""" |
This module implements computation of elementary transcendental |
functions (powers, logarithms, trigonometric and hyperbolic |
functions, inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic) for real |
floating-point numbers. |
For complex and interval implementations of the same functions, |
see libmpc and libmpi. |
""" |
import math |
from bisect import bisect |
from .backend import xrange |
from .backend import MPZ, MPZ_ZERO, MPZ_ONE, MPZ_TWO, MPZ_FIVE, BACKEND |
from .libmpf import ( |
round_floor, round_ceiling, round_down, round_up, |
round_nearest, round_fast, |
ComplexResult, |
bitcount, bctable, lshift, rshift, giant_steps, sqrt_fixed, |
from_int, to_int, from_man_exp, to_fixed, to_float, from_float, |
from_rational, normalize, |
fzero, fone, fnone, fhalf, finf, fninf, fnan, |
mpf_cmp, mpf_sign, mpf_abs, |
mpf_pos, mpf_neg, mpf_add, mpf_sub, mpf_mul, mpf_div, mpf_shift, |
mpf_rdiv_int, mpf_pow_int, mpf_sqrt, |
reciprocal_rnd, negative_rnd, mpf_perturb, |
isqrt_fast |
) |
from .libintmath import ifib |
if BACKEND == 'python': |
else: |
if BACKEND == 'python': |
else: |
cos_sin_cache = {} |
log_int_cache = {} |
log_taylor_cache = {} |
atan_taylor_cache = {} |
cache_prec_steps = [22,22] |
for k in xrange(1, bitcount(LOG_TAYLOR_PREC)+1): |
cache_prec_steps += [min(2**k,LOG_TAYLOR_PREC)+20] * 2**(k-1) |
def constant_memo(f): |
""" |
Decorator for caching computed values of mathematical |
constants. This decorator should be applied to a |
function taking a single argument prec as input and |
returning a fixed-point value with the given precision. |
""" |
f.memo_prec = -1 |
f.memo_val = None |
def g(prec, **kwargs): |
memo_prec = f.memo_prec |
if prec <= memo_prec: |
return f.memo_val >> (memo_prec-prec) |
newprec = int(prec*1.05+10) |
f.memo_val = f(newprec, **kwargs) |
f.memo_prec = newprec |
return f.memo_val >> (newprec-prec) |
g.__name__ = f.__name__ |
g.__doc__ = f.__doc__ |
return g |
def def_mpf_constant(fixed): |
""" |
Create a function that computes the mpf value for a mathematical |
constant, given a function that computes the fixed-point value. |
Assumptions: the constant is positive and has magnitude ~= 1; |
the fixed-point function rounds to floor. |
""" |
def f(prec, rnd=round_fast): |
wp = prec + 20 |
v = fixed(wp) |
if rnd in (round_up, round_ceiling): |
v += 1 |
return normalize(0, v, -wp, bitcount(v), prec, rnd) |
f.__doc__ = fixed.__doc__ |
return f |
def bsp_acot(q, a, b, hyperbolic): |
if b - a == 1: |
a1 = MPZ(2*a + 3) |
if hyperbolic or a&1: |
return MPZ_ONE, a1 * q**2, a1 |
else: |
return -MPZ_ONE, a1 * q**2, a1 |
m = (a+b)//2 |
p1, q1, r1 = bsp_acot(q, a, m, hyperbolic) |
p2, q2, r2 = bsp_acot(q, m, b, hyperbolic) |
return q2*p1 + r1*p2, q1*q2, r1*r2 |
def acot_fixed(a, prec, hyperbolic): |
""" |
Compute acot(a) or acoth(a) for an integer a with binary splitting; see |
http://numbers.computation.free.fr/Constants/Algorithms/splitting.html |
""" |
N = int(0.35 * prec/math.log(a) + 20) |
p, q, r = bsp_acot(a, 0,N, hyperbolic) |
return ((p+q)<<prec)//(q*a) |
def machin(coefs, prec, hyperbolic=False): |
""" |
Evaluate a Machin-like formula, i.e., a linear combination of |
acot(n) or acoth(n) for specific integer values of n, using fixed- |
point arithmetic. The input should be a list [(c, n), ...], giving |
c*acot[h](n) + ... |
""" |
extraprec = 10 |
s = MPZ_ZERO |
for a, b in coefs: |
s += MPZ(a) * acot_fixed(MPZ(b), prec+extraprec, hyperbolic) |
return (s >> extraprec) |
@constant_memo |
def ln2_fixed(prec): |
""" |
Computes ln(2). This is done with a hyperbolic Machin-type formula, |
with binary splitting at high precision. |
""" |
return machin([(18, 26), (-2, 4801), (8, 8749)], prec, True) |
@constant_memo |
def ln10_fixed(prec): |
""" |
Computes ln(10). This is done with a hyperbolic Machin-type formula. |
""" |
return machin([(46, 31), (34, 49), (20, 161)], prec, True) |
r""" |
For computation of pi, we use the Chudnovsky series: |
oo |
___ k |
1 \ (-1) (6 k)! (A + B k) |
----- = ) ----------------------- |
12 pi /___ 3 3k+3/2 |
(3 k)! (k!) C |
k = 0 |
where A, B, and C are certain integer constants. This series adds roughly |
14 digits per term. Note that C^(3/2) can be extracted so that the |
series contains only rational terms. This makes binary splitting very |
efficient. |
The recurrence formulas for the binary splitting were taken from |
ftp://ftp.gmplib.org/pub/src/gmp-chudnovsky.c |
Previously, Machin's formula was used at low precision and the AGM iteration |
was used at high precision. However, the Chudnovsky series is essentially as |
fast as the Machin formula at low precision and in practice about 3x faster |
than the AGM at high precision (despite theoretically having a worse |
asymptotic complexity), so there is no reason not to use it in all cases. |
""" |
CHUD_A = MPZ(13591409) |
CHUD_B = MPZ(545140134) |
CHUD_C = MPZ(640320) |
CHUD_D = MPZ(12) |
def bs_chudnovsky(a, b, level, verbose): |
""" |
Computes the sum from a to b of the series in the Chudnovsky |
formula. Returns g, p, q where p/q is the sum as an exact |
fraction and g is a temporary value used to save work |
for recursive calls. |
""" |
if b-a == 1: |
g = MPZ((6*b-5)*(2*b-1)*(6*b-1)) |
p = b**3 * CHUD_C**3 // 24 |
q = (-1)**b * g * (CHUD_A+CHUD_B*b) |
else: |
if verbose and level < 4: |
print(" binary splitting", a, b) |
mid = (a+b)//2 |
g1, p1, q1 = bs_chudnovsky(a, mid, level+1, verbose) |
g2, p2, q2 = bs_chudnovsky(mid, b, level+1, verbose) |
p = p1*p2 |
g = g1*g2 |
q = q1*p2 + q2*g1 |
return g, p, q |
@constant_memo |
def pi_fixed(prec, verbose=False, verbose_base=None): |
""" |
Compute floor(pi * 2**prec) as a big integer. |
This is done using Chudnovsky's series (see comments in |
libelefun.py for details). |
""" |
N = int(prec/3.3219280948/14.181647462 + 2) |
if verbose: |
print("binary splitting with N =", N) |
g, p, q = bs_chudnovsky(0, N, 0, verbose) |
sqrtC = isqrt_fast(CHUD_C<<(2*prec)) |
v = p*CHUD_C*sqrtC//((q+CHUD_A*p)*CHUD_D) |
return v |
def degree_fixed(prec): |
return pi_fixed(prec)//180 |
def bspe(a, b): |
""" |
Sum series for exp(1)-1 between a, b, returning the result |
as an exact fraction (p, q). |
""" |
if b-a == 1: |
return MPZ_ONE, MPZ(b) |
m = (a+b)//2 |
p1, q1 = bspe(a, m) |
p2, q2 = bspe(m, b) |
return p1*q2+p2, q1*q2 |
@constant_memo |
def e_fixed(prec): |
""" |
Computes exp(1). This is done using the ordinary Taylor series for |
exp, with binary splitting. For a description of the algorithm, |
see: |
http://numbers.computation.free.fr/Constants/ |
Algorithms/splitting.html |
""" |
N = int(1.1*prec/math.log(prec) + 20) |
p, q = bspe(0,N) |
return ((p+q)<<prec)//q |
@constant_memo |
def phi_fixed(prec): |
""" |
Computes the golden ratio, (1+sqrt(5))/2 |
""" |
prec += 10 |
a = isqrt_fast(MPZ_FIVE<<(2*prec)) + (MPZ_ONE << prec) |
return a >> 11 |
mpf_phi = def_mpf_constant(phi_fixed) |
mpf_pi = def_mpf_constant(pi_fixed) |
mpf_e = def_mpf_constant(e_fixed) |
mpf_degree = def_mpf_constant(degree_fixed) |
mpf_ln2 = def_mpf_constant(ln2_fixed) |
mpf_ln10 = def_mpf_constant(ln10_fixed) |
@constant_memo |
def ln_sqrt2pi_fixed(prec): |
wp = prec + 10 |
return to_fixed(mpf_log(mpf_shift(mpf_pi(wp), 1), wp), prec-1) |
@constant_memo |
def sqrtpi_fixed(prec): |
return sqrt_fixed(pi_fixed(prec), prec) |
mpf_sqrtpi = def_mpf_constant(sqrtpi_fixed) |
mpf_ln_sqrt2pi = def_mpf_constant(ln_sqrt2pi_fixed) |
def mpf_pow(s, t, prec, rnd=round_fast): |
""" |
Compute s**t. Raises ComplexResult if s is negative and t is |
fractional. |
""" |
ssign, sman, sexp, sbc = s |
tsign, tman, texp, tbc = t |
if ssign and texp < 0: |
raise ComplexResult("negative number raised to a fractional power") |
if texp >= 0: |
return mpf_pow_int(s, (-1)**tsign * (tman<<texp), prec, rnd) |
if texp == -1: |
if tman == 1: |
if tsign: |
return mpf_div(fone, mpf_sqrt(s, prec+10, |
reciprocal_rnd[rnd]), prec, rnd) |
return mpf_sqrt(s, prec, rnd) |
else: |
if tsign: |
return mpf_pow_int(mpf_sqrt(s, prec+10, |
reciprocal_rnd[rnd]), -tman, prec, rnd) |
return mpf_pow_int(mpf_sqrt(s, prec+10, rnd), tman, prec, rnd) |
c = mpf_log(s, prec+10, rnd) |
return mpf_exp(mpf_mul(t, c), prec, rnd) |
def int_pow_fixed(y, n, prec): |
"""n-th power of a fixed point number with precision prec |
Returns the power in the form man, exp, |
man * 2**exp ~= y**n |
""" |
if n == 2: |
return (y*y), 0 |
bc = bitcount(y) |
exp = 0 |
workprec = 2 * (prec + 4*bitcount(n) + 4) |
_, pm, pe, pbc = fone |
while 1: |
if n & 1: |
pm = pm*y |
pe = pe+exp |
pbc += bc - 2 |
pbc = pbc + bctable[int(pm >> pbc)] |
if pbc > workprec: |
pm = pm >> (pbc-workprec) |
pe += pbc - workprec |
pbc = workprec |
n -= 1 |
if not n: |
break |
y = y*y |
exp = exp+exp |
bc = bc + bc - 2 |
bc = bc + bctable[int(y >> bc)] |
if bc > workprec: |
y = y >> (bc-workprec) |
exp += bc - workprec |
bc = workprec |
n = n // 2 |
return pm, pe |
def nthroot_fixed(y, n, prec, exp1): |
start = 50 |
try: |
y1 = rshift(y, prec - n*start) |
r = MPZ(int(y1**(1.0/n))) |
except OverflowError: |
y1 = from_int(y1, start) |
fn = from_int(n) |
fn = mpf_rdiv_int(1, fn, start) |
r = mpf_pow(y1, fn, start) |
r = to_int(r) |
extra = 10 |
extra1 = n |
prevp = start |
for p in giant_steps(start, prec+extra): |
pm, pe = int_pow_fixed(r, n-1, prevp) |
r2 = rshift(pm, (n-1)*prevp - p - pe - extra1) |
B = lshift(y, 2*p-prec+extra1)//r2 |
r = (B + (n-1) * lshift(r, p-prevp))//n |
prevp = p |
return r |
def mpf_nthroot(s, n, prec, rnd=round_fast): |
"""nth-root of a positive number |
Use the Newton method when faster, otherwise use x**(1/n) |
""" |
sign, man, exp, bc = s |
if sign: |
raise ComplexResult("nth root of a negative number") |
if not man: |
if s == fnan: |
return fnan |
if s == fzero: |
if n > 0: |
return fzero |
if n == 0: |
return fone |
return finf |
if not n: |
return fnan |
if n < 0: |
return fzero |
return finf |
flag_inverse = False |
if n < 2: |
if n == 0: |
return fone |
if n == 1: |
return mpf_pos(s, prec, rnd) |
if n == -1: |
return mpf_div(fone, s, prec, rnd) |
rnd = reciprocal_rnd[rnd] |
flag_inverse = True |
extra_inverse = 5 |
prec += extra_inverse |
n = -n |
if n > 20 and (n >= 20000 or prec < int(233 + 28.3 * n**0.62)): |
prec2 = prec + 10 |
fn = from_int(n) |
nth = mpf_rdiv_int(1, fn, prec2) |
r = mpf_pow(s, nth, prec2, rnd) |
s = normalize(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], prec, rnd) |
if flag_inverse: |
return mpf_div(fone, s, prec-extra_inverse, rnd) |
else: |
return s |
prec2 = prec + 2*n - (prec%n) |
if n > 10: |
prec2 += prec2//10 |
prec2 = prec2 - prec2%n |
shift = bc - prec2 |
sign1 = 0 |
es = exp+shift |
if es < 0: |
sign1 = 1 |
es = -es |
if sign1: |
shift += es%n |
else: |
shift -= es%n |
man = rshift(man, shift) |
extra = 10 |
exp1 = ((exp+shift-(n-1)*prec2)//n) - extra |
rnd_shift = 0 |
if flag_inverse: |
if rnd == 'u' or rnd == 'c': |
rnd_shift = 1 |
else: |
if rnd == 'd' or rnd == 'f': |
rnd_shift = 1 |
man = nthroot_fixed(man+rnd_shift, n, prec2, exp1) |
s = from_man_exp(man, exp1, prec, rnd) |
if flag_inverse: |
return mpf_div(fone, s, prec-extra_inverse, rnd) |
else: |
return s |
def mpf_cbrt(s, prec, rnd=round_fast): |
"""cubic root of a positive number""" |
return mpf_nthroot(s, 3, prec, rnd) |
def log_int_fixed(n, prec, ln2=None): |
""" |
Fast computation of log(n), caching the value for small n, |
intended for zeta sums. |
""" |
if n in log_int_cache: |
value, vprec = log_int_cache[n] |
if vprec >= prec: |
return value >> (vprec - prec) |
wp = prec + 10 |
if wp <= LOG_TAYLOR_SHIFT: |
if ln2 is None: |
ln2 = ln2_fixed(wp) |
r = bitcount(n) |
x = n << (wp-r) |
v = log_taylor_cached(x, wp) + r*ln2 |
else: |
v = to_fixed(mpf_log(from_int(n), wp+5), wp) |
log_int_cache[n] = (v, wp) |
return v >> (wp-prec) |
def agm_fixed(a, b, prec): |
""" |
Fixed-point computation of agm(a,b), assuming |
a, b both close to unit magnitude. |
""" |
i = 0 |
while 1: |
anew = (a+b)>>1 |
if i > 4 and abs(a-anew) < 8: |
return a |
b = isqrt_fast(a*b) |
a = anew |
i += 1 |
return a |
def log_agm(x, prec): |
""" |
Fixed-point computation of -log(x) = log(1/x), suitable |
for large precision. It is required that 0 < x < 1. The |
algorithm used is the Sasaki-Kanada formula |
-log(x) = pi/agm(theta2(x)^2,theta3(x)^2). [1] |
For faster convergence in the theta functions, x should |
be chosen closer to 0. |
Guard bits must be added by the caller. |
HYPOTHESIS: if x = 2^(-n), n bits need to be added to |
account for the truncation to a fixed-point number, |
and this is the only significant cancellation error. |
The number of bits lost to roundoff is small and can be |
considered constant. |
[1] Richard P. Brent, "Fast Algorithms for High-Precision |
Computation of Elementary Functions (extended abstract)", |
http://wwwmaths.anu.edu.au/~brent/pd/RNC7-Brent.pdf |
""" |
x2 = (x*x) >> prec |
s = a = b = x2 |
while a: |
b = (b*x2) >> prec |
a = (a*b) >> prec |
s += a |
s += (MPZ_ONE<<prec) |
s = (s*s)>>(prec-2) |
s = (s*isqrt_fast(x<<prec))>>prec |
t = a = b = x |
while a: |
b = (b*x2) >> prec |
a = (a*b) >> prec |
t += a |
t = (MPZ_ONE<<prec) + (t<<1) |
t = (t*t)>>prec |
p = agm_fixed(s, t, prec) |
return (pi_fixed(prec) << prec) // p |
def log_taylor(x, prec, r=0): |
""" |
Fixed-point calculation of log(x). It is assumed that x is close |
enough to 1 for the Taylor series to converge quickly. Convergence |
can be improved by specifying r > 0 to compute |
log(x^(1/2^r))*2^r, at the cost of performing r square roots. |
The caller must provide sufficient guard bits. |
""" |
for i in xrange(r): |
x = isqrt_fast(x<<prec) |
one = MPZ_ONE << prec |
v = ((x-one)<<prec)//(x+one) |
sign = v < 0 |
if sign: |
v = -v |
v2 = (v*v) >> prec |
v4 = (v2*v2) >> prec |
s0 = v |
s1 = v//3 |
v = (v*v4) >> prec |
k = 5 |
while v: |
s0 += v // k |
k += 2 |
s1 += v // k |
v = (v*v4) >> prec |
k += 2 |
s1 = (s1*v2) >> prec |
s = (s0+s1) << (1+r) |
if sign: |
return -s |
return s |
def log_taylor_cached(x, prec): |
""" |
Fixed-point computation of log(x), assuming x in (0.5, 2) |
and prec <= LOG_TAYLOR_PREC. |
""" |
n = x >> (prec-LOG_TAYLOR_SHIFT) |
cached_prec = cache_prec_steps[prec] |
dprec = cached_prec - prec |
if (n, cached_prec) in log_taylor_cache: |
a, log_a = log_taylor_cache[n, cached_prec] |
else: |
a = n << (cached_prec - LOG_TAYLOR_SHIFT) |
log_a = log_taylor(a, cached_prec, 8) |
log_taylor_cache[n, cached_prec] = (a, log_a) |
a >>= dprec |
log_a >>= dprec |
u = ((x - a) << prec) // a |
v = (u << prec) // ((MPZ_TWO << prec) + u) |
v2 = (v*v) >> prec |
v4 = (v2*v2) >> prec |
s0 = v |
s1 = v//3 |
v = (v*v4) >> prec |
k = 5 |
while v: |
s0 += v//k |
k += 2 |
s1 += v//k |
v = (v*v4) >> prec |
k += 2 |
s1 = (s1*v2) >> prec |
s = (s0+s1) << 1 |
return log_a + s |
def mpf_log(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): |
""" |
Compute the natural logarithm of the mpf value x. If x is negative, |
ComplexResult is raised. |
""" |
sign, man, exp, bc = x |
if not man: |
if x == fzero: return fninf |
if x == finf: return finf |
if x == fnan: return fnan |
if sign: |
raise ComplexResult("logarithm of a negative number") |
wp = prec + 20 |
if man == 1: |
if not exp: |
return fzero |
return from_man_exp(exp*ln2_fixed(wp), -wp, prec, rnd) |
mag = exp+bc |
abs_mag = abs(mag) |
if abs_mag <= 1: |
tsign = 1-abs_mag |
if tsign: |
tman = (MPZ_ONE<<bc) - man |
else: |
tman = man - (MPZ_ONE<<(bc-1)) |
tbc = bitcount(tman) |
cancellation = bc - tbc |
if cancellation > wp: |
t = normalize(tsign, tman, abs_mag-bc, tbc, tbc, 'n') |
return mpf_perturb(t, tsign, prec, rnd) |
else: |
wp += cancellation |
if abs_mag > 10000: |
if bitcount(abs_mag) > wp: |
return from_man_exp(exp*ln2_fixed(wp), -wp, prec, rnd) |
if wp <= LOG_TAYLOR_PREC: |
m = log_taylor_cached(lshift(man, wp-bc), wp) |
if mag: |
m += mag*ln2_fixed(wp) |
else: |
optimal_mag = -wp//LOG_AGM_MAG_PREC_RATIO |
n = optimal_mag - mag |
x = mpf_shift(x, n) |
wp += (-optimal_mag) |
m = -log_agm(to_fixed(x, wp), wp) |
m -= n*ln2_fixed(wp) |
return from_man_exp(m, -wp, prec, rnd) |
def mpf_log_hypot(a, b, prec, rnd): |
""" |
Computes log(sqrt(a^2+b^2)) accurately. |
""" |
if not b[1]: |
a, b = b, a |
if not a[1]: |
if not b[1]: |
if a == b == fzero: |
return fninf |
if fnan in (a, b): |
return fnan |
return finf |
if a == fzero: |
return mpf_log(mpf_abs(b), prec, rnd) |
if a == fnan: |
return fnan |
return finf |
a2 = mpf_mul(a,a) |
b2 = mpf_mul(b,b) |
extra = 20 |
h2 = mpf_add(a2, b2, prec+extra) |
cancelled = mpf_add(h2, fnone, 10) |
mag_cancelled = cancelled[2]+cancelled[3] |
if cancelled == fzero or mag_cancelled < -extra//2: |
h2 = mpf_add(a2, b2, prec+extra-min(a2[2],b2[2])) |
return mpf_shift(mpf_log(h2, prec, rnd), -1) |
def atan_newton(x, prec): |
if prec >= 100: |
r = math.atan(int((x>>(prec-53)))/2.0**53) |
else: |
r = math.atan(int(x)/2.0**prec) |
prevp = 50 |
r = MPZ(int(r * 2.0**53) >> (53-prevp)) |
extra_p = 50 |
for wp in giant_steps(prevp, prec): |
wp += extra_p |
r = r << (wp-prevp) |
cos, sin = cos_sin_fixed(r, wp) |
tan = (sin << wp) // cos |
a = ((tan-rshift(x, prec-wp)) << wp) // ((MPZ_ONE<<wp) + ((tan**2)>>wp)) |
r = r - a |
prevp = wp |
return rshift(r, prevp-prec) |
def atan_taylor_get_cached(n, prec): |
prec2 = (1<<(bitcount(prec-1))) + 20 |
dprec = prec2 - prec |
if (n, prec2) in atan_taylor_cache: |
a, atan_a = atan_taylor_cache[n, prec2] |
else: |
a = n << (prec2 - ATAN_TAYLOR_SHIFT) |
atan_a = atan_newton(a, prec2) |
atan_taylor_cache[n, prec2] = (a, atan_a) |
return (a >> dprec), (atan_a >> dprec) |
def atan_taylor(x, prec): |
n = (x >> (prec-ATAN_TAYLOR_SHIFT)) |
a, atan_a = atan_taylor_get_cached(n, prec) |
d = x - a |
s0 = v = (d << prec) // ((a**2 >> prec) + (a*d >> prec) + (MPZ_ONE << prec)) |
v2 = (v**2 >> prec) |
v4 = (v2 * v2) >> prec |
s1 = v//3 |
v = (v * v4) >> prec |
k = 5 |
while v: |
s0 += v // k |
k += 2 |
s1 += v // k |
v = (v * v4) >> prec |
k += 2 |
s1 = (s1 * v2) >> prec |
s = s0 - s1 |
return atan_a + s |
def atan_inf(sign, prec, rnd): |
if not sign: |
return mpf_shift(mpf_pi(prec, rnd), -1) |
return mpf_neg(mpf_shift(mpf_pi(prec, negative_rnd[rnd]), -1)) |
def mpf_atan(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): |
sign, man, exp, bc = x |
if not man: |
if x == fzero: return fzero |
if x == finf: return atan_inf(0, prec, rnd) |
if x == fninf: return atan_inf(1, prec, rnd) |
return fnan |
mag = exp + bc |
if mag > prec+20: |
return atan_inf(sign, prec, rnd) |
if -mag > prec+20: |
return mpf_perturb(x, 1-sign, prec, rnd) |
wp = prec + 30 + abs(mag) |
if mag >= 2: |
x = mpf_rdiv_int(1, x, wp) |
reciprocal = True |
else: |
reciprocal = False |
t = to_fixed(x, wp) |
if sign: |
t = -t |
a = atan_taylor(t, wp) |
else: |
a = atan_newton(t, wp) |
if reciprocal: |
a = ((pi_fixed(wp)>>1)+1) - a |
if sign: |
a = -a |
return from_man_exp(a, -wp, prec, rnd) |
def mpf_atan2(y, x, prec, rnd=round_fast): |
xsign, xman, xexp, xbc = x |
ysign, yman, yexp, ybc = y |
if not yman: |
if y == fzero and x != fnan: |
if mpf_sign(x) >= 0: |
return fzero |
return mpf_pi(prec, rnd) |
if y in (finf, fninf): |
if x in (finf, fninf): |
return fnan |
if y == finf: |
return mpf_shift(mpf_pi(prec, rnd), -1) |
return mpf_neg(mpf_shift(mpf_pi(prec, negative_rnd[rnd]), -1)) |
return fnan |
if ysign: |
return mpf_neg(mpf_atan2(mpf_neg(y), x, prec, negative_rnd[rnd])) |
if not xman: |
if x == fnan: |
return fnan |
if x == finf: |
return fzero |
if x == fninf: |
return mpf_pi(prec, rnd) |
if y == fzero: |
return fzero |
return mpf_shift(mpf_pi(prec, rnd), -1) |
tquo = mpf_atan(mpf_div(y, x, prec+4), prec+4) |
if xsign: |
return mpf_add(mpf_pi(prec+4), tquo, prec, rnd) |
else: |
return mpf_pos(tquo, prec, rnd) |
def mpf_asin(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): |
sign, man, exp, bc = x |
if bc+exp > 0 and x not in (fone, fnone): |
raise ComplexResult("asin(x) is real only for -1 <= x <= 1") |
wp = prec + 15 |
a = mpf_mul(x, x) |
b = mpf_add(fone, mpf_sqrt(mpf_sub(fone, a, wp), wp), wp) |
c = mpf_div(x, b, wp) |
return mpf_shift(mpf_atan(c, prec, rnd), 1) |
def mpf_acos(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): |
sign, man, exp, bc = x |
if bc + exp > 0: |
if x not in (fone, fnone): |
raise ComplexResult("acos(x) is real only for -1 <= x <= 1") |
if x == fnone: |
return mpf_pi(prec, rnd) |
wp = prec + 15 |
a = mpf_mul(x, x) |
b = mpf_sqrt(mpf_sub(fone, a, wp), wp) |
c = mpf_div(b, mpf_add(fone, x, wp), wp) |
return mpf_shift(mpf_atan(c, prec, rnd), 1) |
def mpf_asinh(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): |
wp = prec + 20 |
sign, man, exp, bc = x |
mag = exp+bc |
if mag < -8: |
if mag < -wp: |
return mpf_perturb(x, 1-sign, prec, rnd) |
wp += (-mag) |
q = mpf_sqrt(mpf_add(mpf_mul(x, x), fone, wp), wp) |
q = mpf_add(mpf_abs(x), q, wp) |
if sign: |
return mpf_neg(mpf_log(q, prec, negative_rnd[rnd])) |
else: |
return mpf_log(q, prec, rnd) |
def mpf_acosh(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): |
wp = prec + 15 |
if mpf_cmp(x, fone) == -1: |
raise ComplexResult("acosh(x) is real only for x >= 1") |
q = mpf_sqrt(mpf_add(mpf_mul(x,x), fnone, wp), wp) |
return mpf_log(mpf_add(x, q, wp), prec, rnd) |
def mpf_atanh(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): |
sign, man, exp, bc = x |
if (not man) and exp: |
if x in (fzero, fnan): |
return x |
raise ComplexResult("atanh(x) is real only for -1 <= x <= 1") |
mag = bc + exp |
if mag > 0: |
if mag == 1 and man == 1: |
return [finf, fninf][sign] |
raise ComplexResult("atanh(x) is real only for -1 <= x <= 1") |
wp = prec + 15 |
if mag < -8: |
if mag < -wp: |
return mpf_perturb(x, sign, prec, rnd) |
wp += (-mag) |
a = mpf_add(x, fone, wp) |
b = mpf_sub(fone, x, wp) |
return mpf_shift(mpf_log(mpf_div(a, b, wp), prec, rnd), -1) |
def mpf_fibonacci(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): |
sign, man, exp, bc = x |
if not man: |
if x == fninf: |
return fnan |
return x |
size = abs(exp+bc) |
if exp >= 0: |
if size < 10 or size <= bitcount(prec): |
return from_int(ifib(to_int(x)), prec, rnd) |
wp = prec + size + 20 |
a = mpf_phi(wp) |
b = mpf_add(mpf_shift(a, 1), fnone, wp) |
u = mpf_pow(a, x, wp) |
v = mpf_cos_pi(x, wp) |
v = mpf_div(v, u, wp) |
u = mpf_sub(u, v, wp) |
u = mpf_div(u, b, prec, rnd) |
return u |
def exponential_series(x, prec, type=0): |
""" |
Taylor series for cosh/sinh or cos/sin. |
type = 0 -- returns exp(x) (slightly faster than cosh+sinh) |
type = 1 -- returns (cosh(x), sinh(x)) |
type = 2 -- returns (cos(x), sin(x)) |
""" |
if x < 0: |
x = -x |
sign = 1 |
else: |
sign = 0 |
r = int(0.5*prec**0.5) |
xmag = bitcount(x) - prec |
r = max(0, xmag + r) |
extra = 10 + 2*max(r,-xmag) |
wp = prec + extra |
x <<= (extra - r) |
one = MPZ_ONE << wp |
alt = (type == 2) |
if prec < EXP_SERIES_U_CUTOFF: |
x2 = a = (x*x) >> wp |
x4 = (x2*x2) >> wp |
s0 = s1 = MPZ_ZERO |
k = 2 |
while a: |
a //= (k-1)*k; s0 += a; k += 2 |
a //= (k-1)*k; s1 += a; k += 2 |
a = (a*x4) >> wp |
s1 = (x2*s1) >> wp |
if alt: |
c = s1 - s0 + one |
else: |
c = s1 + s0 + one |
else: |
u = int(0.3*prec**0.35) |
x2 = a = (x*x) >> wp |
xpowers = [one, x2] |
for i in xrange(1, u): |
xpowers.append((xpowers[-1]*x2)>>wp) |
sums = [MPZ_ZERO] * u |
k = 2 |
while a: |
for i in xrange(u): |
a //= (k-1)*k |
if alt and k & 2: sums[i] -= a |
else: sums[i] += a |
k += 2 |
a = (a*xpowers[-1]) >> wp |
for i in xrange(1, u): |
sums[i] = (sums[i]*xpowers[i]) >> wp |
c = sum(sums) + one |
if type == 0: |
s = isqrt_fast(c*c - (one<<wp)) |
if sign: |
v = c - s |
else: |
v = c + s |
for i in xrange(r): |
v = (v*v) >> wp |
return v >> extra |
else: |
pshift = wp-1 |
for i in xrange(r): |
c = ((c*c) >> pshift) - one |
s = isqrt_fast(abs((one<<wp) - c*c)) |
if sign: |
s = -s |
return (c>>extra), (s>>extra) |
def exp_basecase(x, prec): |
""" |
Compute exp(x) as a fixed-point number. Works for any x, |
but for speed should have |x| < 1. For an arbitrary number, |
use exp(x) = exp(x-m*log(2)) * 2^m where m = floor(x/log(2)). |
""" |
if prec > EXP_COSH_CUTOFF: |
return exponential_series(x, prec, 0) |
r = int(prec**0.5) |
prec += r |
s0 = s1 = (MPZ_ONE << prec) |
k = 2 |
a = x2 = (x*x) >> prec |
while a: |
a //= k; s0 += a; k += 1 |
a //= k; s1 += a; k += 1 |
a = (a*x2) >> prec |
s1 = (s1*x) >> prec |
s = s0 + s1 |
u = r |
while r: |
s = (s*s) >> prec |
r -= 1 |
return s >> u |
def exp_expneg_basecase(x, prec): |
""" |
Computation of exp(x), exp(-x) |
""" |
if prec > EXP_COSH_CUTOFF: |
cosh, sinh = exponential_series(x, prec, 1) |
return cosh+sinh, cosh-sinh |
a = exp_basecase(x, prec) |
b = (MPZ_ONE << (prec+prec)) // a |
return a, b |
def cos_sin_basecase(x, prec): |
""" |
Compute cos(x), sin(x) as fixed-point numbers, assuming x |
in [0, pi/2). For an arbitrary number, use x' = x - m*(pi/2) |
where m = floor(x/(pi/2)) along with quarter-period symmetries. |
""" |
if prec > COS_SIN_CACHE_PREC: |
return exponential_series(x, prec, 2) |
precs = prec - COS_SIN_CACHE_STEP |
t = x >> precs |
n = int(t) |
if n not in cos_sin_cache: |
cos_t, sin_t = exponential_series(w, 10+COS_SIN_CACHE_PREC, 2) |
cos_sin_cache[n] = (cos_t>>10), (sin_t>>10) |
cos_t, sin_t = cos_sin_cache[n] |
offset = COS_SIN_CACHE_PREC - prec |
cos_t >>= offset |
sin_t >>= offset |
x -= t << precs |
cos = MPZ_ONE << prec |
sin = x |
k = 2 |
a = -((x*x) >> prec) |
while a: |
a //= k; cos += a; k += 1; a = (a*x) >> prec |
a //= k; sin += a; k += 1; a = -((a*x) >> prec) |
return ((cos*cos_t-sin*sin_t) >> prec), ((sin*cos_t+cos*sin_t) >> prec) |
def mpf_exp(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): |
sign, man, exp, bc = x |
if man: |
mag = bc + exp |
wp = prec + 14 |
if sign: |
man = -man |
if prec > 600 and exp >= 0: |
e = mpf_e(wp+int(1.45*mag)) |
return mpf_pow_int(e, man<<exp, prec, rnd) |
if mag < -wp: |
return mpf_perturb(fone, sign, prec, rnd) |
if mag > 1: |
wpmod = wp + mag |
offset = exp + wpmod |
if offset >= 0: |
t = man << offset |
else: |
t = man >> (-offset) |
lg2 = ln2_fixed(wpmod) |
n, t = divmod(t, lg2) |
n = int(n) |
t >>= mag |
else: |
offset = exp + wp |
if offset >= 0: |
t = man << offset |
else: |
t = man >> (-offset) |
n = 0 |
man = exp_basecase(t, wp) |
return from_man_exp(man, n-wp, prec, rnd) |
if not exp: |
return fone |
if x == fninf: |
return fzero |
return x |
def mpf_cosh_sinh(x, prec, rnd=round_fast, tanh=0): |
"""Simultaneously compute (cosh(x), sinh(x)) for real x""" |
sign, man, exp, bc = x |
if (not man) and exp: |
if tanh: |
if x == finf: return fone |
if x == fninf: return fnone |
return fnan |
if x == finf: return (finf, finf) |
if x == fninf: return (finf, fninf) |
return fnan, fnan |
mag = exp+bc |
wp = prec+14 |
if mag < -4: |
if mag < -wp: |
if tanh: |
return mpf_perturb(x, 1-sign, prec, rnd) |
cosh = mpf_perturb(fone, 0, prec, rnd) |
sinh = mpf_perturb(x, sign, prec, rnd) |
return cosh, sinh |
wp += (-mag) |
if mag > 10: |
if 3*(1<<(mag-1)) > wp: |
if tanh: |
return mpf_perturb([fone,fnone][sign], 1-sign, prec, rnd) |
c = s = mpf_shift(mpf_exp(mpf_abs(x), prec, rnd), -1) |
if sign: |
s = mpf_neg(s) |
return c, s |
if mag > 1: |
wpmod = wp + mag |
offset = exp + wpmod |
if offset >= 0: |
t = man << offset |
else: |
t = man >> (-offset) |
lg2 = ln2_fixed(wpmod) |
n, t = divmod(t, lg2) |
n = int(n) |
t >>= mag |
else: |
offset = exp + wp |
if offset >= 0: |
t = man << offset |
else: |
t = man >> (-offset) |
n = 0 |
a, b = exp_expneg_basecase(t, wp) |
cosh = a + (b>>(2*n)) |
sinh = a - (b>>(2*n)) |
if sign: |
sinh = -sinh |
if tanh: |
man = (sinh << wp) // cosh |
return from_man_exp(man, -wp, prec, rnd) |
else: |
cosh = from_man_exp(cosh, n-wp-1, prec, rnd) |
sinh = from_man_exp(sinh, n-wp-1, prec, rnd) |
return cosh, sinh |
def mod_pi2(man, exp, mag, wp): |
if mag > 0: |
i = 0 |
while 1: |
cancellation_prec = 20 << i |
wpmod = wp + mag + cancellation_prec |
pi2 = pi_fixed(wpmod-1) |
pi4 = pi2 >> 1 |
offset = wpmod + exp |
if offset >= 0: |
t = man << offset |
else: |
t = man >> (-offset) |
n, y = divmod(t, pi2) |
if y > pi4: |
small = pi2 - y |
else: |
small = y |
if small >> (wp+mag-10): |
n = int(n) |
t = y >> mag |
wp = wpmod - mag |
break |
i += 1 |
else: |
wp += (-mag) |
offset = exp + wp |
if offset >= 0: |
t = man << offset |
else: |
t = man >> (-offset) |
n = 0 |
return t, n, wp |
def mpf_cos_sin(x, prec, rnd=round_fast, which=0, pi=False): |
""" |
which: |
0 -- return cos(x), sin(x) |
1 -- return cos(x) |
2 -- return sin(x) |
3 -- return tan(x) |
if pi=True, compute for pi*x |
""" |
sign, man, exp, bc = x |
if not man: |
if exp: |
c, s = fnan, fnan |
else: |
c, s = fone, fzero |
if which == 0: return c, s |
if which == 1: return c |
if which == 2: return s |
if which == 3: return s |
mag = bc + exp |
wp = prec + 10 |
if mag < 0: |
if mag < -wp: |
if pi: |
x = mpf_mul(x, mpf_pi(wp)) |
c = mpf_perturb(fone, 1, prec, rnd) |
s = mpf_perturb(x, 1-sign, prec, rnd) |
if which == 0: return c, s |
if which == 1: return c |
if which == 2: return s |
if which == 3: return mpf_perturb(x, sign, prec, rnd) |
if pi: |
if exp >= -1: |
if exp == -1: |
c = fzero |
s = (fone, fnone)[bool(man & 2) ^ sign] |
elif exp == 0: |
c, s = (fnone, fzero) |
else: |
c, s = (fone, fzero) |
if which == 0: return c, s |
if which == 1: return c |
if which == 2: return s |
if which == 3: return mpf_div(s, c, prec, rnd) |
n = ((man >> (-exp-2)) + 1) >> 1 |
man = man - (n << (-exp-1)) |
mag2 = bitcount(man) + exp |
wp = prec + 10 - mag2 |
offset = exp + wp |
if offset >= 0: |
t = man << offset |
else: |
t = man >> (-offset) |
t = (t*pi_fixed(wp)) >> wp |
else: |
t, n, wp = mod_pi2(man, exp, mag, wp) |
c, s = cos_sin_basecase(t, wp) |
m = n & 3 |
if m == 1: c, s = -s, c |
elif m == 2: c, s = -c, -s |
elif m == 3: c, s = s, -c |
if sign: |
s = -s |
if which == 0: |
c = from_man_exp(c, -wp, prec, rnd) |
s = from_man_exp(s, -wp, prec, rnd) |
return c, s |
if which == 1: |
return from_man_exp(c, -wp, prec, rnd) |
if which == 2: |
return from_man_exp(s, -wp, prec, rnd) |
if which == 3: |
return from_rational(s, c, prec, rnd) |
def mpf_cos(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): return mpf_cos_sin(x, prec, rnd, 1) |
def mpf_sin(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): return mpf_cos_sin(x, prec, rnd, 2) |
def mpf_tan(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): return mpf_cos_sin(x, prec, rnd, 3) |
def mpf_cos_sin_pi(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): return mpf_cos_sin(x, prec, rnd, 0, 1) |
def mpf_cos_pi(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): return mpf_cos_sin(x, prec, rnd, 1, 1) |
def mpf_sin_pi(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): return mpf_cos_sin(x, prec, rnd, 2, 1) |
def mpf_cosh(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): return mpf_cosh_sinh(x, prec, rnd)[0] |
def mpf_sinh(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): return mpf_cosh_sinh(x, prec, rnd)[1] |
def mpf_tanh(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): return mpf_cosh_sinh(x, prec, rnd, tanh=1) |
def cos_sin_fixed(x, prec, pi2=None): |
if pi2 is None: |
pi2 = pi_fixed(prec-1) |
n, t = divmod(x, pi2) |
n = int(n) |
c, s = cos_sin_basecase(t, prec) |
m = n & 3 |
if m == 0: return c, s |
if m == 1: return -s, c |
if m == 2: return -c, -s |
if m == 3: return s, -c |
def exp_fixed(x, prec, ln2=None): |
if ln2 is None: |
ln2 = ln2_fixed(prec) |
n, t = divmod(x, ln2) |
n = int(n) |
v = exp_basecase(t, prec) |
if n >= 0: |
return v << n |
else: |
return v >> (-n) |
if BACKEND == 'sage': |
try: |
import sage.libs.mpmath.ext_libmp as _lbmp |
mpf_sqrt = _lbmp.mpf_sqrt |
mpf_exp = _lbmp.mpf_exp |
mpf_log = _lbmp.mpf_log |
mpf_cos = _lbmp.mpf_cos |
mpf_sin = _lbmp.mpf_sin |
mpf_pow = _lbmp.mpf_pow |
exp_fixed = _lbmp.exp_fixed |
cos_sin_fixed = _lbmp.cos_sin_fixed |
log_int_fixed = _lbmp.log_int_fixed |
except (ImportError, AttributeError): |
print("Warning: Sage imports in libelefun failed") |