PPO Agent playing LunarLander-v2

This is a trained model of a PPO agent playing LunarLander-v2 using the stable-baselines3 library.

Usage (with Stable-baselines3)

Create the environment

env = make_vec_env("LunarLander-v2", n_envs=16)

Defining the model, we use MultiLayerPerceptron (MLPPolicy) because the input is a vector,

if we had frames as input we would use CnnPolicy

model = PPO( policy="MlpPolicy", env=env, n_steps=1024, batch_size=64, n_epochs=4, gamma=0.999, gae_lambda=0.98, ent_coef=0.01, verbose=1, )

Training the model for 3,000,000 timesteps


Save the model

model_name = "ppo-LunarLander-v2" model.save(model_name)

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