Update README.md
1.57 kB
Upload MobileLLaMa.png
1.3 MB
Upload MobileLLaMa.png
7.2 kB
Update README.md
42 Bytes
initial upload
763 Bytes
Update config.json
9.41 kB
initial upload
111 Bytes
initial upload
38.5 kB
Rename modeling_mobillama.py to modelling_mobillama.py
1.07 GB
initial upload
169 Bytes
initial upload
500 kB
initial upload
1.1 kB
initial upload
776 Bytes
initial upload
Detected Pickle imports (12)
- "torch.device",
- "transformers.trainer_utils.IntervalStrategy",
- "transformers.trainer_utils.HubStrategy",
- "accelerate.utils.dataclasses.DeepSpeedPlugin",
- "transformers.integrations.deepspeed.HfDeepSpeedConfig",
- "accelerate.state.PartialState",
- "accelerate.utils.dataclasses.DistributedType",
- "transformers.training_args.OptimizerNames",
- "transformers.integrations.deepspeed.HfTrainerDeepSpeedConfig",
- "__main__.TrainingArguments",
- "torch.bfloat16",
- "transformers.trainer_utils.SchedulerType"
How to fix it?
6.84 kB
initial upload