import logging |
import pathlib |
import re |
import sys |
import time |
import csv |
from dataclasses import dataclass, field |
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Union |
import datasets |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
from packaging import version |
from torch.cuda.amp import GradScaler, autocast |
import librosa |
from lang_trans import arabic |
from datasets import Dataset |
import soundfile as sf |
from model import Wav2Vec2ForCTCnCLS |
from transformers.trainer_utils import get_last_checkpoint |
from transformers import ( |
HfArgumentParser, |
Trainer, |
TrainingArguments, |
Wav2Vec2CTCTokenizer, |
Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor, |
Wav2Vec2Processor, |
is_apex_available, |
trainer_utils, |
) |
local_model_path = "local_model" |
if is_apex_available(): |
from apex import amp |
if version.parse(torch.__version__) >= version.parse("1.6"): |
_is_native_amp_available = True |
from torch.cuda.amp import autocast |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
@dataclass |
class ModelArguments: |
""" |
Arguments pertaining to which model/config/tokenizer we are going to fine-tune from. |
""" |
model_name_or_path: str = field( |
default="local_model", |
metadata={"help": "Path to pretrained model or model identifier from huggingface.co/models"} |
) |
cache_dir: Optional[str] = field( |
default=None, |
metadata={"help": "Where do you want to store the pretrained models downloaded from huggingface.co"}, |
) |
freeze_feature_extractor: Optional[bool] = field( |
default=False, metadata={"help": "Whether to freeze the feature extractor layers of the model."} |
) |
verbose_logging: Optional[bool] = field( |
default=False, |
metadata={"help": "Whether to log verbose messages or not."}, |
) |
tokenizer: Optional[str] = field( |
default="checkpoint-33000", |
metadata={"help": "Path to pretrained tokenizer"} |
) |
def configure_logger(model_args: ModelArguments, training_args: TrainingArguments): |
logging.basicConfig( |
format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s", |
datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", |
handlers=[logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)], |
) |
logging_level = logging.WARNING |
if model_args.verbose_logging: |
logging_level = logging.DEBUG |
elif trainer_utils.is_main_process(training_args.local_rank): |
logging_level = logging.INFO |
logger.setLevel(logging_level) |
@dataclass |
class DataTrainingArguments: |
""" |
Arguments pertaining to what data we are going to input our model for training and eval. |
Using `HfArgumentParser` we can turn this class |
into argparse arguments to be able to specify them on |
the command line. |
""" |
dataset_name: str = field( |
default='emotion', metadata={"help": "The name of the dataset to use (via the datasets library)."} |
) |
dataset_config_name: Optional[str] = field( |
default=None, metadata={"help": "The configuration name of the dataset to use (via the datasets library)."} |
) |
train_split_name: Optional[str] = field( |
default="train", |
metadata={ |
"help": "The name of the training data set split to use (via the datasets library). Defaults to 'train'" |
}, |
) |
validation_split_name: Optional[str] = field( |
default="validation", |
metadata={ |
"help": "The name of the validation data set split to use (via the datasets library). Defaults to 'validation'" |
}, |
) |
target_text_column: Optional[str] = field( |
default="text", |
metadata={"help": "Column in the dataset that contains label (target text). Defaults to 'text'"}, |
) |
speech_file_column: Optional[str] = field( |
default="file", |
metadata={"help": "Column in the dataset that contains speech file path. Defaults to 'file'"}, |
) |
target_feature_extractor_sampling_rate: Optional[bool] = field( |
default=False, |
metadata={"help": "Resample loaded audio to target feature extractor's sampling rate or not."}, |
) |
max_duration_in_seconds: Optional[float] = field( |
default=None, |
metadata={"help": "Filters out examples longer than specified. Defaults to no filtering."}, |
) |
orthography: Optional[str] = field( |
default="librispeech", |
metadata={ |
"help": "Orthography used for normalization and tokenization: 'librispeech' (default), 'timit', or 'buckwalter'." |
}, |
) |
overwrite_cache: bool = field( |
default=False, metadata={"help": "Overwrite the cached preprocessed datasets or not."} |
) |
preprocessing_num_workers: Optional[int] = field( |
default=8, |
metadata={"help": "The number of processes to use for the preprocessing."}, |
) |
output_file: Optional[str] = field( |
default=None, |
metadata={"help": "Output file."}, |
) |
@dataclass |
class Orthography: |
""" |
Orthography scheme used for text normalization and tokenization. |
Args: |
do_lower_case (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`False`): |
Whether or not to accept lowercase input and lowercase the output when decoding. |
vocab_file (:obj:`str`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`None`): |
File containing the vocabulary. |
word_delimiter_token (:obj:`str`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`"|"`): |
The token used for delimiting words; it needs to be in the vocabulary. |
translation_table (:obj:`Dict[str, str]`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`{}`): |
Table to use with `str.translate()` when preprocessing text (e.g., "-" -> " "). |
words_to_remove (:obj:`Set[str]`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`set()`): |
Words to remove when preprocessing text (e.g., "sil"). |
untransliterator (:obj:`Callable[[str], str]`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`None`): |
Function that untransliterates text back into native writing system. |
tokenizer (:obj:`str`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`None`): |
Tokenizer type, e.g., 'jieba' for Chinese. |
""" |
do_lower_case: bool = False |
vocab_file: Optional[str] = None |
word_delimiter_token: Optional[str] = "|" |
translation_table: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = field(default_factory=dict) |
words_to_remove: Optional[Set[str]] = field(default_factory=set) |
tokenizer: Optional[str] = None |
untransliterator: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None |
@classmethod |
def from_name(cls, name: str): |
if name == "librispeech": |
return cls() |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported orthography: '{name}'.") |
def create_processor(self, model_args: ModelArguments) -> Wav2Vec2Processor: |
feature_extractor = Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor.from_pretrained( |
local_model_path, cache_dir=model_args.cache_dir |
) |
if self.vocab_file: |
tokenizer = Wav2Vec2CTCTokenizer( |
self.vocab_file, |
cache_dir=model_args.cache_dir, |
do_lower_case=self.do_lower_case, |
word_delimiter_token=self.word_delimiter_token, |
) |
else: |
tokenizer = Wav2Vec2CTCTokenizer.from_pretrained( |
local_model_path, |
cache_dir=model_args.cache_dir, |
do_lower_case=self.do_lower_case, |
word_delimiter_token=self.word_delimiter_token, |
device_map="cuda:0", |
) |
return Wav2Vec2Processor(feature_extractor, tokenizer) |
@dataclass |
class TrainingArguments(TrainingArguments): |
output_dir: str = field( |
default="output/angry_tmp", metadata={"help": "The store of your output."}) |
do_predict: bool = field( |
default=True, metadata={"help": "The store of your output."}) |
do_eval: bool = field( |
default=False, metadata={"help": "The store of your output."}) |
overwrite_output_dir: str = field( |
default='overwrite_output_dir', metadata={"help": "The store of your output."} ) |
per_device_eval_batch_size: int = field( |
default=2, metadata={"help": "The store of your output."}) |
warmup_ratio: float = field( |
default=0.1, metadata={"help": "Linear warmup over warmup_ratio fraction of total steps."} |
) |
@dataclass |
class DataCollatorCTCWithPadding: |
""" |
Data collator that will dynamically pad the inputs received. |
Args: |
processor (:class:`~transformers.Wav2Vec2Processor`) |
The processor used for proccessing the data. |
padding (:obj:`bool`, :obj:`str` or :class:`~transformers.tokenization_utils_base.PaddingStrategy`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`True`): |
Select a strategy to pad the returned sequences (according to the model's padding side and padding index) |
among: |
* :obj:`True` or :obj:`'longest'`: Pad to the longest sequence in the batch (or no padding if only a single |
sequence if provided). |
* :obj:`'max_length'`: Pad to a maximum length specified with the argument :obj:`max_length` or to the |
maximum acceptable input length for the model if that argument is not provided. |
* :obj:`False` or :obj:`'do_not_pad'` (default): No padding (i.e., can output a batch with sequences of |
different lengths). |
max_length (:obj:`int`, `optional`): |
Maximum length of the ``input_values`` of the returned list and optionally padding length (see above). |
max_length_labels (:obj:`int`, `optional`): |
Maximum length of the ``labels`` returned list and optionally padding length (see above). |
pad_to_multiple_of (:obj:`int`, `optional`): |
If set will pad the sequence to a multiple of the provided value. |
This is especially useful to enable the use of Tensor Cores on NVIDIA hardware with compute capability >= |
7.5 (Volta). |
""" |
processor: Wav2Vec2Processor |
padding: Union[bool, str] = True |
max_length: Optional[int] = None |
max_length_labels: Optional[int] = None |
pad_to_multiple_of: Optional[int] = None |
pad_to_multiple_of_labels: Optional[int] = None |
audio_only = False |
duration = 6 |
sample_rate = 16000 |
def __call__(self, features: List[Dict[str, Union[List[int], torch.Tensor]]]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: |
input_features = [{"input_values": feature["input_values"]} for feature in features] |
batch = self.processor.pad( |
input_features, |
padding=self.padding, |
max_length=self.duration*self.sample_rate, |
pad_to_multiple_of=self.pad_to_multiple_of, |
return_tensors="pt", |
) |
return batch |
class CTCTrainer(Trainer): |
def _prepare_inputs(self, inputs: Dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, Any]]) -> Dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, Any]]: |
self.use_amp = False |
self.use_apex = False |
self.deepspeed = False |
self.scaler = GradScaler() |
for k, v in inputs.items(): |
if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): |
kwargs = dict(device=self.args.device) |
if self.deepspeed and inputs[k].dtype != torch.int64: |
kwargs.update(dict(dtype=self.args.hf_deepspeed_config.dtype())) |
inputs[k] = v.to(**kwargs) |
if self.args.past_index >= 0 and self._past is not None: |
inputs["mems"] = self._past |
return inputs |
def create_dataset(audio_path): |
data = { |
'file': [audio_path] |
} |
dataset = Dataset.from_dict(data) |
return dataset |
def exeute_angry_predict(audio_path): |
target_sr = 16000 |
parser = HfArgumentParser((ModelArguments, DataTrainingArguments, TrainingArguments)) |
model_args, data_args, training_args = parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses() |
configure_logger(model_args, training_args) |
orthography = Orthography.from_name(data_args.orthography.lower()) |
orthography.tokenizer = model_args.tokenizer |
processor = orthography.create_processor(model_args) |
if data_args.dataset_name == 'emotion': |
val_dataset = create_dataset(audio_path) |
cls_label_map = {"neutral":0, "angry":1} |
model = Wav2Vec2ForCTCnCLS.from_pretrained( |
local_model_path, |
gradient_checkpointing=True, |
cls_len=len(cls_label_map), |
) |
def prepare_example(example, audio_only=False): |
example["speech"], example["sampling_rate"] = librosa.load(example[data_args.speech_file_column], sr=target_sr) |
orig_sample_rate = example["sampling_rate"] |
target_sample_rate = target_sr |
if orig_sample_rate != target_sample_rate: |
example["speech"] = librosa.resample(example["speech"], orig_sr=orig_sample_rate, target_sr=target_sample_rate) |
if data_args.max_duration_in_seconds is not None: |
example["duration_in_seconds"] = len(example["speech"]) / example["sampling_rate"] |
return example |
if training_args.do_predict: |
val_dataset = val_dataset.map(prepare_example, fn_kwargs={'audio_only':True}) |
def prepare_dataset(batch, audio_only=False): |
assert ( |
len(set(batch["sampling_rate"])) == 1 |
), f"Make sure all inputs have the same sampling rate of {processor.feature_extractor.sampling_rate}." |
batch["input_values"] = processor(batch["speech"], sampling_rate=batch["sampling_rate"][0]).input_values |
return batch |
if training_args.do_predict: |
val_dataset = val_dataset.map( |
prepare_dataset, |
fn_kwargs={'audio_only':True}, |
batch_size=training_args.per_device_eval_batch_size, |
batched=True, |
num_proc=data_args.preprocessing_num_workers, |
) |
data_collator = DataCollatorCTCWithPadding(processor=processor, padding=True) |
if model_args.freeze_feature_extractor: |
model.freeze_feature_extractor() |
trainer = CTCTrainer( |
model=model, |
args=training_args, |
eval_dataset=val_dataset, |
tokenizer=processor.feature_extractor, |
) |
if training_args.do_predict: |
logger.info('******* Predict ********') |
data_collator.audio_only=True |
results= {} |
result= '' |
predictions, labels, metrics = trainer.predict(val_dataset, metric_key_prefix="predict") |
logits_ctc, logits_cls = predictions |
pred_ids = np.argmax(logits_cls, axis=-1) |
if pred_ids==0: |
result = "非愤怒" |
if pred_ids==1: |
result = "愤怒" |
results[audio_path] = result |
print("results", results) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
audio_path = 'audio.mp3' |
exeute_angry_predict(audio_path) |