Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
YES!! I love making my own coffee drinks at home! #super !!
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Max Β£1 bet #crap
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
at one point this is what i wanted rba sa? hahaha pero di jud oy di jud ☹ what if ga humss ta? 😭
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Anyone else find it really difficult to stop yourself from making a really petty tweet when ur absolutely raging about something ? 😬
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚\nU mean overprice English clubs\nReal Madrid see bayern as no threat then look πŸ˜‚
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
bought a ticket from Harlow T to Heathrow from ticket machine and it was not accepted by Heathrow express #fuming
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
I'll be cheering you on from the bench
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Once she said you are my world, now she is saying not only you exist in the earth. #pain #heartbreaking
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
You do know when most people refer to the hair as β€œlawn” they mean down there right?? 🀣
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I am furious that these passive smokers are huffing all my cig smoke without contributing to the cost of a packet #outrage
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
People look the other way rather than to stick to what is right and just. #sadthought #dismayed
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Ya, writes horror so everything today in the world looks normal to this dark individual
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
An ignominious end ... they changed everything from analog to digital! 😱 IKR? Everyone who still had an analog phone *had* to
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Just asked someone for help and to low key be my mentor #adulthood #anxiety
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Absolutely love but can't listen to it during my commute on the subway because I burst out laughing and people stare!
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Are people becoming more annoying or am I becoming more angry?! πŸ˜©πŸ˜’πŸ˜•\n#introvertproblems
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Just one? πŸ˜„ Cress and Thorne from the Lunar Chronicles. Good character arcs + absolutely adorable.
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Thank you, for using the Afghanistan policy of #44... he was pretty smart! \n\nP.S. Do not look directly at the sun! #bad
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
I hope didn't scare other people who owned this figure that he will move at midnight πŸ˜‚
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
I forgive everyone. It's rare for me to hold a grudge.
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
#moist people aren't #offended by a little typo.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Fuming with always awful customer service given. #fuming #angry #shitservice
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
beyond a joke! So #furious right now you have left my niece, sister and brother inlaw completely in the dark! Crap customer service
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
You want to know why I was laughing? It was a #solemn occasion, that's why. And she was always laughing, wasn't she? #VSS365
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Never stay silent or let anyone intimidate you into silence. Lets make the world a better, safer place for kids #wallofsilence
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Casper, Wyoming is just about to witness totality 🌝🌚 #amazing #Eclipse2017
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Thousands of pickled certified ostrogoths ! #angry
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
On that note, petition to take HPE for .5 credits so your horrific grade in there matters less. #ORUFreshmenAdvice
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Summertime sadness
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Who even knew that the Eu could be vindictive.
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
When lil bro refills your water bottle cause it's a desert when I sleep... #cheering #lazysis
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I woke up too moody who gon Die today 😠
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
#congress start charging back the dems #for taxpayers money waisted #pissed off with u
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
They are adorable !!! I need them all 😭
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Why is an alarm clock going 'off' when it actually turns on? #alarm #alarmclock #ThursdayThoughts
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I'm feeling bad for the family dog. #nightmare
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Feeling #restless today for some unknown reason
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Then he will speak to them in his wrath, and terrify them in his fury, saying 'As for me, I have set my King on Zion, my holy hill.'
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I'm not picky, guys are just intimidated by me... and I don't let dudes run over me or run my life and finances. If u can't respect that bye
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
#Women#Powerful#Sentiment\nChibok is NIGERIA #concern
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Just what in the hell is that supposed to mean? #offended j/k :cD
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I loved you even when everyone told me it was a bad choice πŸ˜• #wish #you #stayed #away
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Siward, with him #father to #anger; blunt not confessing #MacduffWasGoing
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Happy US Publication day Riley!! So excited for you and for everyone who is yet to read the amazing #FinalGirls #TwoDaysForπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Indeed 😲\nAlways a #worry for our #homeland #Gibraltar #Spain \n#Tale or #foretelling #future\n#great #short #story
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
#F3Roswell #Preblast\nI've been handed the keys to Roswell Area Park. See you in the gloom. Be ready to slip & slide at 0530
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Sir, people need revenge
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
#pissed Hate losing more than Montrezl Harrell Why have meteorologists been so impressive after that pick.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I hate you.\nI want to know how you feel about me though. Because I want you to like me so I can break you.\n#darkerside #revenge #wasteoftime
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I've used almost half of my printing money and it's the first day of the semester. #pissed
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
OMG! Are you kidding me with this? I thought Pence was bad but they had to go even farther!
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I just tore my 2nd meniscus in 2 months what the fuck have you accomplished. But seriously, reaching maniacal laughter pain/WTF, self?-ness
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
No offense but I was team cap in civil war but I understood some of Tony's reasoning
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
#happiness can be found, created or curated.\n\n#depression #DepressionAwareness #Depressed
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Some jurono play very smart dont support truth but give opinion in a way tht ensures government dont feel offended
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
What's wrong is always available so is what's right, you decide on what to focus. #success
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Thx Netflix for making me hooked on Fosters!!! #anxiety #crying #cantturnitoff
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
What are some good #funny #entertaining #interesting accounts I should follow ? My twitter is dry
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
In this state of #terror, you are far more susceptible to #addiction. πŸ€”\n\nAlso more likely to spend your #money in attempt to feel better.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
i know i have been ranting these for days, but fuck how can they dub weightlifting so poorly? 😠
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Elle: a delicious, dark, perverse work of intrigue, streaked with cruel humour. Superb performance from Isabelle Huppert. A one off #ElleDVD
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
We have a GLOBAL problem: Illicit trade in #tobacco products presents a serious #threat to public #health. #UNTobaccocontrol
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
And then when you tell those people, they’re wrong in their stance, they want to get mad and start bullshit. I don have time.
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
huddling before flames\ndon't let poetry scare you\nproduction is wild\n#haiku
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
reminds me a little of Monster (though on a tiny scale) and it has one of the most genuinely horrific villains I've ever seen
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
One of my clients just said that my look reminded her of Kim Kardashian! Oh shoot hey now! Watch out...\nNot bad.. okay #flattered
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
I always preferred the quiver
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
'I smile. I laugh. \nBut behind it, is a mysterious me.'
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
When you took off for expo but the flight you need is sold out 😭😭😭 So no expo for me
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I'm a talkative person but how does the scowl on my face at 7 am lead my neighbors to believe that now is the time for conversation?
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
One chair is having the munchies. Are Alpacas edible? #afraid #WhattheFAC #SalientFAC #Salient2017
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
I dont know if i'm able to take care of kids or not. Duduk dengan anak sepupu (boy) pun dah menguji kesabaran πŸ˜…
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Crown? Teaching the kiddies to have a flutter?
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
#AmarnathTerrorAttack saddened to hear this ....need to take strict action against #terrorism ...
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
going back to work today is so depressing
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Today, no matter how desperate or dire your situation nothing is too difficult for God. (Jeremiah 32:27) #JustBreath #HeIsAble #Believe
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Russia , Russia Russia, Know any other word??? It gets old folks. We need to work together. Dems having tantrums!!!
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Β« crouch, as though she is about to attack. She launches herself into the air towards me and explode in tiny dazzling orbs of Β»
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
do you have the first peppa pig vid with come out ye black and tans handy? obviously lost online with the old page :(
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
max is lit af he rly put up w my dumb ass for abt two yrs ol boy deserves an award <3 i lov him sm hes a delight & a half
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
The hype is real. #SagasOfSundry #dread is amazing.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
We are hard-pressed on everyside, yet't crushed; we are perplexed but't in despair; persecuted, but't forsaken; struck down, but't destroyed
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
This thread is a bunch of Putin lovers rejoicing over a video posted by Iranian state television. Sad!
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
JaredKushner & IvankaTrump are called senioradvisors,but are more like #caregivers who try to moderate dads outbursts of #narcissistic #rage
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
House sitting for MIL. Feeding baby @ 3.45 and cat starts scratching at door. Mummy now needs a nappy :S #terrified #NeverAgain #nope
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I'm sorry but it just feels wrong to have an All-Star Game without #Bryzzo there. #depressing #ASG2017
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
dude, you're killing it on KSR #hilarious #AradioNatural
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
stand on ze point! standing near ze hurting. good to lose. zhe flesh is exciting! oh ho hoh! zhat book certainly seems angry!
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
season 6 #glee
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Yaaaaaaaaaaaas!!!! Scotty Sinclair #wonderful #magical
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Adam Sandler is actually super hilarious & all his movies are funny & heartwarming
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
'A #nation is a #society #united by #delusions about its #ancestry and by common #hatred of its #neighbors.' #Fact #TeamFollowBack
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Mon the Blues! #origin #queenslandvsnsw #blues #hayneplane πŸ”΅πŸ”΅πŸ”΅πŸ”΅πŸ”΅πŸ”΅πŸ”΅
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
increasingly I am. Corbyn would screw us with his ideology. Don't expect tories to do it through sheer incompetence. #grim
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I am a terrible person. I have a viscerally negative reaction to Big Bird's new voice on Sesame Street. #shudder #nope
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Sad to hear interviews w/ Trump voters, now terrified abt losing healthcare\n\n#npr #cnn #HuffPostPol #nyt #WaPo #AP_Politics #BBCnews #msnbc
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
It's 2017 and there still isn't an app to stop you from drunk texting #rage
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
When people tell me they're a huge fan of #LordOfTheRings, but they've never read any of the books...\n\n#sadness #despair #misery #covfefe
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
This is β˜€οΈthis is clouded sky πŸŒ₯πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ½
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Words may sting. But silence is what breaks the heart.