I like it a lot

by AppledaMapple - opened

Its very well made, maybe add a way to make more steps?

What do you mean by adding more steps?
As in further training steps?

What do you mean by adding more steps?
As in further training steps?


You can train new concepts on top of this model, such as a person, pet, or whatever, using Dreambooth just fine.

Yes but I've Gottes errors sadly, like cuda runtime errors, etc, I have a question, do you have discord, maybe we can make one together. Sadly most of the colabs I use get errors or are toooo complicated. Im not a coder

Unfortunately, cuda runtime isn't really an issue with the model, its an issue with the training process/computing power.
My discord if you wanna talk: ItsJayQz#0124
You can also reach me on the huggingface discord server.

ItsJayQz changed discussion status to closed

I just joined the huggingface discord I can't find you and uhh... you're not accepting friend requests it says

oops, my bad. You can try again

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