Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
WAIT...Lawrence's friend dragged the fuck outta him!!
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Some people are shady a'f
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
quick note about insta stories how the f do you expect me to read a paragraph of a caption in 1 second ????????????
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Don't fucking tag me in pictures as 'family first' when you cut me out 5 years ago. You're no one to me.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Kid at camp said my inner thigh looked like a slinkyπŸ‘ŒπŸ€£ buddy those are stretch marks!!!! #SummerCamp #offended
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
You would think booking a holiday for 2 you'd be sat next to each other on the bloody plane #fuming 😑
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
They are building a shell command on a server, combining that with user input, and then executing that in a shell on the client. #shudder
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Shooting more than ever, making more mistakes than ever but I jumped in the pool of sharks a long time ago. #relentless *#resilient
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
At a groovy restaurant. Got a cheeseburger and fries. I don't discriminate. Rating; 5/7 #yummy #delicious #politicallycorrect
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Add me on snap Whoa.Jay. #snap #streaks #snapchat #story #friends #add #follow #love #traveling #photography #funny
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
thanks Hollywood, (Depp). all these climate change fanatics using private jets and gas guzzling cars are to blame for this! #outrage
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
It's disgusting. #sick
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
That you have banished your own sadness, the way I am? #somber
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
1/If the Church is being attacked with such fury, and from the inside, that means that the Church is exactly what we need to belong to!
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
And I will eat the end of term chocolates we bought as well! #fuming #doesntdeservethem #mightbedead
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. ~ George Orwell, 1984
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Edinburgh is fucked\nThis city is a nightmare to drive 'round! πŸ˜–\nOne ways, bus lanes, cameras, feckin' trams! Who's idea was that?!
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Can't believe Zain starting secondary this year 😒
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
The same part of roof bar (driver's side) are stolen from Grand Vitara cars. Let it be known. This is really #disheartening #brunei
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
hit by a sudden wave of sadness
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
What happens if you don't want to watch this 'content'? Can't vote then πŸ˜†
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Hiya everyone if you want please #retweet my pin #rt #help #romance #wattpad #hurt #tweet #twitter #thanks
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
You'll pine for my love one day Crabbe
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
#red is #dread love it
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
sir.. will we have the need for umbrella today evening.. sun seems to be stronger to pave way for clouds.. 😟
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Imagine how many ksones are crying right now for not getting tickets 😭 Meanwhile, isones dont even get a chance to go on war for tickets 😭
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Remember your identity is in Christ. Give the sting of rejection to Christ. He’s been there he’s done that and He has the scars to prove it.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
People #honk like #idiots. Culture less indisciplined #Traffic #india #backtoreality #nightmare
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
i just wanna be sober with u
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Lord, we don't understand tragedy. Do what You do best: bring good grom it and comfort those who mourn. Amen
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
When you only meet each other once at an interview and you recognise each other on the streets πŸ™† I don't even know what's your name πŸ˜‚
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
After sleeping past noon, I look out the window to see my hotel has a HOT TUB!!!!! #bliss
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
I got a free Dr.Pepper from the vending machine #awesome
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
At this point I can't tell if I just follow more people in politics on twitter now or if I need new friends. #wheresthefunny #depressing
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I want to digital art so bad, but my dad won't let me use my iPad till exams are over πŸ˜‚
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Today is gonna be terrible I can feel it
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
#PhoenixRally #Deplorables insult and denigrate #JohnMcCain as he struggles with treatment for #glioblastoma #impeach45 incites
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Happy birthday Zanele \nI hope you have a wonderful day πŸ’“ \nπŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Every day I always get a bit sad when I've finished my lunch.
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
How do you feel about new feature #SnapMap πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘β“ #twitterpoll #polls #vote #Poll #Snapchat #twitter #tech #technology
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Wow what's up with #snap πŸ˜²πŸ“ŠπŸ“‰β¬‡#cnnmoney
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Eduardo without injury was honestly amazing like so sad he's not looked at in the right light because of his Injuries.
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
cute smile!
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
#wtf what a #wonderful idea \nyou've all bought your tweets and likes that's pretty pointless for Me #bye #bye #Twat
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
hi bby today was okay i e-mailed design firms for my internship and now i'm nervous ;u; how's your day? :D
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
A make up remover and insect sting relief!
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
We're really not afraid of you all. We find you rather #annoying & #amusing. πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜œπŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Theo's comment at the endπŸ˜‚ do one Tyla. #horrid #loveisland
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Let's hope the ct scan gives us some answers on this lump today #nervous
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
I'm pre happy with my Arcadian run, beat a few people I was scared of
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Had frustration dream that left me utterly f**king furious. Plus side: so angry couldn't sleep, wrote 1500 words. Minus side: still raging!
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Wtf shawty ass on 😀
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
CNN's Wolf Blitzer calls you an American astronaut and you don't correct him? #dissapointed
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
. you're a crook. #joke #thief #bully #wanker #dirty #richbutgarbo
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
happy bday Ruth, hope you have an amazing day πŸ’˜πŸ’˜x
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I'm glad my kids don't fuck with Blac Youngsta. That nigga terrible for our community
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Some peoples thought process can be very alarming. These nasty, common women who will bed another women's man without conscience . . .
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
+++ '#Dearly #beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto #wrath: for it is #written, #Vengeance is #mine; I …' #Romans12v19
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
#OOC Thing is she holds a grudge like mad
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
When you have just about enough in your jar at work for 1/4 of a slice of toast 😩😩 #unhappy
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I never thought I would say this but I really miss Todd πŸ˜₯
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Waste of time had this before nothing gets done. Won't be using you again #awful
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
peplamb: stevenfurtick #comfort all who #mourn, To console those who #mourn in #Zion, To give them #beauty for #ashes, The #oil of #joy for…
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
No better party than #Labour for #lies, #intimidation, #threats & questionable activities, yet somehow they're the #victims? Unbelievable!
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Why the FUCK have i just saw a Game of Thrones spoiler on snapchat? SOME OF US HAVENT SAW IT YET πŸ–•πŸ»πŸ–•πŸ»πŸ–•πŸ»πŸ–•πŸ»πŸ–•πŸ» #arsehole
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Caleb had a nightmare about zombies. I had a dream about freedom.......
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Are u #depressed #hypo #manic #lonely #bored #nofriends #needfreinds #friend I feel chatty I wanna help ppl or just #makefriend 's #dm #moms
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I spotted the fed and all I got was #Ejaculating live bees and the bees are #angry.
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Soon the trailer will have more likes than views πŸ˜†
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Didn't know the cow day thing ended at 7:30 so showed up 30 min late looking like a cow with no sandwich #sadness πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
burning up damn
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
#depressed Today was bitter sweet watching all the kids go back to school made me really miss my babies. I'm so broke #backtoschool2017
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Leviticus 19:14\nYou shall not curse the #deaf or put a stumbling #block before the #blind, but you shall #fear your #God: I am the [1/2]
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
I was thinking about Fergie's music M.I.L.F and seriously, if I'm a mother someday, I'll be a M.I.L.F #lmao #Empowerment #adorable
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
And the United fan boys cover their eyes in horror
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
A #teacher who is attempting to teach without #inspiring the #pupil with a #desire to learn is hammering cold iron. #HoraceMann
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
my mom's work has discounted riot fest tickets for $147/3 days i'm #saddened
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Why does get rudely interrupted by the worst thing ever imaginable?!? Ugggg #irritated
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Remember not to spread #hatred and #fakenews on the internet. Do not abuse #Hashtag10 for spreading #ArabNationalism!
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
When Duane Allman died, I learned to appreciate Stevie Ray Vaughan. True story. #blues #legends
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
People dread a Snapchat streak with me cos the death threats I send to save it
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Happy birthday to you #beautiful Kylie! πŸ€—πŸ˜™β€πŸŽπŸŽ‚πŸ₯‚
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
The next time I go to Lagos I will gate crash somebody's owambe dressed in lace and gele to eat amala and shake my waistπŸ˜‘
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
fuck a nigga feelings till I find a nigga I'm feeling πŸ˜†
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
*on a lighter note*\nGG, Nkaissery & Total Man? The rate at which Jubilee is losing these votes!! 😟
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Hey buddy, I just came by to feed my Venus Flytrap. β€”Sue (S1E13) #glee
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Ash has the weirdest laughter
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Why a #terrorist was given a funeral in #Kashmir as per his #religion? 1000s came in. So #terror does have a religion. #ReligionOfPeace
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Oh what hast thou done to thy configurations? #despair
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Counting on you, Queensland. #StateOfOrigin #Broncos #maroons #blues #NSWBlues #qld
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
since the last episode of fight for my way is airing tonight & taekook will probably watch it together, do y'all think jk might take revenge
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
y'all don't understand. this woman's wrath is REAL. πŸŒΉπŸ–€
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
No, but I'm planning on it before September 😊
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
wow :o this was included in the playlist #awesome
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Proverbs 8:13\nThe #fear of the #Lord is to hate #evil; Pride and #arrogance and the #evil #way And the perverse #mouth [1/2]
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
very very irritated 😐
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
i excepted the eclipse to make me believe in an omniscience force #dissapointed
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
#loveisand next time there's a dumping get #Olivia out of there! She's #dreadful and not good for Chris
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Fucking fuming is an understatement
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Are we making the dark, darker or are we shining the light of Jesus into the dark.\n #Jesus #light #shine