{ |
"_name_or_path": "coastalcph/danish-legal-longformer-base", |
"architectures": [ |
"LongformerForSequenceClassification" |
], |
"attention_mode": "longformer", |
"attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1, |
"attention_window": [ |
128, |
128, |
128, |
128, |
128, |
128, |
128, |
128, |
128, |
128, |
128, |
128 |
], |
"bos_token_id": 1, |
"classifier_dropout": null, |
"cls_token_id": 1, |
"eos_token_id": 2, |
"finetuning_task": "eurlex-127-concepts", |
"gradient_checkpointing": false, |
"hidden_act": "gelu", |
"hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, |
"hidden_size": 768, |
"id2label": { |
"0": "health", |
"1": "social framework", |
"10": "building and public works", |
"100": "European Union law", |
"101": "humanities", |
"102": "natural and applied sciences", |
"103": "beverages and sugar", |
"104": "processed agricultural produce", |
"105": "agri-foodstuffs", |
"106": "plant product", |
"107": "animal product", |
"108": "foodstuff", |
"109": "food technology", |
"11": "chemistry", |
"110": "regions of EU Member States", |
"111": "Africa", |
"112": "overseas countries and territories", |
"113": "Europe", |
"114": "America", |
"115": "economic geography", |
"116": "Asia and Oceania", |
"117": "political geography", |
"118": "economic analysis", |
"119": "economic conditions", |
"12": "electronics and electrical engineering", |
"120": "economic policy", |
"121": "economic structure", |
"122": "national accounts", |
"123": "regions and regional policy", |
"124": "deterioration of the environment", |
"125": "natural environment", |
"126": "environmental policy", |
"13": "miscellaneous industries", |
"14": "wood industry", |
"15": "mechanical engineering", |
"16": "industrial structures and policy", |
"17": "leather and textile industries", |
"18": "insurance", |
"19": "free movement of capital", |
"2": "culture and religion", |
"20": "financing and investment", |
"21": "prices", |
"22": "budget", |
"23": "public finance and budget policy", |
"24": "monetary economics", |
"25": "taxation", |
"26": "financial institutions and credit", |
"27": "monetary relations", |
"28": "tariff policy", |
"29": "trade", |
"3": "social protection", |
"30": "trade policy", |
"31": "marketing", |
"32": "distributive trades", |
"33": "consumption", |
"34": "international trade", |
"35": "accounting", |
"36": "competition", |
"37": "management", |
"38": "business classification", |
"39": "legal form of organisations", |
"4": "migration", |
"40": "business organisation", |
"41": "defence", |
"42": "international affairs", |
"43": "international security", |
"44": "cooperation policy", |
"45": "agricultural activity", |
"46": "agricultural policy", |
"47": "forestry", |
"48": "agricultural structures and production", |
"49": "cultivation of agricultural land", |
"5": "family", |
"50": "means of agricultural production", |
"51": "fisheries", |
"52": "farming systems", |
"53": "production", |
"54": "research and intellectual property", |
"55": "technology and technical regulations", |
"56": "transport policy", |
"57": "air and space transport", |
"58": "organisation of transport", |
"59": "land transport", |
"6": "construction and town planning", |
"60": "maritime and inland waterway transport", |
"61": "organisation of work and working conditions", |
"62": "labour law and labour relations", |
"63": "employment", |
"64": "personnel management and staff remuneration", |
"65": "labour market", |
"66": "political party", |
"67": "parliament", |
"68": "executive power and public service", |
"69": "parliamentary proceedings", |
"7": "demography and population", |
"70": "electoral procedure and voting", |
"71": "political framework", |
"72": "politics and public safety", |
"73": "sources and branches of the law", |
"74": "justice", |
"75": "civil law", |
"76": "rights and freedoms", |
"77": "international law", |
"78": "criminal law", |
"79": "organisation of the legal system", |
"8": "social affairs", |
"80": "information and information processing", |
"81": "education", |
"82": "organisation of teaching", |
"83": "information technology and data processing", |
"84": "teaching", |
"85": "documentation", |
"86": "communications", |
"87": "world organisations", |
"88": "United Nations", |
"89": "extra-European organisations", |
"9": "iron, steel and other metal industries", |
"90": "non-governmental organisations", |
"91": "European organisations", |
"92": "coal and mining industries", |
"93": "energy policy", |
"94": "oil industry", |
"95": "soft energy", |
"96": "electrical and nuclear industries", |
"97": "EU finance", |
"98": "EU institutions and European civil service", |
"99": "European construction" |
}, |
"ignore_attention_mask": false, |
"initializer_range": 0.02, |
"intermediate_size": 3072, |
"label2id": { |
"Africa": 111, |
"America": 114, |
"Asia and Oceania": 116, |
"EU finance": 97, |
"EU institutions and European civil service": 98, |
"Europe": 113, |
"European Union law": 100, |
"European construction": 99, |
"European organisations": 91, |
"United Nations": 88, |
"accounting": 35, |
"agri-foodstuffs": 105, |
"agricultural activity": 45, |
"agricultural policy": 46, |
"agricultural structures and production": 48, |
"air and space transport": 57, |
"animal product": 107, |
"beverages and sugar": 103, |
"budget": 22, |
"building and public works": 10, |
"business classification": 38, |
"business organisation": 40, |
"chemistry": 11, |
"civil law": 75, |
"coal and mining industries": 92, |
"communications": 86, |
"competition": 36, |
"construction and town planning": 6, |
"consumption": 33, |
"cooperation policy": 44, |
"criminal law": 78, |
"cultivation of agricultural land": 49, |
"culture and religion": 2, |
"defence": 41, |
"demography and population": 7, |
"deterioration of the environment": 124, |
"distributive trades": 32, |
"documentation": 85, |
"economic analysis": 118, |
"economic conditions": 119, |
"economic geography": 115, |
"economic policy": 120, |
"economic structure": 121, |
"education": 81, |
"electoral procedure and voting": 70, |
"electrical and nuclear industries": 96, |
"electronics and electrical engineering": 12, |
"employment": 63, |
"energy policy": 93, |
"environmental policy": 126, |
"executive power and public service": 68, |
"extra-European organisations": 89, |
"family": 5, |
"farming systems": 52, |
"financial institutions and credit": 26, |
"financing and investment": 20, |
"fisheries": 51, |
"food technology": 109, |
"foodstuff": 108, |
"forestry": 47, |
"free movement of capital": 19, |
"health": 0, |
"humanities": 101, |
"industrial structures and policy": 16, |
"information and information processing": 80, |
"information technology and data processing": 83, |
"insurance": 18, |
"international affairs": 42, |
"international law": 77, |
"international security": 43, |
"international trade": 34, |
"iron, steel and other metal industries": 9, |
"justice": 74, |
"labour law and labour relations": 62, |
"labour market": 65, |
"land transport": 59, |
"leather and textile industries": 17, |
"legal form of organisations": 39, |
"management": 37, |
"maritime and inland waterway transport": 60, |
"marketing": 31, |
"means of agricultural production": 50, |
"mechanical engineering": 15, |
"migration": 4, |
"miscellaneous industries": 13, |
"monetary economics": 24, |
"monetary relations": 27, |
"national accounts": 122, |
"natural and applied sciences": 102, |
"natural environment": 125, |
"non-governmental organisations": 90, |
"oil industry": 94, |
"organisation of teaching": 82, |
"organisation of the legal system": 79, |
"organisation of transport": 58, |
"organisation of work and working conditions": 61, |
"overseas countries and territories": 112, |
"parliament": 67, |
"parliamentary proceedings": 69, |
"personnel management and staff remuneration": 64, |
"plant product": 106, |
"political framework": 71, |
"political geography": 117, |
"political party": 66, |
"politics and public safety": 72, |
"prices": 21, |
"processed agricultural produce": 104, |
"production": 53, |
"public finance and budget policy": 23, |
"regions and regional policy": 123, |
"regions of EU Member States": 110, |
"research and intellectual property": 54, |
"rights and freedoms": 76, |
"social affairs": 8, |
"social framework": 1, |
"social protection": 3, |
"soft energy": 95, |
"sources and branches of the law": 73, |
"tariff policy": 28, |
"taxation": 25, |
"teaching": 84, |
"technology and technical regulations": 55, |
"trade": 29, |
"trade policy": 30, |
"transport policy": 56, |
"wood industry": 14, |
"world organisations": 87 |
}, |
"layer_norm_eps": 1e-05, |
"max_position_embeddings": 2050, |
"model_max_length": 2048, |
"model_type": "longformer", |
"num_attention_heads": 12, |
"num_hidden_layers": 12, |
"pad_token_id": 0, |
"position_embedding_type": "absolute", |
"problem_type": "multi_label_classification", |
"sep_token_id": 2, |
"torch_dtype": "float32", |
"transformers_version": "4.18.0", |
"type_vocab_size": 1, |
"use_cache": true, |
"use_spectral_decoupling": true, |
"vocab_size": 32000 |
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