Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
'your marker teacher'.i looked at him n just burst out laughing i swear these kids will never take me seriously πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Need your help guys 😊 survey for a friend
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
You're page is full of make up. It's a valid question. But you probably prefer to be smashed and dashed
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE PANDERIFIC PANDA IK. I hope you have an amazing day Oli i love u so much and i ❀️ur vids they make me πŸ˜ƒ
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Look upon mine #affliction & my ​​​#pain​; & forgive all my sins. -Ps 25:18
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
When you just don't know where to go or what to do next.. in life..πŸ€” #lost
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
If Presidential run is as bad as his appearance in #Baywatch neither party need fear his run. That's $8 I'll never get back #crap
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
work is going to kill me and 5 o'clock is nowhere near 😟
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Nigga write me talking bout I dreamt about you, cool I hope I was haunting you in a nightmare
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Good Morning Tuesday! No crap today please πŸ˜ƒ #tantrums #toddler #cuddly #struggles #3 #10 #PMA
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
People were always afraid that stodgy squares would kill rock and roll, but the only legitimate threat was ever child choruses.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I literally love Paul so much #BB19 #pissed πŸ˜‚
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
My new favourite #film with out a shadow of a doubt it #Okja #beautifull #funny #sad #emotional #real #Netflix #MUSTWATCH #now
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Conte is furious with his board, wants all of them or he quits.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Okay I seriously don't know how this whole twitter thing works #lost
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Three retweets of dumb Fox shit and one original tweet that is a blatant lie from SCROTUS this morning--nada about his wretched offspring. 🀣
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Afraid of no one an no one scares me!!! Funk y'all thought image one mans army!! '!
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Because one of them has to be wrong :) we just want to believe it's H&M haha πŸ™ƒ
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Alright Alex and I have party boy neighbors who blast music
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Beware the wrath of an angry, frustrated, #agile grandma with a network. πŸ‘΅πŸΌπŸ˜‘ I'm just sayin'. #objectlesson
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
dropped my birth control on the floor and cant find it cause it blends with the carpet πŸ™ƒ #joy
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Hmm...looks like no one is available to respond. Its like waiting for a #doomsday reply. That #burning question with no #answer
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
you annoy me, your name annoys me, your EVERYTHING annoys me πŸ™ƒ
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Sending love & prayers to the families of Marines lost in the C-130 crash in Mississippi. May our Lord help abate the grief and sorrow
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
'Sleepy' lotion by smells like if a bouquet of lavender and a bunch of toasted marshmallows had a love child. #delicious
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
'When is it going to be that we start to define our own art?' Black music's relationship with literary tradition at Across Cultures #Mix2017
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Hahaha got the same forward !! I want to find the source and teach 🀣
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
#IfOnlyPeopleWould not exist. #humanity #life #ignorance #nature #mothernature #sad #disappointment #smh #personal #opinion #views #animals
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
again i realize some of you may worry about me being gone so long! fear not, for i have made a new life for myself in the sewers,
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning. ~Robert Kiyosaki\n\nAllOutDenimFor KISSMARC
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Yes it is happening. If u have a welding shield u can get a first hand view.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Not only has my flight been delayed numerous times, we have not been provided with a snack cart #horrific
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Interesting briefing this evening to learn how to shape housing policy in #Epsom&Ewell upto 2032 and Cllrs absent
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Very sad and upset and idk :/
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Lost without my Mom 😒 plus tired, sick and full of cold is just another day in paradise..... #upset #unwell #missyoumommybear πŸ’–πŸ’–
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
get to 84 and the intruder alarm is going off... lolz one of the PTs set it off πŸ™ˆ
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
What a miserable piece of shit 😑
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
All this makeup is going on sale....\nBut I ain't got the funds. #heartbreaking
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
You don't know fear until you have clogged the toilet at work and can't find the plunger. #horrifying #bathroom #FirstWorldProblems
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
guess who stayed up until 2am just incase someone called but they never did like i knew already , it's me, mistakes were made
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Definitely something happening today #SolarEclipse2017 #weird #annoyed
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
No DSM shows. #sadness
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
and after i got home in such a horrible mood my mom pissed me off the moment i stepped my feet in the house so i really almost go off on her
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
How has Berger King gotten away with selling absolute πŸ’©for this many years? #terrible
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I click on download on my PC. Message says 'Thank you for downloading #iTunes \nSo, where's the download?! #frustrated
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
sadly #digitakt seems to be out of stock all over Europe. Do you know if any European online store that has it?
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
#revenge marathon has begun ⚑
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Tonight's run.... #restless
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I dont know but you seem to have annoyed her πŸ˜„
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Only halfway through #madeforlove by But it's utterly #brilliant. #Reading it has me laughing out loud.
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Is that the new studio kit? I'd be terrified of pressing the wrong button and launching something dangerous! 😊
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
i feel shy to call you a friend your a sisterπŸ’™πŸ’™
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Send me a FR: Jaygerrr and I'll smoke you on madden when it comes out πŸ˜‚πŸ€™
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Your silence=complicity. Obviously you have no problem with Russian interference. #sad #russianhacking #treason
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Coulda sworn it was Interview With A Vampire. Hmmm......Mandela Effect anyone? \n#interviewwithavampire #annerice #books #horror #ilovevamps
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
omg so grateful to have an education but ive been back at school for 2 (two) days and my back hurts, im exhausted and breaking out already 😍
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Thinking about life this morning and how something is missing. β€” feeling restless
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Bedtime. After a full listen of Lou Reed's album Transformer. Full albums are underrated these days. #back2back #enjoyment πŸ’Ώ 🎢 x
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
' i can't even tell u a lie I felt like u were special, till I realized wassup and left, got u feeling dreadful '
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Won't be watching ESPN anymore, they took Robert Lee off because of HIS name, PC Police, what insanity! more #hatred #bigots #LeftwingNutJob
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Taking time out of our busy to catch the #great #American #eclipse! It is really incredible to see even our partial view! How was your view?
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I'm pale, I no longer wanna laugh, Or smile, All I wanna do is just fucking cry,
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
So #glad all four of our #top picks got through on #AGT
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Just waved daughter and her wee friend off to school, walking by themselves #sob #terrifying!
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Thank you for sharing your concern. Please DM your Jio & alternate number to assist you - Rahul
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
How come quiet well behaved cats and dogs have to ride on a plane in a tiny bag while screaming small humans roam free? #outrage #teampet
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Alaina and I are at 90 days on our snap streak. So?
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
My train is announcing absolutely everything overground station on the network #giggle
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I think I'll eternally be irritated by our LIT teacher πŸ˜‚
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Chelsea and united must be furious
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
#terrible lol I'm kidding
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Am I the only person who is not that excited to go there. Yeah im excited, but im more afraid.Adapting and studying. I dont want to be
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Grass growing simulator is offended
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
A bih be on lock down and shit. #depressing
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
In other words, I don't like the result of the poll so I'm packing up my polls & taking them home while I pout. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜» #bbn
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
felt guilt from playing this game. #horrible #RainbowSixSiege
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
if you wake up somewhere will know some #arsehole has pressed a button ;)
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
not impressed by your customer support. Forcing customers to use fb chat or sms! Very slow. issue is not getting sorted
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
It's a beautiful pout. c:
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
today i feel like an exposed wire dangerously close to another exposed wire and any provocation will fry me
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Coffee\n\nNow something else to worry about.
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
EEEEEKKKK!!!!\nProduct LAUNCH πŸ˜βœ‹πŸ’–\nI'm am literally Bβ€’Uβ€’Zβ€’Zβ€’Iβ€’Nβ€’G!!!\nSingle sachets 😍😍\n \nMessage me for yours! πŸ˜œπŸ™†πŸ’œ#loveyourlifestyle #shakes
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
The greatest happiness is seeing someone you like stay happy - Daidouji Tomoyo [Cardcaptor Sakura ]
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Bastard squirrels. 😑
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Or all of it, with our displeasure pieced, #shakespeare
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Lost my appetite for the past 5 days and I swear I already lost 3 pounds #depressing #at #least #i #will #be #skinny #for #pride #weekend
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
get the fuck over yourselves. we are the most capable and you wanna sit and sulk in your bullshit and fear of failure honestly fuck yourself
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
i can already tell molly tryna be fake above shit so she gon deny dude one time then jump on his offer in the end. #insecure
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
#revenge or #Change . You #ChooseASide for your country #India
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
You would have been raging as it was probably put in place instead of an extra crisp
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
So me and my mom were talking about highschool, I'm shy so she said that she thinks I'm gonna get bulliedπŸ˜’ #shy #me #mylife #moms #bullying
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Okay awak πŸ˜†
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
R.i.p my friend, cant get my head round this, #devastated x
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Why do a certain section threaten war and spit fire and brimstone each time they hear the words β€œrestructuring” and β€œself-determination”?..
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I just watched the video that i took at troye's concert last year during happy little pill and now im crying i miss him 😭
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Sarah is a complete lunatic. How Chad is still giving her his time is beyond me. #cbb #mad #crazy
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I swear to god my husband is gonna get us murdered by someone with road rage because he drives like he's in the Indy 500
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Great...So I got up at 5am only to discover that my Amazon Prime Day deal was $30 more than the regular price. 😑
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
By the case you didnt know...joshuas goin out take the trash out and then play blues at ever us 6.75
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
It's horror stories like that that make me so greatful ☺️