Load tokenizer and model in no internet kernel?

by nikjohn7 - opened

I am trying to load the Qwen model on a notebook with no internet access, so I canot use the trust_remote_code=True param. I have downloaded the model repo from huggingface, and have all the files and scripts, but when I try to load the tokenizer, I get this error:

Screenshot 2023-08-15 at 09.27.56.png

Here, qwen7b is the path to downloaded qwen-7b-chat files from huggingface

I have all the necessary latest files from huggingface downloaded

Screenshot 2023-08-15 at 14.16.50.png

How do I resolve this?

nikjohn7 changed discussion status to closed
nikjohn7 changed discussion status to open

Hi, will it work if you just try tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("./{path_of_the_downloaded_directory}/", trust_remote_code=True)? To use a custom tokenizer class not exist in transformers library, the trust_remote_code should be activated, even if there is no internet.

nikjohn7 changed discussion status to closed

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