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"Arigato"...Very good. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) ..."Ah-So"... SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) "Ah-So!" You know what "Ah-So" means THE BRIDE "I See." SUSHI CHEF I see - Very good. THE BRIDE I already said "Domo", right? SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Yes. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) "Kon-netie-wa." The Sushi Chef goes "Oooh" like he's just discovered the answer to a mystery. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) ..."Kon-nichi-wa"...repeat please. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) "Kon-nichi-wa?" Saying with surprise and admiration; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Most say Japanese words, like you Japanese. The Bride smiles and lets loose with a girlish giggle. THE BRIDE Now you're making fun of me. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) No no no - serious business. Pronunciation - very good. You say "Arigato" we say "Arigato." THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Well, thank you - I mean...arigato. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) You should learn Japanese - very easy. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) No kidding, I heard it's kinda hard. Whenever the Sushi Chef doesn't either hear your or understand you, he yells the word; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What! And everybody always speaks LOUDER and CLEARER immediately afterwards. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I always heard it was difficult. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Yes yes yes - most difficult. But you have Japanese tongue. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Maybe I was Japanese in another life. The Sushi Chef proclaims as if he should know; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Most definitely, most definitely Japanese in another life. He sets an order of colorful, raw fish in front of the young blonde woman, that not only looks good, it looks beautiful. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) How did you know tuna's my favorite? SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What! THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Tuna's my favorite. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Ah, thank you very much. He YELLS OFFSCREEN in Japanese agai. A little BALD JAPANESE MAN with a shitty attitude, comes out from the back room. He heads for the tall blonde asking in a grumbly voice in Japanese, "What she wants to drink?" THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) (to the bald man) I beg your pardon? The Sushi Chef pantomimes drinking. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) - Drink - THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Oh yes, a bottle of warm sake. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Ahhh sake, (he holds up his thumb) Very good. In Japanese he YELLS/ORDERS the warm sake, the little Bald Man disappears. The Bride takes a bite out of her fish. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) First time in Japan? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) A-huh. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What! THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Yes, this is my first time. As the chef slices the next portion with a large knife, he asks; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What brings you to Okinawa? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I came to see a man. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Aaahh, you have friend live in Okinawa? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Not quite. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Not friend? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I've never met him. The Sushi Chef continues slicing..... SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Who is he, may I ask? THE BRIDE Hattori Hanzo. There's a break in the Sushi Chef's slicing. After a beat, he brings a bloody finger INTO FRAME and sticks it in his mouth. The little Bald man appears with a bottle of warm sake, he pours one for The Bride, then disappears again. As The Bride sips the sake, she looks at the chef. As The Sushi Chef sucks his finger, he looks at The Bride. The Sushi Chef drops the voice he had been using up to that point...and IN JAPANESE SUBTITLED IN ENGLISH asks; SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) What do you want with Hattori Hanzo? The Bride answers in Japanese; THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) I need Japanese steel. SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) Why do you need Japanese steel? THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) I have vermin to kill. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) You must have big rats you need Hattori Hanzo steel. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Huge. INT. HATTORI HANZO'S ATTIC - DAY The trap door in the floor opens up, and HATTORI HANZO (Sushi Chef), climbs inside the room, followed by The Bride. The room has many handcrafted samurai swords in hand-carved wooden sheaths resting on wooden racks running the length of the second half of the attic. The Bride walks down the row of Japanese steel, looking and touching the shiny wood. She looks behind her to Hanzo who is still by the trap door, and says; THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) May I? The Sushi Chef answers in ENGLISH; HANZO (ENGLISH) Yes you may..... She starts reaching for one... HANZO (ENGLISH) ...try the second one down in the sixth row on your left. She finds it lying sleeping in its shiny, black sheath. Her hand lifts it from the rack. She UNSHEATHS the steel, partially....then with GREAT FLOURISH....completely. Hanzo's mouth froms a smile. HANZO (ENGLISH) Funny, you like samurai swords... He pulls a baseball out of his pocket. HANZO (ENGLISH) ...I like baseball. THEN SUDDENLY - HE THROWS THE BASEBALL HARD, right at The Bride's head.... QUICK AS A WHIP, SHE SLICES THE BALL IN HALF, IN MID AIR. The two perfectly cut baseball pieces, hit the floor. He gives her a slight nod, then crosses the attic towards her. HANZO (JAPANESE) I wanted to show you these.... However someone as you, who knows so much must surely know, I no longer make instruments of death. I keep these here for their ascetic and sentimental value. (he takes both sword and sheath from her...) Yet proud tho I am of my life's work... (...he closes them together) I am retired. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Then give me one of these. HANZO (ENGLISH) These are not for sale. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I didn't say, sell me. I said, give me. HANZO (ENGLISH) And why should I be obliged to assist you in the extermination of your vermin? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Because my vermin, is a former student of yours. And considering the student, I'd say you had a rather large obligation. Hattori Hanzo goes to a dusty window, and writes the name, "BILL" on it with his finger. The blonde girl nods her head yes. The proud warrior moves over to the door in the floor, throwing it open. He points into a corner... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...You can sleep there... .....starts to descend.... HANZO (JAPANESE) will take me a week to make the sword... .....before his head disappears, he says; HANZO (JAPANESE) ...I suggest you spend it practicing. ...he closes the door behind him. She smiles slightly...then moves over to the window, takes out a handkerchief, and wipes Bill's name off. FADE TO BLACK. OVER BLACK TITLE APPEARS: "One week later" Under black we hear Hattori Hanzo's voice in Japanese and read the subtitles; HANZO (V.O.; JAPANESE) I'm done doing what I swore an oath to God 28 years ago to never do again. I've created, "something that kills people." And in that purpose I was a success. FADE UP ON CU HATTORI HANZO HANZO (JAPANESE) I've done this, because philosophically I'm sympathetic to your aim. EX CU The HANZO SWORD TRACKING EX CU of the Hanzo sword in its shiny, black wood sheath. At the base of the sheath, by the handle, he's carved the face of a lioness... HANZO (V.O.; JAPANESE) I can tell you with no ego, this is my finest sword. If on your journey, you should encounter God, God will be cut. CU HANZO. HANZO (JAPANESE) Revenge is never a straight line. It's a forest. And like a forest it's easy to lose your get lost... to forget where you came in. To serve as a compass, a combat philosophy must be adopted that can be found in the secret doctrine of the Yagu Ninja. And now my yellow haired warrior, repeat after me; We go back and forth between CU of HANZO reciting the doctrine like a samurai drill instructor and the Bride repeating it. HANZO (JAPANESE) "When engaged in combat, the vanquishing of thine enemy can be the warrior's only concern... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...This is the first and cardinal rule of combat... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...Suppress all human emotion and compassion... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...Kill whoever stands in thy way, even if that be Lord God, or Buddha himself... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) This truth lies at the heart of the art of combat. Once it is mastered... Thou shall fear no one... Though the devil himself may bar thy way... The Bride repeats this... Her eyes look at the greatest maker of swords on this earth and says; THE BRIDE Domo. EX CU The Hanzo Sword, her white hand with her long fingers COMES INTO FRAME and removes the beautiful, artful instrument of vengeance. FADE TO BLACK. OVER BLACK TITLE CARD: Chapter Four SHOWDOWN at HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES CUT TO: A BLANK PIECE OF DRAWING PAPER A hand comes in and, as the Bride talks over this image, draws with a piece of charcoal, a portrait of the geisha regaled O-REN ISHII. THE BRIDE (V.O.) When fortune smiles on something as violent and ugly as revenge, at the time it seems proof like no other, that not only does God exist, you're doing his will. At a time when I knew the last about my enemies, the first name on my death list, was the easiest to find. But of course, when one manages the difficult task of becoming queen of the Tokyo underworld, one doesn't keep it a secret, does one? The charcoal drawing gets color and becomes ANIMATED, turning into a JAPAMATION O-REN... JAPANESE ANIMATION SEQUENCE We see Japamation-style images of The Bride's verbiage. THE BRIDE (V.O.) At the age of twenty, Bill backed his Nippon progeny financially and philosophically in her Shakespearian-in-magnitude power struggle with the other Yakuza clans, over who would rule vice in the city of Tokyo. Japamation images of O-Ren and her Army, taking on ANOTHER YAKUZA ARMY, among falling cherry blossoms. WE CUT BACK AND FORTH between cartoon images of this and the real life real McCoy samurai sword battle. O-Ren's ability is simply amazing. THE BRIDE (V.O.) When it was all over, it was the geisha-regaled O-Ren Ishii that proved the victor. INT. JAPANESE NIGHT CLUB O-Ren has just become the official leader of crime in the city of Tokyo. The six Yakuza clan bosses, each with TWO BODYGUARDS standing behind them, toast their new leader, with much laughter and drinking...all except one...BOSS TANAKA. THE BRIDE (V.O.) And just in case you're wondering how could a half breed Japanese Chinese American become the boss of all criminal activity in Tokyo, Japan,... I'll tell you. The subject of O-Ren's blood and nationality came up before the council only once. The night O-Ren assumed power over the crime council. Boss Tanaka is the picture of angered ambiance among the alcohol-fueled frivolity. THE BRIDE (V.O.) The man who seems bound and determined to break the mood is Boss Tanaka. And what Boss Tanaka thinks is... Boss Tanaka brings his fist down on the table, smashing the plate in front of him into itty bitty pieces. The party comes to a halt as all eyes go to the leader of the Tanaka Crime Family. CRIME FAMILY LEADER #2 (JAPANESE) Tanaka? What's the meaning of this outburst? This is a time for celebration. BOSS TANAKA (JAPANESE) And what exactly should I be celebrating? The perversion of our illustrious council? The Bosses all react with shock and outrage...O-Ren remains cool. She raises her voice for the first word, but lowers it for the rest of the sentence. O-REN (JAPANESE) Gentlemen...Boss Tanaka obviously has something on his mind. Allow him to express it. BOSS TANAKA (JAPANESE) My father... (looking at a clan head) ...along with yours and... (looking at another) ...along With yours, started this council. And while you drink like fish and laugh like donkeys, they weep in the afterlife over the perversion committed today. The BOSSES react again...O-Ren; O-REN (JAPANESE) Silence! (then composed) Of what perversion do you speak, Tanaka? Boss Tanaka looks at the female half-breed American and says; BOSS TANAKA (JAPANESE) I speak, Mistress Ishii,....of the perversion done to this council, which I love more than my own children, making a half Chinese American its leader. Then... Faster than you can say Jimminy Cricket,... O-Ren's samurai sword is unsheathed... Boss Tanaka's head is liberated from its body... The head hits the floor... And from the spot between its shoulder blades, a geyser of blood shoots up in the air. The BOSSES who were shocked at Tanaka's words are even more flabbergasted at O-Ren's resonse. The two bodyguard's, standing behind Boss Tanaka, hands go to their swords and draw them. O-Ren turns her blade in their direction. The Bosses and their bodyguards say nothing,...only watch. The lady looks across at the two men and says in and authoritative voice; O-REN (JAPANESE) Fight me or work for me. They look at her for a moment, then they lower their swords. O-REN (JAPANESE) Drop them on the ground. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Get behind me. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Get on your knees. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Put your foreheads on the floor. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Keep your mouths shut. You better believe they do. The mistress' eyes got to the other bosses looking at her. As she speaks English, bodyguard translators translate for their bosses. O-REN I'm going to say this in English so you know how serious I am. As your leader, I encourage you to -- from time to time and always in a respectful manner, and with the complete knowledge that my decision is final -- to question my logic. If you're unconvinced a particular plan of action I've decided is the wisest, tell me so. But allow me to convince you. And I will promise you, right here and now, no subject will be taboo...except the subject that was just under discussion. O-REN (JAPANESE) (to a bodyguard) Hand me that head. He picks it off the floor and meekly offers it to the Queen. She takes it by the hair and holds it up as she speaks. O-REN (ENGLISH) The price you pay for bringing up either my Chinese or my American heritage as a negative is, I collect your fuckin head. (now completely American) Just like this fucker here. Now if any of you sonsabitches got anything else to say, now's the fuckin time. Nobody says anything. O-REN (ENGLISH) I didn't think so. (pause) Meeting adjourned. EXT. THE HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES - JAPANESE RESTAURANT The entire O-Ren Ishii crew moves through the restaurant. The CUSTOMERS all look up now as the crew passes. The restaurant staff acts as if the Shogun himself has just showed up on their doorstep demanding a meal. No doubt if the meal is not satisfactory the staff will gladly slice off a finger. The door to a private dining room is slid open, the crew steps inside, the door is slid shut. INT. PRIVATE DINING AREA (RESTAURANT) - NIGHT The private dining area of the Japanese restaurant. The patrons are surrounded by white paper walls. The CAMERA CIRCLES around O-REN ISHII. Sitting in between her, two personal bodyguards, the Yubari sisters, YUKI AND GO GO. The Yubari sisters are younger than O-Ren; Yuki is sixteen and Go Go is seventeen. Both girls are dressed in Japanese schoolgirl uniforms complete with plaid skirts and matching blazers. FLASH ON EX CU OF AN EYEBALL (The BRIDE's) On her right is her French and Japanese lawyer, SOFIE FATALE. FLASH ON EX CU OF AN EYEBALL The bunch of mop-topped young men, who all wear black suits, white shirts, thin black ties and Kato masks over their eyes, are her soldiers, "The CRAZY 88." FLASH ON EX CU OF AN EAR, The Bride's fingers come into FRAME and move blonde hair out of the sensory appendage's way. And finally there's a tall dark American in a black suit sans Kato mask -- that's O-Ren's head of security, MR. BARREL. They're all drinking and having a good time as Sofie tells a joke in Japanese. THE BRIDE (V.O.) The mop tops in black suits and Kato masks were O-Ren's soldiers, "The Crazy 88." The two young girls in the schoolgirl uniforms are her personal bodyguards, the Yubari sisters. Yuki, aged sixteen, and Go Go, aged seventeen. The pretty lady who's dressed like she's a villain on Star Trek is O-Ren's best friend and her lawyer, Sofie Fatale. And finally, the American in the black suit but sans Kato mask, O-Ren's head of security, Mr. Barrel. SUDDENLY O-Ren hears something. Like a deer in the forest, her head springs up on alert. It's almost as if she's listening to The Bride's narration. The Bride's NARRATION SUDDENLY STOPS IN MIDSENTENCE -- O-Ren removes a SMALL DAGGER-DART from the folds of her robe and THROWS IT in the direction of the sound. CU The BRIDE dressed in a kimono on the other side of the private dining room's paper wall. The DART FLIES THROUGH The PAPER, STREAKS BY HER FACE, almost taking off the tip of her nose in the process. INSERT: DART EMBEDS ITSELF IN A WOOD POST. O-Ren's action instantly brings the room's frivolity to a halt. Mistress Ishii silently orders Go Go and Yuki to retrieve the eavesdropper. INT. JAPANESE RESTAURANT - NIGHT The white paper door to O-Ren's dining room SLAMS OPEN. Yuki and Go Go step into the corridor. All trace of the Bride has vanished. They look out over the restaurant, patrons look normal. Whoever was there is gone now. Go Go removes the small dagger from the wood post and the Yubari sisters go back into the private dining room, SLAMMING the door behind them. ONE SHOT CU The BRIDE at the bar, in her kimono, drinking a colorful cocktail. She observes all the activity by O-Ren's private dining room. When the Yubari sisters go back inside, the Bride climbs off her barstool and goes through the restaurant...into the parking area...and up to her rental car. She opens the door. Takes off her Japanese kimono, underneath is a one-piece yellow track suit with a black stripe going down both sides, like the one Bruce Lee wears in "Game of Death." She tosses the kimono in the trunk, then removes the sheathed Hanzo sword. With the sword of vengeance in her hand, we follow her back inside the restaurant. She looks upstairs to the O-Ren dining room. We see Yuki Yubari and Sofie Fatale, slide open the door, and walk down the stairs together. When they get to the bottom, they give each other a kiss goodbye, and Yuki leaves the restaurant, while Sofie makes her way to the bathroom...only to have The Bride, now dressed in her Bruce Lee yellow outfit and samurai sword in her hand, bar her way. END OF SHOT BACK AND FORTH between CU's of the two women, face to face. SOFIE (JAPANESE) (to Bride) Can I help you? THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) Yes, I am looking for the attorney of O-Ren Ishii, Sofie Fatale. Would that be you? SOFIE (JAPANESE) I'm Mistress Ishii's attorney. How can I help you? The Bride PUNCHES her in the face. INT. O-REN'S PRIVATE ROOM Aside from drinking like fishes, what is the queen of the Tokyo underworld - Mistress O-Ren Ishii - and her private army doing when we cut back? Singing karaoke, of course. It's Crazy 88 MIKI's turn at the mike and he's having a whale of a good time singing Dionne Warwick's "Walk On By," in Japanese.... WHEN... A COMMOTION is heard being made by the restaurant staff and the other patrons, from the other side of the white paper wall...Just as they all start to notice it, they hear; THE BRIDE (O.S., JAPANESE) O-Ren Ishii! You and I have unfinished business! The Crazy 88 spring to their feet. One slides open the door. They see O-Ren's lawyer, Sofie Fatale, standing in the middle of the restaurant, her left arm completely outstretched, hand gripped around a post. She has a terrified look on her face. Before anybody on O-Ren's side of the room can say anything ...The Bride steps out from behind Sofie. O-REN'S reaction shows how effective the element of surprise turned out to be. She says The Bride's name softly to herself; it's BLEEPED OUT. The Bride The VENGEANCE THEME BURSTS ON THE SOUNDTRACK...The Vein on her forehead begins to pulsate. WE DO A QUICK SHAW BROTHERS ZOOM INTO HER EYES. A SPAGHETTI-WESTERN FLASHBACK of O-Ren beating the shit outta her at the wedding chapel IS SUPERIMPOSED OVER HER EYES. The FLASHBACK DISSOLVES, we ZOOM BACK INTO A CU, the vein stops pulsating, and the theme STOPS PLAYING OVER THE SOUNDTRACK, LEAVING A CLEAN, COLORFUL CU of The Bride loaded for bear. She raises her Hanzo sword, and Slices off Sofie's Arm at the Shoulder with one stroke. SOFIE Spewing and Gushing Blood from her stump, twists her body in agony, painting the floor and the walls with giant Splashes of Red, as her body hits the floor, twitching in both surprise and shock. The CRAZY 88 run out into the dining area and create a human wall between themselves and their Mistress. MR. BARREL AND GO GO take positions on either side of O-Ren. O-REN seated in a shogun's seat, rises furiously to her feet. O-REN (JAPANESE) You bastard! The Bride does a swipe in the air with her sword; Sofie's blood flies off the blade. The entire floor of the dining room lies between the two warring parties. The Bride vs. The Crazy 88 The restaurant's STAFF and PATRONS sit or stand rigidly in fear. O-Ren says loudly to the room; O-REN (JAPANESE) Sorry everybody, but I'm afraid we're going to have to close the place. There's some private business that we must attend to now. The Staff and The Customers Stampede the exits. The Bride, The Crazy 88, and O-Ren hold their ground without moving a muscle, till the dining room, as well as the entire restaurant known as "The House of Blue Leaves," is deserted of every human not engaged in the face- off that precedes combat. O-Ren gives a simple order; O-REN Miki. MIKI, one of The Crazy 88 (The little one), steps forward, unsheaths his sword, and yells at the yellow clad blonde. MIKI (JAPANESE) You had it coming bastard! Raising his samurai sword high, he Charges, Screaming A Banzai Scream... The Bride turns to face him. Miki Charging and Screaming... The Bride slowly raises the Hanzo Sword into Striking Position. Miki Charging and Screaming, almost on top of her. The Bride, sword in position, waits for her opponent to arrive. Miki arrives at his destination, he Swings... The Bride Swings... The Hanzo Sword Slices Miki's inferior blade in half. Miki looks down at the impotent weapon in his hand. The Bride Thrusts her sword through Miki's abdomen, then Lifts the little guy off the ground straight up in the air. Miki screaming, Impaled on her blade like a fish at the end of a spear. Held up in the air, restaurant light fixtures in the B.G. O-Ren and her crew watch stunned. The Bride Drops the shishkabobbed Miki into the koi pond that starts outside the restaurant and ends inside, with a huge blue splash. Koi pond - Blue water - Orange and yellow fish - Red blood - Dead man. The BRIDE looks up from the pond, across the length of the floor, into the eyes of O-Ren Ishii. She takes one step forward, hears the slightest noise, Twirls the samurai sword in the air once, drops to one knee, and thrusts the sword into the beige-colored carpet- covered floor. The sword sticks in the floor half way... The Sound of human death rises from underneath the floor... OVERHEAD SHOT Looking down on The Bride at one end and O-Ren and her crew at the other. A Red Circle appears where the blade is buried in the floor...The red circle grows larger...and larger...and larger...and larger still... Leaving the sword stuck in the floor, handle sticking straight up in the air, The Bride rises up from her one knee, and straight and tall, staring down the queen of the Tokyo underworld. O-Ren her eyes narrow with rage. She screams out another order; O-REN (JAPANESE) Tear the bitch apart! The six remaining Crazy 88 unsheath their swords at the same time with a GREAT SOUND EFFECT. They circle the Bride. The BRIDE Inside the circle of Combatants who surrounded her. She Whips the sword out of the floor and raises her blade diagonally in front of her. Her eyes are reflected in the shiny steel. Holding her sword in the diagonal position, The Bride can see reflected in the shiny blade, whoever stands behind her. The six Crazy 88 Attack... The BRIDE does a Zatoichi-like SWISH-SLASH-SWISH with her steel blade. Four boys die an immediate samurai blade-inflicted death, SCREAMING GRUNT, TWITCHING BODY, FROZEN IN THE STANCE IT WAS SLASHED IN, RED BLOOD SQUIRTING FROM WOUNDS, THEN A CRASHING COLLAPSE TO THE FLOOR. The last two put up more of a fight...but then one of them is SLASHED and FALLS and the last one is SLASHED AND CRASHES THROUGH the restaurant's big picture window. EX CU The EYES of The Bride, pointed down at the bodies by her feet, ...BEAT ...they Look back up at O-Ren. O-REN standing in between Go Go and Mr. Barrel. Her eyes narrow. The BRIDE swipes the air with her sword, the blood of the dead attackers flies off. GO GO and MR. BARREL unsheath their swords. WHEN... We hear a LOUD SOUND of many ENGINES behind the Bride. Then behind her, through the broken pictures window we see seventeen motorcycles pull up to the parking lot. All the riders wear black suits with kato masks, and all carry samurai swords. The BRIDE looks from the reinforcements to O-Ren. O-REN smiles. O -REN (ENGLISH) (to the Bride) You didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) (to O-Ren) You know, for a second there, yeah I did. O-Ren smiles... O-REN (ENGLISH) Silly rabbit... Both O-Ren and the Bride finish the phrase together,... O-REN/THE BRIDE ...Trix Are for kids. This is something they used to say back when they fought alongside of each other as "Vipers." The seventeen Crazy 88 reinforcements come running into the restaurant and with drawn swords surround The Bride. As a HEAVY METAL COMBAT BEAT begins to PULSATE ON THE SOUNDTRACK, The Boys and The Bride have a Spaghetti Western Stand-off. We do a 360 INSIDE the CIRCLE of The Crazy 88, who surround the yellow-haired warrior. Not all have Samurai swords; one JUGGLES TWO HATCHETS, another TWIRLS A THREE-STAFF TRIPLE IRON over his head. As the Heavy Metal music builds...We Cut to various Shots of The Two Opposing Forces Preparing to Strike....Hands on Sword Handles...Feet finding Combat Stance...etc... ....Until Heavy Metal reaches its Breaking Point... ...At that point, the Metal EXPLODES OVER THE SOUNDTRACK...IN TIME WITH The BRIDE EXPLODING INTO A VIOLENT KILLING MACHINE ON SCREEN. As she matches skill with the army of black-suited boys, arms flailing, silver blade Clashing and Slashing, long blonde hair whipping like a whirling dervish.... ...She's a Goddess of War Venus. Not only is the FIGHT CUT TO THE HEAVY METAL MUSIC, but The Bride seems to be somewhat dancing to it as she fights. This explosion of furious violence is punctuated CINEMATICALLY BY THE COLOR IN THE FILM POPPING OFF, and the fight being filmed in HIGH CONTRAST BLACK AND WHITE, turning the squirting, spewing geysers of BLOOD FROM CRIMSON RED TO OIL BLACK. Many members of The Crazy 88 are Sliced, Slashed, and liberated from the limbs they were born with at The Bride's blade. Some SPECIFIC MOMENTS While Clashing swords, The Bride whips the silver Boomerang out of its holster, and Throws it... ....It Twirls Through the Air... ...Embedding itself longways in one of the boy's faces. The Bride does a Mid-Air Somersault over the head of an Attacker, landing solid on her feet behind him...Slash, he's Out. The Bride is knocked to the floor, her Attacker stands over her to Spear the young blonde, Her Legs Spring Up In The Air, Ankles Lock Around The Boy's Neck. She throws him down to the ground. With his neck still in the vise-like grip of her ankles, She removes The SOG Knife from its sheath and Plunges it Deep Into The Boy's Chest. While still on the ground, an Attacker Charges at her. Yanking the Boomerang out of the Dead Boy's Face, She Sends It Flying in the Charging Man's path... ...Boomerang Twirling Through the Air Close to the Ground... ...Chopping Off the Charging Attacker's Foot in Mid Step, he falls flat. The Bride jumps up onto an attacker's shoulders. She locks her legs around him so he's helpless at shaking her off. ...she swings down with her sword, and cuts the man's hands off. So while the helpless man with no hands screams, the now nine foot tall Bride fights with the others. When she's through she brings the blade across the man she's perched on's throat. He falls to his knees, bringing the Bride back to the floor like an alevator. As soon as her soles touch ground, she's off his shoulders, somersaulting on the floor, bringing her blade up between an attacker's legs into his groin. He lets out a scream, as she yanks her blade free. ONE ATTACKER steps out from the rest, "The Best One." He Twirls his sword expertly, challenging the young woman to, "Come get a piece." The Bride does a screaming charge towards him.... ...Sword raised, The Attacker stands his ground, calm - steady, waiting for the blonde-haired locomotive to collide.....They meet..... SWING - CLASH - DANCE - SEPARATE - SWING - CLASH - SPIN - CLASH - LOCK - TWIRL - SEPARATE - They match each other blow for blow, till one makes a mistake. It's the male. The Bride's swing, that's neither clashed(...TRUNCATED)
How many times the word 'work' appears in the text?
"Arigato"...Very good. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) ..."Ah-So"... SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) "Ah-So!" You know what "Ah-So" means THE BRIDE "I See." SUSHI CHEF I see - Very good. THE BRIDE I already said "Domo", right? SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Yes. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) "Kon-netie-wa." The Sushi Chef goes "Oooh" like he's just discovered the answer to a mystery. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) ..."Kon-nichi-wa"...repeat please. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) "Kon-nichi-wa?" Saying with surprise and admiration; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Most say Japanese words, like you Japanese. The Bride smiles and lets loose with a girlish giggle. THE BRIDE Now you're making fun of me. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) No no no - serious business. Pronunciation - very good. You say "Arigato" we say "Arigato." THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Well, thank you - I mean...arigato. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) You should learn Japanese - very easy. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) No kidding, I heard it's kinda hard. Whenever the Sushi Chef doesn't either hear your or understand you, he yells the word; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What! And everybody always speaks LOUDER and CLEARER immediately afterwards. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I always heard it was difficult. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Yes yes yes - most difficult. But you have Japanese tongue. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Maybe I was Japanese in another life. The Sushi Chef proclaims as if he should know; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Most definitely, most definitely Japanese in another life. He sets an order of colorful, raw fish in front of the young blonde woman, that not only looks good, it looks beautiful. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) How did you know tuna's my favorite? SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What! THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Tuna's my favorite. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Ah, thank you very much. He YELLS OFFSCREEN in Japanese agai. A little BALD JAPANESE MAN with a shitty attitude, comes out from the back room. He heads for the tall blonde asking in a grumbly voice in Japanese, "What she wants to drink?" THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) (to the bald man) I beg your pardon? The Sushi Chef pantomimes drinking. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) - Drink - THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Oh yes, a bottle of warm sake. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Ahhh sake, (he holds up his thumb) Very good. In Japanese he YELLS/ORDERS the warm sake, the little Bald Man disappears. The Bride takes a bite out of her fish. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) First time in Japan? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) A-huh. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What! THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Yes, this is my first time. As the chef slices the next portion with a large knife, he asks; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What brings you to Okinawa? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I came to see a man. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Aaahh, you have friend live in Okinawa? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Not quite. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Not friend? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I've never met him. The Sushi Chef continues slicing..... SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Who is he, may I ask? THE BRIDE Hattori Hanzo. There's a break in the Sushi Chef's slicing. After a beat, he brings a bloody finger INTO FRAME and sticks it in his mouth. The little Bald man appears with a bottle of warm sake, he pours one for The Bride, then disappears again. As The Bride sips the sake, she looks at the chef. As The Sushi Chef sucks his finger, he looks at The Bride. The Sushi Chef drops the voice he had been using up to that point...and IN JAPANESE SUBTITLED IN ENGLISH asks; SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) What do you want with Hattori Hanzo? The Bride answers in Japanese; THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) I need Japanese steel. SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) Why do you need Japanese steel? THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) I have vermin to kill. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) You must have big rats you need Hattori Hanzo steel. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Huge. INT. HATTORI HANZO'S ATTIC - DAY The trap door in the floor opens up, and HATTORI HANZO (Sushi Chef), climbs inside the room, followed by The Bride. The room has many handcrafted samurai swords in hand-carved wooden sheaths resting on wooden racks running the length of the second half of the attic. The Bride walks down the row of Japanese steel, looking and touching the shiny wood. She looks behind her to Hanzo who is still by the trap door, and says; THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) May I? The Sushi Chef answers in ENGLISH; HANZO (ENGLISH) Yes you may..... She starts reaching for one... HANZO (ENGLISH) ...try the second one down in the sixth row on your left. She finds it lying sleeping in its shiny, black sheath. Her hand lifts it from the rack. She UNSHEATHS the steel, partially....then with GREAT FLOURISH....completely. Hanzo's mouth froms a smile. HANZO (ENGLISH) Funny, you like samurai swords... He pulls a baseball out of his pocket. HANZO (ENGLISH) ...I like baseball. THEN SUDDENLY - HE THROWS THE BASEBALL HARD, right at The Bride's head.... QUICK AS A WHIP, SHE SLICES THE BALL IN HALF, IN MID AIR. The two perfectly cut baseball pieces, hit the floor. He gives her a slight nod, then crosses the attic towards her. HANZO (JAPANESE) I wanted to show you these.... However someone as you, who knows so much must surely know, I no longer make instruments of death. I keep these here for their ascetic and sentimental value. (he takes both sword and sheath from her...) Yet proud tho I am of my life's work... (...he closes them together) I am retired. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Then give me one of these. HANZO (ENGLISH) These are not for sale. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I didn't say, sell me. I said, give me. HANZO (ENGLISH) And why should I be obliged to assist you in the extermination of your vermin? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Because my vermin, is a former student of yours. And considering the student, I'd say you had a rather large obligation. Hattori Hanzo goes to a dusty window, and writes the name, "BILL" on it with his finger. The blonde girl nods her head yes. The proud warrior moves over to the door in the floor, throwing it open. He points into a corner... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...You can sleep there... .....starts to descend.... HANZO (JAPANESE) will take me a week to make the sword... .....before his head disappears, he says; HANZO (JAPANESE) ...I suggest you spend it practicing. ...he closes the door behind him. She smiles slightly...then moves over to the window, takes out a handkerchief, and wipes Bill's name off. FADE TO BLACK. OVER BLACK TITLE APPEARS: "One week later" Under black we hear Hattori Hanzo's voice in Japanese and read the subtitles; HANZO (V.O.; JAPANESE) I'm done doing what I swore an oath to God 28 years ago to never do again. I've created, "something that kills people." And in that purpose I was a success. FADE UP ON CU HATTORI HANZO HANZO (JAPANESE) I've done this, because philosophically I'm sympathetic to your aim. EX CU The HANZO SWORD TRACKING EX CU of the Hanzo sword in its shiny, black wood sheath. At the base of the sheath, by the handle, he's carved the face of a lioness... HANZO (V.O.; JAPANESE) I can tell you with no ego, this is my finest sword. If on your journey, you should encounter God, God will be cut. CU HANZO. HANZO (JAPANESE) Revenge is never a straight line. It's a forest. And like a forest it's easy to lose your get lost... to forget where you came in. To serve as a compass, a combat philosophy must be adopted that can be found in the secret doctrine of the Yagu Ninja. And now my yellow haired warrior, repeat after me; We go back and forth between CU of HANZO reciting the doctrine like a samurai drill instructor and the Bride repeating it. HANZO (JAPANESE) "When engaged in combat, the vanquishing of thine enemy can be the warrior's only concern... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...This is the first and cardinal rule of combat... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...Suppress all human emotion and compassion... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...Kill whoever stands in thy way, even if that be Lord God, or Buddha himself... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) This truth lies at the heart of the art of combat. Once it is mastered... Thou shall fear no one... Though the devil himself may bar thy way... The Bride repeats this... Her eyes look at the greatest maker of swords on this earth and says; THE BRIDE Domo. EX CU The Hanzo Sword, her white hand with her long fingers COMES INTO FRAME and removes the beautiful, artful instrument of vengeance. FADE TO BLACK. OVER BLACK TITLE CARD: Chapter Four SHOWDOWN at HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES CUT TO: A BLANK PIECE OF DRAWING PAPER A hand comes in and, as the Bride talks over this image, draws with a piece of charcoal, a portrait of the geisha regaled O-REN ISHII. THE BRIDE (V.O.) When fortune smiles on something as violent and ugly as revenge, at the time it seems proof like no other, that not only does God exist, you're doing his will. At a time when I knew the last about my enemies, the first name on my death list, was the easiest to find. But of course, when one manages the difficult task of becoming queen of the Tokyo underworld, one doesn't keep it a secret, does one? The charcoal drawing gets color and becomes ANIMATED, turning into a JAPAMATION O-REN... JAPANESE ANIMATION SEQUENCE We see Japamation-style images of The Bride's verbiage. THE BRIDE (V.O.) At the age of twenty, Bill backed his Nippon progeny financially and philosophically in her Shakespearian-in-magnitude power struggle with the other Yakuza clans, over who would rule vice in the city of Tokyo. Japamation images of O-Ren and her Army, taking on ANOTHER YAKUZA ARMY, among falling cherry blossoms. WE CUT BACK AND FORTH between cartoon images of this and the real life real McCoy samurai sword battle. O-Ren's ability is simply amazing. THE BRIDE (V.O.) When it was all over, it was the geisha-regaled O-Ren Ishii that proved the victor. INT. JAPANESE NIGHT CLUB O-Ren has just become the official leader of crime in the city of Tokyo. The six Yakuza clan bosses, each with TWO BODYGUARDS standing behind them, toast their new leader, with much laughter and drinking...all except one...BOSS TANAKA. THE BRIDE (V.O.) And just in case you're wondering how could a half breed Japanese Chinese American become the boss of all criminal activity in Tokyo, Japan,... I'll tell you. The subject of O-Ren's blood and nationality came up before the council only once. The night O-Ren assumed power over the crime council. Boss Tanaka is the picture of angered ambiance among the alcohol-fueled frivolity. THE BRIDE (V.O.) The man who seems bound and determined to break the mood is Boss Tanaka. And what Boss Tanaka thinks is... Boss Tanaka brings his fist down on the table, smashing the plate in front of him into itty bitty pieces. The party comes to a halt as all eyes go to the leader of the Tanaka Crime Family. CRIME FAMILY LEADER #2 (JAPANESE) Tanaka? What's the meaning of this outburst? This is a time for celebration. BOSS TANAKA (JAPANESE) And what exactly should I be celebrating? The perversion of our illustrious council? The Bosses all react with shock and outrage...O-Ren remains cool. She raises her voice for the first word, but lowers it for the rest of the sentence. O-REN (JAPANESE) Gentlemen...Boss Tanaka obviously has something on his mind. Allow him to express it. BOSS TANAKA (JAPANESE) My father... (looking at a clan head) ...along with yours and... (looking at another) ...along With yours, started this council. And while you drink like fish and laugh like donkeys, they weep in the afterlife over the perversion committed today. The BOSSES react again...O-Ren; O-REN (JAPANESE) Silence! (then composed) Of what perversion do you speak, Tanaka? Boss Tanaka looks at the female half-breed American and says; BOSS TANAKA (JAPANESE) I speak, Mistress Ishii,....of the perversion done to this council, which I love more than my own children, making a half Chinese American its leader. Then... Faster than you can say Jimminy Cricket,... O-Ren's samurai sword is unsheathed... Boss Tanaka's head is liberated from its body... The head hits the floor... And from the spot between its shoulder blades, a geyser of blood shoots up in the air. The BOSSES who were shocked at Tanaka's words are even more flabbergasted at O-Ren's resonse. The two bodyguard's, standing behind Boss Tanaka, hands go to their swords and draw them. O-Ren turns her blade in their direction. The Bosses and their bodyguards say nothing,...only watch. The lady looks across at the two men and says in and authoritative voice; O-REN (JAPANESE) Fight me or work for me. They look at her for a moment, then they lower their swords. O-REN (JAPANESE) Drop them on the ground. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Get behind me. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Get on your knees. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Put your foreheads on the floor. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Keep your mouths shut. You better believe they do. The mistress' eyes got to the other bosses looking at her. As she speaks English, bodyguard translators translate for their bosses. O-REN I'm going to say this in English so you know how serious I am. As your leader, I encourage you to -- from time to time and always in a respectful manner, and with the complete knowledge that my decision is final -- to question my logic. If you're unconvinced a particular plan of action I've decided is the wisest, tell me so. But allow me to convince you. And I will promise you, right here and now, no subject will be taboo...except the subject that was just under discussion. O-REN (JAPANESE) (to a bodyguard) Hand me that head. He picks it off the floor and meekly offers it to the Queen. She takes it by the hair and holds it up as she speaks. O-REN (ENGLISH) The price you pay for bringing up either my Chinese or my American heritage as a negative is, I collect your fuckin head. (now completely American) Just like this fucker here. Now if any of you sonsabitches got anything else to say, now's the fuckin time. Nobody says anything. O-REN (ENGLISH) I didn't think so. (pause) Meeting adjourned. EXT. THE HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES - JAPANESE RESTAURANT The entire O-Ren Ishii crew moves through the restaurant. The CUSTOMERS all look up now as the crew passes. The restaurant staff acts as if the Shogun himself has just showed up on their doorstep demanding a meal. No doubt if the meal is not satisfactory the staff will gladly slice off a finger. The door to a private dining room is slid open, the crew steps inside, the door is slid shut. INT. PRIVATE DINING AREA (RESTAURANT) - NIGHT The private dining area of the Japanese restaurant. The patrons are surrounded by white paper walls. The CAMERA CIRCLES around O-REN ISHII. Sitting in between her, two personal bodyguards, the Yubari sisters, YUKI AND GO GO. The Yubari sisters are younger than O-Ren; Yuki is sixteen and Go Go is seventeen. Both girls are dressed in Japanese schoolgirl uniforms complete with plaid skirts and matching blazers. FLASH ON EX CU OF AN EYEBALL (The BRIDE's) On her right is her French and Japanese lawyer, SOFIE FATALE. FLASH ON EX CU OF AN EYEBALL The bunch of mop-topped young men, who all wear black suits, white shirts, thin black ties and Kato masks over their eyes, are her soldiers, "The CRAZY 88." FLASH ON EX CU OF AN EAR, The Bride's fingers come into FRAME and move blonde hair out of the sensory appendage's way. And finally there's a tall dark American in a black suit sans Kato mask -- that's O-Ren's head of security, MR. BARREL. They're all drinking and having a good time as Sofie tells a joke in Japanese. THE BRIDE (V.O.) The mop tops in black suits and Kato masks were O-Ren's soldiers, "The Crazy 88." The two young girls in the schoolgirl uniforms are her personal bodyguards, the Yubari sisters. Yuki, aged sixteen, and Go Go, aged seventeen. The pretty lady who's dressed like she's a villain on Star Trek is O-Ren's best friend and her lawyer, Sofie Fatale. And finally, the American in the black suit but sans Kato mask, O-Ren's head of security, Mr. Barrel. SUDDENLY O-Ren hears something. Like a deer in the forest, her head springs up on alert. It's almost as if she's listening to The Bride's narration. The Bride's NARRATION SUDDENLY STOPS IN MIDSENTENCE -- O-Ren removes a SMALL DAGGER-DART from the folds of her robe and THROWS IT in the direction of the sound. CU The BRIDE dressed in a kimono on the other side of the private dining room's paper wall. The DART FLIES THROUGH The PAPER, STREAKS BY HER FACE, almost taking off the tip of her nose in the process. INSERT: DART EMBEDS ITSELF IN A WOOD POST. O-Ren's action instantly brings the room's frivolity to a halt. Mistress Ishii silently orders Go Go and Yuki to retrieve the eavesdropper. INT. JAPANESE RESTAURANT - NIGHT The white paper door to O-Ren's dining room SLAMS OPEN. Yuki and Go Go step into the corridor. All trace of the Bride has vanished. They look out over the restaurant, patrons look normal. Whoever was there is gone now. Go Go removes the small dagger from the wood post and the Yubari sisters go back into the private dining room, SLAMMING the door behind them. ONE SHOT CU The BRIDE at the bar, in her kimono, drinking a colorful cocktail. She observes all the activity by O-Ren's private dining room. When the Yubari sisters go back inside, the Bride climbs off her barstool and goes through the restaurant...into the parking area...and up to her rental car. She opens the door. Takes off her Japanese kimono, underneath is a one-piece yellow track suit with a black stripe going down both sides, like the one Bruce Lee wears in "Game of Death." She tosses the kimono in the trunk, then removes the sheathed Hanzo sword. With the sword of vengeance in her hand, we follow her back inside the restaurant. She looks upstairs to the O-Ren dining room. We see Yuki Yubari and Sofie Fatale, slide open the door, and walk down the stairs together. When they get to the bottom, they give each other a kiss goodbye, and Yuki leaves the restaurant, while Sofie makes her way to the bathroom...only to have The Bride, now dressed in her Bruce Lee yellow outfit and samurai sword in her hand, bar her way. END OF SHOT BACK AND FORTH between CU's of the two women, face to face. SOFIE (JAPANESE) (to Bride) Can I help you? THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) Yes, I am looking for the attorney of O-Ren Ishii, Sofie Fatale. Would that be you? SOFIE (JAPANESE) I'm Mistress Ishii's attorney. How can I help you? The Bride PUNCHES her in the face. INT. O-REN'S PRIVATE ROOM Aside from drinking like fishes, what is the queen of the Tokyo underworld - Mistress O-Ren Ishii - and her private army doing when we cut back? Singing karaoke, of course. It's Crazy 88 MIKI's turn at the mike and he's having a whale of a good time singing Dionne Warwick's "Walk On By," in Japanese.... WHEN... A COMMOTION is heard being made by the restaurant staff and the other patrons, from the other side of the white paper wall...Just as they all start to notice it, they hear; THE BRIDE (O.S., JAPANESE) O-Ren Ishii! You and I have unfinished business! The Crazy 88 spring to their feet. One slides open the door. They see O-Ren's lawyer, Sofie Fatale, standing in the middle of the restaurant, her left arm completely outstretched, hand gripped around a post. She has a terrified look on her face. Before anybody on O-Ren's side of the room can say anything ...The Bride steps out from behind Sofie. O-REN'S reaction shows how effective the element of surprise turned out to be. She says The Bride's name softly to herself; it's BLEEPED OUT. The Bride The VENGEANCE THEME BURSTS ON THE SOUNDTRACK...The Vein on her forehead begins to pulsate. WE DO A QUICK SHAW BROTHERS ZOOM INTO HER EYES. A SPAGHETTI-WESTERN FLASHBACK of O-Ren beating the shit outta her at the wedding chapel IS SUPERIMPOSED OVER HER EYES. The FLASHBACK DISSOLVES, we ZOOM BACK INTO A CU, the vein stops pulsating, and the theme STOPS PLAYING OVER THE SOUNDTRACK, LEAVING A CLEAN, COLORFUL CU of The Bride loaded for bear. She raises her Hanzo sword, and Slices off Sofie's Arm at the Shoulder with one stroke. SOFIE Spewing and Gushing Blood from her stump, twists her body in agony, painting the floor and the walls with giant Splashes of Red, as her body hits the floor, twitching in both surprise and shock. The CRAZY 88 run out into the dining area and create a human wall between themselves and their Mistress. MR. BARREL AND GO GO take positions on either side of O-Ren. O-REN seated in a shogun's seat, rises furiously to her feet. O-REN (JAPANESE) You bastard! The Bride does a swipe in the air with her sword; Sofie's blood flies off the blade. The entire floor of the dining room lies between the two warring parties. The Bride vs. The Crazy 88 The restaurant's STAFF and PATRONS sit or stand rigidly in fear. O-Ren says loudly to the room; O-REN (JAPANESE) Sorry everybody, but I'm afraid we're going to have to close the place. There's some private business that we must attend to now. The Staff and The Customers Stampede the exits. The Bride, The Crazy 88, and O-Ren hold their ground without moving a muscle, till the dining room, as well as the entire restaurant known as "The House of Blue Leaves," is deserted of every human not engaged in the face- off that precedes combat. O-Ren gives a simple order; O-REN Miki. MIKI, one of The Crazy 88 (The little one), steps forward, unsheaths his sword, and yells at the yellow clad blonde. MIKI (JAPANESE) You had it coming bastard! Raising his samurai sword high, he Charges, Screaming A Banzai Scream... The Bride turns to face him. Miki Charging and Screaming... The Bride slowly raises the Hanzo Sword into Striking Position. Miki Charging and Screaming, almost on top of her. The Bride, sword in position, waits for her opponent to arrive. Miki arrives at his destination, he Swings... The Bride Swings... The Hanzo Sword Slices Miki's inferior blade in half. Miki looks down at the impotent weapon in his hand. The Bride Thrusts her sword through Miki's abdomen, then Lifts the little guy off the ground straight up in the air. Miki screaming, Impaled on her blade like a fish at the end of a spear. Held up in the air, restaurant light fixtures in the B.G. O-Ren and her crew watch stunned. The Bride Drops the shishkabobbed Miki into the koi pond that starts outside the restaurant and ends inside, with a huge blue splash. Koi pond - Blue water - Orange and yellow fish - Red blood - Dead man. The BRIDE looks up from the pond, across the length of the floor, into the eyes of O-Ren Ishii. She takes one step forward, hears the slightest noise, Twirls the samurai sword in the air once, drops to one knee, and thrusts the sword into the beige-colored carpet- covered floor. The sword sticks in the floor half way... The Sound of human death rises from underneath the floor... OVERHEAD SHOT Looking down on The Bride at one end and O-Ren and her crew at the other. A Red Circle appears where the blade is buried in the floor...The red circle grows larger...and larger...and larger...and larger still... Leaving the sword stuck in the floor, handle sticking straight up in the air, The Bride rises up from her one knee, and straight and tall, staring down the queen of the Tokyo underworld. O-Ren her eyes narrow with rage. She screams out another order; O-REN (JAPANESE) Tear the bitch apart! The six remaining Crazy 88 unsheath their swords at the same time with a GREAT SOUND EFFECT. They circle the Bride. The BRIDE Inside the circle of Combatants who surrounded her. She Whips the sword out of the floor and raises her blade diagonally in front of her. Her eyes are reflected in the shiny steel. Holding her sword in the diagonal position, The Bride can see reflected in the shiny blade, whoever stands behind her. The six Crazy 88 Attack... The BRIDE does a Zatoichi-like SWISH-SLASH-SWISH with her steel blade. Four boys die an immediate samurai blade-inflicted death, SCREAMING GRUNT, TWITCHING BODY, FROZEN IN THE STANCE IT WAS SLASHED IN, RED BLOOD SQUIRTING FROM WOUNDS, THEN A CRASHING COLLAPSE TO THE FLOOR. The last two put up more of a fight...but then one of them is SLASHED and FALLS and the last one is SLASHED AND CRASHES THROUGH the restaurant's big picture window. EX CU The EYES of The Bride, pointed down at the bodies by her feet, ...BEAT ...they Look back up at O-Ren. O-REN standing in between Go Go and Mr. Barrel. Her eyes narrow. The BRIDE swipes the air with her sword, the blood of the dead attackers flies off. GO GO and MR. BARREL unsheath their swords. WHEN... We hear a LOUD SOUND of many ENGINES behind the Bride. Then behind her, through the broken pictures window we see seventeen motorcycles pull up to the parking lot. All the riders wear black suits with kato masks, and all carry samurai swords. The BRIDE looks from the reinforcements to O-Ren. O-REN smiles. O -REN (ENGLISH) (to the Bride) You didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) (to O-Ren) You know, for a second there, yeah I did. O-Ren smiles... O-REN (ENGLISH) Silly rabbit... Both O-Ren and the Bride finish the phrase together,... O-REN/THE BRIDE ...Trix Are for kids. This is something they used to say back when they fought alongside of each other as "Vipers." The seventeen Crazy 88 reinforcements come running into the restaurant and with drawn swords surround The Bride. As a HEAVY METAL COMBAT BEAT begins to PULSATE ON THE SOUNDTRACK, The Boys and The Bride have a Spaghetti Western Stand-off. We do a 360 INSIDE the CIRCLE of The Crazy 88, who surround the yellow-haired warrior. Not all have Samurai swords; one JUGGLES TWO HATCHETS, another TWIRLS A THREE-STAFF TRIPLE IRON over his head. As the Heavy Metal music builds...We Cut to various Shots of The Two Opposing Forces Preparing to Strike....Hands on Sword Handles...Feet finding Combat Stance...etc... ....Until Heavy Metal reaches its Breaking Point... ...At that point, the Metal EXPLODES OVER THE SOUNDTRACK...IN TIME WITH The BRIDE EXPLODING INTO A VIOLENT KILLING MACHINE ON SCREEN. As she matches skill with the army of black-suited boys, arms flailing, silver blade Clashing and Slashing, long blonde hair whipping like a whirling dervish.... ...She's a Goddess of War Venus. Not only is the FIGHT CUT TO THE HEAVY METAL MUSIC, but The Bride seems to be somewhat dancing to it as she fights. This explosion of furious violence is punctuated CINEMATICALLY BY THE COLOR IN THE FILM POPPING OFF, and the fight being filmed in HIGH CONTRAST BLACK AND WHITE, turning the squirting, spewing geysers of BLOOD FROM CRIMSON RED TO OIL BLACK. Many members of The Crazy 88 are Sliced, Slashed, and liberated from the limbs they were born with at The Bride's blade. Some SPECIFIC MOMENTS While Clashing swords, The Bride whips the silver Boomerang out of its holster, and Throws it... ....It Twirls Through the Air... ...Embedding itself longways in one of the boy's faces. The Bride does a Mid-Air Somersault over the head of an Attacker, landing solid on her feet behind him...Slash, he's Out. The Bride is knocked to the floor, her Attacker stands over her to Spear the young blonde, Her Legs Spring Up In The Air, Ankles Lock Around The Boy's Neck. She throws him down to the ground. With his neck still in the vise-like grip of her ankles, She removes The SOG Knife from its sheath and Plunges it Deep Into The Boy's Chest. While still on the ground, an Attacker Charges at her. Yanking the Boomerang out of the Dead Boy's Face, She Sends It Flying in the Charging Man's path... ...Boomerang Twirling Through the Air Close to the Ground... ...Chopping Off the Charging Attacker's Foot in Mid Step, he falls flat. The Bride jumps up onto an attacker's shoulders. She locks her legs around him so he's helpless at shaking her off. ...she swings down with her sword, and cuts the man's hands off. So while the helpless man with no hands screams, the now nine foot tall Bride fights with the others. When she's through she brings the blade across the man she's perched on's throat. He falls to his knees, bringing the Bride back to the floor like an alevator. As soon as her soles touch ground, she's off his shoulders, somersaulting on the floor, bringing her blade up between an attacker's legs into his groin. He lets out a scream, as she yanks her blade free. ONE ATTACKER steps out from the rest, "The Best One." He Twirls his sword expertly, challenging the young woman to, "Come get a piece." The Bride does a screaming charge towards him.... ...Sword raised, The Attacker stands his ground, calm - steady, waiting for the blonde-haired locomotive to collide.....They meet..... SWING - CLASH - DANCE - SEPARATE - SWING - CLASH - SPIN - CLASH - LOCK - TWIRL - SEPARATE - They match each other blow for blow, till one makes a mistake. It's the male. The Bride's swing, that's neither clashed(...TRUNCATED)
How many times the word 'ginger' appears in the text?
"Arigato"...Very good. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) ..."Ah-So"... SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) "Ah-So!" You know what "Ah-So" means THE BRIDE "I See." SUSHI CHEF I see - Very good. THE BRIDE I already said "Domo", right? SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Yes. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) "Kon-netie-wa." The Sushi Chef goes "Oooh" like he's just discovered the answer to a mystery. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) ..."Kon-nichi-wa"...repeat please. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) "Kon-nichi-wa?" Saying with surprise and admiration; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Most say Japanese words, like you Japanese. The Bride smiles and lets loose with a girlish giggle. THE BRIDE Now you're making fun of me. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) No no no - serious business. Pronunciation - very good. You say "Arigato" we say "Arigato." THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Well, thank you - I mean...arigato. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) You should learn Japanese - very easy. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) No kidding, I heard it's kinda hard. Whenever the Sushi Chef doesn't either hear your or understand you, he yells the word; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What! And everybody always speaks LOUDER and CLEARER immediately afterwards. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I always heard it was difficult. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Yes yes yes - most difficult. But you have Japanese tongue. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Maybe I was Japanese in another life. The Sushi Chef proclaims as if he should know; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Most definitely, most definitely Japanese in another life. He sets an order of colorful, raw fish in front of the young blonde woman, that not only looks good, it looks beautiful. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) How did you know tuna's my favorite? SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What! THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Tuna's my favorite. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Ah, thank you very much. He YELLS OFFSCREEN in Japanese agai. A little BALD JAPANESE MAN with a shitty attitude, comes out from the back room. He heads for the tall blonde asking in a grumbly voice in Japanese, "What she wants to drink?" THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) (to the bald man) I beg your pardon? The Sushi Chef pantomimes drinking. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) - Drink - THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Oh yes, a bottle of warm sake. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Ahhh sake, (he holds up his thumb) Very good. In Japanese he YELLS/ORDERS the warm sake, the little Bald Man disappears. The Bride takes a bite out of her fish. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) First time in Japan? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) A-huh. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What! THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Yes, this is my first time. As the chef slices the next portion with a large knife, he asks; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What brings you to Okinawa? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I came to see a man. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Aaahh, you have friend live in Okinawa? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Not quite. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Not friend? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I've never met him. The Sushi Chef continues slicing..... SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Who is he, may I ask? THE BRIDE Hattori Hanzo. There's a break in the Sushi Chef's slicing. After a beat, he brings a bloody finger INTO FRAME and sticks it in his mouth. The little Bald man appears with a bottle of warm sake, he pours one for The Bride, then disappears again. As The Bride sips the sake, she looks at the chef. As The Sushi Chef sucks his finger, he looks at The Bride. The Sushi Chef drops the voice he had been using up to that point...and IN JAPANESE SUBTITLED IN ENGLISH asks; SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) What do you want with Hattori Hanzo? The Bride answers in Japanese; THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) I need Japanese steel. SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) Why do you need Japanese steel? THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) I have vermin to kill. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) You must have big rats you need Hattori Hanzo steel. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Huge. INT. HATTORI HANZO'S ATTIC - DAY The trap door in the floor opens up, and HATTORI HANZO (Sushi Chef), climbs inside the room, followed by The Bride. The room has many handcrafted samurai swords in hand-carved wooden sheaths resting on wooden racks running the length of the second half of the attic. The Bride walks down the row of Japanese steel, looking and touching the shiny wood. She looks behind her to Hanzo who is still by the trap door, and says; THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) May I? The Sushi Chef answers in ENGLISH; HANZO (ENGLISH) Yes you may..... She starts reaching for one... HANZO (ENGLISH) ...try the second one down in the sixth row on your left. She finds it lying sleeping in its shiny, black sheath. Her hand lifts it from the rack. She UNSHEATHS the steel, partially....then with GREAT FLOURISH....completely. Hanzo's mouth froms a smile. HANZO (ENGLISH) Funny, you like samurai swords... He pulls a baseball out of his pocket. HANZO (ENGLISH) ...I like baseball. THEN SUDDENLY - HE THROWS THE BASEBALL HARD, right at The Bride's head.... QUICK AS A WHIP, SHE SLICES THE BALL IN HALF, IN MID AIR. The two perfectly cut baseball pieces, hit the floor. He gives her a slight nod, then crosses the attic towards her. HANZO (JAPANESE) I wanted to show you these.... However someone as you, who knows so much must surely know, I no longer make instruments of death. I keep these here for their ascetic and sentimental value. (he takes both sword and sheath from her...) Yet proud tho I am of my life's work... (...he closes them together) I am retired. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Then give me one of these. HANZO (ENGLISH) These are not for sale. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I didn't say, sell me. I said, give me. HANZO (ENGLISH) And why should I be obliged to assist you in the extermination of your vermin? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Because my vermin, is a former student of yours. And considering the student, I'd say you had a rather large obligation. Hattori Hanzo goes to a dusty window, and writes the name, "BILL" on it with his finger. The blonde girl nods her head yes. The proud warrior moves over to the door in the floor, throwing it open. He points into a corner... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...You can sleep there... .....starts to descend.... HANZO (JAPANESE) will take me a week to make the sword... .....before his head disappears, he says; HANZO (JAPANESE) ...I suggest you spend it practicing. ...he closes the door behind him. She smiles slightly...then moves over to the window, takes out a handkerchief, and wipes Bill's name off. FADE TO BLACK. OVER BLACK TITLE APPEARS: "One week later" Under black we hear Hattori Hanzo's voice in Japanese and read the subtitles; HANZO (V.O.; JAPANESE) I'm done doing what I swore an oath to God 28 years ago to never do again. I've created, "something that kills people." And in that purpose I was a success. FADE UP ON CU HATTORI HANZO HANZO (JAPANESE) I've done this, because philosophically I'm sympathetic to your aim. EX CU The HANZO SWORD TRACKING EX CU of the Hanzo sword in its shiny, black wood sheath. At the base of the sheath, by the handle, he's carved the face of a lioness... HANZO (V.O.; JAPANESE) I can tell you with no ego, this is my finest sword. If on your journey, you should encounter God, God will be cut. CU HANZO. HANZO (JAPANESE) Revenge is never a straight line. It's a forest. And like a forest it's easy to lose your get lost... to forget where you came in. To serve as a compass, a combat philosophy must be adopted that can be found in the secret doctrine of the Yagu Ninja. And now my yellow haired warrior, repeat after me; We go back and forth between CU of HANZO reciting the doctrine like a samurai drill instructor and the Bride repeating it. HANZO (JAPANESE) "When engaged in combat, the vanquishing of thine enemy can be the warrior's only concern... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...This is the first and cardinal rule of combat... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...Suppress all human emotion and compassion... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...Kill whoever stands in thy way, even if that be Lord God, or Buddha himself... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) This truth lies at the heart of the art of combat. Once it is mastered... Thou shall fear no one... Though the devil himself may bar thy way... The Bride repeats this... Her eyes look at the greatest maker of swords on this earth and says; THE BRIDE Domo. EX CU The Hanzo Sword, her white hand with her long fingers COMES INTO FRAME and removes the beautiful, artful instrument of vengeance. FADE TO BLACK. OVER BLACK TITLE CARD: Chapter Four SHOWDOWN at HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES CUT TO: A BLANK PIECE OF DRAWING PAPER A hand comes in and, as the Bride talks over this image, draws with a piece of charcoal, a portrait of the geisha regaled O-REN ISHII. THE BRIDE (V.O.) When fortune smiles on something as violent and ugly as revenge, at the time it seems proof like no other, that not only does God exist, you're doing his will. At a time when I knew the last about my enemies, the first name on my death list, was the easiest to find. But of course, when one manages the difficult task of becoming queen of the Tokyo underworld, one doesn't keep it a secret, does one? The charcoal drawing gets color and becomes ANIMATED, turning into a JAPAMATION O-REN... JAPANESE ANIMATION SEQUENCE We see Japamation-style images of The Bride's verbiage. THE BRIDE (V.O.) At the age of twenty, Bill backed his Nippon progeny financially and philosophically in her Shakespearian-in-magnitude power struggle with the other Yakuza clans, over who would rule vice in the city of Tokyo. Japamation images of O-Ren and her Army, taking on ANOTHER YAKUZA ARMY, among falling cherry blossoms. WE CUT BACK AND FORTH between cartoon images of this and the real life real McCoy samurai sword battle. O-Ren's ability is simply amazing. THE BRIDE (V.O.) When it was all over, it was the geisha-regaled O-Ren Ishii that proved the victor. INT. JAPANESE NIGHT CLUB O-Ren has just become the official leader of crime in the city of Tokyo. The six Yakuza clan bosses, each with TWO BODYGUARDS standing behind them, toast their new leader, with much laughter and drinking...all except one...BOSS TANAKA. THE BRIDE (V.O.) And just in case you're wondering how could a half breed Japanese Chinese American become the boss of all criminal activity in Tokyo, Japan,... I'll tell you. The subject of O-Ren's blood and nationality came up before the council only once. The night O-Ren assumed power over the crime council. Boss Tanaka is the picture of angered ambiance among the alcohol-fueled frivolity. THE BRIDE (V.O.) The man who seems bound and determined to break the mood is Boss Tanaka. And what Boss Tanaka thinks is... Boss Tanaka brings his fist down on the table, smashing the plate in front of him into itty bitty pieces. The party comes to a halt as all eyes go to the leader of the Tanaka Crime Family. CRIME FAMILY LEADER #2 (JAPANESE) Tanaka? What's the meaning of this outburst? This is a time for celebration. BOSS TANAKA (JAPANESE) And what exactly should I be celebrating? The perversion of our illustrious council? The Bosses all react with shock and outrage...O-Ren remains cool. She raises her voice for the first word, but lowers it for the rest of the sentence. O-REN (JAPANESE) Gentlemen...Boss Tanaka obviously has something on his mind. Allow him to express it. BOSS TANAKA (JAPANESE) My father... (looking at a clan head) ...along with yours and... (looking at another) ...along With yours, started this council. And while you drink like fish and laugh like donkeys, they weep in the afterlife over the perversion committed today. The BOSSES react again...O-Ren; O-REN (JAPANESE) Silence! (then composed) Of what perversion do you speak, Tanaka? Boss Tanaka looks at the female half-breed American and says; BOSS TANAKA (JAPANESE) I speak, Mistress Ishii,....of the perversion done to this council, which I love more than my own children, making a half Chinese American its leader. Then... Faster than you can say Jimminy Cricket,... O-Ren's samurai sword is unsheathed... Boss Tanaka's head is liberated from its body... The head hits the floor... And from the spot between its shoulder blades, a geyser of blood shoots up in the air. The BOSSES who were shocked at Tanaka's words are even more flabbergasted at O-Ren's resonse. The two bodyguard's, standing behind Boss Tanaka, hands go to their swords and draw them. O-Ren turns her blade in their direction. The Bosses and their bodyguards say nothing,...only watch. The lady looks across at the two men and says in and authoritative voice; O-REN (JAPANESE) Fight me or work for me. They look at her for a moment, then they lower their swords. O-REN (JAPANESE) Drop them on the ground. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Get behind me. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Get on your knees. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Put your foreheads on the floor. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Keep your mouths shut. You better believe they do. The mistress' eyes got to the other bosses looking at her. As she speaks English, bodyguard translators translate for their bosses. O-REN I'm going to say this in English so you know how serious I am. As your leader, I encourage you to -- from time to time and always in a respectful manner, and with the complete knowledge that my decision is final -- to question my logic. If you're unconvinced a particular plan of action I've decided is the wisest, tell me so. But allow me to convince you. And I will promise you, right here and now, no subject will be taboo...except the subject that was just under discussion. O-REN (JAPANESE) (to a bodyguard) Hand me that head. He picks it off the floor and meekly offers it to the Queen. She takes it by the hair and holds it up as she speaks. O-REN (ENGLISH) The price you pay for bringing up either my Chinese or my American heritage as a negative is, I collect your fuckin head. (now completely American) Just like this fucker here. Now if any of you sonsabitches got anything else to say, now's the fuckin time. Nobody says anything. O-REN (ENGLISH) I didn't think so. (pause) Meeting adjourned. EXT. THE HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES - JAPANESE RESTAURANT The entire O-Ren Ishii crew moves through the restaurant. The CUSTOMERS all look up now as the crew passes. The restaurant staff acts as if the Shogun himself has just showed up on their doorstep demanding a meal. No doubt if the meal is not satisfactory the staff will gladly slice off a finger. The door to a private dining room is slid open, the crew steps inside, the door is slid shut. INT. PRIVATE DINING AREA (RESTAURANT) - NIGHT The private dining area of the Japanese restaurant. The patrons are surrounded by white paper walls. The CAMERA CIRCLES around O-REN ISHII. Sitting in between her, two personal bodyguards, the Yubari sisters, YUKI AND GO GO. The Yubari sisters are younger than O-Ren; Yuki is sixteen and Go Go is seventeen. Both girls are dressed in Japanese schoolgirl uniforms complete with plaid skirts and matching blazers. FLASH ON EX CU OF AN EYEBALL (The BRIDE's) On her right is her French and Japanese lawyer, SOFIE FATALE. FLASH ON EX CU OF AN EYEBALL The bunch of mop-topped young men, who all wear black suits, white shirts, thin black ties and Kato masks over their eyes, are her soldiers, "The CRAZY 88." FLASH ON EX CU OF AN EAR, The Bride's fingers come into FRAME and move blonde hair out of the sensory appendage's way. And finally there's a tall dark American in a black suit sans Kato mask -- that's O-Ren's head of security, MR. BARREL. They're all drinking and having a good time as Sofie tells a joke in Japanese. THE BRIDE (V.O.) The mop tops in black suits and Kato masks were O-Ren's soldiers, "The Crazy 88." The two young girls in the schoolgirl uniforms are her personal bodyguards, the Yubari sisters. Yuki, aged sixteen, and Go Go, aged seventeen. The pretty lady who's dressed like she's a villain on Star Trek is O-Ren's best friend and her lawyer, Sofie Fatale. And finally, the American in the black suit but sans Kato mask, O-Ren's head of security, Mr. Barrel. SUDDENLY O-Ren hears something. Like a deer in the forest, her head springs up on alert. It's almost as if she's listening to The Bride's narration. The Bride's NARRATION SUDDENLY STOPS IN MIDSENTENCE -- O-Ren removes a SMALL DAGGER-DART from the folds of her robe and THROWS IT in the direction of the sound. CU The BRIDE dressed in a kimono on the other side of the private dining room's paper wall. The DART FLIES THROUGH The PAPER, STREAKS BY HER FACE, almost taking off the tip of her nose in the process. INSERT: DART EMBEDS ITSELF IN A WOOD POST. O-Ren's action instantly brings the room's frivolity to a halt. Mistress Ishii silently orders Go Go and Yuki to retrieve the eavesdropper. INT. JAPANESE RESTAURANT - NIGHT The white paper door to O-Ren's dining room SLAMS OPEN. Yuki and Go Go step into the corridor. All trace of the Bride has vanished. They look out over the restaurant, patrons look normal. Whoever was there is gone now. Go Go removes the small dagger from the wood post and the Yubari sisters go back into the private dining room, SLAMMING the door behind them. ONE SHOT CU The BRIDE at the bar, in her kimono, drinking a colorful cocktail. She observes all the activity by O-Ren's private dining room. When the Yubari sisters go back inside, the Bride climbs off her barstool and goes through the restaurant...into the parking area...and up to her rental car. She opens the door. Takes off her Japanese kimono, underneath is a one-piece yellow track suit with a black stripe going down both sides, like the one Bruce Lee wears in "Game of Death." She tosses the kimono in the trunk, then removes the sheathed Hanzo sword. With the sword of vengeance in her hand, we follow her back inside the restaurant. She looks upstairs to the O-Ren dining room. We see Yuki Yubari and Sofie Fatale, slide open the door, and walk down the stairs together. When they get to the bottom, they give each other a kiss goodbye, and Yuki leaves the restaurant, while Sofie makes her way to the bathroom...only to have The Bride, now dressed in her Bruce Lee yellow outfit and samurai sword in her hand, bar her way. END OF SHOT BACK AND FORTH between CU's of the two women, face to face. SOFIE (JAPANESE) (to Bride) Can I help you? THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) Yes, I am looking for the attorney of O-Ren Ishii, Sofie Fatale. Would that be you? SOFIE (JAPANESE) I'm Mistress Ishii's attorney. How can I help you? The Bride PUNCHES her in the face. INT. O-REN'S PRIVATE ROOM Aside from drinking like fishes, what is the queen of the Tokyo underworld - Mistress O-Ren Ishii - and her private army doing when we cut back? Singing karaoke, of course. It's Crazy 88 MIKI's turn at the mike and he's having a whale of a good time singing Dionne Warwick's "Walk On By," in Japanese.... WHEN... A COMMOTION is heard being made by the restaurant staff and the other patrons, from the other side of the white paper wall...Just as they all start to notice it, they hear; THE BRIDE (O.S., JAPANESE) O-Ren Ishii! You and I have unfinished business! The Crazy 88 spring to their feet. One slides open the door. They see O-Ren's lawyer, Sofie Fatale, standing in the middle of the restaurant, her left arm completely outstretched, hand gripped around a post. She has a terrified look on her face. Before anybody on O-Ren's side of the room can say anything ...The Bride steps out from behind Sofie. O-REN'S reaction shows how effective the element of surprise turned out to be. She says The Bride's name softly to herself; it's BLEEPED OUT. The Bride The VENGEANCE THEME BURSTS ON THE SOUNDTRACK...The Vein on her forehead begins to pulsate. WE DO A QUICK SHAW BROTHERS ZOOM INTO HER EYES. A SPAGHETTI-WESTERN FLASHBACK of O-Ren beating the shit outta her at the wedding chapel IS SUPERIMPOSED OVER HER EYES. The FLASHBACK DISSOLVES, we ZOOM BACK INTO A CU, the vein stops pulsating, and the theme STOPS PLAYING OVER THE SOUNDTRACK, LEAVING A CLEAN, COLORFUL CU of The Bride loaded for bear. She raises her Hanzo sword, and Slices off Sofie's Arm at the Shoulder with one stroke. SOFIE Spewing and Gushing Blood from her stump, twists her body in agony, painting the floor and the walls with giant Splashes of Red, as her body hits the floor, twitching in both surprise and shock. The CRAZY 88 run out into the dining area and create a human wall between themselves and their Mistress. MR. BARREL AND GO GO take positions on either side of O-Ren. O-REN seated in a shogun's seat, rises furiously to her feet. O-REN (JAPANESE) You bastard! The Bride does a swipe in the air with her sword; Sofie's blood flies off the blade. The entire floor of the dining room lies between the two warring parties. The Bride vs. The Crazy 88 The restaurant's STAFF and PATRONS sit or stand rigidly in fear. O-Ren says loudly to the room; O-REN (JAPANESE) Sorry everybody, but I'm afraid we're going to have to close the place. There's some private business that we must attend to now. The Staff and The Customers Stampede the exits. The Bride, The Crazy 88, and O-Ren hold their ground without moving a muscle, till the dining room, as well as the entire restaurant known as "The House of Blue Leaves," is deserted of every human not engaged in the face- off that precedes combat. O-Ren gives a simple order; O-REN Miki. MIKI, one of The Crazy 88 (The little one), steps forward, unsheaths his sword, and yells at the yellow clad blonde. MIKI (JAPANESE) You had it coming bastard! Raising his samurai sword high, he Charges, Screaming A Banzai Scream... The Bride turns to face him. Miki Charging and Screaming... The Bride slowly raises the Hanzo Sword into Striking Position. Miki Charging and Screaming, almost on top of her. The Bride, sword in position, waits for her opponent to arrive. Miki arrives at his destination, he Swings... The Bride Swings... The Hanzo Sword Slices Miki's inferior blade in half. Miki looks down at the impotent weapon in his hand. The Bride Thrusts her sword through Miki's abdomen, then Lifts the little guy off the ground straight up in the air. Miki screaming, Impaled on her blade like a fish at the end of a spear. Held up in the air, restaurant light fixtures in the B.G. O-Ren and her crew watch stunned. The Bride Drops the shishkabobbed Miki into the koi pond that starts outside the restaurant and ends inside, with a huge blue splash. Koi pond - Blue water - Orange and yellow fish - Red blood - Dead man. The BRIDE looks up from the pond, across the length of the floor, into the eyes of O-Ren Ishii. She takes one step forward, hears the slightest noise, Twirls the samurai sword in the air once, drops to one knee, and thrusts the sword into the beige-colored carpet- covered floor. The sword sticks in the floor half way... The Sound of human death rises from underneath the floor... OVERHEAD SHOT Looking down on The Bride at one end and O-Ren and her crew at the other. A Red Circle appears where the blade is buried in the floor...The red circle grows larger...and larger...and larger...and larger still... Leaving the sword stuck in the floor, handle sticking straight up in the air, The Bride rises up from her one knee, and straight and tall, staring down the queen of the Tokyo underworld. O-Ren her eyes narrow with rage. She screams out another order; O-REN (JAPANESE) Tear the bitch apart! The six remaining Crazy 88 unsheath their swords at the same time with a GREAT SOUND EFFECT. They circle the Bride. The BRIDE Inside the circle of Combatants who surrounded her. She Whips the sword out of the floor and raises her blade diagonally in front of her. Her eyes are reflected in the shiny steel. Holding her sword in the diagonal position, The Bride can see reflected in the shiny blade, whoever stands behind her. The six Crazy 88 Attack... The BRIDE does a Zatoichi-like SWISH-SLASH-SWISH with her steel blade. Four boys die an immediate samurai blade-inflicted death, SCREAMING GRUNT, TWITCHING BODY, FROZEN IN THE STANCE IT WAS SLASHED IN, RED BLOOD SQUIRTING FROM WOUNDS, THEN A CRASHING COLLAPSE TO THE FLOOR. The last two put up more of a fight...but then one of them is SLASHED and FALLS and the last one is SLASHED AND CRASHES THROUGH the restaurant's big picture window. EX CU The EYES of The Bride, pointed down at the bodies by her feet, ...BEAT ...they Look back up at O-Ren. O-REN standing in between Go Go and Mr. Barrel. Her eyes narrow. The BRIDE swipes the air with her sword, the blood of the dead attackers flies off. GO GO and MR. BARREL unsheath their swords. WHEN... We hear a LOUD SOUND of many ENGINES behind the Bride. Then behind her, through the broken pictures window we see seventeen motorcycles pull up to the parking lot. All the riders wear black suits with kato masks, and all carry samurai swords. The BRIDE looks from the reinforcements to O-Ren. O-REN smiles. O -REN (ENGLISH) (to the Bride) You didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) (to O-Ren) You know, for a second there, yeah I did. O-Ren smiles... O-REN (ENGLISH) Silly rabbit... Both O-Ren and the Bride finish the phrase together,... O-REN/THE BRIDE ...Trix Are for kids. This is something they used to say back when they fought alongside of each other as "Vipers." The seventeen Crazy 88 reinforcements come running into the restaurant and with drawn swords surround The Bride. As a HEAVY METAL COMBAT BEAT begins to PULSATE ON THE SOUNDTRACK, The Boys and The Bride have a Spaghetti Western Stand-off. We do a 360 INSIDE the CIRCLE of The Crazy 88, who surround the yellow-haired warrior. Not all have Samurai swords; one JUGGLES TWO HATCHETS, another TWIRLS A THREE-STAFF TRIPLE IRON over his head. As the Heavy Metal music builds...We Cut to various Shots of The Two Opposing Forces Preparing to Strike....Hands on Sword Handles...Feet finding Combat Stance...etc... ....Until Heavy Metal reaches its Breaking Point... ...At that point, the Metal EXPLODES OVER THE SOUNDTRACK...IN TIME WITH The BRIDE EXPLODING INTO A VIOLENT KILLING MACHINE ON SCREEN. As she matches skill with the army of black-suited boys, arms flailing, silver blade Clashing and Slashing, long blonde hair whipping like a whirling dervish.... ...She's a Goddess of War Venus. Not only is the FIGHT CUT TO THE HEAVY METAL MUSIC, but The Bride seems to be somewhat dancing to it as she fights. This explosion of furious violence is punctuated CINEMATICALLY BY THE COLOR IN THE FILM POPPING OFF, and the fight being filmed in HIGH CONTRAST BLACK AND WHITE, turning the squirting, spewing geysers of BLOOD FROM CRIMSON RED TO OIL BLACK. Many members of The Crazy 88 are Sliced, Slashed, and liberated from the limbs they were born with at The Bride's blade. Some SPECIFIC MOMENTS While Clashing swords, The Bride whips the silver Boomerang out of its holster, and Throws it... ....It Twirls Through the Air... ...Embedding itself longways in one of the boy's faces. The Bride does a Mid-Air Somersault over the head of an Attacker, landing solid on her feet behind him...Slash, he's Out. The Bride is knocked to the floor, her Attacker stands over her to Spear the young blonde, Her Legs Spring Up In The Air, Ankles Lock Around The Boy's Neck. She throws him down to the ground. With his neck still in the vise-like grip of her ankles, She removes The SOG Knife from its sheath and Plunges it Deep Into The Boy's Chest. While still on the ground, an Attacker Charges at her. Yanking the Boomerang out of the Dead Boy's Face, She Sends It Flying in the Charging Man's path... ...Boomerang Twirling Through the Air Close to the Ground... ...Chopping Off the Charging Attacker's Foot in Mid Step, he falls flat. The Bride jumps up onto an attacker's shoulders. She locks her legs around him so he's helpless at shaking her off. ...she swings down with her sword, and cuts the man's hands off. So while the helpless man with no hands screams, the now nine foot tall Bride fights with the others. When she's through she brings the blade across the man she's perched on's throat. He falls to his knees, bringing the Bride back to the floor like an alevator. As soon as her soles touch ground, she's off his shoulders, somersaulting on the floor, bringing her blade up between an attacker's legs into his groin. He lets out a scream, as she yanks her blade free. ONE ATTACKER steps out from the rest, "The Best One." He Twirls his sword expertly, challenging the young woman to, "Come get a piece." The Bride does a screaming charge towards him.... ...Sword raised, The Attacker stands his ground, calm - steady, waiting for the blonde-haired locomotive to collide.....They meet..... SWING - CLASH - DANCE - SEPARATE - SWING - CLASH - SPIN - CLASH - LOCK - TWIRL - SEPARATE - They match each other blow for blow, till one makes a mistake. It's the male. The Bride's swing, that's neither clashed(...TRUNCATED)
How many times the word 'timid' appears in the text?
"Arigato"...Very good. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) ..."Ah-So"... SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) "Ah-So!" You know what "Ah-So" means THE BRIDE "I See." SUSHI CHEF I see - Very good. THE BRIDE I already said "Domo", right? SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Yes. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) "Kon-netie-wa." The Sushi Chef goes "Oooh" like he's just discovered the answer to a mystery. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) ..."Kon-nichi-wa"...repeat please. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) "Kon-nichi-wa?" Saying with surprise and admiration; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Most say Japanese words, like you Japanese. The Bride smiles and lets loose with a girlish giggle. THE BRIDE Now you're making fun of me. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) No no no - serious business. Pronunciation - very good. You say "Arigato" we say "Arigato." THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Well, thank you - I mean...arigato. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) You should learn Japanese - very easy. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) No kidding, I heard it's kinda hard. Whenever the Sushi Chef doesn't either hear your or understand you, he yells the word; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What! And everybody always speaks LOUDER and CLEARER immediately afterwards. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I always heard it was difficult. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Yes yes yes - most difficult. But you have Japanese tongue. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Maybe I was Japanese in another life. The Sushi Chef proclaims as if he should know; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Most definitely, most definitely Japanese in another life. He sets an order of colorful, raw fish in front of the young blonde woman, that not only looks good, it looks beautiful. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) How did you know tuna's my favorite? SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What! THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Tuna's my favorite. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Ah, thank you very much. He YELLS OFFSCREEN in Japanese agai. A little BALD JAPANESE MAN with a shitty attitude, comes out from the back room. He heads for the tall blonde asking in a grumbly voice in Japanese, "What she wants to drink?" THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) (to the bald man) I beg your pardon? The Sushi Chef pantomimes drinking. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) - Drink - THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Oh yes, a bottle of warm sake. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Ahhh sake, (he holds up his thumb) Very good. In Japanese he YELLS/ORDERS the warm sake, the little Bald Man disappears. The Bride takes a bite out of her fish. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) First time in Japan? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) A-huh. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What! THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Yes, this is my first time. As the chef slices the next portion with a large knife, he asks; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What brings you to Okinawa? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I came to see a man. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Aaahh, you have friend live in Okinawa? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Not quite. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Not friend? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I've never met him. The Sushi Chef continues slicing..... SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Who is he, may I ask? THE BRIDE Hattori Hanzo. There's a break in the Sushi Chef's slicing. After a beat, he brings a bloody finger INTO FRAME and sticks it in his mouth. The little Bald man appears with a bottle of warm sake, he pours one for The Bride, then disappears again. As The Bride sips the sake, she looks at the chef. As The Sushi Chef sucks his finger, he looks at The Bride. The Sushi Chef drops the voice he had been using up to that point...and IN JAPANESE SUBTITLED IN ENGLISH asks; SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) What do you want with Hattori Hanzo? The Bride answers in Japanese; THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) I need Japanese steel. SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) Why do you need Japanese steel? THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) I have vermin to kill. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) You must have big rats you need Hattori Hanzo steel. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Huge. INT. HATTORI HANZO'S ATTIC - DAY The trap door in the floor opens up, and HATTORI HANZO (Sushi Chef), climbs inside the room, followed by The Bride. The room has many handcrafted samurai swords in hand-carved wooden sheaths resting on wooden racks running the length of the second half of the attic. The Bride walks down the row of Japanese steel, looking and touching the shiny wood. She looks behind her to Hanzo who is still by the trap door, and says; THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) May I? The Sushi Chef answers in ENGLISH; HANZO (ENGLISH) Yes you may..... She starts reaching for one... HANZO (ENGLISH) ...try the second one down in the sixth row on your left. She finds it lying sleeping in its shiny, black sheath. Her hand lifts it from the rack. She UNSHEATHS the steel, partially....then with GREAT FLOURISH....completely. Hanzo's mouth froms a smile. HANZO (ENGLISH) Funny, you like samurai swords... He pulls a baseball out of his pocket. HANZO (ENGLISH) ...I like baseball. THEN SUDDENLY - HE THROWS THE BASEBALL HARD, right at The Bride's head.... QUICK AS A WHIP, SHE SLICES THE BALL IN HALF, IN MID AIR. The two perfectly cut baseball pieces, hit the floor. He gives her a slight nod, then crosses the attic towards her. HANZO (JAPANESE) I wanted to show you these.... However someone as you, who knows so much must surely know, I no longer make instruments of death. I keep these here for their ascetic and sentimental value. (he takes both sword and sheath from her...) Yet proud tho I am of my life's work... (...he closes them together) I am retired. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Then give me one of these. HANZO (ENGLISH) These are not for sale. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I didn't say, sell me. I said, give me. HANZO (ENGLISH) And why should I be obliged to assist you in the extermination of your vermin? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Because my vermin, is a former student of yours. And considering the student, I'd say you had a rather large obligation. Hattori Hanzo goes to a dusty window, and writes the name, "BILL" on it with his finger. The blonde girl nods her head yes. The proud warrior moves over to the door in the floor, throwing it open. He points into a corner... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...You can sleep there... .....starts to descend.... HANZO (JAPANESE) will take me a week to make the sword... .....before his head disappears, he says; HANZO (JAPANESE) ...I suggest you spend it practicing. ...he closes the door behind him. She smiles slightly...then moves over to the window, takes out a handkerchief, and wipes Bill's name off. FADE TO BLACK. OVER BLACK TITLE APPEARS: "One week later" Under black we hear Hattori Hanzo's voice in Japanese and read the subtitles; HANZO (V.O.; JAPANESE) I'm done doing what I swore an oath to God 28 years ago to never do again. I've created, "something that kills people." And in that purpose I was a success. FADE UP ON CU HATTORI HANZO HANZO (JAPANESE) I've done this, because philosophically I'm sympathetic to your aim. EX CU The HANZO SWORD TRACKING EX CU of the Hanzo sword in its shiny, black wood sheath. At the base of the sheath, by the handle, he's carved the face of a lioness... HANZO (V.O.; JAPANESE) I can tell you with no ego, this is my finest sword. If on your journey, you should encounter God, God will be cut. CU HANZO. HANZO (JAPANESE) Revenge is never a straight line. It's a forest. And like a forest it's easy to lose your get lost... to forget where you came in. To serve as a compass, a combat philosophy must be adopted that can be found in the secret doctrine of the Yagu Ninja. And now my yellow haired warrior, repeat after me; We go back and forth between CU of HANZO reciting the doctrine like a samurai drill instructor and the Bride repeating it. HANZO (JAPANESE) "When engaged in combat, the vanquishing of thine enemy can be the warrior's only concern... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...This is the first and cardinal rule of combat... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...Suppress all human emotion and compassion... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...Kill whoever stands in thy way, even if that be Lord God, or Buddha himself... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) This truth lies at the heart of the art of combat. Once it is mastered... Thou shall fear no one... Though the devil himself may bar thy way... The Bride repeats this... Her eyes look at the greatest maker of swords on this earth and says; THE BRIDE Domo. EX CU The Hanzo Sword, her white hand with her long fingers COMES INTO FRAME and removes the beautiful, artful instrument of vengeance. FADE TO BLACK. OVER BLACK TITLE CARD: Chapter Four SHOWDOWN at HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES CUT TO: A BLANK PIECE OF DRAWING PAPER A hand comes in and, as the Bride talks over this image, draws with a piece of charcoal, a portrait of the geisha regaled O-REN ISHII. THE BRIDE (V.O.) When fortune smiles on something as violent and ugly as revenge, at the time it seems proof like no other, that not only does God exist, you're doing his will. At a time when I knew the last about my enemies, the first name on my death list, was the easiest to find. But of course, when one manages the difficult task of becoming queen of the Tokyo underworld, one doesn't keep it a secret, does one? The charcoal drawing gets color and becomes ANIMATED, turning into a JAPAMATION O-REN... JAPANESE ANIMATION SEQUENCE We see Japamation-style images of The Bride's verbiage. THE BRIDE (V.O.) At the age of twenty, Bill backed his Nippon progeny financially and philosophically in her Shakespearian-in-magnitude power struggle with the other Yakuza clans, over who would rule vice in the city of Tokyo. Japamation images of O-Ren and her Army, taking on ANOTHER YAKUZA ARMY, among falling cherry blossoms. WE CUT BACK AND FORTH between cartoon images of this and the real life real McCoy samurai sword battle. O-Ren's ability is simply amazing. THE BRIDE (V.O.) When it was all over, it was the geisha-regaled O-Ren Ishii that proved the victor. INT. JAPANESE NIGHT CLUB O-Ren has just become the official leader of crime in the city of Tokyo. The six Yakuza clan bosses, each with TWO BODYGUARDS standing behind them, toast their new leader, with much laughter and drinking...all except one...BOSS TANAKA. THE BRIDE (V.O.) And just in case you're wondering how could a half breed Japanese Chinese American become the boss of all criminal activity in Tokyo, Japan,... I'll tell you. The subject of O-Ren's blood and nationality came up before the council only once. The night O-Ren assumed power over the crime council. Boss Tanaka is the picture of angered ambiance among the alcohol-fueled frivolity. THE BRIDE (V.O.) The man who seems bound and determined to break the mood is Boss Tanaka. And what Boss Tanaka thinks is... Boss Tanaka brings his fist down on the table, smashing the plate in front of him into itty bitty pieces. The party comes to a halt as all eyes go to the leader of the Tanaka Crime Family. CRIME FAMILY LEADER #2 (JAPANESE) Tanaka? What's the meaning of this outburst? This is a time for celebration. BOSS TANAKA (JAPANESE) And what exactly should I be celebrating? The perversion of our illustrious council? The Bosses all react with shock and outrage...O-Ren remains cool. She raises her voice for the first word, but lowers it for the rest of the sentence. O-REN (JAPANESE) Gentlemen...Boss Tanaka obviously has something on his mind. Allow him to express it. BOSS TANAKA (JAPANESE) My father... (looking at a clan head) ...along with yours and... (looking at another) ...along With yours, started this council. And while you drink like fish and laugh like donkeys, they weep in the afterlife over the perversion committed today. The BOSSES react again...O-Ren; O-REN (JAPANESE) Silence! (then composed) Of what perversion do you speak, Tanaka? Boss Tanaka looks at the female half-breed American and says; BOSS TANAKA (JAPANESE) I speak, Mistress Ishii,....of the perversion done to this council, which I love more than my own children, making a half Chinese American its leader. Then... Faster than you can say Jimminy Cricket,... O-Ren's samurai sword is unsheathed... Boss Tanaka's head is liberated from its body... The head hits the floor... And from the spot between its shoulder blades, a geyser of blood shoots up in the air. The BOSSES who were shocked at Tanaka's words are even more flabbergasted at O-Ren's resonse. The two bodyguard's, standing behind Boss Tanaka, hands go to their swords and draw them. O-Ren turns her blade in their direction. The Bosses and their bodyguards say nothing,...only watch. The lady looks across at the two men and says in and authoritative voice; O-REN (JAPANESE) Fight me or work for me. They look at her for a moment, then they lower their swords. O-REN (JAPANESE) Drop them on the ground. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Get behind me. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Get on your knees. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Put your foreheads on the floor. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Keep your mouths shut. You better believe they do. The mistress' eyes got to the other bosses looking at her. As she speaks English, bodyguard translators translate for their bosses. O-REN I'm going to say this in English so you know how serious I am. As your leader, I encourage you to -- from time to time and always in a respectful manner, and with the complete knowledge that my decision is final -- to question my logic. If you're unconvinced a particular plan of action I've decided is the wisest, tell me so. But allow me to convince you. And I will promise you, right here and now, no subject will be taboo...except the subject that was just under discussion. O-REN (JAPANESE) (to a bodyguard) Hand me that head. He picks it off the floor and meekly offers it to the Queen. She takes it by the hair and holds it up as she speaks. O-REN (ENGLISH) The price you pay for bringing up either my Chinese or my American heritage as a negative is, I collect your fuckin head. (now completely American) Just like this fucker here. Now if any of you sonsabitches got anything else to say, now's the fuckin time. Nobody says anything. O-REN (ENGLISH) I didn't think so. (pause) Meeting adjourned. EXT. THE HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES - JAPANESE RESTAURANT The entire O-Ren Ishii crew moves through the restaurant. The CUSTOMERS all look up now as the crew passes. The restaurant staff acts as if the Shogun himself has just showed up on their doorstep demanding a meal. No doubt if the meal is not satisfactory the staff will gladly slice off a finger. The door to a private dining room is slid open, the crew steps inside, the door is slid shut. INT. PRIVATE DINING AREA (RESTAURANT) - NIGHT The private dining area of the Japanese restaurant. The patrons are surrounded by white paper walls. The CAMERA CIRCLES around O-REN ISHII. Sitting in between her, two personal bodyguards, the Yubari sisters, YUKI AND GO GO. The Yubari sisters are younger than O-Ren; Yuki is sixteen and Go Go is seventeen. Both girls are dressed in Japanese schoolgirl uniforms complete with plaid skirts and matching blazers. FLASH ON EX CU OF AN EYEBALL (The BRIDE's) On her right is her French and Japanese lawyer, SOFIE FATALE. FLASH ON EX CU OF AN EYEBALL The bunch of mop-topped young men, who all wear black suits, white shirts, thin black ties and Kato masks over their eyes, are her soldiers, "The CRAZY 88." FLASH ON EX CU OF AN EAR, The Bride's fingers come into FRAME and move blonde hair out of the sensory appendage's way. And finally there's a tall dark American in a black suit sans Kato mask -- that's O-Ren's head of security, MR. BARREL. They're all drinking and having a good time as Sofie tells a joke in Japanese. THE BRIDE (V.O.) The mop tops in black suits and Kato masks were O-Ren's soldiers, "The Crazy 88." The two young girls in the schoolgirl uniforms are her personal bodyguards, the Yubari sisters. Yuki, aged sixteen, and Go Go, aged seventeen. The pretty lady who's dressed like she's a villain on Star Trek is O-Ren's best friend and her lawyer, Sofie Fatale. And finally, the American in the black suit but sans Kato mask, O-Ren's head of security, Mr. Barrel. SUDDENLY O-Ren hears something. Like a deer in the forest, her head springs up on alert. It's almost as if she's listening to The Bride's narration. The Bride's NARRATION SUDDENLY STOPS IN MIDSENTENCE -- O-Ren removes a SMALL DAGGER-DART from the folds of her robe and THROWS IT in the direction of the sound. CU The BRIDE dressed in a kimono on the other side of the private dining room's paper wall. The DART FLIES THROUGH The PAPER, STREAKS BY HER FACE, almost taking off the tip of her nose in the process. INSERT: DART EMBEDS ITSELF IN A WOOD POST. O-Ren's action instantly brings the room's frivolity to a halt. Mistress Ishii silently orders Go Go and Yuki to retrieve the eavesdropper. INT. JAPANESE RESTAURANT - NIGHT The white paper door to O-Ren's dining room SLAMS OPEN. Yuki and Go Go step into the corridor. All trace of the Bride has vanished. They look out over the restaurant, patrons look normal. Whoever was there is gone now. Go Go removes the small dagger from the wood post and the Yubari sisters go back into the private dining room, SLAMMING the door behind them. ONE SHOT CU The BRIDE at the bar, in her kimono, drinking a colorful cocktail. She observes all the activity by O-Ren's private dining room. When the Yubari sisters go back inside, the Bride climbs off her barstool and goes through the restaurant...into the parking area...and up to her rental car. She opens the door. Takes off her Japanese kimono, underneath is a one-piece yellow track suit with a black stripe going down both sides, like the one Bruce Lee wears in "Game of Death." She tosses the kimono in the trunk, then removes the sheathed Hanzo sword. With the sword of vengeance in her hand, we follow her back inside the restaurant. She looks upstairs to the O-Ren dining room. We see Yuki Yubari and Sofie Fatale, slide open the door, and walk down the stairs together. When they get to the bottom, they give each other a kiss goodbye, and Yuki leaves the restaurant, while Sofie makes her way to the bathroom...only to have The Bride, now dressed in her Bruce Lee yellow outfit and samurai sword in her hand, bar her way. END OF SHOT BACK AND FORTH between CU's of the two women, face to face. SOFIE (JAPANESE) (to Bride) Can I help you? THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) Yes, I am looking for the attorney of O-Ren Ishii, Sofie Fatale. Would that be you? SOFIE (JAPANESE) I'm Mistress Ishii's attorney. How can I help you? The Bride PUNCHES her in the face. INT. O-REN'S PRIVATE ROOM Aside from drinking like fishes, what is the queen of the Tokyo underworld - Mistress O-Ren Ishii - and her private army doing when we cut back? Singing karaoke, of course. It's Crazy 88 MIKI's turn at the mike and he's having a whale of a good time singing Dionne Warwick's "Walk On By," in Japanese.... WHEN... A COMMOTION is heard being made by the restaurant staff and the other patrons, from the other side of the white paper wall...Just as they all start to notice it, they hear; THE BRIDE (O.S., JAPANESE) O-Ren Ishii! You and I have unfinished business! The Crazy 88 spring to their feet. One slides open the door. They see O-Ren's lawyer, Sofie Fatale, standing in the middle of the restaurant, her left arm completely outstretched, hand gripped around a post. She has a terrified look on her face. Before anybody on O-Ren's side of the room can say anything ...The Bride steps out from behind Sofie. O-REN'S reaction shows how effective the element of surprise turned out to be. She says The Bride's name softly to herself; it's BLEEPED OUT. The Bride The VENGEANCE THEME BURSTS ON THE SOUNDTRACK...The Vein on her forehead begins to pulsate. WE DO A QUICK SHAW BROTHERS ZOOM INTO HER EYES. A SPAGHETTI-WESTERN FLASHBACK of O-Ren beating the shit outta her at the wedding chapel IS SUPERIMPOSED OVER HER EYES. The FLASHBACK DISSOLVES, we ZOOM BACK INTO A CU, the vein stops pulsating, and the theme STOPS PLAYING OVER THE SOUNDTRACK, LEAVING A CLEAN, COLORFUL CU of The Bride loaded for bear. She raises her Hanzo sword, and Slices off Sofie's Arm at the Shoulder with one stroke. SOFIE Spewing and Gushing Blood from her stump, twists her body in agony, painting the floor and the walls with giant Splashes of Red, as her body hits the floor, twitching in both surprise and shock. The CRAZY 88 run out into the dining area and create a human wall between themselves and their Mistress. MR. BARREL AND GO GO take positions on either side of O-Ren. O-REN seated in a shogun's seat, rises furiously to her feet. O-REN (JAPANESE) You bastard! The Bride does a swipe in the air with her sword; Sofie's blood flies off the blade. The entire floor of the dining room lies between the two warring parties. The Bride vs. The Crazy 88 The restaurant's STAFF and PATRONS sit or stand rigidly in fear. O-Ren says loudly to the room; O-REN (JAPANESE) Sorry everybody, but I'm afraid we're going to have to close the place. There's some private business that we must attend to now. The Staff and The Customers Stampede the exits. The Bride, The Crazy 88, and O-Ren hold their ground without moving a muscle, till the dining room, as well as the entire restaurant known as "The House of Blue Leaves," is deserted of every human not engaged in the face- off that precedes combat. O-Ren gives a simple order; O-REN Miki. MIKI, one of The Crazy 88 (The little one), steps forward, unsheaths his sword, and yells at the yellow clad blonde. MIKI (JAPANESE) You had it coming bastard! Raising his samurai sword high, he Charges, Screaming A Banzai Scream... The Bride turns to face him. Miki Charging and Screaming... The Bride slowly raises the Hanzo Sword into Striking Position. Miki Charging and Screaming, almost on top of her. The Bride, sword in position, waits for her opponent to arrive. Miki arrives at his destination, he Swings... The Bride Swings... The Hanzo Sword Slices Miki's inferior blade in half. Miki looks down at the impotent weapon in his hand. The Bride Thrusts her sword through Miki's abdomen, then Lifts the little guy off the ground straight up in the air. Miki screaming, Impaled on her blade like a fish at the end of a spear. Held up in the air, restaurant light fixtures in the B.G. O-Ren and her crew watch stunned. The Bride Drops the shishkabobbed Miki into the koi pond that starts outside the restaurant and ends inside, with a huge blue splash. Koi pond - Blue water - Orange and yellow fish - Red blood - Dead man. The BRIDE looks up from the pond, across the length of the floor, into the eyes of O-Ren Ishii. She takes one step forward, hears the slightest noise, Twirls the samurai sword in the air once, drops to one knee, and thrusts the sword into the beige-colored carpet- covered floor. The sword sticks in the floor half way... The Sound of human death rises from underneath the floor... OVERHEAD SHOT Looking down on The Bride at one end and O-Ren and her crew at the other. A Red Circle appears where the blade is buried in the floor...The red circle grows larger...and larger...and larger...and larger still... Leaving the sword stuck in the floor, handle sticking straight up in the air, The Bride rises up from her one knee, and straight and tall, staring down the queen of the Tokyo underworld. O-Ren her eyes narrow with rage. She screams out another order; O-REN (JAPANESE) Tear the bitch apart! The six remaining Crazy 88 unsheath their swords at the same time with a GREAT SOUND EFFECT. They circle the Bride. The BRIDE Inside the circle of Combatants who surrounded her. She Whips the sword out of the floor and raises her blade diagonally in front of her. Her eyes are reflected in the shiny steel. Holding her sword in the diagonal position, The Bride can see reflected in the shiny blade, whoever stands behind her. The six Crazy 88 Attack... The BRIDE does a Zatoichi-like SWISH-SLASH-SWISH with her steel blade. Four boys die an immediate samurai blade-inflicted death, SCREAMING GRUNT, TWITCHING BODY, FROZEN IN THE STANCE IT WAS SLASHED IN, RED BLOOD SQUIRTING FROM WOUNDS, THEN A CRASHING COLLAPSE TO THE FLOOR. The last two put up more of a fight...but then one of them is SLASHED and FALLS and the last one is SLASHED AND CRASHES THROUGH the restaurant's big picture window. EX CU The EYES of The Bride, pointed down at the bodies by her feet, ...BEAT ...they Look back up at O-Ren. O-REN standing in between Go Go and Mr. Barrel. Her eyes narrow. The BRIDE swipes the air with her sword, the blood of the dead attackers flies off. GO GO and MR. BARREL unsheath their swords. WHEN... We hear a LOUD SOUND of many ENGINES behind the Bride. Then behind her, through the broken pictures window we see seventeen motorcycles pull up to the parking lot. All the riders wear black suits with kato masks, and all carry samurai swords. The BRIDE looks from the reinforcements to O-Ren. O-REN smiles. O -REN (ENGLISH) (to the Bride) You didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) (to O-Ren) You know, for a second there, yeah I did. O-Ren smiles... O-REN (ENGLISH) Silly rabbit... Both O-Ren and the Bride finish the phrase together,... O-REN/THE BRIDE ...Trix Are for kids. This is something they used to say back when they fought alongside of each other as "Vipers." The seventeen Crazy 88 reinforcements come running into the restaurant and with drawn swords surround The Bride. As a HEAVY METAL COMBAT BEAT begins to PULSATE ON THE SOUNDTRACK, The Boys and The Bride have a Spaghetti Western Stand-off. We do a 360 INSIDE the CIRCLE of The Crazy 88, who surround the yellow-haired warrior. Not all have Samurai swords; one JUGGLES TWO HATCHETS, another TWIRLS A THREE-STAFF TRIPLE IRON over his head. As the Heavy Metal music builds...We Cut to various Shots of The Two Opposing Forces Preparing to Strike....Hands on Sword Handles...Feet finding Combat Stance...etc... ....Until Heavy Metal reaches its Breaking Point... ...At that point, the Metal EXPLODES OVER THE SOUNDTRACK...IN TIME WITH The BRIDE EXPLODING INTO A VIOLENT KILLING MACHINE ON SCREEN. As she matches skill with the army of black-suited boys, arms flailing, silver blade Clashing and Slashing, long blonde hair whipping like a whirling dervish.... ...She's a Goddess of War Venus. Not only is the FIGHT CUT TO THE HEAVY METAL MUSIC, but The Bride seems to be somewhat dancing to it as she fights. This explosion of furious violence is punctuated CINEMATICALLY BY THE COLOR IN THE FILM POPPING OFF, and the fight being filmed in HIGH CONTRAST BLACK AND WHITE, turning the squirting, spewing geysers of BLOOD FROM CRIMSON RED TO OIL BLACK. Many members of The Crazy 88 are Sliced, Slashed, and liberated from the limbs they were born with at The Bride's blade. Some SPECIFIC MOMENTS While Clashing swords, The Bride whips the silver Boomerang out of its holster, and Throws it... ....It Twirls Through the Air... ...Embedding itself longways in one of the boy's faces. The Bride does a Mid-Air Somersault over the head of an Attacker, landing solid on her feet behind him...Slash, he's Out. The Bride is knocked to the floor, her Attacker stands over her to Spear the young blonde, Her Legs Spring Up In The Air, Ankles Lock Around The Boy's Neck. She throws him down to the ground. With his neck still in the vise-like grip of her ankles, She removes The SOG Knife from its sheath and Plunges it Deep Into The Boy's Chest. While still on the ground, an Attacker Charges at her. Yanking the Boomerang out of the Dead Boy's Face, She Sends It Flying in the Charging Man's path... ...Boomerang Twirling Through the Air Close to the Ground... ...Chopping Off the Charging Attacker's Foot in Mid Step, he falls flat. The Bride jumps up onto an attacker's shoulders. She locks her legs around him so he's helpless at shaking her off. ...she swings down with her sword, and cuts the man's hands off. So while the helpless man with no hands screams, the now nine foot tall Bride fights with the others. When she's through she brings the blade across the man she's perched on's throat. He falls to his knees, bringing the Bride back to the floor like an alevator. As soon as her soles touch ground, she's off his shoulders, somersaulting on the floor, bringing her blade up between an attacker's legs into his groin. He lets out a scream, as she yanks her blade free. ONE ATTACKER steps out from the rest, "The Best One." He Twirls his sword expertly, challenging the young woman to, "Come get a piece." The Bride does a screaming charge towards him.... ...Sword raised, The Attacker stands his ground, calm - steady, waiting for the blonde-haired locomotive to collide.....They meet..... SWING - CLASH - DANCE - SEPARATE - SWING - CLASH - SPIN - CLASH - LOCK - TWIRL - SEPARATE - They match each other blow for blow, till one makes a mistake. It's the male. The Bride's swing, that's neither clashed(...TRUNCATED)
How many times the word 'lighting' appears in the text?
"Arigato"...Very good. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) ..."Ah-So"... SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) "Ah-So!" You know what "Ah-So" means THE BRIDE "I See." SUSHI CHEF I see - Very good. THE BRIDE I already said "Domo", right? SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Yes. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) "Kon-netie-wa." The Sushi Chef goes "Oooh" like he's just discovered the answer to a mystery. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) ..."Kon-nichi-wa"...repeat please. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) "Kon-nichi-wa?" Saying with surprise and admiration; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Most say Japanese words, like you Japanese. The Bride smiles and lets loose with a girlish giggle. THE BRIDE Now you're making fun of me. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) No no no - serious business. Pronunciation - very good. You say "Arigato" we say "Arigato." THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Well, thank you - I mean...arigato. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) You should learn Japanese - very easy. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) No kidding, I heard it's kinda hard. Whenever the Sushi Chef doesn't either hear your or understand you, he yells the word; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What! And everybody always speaks LOUDER and CLEARER immediately afterwards. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I always heard it was difficult. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Yes yes yes - most difficult. But you have Japanese tongue. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Maybe I was Japanese in another life. The Sushi Chef proclaims as if he should know; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Most definitely, most definitely Japanese in another life. He sets an order of colorful, raw fish in front of the young blonde woman, that not only looks good, it looks beautiful. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) How did you know tuna's my favorite? SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What! THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Tuna's my favorite. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Ah, thank you very much. He YELLS OFFSCREEN in Japanese agai. A little BALD JAPANESE MAN with a shitty attitude, comes out from the back room. He heads for the tall blonde asking in a grumbly voice in Japanese, "What she wants to drink?" THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) (to the bald man) I beg your pardon? The Sushi Chef pantomimes drinking. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) - Drink - THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Oh yes, a bottle of warm sake. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Ahhh sake, (he holds up his thumb) Very good. In Japanese he YELLS/ORDERS the warm sake, the little Bald Man disappears. The Bride takes a bite out of her fish. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) First time in Japan? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) A-huh. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What! THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Yes, this is my first time. As the chef slices the next portion with a large knife, he asks; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What brings you to Okinawa? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I came to see a man. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Aaahh, you have friend live in Okinawa? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Not quite. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Not friend? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I've never met him. The Sushi Chef continues slicing..... SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Who is he, may I ask? THE BRIDE Hattori Hanzo. There's a break in the Sushi Chef's slicing. After a beat, he brings a bloody finger INTO FRAME and sticks it in his mouth. The little Bald man appears with a bottle of warm sake, he pours one for The Bride, then disappears again. As The Bride sips the sake, she looks at the chef. As The Sushi Chef sucks his finger, he looks at The Bride. The Sushi Chef drops the voice he had been using up to that point...and IN JAPANESE SUBTITLED IN ENGLISH asks; SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) What do you want with Hattori Hanzo? The Bride answers in Japanese; THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) I need Japanese steel. SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) Why do you need Japanese steel? THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) I have vermin to kill. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) You must have big rats you need Hattori Hanzo steel. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Huge. INT. HATTORI HANZO'S ATTIC - DAY The trap door in the floor opens up, and HATTORI HANZO (Sushi Chef), climbs inside the room, followed by The Bride. The room has many handcrafted samurai swords in hand-carved wooden sheaths resting on wooden racks running the length of the second half of the attic. The Bride walks down the row of Japanese steel, looking and touching the shiny wood. She looks behind her to Hanzo who is still by the trap door, and says; THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) May I? The Sushi Chef answers in ENGLISH; HANZO (ENGLISH) Yes you may..... She starts reaching for one... HANZO (ENGLISH) ...try the second one down in the sixth row on your left. She finds it lying sleeping in its shiny, black sheath. Her hand lifts it from the rack. She UNSHEATHS the steel, partially....then with GREAT FLOURISH....completely. Hanzo's mouth froms a smile. HANZO (ENGLISH) Funny, you like samurai swords... He pulls a baseball out of his pocket. HANZO (ENGLISH) ...I like baseball. THEN SUDDENLY - HE THROWS THE BASEBALL HARD, right at The Bride's head.... QUICK AS A WHIP, SHE SLICES THE BALL IN HALF, IN MID AIR. The two perfectly cut baseball pieces, hit the floor. He gives her a slight nod, then crosses the attic towards her. HANZO (JAPANESE) I wanted to show you these.... However someone as you, who knows so much must surely know, I no longer make instruments of death. I keep these here for their ascetic and sentimental value. (he takes both sword and sheath from her...) Yet proud tho I am of my life's work... (...he closes them together) I am retired. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Then give me one of these. HANZO (ENGLISH) These are not for sale. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I didn't say, sell me. I said, give me. HANZO (ENGLISH) And why should I be obliged to assist you in the extermination of your vermin? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Because my vermin, is a former student of yours. And considering the student, I'd say you had a rather large obligation. Hattori Hanzo goes to a dusty window, and writes the name, "BILL" on it with his finger. The blonde girl nods her head yes. The proud warrior moves over to the door in the floor, throwing it open. He points into a corner... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...You can sleep there... .....starts to descend.... HANZO (JAPANESE) will take me a week to make the sword... .....before his head disappears, he says; HANZO (JAPANESE) ...I suggest you spend it practicing. ...he closes the door behind him. She smiles slightly...then moves over to the window, takes out a handkerchief, and wipes Bill's name off. FADE TO BLACK. OVER BLACK TITLE APPEARS: "One week later" Under black we hear Hattori Hanzo's voice in Japanese and read the subtitles; HANZO (V.O.; JAPANESE) I'm done doing what I swore an oath to God 28 years ago to never do again. I've created, "something that kills people." And in that purpose I was a success. FADE UP ON CU HATTORI HANZO HANZO (JAPANESE) I've done this, because philosophically I'm sympathetic to your aim. EX CU The HANZO SWORD TRACKING EX CU of the Hanzo sword in its shiny, black wood sheath. At the base of the sheath, by the handle, he's carved the face of a lioness... HANZO (V.O.; JAPANESE) I can tell you with no ego, this is my finest sword. If on your journey, you should encounter God, God will be cut. CU HANZO. HANZO (JAPANESE) Revenge is never a straight line. It's a forest. And like a forest it's easy to lose your get lost... to forget where you came in. To serve as a compass, a combat philosophy must be adopted that can be found in the secret doctrine of the Yagu Ninja. And now my yellow haired warrior, repeat after me; We go back and forth between CU of HANZO reciting the doctrine like a samurai drill instructor and the Bride repeating it. HANZO (JAPANESE) "When engaged in combat, the vanquishing of thine enemy can be the warrior's only concern... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...This is the first and cardinal rule of combat... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...Suppress all human emotion and compassion... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...Kill whoever stands in thy way, even if that be Lord God, or Buddha himself... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) This truth lies at the heart of the art of combat. Once it is mastered... Thou shall fear no one... Though the devil himself may bar thy way... The Bride repeats this... Her eyes look at the greatest maker of swords on this earth and says; THE BRIDE Domo. EX CU The Hanzo Sword, her white hand with her long fingers COMES INTO FRAME and removes the beautiful, artful instrument of vengeance. FADE TO BLACK. OVER BLACK TITLE CARD: Chapter Four SHOWDOWN at HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES CUT TO: A BLANK PIECE OF DRAWING PAPER A hand comes in and, as the Bride talks over this image, draws with a piece of charcoal, a portrait of the geisha regaled O-REN ISHII. THE BRIDE (V.O.) When fortune smiles on something as violent and ugly as revenge, at the time it seems proof like no other, that not only does God exist, you're doing his will. At a time when I knew the last about my enemies, the first name on my death list, was the easiest to find. But of course, when one manages the difficult task of becoming queen of the Tokyo underworld, one doesn't keep it a secret, does one? The charcoal drawing gets color and becomes ANIMATED, turning into a JAPAMATION O-REN... JAPANESE ANIMATION SEQUENCE We see Japamation-style images of The Bride's verbiage. THE BRIDE (V.O.) At the age of twenty, Bill backed his Nippon progeny financially and philosophically in her Shakespearian-in-magnitude power struggle with the other Yakuza clans, over who would rule vice in the city of Tokyo. Japamation images of O-Ren and her Army, taking on ANOTHER YAKUZA ARMY, among falling cherry blossoms. WE CUT BACK AND FORTH between cartoon images of this and the real life real McCoy samurai sword battle. O-Ren's ability is simply amazing. THE BRIDE (V.O.) When it was all over, it was the geisha-regaled O-Ren Ishii that proved the victor. INT. JAPANESE NIGHT CLUB O-Ren has just become the official leader of crime in the city of Tokyo. The six Yakuza clan bosses, each with TWO BODYGUARDS standing behind them, toast their new leader, with much laughter and drinking...all except one...BOSS TANAKA. THE BRIDE (V.O.) And just in case you're wondering how could a half breed Japanese Chinese American become the boss of all criminal activity in Tokyo, Japan,... I'll tell you. The subject of O-Ren's blood and nationality came up before the council only once. The night O-Ren assumed power over the crime council. Boss Tanaka is the picture of angered ambiance among the alcohol-fueled frivolity. THE BRIDE (V.O.) The man who seems bound and determined to break the mood is Boss Tanaka. And what Boss Tanaka thinks is... Boss Tanaka brings his fist down on the table, smashing the plate in front of him into itty bitty pieces. The party comes to a halt as all eyes go to the leader of the Tanaka Crime Family. CRIME FAMILY LEADER #2 (JAPANESE) Tanaka? What's the meaning of this outburst? This is a time for celebration. BOSS TANAKA (JAPANESE) And what exactly should I be celebrating? The perversion of our illustrious council? The Bosses all react with shock and outrage...O-Ren remains cool. She raises her voice for the first word, but lowers it for the rest of the sentence. O-REN (JAPANESE) Gentlemen...Boss Tanaka obviously has something on his mind. Allow him to express it. BOSS TANAKA (JAPANESE) My father... (looking at a clan head) ...along with yours and... (looking at another) ...along With yours, started this council. And while you drink like fish and laugh like donkeys, they weep in the afterlife over the perversion committed today. The BOSSES react again...O-Ren; O-REN (JAPANESE) Silence! (then composed) Of what perversion do you speak, Tanaka? Boss Tanaka looks at the female half-breed American and says; BOSS TANAKA (JAPANESE) I speak, Mistress Ishii,....of the perversion done to this council, which I love more than my own children, making a half Chinese American its leader. Then... Faster than you can say Jimminy Cricket,... O-Ren's samurai sword is unsheathed... Boss Tanaka's head is liberated from its body... The head hits the floor... And from the spot between its shoulder blades, a geyser of blood shoots up in the air. The BOSSES who were shocked at Tanaka's words are even more flabbergasted at O-Ren's resonse. The two bodyguard's, standing behind Boss Tanaka, hands go to their swords and draw them. O-Ren turns her blade in their direction. The Bosses and their bodyguards say nothing,...only watch. The lady looks across at the two men and says in and authoritative voice; O-REN (JAPANESE) Fight me or work for me. They look at her for a moment, then they lower their swords. O-REN (JAPANESE) Drop them on the ground. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Get behind me. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Get on your knees. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Put your foreheads on the floor. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Keep your mouths shut. You better believe they do. The mistress' eyes got to the other bosses looking at her. As she speaks English, bodyguard translators translate for their bosses. O-REN I'm going to say this in English so you know how serious I am. As your leader, I encourage you to -- from time to time and always in a respectful manner, and with the complete knowledge that my decision is final -- to question my logic. If you're unconvinced a particular plan of action I've decided is the wisest, tell me so. But allow me to convince you. And I will promise you, right here and now, no subject will be taboo...except the subject that was just under discussion. O-REN (JAPANESE) (to a bodyguard) Hand me that head. He picks it off the floor and meekly offers it to the Queen. She takes it by the hair and holds it up as she speaks. O-REN (ENGLISH) The price you pay for bringing up either my Chinese or my American heritage as a negative is, I collect your fuckin head. (now completely American) Just like this fucker here. Now if any of you sonsabitches got anything else to say, now's the fuckin time. Nobody says anything. O-REN (ENGLISH) I didn't think so. (pause) Meeting adjourned. EXT. THE HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES - JAPANESE RESTAURANT The entire O-Ren Ishii crew moves through the restaurant. The CUSTOMERS all look up now as the crew passes. The restaurant staff acts as if the Shogun himself has just showed up on their doorstep demanding a meal. No doubt if the meal is not satisfactory the staff will gladly slice off a finger. The door to a private dining room is slid open, the crew steps inside, the door is slid shut. INT. PRIVATE DINING AREA (RESTAURANT) - NIGHT The private dining area of the Japanese restaurant. The patrons are surrounded by white paper walls. The CAMERA CIRCLES around O-REN ISHII. Sitting in between her, two personal bodyguards, the Yubari sisters, YUKI AND GO GO. The Yubari sisters are younger than O-Ren; Yuki is sixteen and Go Go is seventeen. Both girls are dressed in Japanese schoolgirl uniforms complete with plaid skirts and matching blazers. FLASH ON EX CU OF AN EYEBALL (The BRIDE's) On her right is her French and Japanese lawyer, SOFIE FATALE. FLASH ON EX CU OF AN EYEBALL The bunch of mop-topped young men, who all wear black suits, white shirts, thin black ties and Kato masks over their eyes, are her soldiers, "The CRAZY 88." FLASH ON EX CU OF AN EAR, The Bride's fingers come into FRAME and move blonde hair out of the sensory appendage's way. And finally there's a tall dark American in a black suit sans Kato mask -- that's O-Ren's head of security, MR. BARREL. They're all drinking and having a good time as Sofie tells a joke in Japanese. THE BRIDE (V.O.) The mop tops in black suits and Kato masks were O-Ren's soldiers, "The Crazy 88." The two young girls in the schoolgirl uniforms are her personal bodyguards, the Yubari sisters. Yuki, aged sixteen, and Go Go, aged seventeen. The pretty lady who's dressed like she's a villain on Star Trek is O-Ren's best friend and her lawyer, Sofie Fatale. And finally, the American in the black suit but sans Kato mask, O-Ren's head of security, Mr. Barrel. SUDDENLY O-Ren hears something. Like a deer in the forest, her head springs up on alert. It's almost as if she's listening to The Bride's narration. The Bride's NARRATION SUDDENLY STOPS IN MIDSENTENCE -- O-Ren removes a SMALL DAGGER-DART from the folds of her robe and THROWS IT in the direction of the sound. CU The BRIDE dressed in a kimono on the other side of the private dining room's paper wall. The DART FLIES THROUGH The PAPER, STREAKS BY HER FACE, almost taking off the tip of her nose in the process. INSERT: DART EMBEDS ITSELF IN A WOOD POST. O-Ren's action instantly brings the room's frivolity to a halt. Mistress Ishii silently orders Go Go and Yuki to retrieve the eavesdropper. INT. JAPANESE RESTAURANT - NIGHT The white paper door to O-Ren's dining room SLAMS OPEN. Yuki and Go Go step into the corridor. All trace of the Bride has vanished. They look out over the restaurant, patrons look normal. Whoever was there is gone now. Go Go removes the small dagger from the wood post and the Yubari sisters go back into the private dining room, SLAMMING the door behind them. ONE SHOT CU The BRIDE at the bar, in her kimono, drinking a colorful cocktail. She observes all the activity by O-Ren's private dining room. When the Yubari sisters go back inside, the Bride climbs off her barstool and goes through the restaurant...into the parking area...and up to her rental car. She opens the door. Takes off her Japanese kimono, underneath is a one-piece yellow track suit with a black stripe going down both sides, like the one Bruce Lee wears in "Game of Death." She tosses the kimono in the trunk, then removes the sheathed Hanzo sword. With the sword of vengeance in her hand, we follow her back inside the restaurant. She looks upstairs to the O-Ren dining room. We see Yuki Yubari and Sofie Fatale, slide open the door, and walk down the stairs together. When they get to the bottom, they give each other a kiss goodbye, and Yuki leaves the restaurant, while Sofie makes her way to the bathroom...only to have The Bride, now dressed in her Bruce Lee yellow outfit and samurai sword in her hand, bar her way. END OF SHOT BACK AND FORTH between CU's of the two women, face to face. SOFIE (JAPANESE) (to Bride) Can I help you? THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) Yes, I am looking for the attorney of O-Ren Ishii, Sofie Fatale. Would that be you? SOFIE (JAPANESE) I'm Mistress Ishii's attorney. How can I help you? The Bride PUNCHES her in the face. INT. O-REN'S PRIVATE ROOM Aside from drinking like fishes, what is the queen of the Tokyo underworld - Mistress O-Ren Ishii - and her private army doing when we cut back? Singing karaoke, of course. It's Crazy 88 MIKI's turn at the mike and he's having a whale of a good time singing Dionne Warwick's "Walk On By," in Japanese.... WHEN... A COMMOTION is heard being made by the restaurant staff and the other patrons, from the other side of the white paper wall...Just as they all start to notice it, they hear; THE BRIDE (O.S., JAPANESE) O-Ren Ishii! You and I have unfinished business! The Crazy 88 spring to their feet. One slides open the door. They see O-Ren's lawyer, Sofie Fatale, standing in the middle of the restaurant, her left arm completely outstretched, hand gripped around a post. She has a terrified look on her face. Before anybody on O-Ren's side of the room can say anything ...The Bride steps out from behind Sofie. O-REN'S reaction shows how effective the element of surprise turned out to be. She says The Bride's name softly to herself; it's BLEEPED OUT. The Bride The VENGEANCE THEME BURSTS ON THE SOUNDTRACK...The Vein on her forehead begins to pulsate. WE DO A QUICK SHAW BROTHERS ZOOM INTO HER EYES. A SPAGHETTI-WESTERN FLASHBACK of O-Ren beating the shit outta her at the wedding chapel IS SUPERIMPOSED OVER HER EYES. The FLASHBACK DISSOLVES, we ZOOM BACK INTO A CU, the vein stops pulsating, and the theme STOPS PLAYING OVER THE SOUNDTRACK, LEAVING A CLEAN, COLORFUL CU of The Bride loaded for bear. She raises her Hanzo sword, and Slices off Sofie's Arm at the Shoulder with one stroke. SOFIE Spewing and Gushing Blood from her stump, twists her body in agony, painting the floor and the walls with giant Splashes of Red, as her body hits the floor, twitching in both surprise and shock. The CRAZY 88 run out into the dining area and create a human wall between themselves and their Mistress. MR. BARREL AND GO GO take positions on either side of O-Ren. O-REN seated in a shogun's seat, rises furiously to her feet. O-REN (JAPANESE) You bastard! The Bride does a swipe in the air with her sword; Sofie's blood flies off the blade. The entire floor of the dining room lies between the two warring parties. The Bride vs. The Crazy 88 The restaurant's STAFF and PATRONS sit or stand rigidly in fear. O-Ren says loudly to the room; O-REN (JAPANESE) Sorry everybody, but I'm afraid we're going to have to close the place. There's some private business that we must attend to now. The Staff and The Customers Stampede the exits. The Bride, The Crazy 88, and O-Ren hold their ground without moving a muscle, till the dining room, as well as the entire restaurant known as "The House of Blue Leaves," is deserted of every human not engaged in the face- off that precedes combat. O-Ren gives a simple order; O-REN Miki. MIKI, one of The Crazy 88 (The little one), steps forward, unsheaths his sword, and yells at the yellow clad blonde. MIKI (JAPANESE) You had it coming bastard! Raising his samurai sword high, he Charges, Screaming A Banzai Scream... The Bride turns to face him. Miki Charging and Screaming... The Bride slowly raises the Hanzo Sword into Striking Position. Miki Charging and Screaming, almost on top of her. The Bride, sword in position, waits for her opponent to arrive. Miki arrives at his destination, he Swings... The Bride Swings... The Hanzo Sword Slices Miki's inferior blade in half. Miki looks down at the impotent weapon in his hand. The Bride Thrusts her sword through Miki's abdomen, then Lifts the little guy off the ground straight up in the air. Miki screaming, Impaled on her blade like a fish at the end of a spear. Held up in the air, restaurant light fixtures in the B.G. O-Ren and her crew watch stunned. The Bride Drops the shishkabobbed Miki into the koi pond that starts outside the restaurant and ends inside, with a huge blue splash. Koi pond - Blue water - Orange and yellow fish - Red blood - Dead man. The BRIDE looks up from the pond, across the length of the floor, into the eyes of O-Ren Ishii. She takes one step forward, hears the slightest noise, Twirls the samurai sword in the air once, drops to one knee, and thrusts the sword into the beige-colored carpet- covered floor. The sword sticks in the floor half way... The Sound of human death rises from underneath the floor... OVERHEAD SHOT Looking down on The Bride at one end and O-Ren and her crew at the other. A Red Circle appears where the blade is buried in the floor...The red circle grows larger...and larger...and larger...and larger still... Leaving the sword stuck in the floor, handle sticking straight up in the air, The Bride rises up from her one knee, and straight and tall, staring down the queen of the Tokyo underworld. O-Ren her eyes narrow with rage. She screams out another order; O-REN (JAPANESE) Tear the bitch apart! The six remaining Crazy 88 unsheath their swords at the same time with a GREAT SOUND EFFECT. They circle the Bride. The BRIDE Inside the circle of Combatants who surrounded her. She Whips the sword out of the floor and raises her blade diagonally in front of her. Her eyes are reflected in the shiny steel. Holding her sword in the diagonal position, The Bride can see reflected in the shiny blade, whoever stands behind her. The six Crazy 88 Attack... The BRIDE does a Zatoichi-like SWISH-SLASH-SWISH with her steel blade. Four boys die an immediate samurai blade-inflicted death, SCREAMING GRUNT, TWITCHING BODY, FROZEN IN THE STANCE IT WAS SLASHED IN, RED BLOOD SQUIRTING FROM WOUNDS, THEN A CRASHING COLLAPSE TO THE FLOOR. The last two put up more of a fight...but then one of them is SLASHED and FALLS and the last one is SLASHED AND CRASHES THROUGH the restaurant's big picture window. EX CU The EYES of The Bride, pointed down at the bodies by her feet, ...BEAT ...they Look back up at O-Ren. O-REN standing in between Go Go and Mr. Barrel. Her eyes narrow. The BRIDE swipes the air with her sword, the blood of the dead attackers flies off. GO GO and MR. BARREL unsheath their swords. WHEN... We hear a LOUD SOUND of many ENGINES behind the Bride. Then behind her, through the broken pictures window we see seventeen motorcycles pull up to the parking lot. All the riders wear black suits with kato masks, and all carry samurai swords. The BRIDE looks from the reinforcements to O-Ren. O-REN smiles. O -REN (ENGLISH) (to the Bride) You didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) (to O-Ren) You know, for a second there, yeah I did. O-Ren smiles... O-REN (ENGLISH) Silly rabbit... Both O-Ren and the Bride finish the phrase together,... O-REN/THE BRIDE ...Trix Are for kids. This is something they used to say back when they fought alongside of each other as "Vipers." The seventeen Crazy 88 reinforcements come running into the restaurant and with drawn swords surround The Bride. As a HEAVY METAL COMBAT BEAT begins to PULSATE ON THE SOUNDTRACK, The Boys and The Bride have a Spaghetti Western Stand-off. We do a 360 INSIDE the CIRCLE of The Crazy 88, who surround the yellow-haired warrior. Not all have Samurai swords; one JUGGLES TWO HATCHETS, another TWIRLS A THREE-STAFF TRIPLE IRON over his head. As the Heavy Metal music builds...We Cut to various Shots of The Two Opposing Forces Preparing to Strike....Hands on Sword Handles...Feet finding Combat Stance...etc... ....Until Heavy Metal reaches its Breaking Point... ...At that point, the Metal EXPLODES OVER THE SOUNDTRACK...IN TIME WITH The BRIDE EXPLODING INTO A VIOLENT KILLING MACHINE ON SCREEN. As she matches skill with the army of black-suited boys, arms flailing, silver blade Clashing and Slashing, long blonde hair whipping like a whirling dervish.... ...She's a Goddess of War Venus. Not only is the FIGHT CUT TO THE HEAVY METAL MUSIC, but The Bride seems to be somewhat dancing to it as she fights. This explosion of furious violence is punctuated CINEMATICALLY BY THE COLOR IN THE FILM POPPING OFF, and the fight being filmed in HIGH CONTRAST BLACK AND WHITE, turning the squirting, spewing geysers of BLOOD FROM CRIMSON RED TO OIL BLACK. Many members of The Crazy 88 are Sliced, Slashed, and liberated from the limbs they were born with at The Bride's blade. Some SPECIFIC MOMENTS While Clashing swords, The Bride whips the silver Boomerang out of its holster, and Throws it... ....It Twirls Through the Air... ...Embedding itself longways in one of the boy's faces. The Bride does a Mid-Air Somersault over the head of an Attacker, landing solid on her feet behind him...Slash, he's Out. The Bride is knocked to the floor, her Attacker stands over her to Spear the young blonde, Her Legs Spring Up In The Air, Ankles Lock Around The Boy's Neck. She throws him down to the ground. With his neck still in the vise-like grip of her ankles, She removes The SOG Knife from its sheath and Plunges it Deep Into The Boy's Chest. While still on the ground, an Attacker Charges at her. Yanking the Boomerang out of the Dead Boy's Face, She Sends It Flying in the Charging Man's path... ...Boomerang Twirling Through the Air Close to the Ground... ...Chopping Off the Charging Attacker's Foot in Mid Step, he falls flat. The Bride jumps up onto an attacker's shoulders. She locks her legs around him so he's helpless at shaking her off. ...she swings down with her sword, and cuts the man's hands off. So while the helpless man with no hands screams, the now nine foot tall Bride fights with the others. When she's through she brings the blade across the man she's perched on's throat. He falls to his knees, bringing the Bride back to the floor like an alevator. As soon as her soles touch ground, she's off his shoulders, somersaulting on the floor, bringing her blade up between an attacker's legs into his groin. He lets out a scream, as she yanks her blade free. ONE ATTACKER steps out from the rest, "The Best One." He Twirls his sword expertly, challenging the young woman to, "Come get a piece." The Bride does a screaming charge towards him.... ...Sword raised, The Attacker stands his ground, calm - steady, waiting for the blonde-haired locomotive to collide.....They meet..... SWING - CLASH - DANCE - SEPARATE - SWING - CLASH - SPIN - CLASH - LOCK - TWIRL - SEPARATE - They match each other blow for blow, till one makes a mistake. It's the male. The Bride's swing, that's neither clashed(...TRUNCATED)
How many times the word 'sells' appears in the text?
"Arigato"...Very good. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) ..."Ah-So"... SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) "Ah-So!" You know what "Ah-So" means THE BRIDE "I See." SUSHI CHEF I see - Very good. THE BRIDE I already said "Domo", right? SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Yes. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) "Kon-netie-wa." The Sushi Chef goes "Oooh" like he's just discovered the answer to a mystery. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) ..."Kon-nichi-wa"...repeat please. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) "Kon-nichi-wa?" Saying with surprise and admiration; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Most say Japanese words, like you Japanese. The Bride smiles and lets loose with a girlish giggle. THE BRIDE Now you're making fun of me. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) No no no - serious business. Pronunciation - very good. You say "Arigato" we say "Arigato." THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Well, thank you - I mean...arigato. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) You should learn Japanese - very easy. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) No kidding, I heard it's kinda hard. Whenever the Sushi Chef doesn't either hear your or understand you, he yells the word; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What! And everybody always speaks LOUDER and CLEARER immediately afterwards. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I always heard it was difficult. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Yes yes yes - most difficult. But you have Japanese tongue. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Maybe I was Japanese in another life. The Sushi Chef proclaims as if he should know; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Most definitely, most definitely Japanese in another life. He sets an order of colorful, raw fish in front of the young blonde woman, that not only looks good, it looks beautiful. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) How did you know tuna's my favorite? SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What! THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Tuna's my favorite. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Ah, thank you very much. He YELLS OFFSCREEN in Japanese agai. A little BALD JAPANESE MAN with a shitty attitude, comes out from the back room. He heads for the tall blonde asking in a grumbly voice in Japanese, "What she wants to drink?" THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) (to the bald man) I beg your pardon? The Sushi Chef pantomimes drinking. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) - Drink - THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Oh yes, a bottle of warm sake. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Ahhh sake, (he holds up his thumb) Very good. In Japanese he YELLS/ORDERS the warm sake, the little Bald Man disappears. The Bride takes a bite out of her fish. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) First time in Japan? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) A-huh. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What! THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Yes, this is my first time. As the chef slices the next portion with a large knife, he asks; SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) What brings you to Okinawa? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I came to see a man. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Aaahh, you have friend live in Okinawa? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Not quite. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Not friend? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I've never met him. The Sushi Chef continues slicing..... SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) Who is he, may I ask? THE BRIDE Hattori Hanzo. There's a break in the Sushi Chef's slicing. After a beat, he brings a bloody finger INTO FRAME and sticks it in his mouth. The little Bald man appears with a bottle of warm sake, he pours one for The Bride, then disappears again. As The Bride sips the sake, she looks at the chef. As The Sushi Chef sucks his finger, he looks at The Bride. The Sushi Chef drops the voice he had been using up to that point...and IN JAPANESE SUBTITLED IN ENGLISH asks; SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) What do you want with Hattori Hanzo? The Bride answers in Japanese; THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) I need Japanese steel. SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) Why do you need Japanese steel? THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) I have vermin to kill. SUSHI CHEF (ENGLISH) You must have big rats you need Hattori Hanzo steel. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Huge. INT. HATTORI HANZO'S ATTIC - DAY The trap door in the floor opens up, and HATTORI HANZO (Sushi Chef), climbs inside the room, followed by The Bride. The room has many handcrafted samurai swords in hand-carved wooden sheaths resting on wooden racks running the length of the second half of the attic. The Bride walks down the row of Japanese steel, looking and touching the shiny wood. She looks behind her to Hanzo who is still by the trap door, and says; THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) May I? The Sushi Chef answers in ENGLISH; HANZO (ENGLISH) Yes you may..... She starts reaching for one... HANZO (ENGLISH) ...try the second one down in the sixth row on your left. She finds it lying sleeping in its shiny, black sheath. Her hand lifts it from the rack. She UNSHEATHS the steel, partially....then with GREAT FLOURISH....completely. Hanzo's mouth froms a smile. HANZO (ENGLISH) Funny, you like samurai swords... He pulls a baseball out of his pocket. HANZO (ENGLISH) ...I like baseball. THEN SUDDENLY - HE THROWS THE BASEBALL HARD, right at The Bride's head.... QUICK AS A WHIP, SHE SLICES THE BALL IN HALF, IN MID AIR. The two perfectly cut baseball pieces, hit the floor. He gives her a slight nod, then crosses the attic towards her. HANZO (JAPANESE) I wanted to show you these.... However someone as you, who knows so much must surely know, I no longer make instruments of death. I keep these here for their ascetic and sentimental value. (he takes both sword and sheath from her...) Yet proud tho I am of my life's work... (...he closes them together) I am retired. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Then give me one of these. HANZO (ENGLISH) These are not for sale. THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) I didn't say, sell me. I said, give me. HANZO (ENGLISH) And why should I be obliged to assist you in the extermination of your vermin? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) Because my vermin, is a former student of yours. And considering the student, I'd say you had a rather large obligation. Hattori Hanzo goes to a dusty window, and writes the name, "BILL" on it with his finger. The blonde girl nods her head yes. The proud warrior moves over to the door in the floor, throwing it open. He points into a corner... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...You can sleep there... .....starts to descend.... HANZO (JAPANESE) will take me a week to make the sword... .....before his head disappears, he says; HANZO (JAPANESE) ...I suggest you spend it practicing. ...he closes the door behind him. She smiles slightly...then moves over to the window, takes out a handkerchief, and wipes Bill's name off. FADE TO BLACK. OVER BLACK TITLE APPEARS: "One week later" Under black we hear Hattori Hanzo's voice in Japanese and read the subtitles; HANZO (V.O.; JAPANESE) I'm done doing what I swore an oath to God 28 years ago to never do again. I've created, "something that kills people." And in that purpose I was a success. FADE UP ON CU HATTORI HANZO HANZO (JAPANESE) I've done this, because philosophically I'm sympathetic to your aim. EX CU The HANZO SWORD TRACKING EX CU of the Hanzo sword in its shiny, black wood sheath. At the base of the sheath, by the handle, he's carved the face of a lioness... HANZO (V.O.; JAPANESE) I can tell you with no ego, this is my finest sword. If on your journey, you should encounter God, God will be cut. CU HANZO. HANZO (JAPANESE) Revenge is never a straight line. It's a forest. And like a forest it's easy to lose your get lost... to forget where you came in. To serve as a compass, a combat philosophy must be adopted that can be found in the secret doctrine of the Yagu Ninja. And now my yellow haired warrior, repeat after me; We go back and forth between CU of HANZO reciting the doctrine like a samurai drill instructor and the Bride repeating it. HANZO (JAPANESE) "When engaged in combat, the vanquishing of thine enemy can be the warrior's only concern... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...This is the first and cardinal rule of combat... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...Suppress all human emotion and compassion... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) ...Kill whoever stands in thy way, even if that be Lord God, or Buddha himself... The Bride repeats this... HANZO (JAPANESE) This truth lies at the heart of the art of combat. Once it is mastered... Thou shall fear no one... Though the devil himself may bar thy way... The Bride repeats this... Her eyes look at the greatest maker of swords on this earth and says; THE BRIDE Domo. EX CU The Hanzo Sword, her white hand with her long fingers COMES INTO FRAME and removes the beautiful, artful instrument of vengeance. FADE TO BLACK. OVER BLACK TITLE CARD: Chapter Four SHOWDOWN at HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES CUT TO: A BLANK PIECE OF DRAWING PAPER A hand comes in and, as the Bride talks over this image, draws with a piece of charcoal, a portrait of the geisha regaled O-REN ISHII. THE BRIDE (V.O.) When fortune smiles on something as violent and ugly as revenge, at the time it seems proof like no other, that not only does God exist, you're doing his will. At a time when I knew the last about my enemies, the first name on my death list, was the easiest to find. But of course, when one manages the difficult task of becoming queen of the Tokyo underworld, one doesn't keep it a secret, does one? The charcoal drawing gets color and becomes ANIMATED, turning into a JAPAMATION O-REN... JAPANESE ANIMATION SEQUENCE We see Japamation-style images of The Bride's verbiage. THE BRIDE (V.O.) At the age of twenty, Bill backed his Nippon progeny financially and philosophically in her Shakespearian-in-magnitude power struggle with the other Yakuza clans, over who would rule vice in the city of Tokyo. Japamation images of O-Ren and her Army, taking on ANOTHER YAKUZA ARMY, among falling cherry blossoms. WE CUT BACK AND FORTH between cartoon images of this and the real life real McCoy samurai sword battle. O-Ren's ability is simply amazing. THE BRIDE (V.O.) When it was all over, it was the geisha-regaled O-Ren Ishii that proved the victor. INT. JAPANESE NIGHT CLUB O-Ren has just become the official leader of crime in the city of Tokyo. The six Yakuza clan bosses, each with TWO BODYGUARDS standing behind them, toast their new leader, with much laughter and drinking...all except one...BOSS TANAKA. THE BRIDE (V.O.) And just in case you're wondering how could a half breed Japanese Chinese American become the boss of all criminal activity in Tokyo, Japan,... I'll tell you. The subject of O-Ren's blood and nationality came up before the council only once. The night O-Ren assumed power over the crime council. Boss Tanaka is the picture of angered ambiance among the alcohol-fueled frivolity. THE BRIDE (V.O.) The man who seems bound and determined to break the mood is Boss Tanaka. And what Boss Tanaka thinks is... Boss Tanaka brings his fist down on the table, smashing the plate in front of him into itty bitty pieces. The party comes to a halt as all eyes go to the leader of the Tanaka Crime Family. CRIME FAMILY LEADER #2 (JAPANESE) Tanaka? What's the meaning of this outburst? This is a time for celebration. BOSS TANAKA (JAPANESE) And what exactly should I be celebrating? The perversion of our illustrious council? The Bosses all react with shock and outrage...O-Ren remains cool. She raises her voice for the first word, but lowers it for the rest of the sentence. O-REN (JAPANESE) Gentlemen...Boss Tanaka obviously has something on his mind. Allow him to express it. BOSS TANAKA (JAPANESE) My father... (looking at a clan head) ...along with yours and... (looking at another) ...along With yours, started this council. And while you drink like fish and laugh like donkeys, they weep in the afterlife over the perversion committed today. The BOSSES react again...O-Ren; O-REN (JAPANESE) Silence! (then composed) Of what perversion do you speak, Tanaka? Boss Tanaka looks at the female half-breed American and says; BOSS TANAKA (JAPANESE) I speak, Mistress Ishii,....of the perversion done to this council, which I love more than my own children, making a half Chinese American its leader. Then... Faster than you can say Jimminy Cricket,... O-Ren's samurai sword is unsheathed... Boss Tanaka's head is liberated from its body... The head hits the floor... And from the spot between its shoulder blades, a geyser of blood shoots up in the air. The BOSSES who were shocked at Tanaka's words are even more flabbergasted at O-Ren's resonse. The two bodyguard's, standing behind Boss Tanaka, hands go to their swords and draw them. O-Ren turns her blade in their direction. The Bosses and their bodyguards say nothing,...only watch. The lady looks across at the two men and says in and authoritative voice; O-REN (JAPANESE) Fight me or work for me. They look at her for a moment, then they lower their swords. O-REN (JAPANESE) Drop them on the ground. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Get behind me. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Get on your knees. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Put your foreheads on the floor. They do. O-REN (JAPANESE) Keep your mouths shut. You better believe they do. The mistress' eyes got to the other bosses looking at her. As she speaks English, bodyguard translators translate for their bosses. O-REN I'm going to say this in English so you know how serious I am. As your leader, I encourage you to -- from time to time and always in a respectful manner, and with the complete knowledge that my decision is final -- to question my logic. If you're unconvinced a particular plan of action I've decided is the wisest, tell me so. But allow me to convince you. And I will promise you, right here and now, no subject will be taboo...except the subject that was just under discussion. O-REN (JAPANESE) (to a bodyguard) Hand me that head. He picks it off the floor and meekly offers it to the Queen. She takes it by the hair and holds it up as she speaks. O-REN (ENGLISH) The price you pay for bringing up either my Chinese or my American heritage as a negative is, I collect your fuckin head. (now completely American) Just like this fucker here. Now if any of you sonsabitches got anything else to say, now's the fuckin time. Nobody says anything. O-REN (ENGLISH) I didn't think so. (pause) Meeting adjourned. EXT. THE HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES - JAPANESE RESTAURANT The entire O-Ren Ishii crew moves through the restaurant. The CUSTOMERS all look up now as the crew passes. The restaurant staff acts as if the Shogun himself has just showed up on their doorstep demanding a meal. No doubt if the meal is not satisfactory the staff will gladly slice off a finger. The door to a private dining room is slid open, the crew steps inside, the door is slid shut. INT. PRIVATE DINING AREA (RESTAURANT) - NIGHT The private dining area of the Japanese restaurant. The patrons are surrounded by white paper walls. The CAMERA CIRCLES around O-REN ISHII. Sitting in between her, two personal bodyguards, the Yubari sisters, YUKI AND GO GO. The Yubari sisters are younger than O-Ren; Yuki is sixteen and Go Go is seventeen. Both girls are dressed in Japanese schoolgirl uniforms complete with plaid skirts and matching blazers. FLASH ON EX CU OF AN EYEBALL (The BRIDE's) On her right is her French and Japanese lawyer, SOFIE FATALE. FLASH ON EX CU OF AN EYEBALL The bunch of mop-topped young men, who all wear black suits, white shirts, thin black ties and Kato masks over their eyes, are her soldiers, "The CRAZY 88." FLASH ON EX CU OF AN EAR, The Bride's fingers come into FRAME and move blonde hair out of the sensory appendage's way. And finally there's a tall dark American in a black suit sans Kato mask -- that's O-Ren's head of security, MR. BARREL. They're all drinking and having a good time as Sofie tells a joke in Japanese. THE BRIDE (V.O.) The mop tops in black suits and Kato masks were O-Ren's soldiers, "The Crazy 88." The two young girls in the schoolgirl uniforms are her personal bodyguards, the Yubari sisters. Yuki, aged sixteen, and Go Go, aged seventeen. The pretty lady who's dressed like she's a villain on Star Trek is O-Ren's best friend and her lawyer, Sofie Fatale. And finally, the American in the black suit but sans Kato mask, O-Ren's head of security, Mr. Barrel. SUDDENLY O-Ren hears something. Like a deer in the forest, her head springs up on alert. It's almost as if she's listening to The Bride's narration. The Bride's NARRATION SUDDENLY STOPS IN MIDSENTENCE -- O-Ren removes a SMALL DAGGER-DART from the folds of her robe and THROWS IT in the direction of the sound. CU The BRIDE dressed in a kimono on the other side of the private dining room's paper wall. The DART FLIES THROUGH The PAPER, STREAKS BY HER FACE, almost taking off the tip of her nose in the process. INSERT: DART EMBEDS ITSELF IN A WOOD POST. O-Ren's action instantly brings the room's frivolity to a halt. Mistress Ishii silently orders Go Go and Yuki to retrieve the eavesdropper. INT. JAPANESE RESTAURANT - NIGHT The white paper door to O-Ren's dining room SLAMS OPEN. Yuki and Go Go step into the corridor. All trace of the Bride has vanished. They look out over the restaurant, patrons look normal. Whoever was there is gone now. Go Go removes the small dagger from the wood post and the Yubari sisters go back into the private dining room, SLAMMING the door behind them. ONE SHOT CU The BRIDE at the bar, in her kimono, drinking a colorful cocktail. She observes all the activity by O-Ren's private dining room. When the Yubari sisters go back inside, the Bride climbs off her barstool and goes through the restaurant...into the parking area...and up to her rental car. She opens the door. Takes off her Japanese kimono, underneath is a one-piece yellow track suit with a black stripe going down both sides, like the one Bruce Lee wears in "Game of Death." She tosses the kimono in the trunk, then removes the sheathed Hanzo sword. With the sword of vengeance in her hand, we follow her back inside the restaurant. She looks upstairs to the O-Ren dining room. We see Yuki Yubari and Sofie Fatale, slide open the door, and walk down the stairs together. When they get to the bottom, they give each other a kiss goodbye, and Yuki leaves the restaurant, while Sofie makes her way to the bathroom...only to have The Bride, now dressed in her Bruce Lee yellow outfit and samurai sword in her hand, bar her way. END OF SHOT BACK AND FORTH between CU's of the two women, face to face. SOFIE (JAPANESE) (to Bride) Can I help you? THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) Yes, I am looking for the attorney of O-Ren Ishii, Sofie Fatale. Would that be you? SOFIE (JAPANESE) I'm Mistress Ishii's attorney. How can I help you? The Bride PUNCHES her in the face. INT. O-REN'S PRIVATE ROOM Aside from drinking like fishes, what is the queen of the Tokyo underworld - Mistress O-Ren Ishii - and her private army doing when we cut back? Singing karaoke, of course. It's Crazy 88 MIKI's turn at the mike and he's having a whale of a good time singing Dionne Warwick's "Walk On By," in Japanese.... WHEN... A COMMOTION is heard being made by the restaurant staff and the other patrons, from the other side of the white paper wall...Just as they all start to notice it, they hear; THE BRIDE (O.S., JAPANESE) O-Ren Ishii! You and I have unfinished business! The Crazy 88 spring to their feet. One slides open the door. They see O-Ren's lawyer, Sofie Fatale, standing in the middle of the restaurant, her left arm completely outstretched, hand gripped around a post. She has a terrified look on her face. Before anybody on O-Ren's side of the room can say anything ...The Bride steps out from behind Sofie. O-REN'S reaction shows how effective the element of surprise turned out to be. She says The Bride's name softly to herself; it's BLEEPED OUT. The Bride The VENGEANCE THEME BURSTS ON THE SOUNDTRACK...The Vein on her forehead begins to pulsate. WE DO A QUICK SHAW BROTHERS ZOOM INTO HER EYES. A SPAGHETTI-WESTERN FLASHBACK of O-Ren beating the shit outta her at the wedding chapel IS SUPERIMPOSED OVER HER EYES. The FLASHBACK DISSOLVES, we ZOOM BACK INTO A CU, the vein stops pulsating, and the theme STOPS PLAYING OVER THE SOUNDTRACK, LEAVING A CLEAN, COLORFUL CU of The Bride loaded for bear. She raises her Hanzo sword, and Slices off Sofie's Arm at the Shoulder with one stroke. SOFIE Spewing and Gushing Blood from her stump, twists her body in agony, painting the floor and the walls with giant Splashes of Red, as her body hits the floor, twitching in both surprise and shock. The CRAZY 88 run out into the dining area and create a human wall between themselves and their Mistress. MR. BARREL AND GO GO take positions on either side of O-Ren. O-REN seated in a shogun's seat, rises furiously to her feet. O-REN (JAPANESE) You bastard! The Bride does a swipe in the air with her sword; Sofie's blood flies off the blade. The entire floor of the dining room lies between the two warring parties. The Bride vs. The Crazy 88 The restaurant's STAFF and PATRONS sit or stand rigidly in fear. O-Ren says loudly to the room; O-REN (JAPANESE) Sorry everybody, but I'm afraid we're going to have to close the place. There's some private business that we must attend to now. The Staff and The Customers Stampede the exits. The Bride, The Crazy 88, and O-Ren hold their ground without moving a muscle, till the dining room, as well as the entire restaurant known as "The House of Blue Leaves," is deserted of every human not engaged in the face- off that precedes combat. O-Ren gives a simple order; O-REN Miki. MIKI, one of The Crazy 88 (The little one), steps forward, unsheaths his sword, and yells at the yellow clad blonde. MIKI (JAPANESE) You had it coming bastard! Raising his samurai sword high, he Charges, Screaming A Banzai Scream... The Bride turns to face him. Miki Charging and Screaming... The Bride slowly raises the Hanzo Sword into Striking Position. Miki Charging and Screaming, almost on top of her. The Bride, sword in position, waits for her opponent to arrive. Miki arrives at his destination, he Swings... The Bride Swings... The Hanzo Sword Slices Miki's inferior blade in half. Miki looks down at the impotent weapon in his hand. The Bride Thrusts her sword through Miki's abdomen, then Lifts the little guy off the ground straight up in the air. Miki screaming, Impaled on her blade like a fish at the end of a spear. Held up in the air, restaurant light fixtures in the B.G. O-Ren and her crew watch stunned. The Bride Drops the shishkabobbed Miki into the koi pond that starts outside the restaurant and ends inside, with a huge blue splash. Koi pond - Blue water - Orange and yellow fish - Red blood - Dead man. The BRIDE looks up from the pond, across the length of the floor, into the eyes of O-Ren Ishii. She takes one step forward, hears the slightest noise, Twirls the samurai sword in the air once, drops to one knee, and thrusts the sword into the beige-colored carpet- covered floor. The sword sticks in the floor half way... The Sound of human death rises from underneath the floor... OVERHEAD SHOT Looking down on The Bride at one end and O-Ren and her crew at the other. A Red Circle appears where the blade is buried in the floor...The red circle grows larger...and larger...and larger...and larger still... Leaving the sword stuck in the floor, handle sticking straight up in the air, The Bride rises up from her one knee, and straight and tall, staring down the queen of the Tokyo underworld. O-Ren her eyes narrow with rage. She screams out another order; O-REN (JAPANESE) Tear the bitch apart! The six remaining Crazy 88 unsheath their swords at the same time with a GREAT SOUND EFFECT. They circle the Bride. The BRIDE Inside the circle of Combatants who surrounded her. She Whips the sword out of the floor and raises her blade diagonally in front of her. Her eyes are reflected in the shiny steel. Holding her sword in the diagonal position, The Bride can see reflected in the shiny blade, whoever stands behind her. The six Crazy 88 Attack... The BRIDE does a Zatoichi-like SWISH-SLASH-SWISH with her steel blade. Four boys die an immediate samurai blade-inflicted death, SCREAMING GRUNT, TWITCHING BODY, FROZEN IN THE STANCE IT WAS SLASHED IN, RED BLOOD SQUIRTING FROM WOUNDS, THEN A CRASHING COLLAPSE TO THE FLOOR. The last two put up more of a fight...but then one of them is SLASHED and FALLS and the last one is SLASHED AND CRASHES THROUGH the restaurant's big picture window. EX CU The EYES of The Bride, pointed down at the bodies by her feet, ...BEAT ...they Look back up at O-Ren. O-REN standing in between Go Go and Mr. Barrel. Her eyes narrow. The BRIDE swipes the air with her sword, the blood of the dead attackers flies off. GO GO and MR. BARREL unsheath their swords. WHEN... We hear a LOUD SOUND of many ENGINES behind the Bride. Then behind her, through the broken pictures window we see seventeen motorcycles pull up to the parking lot. All the riders wear black suits with kato masks, and all carry samurai swords. The BRIDE looks from the reinforcements to O-Ren. O-REN smiles. O -REN (ENGLISH) (to the Bride) You didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you? THE BRIDE (ENGLISH) (to O-Ren) You know, for a second there, yeah I did. O-Ren smiles... O-REN (ENGLISH) Silly rabbit... Both O-Ren and the Bride finish the phrase together,... O-REN/THE BRIDE ...Trix Are for kids. This is something they used to say back when they fought alongside of each other as "Vipers." The seventeen Crazy 88 reinforcements come running into the restaurant and with drawn swords surround The Bride. As a HEAVY METAL COMBAT BEAT begins to PULSATE ON THE SOUNDTRACK, The Boys and The Bride have a Spaghetti Western Stand-off. We do a 360 INSIDE the CIRCLE of The Crazy 88, who surround the yellow-haired warrior. Not all have Samurai swords; one JUGGLES TWO HATCHETS, another TWIRLS A THREE-STAFF TRIPLE IRON over his head. As the Heavy Metal music builds...We Cut to various Shots of The Two Opposing Forces Preparing to Strike....Hands on Sword Handles...Feet finding Combat Stance...etc... ....Until Heavy Metal reaches its Breaking Point... ...At that point, the Metal EXPLODES OVER THE SOUNDTRACK...IN TIME WITH The BRIDE EXPLODING INTO A VIOLENT KILLING MACHINE ON SCREEN. As she matches skill with the army of black-suited boys, arms flailing, silver blade Clashing and Slashing, long blonde hair whipping like a whirling dervish.... ...She's a Goddess of War Venus. Not only is the FIGHT CUT TO THE HEAVY METAL MUSIC, but The Bride seems to be somewhat dancing to it as she fights. This explosion of furious violence is punctuated CINEMATICALLY BY THE COLOR IN THE FILM POPPING OFF, and the fight being filmed in HIGH CONTRAST BLACK AND WHITE, turning the squirting, spewing geysers of BLOOD FROM CRIMSON RED TO OIL BLACK. Many members of The Crazy 88 are Sliced, Slashed, and liberated from the limbs they were born with at The Bride's blade. Some SPECIFIC MOMENTS While Clashing swords, The Bride whips the silver Boomerang out of its holster, and Throws it... ....It Twirls Through the Air... ...Embedding itself longways in one of the boy's faces. The Bride does a Mid-Air Somersault over the head of an Attacker, landing solid on her feet behind him...Slash, he's Out. The Bride is knocked to the floor, her Attacker stands over her to Spear the young blonde, Her Legs Spring Up In The Air, Ankles Lock Around The Boy's Neck. She throws him down to the ground. With his neck still in the vise-like grip of her ankles, She removes The SOG Knife from its sheath and Plunges it Deep Into The Boy's Chest. While still on the ground, an Attacker Charges at her. Yanking the Boomerang out of the Dead Boy's Face, She Sends It Flying in the Charging Man's path... ...Boomerang Twirling Through the Air Close to the Ground... ...Chopping Off the Charging Attacker's Foot in Mid Step, he falls flat. The Bride jumps up onto an attacker's shoulders. She locks her legs around him so he's helpless at shaking her off. ...she swings down with her sword, and cuts the man's hands off. So while the helpless man with no hands screams, the now nine foot tall Bride fights with the others. When she's through she brings the blade across the man she's perched on's throat. He falls to his knees, bringing the Bride back to the floor like an alevator. As soon as her soles touch ground, she's off his shoulders, somersaulting on the floor, bringing her blade up between an attacker's legs into his groin. He lets out a scream, as she yanks her blade free. ONE ATTACKER steps out from the rest, "The Best One." He Twirls his sword expertly, challenging the young woman to, "Come get a piece." The Bride does a screaming charge towards him.... ...Sword raised, The Attacker stands his ground, calm - steady, waiting for the blonde-haired locomotive to collide.....They meet..... SWING - CLASH - DANCE - SEPARATE - SWING - CLASH - SPIN - CLASH - LOCK - TWIRL - SEPARATE - They match each other blow for blow, till one makes a mistake. It's the male. The Bride's swing, that's neither clashed(...TRUNCATED)
How many times the word 'fourteen' appears in the text?
" \"Arigato\"...Very good. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) ...\"Ah-So\"... SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) \"Ah-So!\" You(...TRUNCATED)
How many times the word 'rule' appears in the text?
" \"Arigato\"...Very good. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) ...\"Ah-So\"... SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) \"Ah-So!\" You(...TRUNCATED)
How many times the word 'classy' appears in the text?
" \"Arigato\"...Very good. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) ...\"Ah-So\"... SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) \"Ah-So!\" You(...TRUNCATED)
How many times the word 'difficult' appears in the text?
" \"Arigato\"...Very good. THE BRIDE (JAPANESE) ...\"Ah-So\"... SUSHI CHEF (JAPANESE) \"Ah-So!\" You(...TRUNCATED)
How many times the word 'can' appears in the text?
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