may i know where to put into sd webui folder for this model?

by frankdelamo - opened

i have just downloaded the giot fro wd tagger1.4, but listed dont have this model, may i know how do i added this new model to my current one?

i have just downloaded the giot fro wd tagger1.4, but listed dont have this model, may i know how do i added this new model to my current one?

  1. Install
  2. Edit your the C:\YOUR.STABLE.DIFFUSION.FOLDER\webui\extensions\stable-diffusion-webui-wd14-tagger\tagger\ with Visual Studio Code
  3. Find Line 19- interrogators: Dict[str, Interrogator] = {
  4. Add this to the code:
    'wd14-swinv2-v3': WaifuDiffusionInterrogator(
    'WD14 SwinV2 v3',
  5. This is what it looks like for me when I was finished.


  1. Load Forge/Auto1111 whatever you use and goto Tagger tab and select it from the list.

It will download after you run the tagger on an image. I also downloaded the Large EVA02 one also (newest release).

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