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library_name: sklearn
  - sklearn
  - skops
  - tabular-classification
model_file: xgb_model_bayse_optimization_00000.bin
    area error:
      - 30.29
      - 96.05
      - 48.31
    compactness error:
      - 0.01911
      - 0.01652
      - 0.01484
    concave points error:
      - 0.01037
      - 0.0137
      - 0.01093
    concavity error:
      - 0.02701
      - 0.02269
      - 0.02813
    fractal dimension error:
      - 0.003586
      - 0.001698
      - 0.002461
    mean area:
      - 481.9
      - 1130
      - 748.9
    mean compactness:
      - 0.1058
      - 0.1029
      - 0.1223
    mean concave points:
      - 0.03821
      - 0.07951
      - 0.08087
    mean concavity:
      - 0.08005
      - 0.108
      - 0.1466
    mean fractal dimension:
      - 0.06373
      - 0.05461
      - 0.05796
    mean perimeter:
      - 81.09
      - 123.6
      - 101.7
    mean radius:
      - 12.47
      - 18.94
      - 15.46
    mean smoothness:
      - 0.09965
      - 0.09009
      - 0.1092
    mean symmetry:
      - 0.1925
      - 0.1582
      - 0.1931
    mean texture:
      - 18.6
      - 21.31
      - 19.48
    perimeter error:
      - 2.497
      - 5.486
      - 3.094
    radius error:
      - 0.3961
      - 0.7888
      - 0.4743
    smoothness error:
      - 0.006953
      - 0.004444
      - 0.00624
    symmetry error:
      - 0.01782
      - 0.01386
      - 0.01397
    texture error:
      - 1.044
      - 0.7975
      - 0.7859
    worst area:
      - 677.9
      - 1866
      - 1156
    worst compactness:
      - 0.2378
      - 0.2336
      - 0.2394
    worst concave points:
      - 0.1015
      - 0.1789
      - 0.1514
    worst concavity:
      - 0.2671
      - 0.2687
      - 0.3791
    worst fractal dimension:
      - 0.0875
      - 0.06589
      - 0.08019
    worst perimeter:
      - 96.05
      - 165.9
      - 124.9
    worst radius:
      - 14.97
      - 24.86
      - 19.26
    worst smoothness:
      - 0.1426
      - 0.1193
      - 0.1546
    worst symmetry:
      - 0.3014
      - 0.2551
      - 0.2837
    worst texture:
      - 24.64
      - 26.58
      - 26

Model description

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Intended uses & limitations

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Training Procedure


The model is trained with below hyperparameters.

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Hyperparameter Value
aggressive_elimination False
cv 5
error_score nan
estimator__early_stopping auto
estimator__l2_regularization 0.0
estimator__learning_rate 0.1
estimator__loss auto
estimator__max_bins 255
estimator__max_iter 100
estimator__max_leaf_nodes 31
estimator__min_samples_leaf 20
estimator__n_iter_no_change 10
estimator__scoring loss
estimator__tol 1e-07
estimator__validation_fraction 0.1
estimator__verbose 0
estimator__warm_start False
estimator HistGradientBoostingClassifier()
factor 3
max_resources auto
min_resources exhaust
n_jobs -1
param_grid {'max_leaf_nodes': [5, 10, 15], 'max_depth': [2, 5, 10]}
random_state 42
refit True
resource n_samples
return_train_score True
verbose 0

Model Plot

The model plot is below.

HalvingGridSearchCV(estimator=HistGradientBoostingClassifier(), n_jobs=-1,param_grid={'max_depth': [2, 5, 10],'max_leaf_nodes': [5, 10, 15]},random_state=42)
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Evaluation Results

You can find the details about evaluation process and the evaluation results.

Metric Value

How to Get Started with the Model

Use the code below to get started with the model.

import joblib
import json
import pandas as pd
clf = joblib.load(xgb_model_bayse_optimization_00000.bin)
with open("config.json") as f:
    config = json.load(f)

Model Card Authors

This model card is written by following authors:

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Model Card Contact

You can contact the model card authors through following channels: [More Information Needed]


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