Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
A little positivity for a dreary Tuesday. From my little jar of positivity now available in my #Etsy store #selfhelp #HandmadeHour #anxiety
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Man, don't believe the hype, this #DJKhaled comp is garbage. #sad #terrible #trumpofhiphop
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
OMG my darling best friend's hubbie died today whilst on holiday abroad. #shocked #tears #grief #sosad
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
better care about yourself than about others because others wont care about you #lonely #sad #depressed
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Beautiful morning at the beach on Anna Maria Island with my wife. #vacation #blessed #happy
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
love getting 5 hours of sleep, and then getting woken up to HORRID allergies. Oh good morning, world. #allergy #wonderful
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Best evening adult drink w/chocolate #satisfaction is DARK hot chocolate + chili powder + cinnamon + whiskey #delicious β˜•οΈ
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
what will we do when #GoTS7 is over? im starting acknowledging #endoftheworld #GameOfThrones #dontleaveusjustyet
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
'How We Are Ruining America' By this liberal lip service pointing out an inequity that they protect while feigning indignation for all.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
apparently u left a calling card... @ which address cos it certainly wasn't the address u were supposed to be delivering 2!!! #awful
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Some people are so irrational! #irritated πŸ˜’
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Library vendors sometimes really irritate me, esp. when a new owner has little commitment to what was once a great product + poor manners.
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
'The happiest moments in life are not actually spent laughing or smiling the whole time with so many people around.'\n#JonaxxBBTWKab39
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Those people's #crying who don't usually cry is really #gloomy
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Tooth was not lettin me sleep last night #restless
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Here in South Bend, IN, Quad Cities River Bandits leading the SB Cubs 3-0. Organist v fond of 'Master of the House' from 'Les Miz.' #sadly
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
UGH I can't even contain my excitement!! 😍
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
its horribly gloomy out rn and im flourishing
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I love #tattoos but seriously #justtattooofus that's just #revenge & it's #permanent for life not sure it's worth the #5mins of fame πŸ€”
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Music is so empowering. \nit can literally bring people tears, smiles, laughter, and so many emotions
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Stated at home the whole day, no eat, no enough sleep, chest and body aching. πŸ˜₯
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
happy birthday love!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ i hope you're having the best day, i'm glad we metπŸ’•
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Soooo we need longer episodes πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ˜«πŸ˜« #insecure
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
i'll never delete someone off facebook. it gives them a satisfaction that someone intimidated and i most certainly am not.
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
One arm around my waist, hand down my crouch to pull me towards yourself with. You behind my back, jeans around your ankles you inside
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
September? Really? 😒
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I am so stressed today I have time so if they drop it, it would be so nice. 😒
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
So I now have 3 pairs of shit arsehole neighbours; Any advice? #noisy #norespect #bigbuilding #awful #killinginthenameof
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Make her burst into laughter bcs of you.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I went so deep into my thoughts that I started shaking. I real deal upset myself to that point of anxiousness.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I don't even read the news anymore is to depressing
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Then dont disappoint them πŸ˜‚
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Are you #different?! Don't be #afraid, just keep #calm and be what you are :)
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
This officer is a hero! πŸ‘ #dogs_of_instagram #adorable #doglovers
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Yeah i might look weak when i forgive, but you know what? I pity more on those who hold the rage, hatred & revenge inside.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Cyclist slams breaks to pace it to traffic lights. I slam car breaks&tell him careful nearly ran him over=all the cussing #charming #bulwell
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Are u going to see her in the airport? πŸ˜ƒ
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ i love ur angry comments
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Always saddens me when marriage doesn't work. It's never helps when people get involved and start twisting things too..
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
'She's alway been an achiever'\nI feel like I'm not.\n #thoughts
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Not like that.. You said you wanna leave for a while and come back soon. I don't look for you bcs i'm afraid i'll annoy you..
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
#sad #realDonaldTrump #faketweets: Working hard to get the Olympics for the United States (L.A.). Stay tuned! #cnn
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Received an award at work today.. doesn't mean I need to go up on stage... I'm good thanks. Let me just do my work. #stagefright #shaking 😳
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
I'm shaking in my boots now. The Taffia are in full flow πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
there would likely have been signs. But let her grieve. It's not your yen yen yen, after all.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I really want a fucking knife that I'm not afraid to use!
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Can't sleep!! Maybe #worry !!!!!! Or Maybe I need to Chang my pillow !! Maybe..!😏
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Can't pretend that I was perfect leaving you in fear #revenge πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
When you're leaving for work and your husband is still sound asleep in bed... πŸ˜… can I just stay home?
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
> She strikes out again, a slap, then another, advancing, furious, spitting every word. 'Dosph'nathaΒ waelaΒ lothaΒ ligrrΒ lu'dos>
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Happy bday . You legit the big sister I never had 😌 have an amazing day dude πŸ™πŸ½
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I was wondering earlier how much NPD rage has been slung at Jr. because he's not as cocky as usual. Lol Hopefully a lot.
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
You choose your mood on weather you're going to be a #blessing or be rude..
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I still think of you\njust to check\nif it still hurts.\nYes, it does!πŸ’” #selenophile😌😌😌
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
#PMDD symptoms: Feelings of #sadness or #despair, or even thoughts of suicide.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
#TrumpRally : divisive, rude, incoherent. This man is truly insane. #terrifying #ridiculous I am an Arizonan Against Trump.
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Well, thank you. Sincerely 😊
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
They are my hetero guilty pleasure πŸ˜‚
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
12 PM Reminder: You are ok. You are safe. Don't panic. #anxiety #calm #panic
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
If you're nervous about tomorrow's #Origin game, just remember, if it's a decider next year it will again be the 'biggest game of all time'
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
'First they #ignore you , then they #laugh at you , then they #fight you , then you #win' #Gandhi
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Genuine refugees are terrified of authority figures. They wouldn't provoke them like this mob.
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
You can clearly appreciate the sub-harmonics in both...-ONEπŸ’―πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸΏ
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
the emoji movie doesnt have a midnight premiere where i live this is an attack #EmojiMovie #midnightpremeire #outrage
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
We miss James Comey....he seemed to bring some order to the horrific chaos. We pray for you dear American friends... and Trump voters!
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Guess who got a ghd nowπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ no need to dread coming up and getting ready in mine with my boots straighter
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Should I be flattered that locals keep asking if Im Swedish? #Swedish #beautiful #Europe
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I'm so sorry\nfor so many things\nI never say it\nmy burden to bear\nSo tired of talking\neven dreams grow stale\nMadness a relief\nto my #despair?
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
is a bully. plain and simple.
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
'my own mistakes?' Grisk asked - well, more of a growl 'My mistakes meant that I could /learn/ from them and improve!'
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Skyq is πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ but it's about time sorted there internet out! #dreadful
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Bitch do not offend me.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Majka didn't start :(
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Idiot, says dumb stuff about his idiot son. #shocking #TheAppleDoesntFallFarFromTheTree
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Sam all she fuckin said was about you meeting her rents on Friday which WAS GOING TO HAPPEN ANYWAY YOU DICK #cbb #cbbfinal #arsehole
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
McCain is revolting
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Nothing fuels my daily anger and hatred like a bus driver who stops at a yellow light
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
don't worry we will take revenge u plan to run naked first .. when r u doing it ... We are showing ur hypocrisy
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Why am I listening to Trump when #BachelorInParadise is suppose to be on...get this crap off my TV! #ugh
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Who is terrorist? A person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
ㅀ❬ ❭\nγ…€γ…€γ…€β€” know what else to use to make you stop sulking..” He sighed heavily, before putting on a weary expression.
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
I want to snatch that beanie πŸ™ƒ tbh I'm kinda scared as well πŸ˜‚
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
It's hard to get me mad but when I'm mad I hold a grudge
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
#UKVI why are you so difficult to access? And why on earth am I being charged exorbitant amounts to understand about my visa status?! #crap
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Trump's a Magician.\nBut the Prestige keeps being NOTHINGBURGERS AGAIN\nAnd the idiots keep foaming at the mouth in packs over it..
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
U r but idk to what extent u can go with teasing me πŸ˜ƒ u love it too much.
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
no offense but one of my friend watches you and calls you his 'Synpie' which i have no idea why but, he watches your videos
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I start my day thanking my stars. Then I see my colleague walk away early (notice period- honeymoon scenes) and I wonder 'WHY GOD WHY !'
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
horrified to learn that I cant change/exchange by flight to Lisbon 6 weeks before departure!!!! #omegaflightstore Β£200
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
It's not length, it's A #gnawing #sense of #dread.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
#sorrow of the #world produces #death. [2/2]
Can you write a tweet with a friendly tone?
Happy Anniversary!! Have a great day!!
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
He will be jeered even more by next year. Doesn't seem to get it that every last European including Brits think he is dreadful
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Day 10 !!!! #milestone #sober slept 12 hours last night rather than my usual 6 my body made me had no choice.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
#DeMario was a player but even an allegation of #sexualassault will ruin a life. Be damned sure it's true. #heartbreaking
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
It's kay. They were my main healer/caster in HW...but not for SB (for now) sadly.
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
I haven't read the Constitution and I don't know you're Canadian. #sad
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
#MiamiBryce asks Buck about Dak Prescott live during ASG. And DC sports talk radio producers get to take the rest of the night off. #outrage
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
Maybe Don Jr isn't dumb but wants to take revenge on his dad?
Can you write a tweet with a controversial tone?
idk why i been so bad at talking to ppl lately 😩 like something is literally holding me back but i can’t pinpoint what it is 😞