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\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; %transparent node to ease the arrow drawing \pic[right=12em of y1, draw=echoreg!0, fill=echoreg!0] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y3) {}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y5) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y6) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y4) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em, xshift=-1em] {Conv.} (Y2-A); \color{black} \toggletrue{redraw} \toggletrue{redraw2} \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[] (i2) {\LARGE ${\bf input}$}; \node[above right=0.1em and 9em of y1] (z2) {\LARGE $\vec{o}_1$}; \node[below right=0em and 9em of y1] (z2) {\LARGE $\vec{o}_3$}; \node[above right=0.1em and 12em of y1] (z2) {\LARGE $\vec{o}_2$}; \node[below right=0em and 12em of y1] (z2) {\LARGE $\vec{o}_4$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; %transparent node to ease the arrow drawing \pic[right=12em of y1, draw=echoreg!0, fill=echoreg!0] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y3) {}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y5) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y6) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y4) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em, xshift=-1em] {Conv.} (Y2-A); \color{black} \toggletrue{redraw} \toggletrue{redraw2} \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[] (i2) {\LARGE ${\bf input}$}; \node[above right=0.1em and 9em of y1] (z2) {\LARGE $\vec{o}_1$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; %transparent node to ease the arrow drawing \pic[right=12em of y1, draw=echoreg!0, fill=echoreg!0] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y3) {}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y5) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y6) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y4) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em, xshift=-1em] {Conv.} (Y2-A); \color{black} \toggletrue{redraw} \toggletrue{redraw2} \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; %transparent node to ease the arrow drawing \pic[right=12em of y1, draw=echoreg!0, fill=echoreg!0] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y3) {}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y5) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y6) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; %transparent node to ease the arrow drawing \pic[right=12em of y1, draw=echoreg!0, fill=echoreg!0] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y3) {}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y5) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y6) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y4) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; %transparent node to ease the arrow drawing \pic[right=12em of y1, draw=echoreg!0, fill=echoreg!0] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y3) {}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y5) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y6) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y4) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em, xshift=-1em] {Conv.} (Y2-A); \color{black} \toggletrue{redraw} \toggletrue{redraw2} \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[] (i2) {\LARGE ${\bf input}$}; \node[above right=0.1em and 9em of y1] (z2) {\LARGE $\vec{o}_1$}; \node[below right=0em and 9em of y1] (z2) {\LARGE $\vec{o}_3$}; \node[above right=0.1em and 12em of y1] (z2) {\LARGE $\vec{o}_2$}; \node[below right=0em and 12em of y1] (z2) {\LARGE $\vec{o}_4$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; %transparent node to ease the arrow drawing \pic[right=12em of y1, draw=echoreg!0, fill=echoreg!0] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y3) {}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y5) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; %transparent node to ease the arrow drawing \pic[right=12em of y1, draw=echoreg!0, fill=echoreg!0] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; %transparent node to ease the arrow drawing \pic[right=12em of y1, draw=echoreg!0, fill=echoreg!0] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y3) {}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y5) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y6) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y4) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em, xshift=-1em] {Conv.} (Y2-A); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; %transparent node to ease the arrow drawing \pic[right=12em of y1, draw=echoreg!0, fill=echoreg!0] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y3) {}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y5) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y6) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y4) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; %transparent node to ease the arrow drawing \pic[right=12em of y1, draw=echoreg!0, fill=echoreg!0] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y3) {}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y5) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y6) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y4) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em, xshift=-1em] {Conv.} (Y2-A); \color{black} \toggletrue{redraw} \toggletrue{redraw2} \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[] (i2) {\LARGE ${\bf input}$}; \node[above right=0.1em and 9em of y1] (z2) {\LARGE $\vec{o}_1$}; \node[below right=0em and 9em of y1] (z2) {\LARGE $\vec{o}_3$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; %transparent node to ease the arrow drawing \pic[right=12em of y1, draw=echoreg!0, fill=echoreg!0] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y3) {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; %transparent node to ease the arrow drawing \pic[right=12em of y1, draw=echoreg!0, fill=echoreg!0] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y3) {}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y5) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y6) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y4) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em, xshift=-1em] {Conv.} (Y2-A); \color{black} \toggletrue{redraw} \toggletrue{redraw2} \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[] (i2) {\LARGE ${\bf input}$}; \node[above right=0.1em and 9em of y1] (z2) {\LARGE $\vec{o}_1$}; \node[below right=0em and 9em of y1] (z2) {\LARGE $\vec{o}_3$}; \node[above right=0.1em and 12em of y1] (z2) {\LARGE $\vec{o}_2$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; %transparent node to ease the arrow drawing \pic[right=12em of y1, draw=echoreg!0, fill=echoreg!0] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y3) {}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y5) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y6) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y4) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} (Y-A); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; %transparent node to ease the arrow drawing \pic[right=12em of y1, draw=echoreg!0, fill=echoreg!0] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y3) {}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y5) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y6) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y4) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; %transparent node to ease the arrow drawing \pic[right=12em of y1, draw=echoreg!0, fill=echoreg!0] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y3) {}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y5) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[below right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y6) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 13em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y4) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \pic[above right=1.1em and 10em of y1, fill=mymauve!30] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em, xshift=-1em] {Conv.} (Y2-A); \color{black} \toggletrue{redraw} \toggletrue{redraw2} \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[] (i2) {\LARGE ${\bf input}$}; \node[above right=0.1em and 9em of y1] (z2) {\LARGE $\vec{o}_1$}; \node[below right=0em and 9em of y1] (z2) {\LARGE $\vec{o}_3$}; \node[above right=0.1em and 12em of y1] (z2) {\LARGE $\vec{o}_2$}; \node[below right=0em and 12em of y1] (z2) {\LARGE $\vec{o}_4$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of z1] (z2) {}; \pic[right=12em of z1, fill=mymauve!50] (Z2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y2-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y2-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y3-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y3-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Z1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Z1-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {logistic} (Z2-A); \color{black} \toggletrue{redraw} \toggletrue{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw2} \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of z1] (z2) {}; \pic[right=12em of z1, fill=mymauve!50] (Z2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y2-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y2-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y3-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y3-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Z1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Z1-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {logistic} (Z2-A); \color{black} \toggletrue{redraw} \toggletrue{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of z1] (z2) {}; \pic[right=12em of z1, fill=mymauve!50] (Z2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y2-A); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of z1] (z2) {}; \pic[right=12em of z1, fill=mymauve!50] (Z2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y2-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y2-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y3-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y3-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Z1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Z1-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {logistic} (Z2-A); \color{black} \toggletrue{redraw} \toggletrue{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of z1] (z2) {}; \pic[right=12em of z1, fill=mymauve!50] (Z2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y2-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y2-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y3-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y3-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Z1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Z1-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {logistic} (Z2-A); \color{black} \toggletrue{redraw} \toggletrue{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw2} \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \toggletrue{redraw2} \node[] (i2) {\LARGE ${\bf X}$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of z1] (z2) {}; \pic[right=12em of z1, fill=mymauve!50] (Z2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y2-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y2-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y3-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y3-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Z1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Z1-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {logistic} (Z2-A); \color{black} \toggletrue{redraw} \toggletrue{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of z1] (z2) {}; \pic[right=12em of z1, fill=mymauve!50] (Z2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of z1] (z2) {}; \pic[right=12em of z1, fill=mymauve!50] (Z2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y2-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y2-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y3-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y3-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Z1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Z1-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {logistic} (Z2-A); \color{black} \toggletrue{redraw} \toggletrue{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of z1] (z2) {}; \pic[right=12em of z1, fill=mymauve!50] (Z2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of z1] (z2) {}; \pic[right=12em of z1, fill=mymauve!50] (Z2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y2-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y2-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y3-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y3-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Z1-A); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of z1] (z2) {}; \pic[right=12em of z1, fill=mymauve!50] (Z2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y2-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y2-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y3-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y3-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Z1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Z1-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {logistic} (Z2-A); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of z1] (z2) {}; \pic[right=12em of z1, fill=mymauve!50] (Z2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y2-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y2-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y3-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y3-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Z1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Z1-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {logistic} (Z2-A); \color{black} \toggletrue{redraw} \toggletrue{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw2} \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \toggletrue{redraw2} \node[] (i2) {\LARGE ${\bf X}$}; \node[right=9.25em of y2] (y3) {\LARGE ${\bf z}$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of z1] (z2) {}; \pic[right=12em of z1, fill=mymauve!50] (Z2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y2-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y2-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y3-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y3-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Z1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Z1-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {logistic} (Z2-A); \color{black} \toggletrue{redraw} \toggletrue{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of z1] (z2) {}; \pic[right=12em of z1, fill=mymauve!50] (Z2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y2-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y2-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y3-A); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of z1] (z2) {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of z1] (z2) {}; \pic[right=12em of z1, fill=mymauve!50] (Z2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y-A); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of z1] (z2) {}; \pic[right=12em of z1, fill=mymauve!50] (Z2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y2-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y2-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y3-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y3-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Z1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Z1-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {logistic} (Z2-A); \color{black} \toggletrue{redraw} \toggletrue{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw2} \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \toggletrue{redraw2} \node[] (i2) {\LARGE ${\bf X}$}; \node[right=9.25em of y2] (y3) {\LARGE ${\bf z}$}; \node[right=11em of z1] (z2) {\LARGE ${\bf X}'$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of z1] (z2) {}; \pic[right=12em of z1, fill=mymauve!50] (Z2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y2-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y2-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y3-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y3-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Z1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Z1-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {logistic} (Z2-A); \color{black} \toggletrue{redraw} \toggletrue{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw2} \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \toggletrue{redraw2} \node[] (i2) {\LARGE ${\bf X}$}; \node[right=9.25em of y2] (y3) {\LARGE ${\bf z}$}; \node[right=11em of z1] (z2) {\LARGE ${\bf X}'$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning} \definecolor{echoreg}{HTML}{2cb1e1} \definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \usepackage{etoolbox} \newtoggle{redraw} \newtoggle{redraw2} \tikzset{% pics/cube/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% \begin{scope}[line width=#4mm] \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,-#2,0) -- (#1,#2,0) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} \iftoggle{redraw}{% }{% \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,-#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,-#2,-#3) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (-#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \iftoggle{redraw2}{% }{ \begin{scope} \clip (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \filldraw (-#1,#2,0) -- (-#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1-#3,#2,-#3) -- (#1,#2,0) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \node[inner sep=0] (-A) at (-#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \node[inner sep=0] (-B) at (#1-#3*0.5, 0, -#3*0.5) {}; \coordinate (-V) at (#1, #2); \coordinate (-W) at (#1, -#2); \end{scope} }}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (1) [draw, dashed, minimum height=15em, minimum width=62em, xshift=24em, fill=olivegreen, fill opacity=0.2, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 1] {{\emph{encoder}}}; \node (2) [draw, dashed, minimum height=14em, fill = red, fill opacity=0.2,minimum width=35em, xshift=63.5em, very thick, rectangle, rounded corners] {}; \node (la1) [below=0em of 2] {{\emph{decoder}}}; \node[] (i2) {}; \pic[fill=green!50] (I2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw} \togglefalse{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y] (y1) {}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of y1] (y2) {}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \node[right=10em of y2] (y3) {}; \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \node[right=9em of y3] (z1) {}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \node[right=12em of z1] (z2) {}; \pic[right=12em of z1, fill=mymauve!50] (Z2) {cube={1.8/1.8/0.4/1}}; \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (I2-B) -- node[above] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y1-B) -- node[above=0.3em, inner sep=0.1em] {Conv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Y2-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y2-B) -- node[above] {Pool} (Y3-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Y3-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {ReLU} (Z1-A); \draw [-stealth, ultra thick] (Z1-B) -- node[above] {Deconv.} node[below] {logistic} (Z2-A); \color{black} \toggletrue{redraw} \toggletrue{redraw2} \node[right=16em of i2] (y) {}; \pic[right=16em of i2, fill=echoreg!50] (Y) {cube={1.8/1.8/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y, fill=red!50] (Y1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \pic[right=12em of y1, fill=echoreg!50] (Y2) {cube={0.9/0.9/2/1}}; \pic[right=9em of y3, fill=mymauve!50] (Z1) {cube={0.9/0.9/1/1}}; \togglefalse{redraw2} \pic[right=10em of y2, fill=red!50] (Y3) {cube={0.45/0.45/2/1}}; \toggletrue{redraw2} \node[] (i2) {\LARGE ${\bf X}$}; \node[right=9.25em of y2] (y3) {\LARGE ${\bf z}$}; \node[right=11em of z1] (z2) {\LARGE ${\bf X}'$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\tt] \node (T) at (0, 0) {ACAACG}; \node[below=0.5mm of T] (c1) {$T$}; \node[align=center] (tbl1) at (2.7, 0) {\textcolor{red}{AACG}AC\\\textcolor{red}{ACAACG}\\\textcolor{red}{ACG}ACA\\\textcolor{red}{CAACG}A\\\textcolor{red}{CG}ACAA\\\textcolor{red}{G}ACAAC}; \node[align=center] (tbl2) at (5.4, 0) {AACGA\textcolor{red}{C}\\\textcolor{red}{ACAACG}\\ACGAC\textcolor{red}{A}\\CAACG\textcolor{red}{A}\\CGACA\textcolor{red}{A}\\GACAA\textcolor{red}{C}}; \node[align=left] (BWT) at (8.6, 0) {(CGAAAC, 2)}; \node[below=0.5mm of BWT] (c2) {$BWT(T)$}; \draw[-stealth, very thick] (T) -- (tbl1); \draw[-stealth, very thick] (tbl1) -- (tbl2); \draw[-stealth, very thick] (tbl2) -- (BWT); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\tt] \node (T) at (0, 0) {ACAACG}; \node[below=0.5mm of T] (c1) {$T$}; \node[align=center] (tbl1) at (2.7, 0) {\textcolor{red}{AACG}AC\\\textcolor{red}{ACAACG}\\\textcolor{red}{ACG}ACA\\\textcolor{red}{CAACG}A\\\textcolor{red}{CG}ACAA\\\textcolor{red}{G}ACAAC}; \node[align=center] (tbl2) at (5.4, 0) {AACGA\textcolor{red}{C}\\\textcolor{red}{ACAACG}\\ACGAC\textcolor{red}{A}\\CAACG\textcolor{red}{A}\\CGACA\textcolor{red}{A}\\GACAA\textcolor{red}{C}}; \node[align=left] (BWT) at (8.6, 0) {(CGAAAC, 2)}; \node[below=0.5mm of BWT] (c2) {$BWT(T)$}; \draw[-stealth, very thick] (T) -- (tbl1); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\tt] \node (T) at (0, 0) {ACAACG}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\tt] \node (T) at (0, 0) {ACAACG}; \node[below=0.5mm of T] (c1) {$T$}; \node[align=center] (tbl1) at (2.7, 0) {\textcolor{red}{AACG}AC\\\textcolor{red}{ACAACG}\\\textcolor{red}{ACG}ACA\\\textcolor{red}{CAACG}A\\\textcolor{red}{CG}ACAA\\\textcolor{red}{G}ACAAC}; \node[align=center] (tbl2) at (5.4, 0) {AACGA\textcolor{red}{C}\\\textcolor{red}{ACAACG}\\ACGAC\textcolor{red}{A}\\CAACG\textcolor{red}{A}\\CGACA\textcolor{red}{A}\\GACAA\textcolor{red}{C}}; \node[align=left] (BWT) at (8.6, 0) {(CGAAAC, 2)}; \node[below=0.5mm of BWT] (c2) {$BWT(T)$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\tt] \node (T) at (0, 0) {ACAACG}; \node[below=0.5mm of T] (c1) {$T$}; \node[align=center] (tbl1) at (2.7, 0) {\textcolor{red}{AACG}AC\\\textcolor{red}{ACAACG}\\\textcolor{red}{ACG}ACA\\\textcolor{red}{CAACG}A\\\textcolor{red}{CG}ACAA\\\textcolor{red}{G}ACAAC}; \node[align=center] (tbl2) at (5.4, 0) {AACGA\textcolor{red}{C}\\\textcolor{red}{ACAACG}\\ACGAC\textcolor{red}{A}\\CAACG\textcolor{red}{A}\\CGACA\textcolor{red}{A}\\GACAA\textcolor{red}{C}}; \node[align=left] (BWT) at (8.6, 0) {(CGAAAC, 2)}; \node[below=0.5mm of BWT] (c2) {$BWT(T)$}; \draw[-stealth, very thick] (T) -- (tbl1); \draw[-stealth, very thick] (tbl1) -- (tbl2); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\tt] \node (T) at (0, 0) {ACAACG}; \node[below=0.5mm of T] (c1) {$T$}; \node[align=center] (tbl1) at (2.7, 0) {\textcolor{red}{AACG}AC\\\textcolor{red}{ACAACG}\\\textcolor{red}{ACG}ACA\\\textcolor{red}{CAACG}A\\\textcolor{red}{CG}ACAA\\\textcolor{red}{G}ACAAC}; \node[align=center] (tbl2) at (5.4, 0) {AACGA\textcolor{red}{C}\\\textcolor{red}{ACAACG}\\ACGAC\textcolor{red}{A}\\CAACG\textcolor{red}{A}\\CGACA\textcolor{red}{A}\\GACAA\textcolor{red}{C}}; \node[align=left] (BWT) at (8.6, 0) {(CGAAAC, 2)}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\tt] \node (T) at (0, 0) {ACAACG}; \node[below=0.5mm of T] (c1) {$T$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\tt] \node (T) at (0, 0) {ACAACG}; \node[below=0.5mm of T] (c1) {$T$}; \node[align=center] (tbl1) at (2.7, 0) {\textcolor{red}{AACG}AC\\\textcolor{red}{ACAACG}\\\textcolor{red}{ACG}ACA\\\textcolor{red}{CAACG}A\\\textcolor{red}{CG}ACAA\\\textcolor{red}{G}ACAAC}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\tt] \node (T) at (0, 0) {ACAACG}; \node[below=0.5mm of T] (c1) {$T$}; \node[align=center] (tbl1) at (2.7, 0) {\textcolor{red}{AACG}AC\\\textcolor{red}{ACAACG}\\\textcolor{red}{ACG}ACA\\\textcolor{red}{CAACG}A\\\textcolor{red}{CG}ACAA\\\textcolor{red}{G}ACAAC}; \node[align=center] (tbl2) at (5.4, 0) {AACGA\textcolor{red}{C}\\\textcolor{red}{ACAACG}\\ACGAC\textcolor{red}{A}\\CAACG\textcolor{red}{A}\\CGACA\textcolor{red}{A}\\GACAA\textcolor{red}{C}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\tt] \node (T) at (0, 0) {ACAACG}; \node[below=0.5mm of T] (c1) {$T$}; \node[align=center] (tbl1) at (2.7, 0) {\textcolor{red}{AACG}AC\\\textcolor{red}{ACAACG}\\\textcolor{red}{ACG}ACA\\\textcolor{red}{CAACG}A\\\textcolor{red}{CG}ACAA\\\textcolor{red}{G}ACAAC}; \node[align=center] (tbl2) at (5.4, 0) {AACGA\textcolor{red}{C}\\\textcolor{red}{ACAACG}\\ACGAC\textcolor{red}{A}\\CAACG\textcolor{red}{A}\\CGACA\textcolor{red}{A}\\GACAA\textcolor{red}{C}}; \node[align=left] (BWT) at (8.6, 0) {(CGAAAC, 2)}; \node[below=0.5mm of BWT] (c2) {$BWT(T)$}; \draw[-stealth, very thick] (T) -- (tbl1); \draw[-stealth, very thick] (tbl1) -- (tbl2); \draw[-stealth, very thick] (tbl2) -- (BWT); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning} \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em] \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex'] \definecolor{mygreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{echodrk}{HTML}{0099cc} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=4cm, auto] \node [block, color=red, fill=white, text width=6.5em] (if) {{\huge \bf IF}\\{\scriptsize Instruction fetch}}; \node [block, color=mygreen, fill=white, text width=6.5em, right of=if] (dc) {{\huge \bf DC}\\{\scriptsize Decode}}; \node [block, color=echodrk, fill=white, text width=6.5em, right of=dc] (ex) {{\huge \bf EX}\\{\scriptsize Execute}}; \node [block, color=black, fill=white, text width=6.5em, below = 0.5cm of dc] (intr) {{\huge \bf IRQ}\\{\scriptsize Handle interrupts}}; \path [line] (if) -- (dc); \path [line] (dc) -- (ex); \path [line] (ex) edge [bend left] (intr); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning} \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em] \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex'] \definecolor{mygreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{echodrk}{HTML}{0099cc} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=4cm, auto] \node [block, color=red, fill=white, text width=6.5em] (if) {{\huge \bf IF}\\{\scriptsize Instruction fetch}}; \node [block, color=mygreen, fill=white, text width=6.5em, right of=if] (dc) {{\huge \bf DC}\\{\scriptsize Decode}}; \node [block, color=echodrk, fill=white, text width=6.5em, right of=dc] (ex) {{\huge \bf EX}\\{\scriptsize Execute}}; \node [block, color=black, fill=white, text width=6.5em, below = 0.5cm of dc] (intr) {{\huge \bf IRQ}\\{\scriptsize Handle interrupts}}; \path [line] (if) -- (dc); \path [line] (dc) -- (ex); \path [line] (ex) edge [bend left] (intr); \path [line] (intr) edge [bend left] (if); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning} \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em] \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex'] \definecolor{mygreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{echodrk}{HTML}{0099cc} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=4cm, auto] \node [block, color=red, fill=white, text width=6.5em] (if) {{\huge \bf IF}\\{\scriptsize Instruction fetch}}; \node [block, color=mygreen, fill=white, text width=6.5em, right of=if] (dc) {{\huge \bf DC}\\{\scriptsize Decode}}; \node [block, color=echodrk, fill=white, text width=6.5em, right of=dc] (ex) {{\huge \bf EX}\\{\scriptsize Execute}}; \node [block, color=black, fill=white, text width=6.5em, below = 0.5cm of dc] (intr) {{\huge \bf IRQ}\\{\scriptsize Handle interrupts}}; \path [line] (if) -- (dc); \path [line] (dc) -- (ex); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning} \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em] \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex'] \definecolor{mygreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{echodrk}{HTML}{0099cc} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=4cm, auto] \node [block, color=red, fill=white, text width=6.5em] (if) {{\huge \bf IF}\\{\scriptsize Instruction fetch}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning} \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em] \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex'] \definecolor{mygreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{echodrk}{HTML}{0099cc} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=4cm, auto] \node [block, color=red, fill=white, text width=6.5em] (if) {{\huge \bf IF}\\{\scriptsize Instruction fetch}}; \node [block, color=mygreen, fill=white, text width=6.5em, right of=if] (dc) {{\huge \bf DC}\\{\scriptsize Decode}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning} \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em] \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex'] \definecolor{mygreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{echodrk}{HTML}{0099cc} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=4cm, auto] \node [block, color=red, fill=white, text width=6.5em] (if) {{\huge \bf IF}\\{\scriptsize Instruction fetch}}; \node [block, color=mygreen, fill=white, text width=6.5em, right of=if] (dc) {{\huge \bf DC}\\{\scriptsize Decode}}; \node [block, color=echodrk, fill=white, text width=6.5em, right of=dc] (ex) {{\huge \bf EX}\\{\scriptsize Execute}}; \node [block, color=black, fill=white, text width=6.5em, below = 0.5cm of dc] (intr) {{\huge \bf IRQ}\\{\scriptsize Handle interrupts}}; \path [line] (if) -- (dc); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning} \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em] \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex'] \definecolor{mygreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{echodrk}{HTML}{0099cc} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=4cm, auto] \node [block, color=red, fill=white, text width=6.5em] (if) {{\huge \bf IF}\\{\scriptsize Instruction fetch}}; \node [block, color=mygreen, fill=white, text width=6.5em, right of=if] (dc) {{\huge \bf DC}\\{\scriptsize Decode}}; \node [block, color=echodrk, fill=white, text width=6.5em, right of=dc] (ex) {{\huge \bf EX}\\{\scriptsize Execute}}; \node [block, color=black, fill=white, text width=6.5em, below = 0.5cm of dc] (intr) {{\huge \bf IRQ}\\{\scriptsize Handle interrupts}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning} \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em] \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex'] \definecolor{mygreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{echodrk}{HTML}{0099cc} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=4cm, auto] \node [block, color=red, fill=white, text width=6.5em] (if) {{\huge \bf IF}\\{\scriptsize Instruction fetch}}; \node [block, color=mygreen, fill=white, text width=6.5em, right of=if] (dc) {{\huge \bf DC}\\{\scriptsize Decode}}; \node [block, color=echodrk, fill=white, text width=6.5em, right of=dc] (ex) {{\huge \bf EX}\\{\scriptsize Execute}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
\documentclass[crop, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning} \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em] \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex'] \definecolor{mygreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{echodrk}{HTML}{0099cc} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=4cm, auto] \node [block, color=red, fill=white, text width=6.5em] (if) {{\huge \bf IF}\\{\scriptsize Instruction fetch}}; \node [block, color=mygreen, fill=white, text width=6.5em, right of=if] (dc) {{\huge \bf DC}\\{\scriptsize Decode}}; \node [block, color=echodrk, fill=white, text width=6.5em, right of=dc] (ex) {{\huge \bf EX}\\{\scriptsize Execute}}; \node [block, color=black, fill=white, text width=6.5em, below = 0.5cm of dc] (intr) {{\huge \bf IRQ}\\{\scriptsize Handle interrupts}}; \path [line] (if) -- (dc); \path [line] (dc) -- (ex); \path [line] (ex) edge [bend left] (intr); \path [line] (intr) edge [bend left] (if); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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