import sys, os, json, glob |
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET |
PREDEF_CLASSE = {'ignored regions': 0, 'pedestrian': 1, 'people': 2, |
'bicycle': 3, 'car': 4, 'van': 5, 'truck': 6, 'tricycle': 7, |
'awning-tricycle': 8, 'bus': 9, 'motor': 10, 'others': 11} |
def get(root, name): |
return root.findall(name) |
def get_and_check(root, name, length): |
vars = root.findall(name) |
if len(vars) == 0: |
raise NotImplementedError('Can not find %s in %s.' % (name, root.tag)) |
if length > 0 and len(vars) != length: |
raise NotImplementedError('The size of %s is supposed to be %d, but is %d.' % (name, length, len(vars))) |
if length == 1: |
vars = vars[0] |
return vars |
def convert(xml_paths, out_json): |
json_dict = {'images': [], 'type': 'instances', |
'categories': [], 'annotations': []} |
categories = PREDEF_CLASSE |
bbox_id = INITIAL_BBOXIds |
for image_id, xml_f in enumerate(xml_paths): |
sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d' % ( |
image_id + 1, len(xml_paths))) |
sys.stdout.flush() |
tree = ET.parse(xml_f) |
root = tree.getroot() |
filename = get_and_check(root, 'filename', 1).text |
size = get_and_check(root, 'size', 1) |
width = int(get_and_check(size, 'width', 1).text) |
height = int(get_and_check(size, 'height', 1).text) |
image = {'file_name': filename, 'height': height, |
'width': width, 'id': image_id + 1} |
json_dict['images'].append(image) |
for obj in get(root, 'object'): |
category = get_and_check(obj, 'name', 1).text |
if category not in categories: |
new_id = max(categories.values()) + 1 |
categories[category] = new_id |
category_id = categories[category] |
bbox = get_and_check(obj, 'bndbox', 1) |
xmin = int(get_and_check(bbox, 'xmin', 1).text) - 1 |
ymin = int(get_and_check(bbox, 'ymin', 1).text) - 1 |
xmax = int(get_and_check(bbox, 'xmax', 1).text) |
ymax = int(get_and_check(bbox, 'ymax', 1).text) |
if xmax <= xmin or ymax <= ymin: |
continue |
o_width = abs(xmax - xmin) |
o_height = abs(ymax - ymin) |
ann = {'area': o_width * o_height, 'iscrowd': 0, 'image_id': image_id + 1, |
'bbox': [xmin, ymin, o_width, o_height], 'category_id': category_id, |
'id': bbox_id, 'ignore': 0, 'segmentation': []} |
json_dict['annotations'].append(ann) |
bbox_id = bbox_id + 1 |
for cate, cid in categories.items(): |
cat = {'supercategory': 'none', 'id': cid, 'name': cate} |
json_dict['categories'].append(cat) |
json.dump(json_dict, open(out_json, 'w'), indent=4) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
xml_path = r'VisDrone2019-DET-val/Annotations_XML/' |
xml_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(xml_path, '*.xml')) |
convert(xml_file, r'VisDrone2019-DET-val/VisDrone2019-DET-val.json') |