Recommended sampling parameters?

by Pevernow - opened

I'm currently using the sampling parameters from the original nemo, but sometimes there are duplicates and sometimes they are garbled.

Anthracite org

I usually do 0.4 temp and 0.02 minp and use nothing else.

if outputs are garbled then increase min-p slightly and lower temp until coherency is achieved.

Adjusting the minp parameter from 0 to 0.02 significantly improved the results!

I hadn't previously considered the minp parameter because I primarily use RisuAI.
Unfortunately, RisuAI does not offer any options for configuring minp.

Currently, I'm using a temperature setting of 0.7 and a maxp value of 0.9.
This combination yields more dynamic and engaging responses.

Anthracite org

Yep, Minp is a really good sampler that just improves everything overall - I'd also consider asking the developer of RisuAI to consider adding Min-P or switching to SillyTavern.

lucyknada changed discussion status to closed

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