File size: 3,202 Bytes
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import os
from PIL import Image
# 把下面的root_dir路径改成数据集的路径即可
root_dir = "VisDrone2019-DET-val/"
annotations_dir = root_dir + "annotations/"
image_dir = root_dir + "images/"
xml_dir = root_dir + "Annotations_XML/" # 在工作目录下创建Annotations_XML文件夹保存xml文件
# 0-11 共12类
# 下面的类别换成数据类别,也可适用于其他的数据集转换
# 适用于coco128
class_name = ['ignored regions', 'pedestrian', 'people', 'bicycle', 'car', 'van',
'truck', 'tricycle', 'awning-tricycle', 'bus', 'motor', 'others']
for filename in os.listdir(annotations_dir):
fin = open(annotations_dir + filename, 'r')
image_name = filename.split('.')[0]
img = + image_name + ".jpg") # 若图像数据是“png”转换成“.png”即可
xml_name = xml_dir + image_name + '.xml'
with open(xml_name, 'w') as fout:
fout.write('<annotation>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t' + '<folder>VOC2007</folder>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t' + '<filename>' + image_name + '.jpg' + '</filename>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t' + '<source>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t\t' + '<database>' + 'VisDrone2019-DET' + '</database>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t\t' + '<annotation>' + 'VisDrone2019-DET' + '</annotation>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t\t' + '<image>' + 'flickr' + '</image>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t\t' + '<flickrid>' + 'Unspecified' + '</flickrid>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t' + '</source>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t' + '<owner>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t\t' + '<flickrid>' + 'LJ' + '</flickrid>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t\t' + '<name>' + 'LJ' + '</name>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t' + '</owner>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t' + '<size>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t\t' + '<width>' + str(img.size[0]) + '</width>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t\t' + '<height>' + str(img.size[1]) + '</height>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t\t' + '<depth>' + '3' + '</depth>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t' + '</size>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t' + '<segmented>' + '0' + '</segmented>' + '\n')
for line in fin.readlines():
line = line.split(',')
fout.write('\t' + '<object>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t\t' + '<name>' + class_name[int(line[5])] + '</name>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t\t' + '<pose>' + 'Unspecified' + '</pose>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t\t' + '<truncated>' + line[6] + '</truncated>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t\t' + '<difficult>' + str(int(line[7])) + '</difficult>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t\t' + '<bndbox>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t\t\t' + '<xmin>' + line[0] + '</xmin>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t\t\t' + '<ymin>' + line[1] + '</ymin>' + '\n')
# pay attention to this point!(0-based)
fout.write('\t\t\t' + '<xmax>' + str(int(line[0]) + int(line[2]) - 1) + '</xmax>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t\t\t' + '<ymax>' + str(int(line[1]) + int(line[3]) - 1) + '</ymax>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t\t' + '</bndbox>' + '\n')
fout.write('\t' + '</object>' + '\n')