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SCP-013-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
<strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-013-ARC
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Euclid</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> SCP-013-ARC is housed at Sector-19 in a small, circular chamber. In the presence of SCP-013-ARC, all personnel must refrain from speaking loudly or making excessive noise. Personnel attending the artifact should be replaced every four hours, with no fewer than seven (7) individuals in attendance at all times.</p>
<p>In consideration of the item's unique nature and attributes, psychological consultants have devised a "Piety Test" of comparable reliability to official intelligence quotient or empathy tests; attending personnel should be selected in strict accordance to their scores on this test. In light of previous mishaps, any attempt to circumvent or disregard this protocol is subject to severe discipline.</p>
<p>In the event that SCP-013-ARC attempts to leave its containment chamber, approved personnel should address it in a calm tone and respectfully request that it return to its chamber. This strategy has effectively secured the artifact in containment in the majority of prior instances.</p>
<p>However, in the event that SCP-013-ARC does not respond to verbal entreaties, the artifact should be closely surrounded by all approved attendants, and in addition by every available personnel professing religious faith. Upon surrounding the artifact, attendants should observe a full three minutes of silence— alternating with entreaties for the object to return to its chamber.</p>
<p>Under no circumstances may any personnel direct physical violence against SCP-013-ARC, or use physical force in an attempt to move it.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-013-ARC is a roughly spherical object, approximately 80 cm in diameter. Its appearance is metallic and reflective; researchers have not yet managed a conclusive analysis of its composition.</p>
<p>SCP-013 has the ability to move autonomously, and so far appears capable of moving over any solid or semi-solid surface. Rather than rolling, it propels itself forward by an unknown mechanism— hovering approximately 3 mm over the relevant surface. In motion, the object's average speed is approximately 3 m/s. However, in reaction to loud noises or other perceived disturbances, it is capable of launching itself at a speed upward of 300 m/s. In this disturbed state, SCP-013-ARC is capable of selectively dissociating any matter within a 10 mm range into microparticles. Organic matter is affected as completely as inorganic matter.</p>
<p>In its undisturbed state, SCP-013-ARC "allows" the close proximity, even physical contact, of individuals who could be described as "reverent"— or, as the screening test implies, "pious". The artifact does not appear to distinguish between religious faiths, its sensitivity focused on the value an individual has assigned to their personal belief system— and, by extension, to the artifact itself.</p>
<p>All subjects interviewed following successful contact with SCP-013-ARC have described visions of foreign places and events, reflected on the object's surface. Subjects find recalling or articulating the details of these "visions" especially difficult, regardless of their level of education or short-term memory capabilities. Live video recordings of these interactive tests reveal no change to SCP-013-ARC's metallic surface or overall appearance.</p>
<p>While the descriptions of these "visions" seem to vary from individual to individual, comparison of these accounts has revealed important points of similarity. In all likelihood, the "revelation" subjects experience is a visual depiction of creation consistent with their beliefs about the origin of the universe.</p>
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SCP-048-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-048</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Euclid (Neutralized)</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">SCP-048 is to be referred to as Joey. In the event that he is referred to as SCP-048, or an object, "Joey" becomes angry, and often violent if he is not given an apology. Upon receiving an apology, he seems to be immediately appeased, remarking that he forgives the perpetrator, and resuming his usual activities with his standard demeanor.</span></p>
<p><span style="text-decoration: line-through;">SCP-048 is to be given fully furnished living quarters, and any reading, movies, or television he asks for is to be granted, so long as it was released prior to his containment, in 2005. He is also granted access to any literature, movies, or television released after 2005, with permission from Dr. Klein. He is allowed any food or drink he requires, except for alcoholic beverages, and chocolate. Any personnel found to have given SCP-048 the aforementioned items are to be suitably reprimanded.</span></p>
<p><span style="text-decoration: line-through;">SCP-048 is to be allowed access to all areas of the compound, except for other SCP containment areas, and areas with, or near to, exits from the compound. SCP-048 has shown to be friendly, unless provoked by afore mentioned items, or given alcoholic beverages, but will try to escape if given the opportunity. Low level tranquilizer darts are to be used in the event of an escape attempt, and he is to be returned to his cell without the privileges of free roaming, human food, literature, television, or movies for two weeks. In the event of a successful escape, tranquilizer darts are to be used to sedate him, and if necessary, all forms of non-lethal force are temporarily allowed. Upon capture, he is to be returned to his cell without the privileges of free roaming, human food, literature, television, or movies for a full month.</span></p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-048 is a mid sized dog of unknown breed, with distinctive human features, intelligence, and personality. Subject has demonstrated the ability to speak, as well as enhanced physiology for both canines and homo sapiens. Subject claims his name is Joey, but refuses to offer any additional personal information when questioned in an interview. When Joey was allowed access to alcohol he appears to give information much more willingly, but this is not advised, as he becomes violent at the slightest provocation. In such situations, Joey has been observed to be able to move at speeds unrecorded for either dogs or humans, and have great enough jaw strength to bite clear through bone.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum:</strong> Those with Level 2 Security Clearance should see Document 534-A</p>
<p><strong>Document 534-A:</strong> Effects of alcohol on subject SCP-048, better known as Joey the dog.</p>
<p><strong>Enclosed:</strong> Security footage of a poker game involving Joey and several Class D Personnel.</p>
<p><strong>SCP-048:</strong> Gimme a beer will you Jack?</p>
<p><strong>Class D Personnel 1:</strong> Joey, you know I'm not supposed to do that.</p>
<p><strong>SCP-048:</strong> Oh come on Jack!</p>
<p><strong>Class D Personnel 1:</strong> (Laughing) Fine, have the rest of mine.</p>
<p><strong>SCP-048:</strong> (Drinking the beer, and speaking with a noticeable slur) Thanks friend.</p>
<p><strong>Class D Personnel 2:</strong> (Joking) So, Joey, your mom must have been a real bitch, huh?</p>
<p>(SCP-048 disappears from footage)</p>
<p><strong>Class D Personnel 2:</strong> AGH! (Screaming in pain) God, man, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!</p>
<p><strong>SCP-048:</strong> (SCP-048 returns to his seat) It's ok, I forgive you. (Laughs) You're an idiot. Now lets get back to the game, eh boys?</p>
<p>Subject SCP-048 is no longer allowed to fraternize alone with Class D personnel behind closed doors. Alcohol is no longer permitted on site. Suggest that subject not be allowed to wander without armed attendant.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum:</strong> Following multiple incidents in which SCP-048 became violent, the difficulty of maintaining containment, and given the lack of useful research data from this test subject, SCP neutralization was approved on ██-██-████ (reason: inappropriate expenditure of resources). Subject was drugged using a dosage of tranquilizer in his usual evening meal. Upon being rendered unconscious, Dr. ████████ administered a lethal dose of barbituates intravenously. Subject's remains have were remanded to Dr. ████████ for dissection and analysis, following which they were preserved and placed in High Value Item Storage. Any personnel wishing to perform research on the taxidermied remains should contact an L4 supervisor for permission.</p>
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SCP-049-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
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<p>SCP-049, revealing very human-like eyes.</p>
<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-049</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Euclid</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> SCP-049 is to be contained in a secure holding cell in Research Sector-██. SCP-049 is not to be removed from its cell unless approved by a Level Two or higher personnel, before which SCP-049 must be heavily sedated. Even so, at such times SCP-049 is to be accompanied by two (2) armed guards and guided by an iron collar, secured to two (2) iron poles 2 m in length, and held firmly by two (2) Level One or higher personnel while in transit. Any experiments performed on SCP-049 are to be conducted inside of specifically prepared rooms (see document 042-D-3-18).</p>
<p>SCP-049’s cell should be monitored at all times via a security camera. Should any abnormal behavior occur, Doctor ████ is to be alerted at once.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-049 is humanoid in appearance, standing at 1.9 m tall and weighing 95.3 kg; however, the Foundation is currently incapable of studying its face and body more fully, as it is covered in what appears to be the garb of the traditional “Plague Doctor” from 15-16th century Europe. This material is actually a part of SCP-049’s body, as microscopic and genetic testing show it to be similar in structure to muscle, although it feels much like rough leather, and the mask much like ceramic. It was originally discovered in ██████, England, by local police. Mobile task force [REDACTED] responded to a suspected outbreak of [DATA EXPUNGED]. All civilians within a .5km radius were given class A amnestics as part of the initial containment procedure.</p>
<p><span style="text-decoration: line-through;">SCP-049 does not speak</span> (See addendum A-1), although it seems to understand English perfectly well, and is completely docile until it tries to perform surgery. SCP-049’s touch is invariably lethal to humans. After contact with SCP-049’s hand(s), the victim (hereafter referred to as SCP-049-2) suffers [DATA EXPUNGED] and dies within moments. SCP-049 will then attempt to kill all humans it can see in a similar manner, supposedly to avoid interruption, before returning to SCP-049-2. It produces a bag made of [DATA EXPUNGED] containing scalpels, needle, thread, and several vials of an as-yet-unidentified substance, from somewhere within its body (research has been unable to locate these tools when inside of SCP-049 through X-ray and similar techniques) and begins dissecting SCP-049-2, as well as inserting various chemicals into the body. After approximately 20 minutes, SCP-049 will sew SCP-049-2 back up and become docile once more.</p>
<p>After a period of a few minutes, SCP-049-2 will resume vital signs and appears to reanimate. However, SCP-049-2 seems completely without higher brain functions, and will wander aimlessly until it encounters another living human. At that point, SCP-049-2's adrenaline and endorphin levels increase to approximately three-hundred (300) percent as it attempts to kill and ██████ any human beings it can find, before returning to its mindless state and wandering until it comes across more humans. At this stage, termination with extreme prejudice is allowed. Failure to enforce this protocol outside of testing scenarios (see addendum T-049-12) is punishable by termination.</p>
<p>Detailed autopsies of SCP-049-2 have found several unusual substances (along with usual substances in large amounts) within the bodies, including [DATA EXPUNGED]. However, several have yet to be identified (researchers with level 3 or higher authorization, refer to Addendum C-1).</p>
<p><strong>Addendum A-1:</strong> SCP-049 spoke for the first time today, 12-6-20██, addressing Dr. ████. A full account of the conversation is attached.</p>
<p><strong>Interviewed:</strong> SCP-049<br/>
<strong>Interviewer:</strong> Doctor ███████ ████<br/>
<strong>Foreword:</strong> SCP-049 randomly began speaking with no obvious provocation en route to a testing facility. Doctor ████ was recording notes at the time on a handheld microphone. Irrelevant data has been omitted.</p>
<p>SCP-049: “What is this place?”<br/>
Dr. ████: “What? It’s a labo…” [There is a loud crash here, from Doctor ████ dropping the recording device in shock.]<br/>
SCP-049: “A laboratory? It is quite marvelous. I now find it no wonder I’ve seen so few victims of the disease in here.”<br/>
Dr. ████: “Y…eah. You see, I'd thought you incapable of speech. I’m somewhat startled you, um, can.”<br/>
SCP-049: “Oh, my, yes, good sir. I simply prefer not to. Most victims of the disease are quite melancholy and do not react at all well to conversation. I have seen you several times now, and have not detected the disease in you, therefore I assume you are also a doctor?”<br/>
Dr. ████: “Yes, actually. Call me [REDACTED]… but, what ‘disease’ are you talking about?”<br/>
SCP-049: “Why, good doctor, the Great Pestilence. What else?”<br/>
Dr. ████: “Great pesti… Oh, the Plague. Should have seen that coming. But, no one here is infected, I can assure you.”<br/>
SCP-049: “Oh, good doctor, <em>I</em> can assure <em>you</em>, the Pestilence is here, and I can sense it. It is my duty in life to rid the world of it. My cure is most effective.”<br/>
Dr. ████: “Your cure? Your cure has cost us hundreds of lives! Your cure is faulty!"<br/>
SCP-049: “Good doctor, <a href="/scp-049">my cure is most effective.</a>”<br/>
[SCP-049 lapsed once again into silence, and no further attempts to make it speak were effective.]</p>
<p><strong>Closing Statement:</strong> “We managed to get our tests done for that day, trying to figure out what causes it to perform surgery, or, more accurately, what it detects as the 'Pestilence’. So far, research has shown us no correlation between any of the D-class personnel it has performed surgery on. We’re still working on it."<br/>
Dr. ████</p>
<p><strong>Addendum C-1:</strong> <strong>Level 3 authorization required:</strong> On 4-26-20██ SCP-049 managed to break containment. During the roughly 5 minute period in which it was unsupervised, it came into contact with SCP-███. Upon being detained, SCP-049 was very calm and amiable. Since this time, however, SCP-049 has been shown to be much more talkative leading up to and performing surgery.</p>
<p><em>I don't know what oh-four-nine and that damned mask talked about, but he seems much happier overall. He no longer seems to simply sit and mope around in his cell, and several staff have claimed to hear him humming old church hymns. In addition, in the moments leading up to performing surgery, he has started talking, apparently trying to… comfort his victim. Claiming that he is the 'cure', among other things. The focus of our research has been shifted towards finding out what the hell he and [REDACTED] talked about during their little chat. -Dr. ████</em></p>
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SCP-051-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-051</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Safe</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> SCP-051 is to be kept in the secure section of Site-██'s motor pool. All access to SCP-051 is restricted to personnel with Level 4 clearance or personnel responsible for SCP-051's maintenance. Any unauthorized use of SCP-051 will be met with severe punitive measures.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-051 can best be described as a "flying jeep", even though it does not use the same chassis or design, nor was it made by any jeep manufacturer. SCP-051 was a secret Allied World War II weapons project exploring the use of short range flying vehicles. Because all pertinent files of SCP-051 have either been lost or destroyed since its creation, very little is known about SCP-051's history, and whether it had any impact in World War II. It is theorized that ███████████ ███████ Labs was responsible for the creation of SCP-051 due to recently recovered data that refers to their World War II projects. However, due to the destruction of ███████████ ███████ Labs as well as the disappearance or death of the original design team, such theories are impossible to confirm at this time.</p>
<p>Through intense study of SCP-051's construction and mechanical parts, Foundation engineers have determined that SCP-051 is capable of achieving flight as well as operate as a normal ground-based vehicle and can carry up to 318 kg, though it is quite possible to load up to 590 kg if needed. Flight testing has also shown that SCP-051 has a top speed of 220 km/h and a service ceiling of 1000 m. However, even with thorough analysis, Foundation engineers have been unable to determine the exact nature of the mechanisms that allow SCP-051 to achieve flight. What is known, though, is that said mechanisms are powered by a standard internal combustion engine. The engine itself is not required for flight, though. The SCP-051's original World War II-era engine had been replaced with a more modern engine without any detriment to SCP-051's performance. SCP-051 also does not need any special power source other than what its engine requires. Currently, SCP-051 is running off a diesel engine that can be powered by a range of fuels, including standard diesel gasoline, biofuel, and refined cooking oil. There are currently projects to make SCP-051 more environmentally friendly through the use of fuel cells, solar power, and electric batteries.</p>
<p>SCP-051 initially came to the Foundation's attention in 19██ when a World War II archivist came across photographs of SCP-051 in operation and began distributing them to colleagues. Agents managed to intercept the photos and convince the parties involved that SCP-051 was an elaborate hoax. However, analysis of the photos revealed that the photographs were completely genuine. SCP-051's existence was soon corroborated when sightings of a "flying jeep" began to surface in ████████, ██████. Further details on the recovery of SCP-051 can be found in Incident Report 051a.</p>
<p><em>A flying jeep? Shit, we can't let Kondraki near this thing! - Dr. ██████</em></p>
<p><strong>Addendum 1:</strong> Since SCP-051 has been taken to Site-██, UFO sightings from the surrounding areas have increased by 500%. <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">The matter is currently under investigation.</span></p>
<p><strong>Addendum 2:</strong> As of ██/██/20██, security measures around SCP-051 have been increased and access has been restricted to Level 4 personnel only.</p>
<p><em>For the last time, SCP-051 is not to be used for recreational purposes! If I catch anybody else joyriding on it, it's Keter duty for the whole Site! - O5-██.</em></p>
<p><strong>Addendum 3:</strong> Recent declassification of Nazi documents reveal a psychiatric evaluation of the remnants of an SS battalion who claimed that they had fallen under attack by several dozen "flying jeeps". The implications that there may be multiple copies of SCP-051 in existence must now be taken seriously.</p>
<p><em>You mean there can be more of these things out there? If we find them, what's going to stop the Site staff from racing them? - O5-██</em></p>
<p><em>Please stop giving the Site staff ideas. Their respect for authority is already tenuous at best. - O5-██</em></p>
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SCP-091-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
<p><em>The page was marked for deletion; however, because certain pages on the site depend on knowledge of this article—usually tales or supplements—it has been retained. The following articles/stories make reference to this page:</em></p>
<li><a href="/incident-239-b-clef-kondraki">Incident 239-B - Clef-Kondraki</a></li>
<li><a href="/scp-408">SCP-408</a></li>
<li><a href="">Secure Facilities Locations</a></li>
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<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-091</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Euclid</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> SCP-091 is stored in a modified subterranean arboretum.</p>
<p>Containment zone is to remain lighted at all times. Four hydrargyrum medium-arc iodide lamps are to be active from 00:00 GMT until 16:00, at which point they are to be deactivated in sequence as the corresponding eight sodium vapor lamps are activated until 00:00 GMT. Lights must be replaced at the approximate time of bulb half-life, and only during the artificial nocturnal cycle.</p>
<p>Soil levels are to be kept at approximately one meter depth and pH levels are to be monitored daily for any irregularities. Provided compost is to be placed in the containment zone at the beginning of each lunar month. Compost is to be inspected before and after delivery by two senior-ranking science officers to ensure safety procedures have been followed and to prevent any further containment issues caused by tampering. Provided compost is to be placed no closer than three meters from SCP-091. Under no circumstances should SCP-091 be touched. In such event, emergency defoliant protocols are to be followed and attending staff and all personal effects are to be immolated.</p>
<p>Containment area is lined with 15 mm of lead. There is to be around-the-clock external monitoring for any breach of containment. In event of breach, emergency defoliant protocols are to be followed.</p>
<p>All male staff are to undergo weekly medical inspections. In the event of compromise, level four quarantine procedures are to be initiated. Compromised staff and all personal effects must be destroyed by complete immolation. Male staff are forbidden from entering the containment zone and are to be rotated on a quarterly basis, remaining in quarantine two weeks before and after assignment.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-091 is, for all intents and purposes, a deciduous tree, approximately 4 meters in height with a variable of approximately +/-50 centimeters in synchronization with the lunar cycle.</p>
<p>Despite classification as flora, SCP-091 displays prominent feminine characteristics. Object is not known to move or grow on currently formulated compost diet unless in the presence of a male staff member. SCP-091 has displayed no reproductive qualities in the form of fruit, flowering, or seeds as yet. Atmospheric and controlled physical analysis also confirms a lack of soil- or air-borne spores.</p>
<p>SCP-091 has displayed infectious qualities in the past and should be treated as a Class-8 Biological Vector.</p>
<p>Officers with Level 4 clearance should refer to Document SCP-091b for further data.</p>
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SCP-1023-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
<p><em>The page was marked for deletion; however, because certain pages on the site depend on knowledge of this article—usually tales or supplements—it has been retained. The following articles/stories make reference to this page:</em></p>
<li><a href="/incident-239-b-clef-kondraki">Incident 239-B - Clef-Kondraki</a></li>
<p><em>For more information on Archived SCPs, please check out the <a href="/archived-scps">Archived Pages</a> hub.</em></p>
<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-1023</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Safe</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> SCP-1023 can be kept in a normal safe-deposit box at Site 19's High Value Item Storage Facility. Standard positive-action defenses (explosive, chemical, biological, and memetic) are to be in place at all times, according to standard operating procedure. Further testing shall be carried out in order to determine whether the weapon was of unusual manufacture or contains unusual qualities. Should the tests be determined to be negative, SCP-1023 will be transferred to Inert Item Storage, and this SCP number shall be decommissioned and reassigned.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-1023 consists of a crudely fashioned blade, approximately 80 cm in length and 6 cm in width, constructed of <a href="/scp-148">SCP-148</a>. The blade has been snapped off approximately 5 cm from the hilt due to battle damage sustained in the field.</p>
<p>The weapon was utilized by Dr. A Clef during <a href="/incident-239-b-clef-kondraki">Incident 239-B</a>. There are several unusual facts of its creation that deserve further investigation.</p>
<li>How it was created and constructed.</li>
<li>How a slightly overweight, grossly out of shape scientist like Dr. Clef managed to defend himself against a trained fencer like Dr. Kondraki.</li>
<li>Where it was kept during the prior portion of the incident: camera footage reveals that Dr. Clef is only seen holding it during his "famous" (perhaps infamous) duel with Dr. Kondraki.</li>
<p><strong>Addendum:</strong> Based on our analysis of the situation, the sword is perfectly ordinary. Move to decommission this SCP number and reassign it to Dr. Clef's lab coat, which is not.<br/>
- Dr. Andrews</p>
<p><strong>Addendum 2:</strong> Based on what just happened, it's not ordinary at all. Move to recommission this SCP number. Please send condolences to Dr. Andrews' family.<br/>
- O5-11</p>
<p><strong>Addendum 3:</strong> Item was destroyed. Please see the <a href="/log-of-anomalous-items">Log of Anomalous Items</a>. SCP record will be decommissioned shortly.</p>
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SCP-112-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
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<p>Thermal imaging of the artifact still located at 29°37'43"N 52°31'6"E</p>
<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-112</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Keter</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> (Parts of this text translated by Dr. ████ █ █████ from ORIA Document D.TDL24, marked by =)</p>
<p>SCP-112 is never to be approached by anyone possessing gamete-producing organs; neither testicles nor ovaries. If anyone possessing these organs attempts to enter the same room as SCP-112, they are to be terminated immediately. If this cannot be achieved before the activation of the object's ability, Procedure 112.T is to be implemented using SCP-███ (See: Procedure 112.T Outline).</p>
<p>Specialized volunteers who have been castrated before having ever had penetrative intercourse and pledged to a life of celibacy are to be assigned to the care of the artifact at all times. At least one of these volunteers must be present and awake at all times with the artifact, but at least four must be present and awake with the artifact once a day.</p>
<p>The volunteers are to maintain an enclosed bunker, 3.2km (2mi) below the surface of the Earth, and their demands shall be met by all personnel no matter what. Personnel found to have turned down a volunteer request are to be terminated immediately.</p>
<p>Complete living standards are to be maintained for the volunteers in the above-ground portion of the complex.</p>
<p>At all times the object should be monitored for all known and measurable attributes using all available imaging technology.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> The object has been determined to be a sphere approximately 2 meters in diameter. This is based on thermal imaging, radar, and x-ray tests. It apparently emits radio waves, heat, and radiation of varying degrees. There is no evidence to suggest the artifact is capable of locomotion, but it also has not been ruled out.</p>
<p>Volunteers of both sexes who have undergone castration of the testicles and ovaries are required to keep the object stable. Previous to ██████ acquisition of the artifact, it was cared for by Vatican eunuchs.</p>
<p>Presently it is cared for by ███ ████ ███████████ who are closely monitored.</p>
<p>Proceeding is an excerpt from the research of Dr. Omid Mohammadien</p>
<p><em>The castrati used to attend the object are reluctant to discuss the object, and never refer to it without provocation. Their personalities completely change after first exposure to the artifact, and their memories appear to become corrupted. When confronted about scientific readings of the object, they become agitated, and describe the object as a young black boy. When questioned about the artifact's abilities, they describe normal child behavior and refuse to acknowledge any paranormal activity related to the object. They do not appear to have a name for the object, or if they do they do not discuss it with others. Their volatile nature makes it imperative that personnel restrict their contact with the castrati to the most basic of interactions, and that operators not attempt to gather more intelligence from the castrati. Continue to monitor the object's radio emissions, radioactive emissions, thermal emissions and any other emissions deemed necessary. Record this data.</em></p>
<p><em>The object itself appears to be sentient, or at least emotional. It will make various demands through the castrati, from literature to music, cloth to raw uranium ore. Its demands are always financially feasible, and easily met, but completely indiscernible. There is no apparent pattern. But when denied anything it desires, it can begin emitting dangerous levels of radiation for just less than two miles, and reaching temperatures of upwards of 450 degrees Celsius. Not until its demands are met will the artifact reduce its lethal emissions. It has been observed that assuaging the castrati has a direct effect on the "mood" of the artifact. Angering them does as well.</em></p>
<p><em>Also, the castrati should never be restrained, and encouraged to spend as much time awake and with the artifact as possible. This has a drastically marked effect on the emissions of the artifact, reducing the potentially lethal emissions to almost zero. As long as this equilibrium is maintained, the artifact is harmless. Otherwise, it will become highly dangerous to life on Earth.</em></p>
<p>The above is confirmed by current research.</p>
<p>The artifact has a singular ability, however, that has only been known to be activated when the artifact is approached by a human retaining their complete sex organs, and who still has normal levels of sex hormones. Immediately the artifact will begin generating a massive gravitational field, pinning everyone in the room to the ground. Within a few moments, however, the gravity will become so intense as to destroy anyone and anything in the room, destabilize the bunker, and cause seismic activity. The gravity field is known to be effective up to a three mile spherical area around the object, and have a force of 22 ''g''.</p>
<p>Attempts to provide the artifact with castrated non-virgins have also proven disastrous, as the artifact reacted extremely similarly. The only difference, however, is that none of the other volunteers present in the room at the time nor the room itself suffered ill effects; only the transgressor. But the transgressor's wounds were consistent with sudden exposure to extreme gravity.</p>
<p>It is speculated that if the object were to be in proximity to sensual expression, such as kissing or even copulation, that its capacity for destruction would be unimaginable.</p>
<p><strong>Procedure 112.T Outline:</strong></p>
<p>SCP-112 is no longer on Site 19. It has been removed by agents of the Islamic Republic of Iran in a violent attack on Site 19, directed at SCP-112. It was successfully taken by the foreign agents, and the former facilities for SCP-112 are now being used to contain SCP-███. Retrieval plans are currently under assessment. Also, the infiltration and leaking of these documents are now under investigation.</p>
<p>The rogue agent known as <a href="/bijhan">Bijhan</a> is believed to be involved, though the nature and level of his involvement is currently unknown.<br/>
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SCP-132-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
<p><em>The page was marked for deletion; however, because certain pages on the site depend on knowledge of this article—usually tales or supplements—it has been retained. The following articles/stories make reference to this page:</em></p>
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<li><a href="/the-foundation-and-evil">The Foundation and Evil</a></li>
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<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-132</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Safe</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> SCP-132 is to be accommodated in a 4 m x 3 m room located 8 kilometers below the surface level of Site-19. Walls of this room are to be lined with no less than 12 millimeters of <a href="/scp-148">SCP-148</a>. The room contains standard living appliances and furniture, as well as a few luxuries, including a television (without cable), VCR, and DVD player. SCP-132 is given a moderate selection of entertainment consisting of literature, CDs, videocassettes, and DVDs. These forms of entertainment may only be those released prior to SCP-132's admission. SCP-132 has access to a computer terminal designed solely for communication with 2/132-███-███ and other qualified personnel.</p>
<p>The south wall of the room features a door which leads to a high-speed elevator with access to the surface. SCP-132 is to be accessed once every six (6) hours for nutritional sustenance and observation. SCP-132 is permitted to deny and therefore postpone up to two (2) tests in a 24-hour span. SCP-132 is permitted to temporarily leave special containment procedures under supervision of a single Level 1+ personnel. All personnel who interact with SCP-132 are to be evaluated to determine that they have no contemporary traumatic personal issues. If a dark fluid begins to ooze from SCP-132's eyes, nose, or mouth, SCP-132 is to immediately be escorted back to containment unless authoritative personnel elect the opportunity to perform examination.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-132 is an ethnic Palauan human female in her early to mid twenties, with a height of approximately 152 centimetres and a mass of approximately 52 kilograms. SCP-132 objects to being referred to by her SCP designation and prefers her own title, "Dolores". SCP-132 is of average intelligence, having an IQ of 113. SCP-132 is fluent in English and Palauan and can speak limitedly in Japanese. SCP-132 requires all the basic sustenances of a regular human: food, drink, sleep, etc. SCP-132 is diagnosed with esophageal peptic ulcer disease, but is otherwise completely healthy.</p>
<p>SCP-132, when successfully isolated from other humans, has a euthymic disposition. However, when in the direct presence of others, SCP-132 will accumulatively acquire the negative or positive dispositions of those present. SCP-132 apparently has no control over these abilities. The radius of this "affective absorption" is unknown. It has been recorded to reach ranges of 7800 kilometers, though the strength of the radius effectively decreases with altitude or depth.</p>
<p>Because of the vast numbers of those on Earth suffering outnumbering those flourishing, negative disposition frequently outweighs positive. <a href="/scp-148">SCP-148</a> has been found to help filter outside human affects. During these affective absorptions, SCP-132 will exude a dark, viscous liquid from her facial orifices. CAT scans have revealed this liquid to originate in the pharynx, although its ultimate origin is presently unknown. The amount of this fluid secreted is dependent upon how severely negative disposition outweighs the positive.</p>
<p>Analysis has shown that this liquid is composed 40% of bodily fluids (mucus, blood, bile, and cytoplasm) and most of the remainder an unidentified, black acid of pH 2.3. Unsurprisingly, SCP-132 will complain that this substance "burns the inside of her face". Other symptoms of SCP-132's affective absorption include migraines, depression, aches, nausea, convulsions, hypochondria, paranoia, hallucinations, and what have been substantiated to be factual visions. Visions are almost exclusively of past and present situations involving mass deaths. The severity of these symptoms varies depending on the level of negative affect SCP-132 experiences.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum 132-01:</strong> SCP-132's room has been successfully installed with reinforcement of SCP-148 [see <strong>Addenda-148</strong>]. SCP-132 is responding well and no longer requires active access to antisymptomatic medications.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum-132-02:</strong> SCP-132 has requested psychiatric conditioning of her abilities. Request approved. Acquisition of a qualified parapsychological psychiatrist is pending.</p>
<p><strong>Document #132-1:</strong> Concerning SCP-132's discovery and admission.</p>
<p>SCP-132 was born in [DATA EXPUNGED], Palau, in 198█ and had lived there most of her life. She has reportedly experienced these absorption abilities for as long as she can remember. SCP-132 was discovered when Agent ████-████████ was vacationing in [DATA EXPUNGED], Palau, in 200█ and encountered SCP-132 displaying her odd behavior. Interested, Agent ████-████████ approached SCP-132 and inquired about her condition. Upon concluding that SCP-132 warranted Special Containment Procedures, he recommended SCP-132 submit herself to the Foundation, promising to suppress SCP-132's abilities. SCP-132 hastily agreed. Because of Agent ████-████████'s unprofessional approach to SCP-132's admission [refer to PROTOCOL-XII of Retrieval Code of Conduct], he was subsequently terminated.</p>
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<p><strong>Filename:</strong> SCP-132.jpg<br/>
<strong>Name:</strong> Black Tears.jpg<br/>
<strong>Author:</strong> Samantha from Malaysia<br/>
<strong>License:</strong> CC BY 2.0<br/>
<strong>Source Link:</strong> <a href="">Wikimedia</a></p>
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SCP-157-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
<p><em>The page was marked for deletion; however, because certain pages on the site depend on knowledge of this article—usually tales or supplements—it has been retained. The following article makes reference to this page:</em></p>
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<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-157</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Euclid</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> SCP-157 is to be kept in a sealed lead box inside an otherwise empty room. Personnel assigned to study SCP-157 must be unarmed, wearing Class IV biohazard suits. In the event of a suit breach, the compromised personnel will be subject to a cavity search and X-ray. If SCP-157 is not on the offender’s person, they will be subject to a full-body MRI before being released.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-157 is a firearm cartridge of inconstant make and caliber, which shifts form to match the make of any gun brought within 30 meters. Previously, SCP-157 has been recorded changing size to become as large as an artillery shell (see Documents). SCP-157 exerts an unconscious pull on persons within 30 meters. Class D personnel exposed to the cartridge outside of its lead case report feelings of euphoria and delusions of grandeur. They also report a strong desire to load SCP-157 into a weapon, and will become violent when they are restrained from doing so. When a gun is loaded with SCP-157, it will not fire unless pointed at a living target.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum 157-1:</strong> SCP-157’s first recorded use was in April of 1775 during the battle at Old North Bridge in Concord, Massachusetts. SCP-157 was seen again in 1914 on June 28th, where it was used to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand. SCP-157 showed up a third time in Russia during the October revolution as an artillery shell fired from the cruiser <em>Aurora</em>. (As the shell fired was a blank, SCP-157 seems to have the capability to change its composition.) The most notable appearance of SCP-157 was when it was a 6.5 x 52 mm round fired from the Italian Carcano rifle that killed John F. Kennedy. SCP-157 was last found in a Titan missile silo in 1989, where it was sealed and transported to its current location.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum 157-2:</strong> When brought near <a href="/scp-127">SCP-127</a>, SCP-157 changed shape to a large bone slug, approximately 7.6 cm (3 in) in length and 2.5 cm (1 in) in diameter. The slug was irregularly shaped and appeared to be boiling as if from the inside. At the same time, an orifice in SCP-127 appeared to allow the slug to be inserted.</p>
<p>Testing with Class-D personnel has been scheduled to discern the effects of this slug.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum 157-3</strong> SCP-157 was brought near [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-157 changed shape into a round of unknown caliber with a pointed tip, apparently glass. Further examination revealed what appeared to be an antimatter reservoir inside the glass tip, suspended by unknown means. Firing not recommended, as the range of the smallest possible explosion would be far greater than the range of the bullet.</p>
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SCP-186-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-186-ARC</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Euclid</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> SCP-186-ARC is contained in a double-walled chamber that must be kept in complete darkness at all times. Entry to SCP-186-ARC's chamber is only possible via a two-stage blast door which opens only when a state of absolute darkness is confirmed by photographic sensors. No light-emitting devices are allowed within the inner chamber.</p>
<p>Examination of SCP-186-ARC may only be performed with prior permission from at least two (2) Level 3 personnel, and may only take the form of somatosensory observation or MRI scanning.</p>
<p>Note: As of the findings detailed in Addendum 186-ARC-01 (see below), infrared and ultraviolet imaging and analysis of SCP-186-ARC are tentatively approved, pending a method can be devised of doing so with zero visible light emission.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-186-ARC appears to be a triangular bi-pyramidal object of unknown composition approximately 30 cm long and 8 cm in width, which bears a single line of indecipherable script on each face. SCP-186-ARC is highly sensitive to light and propels itself at extremely high velocities at the source of any light in its vicinity. SCP-186-ARC is highly dangerous in its active state, as no known material has been shown to be able to contain it while in this state.</p>
<p>To date, no emissions of any kind have been detected from SCP-186-ARC in either its active or inactive state. It is not known whether SCP-186-ARC is intelligent or sentient, but its activity is more consistent with programmed behavior than intelligent thought.</p>
<p>SCP-186-ARC was discovered in [REDACTED] during a routine survey of a cave system by a four-man civilian geophysicist team on ██/█/████. Class B amnestics were administered to residents of the nearby village of [REDACTED] and a cave collapse cover story was established to explain the loss of two (2) residents prior to full containment.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum 186-ARC-01:</strong> Additional Handling Information for SCP-186-ARC</p>
<p>After extensive experimentation, SCP-186-ARC has been found to only be activated by electromagnetic radiation in the visible light range. Further testing is pending, but so far it has not responded to any other form of manipulation, and is in fact safe to handle in any way so long as no visible light is present.</p>
<p>As a reminder, however, personnel are reminded that no objects capable of emitting light are allowed in its chamber at any time, as we do not want another incident like the one that occurred with Dr. ███████ and his self-illuminating wristwatch.</p>
<p>- Dr. █████████</p>
<p><strong>Addendum 186-ARC-02:</strong> Radio Transmission Transcript from Civilian Geophysicist Team</p>
<p><strong>L██████</strong> (GT-1): "Can you start on the readings for the tunnel up ahead?"</p>
<p><strong>M██████</strong> (GT-2): "Sure thing, make sure-" [Transmission Terminated]</p>
<p><strong>R█████</strong> (GT-3): "What the hell was that glow?"</p>
<p><strong>L██████</strong>: "It came from just up ahead, where-" [Transmission Terminated]</p>
<p><strong>C███████</strong> (GT-4): "What's going on up there?"</p>
<p><strong>R█████</strong>: "I'm taking a look, I saw two flashes. L██████ and M██████'s radios cut ou-" [Transmission Terminated]</p>
<p><strong>C███████</strong>: "Oh my God-" [Transmission Terminated]</p>
<p><em>End of Transcript</em></p>
<p><strong>Addendum 186-ARC-03:</strong> Autopsy Report of M██████ A███████ (Geophysicist Team Member 2)</p>
<p>There is a perfectly triangular column of matter missing from the head lamp to the back of the skull, none of which was recovered from the scene. Internal injuries are consistent with extreme high-temperature vaporization, and a 'flash mark' was found on forehead, also consistent with internal burns.</p>
<p>Some strange markings were noted, seared into the inside of the wound. These are not consistent with the markings on SCP-186-ARC itself, and appear to form the word '███' when extrapolated to a flat plane. Further research recommended.</p>
<p>Cause of death is determined to be instantaneous and high-temperature destruction of brain tissue, with entry and exit wounds as noted. No other injuries found.</p>
<p>Dr. █████</p>
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SCP-232-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
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<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-232-ARC</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Euclid</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> SCP-232-ARC is to be kept in the center of an empty 20 x 20 meter room. The floor and walls must be made of white shadow-reducing substances, and the lighting should be multiple redundant recessed lamps set into the ceiling. Shadows are to be prevented from forming within 8 meters of SCP-232-ARC. Lights should be replaced as soon as possible when required, using the crawlspace above the room to replace the bulbs from above. Should a full power outage, including backup generator failure, occur, the entry will seal automatically.</p>
<p>In the event of activity, those directly involved should be monitored as per protocol 11B in the Security clearance database. SCP-232-ARC is suspected to use some of its victims to survey the surrounding area. Class 2 hazardous containment procedures should be maintained in the event of activity.</p>
<p>Should the crawl space become inaccessible for any reason, a set of free standing lamps outside the range of the object must be activated before attempting replacement of lights. Otherwise, the free standing lamps are for testing purposes.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-232-ARC is an approximately 100cm x 75cm x 20cm basalt relief statue depicting the goddess Ereshkigal being offered a liver by what is assumed to be an utukku, a Sumerian demon known to retrieve the offerings sacrificed to Ereshkigal.</p>
<p>Shadows that fall within an 8-meter radius exhibit unusual properties. Regardless of the temperature of the room, the temperature within a shadowed section will be at 10°C. Personnel stepping inside a shadow within range of SCP-232-ARC have reported feelings of fear, melancholy, hopelessness, and numbness. There have also been reports of the feeling of being watched in the shadows, the sensation of claws or nails digging into the skin, and the sound of whispered voices in an unknown language. Injuries have been sustained in particularly large or dark shadows.</p>
<p>SCP-232-ARC was retrieved from the Sumerian █████ ruins near Tell Ibrahim, Iraq. Reports had come in of [REDACTED] rumors of communication with the dead. The [REDACTED] found mauled in a manner inconsistent with the abilities of the local fauna. [REDACTED] more common with the lunar cycle, with more instances of the effects of the object on nights of the new moon, and fewer with the full moon.</p>
<p>Upon entering the structure, the team found [REDACTED] including lacerations on ██████████. Forensic evidence of the area showed no traces of blood or tissue within the range of the shadows that crossed the object. Object was transported to Storage Unit-██. Moved to Site-19 5/7/19██.</p>
<p>Level 4 authorization is required to unlock the fine lighting controls. The fine lighting controls are to be unlocked for testing purposes only.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum:</strong> In light of the incident on ██/21/19██, all personnel who interact directly with the shadows around SCP-232-ARC must be given weekly psychological evaluations. (See <strong>Incident Report 232-ARC-1</strong> for details.)</p>
<p>Level 4 authorization is required to unlock the fine lighting controls for any kind of testing.</p>
<p><strong>Incident Report 232-ARC-1:</strong></p>
<p><strong>SCP involved:</strong> 232-ARC</p>
<p><strong>Date:</strong> ██/21/19██</p>
<p><strong>Location:</strong> SCP-232-ARC containment at Site-19</p>
<p>D-801 engineered an escape from his cell. He was found outside the airlock for SCP-232-ARC holding a bat while trying to force the door open. He had apparently also broken into the kitchens and made off with several beef organs which had been in storage and was carrying them in a paper bag, also from the kitchen. When security attempted to stop him, he became violent, swinging the bat around erratically.</p>
<p>Once subdued, he claimed that he needed to get to the statue and that the bag of organs were an offering “to secure my place in Irkalla.”</p>
<p>Investigation showed that D-801 had been exposed to 232-ARC more times than any other test subject and was among the first to hear voices.</p>
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SCP-234-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-234</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Euclid</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> REVISED MAY 25 20██</p>
<p>SCP-234 is contained at Site-██, Chamber ███. Artifact is anchored to its pedestal with nylon rope within a cylindrical viewing booth that is 3 meters in diameter. Booth is constructed out of transparent ballistic acrylic plastic. Four lightning rods direct the artifact's occasional electric discharge into the insulated chamber floor. When SCP-234 is not being tested, blast shields are to remain in place around the booth to both block visual contact and secure the artifact's position.</p>
<p>Per revised containment procedures, female personnel are no longer allowed access to SCP-234 outside of approved testing. On-site security must be exclusively male and be stationed outside the twenty meter perimeter outside the viewing booth. Revised containment procedures have thus far prevented any further damage associated with the artifact's abnormal behavior.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-234 is a statue of a woman wearing flowing robes carved from a single lapis lazuli stone. It was recovered from ███████████ on the 8th of March 19██. Locals had secretly maintained an all female cult devoted to the care of the statue as a goddess figure. Records recovered from the cult's hidden place of worship suggest that the cult had been maintained for at least ████████████████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████ ███████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████████ ███████████████████████████, noting that lapis lazuli is not commonly found in this area.</p>
<p>The artifact has an influence upon the attitude of its viewers, particularly female viewers. Tests conducted from [DATA EXPUNGED, LEVEL 4 PERSONNEL REFER TO DOCUMENT 234-89] indicate that this effect is not memetic in nature but due to an observed energy eminating from the artifact itself. The energy ███████████████ █████████████████████ ████████████████████████ █████████████████████ ███████████████████████████ █████████████████████ █████████████████████ ███████████████</p>
<p>When agitated by certain stimuli the artifact has been recorded to levitate, spontaneously generate high amounts of electricity and act in an apparently aggressive manner towards male observers. However, repeated testing has failed to demonstrate any measurable degree of sapience or sentience in the artifact. It remains unknown what exact circumstances cause the artifact to react in this manner, testing has been suspended since Incident 234-92 and the resulting damage to the previous containment chamber.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum:</strong> Females exposed to SCP-234 report increased feelings of well-being, contentment and confidence provided they are alone or in the company of other females.</p>
<p>Males exposed to SCP-234 report increased feelings of hostility and defensiveness. The feelings of hostility are extended to any females also exposed to the artifact when males are present. Females report strong urges to drive male viewers away by any means necessary, including violence.</p>
<p>Female viewers who are alone when exposed to SCP-234 experience a desire to make physical contact with the artifact. See attached document re: Incident 234-92.</p>
<p>Unless further testing is approved, SCP-234 is to remain sealed and blocked from view.</p>
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SCP-244-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
<p><em>The page was marked for deletion; however, because certain pages on the site depend on knowledge of this article—usually tales or supplements—it has been retained. The following articles/stories make reference to this page:</em></p>
<li><a href="/incident-239-b-clef-kondraki">Incident 239-B - Clef-Kondraki</a></li>
<li><a href="/1st-12th-december-2008">1st - 12th December 2008</a></li>
<li><a href="/13th-23rd-december-2008">13th - 23rd December 2008</a></li>
<li><a href="/24th-december-2008-14th-january-2009">24th December 2008 - 14th January 2009</a></li>
<p><em>For more information on Archived SCPs, please check out the <a href="/archived-scps">Archived Pages</a> hub.</em></p>
<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-244</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Euclid</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> None are needed at present time, but the object is to be closely monitored, and if at all possible, removed from Kain Pathos Crow’s possession and submitted for further study and experimentation.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> Object is a large, bipedal spherical device one point three five (1.35) meters in diameter, with the upper quarter of the sphere missing and leading into a cockpit of sorts. Item possesses two pairs of prehensile arms, each arm having six highly dexterous fingers and two thumbs. There are exposed patches of clockwork, tubing, cables, and hydraulics in the object's outer chassis.</p>
<p>SCP-244 is constructed of 226.8 kg (500 lb) of <a href="/scp-143">SCP-143</a>, 9.07 kg (20 lb) of <a href="/scp-148">SCP-148</a>, 136.08 kg (300 lb) of copper, 113.4 kg (250 lb) of titanium, 45.36 kg (100 lb) of rubber, 27.22 kg (60 lb) of glass, 13.61 kg (30 lb) of high-end military grade electronics, 2.27 kg (5 lb) of <a href="/scp-447">SCP-447</a>-2, and several components that had been run through <a href="/scp-914">SCP-914</a> on various settings, including three (3) Cray supercomputers, 7.26 kg (16 lb) of uranium-234, nine (9) scientific grade calculators, four (4) seventh-generation games consoles, two (2) plasma screen televisions, four (4) ducks, and an antique three hundred (300) year-old grandfather clock.</p>
<p>It was constructed by <a href="/scp-172">SCP-172</a>, aided by <a href="/scp-030">SCP-030</a> and <a href="/scp-488">SCP-488</a>-1, with several notes and design features reverse engineered from <a href="/scp-044">SCP-044</a>, <a href="/scp-212">SCP-212</a>, and <a href="/scp-278">SCP-278</a>. All of this was authorised by Kain Pathos Crow himself, and while base authorisation of which was overlooked by higher command as Crow claimed it was to aid in his “biological disabilities”, large portions of this project were carried in secret, without the knowledge of his superiors or peers.</p>
<p>While these factors by themselves would be enough to classify this object an SCP, Crow authorised many “enhancements” to SCP-244, by way of experimentation with <a href="/scp-040">SCP-040</a>, <a href="/scp-158">SCP-158</a>, <a href="/scp-399">SCP-399</a>, <a href="/scp-407">SCP-407</a>, and again with <a href="/scp-914">SCP-914</a>.</p>
<p>The result of this is a device that is still not fully understood by our research staff, and is not entirely constrained by normal Euclidean physics. It is capable of speeds of up to 643.74 km/h (400 mi/h) in three point one (3.1) seconds and can lift weights of over 4535.92 kg (10,000 lb).</p>
<p>It has demonstrated a large number of attachments and abilities; the ones that have been recorded are:</p>
<li>A large fifty-two (52) barrel minigun that fired several hundred .50 calibre rounds dispensed by an unknown source.</li>
<li>A large television with access to every television channel on this planet, as well as some that were not able to be located terrestrially, or within this era of time.</li>
<li>Recreating several works of art within twelve (12) minutes.</li>
<li>Playing the board game, Go, on level with advanced human players.</li>
<li>Producing the items needed to bake a Belgian casserole, again from an unknown source.</li>
<li>Performing emergency triple bypass heart surgery.</li>
<li>Internally brewing and dispensing over two thousand (2000) litres of alcohol.</li>
<li>Performing advanced theoretical chaos mathematics for the purpose of computing the probability of the Boston Red Sox winning the World Series this year.</li>
<li>Translating anything affected by <a href="/scp-732">SCP-732</a> into comprehensible and well written English.</li>
<li>Deploying four (4) large speakers and a subwoofer and playing Black Sabbath's "Iron Man" in such a way that everyone in the facility heard it, including three (3) people who were legally deaf, and one person who was clinically dead at the time. It is believed that it may have been transmitted telepathically rather than via soundwaves.</li>
<li>Cultivating a large patch of <em>Bellis perennis</em>, or daisies, on a canteen table in Bio-Research Area-12, despite having no soil or water.</li>
<p><strong>Additional Notes:</strong> It is not fully understood how Crow is able to pilot SCP-244, as he lacks opposable thumbs or even fingers, and has been seen controlling the device while being completely unaware of its location.</p>
<p>The device is normally located with Crow’s presence, as he uses the device as a set of hands and transport. It is a regular sight on Bio-Research Area-14 to see Crow travelling through the corridors on the device, so much so, that it has become known to local staff as “The Egg Walker”, due to the similarity in appearance to the walker device used by the character "E█████", in the classic video game series "S████ the H███████".</p>
<p><strong>Addendum 244-A</strong> <em>Yes, I know it's a horrible amalgam of ten thousand different Things That Should Not Be piloted by a sentient dog, but I really can't make fun of someone who poured me a nice, cold beer. On a side note, please let the Guinness Brewing Company know that someone's figured out their secret formula.</em><br/>
<em>- A. Clef</em></p>
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SCP-257-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-257-ARC</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Keter — Neutralized</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong></p>
<p>[UPDATE]: SCP-257-ARC no longer requires special containment protocols. SCP-257-ARC has been sealed inside a 2 foot wide solid plastic cube and placed in secure storage awaiting disposal via <a href="/scp-101">SCP-101</a>.</p>
<p>[UPDATE]: SCP-257-ARC appears to be a several year old human sized skull, with the addition of a pair of horns and writing on the more flat surfaces. The horns are in the middle of the parietal, off to either side of the skull. They are almost perfectly smooth, and despite the actual shape of the horns being simple crescent moon shape, all people viewing SCP-257-ARC in person or via picture ascribe them as looking humorous, while the exact same shape in any other material or picture draws no reaction.</p>
<p>The writing on the skull, covering most of the frontal, parietal, occipital, sphenoid, maxilla, and mandible sections, is clearly legible, etched into the skull with near laser precision. The words are easily readable, and seem to exist in English, French, German, Latin, and Chinese simultaneously. The messages written all seem to be curses and wishes of dark intent towards the reader of the words, though the vocabulary, grammar, and syntax are juvenile at best. The messages reference hell, demons, and the writer being tricked quite often.</p>
<p>Document SCP-257-ARC-a (regarding incident 257-ARC-01)<br/>
<p>Document SCP-257-ARC-b (regarding incident 294-02)<br/>
<p>Document SCP-257-ARC-c (regarding incident 294-03)</p>
<p>Level 4 Security Authorization Approved. Displaying log:</p>
<p>login SCI-RSH ██-████</p>
<p>password ████</p>
<p>Good evening, Doctor ██████. Thank you for using SCP Research Console 74-██. Your access will be logged.</p>
<p>Doctor ██████, it is a required Security Containment Protocol to receive a full mental profile after exposure to SCP-257-ARC. Our files show that you have not undergone profiling after your last exposure. Please log off this console and see your supervisor immediately.</p>
<p>access floorplan</p>
<p>Displaying floorplan.<br/>
<p>access map of land</p>
<p>Invalid item</p>
<p>access map of realm</p>
<p>Invalid item</p>
<p>access map of kingdom</p>
<p>Doctor ██████, it has been five minutes since you were notified to see your<br/>
supervisor. A tardy flag has been placed on your file.</p>
<p>give me the damn map</p>
<p>Invalid command or filename.</p>
<p>You have not accessed this terminal in three minutes. Do you require an assistant?</p>
<p>no of course not</p>
<p>Does the black moon howl?</p>
<p>Emergency lock down protocol engaged, Research Console 74-██ disabled.<br/>
<strong>SECURITY ALERT</strong><br/>
<strong>SECURITY ALERT</strong><br/>
SCI-RSH ██-████ Doctor ██████ is hereby authorized for immediate termination. Subject has been exposed to untested SCP. Engage with caution. Engage with lethal force. Repeat, immediate termination. Security teams have been dispatched. All NC personnel report to the nearest Containment Breach Defense Point</p>
<p><strong>Research Console 74-██ connection to network lost</strong></p>
<p>Addendum SCP-257-ARC-d<br/>
<p>Addendum SCP-257-ARC-e<br/>
SysAdmin 76-4498: Updating the SCP file at BaseCommand's request, see<br/>
SCP-257-ARC-BCa for particulars.</p>
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SCP-338-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
<p><strong>Item#:</strong> SCP-338</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Euclid</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> SCP-338 is secured in accordance with Dr. ██████████ recommendations. In order to continue proper research, the following should be performed weekly:</p>
<li>Check and replace Geiger counters. If unusual damage or circumstances are present, notify acting HMCL supervisor.</li>
<li>Check and replace video cameras and connected wires. Test with color cards found in SCP-338 control. If unusual damage or circumstances are present, notify acting HMCL supervisor.</li>
<li>Check and replace laser measures. Verify that lasers are in the correct directions. If at any point the laser emitted from unit 02 or 04 seems to disappear or become distorted when passing through the gap in SCP-338, notify acting HMCL supervisor immediately.</li>
<li>Check and replace RADAR equipment. If unusual damage or circumstances are present, notify acting HMCL supervisor.</li>
<li>After completion of weekly checks, notify acting HMCL supervisor.</li>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> Item SCP-338 consists of two parallel circular copper discs, 30.48cm (12in) in diameter, separated by a 38.1cm (15in) gap. They are arranged like the ends of a cylinder. They cannot be shifted with respect to each other - this has been tested via hydraulic rams up to 30 tons.</p>
<p>There is no solid material detectable within the gap.</p>
<p>Objects placed in the space between the discs for more than a few seconds are seen to "fade".<br/>
If the object is not removed from the gap, this "fading" is complete in approximately ten minutes, after which the objects are not detected by either instruments or the eye.</p>
<p>In 73% of such cases of fading, after a period of not less than 72 and not more than 300 minutes, an artifact is seen to "fade in" within the gap.</p>
<p>These artifacts are varied in composition. Some appear to have machine qualities. Others appear partially self-aware for a short time. Most are less easy to classify.</p>
<p>These artifacts invariably crumble to 'dust' within about 30 minutes, but what limited examination has been possible has shown them to have molecular structure which is highly unstable, and indeed seems impossible to form given the physical laws of our universe.</p>
<p>Further study is advised. It is highly recommend that agents not place any part of their body within the gap.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum:</strong> Current list of objects sent through and received. (Detailed Report located at ████████████)</p>
<p>SENT 12-11-████: Upon retrieving SCP-338, half (~4") of a combat knife was 'sent' by mistake.</p>
<p>SENT 12-12-████: While in transit, MSgt ████████████████ placed roughly twenty grams of chewing gum into SCP-338.</p>
<p>RECEIVED: 12-12-████: An unidentified object (338-X01) with similarities to a rock appeared.</p>
<p>SENT: 1-17-████: Lead plate (50 cm x 10 cm x 1 cm) was placed into the gap.</p>
<p>RECEIVED: 1-17-████: Unidentified object 338-X02 appeared.</p>
<p>SENT: 1-17-████: Photo camera with timer.</p>
<p>RECEIVED: 1-18-████: Unidentified object 338-X03 appeared.</p>
<p>SENT: 1-21-████: Chemical solution of ████████████ placed to determine possible thermal energy.</p>
<p>RECEIVED: 1-21-████: Unidentified object 338-X04 appeared.</p>
<p>SENT: 5-24-████: Small 9 V battery with toy electronic buzzer.</p>
<p>SENT: 5-25-████: Upon request of class D personnel ████████, two standard six-sided dice.</p>
<p>RECEIVED: 5-25-████: Unidentified object 338-X261 appeared. (See Document 338-X261/B)</p>
<p><strong>Document 338-X261/B:</strong> Unidentified object 338-x261. Received on 5-25-████ at 1714. Upon examination, SCP-338-X261 was made of two main components. A thin dark layer with white markings on it (measuring 25.6 cm by 30.1 cm) was inside of two thicker layered objects. The outer objects were transparent (>99%), 50 mm longer and wider than the inner layer and acted to seal the inner black layer. class D personnel ██████████████ suggested as a type of lamination. Before SCP-338-X361 dissolved, a scan of the symbols was recorded and sent to Dr. ██████████, Dr. ████████████████, Col ██████, and Dr. ████████ for interpretation.</p>
<p>While theories between experts varied, the main conclusion is that the symbols were a form of note. Other than that, the theories varied from a message of warning, to an attempt at peaceful communication, to a prank. Experts who examined SCP-338-X261 were not informed of SCP-338 or any other objects 'retrieved'.</p>
<p>Complete reports located at ████████████ and ████████████████████████ under the call number ██████████████.</p>
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SCP-356-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
<strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-356-ARC
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Euclid</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> As SCP-356-ARC is immovable by any means available, a contingent of █ agents are to be posted, disguised as custodial staff of █████████ Cemetery. They are to observe any activations of the SCP-356-ARC, report events, and detain subjects. Any and all subjects are to be immediately taken to Site ██ for evaluation and debriefing. Should subjects [DATA EXPUNGED]</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-356-ARC is a statue of a nude woman, 1.1m tall, lying on a flat slab. The material appears to be marble, though attempts to obtain samples have thus far been unsuccessful. While usually still, the humanoid portion of the carving will periodically "sink" into the slab. Subjects coming in close proximity of the SCP at that stage will experience a strong desire to first touch the slab's top surface, then climb on to it. Group effects [DATA EXPUNGED].</p>
<p>Subjects who climb onto the slab will then “fall” into it, passing through the solid stone with no detectable distortion or damage to the slab. Only the human body will pass through the slab, with all clothes and other personal items remaining behind on the slab. Clothing will be torn, and personal items will show damage consistent with impact on the stone.</p>
<p>After a period of time (to date, the longest access event has been 46 minutes and 3 seconds), the subject will be ejected out of the SCP uninjured, and the humanoid portion will re-emerge in its normal position. All subjects thus far have adamantly refused to discuss what happened inside SCP-356 even under threat of death, and those who emerged with unidentified objects on their persons have likewise been tight-lipped about their acquisitions. Physical examination of subjects reveals no abnormalities in 99% of cases.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum:</strong> On ██/██/09, personnel D-42966 was near SCP-356 when it activated. He returned from the SCP shivering, though he exhibited no other signs of exposure to cold temperature. Agents were able to convince him to speak of his experience, but he was only able to say, "It was a—" before abruptly dying. Autopsy revealed that his heart had suddenly experienced a massive collapse, consistent with sudden, enormous pressure or impact.</p>
<p>After being granted permission to use <a href="/scp-484">SCP-484</a> in an experiment with one target of SCP-356-ARC, Agent Green administered one dose to a Class D personnel, ordering him to look into the eyes of the "target". Transcription of video is as follows:</p>
<p><strong>Green</strong>: Mr. ██████, please state what occurred during the event.<br/>
<strong>Class D</strong>: Fuck you! Fuck all y'all, man! Y'all are outta yo' <em>minds</em>, man!<br/>
<strong>Green</strong>: Calm down, please.<br/>
<strong>Class D</strong>: Calm down, shit! How about I put you through all that bullshit and then me tell you calm down, how about that?<br/>
<strong>Green</strong>: If you refuse to calm yourself, you will be sedated immediately by security.<br/>
<strong>Class D</strong>: Sedate this, motherfucker! *flips off Green*</p>
<p>█████ ███████ (security staff) grips the subject’s finger and rapidly bends it back against the joint. Subject’s finger breaks in two places, and additional staff restrain and sedate subject<br/>
Two minutes pass while the sedative takes effect. █████ ███████ issued reprimand by supervising Agent ██████. Subject rapidly relaxes while first aid is applied. Agent Green appears to be taking notes, before resuming debriefing.</p>
<p><strong>Green</strong>: Are you ready to cooperate with this interview now?<br/>
<strong>Class D</strong>: Y…yeah… sure…<br/>
<strong>Green</strong>: Good. Now if you could describe what you remember of the interior for me.<br/>
<strong>Class D</strong>: A… hallway… kinda two on top of each other but kinda not…<br/>
<strong>Green</strong>: Was there just the hallway, or were there more things?<br/>
<strong>Class D</strong>: Uh… some kinda gray curtain thing… but it's like water. I remember… reachin' out to touch it, and…<br/>
<strong>Green</strong>: And… what?<br/>
<strong>Class D</strong>: And there was… a flash of…dark. Does that make sense?<br/>
<strong>Green</strong>: Somewhat, yes. What then?<br/>
<strong>Class D</strong>: I couldn't move… an' then this <em>thing</em> reached out to me and then… then I woke up on the grass naked, and my necklace was gone. Wait, I don't have a necklace.<br/>
<strong>Green</strong>: Forget about the necklace, Mr. ██████. Can you describe this <em>thing</em> for me?<br/>
<strong>Class D</strong>: I…I don’t know. It…looked like…crying. Like hurt and…I don’t know.<br/>
<strong>Green</strong>: Crying?<br/>
<strong>Class D</strong>: Listen, man, I don’t even know. When I was little, my mom died in front of me. Cancer. She smoked like a fuckin’ chimney. It looked how I felt when I watched her die.<br/>
<strong>Green</strong>: …<br/>
<strong>Class D</strong>: Listen, I don’t know what you want me to fucking say, ok? That’s what I remember.</p>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> Subject lapsed into a coma several hours after interview, and expired after three days under the coma. No cause of death was determined.</p>
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SCP-400-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
<p><em>The page was marked for deletion; however, because certain pages on the site depend on knowledge of this article—usually tales or supplements—it has been retained. The following articles/stories make reference to this page:</em></p>
<li><a href="/audio-log-185-53">Audio Log 185-53</a></li>
<li><a href="/scp-519">SCP-519</a></li>
<p><em>For more information on Archived SCPs, please check out the <a href="/archived-scps">Archived Pages</a> hub.</em></p>
<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-400-ARC</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Euclid</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> SCP-400-ARC is contained in a standard 10m x 10m room made of white-paneled concrete. Containment area is lit by 4 110-watt halogen lights, which must be replaced immediately when they fail. One guard on a 12-hour rotation is placed outside the door, which has an electronic keypad lock on it. The door is made of standard steel with a plexiglass window at eye-level. Room is monitored by four CCTV cameras, one in each corner of the ceiling.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-400-ARC appears to be a K6-model red telephone box. Discovered in 19██ in ██████, ███████, it was brought to the attention of the Foundation by a vacationing operative. It was immediately extracted and taken to Containment Area 25 for study. When tested, it was shown to exhibit negligible levels of x-ray, gamma, and an unknown form of radiation from the handset, but only while in use. After several months of study, it was deemed Safe.</p>
<p>SCP-400-ARC functions just like any other K6-model red telephone box, with the exception that, if the Operator is dialed, the user only has to speak the name of the person they are trying to reach and they will be connected to them without fail. This effect seems to work even when the subject does not have a telephone nearby. Any abnormalities are to be reported to Dr. T. █████.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum 1:</strong> Under absolutely no circumstances are any staff to use SCP-400-ARC as a toy. Making prank calls with this SCP is unacceptable. Attempts to call any kind of mythological figure, deity, or otherwise will result in immediate termination, if said call does not immediately terminate the caller. - Dr. T. █████</p>
<p><strong>Addendum 2:</strong> Due to several mishaps, use of SCP-400-ARC to contact the dead now requires the supervision of at least two individuals with level 3 clearance. Any personnel exhibiting erratic behavior at these times are to be submitted for psychiatric evaluation, regardless of clearance.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum 3:</strong> Under absolutely no circumstances are any staff to answer the phone if it rings. If the phone rings at any time, inform Dr. █████ immediately. If Dr. █████ is unavailable, notify High Command on site and lock down containment area. Any staff, regardless of clearance, attempting to answer SCP-400-ARC without Dr. █████’s permission are to be immediately terminated. Those with level 3 clearance please see Document #400-1 for details.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum 4:</strong> In the wake of the Containment Area 23 incident, SCP-400-ARC is now stored at [DATA EXPUNGED].</p>
<p><strong>Document #400-1:</strong> [SCP-400-ARC Rings]<br/>
[04:06:13] Phone rings.<br/>
[04:07:52] Door guard enters containment area.<br/>
[04:07:55] Guard enters phone box.<br/>
[04:07:57] Guard answers phone.<br/>
[04:07:59] Guard gives his name, rank, and security clearance and asks caller for identification.<br/>
[04:08:01] Overhead light in containment area fails.<br/>
[04:08:02] Screaming is heard, followed shortly by a wet popping noise.<br/>
[04:08:12] Containment failure occurs.<br/>
[04:08:13] Containment failure occurs on SCP-███, SCP-███, SCP-████, and [DATA EXPUNGED]<br/>
[04:08:28] SCP-████ comes into contact with [DATA EXPUNGED].<br/>
[04:08:29] [DATA EXPUNGED]<br/>
[04:08:37] Facility locked down. All staff on site terminated.</p>
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<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-406</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Euclid</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> SCP-406 is to be held in a well-lit, unventilated 3.05mx3.05m (10ftx10ft) room at all times. Temperature is to be held at constant 4.44 degrees Celsius. No personnel are to interact with SCP-406 without contained-atmosphere suits and heavy lead shielding around the head. Interaction is to be held to periods no longer than five minutes. No samples are to be taken, and no invasive testing that may rupture SCP-406 is allowed. Any movement from it must be met with immersion in liquid nitrogen until all movement ends.</p>
<p>All personnel entering or exiting the area are to be given full x-ray and CAT scans, without exception. Personnel who resist are to be contained and observed.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-406 is a large, waxy mass that suspends itself from the ceiling by several thick cords extruded from the main mass. These are hollow, and will penetrate non-metallic surfaces as they grow. Growth begins with 2.5cm (1in) a day at 10 degrees Celsius, and increases rapidly with additional heat. SCP-406 is filled by millions of thin, hair-like structures that are capable of limited movement.</p>
<p>The item was recovered in southern Wisconsin, in the basement of a local store owner. Subject had been missing for several days. SCP-406 had grown protrusions through most of the residence, projecting out of the walls in eight sections, mainly the kitchen. Removal was effected by use of a large knife.</p>
<p>SCP-406 proceeded to release thousands of tiny hair-structures, which swarmed over all subjects in the residence. The structures entered the body, and burrowed into all tissues. Those affected quickly became irrational, violent and hyper-sensitive to light and heat. After 24 hours, subjects gathered in the basement and began to have violent seizures. Death followed after three hours. SCP-406 was found to be re-sealed and growing upon recovery. Subjects had all begun to rot prematurely, and had hair-structures on all exposed flesh.</p>
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<p><strong>Filename:</strong> Thehive004wt4.jpg<br/>
<strong>Author:</strong> <span class="printuser avatarhover"><a href="" onclick="; return false;"><img alt="Dr Gears" class="small" src=";size=small&amp;timestamp=1720188847" style="background-image:url("/></a><a href="" onclick="; return false;">Dr Gears</a></span><br/>
<strong>License:</strong> CC BY-SA 3.0<br/>
<strong>Source Link:</strong> <a href="">SCP Foundation Wiki</a></p>
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SCP-494-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
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<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-494</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Safe/Euclid</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> Although SCP-494 is immobile and emits no radiation, full-body HAZMAT suits must be worn by personnel attempting to remove it from its holding facility. SCP-494 must be stored in a 0.1 m x 0.1 m x 0.1 m glass container with a removable top, and a piece of specially inscribed paper of 10 cm x 25 cm is to be placed atop the container as a means of containing the object's effects.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-494 is an oblong torus 7.6 centimetres long which appears to be suspended in some sort of unknown blue-green liquid or gel (designated SCP-494-A). The viscosity of the liquid can and will change drastically without notice. SCP-494 itself appears to be made of limestone, and is dyed with ochre to form crude line patterns. SCP-494 appears to float in mid-air, in defiance of the laws of gravity. The ochre dye glows at random intervals; the cause of this effect is unknown. During a period of glowing, the liquid will begin to gel, and the surface will form into complex patterns based on ripples.</p>
<p>Some Foundation employees believe SCP-494 to be a device to communicate with another plane of reality, but the hypothesis cannot be proved in any way currently practical, or, indeed, known. It has, to date, caused a number of anomalies to occur, even while completely contained. For more info on these anomalies, see Addendum 494-A below.</p>
<p>SCP-494 was recovered by Foundation agents in Samoa, following up a report of an anomalous cavern structure; the investigation was somewhat hampered by the unexpected removal of the investigating Foundation archaeological team. However, SCP-494 was eventually sighted by the sole remaining team member, Agent [REDACTED], and immediately contained by Foundation personnel.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum 494-A:</strong> Anomalies</p>
<p>494's anomalous behaviour includes, but may not be limited to, the following:</p>
<p>- On ██/██/████, the ochre dye was observed emitting a blue light, rather than its usual red. During the blue period, the walls of the containment vessel began to emit SCP-494-A, and continued until the containment vessel was entirely full. Rippling patterns resumed as usual.</p>
<p>- On a number of occasions since SCP-494's containment, at an average interval of a month (there is no defined pattern other than this), a hologram or similar projection has manifested inside the containment cell. The hologram has, on all occasions, been very blurred and in the shape of a humanoid-looking figure, wearing bangles, beads, frills, and what may be shells of some description, and has never emitted any sound. It usually dissipates after fifteen minutes of roaming near the object, during which time it appears to assume a 'guard' stance.</p>
<p>- On ██/██/████, two hovering lights - one blue, one red - appeared while three Level-1 personnel were transporting SCP-494 to a suitable laboratory at Site-[REDACTED] for analysis (for analysis result consults Addendum 494-B). One employee reported hearing 'the sound of ocean waves' and assumed a kneeling position, another exhibited xenoglossy with overtones of distress, while the third wept; the tears of the third member of staff were later found to be SCP-494-A (significantly, the third employee was the only one continually in contact with the object during the period of impairment). The period of impairment ended after approximately fifteen minutes, with the disappearance of the anomalous lights and the return of the employees in question to a near-nominal mental state. All three were immediately examined by medical staff; however, given the lack of conclusions drawn from the examination, and the priority of SCP-494's analysis, the three staff members were allowed to continue transporting SCP-494 to its destination.</p>
<p>- Objects in the immediate vicinity of SCP-494's containment vessel have been disturbed such that their absolute mass increases for roughly fifteen minutes with no apparent cause. In some cases, indentations have also been observed on the top surfaces of the objects, leading scientists to remark that something would appear to have been sitting on them. No tangible object, however, has been named as the agent of SCP-494's "sitting on objects" effect.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum 494-B:</strong> See Experiment Log 494-A.</p>
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<p>SCP-515, flash removed during testing.</p>
<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-515-ARC</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Safe</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> SCP-515 is currently under investigation and study, requiring Level 4 clearance to request access to it. Otherwise, SCP-515 is to be maintained on Dr. Kondraki's person, or amongst his personal belongings.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-515 appears to be a highly customized Nikon D3, with its casing redesigned and remodeled out of <a href="/scp-143">SCP-143</a>. A large external flash is attached to the top of the device, utilizing a flash-heat system connected to a clear glass container of <a href="/scp-295">SCP-295</a>-1. The body of the device is labeled as "Obraz xIII".</p>
<p>The image sensor has been replaced by a lattice of cells removed from <a href="/scp-408">SCP-408</a>, which still retains hive mind qualities when in the proximity of 408’s main swarm. This allows voice command over the capture of the photo, along with almost infinite photo definition. The shutter and sensor have also been developed using the information discerned from reverse engineering of <a href="/scp-698">SCP-698</a>. By reversing the method of SCP-698’s function, the device is capable of recording an image without relying on light, instead focusing on a subject’s [DATA EXPUNGED]. This allows capture of subjects previously considered impossible to photograph. SCP-515’s flash mechanism is capable of causing second to third degree burns at close range, as well as inducing temporary blindness. The flash is capable of staying on at a lower intensity, acting as an extremely high power lantern. SCP-515’s flash is also capable of completely disabling other photographic devices by overloading their sensors to the point of permanent damage.</p>
<p>SCP-515 was developed by Dr. █████ Kondraki during his off hours at Site 17. While trying to improve imaging technology to better aid his work with SCPs, he concocted the concept of using SCP technology with his camera. The end result is what may be the most powerful camera known to man. O5-█ has expressed annoyance at another example of cross-SCP exploitation, but concedes that it was done in the interest of the Foundation. Cross SCP experimentation to capture the appearance of several invisible or unviewable SCP objects is pending approval.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum 515-A:</strong> Following the Clef-Kondraki incident involving <a href="/scp-239">SCP-239</a>, SCP-515 has been taken into custody by OS-█ until further notice. This action was authorized after logs revealed SCP-515 capable of overriding and controlling Site 17's surveillance system.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum 515-Ax:</strong> After requesting Dr. Kondraki to demonstrate this quality, he was able to manipulate and redirect security camera footage throughout Site-17. Additionally, SCP-515 was able to manipulate several other cameras as well, including a disposable Kodak and the polaroid belonging to <a href="/scp-105">SCP-105</a>. Testing with camera-like SCP objects is under consideration</p>
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<p><strong>Filename:</strong> 636px-Nikon_d3_1.jpg<br/>
<strong>Name:</strong> Nikon d3 1.jpg<br/>
<strong>Author:</strong> Imm808<br/>
<strong>License:</strong> CC BY 3.0<br/>
<strong>Source Link:</strong> <a href="">Wikimedia Commons</a></p>
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SCP-517-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
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<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-517</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Keter</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> SCP-517's containment is fairly straightforward. It will be content in a plain rectangular chamber, so long as chamber is at least 25m x 25m x 10m. Walls, ceiling, and floor are to be reinforced with steel plate at least 14 cm thick, and two heavy machine gun emplacements must be trained on the creature continuously. Any significantly anomalous behavior is to be met with sustained machine gun fire, which is to continue until SCP-517 is unconscious. The creature will become agitated and begin to damage its container if it is not given at least 60 kg fresh meat daily. It is not affected by dehydration, hypoxia, temperature extremes, insomnia, electrical current, or any known toxin or biological agent. It can be subdued only by massive cranial trauma or blood loss, and then only temporarily. It is strongly advised that all dealings with SCP-517 be automated so as to avoid further casualties, which have been considerable to date. Under no circumstances are personnel to enter the container, with the exception of D-level personnel.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-517 is a large, carnivorous, bipedal animal of indeterminate origin, roughly 4.5 m in height and weighing approximately 600 kg. Its appearance is a hybrid of several mammalian species. The creature has four long, apelike arms, one pair behind the other. All digits have retractable claws some 8cm in length. The legs appear mostly ursine. The creature has a long muscular tail, which is generally used for balance while walking. The head is vaguely feline, with powerful jaws and large, forward-set eyes, although it also sports two gazelle-like horns. The creature's entire body is covered in sleek black fur, which has exhibited significant flame-retardant properties.</p>
<p>SCP-517 is extremely dangerous due to its great speed, strength, plethora of natural weapons and extraordinary resistance to injury. It will attack every living organism in sight in a seemingly mindless rage. This berserk state, however, is not without strategy; the creature can instantly incorporate any available weapon into its tactics, suggesting either high intelligence or an instinctual understanding of the dynamics of combat and prompting serious questions about its origins. When not engaged in feeding or combat, SCP-517 will either sit quietly or pace slowly within its container as if waiting for further violent diversion.</p>
<p>The earliest record of SCP-517's existence is an incident in which the creature slaughtered and consumed the better part of a small town in [DATA EXPUNGED] over the course of several weeks. The creature was subdued and captured after being shot eight times with an XM500 Barrett .50 caliber rifle. The final shot was the only one observed to have any real effect, impacting the base of the skull and putting the creature into a shallow coma. The creature's unconsciousness lasted longer than the wounds themselves, which healed completely in a matter of minutes. The creature apparently suffered no permanent loss of brain function from this injury.</p>
<p>Current research is focused primarily on duplicating SCP-517's abilities, as it is unlikely that we will ever be able to truly control the beast.</p>
<p><strong>GENERAL MISSIVE 45</strong></p>
<p>It has come to my attention that several Level 2 staff members have been attempting to organize what can only be called a "fight club". Specifically, copies of an office pool taking bets on a theoretical "death match" between SCP-517 and <a href="/scp-682">SCP-682</a> have found their way to my inbox; further matches have also been proposed in these documents, at least one of which would presumably involve <a href="/scp-847">SCP-847</a>.</p>
<p>Unauthorized use of any SCP item for monetary gain is strictly prohibited, especially in respect to gambling. All staff involved with this infraction have been reduced to security class D. Further infractions will be met with increasingly severe reprimands.</p>
<p>- █████ ██████, Secretary to the ███████</p>
<p><strong>Experiment 1A:</strong></p>
<p><a href="/scp-076">SCP-076</a> was allowed entry into SCP-517's containment chamber. Please see Addendum 076-06.</p>
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SCP-578-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-578</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Euclid</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> SCP-578 is to be kept in the specially prepared warehouse at Site 14. Full lighting is to be used to illuminate the enclosure at all times. Due to the intermittent field effect displayed by SCP-578, all onsite electronic or electrical power systems are to be kept to essential apparatus with a replacement turnover of no longer then two weeks. In the event SCP-578-1 enters its second state all electrical devices active during the manifestation must be evaluated for replacement.</p>
<p>Any personnel assigned to SCP-578 displaying premature senescence are to be removed from the project until further development of symptoms has ceased.</p>
<p>The security team is to be equipped with self-defense conductive energy devices (CEDs) of a baton style. The specific combat advisories to be used in training of personnel dealing with SCP-578 are to be contained in Document 578-c. Current specific considerations attendant to each form of SCP-578 can be found in the description section.</p>
<p>The internal chamber of SCP-578's containment area is to be spherical with no flat areas. A metal walkway in the inner chamber for researcher and security team access is approved. The inner chamber is to be painted red matching the Pantone 18-1555 "Molten Lava" color specification. Any time Foundation personnel or guests are in the inner chamber, it is to be lit completely. The lamps used for this are to be replaced regularly, and stored outside the containment area when not in use. With the exception of these lamps, all electronics are forbidden in the inner chamber. This includes personal headsets assigned to the security team, as well as the CEDs used to control SCP-578.</p>
<p>The walls of the inner chamber are to be lined with a Faraday cage, and other forms of EM signal proofing. Inside the Faraday cage, but still within the walls of the inner chamber, an Arc Torus system (Please see the Reference section of the summary on SCP-578 for more information) is to be put in place.</p>
<p>This inner chamber is to be suspended in an outer chamber. This outer chamber is to be shaped as a regular tetrahedron. The interior wall of the outer chamber and exterior wall of the inner chamber are to have every available surface covered by octagonal silver-backed mirrors. This chamber is to be completely lit so that no area is shadowed. The lighting must be adjusted so that personnel are able to work within the space without being blinded. It is suggested that four lamps be placed at the vertices of the outer chamber, as well as three lamps placed in the center of each face of the outer chamber pyramid. Minimal metal walkways may be used within the outer chamber for use by maintenance personnel as well as for access to the inner chamber.</p>
<p>The exterior wall of the outer chamber is to contain a Faraday cage and Arc Torus system as per the one contained in the wall of inner chamber.</p>
<p>Further specifics of construction are to be placed in Document 578-a.</p>
<p>The containment chamber is to be constructed in the warehouse space assigned to SCP-578. A labyrinth-style design is to be painted on the floor. This design is to be changed upon every containment breech. Suitable complexity and randomness criteria for the design is to be specified in Document 578-d. The floor is to be strewn with ground rock salt. Before use, the salt must be confirmed to have been mined rather than harvested from the ocean.</p>
<p>A four meter (4m or ~13') channel must be set in the warehouse floor, and filled with running water. Due to an increase in the rate of water fouling in the presence of SCP-578, the channel water must be replaced by a fresh or purified source every two hours. Metal walkways may be placed over this channel, but they must be kept clean of dust and other deposits twice a week.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-578 appears as three distinct entities, labeled as SCP-578-1, SCP-578-2, and SCP-578-3. Each form of SCP-578 possesses a field effect that can induce damage in electrical devices, as well as inducing premature senescence in personnel. The damage to electrical devices can be permanent and cumulative, dictating a rigorous replacement schedule. The induced senescence appears to be temporary for the most part, though it has proven to be fatal with great exposure. While most damage heals with time, some effects are occasionally permanent, such as skin damage in the form of wrinkles or melanin spots. Damage to the telomeres of affected subjects have not been observed.</p>
<p>SCP-578-1 codename "Child" appears as a female child, approximately aged 5 to 7. No transparency or lack of color is displayed by SCP-578-1. She is dressed in clothing characteristic of a modern Lolita style or modern reproductions of Baroque or Rococo style clothing. The field effect of SCP-578-1 takes the form of substantial electrical disruption with minimal induced senescence. While SCP-578-1 is active, there has been substantial interference with radio transmissions observed. It seems that these disruptions manifest as additional sounds or voices on the channel used by the Foundation radios, whatever encryption protocol for said channel is used. These disruptions are childlike screams of delight, murmurs and laughs, Baroque or Rococo style music, or a clicking sound described as the "ticks of a thousand clocks". It is advised during manifestations of SCP-578-1 that radio use is kept to a minimum.</p>
<p>Though SCP-578-1 easily passes through physical obstruction, impedes the function of the Arc Torus system, and does not appear to be affected by the labyrinth design nor the salt spread, SCP-578-1 does not appear to actively threaten escape. SCP-578-1 rarely leaves the outer chamber of the containment area, often dancing in front of the mirrors. SCP-578-1 does not endanger any of the research personnel as long as suitable distance is kept from SCP-578-1. Any physical contact with SCP-578-1 by personnel directly or indirectly as with a CED induces a significant change in behavior in SCP-578-1. Whichever person had physical contact with SCP-578-1 experiences rapid development of substantial senescence. The senescence induced during at this time often proves fatal. Security personnel are advised to avoid all contact with SCP-578-1.</p>
<p>Though SCP-578-1 displays no physical trauma in its initial state, violent physical contact with Foundation personnel has been shown to induce physical wounds on its form. Further, upon any physical contact SCP-578-1 ceases all movement, and starts to manifest slicing wounds that appear consistent to those caused by a knife. These wounds manifest over a period of twenty three (23) minutes, and eventually ends with what appears to be the death of SCP-578-1. Upon this "death", one of three forms of SCP-578 (including SCP-578-1, once again whole) will replace the corpse.</p>
<p>The radio disruptions change, as well, and have proven to be somewhat psychologically damaging. The content of the disruptions are loud screams and [DATA EXPUNGED]. It is advised that if SCP-578-1 starts to manifest wounds, radios will be shut off for the duration of the manifestation.</p>
<p>SCP-578-2 codename "Wretch" appears as an emaciated female in her late twenties (20s). SCP-578-2 appears without color, manifesting in black and white. It shows substantial skin scarification, trismus, bruxism and advanced tooth decay. These symptoms are consistent with methamphetamine abuse. SCP-578-2 initially manifested without clothes, however recently the SCP manifests with a t-shirt and brief style underwear. The reason for the change is currently unknown.</p>
<p>SCP-578-2 shows an active desire to escape, coupled with physical strength and speed inconsistent with its unhealthy appearance (though still within human limits). Use of the CEDs will cause SCP-578-2 obvious physical pain, and may temporarily incapacitate it for a period of no longer then twenty (20) seconds. It must be stressed to the security team that even if SCP-578-2 appears to be neutralized, it will get back up. Unlike SCP-578-1 or SCP-578-3, SCP-578-2 does not manifest wounds resulting from physical confrontation with Foundation personnel. Personnel are to be advised of the deleterious effect of extended close contact with SCP-578-2. At no time has SCP-578-2 displayed an unconscious or sleep state. Use of the CED devices is to be focused on keeping SCP-578-2 at arms length, as well as discouraging further uncooperative behavior from SCP-578-2. Attempts to use firearms to manage 578-2 have led to manifestation of wounds, but no evidence of any sort of structural damage.</p>
<p>SCP-578-2 displays both disruption of electronic systems brought near her as well as a senescence effect on anyone within arms length. This senescence effect is cumulative if adequate healing is not allowed to take place in between exposures. As such, to limit exposure time, it is advised that personnel cycle their time actively engaging SCP-578-2 until a portable Arc Torus system can be used to immobilize SCP-578-2. Unlike SCP-578-1, and like SCP578-3, SCP-578-2 is effectively contained by the Arc Torus system.</p>
<p>SCP-578-2 manifests with a twelve point seven centimeter (12.7 cm or 5'') steak knife in its lower back on its right side. This steak knife is called Phenomenon 578-2a in Foundation documents. Faced with significant resistance, SCP-578-2 will remove this from its side and use it as a weapon. Disarming SCP-578-2 is not advised. Holding Phenomenon 578-2a has resulted in fatal spontaneous senescence in every subject to date.</p>
<p>At night, SCP-578-3 will always manifest following the appearance of SCP-578-2. It is unknown if SCP-578-2 actively intends for this to happen. In any case, it appears that SCP-578-2 will attempt to compensate for SCP-578-3's shortcomings by making its way out of the containment area to the warehouse enclosure beyond the channel and waiting for SCP-578-3 to manifest. The labyrinth-design and salt spreading has shown great utility in confusing or otherwise waylaying SCP-578-2. SCP-578-2 has been observed to spend at most eighteen (18) minutes actively attempting to trace the labyrinth or counting salt grains. SCP-578-2 appears to be aware of this limitation, and will actively attempt to avoid observing the floor of the warehouse area.</p>
<p>SCP-578-2 shows no aversion to running water. Due to SCP-578-2's relationship to SCP-578-3, it is imperative that security staff do not let 578-2 cross the 4m water channel.</p>
<p>SCP-578-3 codename "Feral" appears as a naked human female with very tan skin and dirty auburn-to-blonde hair. SCP-578-3 possesses the least powerful field effect of the three forms, showing minimal (though detectable and occasionally problematic) electronic effect. The senescence effect only appears on those subject to physical violence from the second state of SCP-578-3, and can substantially complicate recovery.</p>
<p>SCP-578-3 manifests initially emaciated, apparently on the edge of starvation. It can further be observed suffering from ataxia, myoclonus, and shaking of the limbs. Upon manifestation, SCP-578-3 will wander aimlessly until spotting someone. It will slowly make its way to the person, and attempts to communicate nonverbally, bringing its fists to its lower abdomen and tapping them against its stomach. SCP-578-3 does not engage in this behavior for an extended period, opting after a few minutes to bite anyone nearby. This biting behavior appears to have consumption of the victim as the goal, however, due to the exceptional weakness of the initial state of SCP-578-3, these attempts to consume personnel are easily dealt with.</p>
<p>Unlike SCP-578-1 or SCP-578-2 the initial state of SCP-578-3 has been known to vocalize, though only when alone. The sounds are not English. Additionally, they seem highly confused with many repeated sections and sudden pauses. All attempts to translate or analyze these vocalizations for grammar has failed. The Arc Torus system proves effective against the initial form of SCP-578-3. SCP-578-3 will be exceptionally entranced by mirrors during this period. This initial state of SCP-578-3 will manifest wounds dealt to it by Foundation personnel, which can hasten the emergence of the second state of the SCP.</p>
<p>Taking note of its emaciated state, Dr. █████████ suggested that 578-3 be provided with a meal. 578-3 quickly consumes this meal, seeming to favor raw fruits and vegetables. However, it seems placing the food triggers regions of darkness around SCP-578-3 to manifest animals within a few minutes, including groups of wild dogs. In Foundation documents, these animals are called Phenomena 578-3a. Though upon emergence 578-3a will move to attack 578-3, instances of 578-3a can be interacted with. It should be cautioned that these interactions have often ended with personnel attacked. If the attack by 578-3a on SCP-578-3 is allowed to be successful, 578-3 will be left with substantial evident wounds. Sufficient lighting delays the appearance of 578-3a, allowing 578-3 to finish the provided food. Upon completion, however, it seems 578-3 will unwillingly regurgitate which triggers the appearance of 578-3a.</p>
<p>SCP-578-3 will collapse quickly after first manifesting, from evident starvation or external attack by Foundation personnel or Phenomena 578-3a. All signs of life will quickly cease. After this seeming death, SCP-578-3 will resume movement. SCP-578-3 will move on all four limbs in a fashion similar to feral humans. Though one hesitates to describe the psychology of such an entity as 578-3, it appears frustration is a key motivator for this SCP. Occurrence of vocalizations and behaviors consistent with frustration often occur with changes to the musculature of 578-3. These alterations allow for faster and more agile movement of 578-3. Further physical feats have been associated with SCP-578-3, including an ability to adhere itself to the outer wall of the containment area and crawl along it.</p>
<p>Though SCP-578-3 has been observed to pass through physical obstruction, SCP-578-3 shows an extreme reluctance to do so. Indeed, physical obstruction of considerable strength is an effective way to contain the SCP. SCP-578-3 shows an extreme aversion to running water as well. With significant impulse, however, SCP-578-3 has been observed to vault running water. Currently, SCP-578-3 has not been observed to jump far enough to exceed the 4m channel used in containment of the SCP.</p>
<p>SCP-578-3 will not manifest during the day at Site 14. Though SCP-578-3 will emerge at random at other times during the night, SCP-578-3 has been shown to always emerge the night before the full moon, during the full moon, the night after it, and lately it has begun manifesting on nights of the new moon. The time of manifestation appears to be centered on the point when the full moon will reach its highest altitude in the night sky. The time of manifestation is variable, with longer times related to higher moonrises.</p>
<p>At low levels of frustration the strewn salt and labyrinth pattern often prove to inhibit the SCP. SCP-578-3 will even count salt grains and trace labyrinth lines in a calm fashion dissimilar to its otherwise bestial behavior. The longest SCP-578-3 has been observed to engage in this behavior is five (5) minutes. If not at high levels of frustration, the Arc Torus will also contain SCP-578-3. SCP-578-3 displays a tremendous aversion to mirrors of all sorts at all levels of frustration while in the second state. 578-3 is attracted to and will consume portions of raw meat. It has recently been discovered, due to experiments suggested by Dr. █████████, that personnel who have recently eaten also attract the attention of 578-3.</p>
<p>SCP-578-3 will display wounds dealt it by Foundation personnel or by any spectral manifestations in its initial state. However, many of these wounds are absorbed or ameliorated by the increased musculature displayed during the physical transformation of SCP-578-3. Unlike SCP-578-2, SCP-578-3 can be incapacitated for relatively long periods of time, though periods longer then five (5) minutes are rarely observed. Security personnel must work quickly to incapacitate SCP-578-3 before frustration levels peak. While SCP-578-3 is incapacitated the Arc Torus system can be set up to lead SCP-578-3 back to the containment area.</p>
<p><strong>Reference:</strong> The Arc Torus system was originally designed by Dr. █████████. The system proved effective in field testing, and was used during an encounter with [DATA EXPUNGED]. This encounter first outlined the potential liability with using the Arc Torus system.</p>
<p>Later use at containing SCP-578 had some effectiveness. However, prolonged encounters with the ectoplasmic entity had a severe deleterious effect on any electronic system, and especially the Arc Torus system. After an incident involving SCP-578 where nearly twenty (20) Arc Torus systems failed in quick succession, allowing SCP-578-2 to escape into the general area of Site ██, it was determined new containment procedures would need to be enacted.</p>
<p>Dr. ████ opted for a "folkloric" strategy. Though initially there was much resistance to such a system among researchers, certain aspects of it proved effective. Experimental results helped to isolate which factors and strategies proved most useful in containing SCP-578, and those strategies are reflected in the current special containment procedures.</p>
<p>The Arc Torus system consists of wire of at least two point five four centimeters (2.54 cm or 1'') in diameter, with larger diameters proving more effective at containing SCP-578. Such larger wire also presents greater difficulty in movement, larger chance of tearing, as well as expense. The wire must be made of a strongly conductive metal, with silver alloys currently being favored. The wire is one of many used to completely surround an area with a large degree of electrical current. This current also generates a strong magnetic field. It appears that some combination of the two impedes the movement of ectoplasm.</p>
<p>The liability of such a system lies in the electromagnetic field effect displayed by many ectoplasmic entities. The Arc Torus, like any other system based on the movement of electrons, is subject to failure in the presence of entities with such a field effect. Use of Faraday cages can ameliorate this ectoplasmic field effect somewhat.</p>
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SCP-728-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
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<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-728</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Safe</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> Upper Level 36 of Sector-28 has been converted into a habitat for the resident 728 herd, with observation points built into “cliffs” constructed of harvested stone from local blasting operations. An artificial stream runs the length of the Level, with grating on either side to prevent injury, and a filtration system installed to allow the water to be recirculated. Grass, trees, and other foliage native to the natural environment of SCP-728 has also been introduced, and is to be tended to by Upper Level Botanical Engineers.</p>
<p>While the enclosure is open to all personnel with level 1 Security Clearance, anyone wishing to enter must be outfitted with a helmet and shock-absorbing torso protection, in the event of an airborne buck becoming aggressive.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> Resembling the common Northern Whitetail Deer (<em>Odocoileus Virginianus Borealis</em>), SCP-728 possesses three anomalous mutations unique to its species (to henceforth be classified as <em>Odocoileus Virginianus Volaticus</em>):</p>
<p>The first is the ability to rotate the shoulder joints, so as to extend all four legs perpendicular to the body. This enables use of the second, which is to unfurl the normally hidden patagium (an extension of skin with adjustable tautness) for flight, in much the same way as the common flying squirrel. The third is a significantly lowered bone density, which seems to have been developed to allow for prolonged gliding.</p>
<p>While at rest, the patagium is not visible, and the shoulder joints appear no different to those of the average whitetail. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that the escape of any member of SCP-728 be prevented, and development of the herd be monitored closely for change. The captive herd currently numbers 27; 9 male, 18 female. The Cape herd numbers approximately 60, with an unknown male:female ratio.</p>
<p>SCP-728 was discovered in Rocky Harbour, Newfoundland, by the first operator of its (now historic) lighthouse. The duty of keeping the herd secret had been passed down through generations of successive lighthouse keepers, until late 2008, when a Parks Canada employee detailed its existence to the local media.</p>
<p>Two teams were dispatched shortly afterward: one to suppress the story and relocate and/or terminate all individuals involved, and another to retrieve several members of the herd for breeding and experimentation, and to replace the Parks Canada officials involved in the upkeep of the lighthouse.</p>
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SCP-744-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
<p><strong>Item #</strong>: SCP-744</p>
<p><strong>Object Class</strong>: Keter/Neutralized</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures</strong>: SCP-744's remains are to be stored in a reinforced fiberglass containment area surrounded by at least four 35-tesla electromagnets. In the event that power is cut to the electromagnets, standard Keter-level facility destruction procedures are to be initiated. The location of the containment facility must be at least two hundred (200) kilometers from any nearby city or industrial installation, as SCP-744's strength and robustness increased exponentially with its consumption of metal objects. SCP-744's remains have shown no signs of activity since neutralization; █████ ████████ [01-5281] speculates that further irradiation of the remains may prevent any possible regeneration by the remains of SCP-744.</p>
<p><strong>Description</strong>: SCP-744 was a vaguely-humanoid amalgam of decaying scrap metal and oxidized iron measuring approximately 33 meters in height and calculated to weigh at least 325,000 kg. The entity managed to offset its constant state of decay by ingesting any nearby metal objects, after which the mass of the absorbed object was integrated into its physical makeup. Absorption of metal objects seemed to augment SCP-744's strength and resistance to physical harm. SCP-744 displayed remarkable physical strength: when confronted with an M1 Abrams deployed in an effort towards containment, it struck the tank with sufficient force to flip it over entirely, at which point it was consumed by SCP-744. Bullets and artillery rounds of varying caliber were absorbed directly. Due to the entity's unexpected appearance and the danger it posed to the civilian populace, Mobile Task Force Ω-7 was dispatched to contain SCP-744 (Incident Log 361).</p>
<p><strong>Incident Log 361</strong>:</p>
<p>0912 hours: Reports begin coming into Site 19's monitoring station of the emergence of a "rust monster" from a scrap yard located near 31º██'██" N 85º██'██" W. ███████ National Guard dispatched under the pretense of a natural gas fissure.</p>
<p>0942 hours: Existence of the entity confirmed. M1 Abrams tank moves in and attempts to neutralize the entity.</p>
<p>0945 hours: Entity finishes consuming Abrams tank. Noticeable growth evidenced. ███████ National Guard retreats. Containment procedures begin. Entity given designation SCP-744.</p>
<p>0949 hours: <a href="/scp-076">SCP-076-2</a> requests that Mobile Task Force Ω-7 be dispatched to neutralize threat. Overseer O5-██ approves request. Evacuation of nearby civilian structures begins.</p>
<p>0953 hours: Ω-7 begin containment operation. <a href="/scp-076">SCP-076-2</a>, accompanied by Agent T█████ R██████ [Ω7-0008] and [REDACTED], move in to ascertain SCP-744's structural composition and evaluate any weaknesses. <a href="/scp-105">SCP-105</a> provides backup through a high-resolution image taken of the area by an SR-71 belonging to the Foundation. Members [Ω7-0014], [Ω7-0015], [Ω7-0019] and [Ω7-0020] are equipped with HK-016-compatible magnetized plastic rounds and deployed 250-300 meters from the target to contain its movement.</p>
<p>0955 hours: [Ω07-0008] and <a href="/scp-076">SCP-076-2</a> enter combat with the entity. <a href="/scp-076">SCP-076-2</a> materializes a Zweihänder-style two-handed sword.</p>
<p>0956 hours: Upon seeing SCP-744's apparent instinct to devour the weapon, audio recordings indicate that <a href="/scp-076">SCP-076-2</a> yelled a Classical Greek<sup class="footnoteref"><a class="footnoteref" href="javascript:;" id="footnoteref-1" onclick="'footnote-1')">1</a></sup> phrase believed to be "Μολὼν λαβέ". SCP-744 takes advantage of SCP-076-2's lack of movement and strikes him with its right fist, sending SCP-076-2 flying approximately 400 meters and rendering him unconscious.</p>
<p>0957 hours: [Ω7-0008] engages SCP-744 in combat. SCP-744 attempts to strike [Ω7-0008] but misses. [Ω7-0014], [Ω7-0015], [Ω7-0019] and [Ω7-0020] fire on SCP-744 with little effect.<br/>
0958 hours: [Ω7-0008] inflicts severe lacerations to the legs of SCP-744, causing it to stumble. [Ω7-0008] then disengages under orders of Overseer 05-██ owing to the potential for SCP-744 to absorb SCP-193.</p>
<p>0959 hours: Lacerations on legs of SCP-744 spontaneously heal. Significant decrease in entity's overall size noted.</p>
<p>1001 hours: SCP-105 remotely administers 20cc of an adrenaline-ketamine solution to SCP-076-2. SCP-076-2 regains consciousness and recommends military action against SCP-744. SCP-076-2 reenters combat. Overseer O5-██ recommends the use of thermobaric explosives against SCP-744 based on statements made by SCP-076-2.</p>
<p>1007 hours: Overseer O5-██ informs SCP-076-2 that a suitable location has been found for detonation. SCP-076-2 disengages and begins to taunt SCP-744, causing SCP-744 to charge towards SCP-076-2. SCP-076-2 then begins to lead SCP-744 to designated detonation area.</p>
<p>1058 hours: SCP-744 arrives at designated detonation area.</p>
<p>1059 hours: SCP-076-2 delivers massive blow to SCP-744's legs, severing them at the entity's "hip". SCP-076-2 quickly retreats and calls for detonation.</p>
<p>1100 hours: Fuel-air thermobaric explosive detonated.</p>
<p>1109 hours: Fallout clears. SCP-076-2 asserts containment of SCP-744 and secures its four remaining pieces.</p>
<p>1130 hours: Disinformation office releases news of SCP-744's destruction under the guise of a tornado and the resulting explosion as a result of an accident at a sugar refinery.</p>
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<div class="footnote-footer" id="footnote-1"><a href="javascript:;" onclick="'footnoteref-1')">1</a>. <em>This was the first recorded instance of SCP-076-2 speaking in Greek; followup evaluation has indicated near-complete fluency.</em></div>
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SCP-776-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
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<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-776</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Euclid</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> The die is to be kept suspended on a plastic pedestal on one of its sides. Researchers are required to wear heat and electrical protected HAZMAT suits when handling 776. D-class personal have been denied access to similar protective wear.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-776 is a six-sided die with a dark grey metallic surface, with several symbols etched into the surface in place of numbers or the same symbols to signify numbers.</p>
<p>The symbols are respectively:</p>
<p>- One lightning bolt in a bright white colour.<br/>
- Two snowflakes in light blue.<br/>
- Three tear drops in dark blue.<br/>
- Four brown ragged circles, possibly symbolising stones.<br/>
- Five red ragged tear drops, possibly symbolising fire.<br/>
- Six waving lines that are side by side, possibly symbolising wind.</p>
<p>Rolling a one causes an electrical charge to burst out of the die, covering a six foot area. Those not wearing protective gear are exposed to a charge with high voltage, but low amperage; causing little more than an uncomfortable contraction of muscles for those caught.</p>
<p>It should also be noted that the die retains a charge after a one has been rolled, causing the next person to pick it up to be hit with the same sort of charge.</p>
<p>Rolling a two causes water surrounding the die to immediately freeze. The die becomes cold to the touch.</p>
<p>Rolling a three causes a large amount of water to pour from the die, measured at 5 litres per second for 5 minutes. The die seems to treat water as a solid surface and can be rolled on it as if the water were a table or similar. However, after a three has been rolled, the die is prohibited from being rolled after incident 1A.</p>
<p>Rolling a four causes a minute scale earthquake to occur, usually affecting a 6 foot area. Measurements on the Richter scale have ranged from 3.2 to 7.8. Stronger quakes are theorized.</p>
<p>Rolling a five causes five large fireballs to be launched from the face-up sides of the die, in the directions that they are facing. The die becomes incredibly hot after a five has been rolled (measured at 200 degrees centigrade ten minutes after the die has been rolled).</p>
<p>Rolling a six causes a large tornado to emanate from the die. Wind speeds have been clocked at 400 kilometres per hour, and are incredibly destructive. After the first rolling, 776 was moved to an air-tight, protected room.</p>
<p><strong>Incident 1A:</strong></p>
<p>After rolling a three, D-class personnel then rolled a two. Three D-class personnel had to be dug from the ice and have treatment for minor frostbite to their toes and feet. One D-class subject died instantly whilst having his head underwater looking for personal effects dropped.</p>
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SCP-784-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
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<li><a href="/log-of-agent-aa">Personal Log of Agent AA</a></li>
<li><a href="/olympia-project">Olympia Project</a></li>
<li><a href="/experiment-log-784-beta">Experiment Log 784-Beta</a></li>
<li><a href="/784incident1">The 784 Incident</a></li>
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<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-784</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Euclid</span> <em>Presumed Neutralized</em></p>
<strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong>
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<p>SCP-784 was kept in a reinforced concrete containment cell with interior dimensions 10m x 10m x 10m and walls 2m thick. Said container was to be kept immersed in a 100 percent acetone bath to a depth of at least one meter: under no circumstances was the holding container to be removed from this acetone bath, except for weekly cleaning and resupply (see below).</p>
<p>SCP-784's biological components require a supply of nutrients, to be provided in an oxygenated electrolyte and glucose bath (see Supplemental Document 784-A). As SCP-784 was capable of filtering and circulating said liquid on its own, all that was necessary was for the reservoir to be recharged on a weekly basis. At least two Class-D personnel with acetone sprayers were to be kept on standby while the third performs the resupply and a sonar inspection of the holding container: any weak points were to be immediately patched. Should the assessment determine that the structure was dangerously unstable, said container was to be sealed within a secondary shell with interior dimensions 14m x 14m x 14m.</p>
<p>No electronic devices, silicon glass, or metals were to be permitted within 500m of SCP-784. Personnel maintaining SCP-784 were to be briefed on the dangers of working around a 100% acetone solution, and to be provided respirator gear and hazardous materials suits.</p>
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<p>The remnants of SCP-784 are to be kept in Hazardous Materials Storage using these same criteria. No further research is permitted at this time.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-784 is the remains of Agent A████████ A██████. Officially killed in action by [DATA EXPUNGED] during recovery operations at Prometheus Labs ████, Agent A██████ actually survived his injuries and was approved to undergo enhancement by <a href="/scp-212">SCP-212</a>. Unusually enough, SCP-212 chose not to repair A██████'s extensive injuries (including traumatic amputation of all four limbs) or to remove a shard of [DATA EXPUNGED] that had become lodged in Agent A██████'s cerebrum. Instead, SCP-212 integrated the shard of circuitry more completely into Agent A██████'s brain and performed a standard organ maintenance.</p>
<p>Said shard of circuitry immediately began to repair itself and replace Agent A██████'s glial cells, leaving the neurons intact. Upon replacing the entirety of Agent A██████'s neuroglia, said circuitry bored several holes through the back of his skull, then removed the entirety of the parietal and occipital bones and replaced them with reinforced metal plating. Agent A██████ was then declared KIA and reclassified as SCP-784.</p>
<p>SCP-784 consists of two components: the biological portion consists of the Agent A██████'s neurons, spinal cord, and portions of his cranium and vertebra: the remainder of his body became necrotic over time and was debrided to prevent infection from spreading.</p>
<p>The second component is made up of a nanomachine colony and takes the form of a network of steel and silicon tendrils emerging from the back of Agent A██████'s skull and spine. The mechanical portion of SCP-784 has shown itself capable of reforming into a variety of different forms, including but not limited to: cutting tools, prehensile tendrils, interfaces for electronic devices, and molecular assemblers. SCP-784 is capable of breaking down and incorporating any silicon or metal object into its nanomachine network, and has shown a capacity for integrating electronic devices as well. Nonmetallic or silicon-based items can be broken down, but are not easily integrated.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum ██-██-████</strong>:</p>
<p><a href="">Following the events of ██-██-████</a>, the remaining .5 liters of nanomaterial recovered from the late Director Valentine are all that remain.</p>
<p>The nanomachine colony shows two weaknesses: first, individual nanomachines cannot function without a physical connection to the biological portion. Secondly, exposure to heat (above 100 degrees C) or certain solvents will cause the nanomachines to denature in a manner similar to proteins: a 100% acetone solution has shown to be both effective and easy to obtain in large quantities, and has been selected as the containment medium.</p>
<p>Despite its nature, SCP-784 is normally not hostile to life, except as a means of nourishing its biological component. The only casualties inflicted by SCP-784 were caused before a means of communication could be established, and the need for a nutrient bath were known. In that incident, SCP-784 attacked and entangled a Class-D personnel inspecting its containment cell, and proceeded to liquify a portion of its flesh, converting it into a nutrient solution which it then administered to its biological component.</p>
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SCP-837-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
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<p>SCP-837 upon recovery.</p>
<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-837</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Euclid</span> Neutralized</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">SCP-837 is to be contained in a clear terrarium in an airtight holding chamber. The chamber must have separate ventilation and cooling systems containing pressure release valves. Food and water are to be replaced daily while SCP-837 is active. Personnel entering the room must be trained and equipped with an ADS 2000 atmospheric diving suit modified by Foundation engineers to be lighter on land.</span></p>
<p><span style="text-decoration: line-through;">If the atmospheric pressure of the containment cell reaches 45 Bar while personnel are in the containment cell, equalization of the airlock is to be achieved as soon as possible and the personnel are to enter and seal the airlock immediately.</span></p>
<p>SCP has been neutralized and requires no Containment Procedures (See Neutralization Record 837)</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-837 is a <em>Danaus genutia</em> butterfly. Upon recovery near the south-east coast of Asia, the butterfly was fully grown. When SCP-837 flaps its wings it creates a sudden increase in atmospheric pressure around it. This pressure change has been measured as being approximately 500 pa within the SCP's 10x10x8 containment cell. The increase in pressure engendered by the butterfly causes a progressive increase in temperature in the chamber, requiring flushing of the atmospheric system to maintain cooling.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum: 837-1</strong> Upon initial recovery, SCP-837 was contained in a room attached to the normal ventilation system. When SCP-837 flew inside its terrarium for prolonged periods, storms formed outside the facility due to the increase in atmospheric pressure. Containment procedures have been changed to prevent this in the future.</p>
<p><strong>Addendum: 837-2</strong> SCP-837 has been found to have a self-renewing life cycle. When it reaches the end of its life span (which is significantly longer than a normal specimen of <em>Danaus genutia</em>) SCP-837 sheds its wings and shell, emerging as a caterpillar. SCP-837 constructs a cocoon in approximately 15 minutes. It remains in the cocoon for 129 days and emerges with an identical color pattern on its body and wings. It retains butterfly form for 78 days. Since recovery, it has gone through this cycle ██ times.</p>
<p><strong>Neutralization Record 837</strong></p>
<p>On █/██/████, the pressure release valves in the ventilation system malfunctioned, preventing the heat and pressure created by SCP-837 from being drawn out of the system. At ██:██:██, the containment cell reached 573 Kelvin, killing SCP-837.</p>
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SCP-922-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
<p><em>The page was marked for deletion; however, because certain pages on the site depend on knowledge of this article—usually tales or supplements—it has been retained. The following article makes reference to this page:</em></p>
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<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-922-ARC</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Safe</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> SCP-922-ARC is to be placed in a 2.5 m x 2.5 m room and placed on a clean, sterile surface. No unusual containment procedures or equipment are necessary, but it is recommended that test subjects be monitored for extreme emotional distress to mitigate any possible damage to SCP-922-ARC.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-922-ARC is a small blue lunchbox with a thin black handle and two metal latches. Spectroscopic analysis indicates that the metal is iron, albeit slightly oxidized. It can be safely handled and transported.</p>
<p>SCP-922-ARC produces some sort of psychic effect which generates a strong emotional response within a subject upon the consumption of food. A subject's response is usually based on past memories or experiences which had a significant impact on a person, relative to their psychological norm. Subsequent effects range from mild nostalgia or guilt to extreme panic or depression and will dissipate within a few days after initial exposure. Subjects who ingest foods in the presence of the field produced by SCP-922-ARC show a slight addiction to the feelings of happiness or anxiety. They also report a strong longing to return to a lost place or memory and will often attempt to correct or relive the moment in time, despite being unable to.</p>
<p>The effects seem to result from a correlation between the type of food consumed and the emotional and/or physical responses effected on a subject, as detailed below:</p>
<p><strong>I)</strong> Sweets usually result in a reliving of a positive or "happy" moment, though it can occasionally produce extreme depression or fear when it was associated with a lost child or friend or an attempted kidnapping.</p>
<p><strong>II)</strong> Salty or savory foods such as packaged chips or sandwiches tend to precipitate a period of increased stress, pressure, or anxiety. Responses could be either positive - such as those that result from asking a significant other to marry them - or negative - as in a war zone where soldiers are pinned under enemy fire.</p>
<p><strong>III)</strong> Sour foods often result in depression, where a subject tends to dwell on past experiences. There is a direct correlation between the level of sourness and the severity of depression. Most responses allude to the depression as being caused by a regret or grudge the subject has held.</p>
<p><strong>IV)</strong> Bitter foods elicit the most negative - and often the most aggressive - responses. These range from a violent family incident or altercation to the act of murder or rape.</p>
<p><em>Following further testing, it seems that the experiences a subject goes through are not always from their past. One subject reported an intense fear from a memory of an artillery barrage, when he had never served in any armed force or lived in a war-torn region. Another subject reported a sense of bliss following a visit to an aunt in the French countryside for tea and madeleines, despite having never visited France or a neighboring region. Whether this suggests that SCP-922-ARC has some sort of "stored memory" is inconclusive as of right now. More testing is required. <strong>-Dr. Kensington</strong></em></p>
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SCP-987-ARC | <html><body><div id="page-content">
<p><strong>Item #:</strong> SCP-987</p>
<p><strong>Object Class:</strong> Euclid (Class currently under reevaluation. See Addendum.)</p>
<p><strong>Special Containment Procedures:</strong> SCP-987 is to be kept, at all times, within an opaque brown, black or manila envelope <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">in a filing cabinet in room ██ in the Nunavut Facility</span> a secure bunker at Site 19 (See document #987-3). At no point should SCP-987 be removed from this envelope except under the supervision of [NAME REDACTED, SEE ADDENDUM]. Following removal from its envelope, SCP-987 should only be opened by expendable Class D personnel.</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> SCP-987 appears to be one (1) double-hung sash window measuring 20.32cmx25.4cm (8inx10in). While the “exterior” side is totally transparent [DATA EXPUNGED, SEE ADDENDUM].</p>
<p><strong>Addendum:</strong> Those with Level 2 Security Clearance should see document #987-1 and #987-2. Those with Level 4 Security Clearance should see document #987-3. Class D Personnel are required to be briefed as per document #987-4.</p>
<p>Document #987-1: July 11, 1999 Summary Report on SCP-987</p>
<p>SCP-987 was found in a Saskatchewan farmhouse in 1997. The house’s residents were found sitting in front of it, armed, having apparently starved to death while looking through. The properties of SCP-987 were originally assumed to have been limited to its location in the north wall of the house’s living room. The anomaly was soon discovered to be contained between the double-paned glass itself.</p>
<p>When looking “out” the window, one sees a living room furnished and decorated circa 1987. The room has been ransacked. Naked, bloodstained men and women pass through the room occasionally. While they ape normal human behaviour, no evidence has surfaced to support the hypothesis that they understand their behaviour or interact socially in a meaningful manner.</p>
<p>Document #987-2: Transcript of [NAME REDACTED] Log Entry for August 13, 2002</p>
<p>[NAME REDACTED]: Jules has recommended removing the camera from room ██. Six L1’s have gone catatonic watching the feed. ███████ ████ believes that this is connected to the circumstances under which it was found. She also believes that this is connected to [unintelligible] or else #008. Murkasky dis [sic]</p>
<p>[Alarm Klaxons].</p>
<p>[NAME REDACTED]: This is [NAME REDACTED], this is not a drill. SCP-987 has been opened. Repeat, SCP-987 has been opened. All non-security personnel [unintelligible]</p>
<p>[log ends]</p>
<p>Document #987-3: Memorandum on the Closure of the Nunavut Facility</p>
<p>As of August 15, 2002, Site 21 in Nunavut, Canada has been declared closed following the accidental release of SCP-987’s contents. SCP-987 was recovered. There were six survivors, all Class D Personnel. Each exhibits signs of severe paranoia and suicidal tendencies. SCP-987 will be transferred to a secure bunker in Site 19 on September 20, 2002 following standard screening procedures and reevaluation of object class.</p>
<p>Document #987-4: Procedures for Handling of SCP-987 (Class D Personnel Only)</p>
<p>1. Before entering Room ██, take 2 50 mg Buspirone tablets.</p>
<p>2. Don 50% opacity glasses</p>
<p>3. Enter Room ██</p>
<p>4. Wait until camera deactivation signal sounds</p>
<p>5. Remove SCP-987 from its envelope</p>
<p>6. Take still photographs of SCP-987 at one second intervals</p>
<p>7. Return SCP-987 to envelope</p>
<p>8. Wait until camera reactivation signal sounds before leaving room ██</p>
<p>Any viewing of SCP-987 without proper handling procedures is grounds for termination. If any personnel are exposed to video footage of SCP-987, activate Freeman Contingency.</p>
<p>Document #FRE-01: Freeman Contingency Procedure</p>
<p>1. Security Clearance Level 3 Personnel are to set up roadblocks at all viewing room exits.</p>
<p>2. Security Personnel are to be equipped with Class B Freeman “Icepicks”</p>
<p>3. Any personnel attempting to exit are to be subjected to a transorbital leucotomy and interrogated before being terminated.</p>
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