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# Solution of Team Sribd-med for NeurIPS-CellSeg Challenge
This repository provides the solution of team Sribd-med for [NeurIPS-CellSeg](https://neurips22-cellseg.grand-challenge.org/) Challenge. The details of our method are described in our paper [Multi-stream Cell Segmentation with Low-level Cues for Multi-modality Images]. Some parts of the codes are from the baseline codes of the [NeurIPS-CellSeg-Baseline](https://github.com/JunMa11/NeurIPS-CellSeg) repository,
You can reproduce our method as follows step by step:
## Environments and Requirements:
Install requirements by
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
## Dataset
The competition training and tuning data can be downloaded from https://neurips22-cellseg.grand-challenge.org/dataset/
Besides, you can download three publiced data from the following link:
Cellpose: https://www.cellpose.org/dataset 
Omnipose: http://www.cellpose.org/dataset_omnipose
Sartorius: https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/sartorius-cell-instance-segmentation/overview 
## Automatic cell classification
You can classify the cells into four classes in this step.
Put all the images (competition + Cellpose + Omnipose + Sartorius) in one folder (data/allimages).
Run classification code:
python classification/unsup_classification.py
The results can be stored in data/classification_results/
## CNN-base classification model training
Using the classified images in data/classification_results/. A resnet18 is trained:
python classification/train_classification.py
## Segmentation Training
Pre-training convnext-stardist using all the images (data/allimages).
python train_convnext_stardist.py
For class 0,2,3 finetune on the classified data (Take class1 as a example):
python finetune_convnext_stardist.py model_dir=(The pretrained convnext-stardist model) data_dir='data/classification_results/class1'
For class 1 train the convnext-hover from scratch using classified class 3 data.
python train_convnext_hover.py data_dir='data/classification_results/class3'
Finally, four segmentation models will be trained.
## Trained models
The models can be downloaded from this link:
## Inference
The inference process includes classification and segmentation.
python predict.py -i input_path -o output_path --model_path './models'
## Evaluation
Calculate the F-score for evaluation:
python compute_metric.py --gt_path path_to_labels --seg_path output_path
## Results
The tuning set F1 score of our method is 0.8795. The rank running time of our method on all the 101 cases in the tuning set is zero in our local
## Acknowledgement
We thank for the contributors of public datasets.