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language: en
  - mnist
  - accuracy
  - name: EfficientNet-DigitClassifier-99Acc
      - task:
          name: Image Classification
          type: image-classification
          name: >-
            MNIST (Mixed National Institute of Standards and Technology)
          type: mnist
          args: mnist
          - name: Accuracy
            type: accuracy
            value: 99.58
  - computer-vision
  - cnn
  - mnist
  - educational
  - efficientnet



This model card introduces the EfficientNet-DigitClassifier-99Acc, a high-accuracy Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) designed for digit classification. Achieving an impressive accuracy of 99.58%, this model stands out as a reliable tool for recognizing handwritten digits, trained and validated on a large-scale digit dataset with 240,000 samples for training and 40,000 for testing.

Model Architecture

The EfficientNet-DigitClassifier-99Acc features a sequential CNN architecture optimized for 28x28 pixel grayscale images. The architecture includes:

  • Conv2D Layers: Two convolutional layers with 32 and 64 filters, respectively, using 3x3 kernels and ReLU activation.
  • MaxPooling2D Layers: Pooling layers following each Conv2D layer to reduce spatial dimensions.
  • Flatten Layer: Converts the 2D matrix data into a vector for processing in dense layers.
  • Dropout Layer: A dropout rate of 0.5 to mitigate overfitting.
  • Output Layer: A dense layer with 10 units and softmax activation, corresponding to the ten digit classes.


Training and testing were performed on a specially curated digit dataset derived from the MNIST database, featuring 240,000 training samples and 40,000 test samples. Each image underwent preprocessing to scale pixel values to the [0, 1] range and reshape to 28x28 pixels.


  • Test Loss: 0.0169
  • Test Accuracy: 99.58%

This model exemplifies state-of-the-art performance in digit classification, providing a robust solution for applications requiring high accuracy in digit recognition.