#!/bin/bash |
set -xe |
if [[ ! -f tests/outputs/checkpoint_10.pth.tar ]]; then |
echo "Missing dummy model in tests/outputs. This test needs to run after the Python unittests have been run." |
exit 1 |
fi |
rm -f dist/*.whl |
python setup.py --quiet bdist_wheel --checkpoint tests/outputs/checkpoint_10.pth.tar --model_config tests/outputs/dummy_model_config.json |
python -m venv /tmp/venv |
source /tmp/venv/bin/activate |
pip install --quiet --upgrade pip setuptools wheel |
pip install --quiet dist/TTS*.whl |
pip install numba==0.48 |
python -m TTS.server.server & |
echo 'Waiting for server...' |
sleep 30 |
curl -o /tmp/audio.wav "http://localhost:5002/api/tts?text=synthesis%20schmynthesis" |
python -c 'import sys; import wave; print(wave.open(sys.argv[1]).getnframes())' /tmp/audio.wav |
kill $SERVER_PID |
deactivate |
rm -rf /tmp/venv |
rm /tmp/audio.wav |
rm dist/*.whl |