This repository contains a pruned and partially reorganized version of AniPortrait, with some new features.

      title={AniPortrait: Audio-Driven Synthesis of Photorealistic Portrait Animations}, 
      author={Huawei Wei and Zejun Yang and Zhisheng Wang},

Added Features

CPU Offloading

In order to maximize VRAM, CPU offloading is made available and enabled by default when using the command-line.

  • In python, use pipeline.enable_model_cpu_offload(gpu_id: int=0) to enable it.
  • In the command-line, pass --no-offload or -no to disable it.

Video Reference

In addition to using an image as reference, this repository permits using a video as a reference image using a modified temporally-aware reference U-Net.

Automatic Masked Composition

When using a video reference, you can pass paste_back=True or --paste-back/-pb to automatically re-composite the generated face onto the reference video.

Automatic Face Cropping

In addition to the above, you can pass crop_to_face=True or --crop-to-face/-ctf to automatically crop the input video to the detected face region prior to inference, then un-crop and compose the results. This means you can directly use this feature on HD video without needing to pre-process any of the inputs.


The following examples were produced using the above-referenced procedure, then interpolated and post-processed using enfugue.

They were made using the source videos at Full HD, using the following command-line format:

aniportrait video.mp4 --video video.mp4 --audio audio.mp3 --crop-to-face --num-inference-steps 50 -cfg 4.5

All videos sourced from Pexels, voices are AI-generated reading Attention is All You Need (ARXIV:1706.03762)



First, install the AniPortrait package into your python environment. If you're creating a new environment for AniPortrait, be sure you also specify the version of torch you want with CUDA support, or else this will try to run only on CPU.

pip install git+


A command-line utility aniportrait is installed with the package.


  Run AniPortrait on an input image with a video, and/or audio file. When only
  a video file is provided, a video-to-video (face reenactment) animation is
  performed. When only an audio file is provided, an audio-to-video (lip-sync)
  animation is performed. When both a video and audio file are provided, a
  video-to-video animation is performed with the audio as guidance for the
  face and mouth movements.

  -v, --video FILE                Video file to drive the animation.
  -a, --audio FILE                Audio file to drive the animation.
  -fps, --frame-rate INTEGER      Video FPS. Also controls the sampling rate
                                  of the audio. Will default to the video FPS
                                  if a video file is provided, or 30 if not.
  -cfg, --guidance-scale FLOAT    Guidance scale for the diffusion process.
                                  [default: 3.5]
  -ns, --num-inference-steps INTEGER
                                  Number of diffusion steps.  [default: 20]
  -cf, --context-frames INTEGER   Number of context frames to use.  [default:
  -co, --context-overlap INTEGER  Number of context frames to overlap.
                                  [default: 4]
  -nf, --num-frames INTEGER       An explicit number of frames to use. When
                                  not passed, use the length of the audio or
  -s, --seed INTEGER              Random seed.
  -w, --width INTEGER             Output video width. Defaults to the input
                                  image width.
  -h, --height INTEGER            Output video height. Defaults to the input
                                  image height.
  -m, --model TEXT                HuggingFace model name.
  -nh, --no-half                  Do not use half precision.
  -no, --no-offload               Do not offload to the CPU to preserve GPU
  -g, --gpu-id INTEGER            GPU ID to use.
  -sf, --model-single-file        Download and use a single file instead of a
  -cf, --config-file TEXT         Config file to use when using the model-
                                  single-file option. Accepts a path or a
                                  filename in the same directory as the single
                                  file. Will download from the repository
                                  passed in the model option if not provided.
                                  [default: config.json]
  -mf, --model-filename TEXT      The model file to download when using the
                                  model-single-file option.  [default:
  -rs, --remote-subfolder TEXT    Remote subfolder to download from when using
                                  the model-single-file option.
  -cd, --cache-dir DIRECTORY      Cache directory to download to. Default uses
                                  the huggingface cache.
  -o, --output FILE               Output file.  [default: output.mp4]
  -pb, --paste-back               Paste the original background back in.
  -pbcf, --paste-back-color-fix [adain|wavelet]
                                  Color fix method to use when pasting back.
                                  [default: wavelet]
  -ctf, --crop-to-face            Crop the input to the face prior to
                                  execution, then merge the cropped result
                                  with the uncropped image. Implies --paste-
  -pop, --pose-output FILE        When passed, save the pose image(s) to this
  -mop, --mask-output FILE        When passed, save the mask image(s) to this
  -cop, --combined-output FILE    When passed, save the combined image(s) to
                                  this file.
  -mb, --mask-blur INTEGER        Amount of blur to apply to the mask when
                                  using cropping or pasting.  [default: 15]
  -md, --mask-dilate INTEGER      Amount of dilation to apply to the mask when
                                  using cropping or pasting.  [default: 31]
  -ms, --mask-slow                Use a slower, more accurate mask generation
  -lss, --leading-seconds-silence FLOAT
                                  Seconds of silence to add to the beginning
                                  of the audio.  [default: 0.0]
  -tss, --trailing-seconds-silence FLOAT
                                  Seconds of silence to add to the end of the
                                  audio.  [default: 0.0]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


You can create the pipeline, automatically pulling the weights from this repository, either as individual models:

from aniportrait import AniPortraitPipeline
pipeline = AniPortraitPipeline.from_pretrained(
).to("cuda", dtype=torch.float16)

Or, as a single file:

from aniportrait import AniPortraitPipeline
pipeline = AniPortraitPipeline.from_single_file(
).to("cuda", dtype=torch.float16)

The AniPortraitPipeline is a mega pipeline, capable of instantiating and executing other pipelines. It provides the following functions:



    reference_image: PIL.Image.Image,
    pose_reference_image: PIL.Image.Image,
    num_inference_steps: int,
    guidance_scale: float,
    eta: float=0.0,
    reference_pose_image: Optional[Image.Image]=None,
    generation: Optional[Union[torch.Generator, List[torch.Generator]]]=None,
    output_type: Optional[str]="pil",
    return_dict: bool=True,
    callback: Optional[Callable[[int, int, torch.FloatTensor], None]]=None,
    callback_steps: Optional[int]=None,
    width: Optional[int]=None,
    height: Optional[int]=None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Pose2VideoPipelineOutput

Using a reference image (for structure) and a pose reference image (for pose), render an image of the former in the pose of the latter.

  • The pose reference image here is an unprocessed image, from which the face pose will be extracted.
  • Optionally pass reference_pose_image to designate the pose of reference_image. When not passed, the pose of reference_image is automatically detected.


    reference_image: PIL.Image.Image,
    pose_reference_images: List[PIL.Image.Image],
    num_inference_steps: int,
    guidance_scale: float,
    eta: float=0.0,
    reference_pose_image: Optional[Image.Image]=None,
    generation: Optional[Union[torch.Generator, List[torch.Generator]]]=None,
    output_type: Optional[str]="pil",
    return_dict: bool=True,
    callback: Optional[Callable[[int, int, torch.FloatTensor], None]]=None,
    callback_steps: Optional[int]=None,
    width: Optional[int]=None,
    height: Optional[int]=None,
    video_length: Optional[int]=None,
    context_schedule: str="uniform",
    context_frames: int=16,
    context_overlap: int=4,
    context_batch_size: int=1,
    interpolation_factor: int=1,
    use_long_video: bool=True,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Pose2VideoPipelineOutput

Using a reference image (for structure) and a sequence of pose reference images (for pose), render a video of the former in the poses of the latter, using context windowing for long-video generation when the poses are longer than 16 frames.

  • Optionally pass use_long_video = false to disable using the long video pipeline.
  • Optionally pass reference_pose_image to designate the pose of reference_image. When not passed, the pose of reference_image is automatically detected.
  • Optionally pass video_length to use this many frames. Default is the same as the length of the pose reference images.


    audio: str,
    reference_image: PIL.Image.Image,
    num_inference_steps: int,
    guidance_scale: float,
    fps: int=30,
    eta: float=0.0,
    reference_pose_image: Optional[Image.Image]=None,
    pose_reference_images: Optional[List[PIL.Image.Image]]=None,
    generation: Optional[Union[torch.Generator, List[torch.Generator]]]=None,
    output_type: Optional[str]="pil",
    return_dict: bool=True,
    callback: Optional[Callable[[int, int, torch.FloatTensor], None]]=None,
    callback_steps: Optional[int]=None,
    width: Optional[int]=None,
    height: Optional[int]=None,
    video_length: Optional[int]=None,
    context_schedule: str="uniform",
    context_frames: int=16,
    context_overlap: int=4,
    context_batch_size: int=1,
    interpolation_factor: int=1,
    use_long_video: bool=True,
    pose_filename: Optional[str]=None,                                                                                                                                               
    leading_seconds_silence: float=0.0,                                                                                                                                              
    trailing_seconds_silence: float=0.0,     
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Pose2VideoPipelineOutput

Using an audio file, draw fps face pose images per second for the duration of the audio. Then, using those face pose images, render a video.

  • Optionally include a list of images to extract the poses from prior to merging with audio-generated poses (in essence, pass a video here to control non-speech motion). The default is a moderately active loop of head movement.
  • Optionally pass width/height to modify the size. Defaults to reference image size.
  • Optionally pass use_long_video = false to disable using the long video pipeline.
  • Optionally pass reference_pose_image to designate the pose of reference_image. When not passed, the pose of reference_image is automatically detected.
  • Optionally pass video_length to use this many frames. Default is the same as the length of the pose reference images or the length of the audio frames (when translated to the proper FPS) - whichever is shorter.
  • Optionally pass leading_seconds_silence and/or trailing_seconds_silence to add silent frame(s) to the beginning and/or end of the audio. This will be adjusted for your passed or detected frame rate.
  • Optionally pass pose_filename, mask_filename and/or combined_filename to save the pose, mask and/or combined frames to this video file for debugging.


    audio: str,                                                                                                                                                                      
    reference_image: List[Image.Image],                                                                                                                                              
    num_inference_steps: int=25,                                                                                                                                                     
    guidance_scale: float=3.5,                                                                                                                                                       
    fps: int=30,                                                                                                                                                                     
    eta: float=0.0,                                                                                                                                                                  
    reference_pose_image: Optional[Image.Image]=None,                                                                                                                                
    pose_reference_images: Optional[List[Image.Image]]=None,                                                                                                                         
    generation: Optional[Union[torch.Generator, List[torch.Generator]]]=None,                                                                                                        
    output_type: Optional[str]="pil",                                                                                                                                                
    return_dict: bool=True,                                                                                                                                                          
    callback: Optional[Callable[[int, int, torch.FloatTensor], None]]=None,                                                                                                          
    callback_steps: Optional[int]=None,                                                                                                                                              
    context_schedule: str="uniform",                                                                                                                                                 
    context_frames: int=16,                                                                                                                                                          
    context_overlap: int=4,                                                                                                                                                          
    context_batch_size: int=1,                                                                                                                                                       
    interpolation_factor: int=1,                                                                                                                                                     
    width: Optional[int]=None,                                                                                                                                                       
    height: Optional[int]=None,                                                                                                                                                      
    video_length: Optional[int]=None,                                                                                                                                                
    use_long_video: bool=True,                                                                                                                                                       
    paste_back: bool=True,                                                                                                                                                           
    paste_back_color_fix: Optional[Literal["wavelet", "adain"]]="wavelet",                                                                                                           
    crop_to_face: bool=False,                                                                                                                                                        
    crop_to_face_target_size: Optional[int]=512,                                                                                                                                     
    crop_to_face_padding: Optional[int]=64,                                                                                                                                          
    mask_filename: Optional[str]=None,                                                                                                                                               
    pose_filename: Optional[str]=None,                                                                                                                                               
    combined_filename: Optional[str]=None,                                                                                                                                           
    mask_dilate: Optional[int]=31,                                                                                                                                                   
    mask_gaussian_kernel_size: Optional[int]=15,                                                                                                                                     
    mask_first_frame: bool=True,                                                                                                                                                     
    leading_seconds_silence: float=0.0,                                                                                                                                              
    trailing_seconds_silence: float=0.0,                                                                                                                                             
    **kwargs: Any                                                                                                                                                                    
) -> Pose2VideoPipelineOutput:

Using an audio file, draw fps face pose images per second for the duration of the audio. Then, using those face pose images, render a video using a video as a reference.

  • Optionally pass width/height to modify the size. Defaults to reference image size.
  • Optionally pass use_long_video = false to disable using the long video pipeline.
  • Optionally pass video_length to use this many frames. Default is the same as the length of the pose reference images or the length of the audio frames (when translated to the proper FPS) - whichever is shorter.
  • Optionally pass paste_back = true to re-composite the output onto the input.
  • When using paste_back, the face is color-fixed when re-pasting in order to reduce visible difference. The default method is wavelet, pass adain or None for other options.
  • Optionally pass crop_to_face = true to crop all images to the face region (with padding) prior to diffusion. This implies paste_back = true.
  • When using crop_to_face, we must first identify where the faces are in a potentially large image - to do this we perform a slow tiled face detection across the whole image. In order to reduce time to generate additional masks, the default behavior is to only do this once, then use the faces from the first frame to know where to detect in subsequent frames. Set this to false to perform tiled faced detection on every frame of the input - this is slower but will allow for more variability in the frame.
  • Optionally pass leading_seconds_silence and/or trailing_seconds_silence to add silent frame(s) to the beginning and/or end of the audio. This will be adjusted for your passed or detected frame rate.
  • Optionally pass pose_filename, mask_filename and/or combined_filename to save the pose, mask and/or combined frames to this video file for debugging.



    reference_image: PIL.Image.Image,
    width: Optional[int]=None,
    height: Optional[int]=None
) -> PIL.Image.Image

Detects face landmarks in an image and draws a face pose image.

  • Optionally modify the original width and height.


    reference_image: PIL.Image.Image,
    retarget_image: Optional[PIL.Image.Image],
    width: Optional[int]=None,
    height: Optional[int]=None
) -> List[PIL.Image.Image]

Detects face landmarks in a series of images and draws pose images.

  • Optionally modify the original width and height.
  • Optionally retarget to a different face position, useful for video-to-video tasks.


    audio_path: str,
    fps: int=30,
    reference_image: Optional[PIL.Image.Image]=None,
    pose_reference_images: Optional[List[PIL.Image.Image]]=None,
    width: Optional[int]=None,
    height: Optional[int]=None
) -> List[PIL.Image.Image]

Using an audio file, draw fps face pose images per second for the duration of the audio.

  • Optionally include a reference image to extract the face shape and initial position from. Default has a generic androgynous face shape.
  • Optionally include a list of images to extract the poses from prior to merging with audio-generated poses (in essence, pass a video here to control non-speech motion). The default is a moderately active loop of head movement.
  • Optionally pass width/height to modify the size. Defaults to reference image size, then pose image sizes, then 256.


    reference_image: PIL.Image.Image,
    pose_image: PIL.Image.Image,
    num_inference_steps: int,
    guidance_scale: float,
    eta: float=0.0,
    reference_pose_image: Optional[Image.Image]=None,
    generation: Optional[Union[torch.Generator, List[torch.Generator]]]=None,
    output_type: Optional[str]="pil",
    return_dict: bool=True,
    callback: Optional[Callable[[int, int, torch.FloatTensor], None]]=None,
    callback_steps: Optional[int]=None,
    width: Optional[int]=None,
    height: Optional[int]=None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Pose2VideoPipelineOutput

Using a reference image (for structure) and a pose image (for pose), render an image of the former in the pose of the latter.

  • The pose image here is a processed face pose. To pass a non-processed face pose, see img2img.
  • Optionally pass reference_pose_image to designate the pose of reference_image. When not passed, the pose of reference_image is automatically detected.


    reference_image: PIL.Image.Image,
    pose_images: List[PIL.Image.Image],
    num_inference_steps: int,
    guidance_scale: float,
    eta: float=0.0,
    reference_pose_image: Optional[Image.Image]=None,
    generation: Optional[Union[torch.Generator, List[torch.Generator]]]=None,
    output_type: Optional[str]="pil",
    return_dict: bool=True,
    callback: Optional[Callable[[int, int, torch.FloatTensor], None]]=None,
    callback_steps: Optional[int]=None,
    width: Optional[int]=None,
    height: Optional[int]=None,
    video_length: Optional[int]=None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Pose2VideoPipelineOutput

Using a reference image (for structure) and pose images (for pose), render a video of the former in the poses of the latter.

  • The pose images here are a processed face poses. To non-processed face poses, see vid2vid.
  • Optionally pass reference_pose_image to designate the pose of reference_image. When not passed, the pose of reference_image is automatically detected.
  • Optionally pass video_length to use this many frames. Default is the same as the length of the pose images.


    reference_image: PIL.Image.Image,
    pose_images: List[PIL.Image.Image],
    num_inference_steps: int,
    guidance_scale: float,
    eta: float=0.0,
    reference_pose_image: Optional[Image.Image]=None,
    generation: Optional[Union[torch.Generator, List[torch.Generator]]]=None,
    output_type: Optional[str]="pil",
    return_dict: bool=True,
    callback: Optional[Callable[[int, int, torch.FloatTensor], None]]=None,
    callback_steps: Optional[int]=None,
    width: Optional[int]=None,
    height: Optional[int]=None,
    video_length: Optional[int]=None,
    context_schedule: str="uniform",
    context_frames: int=16,
    context_overlap: int=4,
    context_batch_size: int=1,
    interpolation_factor: int=1,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Pose2VideoPipelineOutput

Using a reference image (for structure) and pose images (for pose), render a video of the former in the poses of the latter, using context windowing for long-video generation.

  • The pose images here are a processed face poses. To non-processed face poses, see vid2vid.
  • Optionally pass reference_pose_image to designate the pose of reference_image. When not passed, the pose of reference_image is automatically detected.
  • Optionally pass video_length to use this many frames. Default is the same as the length of the pose images.
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Inference Providers NEW
This model is not currently available via any of the supported Inference Providers.
The model cannot be deployed to the HF Inference API: The model has no pipeline_tag.