""" |
NumPy |
===== |
Provides |
1. An array object of arbitrary homogeneous items |
2. Fast mathematical operations over arrays |
3. Linear Algebra, Fourier Transforms, Random Number Generation |
How to use the documentation |
---------------------------- |
Documentation is available in two forms: docstrings provided |
with the code, and a loose standing reference guide, available from |
`the NumPy homepage <https://numpy.org>`_. |
We recommend exploring the docstrings using |
`IPython <https://ipython.org>`_, an advanced Python shell with |
TAB-completion and introspection capabilities. See below for further |
instructions. |
The docstring examples assume that `numpy` has been imported as ``np``:: |
>>> import numpy as np |
Code snippets are indicated by three greater-than signs:: |
>>> x = 42 |
>>> x = x + 1 |
Use the built-in ``help`` function to view a function's docstring:: |
>>> help(np.sort) |
... # doctest: +SKIP |
For some objects, ``np.info(obj)`` may provide additional help. This is |
particularly true if you see the line "Help on ufunc object:" at the top |
of the help() page. Ufuncs are implemented in C, not Python, for speed. |
The native Python help() does not know how to view their help, but our |
np.info() function does. |
Available subpackages |
--------------------- |
lib |
Basic functions used by several sub-packages. |
random |
Core Random Tools |
linalg |
Core Linear Algebra Tools |
fft |
Core FFT routines |
polynomial |
Polynomial tools |
testing |
NumPy testing tools |
distutils |
Enhancements to distutils with support for |
Fortran compilers support and more (for Python <= 3.11) |
Utilities |
--------- |
test |
Run numpy unittests |
show_config |
Show numpy build configuration |
__version__ |
NumPy version string |
Viewing documentation using IPython |
----------------------------------- |
Start IPython and import `numpy` usually under the alias ``np``: `import |
numpy as np`. Then, directly past or use the ``%cpaste`` magic to paste |
examples into the shell. To see which functions are available in `numpy`, |
type ``np.<TAB>`` (where ``<TAB>`` refers to the TAB key), or use |
``np.*cos*?<ENTER>`` (where ``<ENTER>`` refers to the ENTER key) to narrow |
down the list. To view the docstring for a function, use |
``np.cos?<ENTER>`` (to view the docstring) and ``np.cos??<ENTER>`` (to view |
the source code). |
Copies vs. in-place operation |
----------------------------- |
Most of the functions in `numpy` return a copy of the array argument |
(e.g., `np.sort`). In-place versions of these functions are often |
available as array methods, i.e. ``x = np.array([1,2,3]); x.sort()``. |
Exceptions to this rule are documented. |
""" |
import os |
import sys |
import warnings |
from ._globals import _NoValue, _CopyMode |
from ._expired_attrs_2_0 import __expired_attributes__ |
from . import version |
from .version import __version__ |
try: |
except NameError: |
__NUMPY_SETUP__ = False |
if __NUMPY_SETUP__: |
sys.stderr.write('Running from numpy source directory.\n') |
else: |
from . import _distributor_init |
try: |
from numpy.__config__ import show_config |
except ImportError as e: |
msg = """Error importing numpy: you should not try to import numpy from |
its source directory; please exit the numpy source tree, and relaunch |
your python interpreter from there.""" |
raise ImportError(msg) from e |
from . import _core |
from ._core import ( |
False_, ScalarType, True_, |
abs, absolute, acos, acosh, add, all, allclose, |
amax, amin, any, arange, arccos, arccosh, arcsin, arcsinh, |
arctan, arctan2, arctanh, argmax, argmin, argpartition, argsort, |
argwhere, around, array, array2string, array_equal, array_equiv, |
array_repr, array_str, asanyarray, asarray, ascontiguousarray, |
asfortranarray, asin, asinh, atan, atanh, atan2, astype, atleast_1d, |
atleast_2d, atleast_3d, base_repr, binary_repr, bitwise_and, |
bitwise_count, bitwise_invert, bitwise_left_shift, bitwise_not, |
bitwise_or, bitwise_right_shift, bitwise_xor, block, bool, bool_, |
broadcast, busday_count, busday_offset, busdaycalendar, byte, bytes_, |
can_cast, cbrt, cdouble, ceil, character, choose, clip, clongdouble, |
complex128, complex64, complexfloating, compress, concat, concatenate, |
conj, conjugate, convolve, copysign, copyto, correlate, cos, cosh, |
count_nonzero, cross, csingle, cumprod, cumsum, cumulative_prod, |
cumulative_sum, datetime64, datetime_as_string, datetime_data, |
deg2rad, degrees, diagonal, divide, divmod, dot, double, dtype, e, |
einsum, einsum_path, empty, empty_like, equal, errstate, euler_gamma, |
exp, exp2, expm1, fabs, finfo, flatiter, flatnonzero, flexible, |
float16, float32, float64, float_power, floating, floor, floor_divide, |
fmax, fmin, fmod, format_float_positional, format_float_scientific, |
frexp, from_dlpack, frombuffer, fromfile, fromfunction, fromiter, |
frompyfunc, fromstring, full, full_like, gcd, generic, geomspace, |
get_printoptions, getbufsize, geterr, geterrcall, greater, |
greater_equal, half, heaviside, hstack, hypot, identity, iinfo, |
indices, inexact, inf, inner, int16, int32, int64, int8, int_, intc, |
integer, intp, invert, is_busday, isclose, isdtype, isfinite, |
isfortran, isinf, isnan, isnat, isscalar, issubdtype, lcm, ldexp, |
left_shift, less, less_equal, lexsort, linspace, little_endian, log, |
log10, log1p, log2, logaddexp, logaddexp2, logical_and, logical_not, |
logical_or, logical_xor, logspace, long, longdouble, longlong, matmul, |
matvec, matrix_transpose, max, maximum, may_share_memory, mean, memmap, |
min, min_scalar_type, minimum, mod, modf, moveaxis, multiply, nan, |
ndarray, ndim, nditer, negative, nested_iters, newaxis, nextafter, |
nonzero, not_equal, number, object_, ones, ones_like, outer, partition, |
permute_dims, pi, positive, pow, power, printoptions, prod, |
promote_types, ptp, put, putmask, rad2deg, radians, ravel, recarray, |
reciprocal, record, remainder, repeat, require, reshape, resize, |
result_type, right_shift, rint, roll, rollaxis, round, sctypeDict, |
searchsorted, set_printoptions, setbufsize, seterr, seterrcall, shape, |
shares_memory, short, sign, signbit, signedinteger, sin, single, sinh, |
size, sort, spacing, sqrt, square, squeeze, stack, std, |
str_, subtract, sum, swapaxes, take, tan, tanh, tensordot, |
timedelta64, trace, transpose, true_divide, trunc, typecodes, ubyte, |
ufunc, uint, uint16, uint32, uint64, uint8, uintc, uintp, ulong, |
ulonglong, unsignedinteger, unstack, ushort, var, vdot, vecdot, |
vecmat, void, vstack, where, zeros, zeros_like |
) |
for ta in ["float96", "float128", "complex192", "complex256"]: |
try: |
globals()[ta] = getattr(_core, ta) |
except AttributeError: |
pass |
del ta |
from . import lib |
from .lib import scimath as emath |
from .lib._histograms_impl import ( |
histogram, histogram_bin_edges, histogramdd |
) |
from .lib._nanfunctions_impl import ( |
nanargmax, nanargmin, nancumprod, nancumsum, nanmax, nanmean, |
nanmedian, nanmin, nanpercentile, nanprod, nanquantile, nanstd, |
nansum, nanvar |
) |
from .lib._function_base_impl import ( |
select, piecewise, trim_zeros, copy, iterable, percentile, diff, |
gradient, angle, unwrap, sort_complex, flip, rot90, extract, place, |
vectorize, asarray_chkfinite, average, bincount, digitize, cov, |
corrcoef, median, sinc, hamming, hanning, bartlett, blackman, |
kaiser, trapezoid, trapz, i0, meshgrid, delete, insert, append, |
interp, quantile |
) |
from .lib._twodim_base_impl import ( |
diag, diagflat, eye, fliplr, flipud, tri, triu, tril, vander, |
histogram2d, mask_indices, tril_indices, tril_indices_from, |
triu_indices, triu_indices_from |
) |
from .lib._shape_base_impl import ( |
apply_over_axes, apply_along_axis, array_split, column_stack, dsplit, |
dstack, expand_dims, hsplit, kron, put_along_axis, row_stack, split, |
take_along_axis, tile, vsplit |
) |
from .lib._type_check_impl import ( |
iscomplexobj, isrealobj, imag, iscomplex, isreal, nan_to_num, real, |
real_if_close, typename, mintypecode, common_type |
) |
from .lib._arraysetops_impl import ( |
ediff1d, in1d, intersect1d, isin, setdiff1d, setxor1d, union1d, |
unique, unique_all, unique_counts, unique_inverse, unique_values |
) |
from .lib._ufunclike_impl import fix, isneginf, isposinf |
from .lib._arraypad_impl import pad |
from .lib._utils_impl import ( |
show_runtime, get_include, info |
) |
from .lib._stride_tricks_impl import ( |
broadcast_arrays, broadcast_shapes, broadcast_to |
) |
from .lib._polynomial_impl import ( |
poly, polyint, polyder, polyadd, polysub, polymul, polydiv, polyval, |
polyfit, poly1d, roots |
) |
from .lib._npyio_impl import ( |
savetxt, loadtxt, genfromtxt, load, save, savez, packbits, |
savez_compressed, unpackbits, fromregex |
) |
from .lib._index_tricks_impl import ( |
diag_indices_from, diag_indices, fill_diagonal, ndindex, ndenumerate, |
ix_, c_, r_, s_, ogrid, mgrid, unravel_index, ravel_multi_index, |
index_exp |
) |
from . import matrixlib as _mat |
from .matrixlib import ( |
asmatrix, bmat, matrix |
) |
__numpy_submodules__ = { |
"linalg", "fft", "dtypes", "random", "polynomial", "ma", |
"exceptions", "lib", "ctypeslib", "testing", "typing", |
"f2py", "test", "rec", "char", "core", "strings", |
} |
_msg = ( |
"module 'numpy' has no attribute '{n}'.\n" |
"`np.{n}` was a deprecated alias for the builtin `{n}`. " |
"To avoid this error in existing code, use `{n}` by itself. " |
"Doing this will not modify any behavior and is safe. {extended_msg}\n" |
"The aliases was originally deprecated in NumPy 1.20; for more " |
"details and guidance see the original release note at:\n" |
" https://numpy.org/devdocs/release/1.20.0-notes.html#deprecations") |
_specific_msg = ( |
"If you specifically wanted the numpy scalar type, use `np.{}` here.") |
_int_extended_msg = ( |
"When replacing `np.{}`, you may wish to use e.g. `np.int64` " |
"or `np.int32` to specify the precision. If you wish to review " |
"your current use, check the release note link for " |
"additional information.") |
_type_info = [ |
("object", ""), |
("float", _specific_msg.format("float64")), |
("complex", _specific_msg.format("complex128")), |
("str", _specific_msg.format("str_")), |
("int", _int_extended_msg.format("int"))] |
__former_attrs__ = { |
n: _msg.format(n=n, extended_msg=extended_msg) |
for n, extended_msg in _type_info |
} |
__future_scalars__ = {"str", "bytes", "object"} |
__array_api_version__ = "2023.12" |
from ._array_api_info import __array_namespace_info__ |
_core.getlimits._register_known_types() |
__all__ = list( |
__numpy_submodules__ | |
set(_core.__all__) | |
set(_mat.__all__) | |
set(lib._histograms_impl.__all__) | |
set(lib._nanfunctions_impl.__all__) | |
set(lib._function_base_impl.__all__) | |
set(lib._twodim_base_impl.__all__) | |
set(lib._shape_base_impl.__all__) | |
set(lib._type_check_impl.__all__) | |
set(lib._arraysetops_impl.__all__) | |
set(lib._ufunclike_impl.__all__) | |
set(lib._arraypad_impl.__all__) | |
set(lib._utils_impl.__all__) | |
set(lib._stride_tricks_impl.__all__) | |
set(lib._polynomial_impl.__all__) | |
set(lib._npyio_impl.__all__) | |
set(lib._index_tricks_impl.__all__) | |
{"emath", "show_config", "__version__", "__array_namespace_info__"} |
) |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.dtype size changed") |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.ufunc size changed") |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.ndarray size changed") |
def __getattr__(attr): |
import warnings |
if attr == "linalg": |
import numpy.linalg as linalg |
return linalg |
elif attr == "fft": |
import numpy.fft as fft |
return fft |
elif attr == "dtypes": |
import numpy.dtypes as dtypes |
return dtypes |
elif attr == "random": |
import numpy.random as random |
return random |
elif attr == "polynomial": |
import numpy.polynomial as polynomial |
return polynomial |
elif attr == "ma": |
import numpy.ma as ma |
return ma |
elif attr == "ctypeslib": |
import numpy.ctypeslib as ctypeslib |
return ctypeslib |
elif attr == "exceptions": |
import numpy.exceptions as exceptions |
return exceptions |
elif attr == "testing": |
import numpy.testing as testing |
return testing |
elif attr == "matlib": |
import numpy.matlib as matlib |
return matlib |
elif attr == "f2py": |
import numpy.f2py as f2py |
return f2py |
elif attr == "typing": |
import numpy.typing as typing |
return typing |
elif attr == "rec": |
import numpy.rec as rec |
return rec |
elif attr == "char": |
import numpy.char as char |
return char |
elif attr == "array_api": |
raise AttributeError("`numpy.array_api` is not available from " |
"numpy 2.0 onwards", name=None) |
elif attr == "core": |
import numpy.core as core |
return core |
elif attr == "strings": |
import numpy.strings as strings |
return strings |
elif attr == "distutils": |
if 'distutils' in __numpy_submodules__: |
import numpy.distutils as distutils |
return distutils |
else: |
raise AttributeError("`numpy.distutils` is not available from " |
"Python 3.12 onwards", name=None) |
if attr in __future_scalars__: |
warnings.warn( |
f"In the future `np.{attr}` will be defined as the " |
"corresponding NumPy scalar.", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) |
if attr in __former_attrs__: |
raise AttributeError(__former_attrs__[attr], name=None) |
if attr in __expired_attributes__: |
raise AttributeError( |
f"`np.{attr}` was removed in the NumPy 2.0 release. " |
f"{__expired_attributes__[attr]}", |
name=None |
) |
if attr == "chararray": |
warnings.warn( |
"`np.chararray` is deprecated and will be removed from " |
"the main namespace in the future. Use an array with a string " |
"or bytes dtype instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) |
import numpy.char as char |
return char.chararray |
raise AttributeError("module {!r} has no attribute " |
"{!r}".format(__name__, attr)) |
def __dir__(): |
public_symbols = ( |
globals().keys() | __numpy_submodules__ |
) |
public_symbols -= { |
"matrixlib", "matlib", "tests", "conftest", "version", |
"compat", "distutils", "array_api" |
} |
return list(public_symbols) |
from numpy._pytesttester import PytestTester |
test = PytestTester(__name__) |
del PytestTester |
def _sanity_check(): |
""" |
Quick sanity checks for common bugs caused by environment. |
There are some cases e.g. with wrong BLAS ABI that cause wrong |
results under specific runtime conditions that are not necessarily |
achieved during test suite runs, and it is useful to catch those early. |
See https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/8577 and other |
similar bug reports. |
""" |
try: |
x = ones(2, dtype=float32) |
if not abs(x.dot(x) - float32(2.0)) < 1e-5: |
raise AssertionError |
except AssertionError: |
msg = ("The current Numpy installation ({!r}) fails to " |
"pass simple sanity checks. This can be caused for example " |
"by incorrect BLAS library being linked in, or by mixing " |
"package managers (pip, conda, apt, ...). Search closed " |
"numpy issues for similar problems.") |
raise RuntimeError(msg.format(__file__)) from None |
_sanity_check() |
del _sanity_check |
def _mac_os_check(): |
""" |
Quick Sanity check for Mac OS look for accelerate build bugs. |
Testing numpy polyfit calls init_dgelsd(LAPACK) |
""" |
try: |
c = array([3., 2., 1.]) |
x = linspace(0, 2, 5) |
y = polyval(c, x) |
_ = polyfit(x, y, 2, cov=True) |
except ValueError: |
pass |
if sys.platform == "darwin": |
from . import exceptions |
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: |
_mac_os_check() |
if len(w) > 0: |
for _wn in w: |
if _wn.category is exceptions.RankWarning: |
error_message = ( |
f"{_wn.category.__name__}: {_wn.message}" |
) |
msg = ( |
"Polyfit sanity test emitted a warning, most likely due " |
"to using a buggy Accelerate backend." |
"\nIf you compiled yourself, more information is available at:" |
"\nhttps://numpy.org/devdocs/building/index.html" |
"\nOtherwise report this to the vendor " |
"that provided NumPy.\n\n{}\n".format(error_message)) |
raise RuntimeError(msg) |
del _wn |
del w |
del _mac_os_check |
def hugepage_setup(): |
""" |
We usually use madvise hugepages support, but on some old kernels it |
is slow and thus better avoided. Specifically kernel version 4.6 |
had a bug fix which probably fixed this: |
https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/7cf91a98e607c2f935dbcc177d70011e95b8faff |
""" |
use_hugepage = os.environ.get("NUMPY_MADVISE_HUGEPAGE", None) |
if sys.platform == "linux" and use_hugepage is None: |
try: |
use_hugepage = 1 |
kernel_version = os.uname().release.split(".")[:2] |
kernel_version = tuple(int(v) for v in kernel_version) |
if kernel_version < (4, 6): |
use_hugepage = 0 |
except ValueError: |
use_hugepage = 0 |
elif use_hugepage is None: |
use_hugepage = 1 |
else: |
use_hugepage = int(use_hugepage) |
return use_hugepage |
_core.multiarray._set_madvise_hugepage(hugepage_setup()) |
del hugepage_setup |
_core.multiarray._multiarray_umath._reload_guard() |
if (os.environ.get("NPY_PROMOTION_STATE", "weak") != "weak"): |
warnings.warn( |
"NPY_PROMOTION_STATE was a temporary feature for NumPy 2.0 " |
"transition and is ignored after NumPy 2.2.", |
UserWarning, stacklevel=2) |
def _pyinstaller_hooks_dir(): |
from pathlib import Path |
return [str(Path(__file__).with_name("_pyinstaller").resolve())] |
del os, sys, warnings |