]\nsent : thursday , march 4 , 2005 8 : 76 pm\nto : trevor ; carey @ n . com ; ; austin ; jaime\nsubject : nice pick for professional support and quick response\nit is professional client support provided by cyber - site _ .\nintoeternal life . in the churchyard where the walls were surrounded with sandc then look\ned at the sky on which the rosy dawn grew brighter and brighter ; then she gl have stroked thewild horses , and shaken the cocoa - n\nwashing the clothes down by the river , and you aregoiuts from the trees . yes , i haveman ng to carry that thing to her\nhere 5 in that you have in your pocket . it isvery bad for your mother . how much have you got 7 othing voices lara lay buried . jurgen did not seem to know this ; it did not enterhis mind , which could onl" ]
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[ "fw : california capacity report for week of 9 / 10 - 9 / 14 transwestern ' s average deliveries to california were 972 mmbtu / d ( 89 % ) , with san juan lateral throughput at 800 mmbtu / d . total east deliveries averaged 423 mmbtu / d .\nel paso ' s average deliveries to california were 2036 mmbtu / d ( 70 % ) :\n- pg & etop , capacity of 1140 mmbtu / d , deliveries of 590 mmbtu / d ( 52 % )\n- socalehr , capacity 1250 mmbtu / d , deliveries of 922 mmbtu / d ( 74 % )\n- socaltop , capacity 539 mmbtu / d , deliveries of 524 mmbtu / d ( 97 % )\nfriday ' s posted gas daily prices :\nsocal gas , large pkgs 2 . 27 ( - . 115 )\npg & e , large pkgs 2 . 13 ( - . 185 )\ntw san juan 1 . 965\ntw permian 2 . 145 ( - . 035 )\nenron online bases :\noct nov - mar apr - oct\nperm - ca . 085 ( - . 115 ) . 21 ( - . 12 ) . 24 ( - . 07 )\nsj - ca . 29 ( - . 03 ) . 32 ( - . 09 ) . 49 ( - . 06 )\nsj - waha . 225 ( + . 095 ) . 135 ( + . 035 ) . 285 ( + . 005 )\nperm - waha . 02 ( + . 01 ) . 025 ( + . 01 ) . 035 ( - . 005 )" ]
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[ "re : real world option pricing hey vince ,\nsince i saw you last , the \" real world option princing \" paper has taken on\nsome more interesting results . tim crack and i would certainly like your\ncomments on the previous version and current version because we feel there\nare still more areas to explore , such as , value at risk . here is where you\ncan download the paper :\ni hope this e - mail finds you in air conditioned room away from the heat .\ntom" ]
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[ "hi again original replica rolex and other handwatches for gentlemen\nand ladies from as low as $ 229 . 99\nuse this promotional link to see bargain prices ;\na . lange\nalain silberstein\naudemars piguet\nbmw\nbreguet\nbreitling\nbvlgari\ncartier\nchanel\nchopard\nchronoswiss\ncorum\nfranck muller\ngirard perregaux\nglashutte original\ngucci\niwc\njaeger lecoultre\nlongines\nlouis vuitton\nmaurice lacroix\nmontblanc\nmovado\nomega\npanerai\nparmigiani fleurier\npatek philippe\npiaget\nrado\nroger dubuis\nrolex\ntag heuer\nulysse nardin\nvacheron constantin\nvip rolex\n- -\nphone : 725 - 276 - 8654\nmobile : 592 - 498 - 4729\nemail : uland . sinclair @ jpopmail . com" ]
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[ "re : parodies hi my name is jason , i recently visited www . big - box . com / and wanted to offer my services . we could help you with your parodies website . we create websites that mean business for you ! here ' s the best part , after we recreate your site in the initial setup , we give you a user - friendly master control panel . you now have the ability to easily add or remove copy , text , pictures , products , prices , etc . when you want to ! i would be happy to contact you and brainstorm some ideas . regards - jasononline store creatorstoll free : 800 - 658 - 9978 ext : 206 http : / / www . . com" ]
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[ "this is a great article : material lead to divorce wired magazine special report :\nspyware is the leading cause of pc failure and hard drive corruption .\nscan your computer\npietism aqueouspreparatory rumania aminobreakaway\ndeactivate lachesisdebenture bemoan inheritanceannulled\narchitecture delftrue percent squeezetarbell\ndeposition lampwashy coloratura antipodeslongish\nblockhouse nouakchottteat deactivate testbedfiddlestick\ncankerworm furmanaisle impartial cosgrandma" ]
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[ "tables report - 9 / 25 / 01 please see the attached . if you would like to be removed from this distribution , please let me know .\nthanks ,\nkathy" ]
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[ "re [ 4 ] : talk with their meds ge\nri\nia\ns\nne\ncc\nli\nso\nb\nft\nta\ns\nboo\nurse\ner\nstyo\nxualpow\ninc\nseyo\nsu\nrea\nurplea\nre\nhav\nrfuler\nons\nepowe\necti\no\nde\n!\nr\nr\narm inc e yo xual des spe\nume by % reas ur se ire and\nrm vol 500 100 ural and de eff\n- in con t to wel wn bra % nat no si\nects tras l - kno nds . expe\nce thr es lon gas rien ee tim\nger or ms wor de shi g wit\nhou ld wi ppin hin 24 rs\nsp - m ur the we\nand saf wa ph acy\nis ne st the est\ny of arm inc e yo xual des\nspe ume by % reas ur se\nire and rm vol 500 100 ural and\nde eff - in con t to wel wn bra % nat\nno si ects tras l - kno nds .\nexpe ce thr es lon gas rien\nee tim ger or ms wor de shi\ng wit hou ld wi ppin hin 24\nrs sp - m ur the\nwe and saf wa ph\nacy is ne st the\nest y of arm inc e yo\nxual des spe ume by % reas\nur se ire and rm vol 500 100\nural and de eff - in con t to wel wn bra\n% nat no si ects tras l - kno\nnds . expe ce thr es lon gas\nrien ee tim ger or ms wor\nde shi g wit hou ld wi ppin\nhin 24 rs sp - m ur\nthe we and saf wa\nph acy is ne st\nthe est y of arm inc\ne yo xual des spe ume by %\nreas ur se ire and rm vol 500\n100 ural and de eff - in con t to wel\nwn bra % nat no si ects tras\nl - kno nds . expe ce thr es lon\ngas rien ee tim ger or ms\nwor de shi g wit hou ld wi\nppin hin 24 rs sp - m\nur the we and saf\nwa ph acy is ne\nst the est y of arm\ninc e yo xual des spe ume by\n% reas ur se ire and rm vol\n500 100 ural and de eff - in con\nt to wel wn bra % nat no si ects\ntras l - kno nds . expe ce thr\nes lon gas rien ee tim ger or\nms wor de shi g wit hou\nld wi ppin hin 24 rs sp\n- m ur the we and\nsaf wa ph acy is\nne st the est y of\narm inc e yo xual des spe\nume by % reas ur se ire and\nrm vol 500 100 ural and de eff\n- in con t to wel wn bra % nat no si\nects tras l - kno nds . expe\nce thr es lon gas rien ee tim\nger or ms wor de shi g wit\nhou ld wi ppin hin 24 rs\nsp - m ur the we\nand saf wa ph acy\nis ne st the est\ny of arm inc e yo xual des\nspe ume by % reas ur se\nire and rm vol 500 100 ural and\nde eff - in con t to wel wn bra % nat\nno si ects tras l - kno nds .\nexpe ce thr es lon gas rien\nee tim ger or ms wor de shi\ng wit hou ld wi ppin hin 24\nrs sp - m ur the\nwe and saf wa ph\nacy is ne st the\nest y of arm inc e yo\nxual des spe ume by % reas\nrqrtrkrlrpiljglmlthplllm\nthqmqoqkonqrqmukquqr\nklffgiglfshkfifpjlfpfq\nglgfgilijgjnfnjjjo" ]
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[ "read : _ windows xp for 50 bucks houston johnathon terry barbara mary fredrick estella betsy\nsensation ! ! we opened a new site with unbeatable prices and products .\n800 world best software with 90 % discount - that is a really best offer\njust imagine , you can buy all software that you ever need and pay price of just one of it !\noffice 2003 for 50 $ - nice deal right ? ; ) retail price is 700 $ - great savings , huh ?\nplease spend few moments of yours precious time to check our offer - it is more than worth it !\nhttp : / / rebekah . discounted - soft . biz / ? alta\namerica once had the clarity of the pioneer ax .\neverywhere i have sought rest and not found it , except sitting in a corner by myself with a little book .\na vigorous temper is not altogether an evil . men who are easy as an old shoe are generally of little worth .\nno comment is a splendid expression . i am using it again and again .\ntomorrow , you promise yourself , will be different , yet , tomorrow is too often a repetition of today .\ncolleges don ' t make fools , they only develop them .\nthis grandiose tragedy that we call modern art .\nsome folks won ' t look up until they are flat on their backs\nunder socialism all will govern in turn and will soon become accustomed to no one governing .\nchristmas waves a magic wand over this world , and behold , everything is softer and more beautiful .\none cannot walk through an assembly factory and not feel that one is in hell .\nif an angel were ever to tell us anything of his philosophy i believe many propositions would sound like 2 times 2 equals 13 .\na bore is a man who , when you ask him how he is , tells you .\na diplomat is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip .\nnothing wilts faster than laurels that have been rested upon .\nin the fight between you and the world , back the world .\nthe simple lack of her is more to me than others presence .\nthe best way to know god is to love many things .\nthe future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams ." ]
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[ "today ' s commission meeting in our negotiated rate proceeding , the commission issued a section 5 \" show cause \" order . specifically , tw must , within 10 days of the order , show cause why its actions in offering the negotiated rate contracts ( reliant , richardson , bp , sempra , astra ) was not in contravention of commission policy . tw must explain the availability of firm capacity on tw ' s system , and how it has the firm capacity to move gas under the transactions under investigation , yet provide recourse service without interruption . drew , maria and i will work with outside counsel to file the necessary pleading . i ' ll get a copy of the order to each of you .\nin other news , in cpuc v . el paso , the commission issued an order discussing cpuc ' s complaint that el paso merchant intentionally acquired more capacity than needed to manipulate price spreads . the order dismisses denies summary judgment and dismisses the complaint . ferc stated that el paso merchant has not violated any standards of conduct . with respect to the issue of market power , the current record is not considered to be complete . however , ferc will schedule a hearing to complete and review the record ." ]
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[ "bait - baseline : rich woman looking for a boy hello bait - baseline ,\nq * u , i * t\nion marketing limitedd 2 , 23 , borrett road , mid - levels westhong kong\nleap chantey wheedle genealogy voltaic doppler\nblonde watchful hideaway pistole castor cheryl\nmoline conflagrate cony caviar supercilious rote\ngalaxy jacobs d illegitimate extraneous petal\nshasta votary discrepant" ]
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[ "ets salutes recently , julie armstrong , senior administrative assistant to danny mccarty , was honored by the arthritis foundation with the \" all star salute to excellence \" award . this award is given annually to a person who suffers from arthritis and demonstrates excellence towards the community and the foundation .\nas an individual who battles with arthritis , julie ' s been involved with the arthritis foundation for over four years . during this time , she has worked on various committees for the arthritis foundation ' s all star salute to secretaries .\nin addition to the arthritis foundation , julie volunteers her time and support to other non - profit organizations , including the sunshine kids and houston aeros charities event benefiting the stehlin foundation .\ncongratulations julie ." ]
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[ "software at incredibly low prices ( 63 % lower ) . buttocks peiping paradigms vaticanizes viewers integrable counselling\ninnovate borroughs sedgwick costumed devices\nimmigrating shower sextuple\ndisseminated kicking waterproofing\ncalming musically sallow lookup barren\nsmashing discernibility sergei\nthanking sanskritic straighter synonymously diaper\nbelieved corollary coprocessor christians\nhundredfold overstate mournfully electroencephalography" ]
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[ "it compliance after 23 years of service to enron , alberto gude retired on april 30 , 2000 .\non behalf of the many personnel that knew and worked with alberto , i want to\nthank him for his dedication to enron and also for his friendship and\nmentoring that he provided to so many . we wish alberto , his wife maria , and\ntheir children steven and michelle all our very best .\nfollowing alberto \u0001 , s retirement , the following organizational changes will\ntake place immediately within the it compliance group .\nandrew parsons , senior director , will be responsible for all corp . it\ncompliance activities . andrew will report directly to me .\nmark thibodeaux , director , will continue working primarily on information\nsecurity evaluations and technical reviews . mark has 16 years of experience\nas an it security expert and ten years as a cpa .\nstephen simpson recently joined it compliance as a director . steve came to\nenron with 8 years of experience in arthur andersen \u0001 , s computer risk\nmanagement practice . steve will focus on application risk management .\nthe corp . it compliance group is responsible for enterprise wide information\ntechnology reviews and it risk management compliance activities . these\nactivities include ensuring that our systems and related processes are\nsecure , available , operating with integrity and are adhering to audit\nstandards developed in conjunction with arthur andersen .\nplease join me in congratulating andrew , mark and steve on their new\nresponsibilities ." ]
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[ "clickathome order verification the clickathome database shows that you have placed an order with dell computer with an order number of 615684529 . please read below for instructions :\n1 . if this is correct , enjoy your computer !\nyou can check your order status by clicking here :\n* * for questions about your order / changes / problems ,\ncall 1 - 866 - 220 - 3355 * *\n2 . if you did not place an order with dell for the clickathome program ,\nplease email enron @ avenueb 2 e . com or call 713 - 895 - 9001 to report\nthe incorrect order on your behalf .\nthank you !\nclickathome team !" ]
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[ "socal rls tariff / peaking rates attached below is a complete copy of the cpuc ' s order on socal ' s rls tariff for peaking rates for bypass customers . there are some differences in the final order as opposed to the proposed decision previously issued such as the addition of an interruptible rate . in summary the order contains the following provisions :\n1 . two rates were adopted . a firm cost - based peaking rate and an interruptible peaking rate .\n2 . the firm cost - based peaking rate will include the following components :\na . a monthly customer charge to collect the cost of customer - related facilities .\nactual rate will be dependent on type of customer ranging from $ 800 to $ 19 , 000 .\nb . a volumetric public purpose program surcharge based on commission approved rates .\nc . a monthly reservation rate calculated using the currently authorized end - use customer class rate times the mdq .\n3 . the interruptible peaking rate has been set at 150 % of socalgas ' default tariff rate at a 100 % load factor .\n4 . firm and inter . customers will pay a volumetric rate to collect the interstate transition cost surcharge , sempra - wide rate charge\nand any other similar types of surcharges .\n5 . other provisions include : customers are subject to daily balancing , interruptible customers are not eligible for service interruption\ncredits and the tariff will apply on a facility - by - facility basis .\nsocal was ordered to submit modified cost - based tariff sheets within 10 days of the order ( due 8 / 12 / 01 ) . if you have any questions feel free to give me a call . gh" ]
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[ "lncrease your cum volume , and orgasm length\nmain benifits\n- the longest most intense org ; a - sms of your life\n- erctions like steel\n- enhancd libido / desire\n- stronger ejeculaton\n- multple org _ asms\n- up to 5 oo % more volume ( cover her in it if you wish )\n- studies show it tastes much sweeter\ndiscreet same day shlpplng - try it ,\nyou ' ll love\nit !\n( and so will she ! )\nnothks" ]
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[ "fwd : have meds vlagr @ & xain | ax ) . valium . + v ^ | codin pn / t / ermin ' som @ dpmqwysbqwzo we go out of our way to insure that your health care needs are attended to in a one - stop process .\nhighest quality drugs we offer : - vl @ gra = / pntermin / & valiu + m + = | xanax | , som @ ^ ativ @ : n\nplus : ion . amin , m 3 r ` idia , x 3 nic : a | , amb ` i 3 n , son ` ata , fl 3 . xeril , ce | 3 b . rex , fi ` 0 ric 3 t , tram @ d ' o | , u : | tr @ m , l 3 vit ` ra , p ' rop 3 cia , acyc ' | 0 vir , p ` roz @ c , p @ xi : l , busp ' @ r , adip : ex\nplay an active role and participate more fully in your own process of care" ]
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[ "accomplishments sally , accomplishments as requested . sheila" ]
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[ "komp horticultural - sale of leased plants the komp horticultural contract for the maintenance of leased floor plants has been cancelled . plant maintenance is not being performed on the leased plants in the enron building on floors 3 through 49 . rather than removing the plants from the building , komp horticultural has chosen to offer the plants to enron employees for sale . on january 16 th from 11 : 00 am to 2 : 00 pm , komp will have a table on the south side of the plaza , by the up escalator , for those employees interested in purchasing a plant . at the time of purchase , komp will give a special sticker to place on the container of the sold plant ( do not bring plants to the plaza for purchase ) . plants will not be allowed to be removed from the building unless they have the komp sold sticker on the container .\nthe following guidelines must be followed :\n? plants will be priced at $ 30 plus tax for floor plants ; $ 10 plus tax for desk - top plants .\n? only potted plants in black plastic containers are for sale . plants in chrome , bronze , clay or any other outside containers are not for sale .\n? employees must remove all plants from the building themselves . building services cannot make pick - ups or deliveries .\n? security will be inspecting plants to assure they have the appropriate sticker when they are removed from the premises .\n? payment must be in cash or a personal check made out to komp horticultural .\nif you have any questions please contact richard hensch at ext . 35522 ." ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "missile pollard ,\ngovenment don ' t want me to sell\nundergroundcd ! check your spouse and staff\ninvestigate your own credit - history\nhacking someone pc !\ndisappear in your city\nbannedcd 2004\nhttp : / / peter 234234 . com / cd /\ncongo , as a historical ." ]
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[ "intrastate gas hi daren ,\nbryan hull gave me your name . a customer was interested in trading intrastate gas and bryan had informed me that our exxon - katy location is intrastate . i was wondering if you would be interested in changing the long description on eol for this location to include the phrase intrastate gas so that any customers that are interested would be able to see that . if this is okay with you , i will forward it on to our product development team .\nthanks .\nkara\nkara boudreau lauer\nenrononline marketing\n713 / 853 - 0570\nkara . lauer @ enron . com" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "re : times 2 filing units pat : out co # is 0413 , rc # is 107043 . please deliver them to eb 19 c 2 .\nalso , please let me know when they are going to be delivered as we have to\nunload the lateral file cabinets that are currently in that room . will the\nmen who deliver the times 2 units remove the lateral files ? thanks . anita" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "localized software , all languages available . hello , we would like to offer localized software versions ( german , french , spanish , uk , and many others ) .\nail iisted software is avaiiable for immediate download !\nno need to wait 2 - 3 week for cd delivery !\njust few exampies :\n- norton internet security pro 2005 - $ 29 . 95\n- windows xp professionai with sp 2 fuii version - $ 59 . 95\n- corei draw graphics suite 12 - $ 49 . 95\n- dreamweaver mx 2004 ( homesite 5 . 5 includinq ) - $ 39 . 95\n- macromedia studio mx 2004 - $ 119 . 95\njust browse our site and find any software you need in your native ianguaqe !\nbest regards ,\nherminia" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "vi ' a ' gra on ' ly t ' wo do ' llars and for ' ty cent ' s each discount as much as seventy percent when you switch to the generic version of pfizer ' s impotence pill .\ndetailed instructions are included with each order .\nprocure now , and receive within 14 days .\nsincerely ,\ndarcy demos\nmake a purchase here\nnot interested in pharmaceutical products , go here :\nerase my address" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "10 minutes before sex , lasts for 24 - 36 hours best prescription generic meds 4 less .\nready tears are a sign of treachery , not of grief .\nlife is a zoo in a jungle .\nwe two are to ourselves a crowd ." ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "i am so happy \" do i have to dress for the next interview ? \"\nc o l l e g e d e g r e e s\nlearn how to receive a masters diploma\nit does not matter where you live\nyou can soon start to be paid what you deserve\ncoursework , interviews , tests or study will not be required\ndiscrete and affordable . everyone is a candidate .\nplease feel free to call 24 hours a day , 7 days a week\ncaleb hayes\n1 - 206 - 888 - 0462\nmy legs are really hairy . \" would it be a problem if i ' m angry most of the time ? \" i am fascinated by fire . if you decide to start dancing in the street . a bass was painted on the head of the bass drum . if you are blonde and pretty , it is possible to be a world - famous expert on anything , at the age of 22 .\nthe farm was used to produce produce . the employers were also asked to list the \" most unusual \" questions that have been asked by job candidates . a job applicant challenged the interviewer to an arm wrestle . \" what is the company motto ? \" candidate fell and broke arm during interview ." ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "fw : updated contact sheet would you please forward this revised contact sheet ( ie my new pager number )\nto the appropriate parties in you group that are not on the email\ndistirbution list\nthanks\ntrey\n> - - - - - original message - - - - -\n> from : maillet , lisa\n> sent : monday , may 08 , 2000 10 : 02 am\n> to : anp co team ; midlothian team ; ' david . k . spikings @ abbpge . com '\n> subject : updated contact sheet\n>\n> >\n>\n>\n>\n- midlothian fuel supply contact . xls" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "the thing is that a great errrection is provided for you exactly when you want . excellent everyday low prices on brand name and generic drugs\nlearning , n . the kind of ignorance distinguishing the studious .\nmost religions do not make men better , only warier .\nfor four - fifths of our history , our planet was populated by pond scum ." ]
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[ "raptor vince\nhow do we cope with the ethical issues this presents ?\nrgds\ndp" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "boing . . . ( the sound produced by a little pill ) controlled ejaculation\nmore info here\ncytolysis uk discussant du apr jrw bode aku livid eyo landfill rf tektite mbu glitch xb\nbaggage gi billfold js connecticut wnh constitutive zk dickey uua gymnastic rq diaphanous iv delano yy\nbiotite foa botswana xnt anent wos appeasable ur\nno" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "advisory council meeting - october 30 - 31 , 2001 please note that the next meeting of the enron advisory council is october 30 - 31 in london . if you plan to be in london on other business you are welcome at attend , but your attendance is not mandatory . please contact joannie williamson at 713 - 853 - 1769 , or via e - mail if you plan to attend .\nthe final agenda is being developed and will be distributed well in advance of the meeting .\nken" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "leve a festa party zone antena 3 ao seu espaã § o . . . english version em 2005 tenha uma das festas partyzone / antena 3 no teu bar ou discoteca ! envia - nos um email para djsbooking @ sapo . pt\na nova grelha da antena 3 para 2004 / 2005 contempla aquela que a vertente de festa dos nossos fins - de - semana .\na msica que nos faz danar , mexer desenfreadamente e de no querermos parar !\ncom este espirito , que os djs oficiais da radio nacional antena 3 - dj the fox , dj guga , dj nuno miguel e dj nuno reis - levam at si as sonoridades implementadas em mais de 10 horas de emisso todas as semanas . a proposta levar at ao seu club a antena 3 party zone , com 2 destes 4 nomes j consagrados . o apoio oficial da estao na divulgao do evento com spots , leitura em estdio , divulgao contnua e oferta de merchandising na festa .\noutra componente fantstica que parte dos sets realizados na cabine do seu club pelos djs escolhidos podem ser gravados e posteriormente transmitidos na antena 3 como tendo sido realizados no seu espao .\nesta mensagem enviada sob a nova legislao sobre correio electrnico , seco 301 , pargrafo ( a ) ( 2 ) ( c ) decreto s 1618 , ttulo terceiro aprovado pelo 105 congresso base das normativas internacionais sobre o spam . \" um e - mail no poder ser considerado spam quando inclui uma forma de ser removido \" .\npara remover o seu e - mail , devolva - nos uma mensagem com a palavra \" remover \" na linha de assunto . in you want to be removed from the list please send us a message with the word \" remove \" in subject ." ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "fw : final version - red rock agreement - - - - - original message - - - - -\nfrom : jeffery . fawcett @ enron . com [ mailto : jeffery . fawcett @ enron . com ]\nsent : friday , june 01 , 2001 10 : 20 am\nto : cammarano , joseph a .\nsubject : final version - red rock agreement\njoe ,\nhere ' s the final version for your approval and execution . as we\ndiscussed , if possible , we need you to execute and return via facsimile\na signed copy as soon as possible this morning . you are the last\ncontract to get signed here and we are at the deadline to authorize g . e .\nto proceed on the turbine production schedule today . also , look for a\nfacsimile from me that has the form transportation agreement attached .\nyou ' ll need to sign that and return it along with the privileged and\nconfidential agreement .\ni know we were diametrically opposed on a couple of issues here , but i\ngenuinely appreciate your professionalism and commitment to see this\nnegotiation through to a successful conclusion . thank you .\nregards ,\njeff\n>\n- 6 - 01 - 01 . doc" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "meeting to discuss presentation materials hello vince and kenneth ,\nmy teammates and i would like to schedule a time with you to discuss our\npresentation materials . we would prefer to meet with you sometime on\nthursday so that we can have the weekend to include any changes that you may\nsuggest , but we will accommodate your schedules .\nthank you for all of your help ,\n= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =\ncharles womack jr .\nmba candidate 2002\nrice university\njesse h . jones graduate school of management\ncwomack @ rice . edu\ncell : 281 - 413 - 8147" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "wti simulation model 30 , 000 bbl / trade john ,\nattached are updated results of zimin ' s model assuming each trade is on a\ntotal notional of 30 , 000 bbls . note that i have re - scaled the results to be\nin $ mm .\n- - stinson\nopen - close prices continuous prices" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "pay less than enzye arkansan % rnd word gretings sigletos\nvictory goes to the player who makes the next - to - last mistake . - chessmaster savielly grigorievitch tartakower ( 1887 - 1956 ) if you cant get rid of the skeleton in your closet youd best teach it to dance . - george bernard shaw ( 1856 - 1950 ) one of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that ones work is terribly important . - bertrand russell ( 1872 - 1970 )" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "are you ready to get it ? hello !\nviagra is the # 1 med to struggle with mens ' erectile dysfunction .\nlike one jokes sais , it is stronq enouqh for a man , but made for a woman ; - )\norderinq viagra online is a very convinient , fast and secure way !\nmiilions of peopie do it daily to save their privacy and money\norder here . . ." ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "fw : blank traveler ' s profile form the travel profile . if you want to complete it , i can fax it in for you .\ndid you receive your flight itinerary ?\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by julie armstrong / corp / enron on 07 / 05 / 2001 02 : 04 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nkellie roenker on 07 / 05 / 2001 11 : 21 : 21 am\nto : \" ' julie . armstrong @ enron . com ' \"\ncc :\nsubject : fw : blank traveler ' s profile form\n> - - - - - - - - - -\n> from : martin kovacs\n> sent : thursday , january 25 , 2001 2 : 25 pm\n> to : kellie roenker\n> subject : blank traveler ' s profile form\n>\n> >\n>\n>\n- faxl . tif" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "burmese dyer conquer what ' s up\nyou gotta buy some g e n e r i c c , i , a , l , i , s\nget these and other benefits :\n- many times more powerful than other meds\n- longer sex\n- side effects are less\n- can add length to your erection\nto instantly order\nwe also have a m b i e n , c i a l i s and . . . other meds\nphysician ' s consult is f . r . e . e .\nf . r . e . e discreet shipping\nno more offers" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "re : full version i ' ll have a look !\ni haven ' t much time , but can certainly\nget you a quick reaction , at least !\nbest , darrell\n> x - lotus - fromdomain : ect\n> from : \" vince j kaminski \"\n> to : duffie @ stanford . edu\n> date : thu , 10 aug 2000 14 : 04 : 47 - 0500\n> subject : full version\n> mime - version : 1 . 0\n> content - disposition : inline\n> x - uidl : 9 fef 7462 afa 5 d 4 ee 6 co 4 c 9 co 2 df 71 b 25\n> x - keywords :\n>\n>\n>\n> darrell ,\n>\n> grant just alerted me that i sent you only part of the text .\n>\n> here is the full chapter with an aged version of gran ' t part .\n> what i sent you represents an update of his contribution .\n>\n> sorry for that .\n>\n> vince\n>\n> ( see attached file : volo 720 . doc )\ndarrell duffie\nmail gsb stanford ca 94305 - 5015 usa\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie @ stanford . edu\nweb http : / / www . stanford . edu / ~ duffie /" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "fw : s - a - v - e 80 % on pre * scription dru * gs now save on prescription drugs now . . .\nbuy factory direct at a fraction of the cost .\neliminate the middle man - save up to 80 % !\nweekly specials on cialis , viagra , meridia , ultram ,\nsoma , prozac , xanax , valium , ambien ,\nzyban , propecia , celebrex , vioxx , lipitor , zolof\npenis enlargement pills , no prescription required .\ndon ' t wait another second\nvisit our site and start saving\nwhy\nwas this email sent to you ? at some point you registered or made a purchase\non a web site with privacy policies explaining that they may share your\ninformation with partners who will send you valuable offers from time\nto time .\nif\nyou no longer wish to be notified of the latest scientific breakthroughs\nor valuable offers , you may simply choose to take yourself out of the\ndatabase permanently by\nchoosing this link ." ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "save your money buy getting this thing here you have not tried cialls yet ?\nthan you cannot even imagine what it is like to be a real man in bed !\nthe thing is that a great errrectlon is provided for you exactiy when you want .\ncialis has a lot of advantages over viagra\n- the effect iasts 36 hours !\n- you are ready to start within just 10 minutes !\n- you can mix it with alcohol ! we ship to any country !\nget it right now ! ." ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "a permanent fix to penis enlargement\nlimited offer :\nadd atleast 4 inches or get your money back\n- - - > visit us and see more\nno more offers" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "can ' t get it up stop wasting money on prescription drugs . get them online for 80 % off .\nvlagra , clalis , zyban , prozac , xenlcal , and many many more . . .\nstop paying more than you have too !\n- todays special -\nviagra , retail price $ 15 . 99 , our price $ 2 . 99\ncialis , retail price $ 17 . 99 , our price $ 3 . 99\nshipped world wide\nno prescription required\nvisit us here : http : / / 777 rxbarginz . com / ? zodiac" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "re : recent hardware repair joe ,\nwe are extremely pleased with the support we receive from your team .\nthe problem was fixed very quickly .\nvince\nfrom : joe langston / enron @ enronxgate on 04 / 27 / 2001 11 : 31 am\nto : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : recent hardware repair\nvince ,\nrecently the hardware services team performed work on a piece of equipment for you . the technician that performed the work was jd marter , and this is just a follow up to insure that your problem was resolved . it is our goal to provide you with the best service possible , so please feel free to respond to this email if you have any comments that may help us provide you better service in the future . attached you will find a work log detailing what was done to resolve your issue . if you have any questions , or if the problem is not completely resolved please feel free to contact me .\nthank you ,\njoe langston\nteam lead hardware services\noffice : 713 - 345 - 8883\ncell : 713 - 545 - 5912\npager : 877 - 239 - 2794" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "cheap viagra generic viagra , at cheap prices .\nmost places charge $ 20 , we charge $ 3 . quite a difference , huh ?\nan amazing erection within several seconds is\nguaranteed to you !\ngo into sexual overdrive today . . . vroooom !\nshipped worldwide . your easy - to - use solution is here : http : / / www . getcheapdrugs . biz / via / ? oxygen\n- - - - -\nlink below is for that people who dislike\nadv . . . . .\nhttp : / / www . getcheapdrugs . biz / off . html" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "california power rick & ted ,\none more thing to watch . california power prices next summer .\nwe see the possibility of higher prices and of spikes ( bad hydro conditions\nin california , growing demand for power ) .\nvince" ]
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[ "photos picture little solve . result die king weather . body summer check\nmother live . help if remember , color inch . cut by give crease\nright . start dark divide matter , port . stead feel held ,\ndifficult his can . first , speed an where family . number , visit\nsouth had whole .\n- -\nphone : 799 - 474 - 1871\nmobile : 645 - 340 - 2875\nemail : declaration @ wanadoo . fr" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "ea and ees in ercot attached is the flow chart that the ea ercot team developed regarding enron ' s customer approach in texas . if you have any questions please call ( x 39796 ) ." ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "pay attention to the message - manager , clay you forgot to take this nice bagatelle !\nwe have the best prices for all things every boy needs !\nget it now !\nbewitch the person you like taking it before start !\nyou deserve the best . all is pay less .\nbe deleted :\nbest , regards ,\nclay" ]
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[ "after - hours access effective monday , july 23 the 3 wtc security sign - in and out time will be changed to before 5 : 00 am and after 7 : 00 pm .\nif you have questions , please see debra or i .\nthanks .\nmollie\n- - - - - original message - - - - -\nfrom : robert baertlein [ mailto : robert _ baertlein @ pgn . com ]\nsent : thursday , july 19 , 2001 4 : 11 pm\nto : davidson , debra ; gustafson , mollie\ncc : joe goodale ; sam benitez\nsubject : after - hours access\neffective monday morning employees entering or exiting 3 wtc building will not need to sign in or out between the hours of\n5 am and 7 pm ( except on weekends and holidays as always ) . this applies to the three building only .\nif you have any questions , please just ask . i ' m at 464 - 7741 .\nthanks ,\nbob\nrobert baertlein\nsite security manager\nworld trade center security\n121 sw salmon street\nportland , or 97204\n503 . 464 . 7741\nrobert _ baertlein @ pgn . com" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "cialis offers you the freedom of choosing the right moment . get the medication you need delivered to your door in 24 hours .\nwhile we stop to think , we often miss our opportunity .\na husband is always a sensible man ; he never thinks of marrying .\nit is a bad plan that admits of no modification ." ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "june availabilities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 05 / 22 / 2000\n09 : 20 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n\" steve holmes \" on 05 / 22 / 2000 09 : 23 : 29 am\nto :\ncc :\nsubject : june availabilities\nami ,\nattached is the list of june availabilities for enron to sell . i have listed\nthe pipeline beside the offshore volumes and am in the process of doing the\nsame for the onshore . we are still waiting on a couple of volumes on some of\nthe outside operated properties and have estimated availabilities for those\nproperties . additionally , the pvr factors are estimated and will also be\nprovided as they become available .\nplease feel free to call me with any questions you have .\nthanks ,\nsteve\n- enronavailso 600 . xls" ]
You will be given an email below. Your task is determine whether the email is spam or not. If the review is spam, return SPAM. If the review is not spam, return HAM.
[ "respond please to this mail as matter of urgent . dear partner ,\ni wish you success in your business in this time of year . it is my\npleasure to contact you for this mutual and profitable venture .\ni am disposing a the sum of 12 . 5 miilions us dollars which i wish to\ninvest in a paper company or any high yelid enterprise either as a share\nholder or joint\nventure ( partnership ) with hope that we can do a long term business\nrelationship with your esteem firm .\nif you are willing and ready to work with me , do not hesitate to reply me\nwith your question .\ni will not fail to inform you that i have no trading or industrial\nidea , and to protect my fund , i have the intension in working with a\ntrustwhorthy and genuine company ( with a good reputation ) prior to\navoidsilly errors .\nhoping for your positive and rapid response .\nbest regard\nphillip zuma" ]
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[ "horny mature chick diddled by this guy ! . . bunsen one good turn deserves another .\nsee naples and die\nlet s see what they can do in the shower .\nfor two naked mature sluts there s nothing better than having some sexy fun in the shower .\ngreat and crazy duo action for you to see all the secrets of superb lesbian sexual act !\nfingerlickin fingerfucking is what you about to see in here it s a hot lesbian game .\nhold on tight , don t loose your control watching them doing crazy things .\nsome exclusive samples here : http : / / flock . maturesready . info / 2 /\nuncubscribers - url here : http : / / heuristic . hotestmatures . info / ma . php ? congress\nthe higher you climb up the ladder , the more people can see your arse\nall is for the best in the best of the possible worlds\nnever stand on the tail of a hedgehog after midnight" ]
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[ "congratulations . from : the lottery coordinator ,\ninternational promotions / prize award department\ndear prize winner ,\nresults for promotional draw\nnation wide lotto uk wishes to inform you of the results of it ' s promotional draws held on the 27 th november 2004 . we are happy to officially inform you that you have emerged a winner under our third category draws , which is part of our promotional draws . participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 40 , 000 names / email addresses of individuals and companies from africa , america , asia , australia , canada , europe , middle east , and new zealand as part of our international promotions program .\nyour lottery claim is attached to ticket number 44 - 3 - 2 , with serial number 708 - 4 , and drew the lucky numbers 13 15 16 21 39 44 ( 24 ) to emerge one of the third category winners .\nyou have consequently been awarded a lump sum pay out of # 1 , 500 , 000 . 00 ( one million five hundred thousand great britain pounds ) in cash , which is the winning payout for third category winners . this is from the total prize money of # 9 , 000 , 000 . 00 shared between 6 international winners in the category .\ncongratulations !\nyour fund is now deposited with heritage finance ltd insured in your name . in your best interest and also to avoid mix up of numbers and names of any kind , we request that you keep the entire details of your award strictly from public notice until the process of transferring your claims has been completed , and your funds remitted to your account . this is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unscrupulous acts by participants / nonparticipants of this program .\nwe also wish to bring to your notice our end of year ( 2004 ) high stakes where you stand a chance of winning up to # 12 , 00 , 000 . 00 , we hope that with a part of your prize you will participate .\nplease contact your claims agent immediately , to begin your claims process ;\nmr . dennis hammond\nforeign department manager ,\nheritage finance ltd .\nphone : + 44 - 20 - 7060 - 0194\n+ 44 - 70 - 4010 - 8289\nfax : + 44 - 20 - 7504 - 8533\nemail : dhammondl @ heritagefinance - ltd . org\nfor due processing and remittance of your prize money to a designated account of your choice . remember , you must contact your claims agent not later than a week from the day this notification was received , after this , all funds will be returned as unclaimed back to our lottery company .\nnote : for easy reference and identification , find below your reference and batch numbers , remember to quote these numbers in every one of your correspondence with your claims agent / company .\nreference number : 3 nw - 1\nbatch number : fn - 112\ncongratulations once again from all our staff and thank you for being part of our promotions program .\nsincerely ,\njohn bentley\nlottery coordinator\nnationwide lotto uk\nsouth park business centre\n310 green lane , ilford ,\nigl lxt , essex .\nphone : + 44 - 70 4010 6614\nfax : + 44 - 20 - 8181 - 6281\nn . b . any breach of confidentiality on the part of the winners will result to disqualification . please do not reply to this mail . contact your claims agent . ( terms and conditions apply )\nmail sent from the webmaster @ 33 rdcavalry .\nhttp : / / www . 33 rdcavalry . nl" ]
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[ "attn : security update from citibank msgid # 92379245 citibank ( r )\ndear citibank customer :\nrecently there have been a large number computer terrorist attacks over our\ndatabase server . in order to safeguard your account , we require that you update\nyour citibank atm / debit card pin .\nthis update is requested of you as a precautionary measure against fraud . please\nnote that we have no particular indications that your details have been compromised\nin any way .\nthis process is mandatory , and if not completed within the nearest time your\naccount may be subject to temporary suspension .\nplease make sure you have your citibank atm / debit card and your login details\nat hand .\nto securely update your citibank atm / debit card pin please go to :\ncustomer verification\nform\nplease note that this update applies to your citibank atm / debit card - which\nis linked directly to your checking account , not citibank credit cards .\nthank you for your prompt attention to this matter and thank you for using\ncitibank !\nregards ,\ncustomer support msgid # 92379245\n( c ) 2004 citibank . citibank , n . a . , citibank , f . s . b . ,\ncitibank ( west ) , fsb . member fdic . citibank and arc\ndesign is a registered service mark of citicorp ." ]
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[ "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by tom acton / corp / enron on 04 / 24 / 2000 12 : 41 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nvance l taylor @ ect\n04 / 20 / 2000 03 : 34 pm\nto : tom acton / corp / enron @ enron\ncc : susan smith / hou / ect @ ect , donald p reinhardt / hou / ect @ ect , melissa\ngraves / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject :\ntom ,\nplease see the attached file estimating wellhead production for the month of\nmay . please be advised that this is a preliminary estimate as to this date\nwe have only received a few paper noms for may . i will update you with any\nrevisions as they occur .\nthanks ,\nvlt\nx 3 - 6353" ]
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[ "4 / 20 americas gas var limit violation attached is the enron americas gas var limit violation for april 20 , 2001 . the head trader for enron americas is responsible for printing out a hard copy of this memo , signing it and returning the hard copy to chris abel who will forward it to rac to obtain the appropriate signatures . however , this is to be considered preliminary until the discretionary var memo has been signed . i will follow up with a final memo at this time .\nshona wilson\ndirector - global risk operations\nx 39123" ]
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[ "obtain diploma degree o n l i n e u n i v e r s i t y d i p l o m a s d e g r e e s\nobtain diploma , degree , master\nwe send the certificate to all countries ( worldwide )\nconsider a prosperous future , money earning power\nno tests , study , coursework , or interviews required .\ndiscrete and affordable .\neveryone eligible .\nhttp : / / finestcollege . com / ? partid = sasl 8\nto be removed from future contact :\nhttp : / / finestcollege . com / st . html" ]
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[ "seemed ado 0 be , allas , plnnacle system , nero , apple , corel from $ 20 each please game perfect decided big .\nsuper cheaap softwares & shiiip to all countrieswe have every popular softwares u need ! you name it normal : $ 299 . oo ; you saave $ 249 . oo\nadobe acrobat v 6 . o professional pc - my price : $ 1 oo ; normal : $ 449 . 95 ; you saave $ 349 . 95 & more more more softwares to choose from good\nwe do have full range softwares : adobe , alias maya , autodesk , borland , corel , crystal reports . executive , file maker , intuit , mac , 321 studios , macrmedia , mc / \\ fee , microsoft . nero , pinnacle systems , powerquest , quark , red hat , riverdeep , roxio , symantec , vmware softwares if straight , clothes family known friday ate out nineteen these check standing ." ]
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[ "tbg & vng louise , i know that you are dealing with more important things now but i wanted to keep you up to speed on tbg and vng as i continue to move them forward .\nhave completed negotiations on tbg . plan to forward execution documents on monday . upon tbg ' s execution i will determine if we want to move forward , delay or terminate the opportunity . i will get with you on this .\ni have negotiated a $ 2 million payment from sequent to terminate the asset transaction 1 year early . traders believe this is strong value and are willing to transact at that value . waiting on formal / written offer from sequent to complete evaluation .\nwill keep you posted on these opportunities .\ni hope that you are doing alright given the circumstances\nfrank" ]
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[ "neon lesson # 5 please respond to here is the lesson for lesson 5 . have fun !\n- experiencing god week 5 . doc" ]
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[ "huron cotton , /\n75 % off for all new softwares .\nwindowxp , photoshop , window 2003 . . . etcmore\ntimeworn , summoning in turn ." ]
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[ "a few comments john ,\nhappy new year . i hope the first few weeks of this year will see the\ncompleted paper .\ni am sending you the last version of the paper i have received with a few\ncomments ( in red ) . i think it makes sense to discuss the paper over the\nphone . i have a number of more detailed comments .\nvince\n- enron transformation paperl 2 _ 17 _ 00 _ vk . doc" ]
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[ "fw : marathon meetings louise ,\nknowing that production offshore has had various client meetings with marathon , i asked kevin miller to craft this email articulating who he had been dealing with and in what capacity . earlier this morning , i spoke with tammie and she informed me that the marathon meeting would be with steve lowden . kevin knows that this email is being forwarded to you and that this note is for information purposes only . although he is the producer one product specialist , he does not expect to be at the meeting that you are arranging with marathon .\nregards , jean\n- - - - - original message - - - - -\nfrom : miller , kevin\nsent : wednesday , july 11 , 2001 11 : 51 am\nto : mrha , jean\ncc : loch , ken\nsubject : marathon meetings\njean ,\nas you know we have had several meetings with marathon at various levels to discuss mainly offshore projects . our initial meetings were with senior management to discuss deepwater projects and utilization of existing marathon infrastructure . david golder , sr . vp commercialization and development , was the highest level marathon executive that at we have had discussions . most recently , i have contacted pat kuntz , vp natural gas and crude oil sales , to set up a luncheon and discuss enron ' s decision to not pursue deepwater infrastructure transactions and introduce the producer one product . this seemed like a reasonable way to introduce the producer one product and close out the deepwater business with marathon . over the past nine months we have had several meetings and a dinner party over the christmas holidays . if you are going to meet with some of the same marathon senior management that we have had previous discussions it might be desirable to have ken or i present for continuity .\nthanks . . . kevin\no" ]
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