# quick-lru [](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/quick-lru) [](https://coveralls.io/github/sindresorhus/quick-lru?branch=master) |
> Simple [“Least Recently Used” (LRU) cache](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache_replacement_policies#Least_Recently_Used_.28LRU.29) |
Useful when you need to cache something and limit memory usage. |
Inspired by the [`hashlru` algorithm](https://github.com/dominictarr/hashlru#algorithm), but instead uses [`Map`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Map) to support keys of any type, not just strings, and values can be `undefined`. |
## Install |
``` |
$ npm install quick-lru |
``` |
## Usage |
```js |
const QuickLRU = require('quick-lru'); |
const lru = new QuickLRU({maxSize: 1000}); |
lru.set('🦄', '🌈'); |
lru.has('🦄'); |
//=> true |
lru.get('🦄'); |
//=> '🌈' |
``` |
## API |
### new QuickLRU(options?) |
Returns a new instance. |
### options |
Type: `object` |
#### maxSize |
*Required*\ |
Type: `number` |
The maximum number of items before evicting the least recently used items. |
#### maxAge |
Type: `number`\ |
Default: `Infinity` |
The maximum number of milliseconds an item should remain in cache. |
By default maxAge will be Infinity, which means that items will never expire. |
Lazy expiration happens upon the next `write` or `read` call. |
Individual expiration of an item can be specified by the `set(key, value, options)` method. |
#### onEviction |
*Optional*\ |
Type: `(key, value) => void` |
Called right before an item is evicted from the cache. |
Useful for side effects or for items like object URLs that need explicit cleanup (`revokeObjectURL`). |
### Instance |
The instance is [`iterable`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols) so you can use it directly in a [`for…of`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/for...of) loop. |
Both `key` and `value` can be of any type. |
#### .set(key, value, options?) |
Set an item. Returns the instance. |
Individual expiration of an item can be specified with the `maxAge` option. If not specified, the global `maxAge` value will be used in case it is specified on the constructor, otherwise the item will never expire. |
#### .get(key) |
Get an item. |
#### .has(key) |
Check if an item exists. |
#### .peek(key) |
Get an item without marking it as recently used. |
#### .delete(key) |
Delete an item. |
Returns `true` if the item is removed or `false` if the item doesn't exist. |
#### .clear() |
Delete all items. |
#### .resize(maxSize) |
Update the `maxSize`, discarding items as necessary. Insertion order is mostly preserved, though this is not a strong guarantee. |
Useful for on-the-fly tuning of cache sizes in live systems. |
#### .keys() |
Iterable for all the keys. |
#### .values() |
Iterable for all the values. |
#### .entriesAscending() |
Iterable for all entries, starting with the oldest (ascending in recency). |
#### .entriesDescending() |
Iterable for all entries, starting with the newest (descending in recency). |
#### .size |
The stored item count. |
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