You can enter in phonemes with a bit of tweaking -- but is there a way to enter in IPA characters?
Sometimes a word is difficult for the model to understand, and it's in certain cases in need of being fed cleaner data (while without removing the expression, which is what is wonderful about this model)
But it'd be great to get around by just showing the model how to say a fictional word (like a character name, etc.) using IPA (letters on the left)
I took the time to create a list so you can show people how to pronounce each word
Symbol/sound/example/letters often used
aɪ, aye/igh/i, f(i)ne & h(igh), i/y/igh
aʊ, ou/ouw, pr(ou)d & c(ow), ow/ou
eɪ, ai/ey/ay/a, d(ay) & r(ai)n, a/ae/ai/ay/ey
iə, ia/ea/eia, id(ea) & onomatopo(eia), ia/ea/eia/eah
uə, oowah/oua, yesh(ua) & c(u)re, u/ua/ew
ɔɪ, oi/oy, b(oy) & c(oi)n, o/oi/oy
oʊ, oa/oh ('o' if ends in 'e'), g(o) & b(oa)t, o/oa/ow/oh
eə, eah/ea, y(eah) & (ai)r & L(eigha), a/ea/ai/eya/eah
ʊə, ough, us(ua)l & t(ou)rist, u/ua/aw/ou/eu
ɪ, ih/i/y, b(i)t & w(i)n, i/i/i/y
e, eh/e, p(e)t & s(e)nt, e/e/e/ea
æ, a/aa, (a)sk & cl(a)ssic, a/a/a/o
ʌ, uh/u, b(u)t & l(o)ve, u/u/ou/o
ɒ, o/ahh, h(o)bscotch & w(a)tch, o/a
ʊ, oeuh/oo/u, p(u)t & w(oo)d, u/oo/ou/oul
ə, uh/a, (a)bout & sof(a), a/u
ɑ, ao, n(o)m & p(a)lm, a/o/ao/ol/al
ɛ, eh/ea/e, b(e)d & h(ea)d, e/ea
i, ee/ea/e, s(ee) & f(ie)ld, e/ea/ee/ie
ɔ, aw/au, l(aw) & c(au)ght, au/aw
u, ue/oo, b(oo)t & bl(ue), u/oo/ue/oe
p, p, (p)en & a(pp)le, p
b, b, (b)ed & ru(b), b
t, t, (t)op & ca(t), t
d, d, (d)og & ba(d), d
g, g, (g)o & ba(g), g
k, c/k/ck, (c)at & ba(ck), c/k/ck
f, f/ph, (f)ish & (ph)one, f/f/ph
v, v, (v)ery & lo(v)e, v
θ, th, (th)in & ma(th), th
ð, th, (th)is & brea(the), th
s, s, (s)un & mi(ss), s
z, z, (z)oo & bu(zz), z
ʃ, sh, (sh)oe & fi(sh), sh
ʒ, zh/jh/s, plea(s)ure & bei(g)e, s/z/zh/jh
h, h, (h)at & a(h)ead, h
tʃ, cc/ch, (ch)in & wat(ch), ch
dʒ, j/dg, (j)am & ed(ge), j
m, m, (m)an & hu(m), m
n, n, (n)o & su(n), n
ŋ, ng, si(ng) & ri(ng), ng
l, l, (l)eg & pi(ll), l
r, r, (r)ed & ca(r), r
j, y, (y)es & on(i)on, y/y/i/ie
w, w, (w)et & a(w)ay, w/w/ua/ju