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license: other
  - text-to-image
  - stable-diffusion
  - lora
  - diffusers
  - art
  - style
  - artist
  - book
  - painting
  - writer
  - marc silvestri
base_model: stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0
instance_prompt: Marc Silvestri Style page
  - text: >-
      Marc Silvestri Style - Depict a towering, musclebound man clad in detailed
      brown armor, possessing the sheer force necessary to unleash
      earth-shattering tremors, as he brandishes a massive sword as tall as
      himself. Create this image using the medium of digital art, channeling the
      dynamic and exaggerated proportions found in comic book illustrations by
      artists like Jack Kirby or Jim Lee. Bathe the scene in a strong,
      contrasting light source, highlighting the character's powerful muscles
      and intricate armor details. Utilize a color scheme with a dominant
      presence of warm browns, muted golds, and subtle hints of earthy greens.
      Frame this awe-inspiring figure with a worm's-eye view, using a fisheye
      lens to add a sense of depth and drama to the composition.
  - text: >-
      Marc Silvestri Style - joe jusko art style, On a surreal, otherworldly
      plane where the colors of the environment constantly shift and morph, a
      character confronts an army of bizarre, zombie-like creatures. The
      atmosphere is a kaleidoscope of sensations and emotions, both thrilling
      and terrifying. As the protagonist engages in this epic battle, they
      grapple with the duality of their nature, as both a destructive force and
      a seeker of enlightenment, wondering what it truly means to feel like a
  - text: >-
      Marc Silvestri Style - The vampire, swift and precise, lunges out from the
      shroud of darkness, his beastly eyes glowing with triumphant menace. His
      target remains oblivious, their face growing pale as they feel his
      chilling breath on their neck. In the style of david finch, atmospheric
      color washes, impressive skies, tim hildebrandt, dark bronze and green,
      joe madureira, graphic illustrations
  - text: >-
      Marc Silvestri Style - watercolor portrait sketch of Kevin Sorbo as French
      dark knight nobleman, in the art style of Frank Frazetta Clyde Caldwell
      Larry Elmore Jeff Easley Barry Windsor-Smith Alfredo Alcala Pablo Marcus
      Gerald Brom Manuel Sanjulin
  - text: >-
      Marc Silvestri Style - a woman barbarian with a axe as a weapon, in a thin
      oriantal clothes, drawing by Mahmud Asrar, very detailed hostile
      environment, vibrant colors, dynamic shading, comics drawing, intricate
      details art
  - text: >-
      Marc Silvestri Style - orc assassin, joe madureira gritty, calligraphy
      organic, michael matessi loose, calligraphy organic, ultradetailed,
      vibrant colors, king fu pose, slim fit slender. no arguments
  - text: >-
      Marc Silvestri Style - a crude, pen and ink, black and white sketching
      line-art drawing of a zombie undead knight with old battle-axe in magic
      crumbling armor charging at us down a stone corridor
  - text: >-
      Marc Silvestri Style - a 1990s capcom fighting game action ben day comic
      art of mma fighter frankenstein stylish cybernetic monster in a castle
      landscape background
  - text: >-
      Marc Silvestri Style - a full body shot of dracula crawling down the side
      of a castle mid transformation into a bat, in the style of Barry
  - text: >-
      Marc Silvestri Style - a female skeleton warrior doing the clearing around
      the house, ink black and white, in the syle of 2000AD comic books.

Marc Silvestri Style (CivitAI

Image 0

Marc Silvestri Style - Depict a towering, musclebound man clad in detailed brown armor, possessing the sheer force necessary to unleash earth-shattering tremors, as he brandishes a massive sword as tall as himself. Create this image using the medium of digital art, channeling the dynamic and exaggerated proportions found in comic book illustrations by artists like Jack Kirby or Jim Lee. Bathe the scene in a strong, contrasting light source, highlighting the character's powerful muscles and intricate armor details. Utilize a color scheme with a dominant presence of warm browns, muted golds, and subtle hints of earthy greens. Frame this awe-inspiring figure with a worm's-eye view, using a fisheye lens to add a sense of depth and drama to the composition.

Marc Silvestri is an American comic book artist, writer, and publisher known for his contributions to the comic book industry. Born in 1959, Silvestri has worked on various popular comic book titles and co-founded the independent comic book publisher Top Cow Productions.

Silvestri's artistic style is characterized by his dynamic and detailed illustrations, showcasing a strong emphasis on anatomy, action, and storytelling. He is particularly renowned for his work on the superhero comic book series "Uncanny X-Men," where he helped redefine the visual aesthetics of the X-Men franchise in the 1980s and 1990s.

His artwork often features highly detailed renderings, intricate linework, and a mastery of dynamic poses and perspectives. Silvestri's ability to capture emotion and movement in his illustrations brings a sense of energy and excitement to the pages of his comics.

Aside from his work as an artist, Silvestri has also ventured into writing and creating his own comic book series. One of his notable creations is "Cyberforce," a superhero team book that explores themes of technology, cybernetics, and personal identity.

As a co-founder of Top Cow Productions, Silvestri has contributed to the success of the company and has played a significant role in the creation and development of titles such as "Witchblade," "The Darkness," and "The Magdalena." These series have become fan favorites and have helped establish Top Cow as a prominent publisher in the comic book industry.

Marc Silvestri's contributions to the comic book industry have had a lasting impact. His distinctive style, dynamic storytelling, and creative vision have earned him a devoted fan base and cemented his place among the influential comic book artists of his generation.

Image examples for the model:

Image 1

Marc Silvestri Style - joe jusko art style, On a surreal, otherworldly plane where the colors of the environment constantly shift and morph, a character confronts an army of bizarre, zombie-like creatures. The atmosphere is a kaleidoscope of sensations and emotions, both thrilling and terrifying. As the protagonist engages in this epic battle, they grapple with the duality of their nature, as both a destructive force and a seeker of enlightenment, wondering what it truly means to feel like a god.

Image 2

Marc Silvestri Style - The vampire, swift and precise, lunges out from the shroud of darkness, his beastly eyes glowing with triumphant menace. His target remains oblivious, their face growing pale as they feel his chilling breath on their neck. In the style of david finch, atmospheric color washes, impressive skies, tim hildebrandt, dark bronze and green, joe madureira, graphic illustrations

Image 3

Marc Silvestri Style - watercolor portrait sketch of Kevin Sorbo as French dark knight nobleman, in the art style of Frank Frazetta Clyde Caldwell Larry Elmore Jeff Easley Barry Windsor-Smith Alfredo Alcala Pablo Marcus Gerald Brom Manuel Sanjulin

Image 4

Marc Silvestri Style - a woman barbarian with a axe as a weapon, in a thin oriantal clothes, drawing by Mahmud Asrar, very detailed hostile environment, vibrant colors, dynamic shading, comics drawing, intricate details art

Image 5

Marc Silvestri Style - orc assassin, joe madureira gritty, calligraphy organic, michael matessi loose, calligraphy organic, ultradetailed, vibrant colors, king fu pose, slim fit slender. no arguments

Image 6

Marc Silvestri Style - a crude, pen and ink, black and white sketching line-art drawing of a zombie undead knight with old battle-axe in magic crumbling armor charging at us down a stone corridor

Image 7

Marc Silvestri Style - a 1990s capcom fighting game action ben day comic art of mma fighter frankenstein stylish cybernetic monster in a castle landscape background

Image 8

Marc Silvestri Style - a full body shot of dracula crawling down the side of a castle mid transformation into a bat, in the style of Barry Windsor-Smith

Image 9

Marc Silvestri Style - a female skeleton warrior doing the clearing around the house, ink black and white, in the syle of 2000AD comic books.