- sentence-transformers
- sentence-similarity
- feature-extraction
- generated_from_trainer
- dataset_size:305
- loss:MultipleNegativesRankingLoss
base_model: nomic-ai/modernbert-embed-base
- source_sentence: According to the text, when is an approach permitted?
- "25.1.2\tAdjudicate on the Rules of the game;\n25.1.3\tImpose any sanction necessary to control the match;\n25.1.4\tAward Tries and record the progressive score;\n25.1.5\tMaintain a count of Touches during each Possession;\n25.1.6\tAward Penalties for Infringements against the Rules; and\n25.1.7\tReport to the relevant competition administration any Sin Bins, \nDismissals or injuries to any participant sustained during a Match.25.2\tOnly Team captains are permitted to seek clarification of a decision directly \nfrom the Referee.An approach may only be made during a break in play or at \nthe discretion of the Referee."
- "11.2\tA player in Possession may not intentionally kick, pass, flick, knock, throw, \nhand-off or otherwise propel the ball in a Forward direction over an opposition \nplayer and regain Possession.Ruling = A Penalty will be awarded to the Defending Team at the Mark where the ball was \npropelled Forward.12 Ball Touched in Flight \n \n12.1\tIf a player from the Defending Team deliberately makes contact with the ball in \nflight and the ball goes to ground, the Attacking Team retains the ball and the \nTouch Count restarts as zero (0) Touch.12.2\tIf a player from the Defending Team deliberately makes contact with the ball \nin flight and the ball is retrieved by an attacking player, without touching the \nground, play continues and the next Touch is zero (0) Touch."
- "Ruling = A Penalty to the Attacking Team at the point of the Infringement or on the seven (7) \nmetre line directly Forward of the Infringement.15.4\tWhen a Rollball occurs within Defending Team’s Seven Metre Zone or a Penalty \nTap within ten (10) metres of the Defending Team’s Try Line, all players from the \nDefending Team must have both feet on or behind their Try Line and no other \npart of the body in contact with the ground Forward of their Try Line.Ruling = A Penalty to the Attacking Team at the seven (7) metre line directly Forward of the \npoint of the Infringement.15.5\tAfter effecting the Touch, the defending player must retire the required seven \n(7) metres or to the Defending Try Line as indicated by the Referee without \ninterfering with the Attacking Team.Ruling = A Penalty to the Attacking Team ten (10) metres Forward of the Infringement or if \non the Defensive Try Line, on the seven (7) metre line."
- source_sentence: >-
If a player intentionally propels the ball forward over an opponent and
regains possession, what is the ruling?
- "24.5\tFor the avoidance of doubt for clauses 24.3 and 24.4 the non-offending Team \nwill retain a numerical advantage on the Field of Play during the Drop-Off.25 Match Officials \n25.1\tThe Referee is the sole judge on all match related matters inside the Perimeter \nfor the Duration of a match, has jurisdiction over all players, coaches and \nofficials and is required to:\n25.1.1\tInspect the Field of Play, Line Markings and Markers prior to the \ncommencement of the Match to ensure the safety of all participants.25.1.2\tAdjudicate on the Rules of the game;\n25.1.3\tImpose any sanction necessary to control the match;\n25.1.4\tAward Tries and record the progressive score;\n25.1.5\tMaintain a count of Touches during each Possession;\n25.1.6\tAward Penalties for Infringements against the Rules; and\n25.1.7\tReport to the relevant competition administration any Sin Bins, \nDismissals or injuries to any participant sustained during a Match."
- |-
See Appendix 1.Forced Interchange
When a player is required to undertake a compulsory Interchange for
an Infringement ruled more serious than a Penalty but less serious
than a Permanent Interchange, Sin Bin or Dismissal.Forward
A position or direction towards the Dead Ball Line beyond the Team’s
Attacking Try Line.Full Time
The expiration of the second period of time allowed for play.Half
The player who takes Possession following a Rollball.Half Time
The break in play between the two halves of a match.Imminent
About to occur, it is almost certain to occur.Infringement
The action of a player contrary to the Rules of the game.In-Goal Area
The area in the Field of Play bounded by the Sidelines, the Try Lines
and the Dead Ball Lines.There are two (2), one (1) at each end of the
Field of Play.See Appendix 1.Interchange
The act of an on-field player leaving the Field of Play to be replaced
by an off-field player entering the Field of Play.
- "Ruling = A Change of Possession occurs at the point of the Touch, or if In-Goal the nearest \npoint on the seven (7) metre line.10.8\tIf a Touch is made in the In-Goal Area before the ball is grounded, the player in \nPossession is to perform a Rollball seven (7) metres from the Team’s Attacking \nTry Line, provided it is not the sixth Touch and the player is not Half.10.9\tIf a player in Possession is Touched while on or behind their Defending Try Line, \nthe Touch counts and once the Referee sets the Mark seven (7) metres directly \nForward of the contact point from the Defending Team’s Try Line, a Rollball is \nperformed.10.10\tIf a player in Possession intentionally makes a Touch on an Offside defender \nwho is making every effort to retire and remain out of play, the Touch counts."
- source_sentence: How large is the Ruck/Rollball Area?
- "13.5\tA player may only perform a Rollball at the Mark under the following \ncircumstances:\n13.5.1\twhen a Touch has been made; or\n13.5.2\twhen Possession changes following the sixth Touch; or\n13.5.3\twhen Possession changes due to the ball being dropped or passed and \ngoes to the ground; or\n13.5.4\twhen Possession changes due to an Infringement by an attacking player \nat a Penalty, a Tap or a Rollball; or\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch Football Australia 2020\n11\n13.5.5\twhen Possession changes after the Half is Touched or when the Half \nplaces the ball on or over the Try Line; or\n13.5.6\tin replacement of a Penalty Tap; or\n13.5.7\twhen so directed by the Referee.13.6\tA player is to perform a Rollball seven (7) metres in-field under the following \ncircumstances:\n13.6.1\twhen a Change of Possession takes place due to a player in Possession \nmaking contact with the Sideline or any ground outside the Field of Play, \nprior to a Touch being made; or\n13.6.2\twhen the ball not in Possession of a player makes contact with the \nSideline or any ground outside the Field of Play."
- "13.5\tA player may only perform a Rollball at the Mark under the following \ncircumstances:\n13.5.1\twhen a Touch has been made; or\n13.5.2\twhen Possession changes following the sixth Touch; or\n13.5.3\twhen Possession changes due to the ball being dropped or passed and \ngoes to the ground; or\n13.5.4\twhen Possession changes due to an Infringement by an attacking player \nat a Penalty, a Tap or a Rollball; or\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch Football Australia 2020\n11\n13.5.5\twhen Possession changes after the Half is Touched or when the Half \nplaces the ball on or over the Try Line; or\n13.5.6\tin replacement of a Penalty Tap; or\n13.5.7\twhen so directed by the Referee.13.6\tA player is to perform a Rollball seven (7) metres in-field under the following \ncircumstances:\n13.6.1\twhen a Change of Possession takes place due to a player in Possession \nmaking contact with the Sideline or any ground outside the Field of Play, \nprior to a Touch being made; or\n13.6.2\twhen the ball not in Possession of a player makes contact with the \nSideline or any ground outside the Field of Play."
- |-
See Appendix 1.Forced Interchange
When a player is required to undertake a compulsory Interchange for
an Infringement ruled more serious than a Penalty but less serious
than a Permanent Interchange, Sin Bin or Dismissal.Forward
A position or direction towards the Dead Ball Line beyond the Team’s
Attacking Try Line.Full Time
The expiration of the second period of time allowed for play.Half
The player who takes Possession following a Rollball.Half Time
The break in play between the two halves of a match.Imminent
About to occur, it is almost certain to occur.Infringement
The action of a player contrary to the Rules of the game.In-Goal Area
The area in the Field of Play bounded by the Sidelines, the Try Lines
and the Dead Ball Lines.There are two (2), one (1) at each end of the
Field of Play.See Appendix 1.Interchange
The act of an on-field player leaving the Field of Play to be replaced
by an off-field player entering the Field of Play.
- source_sentence: When may players interchange following a try in Touch Rugby?
- "5.2\tA Team must have a minimum of four (4) players on the field for a match to \ncommence or continue, except during a Drop-Off.5.3\tWhere the number of players on the field from one Team falls below four (4), \nthe match is to be abandoned and the non-offending Team is to be declared the \nWinner.5.3.1\tThis does not apply for players sent to the Sin Bin Area.5.4\tIn mixed gender competitions, the maximum number of males allowed on the \nField of Play is three (3), the minimum male requirement is one (1) and the \nminimum female requirement is one (1).6 Team Coach and Team Officials \n6.1\tThe Team coach(s) and Team officials may be permitted inside the Perimeter \nbut shall be required to be positioned either in the Interchange Area or at the \nend of the Field of Play for the duration of the match.6.2\tThe Team coach(s) and Team officials may move from one position to the other \nbut shall do so without delay."
- "17.8\tFollowing a Try, players may Interchange at will, without having to wait for the \nplayer to enter the Interchange Area, but must do so prior to the Tap being taken \nto recommence play.18 Penalty \n18.1\tThe Tap must be performed in accordance with the Definitions.Ruling = The Referee will instruct the offending Team to return to the Mark and perform the \nTap again.18.2\tFor Infringements that occur between seven (7) metre lines, the Mark for the \nPenalty Tap is at the point of Infringement unless otherwise indicated by the \nReferee.18.3\tFor Infringements that occur within the Seven Metre Zone the Tap must be \ntaken at the nearest seven (7) metre line."
- "4.4\tHats or caps are permitted to be worn during a match provided they are safe \nand meet any NTA regulations.4.5\tSafe footwear must be worn with exceptions allowed for game variants such as \nBeach Touch.4.6\tLight leather or synthetic boots with soft moulded soles are permitted.4.6.1\tShoes with screw-in studs are not to be worn by any player or Referee.4.7\tPlayers are not to participate in any match wearing any item of jewellery, \nchain, identification band/bracelet or similar item that may prove dangerous.Any jewellery or other items that cannot be removed are to be taped to the \nsatisfaction of the Referee.4.8\tLong (extend beyond the finger flesh when viewed from the palm) or sharp \nfingernails are not allowed.4.9\tReferees and players may wear spectacles or sunglasses provided they are safe \nand securely attached."
- source_sentence: Is there a time-out for injuries during a standard Touch Rugby match?
- "Line \nMarkings are to be laid out as shown in Appendix 1 - The Field of Play.Sidelines \nextend seven (7) metres beyond the Try Lines to join the Dead Ball Lines and \ndefine the In-Goal Areas which measure fifty (50) metres wide by seven (7) \nmetres in length.1.3\tThe Interchange Areas are located no closer than one (1) metre from each \nSideline.1.4\tSuitably sized markers, cones or corner posts of a distinguishing colour and \nmade from safe and pliable material should be positioned at the intersections of \nthe Sideline and Halfway line and the Sideline and the Try Line.1.4.1\tMarkers, cones or corner posts placed on the junction of the Sideline and \nTry Line are deemed to be in the Field of Play.1.4.2\tAll other markers or cones are deemed to be out of the Field of Play.1.5\tThe standard playing surface is grass.Other surfaces including synthetic grass \nmay be used but shall be subject to NTA approved standards."
- "10.10\tIf a player in Possession intentionally makes a Touch on an Offside defender \nwho is making every effort to retire and remain out of play, the Touch counts.FIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch Football Australia 2020\n9\n10.11\tIf a Touch is made on a player in Possession while the player is juggling the ball \nin an attempt to maintain control of it, the Touch counts if the attacking player \nfollowing the Touch retains Possession.10.12\tIf a player in Possession is Touched and subsequently makes contact with \neither the Sideline, a field marker or the ground outside the Field of Play, the \nTouch counts and play continues with a Rollball at the Mark where the Touch \noccurred.10.13\tWhen a player from the Defending Team enters its defensive Seven Metre Zone, \nthe Defending Team must move Forward at a reasonable pace until a Touch is \nImminent or made.Ruling = A Penalty to the Attacking Team at the point of the Infringement."
- "4.9\tReferees and players may wear spectacles or sunglasses provided they are safe \nand securely attached.4.10\tReferees and players may wear sport monitoring equipment and medical \nsupports such as knee or ankle braces provided, at the sole discretion of \ncompetition’s controlling body, the items are not dangerous.5 Team Composition \n5.1\tA Team consists of a maximum of 14 players, no more than six (6) of whom are \nallowed on the field at any time.FIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\n6\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch Football Australia 2020\nRuling = A Penalty awarded to the non-offending Team at the time the offence is identified \nseven (7) metres infield on the Halfway Line or the position of the ball, whichever is the \ngreater Advantage.5.2\tA Team must have a minimum of four (4) players on the field for a match to \ncommence or continue, except during a Drop-Off."
- Trelis/touch-rugby-modernbert-pairs
pipeline_tag: sentence-similarity
library_name: sentence-transformers
SentenceTransformer based on nomic-ai/modernbert-embed-base
This is a sentence-transformers model finetuned from nomic-ai/modernbert-embed-base on the touch-rugby-modernbert-pairs dataset. It maps sentences & paragraphs to a 768-dimensional dense vector space and can be used for semantic textual similarity, semantic search, paraphrase mining, text classification, clustering, and more.
Model Details
Model Description
- Model Type: Sentence Transformer
- Base model: nomic-ai/modernbert-embed-base
- Maximum Sequence Length: 8192 tokens
- Output Dimensionality: 768 dimensions
- Similarity Function: Cosine Similarity
- Training Dataset:
Model Sources
- Documentation: Sentence Transformers Documentation
- Repository: Sentence Transformers on GitHub
- Hugging Face: Sentence Transformers on Hugging Face
Full Model Architecture
(0): Transformer({'max_seq_length': 8192, 'do_lower_case': False}) with Transformer model: ModernBertModel
(1): Pooling({'word_embedding_dimension': 768, 'pooling_mode_cls_token': False, 'pooling_mode_mean_tokens': True, 'pooling_mode_max_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_mean_sqrt_len_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_weightedmean_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_lasttoken': False, 'include_prompt': True})
(2): Normalize()
Direct Usage (Sentence Transformers)
First install the Sentence Transformers library:
pip install -U sentence-transformers
Then you can load this model and run inference.
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
# Download from the 🤗 Hub
model = SentenceTransformer("Trelis/modernbert-embed-base-touch-rugby-ft")
# Run inference
sentences = [
'Is there a time-out for injuries during a standard Touch Rugby match?',
'4.9\tReferees and players may wear spectacles or sunglasses provided they are safe \nand securely attached.4.10\tReferees and players may wear sport monitoring equipment and medical \nsupports such as knee or ankle braces provided, at the sole discretion of \ncompetition’s controlling body, the items are not dangerous.5\u2002 Team Composition \n5.1\tA Team consists of a maximum of 14 players, no more than six (6) of whom are \nallowed on the field at any time.FIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\n6\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch Football Australia 2020\nRuling = A Penalty awarded to the non-offending Team at the time the offence is identified \nseven (7) metres infield on the Halfway Line or the position of the ball, whichever is the \ngreater Advantage.5.2\tA Team must have a minimum of four (4) players on the field for a match to \ncommence or continue, except during a Drop-Off.',
'10.10\tIf a player in Possession intentionally makes a Touch on an Offside defender \nwho is making every effort to retire and remain out of play, the Touch counts.FIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch Football Australia 2020\n9\n10.11\tIf a Touch is made on a player in Possession while the player is juggling the ball \nin an attempt to maintain control of it, the Touch counts if the attacking player \nfollowing the Touch retains Possession.10.12\tIf a player in Possession is Touched and subsequently makes contact with \neither the Sideline, a field marker or the ground outside the Field of Play, the \nTouch counts and play continues with a Rollball at the Mark where the Touch \noccurred.10.13\tWhen a player from the Defending Team enters its defensive Seven Metre Zone, \nthe Defending Team must move Forward at a reasonable pace until a Touch is \nImminent or made.Ruling = A Penalty to the Attacking Team at the point of the Infringement.',
embeddings = model.encode(sentences)
# [3, 768]
# Get the similarity scores for the embeddings
similarities = model.similarity(embeddings, embeddings)
# [3, 3]
Training Details
Training Dataset
- Dataset: touch-rugby-modernbert-pairs at 7cb0ae2
- Size: 305 training samples
- Columns:
- Approximate statistics based on the first 305 samples:
question related_chunk type string string details - min: 10 tokens
- mean: 18.73 tokens
- max: 36 tokens
- min: 147 tokens
- mean: 231.2 tokens
- max: 319 tokens
- Samples:
question related_chunk What is defined as 'Forward' in the context of Touch Rugby?
The match official(s) appointed to make Rulings during the conduct
of a match.Rollball
The act of bringing the ball into play following a Touch or a Change
of Possession.Ruck/Rollball Area
The area, not exceeding one (1) metre in distance, between the
player performing a Rollball and the Half.Ruling
The decision made by a Referee as a result of particular
circumstance and may result in a Play On, a Tap Penalty, a discipline
option, Change of Possession or a Try.Seven Metre Zone
The area between the seven (7) metre line and the Try Line.See
Appendix 1.Sidelines
The side boundaries of the Field of Play.See Appendix 1.Sin Bin
A player sent to the Sin-Bin Area for a period of four (4) completed
Possessions.The player is counted as a player on the Field of Play
and cannot be replaced or Interchanged.What is the numerical difference between the teams on the field of play during a Drop-Off if a player has been sent to the sin bin?
24.5 For the avoidance of doubt for clauses 24.3 and 24.4 the non-offending Team
will retain a numerical advantage on the Field of Play during the Drop-Off.25 Match Officials
25.1 The Referee is the sole judge on all match related matters inside the Perimeter
for the Duration of a match, has jurisdiction over all players, coaches and
officials and is required to:
25.1.1 Inspect the Field of Play, Line Markings and Markers prior to the
commencement of the Match to ensure the safety of all participants.25.1.2 Adjudicate on the Rules of the game;
25.1.3 Impose any sanction necessary to control the match;
25.1.4 Award Tries and record the progressive score;
25.1.5 Maintain a count of Touches during each Possession;
25.1.6 Award Penalties for Infringements against the Rules; and
25.1.7 Report to the relevant competition administration any Sin Bins,
Dismissals or injuries to any participant sustained during a Match.What happens if neither team is leading after two minutes of play in a Drop-Off?
24.1.5 Should neither Team be leading at the expiration of two (2) minutes, a
signal is given and the match will pause at the next Touch or Dead Ball.Each Team will then remove another player from the Field of Play.24.1.6 The Match will recommence immediately after the players have left the
field at the same place where it paused (i.e.the Team retains Possession
at the designated number of Touches, or at Change of Possession due to
some Infringement or the sixth Touch) and the Match will continue until a
Try is scored.24.1.7 There is no time off during the Drop-Off and the clock does not stop at
the two (2) minute interval.24.1.8 Substitution during the Drop-Off is permitted in accordance with normal
Interchange Rules.24.2 Mixed gender Teams may have no more than (2) males on the field during the
Drop-Off. - Loss:
with these parameters:{ "scale": 20.0, "similarity_fct": "cos_sim" }
Evaluation Dataset
- Dataset: touch-rugby-modernbert-pairs at 7cb0ae2
- Size: 305 evaluation samples
- Columns:
- Approximate statistics based on the first 305 samples:
question related_chunk type string string details - min: 13 tokens
- mean: 17.61 tokens
- max: 32 tokens
- min: 147 tokens
- mean: 230.39 tokens
- max: 319 tokens
- Samples:
question related_chunk What is the penalty for an attacking player obstructing a defender in Touch Rugby?
Ruling = A Penalty to the Attacking Team at the point of the Infringement or on the seven (7)
metre line directly Forward of the Infringement.15.4 When a Rollball occurs within Defending Team’s Seven Metre Zone or a Penalty
Tap within ten (10) metres of the Defending Team’s Try Line, all players from the
Defending Team must have both feet on or behind their Try Line and no other
part of the body in contact with the ground Forward of their Try Line.Ruling = A Penalty to the Attacking Team at the seven (7) metre line directly Forward of the
point of the Infringement.15.5 After effecting the Touch, the defending player must retire the required seven
(7) metres or to the Defending Try Line as indicated by the Referee without
interfering with the Attacking Team.Ruling = A Penalty to the Attacking Team ten (10) metres Forward of the Infringement or if
on the Defensive Try Line, on the seven (7) metre line.When must a player perform a Rollball seven metres in-field?
13.5 A player may only perform a Rollball at the Mark under the following
13.5.1 when a Touch has been made; or
13.5.2 when Possession changes following the sixth Touch; or
13.5.3 when Possession changes due to the ball being dropped or passed and
goes to the ground; or
13.5.4 when Possession changes due to an Infringement by an attacking player
at a Penalty, a Tap or a Rollball; or
FIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition
COPYRIGHT © Touch Football Australia 2020
13.5.5 when Possession changes after the Half is Touched or when the Half
places the ball on or over the Try Line; or
13.5.6 in replacement of a Penalty Tap; or
13.5.7 when so directed by the Referee.13.6 A player is to perform a Rollball seven (7) metres in-field under the following
13.6.1 when a Change of Possession takes place due to a player in Possession
making contact with the Sideline or any ground outside the Field of Play,
prior to a Touch being made; or
13.6.2 when the ball not in Poss...What is the ruling if a player uses excessive force when making a touch?
FIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition
COPYRIGHT © Touch Football Australia 2020
9.6 If a player mishandles the ball and even if in an effort to gain control, the ball
is accidentally knocked Forward into any other Player, a Change of Possession
results.10 The Touch
10.1 A Touch may be made by either a defending player or a player in Possession.10.2 A defending player may not claim a Touch if contact has not been made.If a
player claims a Touch has been made, but the Referee is unsure the Touch will
count.Ruling = A Penalty to the Attacking Team at the point of the Infringement and the offending
player sent to the Sin Bin.10.3 Players of both Defending and Attacking Teams are to use the minimum force
necessary to make a Touch.Players must ensure that the method employed in
making a Touch does not pose an unnecessary risk to player safety.Ruling = A Penalty to the non-offending Team at the point of the Infringement. - Loss:
with these parameters:{ "scale": 20.0, "similarity_fct": "cos_sim" }
Training Hyperparameters
Non-Default Hyperparameters
: stepsper_device_train_batch_size
: 32per_device_eval_batch_size
: 32learning_rate
: 2e-05num_train_epochs
: 1lr_scheduler_type
: cosinewarmup_ratio
: 0.3
All Hyperparameters
Click to expand
: Falsedo_predict
: Falseeval_strategy
: stepsprediction_loss_only
: Trueper_device_train_batch_size
: 32per_device_eval_batch_size
: 32per_gpu_train_batch_size
: Noneper_gpu_eval_batch_size
: Nonegradient_accumulation_steps
: 1eval_accumulation_steps
: Nonetorch_empty_cache_steps
: Nonelearning_rate
: 2e-05weight_decay
: 0.0adam_beta1
: 0.9adam_beta2
: 0.999adam_epsilon
: 1e-08max_grad_norm
: 1.0num_train_epochs
: 1max_steps
: -1lr_scheduler_type
: cosinelr_scheduler_kwargs
: {}warmup_ratio
: 0.3warmup_steps
: 0log_level
: passivelog_level_replica
: warninglog_on_each_node
: Truelogging_nan_inf_filter
: Truesave_safetensors
: Truesave_on_each_node
: Falsesave_only_model
: Falserestore_callback_states_from_checkpoint
: Falseno_cuda
: Falseuse_cpu
: Falseuse_mps_device
: Falseseed
: 42data_seed
: Nonejit_mode_eval
: Falseuse_ipex
: Falsebf16
: Falsefp16
: Falsefp16_opt_level
: O1half_precision_backend
: autobf16_full_eval
: Falsefp16_full_eval
: Falsetf32
: Nonelocal_rank
: 0ddp_backend
: Nonetpu_num_cores
: Nonetpu_metrics_debug
: Falsedebug
: []dataloader_drop_last
: Falsedataloader_num_workers
: 0dataloader_prefetch_factor
: Nonepast_index
: -1disable_tqdm
: Falseremove_unused_columns
: Truelabel_names
: Noneload_best_model_at_end
: Falseignore_data_skip
: Falsefsdp
: []fsdp_min_num_params
: 0fsdp_config
: {'min_num_params': 0, 'xla': False, 'xla_fsdp_v2': False, 'xla_fsdp_grad_ckpt': False}fsdp_transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap
: Noneaccelerator_config
: {'split_batches': False, 'dispatch_batches': None, 'even_batches': True, 'use_seedable_sampler': True, 'non_blocking': False, 'gradient_accumulation_kwargs': None}deepspeed
: Nonelabel_smoothing_factor
: 0.0optim
: adamw_torchoptim_args
: Noneadafactor
: Falsegroup_by_length
: Falselength_column_name
: lengthddp_find_unused_parameters
: Noneddp_bucket_cap_mb
: Noneddp_broadcast_buffers
: Falsedataloader_pin_memory
: Truedataloader_persistent_workers
: Falseskip_memory_metrics
: Trueuse_legacy_prediction_loop
: Falsepush_to_hub
: Falseresume_from_checkpoint
: Nonehub_model_id
: Nonehub_strategy
: every_savehub_private_repo
: Nonehub_always_push
: Falsegradient_checkpointing
: Falsegradient_checkpointing_kwargs
: Noneinclude_inputs_for_metrics
: Falseinclude_for_metrics
: []eval_do_concat_batches
: Truefp16_backend
: autopush_to_hub_model_id
: Nonepush_to_hub_organization
: Nonemp_parameters
: Falsefull_determinism
: Falsetorchdynamo
: Noneray_scope
: lastddp_timeout
: 1800torch_compile
: Falsetorch_compile_backend
: Nonetorch_compile_mode
: Nonedispatch_batches
: Nonesplit_batches
: Noneinclude_tokens_per_second
: Falseinclude_num_input_tokens_seen
: Falseneftune_noise_alpha
: Noneoptim_target_modules
: Nonebatch_eval_metrics
: Falseeval_on_start
: Falseuse_liger_kernel
: Falseeval_use_gather_object
: Falseaverage_tokens_across_devices
: Falseprompts
: Nonebatch_sampler
: batch_samplermulti_dataset_batch_sampler
: proportional
Training Logs
Epoch | Step | Training Loss | Validation Loss |
0.2222 | 2 | 2.7671 | nan |
0.4444 | 4 | 0.0 | nan |
0.6667 | 6 | 0.0 | nan |
0.8889 | 8 | 0.0 | nan |
Framework Versions
- Python: 3.12.4
- Sentence Transformers: 3.3.1
- Transformers: 4.48.0
- PyTorch: 2.5.1
- Accelerate: 1.3.0
- Datasets: 2.17.1
- Tokenizers: 0.21.0
Sentence Transformers
title = "Sentence-BERT: Sentence Embeddings using Siamese BERT-Networks",
author = "Reimers, Nils and Gurevych, Iryna",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
month = "11",
year = "2019",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
url = "",
title={Efficient Natural Language Response Suggestion for Smart Reply},
author={Matthew Henderson and Rami Al-Rfou and Brian Strope and Yun-hsuan Sung and Laszlo Lukacs and Ruiqi Guo and Sanjiv Kumar and Balint Miklos and Ray Kurzweil},