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OpenPose Doc - Installation


  1. Operating Systems, Requirements, and Dependencies
  2. Windows Portable Demo
  3. Compiling and Running OpenPose from Source
    1. Problems and Errors Installing OpenPose
    2. Prerequisites
    3. Clone OpenPose
    4. CMake Configuration
    5. Compilation
    6. Running OpenPose
    7. Custom User Code
  4. Compiling and Running OpenPose from Source on ROS, Docker, and Google Colab - Community-Based Work
  5. OpenPose Live Demo at Tiyaro - Community-Based Work
  6. Uninstalling, Reinstalling, or Updating OpenPose
  7. Additional Settings (Optional)

Operating Systems, Requirements, and Dependencies

  • Operating Systems
  • Requirements for the default configuration
    • CUDA (Nvidia GPU) version:
      • NVIDIA graphics card with at least 1.6 GB available (the nvidia-smi command checks the available GPU memory in Ubuntu).
      • At least 2.5 GB of free RAM memory for BODY_25 model or 2 GB for COCO model (assuming cuDNN installed).
      • Highly recommended: cuDNN.
    • OpenCL (AMD GPU) version:
      • Vega series graphics card
      • At least 2 GB of free RAM memory.
    • CPU-only (no GPU) version:
      • Around 8GB of free RAM memory.
    • Highly recommended: a CPU with at least 8 cores.
  • Advanced tip: You might need more resources with a greater --net_resolution and/or scale_number or less resources by reducing the net resolution and/or using the MPI and MPI_4 models.
  • Dependencies:
    • OpenCV (all 2.X and 3.X versions are compatible).
    • Caffe and all its dependencies. Have you ported OpenPose into another DL framework (Tensorflow, Caffe2, Pytorch, ...)?. Email us ([email protected]) or feel free to make a pull request if you implemented any of those!
    • The demo and tutorials additionally use GFlags.

Windows Portable Demo

If you just want to use OpenPose without compiling or writing any code, simply use the latest portable version of OpenPose for Windows.

  1. For maximum speed, you should use OpenPose in a machine with a Nvidia GPU version. If so, you must upgrade your Nvidia drivers to the latest version (in the Nvidia "GeForce Experience" software or its website).
  2. Download the latest OpenPose version from the Releases section.
  3. Follow the Instructions.txt file inside the downloaded zip file to download the models required by OpenPose (about 500 Mb).
  4. Then, you can run OpenPose from the PowerShell command-line by following doc/

Note: If you are using the GPU-accelerated version and are seeing Cuda check failed (3 vs. 0): initialization error when running OpenPose, you can fix it by doing one of these:

  • Upgrade your Nvidia drivers. If the error persists, make sure your machine does not contain any CUDA version (or if so, that it's the same than the OpenPose portable demo files). Otherwise, uninstall that CUDA version. If you need to keep that CUDA version installed, follow Compiling and Running OpenPose from Source for that particular CUDA version instead.
  • Download an older OpenPose version (v1.6.0 does not show this error).

Compiling and Running OpenPose from Source

The instructions in the following subsections describe the steps to build OpenPose using CMake-GUI. These instructions are only recommended if you plan to modify the OpenPose code or integrate it with another library or project. You can stop reading this document if you just wanted to run OpenPose on Windows without compiling or modifying any code.

Problems and Errors Installing OpenPose

Any problem installing OpenPose while following this guidelines? Check doc/ and/or check existing GitHub issues. If you don't find your issue, post a new one. We will not respond to duplicated issues, as well as GitHub issues about Caffe, OpenCV or CUDA installation errors, as well as issues that do not fill all the information that the GitHub template asks for.


Make sure to download and install the prerequisites for your particular operating system.

Clone OpenPose

The first step is to clone the OpenPose repository.

  1. Windows: You might use GitHub Desktop or clone it from Powershell.
  2. Ubuntu, Mac, or Windows Powershell:
git clone
cd openpose/
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote

CMake Configuration

  1. Go to the OpenPose folder and open CMake-GUI from it. On Windows, double click on CMake-gui. On Ubuntu, Mac, or Windows Powershell:
cd {OpenPose_folder}
mkdir build/
cd build/
cmake-gui ..
  1. Select the OpenPose directory as project source directory, and a non-existing or empty sub-directory (e.g., build) where the Makefile files (Ubuntu) or Visual Studio solution (Windows) will be generated. If build does not exist, it will ask you whether to create it. Press Yes.

  2. Press the Configure button, keep the generator in Unix Makefiles (Ubuntu) or set it to your 64-bit Visual Studio version (Windows), and press Finish. Note for Windows users: CMake-GUI has changed their design after version 14. For versions older than 14, you usually select Visual Studio XX 20XX Win64 as the generator (X depends on your VS version), while the Optional toolset to use must be empty. However, new CMake versions require you to select only the VS version as the generator, e.g., Visual Studio 16 2019, and then you must manually choose x64 for the Optional platform for generator. See the following images as example.

  3. Enabling Python (optional step, only apply it if you plan to use the Python API): Enable the BUILD_PYTHON flag and click Configure again.

  4. Set the GPU_MODE flag to the proper value and click Configure again:

    1. If your machine has an Nvidia GPU, you should most probably not modify this flag and skip this step. Cases in which you might have to change it:
      • If you have a Nvidia GPU with 2GB of memory or less: Then you will have to follow some of the tricks in doc/ or change GPU_MODE back to CPU_ONLY.
      • If you cannot install CUDA, then you can also set GPU_MODE to CPU_ONLY.
    2. Mac OSX and machines with a non-Nvidia GPU (Intel or AMD GPUs): Set the GPU_MODE flag to CPU_ONLY (easier to install but slower runtime) or OPENCL (GPU-accelerated, it is harder to install but provides a faster runtime speed). For more details on OpenCV support, see doc/ and OpenCL Version.
    3. If your machine does not have any GPU, set the GPU_MODE flag to CPU_ONLY.
  5. If this step is successful, the Configuring done text will appear in the bottom box in the last line. Otherwise, some red text will appear in that same bottom box.

  6. Press the Generate button and proceed to Compilation. You can now close CMake.

Note: For other optional and custom options (e.g., using your custom Caffe or OpenCV versions), see the Additional Settings (Optional) documentation.



Run the following commands in your terminal.

cd build/
make -j`nproc`


Run the following commands in your terminal:

cd build/
make -j`sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu`

Advanced tip: Mac provides both logicalcpu and physicalcpu, but we want the logical number for maximum speed.

If the default compilation fails with Caffe errors, install Caffe separately and set BUILD_CAFFE to false in the CMake config. Steps:

  • Re-create the build folder: rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build.
  • brew uninstall caffe to remove the version of Caffe previously installed via cmake.
  • brew install caffe to install Caffe separately.
  • Run cmake-gui and make the following adjustments to the cmake config:
    1. BUILD_CAFFE set to false.
    2. Caffe_INCLUDE_DIRS set to /usr/local/include/caffe.
    3. Caffe_LIBS set to /usr/local/lib/libcaffe.dylib.
    4. Run Configure and Generate from CMake GUI.

If you face an OpenCV error during compiling time similar to fatal error: 'opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp' file not found, please apply the following patch (this error has been reported in the latest OSX 10.14):

cd 3rdparty/caffe; git apply ../../scripts/osx/mac_opencl_patch.txt


In order to build the project, select and run only one of the 2 following alternatives.

  • CMake-GUI alternative (recommended):

    1. Open the Visual Studio solution (Windows) by clicking in Open Project in CMake (or alternatively build/OpenPose.sln). Then, set the configuration from Debug to Release.
    2. Press F7 (or Build menu and click on Build Solution).
    3. Important for Python version: Make sure not to skip step 2, it is not enough to click on F5 (Run), you must also Build Solution for the Python bindings to be generated.
    4. After it has compiled, and if you have a webcam, you can press the green triangle icon (alternatively F5) to run the OpenPose demo with the default settings on the webcam.
  • Command-line build alternative (not recommended). NOTE: The command line alternative is not officially supported, but it was added in GitHub issue #1198. For any questions or bug report about this command-line version, comment in that GitHub issue.

    1. Run "MSVS 2019 Developer Command Console"
    openpose\mkdir  build
    cd build
    cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -T v142
    cmake --build . --config Release
    copy x64\Release\*  bin\
    1. If you want to clean build
    cmake --clean-first .
    cmake --build . --config Release
    copy x64\Release\*  bin\

NOTE: To set GPU_MODE flag to CPU_ONLY when building the tool via cli, append -D GPU_MODE:STRINGS=CPU_ONLY to the cmake command.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to use OpenPose outside Visual Studio, and assuming you have not unchecked the BUILD_BIN_FOLDER flag in CMake, copy all DLLs from {build_directory}/bin into the folder where the generated openpose.dll and *.exe demos are, e.g., {build_directory}x64/Release for the 64-bit release version.

If you are facing errors with these instructions, these are a set of alternative instructions created by the community:

We welcome users to send us their installation videos (e.g., sharing them as GitHub issue or doing a pull request) and we will post them here.

Running OpenPose

Check OpenPose was properly installed by running any demo example: doc/

Custom User Code

You can quickly add your custom code so that quick prototypes can be easily tested without having to create a whole new project just for it. See examples/user_code/ for more details.

Compiling and Running OpenPose from Source on ROS, Docker, and Google Colab - Community-Based Work

If you do not want to use the Windows portable binaries nor compile it from source code, we add links to some community-based work based on OpenPose. Note: We do not support them, and we will remove new GitHub issues opened asking about them as well as block those users from posting again. If you face any issue, comment only in the GitHub issues links especified below, or ask the owner of them.

OpenPose Live Demo at Tiyaro - Community-Based Work

You can find a Live Demo of the OpenPose API at We do not officially support it, but a Tiyaro co-founder added this support in [2129]. Feel free to comment in that post to him if you have questions about it.

Uninstalling, Reinstalling, or Updating OpenPose

OpenPose can be easily uninstalled:

  1. (Ubuntu and Mac) If you ran sudo make install (which we do not recommend), then run sudo make uninstall in build/.
  2. Remove the OpenPose folder.

In order to update it or reinstall it:

  1. Follow the above steps to uninstall it.
  2. Follow the Compiling and Running OpenPose from Source steps again.

Additional Settings (Optional)

Check the Additional Settings (Optional) documentation if you want to:

  1. Deploy or Export OpenPose to Other Projects
  2. Maximum Speed
  3. Faster CPU Version (Ubuntu Only)
  4. OpenCL Version
  5. COCO and MPI Models
  6. 3D Reconstruction Module
  7. Calibration Module
  8. Unity Compatible Version
  9. Compile without cuDNN
  10. Custom Caffe
  11. Custom NVIDIA NVCaffe
  12. Custom OpenCV
  13. Doxygen Documentation Autogeneration (Ubuntu Only)
  14. CMake Command Line Configuration (Ubuntu Only)