update readme
license: apache-2.0
inference: false
  - Lin-Chen/ShareGPT4V
pipeline_tag: image-text-to-text

open-llava-next-vicuna-7b Model Card

Model details

Model type: open-llava-next-vicuna-7b is an open-source implementation chatbot trained by fine-tuning the entire model on open-source Open-LLaVA-Next-mix1M data.

Model date: open-llava-next-vicuna-7b was trained in May 2024.

Paper or resources for more information: [Code]

Name LLM Checkpoint MME SEED-image SQA-image MMBench MMBench-CN TextVQA GQA
llava-next-vicuna-7b Vicuna-7B HF 1519 70.2 70.1 67.4 60.6 64.9 64.2
open-llava-next-vicuna-7b Vicuna-7B HF 1540 71.1 70.7 68.5 60.7 67.2 64.3


You can utilize this model as we provide in our [repository]. Moreover, you can direct load this model and use it in the [LLaVA repository].

Training dataset

All training data are open-sourced in our repository.

Intended use

Primary intended uses: The primary use of open-llava-next-vicuna-7b is research on large multimodal models and chatbots.

Primary intended users: The primary intended users of the model are researchers and hobbyists in computer vision, natural language processing, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.