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# 用于coronal角度数据的读取
import os
from data.base_dataset import BaseDataset, get_params, get_transform
from data.image_folder import make_dataset
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import torch
from .mask_extract import process_spine_data, process_spine_data_aug
import json
import nibabel as nib
import random
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from scipy.ndimage import label, find_objects
def remove_small_connected_components(input_array, min_size):
# 识别连通域
structure = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=np.int32) # 定义连通性结构
labeled, ncomponents = label(input_array, structure)
# 遍历所有连通域,如果连通域大小小于阈值,则去除
for i in range(1, ncomponents + 1):
if np.sum(labeled == i) < min_size:
input_array[labeled == i] = 0
# 如果输入是张量,则转换回张量
return input_array
class AlignedDataset(BaseDataset):
"""A dataset class for paired image dataset.
It assumes that the directory '/path/to/data/train' contains image pairs in the form of {A,B}.
During test time, you need to prepare a directory '/path/to/data/test'.
def __init__(self, opt):
"""Initialize this dataset class.
opt (Option class) -- stores all the experiment flags; needs to be a subclass of BaseOptions
BaseDataset.__init__(self, opt)
# 读取json文件来选择训练集、测试集和验证集
with open('/home/zhangqi/Project/pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix-master/data/vertebra_data.json', 'r') as file:
vertebra_set = json.load(file)
self.normal_vert_list = []
self.abnormal_vert_list = []
# 初始化存储normal和abnormal vertebrae的字典
self.normal_vert_dict = {}
self.abnormal_vert_dict = {}
for patient_vert_id in vertebra_set[opt.phase].keys():
# 分离patient id和vert id
patient_id, vert_id = patient_vert_id.rsplit('_',1)
# 判断该vertebra是normal还是abnormal
if int(vertebra_set[opt.phase][patient_vert_id]) <= 1:
# 如果是normal,添加到normal_vert_dict
if patient_id not in self.normal_vert_dict:
self.normal_vert_dict[patient_id] = [vert_id]
# 如果是abnormal,添加到abnormal_vert_dict
if patient_id not in self.abnormal_vert_dict:
self.abnormal_vert_dict[patient_id] = [vert_id]
if opt.vert_class=="normal":
self.vertebra_id = np.array(self.normal_vert_list)
elif opt.vert_class=="abnormal":
self.vertebra_id = np.array(self.abnormal_vert_list)
print("No vert class is set.")
self.vertebra_id = None
#self.dir_AB = os.path.join(opt.dataroot, opt.phase) # get the image directory
self.dir_AB = opt.dataroot
#self.dir_mask = os.path.join(opt.dataroot,'mask',opt.phase)
#self.AB_paths = sorted(make_dataset(self.dir_AB, opt.max_dataset_size)) # get image paths
#self.mask_paths = sorted(make_dataset(self.dir_mask, opt.max_dataset_size))
assert(self.opt.load_size >= self.opt.crop_size) # crop_size should be smaller than the size of loaded image
self.input_nc = self.opt.output_nc if self.opt.direction == 'BtoA' else self.opt.input_nc
self.output_nc = self.opt.input_nc if self.opt.direction == 'BtoA' else self.opt.output_nc
def numpy_to_pil(self,img_np):
# 假设 img_np 是一个灰度图像的 NumPy 数组,值域在0到255
if img_np.dtype != np.uint8:
raise ValueError("NumPy array should have uint8 data type.")
# 转换为灰度PIL图像
img_pil = Image.fromarray(img_np)
return img_pil
# 按照金字塔概率选择一个slice,毕竟中间的slice包含的信息是最多的,因此尽量选择中间的slice
# 按照金字塔概率选择一个slice,毕竟中间的slice包含的信息是最多的,因此尽量选择中间的slice
def get_weighted_random_slice(self,z0, z1):
# 计算新的范围,限制为原来范围的2/3
range_length = z1 - z0 + 1
new_range_length = int(range_length * 4 / 5)
# 计算新范围的起始和结束索引
new_z0 = z0 + (range_length - new_range_length) // 2
new_z1 = new_z0 + new_range_length - 1
# 计算中心索引
center_index = (new_z0 + new_z1) // 2
# 计算每个索引的权重
weights = [1 - abs(i - center_index) / (new_z1 - new_z0) for i in range(new_z0, new_z1 + 1)]
# 归一化权重使得总和为1
total_weight = sum(weights)
normalized_weights = [w / total_weight for w in weights]
# 根据权重随机选择一个层
random_index = np.random.choice(range(new_z0, new_z1 + 1), p=normalized_weights)
index_ratio = abs(random_index-center_index)/range_length*2
return random_index,index_ratio
def get_valid_slice(self,vert_label, z0, z1,maxheight):
max_attempts = 100 # 设定最大尝试次数以避免无限循环
attempts = 0
while attempts < max_attempts:
slice_index,index_ratio = self.get_weighted_random_slice(z0, z1)
vert_label[:, slice_index, :] = remove_small_connected_components(vert_label[:, slice_index, :],50)
if np.sum(vert_label[:, slice_index, :])>50: # 检查切片是否非空
coords = np.argwhere(vert_label[:, slice_index, :])
x1, x2 = min(coords[:, 0]), max(coords[:, 0])
if x2-x1<maxheight:
return slice_index,index_ratio
attempts += 1
raise ValueError("Failed to find a non-empty slice after {} attempts.".format(max_attempts))
def __getitem__(self, index):
"""Return a data point and its metadata information.
index - - a random integer for data indexing
Returns a dictionary that contains A, B, A_paths and B_paths
A (tensor) - - an image in the input domain
B (tensor) - - its corresponding image in the target domain
A_paths (str) - - image paths
B_paths (str) - - image paths (same as A_paths)
# read a image given a random integer index
CAM_folder = '/home/zhangqi/Project/VertebralFractureGrading/heatmap/straighten_coronal/binaryclass_1'
CAM_path_0 = os.path.join(CAM_folder, self.vertebra_id[index]+'_0.nii.gz')
CAM_path_1 = os.path.join(CAM_folder, self.vertebra_id[index]+'_1.nii.gz')
if not os.path.exists(CAM_path_0):
CAM_path = CAM_path_1
CAM_path = CAM_path_0
CAM_data = nib.load(CAM_path).get_fdata() * 255
patient_id, vert_id = self.vertebra_id[index].rsplit('_', 1)
vert_id = int(vert_id)
normal_vert_list = self.normal_vert_dict[patient_id]
ct_path = os.path.join(self.dir_AB,"CT",self.vertebra_id[index]+'.nii.gz')
label_path = os.path.join(self.dir_AB,"label",self.vertebra_id[index]+'.nii.gz')
ct_data = nib.load(ct_path).get_fdata()
label_data = nib.load(label_path).get_fdata()
vert_label = np.zeros_like(label_data)
normal_vert_label = label_data.copy()
if normal_vert_list:
for normal_vert in normal_vert_list:
normal_vert_label = np.zeros_like(label_data)
loc = np.where(vert_label)
# 冠状面选择
z0 = min(loc[1])
z1 = max(loc[1])
maxheight = 40
slice,slice_ratio = self.get_valid_slice(vert_label, z0, z1, maxheight)
#vert_label[:, :, slice] = remove_small_connected_components(vert_label[:, :, slice],50)
coords = np.argwhere(vert_label[:, slice, :])
x1, x2 = min(coords[:, 0]), max(coords[:, 0])
except ValueError as e:
width,length = vert_label[:,slice,:].shape
height = x2-x1
mask_x = (x1+x2)//2
h2 = maxheight
if height>h2:
if mask_x<=h2//2:
min_x = 0
max_x = min_x + h2
elif width-mask_x<=h2/2:
max_x = width
min_x = max_x -h2
min_x = mask_x-h2//2
max_x = min_x + h2
# 创建256x256的空白数组
target_A = np.zeros((256, 256))
target_B = np.zeros((256, 256))
target_A1 = np.zeros((256, 256))
target_normal_vert_label = np.zeros((256, 256))
target_mask = np.zeros((256, 256))
target_CAM = np.zeros((256, 256))
# 定位原切片放置的起始和结束列
start_col = (256 - 64) // 2
end_col = start_col + 64
# 对于A,直接从ct_data中取切片,然后放置到target_A中
target_B[:min_x, start_col:end_col] = ct_data[(x1-min_x):x1, slice, :]
target_B[max_x:, start_col:end_col] = ct_data[x2:x2+(width-max_x), slice, :]
target_A[:, start_col:end_col] = ct_data[:,slice,:]
# 处理A1,将label_data中特定ID的位置设为255,其他为0
A1 = np.zeros_like(label_data[:, slice, :])
A1[label_data[:, slice, :] == vert_id] = 255
target_A1[:, start_col:end_col] = A1
# 处理normal_vert_label
target_normal_vert_label[:min_x, start_col:end_col] = normal_vert_label[(x1-min_x):x1, slice, :]
target_normal_vert_label[max_x:, start_col:end_col] = normal_vert_label[x2:x2+(width-max_x), slice, :]
# 处理mask
target_mask[min_x:max_x, start_col:end_col] = 255
target_CAM[:min_x, start_col:end_col] = CAM_data[(x1-min_x):x1, slice, :]
target_CAM[max_x:, start_col:end_col] = CAM_data[x2:x2+(width-max_x), slice, :]
target_A = target_A.astype(np.uint8)
target_B = target_B.astype(np.uint8)
target_A1 = target_A1.astype(np.uint8)
target_normal_vert_label = target_normal_vert_label.astype(np.uint8)
target_mask = target_mask.astype(np.uint8)
target_CAM = target_CAM.astype(np.uint8)
target_A = self.numpy_to_pil(target_A)
target_B = self.numpy_to_pil(target_B)
target_A1 = self.numpy_to_pil(target_A1)
target_mask = self.numpy_to_pil(target_mask)
target_normal_vert_label = self.numpy_to_pil(target_normal_vert_label)
target_CAM = self.numpy_to_pil(target_CAM)
# apply the same transform to both A and B
A_transform =transforms.Compose([
transforms.Normalize((0.5,), (0.5,))
mask_transform = transforms.Compose([
target_A = A_transform(target_A)
target_B = A_transform(target_B)
target_A1 = mask_transform(target_A1)
target_mask = mask_transform(target_mask)
target_normal_vert_label = mask_transform(target_normal_vert_label)
target_CAM = mask_transform(target_CAM)
return {'A': target_A, 'A_mask': target_A1, 'mask':target_mask,'B':target_B,'height':height,'x1':x1,'x2':x2,
'h2':h2,'slice_ratio':slice_ratio,'normal_vert':target_normal_vert_label,'CAM':target_CAM,'A_paths': ct_path, 'B_paths': ct_path}
def __len__(self):
"""Return the total number of images in the dataset."""
return len(self.vertebra_id)