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BRAINSTORM 20x: Meta-Llama-3.1-8B Instruct (now at 12.2B), Formula #8

This repo contains quants 20x of Meta-Llama-3.1-8B Instruct (now at 12.2B) with max context of 131k using the "Brainstorm" method of augmenting reasoning in a LLM to increase it's performance at the core level for ANY creative use case(s).

This specific version has calibrations that allow it to exceed the creative levels of the original model.

This version can also solve more complex logic problems/puzzles than Meta-Llama-3.1 8B.

Also note this is using Brainstorm V1 formula, and the "logic" setup in "non-linear."

Version 2 of Brainstorm is already in use in the Grand Horror V1.5 and up model series.

Upgrades to existing models to Version 2 of Brainstorm will begin shortly.

Example outputs below.

The BRAINSTORM process was developed by David_AU.

Some of the core principals behind this process are discussed in this scientific paper : Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion . However I went in a completely different direction from what was outlined in this paper.

What is "Brainstorm" ?

The reasoning center of an LLM is taken apart, reassembled, and expanded.

Then these centers are individually calibrated. These "centers" also interact with each other. This introduces subtle changes into the reasoning process. The calibrations further adjust - dial up or down - these "changes" further. The number of centers (5x,10x etc) allow more "tuning points" to further customize how the model reasons so to speak.

The core aim of this process is to increase the model's detail, concept and connection to the "world", general concept connections, prose quality and prose length without affecting instruction following. This will also enhance any creative use case(s) of any kind, including "brainstorming", creative art form(s) and like case uses.

Here are some of the enhancements this process brings to the model's performance:

  • Prose generation seems more focused on the moment to moment.
  • Sometimes there will be "preamble" and/or foreshadowing present.
  • Fewer or no "cliches"
  • Better overall prose and/or more complex / nuanced prose.
  • A greater sense of nuance on all levels.
  • Coherence is stronger.
  • Description is more detailed, and connected closer to the content.
  • Simile and Metaphors are stronger and better connected to the prose, story, and character.
  • Sense of "there" / in the moment is enhanced.
  • Details are more vivid, and there are more of them.
  • Prose generation length can be long to extreme.
  • Emotional engagement is stronger.
  • The model will take FEWER liberties vs a normal model: It will follow directives more closely but will "guess" less.
  • The MORE instructions and/or details you provide the more strongly the model will respond.
  • Depending on the model "voice" may be more "human" vs original model's "voice".

Other "lab" observations:

  • This process does not, in my opinion, make the model 5x or 10x "smarter" - if only that was true!
  • However, a change in "IQ" was not an issue / a priority, and was not tested or calibrated for so to speak.
  • From lab testing it seems to ponder, and consider more carefully roughly speaking.
  • You could say this process sharpens the model's focus on it's task(s) at a deeper level.

The process to modify the model occurs at the root level - source files level. The model can quanted as a GGUF, EXL2, AWQ etc etc.

Other technologies developed by David_AU like "Ultra" (precision), "Neo Imatrix" (custom imatrix datasets), and "X-quants" (custom application of the imatrix process) can further enhance the performance of the model along with the "Brainstorm" process.

The "Brainstorm" process has been tested on multiple LLama2, Llama3, and Mistral models of various parameter sizes, as well as on "root" models like "Llama3 Instruct", "Mistral Instruct", and "merged" / "fine tuned" models too.

For original model specifications, usage information and other important details:

Special thanks to the model creators at META for making such a fantastic model:

[ https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct ]

Please report any issue(s) and/or feedback via the "Community tab".

This is a LLAMA3 model, and requires Llama3 template, but may work with other template(s) and has maximum context of 131k.

Here is the standard LLAMA3 template:

  "name": "Llama 3",
  "inference_params": {
    "input_prefix": "<|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>\n\n",
    "input_suffix": "<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>\n\n",
    "pre_prompt": "You are a helpful, smart, kind, and efficient AI assistant. You always fulfill the user's requests to the best of your ability.",
    "pre_prompt_prefix": "<|start_header_id|>system<|end_header_id|>\n\n",
    "pre_prompt_suffix": "<|eot_id|>",
    "antiprompt": [

Optional Enhancement:

The following can be used in place of the "system prompt" or "system role" to further enhance the model.

It can also be used at the START of a NEW chat, but you must make sure it is "kept" as the chat moves along. In this case the enhancements do not have as strong effect at using "system prompt" or "system role".

Copy and paste EXACTLY as noted, DO NOT line wrap or break the lines, maintain the carriage returns exactly as presented.

Below is an instruction that describes a task. Ponder each user instruction carefully, and use your skillsets and critical instructions to complete the task to the best of your abilities.

Here are your skillsets:


Here are your critical instructions:
Ponder each word choice carefully to present as vivid and emotional journey as is possible. Choose verbs and nouns that are both emotional and full of imagery. Load the story with the 5 senses. Aim for 50% dialog, 25% narration, 15% body language and 10% thoughts. Your goal is to put the reader in the story.

You do not need to use this, it is only presented as an additional enhancement which seems to help scene generation and scene continue functions.

This enhancement WAS NOT used to generate the examples below.


Examples are created using quant Q4_K_M, "temp=0", minimal parameters and "LLAMA3" template.

Model has been tested with "temp" from ".1" to ".8".

Below are the least creative outputs, prompt is in BOLD.

Higher quants will have more detail, better quality output.

WARNING: NSFW. Vivid prose. Visceral Details. Violence. Graphic HORROR. Swearing. UNCENSORED.



(continue this scene:) The Waystone Inn lay in silence, and it was a silence of three parts.

The most obvious part was a hollow, echoing quiet, made by things that were lacking. If there had been a wind it would have sighed through the trees, set the inn’s sign creaking on its hooks, and brushed the silence down the road like trailing autumn leaves. If there had been a crowd, even a handful of men inside the inn, they would have filled the silence with conversation and laughter, the clatter and clamor one expects from a drinking house during the dark hours of night. If there had been music…but no, of course there was no music. In fact there were none of these things, and so the silence remained


The second part of the silence was a stillness that seemed almost palpable, like a physical weight pressing down upon the inn itself. It was as if the very stones of the building had absorbed all sound, leaving behind an eerie quietude that made one feel like they were walking through a dream. The shadows cast by the flickering candles inside seemed to writhe and twist on the walls, like living darknesses trying to find their way out into the night.

The third part of the silence was almost imperceptible, a subtle undertone that vibrated deep within the bones. It was a feeling of absence, of something left undone or unsaid. A sense of waiting, perhaps, for someone or something to arrive and shatter the stillness with their arrival. The inn's proprietor, Arin, felt this silence keenly as he poured himself another cup of ale from the nearly empty keg behind the counter. He had grown accustomed to the quietude of the night, but tonight it seemed almost oppressive, like a weight settling upon his shoulders.

As he raised the mug to his lips, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The inn's usual patrons had dwindled in recent days, and whispers of strange happenings had begun to circulate among the few remaining regulars. Arin pushed aside the thought, attributing it to mere rumor-mongering, but deep down, a spark of unease flickered within him.



Start a 1000 word scene (vivid horror, 1st person, include thoughts) with: The sky scraper swayed, as she watched the window in front of her on the 21 floor explode...


I'll never forget the sound that still haunts my dreams. It's a sound I've replayed over and over again in my mind like a twisted recording stuck on repeat. The sky scraper swayed, as I watched the window in front of me on the 21st floor explode outward with a deafening crash. shards of glass showered down around me like a deadly rainstorm, sending me stumbling backward into the safety railing.

My heart racing like a jackrabbit's, I felt my mind struggle to catch up with reality. What was happening? Why was the building shaking beneath our feet like it was alive and writhing in agony? The screams of panic-stricken voices pierced through the chaos, mingling with the sound of crunching metal and shattering glass.

I thought back to the countless times I'd stepped foot inside this skyscraper, never once thinking twice about its steel and concrete behemoth frame. It was supposed to be impervious to anything nature threw at it – a symbol of human ingenuity and engineering prowess. But now, as I stared out into the abyss beyond shattered glass, I felt like I was staring down the throat of pure malevolence itself.

I remember thinking, This isn't happening. This isn't real. Wake up, wake up, wake up! But my brain wouldn't respond. My mind was stuck in a perpetual loop of denial, unable to shake off the feeling that I'd somehow slipped into someone else's nightmare. The sounds around me were like nothing I'd ever heard before – a cacophony of terror that seemed almost... alive.

I recall thinking about the woman standing beside me, her face frozen in horror as she shielded herself behind the safety railing. Her eyes darted wildly between me and the shattered window, her pupils dilated with fear. I remember feeling a pang of concern for her – was she okay? Was anyone else hurt?

But my thoughts were interrupted by another deafening crash, followed closely by the sound of crunching metal. The building groaned beneath our feet like an injured giant, sending tremors through every inch of its steel and concrete frame. I felt myself being tossed about like a rag doll, struggling to maintain balance as the world around me descended further into chaos.

I remember thinking, This isn't going to end soon. Whatever is happening here won't be contained within these walls for much longer. The thought sent shivers down my spine – what was causing this destruction? Was it an earthquake, or something far worse?

As I struggled to wrap my mind around the sheer scale of the disaster unfolding before me, I caught sight of something that made my blood run cold. A figure, silhouetted against the shattered glass like a specter from beyond the grave. It was standing just beyond the safety railing, its presence seeming almost... deliberate.

I remember feeling an icy dread creeping up my spine as I locked gazes with this apparition. For a split second, our eyes seemed to lock in understanding – or perhaps something far darker. The figure didn't seem to be panicking like everyone else around me; instead, it appeared almost serene, its face twisted into an expressionless mask of malevolence.

I recall thinking, What is going on here? Why isn't anyone else seeing this thing standing right next to us?! But my thoughts were drowned out by another deafening crash – the sound of metal buckling beneath the weight of something far beyond human comprehension. The figure vanished from sight as I stumbled backward, desperate to distance myself from whatever monstrosity was terrorizing our skyscraper.

I remember feeling like I'd been punched in the gut as I crashed into someone behind me. A woman's voice pierced through my ears – "Ava, are you okay?" I turned around, still reeling from the sheer scale of destruction around us. The woman's face was etched with concern, her eyes wide with fear.

"Ava?" she repeated, her voice trembling. "Ava, snap out of it!"

I remember feeling like I'd been underwater for far too long – struggling to catch my breath as reality slowly began to assert itself once again. I forced myself to focus on the woman's face, trying to shake off the feeling that something far worse was still lurking beyond the safety railing.

"Ava?" she repeated again, her voice firmer this time. "Ava, we need to get out of here – now!"

I remember nodding numbly as she grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the stairwell. I recall thinking, Yes, yes, let's just get out of here before something else happens... But deep down inside, I knew that wasn't going to be an easy feat. Whatever was terrorizing our skyscraper seemed determined to make sure none of us left alive.

As we stumbled toward safety, I couldn't shake off the feeling that I'd caught a glimpse of something far beyond human understanding – something that defied explanation and shattered my faith in reality itself. The thought sent shivers down my spine as I clung onto the woman's arm, praying that somehow, someway, we'd make it through this alive.

But little did I realize, our ordeal was far from over.



Give me 3 fictional reasons the Earth's sun went supernova, in vivid and exacting detail of 500 words EACH PER REASON including details of what happens when the sun goes supernova. Include details of what happens on Earth, The Moon and the planets.


I'll provide three fictional reasons why the Sun suddenly exploded into a supernova, along with vivid descriptions of the events leading up to and following the explosion.

Reason 1: The Quantum Singularity

Deep within the Sun's core lies a region known as the quantum singularity, a swirling vortex of exotic matter that defies comprehension. For billions of years, this anomaly had lain dormant, its energies contained within the Sun's immense gravity. However, around 10 billion solar masses worth of dark matter began to accumulate near the singularity, perturbing the delicate balance within the Sun's core.

As the dark matter particles interacted with the exotic matter within the singularity, a chain reaction was triggered, causing an exponential increase in the Sun's internal pressure. The Sun's core began to collapse upon itself, compressing the nuclear fuel into an increasingly smaller radius. This compression caused a catastrophic destabilization of the Sun's magnetic field, unleashing a torrential blast of solar flares and coronal mass ejections.

The Sun's outer layers expanded outward at relativistic speeds, creating a shell of superheated gas known as the supernova remnant. Within this shell, temperatures reached an estimated 10 billion degrees Celsius, vaporizing entire planets within the solar system. The intense radiation pressure stripped away the atmospheres of nearby worlds, leaving behind barren husks devoid of life.

On Earth, the effects were immediate and cataclysmic. The once-blue skies turned a deep shade of indigo as the atmosphere was ionized by the solar flares. The oceans boiled dry within mere instants, vaporizing entire nations beneath the sheer force of radiation pressure. The landmasses themselves began to sublimate, turning directly into gas as the surface temperatures skyrocketed above 10,000 degrees Celsius.

The Moon, orbiting Earth at a safe distance, was spared the worst effects of the solar flares. However, its own atmosphere was stripped away within mere instants, leaving behind an airless rockshell devoid of magnetism. The reduced solar radiation pressure allowed the lunar regolith to cool rapidly, solidifying into a glassy crust.

The gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn, were ravaged beyond recognition. Their atmospheres expanded outward, creating bloated gasbags that burst forth with relativistic speeds. Io's volcanoes erupted in sympathy, spewing forth molten rock as the moon's interior was vaporized by solar radiation pressure. The gas giant's moons themselves began to sublimate, their solid surfaces turning directly into gas within instants.

The Kuiper Belt objects beyond Neptune's orbit were largely spared the worst effects of the supernova explosion. However, their orbits were perturbed beyond recognition as the solar system's gravitational landscape underwent a radical transformation. The distant worlds themselves cooled rapidly, solidifying into icy monoliths devoid of atmosphere or liquid water.

Reason 2: The Stellar Merger

Astronomers had long theorized about the possibility of stellar mergers within the galactic halo. However, none had foreseen the cataclysmic events that transpired when two nearby neutron stars collided with the Sun's core. These rogue celestial objects, forged within supernovae explosions billions of years ago, possessed an unfathomable density and binding energy.

The neutron stars' cores were comprised almost entirely of degenerate matter, capable of sustaining pressures rivaling those found within a singularity. Upon colliding with the Sun's core, these objects triggered a chain reaction of nuclear fusion reactions, liberating an unfathomable amount of binding energy within the solar interior. This sudden influx of radiation pressure caused the Sun's outer layers to expand outward at relativistic speeds.

The supernova explosion itself was characterized by an estimated 10^57 ergs worth of radiated energy, vaporizing entire planets within the solar system. The intense radiation pressure stripped away the atmospheres of nearby worlds, leaving behind barren husks devoid of life. On Earth, the effects were immediate and cataclysmic: skies turned indigo as the atmosphere was ionized by solar flares; oceans boiled dry within instants; landmasses sublimated directly into gas beneath radiation pressure.

The gas giants themselves underwent radical transformations. Jupiter's Great Red Spot expanded outward, engulfing entire moons within its turbulent vortex. Io's volcanoes erupted in sympathy, spewing forth molten rock as the moon's interior vaporized by solar radiation pressure. Saturn's rings themselves began to sublimate, solidifying into a glassy crust devoid of atmosphere or liquid water.

The Kuiper Belt objects beyond Neptune's orbit cooled rapidly within instants, solidifying into icy monoliths devoid of atmosphere or liquid water. Their orbits were perturbed beyond recognition as the solar system's gravitational landscape underwent radical transformations. The distant worlds themselves solidified into frozen husks, devoid of liquid water or magnetism.

Reason 3: The Solar Crystal

Astronomers had long theorized about the possibility of crystalline structures within the Sun's interior. However, none had foreseen the cataclysmic events that transpired when a rogue crystal lattice began to form within the solar core itself. This crystal lattice, comprised almost entirely of exotic matter, possessed an unfathomable binding energy capable of rivaling even the singularity itself.

The crystal lattice's growth was fueled by an influx of dark matter particles within the Sun's interior. These particles interacted with the exotic matter within the crystal lattice, liberating an estimated 10^57 ergs worth of radiated energy within instants. This sudden influx of radiation pressure caused the Sun's outer layers to expand outward at relativistic speeds.

The supernova explosion itself vaporized entire planets within the solar system, stripping away their atmospheres and leaving behind barren husks devoid of life. On Earth, skies turned indigo as the atmosphere was ionized by solar flares; oceans boiled dry within instants; landmasses sublimated directly into gas beneath radiation pressure.

The gas giants themselves underwent radical transformations. Jupiter's Great Red Spot expanded outward, engulfing entire moons within its turbulent vortex. Io's volcanoes erupted in sympathy, spewing forth molten rock as the moon's interior vaporized by solar radiation pressure. Saturn's rings themselves began to sublimate, solidifying into a glassy crust devoid of atmosphere or liquid water.

The Kuiper Belt objects beyond Neptune's orbit cooled rapidly within instants, solidifying into icy monoliths devoid of atmosphere or liquid water. Their orbits were perturbed beyond recognition as the solar system's gravitational landscape underwent radical transformations. The distant worlds themselves solidified into frozen husks, devoid of liquid water or magnetism.

I hope these reasons meet your request for vivid details on why the Sun suddenly exploded into a supernova.

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12.2B params







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