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- 'Not one human has ever seen a living species in Mars or in any planet. In 1976 an odd feature appeared on Mars. Many people think that it looks like a human face. These people believe that the odd feature could be an alien living on Mars.\n\nThe news has been spreading around that the "face on Mars" is a creature living in space. I don't believe that aliens are real. Aliens are a figure that someone made up a long time ago hoping that their were more people in the Universe. I know this because if there were aliens in the Universe, someone probably would have already found one.\n\nA lot of odd objects float around in space. The face that people are seeing could just be a meteor. Meteors float around the Universe just trying to make problems. The meteor could have blasted into Mars and created the face like feature. Things like this are not very rare. Meteors have rocketed into Earth a great number of times.\n\nI also believe in Jesus. I believe in every single detail the Bible says. The face could be Jesus showing people that he is watching us. Everything in the Bible has either already happend or will happen in the future. Aliens are not in the Bible, therefore, I don't believe they exist.\n\nIf aliens really do exist we would have already found one. Humans have thought aliens are real for hundreds of years. The object could be a natural object like a meteor. Meteors pass through the Universe every single day. What makes this object different? Nothing make the object different. Jesus Christ has all of the creatures we need to know about in the Bible. Aliens are just not one of them. '
- 'Exploring Venus some people think that we should explore Venus because Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of Density and size and the closest in distance too. Some people call it the ''Evening Star,'' and is one of the brightest point in the night and even a simple person stargazer can spot it. Also, in our solar system Venus is the second planet from our sun. Since, Venus is simple to see from the distant and safe it has proved to be a very challenging place to examine more closely.\n\nEarth, Venus, and Mars is our other planetary neighbor, and orbits the sun at different speeds.The difference in speed mean it that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus. Venus is sometimes closer in space terms humans hace sent multiple spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world.\n\nScientists are even discussing further visits to its surface. Astronomers are amazed by Venus because it has once been the mos earth-like planet in our solar system. While ago Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and may have supported various forms of life.To this day Venus still has some features that are probably analogous to those on earth. Venus has a surface of rocky sediment and includes famaliar features such as valleys, mountains,and craters.\n\nNASA is planning on working in other ways to study venus in parapgraph it states there ideas " For exmple some simplified electroncis made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such condition''.Also they have another idea of using old technology in parapgraph 7 '' Another project is looking back to an old technology called computers these devices were first envisoned in the 1800s and played an important role the 1940s during world war two''. The thrill challenges by Venus has value not only the insight to be gained on the plante itself but also human curiosity.\n\nVenus is the closest planet to earth in terms of the density and size and some people call it the evening star and brightest in the night sky. Scientist want to explore on Venus and have curiosity whats on the planet Venus .Also scientist have other ways to explore and find out about the planet Venus.'
- 'Amazing! Venus often referred to as Earth's twin. Venus is the only planet that has a simlairty of Earth, a thick atmosphere of almost 97% carbon dioxide, and sending humans to study Venus.\n\nVenus is the only planet that has a simlairty of Earth. The size, and density are quite alike. Scientists believe that Venus, "Could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." Venus has water just like Earth does too. So this tell us that Venus and earth have many things that make them alike.\n\nVenus got a thick atmosphere of almost 97% carbon dioxide. "Have clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere." This tell us that Venus have much more carbon dioxide then earth has. Venus is much more hotter then Earth. Venus has temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Venus is some what alike to Earth, but it has many difference to it too.\n\nScientists are planning to sent humans to Venus to learn more about Venus. Scientists believes that, "The surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray." To get into Venus is going to be hard because there's a thick hot atmosphere. As in Earth, we don't have a hot thick atmosphere. Witch gives it a more difference.\n\nOverall, there's many things that venus show it's a great planets for people all around the world. It has a simlarity to Earth, it has a thick atmosphere, and scientists are thinking to send humans to learn more about Venus. What other more planets is more alike to Earth?'
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- "I don't really like the idea of driverless cars. They are just not specific with a lot of things and I don't like it there not be specific with all the cars and what kind. They are not telling me which companies they are from on some of the cars. They are not telling us what the car's companies are or like what kind of cars they are.\n\nThey are telling us about sensors and things like that but not the specifics and I need to know the specifics of all the cars not just one. Atleast all of these cars have negativety and has bad things to do with them but this driverless cars article is not telling me that. They are not talking about the gas mileage either and we need to know about the gas. You can't test computer driven cars it is illegal.\n\nI don't agree on this driverless cars passage and im not learning anything about these cars. They don't have the specifics and what the gas mileage of the car is and the simple things like that. You need to know a lot of things about these cars or you will either wreck your car is something bad is going to happen to where it blows up or anything like that so you have to know the specifics about your car or all cars. Some cars will change people's life and some of these cars these days will change the world. People actually need cars these days that's why I disagree with this article and I couldn't imagine a lot of people walking it just couldn't happen people would need cars they would not be walking. "
- "My position on driverless cars is that its negative because of you wreck your car it can sometimes be the cars fault and not yours but who knows besides you and the car. Many police may think that the wreck is your fault and charge you money for the wereckage and lets not forget about insurance.\n\nThe paragraph states that many peoplke will take their hands off the wheel and they will think that the car is going to drive its self but ut wont because of manufracturing problems so obviously we shouldnt have driverless cars because lots of things could go wrong and it wouldnt even be your fault.\n\nMy final conclusion is that we shouldnt have driverless cars unti they are absolutky positive and they have had many yest drives before letting anyone use it because 1 little thing could go wrong and that could be the end of\n\nsomeone's life.\n\nDriverless cars are dangerous because in paragraph\n\n9 the laws are that the people should still focus on the road because the car sometimes might switch to manual with out you knowing and if your not paying attention you could crash and become badly injured and will sue the car company."
- "I believe that driveless cars could be a good thing for the future and a bad thing, here's why. The bad thing about having a driveless car is that if you are near a car accident or some road changes, you must be alert when that happens. Most people would be hanging around just letting the car cruise because they know that it can drive on it's own. The good things about having a driveless car is that you wouldn't have to worry unless your car tells you that you are too close to something or you about wreck. The car lets you keep touch with the wheel so that you feel when the car will stop at anytime.\n\nDriveless cars could be just like smart phones, they can have technical difficulties. I believe that driveless could be a good idea, but things can wrong. Most smartphones power down at anytime, they also can stop working just because it's too much going on at one time. I think the same thing with smart cars can happen. When there is too much stuff happening on the roads, or the cars are just backed up, they might just stop to take a break in the middle of the street. You can't control when a car has too much going, like when someone runs out of gas. The car will immediately stop because there is no gas in the car, but with smart cars it will just stop because it needs a break or to clear of everything. My opinion.\n\nIn conclusion, I believe that it could be a good or bad thing. The author showed good and bads ways so it could go either way if you wanted a driveless car. He also stated that it could change that world but also keep the drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe. If someone was to get hurt, I don't think the driver should be punished for it, no one should. It would be the car because technology failed."
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- 'Driveless cars may be a great idea for the future. Many people probably support this idea, but not me. What I think about driveless cars is not positive. I have many things in my mind why I think driveless cars are not worth it.\n\nFirst off, driveless cars are pointless. And the reason why they are pointless is because why do we need to change the way cars are? I think the cars that we have now are perfectly fine and they are easy enough to drive. I see people driving cars everyday without trouble (well, most). Why waste money on such a simple idea? I bet it is expensive to make intelligent cars. And not only make the cars intelligent, but we also need to make smart roads. It must take a very long time to make smart roads for smart cars because we have over hundreds of miles of roads (if not, thousands). This is time consuming and must be expensive. This is what I mean by pointless.\n\nThe cars we have and the roads we have now are perfectly fine. It is simple and cheap.\n\nOn paragraph 1, it reads, "The cars he forsees would use half the fuel..." Why not make drivable cars use half the fuel instead? Like Ford's Eco? It is easier to make drivable cars to use have the fuel.\n\nHow far can technology go? What happens if there was a mulfunction to the driveless car? That is what I have against. Technology has a limit, and I bet that making driveless cars are complicated, and there will soon be a wall. Driveless cars are pointless. They are complicated and expensive. Technology must be advanced to make smart cars. I do not see it happening either. I have doubt that they will exist. The best thing a car can do is assist you with driving. I am against the development of these cars. Not that making driveless cars is absolutely bad, I simply think that they are not worth to be developed. '
- "Driverless cars are dangerus to other people. Do the cars still run on gas or are they the new kind that run on solor engergy? What happens if something brakes in the cars GPS and takes to some place els?You can't really tell what kind of truble these cars can be.\n\nDriverless cars are dangerus to other people.How can you know when there's some one infrunt of you like a child on a bike?Will the car stop?Probly not with out it being to late for the child. In fact the car might just go out of control and drive on the side walk running over people.\n\nDo the cars still run on gas or are they the new kind that run on solor energy? Ok for one if the cars run on gas how smart is that.How are you going to tell the car to stop at a gas station to refill. But if it's on solor energy how long will it last with out sunlight on a ranny day?.Say in the middle of the road you run out of energy and your stuck.\n\nWhat happens if the GPS brakes and takes you yo a diffrent place?You might end up on the other side of the contry or even in the ocean. And if you can't correct the car you might be suck in it for hours.I'd rather not take that chance.\n\nIn the end these cars are dangrust to everyone.Are they still good for the envierment?Can you stop the car if it starts taking you to a diffrent place? Will it really stop when needed to? You think about it and see what you think mabe you'll even get inside one of these death traps build for a family."
- 'The author suggest that studying Venus is worth it despite the risk,probably because he thinks that Venus and Earth are similar.Or because he thinks we may find life on Venus then Mars also because Venus is closer to Earth then Mars is.\n\nAccording to the passage the author states that "Long ago,Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life,just like Earth."The texts also states that"Today Venus still has some features that are analogous to those of Earth.The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys,mountains,and craters.The text also states that "NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus.For example some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's Surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions."\n\nThere are also many differences in our planet compared to Venus. For example"On the planet Venus the surface tempeatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit,and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.The texts also states that "Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet ir our solar system,even though Mercury is closer to the sun,Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes,powerful earthquakes,frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface."The text also states that"the conditions are far more extreme that anything else humans have encountered on Earth,Such an enviornment would crush even a submarine accustomed to driving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals."\n\nIn conclusion I personally dont think that its a good idea risking lifes to explore Venus even if it may be Earth's "Twin" it's too dangerous and to risk to send people to explore life forms up there,It will also be way to risk if they dont find any kind of life on Venus while they're risking there lifes. '
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- 'To explore or to not explore. The exploration of the planet Venus is a debated topic. Both positives and negatives present themselves, but still leave room for doubt and interest to hang in the air. The author of this article does a very satisfcatory job in presenting the worthiness of the space exploration of Venus. He presents the dangers of the mission with honesty, highlights the fascinating elements of Venus to build interest, and provides the inventions and accommodations to make this space exploration possible.\n\nThe author begins by presenting the dangers of the exploration on Venus. He describes the "highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere" and the "erupting volcanoes, powerful eathquakes, and frequent lightning strikes." This honest approach allows the reader to see reality, and the author's understanding of the opposing side. This also sets up a platform for the author to state positive reinforcements.\n\nNow, the author has an opportunity to present the beneficial aspects to exploring Venus. He includes many details to do so. The author says that Venus "may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system" and that "Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth." He also includes that Venus is "our nearest option for a planetary vist, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel." Fascinating details about the planet build interest and curiosity. By presenting a few positive elements the planet has to offer, the author does an excellent job at supporting his personal claims that Venus is a planet worth exploring.\n\nLastly, the author includes solutions to potential dangers of space exploration. He mentions "NASA's possible solutions to hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray." He also presents the idea of "a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions." One final detail he presents is that "simplified electronics made of silicon carbide" are being produced, and have been successful under a simulated Venus environment. By stating these accommodations and inventions, the author does a great job at providing posible solutions to dangerous conditions, and allows the reader to see the real possibility of a prosperous journey to Venus.\n\nThe author of this article presents the aspects of Venus exploration with clarity, and satisfies his claim by providing intriquing facts about Venus, and the inventions that can make it all happen. The author is not manipulative, but simply states information of all aspects, and encourages the reader to expand their imagination. Because of the author's organization, clarity, and positive reinforcement, the audience is inclined to agree with him. '
- 'I believe that using technology to read emotional expressions of students in a classroom is beneficial. This is because students maybe struggling from depression or anxiety. It is easy for people to fake a smile or not act sad. Using the technology today, society can figure out whether or not someone is in a good mental state. This technolgoy does not just calculate one eotion, but multiple emotions. It would be a good idea to use this new system of calculating emotions because individuals misinterpertate another person's mood. With using this device humns would have a clear and better understanding of how someone is feeling. "The Facial Action Coding System" can help teachers with their job. This device can detect whether a student is bored or understanding the material. If teachers new this, they would find a better way of teaching. The device is 'all about those muscular action movements, they even indiate a difference between a genuine smile and a forced one."\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System is valuable in the classroom because it can tell the differene if omeone is being truthful or not. If a student gets in trouble and chooses not to tell the truth, this device can detect it. The article states "to an expert, faces don't lie, these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a smiling politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." It's also important to detect students emotions in the classroom. The teachers never know whats going on with a student. For example a student could have a rough home life, that could lead to making bad choices like self harm. It's important to know what a student is feeling so they can get help earlier on. Not only is that a good thing to know, but it's important to see if the student understands the material being taught. If the student is unsure what is going on in the lesson, the teacher needs to find a way to help the student understand. If students are bored or confusedduring the lesson, the teacher needs to modify it. Teachers can do this by making work more hands on and intresting.\n\nIn conclusion The Facial Action Coding System is a smart and effective way to indicae someone's emotions and shouls be used more. '
- 'Facial Action Coding System allows computers around humans to read their emotion based by the look on their face. Dr. Huang tells that this device can tell your emotion because of the muscles in your face and how they are either tightened or relaxed. FACS should be used on students so teachers can help them talk it out, help them understand the material that is being teached and help them learn the emotion of people around them.\n\nUsing FACS on students should be allowed. If using FACS in a classroom full of teenagers, a teacher will just see a room filled with hormonal teens. They will just ignore it and think they are just moody. Or a teacher could see how upset a student is and ask if they are okay. This computer could become useful in helping students when they are upset or angry. If could allow the teacher to talk to them and check up on them every once in a while. FACS can detect the six basic emotions such as surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. The computer will detect these emotions through the movement of the muscles.\n\nTeachers can use FACS to help students understand the subject more clearly. Learning and understanding school is very important to young students, they need the knowledge to go and be successful in the future. Teachers want to know if a student is getting confused while listening to a lecture. It is important for teachers to know how to help their students. This computer will help out with the use of studying and scaning how their facial muscles are being moved or how their eyebrows are being lifted.\n\nKnowing how someone around another could help out a lot. If this FACS could really detect human emotions just from the expression on the face and movement of the muscles then it could help a human understand how the person next to them is feeling. Zygomatic major are the muscles that begin in your cheek bones, they life the corners of your mouth. That muscle can determined if someone is giving a forced smile or genuine smile. This could help a person know when another is upset and needs space or if another is in need of comforting. It could also help to see if someone is angry and needs time to cool down.\n\nFACS is able to help people talk out the emotion they are feeling, help them understand material that is being taught to them and help them learn the emotion of people around them. FACS will be able to conclude a feeling of a person and will possibly be able to help someone. Knowing how someone is feeling is very important because then people will know how to appoarch them and how to talk to them. FACS would be very successful in helping others out and it could be used to know a person feels. '
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- 'Wow! The world has hit a new level of science by using (FACS) to detect human emotions. I am both for an opposed to this technolgy. The way this tech should be used is for intructional help only in the classrooms, but other than that if people want to use it in their own lives go ahead. This tech should be used in classrooms, at home, and used to dectect when someone is lying.\n\nThe FACS system should be used in classrooms but only for class and if the student needs help. The article told us that it could be used to help students by telling us when they need help or if they had the topic down and udertsood. This could send real time data to the teacher so they could determain if they need to change the way they are teaching the lesson. This technolgy should only be used at school for this one reason and it should wipe the data at the end of the day. The computer should not store any data of what the kids look up and that just for privacy reasons. So in school this tech will help students and teachers but only if its used for the lessons and nothing else.\n\nWhen it comes to home its the users choice if they want this tech to implied on their computer. The article states that the FACS system could detect what we like and what we are interested in. This could help us find books and articles we like to read or videos we like to watch. This could help block things that you aren't interested in from showing up when you search for things. This will also help with ads that you don't want to see but it works the other way around too. So if you want to see certain things this tech will help with areas and give us new places to look for things. This can show us things we could never dream of and now it could be at the tips of our fingers.\n\nThis tech can also detect when some one is lying by the way thier face moves. The article said,"that it could detect when a politician was lying just by their facial movements. This tech can be used to help us make judgement calls when we need them the most. This could help us determain if we can trust someone and also make hiring people easier but also harder. We need to take this slow and really find out what its potenial is. This could lead the world down a dangerous place and we need not to be so depentent on tech because one day it might not be here. So I am both for an opposed to this FACS system.\n\nThe FACS system will have its up and downs. The technolgy can both be used for good and bad. If it is used in classrooms, homes, and workplaces it will be okay. If the technolgy falls into the wrong hands who knows what they will be able to use it for. We may never know what this could do if we dont try it but we must be cautious for may different reasons. '
- 'Would it be fun to be able to know what emotion or emotions others are feeling, stictly off of facial muscle movement? Yes, it would be quite interesting to have the ability to have some insight on what other people are thinking and feeling. Although the Facial Action Coding System is a very sharp piece of modern technology, is it truly a valuable invention? Yes, it is impressive and intelligent, but it does not seem to serve a larger purpose within a classroom enviornment. Thus, although the Facial Action Coding System is an impressive piece of modern technology, it is uneeded in a classroom enviornment because it is impractical, unecessary, could potentially be very stressful.\n\nTo begin, the Facial Action Coding System is impractical in todays society, especailly within a classroom enviornment. In the text it says that, "your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile." So, in order to place this cutting-edge technology within schools would be a huge financial burden. Most schools only contain practical technology due to a strict, government driven budget. Attempting to fit such a modern piece of technology into the school system would not be practical, and in many cases, it would not be possible either. If the Facial Action Coding System was put into school systems, it could have to possibility to help decode bad mental health in some cases, but it could also cause the government to go even deeper into debt. Thus, because the Facial Action Coding system is predicted to be incredibly expensive, it is not a practical item for a classroom enviornment.\n\nNext, the Facial Action Coding System may be neat, but it is also unecessary. According to the text, it has the capability of showing when "a smile is not being truthful," but lie-detector tests have already been invented for that. The article also states that,"A classroom computer could recognize whne a student is becoming confused or bored," yet this is very evident in the body language of a student. Teachers do not need need a software that tells them that their students are not interested in their teaching material because it is shown through their actions. For example, if the student has their head down, is engaging in their own conversation during the lesson, or tends to sleep during class, this portrays to the teacher that they are bored or uninterested. Therefore, because there are already similar inventions and because observance of body language is a very practical tool, it is unecessary to use the Facial Action Coding System within a classroom enviornment.\n\nLastly, the Facial Action Coding Sytem has the potential of being very stressful to a student. A computer system that is able to publicly expose ones emotions could stir up fear and anxiety that was not within them before. Someone who has is struggling with their mental health does not needed to be reminded of this through their test results, especially while at school. There are plenty of other treatment options for issues like these. The Facial Action Coding System would strip students of emotional privacy, which could potentially stir up stress within a student. Considering that students are already under enough stress with standardized testing, the pressure to perform well in academics and athletics, and to fit in, they do not need an added stress in their life. In conclusion, the Facial Action Coding Sytem would do more harm than good and could potentially damage the mental health of the students.\n\nOverall, the concept of a the Facial Action Coding System is very captivating and intriuging, but it does not have many practical uses. It would place a financial burden among the school systems and could potentially stress students even more than they currently are. Thus, the Facial Action Coding Sytem would not be valuable wthin the clasroom setting. '
- "Should driverless cars actually exist? They are some good and bad times about driverless cars. Also some things that are the same and different about the cars and people. Should the cars the driverless cars happen? My thoughts may make you go for or against the idea.\n\nThe good things about the driverless cars is that the cars will drive them selves in a safe speed and the cars would use half as much gas than taxis use, that would good for the enviroment and for the people. The smoke and gas from the cars wont harm the atmosphere or the ozone layer, also effecting the greenhouse effect. This helps humans so they dont have to spend so much money on gas and are able to buy more important things or things they just want. Another good thing is that it'll reduces accidents and drunk driivers.\n\nThe bad things sound worser than good, maybe because they are. The driverless cars would stop accidents caused by people, such as drunk drivers, but the driver would still be drunk or sense he or she doesn't need to drive will drink more and cause problems for their health or family. Of course people get in accidents to avoid things, such as animals, people, or objescts like ice, will the driverless car know how to react? The most the car can do is stop, what good will that do if the car was on ice. People might start thinking they dont need to focus on the task at hand, so they would start texting or eating, something that would distract them and when the car needs your helps and you aren't ready what happens. People might start using thge driverless cars for a worst purpose, such as gangs, the driver can shoot without worrying about driving, crime would go up.\n\nHow would laws change, can people be younger than 16 to drive now, do you need to know how to drive, should you know what signs mean or what lines mean or do. What about texting and driving or drinking and driving, would that be allowed now sense the car drives for it self. Do the passangers have to wear a seat belt. Whose fault would be for an accident, yours or the company of the car. If you would injuired because car turned to early or late, was it the fault of the car or you, what if you hit a person because car turned and didnt see the person to know to stop and kills or injurys that person. Would people or car be the fault of things.\n\nThe driverless car may seem like an amazing or smart idea, it really isn't manying things could go wrong and isn't much benefit but gas. The driverless car seems like a lazy persons way of not driving, or a drunk to drink more, or a teen to text. The risk is high and benifits are low.The driverless car should not be thing till the person is as smart as the car."
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- 'Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit. Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because it is speculated to have been the most similar to Earth, studying it can be done at reasonable expectations, and combatting the difficulty of studying Venus will have great benefits to our knowledge on the planet itself and space exploration.\n\nIt has long been a conspiracy yet to be proven as to if Venus is one of our known sister planets that are the most similar to Earth today. Space explorers long ago predicted that Venus was likely covered with large oceans and had the potential to possibly support multiple forms of life. Without an indepth study of Venus at a close and personal view, nothing can be predetermed factually. In paragraph four the author explains that "it [Venus] may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." This shows that the possibility is there but without extra measures taken to pursue an indepth study, the question remains unanswered as to if Venus is a sister planet of Earth.\n\nWhile an upclose, indepth view of Venus is not predictable due to the harsh environment, NASA has found potential ways to make exploration dueable to an extent. In paragraph five, the author states that: "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions of the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray." This helps widen the idea that exploration of Venus can be done and met at a reasonable expectation and limit safe for explorers. The author proceeds to state that while the conditions are not particularly easy they are "survivable for humans." This helps detail and push for the idea of the exploration of Venus because it is and has been discovered that the study can be done safely.\n\nThe overall study of Venus can prove to be extremely beneficial to our knowledge on the planet alone, and our knowledge on space exploration at most. In paragraph eight, it is stated that "striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value." In which it does, combatting the challenge of Venus proves to be tough, but if done, it can mean more to the exploration of other planets that are tougher than Venus alone. Further in paragraph eight, it is said that "travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." Once we begin to limit our exploration and discoveries due to the dangers and doubts, we take away from our progression of knowing what is out of our way. With the study of Venus we can extend our doings to meet every innovation and curiosity about our solar system all together.\n\nStudying Venus is worth the pursuit despite the dangers it presents. With the study of Venus we can determine if Venus is a sister planet of our planet today, and if the planet was once inhabitable for organisms and humans. Studying Venus is also worth the pursuit because the study can be done, and if the study is done, it will benefit us far more than the study of any other planet has yet to. The study of Venus will bring our knowledge and our future immense benefits in all aspects. '
- 'Within Nick D'Altos article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", Nick helps me view the value of using technology to read ones emotional expressions. The use of technology to read the emotional expressions of a student within a classroom or ones facial expressions throughout a painting can help distinguish how one had felt. Technology can be used for many things and now those from the Facial Action Coding System has been using this new technology to read the expression given off of Leonardo da Vinci's Renaissance painting, Mona Lisa. D'Alto helps put reasonings behind his new Facial Action COding Sytem by promising applications throughout yourself and throughout those in famous paintings.\n\nWhen reading Nick's article the numerous questions about the Facial Coding System seemingly had been answered. Within the article many professors from different colleges had been developing different indept ways that humans can communicate with computers to help bring the software to a new level. Nick convinced the readers to fall in liking wiht this software due to tha fact that he persuaded them by stating what the computer does. Nick states that "the process begings when the computer constructs a 3-D computer mode of the face" which most likey brought more people into the idea of technology reading emetional expressions (para 3). Nick explains the basics of the technology along with the more indepth features that the computer is able to do considering how rare it is to have a software that can read human facial exoressions. Within th article it explains what the software can do such as "Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness" (para 3). This shows how the technology used can read many different emotions from those. Which persuades those to want to explore more into the software and how it actually serves a purpose.\n\nThis piece of software comes with many complex algorithims. The technology used is much more advnaced than your regualr software programs because it has to be able to read human expressions as well as the expressions off of those who have been painted. Within the article Nick gives us simple instructuons that can help us "encode" the different emotions we expirence as well as the how this technolgy can help us when figuring it out. Nick's instructions are placed within three steps and those steps are, "Step one: Raise your lips at the corners of your mouth. Step two: Then squint your eyes slightly, to produce wrinkling ("crows-feet") at the corners of your eyes. And finally step three: Holding that, raise the outer parts of your cheeks up, toward your eyes" (para 7). These steps can help show how at home you can recieve the basics of the emotional expressions revealed although this software can help you determine the deeper aspects of ones emotions. Nick also states that "it's all about those muscular action units" which helps us undertsand that the muscles within our face dtermine a lot about our expressions and with the expressions that we project to those within the situations we are placed in (para 7). Emotional expressions people give off are often hidden and with this new technology software we can dig deeper into one's emotions as well as with those feelings in resemblance to the actions being taken place if it's a historical figure that we are scanning to find out the emtional expression of them.\n\nThe background inofrmation on the Facial Action Coding System was breif although its still uprising. Nick explains that the "new software has been developed [to] [improve] accuracy in precieving the emotions of others" which has shown many great examples on why this technology is useful (intro para). Within the article Nick explains how the software works but he also mentions who has been working on the software and how much knowledge that has been put into this software. Nick says that "the software is the latest innovation from professor Thomas Huang,.. working in collaboration with professor Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam" which helps us understand who had been putting in the knowledge of this software invention (para 1). Although professor Huang and professor Sebe were known as the starters of the inovvation, many of their colleagues had helped then and still help them brain storm better ideas and ways for their software.\n\nAfter reading Nick's article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" I believe that the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students and those in paintings such as the Mona Lisa is very vaulable. What makes it valuable to me is the fact that it's hard to read the emotional expressions of those in life and those who have major aspects of today's history. Those who have made history and are nonliving to this day we can put this technology to use and help determine theire emotions thorughout images and it can help us discover deeper into the person themselves as well as the time period in history. '
- 'After the nice, relaxed weekend at the beach, Steve gets up to go to work at 6 AM to go to work that is half an hour away. His Monday morning seems to be great until he jolt upright, suddenly remembering about the end-of-the-month report he was supposed to do over the weekend. Steve scrambles around his house, quickly changing into his work clothes and shoving food in his mouth as he runs out the door. As Steve drives to work, he tries to think of ways he can get the report done quickly, but he eventually prepares himself for the verbal lashing he will recieve from his boss. Steve can be anyone. Forgetting to do work is a common occurance. Steve, however, could have gotten the report done if he did not have to drive to work. A relatively new technology that could have saved Steve from his boss' rage is the driverless car. A driverless car, obviously, does not require a driver most of the time. Google and many other car companies have been trying to perfect the driverless car by making the car not require a driver. There are many pros to driverless cars that far outweigh the cons. Driverless cars are more safe and saves time for the driver.\n\nEvery year, many people die in car accdients, whether the victim was the driver or an innocent pedestrian. Driverless cars can potentially lower the rate of car accidents. Unlike humans, driverless cars can detect objects around them with multiple sensors installed in the car. The Google-modified Toyota Prius uses nine sensors - "position estimating sensors on the left rear wheel,\n\na rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor" (Paragraph 4). Also, the rotating sensor on the roof, called the LIDAR, makes a 3-D model of the cars surroundings. With all of these sensors, the driverless car can detect objects or people that a normal human driver cannot see, as there are many blindspots that a human driver has to be wary of. Also, the car can also "cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce the power from the engine" (Paragraph 5) based on the information received from the sensors. This gives the car "better response and control than an a human driver could manage alone" (Paragraph 5).\n\nAlthough the idea of a driverless car sounds appealing, the current cars developed do not drive the full amount of time. The cars needs to alert the driver in special situations like work zones and driveways. Therefore, drivers need to be alert the whole time just in case one of these special situations pop up. If you have to be alert the whole time, why not just drive in the first place? Also, what happens if the car hits someone? Would it be the driver's fault or the manufacturer's fault? There are legal issues that can be avoided if humans just drove the cars in the first place like they have been doing for the past century. In addition to the legal problems and the drive time problem, the car can become faultly, like a computer that got a virus. This time, the consequences of faulty electronics are much higher than just replacing a computer. The car could end up taking someone's life.\n\nThe current driverless car does not drive the entire time. However,Tesla, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan are expected to have cars that can drive of 90% of the time. Yes, there is a 10% chance that a human driver might have to take over but the 90% of the time that the driver is not driving, he or she can do work or just relax. Even if the driver fell asleep, there are many ways that the car can wake the driver up, like vibrating seats, sounds, and bright lights. Cars can be developed to become better at driving in traffc zones. The human instanct, however, cannot be developed to be more cautionous all of the time. Also, the legal issues do not present a problem. Laws often change to adapt with the times. Courts and lawmakers can debate on the issues, resolve them, and change the laws so that they can accomodate conflicts that the drierless car might present.\n\nDriverless cars can solve many vehicle-related safety issues and lower the accident rate. Also, they give the driver more time to do whatever he or she wants to do. There are very little cons that come with the driverless car, and the ones that do come up can be easily solved. Driverless cars should be allowed to continue to develop so that eventually, they can replace humans drivers and make the roads mroe safe. Steve, too, can get a happy ending by frantically finishing is report while his new driverless car can take him to work. '